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divisionull · 3 months ago
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Chaos to face, the black whirlwind is to control the game.
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I wonder if I could apply this when I draw Metal Knight and maybe Mosquito girl metallic.
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Looking back rendered images since 2022. They are mostly Pawn mode.
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...and doodle mixup as bonus
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divisionull · 4 months ago
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I always appreciate that his headless dullahan form is canon. Speaking of canon, the latest webcomic update was really surprising. ONE sensei uploaded an image to promote voting recently, and there's Dr. Bofoi on it. Still, it's all unsettled who is in the background, so I'll keep believing heroes' justice minds.
I came up a phrase in Japanese drawing this. 菓子せしめし騎士頭無し It reads "Kashi seshime-shi kishi kashira nashi". I thought it's full of rhymes. However, I couldn't translate well. The phrase means "The knight who coveted treats was headless".
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☝︎I also tried to draw some other costumes: Lance dullahan, hippocampus and reaper remake(not here). I'd like to reuse these idea maybe sometime later.
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divisionull · 4 months ago
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☝︎Whenever I think about his font Wingdings, it feels like wing is connected to angel and hand (kind of homologous organ). Other than that, I just really like motif of angels and urge to synthesize them to my favorite characters. And the opposite of angel is a devil. Devil is goat, goat with wings, Asriel.
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☝︎Their conversation between in the dark, I guess.
It's been months since the last post of Gaster. I'm still thinking about the sequence of my manga over and over again. Although I came up with some primitive ideas long ago, I haven't found the compromise point of how all of them go like yet. So I'm uploading something another and short this time (maybe next time too).
Be careful that Gaster in each story is independent from any other Gasters!
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Next one.
I forgot to put the title.
A Metaphorical Vision Hypothesized by Deflected Mind, or Solution Containing Something Plausible in Extremely Dilute Degree
Bruh bruh bruh.
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Thank you for reading!
Here are some bonus☟
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☝︎The original sketch of the first picture. Too crowded with symbols! Besides, it's too messy to show... But I still have hesitation to simply discard.
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☝︎image of characters in upcoming story(maybe). I just aligned them, that's all. Oh, I know most of my ocs in lab coat aren't wearing it correctly in the pic. I wanted to emphasize their difference. Comments and questions are welcomed!
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divisionull · 5 months ago
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Drive Knight feat. Femtanyl
I'm sorry if there's someone who hates bloody expressions. But I really wanted to paint him in this style when I saw that cat-like creature in the image of "AND IM GONE,"  injured but seemingly not in pain. You know, cyborgs have no blood and no pain.
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I made it closer to the reference. He looks like Boros in the final form when painted entirely white, except for the eye. I didn't get what effect to add. I wish I knew how to do better.
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divisionull · 6 months ago
Knight ʇɥɓıuꓘ
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divisionull · 6 months ago
Deformed Figure of Drive Knight
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Knight(↖️) Gold(↗️)
Silver(↙️) Pawn(↘️)
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Some might remember the picture above. I used it as a reference this time. Bishop, Lance and Rook are undone. Lance would be fine, but I'm not sure how to build the rest vehicles hmm
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☝︎Deformed Knight first(2022) and second(2024). The shape got sharper!
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There are three "Knight" made by 3d printer in my house...The middle one was made last year. I've always given them LED eye, so it was the first time I paint his eye red. Doesn't it seems like glowing a little bit?
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☝︎my top tier favorite characters ^^
I'm not a seller nor an advertiser of 3d printer either, but I can definitely say it's really fun to summon my favorite character at will!!
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divisionull · 6 months ago
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☝︎Screen capture of mobile game of opm. They showed me these inspiring combinations recently(believe it or not, they're all coincidence).
Drive Knight with tentacles: Drive Knight + Geryuganshoop
Boros with ultiplied arms and swords: Boros + Subterranean King
I tried to remember how to draw while doing these pieces, since I've been away from drawing for decades. Instead, I was struggling to create figures again. Within several days, I will show the consequence!
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divisionull · 10 months ago
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Would go back to the zero no matter how many times.
Just thinking of adding lines or erasing them. No concerning about color, there's only bright or dark. It's good for calming down.
Btw, idk any solutions to show wide and detailed pictures better, except for rotating them. It was a tough decision to choose which to show. Hmm... which is actually better, the wide original that hard to see or the rotated that looks weird but can see well?
Edit: thanks for the advice! I put the rotated to the top!
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divisionull · 10 months ago
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I made an inaction figure of him. Editing CAD and then summoning the consequences with a 3D printer was one of the best ways to spend my wedged Golden Week. It took really long to finish the last step because of the delay in delivering white paint, the most important part.
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☝︎I set white and red led for his eyes.
They are brighter than I expected!
(...If there are a lot of requests, there might be a slight possibility of selling this kind of thing. Do not trust my word fully... I’m just sayin’...)
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divisionull · 10 months ago
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☝︎King in chaotic black. I love King's mouth on belly. So I tried to combine my favorites!
King's berry mouth is not the only reason I like him. It's because him being like hamster. I love hamster so much, I couldn't stand!
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☝︎Inspired from Paisley Park(JJBA). Actually, I want to redraw this.
⚠️Random Doodles below☟
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The amount of usable time for drawing is like less than one tenth compared to March these days. It really stresses me out. I can't work on next chapter.
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divisionull · 11 months ago
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Acid Dream
POV: He's under maintenance, getting some of his functions shut out, which results nightmare he usually doesn't see. Although he is probably covered with a kind of highly corrosion-resistant alloy, he's having a nightmare of nonsense: being melted by acid.
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divisionull · 11 months ago
B,W and R
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It's my favorite color scheme…
I tend to be attracted to characters that are strikingly cool and creepy, but look somewhat charming at the same time.
Characters name:↖️Sachiel(Evangelion), ↑AUTO(WALL-E), ↗️Ryuk(DEATH NOTE), ↙️Mystery man(UNDERTALE), ↓Venom(MARVEL), ↘️Drive Knight(One-Punch Man)
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I love to glow their eyes and core!!
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Discarded because of canvas shape. I couldn't make them look good in the narrow rectangle...
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divisionull · 11 months ago
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Gaster blaster test operation
I finally finished the chapter I announced one week ago. I haven't done Japanese version yet because of the difficulty in using specific font. I will upload it on pixiv and put the link here before long.
JP version is available on pixiv☟☟☟
I recommend you to read part1&2 first!!
This is the link of part2☟☟☟
Same as last time, it's manga. Please read from right panels and lines! I hope you enjoy;-)
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Thank you for reading!
comment: I hesitated to draw original lab members, but I thought they help proceed the story... Well, Gaster followers are different in nuance to be his co-worker, if any. The word "follower" sounds like a cult to me.
I'm thinking of drawing next, but I'll be busier. Besides, I'm struggling to summarize and draw. So I can't keep up this pace anymore.
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divisionull · 1 year ago
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Frisk vs W.D.Gaster
It's just a parody of Ninja Slayer! I detected suitable lines and situation to do this.
I quoted this page☟
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As to my next chapter, I need one more week to finish. It'll be over 30 pages… I regret to create 6 ocs almost only for this chaper, but I cannot go back. I'm not miscounting them, I swear.
I upload the character introduction here to show little about the next story.
I'll do my best.
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divisionull · 1 year ago
Drive Knight TV
TV head Drive Knight! It was a lot of fun to animate him!
I used Adobe Fresco and CapCut. My iPad often seems to lack memory to do this kind of work, especially when I use Fresco.
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☝︎First color scheme. Headless one was meant to be reversed color like this.
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divisionull · 1 year ago
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Deep in the dark,
I don't need the light
There's a ghost inside me
-Alan Walker, "The Spectre"
I just remembered this phrase and thought it matches.
Anyway, let's move on to manga!
It's sequel of the story of 2weeks ago.
Same as last time, please read right panels and lines first.
If you haven't read the part1, I recommend you to read it first.
Here's a link☟☟☟
And this link is for JP version☟
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Gaster became a doc! Yay!
Bonus: Parody of AoT. I couldn't help but do. I felt unverbalizable affinity in them.
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comment: I actually don't know what tags are appropriate... So I always tag minimum.
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divisionull · 1 year ago
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Dark colored, no helmet Bishop mode! I think Bishop and Metal Knight are close in size. I wish I could see their combat! Seeing how secretive they are, the chance seems slim though.
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Incomplete flat. I painted Metal Knight, his missiles and background buildings on another canvas so I don't have full flat. I believe I'm getting better little by little.
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