#and as for zeb?? i have thoughts on that too
grxceful-ly · 1 year
hera and ezra reunion
i want to see hera catch sight of ezra at the same time he sees her. i want them to approach each other, i want them to be emotional but quietly---different from the loudness of sabine and ezra’s reunion---and i want hera to hug him like he might disappear in her arms. and then i want them both to break with a sob that could be a laugh while hera cradles the back of his head and marvels at how different he is. i want ezra to look up from the hug and for sabine to give him a brilliant, watery smile from where she’s watching, and then i want the girls to introduce jacen syndulla to him.
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kanerallels · 1 year
Platonic sebezra, circus au?
Oh-ho-ho I did NOT expect this prompt to take root the way it did. Ahem. But here's a little ficlet that doesn't even begin to touch the depths of brain rot you've given me
“You’re the new tightrope walker, right?”
Sabine didn’t look up from lacing up her shoes as she replied, “Looks like it.”
This wasn’t where she’d expected to be— a circus in the middle of nowhere, barely breaking even. Clearly, it wasn’t as popular as it used to be. Everything made that clear, from the worn out waistcoat that the ringmaster had been wearing when he hired her and the threadbare costumes hanging on a rack near her, to the fact that the tent was still nearly empty, and it was fifteen minutes until show time.
But she’d gotten stuck, and she needed the money. And luckily, she was good at more than one thing. Tightrope walking would be easy.
Rising, she turned towards the arena— and froze, coming face to face with a lion.
Her instinct was to scream, her second to run or fight. But instead, Sabine deliberately tensed her muscles, feeling the panic race through her, silently counting to five. When she reached five, she let out a long exhale, then lifted an eyebrow at the orange clad boy standing behind the lion.
“Let me guess,” she said. “Lion tamer?”
He grinned. “How’d you guess?” With a quick whistle, he called the lion back, and it settled next to him, looking like nothing so much as an over large cat. “I’m Ezra, and this is Jasmine.”
“Sabine. This how you greet all your new coworkers?”
Shrugging, Ezra said, “Only the ones who can handle it. And it looked like you could. Besides, it’s a good test of who’s going to stick around.”
Sabine had no intention of sticking around. This job would, hopefully, get her enough money to make it to her next destination, and then she would move on.
But for now, she just nodded. “Looks like I passed.”
“Looks like it,” Ezra said with a grin. “Welcome to Circus Spectres.”
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martianbugsbunny · 1 year
I hate everyone who has implied that there may be divorce rather than a Zorii Bliss situation to blame for lack of Kalluzeb you guys are pure evil
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jasonntodd · 1 year
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iiiridium · 1 year
i really hope they expand on how ahsoka training sabine worked prior to the show. like, since when did sabine want to be a jedi? sure she respected kanan and ezra, and they taught her how to swing the darksaber, but i wouldn't think she'd be too eager to pick up jedi culture, even after the events of rebels. what can ahsoka teach her, beyond the philosophy and martial skills?
besides that, during rebels, didn't ahsoka point out that she didn't super consider herself a jedi, since she walked away from the order? why did she want to mentor sabine in the first place? so far she seems very... stoic in this series, which i'm not in love with
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mayawakening · 5 months
Somehow Imp!Kallus from Season 1 time travels to the future and meets up with Rebel!Kallus, but Imp!Kallus doesn't know he's defected:
Imp Kal: What DOES my future hold for me?
Rebel Kal: *trying not to reveal too much* Well, we have an awfully eventful career and end up with a fair amount of experience in the Intelligence network. Lots of travel and we meet many important people. We end up having quite a few memorable moments both in the Empire and the Rebe-er, our personal life.
Imp Kal: That is all I could have hoped to hear! Speaking of personal life, and I'm almost afraid to ask but, do we... find any kind of life partner?
Rebel Kal: *sweating* Um, well, yes! We end up quite happily married to a partner that loves us dearly. There isn't anything I wouldn't do to make them smile. We actually retire to a rather lovely and lively temperate planet. Huge house, beautiful garden, a few wonderful kits-KIDS.
Imp Kal: *could not be happier* I MUST know who this lovely individual is. When do I meet them?
Rebel Kal: *screaming internally* About that...
Zeb sees that there are two Kallus's:
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zebulontheplanet · 6 months
Hi everyone, as you know, I’ve been on a hiatus. Lots has happened. Some of this was written over weeks, so things might be split up or written differently.
For the new followers that followed me within that time, hello! I’m Zeb. This is going to be a long post, and I’m sorry but I need to say a lot.
On March 22nd, I went into a verbal shutdown for no apparent reason and haven’t been able to speak since. It’s been awhile, and I haven’t been able to really utter more than two or three words.
Do I know if my speech will come back? I don’t know. Do I know if it’ll stay this way? I don’t know. I don’t know anything.
I’m mute. I cannot speak. No, I did not come to this lightly, no I’m not making this up for clout. I have no reason to make something like this up. I am grieving for losing my speech. Being newly mute is hard. My life has drastically changed. From how my family treats me, to how society treats me. I’ve had to learn new things on how to navigate the world. I’ve had to learn how to talk to doctors using my AAC, I’ve had to learn how to make phone calls using my AAC, I’ve had to learn how to navigate life in a new way. That’s hard.
I am thankful that my family is incredibly supportive. At first, we thought it was burnout or stress. We thought I’d come out of it. I thought I’d come out of it. I haven’t though and that’s hard too.
People around me say not to worry. “Verbal shutdowns can last months, years, they’re still verbal shutdowns”. I’m not personally showing any improvements. I’m not showing any signs that I’m going to speak anytime soon.
I’ve had to adjust my whole life to my now lack of speech. I’ve had to adapt. See the world in new ways and do new things. My life has changed, and my life has turned into that of someone who is mute, because I am mute. I can’t talk. I can’t even sing. The best way I can describe it is that there is a wall between me and my words that I can no longer get past. I’m mute.
I grieve for my voice, and I took my hiatus to grieve for it and seek medical help. I grieve for the life I could have had, for the life I did have. I grieve for what my life will look like, what my new challenges will be. I grieve for that.
I have autism regression and catatonia. I knew for awhile that my speech was deteriorating and I could do nothing about it. I thought maybe I’d just be on the lower verbal side of Semiverbal. Not in a million years did I think it’d come to me being fully mute. I didn’t expect that. I don’t want to be mute. I wish I could talk more then anything. I wish I could talk to my partner, to my parents, to my sisters, to everyone! I wish I could sing. I wish I could do all these things but I can’t. That hurts.
Went to a neurologist and was marked as having “psychogenic mutism”. Don’t know if I believe this. Don’t know if it’s psychogenic or catatonia. I don’t know, and I don’t know if I’ll ever know.
I have been exploring other terms for my lack of verbality, and I will continue exploring them and learning from those around me.
My life has changed so much, and I hope I can bring you along for this whole journey, and tell you what you have missed.
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In context, for real, seriously, Kallus being Fulcrum was like a “oh cool, as I knew” cause meeting that Lasat was the turning point for his life.
Zero Hour absolutely 10000/10. What the hell kinda finale did I just watched. It doesn’t dwarf S2 in my book, but it’s so damn good.
But I genuinely don’t know what it was, in the last half of the third season with like, Through Imperial Eyes, I don’t know, he just catches my eyes more?
It’s not like how I felt when I saw Zeb, considering I knew his character from when I watched S1-scattered S2 as a kid, and already had him tagged as a favorite simply because of how expressive he was (and ears/the cat base for his species)
But Kallus, it was weird. Like, I genuinely hated his hair with a passion throughout the early seasons, and being an Imp, it was kinda like, oh I dislike him, he’s just gonna be another one of those weekly villains to them. Which he was for a bit!!
I’d never seen The Honorable Ones before, but it changed my freaking life when I did. The mercy that Zeb grants (with the condition of wanting a fair fight, which sure, his morals aren’t quite in it for killing an unarmed, injured, kinda hot, man), the trust, if grudgingly, that slowly builds between them due to their circumstances, and bleeds out of their circumstances to each other. Trusting each other, enough for them to trust sleeping around each other. Enough for Zeb to offer him a place with the Rebellion.
And the cracks in Kallus’ beliefs grow further, and he turns from the Empire almost immediately after Bahryn.
I’d like to think that Kallus never truly enjoyed any of the work he did for the Empire. He’s described as being surprisingly compassionate for an Imperial. That’s evident in his actions that differ from his fellow officers. While he is ruthless in pursuit, he isn’t amoral or heartless.
I also think it begins as a truth, I’m sensing some childhood trauma here too, but a truth that he thinks he needs to be this cruel and merciless to survive in the world. But that gradually gets worn down by his moral compass and his values changing. I think they were already deteriorated but Bahryn was the tipping point for him. And he’s risking everything he’s worked for, for the Rebellion (just the Lasat, but we don’t need to know that. .)
I feel like he harbors a ton of guilt for his actions, especially after he’s joined the Rebellion and is surrounded by people he tried to kill not long ago. Do I want that to be explored in S4? Yes. Will it? Probably not. But fanfiction has my back.
I don’t remember what the original point of this post was anymore other than a “here are my feelings and thoughts because nobody asked”
I see the Hot Kallus thing now tho. Looked pretty cool beat up and bloody. The stray hair works wonders :^
Anyways, was the teeniest bit disappointed that Kallus and Zeb didn’t talk directly in the finale, but it’s given me ideas for little fill in fics that have most definitely been done before but I’ll still write probably.
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candiedstardust · 7 months
I know, I know. I drive everyone CRAZY regarding Rebels. But like??? I love it. How could a lonely, sentimental girl like myself NOT love Rebels or be totally normal about it??
Connection is one of the things that stands out to me. They were all incredibly alone before they met each other.
Hera separated herself from her remaining family on Ryloth to fight the evils of the galaxy on her own and was kinda intent on keeping it that way. Kanan might have had a handful of superficial relationships, but he always bounced from place to place, keeping his past hidden and focusing solely on his survival. Zeb thought he was the last of his kind after everything his people were put through. Sabine’s family completely turned against her after the horrific things she went through trying to protect her people, leaving her to carry so much pain. And Ezra’s baby self had been entirely on his own for half of his life at that point after his parents got ripped away from him.
They were all set on being alone because it’s what they knew, it’s what they EXPECTED, it’s what kept them safe. They were all so familiar with loss and pain and suffering, and little by little, that changed. They had an opportunity to become a little bit softer, a little more vulnerable, because they had a family again to rely on. They had the chance to care and be cared for again.
This show is just a gentle reminder to me that there’s always going to be a hard world out there, but that there’s a lot of good in it, too. Denying yourself connection makes it a lot harder to see just how much good there is, or how much good you can do with the support of good people. I know it’s not like a main theme or anything, but it’s what I get from this silly little story.
I’m going to bed now. But-
Reach out to someone you care about today~ Interact with your favorite mutuals~ Give someone you love a hug~ Snuggle with your pet(s)~ Just connect with someone and remember to see some good today 💚
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piracytheorist · 10 months
Episode 32 notes!
Starting off right in the middle of action, right where we left off!
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And some great animation there, too!
The thing about Anya is that her plans are so innocently silly that thanks to her young age, they actually work.
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She's right there in front of Yor, acting like she doesn't recognize her, and Yor accepts that because a) it's easy and b) well Anya is a little kid, isn't she?
The fact that Anya is visibly sweating and has a very nervous expression shows that she's worried her plan won't work, and the entire family could come apart right there. She knows it's a risky plan... but because of the circumstances, it works perfectly not only to cover Yor but also to cover Anya's knowledge of Yor's secret.
I love her.
Also, a great way to take the fear of exposure away from Yor and help her focus on the fight! Worth waiting the entire week for!
I also love how excited the entire crowd was about seeing two people "play" with what seems to be lethal weapons. They'd do numbers as WWE fans.
The camera focuses on Yor as she's starting to question herself.
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Yes you are! You're hesitating to get close because you fear you'll get hurt and you know that will make Anya and Loid sad! (And of course because you'll have no excuse to tell them but okay yeah)
Anyway. I just like how in comparison to the manga, we see her expression there during her inner monologue.
Yor comments about how professional the guy is with the chain, but then she has no problem using the chain's momentum to wrap it around his wrist and then his torso. Some excellent animation there showing the small details of her control of the chain!
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She even used his immobilized body to make him bow. She's an absolute legend.
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I've talked before that this isn't even a five-year-old roleplaying. She's actually getting involved with actual enemies of the state, helping their plans without them knowing, and having a blast. Her moral compass may be a little unhinged but by god is it steadfast XD
And then. The Grand RevealTM
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I love him your honour. How did he even combine all that, I don't wanna know. The rainbow-tinted glasses is what ended me.
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Anya Forger, professional heart-breaker.
Again. Talking with a guy who believes humans will never understand each other and who wants to wage another war, while Twilight has his own war trauma? No big deal. Anya calling him uncool? THE SHOCK AND DESPAIR OF HIS LIFE.
And off to the next chapter! Great transition in the anime - I can usually notice when they jump onto the next chapter, but this time I was surprised with how smoothly they took it from one to the next.
Turtleneck guy says he can't pick up Yor's scent? Even though he seems to have extraordinary smelling abilities?
Is that another reason why Yor is so good at sneaking up on people? She did sneak up on Twilight, after all...
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"The bones" mentioned above... is that Loid talking about the skeleton keychain? There was, after all, a hidden bug in the store Loid and Anya were in...
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Some things never change.
I can't wait for the moment he realizes how soundly she sleeps on his arms because she trusts him and he makes her feel safe, just like his mother did for him :)
Zeb! I finally get the name of the guy! I won't lie that calling him Furseal felt so weird, like, apologies if your name is Furseal but hey.
Anyway. His outburst felt so real. This man doesn't belong in crime.
And of course, Olka is way too desensitized to such violence, having grown up in the family, after all, and I kinda like how she goes like "Yo snap out of it". Endo really doesn't hold back from having women tell men off huh. I also love the baby talk she used with Gram. So cute.
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This scene has the very same music used in the first episode where Twilight has his flashback and remembers what his reason to become a spy was. I feel kinda sad hearing it here because I'd thought that this melody would be used as [redacted]'s leitmotif, but its meaning seems to be connected with how people broken by war can find the hope in humanity needed for peace. Or something.
McMahon berates Yor for going near the door earlier even though she didn't hear their secret knock, but in reality it wouldn't matter - unless the assassin heard their voices from outside the door - because the assassin shot anyway. It would have been the same if she had protected Olka from the first moment and then tried to assess how to attack the guy. So maybe calm down, dude.
The moment Zeb was like "How are we supposed to sleep like that?" I was certain we'd see him sleeping and snoring deeply. I was not disappointed XD
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Me when proper trigger discipline: 🥳💯👀🥳👌💯👀👌👌👀🎊👌🎊💯
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First, good ol' focus on the ring on McMahon's finger. Second, I'm confused by the translation here in comparison to the manga. Here it says "as long as people continue to be people" while the manga says "as long as people are the way they are", and that can have a different meaning. The former sounds like conflict is in the nature of humans and that it's something we can never avoid, which doesn't seem to follow the story's ideal. It's what Donovan Desmond beliefs are based on, after all. The latter sounds like people are currently very focused on matters that cause conflict, and have a chance of reaching peace if taught differently.
I think, depending on the interpretation, it can tell a lot about McMahon's character. I will wait to see the rest of the arc to make up my mind.
And after he says that they're soldiers even in time of peace, the manga treats us to a panel of a pensive Yor, but the anime doesn't.
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Stop robbing us, anime team!
Yor tells the others they should keep their shoes on - nice detail, btw - and Olka looks very familiar with such a concept, while it's Zeb who is a little surprised but accepts it. It's interesting what a character not reacting to something can tell about them!
As expected, Yor and Olka are vigilant, while Gram and Zeb sleep like babies. Let them rest XD
Some brand new music there! There's a lot of new music in general. And then THIS!
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The way Yor widens her eyes when she realizes what she just imagined! AAAAAAAAAHHHH!
Someone hug her omg she deserves the world 😭😭
Neither Twilight nor Yor are the only people neck-deep in denial though.
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"The man decided to live for his job" yeah right. He sees one (1) pretty woman pay him some attention because of Bond and he's like "Well imma adopt a dog then". Bond's doubtful and rejecting reaction was priceless XD
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This is so fucking funny to me for some reason aadshadfhsdgh. Look at him. Brought into despair by one (1) five-year-old.
I kinda love how he admits that he does fear the unknown, and has been simply trained to overcome it and try to deal with what he has in front of him.
And currently, his fear is for Anya's emotional state.
Having no idea that she's actually having the time of her life, even though she hasn't realized how deeply dangerous her situation is.
Anyway, I love that she brought Mr. Chimera with her on the trip <3
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He is very seriously focusing on how he can make Anya happy. He thinks she asked to go for mini golf because she likes it, so he followed along, he saw her upset with how she lost, and believed she needed to experience winning in order to feel fulfilled, so he was determined to stay there until she won.
Anya takes him to the library and of course he's read everything. And even if he hadn't, he has photographic memory and can practically read through an entire tome in minutes.
But still, he's focused on her happiness, and he's satisfied that Anya is having fun reading comics. She goes for the puzzle (btw I love the idea of having a big puzzle available and leaving it to passersby to solve it. I once visited a school where they had one on a table in the halls and students would sit and try and solve it during recesses) and he analyzes it, thinks he can solve it quickly. Anya reacts in shock, and we hear a tiny hesitant "Oh" from him, because he noticed her sudden change in reaction.
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Oh no. Twilight is rubbing off on her a little too much. You're five, darling. Enjoying yourself is your job!!
Just like with the bullet in butt date, Loid cannot understand why Anya looks so angry now after having spent an entire day having fun - and he cataloguing what she seems to be having fun with.
The way that he ends his internal monologue with his fear of the Forgers breaking apart and Operation Strix doesn't cross his mind once, tells a lot about how his priorities are starting to change enough to even silence his "For the Mission" talk. My mans falling hard.
Anya sees how worried Loid has gotten... and maybe she reads even deeper and realizes how genuine of a worry it is? That he's not worried for her as an asset of Operation Strix, but as a kid that deserves to have fun and be happy. And she steps up to reassure him.
And oh, how his face changes! T_T
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And the way he alternates between "Loid voice" when he speaks and "Twilight voice" when he thinks. Have I congratulated Takuya Eguchi for this feat yet?
And by the way, he "justifies" Anya being so upset of missing her mama because she's still a "small child". Because of course only small children can miss their mothers, right? Twilight definitely doesn't miss his, right?
Forget neck-deep denial, this man is deep down the Mariana Trench of denial.
And the "Small Daily Life" track from the soundtrack plays, with the beautiful family leitmotif...
I love them. He can be so sweet with Anya, I can only imagine how he'll end up post-identity reveals and especially post-feelings realization.
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The final few hours before Olka, Gram and Zeb get safely transferred! I think you can see the tension on their entire faces.
Also some intense, new soundtrack there! Interesting! The composers have done a lot of job this season, carefully mixing up tracks from the previous season with new ones to create the respective mood.
And that's it for this week! I foresee way more action on the next episode! :D
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kometqh · 6 months
𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧'𝐬 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭
Captain Rex x F!Reader Pt. 1 Rex tells the story of his first love, his first heartbreak, his one last regret. Word Count: 1,166 Warnings: None (from what I can tell) A/N: This is meant to be a multiple-part story, the second chapter will be out soon!
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"Rex? How come you're so good with kids?" Hera's soft voice rung out in the almost empty cockpit of the Ghost. It was an early afternoon when Kanan, Ezra, Zeb and Sabine left, leaving the two captains behind. And Chopper.
They had been sent on another stealth mission, something about retrieving data on the Empires latest star fighters. Now it was the early hours of the evening, and they still weren't back.
"Huh?" He hummed as he turned around, his swivel chair squeaking in protest at the sudden movement. "What do you mean?"
He had an inkling of an idea of what she meant, though he wasn't too happy to pursue this topic. Play stupid, yes, play stupid, Rex thought as he nervously made eye contact. Maybe she'll drop it.
"Oh come on Rex, you know exactly what I mean. You're practically a second father to our youngest ones!" She exclaimed, elbowing him in the ribcage as she leaned over, egging him on.
"Beep boop!" Chopper added, his tiny, robotic arms raising into the air.
Rex left out a soft grunt at the sudden dig, recoiling into the soft cushion of his chair. He rummaged through his thoughts, trying to form the most believable lie in the next five seconds, before the two managed to catch on.
The cogs in his brain turned, working overtime as Rex dragged on the silence, scratching at his beard in thought.
After a few moments, he let out a sigh, his shoulders drooping.
"I-I'm not sure this is appropriate, Hera." His voice was soft and yet firm, he used it often on his brothers back in the day when they wanted to disobey command, he agreed, and yet followed orders like a good soldier.
In response he received a confused 'huh' before a sudden pain erupted in his shin. That goddamn clanker!
A grunt left his lips as Rex attempted to smack the top of Chopper's metallic head, a slight burning pain erupting in his palm as the robot mechanically cackled, enjoying Rex's demise.
Though to Hera and Chopper this was a sweet, lighthearted moment, to Rex it was a sticky situation. He hadn't yet told the others of this part of his past, and he wasn't sure he wanted to dip his fingertips in deeply drowned memories.
"Oh come on, you know we won't judge." Hera continued, wiggling her eyebrows at the older man. "And plus, this is great for team bonding." She wiggled her eyebrows at him, trying her best to look as convincing as possible.
The two got on well, being somewhat close in age even with Rex looking like a grandpa. He still had the refreshing energy and spirit of a young man, but he also had the knowledge and experience of an experienced veteran. How fitting.
Rex would do anything but talk about this. The room felt a little too hot for his liking, his heart beating harshly against his rib cage.
"It's a bit hot in here, isn't it?" He asked, getting up and moving over to the temperature control panel.
Though as his gaze moved from the control panel to his fellow captain, Rex couldn't help but sigh out loud, his head hanging down. "Fine. You got me."
Before she could even proclaim her victory, Hera was quickly hushed by Rex.
"Just know this doesn't have a happy ending." He warned, crossing his arms over his chest. All of a sudden, the cool steel grey of the cabin seemed more inviting to look at than his fellow crew members.
Leaning back against the wall, Rex thought over how to tell her. These.. Memories, these events, he had hidden them away deep within his subconscious, like sacred mementos in a time pod.
Only a few people were allowed to dig them back up, if they hadn't been by his side as he lived through them.
I guess it's their time now too.
A heavy sigh and a shake of his head later, Rex was feeling ready enough. As ready as he could be.
"Long ago-"
"You sound old."
"Be quiet," Rex hissed out, his words whistling out like bullets from a gun.
He could tell Hera meant it as a joke, but this wasn't something he could bring himself to joke about.
"Long ago, when I was just a shiny, I met this.. Girl."
"It was during one of my first missions," He paused, observing the scratched out pattern on the floor, "She was caught in the crossfire, and I saved her." He felt his chest twist as more words spilled from his lips. Even though so many years had passed, the memories still felt as fresh as the day they were formed.
He couldn't stop now. He wouldn't. 
"As we made our escape, a plasma bolt grazed her hand, and she fainted and then we defeated the bad guys and my brother Kix had gone off to tend her wound, he was a medic clone, y'know." His shoulders shook as he scoffed, remembering how well Kix had handled the situation.
"She was so.. So weird. She insisted on walking herself home, but then proceeded to get lost on our ship. So I had to find her and escort her, like a gentleman," He paused, his gaze locked onto a scratch of the ships floor, "I think that was the first time I ever felt like a human, like a man."
"From there on, we became closer. She was moved t Coruscant and so I was able to see her during every shore leave. We wrote letters to each other, we went out together, we slept together. Waking up to her by my side was like a dream come true. Until it wasn't."
At that, Hera's posture straightened out a little. She wasn't sure where this was going, and she could feel Chopper shielding himself with her leg.
"My duty to the Galactic Republic outweighed my duty.. My loyalty to her. I left her when she needed me most." He paused again, this time his shoulders shaking, tears tiptoeing at the edge of his waterline. "She wasn't my priority. And neither was Tala."
"I spent so many months, weeks, days yearning for her. She was there when I closed my eyes, reaching out to me, she was as beautiful as a morning sunshine, her eyes held so much love for me. And I abandoned her." He paused, hiding his face in one hand, seemingly pushing the tears back with his thumb and forefinger. "Tala was three when I left, and I hadn't seen them since."
Silence fell over the trio. Rex didn't want to continue, and Hera was at a complete loss for words. Even Chopper, the usually chippy chirpy robot, had nothing to beep out at this.
Simply put, nobody knew that side to Rex.
"R-Rex I- I don't know what to say.."
"It's fine. I've made my peace with it." He waved her off, the tears having evaporated from his eyes in mere seconds.
"Are they.. alive?"
He felt his breath get caught in his throat, encircling and squeezing at his wind pipe like a tight fist.
"I.. I don't know."
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jessicas-pi · 20 days
For the AU Ask Game
What about any members of the Ghost crew in a Jurassic Park situation?
this. uh. might not be what you had in mind? But it is situation straight out of Jurassic Park and it is the Ghost crew members and it's what I was inspired to do so I'm gonna say it kinda counts!
Hera had never regretted anything more than she regretted accepting this invitation.
She should have known better. She should never have agreed. But---but Sabine had been so happy.
Sabine hadn't been happy in a long time.
(It had seemed like she might be, when she'd had hope for finding Ezra, but... well. That hadn't gone very well. There had been an argument, and Sabine and Ezra hadn't talked in months.)
"There's this scientist," Sabine had said, when she was trying to convince her to go along with her. "He's been collecting bio-samples from parts of Mandalore since before the Empire glassed it. He's cloned animals and plants, and begun to repopulate one of Mandalore's moons with them. The whole thing is a park. There are species that were wiped out in wars almost a century ago. He's healing my home, Hera."
The problem was, cloning was not allowed by the New Republic, and they were trying to shut down the project. This scientist sought Sabine out, asking her to come see what was being done, hoping that having a war hero vouch for his project would help convince the New Republic to make an exception.
And Sabine had begged Hera to come along, too. The scientist had added that she could bring her son, that there was a petting zoo filled with cute little critters, that he would have a wonderful time.
At the time, Hera had thought it was perfect---they could bring Ezra, and Zeb, too, and Ahsoka, and it would be an opportunity to try and mend burned bridges and bring their family together again.
She was so, so wrong.
The animals---the big ones, the mean ones, the ones that the scientist hadn't mentioned---were loose. The fences were all down. The power was out. Zeb was stranded. Ahsoka was missing. And worst of all, her kids---Sabine, and Ezra, and her own precious little boy---were out there. In the dark. In a storm. Alone.
And Hera was stuck in this control building, with all the lights out, at the end of a long table, unable to do anything but eat half-melted ice cream and wish that they were all home.
(She would not be endorsing this park.)
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kanerallels · 5 months
Okay I need every shred of serotonin I can get right now, so! Have a fic I wrote for @sarah3210 in honor on May the Fourth! Hope you guys enjoy it!
(Taglist for fun and profit: @day-to-day-thots @laughingphoenixleader @aosladies @heckin-music-dork @opalknight @cassie-fanfics)
It had been a long time since Ezra Bridger had flown a shuttle. But somehow, that’s not why his hands were shaking as he approached the hangar bay of the ship in front of him.
He shouldn’t have been nervous. But for the first time in almost ten years, he wasn’t on Peridea. He was home.
Or close enough, at least. The ship wasn’t Lothal. But when Ezra thought of home, Lothal wasn’t always the first thing that came to mind. It wasn’t a place at all. It was people.
They’re here. He was sure of it. Sabine had told him where to find Hera— or rather, Hera’s flagship, since she was a general now. He couldn’t really say he was surprised. Just proud, if you could be proud of the woman who’d basically been your mother for so many years of your life.
The two A-wings escorting him peeled off as he slipped through the energy shield and set the shuttle down. Not too rough of a landing— Hera or Sabine could have done better, but Ezra was a little rusty.
Through the viewport, he could see a handful of figures moving towards the shuttle. Okay. Here we go.
He realized, as the shuttle ramp was lowering, that he hadn’t taken off the armor he’d stolen on Thrawn’s ship. Huh. Well, this should be fun. Holding back a sudden burst of laughter, Ezra headed down the ramp slowly, his hands in the air.
There was a cluster of people coming to meet him— most of them wearing white and blue or black uniforms, all looking exceptionally wary. And in their lead was a green skinned Twi’lek woman wearing a flight jacket and carrying a small blaster that she leveled directly at Ezra.
It’s Hera. She looked a little different. Older and tired, but still determined, with the same calm that she wore when she was trying to mediate a fight between him and Zeb. Holy kark, it’s Hera, and is that— in a flash, he realized that Kallus and Zeb were a few steps behind her, bo-rifles at the ready as they eyed the potential threat warily.
The reality of it hit him like a brick in the chest because it meant he was back. It worked. Ten years and he was face to face with his family again, finally.
He was still reeling when he recognized the figure rolling towards him. Chopper looked exactly the same as the last time Ezra had seen him, when the droid had helped him save Lothal. He was bwomping something about who did Ezra think he was fooling as he approached, and Ezra almost automatically let a hand drop to the top of Chopper’s dome. “Hey, Chop,” he whispered, far too low for anyone else to hear it. The droid let out a satisfied noise— clearly, he’d realized who Ezra was immediately.
Hera still looked unsure, though. Which was fair. Ezra was, after all, still wearing trooper armor. Reaching up, he slowly pulled off his helmet.
The expression on Hera’s face changed in a snap, shock and confusion bright in her eyes. Ezra knew the feeling. He still couldn’t believe what he was looking at, either. 
“Ezra?” she said, her voice shaking, holding a thread of hope that Ezra understood deeply.
“Hi, Hera,” he said, and found himself grinning like an idiot because it had been so long but he was back. Things were a mess but he was with his family again. He could fix it. “I’m home.”
He started towards her, but Hera was already moving. Her blaster clattering to the ground, she darted towards him and threw her arms around him in a fierce embrace that knocked the wind out of Ezra. “Ow,” he grunted, but hugged her back, feeling tears prickle his eyes.
“Hi?” she said, her voice shaking. “You’ve been gone for ten years and that’s how you start?”
Another set of arms enveloped them, effectively crushing the last of the air out of Ezra’s lungs. “When I’m done hugging you,” Zeb growled, “I’m gonna kill you.”
“Missed you too,” Ezra gasped, wheezing for breath. “Kallus, you next? Is it gonna be a hug or a death threat?”
The man laughed, sounding more at ease than Ezra ever remembered him sounding. “Oh, I think Zeb and General Syndulla have the death threats more than covered.”
“That’s good,” Ezra said as both Zeb and Hera let go. Hera only stepped back a little, though, studying his face.
“You’ve grown up so much,” she whispered, gently touching his cheek. “And you’re— we thought you were—”
“You really thought Thrawn and a couple purrgil could take me out?” Ezra said, raising his eyebrows and grinning. “I’m pretty offended.
Zeb grinned even wider. “Oh, not everyone did.”
“Thanks, Zeb.”
Zeb’s grin, somehow, widened. And got a lot more smug. “Oh, I wasn’t talking about me.”
“Ouch. Wait, then who—”
A door hissed open, and a voice cut him off. A familiar voice. “Hera! You’re not going to believe this, but I sensed—”
Ezra’s heart stopped around the same time the voice did. Staring over Hera’s shoulder at him was… a ghost?
Because Kanan Jarrus had died on Lothal, saving him and Sabine and Hera.
He couldn’t be here, his hair and beard grown back with streaks of gray. And he DEFINITELY couldn’t have two kids with him— one who looked like a small version of Hera but with freckles, and patches of orange in her skin. She eyed him warily as she clung to Kanan’s hand. The other was a human boy with green hair, and was gaping at Ezra with delight. “I told you,” he whispered.
“—Ezra,” the man finished, meeting Ezra’s gaze with clear, seeing eyes. The scar was still there, but… His eyesight came back. Right before he… he died. Didn’t he?
He could barely speak as Hera silently stepped out of the way, a smile on her face. Clearing his throat, Ezra managed a breath. “K-Kanan?”
A smile spread across his face. “Hey, kid. I bet you have some—”
Ezra cut him off by sprinting across the space between them and tackling him in a hug that nearly sent them both flying backwards. He was definitely going to cry, but all he could do right now was cling to his master and pray that he didn’t somehow disappear. “You’re here,” he choked out, holding back a sob.
Strong arms wrapped around him, holding him close. For a moment, he felt just like a padawan again. “I’m here,” Kanan murmured. “And so are you. Force, Ezra, we missed you so much.”
Ezra let out a shaky laugh. “Uh, you missed me? I thought you were dead.”
“I almost was.”
“Thank you for not being dead.”
He felt Kanan laugh. “Any time, kid. Thank you for coming home safely.” He paused, and Ezra could sense his confusion through their bond. Their bond, which had come flowing back so naturally that it felt like it had never left.
“Shouldn’t Sabine be with you?”
Whoops. “Uh, yeah, about that,” Ezra said sheepishly. “Um… she and Ahsoka are kinda left behind? And Thrawn is also here? And he has a team of witches and a creepy friend named Enoch?”
“Maul isn’t resurrected from the dead, too, is he?” Kanan said wryly, and Ezra laughed.
“Nope. He’s still dead.”
“Okay, then. We’ll handle it.”
We. Somehow, Ezra thought, the prospect of facing this with his family at his side made the whole situation a lot easier. It always did.
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martianbugsbunny · 5 months
Hour One (A Kalluzeb Fic)
*falling down the stairs* I did it! I finished my post-Zero Hour fic, it's so tasty to me <3 I'm not even gonna ramble about it I'm just gonna get right to the fic bc I love it!!! read on and enjoy!!!
When the ship was safely in hyperspace, Kanan quietly let Kallus into a room on the Ghost that was currently deserted. Judging by the half-made bunk beds against the wall, Kallus assumed it was living quarters, but he was too distracted by the growing pain in his shoulders and ribs to try and piece together whose room it was.
“I’ll give you a minute,” Kanan said. And then Kallus was alone again, with the forgiving, kind voice of the Jedi echoing in his brain. He didn’t deserve that. He didn’t deserve to be spoken to softly. He was lucky these people whom he’d hunted across the galaxy for years had even bothered to pick up his escape pod, rather than speeding away from the Imperial fleet and applying the rule of “serves him right.”
Something in him cracked. He began to sob, silently, terrified of what he had done in betraying the Empire, overwhelmed by a thousand different strident feelings he couldn’t even name. The heavy breaths hurt (every movement seemed to hurt, now that his adrenaline rush was wearing thin) and his head was pounding. Was the world really spinning, or was that just him?
At the first hiss of the door sliding open, Kallus dragged his sleeve hastily across his face to remove any tears or snot that might give away that he’d been crying—a bad decision, really, given his black eye, which stung at the rough contact.
It wasn’t Kanan who stepped into the room, slightly awkwardly and with bright green eyes that reflected back at Kallus those unnamable emotions.
It was Zeb.
Kallus took a step back, hands clenched at his sides. He knew his eyes were red and he could feel spots on his face where he had missed tears, and he hoped Zeb wouldn’t notice. He had no right to cry in front of this man, of all people.
Zeb stared at him for a moment, and Kallus could feel him mentally checking off all the things that were currently wrong on Kallus’s person. Hunched posture from his injured ribs; blotchy face; bloodstains on his uniform and dried blood on his lip.
“I brought you some clothes,” Zeb said. In the other hand he held a medkit, and Kallus realized with a sinking feeling that those supplies were for him. What a waste of resources that seemed. “They’re probably not your size, but they’re better than the Imperial things you’re wearing.”
Kallus took a breath before answering, surprised at how steady he was able to force his voice to be. “Thank you,” he said.
Then there was a horrible pause as Kallus realized he wouldn’t be able to remove his chest armor, much less his shirt, without help, and he could see the exact same knowledge dawning on Zeb’s face. “Karabast,” he said. “You’re going to be stubborn about this, aren’t you.”
Kallus shook his head after only a brief moment of thought. He didn’t have the strength to punish himself any further. Whether or not he was worthy of Zeb’s help would have to wait until he was healed. “If you don’t mind,” he said, taking another shaky breath as he once again met Zeb’s gaze.
He didn’t look angry. He almost seemed…proud? That wasn’t right. Kallus was seeing things; his brain had been shaken up by his escape and he was imagining things that weren’t there. “I don’t,” Zeb said. He crossed the room and set the clothes down on the lower bunk. “Sit,” he said, gesturing to the empty space next to them.
Kallus did as he was told, relieved to be off his feet. The leg he’d injured on Bahryn had been hurting horribly since his fight with Thrawn, particularly his knee. He might need to consider getting a brace, he realized, if he wanted to keep fighting—which he did.
Zeb unclasped the sides of Kallus’s ISB-issued armor, dumping it on the floor. “Sabine’ll get a kick out of painting that,” Zeb said. “You can wear our colors instead of Imperial ones.” “Give it to somebody else,” Kallus said. “I don’t want it.” Zeb gave him another strange look that he couldn’t parse. “Whatever you say.” He began to work at the clasps of Kallus’s uniform shirt. They definitely wasn't built for his large, clawed fingers. “So…you’re a Rebel now,” he said. “Still think you made the right decision?”
There weren’t words to describe how firmly Kallus was convinced of it. He was terrified, staring into the face of the unknown, but he knew he’d done the right thing—he just wasn’t sure how to live with the consequences. How to build a new life for himself out of the ruins of his old one…which had been built on the ruins of so many other people’s lives.
So Kallus simply nodded, trying to keep himself from spilling any more tears. The thing that made that impossible was the gentle way Zeb worked the unclasped shirt from his torso, pulling off one sleeve and then the other, grumbling angrily in that deep, rumbling voice when he saw the bruises on Kallus’s side.
“I apologize,” Kallus said immediately, his voice stiff and cracked like old, uncared-for leather. “This isn’t fair.” Zeb helped him get his arms into the new shirt he’d brought, leaving the clasps undone; the medics would only have to undo them again later to treat his injuries properly. Then he draped a quilted jacket across Kallus’s shoulders.
“You just uprooted your entire life, Kallus,” Zeb said, sighing and adjusting a non-existent crease in the jacket. “I would think it was weird if you didn’t cry.”
“Not in front of you. You shouldn’t comfort me.” Kallus moved backwards, further into the bunk, away from Zeb’s touch. He didn’t deserve empathy and he didn’t want pity. “This shouldn’t be your problem.”
Zeb got up from the floor where he’d been kneeling and sat on the edge of the bunk, staring at the opposite wall instead of at Kallus. “Maybe not,” he agreed. “Maybe I should say it’s none of my business. Maybe I should leave you to deal with it alone. But when you worked with me on that ice moon, and saved my friends from the Empire, and fed us all that intel as Fulcrum, I think you kind of made yourself my business.” He turned back towards Kallus, his face serious, his eyes soft. “Now let me check your other injuries.”
Kallus complied, shifting closer to Zeb. Even if it didn’t sit right with him, he didn’t think he could refuse Zeb anything. He would do whatever he was asked, whatever he was told—even allow Zeb to take on some of his burden—if it would make a fraction of a difference. If it would help him so much as an inch towards making amends.
With his broad hands carefully gentle, Zeb put a few stitches in Kallus’s broken lower lip. Kallus wondered where Zeb had learned those skills; if it was gained during his time in the Honor Guard of Lasan or in the Rebellion. For a moment, he was lost in wondering, searching Zeb’s face while he was intent on his task as though he could find an answer there. He only realized Zeb had paused and asked him a question when Zeb tilted his head to the side, staring at Kallus for an answer of his own.
“Could you repeat that?”
Zeb rolled his eyes. “I said, can you see alright? That black eye doesn’t look too good.”
His eyes were dry now, but there was still a blur in the left side of his vision. “Actually, I can’t,” he said, swallowing hard. “Everything to the left is hazy.”
“It'll probably need a while to heal,” Zeb said. “If it doesn’t, we’ll get you fitted with some visual aids.” He dabbed something cold and clear on the bruised skin. “There’s nothing more I can do until we land, but you should be fine.”
The pain in his side begged to argue, and he was pretty sure that something in there was broken, but Kallus nodded. “Thank you,” he said quietly. “For everything."
How could he put that everything into words? Thank you for not killing me on Bahryn, thank you for telling me to look for the answers, thank you for believing me when I was Fulcrum, thank you for picking me up just now, thank you for tending my wounds.
He didn’t need to. The way Zeb was looking at him, he already knew.
“We have enough people on board to handle things,” Zeb said, his voice equally low. “I can stick around here for a while if you want the company.”
Kallus felt a smile tugging at the stitches on his lip. More everything to be grateful for. “Alright.”
They sat there together on the bunk for a while in silence. It was a comfortable silence, somehow, and Kallus finally began to relax, not breathing easily past the injuries to his ribs but certainly breathing more easily than before.
“You were limping,” Zeb said, breaking the quiet. “When you came on board you were limping.”
“Once you’re wounded, that body part becomes a target. It’s not so bad, now that my weight’s been off it.” Zeb leaned back against the wall. “That’s good.” He extended one arm to Kallus. “Come on, Kal. We’ve got time before we land anywhere, you can rest.”
There was a moment of hesitation, of doubt, and then Kallus allowed himself to settle next to Zeb, with a strong purple arm around his shoulders. As he started drifting off, safe for the first time in months and knowing his injuries would be cared for, Kallus thought he felt Zeb’s fingers gently rubbing across his arm, and there was a little pit of warmth in his chest that kept the cold of pain and guilt out.
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sailforvalinor · 1 year
Am I the only one not surprised that Sabine gave up the map? Like, I’m genuinely surprised at how many people are angry at her about this, because it was the most in-character decision she’s made in the show.
Let me break it down real quick. There was a throwaway line earlier in the episode referencing the fact that Sabine’s family died in the Purge of Mandalore—that being her father, mother, and younger brother. In Rebels, Sabine had been rejected by her family (as a young teenager, mind you) because she had left the Imperial Academy after having a crisis of morality (involving her creating a superweapon that could destroy Beskar). She’s feels very betrayed by them, so much so that she doesn’t talk about them for the first two seasons, and doesn’t reconcile with them until season 3. And then a few years later, they die.
Meanwhile, while she was on her own, she was taken in by the Ghost Crew, which Rebels is pretty dang explicit about being her adopted family. They were there for her when no one else was, they took her in, kept her safe, and supported her through everything, even reconciling with her blood family. But now they’re all gone. Kanan’s dead. Ezra’s missing. Zeb’s flying for the New Republic, who we know is shorthanded right now. Hera is a New Republic general, and of course has Jacen and Chopper with her, and from what Sabine understands at the time, is too tied down in rules and regulations to help her find Ezra. Sabine thought she had Ahsoka, but (for reasons we’re as of yet unaware of) she deliberately walked away from her.
Sabine quite literally has no one, her family is gone, and family is everything to her. She’s holed herself up in Ezra’s abandoned tower—somewhere she never even visited in Rebels, by the way—because it’s the closest she can feel to them. This poor girl is looking for any scraps of family she can find.
In that moment, everyone who ever cared about Sabine had either died, or left her. But there was one person left who she knew cared about her, who cared so much that he gave everything, and, unlike the others, was only kept from her due physical impossibility. Is it any wonder she gave in?
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tobytost · 1 year
*taps microphone to check it works before holding it towards you* wanna share some of those hyper-specific headcanons? can be for any rebels characters or just kanan (oddly specific headcanons are my fav thing :])
Kanan's show-care is cutting fruit (in typical dad fashion)
often, Kanan would just eat his space apple with a knife, alone in the kitchen, and Sabine would just sit beside him, in total silence and Kanan would give her a piece of an apple straight from the knife and she would take it
that's what I call father-daughter bonding moments
Zeb and Kanan are NOT normal about the sports
whenever there's a match, they buy the cheapest beer and occupy the living space for at least 5 hours
they're very loud about it as well
they tried to get Ezra or Sabine to watch but none of them actually like the sports like they do
Kanan and Zeb trained together in the early days, they still do, but it's rarer because of Ezra's training
Hera and Kanan watch space drama TV together when the rest of the crew are out on a mission or asleep
they gossip together about it as well
in the early days, when it was only Zeb, Hera, Chopper and Kanan and when Kanan was still deep in his dark heavy thoughts and trauma
the force around him was so freaky Zeb and Hera actually thought that the Ghost was haunted.
like, for example. Imagine Hera going through Chopper's memory bank and there's a recording that Chopper doesn't seem to remember having
and in that recording it's just Chopper's pov as he rolls into the room with Kanan, and Kanan just stands in the corner
and as he turns his head towards Chopper the recording gets CORRUPTED and it just switches to some silly stuff Chopper recorded later
and Hera is just like FUUUCK WHO DID I PICK UP
or when he sits down to meditate, the temperature on the ship suddenly drops
freaky stuff like that
Kanan actually cooks really well! He cooks most of the time and he teaches Ezra how to cook as well
Kanan realises that he thinks of Ezra as a son when Ezra came to him with a nightmare for the first time
the worry, the feeling of pride that he reached out, the love and care he felt in that moment
he braids Ezra's hair sometimes, when they're just chilling together
he also helps him with his haircare routine
Kanan loves Abba, he's an Abba guy
sometimes Kanan forgets that he's dating Hera and gets flustered cause he has a huge crush on her
Hera thinks it's adorable but she also calls him an idiot
Kanan is very protective of his family, he checks in with everyone through the force before he could fall asleep
he's especially protective of their youngest, he knows they're capable of protecting themselves but he believes that this is his job
so he always keeps an eye
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