sophi-coby-art · 18 days
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Happy bsd 118 release i guess...
How are you coping? (i´m not well haha)
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uyuforu · 8 months
Hey m not well versed in astrology but I just had this one question which started with this very clear assumption that jk appears to be someone who gets "bored" easily and also he is tremendously famous. Will he be able to have long lasting relationship with his person? He seems someone who is scared of responsibility and in love with the idea of 'the one' being all perfect and life changing person but marriage is not only red roses and sunshine. I hope I was clear (he just never gives this always loyal and standing by ur side to me )
I mean, I think he can get "bored" easily with things because he works so hard to excels that eventually he does. And there are no more challenges for him, so he gets bored and look for a new challenge. Moreover, JK talked about how achieving so much at such young age created an anxiety into him, about like what now? Searching for a new dream is indeed scary when you achieved so much.
But I don't think it would be the same for his FS. To be honest it seems like he will be the one chasing after her, and she will not let him have her easily. And we know he will love that lmao.
I can see where you are going, he is venus in libra, and these natives' lesson is to enjoy realistic romanticism. They need to understand their expectations in love, being in love with love, is not a good and healthy thing. This is a lesson JK will need to learn too. I'm sure he will do well, he is smart and he is also understands those kind of things. :)
- uyu
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angered-box · 15 days
I just now saw your oc post I would love to hear of them
wehehehe where to startttt the post is meant to be abt my enst oc, Akihisa, so that's who I'm going to talk abt. but I'll probably do more for my other ocs later when I have the energy!
So! he's apart of this unit named Calathea which is meant to have a theme based off of the intertwinement of life and death (unit outfit below)
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unfortunately I m not well versed in music so I can't exactly explain what they tend to do for performances but I'll come back to that eventually. not only is there this unit but in the past (pre !-era as he was a yumenosaki student before transferring to shuuetsu) he was the leader of his own unit called the odyssey and the 6 members were based off of the original pantheon gods. obviously based off of the name it did not end well and the entire unit fell apart. there was a period in time before and a little after the forming of Calathea where he was basically a living corpse before eventually getting the will to be an idol again. there's a lot of symbolism with him
oh also he greatly enjoys the ocean and horror media, he has a pet turtle as well who is really old (he's had him for about 12 years and he's 19-20 in the current era after we got the update in the time of the game ^^) there's def more I could talk about but I'm very tired and alao tumblr is. a place to post long posts /derogatory so hopefully I'll make a specific post in the future ^^
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kittsu-and-company · 6 months
you didnt treat me badly . Whatever achyls said bout that snt true.
'm not well. And I fucked up n m sorry.
not your fault. Please beleive me
I believe you thinking I didn’t but I objectively did
I need to fix that
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rosesdrop · 4 months
Drop me your suggestions for my next pick a pile topic, I'll be glad to receive them
Hii I m not well aware of ur blog but I feel like I can suggest "what does your angel want to tell you right now abt ur fs" or in general wht they want to tell u rn.
So just generally messages for you currently from the higher realms, I've been wanting to do that but since you suggested it I'll do it for sure☺
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drizzlingcups · 1 year
Guilty by Association by DrizzlingCups - Multifandom https://archiveofourown.org/works/48979246 via @ao3org
Hobie meets Pavitr and takes him on a ride across the multiverse. He’d thought there was nothing quite like the impulsive decision than making such a commitment to a traumatized stranger.
Is he biting more than he can chew though?
“Hey, mate,” Hobie stood them both up, his hand on the other’s back trying to comfort him still.
He clicked on something on his wrists, and instantaneously, a whirl of colors appeared in front of where a shed should be, blinding lights spiraling at its center.
“What if I make it up to you and take you to ‘im right now? What d’you say about that? Him from other universes. You can see ‘im again.” He’d offered with a comforting smile, a little triumphant at the fact that he finally managed to work through the portal watch without glitching. A recent achievement he had yet savored the glories of.
“You….made your own portal without help from the society?” Pavitr looked awe-struck, and he’d taken it as a compliment. “Yeah. Took awhile. Rummaged through the old Alchemax building for parts. But anyway, what I’m getting at is, you can see your vampire boyfriend again.” He chuckled, trying to bring the mood up.
Pavitr only looked at him with eyes he couldn’t read, tears still rolling down his face. Hobie tried to guess if he looked thankful or offended that he’d offered that.
“No.” Pavitr closed his tearful eyes. “No….I wouldn’t be able to take it, and it wouldn’t be the same.” He answered, and Hobie had to stop himself from clapping at the iron-resolve because he knew he wouldn’t have done as well if he were in his shoes.
“That is the responsible and mature choice. You ought to be proud of yourself.” He smiled, patting his back again.
“I want to get out of here and make it up to you still. How’s about we go multiverse hoppin’? Would that take your mind off it?” Hobie suggested instead, taking Captain Anarchy’s ideas for a vacation into consideration. And what better way to spend it than with a traumatized stranger?
“I don’t think that’ll get it off my mind, but I’d appreciate that so much.” Pavitr wiped his tears away. “Sure, Hobie, let's do it. Let’s travel the multiverse.” He beamed at him, his red eyes changing into shining crescents, and Hobie had to pause for a moment because the way he changed his expressions so quickly kind of freaked him out.
“Alright, mate, you first.” He gestured to the portal as if holding out the door for him.
“Please call me ‘Pav’.”
He smiled at the nickname. “Okay. You first then, Pav.”
The two stepped in the blaring lights, horizontal gravity tugged them forward, and immediately, they were launched into a world where colors bleeded out only the brightest they could.
Their first sight was a field of butterflies and flowers, stretched far and beyond the horizon, lovely pastel-painted hues draping the imagery of it all. The only problem was that the flowers were the same height as buildings, and the butterflies, the size of marsupials.
“Hobie, where the hell are we?” Pavitr looked to him nervously, and Hobie assessed the area entirely clueless. “Beats me, mate.”
The nonchalance in his voice was staggering.
Pavitr’s face changed into that of disbelief, “Your watch? The coordinates??”
“Coordinates? Oh no, ‘m not well adept at all that technical stuff. This watch just takes us to random dimensions.”
Pavitr’s jaw fell down the floor. “It what?! How do you get back to your dimension?” Pavitr stood there almost totally at the loss for words at how reckless this Hobie was.
“Oi, Pav, ‘m not that stupid. I have a go home button.” He pointed at the tiny button by the side of the watch, relief flashing over his companion’s eyes. “This is still pretty wild though.” Pavitr breathed.
“Thought you did your research on me. Should’ve known I’ve got a knack for being a smidge unhinged.” Hobie had tread forward, slapping the low-hanging petals of a hibiscus flower with the exact circumference of thirteen sun hats.
“Yeah well, you don’t sound so cool when you claim you are.” Pavitr had mumbled, following his tail into god knows where really.
“Never claimed to be cool.” Hobie was walking forward aimlessly, wanting to put his heart into the whole multi-dimensional travel experience. He slid through an aloe-vera plant that stood tall like a waterslide, and chopped vines with the thickness of trunks. “But in Spider-punk’s world, ‘unhinged’ is synonymous to cool, so you just complimented yourself.” A voice trailed behind him, its tone always somehow too teasing for one who claimed to be going through grief. It had been singing some lines in a language he didn’t understand as the Jacaranda bowed to them lowly like bells.
Hobie gave him a smirk, “Their cabinet tell you that?”
I’ve come from my little cave I brought to you a new GoldenPunk fic!!! Had a lot of fun with this one I practically sped through writing it in six days!! I hope you give it a read! Thank you <33
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[ send a message after the beep ]
( @kittsu-and-company )
(i hope i understood the prompt correctly)
[An audio recording is attached]
"Uh hey Kittsu, I know shits going on for you- Uhm. 'hope things get better for g-glie- your sneazel- uh - fuck...."
"Yeah. 'haven't been doing- amazing- not that this is about me- Just since Jerry. 'm not. Well. Haven't. Been acting - like- healthy at all...."
"I just.. wanted to say- 'still care about you - and you can talk to me. Like- actually talk to me, 'n 'm sorry 'f I've made you feel like you can't...."
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jacks-manidiary · 1 year
It's funny to me& that while I& am a "spiritual" fictionkin, since I&'ve come to this world from a fictional universe, I&'m not well versed in spirituality at all. I& haven't done any serious magic ever, I& barely believed in a lot of it, and yet here I& am, a "victim" of reincarnation. Just some guy who happened to discover this stuff about his life.
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ardensregias · 6 months
getting so fucked up by boothill that we have to turn him off to take a break...............
oh great heavens 😳😵‍💫😵‍💫 i wonder if he has an on/off button....
nsfw(^ω^)he's a meanie, afab!reader, robot dick (it vibrates btw), doggystyle, this is kind of rushed i'm sorry + i'm not if i got anything wrong!! 'm not well-versed in writing cyborgs/robots :'3
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"sensitive, ain't cha?" that familar sneers came from behind you, as boothill presses his metallic body against yours, drawing yet another moan from your parted mouth. this damn cyborg, does he ever ran out of gas?
it's not like you can ask him or even think about it, not when your pussy is being brutally bullied by his cock—which he had purposely set to the highest vibration setting, making it impossible for you to stay quiet. combine that with the cool feeling of his length sliding in and out of your warm walls—man, you can barely feel your legs at this point.
you groan, closing your eyes and clutching the sheets desperately as if holding on to the little sanity you had left. unfortunately, this only motivates him to go harder, forcing you to open your eyes again as steam rises from the gaps in his body, signaling how overheated he gets after hours of fucking you without breaks. unfortunately for you, he can still goes on for days or even weeks until he needs to recharge again—a body befitting his occupation as a galaxy ranger.
soft whines and cries flew out of your mouth as he forces another orgasm out of your abused cunt, "stop already... 'm tired..." you pout, trying to keep your shaking legs still.
your hand reaches up for the hidden button on the back of his neck, but the galaxy ranger quickly caught your wrist, cackling at your adorable attempt at shutting him down, "are ya sure y'want to stop, cutie? sweet, i can't even pull out with how much you're squeezing me in, looky here, see?" to emphasize his point, he presses down on your lower stomach, knowing that the gesture will makes you squirm and causes your pussy to suck him in even deeper. sly mf.
nonono, that will not distract you from turning him off, not this time. you let out a hiss as you use your other hand to hold him down, "let me rest, you horndog!" and with determination, your hands finally reached his button before boothill can stop you, pressing down on it to make him enter power-saving mode. the cyborg instantly plops down beside you, face-first into the sheets with a loud groan. finally, you can catch your breath. it'll be at least a few hours before the mode automatically ends itself, which means you can sleep or clean up for a bit before he wakes up and starts kicking a fuss again.
while his system forces him to sleep, boothill keeps mumbling about how he's gonna make you pay later, that he's gonna pound you until you collapse so you won't even have the energy to reach his button—well, it won't happen until later, so use the limited time you have wisely before he wakes up.
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pangyham · 6 months
some frivolous tasks to do after finals ...
print all my readings and store them in a folder or something. 'm not well versed in digital organization. i don't wanna deal with the file sorting. might as well make 'em tangible... will also print my essay and other works so i can look back at 'em, makes them a lot easier to pick up and read. this is gonna take up a lot of my time though argh. and ink. but hey at least this means i can permanently preserve them
schedule a meeting with my professor.. optional. but i want to discuss some things. had a meeting w her a few months ago and it was quite pleasant. sometimes you don't realize how good it feels to be ?? intellectually stimulated? aha
create a new chongyun perler. he fell off my backpack in the bus AAAUUU
create bracelets! for my coworkers and friends. havent made one in forever
mmm perhaps create a carrd..? or an intro post haha. some artists i follow have fun-to-read carrds where they detail their interests and i was like hm.. why not? i'm only actively posting here though so i'm not sure if i need one anyway
tasks that i actually need to do
clean my room. energy drinks and water bottles on every flat surface. laundry piling up. i've been so busy
well. deep clean in general i guess
hit up my friends ToT i need to seem them lest i die
send out my packages to my friends HFGGHH..these were their christmas gifts oopsie
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quietzones · 1 year
I;m not well
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h0rribleicky · 2 years
the heartache i feel after spending time with children is monstrous. like i’m being turned inside out. all the time I spent with that kid was like, total joy, but also an emotional flashback but also missing the state of toddlerhood (bc it’s before i started masking and before M.E turned up) but also feeling like something was stolen from me, but the ‘something’ is myself as a child, and it’s also my adult ability to nurture someone else. My ability to nurture has been stolen. So many women are forced into the position of carer meanwhile for me it was taken away and i have to be cared for 24/7 even though I don’t want to be. I love caring for ppl so much, it really means everything to me and i feel so upset and angry that i m not well enough to do it
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luthientinu · 2 years
Your Love- Scarlet Strange-One Shot 15- Stephen Strange x Wanda Maximoff
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Written for day 7 of the ScarletStrange shipping week 2022!
Prompt: ScarletStrange, forced proximity, one bed
A/N- I admit it...I tweaked this prompt a lot...proximity is not forced though. Can be read as a standalone but I envisioned this as a little sequel to the 11th One shot where Wanda is taken to Kamar-Taj after Endgame.
(Extremely sorry for the two day delay in posting this.)
Wanda had woken up with the flu. Usually she gets up early in the morning and cooks breakfast and Stephen joins in a bit later to help. He was surprised to see the kitchen empty when he came down. Dismissing it, he prepared breakfast. Stephen grew concerned about Wanda when she didn't come down for breakfast. He knocked on the door to her room but there was no response.
  "Wanda? Shall I come in?"
  There was no response and Stephen grew concerned. He entered her room to see her still in bed huddled underneath the blankets, cuddling a pillow. She looked very pale and feverish. He softly rested his hand on her forehead, she was burning up. Stephen brushed a few strands of her hair away from her face before straightening up.
  It seemed that the New York Sanctum’s resident witch was down with the flu.
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Wanda felt terrible. Her body ached as if she had been repeatedly thrown around and her throat felt very sore. She felt smothered by her blanket but at the same time she felt freezing cold. She felt nauseous and felt like throwing up. The seasonal flu had claimed its latest victim then.
  She was on the verge of drifting off once more when she heard an insistent voice calling her name. She groggily opened her eyes to see Stephen, looking concerned.
  “Lemme sleep Doc...’m not well.” she slurred.
  “Which is exactly why I am here. You need to get up, eat and take the medicine.” He moved to help her sit up on the bed. She groaned but allowed him to help her up.
  She looked pale and well, sick. Her hair was all over, having escaped the braid. She was sitting quite still and lifeless which unnerved Stephen quite a lot. 
  “Do you think you can stomach a bit of soup?” he asked her kindly, holding up a bowl of warm soup.
  “I guess so.” She replied quite listlessly. Wanda held out her hands, which shook quite violently.
  “Just sit back Wanda.” With that Stephen sat on the edge of her bed and began feeding her the soup, making sure not to spill anything.
  Wanda felt her throat tightening and the tears building up. It had been a long time since someone cared about her. She opened her mouth to talk when she felt the nausea kicking in.
  She clamped a hand over her mouth, jumped out of bed and ran to the adjoining bathroom, where she began throwing up quite violently. Tears poured from her eyes as she continued to throw up. She felt Stephen’s comforting presence behind her as he held back her hair. She flushed out the contents, not daring to look at it and sank to the floor.
  “I have never been this sick before.” Wanda mumbled, feeling very weak at the moment. Stephen helped her up and she managed to brush her teeth and freshen up which left her feeling a tad better. 
  With Stephen’s help she got into bed and she managed to drink a bit of soup. Stephen gave her the medicine and told her to get some rest, promising he will be back to check on her.
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True to his word he checked on her throughout the day more times than he could count. The fever appeared periodically and she threw up a couple of times more. Stephen walked into her room with another bowl of soup for her dinner. She was awake this time but she looked unfocused. 
  “You know it had been some time since someone cared for me like this…it honestly feels very nice..” She smiled at him, eyes unfocused. “You gave me a chance to grow into myself when all the others considered me dangerous. You wanted to help a broken woman like me heal. You are a good man Stephen. The woman who will hold your affections is one lucky girl….” She added quietly “....it’s a pity it will never be me.” 
  Stephen was sent reeling. Sure, she was a bit delirious from the fever but her words touched his heart. They would talk about this when she recovers. For now, she needs to eat and take medicine. 
  When he moved to leave her side, she whispered “ Don’t leave, please”
  Stephen honestly didn’t have the heart to leave her side now. He sighed, magicked away the bowl, lifted the covers and settled next to her. Wanda scooted closer to him almost on the brink of sleep. 
  “Sleep.…I’ll be here.”
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Wanda sat at the kitchen counter, clutching a cup of hot tea which helped soothe her still sore throat. She felt a bit mortified...scratch that she was feeling a lot mortified. She had woken up this morning cuddling Stephen, she was half on top of him, her face buried in his neck and a hand clutching him. It felt nice but as she gradually came to her senses she felt very embarrassed. He was her friend for goodness sake. Wanda vaguely remembered she had been babbling yesterday, while she was feverish and she could not properly remember what she had been babbling. She remembered bits and pieces- telling him how grateful she is for taking her in and something along the lines of how nice something was. She felt her head throbbing. She took a sip of her tea, hoping it would calm her down.
  “You’re supposed to be in bed.” Stephen’s voice startled her out of her thoughts. He walked over to the counter and picked up his mug and sat opposite her.
  “I felt a bit fine…I will go back in a few minutes.” she softly replied, a bit too embarrassed to maintain eye contact. She continued “I am so sorry for the trouble yesterday and if I made you uncomfortable by saying anything out of the blue…Thank you so much for looking out for me.”
  Stephen had a small smile and he simply asked her, “Do you want to look?”
  It seemed her brain was a bit slow when sick and when Stephen pointed at her hand, she realised that he had given permission to look inside his mind. She lightly placed her palm on his forehead and peered into his memories.
   You know it had been some time since someone cared for me like this…it honestly feels very nice…
  You are a good man Stephen. The woman who will hold your affections is one lucky girl….it’s a pity it will never be me.
   Don’t leave, please
  Wanda let go with a surprised gasp and buried her face in her hands, too embarrassed to face Stephen who was now grinning. She felt her face burn and dared not to look up at Stephen.
  “You know, once you’ve recovered we could discuss this over dinner? I’ve been wanting to try out this new restaurant, two blocks from here. A date if you’d like?”
  “A date?” She squeaked out, internally chiding herself for sounding so ridiculous. She composed herself and gave Stephen a smile, trying to control the butterflies in her stomach, “Okay.”
  “Great...now off to bed with you darling. I will bring you some breakfast.”
Previous- One Shot 14
Next- One Shot 16
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A/N- Would really love to know what you all think. It has been a blast writing for the ScarletStrange Week 2022 and I really enjoyed writing! Be on the lookout for more one-shots. Thank you everyone for reading and commenting! This posted on Ao3 and on Fanfiction.net too.
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landosgirl97 · 2 years
We did It, Dad! -Stepdad Drew Starkey Blurb
A/N: Part 4 of my Stepdad OBX Cast Series! This one is for the lovely @wannabestarkeysgirl! Enjoy babe!
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“I’m so sorry . I didn’t think I would miss his game. I’ll try to be there but no promises.” Drew said. I just shook my head, “it’s okay Drew, I got this. We will be fine.” After we hung up the phone I psyched myself up to go tell my son.
“Hey Atlas, I have some bad news.” He turned his little eyes toward me and I could already tell this wasn’t gonna end well. “Drew may not be able to make it to your game baby, I’m sorry. His flight is late.” I saw the defeated look cross his face before he looked at me and slightly smiled. “It’s okay momma, I know he’s busy” but I didn’t miss the look that crossed his face after. “Okay baby, let’s get you some food and get you ready for your game. We only have a few hours.”
Atlas and I showed up to his game and I could tell he was upset but trying not to show it. He went to warm up with his coaches, which he would normally do with Drew. He couldn’t seem to catch or hit anything during warm ups which worried me for what the game would bring. It was a big one being semi-finals, so a loss would mean the end of the season.
At the end of the 4th inning we 5 runs down and Drew was facetime me.
D: “How’s he doing?”
M: “Not well.. He’s super frustrating and we are losing.”
D: “I just pulled up. I didn’t even go home to change. Think coach will let me see him?”
M: “Probably? It wouldn’t hurt. He was trying to act tough like he always does so he didn’t hurt my feelings but I know he was disappointed.”
D: “Okay I’m almost there. See you in a second.”
Drew was hard to miss when he walked toward the dugout. He was still in his clothes from the interview he had done that morning, and let’s face it, the man is a giant, it doesn’t matter what he wears. I watched as the coach had Atlas scoot out of the dugout. His face absolutely lit up when he saw Drew. Drew bent down on one knee and talked to him for a minute or two before giving him a hug and a high five and sending him back in.
In the 5th inning, you could tell a big difference in Atlas. He hit every ball thrown to him, and once hit a home run! It really lifted the spirits of the team. By the last inning, it was tied. I watched as Atlas got his team together and gave them a pep talk, as much a 4th grader could. The team walked out of the dugout more confident than ever. Drew stood by the fence watching, not paying attention to anything but my son. He cheered him on, jeered the umpire when he made a bad call, and was there every step of the way like always.
The last run of the game had come along and the game was tied. It was Atlas’ turn to hit the ball. He turned to Drew and I watched Drew smile at him and nod his head, confident in him. I watched closely as the ball was thrown and Atlas hit it all the way to the outfield, making it easy for him to round the bases and get back to home. The team may have only won by one point, but they were going to state. I had never seen my son so proud. He ran straight off the field and past me, into Drew’s already open arms. “We did it! We did it dad! Thank you!” I saw Drew look taken aback because Atlas had never called him dad before but he recovered quickly. “I never doubted you! I knew you could do it! I’m so proud of you son.”
Tag List: @pankowforlife @wannabestarkeysgirl @my-baexht-ls @bethoconnor @samxslaughter @tishanas-darlings @jjmaybank63 @outerbankspov @slutforsmutsstuff @hoebx
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kbsd · 4 years
well folks i just watched goodbye stranger for the first time in 6 years and i m...not well. no further comment i am going to bed
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kim-monsterlings · 3 years
Tag Game
@rhubarb-barnes <3 tagged me to make a playlist for my username (I made a new post so it wasn’t as long). This took me ages but I love it and just shows the mess of my music taste. Tagging (everyone who wants to do this - it was really fun): @findinghiddenisles @dharys-writes @slothspaghettiwrites @foxgloveprincess 
Kingdom Dance - Tangled Soundtrack (I know it isn’t a song, but I love it) I’m Not Well - Black Foxxes (amazing band, I love them) Movement - Hozier
Make the Money - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Oceans - Mallory Knox (one of my favourite bands) Nina Cried Power - Hozier Say No To This - Hamilton Soundtrack Tennis Court - Lorde Everybody Knows - The Wanted (my old favourites, I love them still) River - Leon Bridges Lumiere - Stephan Moccio (instrumental, and everything by him is gorgeous) I’m So Sorry - Imagine Dragons Numb to the Feeling - Chase Atlantic Good Kisser - Lake Street Dive Stick Up - grandson
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