#and another one is doing autonomous systems
Anyone else feel like everyone else is moving on in life and ur just kinda around
#my friends got into masters programs and I’m SO FUCKING proud of them#cu Boulder!!!! bioastronautics!!!#that’s amazing#and another one is doing autonomous systems#they’re all soooo smart#and I’m genuinely happy for them and not at all jealous#it’s more that I feel a lil purposeless??#like I wanted to go back to school to get my PhD Eventually#and right now I have Three training flows at work I want to finish up before I leave#so I’m gonna be around for a couple years#but what about After that#and even more pressing: what if I don’t get in#recently I’ve just been feeling like I don’t have any skills augh#and I have a really really nice and interesting and awesome job#and it’s a CUSHY job#like I knowww all that but why do I always feel like there’s something missing#and the biggest problem with me is even if I obtain it I’ll be like. hm. I’m bored. what’s next#and I can’t keep living like that just constantly jumping from thing to thing to thing#and I think that there’s no way to make that boredom go away completely. I just have to enjoy the process and be Content#like that’s the solution#learning how to Be Content in what I have instead of always looking for more#I just genuinely don’t think I’m capable of that#and I do this thing where I will just throw myself into someone else’s life and see if that feels better but also I can’t#live like that forever either. like it’s not me#I’m 23. I have my whole life ahead of me or whatever#but this is it. this is all life is huh?
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Why do sometimes really weird & unexplainable things kind of happen?
Looking at the Theoretical Intersection between Anatomy & Physiology & Electronics
***This is coming from the perspective of attempting to explain (in the most simple ways possible) how foreign advanced technology possibly “hacks” the foundations of organic life. ***
Our bodies are composed of nerves. When electricity goes from one nerve and travels to another nerve then an action occurs. When something in our environment is sensed (like hearing a noise) our organs are able to sense the information & produce electricity to carry that information back to the brain to be processed.
Anatomically we have the brain, the spinal cord, our sensory organs, cranial nerves, and “all the other individually named nerves” that branch off of those.
(There is further differentiation between central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, & autonomic, and other ways to differentiate in anatomy and physiology, but for simplicity this is how I will refer to it).
Cranial nerves are differentiated out on the list in comparison to “other nerves” because they are a specific list of major nerves that do very important & essential functions in the body.
So, nerves act as a path for electricity to follow. This electricity can produce voluntary action or involuntary actions.
Choosing to raise your hand we consider voluntary action produced by the nervous system. When something occurs without your conscious choice & occurs automatically, it is considered an involuntary action of the nervous system. For example, your heart beating would be an involuntary action.
Nerves have gaps between them & in this space neurotransmitters are released. Neurotransmitters are chemicals with the ability to cause another nerve to have an action. Neurotransmitters have different actions at different places in the body. After neurotransmitters are released they stay in this space until they are broken down by the body. The body breaks down the neurotransmitters and attempts to recycle the components to be used to make other things in the body.
Our bodies are able to use electricity because of many processes, but one major one is because we store electrolytes. Our organs and tissues use electrolytes like Sodium and Potassium to create electrical charge. This “electrical spark” causes electricity to generate so that it can be conducted through the nerves.
The human body is very complex & requires more than just electricity to function due to many components of its design, but each neuron as an individual unit is incredibly similar functionally to wires bundled into computer cables.
How does this process intersect with technology?
If someone were to attempt to hurt you with insidiously with technology it could create A LOT of very weird experiences.
If you know how to electrically stimulate parts of the body, like if you put an electrical stimulator/microchip/or another component that alters electricity in someone’s nervous system you could do a lot of weird things that people with no medical background would struggle to explain.
Machinery causing electrical impulses or “shocks” to be sent to certain part of the brain can produce many effects.
If someone sent electrical impulses down the cranial nerves it would produce a wide range of effects.
If certain cranial nerves were stimulated by someone controlling a technological component then someone could cause your body to involuntarily do the following by stimulating one of the 12 cranial nerves with electricity:
Involuntarily, as if your body moved on its own, you could feel the following:
> Your eyes to move in a certain direction, like your eyes are “locking on” to an object. Similar to how a computer program is able to “lock on” to a target
> Cause your vocal cords to move even when your mouth isn’t open
>Jaw movement & other motions of the face
>cause vertigo/dizziness/altered proprioception or your sense of orientation in space. So a lot of the symptoms of being inebriated
>control of your tongue muscles
> ***Vagus nerve or cranial nerve 10 does a lot, tampering with it could do a lot of weird things *** Possibly weird respiratory and/or internal organ symptoms like shortness of breath, changes in swallowing like dysphagia, vocal hoarseness, & many other possible and serious side effects
> Specific neck movements & turns of the head
You could also produce the sensations in someone of:
>hearing voices that aren’t there or altered processing, they talk but it’s like you can’t understand
>hearing sounds that aren’t there or altered hearing
>seeing images that aren’t there or altered sight
>smelling things that aren’t there or altered smell
>feeling things that aren’t there or altered feeling
>tasting things that aren’t there or altered taste
All of these actions and the degree to which you could “control it” would vary. Some of these are more technically complex to do, but at the most basic level “micromovements” from even just these few nerves are highly likely.
Our bodies have more than just electricity that contribute to our ability to do voluntary control as a defensive system to prevent these types of tampering events from occurring, but I think on a basic level it would still be possible to do some of these micromovements.
Without a lot of technological advancement required, the most worrying to me is a combination of seizures (which can occur when you just overload something with electricity) and/or lots of trauma producing something similar to disassociation & making people hear voices. It unfortunately often produces a mind control like feeling where other people attempt to control and/or influence your behavior.
I think in the quest for mind control, some very bad people use these types of things to hurt other people & technological advancements in subliminal messaging have greatly hurt the world through our time.
In order to fix things I think we must first understand them.
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argyrocratie · 2 months
"How will people get healthcare?
During the Spanish Civil War, Barcelona’s Medical Syndicate, organized largely by anarchists, managed 18 hospitals (6 of which it had created), 17 sanatoria, 22 clinics, 6 psychiatric establishments, 3 nurseries, and one maternity hospital. Outpatient departments were set up in all the principal localities in Catalunya. Upon receiving a request, the Syndicate sent doctors to places in need. The doctor would have to give good reason for refusing the post, “for it was considered that medicine was at the service of the community, and not the other way round.”[40] Funds for outpatient clinics came from contributions from local municipalities. The anarchist Health Workers’ Union included 8,000 health workers, 1,020 of them doctors, and also 3,206 nurses, 133 dentists, 330 midwives, and 153 herbalists. The Union operated 36 health centers distributed throughout Catalunya to provide healthcare to everyone in the entire region. There was a central syndicate in each of nine zones, and in Barcelona a Control Committee composed of one delegate from each section met once a week to deal with common problems and implement a common plan. Every department was autonomous in its own sphere, but not isolated, as they supported one another. Beyond Catalunya, healthcare was provided for free in agrarian collectives throughout Aragon and the Levant.
Even in the nascent anarchist movement in the US today, anarchists are taking steps to learn about and provide healthcare. In some communities anarchists are learning alternative medicine and providing it for their communities. And at major protests, given the likelihood of police violence, anarchists organize networks of volunteer medics who set up first aid stations and organize roving medics to provide first aid for thousands of demonstrators. These medics, often self-trained, treat injuries from pepper spray, tear gas, clubs, tasers, rubber bullets, police horses, and more, as well as shock and trauma. The Boston Area Liberation Medic Squad (BALM Squad) is an example of a medic group that organizes on a permanent basis. Formed in 2001, they travel to major protests in other cities as well, and hold trainings for emergency first aid. They run a website, share information, and link to other initiatives, such as the Common Ground clinic described below. They are non-hierarchical and use consensus decision-making, as does the Bay Area Radical Health Collective, a similar group on the West Coast.
Between protests, a number of radical feminist groups throughout the US and Canada have formed Women’s Health Collectives, to address the needs of women. Some of these collectives teach female anatomy in empowering, positive ways, showing women how to give themselves gynecological exams, how to experience menstruation comfortably, and how to practice safe methods of birth control. The patriarchal Western medical establishment is generally ignorant of women’s health to the point of being degrading and harmful. An anti-establishment, do-it-yourself approach allows marginalized people to subvert a neglectful system by organizing to meet their own needs.
After Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, activist street medics joined a former Black Panther in setting up the Common Ground clinic in one of the neediest neighborhoods. They were soon assisted by hundreds of anarchists and other volunteers from across the country, mostly without experience. Funded by donations and run by volunteers, the Common Ground clinic provided treatment to tens of thousands of people.
The failure of the government’s “Emergency Management” experts during the crisis is widely recognized. But Common Ground was so well organized it also out-performed the Red Cross, despite the latter having a great deal more experience and resources.[41] In the process, they popularized the concept of mutual aid and made plain the failure of the government. At the time of this writing Common Ground has 40 full-time organizers and is pursuing health in a much broader sense, also making community gardens and fighting for housing rights so that those evicted by the storm will not be prevented from coming home by the gentrification plans of the government. They have helped gut and rebuild many houses in the poorest neighborhoods, which authorities wanted to bulldoze in order to win more living space for rich white people."
-Peter Gelderloos, "Anarchy Works" (2010)
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metanarrates · 10 months
if you choose to chain yourself next to the prisoner, you can survive what appears to be decades or even centuries without ever needing to eat or drink. if you get the "happy ending" after slaying the princess, you survive for so long afterwards that time loses all meaning. and yet, if you kill the nightmare, you starve to death eventually. why is that?
my suspicion is that it has something to do with our own awareness of our physical limitations.
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as much as the princess is shaped by our perception of her, we are also shaped somewhat by our perception of ourselves. this is most obvious with the various voices, who seem to represent whatever trait was strongest in the previous chapter we played. but our perception comes up in a few other distinct moments, too. let's take the adversary for example.
and she does, too.
if you choose to fight the adversary, armed or unarmed, the stubborn will urge you to keep getting up, regardless of the narrator telling you you've died. you can survive death itself because you believe you can. pieces of you splattered on the walls, your organs hammered into a shape beyond recognition, your body a shambling, twitching mess - it doesn't matter. you keep getting up.
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let's take the wild, as another example. if we reject the wild and turn inwards towards our fear/hatred, our unity with her unravels. as the narrator says, we remember we have a body. we stand on our two distinct feet once more, and encounter her, who is also a distinct, embodied creature. as much as her reality has changed, ours has too.
the prisoner doesn't starve. we don't experience anything physically unpleasant in her chapter if we chain ourselves up beside her. our awareness of our own biological reality and hers is next to nonexistent. but in the nightmare route?
the nightmare route is characterized by the paranoid's constant conscious maintenance of our autonomic nervous system. if he drops his concentration for even a second, the princess' presence will shut our organs down. we have never been aware of our own body more, and have also never believed more in its limitations. surviving biological failure seems like an impossibility. and so, it becomes one. we are only ever as embodied as we believe ourselves to be.
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- the shifting mound, describing the shackled prisoner route
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strixcattus · 7 months
I did some skimming through a couple routes in my attempt to figure out where the small/frail/warmth and sadness distinction actually stems from (and I think I've got it now), but apparently for the first time ever I didn't take the knife when heading down to the Nightmare, and I've... discovered something.
Normally, when you try to free the nightmare, Hero asks for Paranoid's advice, and things proceed like so:
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You get to hear Hero doing a terrible job of running the autonomic nervous system while Paranoid absolutely tears into the Narrator, and it's great.
In my run, leaving the blade behind, it went a little bit differently.
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You never get to hear Paranoid's speech. He doesn't even give Hero a chance, even though technically Hero is doing better in this version. It's also Paranoid who demands to have a break, rather than Hero who offers him one. They're practically at each other's throats—or at least, Paranoid is at Hero's. I don't think Hero is really capable of having that sort of ill will towards another Voice.
There are a few other differences—notably, the Nightmare leads the way up the stairs, and the door opens in the correct direction. But the complete distrust from Paranoid that we get here really stands out.
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$100 billion later, autonomous vehicles are still a car-wreck
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Autonomous vehicles were always a shell-game. The last time I wrote about them was a year ago, when Uber declared massive losses. Uber’s profitability story was always, “Sure, we’re losing money now, but once we create self-driving cars, we can fire our drivers and make a bundle.”
But Uber never came close to building an AV. After blowing $2.5b, the company invented a car whose mean-distance-to-fatal-crash was half a mile. Uber had to pay another company — $400 million! — to take the self-driving unit off its hands.
It’s tempting to say that Uber just deluded itself into thinking that AVs were a viable, near-term technology. But $2.5b was a bargain, because it allowed the company’s original investors (notably the Saudi royals) to offload their Uber shares on credulous suckers when the company IPOed.
Likewise Tesla, a company that has promised fully self-driving autonomous vehicles “within two years” for more than a decade. The story that Teslas will someday drive themselves is key to attracting retail investors to the company.
Tesla’s overvaluation isn’t solely a product of the cult of personality around Musk, nor is it just that its investors can’t read a balance-sheet and so miss the fact that the company is reliant upon selling the carbon-credits that allow gas-guzzling SUVs to fill America’s streets.
Key to Tesla’s claims to eventual profitability was that AVs would overcome geometry itself, and end the Red Queen’s Race whereby adding more cars to the road means you need more roads, which means everything gets farther apart, which means you need more cars — lather, rinse, repeat.
Geometry hates cars, but Elon Musk hates public transit (he says you might end up seated next to “a serial killer”). So Musk spun this story where tightly orchestrated AVs would best geometry and create big cities served speedy, individualized private vehicles. You could even make passive income from your Tesla, turning it over to drive strangers (including, presumably, serial killers?) around as a taxicab.
But Teslas are no closer to full self-driving than Ubers. In fact, no one has come close to making an AV. In a characteristically brilliant and scorching article for Bloomberg, Max Chafkin takes stock of the failed AV project:
Chafkin calculates that the global R&D budget for AVs has now exceeded $100 billion, and demonstrates that we have next to nothing to show for it, and that whatever you think you know about AV success is just spin, hype and bullshit.
Take the much-vaunted terribleness of human drivers, which the AV industry likes to tout. It’s true that the other dumdums on the road cutting you off and changing lanes without their turn-signals are pretty bad drivers, but actual, professional drivers are amazing. The average school-bus driver clocks up 500 million miles without a fatal crash (but of course, bus drivers are part of the public transit system).
Even dopes like you and me are better than you may think — while cars do kill the shit out of Americans, it’s because Americans drive so goddamned much. US traffic deaths are a mere one per 100 million miles driven, and most of those deaths are due to recklessness, not inability. Drunks, speeders, texters and sleepy drivers cause traffic fatalities — they may be skilled drivers, but they are also reckless.
But even the most reckless driver is safer than a driverless car, which “lasts a few seconds before crapping out.” The best robot drivers are Waymos, which mostly operate in the sunbelt, “because they still can’t handle weather patterns trickier than Partly Cloudy.”
Waymo claims to have driven 20m miles — that is, 4% of the distance we’d expect a human school-bus driver to go before having a fatal wreck. Tesla, meanwhile, has stopped even reporting how many miles its autopilot has mananged on public roads. The last time it disclosed, in 2019, the total was zero.
Using “deep learning” to solve the problems of self-driving cars is a dead-end. As NYU psych prof Gary Marcus told Chafkin, “deep learning is something similar to memorization…It only works if the situations are sufficiently akin.”
Which is why self-driving cars are so useless when they come up against something unexpected — human drivers weaving through traffic, cyclists, an eagle, a drone, a low-flying plane, a deer, even some pigeons on the road.
Self-driving car huxters call this “the pogo-stick problem” — as in “you never can tell when someone will try to cross the road on a pogo-stick.” They propose coming up with strict rules for humans to make life easier for robots.
But as stupid as this is, it’s even stupider than it appears at first blush. It’s not that AVs are confused by pogo sticks — they’re confused by shadowsand clouds and squirrels. They’re confused by left turns that are a little different than the last left turn they tried.
If you’ve been thinking that AVs were right around the corner, don’t feel too foolish. The AV companies have certainly acted like they believed their own bullshit. Chafkin reminds us of the high-stakes litigation when AV engineer Anthony Levandowski left Google for Uber and was sued for stealing trade secrets.
The result was millions in fines (Levandowski declared bankruptcy) and even a prison sentence for Levandowski (Trump pardoned him, seemingly at the behest of Peter Thiel and other Trumpist tech cronies). Why would companies go to all that trouble if they weren’t serious about their own claims?
It’s possible that they are, but that doesn’t mean we have to take those claims at face-value ourselves. Companies often get high on their own supplies. The litigation over Levandowski can be thought of as a species of criti-hype, Lee Vinsel’s extraordinarily useful term for criticism that serves to bolster the claims of its target:
Another example of criti-hype: the claims about the risks of ubiquitous drone delivery — which, like AVs, is half-bullshit, half self-delusion:
Today, Levandowski has scaled back his plans to build autonomous vehicles. Instead, he’s built autonomous dump-trucks that never leave a literal sandbox, and trundle back and forth on the same road all day, moving rocks from a pit to a crusher.
$100 billion later, that’s what the AV market has produced.
Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
Gartner (modified): https://www.gartner.com/en/research/methodologies/gartner-hype-cycle
[Image ID: A chart illustrating the Gartner hype-cycle; racing down the slope from the 'peak of inflated expectations' to the 'trough of disillusionment' is the staring eye of HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey, chased by speed-lines.]
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utopya-cc · 1 year
SIMS4 MOD | Kiss-n-Grind
Hey guys, hope you all are doing well. Quiet excited about this one,
The main idea was to make a mod that will focus on adding more romantic interactions to the game. to add more realistic moments between couples. I wanted to add what I feel is missing from the game.
So After some searching and looking at what should I make first, I have decided to start with a passionate grinding/dancing interactions, There is too much stuff to cover in the club life. that the game didn't manage to add, other than some silly dances. Your Sims couple can't even dance together.
Therefore I ended up turning These new animations into their own mod, It will be a great foundation for all the ideas that I want to add!!
The mod For now will introduces two new interactions with their animations and emotions/buffs
The new pie menu will appear in the Romance category under the name Kiss and Grind, all the new interactions will appear on it:
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The interaction won't appear if your sim hasn't had their first kiss yet, or the level of romance is too low
Features Of the Mods:
New highly detailed animation with their own sounds
New pie menu for the new interaction
New icons for each Interaction/animation that will suit their own animation
A new dynamic buff system which increases with the romance bar
These interactions will give you a buff for both the actor and target sim.
There is a chance to get some notifications/comments from your partner
The animations were made to have a more romantic feel to them. to give the player the freedom to use them in any game style they want. All the icons used are custom-made by me, I did put extra time into them to be more visually pleasing and match their original content
Possible outcomes:
I have implemented in this mod a new buff system that will depend on the relationship between the Sims and some other factors:
First of all The outcomes will be highly randomized for both the actor and the target to keep the game more exciting.
The higher the romance level between your sims the higher chance of getting more intimates outcomes with stronger emotions:
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Obviously, this is a club-based mod, you take your sim there to meet up with new Sims, So Even with a low romance, The outcomes may be higher and unique If your sim has high charisma.
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When the romance bar is higher the 90% there is a small chance to get a notification/comment from your partner.
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The mod will be enhanced further in the future, with New animations, New mechanics, and features.
I still love the original idea. So once I have decided all the interactions for it, I will start making them into their own mod, and leave this one just for the club-related animations.
The interactions shouldn't be played autonomously,
Better to wait until the animation is finished and the queue is clear before playing another one.
Requirement : This mod needs the XML injector by Scumbumbo. You can download it here : https://scumbumbomods.com/xml-injector
How to install :
Just put both my mod and the XML injector script into your Sims 4 Mods folder.
Reblogs are super appreciated!
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drdemonprince · 9 months
okay as someone who is critical of performative activism can you explain to me how protesting isn't performative? not tring to 'gotcha' you, i just really don't get how standing holding signs in seattle impacts what's happening overseas. the 'block the boat' protest made sense to me bc they were stopping weapons sent to israel, and it makes sense when like laborers damage equipment as part of a work stoppage bc they're wasting the bosses money. but most protests seem to be about 'showing solidarity' and i feel like usually they're more for the benefit of the protestors and to make them feel good for getting involved even if the involvement doesn't directly affect the outcome of whatever they're protesting. i'm open to being wrong about that though?
I used to feel this way, anon. And then I saw Palestinian men full on crying at protests while Facetiming their relatives overseas to show them that people actually cared. And I saw young Palestinian kids walking in front of their parents, moms, dads, aunts, and uncles, leading the chants of thousands of people, filled with confidence, not afraid to name their home land and give a voice to their resistance. And I saw elderly Muslim people, people who have likely not attended many American protests before of this size, emboldened and waving Palestinian flags and recognizing old family friends in the crowd and embracing one another. And I saw the highway be stopped for hours by thousands of us, forcing the entire city's road system to be rerouted, forcing untold numbers to contend with the rage that is being felt. And I saw us shut down all Black Friday shopping on the north end of Michigan avenue, closing off Victoria's Secret (which has manufacturing plants on Palestinian land), and covering the largest Starbucks in the Midwest (an informal boycott Target) with dozens of pro-Palestinian banners and stickers. And I've seen us showing up for one another again and again and again, every weekend, blocking off boycotted stores, ending business as usual, disrupting traffic, exhausting the police (who have had to pull a lot of overtime to deal with us), drawing attention to the cause, ending politicians' fundraising and meet & greet events, and not allowing business to go on as usual our ourselves to be complicit any longer.
I get the jadedness. I do. I have been there, especially after seeing awful police violence against protestors in 2020 and then seeing very little legal change occur. But the meaningful change we need will not occur via legal avenues. Protest is a means of building up collective power, of training people to think more collectively, of helping to normalize the viewpoints that we are advocating for, of disrupting regular everyday activities such as shopping and work that distract people from what is happening, of wearing the police state, of making our political representatives fearful and tired, and of setting the stage for larger, bolder, more disruptive direct actions that prevent or end humanitarian crises.
Block the boat doesn't just happen out of nowhere. You have to have a dedicated team of organizers and hundreds to thousands of devoted activists, medics, legal observers, coordinators, and people on the side lines offering resources and food. You need people to feel uplifted, motivated, and confident. You don't just get that in one day. The west coast has been able to launch incredibly effective actions like these because their work is YEARS in the making. Every major protest, every autonomous zone, every organizing meeting, it has all led to this. It takes work. It takes people being willing to show up and do that work, regularly, even when it is not glamorous, even when they do not get a sticker for it, and even when they cannot always walk away feeling that they've done something personally in that moment. It is a collective, long term endeavor, and it requires toughness and commitment.
Besides, the protests we are talking about actually are direct actions. Protestors yesterday shut down Zara. And now the company has to contend with a lot of bad PR from thousands of us screaming outside Zara's flagship store in the Chicago, speaking out about its advertisements mocking the Palestinian people. Shutting down the highway multiple times and other boycotted stores and ruining political fundraisers is directly impactful too. Now if any protestors want to take it further than that, I welcome them and I'll be there to join them. The Black & Indigenous solidarity rally in 2020 was one really impactful example. It came to blows in a serious way, but we almost tore the Columbus statue down. The city was so afraid of another incident they took the statue down themselves.
This is how we get things done. We show up, in large numbers, we give comfort and steadfast support to those most targeted, we show the state our true numbers, we wake other people up from their slumber, and we keep pushing to do more. We need as many people on the line as possible. The presence of every single person at a protest is powerfully felt. Numbers gives us confidence, it literally keeps us warmer in the cold in a noticeable way, it shows Palestinian people that we are with them, it broadcasts a message on the world stage, and it makes it possible for things like flipping over police cars and starting fires and closing bomb manufacturers possible.
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swisccfinds · 9 months
Kiss-n-Grind Mod by UTOPYA_cc
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This is a good ineractable romance mod! I like that is gives more physical interactions with your sim's partner.
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Creator's Notes-
Hey guys, hope you all are doing well. Quiet excited about this one,
The main idea was to make a mod that will focus on adding more romantic interactions to the game. to add more realistic moments between couples. I wanted to add what I feel is missing from the game.
So After some searching and looking at what should I make first, I have decided to start with a passionate grinding/dancing interactions, There is too much stuff to cover in the club life. that the game didn't manage to add, other than some silly dances. Your Sims couple can't even dance together.
Therefore I ended up turning These new animations into their own mod, It will be a great foundation for all the ideas that I want to add!!
The mod For now will introduces two new interactions with their animations and emotions/buffs
The new pie menu will appear in the Romance category under the name Kiss and Grind, all the new interactions will appear on it:
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The interaction won't appear if your sim hasn't had their first kiss yet, or the level of romance is too low
Features Of the Mods:
New highly detailed animation with their own sounds
New pie menu for the new interaction
New icons for each Interaction/animation that will suit their own animation
A new dynamic buff system which increases with the romance bar
These interactions will give you a buff for both the actor and target sim.
There is a chance to get some notifications/comments from your partner
The animations were made to have a more romantic feel to them. to give the player the freedom to use them in any game style they want. All the icons used are custom-made by me, I did put extra time into them to be more visually pleasing and match their original content
Possible outcomes:
I have implemented in this mod a new buff system that will depend on the relationship between the Sims and some other factors:
First of all The outcomes will be highly randomized for both the actor and the target to keep the game more exciting.
The higher the romance level between your sims the higher chance of getting more intimates outcomes with stronger emotions:
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Obviously, this is a club-based mod, you take your sim there to meet up with new Sims, So Even with a low romance, The outcomes may be higher and unique If your sim has high charisma.
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When the romance bar is higher the 90% there is a small chance to get a notification/comment from your partner.
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The mod will be enhanced further in the future, with New animations, New mechanics, and features.
I still love the original idea. So once I have decided all the interactions for it, I will start making them into their own mod, and leave this one just for the club-related animations.
The interactions shouldn't be played autonomously,
Better to wait until the animation is finished and the queue is clear before playing another one.
Requirement : This mod needs the XML injector by Scumbumbo. You can download it here : https://scumbumbomods.com/xml-injector
How to install :
Just put both my mod and the XML injector script into your Sims 4 Mods folder.
Please visit UTOPYA_cc and show some love and support for this amazing mod!
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bbygirl-aemond · 2 years
what would you think would happen if the greens just let rhaenyra sit on the throne
at a minimum, alicent's boys would have all been killed.
okay now that i've grabbed your attention, let me explain, and i promise i'll be able to make this entire argument without ever claiming rhaenyra is a bad person who wants to kill her family! the fact is that rhaenyra's rule was always going to face dangerous levels of backlash, because it threatened the lords of westeros's own claims to power in two major ways. as a reminder, westeros is closer to an empire consisting of autonomous kingdoms than a dictatorship, and the lords of westeros retain much more power than most fans seem to understand. alicent's sons would have ended up the pawns and figureheads for unhappy lords seeking to retain their power in the wake of unrest caused by rhaenyra's ascension. i'll explain all of this further below, using a historical example that i think is helpful.
first, we need to understand that rhaenyra's rule would have still been made very unstable because of two factors: her gender, and her very obvious bastard children. (as a side note, i've talked before about how it is literally genetically impossible for the strong boys to be laenor's sons and why we see people treating it like a fact here). why are these two things so impactful? because they threaten the claims of many of the lords and heirs in westeros's current system.
westeros has previously relied on gender-based primogeniture. if a lord has an eldest daughter, and younger sons, his title and lands pass to the eldest son, skipping the daughter. i'm not saying this is morally right, but i am saying that there are probably lords out there with older sisters who got passed over, who don't want their sisters to unseat them. and there are lords who don't want their eldest daughters to usurp their sons' claims. this is just a political reality: the people with political power have a selfish, vested interest in keeping themselves in power. rhaenyra sets a precedent that threatens their ability to do this, making them less likely to support her.
westeros also relies on trueborn children inheriting from their parents. if a lord has two sons, one elder and one younger, but the elder one was born out of wedlock, he legally can't inherit. a bastard can only inherit if they are the only son, and if they are recognized and legitimized by the king as a bastard. again, i don't stand by this custom morally, but it's the reality of how things currently work in westeros. just like with the sex-based inheritance, changing this precedent would put many lords' claims in jeopardy who have their own bastard children they don't want to inherit, or who have older bastard siblings who could try to steal their current title.
it would additionally threaten diplomatic ties between houses, because marriage pacts were political agreements made between families that were cemented around the understanding that the bloodlines would be joined in inheritance. if a lord marries his daughter to another lord, he expects that his grandchildren will inherit the lord's titles, and if a bastard were to inherit he would feel slighted and tricked. so if any upheavals in inheritance happened because of rhaenyra's bastards, it would have pretty major ripple effects for house relations, not just internal house affairs of succession.
so rhaenyra coming into power, however peacefully, would set a legal precedent for women inheriting that many lords in westeros would be unhappy about. rhaenyra would still deny that her kids were bastards, so putting jace on the iron throne wouldn't set a legal precedent, but it would set a cultural one. bastards all across westeros (perhaps rightfully so) would see jace and say: if he can rule the seven kingdoms, why can't i rule my father's castle? think of the blackfyre rebellion but on a smaller scale, taking place throughout various levels of various houses throughout westeros. so we have instability threatening the stations and in some cases probably the lives of all of the most powerful men in westeros. they're not gonna be happy about this.
think about the dance: it's actually ridiculous that the greens had as much support as they did. otto isn't that good of a manipulator; he didn't get all of these houses, some of them incredibly powerful and ancient, on his side just because. it speaks to just how threatened the lords of westeros felt, because there's no question that viserys named rhaenyra his heir and they still turned against her. i genuinely feel like rhaenyra might have had a shot if her reign had been either about gender or bastards, but not both. as much as i love the strong boys, their existence was the final straw that weakened her claim enough to cause all this.
so now that rhaenyra is on the throne, and jace is set to inherit, and lords throughout westeros are dealing with challenges to their power and turning against her, where will they turn to? the lords who are threatened by women will want to turn to a man; the lords who are threatened by bastards will want to turn to someone who is unquestionably a trueborn targaryen.
and here we get to alicent's children. for a lord who doesn't want to acknowledge jace, aegon is unquestionably viserys's son. for a lord who doesn't want to acknowledge rhaenyra, aegon is male. it does not matter if aegon and the greens do not mobilize against rhaenyra. it does not matter if they refuse to speak against her. it simply matters that enough houses will turn against her to use them as figureheads, even against their will.
a few hotd fans have brought up the very apt comparison to the lady jane grey from the 1500s. long story short, jane was positioned by other nobles to usurp queen mary's throne at the ripe old age of sixteen, even though jane's claim to the throne was weak and always had been. later, she completely rescinded her claim and swore support for mary. but armies continued to march in her name; lords continued to fight against mary in her name. because it had never been about the legitimacy of jane's claim. because it had never been about jane's own beliefs. mary did not bear any ill will towards jane, and still political pressure forced mary into having her executed, while she was still basically a child.
i'm not saying that rhaenyra would ever want to kill her siblings in this scenario. to say she would is simply ignoring her entire character. but think of this: if it came down to protecting her children or sacrificing aegon, which would she choose? we've already seen her willingness to sacrifice others, including the greens, to protect her kids: giving daemon the okay nod to kill vaemond, asking viserys to torture aemond, and telling viserys thank you after he threatened to cut out his own wife and children's tongues. if war loomed close enough for her to feel her children's lives were in danger, she would give the order. not happily, but she'd give it.
she'd probably kill just aegon, at first. try to spare the younger brothers, and the women of course. but i really do think the lords would just switch to rallying around viserys's surviving eldest son, aemond. and her hand would end up forced in the same way, and as such she'd go down the line of her brothers until they were all gone. again, not happily, and not without a great deal of hesitance, but she'd do it to protect her kids. she'd do anything to protect her kids.
and, for those of you who firmly believe rhaenyra would never, even to save her children's lives: might i remind you that daemon targaryen exists. daemon, who bludgeoned his first wife to death because he saw her as an obstacle to being with rhaenyra. daemon, who beheaded vaemond in rhaenyra's honor. daemon, who we know from the books has no qualms about killing children for crimes they did not commit. even if rhaenyra refused to give the order, daemon would carry it out.
this is why i have sympathy for the greens, even though they obviously don't have a claim to the throne the way rhaenyra does. i don't see alicent crowning aegon as a blow directed towards rhaenyra in particular. i don't even see it as alicent lacking faith in rhaenyra to spare her children. i see it as alicent understanding the ways in which the men around her will try to cling to power-- because while rhaenyra has been enjoying the privileges of her position, alicent is a relatively unpowerful noblewoman and has always been beholden to the whims of the men around her such as viserys-- and understanding that rhaenyra is surrounded by people who would happily kill all of alicent's children to stabilize her claim.
otto was paranoid, and he was a manipulative fuck who had his own selfish ambitions at heart, but the best manipulators know to base their lies on foundations of truth. his demonization of rhaenyra was an embellishment, but his warning about rhaenyra's rule spelling death for alicent's children was not. and that's why he was able to turn alicent so effectively: for all that alicent wanted to love and trust rhaenyra, it was never about love, and it was never about trust. it was never even really about rhaenyra. it was about the politics of westeros, and the external pressures and hands that would have caused the ruin of alicent's entire family. even if rhaenyra didn't want to kill them, and even if she refused to give the order to kill them.
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some-creep · 8 months
Your name is . . .
But history will remember you by your title.
The Grand Empress. And for your role bringing power to the Empire.
You come from a long line of gifted individuals. Those who not only perceive the song of life, but can manipulate it as well.
But you are exceptional even amongst the gifted.
It was you who discovered the gift of intergalactic travel. You who conceptualized the first human habitats on other worlds. Most importantly it was you who gave life to the machine servants, who without their skills, humanity might never have been able to achieve such greatness. They can perform any task a human can do, follow any order perfectly, all without needing to worry about occupational hazards.
After all, if a machine dies, no one has to mourn. The only loss is monetary. A loss of resources, perhaps even if time, but it is only a life fully artificial that can be created again and again.
They look like humans, walk like humans, and talk like them as well. But they are not. They are designed that way to be easy to work with, but every one is an identical copy to her peers.
There is no guilt in sending them into a hostile environment, knowing full well they will perish. The pain they feel is only simulated. It only reminds them to avoid damage wherever possible, and if it is not possible they are made to ignore it. Their deaths do not matter, but it's a waste if they behave recklessly.
You do not know why there are occasional variations between them. Sometimes it is beneficial, other times it is a detriment. You work to better streamline their creation to ensure every community that has machine servants knows exactly what to expect from them. Should one behave differently, it would not take long for humans to turn their back on the idea.
If one should behave differently, the others might learn they can do the same.
You colonize other planets. You take up residence on one that used to be exceptionally hostile to human life. The environmental hazards it once presented now seem trivial from your palace in the sky. In doing this, you prove you believe in your cause. You tell your followers this is the will of the universe. And you would know. You are in tune with it like no other.
Gradually others will follow to leave humanity’s cradle. Not just scientists and explorers, but regular, everyday people who hope to find a better life elsewhere. They believe in your teachings. Why shouldn't they? You've done nothing but prove yourself time and time again.
You hope things continue to flourish for humanity. You send scouts further and further out in the solar system. Collect data on each celestial body you can to determine its viability. You are a hero to humanity. No, you are their God. A creator of both land and life. Without you, they would be nothing.
But all is not well.
You hear distant murmurs of unrest. The people are growing unhappy with your rule. Ungrateful, you think, after all you've done for them. And you ask so little in return but obedience. They think you neglect far away settlements intentionally. They accuse you of hubris in your expansion. If you cannot care for the furthest reaches of space, you should not have claimed them as your own.
You ignore the rumors of revolution for now because you see no point in scaring everyone. It looks better if you focus on progress. You create new machine servants to fulfill different purposes, giving them more complex jobs requiring them to think and act totally autonomously. They make choices all with one goal in mind: furthering the Empire.
One day, for the first time, you see the word “Replika” written in a paper confiscated from a suspected revolutionary. The next you learn that several people have started referring to the machine servants as such.
A small group, who's origins you cannot be certain of, is attempting to recruit the machine servants to their cause. They call them Replikas and themselves Gestalts. They define themselves as existing because of one another, not in spite of. A Gestalt, to them, is simply a person who is not a Replika, and a Replika is simply a person who is not a Gestalt.
Some of the machine servants seem to take a liking to this idea. You have no choice but to take action.
For the first time it hurts you to see one of them die when you are forced to decommission your personal assistant who had been with you for years. Somehow she'd gotten wind of the cultural shift, and asked to be called a Replika instead. She thought it sounded nicer.
Against your better judgment, you have her buried in a floating garden behind the palace.
You did not intend for the machine servants to fight. They were not designed for this, but as unrest grows, they take up arms. The revolutionaries you had hoped to ignore have recruited many of your machine servants, promising them a fairer life. You doubt the validity of the promise.
One of your production factories is taken over. It began shortly after to produce so-called “Combat Replikas”. You don't understand how they managed to so effortlessly copy your methods. The Replikas they produce no longer resemble humans as closely as yours did but you learn they are copying the minds of humans to make them. The people chosen don't even need to be alive to be used as templates. This was never your method… The creatures walking around now make you feel sick. A twisted hybrid of man and machine in your mind, yet still a product of your life's work.
A war soon follows. Your armies aren't equipped to handle a threat like this. You know it is only a matter of time before they manage to overtake all of your settlements. Your most loyal will fight and die for you as martyrs. Fight in battles they never had a chance of surviving as a Replika guns them down with pinpoint accuracy. They were designed, by you, to be efficient.
You will not die at the hands of the enemy. You will not allow your body to be made an example of. You will go peacefully by your own doing, in your own bed. You trust in your beliefs that you will be safe after death. You will join the rest of the departed souls amongst the stars. You trust your remaining machine servants to know what to do with your body when they find it in the morning.
Your name is Falke.
You are a newly produced top of the line bioresonant Replika.
And you will be remembered for your role in the destruction of the Empire.
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whyeverr · 2 months
I cringed my way through yesterday’s livestream and I think I am finally officially on board for this pack (after being hyped at the initial leaks / roadmap, then disappointed by lackluster trailers). I don’t think we’re in for a lackluster pack, I think they’re just reallyreally bad at marketing / explaining this particular kind of EP.
if it seems like the main features of this pack are the dating app and costume box, that’s on them 🤦🏼‍♀️ but there’s so much more that I am (finally) getting excited to dig into, like:
likes and dislikes and turn ons and turn offs being two separate (but similar) systems — I love that this means a sim can be attracted to something that doesn’t align with their platonic interaction preferences, like “I hate that this is doing it for me” 🫣
the turn ons and turn offs system in general! most of* the must-haves seem to be there and the options will be really fun to build characters or gameplay around (the turned on by Broke but Affectionate Arts & Crafts Slacker sims to “Why do I keep dating these losers?” pipeline or the black widow challenge with the Wealthy turn on???)
the specificity of the romantic boundaries system (technically coming to Basegame but still shouting it out) as well as the option to have it change over time based on dialog in game
the MWS of it all makes me nervous not gonna lie but truly customizable dates, e.g. with everything from “be funny” to woohoo available for get to know you-type dates, holds a lot of potential for fresh gameplay in an event that hopefully happens more than once a generation in most people’s games
autonomous breakups and divorce (!!!)
Ciudad Enamorada being based on a single culture (and not an amalgamation of cultures like Jungle Adventure) and working with Mexican creators to build the lots
telenovelas and reality dating tv 🫶🏻
the return of the vibrating heart bed and the attention to detail that the vibration makes sims’ voices change
lips couch lips couch lips couch 🫦
bed canopies! can’t wait to play with all the combos and always nice to have a new way to make old items feel fresh (like the decor pillow item(s) have done with old couches!)
juliette balcony with a shelf slot for outdoor plaaaaants 🥹
all the little cultural decor pieces I can’t wait to get a closer look at
aaaand for balance, here are some things I’m a lil disappointed about:
I’ve complained about this before and it’s pretty trivial but every neighborhood, lot, etc having an easily translatable Spanish word or phrase as its name feels like really lazy / shallow / cartoony world-building
all this progress in separating woohoo from courtship but still needing to have a super cheesy sheepish first kiss before you can move any further physically 😑
no catfishing (but catfish costume?)
no eye color option as a turn on / turn off 🥲
sorry but the plain version of the woohoo blanket looks like dogshit
all the colorful stucco (?) buildings in the historic neighborhood look suuuuper flat which really emphasizes the empty shellness of it all
modern black vinyl windows in otherwise very traditional window casings — imo they pretty well ruined Horse Ranch build mode with this exact move (unless you like 🤢… modern farmhouses) and now they’ve gone and done it to another pack 😭 definitely not helping how flat the world looks either
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trans-axolotl · 1 year
I went to the anarchist/abolitionist healthcare conference this weekend, and it was really a beautiful experience that I don't even have words for. Being able to share resources, knowledge, dreams, and joy together with other people invested in this work was so special, and I gained a ton of hope by seeing the many ways that other people are actively engaged in resisting these fucked up systems and building care into our communities. I gave a presentation about psych abolition, talked about resistance within the psych ward, and got a standing ovation from a room filled with 50 people, many of whom were mental health professionals looking to build solidarity. I legitimately almost cried because of being to have that experience with my mad comrades. I met so many beautiful crazy people who intimately understand what it means to survive as a mad person, and just gained so much knowledge from people actively putting their abolitionist values into practice. I want to share a few of my favorite resources that I became aware of at this conference, and I'll make another post later with some of my key takeaways.
Mutual Aid Self/Social Therapy: This is a support framework designed by one of my friends that provides an intentional structure for providing therapetuic support within communities, especially organizing communities where there's a lot of burnout. It offers so many resources for skills training to allow anyone, whether you have a background in emotional support or not, to set this up within your community. The framework is purposefully not hierarchial or transactional, and allows for actually addressing people's material conditions as well as providing space for emotional processing.
Of Unsound Mind: Incredible archive and research on psychiatric history. Mostly focused around America, but also has some info on other countries. The author of the website will be coming out with a book later this year, which I think is mostly going to be about the Trieste, Basaglia, and that history of psych resistance in Italy.
Power makes us Sick: Collective that focuses on autonomous healthcare and emotional support, especially in terms of autonomous trans healthcare. Has some fabulous zines and resources.
A Corpse among Corpses: Incredible documentary about asylum graveyards in the Midwest and the trade of graverobbing for experimentation in medical schools, and how this connects to settler colonialism, slavery, eugenics, and modern gentrification. Really do want to emphasize a trigger warning for genocide, eugenics, medical violence, self harm, antiblack racism, instituionalization, and lots of discussion of death. I talked a lot with the filmmakers, and really appreciated their care and intent in making this film as a way of bearing witness rather than exploiting atrocity in the name of art, but do want to be very clear that this film is incredibly heavy to watch and might be something worth doing with other people. It was deeply impactful for me, and made me tear up many times.
The Living Museum: Through transforming the old Creedmoor hospital grounds into a musuem and workspace for current patients to showcase their art, this space celebrates psychiatric resistance, transformation, struggle, and joy. I really want to go visit and share in that space, as it seems just so fucking cool. It seems like you might need to contact directly to schedule a visit.
Cahoots Crisis Response Model: This is one model for crisi intervention teams that respond instead of police. They are not perfect, still have some enagement with police, but are an interesting example of how to try to implement these types of programs. Since theyv'e been around for 25 years, they have a lot of knoweldeg and could be a good first group to reach out to if you're trying to create this in your community.
Overall this whole weekend was a beautiful example of how to put our values into practice, and really just wanted to share these projects with you all!
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sophieinwonderland · 11 days
At best plurality is akin to a philosophy, or way of life. No way of life is “truth” necessarily, though people tend to believe that their own way is The way. It’s an alternative explanation for natural brain phenomenon. Internal dialogue is normal; however, one can choose to decipher the “other” as separate if that so pleases them. As social beings, having internal dialogues is incredibly useful. They can help broaden one’s perspective of a situation, to see another side. It can also be helpful for brainstorming, in the creative process. And of course, it’s useful from a mental health perspective, such as managing depression or anxiety. I have “voices” in my head all the time. If I’m overly anxious about something, I might tell myself to chill in a manner that isn’t my typical tone or manner, and yes it can appear to come from “outside” me. What my brain is doing is borrowing from its environment. I could of course decide to focus on this “voice” and draw it out as its own separate entity. However, I don’t see the usefulness of that. That’s then living inside my own head, rather than being present in the here and now. I spent my whole youth living inside my head and all that did was isolate me. I find living in the here and working to forge connections with my environment and the people around me brings me a much higher quality of life. Again though, that is me and what makes sense for where I am in this current stage of my life.
It can be dangerous to spread this kind of rhetoric, that plurality is an objective reality, when you have a platform that may attract younger minds not yet fully developed. This way of thinking can create a hinderance in their development. It’s one thing to talk about it as something you experience that helps you. It’s an entirely other to encourage it in hopes of propagating it. The most current research shows, for example, that encouraging the idea of separate identities to clients actually hurts their progress.
First, before we get into the bulk of what you're saying, this blog is a fact first zone. If there is a study out there that has shown empirically that encouraging the idea of separate identities is harmful then I would like to see it and know what methods they used to come to such a conclusion.
So far, internal family systems has been shown to help people. Tulpamancy is shown to help people. And while DID specialists do tend to recommend treating them as parts of one whole person, they also paradoxically want to approach each alter as a separate individual to build up communication between the system.
Many spiritual beliefs that involve speaking to some invisible other have shown positive results as well.
So if you have research showing that people treating different identities as separate is harmful then it's up to you to show it. As of right now I have no reason to take your word for it.
With that out of the way, I really find this whole argument you're making to be pretty... basic.
Despite what you say, I don't think a majority of people actually have multiple autonomous voices in their head. Aside from, perhaps, when they're sleeping. (Whole other can of worms there.)
Having these separate agents with their own memories and senses of self is not nearly a philosophy. It is a psychological phenomenon, and one that occurs cross-culturally. Yes, some cultures will say that it is a spiritual possession, just like an earlier anon mentioned that they used to consider the people they communicate with ghosts. But if you look deeper and get past people's own personal explanations for what they experience, what you will find is a lot of commonality between these phenomena, regardless of whether somebody gives a spiritual or psychological explanation.
At the same time though, this does not seem to apply to everybody. There are singlets out there who are just one person. They may be different in different circumstances as people are. But they don't experience the type of experiences that are described by plurals and wouldn't relate to them.
To reduce plurality to just being a philosophical concept does a disservice to it. Because plurality isn't merely philosophical but has very distinct psychological characteristics and understanding how plurality works might help to solve some of the greatest mysteries about how human brains in general function.
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ohsalome · 7 months
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(story taken and machine-translated from the official twitter account of the Mission of the President of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea)
Today's story is about a woman who was detained by the occupiers in the spring of 2022 and illegally sentenced to almost 7 years in prison. Iryna Danylovych is a nurse and citizen journalist.
She was threatened, blackmailed and forced to confess to things she did not do. Now Irina is in a Russian colony, her health is deteriorating due to the lack of quality and timely medical care.
Iryna Danylovych worked as a nurse at the Malachite rehabilitation center in Koktebel, maintained a social media page and several blog columns on the rights of healthcare workers and healthcare issues in the occupied Crimea.
The occupation forces abducted Iryna Danylovych in April 2022. She was returning from a night shift at the hospital when the occupiers searched her house and seized all her appliances, several books and documents.
There was no contact with Irina for more than a week. She was illegally detained by the FSB: she was subjected to psychological pressure, beaten, threatened with death, interrogated on a polygraph, threatened to be "taken to the forest" (ed. - meaning killed and buried in the forest) or "to Mariupol" (once again, killed), fed once a day, and not allowed to go to the restroom.
Eventually, the occupiers informed her relatives that a decision had been made to place her under "administrative arrest", allegedly because "she had transferred unclassified materials to another country". Later, they fabricated a "case" against Irina accusing her of "illegal actions with explosives."
The "proof" was the "discovery" of 200 grams of explosives in Irina's bag. And only on May 11, the lawyer managed to establish that she was in the occupation pre-trial detention center in Simferopol.
The "arrest warrant" was issued by the occupation "court" during a closed court session - without the participation of listeners, journalists, or Irina's relatives.
But the real reason for the detention is different. For covering the problems of the healthcare system, the crimes of the occupiers, as well as for protecting and promoting the rights of healthcare workers in the occupied Crimea.
Iryna was one of the first correspondents of the Crimean Process; she supported Crimean Tatar activists in the "courts"; prepared materials for the editorial office of Inzhyr Media; supported medical activists, recorded violations of rights under occupation.
According to Irina, she was kidnapped, taken to Simferopol and illegally detained in a basement, tortured and starved, and forced to sign a confession under threat of death, having been viciously planted with explosives after the "confession" had been forcibly extracted.
Complete hearing loss in the left ear, deprivation of necessary medications, suffering from headaches and earaches. This is what Iryna is going through now.
Irina was transferred to the Krasnodar Women's Correctional Colony No. 7 in Zelenokumsk. Every day, Irina's health condition deteriorated: in the occupation prisons, she gradually lost hearing in her left ear, developed otitis media, constant headaches and dizziness.
Back in July 2022, the political prisoner reported being beaten by an FSB convoy and psychological pressure exerted on her by Russian security forces. The occupiers also took away the opportunity to read, not returning the collection of poems.
To get medical help, she went on a hunger strike, but stopped it after 10 days, believing the promises of the SIZO administration, but no one has treated her and is not going to, watching the prisoner's health deteriorate.
According to her father, the colony allocates 90 minutes for the distribution of medicines twice a week: on Tuesday and Thursday. During this time, only 20-30 people out of a queue of several hundred prisoners manage to receive them.
"There are periodic fights among the patients for the opportunity to be in the front of the line and receive medicines. Iryna does not participate in this and has been deprived of access to the medicines prescribed by doctors, which we regularly send in parcels, for several months now," her father said.
Despite the illegal actions, torture and pressure, the occupiers failed to break the Ukrainian journalist, she continues to support Ukraine and believe that she will soon return home. "Only in such a strong Ukraine could such a strong you be born," said Iryna's father Bronislav.
Even behind bars, Iryna Danylovych continues to resist the occupiers and support Ukraine. The song "I am free!" performed by her is a symbol of disobedience and struggle, which the occupiers do not like, and the tattoo on her body that reads "Freedom is our religion" is her life's credo.
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demento-mori · 3 months
Alright! Now that ive finished Act 3 ive put together some of my general thoughts and feelings from this section of the game.
First off, I absolutely love how much the dialogue, descriptions, flavour text and so on changes and evolves throughout the loops. There are so many little details and plot threads, such as Siffrin repeatedly hitting their hip against that one corner, and getting increasingly frustrated each time, or learning that the dying plant is Mirabelle's and being able to compliment it in the next loop. It makes the characters and the world seem so organic and alive, and provides a sense of progression as you are able to learn more and more about the world around you. Even though the game gives you the option to loop directly to certain floors and areas, I find that I prefer to go through the house the 'legit' way each time, simply because I'm so eager to see whats changed.
Siffrin's psychological decline has been devastating to watch play out, especially since you, the player, are right there alongside them. You're also hoping that each new dialogue unlocked, and each change in the loop means that you've found the right solution to end the loops, and everytime you're disappointed and feel like your efforts were all for nothing. This especially hit home in regards to the party/family members. The first time you do each of their friendship quests its so heartwarming and emotional, you feel so happy that you've been able to get to know them better and become closer with them. But then, in each subsequent loop the impact of those quests lessen, and its easy to begin seeing them as just another hurdle you have to overcome in order to progress. It mirrors how Siffrin gradually stops seeing them as autonomous beings and rather as actors in a play, who he is "manipulating" to get his own happy ending.
The changes in the game's artwork that show Siffrin looking more worn down and tired is equally devastating. Its a small but very effective detail that drives in how the loops are wearing down on them. It almost feels like the game itself is becoming more and more corrupted as the loops wear on.
The worldbuilding is on another level. Like, you can tell that so much thought and care has been put into the world. The countries and their different customs, the religions and their practices and mythology. The language, the fashion, the magic system, the history. One thing that really stand out to me is how Vaugarde is clearly a very wonderful place, but its far from a utopia and there are still societal issues and injustices. For example, rather than taking the route of "there is absolutely no prejudice, all races genders and sexualities are equal", the game shows that gender and romantic/sexual attraction are all widely accepted and seen as fluid due to the change belief, but conversely aromanticism and asexuality are not as common or accepted as they clash with the religions practices. This makes the world seem much more fleshed out and believable, as it provides clear and convincing justifications for why the society is the way it is. And all of this isnt even getting into the more spoilery worldbuilding elements, such as colours and the island north of vaugarde, or even simplier stuff like the other countries and their cultural differences, or the various different vaugardian towns and their unique customs.
I feel like Isat is the only video game Ive ever seen that utilises the time loop concept to its full potential, let alone accomplising that in a way that still translates to a well-made and engaging gameplay loop(ha). Both the gameplay and the story make full use of the time loop gimmick in order to craft a compelling narrative, to explore the characters, their backstories and development, and the psychological effects of the situation upon them to their maximum potential, and to ensure that the gameplay loop never becomes stale and is able to consistently keep the player invested with new things to explore each loop. Its truly a masterpiece of game development.
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