#and accommodating me
cas-coding · 1 year
autism rant
im usually a very low support needs autistic, meaning i can handle most of my needs by myself even if they are different from neurotypical needs, but damn i forgot how much standardized tests take it out of me.
i got home from my four hour exam today after a speech loss episode while i was driving (i am a very verbal driver, so this was deeply unsettling) and could not even tolerate the stimulus of watching my favorite tv show. i eventually figured out that i could watch it if i put it on a small screen with no volume and dimmed brightness. sensory overload is a bitch.
thankfully, my family was busy today and not at the house so i had lots of time to myself. i eventually just decided that tv was too much for me and that fanfiction on darkmode would be better. by hour two of reading i was stimming like crazy (internalized ableism means i dislike stimming, despite the relief it gives me, but at this point it was worth it. stimming is good and i love seeing other people stim bc it means theyre happy or trying to feel better. i just have guilt about stimming personally)
then my family got home and all my hard work and self care was out the window. they had all been at a loud event and thus were shouting and did not realize. they turned all the lights on in the house and made me eat dinner with them, them all bickering and overlapping their words and talking about things i did not understand without bothering to clarify for me.
one thing led to another and i shutdown for about thirty minutes, which usually consists of very limited movement, fight or flight reflexes, and limited verbality (easy phrases like yes and no, not much more really). this is like a full body reboot and is always incredibly brutal for me.
i'm not really sure what my point is. i think my point was originally that my day sucked but now i think my point is that support needs vary. on a good day, i can get up and go to uni and handle thirty people talking to me at once and only get a little anxious. today, testing took most of my energy and i had to resort to basic survival instinct and, because i can usually manage better than this, my family did not accomodate me.
support needs vary and always always always, neurotypical or neurodivergent, ask your loved ones/friends/people around you if there is anything you can do to help them if they seem a bit off or tired. if one of my family members had asked that, i might have been able to avoid a shutdown and that would have been cool
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anonymousdandelion · 1 year
A general tip for students who are sending those dreaded Religious Absence Emails to your professors: Rather than asking permission to take the day(s) off, politely let them know that you will be taking the day(s) off.
In other words, consider not saying this:
"May I miss class on [date] so I can observe [holiday]?"
It's not that there's anything wrong with the above, per se. But because it's phrased as a request, it risks coming across as optional — a favor you hope to be granted. Problem is, favors are not owed, and so unfortunately asking permission opens the door for the professor to respond "Thanks for asking. No, you may not. :)"
Instead, try something along the lines of:
"I will need to miss class on [date] because I will be observing [holiday]. I wanted to let you know of this conflict now, and to ask your assistance in making arrangements for making up whatever material I may miss as a result of this absence."
This is pretty formal language (naturally, you can and should tweak it to sound more like your voice). But the important piece is that, while still being respectful, it shifts the focus of the discussion so that the question becomes not "Is it okay for me to observe my religion?", but rather, "How can we best accommodate my observance?"
Because the first question should not be up for debate: freedom of religion is a right, not a favor. And the second question is the subject you need to discuss.
(Ideally, do this after you've looked up your school's policy on religious absences, so you know what you're working within and that religious discrimination is illegal. Just in case your professor forgot.)
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demigods-posts · 10 days
percy doing better than annabeth in college is one my favorite developments in the rrverse. if we reflect on percy and annabeth's academic upbringing. annabeth living at camp allowed her to receive accommodations for her adhd and dyslexia and surround herself with like-minded campers who had the same limitations. whereas percy was ridiculed, belittled, and routinely humiliated because of his adhd and dyslexia. even more so, percy's friends and family leave him out of the loop on so many important issue (no chb orientation film, no information about the great prophecy) which perpetuates his subpar confidence and self-esteem in his skills as a student and a demigod. but going to college at NRU changes his mindset because he receives the accommodations he should have gotten years ago and fucking thrives to the point of getting higher grades than annabeth — a person he deems way smarter and more prepared than him in every way. the most important thing percy is learning now is that a supportive environment makes all the difference, and he is more capable than he initially thought.
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cynicallyneutral · 2 years
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had to be done 🤷
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cryptcatz · 1 year
i have GOT to get over my obsessive worry about being a burden on others oh my god. it is okay to inconvenience people! people in your life who really care about you won’t mind being inconvenienced!! it’s literally just the human experience!!! communicate your needs for the love of god it’ll be FINE!!!!!
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distressedspecimen · 5 months
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The krisserrrrr...
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pussysidon · 2 months
Living with a disability, especially a progressive or dynamic one is so fucking stressful. I don't know whether I'll be able to do things I can do now in a couple of years or even a couple of months. Maybe today I'm up and dancing but tomorrow I can barely leave my bed. I'm already grieving the things I know I won't be able to do in the future and it's so, so so so hard. The worst part is that there's nothing you can do but try to enjoy life right now and hope you can keep doing what you love
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stuckinapril · 5 months
Tomorrow I’m going on a 7-day long hunger strike. I’m doing this in solidarity with the starving Palestinians in Gaza, who’ve been enduring horrendous conditions for more than half a year now—so much so that the IPC projects 1,701,000 Gazans, essentially half of the entire Gazan population, to be in IPC 5 (catastrophe/famine) by July 2024.
I’ve raised 420 dollars to Anera to corroborate each day of my hunger strike; still, if you have anything to spare, please consider donating more to their cause. Anera is one of very few humanitarian aid organizations that have managed to contend with Israeli’s constant aggression, their strikes on aid trucks and their purposefully shutting down the borders through which aid passes, to bring food and medical supplies to a still rising number of displaced malnourished, wounded Gazans. Anything is something, even if you may think a few dollars won’t make a difference.
I’ll also be cold quitting social media for the time I’m on hunger strike. Any posts from May 1 through May 8 will be queued. Thank you for donating to my hunger strike 🤍 it means a lot
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negasonic9403 · 2 months
Deaf!Peter trying out his new suit for the first time
Peter: Woah, Mr. Stark this is so cool! The suit is amazing!
Tony: It's got quite a lot of special features kid
Karen (AI): *smaller screen focuses in on Tony's lips and brings up captions that Peter can read*
Peter: *confused* You programmed my suit with captions?
Tony: *smirking* Well duh, I can't have you running around clueless when there's too much background noise or if someone's turned away while they're explaining the plan. That also works with the comm system too and if your AI ever goes down, but your suit still has power, I added a feature where you can alert me that you're on your own so I can intervene if need be
Peter: *pauses slightly as he's reading along while Tony's speaking* Wow, thank you Mr. Stark! That's just— wow! This really helps a lot, thank you!
Tony: It works for other languages too. The captions will appear in English
Tony: *signing in Italian Sign Language* Including other sign languages
Karen: *shows Peter captions in English*
Peter: *signing in ASL and excited* It worked! You said it includes other sign languages for the captions!
Tony: *signing in ASL and laughing* Yes, just don't expect me to know anymore Italian. I can speak it, not sign it
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bunnieswithknives · 2 months
Okay but does Peri KNOW that Dev has a robotic leg when he shows up? Something about the fact that Peri's wand is a cane and the fact that Dev could have kept his leg and just had a cane for the rest of his life instead tickles my brain.
I mean he doesn't know immediately, he wasn't like briefed or anything, but he basically lives in Dev's house so he definitely finds out. Peri doesn't comment on or react to it all though really, there's no reason for him to think anything of it, plenty of people have missing limbs, a lot of people are born without them, it doesn't necessarily mean anything sinister happened. He had no reason to pry or ask and I think Peri's lack of reaction to it helped Dev feel a bit more comfortable in his skin. (Not by much but.. a little bit.)
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ratcandy · 5 months
had a conversation with my mom and now i'm curious
If unsure, go grab yourself a pencil and compare to these examples:
"Correct" ways to hold a pencil:
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(if you didn't know there were names for these, yea I had no idea either until I started looking stuff up lmao)
"Wrong" ways to hold a pencil:
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I'm mostly curious as someone who has always held her pencil wrong. No matter what teachers/my mom ever did to try and teach me (pencil grips, elastic bands, etc) it just never worked. I wanna know how universal this experience is hdKJH
(rb for sample size, etc etc, the usual)
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talkethtothehandeth · 7 months
Getting angry at someone for having accommodations is the equivalent of a 5’ 10” person being angry at a 4’ 10” person for being allowed to use a step stool to reach the top shelf at work when they have to just do it by themselves (even though they’re far more capable of reaching the top shelf without help, they get angry that the shorter person gets an advantage) and in reality, the person with the most advantage in society is the person who needs no assistance to reach the top shelf. You’re the person people actually care about, we have to fight for so long to get the bare minimum. Stop bitching about the things you don’t have because you don’t need them.
And because people (especially ableds) have a hard time with reading comprehension:
I am not talking about you if you have a physical disability or a mental disability. I’m talking about ableds (neurotypical or not) who think they need to have everything we have even though we barely receive enough to function, let alone stay alive.
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lilybug-02 · 12 days
Unironically using the sans font because it genuinely helps with my dyslexia <3
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anyroads · 2 months
British people: these avocados must go they're past their prime please won't someone eat them
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The avocados:
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idkaguyorsomething · 11 months
a support group for people with “unconventional” daemons. jeff with his flounder he has to carry everywhere in a huge tank. lois with her poison dart frog everyone is afraid to touch. sam with their elephant that’s the reason they can never go higher than two stories in most buildings.
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adhdandcomics · 2 days
perhaps the most important question i’ve ever asked:
does anyone have tips for people trying to stop being chronically late to everything in the world that aren’t weirdly judgmental and aggressive or flat out lies
#when i tell you every single resource i’ve ever found or tried to get through or anyone i’ve ever asked#has been just so. mean about it#not even intentionally#not always at least#but there’s so much inherent shame tied to being late to things or being a person who used to be late to things#that i don’t think people can untie that from their ‘helpful tips’#it’s all ‘i used to also be a lazy uncaring piece of shit! you don’t have to be a horrible wretched loser anymore!’ and it’s like. okay.#you see how that’s not helping. right.#making me feel worse about it is NEVER helpful. i promise you i already have tortured myself over it FARRR more than any ‘on time’ person#ever had#this has been a comic i’ve been stewing on for ages as well but. well there’s of course the shame#idk it’s something that people are always despicably mean about bc fundamentally people who have never struggled with it#see it as a personal choice to be late#and as something one needs to just ‘try harder’ to fix. and that if you don’t#you inherently don’t care about other people’s time or even other people in general#and that feels horrible! it feels really bad!!#i mean i’ve got it from EVERYONE. disability allies. other adhd folks. disability resource offices#it’s something that nobody ever cares to acknowledge or try to accommodate for#bc time blindness and exec dysfunction are NEVER taken seriously as disabilities. they’re always always viewed as a personal failing#and i’m sick and tired of it. bc all this does is make people struggling with this Hate themselves#and worry endlessly that maybe they Are selfish and actually Don’t care about anyone else#there’s a bit too much here to keep in the tags i should really do the comic for adhd awareness month
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