#and about homosexuality i can somewhat speak on
abstractmelons · 7 months
i actually think that basically all the knowledge i gained from university being about alexander the great is bad actually
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kylestfs · 2 months
I'm totally interested in the Nissan Sentra! It may not be the fanciest car on the lot, but it reminds me of the first car I was (or, my parents) ever able to afford when I first got my license nearly two decades ago. Call it the nostalgia factor, but that's the one I'll choose!
Oh wow! Look who just got their first car ever as a birthday gift for your sweet 20 🎂! after failing their drivers test twice like a typical bottom driver.
I mean, I don’t really know why you’d lie and say you got your first car two decades ago, but twinks aren’t really meant to be smart, nor are they known to be the best drivers, but I’m sure you’ll take care of it. It’s a small, compact and very cute car ! Just like you actually, it fits you very well. What I’m sure though is that it won’t smell the best inside, you do have some pretty bad gas and foot smell issues, but that’s totally fine, a cute little air freshener could help it all. Drive safe and go pick up your friends to go to starbies now!
Identity ;
Name : James
Age : Just freshly turned 20 ! Happy birthday, some people say your teenage years are over yet I still see you scrolling on TikTok all day, hanging out to Starbucks with your friends and sometimes skipping showers and brushing your teeth, and all the birthday cake you ate is definitely gonna do wonders to your gas…
IQ : 87, youre under average but still not so dumb. You can hold good conversations and be very sweet and understanding of others.
Personality : Fun, very nice and empathetic, a bit flamboyant and overall cute and friendly! It’s a pleasure to be around you, although you can get a little judgy with your friends, it’s just for fun!
Sexuality : 100% Homosexual. No questions here.
Body :
Body type : Twinky and skinny
Overall attractiveness : 10/10, or should I say overall cuteness! So adorable and cute.
Package size : 3 inches active, 1 inch soft. Although it isn’t big, you won’t really need it so it’s fine. At least it fits comfortably in your pants.
Rear end size : Small, a little flat but still cute and soft ! Your pants just don’t even cover it, it isn’t visible at all, which is kinda adorable as well!
Overall B.O : 6.5/10, You can definetly get a little sweaty when it’s hot as you live in Florida, and your dove deodorants don’t always hide the smell. Your pits can smell a bit like a sharp and salty sweat, while your feet will smell like melted butter. I’d say you smelliest area is definetly your feet, without speaking about your gas of course.
Gassiness : 9/10, Those Florida fast-foods you’re eating definetly have an effect on your gas…you fart a lot and can’t really control it. Thankfully they’re all mostly quiet puffs, but they still do smell of musty scrambled eggs and sulfur. You are embarrassed each time you let one out, but you also love the sensation of the hot steamy air escaping your little buns, and somewhat love to smell your own gas when you’re home alone. That’s just your little secret though.
Muscles : You’re quite bony, but it’s just so adorable and perfectly fits your friendly vibe, and I wouldn’t change that for anything!!
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moibakadesu · 6 months
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Okay, here we go, my interpretations and rambles about the 4th anniversary art. I know everybody is doing that right now and a lot of my thoughts might be the same as a lot of other people's, but the brainworms are active.
Let's start that it is brilliant that they went with a funeral theme for the 4th anni and to top it off they released it on the 4th of April. As a lot of you might know, 4 stands for death in Japanese (and various other asian countries), as it is pronounced the same.
My initial prediction for the art was, that it would be the funeral of the prisoners themselves and that we would see them lying on the frame of flowers (chrysanthemum, white lilies and white roses, all traditional funeral flowers). But as it turns out, we have the prisoners attending the funeral of their victims, so to speak.
So of course we have everybody in classic funeral attire, and sadly that doesn’t make for a lot of variety for the guys, sans the shoes, some buttons and different seams and pockets, but they all look splendid in it (and it stops Fuuta from combining it with some ridiculous fashion choices), so I can vibe with it.
For the girls we have of course a bit more to look at in terms of different clothes, the ones who are still visiting school in their respective uniforms, although in dark tones to fit in the whole composition, and Mappi with a simple dress as well as Kotoko with a chic blazer and trousers combo.
The wardens take the role of the priest who would attend a traditional Japanese funeral, how very fitting. Everybody is very pretty. I do still prefer akka’s art, but kee did a very good job capturing everybody as well.
Now the really interesting part is of course how everybody is holding their bouquets. I think the general consensus is that they stands for the victims, or in a wider sense the emotional stance that each prisoner has in regards to their murder. Let’s go in order from left to right.
Mikoto: Very prim and proper. I am in the camp that thinks that Mikoto committed the murder, not John, but also that he genuinely doesn’t remember anymore (due to stress-induced amnesia etc.). So it makes a lot of sense that he holds it in the most neutral and normal way possible. He doesn’t know the victim, he doesn’t have any particular feelings regarding it that he can remember.
Kazui: Holding it very lightly, but not as careless as if you would have to fear it falling to the ground. Maybe symbolic for the lack of emotional commitment in his marriage, due to being homosexual? Somewhat fitting to the lyrics of Cat, “let’s keep it simple”, keep it casual, these feelings are not real and very fleeting.
Shidou: Oh, he is interesting. He is holding the flowers exactly like you would a young baby, proper head and body support with both his hands and arm, while being very gentle with it. Further evidence that his murder ended up being one of his sons. As I assume ending up braindead after an accident and Shidou having to give the okay to use him as an organ donor.
Fuuta: My angry little ginger. And his anger shines through, what are you gripping your flowers so tightly for, little man? He is holding it almost like a weapon, very much the hero of justice with his sword ready to strike. I find it interesting that he is the only prisoner not smiling. I thought maybe because he is the one who is the most terrified about what his actions have led to? He was deeply riddled by remorse from the beginning after all, as much as he didn't want to admit that.
Haruka: Oh Haruka, what are you doing? His is … interesting. My theory is still that the murder he is actually is in Milgram for is a suicide, and the way he is holding the flowers does a good job in supporting that thought. He is holding the bouquet upside down, with not much apparent care for its state, some petals falling on the floor, and more importantly, on himself. I think this might represent how he has little to none self-worth and care for himself. Another thing I did see a japanese fan on Twt talk about was the meaning of an upside down bouquet. Apparently there is a superstition about holding flowers upside down, so that they … absorb water faster. This is both a good way to show Haruka’s innocence about the world as he would possibly believe such a thing as well as … very grim, as I think he drowned himself.
Yuno: Similar to Shidou she is holding her flowers a lot like you would an infant, and … well, that speaks for itself I would say. There is no ill feeling or disrespect towards the unborn life, is what just not meant to be with her.
Muu: Holding her bouquet behind her back, just like she does not want the fact that it might in fact have been her fault behind her victim act. Could also go very well with how she most likely did hide the box cutter out of sight until she struck.
Mahiru: She is holding her flowers very gently, delicately, with a lot of love, of course, it’s Mappi after all. Maybe almost a bit too close to her, if she is not careful she could crush or squish them easily. As it is in line with how destructive her relationship ended up being.
Amane: Oh Amane, the disrespect, haha. Carelessly discarded behind her. Sinners are worthless and need to be punished, right? Nothing wrong with quite literally stepping over dead bodies. The little girl is quite savage, I have to give her that much.
Kotoko: She is a bit hard for me to read. Her grip on the bouquet is concealed, does she maybe not want to admit how tightly she is holding on to it as a parallel how she does not want to admit to her sadistic tendencies, because it is after all always for justice, nothing else. Hmmm.
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rainbowsky · 6 months
Hey, I'm new here and i love your blog! I was wondering if the boys see couple\sexual edits of them together and if it makes them nervous but then it hit me that they probably aren't seeing what i see on western social media. Do you have any idea if those types of homosexual posts get censored in China?
Hi Yingyangorly! Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying my blog!☺️
I have a huge long, like, ridiculously long post in my drafts related to this topic, hopefully coming soon.
But to answer your question, I think it's impossible that GG and DD would fail to see at least some of what's posted about them as a couple, whether sent to them by friends, family or staff, or whether stumbled upon or intentionally sought out/browsed by them. It's inevitable they'll see some of it, particularly things that get a lot of attention.
I talked about this a bit a while back. GG and DD have said in interviews that they have fake social media accounts (and of course they would - how could you go anywhere or do anything on social media without one if you were famous?), and this kind of discussion has happened somewhat in relation to fan comments, etc.
You can check out my previous post for more on that stuff.
As for sexual edits, etc., like any other content I've no doubt they've seen some of it - it's inevitable they would - but I doubt it worries them all that much. It's highly unlikely to ever impact them directly, because ultimately it's not really about them, is it? It's about the creators who make it. Any backlash is more likely to fall upon creators, not GG and DD.
And just as a reminder - it's not illegal to be gay in China, it's not illegal to post homosexual content, etc. Such content is censored on TV and other broadcast media, but not online.
Porn is very illegal in China, but that's mostly only selectively enforced. In fact, China produces a lot of porn and a lot of smutty fiction and all of it is illegal, but it still manages to thrive fairly well.
Explicit content of any kind is technically not allowed on Weibo but it's still out there - although most of it is pretty toned down and tame. Actual porn of sexual activity isn't ubiquitous there, but lewd fan art, fan fic, edits and memes can often be found.
All platforms globally have rules against explicit content, and they're just as poorly enforced everywhere. I suspect a lot of that is because social media engagement makes money, and sex sells. It's not really in the interest of platforms to completely shut down all such content - even if it was possible to do so.
The supertopic rules likely have more impact on fan behavior in this regard than the Weibo TOS does. Those rules forbid mentioning GG and DD by name or tagging their accounts, and forbid sexualization, pornography, feminization and fixating on body parts. However, that's only within the supertopics. Ultimately people are free to post whatever they want on their own accounts, and they do.
Given how many antis and solos are out there trying to take down the turtle fandom, the fact that these things manage to stay up for as long as they do speaks to how weak the enforcement is. There are definitely people out there who will report things that offend them.
This is, in fact, how the whole 227 thing got started. A bunch of solos decided to report an explicit fanfic to the government, and things spiralled out of control from there.
Could lightning strike a second time and another 227 be sparked from some of this explicit content? For a lot of complicated reasons I'm not going to get into here (it would be a very long post), I don't think that's likely.
227 was a special, very complicated situation that I don't think is likely to happen the same way again. Timing and a lot of the other factors that played into its blowing up the way it did - all of that is unlikely to align in such a way. Especially since everyone in C-ent is a lot more cautious and vigilant after 227.
GG and DD are both in good standing with the government (as is evidenced by their inclusion in government and nationalistic projects), and that's a factor that will have some influence. And no doubt they and their teams have learned a lot from past experience, and have already planned for how to protect them in various scenarios that could arise.
They also have the power to have content relating to them removed, to sue content creators, to shut down the supertopics if they want to, etc.. If they feel at risk, they have a lot of recourse. The fact that we aren't seeing this happening should reassure us that it's probably fine.
We have to realize that GG and DD are surrounded by highly skilled, highly paid professionals whose entire job is to protect them and their interests. They're both in a much safer place than they were 4 years ago.
I trust them to know what's best for them and handle their affairs accordingly. We as fans shouldn't waste time hand-wringing over things that are completely outside our control.
As for what's within our control - it's up to every individual to make our own choices about how we'll represent GG and DD online.
More on that angle if/when I ever finish that other post.
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feminist-furby-freak · 6 months
Well can you explain Gender Ideology with who uses it and where? Can you show where I can find it? Can you describe it without conspiracy theory or recycled homophobia? You are welcome to try.
So I think some of the confusion might come from the language. I know you’re being facetious with this comment but anyway. I am literally a gender studies major so this will probably be more in depth than what you’re asking but maybe someone can benefit.
Gender Ideology™️ isn’t some sort of official concept and doesn’t have an agreed upon definition or foundational text like other social theories. It’s a way of conceptualizing sex and gender. Other analogous frameworks would be biblical gender roles, the Christian fundamentalist ideas of men and women, or postmodernist queer theory, something like Butler’s Gender Performativity.
You’re right that gender ideology is vague and non-specific and I think this is because of the interaction between academia, politics, medicine, and popular culture. Sure, academics and theorists influence society, but rarely in such a direct way (please feel free to correct me). For example, the American civil rights movement and women’s liberation movement had academic elements, but were not governed by how academics theorized race and sex, they were based on people’s lived experiences. Transgenderism, I think, is the opposite and somewhat of an escaped lab experiment. Towards the end of the 20th century, academics began to write about gender in more provocative and philosophical ways. Obviously, this was not the first time anyone had done this, but there was a huge shift in the way academic spaces thought about gender in the US after women achieved full legal rights (which didn’t happen until the 1970s btw). I’m sure the fact that women and gays/lesbians could finally be scholars and professors was important as well. Anyway, I might disagree with Butler, but her theory work is at least intellectually robust. And if you read Butler, it’s very obvious that she is first and foremost a philosopher, not a sociologist or an anthropologist, and this is clear when you hear her speak (which I’ve done btw). Contemporary transgenderism, as a social category, is a direct result of these theorists. There is a lot of misrepresenting or even rewriting history but “transgender” as we understand it today did not exist 20 years ago. We like to call people like Marsha P Johnson transgender, but he didn’t identify that way. He called himself a gay man, a cross dresser, a drag queen, a transvestite etc etc. TRAs often say “trans people have always existed” and homosexual behavior and gender nonconformity (and maybe even sex dysphoria) have always existed but trans as a concept undeniably has not. I could talk a lot more about historical falsehoods and Transgenderism but for the sake of getting to the point I’ll move on for now.
Gender ideology, is how groups like radfems refer to the Frankenstein monstrosity that is the framework Western left/progressives use today to think about gender and sex in order to be inclusive to transgender identifying people. The main ideas are that biological sex is not real and neither is sex-based oppression. It maintains that social and medical transition is necessary for transgender people to live, and that medicine is able to change someone’s biological sex (it can’t). Being transgender is not just dysphoria but some innate sense that someone’s soul is differently gendered than their biological sex (except biological sex is also somehow not real, one of many paradoxes). A woman is “someone who identifies a woman,” even though this phrase is completely meaningless. Because gender is not tied to biology sex, it relies on social ideas. As a result, gender ideology reinforces regressive gender roles and stereotypes, without which it cannot exist. 20 years ago we said boys can play with dolls and it doesn’t mean they’re gay because gender stereotypes aren’t innate and are very harmful, today “we” say that boys who play with dolls are actually girls and need to be given a pink makeover and put on medication. While society was beginning to move away from gender, gender ideology has brought it back to the center and gender is once again considered to be central to one’s identity (and personality) and maybe even the most important fact about them. For this reason “misgendering” and similar actions are considered violent attacks on personhood. Crucially, gender ideology converges with conservative gender ideals through its obsession with gender and performing femininity and masculinity.
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Hello! I hope youre doing well and you're having a good day! I had quite a request but I'm not sure if you write stuff like that, What do you think of Joshua Graham with a male courier?
Considering Joshua is a mormon (We don't exacly know how christianity looks like in the wasteland or if its even simular to how it works now.) you whould Imagine he whould be more reserved(?) about it, or maybe even be somewhat against it. But then as strict as the legion was with homosexuality they still allowed it as long as the men in the relationship had children otherwise they whould be punished.
I'm interested what's your opinion on the matter or if you have any headcanons for it, whould Joshua be somewhat ashamed and maybe even slightly hide his relationship from people back in New Caanan (If he even returns there? Not sure) or whould he simply not care and maybe even base it slightly on his legion views that he claims he abandoned even if you can see in his actions in game that well he hasn't.
So sorry this ask is so long and I'm not too good at speaking english since it's not my first language, I'm always just really curious on this subject since everyone has a diffrent opinion on it!
Joshua Graham With A M!Courier
➼ Word Count » 0.7k ➼ Warnings » slight homophobia? ➼ Genre » Romantic ➼ A/N » This was so fun to write! Thank you for requesting it!
He definitely has some hesitance toward it. He was one of the ones who helped invent the anti-homosexuality rule in the Legion and still has a strong inner feeling of it being culturally wrong, although, he can't deny what he feels toward you.
It'll take him some time to warm up the idea. You'll notice that he goes off on his own a lot more than he usually would. It's mainly just so he can think as he walks around Zion, wanting to be alone in these moments of self-reflection.
Joshua is angry that he doesn't know how to feel about the matter. He wants to go against everything Ceasar used to preach about, but he's not sure how his family and the other natives would take it. Does God find it just? Would any of his loved ones agree with it? Does he even agree with it?
It won't take long before he makes his way straight to Daniel, with questions he never thought he'd have to ask.
Daniel would be a bit more forthcoming with his opinion, telling him that "the Lord only takes issue with those who harm his land and people".
He'd be a lot more private about your relationship than he would've been if you were a female. He doesn't mean for it to be rude, he's still just not entirely sure how he's religiously supposed to feel about the entire thing. No one in New Canan has ever explored the idea, so he's got no role model to follow in terms of what's expected of him in a situation like this.
One of his biggest qualms is deciding who does what. Joshua has always had the idea of a traditional marriage, but what's he supposed to do with a husband? Do you both provide? Or does one of you play the role of the "wife"? It's one of the things he'll want to work out with you as you both move forward.
Communication is big with him. He genuinely does want to try and make this work, but sometimes it feels like he's just stumbling in the dark. If you have any advice for him on how to feel less awkward around you romantically, please tell him, he wants to show he cares about you, but he can't if you don't tell him how.
Although he might not show very much PDA, you'll notice him being way more affectionate behind closed doors. Holding his hands over yours as you pray, rubbing circles into your shoulders, and even leaving small kisses over the palms of your hands. He tries not to do anything that would undermine you being a man, but he also desperately wants to show that he cares.
Religion will always play a big role in his life, nothing about that will ever change. Being new to this type of relationship, he wants to know more about your thoughts on Mormonism or how the two of you can better understand one another. Honesty is huge with him, just be upfront and tell him what you're looking for.
There'll be times when he refers to you as his 'friend' instead of his 'boyfriend', but it's mainly due to him still getting used to being open about your relationship. It scares him to think others might look down on him because of who he loves, and he doesn't want people to think any less of him than they might already.
He also might be a little pushier with you being a part of his religion, wanting you to get baptized as soon as possible if you're not already.
His heart races a lot when he and you are alone together. He always remembers the Legion and what they'd do to him if they ever found out. It makes your entire affair feel more exciting. Being with you makes him feel rebellious, a foreign feeling that he'll only accept for this particular situation.
If you both manage to make it to see your one-year anniversary, he'll carve a wooden cross out for you to wear as a necklace. (again, a little pushy with his religion, but he means well).
He ends up going to Daniel a lot for direction throughout the whole ordeal. He's constantly checking in to make sure God would be accepting of what he's doing, and Daniel's always there to reassure and talk him through it.
Out of a hatred for the Legion, and want to change, he'd be willing to try the relationship out and hope that God will lead him down his intended path. He prays for guidance in figuring out what is right for him and his future.
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littleeyesofpallas · 1 year
Bleach’s Issue with Queer characters (2/3)
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Dordonii might seem like a weird one to point out here, compared to some of the more overt examples, but I think he had a fairly evident queer codedness to him.  His more overwhelming quality was his kind of Spanish flair, what with the tap shoes and Flamenco-esque poses and gestures, the devil horns in his greased hair and on his mask shard, and his little Mephistopheles mustache and beard.  But the ear ring, and Flamenco adjacent sex appeal mixed with the way he kind of baby talks Ichigo strikes me as contributing to a certain daddy-ish gay character type.  Also, I’ve never been 100% sure that it’s not just crosshatching, but I’ve always read it as some chest hair peaking out from his low v-neck.  But I feel like that assessment needs some qualifying context...
Western sensibilities tend to read effeminate features on men as a chief indicator of homosexuality, Japan has never been quite as narrowly focused with its own gay stereotypes.  There is definitely a particular character type in anime and manga that pins the preening vanity of smooth faced and long haired effeminate men on homosexuality, but it’s not really the go-to.  Tracing back to media trends of the 1970s the long haired, smooth chested pretty boy (even the gay ones) very much became the domain of female audiences and creators, where as the prevailing trends of gay portrayals by and for men actually settled more firmly on the hairy and muscular image that bara is associated with now.  I'm not about to do a whole big breakdown of the japanese gay subculture behind the bara thing, because that deserves more time and attentio that i can give it here, but you've got a keyword to work with now, so I encourage you to do a little googling yourself.
Also he has his right ear is pierced?  I don't know if this was ever a thing in Japan, but in America it became kind of a wide spread myth(?)  Originally it actually was a functioning kind of code within the queer community in the 1960s and 70s, but after it became somewhat more generally well known the practice more or less stopped, for pretty obvious practical reasons... but weirdly enough by the sheer power of stupid homophobia, straight people continued to scrutinize and be paranoid of men with pierced ears for decades following.  Again, though, I have no idea if either the original intent or the misinformation of that trend was ever anything that had any kind of Japanese presence...
Anyway... What I’m getting at is Dordonii feels very queer coded to me, just not in ways that everyone picks up on.  But speaking of muscular hairy gays...  Let’s talk about an elephant in the room:
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Charlotte Chuhlhourne:
Obviously, Kubo doesn’t quite have the tact to make use of queer identities in a totally respectful way, so it’s hard to tell how much is attributable to Kubo making a character exactly as they appear, and what could be argued to be a character’s theoretical self-identifying terms filtered through Kubo’s limited vernacular.  But the word to know here is Okama[オカマ], which has traditionally referred to gay, AMAB transvestites.  Obvious stumbling point here is that prior to more widely codified and accepted trans identities this term applied to both transwoman and drag queens.
Granted until fairly recently(by which I mean within the relatively short spand my own lifetime) even the queer community at large didn’t always differentiate the two very well; presentation was presentation, the circumstances for it and the specificities of achieving it were personal choices, not taxonomical crossroads; some moonlit as queens and that was it, others would’ve lived as women and never walked a show in their life if that had been a practical option, others still were happily gender fluid, but the scene had one look and one label.  We made due with what we had.
Anyway...  point being that Charlotte’s character is specifically a play into an Okama stereotype.  That is to say, the archetypal look of Okama in Japanese media for many years has been a middle aged, square jawed, often broad or even muscular, drag queen.  Although Charlotte doesn’t actually have one, they are also frequently shown with a muzzle of stubble growing in.  Despite what you might think about jabs at the beard as a masculine feature betraying their feminine presentation, it’s actually not (usually) the reason...
The image comes out of Japan’s gay bar scene --in Tokyo, Shinjuku-Nichoume in particular-- which has long been a cultural centerpiece of Japan’s gay culture.  The larger Shinjuku ward as as whole is itself a commercial district.  So, to the general public who didn’t have any interaction with gay culture itself, the small glimpse they had was from the crossing paths of salarymen commuting into work as straggler okama headed home from the bars the morning after, still in drag and makeup but with unshaven stubble growing in after a long night.
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(Also, just a side note on this, but if you’ve ever seen an older (usually bigger) woman with a deep, brassy voice in kind of sultry night attire at a bar referred to as “Mama,” it’s because that’s the owner of a okama bar.  She’s not literally anyone’s mother, she’s the defacto den-mother of sorts for the patrons of her bar.)
It’s still definitely not a flattering portrayal, but it’s one with a very specific history that doesn’t communicate to Western audiences at all.  But there is a certain strangeness to how the Japanese handle this, comparatively.  While Western rhetoric has its hangups with moralist preaching and bitching and moaning about “degeneracy” and “deviancy,” those judgments just aren’t baked into Japanese culture in quite the same way.  In fact, while most of these okama caricatures by and for cishetero creators/audiences are definitely not what anyone would call “good” representation, they do lack a certain expected malice.  Sure, flamboyant bafoonery is a constant in exploitation of gay culture on either side of the Pacific, but where as the West uses this as a means to disarm gay men --to make them non threatening, or to rationalize not taking them seriously-- anime manga and even videogames tend to fixate on the curiosity of it.
(although one enduring, generally positive case of this that actually seems to fly super under western audience’s radars are the great fairys in Zelda. which have maintained their extremely obvious dragqueen inspired look since OoT)
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One of the first encounters with the okama charactertype that I only learned to identify looooong after the fact is the Magypsies (haha oh boy that localized choice of slur...) in Earthbound. On the one hand they were treated as a bizarre spectacle and literally not human, but they were magical and benevolent and a little comical but not in the way where they were relegated to being the punchline of a joke and nothing else. And I've found over the years that that tends to be the tone of these kinds of characters.
Another very similar case of this is Ivankov in One Piece, the Kamabakka kingdom Okama and Newkama, including Bonclay/Mr.2. (His "okama way" gimmick being a play on the hardboiled gritty actionhero cliche of a "man's way.")  Where on the one hand, it’s a disgusting, tacky use of the familiar okama cliches, but also their very existence as okama is painted as the basis of their unique form of super power?  Really, it’s just so wildly divorced from reality that it’s hard to even call it “representation,” harmful or otherwise...  Still, in impossibly poor taste based on optics alone, though.
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This all is not to try and sweep under the rug that these are still ultimately problematic stereotypes and caricatures to have to debrief each new generation of viewer on just to avoid the slippery slope of total misinterpretation, but I've noticed that there is a distinct difference in how that tone is read. The overwhelming attitude I see from these creators is that these long standing cliches are how okama look and act, but that it makes them interesting or funny, and yes “other,” but rarely lesser.  Obviously that's still rooted deeply in ignorance on part of these non-queer creators, but you can see how it lacks the teeth that the western equivalent has, where such caricatures are explicitly there to defame and demonize, and I think that’s an important distinction to make.
(And let’s not even get into the issue of fake “woke” white people struggling to wrap their tiny brains around the idea of another culture by framing it as that culture’s unique idiosyncrasies as if they’re just failed attempts at conforming to white anglo-centric western values, because THAT is a whole other can of worms...)
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To maybe put this into some better perspective here, Tier Harribel has blond hair and tan skin, and given what the Arrancar are and how they live she is presumably naturally dark skinned, and naturally blonde.  But her design is clearly based on gyaru/gal (or possibly ganguro) fashion, which makes use of fake tans and bleached hair.  She looks the way she does because she's made to look like that aesthetic, but looking the way she doesn't doesn't imply she bleaches and tans(presumably those colors are both natural on her in-world). 
That same relationship of image inspiring image while being divorced from meaning is just kind of how Kubo makes these kinds of aesthetic decisions, all across the board, problematic or not.  But of course no one really cares about it when it’s a weird recontextualization of the gal aesthetic because no one’s offended on their behalf.
And in general, I think a lot of these things are just so outside the Western perspective that even when they definitely are problematic, some people can’t even begin to grasp what about it is, and end up fabricating just nonsense arguments against it to rationalize a kneejerk kind of discomfort and confusion over the subject...
Anyway...  having said all that, the next one actually IS a huge problem...
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theprismyyy · 1 month
Laura Lee + SuperPowers
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Laura Lee:
Okay, now it's the turn of our dear and sweet homosexual Laura Lee.
I was really hoping to post about Shauna or Lottie first, but while I was eating something, an imaginary light bulb went off in my head and I had to write about it :))
Totally inspired by Laura Lee's aesthetic, as well as her faith and personality, I can't help but think that this girl would be Light, literally and metaphorically speaking, just look at her and I know you won't be able to tell otherwise. That said, I have two characters based as inspiration for her and her powers, they are these characters: Starlight- Annie January (The Boys) and Karolina Dean- Lucy in the Sky (Marvel, Runaways)
For those who have watched both series or at least one of them, you probably understand what I mean; all three characters are in some way, to some extent in their respective stories, linked to religion. Annie was raised as the little star of her church, encouraged by her mother to embrace her powers as a little gift from God, while Karolina, even without knowing she had powers, was also raised within a church by her mother, who used a social project to welcome vulnerable young people to choose the victims/offerings for her secret cult. Both characters have powers related to light.
With all this information laid out on the table, let's move on to Laura. Just like Annie, I see her being raised within the church as a little star prodigy, being encouraged by her parents to embrace her youthful powers as a gift, a gift, a miracle from God, thus enchanting many of those who already attended the church, as well as drawing the attention of new attendees; she was always very integrated within the religious community, playing in choirs and participating in plays from a very young age.
About his backstory within this universe:
If we're talking about the MCU, I can easily see a story that's just a little bit similar to Annie's in The Boys. She would probably have been given by her parents, while still a baby, for testing in a government project dedicated to creating super-powered people, people who would be capable of being the new symbols of America, like Captain America was, like the Avengers were; she grew up with a relatively normal life, having been raised by her parents with the idea that she was born with powers and that she came into the world with a greater purpose, despite this, I don't see Laura as someone who would let it go to her head, in fact she would try to be the best version of herself, help everyone she could like she thinks Jesus would do 😭😭 she would also have regular training since despite everything the plan would be for her to become a superhero one day
Now, talking about her within the X-man universe, I see her with a similar story, actually, the difference is that in this case she was actually born with the powers and her parents don't use the excuse of "divine miracle" just because it's convenient for them, no, in fact they REALLY believe that she and her powers are a miracle, just as they believe that other mutants are a gift from God... I believe that Laura's birth was probably somewhat difficult, a premature birth and perhaps some complications, but that in the end everything worked out and her parents saw it as a "divine test" that was implanted in their lives by God. Anyway, she was still a child raised in the church and despite all the hatred for mutants, she was very cared for and loved by her religious community and began attending the X-Mansion when she was still young, becoming intrigued by the community of students and young mutants and being very well liked by everyone.
Same Energy (talking about appearances and not personality itself):
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Now, a little about what powers I think she would have and a brief description of them, with a small note that all the information was taken from the Internet, with some modifications, of course, to make everything consistent with the character.
Light Absorption: Laura can absorb light from present sources such as streetlights, lamps, etc. or from attacks by other people who also control light.
Solar Energy Absorption: She can also absorb the sun's energy to increase her powers and this makes her spend a lot of time outside in the open air, so that she can store her energy and keep it with her.
Bioluminescence: Can emit light from her own body. (Ps: I think it would be super funny to have the other girls ask Laura Lee to act as a human flashlight during scary story time at sleepovers)
Light Beam Emission: She can perform powerful blasts of light against her opponents or hit specific targets.
Invisibility: She has the ability to manipulate light to prevent her image from being reflected, making her invisible.
Heat Manipulation: If the light she controls is hot enough, she can use this ability to burn her opponents.
Blindness Inducement: Users of this ability can emit an extremely bright light, temporarily blinding their opponents.
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(If you readers are interested in being tagged in future posts just let me know)
© 2024 theprismyyy — please do not copy, translate or republish any of my work without my permission.
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readingbibooks · 5 months
Why bisexual people identify as gay - in their own words
Because identifying as gay is in some way preferable to identifying as bisexual:
"I felt at home as a gay man. It was an identity that felt solid and all-encompassing." - Simon Eilbeck
"Jeremiah and Sierra felt that openly identifying as gay and queer, respectively, was much easier than identifying as bisexual." - Jayna Tavarez
Because of a commitment to a gay "lifestyle":
"I am still gay. If I have relationships with women they will be nearer to gay relationships with women than heterosexist ones." - 'Andy'
"'Bisexual' always felt like I still belonged at least somewhat to the heteronormative world... 'Gay' meant I was setting myself apart from every lie I'd told myself growing up." - Kathryn Lesko
"Identifying as a lesbian is more than who is sleeping in your bed, as any unpartnered lesbian can tell you... It’s not a simple matter for her of “exchanging lesbian oppression for heterosexual privilege.” It is an enormous trauma to be forced... to choose." - 'Dajenya'
Because of a commitment to gay rights activism:
"As the oppression of gay people and homosexuality surges all around us in increasing waves, I feel I want to assert my gayness all the more... While the fence is there I want to stand on the gay side of it." - David Burkle
“Even though I do see myself as bisexual, I decided to go to the other side of the spectrum because I feel that the oppression is really coming from there. It’s really easy for people to ignore that side of me. So in order for that not to happen I have chosen to define myself as a gay activist, even though in reality I know that there is always another part of me." - Billy Jones
“I made a decision fairly early in my public coming out to frequently use the word gay when speaking to the mainstream heterosexual community. I did not want to have my bisexuality seen as minimising the side of me that is gay." - Dave Matteson
“There is a strong element among bisexual political activists of people who work hard within lesbian and gay campaigns and actively identify with the lesbian and gay movement, even though lesbians and gays may not always realise that there are bisexuals in their midst.” - Sharon Rose
Because of fear of rejection from the gay community:
“If a person has come to identify as lesbian or gay and become a part of lesbian or gay communities, she or he has probably undergone a grieving of heterosexual models and quite possibly has experienced the loss of support from some friends and relatives in the heterosexual community. If he or she then recognizes heterosexual attractions, coming out as bisexual to gay or lesbian friends may involve new rejections and new grief." - Dave Matteson
“Many people privately identify as bisexual but, to avoid conflict and preserve their ties to a treasured community, choose to label themselves publicly as lesbian, gay, or straight, further contributing to bisexual invisibility. These women and men feel terror at the thought of being cast out or ostracized from the community from which they derive their support, nourishment, and sense of self." - Robyn Ochs
“There are women who would no longer approve of me if they knew I was bisexual. I would hate to lose my good name in the lesbian community." - Judy Freespirit
"To be totally honest, I did briefly give up and let mysellf 'gay-pass'... The less I corrected assumptions, the more I was welcomed (and hired) by the lesbian and gay community." - Sandra Alland
Because of external pressure:
"It seems that the hardest part about owning one’s bisexuality is resisting the pressure to choose one label over the other. Everyone wants you to do that." - Betsey Ringel and Ann Lewis
"People with bisexual desires have often thought that they were bad, confused and greedy, or have repressed their feelings. They begin to wonder why they cannot choose one sex over another - what is wrong with them." - Sue George
They don't identify as gay, but are assumed to be anyway:
"You are bisexual, but everyone who knows you assumes you are a lesbian and those who don't assume you are straight." - Chitra Ramaswamy
“Reviewers called my bisexual book a lesbian book, and it stuck. They assumed the poems about men were from before I came out.” - Sandra Alland
"I always felt a fraud when I spent a lot of time with lesbians: perhaps if I’d had a big ‘B’ stamped on my forehead I would have felt more comfortable, and not as though I was unintentionally deceiving people." - Anonymous, quoted by Sue George
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your-name-is-jim · 2 years
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
This became a pretty long post, sorry.
I noticed something that I haven't seen before in Kirk/Spock analysis, so I'd like to talk about it. As I said other times, I'm aware that Star Trek fans in over half a century have probably already written everything about the most popular ship, but that's not going to stop me from adding my own words. :)
What I want to talk about is in the episode Whom Gods Destroy. I feel like this episode is pretty underrated among K/S shippers. Nowadays, it might be because of this part:
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"Kirk and Spock call each other brothers, this episode tries to no-homo them!"
Short answer: No, it doesn't.
Long answer: This is not what I actually want to focus on, but I understand that it's important, so I'll try to give an explanation. When we watch TOS, we always need to remember when it was made. I know it's not easy (trust me, I made that mistake too), but unfortunately we can't forget that, in the '60s, homosexuality was still considered a mental illness (if not worse, depending on the people/country), and portraying it in a positive way in a mainstream American show was NOT an option. At the time, it wasn't uncommon for queer people to call each other "brothers/sisters" as a socially acceptable way to say "we love each other", "we're each other's most important person", "we have something special that is different from friendship".
Does it mean Kirk and Spock say "brothers" when they mean "lovers"? Not necessarily, of course, but we need to remember that, unlike contemporary shows where two men can actually claim to be brothers to mean "we're close but not gay", in the past it could have meant "we're close and maybe also gay". I'm not saying it's canon, but the interpretation is valid.
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As you can see, Garth strongly disagrees with Kirk and Spock when they say they're brothers. :D Unfortunately, it's from the wrong reason: he's claiming that they only have a captain-first officer relationship, without feelings involved. And the episode definitely wants us to think that he's wrong! Kirk and Spock love each other! They have very special feelings for each other, feelings that the word "friendship" wouldn't completely convey. I choose to interpret their "brotherhood" in that positive way, also keeping in mind that Spock does say Kirk is speaking "somewhat figuratively", so he's aware they're not actual adopted siblings. :)
Of course, I can't forget to add what every K/S fan knows: if we consider Roddenberry's novel canon (or at least canonically relevant to a degree), Vulcans use the same word, t'hy'la, to say "friend", "brother", "lover" or a combination of at least two of them. That just makes everything easy! Every time Kirk and Spock call each other "friends" or "brothers" in canon, we can just assume they mean t'hy'la. Checkmate! :D
Okay, back to Whom Gods Destroy. If that episode isn't as "no homo" as we initially thought, what makes it so good for K/S shippers to the point that I'm writing a long post about it? Well, a couple of things. The first one happens before the "brothers" speech, and it's this:
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In context, Marta claims to write poetry, so she recites one of "her" poems… which is very obviously Shakespeare. Star Trek writers chose one of the most famous English sonnets of all time on purpose, and it's clear because they made 100% sure every single person watching the episode wouldn't miss it:
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So, okay, she didn't write it. We got it. It's Star Trek and its Shakespeare references, nothing new.
Is that all? Hm, I'm not sure. Because Shakespeare's sonnet 18 might be extremely famous, but it's not the only famous poem Shakespeare wrote. And even if it was, since the characters were going to point out that "hey that's Shakespeare" anyway, why did Star Trek writers chose that sonnet specifically? Why did they choose one of the sonnets Shakespeare wrote for another man, to express his beauty? To express his love for him?
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer’s lease hath all too short a date. Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimmed; And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance, or nature’s changing course, untrimmed; But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st, Nor shall death brag thou wand'rest in his shade, When in eternal lines to Time thou grow'st.     So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,     So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
They could have chosen one of the sonnets Shakespeare wrote for a woman. There are a lot more! But no, Marta quotes a love poem by a man for another man, and the camera shows us this:
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Just two bros, sitting together, listening to Shakespeare's words about a young man's beauty 'cause they're not gay.
Now… I know, I know. Even nowadays, Shakespeare is too famous to be universally accepted as queer. There's always going to be academics who think "those sonnets were platonic!"; at the time Star Trek was made, I wouldn't be surprised if almost everyone thought "Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?" was about either platonic love or love for a woman (the latter used to be a theory too, but it was proved wrong). On the other hand, the queer reading has also been discussed for centuries, and supported by famous academics too, like Oscar Wilde. So even in this case, we can't really know what Star Trek writers had in mind. Did they just pick the most popular sonnet without thinking too hard? Did they try to add gay subtext to the scene? Well, it certainly looks gay to me. :)
And now, the best part! What, you thought it was over? Nope, I said I was going to talk about "a couple of things", and Shakespeare was just the first one. Because if you think that his sonnet was probably not meant to be gay in context, and after that Kirk and Spock call each other brothers, and that's also not gay in your opinion… well, maybe we can add a little more fuel to the potential gay subtext.
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So, what is Marta doing here? Quoting poetry again.
Right after their conversation about brotherhood and the loyalty of a crew, Garth gets mad at Spock ("Remove this animal!"); Garth's men bring Spock away, and Garth asks Kirk the password to get to the Enterprise. He tells Kirk that he'll make him beg for death. That's when Marta suddenly starts reciting another poem. This time, though, there's a big difference from the first one: the audience can tell it's probably another reference because of her previous behavior, but it's hard to recognize. It's not Shakespeare. It's not even the most popular poem by that author, and she's also quoting it a little wrong.
This is a subtle reference. The average Star Trek fan doesn't know what it is. I also didn't. So, of course, I got curious, and this is what I found:
A. E. Housman, English poet (1859 – 1936)
In midnights of November, When Dead Man’s Fair is nigh, And danger in the valley, And anger in the sky,
Around the huddling homesteads The leafless timber roars, And the dead call the dying And finger at the doors.
Oh, yonder faltering fingers Are hands I used to hold; Their false companion drowses And leaves them in the cold.
Oh, to the bed of ocean, To Africk and to Ind, I will arise and follow Along the rainy wind.
The night goes out and under With all its train forlorn; Hues in the east assemble And cocks crow up the morn.
The living are the living And dead the dead will stay, And I will sort with comrades That face the beam of day.
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Alfred Edward Housman is another English poet, but very different from William Shakespeare: he lived just a few decades before Star Trek was made. Why choosing him? Maybe because he wrote a lot about men dying during a war, and it's relevant because Garth killed a lot of people and wants to bring war to the galaxy. We will probably never know, but after a little research, I realized that Housman is definitely an interesting-- no, a fascinating choice.
As I said before, the poem Marta recites doesn't look like one of Housman's most popular works, and it's hard to find something specific about it online. It doesn't even have a title, that "XIX" simply means that it's the 19th poem in the volume it's part of. So what is so fascinating about it? Well…
The title of the volume is "Last Poems". I didn't use Wikipedia as my only source, but in this case, I think it can explain context better than me:
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So the poem Marta is quoting in front of Kirk, the poem she wants to know if Kirk likes, is not just a poem about death: it's part of a volume a man wrote for the man he was in love with.
Wait, again? There are two poems in this episode, and both of them are by male authors who wrote them for the man they loved? That doesn't really look like a coincidence anymore.
It's subtle, for sure, especially the second one. The average person watching the episode probably doesn't recognize Housman, doesn't know anything about his life. The average person in front of their TV sees Marta trying to seduce Kirk right after "her" poem, so everything looks heterosexual, right?
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Yeah, that's what it looks like. But it's the surface, nothing more.
Because unlike Shakespeare, I didn't find discourse about Housman's sexual orientation: there were probably rumors about his homosexuality when he was alive as well, and after his death, it wasn't really a mystery. A Housman reader, even in the 60s, probably knew.
So, yes, this episode has two poems. Two poets that in different times wrote for a man they loved. Could it be that Whom Gods Destroy is also, at least partially, about love between two men? Well, I basically already said it when I talked about the "brothers" conversation, but let's think about it again. Except for the last few minutes, Kirk and Spock are the only two characters from the main cast on that planet. There's another man, Dr. Cory, who knows Kirk. Kirk seems to care about him… but not enough to risk something while the doctor is tortured in front of his eyes. Also, Dr. Cory isn't present when Marta quotes the poems. The first time, Kirk and Spock are together, and the second time happens not long after this scene:
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They try to make Kirk like the girl, but does he really care?
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Nope, he just wants Spock back.
They are "brothers (somewhat figuratively)" who trust each other deeply, and even if their enemies try to distract Kirk, it's obvious what he really wants.
It's him and Spock. Spock and… him?
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Okay, that's better. :D
At this point of the series, they're so close that Kirk doesn't even consider the possibility that Spock might not recognize him immediately.
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Luckily, none of them dies and their feelings are mutual, so they can be happier than Housman. Maybe they'll read his poems together. Or Shakespeare, that's always an option.
[Pictures from s3 e14 - Whom Gods Destroy]
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vacantgodling · 10 months
The sexuality/gender/otp headcanon ask game stuff for any oc of your choice? Bonus points if it's someone you haven't talked about in a while
thank you!!
i haven't talked about noh outside of the very very basics of his story and what's going on so let's talk about my favorite boyo.
here is he (cuz i found this picrew and i thought it was cute) -- the only thing that's off about it is that noh usually wears a mask over his face; he's completely mute and only uses sign language so in a way he views his mouth as "useless" so he doesn't like it being seen lol.
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Sexuality: gay gay homosexual gay
Gender: noh is trans masc!
A ship I have with said character: so the main ship that i have with him is a space pirate named emerion jackson. technically speaking the two of them have known of each other since before noh had amnesia; noh and his team were actively trying to bring emerion in and though they never met in person the two of them were definitely :eye emojis: at each other because it was "oh, finally a challenge" type scenario. but then when noh disappeared off the face of the earth and started being plastered everywhere as a criminal, emerion got a little.... worried about him. it seems crazy and its not something that he would talk about to any of his crew because they would heckle him for it, but the fact that someone as formidable and determined as the mysterious (bc they'd never met face to face) noh bell; and how he's suddenly a criminal by the govt??? something is up.
the two of them end up meeting in person at a bar at the edge of a particular star system after noh is dropped off by the cargo crew that found him adrift in space. emerion recognizes noh immediately but doesn't say anything until someone else recognizes noh and a bar fight ensues bc they want to bring noh in for the money. emerion and his men jump in and end up helping him out and then he drags noh onto his ship.
at first, emerion isn't sure what to make of actually seeing noh face to face. coupled with the fact that noh doesn't remember that he was originally hunting him and his crew down its odd. but then he learns about the amnesia etc etc and emerion kind of feels guilt for not telling him everything up front. but part of him also likes the fact that noh doesn't remember anything and they end up beginning to form an actual bond and attachment to one another, which gets a BIT complicated as noh starts to learn his identity.
idk now that i'm writing all of this out fully i'm so in the mood to talk more about them; emerion is such a jackass and has a stick up it but at the same time he really cares about noh and hes SO INTIMATELY aware of HOW FUCKED he is lmaooo its kind of hilarious.
A BROTP I have with said character: noh has a really good circle of friends because they all grew up training together in the JACK and JILL program. the closest friend he has is amelia (who was his JACK so they know each other like the back of their own hands) but i think the cutest brotp/friendship he has is with neso.
neso is a very special JACK/JILL unit because she's a system with just one other alter and so she doesn't have a separate physical "body" that serves as her partner; its technically just within herself. the two of them are fully aware of each other and can switch back and forth though its not fully at will. she is the host and neon is her alter (and is essentially her older brother). neso can call neon to the front and he will show up occasionally but its not often because he doesn't really like people lol (though he is okay with the rest of their friend group). usually he shows up in dangerous situations because he's the JILL of their unit and in this universe they were able to engineer technology to change neso's eye color back and forth when she and neon switch fronting.
neso and noh are really alike and she can be somewhat childlike and cling to him. they use sign language with each other the most--especially in episodes where she's having a ptsd flashback or episode, he can help talk her down and taught her signs since she was young. they also tend to be the most quiet of their friend group and prefer to just vibe while the others (amelia, iodine, and ethan) are more personable and loud lol.
A NOTP I have with said character: this isn't a notp so much as like, its not canon anymore BUT it did used to be canon back in the day when i felt like i had to overcompensate with heterosexuality in all of my wips (i've had noh as an oc and this story for at least a decade so yknow). but before, noh and amelia were actually supposed to be the endgame couple, but at the end of the day i think they just work better together as best friends/found family. they know each other so well; to the point that its less like being with someone you're attracted to and more like being with the other half of their own brain so like... how am i gonna be attracted to myself energy. plus, amelia ends up with an engineer named claude and they're so sweet together i want to throw up <3
A random headcanon: noh is heavily inspired by my personal interpretation of link which is where his muteness stemmed from :)
General Opinion over said character: i love noh A LOT and i need to get over my fear of writing scifi because i've been wanting to tell his story for years. i project onto him a lil bit sure but he's such a fun character and i wanna figure out more about his storyline so i can be driven insane by it
since ive been talking about it so much, perhaps i might lol.
feel free to send me a character (mine or overwatch) and i'll do this for them :D
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endcant · 10 months
a big reason why i personally respond very strongly and publicly about internet censorship bills is because every tool and support ive ever had to understand my trauma, cope with my mental health issues, historically contextualize my experiences, and become a somewhat functional adult, were all found online. the friends who support me found me online. my ability to do my art business & be my authentic self in the same place at the same time is thanks to the expressive powers of the internet. almost nothing good in my life would have been possible if there was legislation like KOSA enacted when i was a child. which is why i have been openly speaking out against legislation like this ever since i was a child.
one example of the problem here is that the heritage foundation intends to use KOSA as a way to sue websites into censoring information about LGBT+ issues and sex/reproductive health. they said it publicly, and i have no reason to think they’re bluffing. the heritage foundation is also the main party behind Project 2025 (an authoritarian agenda for the U.S. political right published and free to read online). they should be taken seriously because they have proudly played a massive role in deciding what Republican public policy be will be since the Reagan administration. if you are politically active online at all and don’t know whether your most dearly held causes are under threat by this group, type “the heritage foundation’s stance on” into your favorite search engine, take a look at the recommended searches, and get ready to have a very bad time. (…unless you’re one of those rare far-right political users on this site, in which case you’d probably have a pretty good time)
this is happening alongside the recent growth of the “parental rights” movement, whose achievements include promoting book bans, trying to suppress any information they deem to be “Critical Race Theory”, as well as harassing and threatening people for supporting LGBT+ kids. they aim to silence any voices that don’t fall in line with their agenda. moms for liberty is a prominent example of a harmful “parental rights” activist group; they have repeatedly done things like this. i have no doubt that these groups would absolutely utilize KOSA to further prevent children from accessing important educational information.
Rep. Marsha Blackburn, the one of the two legislators who has spearheaded the push to pass this bill through the Senate, is a self identified “hard-core” “politically incorrect” conservative who came into the Senate during the Trump administration. She is also part of the larger Tennesseean right-wing political apparatus that has brought this state wonders like cities where public homosexuality is illegal, and a county where the juvenile detention rate approaches 50%. these people do not care about the wellbeing of children. they are doing awful things here that the majority of tennesseans do not support. there are many other recent, infamous examples of similar state and local human rights failures throughout the US. if you let them have their way, these post-Trump Republicans will do their best to bring this kind of nonsensical, authoritarian governance to the entire country and potentially the rest of the world, given the role that U.S. law plays in the reality of the international internet.
i have been mostly sharing others’ posts and contacting legislators on my own time, but on December 6th, a letter was published in support of KOSA that was signed by 200 organizations— largely mental health and childrens’ health related groups. i believe that far-right political groups will use KOSA to silence the kind of online information that helped me with my own mental health when i was a kid, and that kids are currently relying on today. ultimately, i think it is a shame that these 200 organizations think they can get away with publicly supporting a bill that is so widely criticized and politically fraught.
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hunxi-after-hours · 2 years
Hi hunxi! In your post the other day about The Way Spring Arrives, you said in the tags that you’d put it on a list of required reading for people interested in danmei. I’m curious, is there anything else you’d recommend for people who want to learn more about the culture/context surrounding danmei? Thanks!!
oh goodness, I suppose I did say that somewhat flippantly but I do want to take a moment and reiterate that I am not qualified in the slightest to make a list of required reading, nor do I think that required reading is a thing that should necessarily exist, since we should all read whatever we'd like in our own free time; there is no moral directive on what someone should or should not read, we're all just here to have a good time!!
but! for those so inclined, I... don't think I have so much a reading list as a series of reading thought exercises?
first of all, some academic articles that I found deeply worthwhile:
Jin Feng's 2009 paper: “Addicted to Beauty: Consuming and Producing Web-based Chinese ‘Danmei’ Fiction at Jinjiang”
Tian Xiaofei's 2015 paper: “Slashing Three Kingdoms: A Case Study in Fan Production on the Chinese Web.”
Xi Tian's 2020 paper: “Homosexualizing Boys Love in China: Reflexivity, Genre Transformation, and Cultural Interaction”
Xi Tian's 2021 paper: “More than Conformity or Resistance: Chinese “Boys’ Love” Fandom in the Age of Internet Censorship”
Yang Ling & Xu Yanrui's 2017 paper: “The love that dare not speak its name: The fate of Chinese danmei communities in the 2014 anti-porn campaign”
Yang Ling & Xu Yanrui's 2013 paper, “Forbidden love: incest, generational conflict, and the erotics of power in Chinese BL fiction”
The Way Spring Arrives and Other Stories ed. Yu Chen and Regina Kanyu Wang. I've already gushed about this elsewhere, so I shall leave this be for now
this is by no means a comprehensive list, merely the ones that have really stuck with me for various reasons. I compile a table of contents of my research booklets here, and @dulharpa has been kind enough to share their immense resources here
I'd like to stop short of compiling a list of danmei novels for people to read because folks have different genre and narrative tastes than I do. instead, I think what might be more interesting and customizable would be a kind of reading challenge, paired with thought exercises:
read works by three (or more!) danmei authors
what recurring themes, character traits, narrative tropes, or cultural aspects to you observe across works by different authors? what differences do you notice? do you think these similarities/differences are hallmarks of the genre, coincidental stylistic choices, authorial interests, or wider cultural trends? how do different authors address certain issues, or avoid them altogether? how do these choices affect the content and style of the text, as well as your perception of and/or response to these texts?
read two different danmei novels by the same author (if you can wrangle it, try to read novels in different genres)
what recurring themes, character traits, narrative tropes, or thematic commonalities do you observe across an author’s works? how do the different narrative or genre contexts of each novel affect characters and themes in each work? do you observe changes in an author’s perspective, views, or opinions on common themes and/or social issues from novel to novel?
read a danmei novel that is not wuxia, xianxia, or xuanhuan
how do aspects of worldbuilding differ across genres? what new aspects of culture, character, or language do you observe in a different genre setting? how much character or worldbuilding do you think is attributable to genre convention, and how much isn’t? what do you think readers find attractive about wuxia/xianxia/xuanhuan settings? what do you think readers find attractive about other genres?
read a danmei novel set in modern day China
how do the emotional and narrative stakes of novels change depending on time period? what were you surprised by? what similarities or resonances did you recognize between the text and your own life? how does the fabric of the setting in this novel differ from novels set in other time periods and settings? in what ways do class and power factor into character conflicts and relationships? how do these differ from the way class and power are addressed in historical novels? what is the role of tradition and history in this novel? do you find the text more realistic because it’s set in modern day? why or why not? how important do you think “realism” is to the text and the readers? why might this be? how important is “realism” to your reading experience? why might this be?
read a webnovel that was not serialized on JJWXC
there are many other Chinese internet literature platforms, such as 长佩文学 and 奇点文学网. explore one (or more!) of these literature platforms and note any observations about differences, similarities, or things you’re surprised by. how does this inform your understanding of the larger scope of Chinese web literature? in what ways are literature and genre organized differently from what you’re familiar with? compare and contrast your experience reading a non-JJWXC novel with a JJWXC novel. what was the same? what was different? do you think these similarities/differences are influenced by the different audiences of these websites or larger societal trends in media and culture, or something else entirely?
read a webnovel by a danmei author that is not danmei (i.e. 言情 / heterosexual romance, 无CP / no romance)
what similarities do you observe between this novel and a danmei novel written by the same author? what differences do you observe? how do narrative reflections of gender and character dynamics differ? what other themes, issues, or narrative aspects do you notice coming to the forefront when the focus has shifted away from male/male romance? what were you surprised by? what weren’t you surprised by? has your perception of the author’s views on gender/gender dynamics changed? if so, how? if not, why do you think this is?
read a danmei novel with 2+ adaptations into other forms of media (e.g. audiodrama, donghua, manhua, live action)
what do you think about this novel generates wider media attention and interest? how do the characters and narrative change from text to adaptation? why do you think this happened? how did the popularization via adaptation affect the original text, if at all? how did you come to discover this text, and how many platforms did it have to jump to get to you? why do you think this text received attention on the platform you first heard of it? in what ways beyond the content of the text itself did this novel draw wider attention?
read a danmei novel with no adaptations in other forms of media
why do you think this novel hasn’t been chosen for adaptation yet? in what ways would this novel be challenging to adapt? what medium do you think this novel would be best suited for? how would an adaptation of this novel change your perspective and experience of this text? what would you hope to see in an adaptation of this novel?
read a traditionally published work of Chinese speculative fiction
how does a traditionally published work of Chinese fiction differ stylistically and narratively from the web literature you’ve read? what does the wider field of Chinese speculative fiction look like? how do the imaginations and concerns of Chinese authors manifest in their worldbuilding, setting, characters, themes, and conflicts? how do subgenres of Chinese speculative fiction resemble and differ from genres you’re more familiar with? what did you like about this work? what puts you off about this work? did this work raise any questions or themes that you haven’t thought about before? what aspects of the novel seem rooted in contemporary Chinese society, and which themes seem more universal? if reading in translation, did you identify any moments where context was lost between languages? were there footnotes in the translation, and if so, how did they affect your reading experience? if not, did you ever wish there were footnotes? what kind of additional context did you wish you had? how do you think the translation influenced your reading experience? how high-profile is this work of Chinese speculative fiction, and why do you think this is?
read a novel written by a Chinese diaspora author
how do characters, themes, settings, and worldbuilding differ from the perspective of a diaspora writer? what aspects feel the same? how does translation on linguistic, cultural, or metafictional levels factor into the text? what is the role of tradition and reception in the narrative? what other influences can you spot in the text? what Chinese work would you put this text in conversation with, and why? how are different cultures portrayed in diaspora works vs. non-diaspora works? based on this text, have cultural values shifted in diasporic reception? what is the relationship presented in the text between identity and nationhood, tradition and ownership?
okay I had way too much fun coming up with those discussion questions, but I genuinely do think that these are interesting thought and reading experiments to pursue! I think there’s a lot you can learn about danmei, internet literature, and the wider cultural context of these phenomena simply by taking some time to sit back and reflect on these texts, or observing Chinese fandom interactions (there can of course be a language barrier in doing so, but I’ve learned so much from 弹幕 culture and I heartily encourage other people to do so).
and seriously, if anyone ends up trying this reading challenge, please let me know how it goes!! I’m still pushing myself to read outside of my comfort zone (a lot of these challenges are ones I’ve posed to myself), and would love to hear if other folks have thoughts on their reading journeys
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gildedcageif · 1 year
Is there any differences the gender of the MC will make in the game(ex dialogue,how the Ros/people treat us,etc)?
I would also like to ask how would The Ros react to Mc cupping their face and saying “see? I can hold my entire world in my hands.” followed by a smooch on the lips,this Mc isn't usually open about their feelings for them, daring nor does they do the first move but felt moved by the moment they were having with the ro so they did what they did. 👀
Difference in Gender
The answer is yes! There will be differences on how people treat you based on your gender.
Now some things in this setting work differently because I did not want to exclude anyone from any endings due to their gender. For example, homosexual couples can have children through magic.
But people throughout the story do comment on your gender and that of others. Concubines are typically female because it is less of a hassle so it will be noted by others if you are male. Similarly, a woman demonstrating combat abilities will be seen as more impressive. Male and female MCs may also have somewhat different tasks, though they won't really differ that much.
I may decide to remove this feature later based on how people feel about it.
RO ask
Ahmad was absentmindedly staring up at the night sky. The two lovers had gone stargazing and he had taken advantage of the chance to start pointing constellations at you.
He falls silent when you cup his face. He stares up at you with awe as you speak, eyes unconsciously drifting down to your lips. A grin spreads over his lips as he lets your words sink in. He grabs your wrist and pulls you closer in, one arm wrapping around your waist.
"Well, I have the whole universe in my arms so I win, beloved," he beams down at you.
Before you can protest, he leans in and presses his lips against your own. He sighs as he pulls back only to lean his forehead against yours.
"I never knew my love was such a poet," he teases.
And just like that, his lips are back on yours once more.
You were seated besides him while he mulled over some documents. He would never admit it, but there was something truly comforting about your presence, about knowing that if he reached over just a bit, he could touch you-.
His thoughts are abruptly cut short when you cup his face. As you lean closer and whisper the words to him, for a moment the mask of Grand Vizier slips away and only Selim is left.
His hands are trembling. This is too much. Too... genuine, too heartfelt. He is not made for this. He is not worthy of this. He feels the need to shy away from your touch.
"You are an idiot," he mumbled.
He meekly attempts to put the mask back, but it is a futile trial. You have broken through his walls in a way he never expected. Never wanted. Never knew he needed.
He hesitantly reaches up and cups your cheeks as you did his.
"But I suppose you are my idiot," he adds softly.
It is warm by the fireplace and Nazli has always despised the cold winds of autumn. A sign of summer ending, she muses to herself. A sign of more troubles.
Your touch breaks her away from her thoughts. She instinctively leans against it, sighing as she feels the warmth of your skin against her cheek. It is only after you speak up that her eyelashes flutter open. Cold blue eyes stare up at you with a flicker of warmth dancing in them.
She grasps the hands that are cupping her cheeks and interlocks them with her own fingers. She pulls each hand up to her lips and places a kiss on your knuckles.
"You are clearly far too inebriated, my dear. I am hardly deserving of such praise. Let us rest for the night. We both clearly need it,"
As the night quietens, you find she is laying closer to you than usual, arms wrapped around your frame. She squeezes you gently like she wants to ensure you are real. That you are here with her.
"You are my world too, angel," she whispers in your ear just before you drift off to sleep.
The flowers are in full bloom this year. Meryem's face gleams with joy as she reaches forward and grabs a rose. She takes a good whiff of its sweet fragrance before turning to you.
"A rose for my rose," she giggles while offering you the dark red flower.
She falls silent and her hand stills in the air when you cup her cheeks. You watch her eyes widen, her cheeks flush such a pretty shade of red at your words.
"I..." a smile spreads over her lips and her face light up.
"You are my world too," she exhales like a huge weight has been lifted off her shoulders.
There is a spark, an instant sense of warmth as her fingers graze over yours.
"I hope this day never passes. I wish time would stop right here and now," she whispers softly while placing the red rose carefully in your hand so you won't graze the thorns.
You can't help but agree with her.
Emil De Angelis
Emil sighs and groans and grumbles as he tears apart another page from his sketchbook. He crumbles the piece of paper into a ball and throws it to the side.
"No, no," he mumbles under his breath "I got your nose all wrong."
"Emil, I truly don't think a nose is a reason to worry-,"
"No, no," he interrupts you sharply, gripping his pencil "It needs to be perfect. Redo the pose."
He commands with all the air of a Sultan and you can't help but chuckle. Instead of obeying, you make your way over to him. He looks up at you, eyebrows furrowed.
"What are you doing-?"
This time, it is your turn to silence him. The protest dies on his lips when you cup his cheeks. You can swear his face becomes just a bit more red when you utter the words.
It takes him a moment to gather himself. But before you know what's happening, he is bouncing back with a devilish grin.
"Are you telling me my head is big?" He teases "That it is the size of the globe?"
"What?" You stumble over her words.
How does he always manage to twist everything you say?!
"You know that's not what I meant-!"
He presses a single finger against your lips.
"Shh, you are already on thin eyes, my muse. But I may find it in myself to forgive you for a small price. A kiss,"
And you find it is quite hard to deny him anything when he is looking at you like that...
"You are slow," Helena teases you while the two of you swim through the waters.
You pout at her teasing. You have not yet a person, man or woman, who can compare to Helena when it comes to swimming.
Despite the grin on her lips, she does stop and lean against a rock so you can catch up. She beams at you when you do so.
"Glad to see you did not lose me," she winks "Then I would have to search the world for you"
You don't know what takes over you, but suddenly you are reaching forward and cupping her cheeks. Her grin fades away and she looks at you with a dumbstruck expression.
"You..." she seems to be at a lack of words "You can't just say stuff like that..."
She glances away from you momentarily, watching your reflections in the clear water.
"I am not a taverns wench for you to use pick up lines on," she tries to joke, but her voice ends up sounding all too honest.
"It is not a pick up line if it's true," you reply.
After a moment of silence, Helena looks back at you. You are unable to catch all of the emotions swimming in her gaze. Above all however, you see love. She throws her arms around you, clinging to you.
"I am never letting you go again," her voice comes out a bit choked like she is trying to fight back tears.
You embrace her back, not intending to lose her again either.
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miniimapp · 1 year
Jesse - You Boys Are the (Homosexual) Supporting Cast
Gen;; Fluff - Headcanons
Warnings ;; no ?? i mean,, stress and anger (from reader pov) but not really ??
Proofread + Edited ;; a little bit actually,, mainly when going through and adding the bold and the blue and the italics lmao
Auth. Note ;; bet y'all thought i died.. nah i ain't never leaving i'm just clumsy af and smashed my phone into smithereens,, prolly got y'all tho lmaoooo
Jesse is an insufferable flirt
Which would be fine if you didn't have shit to do
But you do !!
Accepting the roles of stage manager as well as assistant director was the worst choice you could have ever made
So help the world if you ever get your hands on a time machine
The school production may fall apart but at least your mental health would still be somewhat intact
But for now you're stuck with mountains of responsibilities and a sweet fucking annoying distraction
Speaking of said distraction
Jesse plays the lead's best friend and also an asshole who won't let you get on with your work
So he has his fair share of time on stage
But even then, you can barely catch a break
As soon as he steps foot into the wings he somehow immediately finds you
It honestly baffles you how differently Jesse acts in and out of class
Okay but on a real note you can't be at all angry at Jesse
Not when he's being so sweet and charming
Even though he keeps getting in your way
At one point, when the director was sick so you had to take that over whilst being stage manager and assistant director as well you had snapped at Jesse
He hadn't even been flirting with you at that point
Mans was literally just in the vicinity
Apparently that was enough of a crime to warrant your wrath
You absolutely still cringe thinking about that day
You hadn't shouted or anything
No, no you'd angrily whispered
And because you were stressed and upset your voice jumped like 5 octaves
Okay maybe not but it felt that way
You were giving mickey mouse realness
Which we love :D
It just wasn't the time
It's never the time for mickey mouse realness in today's society smh
You were on the verge of tears and mass murder which is always a good combination
(why are you always breaking down around this man fr)
Jesse had stared at you wide-eyed as you shat out a monologue of stress and misplaced anger
And once you were finished, chest heaving and feeling lighter than you had in a while, Jesse sends you an encouraging smile
"Sorry, sweetheart, I never meant to offend ya. Honestly, I was kinda hoping I was breaking up your stress, that's where I was coming from anyway. Still, I only caused you grief, not very fair of me, I'll admit."
You sniffed, awkwardly laughing things off and rubbing at your face
"Sorry for snapping at you. God, why is it whenever we talk I'm always freaking out."
Jesse laughs, a cheeky grin lighting up his face
"It's so I can rescue you from the depths of your despair, like your very own knight in shining armour."
Your roll your eyes good-naturedly, your own smile making it's way onto your face
"Oh, my hero!"
You pretend to swoon and Jesse's smile widens
You give yourself a second to take a breath, realising that, as bad as it seems afterwards, you really needed this
"Thank for, um, listening I guess. I didn't realise how much I needed to get off my chest until I was throwing it at you so I'm sorry but thank you."
Jesse gives a small nod and smile
"Anytime...well, maybe not any but you get what I mean."
After getting over that bump in the road the two of you get on like a house on fire
And you quickly come to appreciate the break in routine that Jesse gives you
You never quite realise how much the stress is getting to you until Jesse drags you away from your scripts and into something else
Something fun
As you two become closer you notice that he's started becoming more.. touchy
Like brushing stray hairs out of you face
Or tapping the tip of your nose
Or giving you a side hug before going on stage
Or leaning up against you to read over your notes
Things like that
And at first you thought they were innocent, unconscious actions
Until of course he started winking at you as he walked on stage
Or smirking at you after smoothing down a stray hair
Or making stupid comments as he moves away
Jesse is absolutely fucking with you
This absolute bitch
You're about to pull up fr
And his flirting continues throughout the whole rehearsal period
And you love it
It gives you happy butterflies in your chest and stomach
It's bearable you suppose...
But his secret winks and smiles directed only at you do get you thinking a little bit
You've never really watched the rehearsals properly
Probably not a good thing to be realising now, seeing as you have such important roles
Oh well, you haven't ruined the show yet
Everything will probably be just fine
Obviously you'd directed and checked for cues when leading everyone backstage but you'd never just watched it
So as the rehearsals left before opening night dwindle to only a few you decide you'll just watch for once
And somehow you've never noticed that Jesse's character has a love interest
Not a problem
You have zero problems
Next question
Okay shut up
It does slightly grind on your nerves watching their confession scene
It's fine.
No worries.
You can handle this.
But it certainly doesn't help that Jesse keeps making eye contact with you when saying his lines
Like,, bro
The director in you wants to scream
He's meant to be confessing to his love interest, not you !!
Make eye contact with the love interest !!
But the rest of you ??
Simply ascending every time Jesse confesses while gazing into your eyes
The dreamy asshole
Not so subtly glad he's looking at you and not at them
It's getting kinda hard to distinguish between reality and fiction
And the heat in your cheeks won't disappear regardless so that's great
Your only saving grace is that Jesse doesn't keep his eyes on you throughout the whole scene
But every time without fail, just before the scene ends, Jesse searches for your gaze and holds it, uttering his character's final line
"My love, for you I would do anything."
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liskantope · 8 months
A year ago I looked back at 2022 and expressed surprise that a surge of right-wing invocations of "groomer"/"pedo" as a rhetorical bludgeon hadn't gotten as much of a rise out of the American Left as I'd been expecting in the middle of 2022. I think part of what I was trying to get at in that post was not that it necessarily should have gotten a real rise out of the Left but that it might have visibly befuddled the Left more than it did, given that the Left has taken to throwing around "racist"/"sexist" against a wide umbrella of things it dislikes, appears to despise grooming and child molestation at least as much as the Right, and would get a taste of what it's like to constantly be accused (with little justification) of something that is not only so taboo but which it thought it was leading the way in passionately opposing. I had thought in mid-2022 that this would maybe turn the tables in some way. To speak very roughly, maybe I would have suggested that it would be the thing that "broke wokeness", even though that doesn't quite seem to be the way I wanted to phrase it at the time.
Now that 2023 has come and gone, the whole "groomer" accusation seems to have plateaued or maybe even passed its peak without particularly bothering the Left (maybe it helps that we can pattern-match it to the way the Right talked about homosexuality not too many decades ago). But something quite different came up near the end of the year which seems to have come much close to "breaking wokeness": the eruption of the Israel-Hamas conflict and American cultural attitudes about it. This seems to have thrown the culture war of the past decade somewhat topsy-turvy (the next months will tell how much or little it's truly been shaken up): a lot of rhetorical memes and tropes now seem scrambled between the main ideological tribes. This doesn't just threaten to "break wokeness"; it's putting an equally deep dent in "anti-wokeness": the other side is now bizarrely adopting a lot of the "woke" side's rhetoric around antisemitism and feelings of personal lack of safety among Jews and even implications of fragility around it.
It's pretty discouraging to see so much ideological hypocrisy on both sides, but a big part of me is glad to see some disruption in the American ideological entrenchments even while contemplating the nature of the Israel-Hamas conflict makes me feel miserable.
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