#and Uther was clueless!!
pigamariofthestars · 5 months
Heya Luni, do you know who Sir Arthur is?
Hmm… can’t say I do. I have heard many stories of Sir Uther Pendragon over my years, though. For my whole life, I’ve aspired to achieve the same goals and status as him.
But since entering this tournament, I have noticed that some competitors have… interesting opinions of him? And what’s all this about anti-propaganda?
Oh well, I still believe in all the competitors! I hope I can meet both Uther and Arthur in the @kirbyoctournament !
I still have so much to learn about these people! Guess I’ll study and be back later.
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pigfacedbitch · 1 year
Are You That Dense?
summary : what do they do when their crush is oblivious of their feelings.
word count : 0.5k
type : headcanons
pairing/s involved : Arthur / Merlin / Morgana x Reader
warning/s : it's kinda sad on Merlin's part (at least for me)
here is my masterlist!
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Arthur would be clueless as you are, maybe even worse.
The prince of Camelot wasn't raised to process his feelings properly (no thanks to dear old daddy), so he thinks his infatuation is under the pretense of friendship.
Many find it hilarious. Everyone knows how much Arthur loves you... except the two of you.
He just doesn't understand why he's always wanting more than the platonic affections you give him, yearning for you when you're not around, or thinking about you all the time.
Don't get me wrong, he knows he enjoys your company. Both his whole world and time stops when he's with you; the heavy responsibilities of the crown and endless problems are temporarily forgotten.
Arthur also feels the need to impress you, sometimes more than Uther. He already likes showing off to a crowd but when you're watching him? There will be 1000x more effort.
"Why do I feel this way, Merlin?"
"You are in love with (Y/N), clotpole."
"Oh. I suppose you're right."
"Is this the moment where you order me to get her flowers?"
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I'm sorry but Merlin prefers it that way.
As much as he desperately wants to to straight up confess to you— to be able to touch you, kiss you, and love you openly, he doesn't want to put you in danger.
Apart from a secret that will get him executed, he deals with dark entities all the time and those will eventually catch up to him. He can't risk it, especially if it's you.
There will be a lifetime of labor and hardships if you choose to be with a manservant. Being with a druid will likely get you hurt or killed too. You deserve better than what he can offer. You deserve better than him.
His feelings for you may not be obvious as Arthur's but for people who are perceptive (ehem Gwen maybe?), they will encourage him to court you. He'll only reply that there's no use and you'll never see him as something more than a friend, especially if you're a noble or royalty.
However, Merlin is only human. There will be times when he can't help himself, giving you small gifts or favors he won't do for anyone (even Arthur).
"Thanks for the help, Merlin."
"I would do anything for you, (Y/N)."
"Uhh... Cause we're friends, right?"
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Morgana will make you her own amusement.
Best believe she will test you, to see how long can you remain unaware of her feelings. It entertains her to no end, better than the performers Uther hires in banquets.
She will go all out— giving you all sorts of touches that's reserved for lovers, bringing you expensive presents, always spending time with you, and even kissing you in both public and in private.
Morgana will search for any reaction on your face every time. But you just continue to innocently smile and thank her for being a 'good friend'.
Everyone thinks you two are dating because of her public display of affection but you shrug it off whenever someone asks you about it. Morgana, on the hand, just smirks and winks.
If it takes too long and she begins to get impatient, she will just knock on your door and confess her love.
"I am in love with you, (Y/N)."
"You are?"
"YES! How can you be so blind—"
"I thought we're just friends?"
Until then, she and Gwen will be laughing at your obliviousness as they enjoy their afternoon tea.
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relativelydimensional · 2 months
bestie what are some of your merthur fic recs
Omg who me? stooppp <3
Okay so I used to read a LOT of merthur fics back around 2011-2013 and have only recently hopped back on the bandwagon so this will be a mix of some oldies i've revisited and some newer fics that have made me insane :))))
0. this one goes without saying but The Student Prince is seriously one of the best fics in any fandom i've ever read to this day. I relisten to the podfic every single year and it SLAPS every time. If you haven't listened/read recently this is obviously my #1 rec hahahha
Okay onto some actual recs
1. Tired by spqr
King Arthur gets enchanted and keeps having dreams about his court sorcerer merlin :))))) He obviously doesn't say this to Merlin, but Merlin notices he's not been sleeping and Arthur comes clean about having 'nightmares.' When Merlin tries to figure out a counterspell, he accidentally casts it on himself and ohh nooo they're both having sexy dreams about each other but also have to act normal in real life ITS SO YUM. This fic was surprisingly soft, like yes they are having some full on dreams but also the bits that made me extra insane were just the little soft moments between non-dream merthur 🥺
This was a school holidays read and i remember reading this in the staff room of the elementary school i was working at trying so hard not to SCREAM. At one point i had to go on a spirited walk around the building just to get my energy out because it was JUICY.
If you like: canon era fics, court sorcerer merlin, the intimacy of domesticity, arthur with a beard and merthur being so in love but also fucking clueless about it this the fic for you <3
2. But It's a Good Refrain by lady_ragnell
Merlin runs a relationship advice/matchmaking service radio show and Arthur's ex calls in and rips into him on air. Arthur calls in to defend himself and he and Merlin butt heads. An oldie but such a goodie. I love this one because the characterisation feels very natural. Plus i loooove arthur POV fics. Merthur are so sweet in this one and i love love love the dynamic of their respective friendship groups merging. It also features the fandom favourite m/f crack ship that is elena and gwaine which im always here for.
If you like: silly modern AU friend group nonsense, Arthur POV fics, snarky Morgana, and a fic writer who understands the sheer power merlin emrys' 🥺 face would have over not only Arthur but literally ANYONE who looks at him, this is the fic for you.
3. Second Chances by DragonDucks
This is a canondivergence/fix-it fic set immediately after Arthur dies in 5x13. In this version Arthur tells Merlin he loves him with his dying breath and Merlin's magic sort of implodes sending him back in time to 1x1. So it's like sad s5 Merlin getting a second chance to save Arthur in the body of tiny baby s1 merlin.
I'm gonna be honest i'm still reading this one but it has me kicking and screaming!!!! Most of the dialogue is repurposed from the show which makes it extra juicy to me and its just delicious i love it so much. The POV switches between S5 mourning merlin and S1 gay panic arthur and its soooooo good i'm loving it so far. Some of the side characterisation is a little weird but Merthur are PERFECT. It NAILS that yummy introverted Arthur and fond Merlin characterisation.
If you like: canon era fix it fics, time travel, Arthur pendragon falling in love with merlin bit by bit and actually having space and time to grow as a person, and merlin emrys being like no everyone shut up about my destiny i just wanna have a good time with my boyfriend, this is the fic for you.
4. All is Semblative by Whitefox
I just fucking love crossdressing fics okay 😇. This is cinderella meets Merthur. Uther is throwing a ball to find Arthur a bride and servants aren't allowed. Out of spite (and, lets be real, also jealousy) Merlin tries to disguise himself to sneak in and ends up accidentally turning himself into a princess. Arthur hits it off with a weird but beautiful mystery princess who turns out to be his manservant he's been in love with this whole time. Simples.
If you like: Prince Arthur knowing about merlin's magic and being cool with it, fairytale AUs, accidental genderbending (but still canonically mlm merthur), and arthur pendragon singlehandedly embodying demisexual panic this is the fic for you.
5/6. As Long As We Have We AND No Matter How Far Away You Roam by lady_ragnell
Lady Ragnell again because I looove the way they do modern day Arthur. and i've been going through their stuff. These are both super cute christmas fics (I know its a little early but I couldn't help myself). In the first one, Uther has just died (rip uther you will not be missed) and Arthur accidentally collects lonely friends to spend christmas with him in the empty house. At the same time he befriends Merlin, the owner of his local bookstore, and merlin brings his own group of strays to Arthur's christmas...and obviously everyone gets along super well and merthur fall in love. The second one is a fake dating. T get his parents off his back, Arthur lies to Uther and Igraine that he and merlin have been together for years and Merlin (plus his mum and his sister Freya) has to play along one christmas..and obviously everyone gets along....and obviously everyone gets along super well and merthur fall in love.
If you like: found family, cute christmas fics and fluffy merthur these fics are the ones for you!
Also pls if anyone has any canon era secret dating merthur fics i beg of you please send them my way 🥺
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emrys-merlin · 2 years
Maybe it's an unpopular opinion, but I think the argument that Merlin could have turned Morgana away from evil a) overexaggerates their friendship, and b) underestimates the appeal and manipulative abilities of Morgause. Merlin would have helped her in the short run, but eventually, Morgause would have come into the picture, said and did the right things to manipulate a vulnerable Morgana. Merlin telling her wouldn't have done any good. Morgana would still have remained resentful and angry at Uther's cruelty, ultimately leading to her turning against him by seeking out HER SISTER. Merlin didn't want to kill Uther (for Arthur), unlike Morgause AND Morgana.
Morgana was already isolated and raging against Uther in the pilot. Uther is Uther, Arthur at this stage is almost Uther 2.0, and Morgana stands alone and (she believes) without family. By the time Merlin arrives she's already bitter and angry, albeit justifiably so.
Morgana is drawn into her fate with an inevitability that only the dragon predicts. Her instantaneous connections with both Mordred and Morgause are strong evidence that the forces of destiny are working basically /within/ her. Merlin, on the other hand, is separated from her by status and by the proprieties of gender. Even if he did confide in her, I don't think that would have tempered the radicalising effect of what she saw Mordred suffer through, and the kindred spirit/mentor/family she found in Morgause. Not to mention the fact that the first time she leaves with Morgause after being poisoned by Merlin, she doesn't even go of her own free will - she was genuinely clueless that she was the one putting everyone to sleep so that an invasion could be carried out.  Merlin's persuasive abilities had nothing to do with that situation, and those events are the ones where Morgana is truly removed from Camelot and fully radicalised into the personality transformation that we see between the end of season 2/beginning of season 3. There was very little that Merlin could have hoped to have done to remedy it. By S3, Morgana is a lost cause. 
Additionally, Morgana finding out she's Uther's biological daughter was what really pushed her over the edge. I think she would have felt betrayed by that revelation whether Morgause or Merlin were there for her. At that point, she wanted what was rightfully hers. If she had turned to Merlin for help with it, he would not have told her what she wanted to hear, which was try to claim the throne or have Camelot know she was a Pendragon too.
Merlin would never have chosen Morgana over Arthur. And Morgana would never have chosen Merlin over Morgause/the throne.
Telling Morgana would have been a colossally stupid mistake. It can work in the world of fanfiction, where we soften character personalities to better enable development or alternate timelines, but in the continuity of the show and her character, she was always going to end up walking down that path.
Also, Merlin doesn't owe anyone telling a secret about himself that could get him killed - except possibly Arthur. But that's a rant for another time.
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tiodolma · 9 months
I'm sorry for saying back then that the druid camp massacre wasn't merlin's fault. It was his fault that arthur/uther and co. become more certain exactly where to look. Merlin's reckless destruction of one of the gates led the army to where the druids hid.
Merlin couldn't commit to his chosen solution (carelessly handing off clueless Morgana to the druids) and he still tried to get Morgana to clean up his messes for him.
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moreaithusaplease · 2 years
Clueless Merlin AU
He still didn't got to Camelot after some years on Ealdor, he was doing a great job as a self taught doctor and using bits of magic here and there, somehow he just happens to help many druids and knights in his jorneys between villages, so he gets some fame.
They' all call him Emrys, but he has no idea! Someday King Arthur himself comes to Ealdor search dor the amazing sorcerer chosen one, Merlin laughs at his face
"— I've meet no one like this and I've been living here since my first spring!"
"— Look, Everyone says he lives here! Maybe you're just mentally ill or a dumbass to not see such a great and good sorcerer"
"— Stop being such a prat, He can’t be all that great if I’ve never heard of him"
"— You're a real ass"
"— I've heard that before"
"— C'mon even if you're just trying to sell your medicinal thingys you have to know where the man is, i will buy the stock"
"— you know what? Get out, is to early for argumentations, i bet you that Uther got him on Camelot and he is in the other side of paradise right now, Go ask him"
"— when you find out how to contact dead man you can tell me how" Arthur huffs
"— What? Uther died?! You're kidding with me"
"— Oh sure, I'm very playful with my father death"
"— Wh...You're fucking prince Arthur?"
"— King"
"— Oh"
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fluffypotatey · 14 days
If I had magic in canterlot, as a huge coward (with no knowledge of any nuance going on), either 2 possibilities.
Either attempts to hide magic would fail and I would be executed, thinking it's horrible there were no magic user in the ear of the king. Who was his best friend, who the king highly trusted, who could maybe try stopping the genocide going on with, idk a confession or just words. And I would die, possibly with my entire family if the guards suspected them or they tried to rescue or avenge me.
Or i would live long enough for the death of king Arthur and the reign of Queen Guinevere, where I was no longer prosecuted, and think yay! Arthur really should have died sooner for the queen to be in charge
(Again no nuance, I'm a clueless peasant)
like i said in the previous one, there isn’t really a win-win for nuance for the everyday magic user in Camelot 🤷🏻‍♀️
like you could be told about the Once and Future King and see that Arthur is kinder than Uther and such, but there’s still the fact that magic persecution isn’t repealed. maybe it was in the works during his reign, but you are, like you said, a commoner magic user who just wants to survive and live your days in peace.
how would you know until Queen Guinevere’s solo reign?
you might even take to interpret that the Once and Future prophecy was about her reign all along so 🤷🏻‍♀️
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junkshop-disco · 1 year
@magicalrocketships tagged me for this, and who doesn't love a stat?
rules: give us the links to your fics with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the fewest words.
most hits and second most kudos: Instalments. Harry falls in love with a wealthy client. They both pay for it, in instalments. Pretty Woman AU. (One Direction, Harry Styles/Nick Grimshaw)
third most comments: An Equal and Opposite Reaction. Meeting each other's parents doesn't go well. It doesn't go badly, either. It just sort of... goes. (Skam, Isak/Even)
fourth most bookmarks: The Miseducation of Harry Styles. Nick makes Harry a mix tape, falls in love with him, and has a nervous breakdown (not necessarily in that order). (One Direction, Harry Styles/Nick Grimshaw)
fifth most words: A Fistful of Infinity & Starlight. Uther’s insane, Morgana’s plotting a new assault on Camelot, and Arthur and his knights are clueless but supposedly in charge. In the midst of it, Gwaine finds himself harbouring feelings for a man who apparently has a destiny, and learns something new about magic: it doesn’t play fair, and serving it shakes everything you hold dear – whether you’re a sorcerer or not. (Merlin TV, Gwaine/Merlin)
fewest words: Little Plastic Destiny. Someone has been leaving the Merlin and Arthur action figures in compromising positions on set in the hope that it will give Bradley and Colin ideas. It does: revenge. (Merlin TV RPF, Bradley/Colin)
Tagging: @septemberrie, @myalchod, @camedownonamoonbeam, @just-two-blokes and anyone else who fancies it!
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on my high horse again to say that Dagr and Bum (I know he’s Ebor but humour me) squandered their opportunity to rekk the Merlin world like the one-dimensional villains they were
I MEAN they had shape-shifting necklaces!! And all they could think of was get revenge against ARTHUR??, who had the gall to put up a bar fight really quick but the boy can’t throw hands??
Why’d they waste their incredible double edged fatalistic +20 strength sword and awesome shape-shifting blood sorcery on him 😭
You’re better than this Dagr, c’mon…
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The List has been updated, Gang!!
A few have been crossed out, but to make up for it, I’ve added 7 new ones!!
Check which ones have been crossed out!
and to make things easier on y’all, here are the new ones:
58.     The Knights ask Merlin just how close he and Morgana used to be (which they all find incredibly weird because, bar Leon, none of them met Morgana more than in passing before she went batshit insane). They push him too far and he decides he’s sick of lying. ULTRA angst, FORMER Mergana :( Everyone is super surprised, especially Arthur, but also sympathetic, because they can’t imagine how hard this has been.
59.     Merlin is Tristan Du Bois’ son?? Making him Arthur’s cousin?? He came to Camelot knowing full well who he was, with the intention of killing Uther in revenge, but accidentally fell in love with someone (Gwen? Morgana? Leon?) and decided to give Arthur a chance. The Gang find out when they’re captured and the truth is revealed. Arthur isn’t too mad because his bestie is actually related to him!! :D
60.     Merlin as a very unsettling Guardian angel, revealed by Morgause when everyone gets captured.
61.     Really short fluff fic of Leon telling Arthur all about Igraine. Brotherly bonding and fluff :D
62.     The gang sort through Lancelot’s room a few days after he dies, and discover that he had a secret partner. Merlin finally reveals that it was him when they find a certain something in amongst the stuff, and everyone feels like shit because… he’s been grieving alone and no one knew. Super angst, but also a fluffy part two in which they save Lance (something to do with the Shade and very strong magic).
63.     Merlin taking a REALLY blasé attitude towards the magic reveal, in which the gang are talking about magic and how bad it is until he scoffs and goes “Y’all clueless, magic is common, useful, and loved everywhere except Camelot, you knobs”. Cue “… you grew up outside of Camelot, right? Can you do magic?”, which results in Merlin looking at them all dumbfounded, going “of course I can do magic?? I’m actually very good at it?? I use it every time I go home to help out my mum? Did you think I couldn’t do magic??!” and everyone is so taken aback that they just… leave that as it is.
64.     FREYLIN!! In which Merlin managed to save Freya, and after a few years of sneaking away to visit her every couple of weeks, finally decides Fuck Destiny and Fuck Arthur and Fuck Camelot and runs away to live with her. Merlin manages to lift her curse and they get married and build their perfect little home and have a very adorable child, but it all comes crashing down when King Arthur and his closest knights, one of whom is very badly injured, stumble upon their home. Magic!! Love!! Reconciliation!!
Let me know if these change any of your votes!! I am sorta desperate to write #58 at some point soon, but don’t worry, I shall finish #7, #49, and hopefully #32 and #48 before then!
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weakforarwen · 2 years
The Changeling is such a feel-good episode. Bradley was really great in this one.
I'm still sad that Elena became the typical princess in the end. She was still not as fairytale like as Mithian, but why in the world did the Sidhe manifest itself like that in Elena? Also, did Merlin really get away with killing the Sidhe leader? No repercussions, really?
I wanted more episodes with Elena. She's one of my favorite minor characters. I hope she married for love - to someone who liked to compete with her in horse-riding and didn't feel sore about losing to a woman - and lived happily ever after.
Grunhilda: And what does that mean, anyway, "Perfect princess"? Sounds perfectly boring. You've got spirit, child. If Arthur's got half a brain, he'll recognise that.
Sorry, Elena. He really doesn't have half a brain.
I wonder why they wrote Elena like that? Was it to make it easier for Arthur to reject her? Gwen, by comparison, was a lot more graceful, well-mannered, and princess-like than the actual princess. She was also more conventionally feminine. She didn't sword fight, wasn't a competitive horse-rider, didn't trip and embarrass herself, etc. Even Mithian, the perfect princess, was a better hunter than Arthur which bruised his ego a bit. Both Elena and Mithian had something typically masculine that they were better at than Arthur, which hurt his pride a bit, while Gwen was a seamstress... She was also a blacksmith's daughter, though, and was able to start a fire when Arthur couldn't, in The Castle of Fyrien. That had bothered Arthur a tad too.
I think it's pretty monumental how Arthur defied his father. Everyone had been expecting him to marry Elena. Gwen certainly hadn't believed Arthur would go against Uther. She hadn't believed they had a future and Morgana had convinced her of it even more. If Morgana, who in the past would've supported Arthur marrying for love, hadn't thought Gwen and Arthur stood a chance, then Gwen probably thought they didn't.
Poor Arthur looked so sad the whole episode. I liked that he first asked Gwen for permission to marry Elena. I think he might not have even proposed to Elena had Gwen believed in their future. He usually counted on her to tell him to follow his heart. As it was, it was up to Merlin, but Merlin only told Arthur what he wanted to hear. It was the same with Mithian. Arthur didn't ask Merlin if he should've broken up with Gwen in His Father's Son, or if he did the right thing banishing Gwen. He had already known what Merlin would say. But he talked to Merlin when he wished to back off of his wedding to both Elena and Mithian and take Gwen back. He knew Merlin would tell him to marry for love. Arthur wanted the opinion of someone normal, who didn't care about old-fashioned family traditions and alliances, who would probably have more romantic views on marriage. Even the word of a "clueless servant" would've been enough to validate Arthur's feelings.
One of the things I love the most about Arthur and Gwen is that Arthur constantly shattered my expectations of him. Arthur's number one trait had always been that he loved Camelot above all else. Yet, Gwen proved that wasn't necessarily true. He wasn't just some idyllic Prince or King who lived for his people. He was a man. He wanted love and companionship, and would do foolish, selfish things for the woman he loved. He would leave Camelot for her, embarrass himself and his father, give up on his lands, put her before Camelot if needed.
I adore this about them. I never thought King Arthur would be a romantic, and no one else had either. Gwen couldn't comprehend the extent of his devotion and how he gave it so freely. It had initially surprised Merlin in Lancelot and Guinevere, and it surprised even Morgana in Queen of Hearts. Arthur himself likely didn't know how far he would go for Gwen. All he had known was to give everything of himself to Camelot. He hadn't expected to do the same for Gwen. He didn't even agreed to it. It was bigger than him.
Arthur never truly had to put Gwen before Camelot, but knowing there was a scenario in which he could've faltered and chosen Gwen over his destiny really should change how anyone sees Arthur. The Once and Future King couldn't exist without his Once and Future Queen. He couldn't exist without Merlin either, but we're talking about choices Arthur made. Marrying Gwen was the first choice he truly made as King, before he was even crowned.
Anyway, I truly feel like people overlook how Arthur's love for Gwen wasn't just "romantic" or showed he was different from Uther. It had the potential to completely alter Arthur's destiny as surely as Merlin, Morgana, or Mordred had. Death didn't stop Arthur from becoming The Once and Future King, but Gwen's death, for example, might've. It's so hard to express how I think that Gwen undermined the basic premise of his character.
Also, unrelated, but Morgana was so thrilled to ruin Arthur's wedding. I thought she would want him to marry Elena and be miserable, but perhaps she wanted Uther to lose his shit even more?
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acciofandomlove · 3 years
The Weirdly Manipulative Narrative of BBCM Characters
Let's start with the character that is the easiest to explain and whose sympathetic narrative is the easiest to break from:-
#1 - Uther
Part 1 - Ygraine
Uther starts off as this big bad villain who every viewer hates. He kills magic users, is a tyrant, emotionally manipulates Arthur, is a narcissist, a natural liar and so forth.
Then we get to know more about his past and realise that he's just a broken man. Someone who lost his wife due to magic and couldn't handle the loss so he chose the only path he understood as a warrior king- violence and bloodshed.
“ She was my heart, my soul. And you took her from me. ”
But here's the thing.
Uther cheated on his wife.
“I loved your mother. There isn't a day that passes where I don't wish that she were still alive. I could never have done anything to hurt her.”
Yeah, sure Uther.
Now, I'm not saying that Uther didn't care for Ygraine. But cheating (and barely showing any guilt over it later) is not the action of a man who "loved" his wife. Considering the fact that Gorlois was clueless about the infidelity, we have to assume that Ygraine was too.
To prove my point further, let's consider the fact how we all know how much Uther valued tradition and arranged marriages. Is it so hard to assume that he would've married Ygraine for her family standing and pedigree rather than "true love"? Especially since he was a new king who had just conquered all of Camelot.
"Your father betrayed me."
So, then why was he so angry at her death? Why did he remember her so fondly? Why did he always call her the one he loved?
The same reason Jane Seymour was the only one Henry VIII truly loved.
Because she gave him a male heir.
"I'm sorry Arthur. Your father has deceived you as he deceived me."
Like I said, this doesn't mean that Uther didn't love her at all. The pain he feels about her death shows that he obviously did.
But a lot of his pain also comes from guilt.
Ygraine probably lived her last moments feeling the fear that she was going to die, sorrow that she would not get to see her son grow up and betrayed over what fate her husband helped write for her.
"Those few seconds I held you were the most precious of my life."
The most precious moment of her life was also the one tinged with the most sadness.
Uther was not some tragic Romeo. Instead, he was the Othello that let himself be his own downfall. But what sets him apart from his Shakespearean counterpart, what truly makes him the villain is what he did next.
“You showed yourself to be a man of honour. You inherited that trait from your mother.”
Uther destroyed Ygraine's life, her friend's life, her legacy, her kingdom.
Ygraine is shown to be sympathetic to magic from the way Nimueh and Morgause describe her. But he turned her death into a cause of war, killing thousands in the process.
He tore down homes for the magic he used to create his own. Kills children for the sake of the one he sired. He not only rages but actively lies and manipulates as he did with Balinor. He spread propagandas and used Ygraine's death as emotional fodder.
He got Gorlois killed in his fight of hatred, Nimueh's life destroyed, Vivianne to have to hide one of her daughters and Gaius to lose his love and watch people he cares for die. These were all people Ygraine knew and was most probably friends with.
Her brother Tristan was killed and Agravaine reduced to a snivelling villain who Uther barely tried to hold any correspondence with as far as we knew. You could say it was because Uther didn't trust him but the very reason that was true was because Uther sacrificed Ygraine and then had the audacity to blame innocent people for it.
He lied about her sacrifice to not only her subjects but also her son, dishonouring her life and cheapening her death.
No matter how much you try, you can never show Uther in any way, shape or form as "sympathetic". The death of the mother during childbirth was quite a common thing during that time, regardless of magic. How that can be used as a reason or justification for literal GENOCIDE is beyond me.
#1 - Uther Part 1 // Uther Part 2 (coming soon)
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emrysmalfoy · 2 years
AUs that are definitely my kinks: (Harry Potter and Merlin)
Harry Potter:
Harry is a Slytherin
Drarry is real
Dumbledore is showed as the manipulative psycho he is
Sirius Black Lives ( bc honestly that MF deserves it)
Jegulus raising Harry and at some point finding out that their son has a teensy tiny ginormous crush on the young Malfoy
Draco Malfoy being absolutely clueless about muggle stuff and Harry finding it absolutely adorable and loving him so much more for that
Harry Potter finally hitting puberty after the war and being taller than Draco Malfoy
Buff Harry and smol Draco 😳
Merthur is canon (it is true, the writers were probably just super homophobic)
Merlin appreciation, just the gang loving Merlin for who is really is and what he does
Gwen and Merlin being the best of friends (the friendship we were denied after been shown the beauty that was season 1, honestly)
Gwaine and Merlin being the best fucking Bros to exist ( see I don't want them to be a slash bc I am a Merthur girl through and through)
Season 5 Buff!Merlin without the tragedy and blasphemy that was Season 5 storyline. I am talking about Arthur have a complete gay panic meltdown because he finally realised just how much Merlin has filled out.
Fanfics where Uther is so OOC that he is not a dick. I mean the ones where he is showing his love for his son and not treating Morgana like complete shit.
I am willing to cheat on Merthur for a good, feel good Merthian where Arthur is the best wingman Merlin could ask for and Gwen is just there in the background sipping wine and smirking like the queen she is.
Maybe one day I'll write about these 🤔
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larrikin-is-a-himbo · 3 years
My friend watches Merlin: Part I
Oh god what have i started
Who's this blonde motherfucker
Also witch lady murdered some woman and took her form to get revenge, which I whole heartedly support
Gwen is so pretty
When will Arthur stop being a jackass I'm just curious
Enemies to Lovers?
Also imagine having such bad luck that your mom sends you to the one place where magic is strictly forbidden, when your one quality is having magic
WOAH Talking dragon Cool
Oh good Merlin has to play nanny to Arthur, cool
PLS Merlin boi what are you doing
Just because the chick is good you don't have to risk it
You'd think when your one weakness is a mirror you'd get rid of the big ass one in your room
Witch is really nailing the abandoned attic aesthetic
I looove the snake shield
I'm so sick of fortune cookie smart people
Or in this case reptiles
Morgana is also so pretty
Oh my god Morgana, you should just leave this place
You deserve better than everybody here
Hello there beautiful 👀
Mysterious magic woman
Is this show MLM WLW solidarity?
I really don't see why we shouldn't let the magic people take charge of the kingdom and push this moTHERFUCKER off a cliff
This fucking dragon is pissing me off
I love Morgana so much already
Oh this guy is so clueless I love him
Wow the king is a real asshole
Can't wait till he dies
Tumblr media
I'm getting real tired of the king
I'm legit so tired of this guy
And this is only the first season
Seriously, the amount of problem that could be avoided if they just got rid of the king
And so of the dragon
But mainly the guy
He straight up wants to kill a fucking child
I never wanted to kill off a series character so bad in my life
Honestly if I were Morgana I would just leave
Just pack my stuff and sneak out
It's so weird that I'm 100% on the opposite of the main character's side
Excuse me
You can't just drug your son
This isn't going to end well I can see it
I'm digging this series honestly
LMAO I like how the girls are coming to the rescue
Like, of course they are helping Merlin cause he helped them
But I can't help but see the "If we're not going he's not even going to survive the journey, let alone the bandits" In their looks
NAW Arthur just shot an unicorn
Not sure I can forgive him this one fam
Yeah fuck your grain
You know who the true victim of the series is? The water supply
And Gaius' nerves
At least Arthur is trying to be a good ruler
LMAO not the rat stew
This entire family is fucking killing me
Both father and son
And I don't know who the holy spirit is
[Me: Arthur's mum
Him: That was fucking foul 💀]
Yaaay, the unicorn lived
"Yeah your dad is dead, but you can keep your house" CAN NO ONE IN THIS HOUSEHOLD COMMUNICATE
I am 100% on Morgana's side in the situation
And so are on everybody's side who's against Uther
Gwen is so much better than me as a person
Oh...they made up
Morgana is also a better person than me
Season finale time
Did I just watch the entire season in one day
"It's just a myth"
"It's just a story"
"It's just made up"
Bitch have you been PAYING ATTENTION to the past months? Or however long this season is spawned in
So far Nimue gave some water, Merlin's mom is dying, the dragon outed himself and Merlin is saying goodbyes
Wow, why do they severely underuse the best antagonists in every series I like
This was not nearly enough Nimue
I'm low-key disappointed
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iamcaledonia · 3 years
So this week I wrote exactly ZERO words, but I have come up with two brand new ideas that I'm now desperate to have already written so that I can share them with you.
Small town post office worker Merlin is smitten with new regular customer Arthur who recently moved back to his ancestral home. Arthur sends many letters and parcels to the same woman and Merlin thinks he's got no chance but, surprise! it's Morgana. Set in the moderately recent past so that telephones aren't yet that common so postal communication is still a thing. I imagine it would be a 40-50k slow burn. Adorable, clueless idiots to husbands.
Cannon era Arthur MUST be well- accomplished at ALL THINGS. Once he learns of a new skill he cannot rest until he has mastered it. Merlin is openly long-suffering as he humours Arthur through a lute phase, a juggling phase, a painting phase, and a wood carving phase that nearly killed both of them and left Camelot littered with half-finished sculptures that Uther hates and Arthur is correspondingly proud of. All continues well until Arthur witnesses two of his knights in flagrante. Arthur had never considered letting another man do that to him... until now. At least this is one phase Merlin is more than happy to help him explore. Absolutely ridiculous and unapologetic smut.
So, there you go. The contents of my brain this week. If I ever get around to writing them, I'll let you know. Xx Cally
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firstknightss · 3 years
thinkin about.................merlin modern au
modern au where merlin is a university student studying medicine, and has magic. He doesn't quite realise it at first, because things just seem to happen around him. He's come all the way from ireland on a scholarship to this prestigious uni in england.
One cold, september morning, after being a loner for all of two weeks, he meets gwen [english lit student] and they become BEST friends. They both seem to click really well, and hang out almost always.
Gaius aka professor of medicine in the university, takes merlin under his wing, he's known merlin's mother since they were both children, so he's something of a father figure to merlin, who lives with him.
Elyan is on a product designing course, in a design and tech college which means that hes not here that often {at least in the beginning} but he constantly facetimes gwen and arthur (who used to go to the same primary school as elyan) has grown up w him so theyre aLL besTIES [goodbye canon, feudal system doesnt exist].
arthur's dad is the dean of the uni, and hes got the rep of being the annoying white priv school boy who got to the uni just bc daddy runs it, but hes also very smart and is always trying to make student life better. arthur is doing HISTORY bc hes just LIKE THAT. and specialising in "medieval england" as one does.
uther is a staunch anti magic believer, u kno, the racist homophobic all round bad guy <3
lancelot? depressed shy classics major. get him some Help. gwen notices him just lonely in the corner and theyre all like "sure he seems cool". He and leon are quite good friends, mostly as they're both quite quiet, although lancelot is a Dumbass in his own ways.
then there's also leon, uther's (dead)friend's son, he studies economics and like, is dONE!! with everyoene!!1 he's had enough (but he's too awkward around other people, so he hangs out with the group long enough to become the mom friend.) so THEYRE friends for a year. then in the year below they assimilate the following people to the group
we have gwaine, studying palentology, just wants to talk about dinosaurs. i agree. it too wish to talk about the dinoSaurs. he forms quick bonds with merlin, since he quite literally fought for him in a barfight. he drinks too many monsters to stay up all night, and the group keeps bonking him to go to sleep.
percival, architecture KING, a little clueless but hes got the spirit. he's good friends with lancelot, but also quickly becomes friends with the rest of the group. he likes to sing and plays a shit ton of instruments, forces the group to go to the bar for a karaoke where they meet gwaine.
morgana, went into history like her brother, but she specialises in cold war n modern stuff. she likes learning about the psychology of leaders n what drove them to do what they did. also has magic, but its more manipulation magic rather than anything else, tries her best to never do it for evil. HATES her adoptive dad. and they just. walk around together and block corridors. and commit some minor crimes.
and end up in the hospital quite a few times.
and find out about merlin's magic.
and do genuinely fun things good for them!!!
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