#and Timmy is Timothy.
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cupiidzbow · 1 year ago
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bites my thumb I know I already talked abt nicknames they’d call me but I thought about it again and got sick to my stomach (good way ) 💔💔
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maybe-in-another-universe · 11 months ago
i hear your constantly sleep deprived tim drake. allow me to raise you one sleep deprived BUT prone to napping/passing out tim drake.
after a 72 hour mission, with no sleep, tim finishes up his report at the bat computer, stands up, takes three steps to the left, and curls into a ball on the floor and sleeps right there. Bruce finds him and moves him to somewhere more comfy.
alternatively, when he’s stressed and doesn’t want anyone to bother him, Tim finds the most inconvenient, out of sight place to nap so he can get back to work once he’s done. unfortunately sometimes he gets caught.
Jason: Why is Tim in the tea cabinet?
Dick: He’s tired, leave him be. I think this is the first time he’s slept in like two days.
Damian: Father, why is Drake currently unconscious in the cave under the medical gurneys?
Bruce: He likes it there.
i just like the idea that the family just rolls with it and accepts it as one of his many quirks. maybe even young justice gang gets in on it and is like oh yeah that’s tim for ya.
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amira-house · 6 months ago
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In the anti-fairy world, without anyone being aware, a baby was born; loved by his parents, especially by his father, who would do anything to protect his family...
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danteisproblem · 4 months ago
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Redraw of this panel because HE'S SO SILLY I LOVE HIM
Please please please i love yj98 dc give me more yj98 content please please plea
(Reference and no pic ver under the cut)
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No picture version
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mylifeingotham · 10 months ago
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plutonicbees · 7 months ago
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he was a sk8r boi she said c u l8r boi. or wtevr
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deadsetobsessions · 1 year ago
Her name is Drake, Tim Drake.
Except, unlike Bond, James Bond, she’s not a badass who saves queens and get the girls at the end. Well, no, she did get the very amazing woman at the end, and she had the ring to prove it. But not right now. No, right now, she’s a tiny little girl in the middle of a mental breakdown as her parents cart her away from the bodies of the flying Graysons and their wailing son.
See, Tim Drake wasn’t supposed be a girl. Tim Drake wasn’t supposed to be Theodora Janet Drake, shortened to Timmy because her air headed jackass of a father forgot her name once.
Tim Drake wasn’t supposed to be a woman shoved into a body that wasn’t hers.
By the time Timmy got out her catatonic state of existential crisis, her parental units (faulty parental units) had already left to a dig site a world away. The nanny they’d hired for the three year old had left the slip of a girl in her room, content to just make edible toddler food and spend the day casually checking in on her. The nanny had no concept of stealth, so at least Timmy could hear her thundering footsteps long before she got to Timmy’s room.
She would have been sad, had she not had a full set of memories of a well adjusted adult. In fact, all she felt was relief.
As weird as being comic book character is, Timmy supposed that she should be glad she wasn’t like the original. The dysphoria was already significant, in this tiny body, so pale and white, unlike her calloused and tanned skin she’d come to love. If she was in Tim Drake’s male body…
No, Timmy knew when to count her blessings.
Not that being beholden to Gotham was much of a blessing. Timmy could tell already that whatever had brought her here was going to make sure she stayed. How did she know?
There’s a gamer’s interface hovering on the right of her vision, blaring [WELCOME TO GOTHAM, PLAYER 1!] in annoyingly large white letters.
Timmy sighed and gave in. She tapped the ‘start’ button and the world greyed to a stop.
Underneath it, to Timmy’s tired mind, laid the damning and probably helpful:
Timmy tapped the screen again.
[Welcome to Gotham!] The informational screen started. [By now, you’ve realized that you’ve been reincarnated into the lovely and not at all depressing world of Batman!]
Timmy muttered, “Just Batman? Not DC?” She blinked as the informational screen paused its typing before replying to her.
[Right now, you’ve only got the Gotham mode unlocked. Work hard and you can unlock the rest of the world! Maybe even the universe!]
Huh. An interactive interface. Timmy wonders why she’s so calm about this.
[That will all be explained shortly! Please allow for the tutorial to continue and make sure to save your questions for the end!]
Well, Timmy doesn’t want to be rude. She nodded. Interestingly, the interface picked up on both her thoughts and her movements.
[Welcome to Gotham!] It starts again, and Timmy felt a bit of guilt in making it start over. It’s like getting cold called and the caller is just a tired person trying to make their quota for minimum wage and instead of patiently listening to the spiel, Timmy had interrupted so now they had to restart the rehearsed speech. Oof.
[You’ve been reincarnated into the body of our very own Red Robin, Timothy Drake! How exciting! The powers that be, was, and will be has selected your lucky soul to be a beta tester for their relatively new reincarnation roulette!]
See, none of that sounds particularly… “good” for Timmy. Timmy hums as she settled back on the greyed out floor, eyes fixed onto the screen.
[As such, to be the first player deposited in this universe-]
And oh, doesn’t that have some interesting implications.
[The powers that be have decided to grant you a boon! The Gamer’s Exclusive Ultra Package!]
The interface exploded with holographic confetti.
Timmy thought her wife would have loved this… had she not died months before Timmy did.
[Included is the exclusive Gamer’s Mind and Body passive status! You won’t be as traumatized by traumatizing things! A boon, in the hellscape that is Gotham!]
Timmy’s calling it. Whoever wrote this was a total troll. And had a sense of humor she could appreciate. That explained why she’s so… not freaking out about this entire thing.
[It also includes ten lucky draw tickets, with guaranteed five star skills/abilities per ticket! Wow! It’s almost worth getting killed and isekai’ed!]
Timmy snorted and tapped accept.
[And two revival tickets! These can bring any Schmuck dumb enough to get killed, right back to life, with zero drawbacks! To be used on anyone you wish, post tutorial.]
Timmy tilted her head. Useful. She tapped accept.
[Now, you might wonder: ah, why would the de oh so awesome and all powerful gods make me reincarnate here instead of allowing me to enjoy my afterlife with my beautiful wife?]
Timmy stilled, heart in her throat. That’s right… why?
The screen turned red. Ominously, smoke starts to steam out from the side.
[You’ve got blood on your hands, Timmy. That’s hard to wash away.]
The screen blinked back to its neutral blueish-white color.
[That, and it’s because the Powers that be made an oopsie and messed up this world so bad, we needed a soul from a different universe to replace Tim Drake’s. He kept dying! Which meant Batman kept dying! Which meant the entire universe went to shit! But we can’t just cut it off, it’s a main Universe! But nooo, does anyone listen to the admins? Noooo. Of course not! What does the literal administrator know in the face of an all powerful god-!]
Timmy blinked, sympathy welling for this person. This administrator. That sounded rough.
[Ahem. My apologies.] The admin apologized, somehow conveying sheepishness through a screen. Timmy got a notification.
[1,000 Shop Points Granted. Message: You’ve worked under tyrannical bosses too! Kindred Soul!]
“Yeah, it be like that. I’m sorry you had to clean up their messes.” Timmy said.
[I, too, am sorry you were dragged from your afterlife for it.]
The two overworked employees shared a solemn moment.
[Well, then! This brings us to your goal! Keep Batman from killing himself, and fulfill Timothy Drake’s Destiny!]
“And what is his destiny, exactly?”
[To keep Batman from dying, becoming a crime-fighter, get beat up by Jason Todd, and destroy Ra’s al Ghul’s work with explosions!]
“That’s… really specific. I just have to fulfill those?”
[Yes! Not in any particular order, of course. And in any way you see fit!]
That last part was italicized, like the admin knew what was brewing in Timmy’s brain. They probably did.
[And now, please direct your attention to the screen to the right. ]
Four boxes popped up.
[Underneath “Quest” is all of your current objectives! For now, the Tutorial is selected and can not be put on hold!]
Timmy obligingly tapped “QUEST.”
Main Quest: Get Your Shit Together, Batman!
Main Quest: Jason Todd and His “E is rated for Everyone” Hands!
Main Quest: No Crime Under My Watch!
Main Quest: Play Bomberman With A Bunch Of Ninja Assassins Led By A Borderline Immortal Cult Leader!
Main Quest: Tutorial!
Side Quest: Level Up!
Side Quest: Learn a Skill!
Side Quest: Nanny Bye-Bye!
And so on, and so on.
“Woah. Nanny Nye-Bye?” Timmy tapped, clicking away at the reminder that Tutorial could not be paused.
[Side Quest: Nanny Bye-Bye.]
[Your nanny has been embezzling the allowance your parents gave her to feed you! Since your bourgeoisie parents have no sense of how much things should actually cost to eat, you’re stuck eating boxed food and unhealthy things while your nanny goes out for hotpot every other week! The injustice! Get her fired before the month ends!]
[Rewards: 1000 EXP. An approving nod from the scary Draconic Janet Drake. $800 per month.]
[Failure: -2 (permanent) to Health. Your status will be [Malnourished] until 17 years old. A disproving glance from the scary Draconic Janet Drake.]
“What the ****?”
[Language filters are unlocked at level five.]
Timmy grumbled.
“What if I need to curse to complete my missions?” She asked.
[Then Player One needs to buy herself a sense of creativity.]
Timmy scowled but moved on. She perused the shop, window shopping as one might say, while asking the Admin some more questions.
“Does the Keep Batman Alive quest have a time limit?”
[Until Damian Wayne has had at least four years of being Robin.]
Timmy nodded, brain whirring with plans.
“Hey, admin?”
[Yes, Player One?]
“If I’m player one, does that mean there will be other players?”
[Yes, Player One. There will be more! But unlike you, their abilities will be based on your feedback of the reincarnation system. Not to mention, they will not be reborn as a predetermined Main Character like yourself. This is because your existence was a result of a cosmic oopsie that had better never happen again or I’m going to rip their star-riddled hides from their cosmic bodies. Does that answer your question, Player One?]
Timmy leaned away from the screen. Intimidating.
“Yep. Thanks.”
[Anytime. Would you like to play the Lucky Draw?]
“Yes, please.”
The Luck Draw Menu was pulled up again. Timmy looked at the amount of tickets she had and shrugged. She tapped the “DRAW ONE” option.
The gacha machine spun and spun until:
[DING! DING! DING! Congratulations! You got a five star skill! Eloquence Beyond Measure!]
Timmy checked it out.
Eloquence Beyond Measure!
[As expected of a true Bristol elite (and not one of those snotty snobs of children running afoot with their parent’s money), you’ve gained the ability to spit fire and ice out of your mouth! What you want to say will always come out of your in a way that benefits you most! Diplomats kneel to your eloquence! Socialites dare not provoke you in fear of your barbed words! You’ll never sound like you don’t know what you’re doing ever again!]
Huh. Timmy grinned.
“Thanks, Administrator. Is the tutorial done? I just had an idea about that Nanny Side-Quest.”
[The last task is to check your profile, Player One.]
“Thanks. You can call me Timmy, you know? We’re in this together now.” Timmy grimaced. She just wanted to rest. Chances are, so did Admin.
[Timmy, then.]
Timmy tapped PROFILE.
Theodora “Timmy” Janet Drake
Level 1 (EXP to Next Level: 500)
Status: Healthy. Alive. Uninjured.
SKILLS: Eloquence Beyond Measure
Timmy sighed and exited out of the window to finish the tutorial. She could peruse the stats later. She’s kind of hungry.
[Now that you’ve finished the basics, the powers that be encourages you to try your best to live out this life and fulfill your destiny! The Prize at the completion of Tim Drake’s destiny will be a reunion! With your beloved wife! Work hard, and she’ll be placed on this earth once more!]
Timmy sat up, throat burning. She could see her wife again? To tell her how she missed her and how much she loved her?
Timmy’s heart burned once more since the death of her wife.
Determination filled her now small body. She’ll wrangle the Bats to therapy kicking and screaming if that’s what it took to meet her beloved wife again.
Timmy dialed the first contact she saw in the phone.
“Hello, this is Theodora Drake. Might I speak to my mother?” Her three year old voice smoothed out, suddenly eloquent and powerful in a way it simply wasn’t before. Eloquence Beyond Measure was proving useful already.
“Yes, of- of course, Miss Drake. Please hold.”
She waited.
“Theodora. What is it, daughter? You know better than to interrupt our digs.”
“Mother, it has come to my attention that my nanny is embezzling money from you. I have been eating boxed mac n’ cheese and only that for the past three days. They cost four dollars each. I would hate for my growth to be stunted.”
Two days later, Janet Drake and Jack Drake stormed into the mansion and threw out the nanny. Janet gives her an approving nod at her sudden eloquence (wow, these people had no idea what children were supposed to be like) and gave her a credit card to use freely.
Rich people. Honestly.
Timmy’s sly gaze was highlighted by the invisible glow of the congratulations banner.
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sanzosin · 7 months ago
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Did someone want that cool poster pose that makes Jack look like a pussey..wait..wat?
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wan90645 · 7 months ago
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knopartt · 8 months ago
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our bltps playthrough with @1iquorr basically (best possible duo)
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cerherhex-exe · 6 days ago
no reason for civil war between freedom pals and coon&friends. timmy have two hands to hold
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I DUNNOHJJHWJJJ "does this count as timjim/timken?" BOTH MAKE LOVE NOT WAR
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proud timmy fan since 2020 and multishipper yes thats me
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shadomeno · 4 months ago
He got allowance
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maaarine · 1 year ago
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Timothy Snyder: The Making of Modern Ukraine. Class 23. the Colonial, the Post-Colonial, the Global
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amira-house · 6 months ago
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In a different universe, Cosmo and Wanda had Timmy as their biological son, deciding to hide in the human world and live as humans...
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danteisproblem · 4 months ago
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Another redraw because i love them and THEY'RE SO SILLY I WANT TO HUG THEM UNTIL THEY EXPLODW
Original panel and textless ver under the cut
Original panel:
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Textless version:
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mylifeingotham · 2 months ago
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