Amira's House
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The answer you're really looking for is: Magic
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amira-house · 6 months ago
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In the anti-fairy world, without anyone being aware, a baby was born; loved by his parents, especially by his father, who would do anything to protect his family...
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amira-house · 6 months ago
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In a different universe, Cosmo and Wanda had Timmy as their biological son, deciding to hide in the human world and live as humans...
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amira-house · 6 months ago
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[Dev can't remember what his godfather looks like, he misses him; the only feeling of paternal familiarity and 'human' affection came from a man who is unable to remember...]
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amira-house · 6 months ago
What's Timmy's relationship with Crocker and Vicky now? (Because they are not evil anymore)
also, what would Timmy's relationship be with Hazel and Dev?
Crocker is the uncle who is an inventor and 'mad' scientist while Vicky is the older sister who knows amazing combat techniques.
Dev and Hazel are his temporary godchildren due to: The Disaster-class emergency situation.
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Emergency Godchild Assignment
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amira-house · 6 months ago
Hi two questions on your au:
One: how did Timmy accumulate all the "positive" magic for this to have happened?
Two: how does Timmy and others (Crocker, Vicky, The council, etc) respond to this? I'm looking more for the immediate response as we know later the trio have decided to stick together.
I note positive magic as he is a fairy not an anti, pixie, genie, or other magical being and the affects it had on those around them.
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Constant interaction with magic has consequences, especially if he had been doing it for 58 years, it was impossible for this magic not to adhere to the child.
Timmy is a pure source of magic, as is his now innate power, as well as his ability to believe in it, which is a constant feedback loop.; His ability to desire, to believe that he can achieve something, gives him the ability to overwrite reality to his will in an alarming way.
That's why the boy was too dangerous, and everyone tries to keep Timmy hidden, so that what happened with Poof doesn't happen again.
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amira-house · 6 months ago
What role the anti fairy in your au? Does they recognize the previous godkid (timmy)?
Oh yeah, they made the mistake of believing that Timmy was incapable of remembering magic or even seeing the anti fairies; they only made that mistake once before they were hit with a magic guitar...
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amira-house · 6 months ago
Wait making time flow normally?? Is it still stuck or something? I thought time was going on as it probably should’ve after the secret wish episode thing.
After their offenses were forgiven for the secret wish, the council members tried to undo the wish without success.; That's why they went back in time to before Timmy wished, it was practically impossible to undo the wish.
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amira-house · 7 months ago
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[They had been the same person for so long, it was impossible to hate each other; they were as opposite as they were complementary...]
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amira-house · 7 months ago
How exactly do his powers work? is it just normal fairy powers or is it like oh my god what the fuk is up w him
His magic originated mainly from the magic muffin, so imagine how overpowered he is...
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amira-house · 7 months ago
So if Timmy goes into his fairy form as an adult will his fairy form be when he’s a child or will it be as an adult fairy form?
As an adult he would attract a lot of attention, so he takes on a younger form, hiding behind his magical white cloak, trying not to be recognized.
[Hazel questions him about his cloak, Timmy avoids giving precise answers, Dev tries to figure out why this mysterious guy sounds so familiar...]
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amira-house · 7 months ago
If no one in the fairy world knew about Timmy becoming a fairy, does the anti-fairies know about anti-Timmy? Is he like their best worst kept secret?
The anti-fairies in general don't know.
Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda know that Timmy is a fairy, both worship Anti-Timothy; It is the best kept secret of both of them, and they guard it jealously even from Foop himself.
Foop doesn't know this because his parents know he'd go brag to Poof about his new brother...
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amira-house · 7 months ago
Wait what’s happening to Dev and Hazel why do they need help
The children were being chased by the anti-fairies, and luckily they met Timmy; he was there to protect them...
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amira-house · 7 months ago
Wait does Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof know that Timmy’s a fairy now? Or did he keep it a secret from them?
He kept it a secret because of the risk of losing them, so they are not aware; Jorgen wouldn't take it well that Timmy had magic and would try to erase all traces of it.
(According to Crocker, that would be too risky, it could kill him, and it wasn't worth the risk...)
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amira-house · 7 months ago
How does Timmy feel, knowing that Vicky and Cocker are now good and nice and actually care about him?
Timmy can always count on them for help and he really appreciates them so much.
They both helped him as he learned to control his newly acquired magic, even though it proved to be too destructive.
(Making time flow normally could destroy the world or reality itself, so he stopped trying...)
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amira-house · 7 months ago
UR SO COOL?? I NEED more info on this bro... how do cosmo and wanda react?? hell how does FAIRY world react??
Cosmo and Wanda don't know that their former godson is a fairy, the fairy world doesn't know either; they cannot know because of the restrictions imposed on Timothy by the fairy council upon learning of the event.
Timmy can only stare longingly at the two of them, trying to avoid the trouble that revealing the truth would bring for everyone.
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amira-house · 7 months ago
OMG THE ART WAS AMAZING!! so i have a question about your au if your mind answer it or not:
-what happen to the fairyworld?
-what does timmy do causing to lose cosmo and wanda?
-does hazel and dev also be part of your au?
- The fairy world is fine, it exists, unaware that Timmy is a fairy; The Fairy Council learned after the events of Timmy's secret wish, and they intend to keep it that way.
- Timmy grew up, that's all.
But he didn't forget them, his own magic was more powerful than a memory wipe; unable to maintain a lie, he left home and did everything he could to help any other child who would face a difficult life full of anguish and sadness.
- Oh yeah, Hazel and Dev are part of the world.
They were in danger, luckily they met Timothy at the right time; and he's the one who will do anything to protect them...
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amira-house · 7 months ago
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"The Chosen One, Timothy Turner" — On the way to save the fairy world, again...
I always loved Santa's magic bag and its ability to protect Timmy from harm, I like to think he came back for it, it's a useful gadget to have in his hands...
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