#and NOW that reluctance has been turned into a reason why she's perfect for an even more dangerous job
roguestorm · 1 year
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[Transcription of Angelica's speech bubbles:
At the gala, when it was clear we'd lost, Jean telepathically inserted memories into Stasis' head about recruiting me and being a double agent so I could help whoever survived in whatever way I could, and before she could tell anyone else, she died -- and now I'm here alone trying to do what I can, and I didn't ask for this, but Jean did it anyway and said I had to volunteer, but I didn't really volunteer, and I didn't even want to be an X-Man, but now that I am, I know I can be important - I can be of service. I am a mutant and I'm proud. I r-resist.]
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Kitty heard a story about Jean a) creating secrets, b) drafting people into roles they didn't want, and c) altering memories, and she was immediately like, "Yeah, I buy that because it sounds exactly like her." Love my girl <3
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puhpandas · 6 months
was thinking last night about the direction the fnaf story is going and I was thinking about vanny cassie. like vanny cassie would be such a perfect villain because it brings vanny back to the spotlight and cassie has a connection to Gregory as a friend.
her arc would be so tragic in every way and she wouldnt know what or who to believe. she would believe she was abandoned by Gregory again (in this case he didnt cut the elevator) like all her friends and her dad did and that vanny is a friend. both manipulation and supernatural mind control stuff like glitchtrap did to vanessa to create vanny.
and 3 stars could be the protags in a post hw2 dlc game that's big and free roam story like sb. I think Gregory would be a better choice as player because he would have the best reason to chase after cassie; shes his friend. vanessa would be very important also because like. Vannys back. and now she has a family and another kid shes gonna fight like hell for.
"the family missed the greatest opportunity of their lives" vanessa didnt destroy vanny glitchtrap and mimic when she should have, and now they're back. and she isnt gonna run away scared this time. shell finally end them for good
and also Vannys motivation. since vanny killed glitchtrap (probably to take his place as big bad bunny virus) this makes you wonder why shes doing this. we dont know why glitchtrap did it either so I guess the same reason as him. shes supposed to be reluctant tho so? idk what's changed. but we'll go with building the monarchy evil pyramid back up
so vanny would be trying to get all of the followers back, or maybe shes still following mimics orders and it wants them back. could have a potential rebellion plot from vanny at the end but that's besides my point
the point is itd be such a fun spot to reveal ggy. Vanessa's been hiding it from Gregory to protect him, maybe freddy too, and Gregory has no idea and just knows he has tons of memory loss. hes moved past it to live his new life, but after doing all this to get Cassie back, it turns out vanny wants all the followers back and hey, why is she talking about 2?? who is dr rabbit?? why is she after me??
I just think theres a lot of potential in a plot like that for all characters. Vanessa's arc as vanny is already so interesting but cassie has an obviously very similar arc becoming vanny but also so different. she would be manipulated while shes alone hurting and believing she was betrayed with abandonment issues and taken advantage of. vanny would be using her as a vessel, so theyd have to get her out of cassie to kill her for good.
and if Gregory had to find out about ggy at this point, itd be a big deal but also truly make that connection between cassie and Gregory. no matter who cut the elevator Gregory would feel at fault because he either did it or wasnt fast enough to stop cassie before it happened. so he would have to confront condemning cassie to the same fate his family and now apparently HE went through and that's his best friend man. and also not to mention the concpet of vanessa and cassie of course
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alwritey-aphrodite · 9 months
i’m so sorry hun i’m new here and i think i did this wrong!!so love note-resting your head on your partner's lap with sejanus plz?? xoxo
If you were the anon message with the same prompt then you didn’t do anything wrong, so no worries!! Also, I love your icon <3
Sharing rooms and beds and houses with your cousins, you were used to a little bit of chaos, no matter the time of day. The Covey were a musical group, which only made their yelling and fighting and screeching even louder. It seemed to have settled down as you all continued to grow and get older, but now the fights and spats were over dresses and instruments instead of toys.
The love you had for your little family was unmatched, but sometimes you needed a little bit of a break from being with them at all hours of the day, no matter where you went. You’d taken to wandering around District Twelve, spending a few hours in the well trodden paths in the woods, knowing no one would bother you.
Until, one day, someone did.
You can hear him before you see him, branches cracking under his step, rocks shifting beneath his heavy boots, the gentle humming of some song long forgotten. Without even seeing him, you know the boy you’ll find when you venture farther down the path, so you call out to him to save him the shock of your silent approach.
“Sejanus? What’re you doing all the way out here?” You ask, trying to cover your concern with a teasing tilt. He still startles, a sharp intake of breath as he turns towards your voice, shoulders relaxing when he recognizes you.
“Just needed to clear my head,” he says, and you hum in response, wandering through the woods for the very same reason.
“I know just the place for that,” you tell him, turning from your original path to lead him to an alcove, a quiet little clearing that you’re certain Lucy Gray discovered and no one besides you and the rest of the Covey know exists.
The rest of your walk is silent with the exception of the birds fluttering overhead and Sejanus’s breathing behind you, the path too narrow for you to walk side by side and the boy reluctant to step on anything. You find yourself smiling when you imagine his regret on crushing a flower beneath his heavy boots, and you wonder why someone as gentle as him would become a peacekeeper.
Slowing to a stop, Sejanus bumps against your back, almost knocking you to the ground but quick to keep you upright, spewing apologies as you laugh and steady yourself.
“Here we are,” you tell him, walking towards the fallen log you and Lucy Gray had fashioned into a bench months ago, before she had been reaped.
“It’s pretty,” he says as he sits next to you, gazing out at the rolling fields and the glistening sun. It’s a beauty like no other, land untouched by man, and it brings a certain sense of peace you can’t find anywhere else, even in the depths of the woods.
The two of you sit in silence for a while, until you talk for hours and hours, swapping stories and sharing your experiences. While he doesn’t understand, he sympathies, and you find yourself feeling lighter with every story you share, your heart aching as Sejanus tells his own tale. He’s such a sweet, gentle soul, you ache to think of anything bad happening to him, no matter how much you yourself have suffered.
He tells you about his childhood in District Two, about his time spent in the Capital, about his parents and Coriolanus and Marcus, about his dreams of being a medic and his reasons for following his only friend all the way to District Twelve.
Eventually, the sun sets and the stars emerge, the night perfect and cloudless and a deep navy. You’re not sure how it happens, too distracted by the sky to notice that Sejanus has grown quiet, and suddenly his head is in your lap, chest rising and falling as he drifts to sleep. You hesitate, unsure of what you should do but reluctant to wake him when he finally looks so peaceful. Your hand finds his head, rasping over his shorn curls, lulling him to sleep instead of waking him.
No one knows these parts of the woods, no one knows this clearing exists, so you let yourself lean against the tree behind you and close your eyes, Sejanus’s head warm on your thighs and your hand dancing over his scalp, relaxing the both of you as you drift off the sleep.
hehehe @beybaldes hehehe
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wisteria-cherry · 9 months
in which the marauders don't take kindly to you being asked out and no one tells you anything
you were not unattractive, you knew that much, but there was a very specific reason as to why you so often found yourself single: the marauders. the first time you found out about this was under rather unfortunate circumstances.
"would you fancy a date?" a sweet hufflepuff boy named adrian, who was a reluctant member of the slug club and quite enjoyed muggle photography, had asked you on a date. he was cute enough, and he seemed nice enough, so you had no reason to say no; you'd love the chance to get to know him better.
"why not?" you remember smiling back at him. "let's talk about a time and place later."
however, when later approached, you got a response that you hadn't expected. adrian was soaked from head to toe, and had a small bit of kelp in his hair.
"i think i ought to call the date off." adrian stated, his demeanor sour.
"how come?" you ask, startled, and you glance him up and down. "what happened?"
"i stepped in a puddle thinking it would hardly get my shoes wet, but it was as deep as a pond!" adrian snapped. "they can keep you! no wonder you're single..." adrian stormed off, leaving you dumbfounded and confused. the confusion, however, lasted only a moment, diminishing upon the realization of just who "they" were.
"you pranked my date?" you demand, nearly tripping into the gryffindor common room. "how could you?" four boys looked up from their respective seats.
"what do you mean?" james grinned boyishly, not bothering to even try to hide his glee.
"i mean my date is soaked from head to toe, with kelp in his hair!" you exclaimed, throwing your hands up in exasperation.
"it's eelgrass, technically," remus chimed in (insufferably).
"you know what i meant."
"he was just so boring, love!" sirius whined, flopping back on the couch. "you couldn't possibly have thought that a date with him would go well. he's a wet blanket, the prank was fitting."
"i could've found that out for myself, sirius." you snap. "what was going through your head when you decided to sabotage my date? how long has this been going on?" suddenly, everything made sense. the way no one ever seemed to stick around, even when you knew you'd clicked. the boys exchanged looks, before looking back at you and shrugging.
the gall! you thought to yourself.
"we've just got to make sure you're dating someone worthy!" james said finally. "can't have you dating a complete washout, now can we?"
"james," you groan, but you really couldn't argue. you didn't want to date a washout, either, but that didn't justify their means.
"you dodged a bullet with adrian." remus slid a bookmark in his book, shutting it quietly. "he can hardly take a joke, either, pranks aside."
"i can't believe you're on their side." you exhale. "well, if i can't date who i'd like, who can i date?"
"you can date sirius!" james said loudly, and grinned widely, a gesture that soon spread to sirius as well.
"oh, shut up." you snort.
"i'll have lily, and you'll have sirius, it'll be perfect!" james insisted.
"what about remus and peter?" you raise an eyebrow.
“peter hasn’t got the guts to ask a girl out, and the way moony’s going, doing nothing but studying, he’ll be a bachelor forever.” james sent a pointed look at the two of them.
“i do too!” peter insisted. sirius snickered. “in fact, there’s a girl i’m seeing right now!” sirius’ snicker turned to choking.
“you? who on earth is seeing you?” sirius demanded.
“you’ve got a girl, peter?” you ask, startled by the sudden news. he’d never brought up a girl before.
“a very nice hufflepuff named olivia.” peter beamed smugly.
“a hufflepuff.” james groaned.
“that explains it.” sirius rolled his eyes.
“she’s quite nice!” peter said.
“at least he’s got a girl.” remus rolled his eyes at james and sirius. “you lot haven’t been able to convince the people you fancy to go on a date, and it’s been much longer that it has for peter.”
“yeah, at least i’ve got a girl!” peter gloated.
“listen, it’s only a matter of time before lily realizes she likes me.” james insisted.
“sirius, you fancy someone?” you look over to the gray-eyed boy. “who?”
“it’s a secret, love.” sirius grinned boyishly. “no girls allowed.”
“no fair!” you protest indignantly. “sirius, i want to know too! i deserve to know! i can help!”
“i don’t need help, i quite know what i’m doing.” sirius said calmly, nearly infuriating you more. james snickered.
“yeah, she’s practically swooning over him every time he speaks to her,” james teases.
“she does? but i thought—“
“not now, wormtail,” james interrupted. “she can’t know, it’ll ruin the fun.”
“remus!” you turned to your friend for support, but remus glanced at sirius (who, behind your back, was shaking his head ‘no’ madly) before shaking his head sympathetically.
“sorry. afraid i can’t.”
“you lot are the worst, no wonder peter’s the only one with a lady.” you groan, immediately causing an uproar from james and sirius.
“alright, now—“
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snapeaddict · 1 year
Snapetober Day 2 - Harvest
He Deserved Better AU – de-aged headcanon (Severus is de-aged after the war and becomes the ward of Albus and Minerva)
As always courtesy to @mmad-lover for being the brain behind this AU and also for giving me this prompt ;)
October, 1998
To bring Severus here – it was very special. To come here had been their very first tradition, many years ago, when the boy had been 22 and their newest teacher still: he had misery about him, and gloom, and melancholy. Watching him pass through a corridor, Albus had let his gaze linger on the apple trees outside and formed the idea instantly.
He had lied to the boy, of course. He had told him it was a tradition, that Horace usually did the first harvest of the year with him, that the new Potion Master had to carry the torch; that no one wanted to accompany him, and that he needed the help of someone younger and stronger.
“With all due respect, headmaster, I am sure you of all people can cast a simple summoning charm.”
“But apples need to be picked by hand, Severus! They are picked by hands by people on ladders, and put in beautiful baskets. They do not taste as good if magic has been used to gather them.”
“You know that I know this is incorrect”, Severus had muttered, looking away. “But I will accompany you, naturally… if you so wish.”
“Perfect! Meet me at the entrance at 2 this Saturday, my boy. And bring a basket!”
It had been the first time Severus had not behaved completely submissively – the first time he had directed a hint of irony at Albus’ expense.
The headmaster had thoroughly enjoyed it.
He looked down at the little boy who was holding his hand. Severus had rosy cheeks, and was watching their surroundings with unconcealed delight: his eyes were sparkling in the low autumnal sun. That child was so different from the man who had accompanied him here, on that day of October, 1982.
He was so full of life.
“Now, Severus”, Albus spoke, halting their steps, “we will work on those trees over there, because they have very low branches. You can climb on the stools I brought, but you must always wait for me. Is that alright?”
The boy nodded, not letting go of his hand. Minerva had dressed him in a gorgeous crimson coat. He looked as if he were a permanent resident of the orchard, matching its numerous apples to perfection. Minerva had insisted that they spend some time together, alone. The boy wanted it, she had said. She had not understood why Albus was so reluctant to comply. She was already making an effort, entrusting him with Severus, and had not taken his hesitation well at all.
Albus supposed she had thought he did not want to spend time with the boy, just as she must have felt he was unwilling to go against her wishes. But the truth was, he was merely scared. They were alone – he was the only one in charge. And his charge was young, and fragile, and he had hurt him before; yes, something as simple as apple picking could bear a heavy emotional weight.
Gently, Albus pulled Severus up and put him on the nearest stool. The boy clapped his hand in delight. He summoned several baskets that landed at their feet, and the harvest began.
Severus loved every second of it. He had an eye and instinctively went for the perfectly ripe apples, leaving alone those that would only need a day more to reach their full potential; he giggled when Albus knocked down an entire basket and immediately proposed to pick the apples up, fully aware that his guardian’s back would be thankful to be left to rest, and that for some reason, this activity should be carried from start to finish without magic. Then he stated that the branch they had been working on offered no more suitable apples, and he pointed to the one above; nodding approvingly, Albus made him come off the stool and went to fetch a special stick that was used to bend the higher branches.
But at the same moment a loud, watery noise echoed through the castle grounds, surprising them both. Albus heard a gasp, he turned back in Severus' direction: the boy was on top of the branch they had meant to tackle.
He froze. He did not say a word. He could not comprehend what had just happened, how the boy could have been standing on the grass one second and be in the tree the next. The words he had meant to say – it’s alright, Severus, it is just the giant squid taking a dive – died in his throat. His wrinkled face was drained of all colour.
He barely had the time to reach for his wand when the boy, losing balance, abruptly fell to the ground.
He gasped and started running – as he ran, he felt his lungs drained of all oxygen. A howler rose from the collapsed form of the child on the ground, and he felt adrenaline rush through his veins, stronger than the shock, stronger even than the fear. He knelt next to Severus, out of breath.
The little boy was crying, though his sobs were irregular. They almost sounded like he was choking – his face, too, was ghostly white. Gently, Albus put him in a kneeling position, lowering him against his chest in a protective embrace.
“I’m here, Severus, I’m here, it’s alright – let me see – show me – does it hurt? Yes? Here?”
It was his wrist. It had to be sprained or broken, and he suspected the latter, for its angle was not quite right.
Watching the child’s pale face and his injured arm, Albus started to panic.
It was pure panic, one he had not felt in years, the kind that deprived one of all rational senses and skills: he kept nursing the child instead of casting a simple immobilising spell on his wrist to avoid further injury; he rocked them both back and forth compulsively. Still, using wandless magic, a leniens was cast on Severus’ injury, reducing the intensity of his pain. This was done without any conscious thought on the older man’s part.
Albus had brought down the two most powerful wizards of the century; he was the mastermind behind Voldemort’s downfall and the most gifted wizard of his generation. But a crying child – he didn’t know what to do with a crying child, especially a child that was crying because of his own carelessness. His heart could not bear it.
“It’s alright, Severus, it’s alright, don’t cry, it’s alright… It’s alright dear boy, I promise, it’s alright…”
And he started crying, and his whole body was trembling, blood was beating in his temples. He was blinded by the tears, but he didn’t take notice of them, taking the blurriness for granted or perhaps not registering it at all.
And he rocked the child back and forth, back and forth.
He did not really know what happened, or how long had passed, but the next moment, a tiny voice rose below him, brutally calling him back to the land of the cognizant. He looked down. Severus was watching him with a sort of gravity, his black eyes still wet but the pain on his face long gone.
“You… are not good at this”, he whispered with slight contempt, very much in the manner of his older self.
There was a pause, a long one.
Then at long last Albus burst out laughing, tears running still, cradling Severus. Laughter or sobs, he was not sure himself; but, when he could speak again, he simply murmured:
“You are right, Severus. I am very bad at this.”
Severus baked his first apple pie with an arm in a cast, and they called it the Pie of the Braves. They ate it as a celebration of his first magical outburst.
But that night, also, Albus collapsed into Minerva’s arms: and she discovered that for all his mightiness, Albus Dumbledore could be brought to his knees by the cries of a child.
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lexa-griffins · 1 year
What if alien Clarke has x-ray vision so she can see herself fucking Lexa and how tight she fits around her?
Okay but Lexa and Clarke both being part of this human/alien breeding program that pretty much guarantees humans with a baby because the aliens can /see/ if the breeding is successful.
Lexa wants a baby, they match her with an alien she has a good match with and who also wants a baby. Its a fairly easy process.
Lexa was expecting the whole process to be rather medical really. A quick shoot and go that she barely has to participate in. Thats the point of the program really, create a alien/human baby that her and whoever this Clarke lady is can co-parent. Easy. They have the same ideals and parental ideas so they really are the perfect match.
She just didnt expect... /her/. Clearly alien. The slight blue tint of her skin, the cute tiny horns on her head, the marks on her skin that remind Lexa of little constellations.
The sky people are a very pretty species, Lexa cant deny that.
They are naked from the moment they enter the small padded room provided for them. While Clarke seems very comfortable with all she has, and it is a /lot/, Lexa finds herself slightly covering her chest and her center. The alien seems to notice this.
"Hey you dont need to hide. I find humans so beautiful, you might actually be the most gorgeous one I've ever meet actually."
Now, Lexa didnt come here expecting them to really connect in a way that isnt medical but hm, she cant deny the way Clarke's blue eyes nearly shine and the way she smiles at her don't make her heart skip a damn beat.
Clarke gestures for Lexa to lay down so they can get started and Lexa does, with slight reluctance. She doesnt really know why she's nervous but she is. Maybe is the whole finally having a baby thing. Maybe is because she never been with an alien (how many people have really. There's a reason breeding programs like this exist).
.... maybe is the fact that when Clarke very politely gets on top of her, her dick is very clearlgonna be a /tight/ fit.
"Just... relax alright? It's always a bit of an adjustment for humans but you can take it."
Oh that should not have made Lexa as wet as it did, "Okay. Okay."
Lexa takes a deep breath and she feels the tip go in. It /is/ big. And thicker than anything Lexa ever out inside of her pussy. /Fuck./
"Fuck." Lexa breaths out as Clarke to enter her
"I know. Its a tight fit but you can take it, I know you can."
Right. They can /see/ it happening.
"Can you really... see yourself inside of me?"
Clarke chuckles. Lexa cant help but smile. She likes the sound.
"I can. That's how I know you can take it, but you need you relax baby." The term of endearment doesnt go unnoticed but Lexa ignores it in favor of trying to calm down her manic heart.
"Thats it." Clarke coos at her, slowly but sure going deeper.
Just the knowledge that Clarke can see herself inside Lexa both relaxes and turns her on because holy /fuck/.
Clarke is not yet fully inside when she stops moving completely. Lexa dnaos her head up, offended she dared stopping, "what?"
"You cant fit any more."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean... you cant fit my dick fully. I didnt think you could, humans arent really built for it. Its fine, but if i go any deeper is gonna hurt."
How... sweet of her. "Oh." Lexa states, finally being hit with the feeling of fulness. They stay there for a few minutes, as Clarke waits for Lexa to give her the go ahead, "you can move now" it comes out more like a plea than anything else but Clarke immediately gets herself positions to thrust inside of Lexa.
"Lets make a baby." Lexa says, awkwardly she admits. She hoping Clarke ignores it, but to her surprise, she leans in, kissing the corner of Lexa's lip. When Lexa looks st her in the eye, she looks so giddy.
"Baby making time." Its such a sweet statement that Lexa didnt particularly expect it to be followed by the filthiest sex she's ever had.
She's heard talks about humans becoming obsessed with having sex with sky people and she thought it was all talk. But the way Clarke manages to thrust inside of her at exactly the right angle everytime and how she seems to know when to quicken a brutal pace or slow down is as close to an addiction as she has ever come.
Clarke's soft lips approach her ear, her heavy breathing loudly tickling Lexa's hair, "Im gonna cum"
"Do it. Please, Clarke. Do it."
She can see it, Lexa realizes once more. The way she looks between Lexa's hips and her face as she cums. She can see herself fill Lexa up.
Jesus fuck she can see it. She touches Lexa's clit and Lexa comes undone with her.
Clarke falls on top of her, her body somehow still cool against Lexa's hot skin. The constellations on her skin seem to shine with the sweat that cover her it.
"You are very pretty too." Lexa manages to say, somewhere between awakened and asleep, "I hope our baby is just as pretty."
Before she closes her eyes, she feels Clarke's lips on her forehead, "with you as a mom, there's no way they wint be gorgeous"
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rinazzling · 1 year
↬ cherry blossom tree | takagi tsukasa
In the peaceful night of the Oya district, a sound of footsteps echoes. As she runs away from the trouble, she takes deep breaths, sweat drips down her forehead, and her heart beats rapidly. She paused for a moment before proceeding to the alley. The alley was extremely dark. However, she discovered a purple neon light in the corner, thought to herself, "it must be an exit," and hurriedly approached it. After successfully exiting the alley, she looked around to see if anyone had witnessed her exit before resuming her run. She constantly checking behind her to make sure nobody is following her. She failed to look in her path, which caused her to run into someone and fall to the ground. A blonde-haired man wearing a pink polo shirt was standing there when she looked up, but the purple neon light made it difficult for her to see his face well. With a concerned tone, he asked "Are you okay?" and hesitantly offered his hand to help her stand up.
Despite her reluctance to accept his small help, she heard a male voice approaching them before she reached his hand. The blonde guy was swift and quickly grabbed her hand to make her stand, then hid in a mini passageway. After looking around, they discovered the man with a student uniform who had been following her constantly. They then encountered another man also wearing a student uniform, with whom they conversed for a bit before setting off to locate her.
The blonde man regarded her with suspicion and enquired as to her relationship with the two men and the reason they were chasing her away. He was continually disturbed and irate about the fact that you were being pursued by the two individuals in the group he despised, asking, "why are you being chased by the two members of yasukiyo faction?" When she tried to speak, she was unable to do so because she was attempting to find the perfect words to explain her position to him. She simply stood still and stared at him. She did nothing more than flee once more.
After arriving home, she went right to her room and collapsed into bed exhausted. Shortly after, her friend Yui sent her a message. She read the message, assuming that Yui was intoxicated while talking about her new friend, "Where were you, I thought you would come with me after school? We were supposed to get crazy at the club tonight :( also I made a new friend!" She just seen the message of her friend, and don't have energy to reply back.
She wakes up the following morning around 6:15 am, giving her plenty of time to get ready for school. She observed a cherry blossom on the way to school, indicating that spring, her favorite season, has already arrived. As soon as she noticed Yui and Madoka standing inside the gate, close to the entrance, she sprinted toward them. Before Yui even spotted her, Madoka did, and she immediately gave her a shoulder tap to let her know she's already here. Madoka greeted me and reached out to give me a hug while smiling, saying, "Kazu-chan," I then turned to look at Yui, who was busily scanning the area beyond the gate. When she saw me glancing at her, she hastily shrugged. "What's wrong? Why do you keep staring at the gate?" I went to her and questioned her. She reassured us that there is nothing troubling about how she is acting right now by answering, "Nothing" with a smile.
I just nodded in response, "we should head inside and do club activities" Madoka added, and then we all headed inside.
Yui, Madoka, and I are all on our way home together. Yui informed us that she does drug sales secretly from the school and her parents knowledge. "and also.." Before Yui could finish her thought, Madoka cried, "eh, there's more!?" Yui then said, "I was followed by a strange man since this morning."
Next, she turned to face the right side of the street. We both glanced, and Madoka and I noticed a tall man—almost six feet tall. Yui and I attempted to stop Madoka as she approached him. I gripped her arm and pleaded, "Madoka-chan, please don't." She could not be stopped, so we were forced to watch her approach the man. Yui then called her out "Madoka-senpai!".
"OI! Jerk! Stalker!" Madoka yelled at the man, he was confused that Madoka is yelling at someone or him, so he point himself if he was the one getting yelled at. "You! Yes, you!" Madoka keeps scolding the man, that she didn't notice that Yui and Kazumi was getting kidnapped. Kazumi suddenly became aware of the disturbance next to her, threw her bag at the other man, and kicked him in the stomach.
The tall man was quick to see it and took off running as swiftly as he could, hitting the green hair man in the head. While the tall man was fighting the other dudes, Madoka and I quickly went to Yui. Yui then asked "You, the person from housen, right?" The tall man replied "eh?" Yui continued, "those pants are from housen, right?" The red hair man respond, "housen?" Before the beating starts again, a van suddenly appeared out of nowhere infront of us. The red hair man's people are inside, and then he jump onto the van, "I will remember your face" he said looking at the tall man.
After the conflict. The tall man who introduced himself as Sawamura offered to escort us home, but I politely declined. I informed him that I could go home by myself. I said goodbye to them and we parted ways.
Before going straight home, I went to the cherry blossom tree and sat under it, grabbing the pack of cigarettes inside my bag and pulling one of them inside, getting my lighter inside the bag and clicking on it until it lit a fire, but before the fire came into contact with the cigarette, someone snatched it from my hand. I swiftly looked behind the tree, my eyes widening in surprise, only to see him again, the guy I ran into and the guy who saved me from the Yasukiyo faction that night.
"You know that smoking is harmful, right?"
note: this is an open-ending type of a story hehe, I have no braincells left inside of my head to think of how the story would end, so.. It's up to your imagination! Happy Reading & Thinking!
© rinazzling
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townsenddecades · 1 month
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1317 – Day 1 – Witches’ Coven
Edith’s death isn’t the only reduction the household goes through in these three months, although the other parting, while bittersweet, at least isn’t as final. Simon has turned thirteen years old recently, and as foretold by Elea, his magical abilities have started stirring. They have always been there, but while it had been a barely noteworthy hum beneath his skin before, he can now feel it as if it were a stream’s current under his skin. He tries to call upon it and is amazed to see sparks follow the movements of his hands.
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Elea has given him instructions where to find her for exactly this case, and Benedict, though reluctant to let his son go after just losing his daughter, agrees that it is likely for the best. Who knows if unrestrained magic won’t burn their house down? A fire is be the last thing they need. So, Simon sets out to go to her, alone.
It is a long, wearying journey. Simon can hardly believe that Anna and Edith once tried to do it on their own.
The thought of his lost sister shoots an arrow into his heart. She had been so interested in what Elea had told them, so happy that she had been right and that there was a witch living in these parts. And now, she won’t even see what Elea had to teach him. It isn’t right. He can only hope that whatever he’ll learn will be able to prevent another tragedy like that.
That is the road his mind travels while he walks through the dark, damp forest beyond the ruined village of Lüghaven, until he finally makes out a tower through the barrier of trees. He blinks at the sudden appearance of the building, so unexpected this far from any other dwellings. He had expected a small hut, not a residence of multiple storeys.
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Elea greets him in her small garden, a smile on her face.
“I’ve felt your approach. Your magical aura has grown considerably.”
“That’s why I’m here. I can wield my magic now, but I still can’t control it. I want to learn.”
“And learn you shall. It’s been a long time since I’ve had an apprentice. My own daughter hasn’t been granted the gift of magic, sadly.”
That takes him by surprise. “You have a daughter?”
“Mariora, yes. She lives with me. You will meet her soon. But first, I want you to show me your magic.”
And so he does, until a lovely, dark haired girl around his age walks outside to tell them – her mother, really, as she starts with surprise when she sees him – that dinner is ready. Simon can’t respond at first, too busy staring at her. He doesn’t know what he expected, but a girl this beautiful wasn’t it.
She has the same striking blue eyes as her mother.
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Mariora leads them inside. He starts when he sees the ruined interior of the house, even asks if taking the stairs upwards is safe, but the women simply smile. And with good reason: while the stairs look unsafe and the lower story hardly has walls and is full of debris, the upper storeys are comfortable, warm and in perfect repair.
“The damages in the lower storey are real enough”, Elea informs him, “but there is a glamour on the steps to make it seem as if they are about to collapse. Keeps people from being too inclined to stick their noses where they don’t belong.”
That is reasonable enough, he supposes, although he has a lot to learn.
Mariora turns to him while her mother busies herself with putting something away. “So, you’re the apprentice my mother has promised.”
Simon smiles nervously. “I suppose I am. It still feels strange to be a witch’s apprentice.”
“Only if you haven’t grown up around magic. I only hope you know what you’ve gotten yourself into, Simon Townsend.”
He frowns. “What do you mean?”
“Mariora, don’t frighten our new guest.” Her mother walks over with their food floating on a tray before her. “Be happy that we have company to offer us some variety.”
“Of course, Mother.”
But her words don’t leave Simon’s mind for a while.
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Lady Gwendolen Dudley has celebrated her thirteenth birthday.
Prev: 1317, Day 1, Part 1/2 <--> Next: 1317, Day 2
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Bless Eccleston — Character Questions
How old are they? — Twenty-five.
What gender are they? — Male.
What is their romantic/sexual orientation? — Uncertain. Doesn't have enough experience with relationships to know.
How tall are they? — 5′10/178cm
What do they look like? — Pale skin, somewhat tall, average build with a surprising amount of natural strength, handsome features, yet somewhat boyish for his age, round cheeks. Heterochromia (left eye is black, right eye is white), glasses, slight dark circles under his eyes. Jet black, shoulder-length, fluffy hair with straight bangs.
What are their defining features? — Black and white heterochromia, proud, near-perfect posture, silver-rimmed glasses (always kept polished clean), frequent bandages on his arms.
Does their name have a meaning? �� Bless refers to favor from God or expressing gratitude. Eccleston means "church village".
What family do they have? — He grew up with his father, who was a highly smothering and paranoid parent. His mother was never mentioned, and he was never told why she wasn't present. Bless isn't sure exactly where his family comes from or who he's related to; he's only known his father, and never thought to ask about anyone else.
Do they have a good relationship with their family? — Bless loved his father. Despite the man being extremely controlling and strangely overprotective (largely caused by Bless being a sickly child whose health was always a reason to worry), Bless saw him as the person he could trust most in the world to love him and keep him safe. However, that relationship was cut short by his father's death— he was killed in Bless's early teenage years, and Bless never received an explanation of exactly what happened or who killed him.
If not, why not? — While Bless loved his father dearly, their relationship wasn't exactly healthy. He was raised in a highly sheltered, isolated environment where he was told that the rest of the world would "corrupt" or hurt him, and even now, he's struggling to move past his father's overly paranoid tendencies.
Where do they live? — A nice, security-monitored apartment in an equally nice part of town. The building is multi-story and old, but well-renovated, and the apartments are fairly spacious.
Is it a safe place? — Very. The Society intentionally placed Bless in a good area after his father's death. Since he was living alone for the first time, care was taken to make sure he'd be able to function and adapt to the new lifestyle, and since his upbringing was so sheltered, it was important that he felt "safe" in his new home. Of course, Bless still didn't take well to this new form of isolation.
Are they poor, middle-class, or wealthy? — Bless never knew how wealthy his father was, but currently, his living is funded by the Society, that he now works for. He's relatively middle-class because of their influence; while he's not living extravagantly, he's never had to want for anything when they keep him cared for.
Do they look up to anyone? — Bless looked up to his father above all else. He was the person who taught him everything he knows about the world and himself, which is a large part of why Bless is so reluctant to reject the parts of his teachings that weren't accurate.
Who is their best friend? —  Because of how isolated he's been, Bless has never had much in the means of friends at all. He was told that he didn't need them, so he's never thought about making any, either.
Do they have any enemies? — The Society's enemies are his enemies, is the way Bless sees it. He's spent his life adhering his worldview to one person or another, so he's more inclined to associate their enemies as his own than have any personal grudges.
Who is the person they hate most in the world? — He doesn't have anyone he particularly hates, though many people disgust him.
Do they have any love/hate relationships? — Finch. Bless doesn't know why Finch is so obsessed with him, but he's thoroughly sick of being harassed and pestered at every turn. However, despite all of his claims that he despises Finch and everything about him, he's really the closest thing to a proper friend Bless has ever had. Their relationship is the most casual one he's experienced yet, and in a way, he just doesn't know what to do with someone who's so open.
Have they ever fallen in love? — Isolated as he was, Bless never knew enough people to fall in love, or even form a simple crush. Even now that he's away from his father's control, he hasn't made connections.
Who is the person they love the most in the world? — His father. Or rather, his father is the only person he's ever loved. Bless spent his childhood with only his father around. He was a sickly child who needed a lot of care and protection, and he always saw his father as someone who was doing his best to keep him safe. Ever since he was killed, Bless has felt empty, lost, and unsure of himself.
Does that person love them back? — Bless's father loved him in the sense that he wanted to keep him safe, no matter the cost. It's unclear if his feelings were formed through a need for control, paranoia, or genuine love, but he treasured Bless more than anything.
Have they ever hurt or lost anyone? — His father's murder happened when he was a young teenager. Bless was only told that he couldn't know the details and that his father's death was for the "greater good". He never got any word of who was responsible or if they were punished, let alone why it had to happen. That was the greatest loss in Bless's life so far, and the thing that changed his entire world. The Society forced him to leave his old home afterward and continue his studies at a proper institution, no longer just home tutors.
Are they a good shoulder to cry on? — Not at all. Bless's emotional capacity borders on stunted, and he doesn't do well with people around him being in distress, let alone seeking sympathy. He'll wind up either incredibly awkward or coming off as insensitive.
Are they well-liked? — In a professional setting, yes. His coworkers and fellow students like him just fine, but in a way where there's always some level of distance between him. People appreciate Bless's calm, polite attitude from an outside perspective, but no one's ever gotten close enough to him to know what his real self is like.
How do they handle being complimented? — Accepts the compliment with a slight smile and polite thanks, then moves on. He doesn't value other people's opinions of him too highly.
Are they an affectionate person? — Bless is highly uncomfortable with affection in almost any form. He knew what his father's love for him looked like, but receiving similar things from anyone else sets him on edge. He also has no idea how to show affection— with his father, all he was expected to do was be respectful and compliant, showing his love for his father by obeying and staying safe.
Are they very driven? — On a superficial level, yes. He's studying medical alchemy (his father selected the field for him when he was young), and he's always received top marks, both as a "prodigy" and through his own dedication. However, Bless is only on that path because it was chosen for him, and he lacks personal investment.
Are they very political? — He knows the basics of politics and why they matter but has never cared to be involved in them.
What kind of state is the world that they live in? — Bless's world has always been controlled by other people. Despite having others around him, he's always been alone. With his father gone, he has no idea what to do with himself or how to live, so he continues to obediently, compliantly follow the wishes of those who have taken his father's place as "protector". His world is isolated and lonely, but he doesn't want to (or know how to) do anything to change that.
Does the character worry about their place in society? — Not particularly. He spent his childhood being taught not to think about what choices are made for him— while he's always been told he was destined for something special and important, he never was allowed to make choices to decide for himself what that "special" should be. He doesn't question what he's told, not about himself or the world.
If they could change one thing, what would it be? — The obvious answer is to have his father back, to make it so that he'd never been killed... but Bless wouldn't be sure if he should change that. Everyone said his father had died for the "greater good", after all.
Do they like themselves? — In a lot of ways, he's arrogant. A lifetime of being told he's special and skilled and worth more than the people around him got into Bless's head and gave him an obnoxiously above-it-all attitude as a consequence. But really, he doesn't care for "himself" all that much. He doesn't fully know who "himself" is.
Are they a good person? — He's a good person in the sense that he does the "right" thing when it's presented to him, but his moral compass isn't all that strong. He's more likely to follow orders and expectations than make any "good" decisions for himself.
Are they very forgiving? — No. Bless holds grudges... or he would, if he had any chance to. As it is, there's no one in his life that he thinks of as unforgivable, so he's never had a chance to form resentment.
Do they believe in destiny? — His entire life has been shaped around a form of it. People tell him he's special, that his survival is a miracle, that there's some great, grand reason why he's alive and his father isn't— what choice does he have but to believe them? Whether or not he personally believes in destiny is up for debate, but Bless knows his existence has been shaped by something bigger than himself.
Are they trustworthy? — More or less. He won't go out of his way to break his words, but he's not overly dedicated to keeping promises.
Are they a good liar? — Absolutely terrible. If he attempts even a slight untruth, he gets so flustered and uneasy that anyone can tell something is off. Lying is wrong, after all, and he's highly uncomfortable with doing things that could get him in trouble.
How do they react to criticism? — It depends on who it's from. Bless can easily brush off criticism from people he doesn't care about, dismissing their opinions as ill-educated and inaccurate, but criticism from someone he respects is another matter entirely, and he doesn't take it well. He's highly likely to change his behavior in response.
What is their moral alignment? — His moral alignment is the same as that of whoever is in charge of him. This comes out as something fairly neutral, but he's really not good at thinking for himself.
Can they fight? — Not at all. He's never been involved in anything violent, and his poor health as a child meant that he was far from even the basic levels of physically fit. Even as an adult, he's out of shape and somewhat frail... at least, until he's changed...
Would they ever purposefully hurt someone? — He doesn't know for sure. While he's cut up plenty of corpses in his studies, the idea of hurting a living person is very different, especially when he thinks about what happened to his father. He can come across as cold-hearted, but actually, intentionally harming someone would be a lot harder for him than he (or anyone else) would think.
Have they ever been seriously injured? — It wasn't exactly an "injury", but Bless spent his childhood seriously ill. He never knew exactly what kind of disease it was, just that he needed frequent medicine to stay alive, that he couldn't strain himself, and that it was serious enough for his father to have reason to always be worried. The illness miraculously disappeared a year or so before his father's death, though, and now, the only strange thing is that he's never been able to find mention of any sickness that matches his old symptoms.
Do they know first-aid? — That, and plenty more. Bless has spent most of his life studying medical alchemy, particularly techniques related to surgery. He's been considered a prodigy in the field since he was a child, so basic first-aid is child's play for him by now.
Do they have any other survival skills? — Not particularly. Bless, unfortunately, is almost dangerously naive. He's never done much of anything for himself, so he doesn't understand the complexities of human morality and when he needs to disobey authority to keep himself safe. He expects the world to be a series of predictable patterns and doesn't know how to respond when it's not.
Are they a fast learner? — It depends on what the subject is. When it comes to book smarts, Bless is a genius. He can memorize facts and details easily, about everything from the muscles in the human body to the properties of the alchemical elements. Unfortunately, his ability to adjust to real-world discoveries is nowhere near as rapid.
How intelligent are they? — Not as intelligent as everyone thinks he is. Bless has a good memory and is dedicated to learning what he's told to learn, but when it comes to thinking for himself, he's far more lacking. He's better at facts and details than solving problems.
What is their school system like? — His early years were spent home-school by his father and various tutors called in by him. After his father's death, he started attending a proper academy run by the Society, to the same success that was expected. He's always been academically gifted and received top grades and praise.
What is their job? — At the moment, Bless a full-time student. He doesn't have a proper job yet or a precise idea of what he wants to do, but his intention is to be an alchemical surgeon in some form. Supposedly, there's some great purpose waiting for him...
Do they enjoy their job? — He's as content with it as he is with anything else. As always, Bless doesn't have much of a say in what he does. He likes his studies well enough, so does it matter?
. . .
(Questions used from here)
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Chapter 5 - The Bullying Part 1
NOTE: This chapter contains bullying (as the chapter name implies), thus, if you're uncomfortable with that subject, you might want to skip this chapter.
It’s a beautiful sunny and clear day, not a cloud can be seen in the blue depths above. For many, this weather is perfect for an outdoor tea party. Laughter and chatter can be heard in many gardens, including that of Lady Randa at the moment.
Seated at a circular table are several ladies of varying statuses. Most ladies, except one, have focused their attention on one spot, the odd one out uncomfortably avoids their gazes as she is the center of focus.
“Thank you again for accepting my invitation. Have you been to many tea parties in the capital, Lady Gerber?” Randa asks with a smile.
“N-no problem. This-this is actually the first one I’ve been to. Here in the capital I me-mean...” Madelief answers while muttering as she is still uncomfortable with being the center of attention.
“In that case this would be your first time having truly good tea!” A lady chimes in with a seemingly excited voice, “After all, you won’t be able to get this stuff in the countryside!”
Lata shows a miffed face as she hears the last part.
‘Really? Won’t be able to? Even if it was the hardest to reach boonies in this world, that place’s nobles would still be able to easily get their hands on the good stuff. They just have to wait a little longer for that stuff. Ah, why am I getting worked up over this simple backhanded insult! I have absolutely no right to get mad for Madelief’s sake, considering what I’m about to do…’
Lata, the only one to stop focusing on Madelief, now turns her attention towards the various teapots in the middle of the table. A very unusual set-up.
Madelief meanwhile doesn’t notice there being less eyes on her, as she focuses more on awkwardly laughing at the various backhanded and not so backhanded insults thrown her way. She’s clearly too afraid to talk back and all the ladies at the table are very aware of that.
“I wonder,” Janthe takes a bite out of a cookie and leaves the table silent for an uncomfortably long time before she continues, “would she even be able to handle this tea? You do need to have a refined taste for this.”
A chorus of giggles resound as Madelief stares down at the table in embarrassment. It has been a few weeks since Madelief has been unfortunate enough to meet Janthe. She can’t grasp the reason as to why Janthe demeans her so much.
‘She doesn’t even address me directly when she makes fun of me! Like, I’m less than a fly or something! She doesn’t even have the decency to insult me to my face!’ Madelief fumes quietly to herself as the idea of actually confronting Janthe terrifies herself immensely.
Madelief is snapped out of her thoughts by a hand clap from Randa.
“Well, I think it’s about time we try the various teas here. Lady Zelenka has been kind enough to fill up our cups while we were conversing!” Randa smiles sweetly towards Lata, upon which the latter gives a reluctant smile back as she starts dividing the teacups amongst the ladies. She hesitates a bit before placing Madelief’s cup in front of her, but no one notices. Not even Madelief.
The ladies quiet down for a bit as they all take a sip from their cups. Lata’s gaze as she takes a sip is firmly planted on Madelief, and, out of the corner of her eye, she notices that Janthe’s is as well.
Madelief doesn’t even  hesitate before she takes a big sip from the teacup, probably eager to taste just how delicious the tea in the capital is, but her face instantly changes to a mortified one as her hand shoots up to cover her mouth, but it’s too late. In no time, the table and her dress are covered in tea which had just been in her mouth.
Madelief sits in her seat petrified as tea drips down her hand that’s still in front of her mouth. Her mind buzzes as she tries to comprehend what just happened. The various shrieks and complaints from the other ladies sound like fuzzy background noise to her. She comes back to her senses when she hears a certain cold voice speak.
“I knew her taste would be unrefined, but I can not believe just how unrefined it is.”
Madelief’s pink eyes meet a violet gaze that has shown nothing but contempt since the moment they’ve met. Yet again, these violet eyes are as cold as snow.
Instantly, Madelief becomes aware of what situation she is in.
Too aware.
She bolts up while tears swell up in her eyes and she dashes off.
For a moment, the garden in left in deep silence, but before long a voice speaks up.
“Well, that was an unfortunate thing. I believe it’s best to postpone this tea party to another time. I’ll call maids for anyone who needs to clean up. For those who wish to simply leave, I’ll accompany you to the front door,” Randa starts to deal with the situation instantly, but, interestingly, shows no hint of worry towards the lady that just ran out of her tea party in tears.
Meanwhile one of the culprits guiltily looks towards the exit the victim ran off to.
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“Apologise to Madelief this instant!” A brown eyed girl with a matching colour of hair stands in front of Madelief with outstretched hands and a clearly peeved face.
“And what exactly should I be apologising for, Lady Aster?” Janthe smirks as she pretends not to know what Lady Aster is talking about, making the latter even more peeved than she already was.
“You know EXACTLY what I’m talking about!” Lady Aster’s voice starts to get an angrier undertone, making Madelief and Lata a bit worried about the situation, albeit for different reasons. Madelief’s face clearly shows her worry as well, while Lata manages to keep her worry to herself.
Janthe, meanwhile, isn’t bothered in the slightest. She calmly and confidently clasps her hands together in front of her nonchalantly continues her bluff, “I honestly do not know what you might be talking about, Lady Aster. Why should I apologise to Lady Gerber if I have not wronged her in any way?”
“Not wronged, my ass! You pushed her down while stepping on her dress - ripping it!”
Lata loudly gasps, turning Lady Aster’s attention to her.
“Do you have something to say?”
“Ah, no! I just, uh…” Lata tries to think of something to say, while feeling embarrassed about being so shocked over Lady Aster’s language.
‘I know Lady Aster’s words at this moment were very unusual for ladies, but me being this shocked over this is ridiculous! Especially since I've heard worse in my previous life!’
“Lady Aster, your problem lies with me, not with Lata. Do not drag her into this,” Before she can think of something to say to Lady Aster, Janthe inserts herself into the convo again but her face has a serious look now. She moves closer to Lata as well, seemingly trying to protect her from Lady Aster’s ire both verbally and physically. Lata feels a warmth in her heart at that gesture.
Lady Aster narrows her eyes at them and then lets out a mocking laugh, “Aren’t you kind of a package deal? Ah, well, I don’t care, just apologise to Madelief already! I know that you ruined her dress!”
“Do you now?” Janthe sports a smirk again, “where exactly is your evidence? How do you know that Lady Gerber did not fall on her own while she happened to be near me? She is known to be rather clumsy, is she not?”
“Why you…!”
“Daisy, it’s alright,” before Lady Aster can say anything back, she’s stopped by Madelief, “le-let’s just go…”
“But she pushed you and ruined your dress, Maddy!”
“P-please, Daisy…” Madelief grasps Lady Aster’s hands, making the latter relent.
“Fine. But,” As both of them start to walk away, Lady Aster looks over her shoulder, glaring directly at Janthe, “I won’t be leaving like this the next time!”
“Is that so?” Janthe’s smirk widens as she sees them scurrying away, clearly feeling that she won this clash.
Lata just quietly sighs a sigh of relief over this interaction being over, until she notices Madelief looking this way. Or, to be more exact, looking at Janthe.
‘Oh, I think it’s the first time she’s dared to look Janthe in the eyes. She’s doing it from far away, but still…’
Lata’s gaze falls on Janthe now as well, and, as she presumed, Janthe is sporting a displeased look now since she noticed Madelief’s gaze as well.
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lilacmoon83 · 2 years
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 61: Only Human
"Sheriff's Department…open up," she called, but heard no one respond so she knocked again.
"Sheriff's department…" she called again and this time, she heard a voice croak a response.
"It's open…" he said, clearly male in tone. She opened it up and stepped inside.
"Hello?" she called, as she scanned the inside and finally saw someone laying on a seat inside.
"Hello Emma…" August, who was now very much completely wooden, said.
"August…" she uttered. The corners of his wooden mouth turned upward slightly.
"I'd say in the flesh…but yeah, there's none of that left," he replied.
"What happened?" she asked.
"I turned back to wood…completely," he stated.
"But I broke the curse…I thought that was supposed to fix you?" she asked. He struggled, but managed to sit up.
"Me too…but the opposite happened when the rainbow wave washed over me. I guess…I haven't been selfless, brave, and true. The Blue Fairy warned me I had to be or I would turn back to wood," he said.
"That's crap…no one can be selfless, brave, and true all the time. Flaws are what make us human and if she doesn't get that, then she knows nothing about what it means to be human," Emma replied. He smiled.
"She is a Fairy…and strives for perfection," he said.
"Well, she lied to my parents so she falls just as short as the rest of us in the perfection department," she replied, as he got up.
"We need to get you back to town," she said.
"I can't go back there, Emma," he replied.
"You have to…do you have any idea what's happened since the curse broke?" she asked.
"No…I haven't kept up," he replied. Emma huffed and sat down.
"Then get ready for a crash course and then we're going back to town," she said, as she proceeded to explain recent events.
Snow and David approached Granny's hand in hand, with Red following them and saw the gathering there that consisted of everyone that George had managed to whip into a frenzy.
"Well…there you are. The reason we're here at all and have been splashed all over the television and Internet for all to see," George said. Snow glanced at Granny, who nodded.
"They're breaking the story right now. That rich prick was true to his word and has some reporter showing the videos they have. With context," she explained.
"We're about to become a tourist trap and we'll be lucky if we don't all end up in a government facility somewhere," George spat.
"And it's her fault that we're here in the first place," he added, as rumbles of agreement spread through the crowd.
"Wrong…we're here, because of Regina and her curse," David retorted.
"Yet the Queen walks free, because once again, Snow White is reluctant to punish her stepmother for her crimes. She's as unfit to lead as you are, shepherd," George said.
"You mean lead like you did? Before I came along, you led your Kingdom into bankruptcy," David reminded.
"Your coffers were empty so you sacrificed your son, my brother, for gold and when he died, I took his place and you tried to marry me off to fill your coffers," he added, as he saw some of the people exchange glances. Snow placed a hand on his arm.
"We couldn't stop the curse…but we gave up everything to ensure there was an end to the curse and there was, thanks to our daughter," he added.
"What about the Queen?!" Whale shouted.
"She is free, because we have a common enemy and that's Narcissa Blake. She's the reason these interlopers have found their way into town. Only if we all unite can we stand against the danger that these outsiders pose," David said strongly.
"You can't herd us like sheep, shepherd. Why should we follow you, a lowly peasant?" George questioned smugly.
"Because I am just like the people you're pandering to. I know what it is to come from nothing," he said, as he looked to the people.
"He's manipulating you to turn on us. He's always looking to place blame on anyone but himself in a grab for power. He used to be allied with Regina, but as soon as she was out of power, he quickly sided with Narcissa. It's all he cares about, but my wife is different," he announced, as he looked at her.
"She gave up our child to make sure her people would someday get their lives back and their identities. She's your true leader," David said.
"The Blue Fairy has expressed her reluctance to follow you two again. You two are unwilling to punish the wicked and villainous," George countered. David smirked.
"Lucky for you or we would have executed you back in our land instead of just taking your Kingdom," he said, as there was agreement in the crowd with that. George frowned.
"And the Blue Fairy has proven that she may not be the best council. She lied to us about the wardrobe and it jeopardized our daughter's life. She should have had us or at least her mother to guide her, but she was alone in this world, abandoned and it haunts us every day," Snow said, as she looked at Marco and Archie, as she spotted them in the back.
"But this Blue Fairy and her sisters have proven to be far more trustworthy than Reul Ghorm," Snow added, as she smiled at Merryweather.
"I'm disappointed in you, Snow…" Blue chided, in an attempt to shame her.
"Likewise," David retorted coldly.
"She lied…because of me. I asked her to," Marco said.
"She didn't have to do as you asked," David replied.
"You would do anything for your daughter! I would do anything for my son! I was desperate! You have your daughter now…I have no son," Marco said.
"That's not true, Papa…" a voice said, as heads turned to find Emma there with a wooden August. Snow gasped and exchanged a glance with her husband.
"My…my boy…" Marco uttered, as he went to him, as Emma joined her parents, who hugged her between them, with her father cradling her head.
"It's good to finally see you, papa," August said.
"But…what happened?" he asked.
"I guess I wasn't selfless, brave, and true. The curse broke and I turned back to wood," he replied.
"I'm sorry August…but this was the price of magic," Blue said.
"You set him up for failure from the beginning!" Emma exclaimed, as all eyes turned to her again.
"No one is selfless, brave and true all the time. Being human means making mistakes and hopefully learning from them. You told him he had to be perfect, ensuring that he was doomed to fail, as any of us would, from the start," she added.
"Emma…you don't understand," Blue started to lecture.
"Oh I understand perfectly. We've heard about all the "help" you've given to others or rather all the people you've screwed over, including me and my parents," Emma said.
"She's right…and I'm just one in your long line of victims," Neal added, as he arrived with his father, who was enjoying seeing Blue be called out so publicly.
"Magic always has a price…ask the Dark One," Blue retorted.
"Yes…it does, but it always seems a bit steeper than it needs to be with you, dearie," Gold hissed.
"I know everything you've been up to…things that no one else knows," he added, as she looked a little worried.
"And I know things about you too, Dark One…" she challenged, as they stared each other down.
"Another reason not to trust the Charmings…they side with the Dark One!" George announced, creating commotion among the crowd.
"Things are never that black and white," David said.
"The scrutiny that's about to be on you and your wife will cause untold consequences, thanks to your theatrics in killing that beast," George countered.
"I fought Malachi to save my wife and anyone else that might get in his way. Have you ever picked up a sword to defend anyone but yourself? Or are you content just to send your soldiers to die for you? Including my brother," David replied. George growled and grabbed David by the collar, but Charming was far stronger and easily broke away from his hold.
"Ladies and Gentlemen…you can follow true leaders in Snow and Charming or you can follow this snake, who cares only for himself and his own power. Trust me…I'm a fairy too and know all about the disgraceful King George," Merryweather said, as she looked at Blue.
"And if you follow Reul Ghorm, she'll eventually betray you too," she added.
"Careful Merryweather…there is no magic here now, but if there ever is, it's talk like that which will give me cause to take your wings," Blue warned. But Merryweather smirked.
"Go right ahead, honey…this is a new world, as if you haven't noticed. I never should have obeyed you then when you ordered me away from Snow, but I won't make that mistake again. This family and this town will be protected by me and my sisters…especially from the likes of you," she announced.
"Well…I guess lines have been drawn. We'll see which side comes out on top," George said, as he walked away, taking a portion of the crowd with him, but a significant amount did not follow. It wasn't a complete win and meant division in the town, but Emma knew they were on the right side and they would eventually win over most.
"So…how bad do you think the world is freaking out right now?" Ruby asked the blonde. Emma sighed.
"It's hard to say. I mean…to be honest, there's a lot of people that don't believe in anything, even when it's right in front of them. I know, I used to be one of them," she said.
"So you think that they might think it's all fake?" Snow asked, with hope in her voice.
"Yeah…probably. I mean, the internet is full of fake stuff and CGI videos," Emma replied.
"I hate to rain on your optimism, but Aleister plans to open this place up as a tourist attraction. Some are going to see up close and personal. And probably soon," Neal said.
"Then we hope our little plan that's in the works soon pays off," David said.
"We need a back up if it doesn't," Gold reasoned.
"Witch Mountain…it can get us all out of this," Neal said.
"Except getting everyone there without being stopped is a long shot," Emma replied.
"So we make this place seem as normal as possible," Neal said. Emma looked at him incredulously.
"Uh…how the hell are we going to do that with Mr. Wizard over there using his wand like he's in some twisted version of Fantasia?" Emma questioned. He smirked.
"He's the only one with magic right now. He can put on his shows for the popcorn brigade, but we know that most people have the attention span of a goldfish," he said.
"Once they see that, despite the fancy magic shows at the shiny new Casino, the rest of the town is pretty normal and small, they'll lose interest," Neal said.
"I don't know…" Emma said skeptically.
"Come on…the town itself is still stuck in the eighties, including most of the technology. Our one screen movie theater is still showing Return of the Jedi, for crying out loud," he replied, making her snicker.
"Yeah…the Casino is still a problem though. It's going to attract people and he's going to keep growing and updating things around here," Emma said. He sighed, knowing she was right.
"We're forgetting something else too," Merryweather interjected.
"What's that?" Snow asked.
"This town has existed outside the country's government for twenty-eight years now. In addition to tourists, we may soon have the federal government here as well," she warned.
"Great…we are all going to end up in a government facility somewhere," David replied.
"Witch Mountain is our escape then…we have to figure it out, unless we get that wand," Snow said.
"If we can get this wand, we can cloak the town and expel the outsiders for good. We'd never be able to leave…but it's the best solution," Gold replied.
"Yeah…because the Internet is blowing up and people on social media are saying they're already planning to make their way here to see it in person," Red added, as she scrolled her phone.
"Seriously?" Emma asked.
"The video of David fighting the werewolf already has twenty millions views in just thirty minutes. This thing is going nuclear," Red replied.
"We need that wand…or you two won't be able to go outside without being mobbed," Gold warned, as he looked at the pair of true loves. Snow leaned her head against his arm. All that attention and scrutiny on her husband worried her for his safety greatly.
"Then we need a plan…and we need a good one," David said, as Maleficent approached.
"I want to help," she said.
"Oh you helped…" David retorted. She paused for a moment.
"I know…I made a mistake and that a lot of this is my fault," she said.
"You're right about that, dearie," Gold hissed.
"Lily…rejected me. She considers the Bolts her family and wants nothing to do with me. They've brainwashed her too," Maleficent said, as she looked at Emma.
"But maybe you can get through to her," she added.
"Me?" Emma asked. She nodded.
"You were best friends…she might listen if you try to make amends," Maleficent replied.
"I can try…but I brushed her off pretty harshly back then and if she decides that this is her revenge on me, I don't know if she'll listen to anything I have to say," Emma replied, as Maleficent's eyes pleaded with her. She sighed.
"But I'll give it a shot," she relented.
"Thank you," she said.
"For now…we should go eat. It might be the last time we can be in public for a while," Emma said sourly.
"Except we're going to have to still police the town," David added.
"No more foot patrols alone, Dad. It's going to be too risky for you," Emma said. He sighed.
"Em, I've slayed dragons and fought Black Knights," he protested.
"And let me tell you that rabid fans are way worse than both," she countered.
"Agree," Snow said, as he looked at her indignantly.
"Then we are going to need a couple more deputies if we're going to patrol in pairs," David said.
"I'm up for it," Neal said.
"Us too," Tony said, as he and Tia joined them.
"Welcome aboard then," Emma replied, as they went into the diner. Snow stopped him though and he turned back to her.
"Snow?" he asked, as she slipped her arms around his neck.
"I'm worried…about there being so much attention on you," she said. He smiled gently and pulled her close.
"I'll be fine, I promise…" he assured her.
"I know…I guess I'm just fighting that old instinct to run. Part of me wants to take you, Emma, Henry and everyone close to us and run for Witch Mountain," she admitted.
"Who could blame us? We gave up…a lot for people that don't seem to be very grateful," he said, as she rested her head against his shoulder and he kissed her hair.
"Ah…if it isn't my stars," Aleister said, as he arrived with Greg and a man they didn't recognize. Kurt followed them, looking none too happy.
"Go to hell," David spat.
"Oh…now that is not a very nice greeting to the man that has just made Prince Charming an action hero and a household name," he goaded.
"I don't want your fame and attention. Leave us alone," David spat, as they went into Granny's.
"You should check the Internet. They love you," he commented, as they followed them in. Greg seemed to follow his boss and when neither were paying attention, David leaned toward Kurt.
"We need that wand," he whispered.
"It's almost impossible with all his guards. But I heard something that might give us an opportunity," Kurt whispered.
"What is it?" Snow asked.
"Aleister said he wants to throw a grand ball, like the ones you had back in your land and invite everyone. Now, I know you would normally refuse to go to something like that and no one could blame you. But…it could be just the opportunity we need," Kurt answered.
"He's right…getting near him without guards would be impossible, but if he lets us right into the same room with him, we might have a shot," David said. Kurt nodded.
"Thanks for the heads up. We'll just have to surprise him and accept that invitation," he added. Kurt nodded and joined his son, before they could notice they were talking.
"The thought of going to a party thrown by that man is unappealing at best…but this could be it," Snow said. He nodded.
"We get that wand and we don't have to be the ones to leave our new home. We can get that wand to Merryweather and she can fix everything," he replied, as the man that they didn't recognize, started taking photos of them. Emma saw him and approached.
"Who the hell are you?" she asked. He smirked.
"Walsh…nice to meet you, beautiful," he replied.
"My name is Emma and you're going to delete those pictures of my parents while I watch you do it," she demanded.
"Sorry Emma…but there's no law against taking photos of my surroundings and this will be a great follow up to the groundbreaking broadcast I just reported on," he said.
"So you're the reporter…" she said.
"And so much more…maybe we can get a drink sometime," he offered.
"When monkeys fly," she spat in return.
"Granny…can we get that order to go?" she called.
"Already on it," the old woman replied, as it came up and she grabbed it.
"Let's go back to the loft," she said, as she turned to Gold and Neal.
"Are you coming?" she asked. Neal smiled and nodded, as they followed. Things had changed drastically in just a few moments and she didn't like it at all. They needed to fix this and they needed to fix it soon…
0 notes
scottybrock · 3 years
The Show - Beck/Jade/Reader
“Move,” Jade ordered, slamming her lunch tray on the table. Tori glared at her, but Jade was unfazed. “You kissed Beck during your first week here,” Jade reminded the thin brunette. Beck scrunched his nose at the reminder, subconsciously lifting a hand to wipe at his lips. “That was because you poured coffee on my head!” Tori whined. 
You glanced at Jade, who smirked. “Be glad it was iced coffee,” Jade responded, roughly shoving her way between you and Tori. “If you ever try to put your dry lips near my girlfriend, you’ll have to worry about more than a cup of coffee.” Tori yelped as Jade slammed her hip against hers, but you welcomed the contact, leaning closer to your girlfriend. A small smile pulled at the corners of her lips. “Hey,” You grinned. Jade’s bright blue eyes lit up, and her expression softened. “Yeah, hey,” She grumbled. Beck shifted closer to you, wrapping an arm around your waist. “Hey babe,” He greeted. Jade rolled her eyes at him, but a soft smile spread across her face. “Whatever.” She grumbled.
Tori tilted her head, her brows furrowing. “How is it that Jade has not one, but two significant others, and I’m single?!” She whined. You exchanged a look with Beck, then rolled your eyes. Jade glared at Tori. “What’re you trying to say, Vega? That I’m hideous, so therefore I deserve to die alone?” She snapped. You nuzzled your face into the crook of her neck, pressing a light kiss to her neck. 
Her glare softened as she turned to you. “Excuse me, I’m trying to scare the wazz out of Vega,” She murmured, trying to stop the giggles that were building up in her chest. You pressed another soft kiss to her neck, and she sighed, her tense posture relaxing, leaning against you. Beck leaned over and brushed his lips over Jade’s. “Yeah, but there are more… pleasant things that we can be doing with that time,” He smirked. You lifted your head from its comfy place to turn around and kiss him, your tongue pressing against the seam of his lips. 
His response was immediate; he gripped your hips with bruising force, pulling you onto his lap. Jade leaned over to scatter rough kisses along your neck, biting lightly at your soft skin. “Guys,” Tori cleared her throat. You ignored the waifish brunette, running your hands along Beck’s back, pulling him impossibly closer. Jade’s kisses and Beck’s tongue were doing things to you that weren’t entirely appropriate in a school setting.
With great reluctance, you slid off of Beck’s lap. His hands gripped your hips as if to hold you there, but seeing the determined expression on your face, he relented and gave your hips a final squeeze. Jade’s kisses tapered off, and you finally looked at the table. While you’d been occupied with your boyfriend and girlfriend, Andre, Robbie (plus Rex, but you couldn’t stand the puppet), and Cat had all found their way to the table. “Whoa,” Rex said. If he could, he’d be grinning like the little leper he was. “That was hot, babe.” 
Jade’s brows furrowed, a thunderstorm of emotions flickering over her flawless face. “Call my girlfriend babe again and you’ll lose an arm,” She snarled. Robbie shielded Rex protectively as Andre snickered. Tori looked on with an amused expression, a subtle smile curving her lips. Cat let out a high pitched giggle. “One time, my brother…” She started, then adopted an offended expression when your friends all groaned, nearly at the same time. “What’s that supposed to mean?!” She exclaimed. Jade ignored her, turning to Beck. “Get me coffee,” She demanded. You perked up, giving your boyfriend a hopeful look. Beck caved almost instantly. “What’s the magic word?” He asked playfully. 
Jade’s glare sharpened. “Now!” She snapped at the same time that you shouted “Please!” and offered your boyfriend a charming smile. Beck rolled his eyes at Jade, but bent down to press a firm kiss to her lips. Her expression softened, and she looked up at him with those beautiful blue eyes and uttered in a soft, sweet tone that she reserved only for you and Beck. “Please?” She requested. 
Beck’s handsome face lit up, a toothy grin settling on his lips. “Be back in a minute.” He acquiesced. As he walked away, Jade shouted after him, “Two sugars!” He turned back and gave her a thumbs up. Jade turned to her salad and began violently stabbing it as hard as the plastic fork would allow. You didn’t bother reminding Beck of your coffee order; after all, he’d been your boyfriend for almost three years. He knew what to do. 
You were broken out of your reverie by Tori asking Jade if she could have a cucumber from her salad. Jade glared at her frenemy. “No,” She snapped. Tori pouted, sticking her lower lip out. “C’mon, I just want an itty-bitty piece of cucumber,” Tori whined. Jade rolled her eyes, then picked up her entire salad, aiming it at Tori. Tori shrieked, ducking for cover. Andre immediately grabbed his backpack, ready to make a run for it. Cat was oblivious, eating her pizza without a care in the world. Robbie let out a whimper. You just watched, waiting to see what your beautiful girlfriend was going to do. 
Much to your amusement, she didn’t throw the salad at Tori. She chucked her half-eaten salad directly at Rex, and by extension, Robbie. The salad hit the two of them, landing with soggy splat. Robbie’s jaw hung open, his eyes wide. Jade glared at him. “That’s for calling my girlfriend babe,” She snarled. Robbie glared back at her, then immediately cowered away from her when he realized what he’d done. Without another word, he grabbed his backpack and his puppet and hightailed it away from the table. 
Andre and Tori laughed. You snickered, which brought a small smile to Jade’s flawless face. Jade raised an eyebrow at them. “I think you should leave,” She said, her tone matter of fact. Andre was well aware that when Jade used that tone, she wasn’t asking- she was telling. “Alright,” He acquiesced. “See you guys in Sikowitz’s class,” He stood, but Tori stopped him, furrowing her brows once more. “Why do we have to leave?” The songstress complained. Jade’s smirk sharpened. “Because,” She drawled. “While I no longer have a salad to throw at you, I have these,” With that statement, she whipped a pair of scissors out of one of her boots. 
Tori had a look of absolute horror on her face as she fled the table, with Andre following close behind her shouting, “Why’d you hafta ask why?!” Cat followed behind them, gleefully proclaiming, “Weee! I love running!” You giggled, pressing a soft kiss to Jade’s lips. “Wanna tell me the real reason you scared everyone away?” You asked, your voice teasing. Jade’s perfect lips curled into a soft smirk. “Maybe I just want to spend time alone with my boyfriend and girlfriend,” She replied, shifting so that you could pull her closer, your legs brushing against hers, then finally entwining. You pressed a hand to your chest, your voice playfully mocking. “Jade West, whatever do you plan on doing with me?”
Jade’s gorgeous face lit up, her smile roguish. “Oh, I plan on doing a lot with you,” She murmured. Your cheeks flushed, and you nudged her. “Oh yeah? Like what?” You teased, your lips brushing gently over the shell of her ear. She shivered. “Maybe when Beck gets back… We can go to the janitor's closet and ditch fifth period,” You suggested. Jade’s cheeks flushed, the redness contrasting quite lovely with the paleness of her skin. Her smile was uncharacteristically shy. “I’d like that,” She replied softly. 
Beck returned, balancing three coffee cups. “Where’d everyone go?” He questioned, raising an eyebrow at the blush on Jade’s cheeks. You reached for your coffee, taking a quick sip. “That’s not of importance right now,” You replied, a devilish smirk appearing on your face. Beck’s other eyebrow rose; he knew when you had that look on your face, trouble wasn’t far behind. “Oh yeah?” He asked, handing Jade, who looked rather flustered, her coffee. “Then what is of importance right now?” 
Your smirk grew and you glanced over at Jade, who was squirming in her seat. “The important thing right now is that our girl has some needs that need to be taken care of.” You replied. A matching smirk flashed over Beck’s face. He turned to Jade. “Is that so?” He looked unbelievably smug. How could he not be, when he knew that he was about to fuck two of the most gorgeous girls? “Well, babe. How about we move this somewhere else? Wouldn’t wanna give anyone a show, would we?” 
You shrugged, your eyes glinting playfully. “What if I would?” You teased. Beck’s eyes darkened, and Jade whimpered in the background. Beck set his cup of coffee down and pulled you to him, his hands gripping your hips tightly once more. “Fuck the janitor’s closet,” Beck’s voice was low and gravelly. “We’re ditching for the rest of the day. I’ll give you and Jade a show you won’t soon forget.” 
Jade stood on shaky legs, and you and Beck pulled her in close, so that you formed a small circle. Jade’s fingers ran up and down your leg, causing you to shiver. “I don’t doubt that,” Jade smirked. “Never had a reason to complain before.” You nodded in agreement. Beck growled lowly, moving one of his hands to grip one of Jade’s hips as well. “I’ve got no complaints on my end either,” Beck remarked, his dark brown eyes practically pitch black with lust. “Now get your sweet asses to the truck so we can get to the RV, and I can fuck you both into the mattress until the sun comes up.”
You grinned slyly at him, then glanced at Jade. “Can I fuck Jade into the mattress, too? You can watch.” Jade shifted slightly, letting out a soft whine. She loved that idea, and it was obvious Beck did too, as he pulled you into a bruising kiss. You nipped at his lower lip, eliciting a low moan from him. “Get to the truck now,” Beck growled. “I’m gonna call us in sick. I want both of you in the truck and ready to go by the time I get back.”
“I’m already ready to go,” Jade grinned. Beck let out a soft groan. “Let me go call us in sick, stop tempting me.” Jade’s grin sharpened, and she collected the abandoned coffee cups. “We’re most certainly going to need energy to go until the sun rises,” Jade shrugged innocently. Beck grinned, then hurried back to the school. The lunch period was long over, but the fun was just about to begin. 
“Don’t take too long, or we’ll start without you!” You called after him. Jade laced her fingers with yours, and the two of you began walking to the truck. Her smirk would have made the devil proud. “I like the way you think.” 
You grinned at her. “And I like the way you taste.” Jade’s cheeks flushed once more. “Ditto. I like the way you taste. Now stop talking, or we’re really going to have to start without Beck.” She grunted, opening the door for you. You pressed a soft kiss to her lips in thanks, then slid into the car. Jade joined you seconds later, resting her head on your shoulder. You wrapped an arm around her to pull her closer. She inhaled deeply, then snuggled closer. 
The driver’s side door opened, and Beck slid in. “We’re all set,” He told you and Jade. His dark eyes glinted with the promise of pleasure and love. “Are you ready?” Jade made a soft noise of affirmation. You grinned back at him, your eyes twinkling. “Always.” You replied. 
Beck’s smile widened. “Then let’s get this show on the road.”
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yanderecrazysie · 3 years
Omg imagine a part 2 where Oikawa's son (From Betray) grows up to be just as psychotic as he is and is obsessed with the reader (not in an incest-y way just in a crazy momma boy way) yn is the only woman they care about in their lives and this causes a lot of arguing and conflict between the pair. The reader is so emotionally broken at this point but she's heartbroken that the son has turned out this way.
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The long-awaited Betray Part 2 is here! Thank you, my precious anon, for requesting! Everyone seemed really excited for it and I am too! I really hope you, and everyone else, enjoys it and that I don’t disappoint!
I may make a part 3 at some point, only because I feel like this might be disappointing to some people. I'm so nervous and really hope that everyone enjoys it!
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(Part one can be found here: https://yanderecrazysie.tumblr.com/post/661090828792545280/oikawa-cheats-on-yn-by-having-sex-with-some)
Title: Betray (Part 2/2)
Pairings: Oikawa
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, referenced past cheating/infidelity, referenced past murder murder, swearing, mild stockholm sydrome, depression, swearing, delusional thought process, dad vs son everywhere, Author is scared she won’t make this one shot as good as everyone is hoping she will, Oikawa’s a desperate sleaze bag and it makes me laugh inside
Summary: You’ve been stuck with Oikawa for 15 years and he hasn’t changed a bit. Your son, however, has.
be disloyal to.
Oikawa’s relationship with you was nearly perfect. You’d stopped screaming and crying and struggling long ago and now had normal, albeit reluctant, conversations with him. You still weren’t fond of intimacy, but Oikawa never pushed you too far, remembering all too well the past that haunted him and the mistake he made because he wasn’t patient.
But, anyways, life with you was nearly perfect! Meals were always done together as a family, unless Oikawa was away at a game.
A family… Oikawa dreamily sighed aloud, twirling a strand of your hair in his fingertips idly. It was just Oikawa, you, and Shun.
But Shun was where the problem came in. The reason things were “nearly” perfect instead of perfect. A thorn in Oikawa’s side that only dug deeper every time he tried to get it out, a stain that only spread farther when he scrubbed at it, an itch that only got worse the more he scratched-
Oikawa had killed for you before. Multiple times. But he would never- could never- lay a hand on Shun. Even if he wanted to hurt his son, he knew you’d break. And that’s the last thing he wanted. A part of him also acknowledged the fact that Shun’s very existence may be a big factor in why you didn’t try to escape anymore.
Your relationship with Shun was nothing romantic- just mother and son- but Oikawa would kill for that relationship. You told Shun that you loved him without prompting or begging or bargaining or threatening. You hugged, cuddled, and kissed Shun on the cheek, and let him do the same to you without even flinching.
It made sense- Shun had never done anything wrong to you. But Oikawa could see that his son was catching on to his father’s ways and copying them, and, more than anything, he could see the fear in your eyes when this fact came crawling through you like some sort of diseased animal in the night.
“I love you, mom. You’re the only woman I’ll ever love, cross my heart and hope to die!”
It sounds too much like what he would say to you.
“If anyone tried to take me away from you, I’d kill them for you, mom.”
It sounds too much like something he would do for you.
Oikawa was fully aware of your panic when Shun became possessive and clingy, but he feigned obliviousness. Maybe if Shun became a bigger enemy to you, you’d turn to the better of two evils. Oikawa had calmed down over the years after all.
Or, at least you were under the impression he had calmed down.
Truthfully, he was always plotting and biding his time until he could take your affection away from Shun and turn it to him and him alone.
“Hey! Shun!” Oikawa caught sight of his son as he passed by the kitchen, “What are you doing back so early? Shouldn’t you be at school?”
Shun made a disgusted face, “Some girl asked me out.”
A figurative lightbulb popped into Oikawa’s mind as he saw his opportunity. A chance to make Shun put someone else over (Y/n).
“That’s so sweet!” Oikawa crooned, “What did you say?”
Shun’s expression was the definition of horrified- his mouth gaped and twisted, his eyes wide as saucers, his eyebrows curvy lines. “I said no!”
“Oh, did you?” The chocolate-haired setter tilted his head to the side innocently, “Why?”
“Because I would never betray Mom!” Shun’s words were filled with conviction, “I’ll never put another female ahead of Mom. Or a guy. Or anyone or anything. Mom is the most important person in the universe!”
Oikawa fought back a grimace.
That’s when you chose to appear, face filled with concern, having heard Shun’s raised, distressed voice. Before Shun could turn the situation to his favor, Oikawa spoke up, his voice smooth despite his frustration.
“Shun met a girl and she like-likes him.”
“Oh, that’s wonderful!” Your smile was wavering oddly. Oikawa could see the gears working in your head. The hope that Shun would finally loosen his iron hold and the fear for whatever girl he put his eyes on. The fear that her son would turn out like he did.
“No, it’s not!” Shun was adamant, but his voice was softer when he spoke to you, not harsh and biting like his tone always was to his father. “I’m only supposed to have room in my heart for one person.”
Oh, how Oikawa wished he never taught Shun that way of looking at the world. Maybe it wasn’t his fault- maybe it was in his son’s DNA to obsess over you- but he was sure he didn’t help, always making sure Shun treated you with the utmost delicacy a precious being like you deserved.
As Shun cried into your shoulder, darkness consumed Oikawa’s mind, that green eyed monster called jealousy clawing deep into his heart and refusing to let go. As much as he loved his son, something had to be done about this.
It was time for Shun to move on from his unhealthy infatuation with his mother, at least a little.
“You know, I’m sure Shun would love to go to the dance with you, if you have no one to go with,” Oikawa sat across from Iwaizumi’s daughter, who was only a few years younger than Shun, offering up his son as a sacrifice to the oblivious girl.
“Do you really think he wouldn’t mind?” The young teen’s eyes shone brightly with excitement at the prospect of having a date for her school’s dance, especially one that was an older boy who was undeniably handsome.
“I know he’d be honored to go with a young woman like you,” Oikawa smiled, victory swelling in his heart. Iwa-chan would probably kill him later, but it’d be worth it. Iwaizumi’s daughter was similar enough to you that one night with Shun off with another girl could turn into more than one night.
At least, Oikawa could dream.
Whether Shun liked it or not, you’d eat up the excuse that “Iwa-chan’s daughter was dumped the day before the dance, I couldn’t stand to see her so sad” You’d never let Shun leave a heartbroken girl out to dry on such an important night.
Which would mean Oikawa would finally, finally have you to himself for a night- for the first time in ages. And, with a little coaching and persuasion, Oikawa could change Shun’s worldview a little. Turn his obsessive personality to some random girl (probably not Iwaizumi’s daughter, he wouldn’t want to endanger his best friend) instead of his mother.
In the end, it’d work out. He’d never hurt you or his son, but Oikawa wouldn’t hesitate to get his hands a little dirty if it’d convince Shun that moving on would be best. And wouldn’t you be happy, when Shun “brings home” a daughter-in-law for you one day? Wouldn’t you be happy to have grandchildren running around?
If Oikawa could convince his son of that, even a loveless marriage would take up some of his time. Children sure would take some of Shun’s attention from you.
And Oikawa would finally have you almost all to himself, just like he wanted from the very beginning. He’d make sure you took his side every time, convinced Shun that getting a girlfriend would be best for you and him.
Now, Oikawa would never, ever hurt his son.
But you didn’t have to know that.
Part 3 is here: https://www.tumblr.com/yanderecrazysie/721251605710831616/is-there-a-possibility-for-a-betray-three-where
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ijwrsmff · 3 years
Hello there
This one is a bit lengthy but can i please get headcanons of the straw hats reaction to an admiral reader(gender neutral please) who quits the marine to join them, and is at first is distrusted but does something to gain theirs trust
I hope it's not too much trouble
It's no trouble at all! I really like this idea, it was a ton of fun to write! I hope you enjoy it ^^
He found you during a fight with the marines
He noticed...you were so much stronger than the marines you were fighting with
Maybe not strong in comparison to Luffy...but he was extremely powerful so comparing to him isn’t fair
He saw you deal what should have been a finishing blow to his crewmates…
But for some reason you never hit them hard enough to kill them
Down them, sure...but never kill
He makes quick work of the other marines, and approaches you with a smile
“Join my crew!”
You looked at him baffled
“Quit the marines and throw away all my hard work to become an admiral because some...kid thinks I would be a good match for his crew? No thanks.”
Luffy left it at that, but knew he’d see you again soon
You encountered him once more at a nearby island
“Is...is that offer still on the table?”
He grinned wide and pulled you by your hand to his ship
He couldn’t put his finger on it...but something was special about you
He just knew the crew would love you
After they get over their initial distrust that is
But Luffy? He trusted you already
No hesitation, he knew you had a good heart and that’s what really mattered
He didn’t trust you...at all
He would go silent when you talked to him, giving you the silent treatment
He didn’t trust the marines...how was he supposed to know you weren’t there as a spy?
You tried to talk to him a couple times...but he just pretended he was sleeping
One day, he was up in the crow’s nest training and you walked in
“Mind if we spar? It’s been a while since I was able to.”
Since you left the marines
He huffed but gave a firm “sure”
He didn’t go easy on you, which surprised him when you handled yourself fairly well
You parried his attacks, and gave a few good jabs of your own
He respected your strength
He still won...but he expected to beat you within seconds
Not minutes, nearly half an hour of sparring
From then on, he’ll make small talk with you
Every once in a while he’ll go to take a nap and he’ll pull you down to lay beside him
He also sits next to you at the dinner table, even helping you fend off Luffy when he tries to steal your food
Overall...he respected strength. And if Luffy chose you...you were here to stay
Once he starts to trust you, he’ll protect you at all costs
She trusts Luffy’s decision...but that doesn't mean she has to trust YOU
She won’t go out of her way to be mean...but she won’t help you if it means bending over backwards
She interrogates you, wanting to know why Luffy had chosen you
After days of interrogation on and off...she thinks she sees why
You were unhappy in the marines
Sure...you managed to become an admiral...but the happiness you had hoped to feel just wasn’t there
She discovered that in the short time you’ve been on this ship, you’ve felt happier than you ever did in the marines
She’ll be nicer after that, slowly building up her trust in you
“Want me to show you how I chart the islands we go to?”
Even if cartography wasn’t your thing, you figured it would help get you closer to Nami
After that, you would spend hours upon hours with Nami
She can be very...very protective
So once she trusts you, any comments about you that weren’t warranted she’d defend you
She wants to get closer to you, and spends the majority of her time with you
Either sitting on the deck or working on her maps
She even tells Sanji off if he starts to bother you, making the hearts in his eyes break
She’ll protect you...and she knows in her heart you’d protect her too
He is so...so scared of you at first
You were an ADMIRAL
How could you just give up that position to join a crew?
Doesn’t trust you for a good long while
He’s convinced you’re a spy
He lets his imagination get to him, and that drives a wedge between you two
You don’t blame him...the situation is sketchy, but you were genuine
You would spend all the time needed to get the crew to trust you
After only being with them a short period of time...you trusted them with your life
And that’s never happened before
In the marines...people wouldn’t go out of their way to save another if it meant getting hurt in the process
During battle, you stepped in front of Usopp and took a harsh blow, forming a long slash across your chest
After that...he’s significantly nicer to you
He visits you in the infirmary and looks...troubled
“What’s wrong Usopp?” You give him a concerned look
“Why what?”
“Why did you save me...you’re hurt now. Because of me.”
You smiled at him...so he did care
This was a good first step
Maybe eventually you can become even closer
He’s reluctant to trust you at first, but Luffy seems to see something in you…
Just like he saw something in him
So he tries to get closer to you, even going so far as to not flirt with you
Not until he got to know you better
The first time he really began to see the trust between you building was a regular day
Nothing particularly special about it, except you went into the kitchen while he was cooking
“Mind if I help?” It was your attempt to get closer to him
“Of course! Here, I need this mixed.”
You cooked together in relative silence, small talking every once in a while
Overall it was...nice
It was a bonding experience and he cherished it
That day, he sat next to you at the dinner table
You gave him a wide smile, which he returned
He would defend you to anyone who spoke ill of you after that
He could be quite protective, and it showed
Especially to Zoro, who made comments about your being a spy (which only made Usopp and Chopper panic more about the situation)
“Hey marimo! They don’t deserve the bullshit you’re throwing at them. Back off.”
“What are you gonna do about it, shitty cook?” A smirk formed on Zoro’s face
Oh dear...it looks like they’re fighting again
You went to speak up, but Nami stopped you
“They get like this sometimes. Though it’s impressive how quick Sanji was to take the bait this time...I think he likes you.” She gives you a wink and your face flushes
Who knows what the future will bring...all you know? Is that you made the right choice to join this crew
He wants to trust you...he really does
But the nagging fear of you hurting his crew is at the back of him mind
He avoids you, not wanting to risk getting hurt
Once you get injured in battle...he realizes how unfair it was that he did so
“I’m sorry y/n...you’re hurt. Please follow me to the infirmary.”
He keeps it relatively formal, only talking when he needed to do something to check on you
“Would you...come back in a couple days so I can check on the wound and how it’s healing?”
You gave him a smile “yes doctor! Thank you!”
“Hehe you don’t have to thank me I don’t deserve your thanks I was just doing what I’d do for any of our crew!” He swayed back and forth, his paws on his face as he smiled
You could swear you saw flowers around him…
After that, he invited you to play games with him, Usopp, and Luffy
While Usopp was still reluctant, Luffy was 100% on board
“Come on y/n! Play with us!” Chopper smiled up at you and...well...there’s no way you could say no to his adorable face
So you joined in
It was fun...more fun than you thought possible to have
You laughed as Chopper tagged you, and you spun around picking him up in a hug
“Chopper...thank you.”
He smiled and laughed, “for what? Tagging you?”
You shook your head, putting him down
“No...for being a good friend.”
And he was, he was your best friend. You grew closer to him in the days following and you were certain you made the right decision
She knows what it’s like to not be trusted by the crew initially...but at least with her it was one pirate to another
You were a marine
And not just a marine...but an admiral
She is reluctant to trust you, but will give you the benefit of the doubt
She spends a lot of time with you, gauging if you’re a threat to her crew or not
She would sacrifice herself for any one of them...you’re no exception
She almost thinks its her JOB to determine if you’re a threat or not
It wasn’t until your first battle together that she finds she trusts you
You give her a look, and she knows to use her devil’s fruit
You both coordinate perfectly together, and it shows your trust
She has only battled so flawlessly with her crew...which means you’re entirely one of them now
She will defend you from that fight forward, and stands up for you when the others express their doubts
“Y/n? Would you like to read with me?” She pats the spot next to her and smiled at you
“Of course! What are we reading today?”
The two of you grow closer and closer, spending hours upon hours just...enjoying each other’s company
She looks at your smile and knows...she would do anything to keep that happy smile on your face
He doesn’t trust you...but he doesn’t...NOT trust you
He’s reluctant to get close, but finds it’s really easy with you
He’s newer to the crew, but he trusts Luffy’s judgement
So he doesn’t have any reason not to give you a chance
He’ll spend time with you, requesting you sit in his workroom as he works on a specialized weapon for you
Over that time, you make a lot of small talk
It brings you closer together
“Y/n! What do you think?” He’ll say holding up your now finished weapon “Pretty super, right? Don’t you just love it?” He has a look of pride on his face that makes you grin
You take the weapon into your hands and feel the weight is perfect
Not light, but not overly heavy either
“Thank you Franky!” You jump up to hug him and miss seeing his face turn a dark crimson
“O-of course! Anything for a crewmate!” He hugs you back, lightly as if he’s afraid he’ll break you
This makes you laugh, “Franky...I was an admiral remember? I won’t break from a hug!”
“Well then...take this!” He lifts you up, spinning you around in circles
You both laugh, pulling each other closer and closer
Once he sets you down you see the fleeting color of pink on his cheeks
You were sure your face mirrored the same color
He knows in that moment he would protect you
Even if you didn’t need it
Maybe...protect isn’t the right word
It sounds so...one sided
“I’ll protect you...will you protect me?” He looks sheepish, almost as if he hated asking
You lean up and kiss his cheek
“I’ll protect you Franky. I’ll protect all of us...this crew...it’s special.”
He nods, knowing exactly what you meant
“Then we’ll protect each other.”
And it was settled
As soon as you stepped onto the ship he approached you
“Your name is y/n...correct?”
“Yup! That’s me!”
He leaned down so your…”eyes” were level with each other
“Can I see your panties?”
“...is that a no?”
It’s safe to assume...he doesn’t judge you for being an admirable
Though seeing some of the crew be distant from you...it only motivates him to speak to you more
You looked tired after playing with the crew on deck, so he approached you
“Would you like me to play you a song to help you sleep?”
You stared wide eyed, not knowing he was the musician on the ship
“Sure! Would you...maybe be able to teach me how to play an instrument?”
“Which instrument would you like to learn?”
You hummed, “I’m not sure. I’ll get back to you on that.”
And so he played you a song
It put not only you, but Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper to sleep
He would have grinned if he could, and looked over his crewmates with love
As he finished the song he looked at you once again
“Sleep well y/n...I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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taechaos · 3 years
No More
from Textbook Love drabble series
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pairing: bully!Jungkook x nerdy!fem!Reader
genre: dark romance, college au
synopsis: Perhaps love isn’t all you need to be with Jungkook. Maybe it's a sign you and him weren't meant to be.
warnings: fluff, daddy kink, public sex, degredation, mild angst
word count: 6.7k
a/n: dedicated to a good old gemini, known as pretzel anon. happy birthday! this was shit! 💞 can someone let me know if i made a stupid mistake i was really high while writing this lol
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If every couple goes at their own pace, how does one know if the relationship is rushed or a slow burn? What is considered a date, and how many do you have to go on to stop calling it a date? Maybe there’s a book called Dating for Dummies.
Jungkook has taken you out once: a fast food meal on the curb across your campus. Romance is subjective, so you thought it to be very romantic when he fed you a french fry under the streetlights while you were too stuffed to finish your food. “I paid for it,” he’d said, “so you have to eat it all.”
“I’ll eat anything from your hand,” you’d replied bashfully. He got a bit awkward after that, and you regretted saying it until he began feeding you and even holding your drink to your mouth. It was a successful first date, but you wanted it to last longer; feel your heartbeat out of rhythm with every smile he threw at you until the sun came up. Unfortunately for you, he walked you to your dorm a little after dinner.
Luckily for you, you know that wasn’t your first and last date. You’re going to ask him out for the second one because it’s a beautiful day outside and you’ve studied all morning for your finals to clear up your schedule for Jungkook. A walk in the park sounds nice, then a picnic, maybe he’ll even hold your hand! Is it too soon for another date though? It’s only been less than a day… 
You’re wearing your favorite outfit for the occasion: a pale blue floral dress that has a rectangular collar on the chest—without cleavage, God forbid—and sandal heels to match. You even styled your hair, and hopefully dressing to impress works; you don’t want him to say no. The current issue is finding Jungkook, and you don’t want to be that person, but you’re avoiding calling him in case you bust him with another girl by searching instead. It makes you guilty for having trust issues, but infidelity has its impacts.
Regardless of your internal concerns, you’re happily humming as you skip on the sidewalk, checking every corner for a certain someone. So far no such luck, and if he isn’t in his dorm, and if he doesn’t go off campus on Sundays, where could he be? In someone else’s dorm…?
“Stop,” you scold yourself with a roll of your eyes and continue your hunt. Next location: the back of the building. The front is cleared out, so is the dorm; what’s happening in the most secretive area? “God,” you sigh. Is this how your thinking process has always been? You hope it is.
The beat in your steps has gone missing when you’re rounding the exterior of the building because of your reluctance. You’re contemplating calling him until you see the back of a man with a girl in front of him by the benches, presumably kissing from the smacking noises. You clench your phone in your dress pocket as you watch them, hesitant to find out who the guy is.
“Jun–” Your voice goes quiet when you see the tattoo of a dragon on his shoulder, peeking out from his black loose tank top. It’s not Jungkook’s tattoo. You bite your lip and ignore the relief in your tight muscles; he’s dating you now, that’s what he said. It’s different, so there’s no point in worrying about his loyalty. 
You shake your hands off and walk faster to the taboo spot. There’s no point in worrying, there isn’t, not when he told you he would make it up to you. There’s no reason for your heart to race from expecting the worst when you make the final turn.
A shaky breath leaves you and a small smile follows when you see him smoking with his friends by the back exit. There are four people with him, Taehyung included, who is sharing a cigarette with him. He notices you first because he’s facing you whereas Jungkook is facing the clear forest across. He waves you over with a wide grin, his eyes lighting up.
“I see a pretty girl at 9 o’clock,” Taehyung says and Jungkook turns his head, the rest following his lead. You take tiny strides while approaching them and bite down on a shy smile.
“Hi,” you greet in a small voice. Your eyes immediately lock with Jungkook’s, who looks baffled.
“Hey yourself,” Taehyung greets back. “Care to share?” He holds a burning cigarette out to you with a slight bow, as if offering you a rose.
“She doesn’t smoke,” Jungkook answers for you without looking away. Is he displeased?
“Have you ever tried it?” he persists before inhaling the stick and blowing it in your face. You cough and hold a fist to your mouth, shaking your head. Jungkook slaps the back of his head before taking the cigarette from him and putting it out on the wall he’s leaning against. “You owe me a whole pack now.”
“Care to introduce us?” a guy you don’t know asks curiously. 
“Oh, right–”
Jungkook cuts him off before putting names onto the three strangers’ faces, Namjoon being the one who asked for the introduction, and when he comes to you, he says, “Meet… my girlfriend.”
“Thought you said she was a lousy nerd, Taehyung,” Yoongi comments before chugging from his flask. “Doesn’t look like it to me.” Taehyung chuckles uncomfortably before rubbing the nape of his neck as you tilt your head at him, the glint in your eyes never fading at Jungkook’s words.
“I didn’t get a close look at her before, didn’t know she was a real beauty,” he recovers with a flirt. Another slap on the back of his head. 
“It’s nice to meet you,” Seokjin diverts the topic. He appears very nice and seems to be the only one not smoking. His friendly smile puts you at ease and you politely tell him, “The pleasure is all mine.” Good first impression on all of Jungkook’s friends: check.
Your boyfriend ignores the interaction and stares at you until you gaze at him as well. “What are you doing here?” You can’t read his expression.
“I wanted to ask you…” you play with your fingers nervously, “if you wanted to go to the park with me?”
Jungkook quirks a brow as Namjoon and Seokjin wiggle their brows, Taehyung frowns, and Yoongi smirks. Quite brave of you to ask him out in front of his smoker friends, and it’s impressive that you play into such a role of textbook love: only caring about what your crush thinks. When Jungkook peeks to see their reactions, more or less weighing their judgement, he’s satisfied when he realizes none of them give a flying fuck about him being with a girl next door; someone outside of his type of rather than a free escort, really. 
He doesn’t care about what they think when he smiles down at you and says, “Let’s go.” You bounce on your heels when he swings his arm over your shoulder and walks away from the scene. The unsteady heartbeat is back for the same reason as last time, but you’re waiting to request something else.
The park near the university is peaceful with groups of friends hanging out; couples sitting on benches; the sun shining down on the trees and grass as you aim for the ice cream stand. You try to muster up the courage to ask him first, but you’re feeling courageous as you pull away from his arm and instead latch onto his hand and intertwine your fingers. You glance at him with a blush to see his reaction, but he doesn’t look at you and only squeezes your hand nonchalantly. His grip is tighter than yours. Maybe it’s from the heat, but his cheeks are tinted in a light pink shade. 
You stumble on your heels when you stare at him for too long, but you recover from a fall last second. He holds onto you anyway, furrowing his brows at your shoes. “High heels? Are you trying to reach my height?”
“You like them,” you giggle and continue your struts more carefully. When he frowns, you worry, “Do I not look good in them?” 
“Why would I like them if you can’t walk in them? You look pretty in flats too.” 
After a whole afternoon of eating ice cream, blushing at anything nice Jungkook said, listening to his music while sitting under the sun, the evening has come. Throughout the day, you were dreading the end of it because every second with him is so enjoyable. The warmth of his hand when you play with his fingers is a feeling you never want to forget, and you didn’t notice the little smile on his face when you were lying on his chest as he watched you do the most endearing and innocent thing one could think of. 
“So precious,” he’d thought. It makes the argument from yesterday feel all the more terrifying when he remembers how close he had gotten to losing this moment. It’s nothing he’s ever experienced or even seen before; plain jackpot.
You’re off the school grounds as you walk on the streets passing cafés with Jungkook, hands locked and feeling perfect. You wonder if he has ever done this with anyone before, but then he’s never been in a relationship. Who are the people that comment in his Instagram posts then? A question strikes you, and you admire his side profile as you ask, “You don’t like it when people call you– Ah!” Your balance wavers as you stumble again, this time falling on your knees after your ankle bends. With the pain tolerance of a baby’s, your eyes instantly water and you let go of his hand as you hold onto your ankle. It’s sprained.
“Shit, are you okay?” He crouches down and picks you up bridal style before sitting you down on a nearby chair. The café’s lights allow him to see the scrape on your knee and the bump on your ankle. “Hey, hey, don’t cry now,” he rubs your injury soothingly as he cringes at your tears. He doesn’t know how to comfort you as you whimper and sniffle. 
“Damn these heels,” you cry quietly. 
His eyebrows shoot up in surprise at your wording. “This is my second time hearing you swear. Swearing apparently helps with pain though. Say ‘fuck’.”
A chuckle leaves your mouth, but you decide to try it anyway; the throbbing muscle hurts too much. “F-Fuck.”
“Fuck these heels,” he encourages.
“Fuck these fucking heels,” you level. Maybe the theory is correct, because it feels slightly better when he laughs at your rare vulgarity. A minute passes with you trying to keep your tears at bay while he lightly massages your wound.
When he notices you calm down, he asks, “I don’t like it when people call me…?”
You sniffle and rub your eyes before saying a few seconds later, “Daddy.”
He blinks, stares at you, and his heart skips a beat. With your soft pout and red nose, you look so little to him. “... Yes?”
“Oh,” he smoothly snaps out of his shock, “I don’t have that kink… Um, say it again?”
It sounds different hearing it from you. Without the drawn out whine or the eggplant emoji next to it, and with your voice, it actually sounds cute. “What does that word mean to you?” he shifts the conversation with a subtle blush.
“I don’t know. You call a fatherly figure daddy, right? A man who takes care of you. People say it during sex too. You’re being a daddy right now.”
“Stop,” he warns lowly, “we’re in public.” He stands up from his kneeling position and picks you up in his arms again. “Have you ever called anyone that?” 
You clasp your hands behind his neck as he walks with ease, as if he isn’t carrying anyone in the first place. “No. My dad walked out on my mom when I was little, and I haven’t met anyone who treats me like you do.”
“Wait, you… think of me as your… daddy?” His eyes are wide and he’s gaping at the path in front of him with knitted brows. He looks so intimidating when you scrutinize his features, but you know he’s just flustered. You timidly nod against his shoulders. “Christ. Why?”
Your answer isn’t immediate because you don’t want to come off as too strong, but he’s impatient as he squeezes your waist. “I know you don’t want people to call you that,” you whisper understandingly, “but you’re so mean to others, and you hurt anyone who upsets you.” He rolls his tongue around his cheek uncomfortably. “Whether it be with words or actions. But you’re so sweet to me… You can be really rude, but you care a lot too. You don’t even smoke around me,” you laugh lightheartedly. 
“I mean, you are a baby. You make it difficult to not treat you like one,” he jokes with a hint of truth. You snuggle into his neck with a lopsided grin and your breath fans his tan skin. “I don’t like being an asshole to you, but I’m not exactly a nice person either.”
“You’re carrying me to my dorm,” you point out as a counter.
“I’m only nice to you; somewhat. And… I don’t like being called daddy by horny women, or men for that matter. I’ve never liked it, so I’m not exactly sure why I’m hard right now.” You tense against him. “Something about your sweet, innocent voice calling me daddy is really fucking hot.” He sighs to collect his thoughts; he can’t wait until he’s in your room. It would just be torture. “Did you get on birth control, baby?” He keeps his volume low in case of someone eavesdropping.
“Yes,” you mumble and grow nervous at what he’s thinking.
“Good girl,” he exhales and swiftly enters an empty alley between two restaurants. “Quite the slut too, telling me all this in a crowd.”
“I’m sorry,” you breathe as he presses you against the wall and has you wrapping your legs around his waist. He’s so thoughtful, carrying you even when he’s shaming you so you don’t put pressure on your injured foot. The shadows casting from the walls in the narrow space limits your vision, but you don’t need to see anything when he’s doing all the work by rendering you immobile from the press of his hips.
“Good choice with the dress,” he says while pulling out his belt and releasing the buckle. You hold onto him tightly without the security of his hands. He pushes his jeans down and has you towering over him by adjusting your position from the back of your thighs. Your breathing is quick and shallow from the anxious anticipation of the raw stretch, but he’s so nice to you today: he shoves your panties to the side and rubs your folds to collect your arousal as lube. He’s being thoughtful by relaxing your walls with his fingers first, and you bite down on a moan at the sensation. He’s still taking care of you by silencing you with a bruising kiss. 
“Thank you,” you sigh against his lips. His two knuckles are deep inside you as they curl and scissor. As nice as he is, he’s also very impatient and it’s not long before you feel his tip lightly poking at your entrance. 
“Ideal for a quick fuck.” He flashes a dazzling smile before it falters in order to concentrate on positioning himself. He closes his eyes and bites his lip as he slowly enters you, a lot more gentle considering the setting and knowing how vocal you get. A hum rumbles in his throat as you gasp when he’s halfway inside. When he bottoms out, he waits a few seconds for you to adjust before his rough nature returns. “You gonna stay quiet for me, little girl?”
“I’ll try.” Your heart is pounding in your chest when he leans in your ear, his breath tickling your neck. 
“You know that’s not what I wanna hear,” he whispers. He isn’t going to fuck you until you say what he wants, and your diffidence doesn’t make an appearance when his fingers are digging so hard into your thighs, his breath is hot on your skin, and he’s completely nestled inside you.
You lean into his ear as well, and meekly say, “I’ll try my best, daddy.” You can feel him shiver under your hands and hear him grunt, “God,” before he starts moving. Fast. You’d think he’s in a rush from how his pace picked up so quickly—roughly—but he may have just discovered his new kink. 
There’s no point in being quiet when the slam of his cock is enough noise deep in the alley, and he realizes that before you do. You’re bouncing in his arms, mouth open in a silent scream with only huffs leaving to not expose your doings, until he growls, “Say it again. Again and again.”
The chilly breeze from the night weather doesn’t affect you when he has you flush against him, and heat creeps all over your body not only from his hard and impatient thrusts but also from his words. “Daddy,” you whine, the same drawn out whine that he used to hate hearing; it makes his abs contract and clench now, a groan catching in his throat. He sounds almost animalistic, and your eyes screw back in pleasure. 
“Quiet, you fucking slut,” he reminds with a following moan. 
“I-I’m sorry, daddy,” you whisper in a strained voice. You can’t keep your vocal cords steady when he’s knocking the breath out of you every time he hits your cervix so deliciously. Jungkook’s a total paradox when he’s being so aggressive yet sweet at the same time, but it feels too good for you to complain. Your head is in the clouds when he bites on your shoulder to practice what he preaches: being quiet. 
“Do you love me?” Maybe that’s not the way you should go on about asking to hear his sweet nothings, because he bites you so hard that you feel his teeth break your skin. 
“The fuck kind of question is that?” he snarls. He licks a drop of your blood off of his lips when he faces you, but the bruising pistoning of his cock doesn’t differ; maybe slams into you even harder. “Hm? Answer me, dumb little slut.” He pinches your thigh cruelly, emitting a pained gasp from you.
 “I just want to hear you say it, please daddy,” you mewl. “I love you so much.”
“Keep fucking begging.”
You initially thought Jungkook became more honest and affectionate when you’re being intimate, but it seems that one word brings out a different side to him: wild and sadistic. Perhaps there are two sides of him being a daddy, one not so much of a fatherly figure. Controlling, dominating, and violent. You’ve received too many bruises in one night.
“Please, please, please, pretty please,” you comply in a cry and hug him tighter.
“Missing something,” he tuts with a breathless laugh. “I love you, stupid girl, more than anything.” He stops ramming into you, and the drag of his throbbing length loses its pace but not its strength. “So, so fucking much,” he strains before slamming into you one last time for his release. With him stuck brushing against your sensitive spot and his shaky moan, your lashes flutter and you clench down on him with the intoxicating wave of your orgasm coursing through your trembling figure. You whimper his name as his cum fills you, the warmth coating your walls while you lose your sense of awareness. 
“Stand on one leg,” he breathes. You know he’s referring to your safe foot, so you disentangle your legs from his waist and stand. The only sound aside from the drown out dialogues from the restaurants nearby is your panting. Though he’s just as drained of energy as you are, he adjusts your dress and underwear for you, even fixing your hair before he pulls up his pants and lifts you. “Don’t call me that around others by the way– especially Taehyung.”
“I promise,” you assure with a chuckle.
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The next day, a dreadful Monday, is not so bad when you get to link with your boyfriend and other friends by your usual spot on the benches. You don’t have a lot of lectures throughout the day, and you sit next to Jungkook who’s chatting with Taehyung and Yoongi after your long morning lecture in the afternoon. You peck his cheek as a greeting with a lovesick grin, and the former annoyed look on his face vanishes when he sees you. Soyeon and Minnie are close by, and thankfully there’s no tension between anyone. You’re forgiving, but you aren’t going to forget.
“So you two are actually back together, huh?” Taehyung says with a mocking smile. “What goes around comes around, Kookie.”
“Taehyung, you’re not making this any easier on yourself,” Yoongi murmurs.
Jungkook scoffs and rolls his tongue around his cheek—an irritated habit. “Well then Tae, I’m going to be polite and ask you to not be a homewrecker.”
“I have been hanging around Soyeon too much lately…” he jokes with a tilt of his head.
“Don’t turn this on me,” she says with a quirked brow, tone as soft as Jungkook remembers. You sit back and sigh at their bickering. “I didn’t know his name, you have no excuse to be flirting with her.”
“He isn’t–” You can’t get a word in when Jungkook agrees, “She’s fucking right, you know. Stop tailing around me to get a look up at her skirt.”
“I am not–"
“Oh for God’s sake,” Yoongi sighs like you do. Both of you share a guilty look, apologizing on each other’s behalf. It’s only when you start tracing the tattoos on Jungkook’s arm that he finally looks at you.
“You like it?” he asks, a bit smugly. You nod with a tiny smile. His tongue darts out to lick his lips before he pecks yours, and says, “I’ll add your name to the collection. Thinking of inking my knuckles.”
A blush from his kiss, and a bashful smile from his idea graces your face when you cutely pout, “No…” He laughs at your very obviously fake denial and closes in on you, teasing in a whisper, “Yeah? You like that?”
“Look at you two being so adorable,” Taehyung interrupts with a dreamy sigh, “but I want ice cream.” He holds his hands up by his elbows on the oak table and leans his face on them with fluttering eyelashes. “Kookie? Ice cweam? Pwease?”
“Shut the fuck up,” Jungkook winces at the disgustingly cutesy face he makes, and you release a humoured breath at the friendlier banter. “Go buy it yourself, moron.”
“I don’t have money and I want her tea on how you two made up,” he flutters his lashes again with his fingers intertwined; begging so silly. “Pretty please.”
“Now I’m definitely not going to leave you alone with her.”
“Baby,” you interject, and his eyes widen at the nickname. “I want ice cream too.”
He flashes a quick glare at Taehyung, easily giving into your needs with a sigh. “You’re paying, fuckface.” He snatches his wallet the moment it’s out of his pocket and walks off while spinning it between his fingertips.
“He stole my fucking wallet,” he frowns without offence. “Oh well. So…” his eyes trail to you with a mischievous glint, “you never smoked before, right?”
You shake your head, a bit curious—albeit amused—as to where he’s going with this. 
“You wanna know something? Jungkook reeeaaally likes smokers,” he stretches his hands for emphasis. It piques your interest, and you raise a brow. “I can teach you. We have to do it fast, before he comes from the store. Okay?”
“Um… okay,” you laugh as he switches seats from across you to Jungkook’s spot. 
He takes out his pack where his lighter is also stuffed as he speaks, “So what I’m gonna do is teach you how to shotgun.”
“You can’t do that with a cigarette,” Yoongi states in boredom, a plain contrast to Taehyung’s hyperactivity. “Don’t listen to him. He’s lying to you.”
“Oh, shut the fuck– okay, sorry, didn’t mean to say that.” He turns to you with glimmering excitement, “It’ll be easier on you if we do it with a shotgun.” You merely shrug because you don’t even know what that means. He sticks a cigarette in his mouth before holding up a hand to his lighter, inhaling until the tip burns. Smoke flies past his lips as he explains, “You inhale from the filter, but don’t inhale too much. You’re going to cough, maybe feel a little lightheaded since it’s your first time, but try to hold it in, okay?” 
Taehyung peeks behind Yoongi before shifting his attention to you. He takes another drag from the cigarette but doesn’t exhale. “Okay,” you say with a nod, sharing his excitement at a new experience that Jungkook could potentially approve of. You can rely on Taehyung’s honesty, though the bad memory from before leaves a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach, but you’re ready to create better memories with him. He flips the stick until the filter is between your lips.
He wraps his lips around the tip and your eyebrows shoot up at the proximity. He holds your face between his large palms, and the cigarette is hidden behind his hands. He leans closer and nods at you, and you take the cue to inhale. You hear Yoongi blow out a deep breath just as you take in a shallow one. The urge to cough strikes you instantly, and you hold it in the best you can; your cheeks puff out as you slightly wheeze, and smoke leaves from both your mouth and nose. That’s when Taehyung pulls back, the intense eye contact gone, and you hear Yoongi scoff and the heavy footsteps of someone else. You cough into your hand when Taehyung slips it out of your mouth and holds it under the table.
“What the fuck?” Jungkook asks incredulously and throws three wrapped popsicles on the bench. You feel slightly dizzy when your small coughing fit ends, and you grow confused as to why your boyfriend is glaring at you with such intensity as his eyes flicker back and forth between you and Taehyung.
“Had to take you up on the homewrecker offer–” Taehyung’s sentence is cut off when Jungkook pulls him up by his collar, hesitates with his fist flying midway, then forcefully pushes him onto the pavement instead. He’s also confused– frantic, and doesn’t know what to do.
You’re semi-conscious of what he’s doing, but consuming nicotine for the first time leaves you feeling quite strange. You feel like you’ll stumble if you try to stand up, and slur if you speak, so you just wait it out.
“What– Why are you just sitting there?” he asks you with violent gestures. “What the fuck?” He holds onto his head, and all of your friends are quiet as they watch him. They must have missed you smoking for the first time. Yoongi waits for him to stop pacing.
“It’s not what you think, Jungkook,” Yoongi calmly tells him. What is he thinking though? “I know it looked–”
“The fuck it did! Right fucking in front of me? How the fuck are you so calm?” he yells. 
“Hm?” you say. He watches you in astonishment: bottom lip jutting out and brows scrunched. If he didn’t see you shamelessly kissing Taehyung out in the open, he would be doubting his own vision because of how unbothered you seem. It bewilders him; why aren’t you reacting at all?
“They weren’t–”
“It took almost one fucking week of dating for you to resort to this?” Taehyung is still on the ground as he sends you a warning glance, Yoongi is unbothered by the ordeal because he’s constantly interrupted, and Jungkook is fuming at you while you just sit there.
“I was just curious,” you relate to the cigarette that is still lit beneath the grass next to Taehyung.
An astounded laugh is his only response as Taehyung smiles at you, but you’re only looking at Jungkook. “And here I thought, like a fucking idiot, that you were the only girl unlike my mother. And you,” he looks at his old friend with menace, “show your face around me, and I won’t hold back again. God, I need to kill someone,” he sighs before storming off. So he doesn’t like cigarettes?
When the fog in your mind begins to clear up, you stand to go after him just as Taehyung blocks your path. “I need to tell him I won’t smoke again,” you try to push him aside, but he doesn’t budge.
He laughs. “It’s not about that. He thinks you and I kissed because I made it look like it.” Just as you’re about to confront him, he clarifies, “Listen, I just want his reaction on this, okay? Don’t you want him to feel how you felt when he kissed your friend?”
“I’m over that.”
“Are you though?” No, you aren’t. “Aren’t you paranoid? All nervous when he’s around other girls? Or even when he’s just not around you?” Your silence prompts him to continue, “You’ll truly forgive him if you take revenge. You know he won’t do it again if he feels the same way you felt.”
“But that’s cruel…” you try to reason.
“And what he did wasn’t?” 
Like the little devil on your shoulder, he enters your mind and reads it for his own agenda. What is his intention? Do what he couldn’t do with his ex? Is he… helping you? What he did was bad, so why aren’t you calling him out for it?
“What do I do?” you dodge his question. He knows the answer anyway.
He smiles with satisfaction. “Let’s talk it over a few cigarettes, hm?”
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Back to square one– no, square zero. At square one, you could at least interact with Jungkook, do his homework and have him kiss you when he was satisfied; you don’t have anything to do with him now. Taehyung warned you of this, told you Jungkook would start seeing other people and avoid you unless he wanted to hurt you. How he knows him so well is beyond you, because that’s exactly what happens in the next four days.
You watch him from afar like before, see that scowl on his face that you haven’t seen in a long time after you met. Only two aspects have changed: the eye contact and Taehyung’s lack of presence around him. Jungkook’s eyes are always on you, filled with so much disdain and hatred, even when he’s kissing another girl. Smoking stops you from crying because of how dizzy you get, and Taehyung is always with you – waiting. Both of you are waiting for Jungkook to do something, and it’s a surprise Taehyung still hasn’t been beaten to a pulp for just talking to you.
Maybe it’s a sign that you and him weren’t meant to be. In the span of a short while when you were together, only problems have surfaced. So much misery and anger in a relationship isn’t normal; it’s toxic. But you wait anyway.
“Look at him glaring at you with a girl on his lap,” Taehyung chuckles before lighting up his cigarette. He’s leaning on the wall next to the campus entrance with you.
“Nothing new,” you croak and take a drag from yours, coughing again. It’s déjà vu, if anything. One has to learn from their mistakes to reach success, right? This situation is just one of them for the better of your relationship. Has to be. 
“Worldstar,” he sings with a laugh. “I kind of miss hanging out with him, though; and the rest of my friends.”
“Yeah.” You can’t exactly pay your utmost attention to his words when you’re having a staring contest with Jungkook, who is practically devouring the unidentified girl’s mouth. It doesn’t sting as much as long as he has his eyes on you because you know what it means now: he’s trying to make you jealous. You didn’t know that before, but you didn’t know Jungkook as well as you do now before either. 
“I know what you’re thinking.”
“You somehow always do.”
Your reply humors him. “You want to go up to him, tell him what I did. But you know I’ll stop you.” His eyes squint as his cheeks hollow to inhale the nicotine. It’s a Marlboro Red, not exactly fit for a starter like yourself. You hate that you can’t even stand without using the wall as a leverage, but the effect is a necessary distraction.
 “Why are you… so invested in this?”
He shrugs. “It may not seem like it, but it’s going to help strengthen your bond. It also gives you enough time to stop liking him and fall for me instead, but that’s just a plus.”
“What?” you slur. The cigarette is hanging on for dear life between your fingertips because of how weak you feel.
“We should kiss– for real this time,” he blurts. “He’ll talk to you sooner. God, I really want to kiss you.” He drops his stick before grabbing your face and softly crashing his lips against yours. You don’t close your eyes, you don’t really do much of anything while he does what he wants. It goes on for twenty seconds before he slowly pulls back. “He’ll talk to you tonight,” he exhales. “You’re welcome.” He pecks you again.
You finally close your eyes and your head hangs limply. “You’re the real problem,” you murmur, “you keep tearing us apart. The villain.”
“That kiss was on me,” he admits, “but I’m just making you face reality. Sometimes you have to be the bad guy, right? Only reason I can smoke with you is because Jungkook cares a fuckton about me. I’ll make it up to you as well, when your relationship isn’t a fucking lie.”
Couples go at their own pace, don’t they? Maybe this is how long it’s supposed to take for you to be one with your betrayed boyfriend. This is the real beginning; Taehyung is just the catalyst. 
You see it when Taehyung is gone and Jungkook isn’t kissing back anymore. He isn’t even glaring. He’s just blank.
Perhaps love isn’t all you need to be with Jungkook.
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It’s late in the evening and the nicotine still hasn’t worn off. You haven’t moved an inch from your spot and neither has Jungkook from a distance, still on the same curb across. The girl left when she didn’t receive any responses from him for a minute straight. An emotionless “fuck off” was enough for her to angrily storm off.
You have no idea where Taehyung went and you’re sitting on the ground with your knees to your chest and hands on your sides. Jungkook is staring at you from the bench. You just need to wait because he’s going to approach you like his friend told you.
People aren’t in the yard so it’s mostly empty in the open space. The lights from the streets and inside the building you have your back against don’t allow you to see your boyfriend clearly enough. He doesn’t have an issue with making out your features though. That kicked puppy expression on your face is drawing him, but he hasn’t been cruel enough.
It’s been difficult treating you like shit, so he doesn’t bother. It’s pathetic anyway, more pathetic than having smeared lip gloss on his mouth that he hasn’t wiped off. He knows he shouldn’t be so immature – he’s twenty years old. He’s old enough to be able to communicate, but no one’s been making it easy for him.
He has to decide whether he wants to be with you or just end it all before he feels any worse. 
As the saying goes, no pain – no gain.
Jungkook slides down the wall and sits next to you after trudging in your way. It’s silent at first, and he doesn’t return your gaze when you look at him. You wait, and so does he. But he’s more impatient than you are; more hurt. 
“What did you see in him, for God’s sake?” His voice is tired; words merely a sigh. You stay patient. “I mean, right after I opened up to you? Why?”
“I was paranoid,” you croak quietly, as if you’re about to faint, “terrified of you being with someone else. Maybe if you felt what I felt…”
He lightly shakes his head. “No, you didn’t think of that on your own. You didn’t kiss him either.” You lean your head on his shoulder. “You didn’t want to smoke, didn’t want any of this to happen. What are you doing, my love?”
You sigh. “I didn’t do anything. I don’t do anything.” The issue is that you let yourself be manipulated and molded into anything Jungkook likes, but he’s never told you what he likes. “All I know is loving you. That’s it,” you shrug tiredly, “that’s all I do. Everything I do, I do for you.”
“I’ll ask you for one thing– okay, two. Scrub your fucking lips and never talk to that piece of shit again. I’m not friends with good people,” he turns to you, “I don’t want you around them. I’m stuck in a constant cycle of toxicity and you’re the only good fucking thing in my life right now. I don’t want you to smoke or talk with my friends.”
“Then why do you?”
He stammers, “I-I’m used to it, I don’t fucking know. I know how to protect myself, but you’re too… untainted for them. Look at us, we don’t even fucking dress similarly. You and I have nothing in common.” He huffs to himself and looks up to the sky. “If you know what’s good for you–”
“You are good for me,” you interject.
“Don’t fucking lie to yourself,” he scoffs at you, “I’m anything but good for you. Do I give a fuck though? No. I’m selfish, and I don’t want to lose you. But if you–”
“I don’t.”
Another moment of silence passes. He’s the one to break it again. “I don’t want to have an issue like this ever again. No more infidelity, or whatever the fuck, no more silence. Communication, right?”
“Right. And no more getting involved with your social life.”
“Thank you,” he bows his head and licks his lips with a sigh. “I can’t deal with this again. I don’t want to leave like my dad, whore around like my mom; I just want to have normal fucking relationship problems.” His anxiety translates to his body language: nibbling, knee bouncing, cracking knuckles. He doesn’t like to talk about his family, friends or even you. You’re calmer in comparison. “Tell me… we’ll start over.”
“I’m not resetting my love for you,” you playfully nudge him.
The corner of his mouth curls. “Not like that. Let’s go back to you doing my homework.”
“I missed a fucking assignment today, okay?” he laughs. “I want to forget about all of this sad shit, you ever meeting my friends, Sooyen or whatever, all of it. Just you and me, okay?”
“Set our own pace,” you add with a nod. “No one interfering with our… bullshit.”
“Don’t fucking swear,” he puts a hand over your mouth and pushes your face with a wide grin. You giggle with him. 
Now that Taehyung and Soyeon’s over, there’s nothing left to chance with the involvement of someone else. Trust blooms instead, and it’s not so bad when Jungkook shares a cigarette with you as you take tiny puffs per his instruction. You are safe with him; not dizzy, lightheaded, manipulated, nothing. 
You’re happy, and so is he. Maybe that was the intention, but it means nothing. Taehyung sought vengeance through your relationship, and that’s that. No one can hold Jungkook against you when he’s in the palm of your hands, ready to tell you more than anyone else can offer. 
Jungkook’s love and trust: check.
When he flicks off the ash of his cigarette, you snuggle into him and whisper, “I love you daddy.” His ring glimmers under the moonlight as he pets your hair.
“Love you more, babygirl.”
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beann-e · 3 years
inspiration from the tiktok audio “ I don’t love you i’m just passing the time “
This was never about you. Honestly you were surprised it took you so long to notice.
No that was a lie you weren’t surprised because it was his fault he never told you flat out that he wasn’t expecting much from you. It’s not that he wasn’t interested he just — he didn’t know what to do. Of course he thought you were beautiful and that’s what scared him but at the same time gave him the energy to talk to you.
His personality was known for leading him to talk to beautiful people.
He was sure he’d never date you because, his heart belonged to kiyoko .
No one could ever top her or at least that’s what he thought until you came along. Here you were in all your beauty putting anyone else to shame that dared to stand next to you.
You were perfect for him and after a couple months you were all his. He adored you even after highschool when you two finally decided to move in together.
he told you every day how much he loved you. His love even trickling down to his actions when he would ask you to do couple things appearing out of no where with a request
‘ y/n how about black hair dye huh ? wanna try something new together i’ll color my hair too ! ‘
you instantly agreeing to every ask all of them ranging from
‘ hey y/n , have you always been able to see? are you sure because you were squinting just awhile ago we can get you glasses I mean I don’t care about price if it’s for you —no no I think we should—let’s do black square rims ? i think they would fit your pretty face ‘
‘ babe when you do your makeup this time try some face designs their so cool I see them all the time on my instagram here — can I try ‘ him smiling before sitting next to you and guiding the eyeliner out of your reluctant hand a tight smile drawn across your face
Him smiling when you turned to the mirror to see a small black dot next to your lips. ‘ you look so pretty with it ‘
You hadn’t noticed until the volleyball reunion when you sat in a circle with all the old members and tsukishimas mouth spilling out his harsh words unbothered by your reaction “ why the hell do we have two kiyokos now? “
his glasses moving down on his nose as he spoke again “ y/n i’m sure we only need one I personally prefer the original she looks more “ his head tilted as his eyes ran over your new look “ natural“
“ yeah I was actually wondering that but I didn’t wanna bring it up first I um y/n are you trying to look like kiyoko or “
your small cough coming out and drawing all the attention back to you as you felt the same woman turn to face you her own eyes now seeing what the others were talking about “ of — of course not I — “
“ eh what the fuck “ your boyfriends voice coming out loudly as he now sat pissed off with the group “ are you pricks trying to say I couldn’t get over kiyoko or some shit “
“ what what no tanaka-san we “ sugawaras voice coming out to try to let the tension fizzle out
“ no because I’m feeling like there’s something being unsaid here“ he grunted “ if anyone has anything else to say badly about my s/o then they should just fuck off “
“ tanaka “ you screamed
“ no i’m tired of people thinking I can’t get shimizu out of my head I can —I can and I will “
“ y-you will ? “
“ I mean I have “ his eyes locked with yours as he spoke low “ I have “
The room grew quiet as he stood the chair he sat in being pushed back as he walked off you standing up too offering a small smile to everyone in the circle “ sorry if you’ll excuse me “
“ your good—I think he needs you a little bit more than we do right now“ daichis voice came out a bit more concerned than he wanted it too
Your figure being seen getting smaller and smaller as you ran after your boyfriend to the kitchen grabbing his arm loosely “ babe I “
“ let go y/n “
“ but I — tanaka what’s up why are you acting like this “
“ I said let the fuck go y/n “ his voice boomed as he yanked his arm from you your body moving back a little due to the strength he’d pulled it back with “ i’m going to go get a drink I can’t handle those assholes alone “
“ your — you’re not alone tanaka i’m with you ill handle them with you “
A smile slowly spreading across your face when he stopped moving only to turn over his shoulder biting his lip as he stood thinking to himself his hand pointing to the kitchen “ for some reason that only makes me need a drink even more “
You nodded softly as he rolled his eyes at you “ you do understand correct ? “
“ yeah yeah no of course “ you smiled tightly as he walked off and you walked back to the crowded living room trying to contain your tears that wanted to spill so badly usually when he acted like this he’d drink himself to sleep.
You sat down on the floor letting yourself join the huddle as everyone spoke you getting lost in your thoughts. It wasn’t often that this happened but when it did it never went the way you would want it to. He would always get distant instead of becoming clingy like you would rather. He’d become meaner with his words instead of thinking of you before speaking like he usually would.
“ prick only ever thinking of himself —a stupid child“ you whispered out thinking of your boyfriend and his future actions that you could already predict
“ yeah shoyos gotta be— the asshole requested it “ kageyama whispered to you as you turned to see hinata sitting across from you waving to you when he met your gaze making you speak softly with a smile “ sweet “
“ hey y/n wanna play dare or dare with us ? “
you shook your head laughing a bit “ what are we teenagers again“ you laughed a bit louder “ but no i’ll — i’ll pass “
“ aw come on your the only other chick here besides kiyoko “
“ no no no you guys go ahead i’ll just watch “
everyone sighed as they began the game you hearing loud steps pound through the house as your boyfriends loud voice cut through the laughter “ what you pricks started without me “
“ yeah uh just join tanaka- san “
“ fuck yeah “ he wobbled over to sit next to daichi not locking eyes with you only smiling at everyone around the table taking a long swig of the liquor bottle he’d sat on the table in his adventure over.
The air that was once tense seemed to calm down as everyone started drinking and suggesting dares. You smiling as you looked at everyone this had to be the best night of your life finally getting to see all your friends again after kageayma and hinata traveled non stop and everyone else never had the time to have a party.
You patted yourself on the back seeing everyone having such a good night.
“ ok ok last dare “ nishinoya burped out as he shakily raised his hand already drunk off his ass his words sluring as he spoke “ I dare tanaka—san to “ he took another gulp from the bottle only to push it aside and open the new one that laid dormant between the two of you “ to kiss the prettiest person in the room “
Everyones eyes widening as they all broke out into a laughing fit “ fucking nishinoyas so stupid “
“ this asshole just wasted a dare on an obvious answer “
hinata rubbing the said males back as his head finally dropped to the table cheek hitting the brown table as he laughed “ ha yeah sure ‘m stupid —real stupid “
he smiled drunkenly laughing at the tables comments “ haha its obviously not that obvious “
Your heart dropped smile only following as you looked from nishinoyas eyes to the scene playing in front of you. Your boyfriends lips locked on another pair that weren’t your own. His hands coming up to the back of her head to push her closer to him as he hungrily pressed his lips onto hers
Her eyes wide as his were closed almost like he was enjoying this “ what “ you whispered out as a rough hand came in contact with tanakas shoulder grabbing it and pulling him back
“ what the fuck you asshole “ tsukishimas voice was threatening as he stared down on the male genuinely confused “ what the hell do you think your doing “
“ hey blondy is that anyway to speak to someone older than you“ he scoffed “ mind your manners child “
“ mind— mind your manners? “ your voice was short and quiet as your eyes darted around the room eyes blinking back the surprise they held as everyone turned to face you only making this deepening pit in your stomach grow.
“ why— tanaka— san why would you do that “
“ what — whatd I do this time suga huh — first it was having a crush on kiyoko everyone was screaming how I wouldn’t get her ha “ he scoffed “ fucking assholes were right so here I am with a fucking backup “
He shook his head as he leaned it back to stare up at the ceiling “ shitty arts and crafts project of building her because I couldn’t have the original — fucking sad “
your heart broke “ sitting here pretending kissing y/n is the same as kissing kiyoko — hell I didn’t even wanna kiss y/n right now i wanted to kiss kiy— “
“ shitty asshole you just did “ tsukishimas voice raised his eyes holding the anger you couldn’t even hold for yourself “ you just did right in front of your s/o “
“ well with them looking the same how the fuck was I suppose to tell “ he laughed “ that’s what you said earlier right ? so what’s so wrong with me enforcing it ? “ he scoffed “ everyone already believed it right so why the fuck does it matter they look the same, act the same , talk the fucking same so in the end I kissed y/n right— ha “
your body hurt just like your heart and your brain was spinning “ why would you — why would you date me tanaka if you didn’t want me “
“ did it look like I was gonna get kiyoko anytime soon — your a ditz — the whole time i’m doing this to get over her and you just became her “
you sat silently blinking back the tears that you held throat holding a sob that wanted to make its way out “ get the fuck out “
“ excuse m—”
“ GET THE FUCK OUT “ you screamed your tears disappearing and turning into anger “ get out get out get out “ you screamed hands reaching out to punch him over the table as you repeated the phrase
“ ok— ok stop stop “
“ no no no get the fuck out I paid for this I paid I paid “ you screaming like a child throwing a tantrum in a supermarket him only moving to stand and walk to the bedroom drunkenly to grab his clothes “ just let me grab my stuff i’ll be out of your hair for the night “
you raged as he made his way into your once shared bedroom forgetting the living room full of people as you ran after him to rip the clothes out of his hand that he held. All the items you’d bought with your hard earned money. The shoes you’d spent over 50$ on for his birthday in his hand along with the limited edition shirt you’d bought for him after he begged for it screaming that was his favorite player.
The items that you’d stayed up four hours for the night of just to buy it for him with your paycheck that week. Your thoughts only making you more upset when you thought back to everything you’d done for the male and the stuff he’d done for y—
he’d done absolutely nothing for you in this whole relationship and this only pissed you off more at the thought
Your heart broke again when you noticed you were already screaming at him again “ get the hell out “
“ i’m going fuck y/n “
“ go faster asshole “
“ what so no clothes ? “ he laughed “ come on that’s pretty harsh —baby it’s cold out give me a jacket or something at least until morning when I come back home “
“ morning “ you scoffed “ you’ll need a jacket for awhile tanaka because your not coming back in my house so freeze your ass off out there or go with your high school crush and her husband “
His once smiling face turning into an angry one as he stepped closer to you the alcohol spilling from his breath and onto your face as he stared down at you “ the fuck are you bringing that up for “
“ your the one who went around kissing a married woman “ you were gonna rub this all in his face. You couldn’t wait until kiyokos husband beat up the drunken deadbeat in front of you.
“I thought it was you “
“ yeah sure after you gave me a makeover to look like her i’m sure you did tanaka “
“ so fucking ungrateful “
“ oh now i’m ungrateful “
“ yeah you are “ his voice got louder as he pointed between you and him “ I made you into the woman I love — the perfect woman you should be on your knees thanking me right now “
“ aw should I “ you sighed “ god what’s wrong with me “
“ exactly now give me my stuff back i’m going to bed this is fucking with my head ’m drunk and I wanna bask in it for a minute — maybe forget you just tried to kick me out so I don’t get on your ass in the morning “
“ yeah of course babe you need your rest “ you nodded as he walked towards your door to pick up where you’d thrown his clothes only for you run and jump on his back arms wrapping around his neck your legs wrapping around his torso “ i’m gonna kill you— you asshole “
“ what the fuck “
“ then i’m gonna lock your body in my fucking freezer or even have daichi fake an arrest you prick— you’ve made my life a living hell — and now you wanna sleep— in my house “
You weren’t sure how he ended up leaving all you knew is that your heart seriously broke when you finally locked the door and rested your forehead against it. Tears spilling from your eyes for the first time that night. You’d gone crazy you had to have because just a few hours ago you almost choked the male to death after jumping on his back like a pro wrestler you were really going crazy
Your body relaxed as you felt a warmth make it’s way over to you only for it to tense when a familiar hand caressed your back and tried to lift your upper body up and away from the floor you’d fell onto sometime that night “ come on y/n —at least let me help you to the couch “ a sigh made it’s way through the house “ I promise you can wallow in your shitty tear soaked shirt after I make sure your comfortable and not hurting “
a cough quickly followed “ physically that is — this shits gotta hurt emotionally “
Your words coming out in a slurred whine like a child “ but it’s dirty — it needs to be cleaned “
“ would I tell you to go sit down if it wasn’t “ he spit back as he finally got you to fall into his chest after leading you over to the couch turning off the hallway light and leaving the lamp next to the couch on.
Him sighing out and shifting uncomfortably as you cried into his shirt causing him to need to distract himself from the crying woman in his arms. How the hell did he end up the nice one in this situation
Why did he push everyone out the house? He could’ve left hell he could’ve copied nishinoya and stolen the leftover four liquor bottles you had laid out on the table before everything happened
he wasn’t a comforting person so why would he shoo everyone else that could’ve helped you away?
he scoffed as he tried to fiddle with his sleeves only to take off his glasses and clean them over and over again
“ how many times are you gonna clean them “ you sniffled into his chest
“ until you finish acting like a baby — I feel like I have a kid ? Like i’m a parent I mean what do parents do” his hand softly came down on your head to pet your hair softly unsure why to do in this situation “ I uh— do you want warm milk ? chocolate or strawberry or is it my baby’s bedtime ? “
“ shut up tsuki “ he laughed as he felt you snuggle up closer to him “ so why are you — of all people —the only one that stayed everyone else must think i’m crazy or something “
“ eh I mean they already thought you were we were making bets before we walked in here on what you’d changed this time to look like kiyoko “
you slapping his arm softly before laughing “ god do I really look like her “
His once stoic face grew sad as his eyes ran over your facial features his eyebrows furrowing as he looked down on you “ yeah — yeah you really do — that crazy asshole “ he shook his head hand reaching out to touch your hair again feeling how burned it was from constantly flat ironing it and curling it like tanaka wanted “ god what did he do to you “
“ build a y/n “ you laughed as he stood up his own words following quickly after yours “ come on “
“ what “ you said as you stared at his open outstretched hand “ what’s going on “
“ let’s go “ you shook your head no “ look do you wanna change back or no “
You swallowed the lump in your throat before nodding slowly and taking his hand to travel with him to the bathroom. Him speaking to you softly only loud enough for you to try and figure out some of the words you couldn’t.
“ for some reason I miss old y/n — and I guess I wouldn’t mind seeing em’ again preferably across the table from me in a booth at 2:30 saturday with strawberry cake in front us? “
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