#you do really have to feel for angelica though
roguestorm · 1 year
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[Transcription of Angelica's speech bubbles:
At the gala, when it was clear we'd lost, Jean telepathically inserted memories into Stasis' head about recruiting me and being a double agent so I could help whoever survived in whatever way I could, and before she could tell anyone else, she died -- and now I'm here alone trying to do what I can, and I didn't ask for this, but Jean did it anyway and said I had to volunteer, but I didn't really volunteer, and I didn't even want to be an X-Man, but now that I am, I know I can be important - I can be of service. I am a mutant and I'm proud. I r-resist.]
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Kitty heard a story about Jean a) creating secrets, b) drafting people into roles they didn't want, and c) altering memories, and she was immediately like, "Yeah, I buy that because it sounds exactly like her." Love my girl <3
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redflagshipwriter · 4 months
Hot Ghouls Chapter 10 1/2
At 8:00 pm, Danny scraped himself off the counter at his work-study position and gathered up his books. His replacement, Angelica, was already setting up by adjusting the height of the spinning chair in front of the best computer. She was a little older than him, a Junior maybe? She had been his training supervisor.
A patron came up while he was putting his notebooks in his bag. Angelica checked them out, soft beeps marking each book. He hung around a few moments until she finished and the student went out the door.
“Hey, Angie?” He asked. “I saw you're on closing Saturday. I'm on opening.” Danny fidgeted. “Would you be okay with a trade?” He was going to have to stay out late tonight, and there was no way he’d be able to catch up on missed sleep on Friday. He knew from experience that he’d be staggering all Saturday if he really had to be at the library by 8 am.
Angelica blinked and paused for a moment as she thought it over. “Tentatively, it's fine,” she decided. “I'll text you when I know for sure. I have to check with Birdie.”
Danny put his hands up. “Fair enough,” he said agreeably, “I owe you one either way for trying.”
“It's not a problem, I have to work the same hours either way.” Angelica opened up a browser and then started setting up whatever schoolwork she had to keep her occupied until midnight. “Have a good night, Danny. Take care out there. Stay away from banks.”
He promised that he would and then he slouched out onto the dim campus. It was pretty dead at the moment. People were mostly off campus, or in their dorms getting ready to go out for the night, Danny figured. He started the walk home on autopilot.
Danny hadn’t forgotten that he promised Jason he’d focus on their problem, and it didn’t matter that Jason had been kind of a creep about it. It was still high up his priority list.
But the more he thought about it, the more freaked out he was that Waters had managed to do it in the first place. It should have been impossible. There had to be a factor that they didn’t know about, but Danny wasn’t enough of an expert on piercing the veil between life and death to figure that out without tanking his grades. He hadn’t been able to get a hold of Vlad yet, either.
His tentative theories all seemed bonkers. Maybe Waters had gotten hold of some kind of magical focus, or gotten sponsored by someone with a lot of hocus pocus. Maybe Waters was a tool for someone else’s scheme, as opposed to just being a useless tool like usual. It was also possible that Jason was the weird factor. It seemed like a big coincidence, though, that Waters would stumble upon a sacrificial victim who actually was already eligible to reside in the Infinite Realms. Vlad had said it would be possible for a ghost on the living world side to get sent packing by Waters’ bullshit, but that possibility was outright silly. What ghost would A: be in the human world; and B: get caught by Jeremy friggin Waters or even sillier, C: want to get engaged to Danny?
It was a moot point. Jason gave Danny some weird feelings that he suspected might be like, puberty related, but he definitely wasn’t a ghost. Danny could tell that, at least. He was a flashy-dressing biker tough guy. He was probably a community theatre escapee, what with the cherry red helmet with weird face shape molding and his dramatic play to lounge around one of Danny’s regular study spots, but come on. He was just some dude. Kind of a dorky dude, even.
‘Massively hot, though,’ Danny had to acknowledge. He could never let Jazz know. Or Sam. Or Tucker. Or-
He shuddered at the thought of his parents meeting his accidental fiance.
Just, no. The only person he could probably trust around Jason was, idk… Wulf?
“I need better friends,” Danny muttered. He jogged down the final set of concrete stairs that led off campus and into the city itself.
It was debatable as to whether there was any point in going back to his apartment. The backpack on his shoulders wasn’t that heavy. If he went there, he’d basically dump his luggage and change and then have to go…
Danny made a face and fished out his phone. He optimistically changed directions before he could finish typing his request to crash at Jazz’s place for the night. On the one hand, she would know firsthand how little sleep he was going to get. On the other hand, this would shave hours off of his travel.
He was nearly to his sister’s apartment near the main Gotham U campus when she sent back a message.
:( I’m not home tonight, but my roommate is! If you can ghost in without her knowing, go for it! But she really can’t know, I can’t have guests when I’m not there to supervise.
Danny typed up a message with a little emoji robber accusing her of criminal actions before he remembered he shouldn’t bite the hand that let him crash.
You’re saving my entire afterlife, he sent instead.
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sorbetisfruity · 1 year
Thinking about the song Take a Break from Hamilton.
Specifically that part where Angelica talks about how Alexander wrote My Dearest, Angelica and how it completely changed the meaning of the phrase.
For context-
My Dearest Malleus-very dear Malleus
My Dearest, Malleus-dearest out of all Malleuses
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So, I’ve talked about how Malleus prefers to send letters rather than texting you, right? And when he writes you, it’s insanely clear how much he loves you, rightttt?
Well one day you reply to his letter, however, this letter looks and feels a bit different than the past ones.
And it’s all because of how you started it.
Usually you write:
My Dearest Malleus,
But this time you wrote:
My Dearest, Malleus,
And he freaks out because, oh my god, you must love him too, right?
Dearest of all Malleuses?
He thinks he’s about to faint.
He immediately shows Lilia, Sebek, and Silver.
Lilia is ecstatic!!! But also a little worried he might’ve misinterpreted it. He immediately calls you up and asks you about it. He doesn’t want Malleus to be all excited over a simple mistake:(
(And of course you meant it that way. Even though you’re definitely not as obvious as Malleus, it’s still clear you love him dearly.)
Sebek is flabbergasted, but keeps his mouth shut for once.
And Silver? Yeah Silver is sleeping through all of this. But when he wakes up (eventually) he’ll be happy for Malleus as well.
And that night, Malleus shows up at the dorm and knocks on your window eagerly. He must talk to you at once!! He needs to talk to you about your letter.
You blush as he speaks to you. He says that you must be in love with him and that he reciprocates your feelings. That he’s absolutely head over heels for you and would do anything for you.
“Child of Man, your letter…did you mean what you said?” He speaks softly, as if he’s worried he’ll hurt you.
“..what? What did I say?” You blush as you talk.
He looks absolutely radiant in the moonlight…
“My Dearest, Malleus. That’s what you started with. Child of Man, you meant that, right? Do you love me?” He grabs both of your hands, rubbing his thumb over your palm.
“Oh..you caught onto that? I was hoping you wouldn’t..” you laugh nervously.
You really should’ve known it wouldn’t have slipped by him.
“Of course I caught onto that. Gosh, you’re such a precious little thing…Child of Man, do you love me too? Please, tell me you do. I love you, I’d do ANYTHING for you..please tell me you love me as well..” he falls to his knees dramatically, making you giggle as he continues to hold your hands.
“Of course I love you as well, my dearest, Malleus. How could I not?”
And that night, you two talk and cuddle underneath the stars.
Yes you wake up absolutely exhausted, but there’s a gorgeous fae prince right by your side, snoring away.
So, who cares?
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itsangelicasworld · 2 months
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*・῾ ⁺ Welcome to My Teen Titans DR 🧨 .*
In 2003 Jump City, a team of six teenagers called the "Teen Titans" fight against supervillains threatening their beloved metropolis. Along the way, they must face issues even worse than superpowered antagonists who want them captured; emotions, romance, and navigating the bumpy road of impending adulthood. My DR follows the plot of the show except with my own headcanons, scenarios, etc.
Like the show, there are no secret identities; so our superhero personas are quite literally just us. WHICH MEANS WE'RE TREATED LIKE CELEBRITIES!! People ask for photos/autographs, we have merch, and there's even an entire Teen Titans fandom with forums and fanarts and theories!! Not super relevant to this reality's lore, but thought it'd be cool to mention🤭.
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🔆 ˗ˏˋ ABOUT ME .ᐟ
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NAME : Angelica Sterling
NICKNAMES : Quin, Angel
AGE : 16-years-old
PRONOUNS : She/her/hers
ETHNICITY : Black and Mexican
PERSONALITY : Optimistic, courageous, charismatic, empathetic, humorous, witty, mature, impatient, cautious, idealistic
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POWER : Quantum Manipulation (basically the ability to manipulate the very foundation of the universe/matter because I'm the main character actually🤭)
SUB-POWERS : Healing, telekinesis, quantum empowerment, shapeshifting
DRAWBACKS : Using too much of my power at one time can lead to fatigue; symptoms range from mild (grogginess, irritability) to severe (headaches, unconsciousness). Additionally, under incredibly high-stress situations or potent emotions, my powers may become unstable or erratic
COMBAT SKILLS : Hand-to-hand, mixed martial arts, kickboxing, and of course using my powers, which include shooting projectiles and making defense constructs
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I made moodboards + added some quotes for all of them here, so check that out if you wanna see their aesthetics🤭
ROBIN : My s/o!! I could write 100 paragraphs about this man but I'll list our tropes instead💪
Tortured hero (on his side, he gets it from Batman ftgyhuhgtfg)
Friends to lovers
Slooowwww burn
Mutual pining
Healing together
STARFIRE : Me and her are SUUCHH girly-girls. Having sleepovers, going to the mall, exploring the city, etc. is literally all we do and I love it. She also really likes ranting about Tamaran to me. Hearing her childhood stories is so sweet🛐
RAVEN : Initially, Raven needed time to warm up to me, but now we have a really close bond. UGGHH I can't wait to meditate with this girl and talk about spirituality. AND I SCRIPTED I'M THE ONLY ONE SHE ALLOWS IN HER ROOM, SO IT'S LIKE HAVING VIP TICKETS FFGHFFG BEAST BOY : This dude is such a jokester but he's so insecure I just NEED TO HUG HIM😭😭. He's like the little brother I never had; super annoying but I couldn't imagine my life without him
CYBORG : Although I'm not as close to Cy as some of the other members, he really means a lot to me!! He's kind of like my big brother. He really likes to teach me about mechanics and I know he's always got my back, and I have his. Even though we can squabble over his attitude sometimes💀
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🦇 ˗ˏˋ OUTRO .ᐟ
Feel free to send in asks about this DR (and really any of them if your curious), they'd be greatly appreciated!! Thank you for reading THIS far <333
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗹 𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 *+:。.。 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ. . . . . ╰──╮
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Aesthetics inspired by @/shiftingwithjaidyn's fame DR intro | Dividers by @/strangergraphics-archive
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ourtalechara · 2 months
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... thoughts? (Full idea under cut)
What if someone who knows how to use vocal synths like. Made a vocaloid version of Hamilton. Assign each member of the cast a character that sings for them. It'd probably be a community project if it happened, because that's a big undertaking, but it would also be more fun as a community thing. I don't really know how to use these programs, (I have tried to make Teto say things, and technically I have succeeded in making her say things) BUT I can brainstorm casting ideas with my limited knowledge of fanon Vocaloid personalities!
As indicated by the picture above Hatsune Miku would probably take the role of Hamilton. Her being the most popular Vocaloid makes her a prime candidate for title character. Also I just like the image above with Miku's silhouette on the star with her name.
Idk who Burr would be. Flower maybe? Off the top of my head. Is there someone who it would make sense to oppose Miku in the way that Burr does? An anti-miku? Neru? Nah, I've got better plans for Neru...
You can't spell Laurens without L en. You can spell Philip without it, but that doesn't matter, he's going to be playing that role anyway. It just feels kinda natural for me, as he's pretty young and boyish, which fits Philip, and I feel it fits Laurens too. There's no Len's-relationship-to-Miku-mirrors-Laurens-relationship-to-Hamilton to this or anything, I'm pretty sure that's the case for most of these.
Lafayette is Teto this is a fact. They're both so silly and they like baguettes they're the baguette bois I need this so bad someone give me a Teto cover of guns and ships and I will love you please I feel this in my soul.
Also, I like the idea of Teto in the second act wearing a flashy red coat and debating with Miku in the cabinet. She's perfect for this role.
Mulligan/Madison? Uh. Idk. Again. Flower? Again? Maybe Fukase? I will probably form a stronger opinion on this/borrow someone else's opinion later.
The Schuyler Sisters!
I'd say MEIKO has good strong eldest sister energy fit for Angelica. Also they're both red.
For Eliza, my first instinct is to say Luka, although there's also a voice in my head saying Gumi, and there's also probably someone outside of my head who has another idea that might be better. ?
Rin has big "and Peggy" vibes.
For Washington I want to say KAITO or Guackpo, like, a tall, imposing man. KAITO would be perfect if it weren't for the fact that in most fan works I've seen, KAITO's pretty goofy, and Washington really isn't. I think that that's probably just bias though, he's not always like that. He could make a great Washington. Idk much about Guackpo but it could probably fit. He's a samurai. I don't know if that has anything to do with anything, but maybe it could.
Philip Schuyler as Neru. I initially thought of this as a joke, as Schuyler doesn't speak a word himself, and Neru has no official voicebank (I personally headcanon her as mute), but Neru as his second act counterpart, James Reynolds, could be really interesting? Neru hates Miku so much that she decides to extort her for money and ruin her career? It feels very in character for Neru to do some of this stuff in a way, it just feels right I guess.
So that's. Most of the main characters. Or all of them. Unless I'm forgetting someone. I have no ideas for side characters other than the Neru ideas. I feel like the utau default voice whose name I don't know off the top of my head should be in there somewhere. Maybe. Maybe the one with the big blue thing on her head. The young one. In positive dance time. Idk there's lots of Vocaloids and lots of characters (but there's more Vocaloids) and I need to end this post now goodbye.
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christmasjade · 3 months
My thoughts on Married in Red+ My general thoughts on Studio Investigrave !
So I really like this game
It was fun to be able to play it on my own with no help from Youtubers and stuff ^^
The game has 1 ending, though you can have 2 different kinds of game overs lol (I'll get to that later)
The mc (Bok-su) and her relationship with the bride (Da-Jeong) is sad , but not shocking lol. You can kind of tell from the promotional art (and the theme of atonement said in the itch.io description) that Da-Jeong and Bok-Su are not on good terms.
I like that Bok-su was able to get her revenge on Da-Jeong. Obviously her way of doing it is horrible, and the groom (Myeong-hoon) being a main part of her revenge is sad, because he had nothing to do with this.
However, I dont feel that bad for Da-Jeong at all. Yeah, two wrongs dont make a right, and people panic, but she essentially ruined Bok-Su's life and reputation to save her own ass, so I really can't bring myself to feel too bad for her.
Sure you can argue that the situations are different, with Bok-Su purposefully killing Myeong-Hoon meanwhile what Da-Jeong did was a mistake, but I personally am a firm believer of getting your lick back, so 🤗..
I also like how the deaths and reactions are the exact same lmao.
The patient Da-Jeong killed was a man, and his mother said something along the lines of like.. "You killed my son" (I dont exactly remember, depsite me literally just playing LMAOO) and Myeong-Hoons mom literally says the same thing/something adjacting to that too Da-Jeong.
Da-Jeong runs off and during her break down says "I didn't do it-", which is what Bok-Su says when shes retelling the story of what Da-Jeong did to her.
Bok-Su had to goal of getting her payback to make Da-Jeong atone and she accomplished it. And the crazy thing is, despite everything that happened, Da-Jeong never said sorry.
She never said sorry. Not when Bok-Su showed up to the wedding, not when the two of them where alone in the garden, and damn sure not when Da-Jeong had "enough" of Bok-Su being there.
She never said sorry, not even when she pointed the blame onto Bok-Su. In fact, Bok-Su repeats a line that Da-Jeong said to her when (I'm assuming so anyway) the incident happened. Da-Jeong told her that she didnt have anything to worry/be mad about.
The ending of the game, obviously, isnt really a happy ending. Bok-Su gets her revenge and makes Da-Jeong go through what she did but 10× worst. So sure its happy for her,but its still horrific lol
Which is why I love endings for the games that Studio Investigrave makes. With the exception of Cold Front, all of the endings across all the games arent truly happy ever after kind of endings.
With Dead Plate, Rody either has to kill Vincent after finding out his ex was killed and turned into food by him AND after he tried to do the same to Rody.
Yeah Rody makes it out alive, but theres still a horrible and traumatic incident that happened. He knows why Vince did it, and was able to get rid of him, but it doesn't erase the fact that Manon is still dead. (Or with the other ending he leaves the restaurant and never find Manon, because shes in the fridge "missing".)
With Elevator Hitch, the cycle repeats for Protag. When he finally gets the chance to leave the Elevator and the building, hes stopped by some..guy ?? (Who looks like an alternate lmao) and is convinced that he needs the job. The exit doors then open up into the elevator again. He never leaves that building, and is probably stuck in a time loop.
With Eloquent Countenance, Angelica either gets the ritual redone on her by the cult, or is stuck in the cult with the knowledge that shes not the only one in her body. But that she shares it with an angel pretending to be the dead wife of the cults pastor.
Yeah, she lives, but she has to wait until Forcas can fully save her from her possession by said angel. The ending, like Dead Plate and Married in Red, is horrific.
And then with the other ending of Cold Front , if you push Winnie off the stairs, he dies in the crash and Auggie takes his place. It's a happy ending for Auggie, sure, but he never gets the closure or the realization that Winnie was never the wicked and mean person he made him out to be in his head. Its disturbing how content he is with it, with the fact that his former best friend is dead and how he replaces him.
But yeah, erm... the game was fun, 10/10 ^^
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trungles · 7 months
Processing Process, and More Processing
I made this post free and publicly readable on Patreon, but I'm reposting the whole thing right here too because, well, it's a free post, and I don't want to make you click away from your dashboard if you don't need to. But also if you want to support my work, here's the link to the post.
It's a little bit about cartooning, a little bit about drawing, and then it turns into a eulogy for a chicken.
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I wrote “process” more than once, and now the word looks funny and is beginning to lose its meaning to me.
This post is about a few things, and it’s a little bit on the sad end of things. Nothing dire! No worries. There’s just a little mention of death, just as a heads up.
Before we get to that, though, I’ve been doing some work and had some thoughts.
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I’m often asked about how I draw the noodle hair on my characters, and the answer is typically that I draw each and every line with my hand. But there are considerations of movement and volume that go into it beyond its texturally decorative purposes. I love being able to convey shape and motion with it. It’s less evident, I think, in my illustration work, but I think it’s much more obvious when I do sequential work. In the above image, you can see me working out a sequence of Angelica having a series of thoughts. Her head sort of moves, and her eyes follow. You can see I’d planned out the general shape of the hair and how I’d like it to move.
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I wound up moving the drawings a little bit so that the readers eyes will actually follow the character’s eyes as it moves gently rightward on the page. The hair is there to accentuate the movement, like so:
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It’s a consideration I employ in all my drawings, but especially when I’m drawing hair and fabric. I don’t use a lot of action lines, so this becomes an important way to give the reader the information that someone is moving through a space. Resistance, gravity, and motion are all things I have to keep in the back of my head when I’m doing these little drawings. I think the planning actually takes more time than the inking, which can happen pretty quickly once I map it all out.
In other news, I’m starting to take my extracurricular artistic development a little more seriously in the silliest way possible.
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You wouldn’t know it, but I studied painting college—a medium I switched to after the printmaking professor and head of the Art Department at the time told me I probably shouldn’t be an artist (he gave me a hard candy for my trouble). I recently bought a bunch of little dolls, dressed them up, and am returning to my painting roots. It feels really nice to work in big blobs of color instead of lines. It’s an exercise I came up with in response to a common lament from art students.
One of the more aggravating generational tensions described to me by art school students is when professors describe a student’s portfolio as “too anime” without much explanation. I know what the professor means. They’re trying to get at how referencing your favorite anime or cartoons means that your style becomes a simulacrum, an imperfect copy of a copy, and you never learn to develop your own sense of judgment about where a line or a shape needs to go. And we can tell. It’s a way of working that is perfectly fine for cartooning because cartooning is closer to hand-writing than it is to drawing. I always turn to Charles Schulz’s work for an example. Those figures aren’t literally depicting children—with their little chessboard-pawn proportions and bread-loaf feet—but we read them as endearing children because we’ve come to a consensus between us, the readers, and Charles Schulz, the author, that those shapes mean those things. There are no whiskers or paws in the shape of the word “CAT” but you look at those three letters together, and you know the thing to which it refers. That’s an aspect of cartooning, too. Of course, what elevates it from mere writing is, in part, due to the fact that those little figures do not lose their meaning the more you depict them.
To really draw well, though, you have to do those fundamentals. You have to draw from life. There’s no way around it. It helps you develop a stronger sense of where you like to lay down your lines and shapes, no matter how stylized you like to work. It grows your judgment, and every artist’s best tool is their own well-honed sense of artistic discernment about their own work.
But that doesn’t mean you have to surrender the stuff you like or the things that inspire you to make art! I tell students that if they want to hold fast to their anime style AND hone their fundamentals to develop their eye as an artist, they should buy little figurines and toys of their favorite characters, prop those up against a light source, and draw them as still life objects. Like, yes, do the vases and the figure drawings and all those, I still think those are important. But if this is what you need to keep you interested in drawing from life, having some toys around is a great way to do it! Also, bless those sculptors and toy designers. They’re the best.
I think there’s something to be said about remembering to imagine the physicality of the things we draw, in all its dimensions and in the way it catches the light or casts a shadow. It helps sentimentalize things, too. Makes them feel more real, even emotionally.
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Edwina died on Tuesday night, after a few final snuggles, surrounded by her favorite treats. She was about five years old, which is old for a chicken, and she had a very comfortable life. We buried her this morning. She was a good hen, J’s personal favorite.
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It really feels like the end of an era. She was the last surviving member of our very first flock. After the other hens died, she really seemed to prefer the company of people over other hens. She is survived by Snooki and Nelly, our two other young birds who get along quite well together, actually.
A baby chick costs between three and five American dollars, typically. An egg-laying hen could be between twenty and fifty bucks, depending on the breed. There are roughly 26 billion chickens living in the world today, about 518 million of them here in the United States. They come pretty cheap. And a part of me was moved to cynicism, entertaining the thought that it might be strange to feel sadly over a little animal that, at most, might be roughly equivalent to the price of a fancy lunch and a coffee.
I watched the 1974 musical version of The Little Prince recently, and I remember it mostly because Bob Fosse was in it and scared the crap out of me as a kid—he played the snake that would take the Little Prince back into the sky when his body gets too heavy to take with him. Gene Wilder plays the Fox whom the Little Prince befriends and tames among a garden of roses. The Fox explains that he is like any other fox in the world, but he is changed—made special and particular to the Little Prince—with time, effort, and patience. So, too, is the Prince’s little flower special to him. Out of all the flowers in the universe, she was the one he watered and protected under a little glass jar. And that’s enough.
I knew my little hen would not live that long. It could be very easy to take a broad view of the life expectancy of a hen and distance myself from it by virtue of its mortality and its commonness. People who raise livestock do it all the time. But I also think it’s wonderful that we should all be capable of loving very small, very brief little things. Edwina is not, to my mind, the rough equivalent of a fancy lunch and a coffee. She was our little hen. For her whole life, she was ours. And I’m so happy she was here.
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purpletyrant · 1 month
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au chises that have been bumping around in my brain like my own personal multiverse of madness. they needed to be exorcised. i recognize and respect the adage that your au may as well be an oc at a certain point, and i think these two cross the threshold, but consider this: i like to play with chise like a paper doll and see how she reacts to situations. so there
for their faces i sorta referenced off of haruka kudo, who played chise in the stage play
attack dog chise is the "living weapon" trope. i imagine that the witch bought her just as elias did, but chise is under the impression that she was taken in out of the goodness of her heart. her master has taught her very little in the means of practical magic, instead focusing all of her training into inflicting as much damage as possible. the witch has no expectation that chise will live very long, so has no intention of raising her up to be an equal. so, this chise has only been taught the power of incredible violence. if she isnt using her fists, shes using low-level curses and other magic considered to be kind of a dick move
design wise, all the o-rings are meant to evoke arc 1 chises adder necklace. she was probably inspired by the knife-wielding punk chise with attitude from the merkmal. since this chise has no ruth, you could say that she sort of embodies both of them
i imagine the dynamic between her and her master as sort of a ~*twisted and dark*~ version of kimihiro and yuko from xxxholic... which ive never read, but still. i dont have a design in mind for the witch shes beholden to, but she isnt dissimilar to hiroe ando from the she who travels au. maybe she IS hiroe. hm
soothsayer's daughter chise is the golden child of her family and has lived a life of relative comfort since being taken from her mother. still, her bleeding heart causes her guilt when she thinks back on the mother she can barely remember. in the last couple years, this chise has tracked her down and set up the means to meet in secret with the intention of apologizing to her and gaining closure. her family does not take kindly to this, and when chise meets chika in the tiny, filthy apartment shes living in, magic is used to force chises mother to commit suicide in front of her. chise is left shaken to the core by this event, especially by chikas words that she "should have never come back." she attempts to maintain a brave and serene exterior, believing that no one else knows of chikas death
since yuuki is still considered a traitor to the family, this chise has a polite if distant relationship with him, having been mainly raised by uncles and aunts. fumiki is supremely annoyed by her. shes very protective and patronizing
her silhouette is based off of a shrine maidens, but i didnt want to dress her exactly like one, since thats... kind of on the nose, isnt it? regardless, the focus of her magic is in purification and exorcism - her soothsaying skills are not quite so refined
she who travels chise is she who travels chise, she comes with her own fic series, read it or dont. i do have thoughts about her older offshoot, though. this chise is in her 30s. she picked up smoking from master onishi - HE TRIED NOT TO INFLUENCE HER, REALLY - and took over the theater when he died. even though she owns it and its a good source of income, shes moved on and is trying to be a more respectable mage beyond the sideshow reputation of her early career. shes essentially cosplaying a put-together businesswoman, and is kind hearted but comically serious. she probably has a niece or nephew and is constantly giving them enchanted gifts. her elias received an untraceable check for five million pounds - adjusted for inflation - several years ago and has not been able to track her down. her anger has cooled, but its now been so long that she feels too awkward to contact him. she still maintains contact with angelica and simon, though - maybe one day shell show up in his yard in a shiny black car
i think it would be soooo fun to throw them all in a room together with canon chise and watch them fight. or maybe they would just cry it out? soothsayers daughter thinks shes above all of this and will condescendingly preach about how attack dog has a "wounded heart"... until attack dog roundhouse kicks her in the head
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pinkluver93 · 7 months
Is This Jealousy I'm Feeling?
Dr. Keh X Player fanfiction. I posted it on Aooo too. Enjoy :)
After a long day at your shop, you harvest the 300 artichokes Keh told you to grow (why the heck did he need so many anyway??) and drive over to Keh’s shop. As soon as you walk in with them in a grocery tote, he approaches you, smiling that punchable smile you hate so much….
“I see you’ve been harvesting a lot of artichokes. I’m impressed, I had such low expectations for you.”
As he takes the tote from you, you mumble something under your breath. “I’m impressed your ego allowed you to have any expectations for me at all…”
“What was that, Ovenist?”
You straighten yourself up and watch what you say next. He can easily not allow you to search the shop if you give him attitude, after all. “I said thanks for that and all….”
Keh raises an eyebrow at you, maintaining his Cheshire cat grin. “I’ll let you look around my shop, even though I still don’t want you here. But before you go wrecking it, do you have anything to show me or tell me?”
As he looks down at you into your eyes, you gulp. Why is he so….intimidating? “Nope, I’m good.”
As he goes back behind the counter to look at his store’s final sales of the day on his tablet, you take a look around his shop, your pen writing down what you see in your investigation. As you look around, you feel so inspired looking at his futuristic décor and technology, and you see his menu board, with his grinning face hanging right next to it. Next you see his grinning face AGAIN holding a pizza right next to his NIT (National Institute of Toppings) degree.
You roll your eyes, and quietly scoff, with a grin. Just what someone wants to do when they eat a pizza here….stare at this man’s smug face!
You look even closer at the pictures again, and you sweat.
That well-taken care of…handsome…gor-
The sound of a ringing phone (almost a trendy, futuristic ringing) brings you out of your trance and Keh answers. “Keh-lifornia Pizza Kitchen; the home of the world’s most renowned pizza….ah, you’d like to place a catering order for tomorrow? Of course you do, I’m the only shop in town that can properly fulfill that kind of order….”
You multi-task between looking around his shop and listening to his conversation, and boy, Keh is as smug on the phone as he is in person. With your notebook, you look around. After you see the trophies on the wall and take note of them, you go behind where Keh is standing to try to reach up to pull a rope, but have trouble. It appears to be too high up, and you jump up, groaning. As Keh continues to chat with the potential customer on the phone, he notices you struggling.
“Hold on one moment…” He puts the phone on hold, and, with his 6’3 height, easily pulls the rope up and showcases what’s behind the curtain. He grins down at you. “You remind me of a cat trying to reach into a tree. Quickly look around, Ovenist. I need to lock the shop up very soon.”
As he returns to the phone call, you roll your eyes and look around, taking note of what you see. Special sauces in test tube bottles, fancy cooking tools imported from Italy, and some sort of group of papers (you put these in your backpack to analyze later, as they may be important for the case and cannot be read quickly). You look around for more things when some fancy envelope on top of the oven catches your eye.
What’s with that fancy envelope? Who is he writing to?
You didn’t dare ask for help again, even though it sounded like Keh was off the phone now. You jumped up really high to grab the letter and look at the front.
“To Michael…from Angelica..”
You drop your jaw, as well as the letter. You grip your notebook tight.
Angelica Bechamel?? What is he doing writing to HER??
Footsteps approach you, and soon, Dr. Keh walks by with the artichokes he was bringing to the kitchen. He sees your jaw open before you quickly close it.
“What’s with you? You look as though you’ve come to the realization that you’ll never have a pizza parlor as magnificently sumptuous as mine.”
You shrug. “Nothing’s wrong, I’m almost finished searching!”
He looks at the ground….seeing the letter. “Ah, I see you’ve found my letter from Angelica.”
You put your notebook down and cross your arms. He’s just coming right out with it! “Yeah, I did. It all makes sense now…”
He looks at you, curiosity in his eyes. “Oh, does it now?”
You nod, animatedly. There are butterflies in your stomach now, but it’s not like you can escape. You stutter out your next words with anxiety. “Yep, I totally knew you two were going out. You guys are SUCH a perfect match, aren’t you? That Pizzagram hashtag was so accurate.”
His curiosity in his eyes turns into wide eyes for a few seconds, then he chuckles loudly. “Is that what this is about? You think I’m in love with my former rival??”
“Well yeah! Who writes letters to each other these days unless you guys are star-crossed lovers? And that envelope must’ve cost as much as a week’s worth of rent in the city!”
Keh puts his hands on his hips. “I see. That’s your naïve assumption, is it? That only lovers write letter to each other, hmm? And pray tell, Ovenist, did you even look inside the letter? Or are you simply judging the letter by it’s envelope?”
You knew you didn’t read it, but….you feel like you didn’t need to since you pretty much saw everything. Who writes a letter to someone that closed their family business down?? ‘Hey Dr. Keh, thanks for closing my business. You really ARE the Master Ovenist! Talk soon! Love, Angelica’
“I…no, why would I read it?”
“Because then you would’ve seen that inside the letter were….business matters being discussed. Much to your chagrin, people tend to still compose letters to each other in modern times as emails are not very….confidential, if you will. And I am a much sought-after man after all, this tiring investigation aside….”
You look up at him in confusion. “Business matters?”
Keh grins down at you. “Nothing for a current rival to be concerned with….at least for right now anyway….let’s just say you should enjoy your little gravy train while you still can…”
You look down and sigh, with yet another worry in your head for the future. “Well fine….forget I said anything..gotta go!”
As you try to leave, Keh stops you.
“Where are you going so fast? Now I have a question for you…”
You look up at him in fear. Perhaps this is where he reveals himself to be that handsome villain from the movies that will tell you that you know too much, and that you must be…disposed of somehow…
“Why were you so upset to find a letter from Angelica of all people? I write to colleagues all the time, even those I went to NIT with….you seem very upset I am writing to her specifically….”
You blush, swallowing. “I-I don’t know, I-I just don’t like her, and just think that she’s a horrible person, and…”
“And I’m not? Is that what you were going to say, Ovenist?”
He’s caught you. The man has the highest degree you can get at any university, so he’s nowhere near stupid! Now you’re in trouble….
“No, not that, I didn’t say that! I-“
He smiles again, but this time….it’s almost a smile that….isn’t punchable this time? Instead, it almost looked….delighted?
“I can’t believe it, Ovenist….you’re JEALOUS, aren’t you?”
The blush on your face is even more red now, with red anger in your eyes added on. “No way! Why would I be jealous of you? Are you insane?”
He crosses his arms and grins. “Hmmph. Well you can’t be jealous of my pizza making skills, since you think your mediocre pizza is so much better for some reason. You’re still delusional as of this point. Perhaps….it’s something else….”
You start to shyly rub the back of your neck.
 “Ovenist….you’re attracted to me in some way, aren’t you?”
With sweat dripping off your forehead, you grab your notebook and run out of Keh’s shop and drive away. You ran out at super fast speed, that you don’t even realize that Keh has chased you outside, looking on as you drive away in the pouring rain…
You also don’t realize….he’s holding your pen you left behind….
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millgarrison · 2 months
holy shit, are you okay? why were you in a cage?
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[You found only dingy radio that can't even decipher angel voice. It's still working, though.]
"Hey sorry, no tower. And uhm, no. Not really. Never been okay since I died. I don't think anyone would be if some.. macho-muscle guy chase you into abandoned church and smashed your head and.. everything else.. to bits. On your birthday, nonetheless."
"Cage is.. well, hate to alarm you.. but if you see me answering that tower and talk like I'm youth pastor trying to recruit you into local old angelica church, not me. Father-mother put people in cage for the rapture or whatever bullshit. Use their voices, too. Apparently never have his-her own voice at all. Puppetering them.. creepy shit I watch on cartoon at Saturday morning."
"It sucks. Two priests that suppose to help me.. botched their job and almost die. Well one.. did, i think."
"I.. feel bad. Even though it been.. I don't know how long.. years? I feel like it's my fault-- maybe it is? Mayne it's not? I don't know-- I-I saw their face-- blood-- god their face.. their eye.. missing.. his head was-- was everywhere..and--"
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"I don't-- want to hurt anyone but it made me do it because they was trying to "hurt me". I'm just--"
"Thank you for keeping me company. Uhm.. come again.. soon."
"I need time.."
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katiekatdragon27 · 10 months
More Flatland stuffff~~~
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[Cursive transcript: I'm so sorry this is so sudden, but I had to keep my Chosen safe!]
So, uh, the 4th dimension, am I right?????
So, on my last post, people were more interested in A. Tesseract than I thought. I did not expect her to stir so much interest, but here you go lol.
More under the cut lol / lots of notes:
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Some basic information on 4th dimensional beings:
They refer to themselves as "hypersolids" and "polytopes". Only Tesseracts prefer a different name than just "hyper(insert shape here)". When talking to other dimensional beings, they call themselves "Spacelanders".
They usually keep their eyes closed, and they do not emote much.
Their bodies naturally morph as they talk. They are also partially transparent, so you can see their inside movements. Not organs or anything, but the next emotions or actions they are going to express. Sort of like key frames or a fade in effect.
They call "Spacelanders" "Heightlanders".
Their civilization is located in space. They are able to breathe through little pockets of air on their rings that recharge when they enter the atmosphere of other plants. (This is why they are spotted relatively frequently)
Buildings are constantly moving spirals. They also fly everywhere, so they require a lot of energy to maintain their health. Luckily, any stars nearby tend to charge them up just fine.
Also, everyone goes by they/them along with another pronoun if they choose. Gender constructs be damned (or certain groups are fighting for that).
There will be more once I think of it, but that's what I have in the world-building department right now.
Some basic information on Angelica "A." Tesseract (she/they):
She tends to say "I'm sorry" after anything they might think could have been of inconvenience or offensive.
They are relatively soft-spoken, but they are incredibly smart compared to her peers.
Her quiet nature causes others to disrespect and step all over her.
She overthinks LITERALLY EVERYTHING. You could tell her something that is even the slightest bit vague and they have the chance of spiraling.
She KNOWS there are more than four dimensions, but they are struggling to prove it with science.
They are much more emotional compared to other hypersolids. They tend to cry easily.
She chose A. Sphere because of his confidence and drive to get his points across. They admire him for that.
Some basic information on A. Sphere in this:
He's much less snarky. His whole vision of the world was destroyed in the blink of an eye, and he's stuck in another world completely unknown to him. He's going though it currently.
He's still blunt about everything. If you suck, he'll tell you. If you are cool, it'll take a little longer, but he'll tell you.
He got his eye busted after the attack on Messiah Inc. When getting removed from "Heightland", his eye got caught in the blow last minute and it got damaged. He can still open it slightly, but he can't see out of it.
He was relatively indifferent to seeing his body transparent. He was more worried about his eye injury over anything else.
At first, he did not like A. Tesseract (cuz kidnapping), but he learns to appreciate the gesture and does his best to help her out.
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[Cursive transcript: For now, I'm afraid so... sorry. / I'm so sorry. If I was just a but faster, I could have saved your eye.]
Yeah, their friendship starts out really rough.
A. Sphere adjusted to the environment very poorly at first. He was very standoffish and snappy, but it then soured to just sorta feeling sad all the time. He gets better eventually the more he learns about the world, but it takes a lot of effort out of A. Tesseract to get him there.
I mean, he expected to die, lost his eye, everyone in "Heightland" hates him now, he lost his business and research, and he fails to take the blame for anything for a while. I would also be super pissed and sad.
A. Tesseract was not any better. She feels an incredible amount of guilt for not stepping in in time to prevent A. Sphere's eye damage, and she constantly apologies to him for everything. This sucks for A. Sphere since he finds it super annoying.
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[Cursive transcript: N. H.Sphere: You weren't supposed to bring them HERE! / A. Tesseract: I'm sorry, I had to save him- / N. H.Sphere: I should fire you-!]
N. H.Sphere is a mega grouch. He is A. Tesseract's boss who treats her terribly. Discrediting her work, ignoring their research, and just not valuing her opinion cuz women, he is not fun to talk to or just be around in general. No one knows how HR lets him stay in charge, but some theorize that he pays them off or something.
Despite all of the traumatic crap A. Sphere has gone though in this story, he still does not stand for disrespect from anyone. When he learns that A. Tesseract is constantly being pushed around by her bitchy boss, he decides to defend her.
This solidifies their friendship and later science partnership when the story ends. This also makes N. H.Sphere more resentful towards both A. Tesseract an A. Sphere. This leads to A. Tesseract actually getting fired from her job. Thanks A. Sphere.
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[Cursive transcript: N. H.Sphere: Why are you so scared? He's fine! / A. Tesseract: It's my un-medicated anxiety!!]
One of the downsides of being in the 4th dimension and living in space is that the gravitational pull is super sporadic with no real patterns. Some areas have super powerful gravity while others have zero. 4th dimension beings have learned to adjust perfectly fine.
The pressure changes and general lack of oxygen negatively impact A. Sphere's body, however, so to help him be okay, he sits in those vacuum boxes that allow for added pressure to be put on him to help even his breathing. He usually isn't put in unless he is fading in and out of consciousness, since he hates the confined space. It freaks out A. Tesseract every time it happens.
Her boss thinks she's stupid for worrying so much and using company tech. A. Tesseract worries more for A. Sphere than keeping her job, so she ignores N. H. Sphere.
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[Cursive transcript: Care to see him again?]
Outside of the partial angst and stuff, this dimension is the reason why A. Sphere shows up in A. Square's hallucination.
During A. Square's trauma-induced hallucination, he shows up in the 4th dimension briefly with the Monarch of Pointland. A. Sphere and A. Tesseract take notice, and she offers him the ability to talk to A. Square one last time for closure reasons.
In this version, this scene would be longer, with A. Sphere possibly apologizing for denying the existence of the 4th dimension and not being able to assist A. Square in the way he wanted to. It's more wholesome and conclusive than transactional like in the movie. The other stuff is there too, but having more sentimental moments would be so cool.
I am very sorry how messy these particular doodles are, I was drawing all these super late at night during my shift, so I was not paying much attention to the flow of the images. When the inspo hits, you don't really realize how incohesive they are until you start photographing the images to post lol
Thank you once again for reading this whole thing, and have a wonderful day :)
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hunterbunter3000 · 1 year
Hey hope you have I nice day, I LOVE you sweetheart series but I was just curious on what farah and valeria thoughts of sweetheart, do they also have a crush on her or do they see as an enemy(valeria), again hope you have a lovely day
Hello! Thank you, I hope you have a wonderful day as well! ❤️💓
And omg they don't hate her at all LMAO
I kinda dislike when girls hate each other over men. Even tho, yes, it can do good for the story and writers can do whatever tf they want, I like when they communicate their emotions on WHY they feel like that, instead of ruining a good friendship they have!
Farah and Sweetheart are actually really good friends! Even though Farah thinks that Sweetheart is weird as SHIT (I mean hell, who doesn't) and questions her thinking process everytime she sees Sweets, but she's a hell of a good fighter and has been there when other people weren't.
Farah values Sweetheart's kindness cause WHEW YK SHE NEEDS IT MY POOR BABY
Sweetheart tells her stories of her whacky adventures she has by herself and with her team constantly when she visits or when she calls like she's CALLING A NEIGHBOR LOL
Farah: Sweetheart? Why are you-- how are you calling me? Hang up, they can trace this!
Sweetheart, laughing: Don't worry, Don't worry! I'm using an old burner phone that isn't even on the market anymore. Now I need to tell you what happened at the base today.
Farah, speed walks to a secluded area: Oh girl shit, tell me what happened
Sweetheart: RIGHT???
And omg I see Farah teaching Sweetheart how to cook her home food (have you noticed that I'm a foodie. Have you noticed I really like food) and Sweetheart bringing dishes she made at the base so Farah and her soldiers can try!
Farah, eating her mac and cheese: Sweetheart oh my God this is amazing!
Sweetheart: 🥹
Soldier: Are you taken yet?
Sweetheart: 😰
Istg Farah is like a damn cat, protecting Sweets from hands in MARRIAGE LOL
But Farah was quite confused about her team. Why do they all look at her like that? And she's not doing anything about it?? WOAH WATCH YOUR HAND SOAP--
Laswell had to explain it to her.
Farah, shocked: wait... so they ALL LIKE HER!?
Laswell: I would say it's 'love', but basically yeah
Farah, looking at Alex: So... All of them?
(Farah x Alex forever, Sweetheart can go suck a carrot)
Farah was so heartbroken when she found out that Alex loved Sweetheart romantically. She honestly found that out herself when she saw Alex had a fond look in his eyes looking at Sweetheart
And Farah kinda-- just accepted it? Like she didn't want to interfere with the two, so it was like an Angelica and Eliza story (ANGST??1?1??11?) So she would just smile and ignore the pit she felt in her heart everytime she saw them together.
But one night Farah couldn't take it anymore and just ignored Sweetheart for like two whole days. Sweetheart ain't about that 😡 nah uh no ma'am
Sweetheart: Farah!
Sweetheart, grabbing Farah's arm: Farah please. What is going on with you?
Farah, not looking at Sweetheart: Nothing.
Sweetheart, not buying it: Farah come on- even a blind man would see that something is wrong. You can talk to me! We're friends--
Farah, breaking Sweets hold: Just... Leave me be, please.
Sweetheart, sad: Did I do something wrong? Please-
Farah: No, you didn't do anything wrong I just--
Sweetheart: Then what's going on--
Farah: I like Alex, okay!?
(It was silent)
(Farah didn't want to look at Sweetheart, but she saw her hands waving frantically. She looks up confused, now seeing Sweetheart smiling ear to ear and fanning her eyes)
Sweetheart, wheezing: You like Alex! Holy hell, I KNEEWWW IT- I knew it I knew it
Sweetheart, hands in her hair: ARGH I OWE LASWELL SO MUCH FUCKIN MONEY SHIT
Farah: Pardon?
Sweetheart: GIRL PLEASE I knew you liked Alex a long time ago! I just-- didn't say anything cause I didn't want to pressure you.
Farah, relaxed: Ah... I see. You're not- You're not mad?
Sweetheart: Mad!? Why in the world would I be mad at you liking someone I know?
Farah: Well... I didn't want you to see it as me taking your..."friend." Also, I don't think he likes me back.
Sweetheart, grabbing Farah's cheeks: Farah, have you seen yourself? You're absolutely beautiful! Of course he would like you.
Oh my.
Farah felt warm and tingling when Sweetheart said that. With honesty. With her smile. She meant it. "You're beautiful."
"Have you seen yourself? You're beautiful."
Her big, warm hands held Farah's cheeks softly, like too much pressure would break her.
(FARAH GOIN THRU IITTTT) (Farah bi-curious moment? AHAHAHAH)
Sweetheart told Farah that she would help her win Alex, so it's a GIRL POWER type friendship they got goin on and I love it
With Valeria... as I said in another ask, they're like freinemies (did I even spell that right) Sweetheart don't really like her cause she works for the cartel and drugs BUT SHE A BUSINESS WOMAN
Omg when they were interrogating Valeria, Sweetheart was SWEATING-- SHE WAS SCARED FOR HER LIFE (she had some... troubles with the cartel in the past)
But omg she was so nervous
Sweetheart: If you mitch-match blacks, YOU DIE
(Valeria was fucking cackling in there)
Valeria, smirking: I don't think you'll get very far with this if she's with you
Valeria sees Sweets as entertainment, because she knows how nervous and hyper Sweets can get when she's around
Valeria teases the SHIT outta Sweetheart constantly (Val gonna give her a heart attack fr fr)
She questions Sweets actions alot tho
Valeria: ...How did you even get up there?
Sweetheart, holding onto a high pole to get away from Valeria:
Sweetheart: uh- out of fear
Valeria thinks it's impressive how she collects men like Pokémon
Valeria: You have my ex wrapped around your manicured finger.
Valeria, smirking: Good on you, pez globo.
Sweetheart: h u h
And Valeria popped the question to her
Valeria: Why are you afraid of me?
Sweetheart, getting nervous: I'm... sorry?
Valeria: I have seen you take down men like they're flies. I have seen you use many weapons like they're second nature. Yet you're afraid of me?
Sweetheart: I just--
(She looks away, unconsciously rubbing her right forearm with her hand. Her eyes dim, holding a dark story she obviously doesn't to say.)
Sweetheart: What you do... is dangerous. So obviously I'm-- I'm gonna be afraid of you.
Valeria: I see.
(Did I just give Sweetheart trauma- what the flying fuck why do I do this everytime with characters-- I WAS TRYING MY BEST NOT TO GIVE HER ANY UGH)
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Hii hope all is well 💜. Can I please request Jack Sparrow being in love headcanon? Thanks if approved! 😊
Hello dear 💖, thanks for your request.
Jack sparrow being in love 😍
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This wasn't planned, nor thought out in any sense of emotions.
Jack being in love was something rare.
Sparrow had his ways with women. A corsair of the buccaneers, a Casanova of the seven seas.
Jack had many admirers and lovers; angelica, giselle, and scarlett, esmerelda, even Tia Dalma at one point.
Jack avoided you, and he deceived you. He didn't want to believe he was in love, such a cliche thing, really. A pirate falling for a woman/man/person and they live happily ever after on the pearl.
Jack sparrow hid in the most unusual places, even when you weren't expecting it.
Jack spent nights in tortuga ravishing himself with pretty wenches to take his mind off. But even then, when he came lip to lip with them, he didn't kiss them. Instead his mind thought of you.
He couldn't be in love, he didn't want to. He valued the freedom and the sea. He was committed to the sea and his ship.
Jack spent his days trying to figure out what his feelings were, why he valued you, or rather felt the "weird things" when you were around.
One night Master Gibbs was out with his bottle of rum "a yo ho ho, a pirate's life fo-".
"Psssst, Matser Gibbs" Jack whispered.
"Cap'n, be tha yer? Where ar' yer" Gibbs looked around the main deck.
Master Gibbs walked up to a bunch of cargo with a big barrell.
Gibbs looked inside the barrell to see Jack, hidden inside.
"Did they see me?" Jack's pupils turned left and right.
"What's wrong Jack, why ar' ya hidin', who ar' ya hiding from" Gibbs asked.
"Is it tha' kraken? As Jones spotted our ship, Gibbs looked worriedly.
"No mate, even worse than that," Jack stood up from the barrell.
"Her?/him?/them?" He whispered.
"Her?/him?/them?" Gibbs replied.
"The lass/lad/y/n," Jack muttered.
"The lass?/the lad?/y/n?" Gibbs questioned further.
Gibbs soon caught on to who Jack meant. "Ye mean, y/n, the landlubber."
"Ohhh, ar' they a spy from tha navy." Gibbs tried to realise,"I knew it, Jack, tha's why I said I didn't trust them from the moment they first docked."
"I've been having these," he gestures with his hands. "Things."
"Wha-what sort o' thins, ave' ye caught scurvy?" Gibbs still couldn't make sense of what Jack meant.
"You know, things, things that make you feel... funny," he couldn't make into words. How could he? It's not like Jack's ever felt this way before.
"So yer feel funny when ye see--ohhh Jack" Gibbs realised finally what was going on.
"Are ye, in love?" Gibbs smiled. "Aye I remember the first time I be tha way, and let me tell yer, she was a fine lass, one I couldn't forget".
"Turned out tha next mornin', I couldnt find er'-- or rather, she wasn't even human, Aye, Turned out ta be but a sack o' oranges" Gibbs rambled about his drunken tale.
Jack got out of the barrell and took Master Gibbs's rum and swung it down his gullet.
"Aye, I remembered that, bieleved that sack was named sally or martha, hm, also that night I do recall nearly losing a finger or two from that wager, was worth it though, got that map in the end" Jack explained.
"Aye, Is that how we ended up cursed" Gibbs leaned against the big oak railing of the main deck.
"The pearl's already cursed mate, I'm just the captain of it" Jack threw the rum over board.
"So whaddya gonna tell er/im/em then" Master Gibbs asked.
"I'll do em one better, ill set them off at some fancy port and they can tell their friends of how a devlelish, delightful captain Jack Sparrow saved them from the clutches of a bunch of rutheless scoundrels" Jack agreed.
"Now that sounds like a tale to behold, don't it?" Jack smiled.
"Jack, ye can't just abandon tha poor thing" Gibbs sympathised.
"Ye did that already--on an island" Gibbs recalled.
"Jack" a woman/man/person called from the distance.
Jack gestured with his hands for Gibbs to move.
"You never saw me, savvy?" Jack scurried away.
Jack would be like this for a while but eventually you would confront him about why he was acting strang-er.
Jack would come clean and admit "the world's a funny place innit darlin, things I can't explain between you and I, happens from me always wondering about you, wondering in Tortuga, wondering when I drink rum, wondering about these...things". He continued with a smile, "Things for you mate".
"Hm, does sound a bit cliche to say 'I love you' don't it" Jack places his first finger on his chin.
Jack leaned toward you "Hmmm, how about rather, your enduring, I can't figure out why I'm besotted to you"
"Suppose it ain't gonna sound cliche to say--" he admitted. "I loved you mate, I always have, I always will".
You blushed with astonishment. You had no idea yet it made sense for Jack's behaviour recently.
You could kiss him, and that would be that. You could marry him, and that's the end of your love story. You could sail with him, entailing the fantasy of many countless women, men, or anyone with pirates--or--rather.
You chose to endure the freedom as Jack did, being two souls that understood each other when no one else did.
A rather more passionate romance then the tales of Will and Elizabeth.
Jack was no fool when he was in love. A legendary captain like him would grant you protection.
Though for Jack, would it truly be the end? No, of course not, it only means another chapter is written in the tales of the captain.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta ✨️
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nijigasakilove · 4 months
Been waiting on this eagerly since last week’s cliffhanger and they didn’t disappoint.
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Blue Keeper makes his big entrance and the staff spared no expense in showing you just how badass he is. For someone who’s as brutal and savage as he comes off as, he does have a soft side especially for Aizome who’s probably the only person in the world who actually understands him. So seeing her critically wounded like that understandably sent him into a rage.
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Seeing XX get tortured was very rough. She was a few seconds away from completely breaking. As the audience, who know XX isn’t an evil person it hurts seeing her in so much pain. But she and Peltrola did do some serious damage to the Ranger HQ so you can’t fault Blue too much for trying to get some payback and info.
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D stepping in and saving her while remaining in character as Hibiki is some really cool shit. I just love how even though he’s not the strongest guy, he just leverages his intelligence and uses strategy in these situations. Making it look like his attack was an accident to break up the torture and then standing up to blue keeper. My goat.
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With Blue Keeper out for blood.. next week’s episode is going to be insane. They really have been cooking with all the divine weapon scenes as well. You can feel how powerful they are with all the sakuga.
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Oh yea, Yamato’s whole harem spill to Angelica during their fight was hilarious. Hopefully he gets that harem some day.
Angel is also gorgeous omg they cooked with her anime design
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dumbabies · 9 months
who: @scamperoo where: scamp's apartment
After his father had made hurting her his business she'd been spending a lot more time at Scamp's. A part of her was concerned that she might've even gotten a bit too comfortable there and not at her own apartment. Even though he'd been welcoming when she kept asking to stay over after she got off of set late, Angelica had been doing it almost every night lately. Being on her own didn't feel as good as it used to. In fact, she'd started to hate it. When she first moved out of her parents it was a sign of independence from her mother but now it was a place where she felt vulnerable in a different way. The blonde looked up from his bed where she sat in one of his oversized teeshirts after removing her stage self for the night. "Thanks for letting me crash here again." Even through her smile, she worried he could see how she was really feeling. As tough as she'd always tried to be, Scamp saw through it. Holding out a hand as if to beckon him to join her she fell back into her usual spot beside him in his bed. "Have you ever thought about... maybe not living with Dodger? You know, and moving in with someone else."
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madeofcc · 4 months
➯ Simblr question (not of the day hihi):
↳ Do you have real life faceclaims for your OCs? Share them with us ❥ ҉ (If you dont have an OC, pick a sim you liked the most) feel free to ignore this ask if you dont want to reply for any motive ೃ ✦ ✧ ask round!
Hey nonny :) Thanks a lot for this ask ! I actually never really thought about it, except for Destiny but I took some time for you and here we go ... DH3 perfect cast if it could be real :
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Want to know why ? Read below the cut !
Destiny / Zendaya : I always pictured Destiny in my mind as a mix between Rue in Euphoria/Ellie from The Last of Us and Buffy the vampire slayer. Zendaya would obviously be the perfect actress to be Destiny.
Aïssa / Angelica Ross : I highly recommend you to watch Pose and American Horror Story to see her at her best ! She really has a powerfull energy and a lot of style. Though she's a bit older for the character, she would totally slay.
Leïla / Camélia Jordana or Lyna Khoudri : Both of these artists are french and arabic and both of them can be as sweet as super badass so they would be the perfect choice.
Milo / Logan Lerman or younger Jake Gyllenhaal : Both of them have brown hair and bright eyes. Also, totally random but I wouldn't mind seeing them be a gay man :p Jake did it already perfectly once so ...
Hiro and Renji / Manny Jacinto : I know he's not even japanese (but does Hollywood really care ?) but I really love how sweet and tough he can be. So perfect for the both of them.
Chloe / Nicola Coughlan : I know we see her a lot because of Bridgerton lately (and good for her !) but I discovered her talent watching Derry Girl and Barbie and she's absolutly perfect everytime !
Mindy / Jenna Ortega : I actually wanted Mindy to look like Jenna because I couldn't picture someone else for this part. Jenna has become a new horror queen and I can't wait to see what she'll do next. One of my favourite actress from this generation.
Julia / Taylor Swift Reputation mode : I always pictured Julia as Taylor's evil representation of herself. This image actually really amuse me and I wanted to play with the "perfect highschool bitch" archetype for the best of the story. Also, Taylor would totally slay in this part. I forgot to include Emma Robert as Chanel Oberlin in Scream Queens, main reference for Julia's mind and behaviour !
Paul / Glenn Powell as Chad Radwell in Scream Queens : If Julia is Chanel then her boyfriend must be Chad right ? So Paul is basically based on this character but with a sweeter and cleverer side I guess this time :p
And that's all for now I guess :) Thanks a looot for asking ! I will give you more lore about DH3 because I put a lot of references everywhere
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