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❝ lisa | masterlist | bts writer ❞
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taechaos · 2 years ago
Happy New Year!!!!
late happy new year!! 🥳🥳🥳
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taechaos · 2 years ago
What's your favorite song in the moment??
hmmm maybe mind games by sickick 👀 listen to it the lyrics are kinda fucked up
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taechaos · 2 years ago
the world is an amazing place with you in it. im happy that i found ur account and im happier to know that youre here♡ welcome back!! please be patient with your journey of healing. you deserve that patience,, bad times always pass; you got this!!!♡♡♡
wishing you truly only the best things in life and sending alot of support!!
oh thank u so so much ❤❤ u are so sweet and this kind of stuff is very relieving to hear :) IVE BEEN DOING SM BETTER THIS WEEK
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+ some graffiti i found that helps me :D
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taechaos · 2 years ago
Absolutely not! The world is Amazing with you in it❤️ I’m glad you are back, you deserve all the happiness in the world & you are loved ❤️ Thank you for existing 🫶
oh god thank you so much this shjt got my heart burning up 😭💞 thank you for being so awfully kind and caring u deserve everything good life has to offer istg ur too precious
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taechaos · 2 years ago
hi☺️i hope ure doing okay lovely 💜
i just wanted to ask if youre going to continue textbook love or not:)
heyoo :D textbook love isn't completed i have a shit ton of ideas that i can't execute as i want to so it's taking a while for me to be satisfied with anything i've written:(
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taechaos · 2 years ago
Okay but reader stuck in one house hiding from walkers (like with enough food drink supply) when an intruder (any bts member)who's not walker make themselves home in readers house. Well guess u can imagine the rest ;)
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taechaos · 2 years ago
Hey Lisa!! I'm still watching 'the walking dead' still at S2 😭
LOOK FORWARD TO SEASON SIIIIIIX :DD hope ur enjoying it tho <3
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taechaos · 2 years ago
What did you do all these months??
If it's okay to ask😊.
tried to kill myself 💀 im okay now tho just really struggle with academic failure
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taechaos · 2 years ago
have u guys seen the walking dead? the game or the show?? im tryna write something w that theme so gib any ideas u have gang 😤👊
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taechaos · 2 years ago
OMG LISA, I MISSED YOU SO MUCH😭 I hope you are doing good and are having an amazing week❤️
I MISSED YALL TOOO and i'm doing alright :)) hope you're doing great <33
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taechaos · 2 years ago
ok gang IM BACK 🤑🤑🤑 thanks a lot to the homies who left the sweetest asks n im sorry for worrying some of u :< not taking any requests atm just feel like shitposting and throwing out some drabbles
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taechaos · 3 years ago
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Nihonbashi, Tokyo
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taechaos · 3 years ago
Lisa!!! Could you please write a drabble about tae teasing oc??? I love seeing jk angry 😌😌 THANK YOU SMOOCH 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💞💞
The scene is ordinary and one that you play in regularly now: you are waiting by the steps of a building's entrance where Jungkook will come out of any second. This is where he takes his law courses, and it's approaching 6PM when the setting sun and gentle breeze keep you company until he comes out. Your hair is swayed by the light wind, and you dig your hands deeper into the pockets of your thin rain jacket although it's not cold. It just feels so serene to relax like this.
A hot breath is blown into your ear while you're patiently watching the doors. You jump in your spot, but two hands hold you in place by pushing down on your shoulders. The person behind you chuckles silently in amusement.
"Hey," a deep voice whispers. It's Taehyung, and the roll of your eyes is instant. He forces you to face forward when you try to turn around; he wants to be behind.
"Tae," you sigh. "Hi."
"You've been standing here for a while now." He talks lowly even though there's no one around. You can feel his soft breaths on your neck—he's leaning down on you. You squirm under his hold, but he doesn't relent.
You don't match his quiet volume. "I'm waiting."
"Hm." He slightly loosens his grip because of your stern tone. "Do you have plans with him?"
You shrug, "It's more like routine than making plans."
There are some distant noises inside the building's corridors now, but no one's in sight. You get on your tiptoes to get a peek, curiously looking around as Taehyung says, "Since you two spend so much time together... it wouldn't hurt to hang out with me for one day, would it?"
You suppress a groan. The phrasing is as if he's intentionally trying to guilt you into saying yes, and he's succeeding—but only with the guilt. "I can't. I already texted him that I was here."
"So if you hadn't texted him, would you have hung out with me?"
A hum resounds in your throat. "Well, not alone, but yes."
"I can join in on your hangout now then?"
"Taehyung," you whine at his word twisting. Tingles dance on your neck down to your spine when he inches closer to your ear. Your breath hitches because Jungkook might be amongst the students leaving the building while Taehyung is being so touchy and intimate. You're nervously dreading his appearance now.
"I like that tone," he whispers hotly. "Would you moan my name like that too?" The hands on your shoulders trail to your forearms, loosely encasing his fingers around your wrists like they're cuffs. But his reaction speed is faster than yours, and they tighten the moment your boyfriend is in sight. When he lays his eyes on the two of you, he sprints past the other walking students, stomping to your direction with a confused frown.
You struggle against him with wide eyes; there should be bruises on your skin soon, because his grip is strong to the point of hurting you. "Let me go, please," you plead quietly to avoid the incoming conflict. It is Taehyung you're worrying about, not because he's weak or anything, but because you've never seen him fight back whether it be verbally (at least not in a serious manner) or physically. He's just begging for some type of beating, and you don't want any part of it today.
The quick strides Jungkook takes land him before you in a matter of five seconds, and you stumble with Taehyung when he pushes him off of you. He falls down and releases an obnoxious giggle, but Jungkook roughly pulls on your arm to keep your footing. You're shoved backwards as he crouches before his friend on the ground.
"How many fucking times do I have to say: back the fuck up, Taehyung," he seethes.
"We were just waiting for you," you meekly say in an effort to calm him down. He glances at you without much of a change in his scowl.
"Don't make excuses for him." His voice isn't soft in the slightest, but he speaks much more kindly with you than with Taehyung. Maybe because you didn't exactly do anything wrong. It warms your insides that he's aware in that sense; he's controlling his emotions.
Taehyung stands up and dusts off his dark jeans, his actions nonchalant. "Have you always been this possessive? You know, back in my time," he turns to you, "we would share our whores–"
"She's not a fucking whore, you moron," Jungkook spits. "I'm not in the mood to fight. Go find someone else to bother."
"But we're best friends," he pouts but Jungkook ignores him and turns around with his hand held out for you. You intertwine your fingers with his, grimacing at the encounter as he leads you forward. One step. Two steps. Three steps. "Wait! I have a question." You try to keep up with his unfaltering pace. Five steps. Six steps.
"Do you think of me when you fuck him?"
Seven steps. Pause. His abrupt stop makes you skip a step.
Your words come out rushed, "Jungkook, there is a security office nearby, please don't–"
"I'm not going to fucking kill him." But he's already walking back to him, dragging you alongside with his hand in yours.
Some of the students watch the scene after Taehyung's very loud question, probably weirded out by the commotion. It's understandable, you're weirded out too. You will never understand how these two are friends, let alone best friends when they're so incompatible and thrive off of fighting each other.
This time, you're not going to intervene. After having this same argument so many times before, you realize that there is no stopping these two idiots. It's just their way of blowing off steam.
That is until Jungkook forcefully releases your hand, placing you face to face with Taehyung. He smiles down at you and Jungkook crosses his arms. "Answer his question and then we can leave."
A heavy sigh leaves your mouth, and you're trying very hard to not storm off and drag your boyfriend the same way he did with you. "No," you say, sounding very done with this ordeal.
"Is that the answer to my question or to–"
"That is the answer to your question," you deadpan at Taehyung.
"Just to like, make sure, you've never thought about it either?"
"Thought about what?"
"Me naked or, I don't know, me fucking you."
"I've never thought about it, no," you blush despite your irritation.
"The real question is," Jungkook cuts in, "have you?"
"Me?" Taehyung points at himself. "Yeah, for sure. Like every night–"
A few people in the crowd gasp and indistinct chatter erupts when Jungkook takes the first swing of the day, his fist giving Taehyung's cheek a violent kiss. You merely step back and sigh, not bothering to scold your boyfriend for not listening to your words earlier. A security guard soon comes—like you warned Jungkook about—to confront the both of them, and they act all friendly to avoid a night in a cell or something. You stay silent.
"It was an accident," Taehyung says with his hand over his rapidly bleeding nose. "I fell into him, and yeah. Sort of happened."
"Yeah, I apologized and everything," Jungkook agrees.
Then everything pans out fine, just your boyfriend pulling his best friend to the side to tell him, "If that wasn't one of your fucked up jokes earlier, I'm going to fucking kill you. I mean it."
"I can't even join a threesome?" he asks in disbelief.
"No, not in fantasy, not in real life, not even in your fucking dreams, dude."
"Okay, fair game, but are you coming to the frat house tomorrow?"
"With enough drugs, I think I can convince you otherwise," Taehyung suggestively quirks a brow.
"If I black out, fucking fine."
He relishes in his victory just before casually stating, "Oh and yeah, no, it wasn't a joke."
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taechaos · 3 years ago
The plan was easy. Today is the 14th of February, a day for the lovers, Valentine's day. Jungkook's your boyfriend, you're his girlfriend; so in his mind, you're definitely waiting for him to ask you to be his valentine. That's expected. He's anticipating it, really, to see you grow frustrated when you remind him of the date and he doesn't react.
That's the plan. It's undeniably cliché, pretending to be all confused when you eventually tell him and he goes "oh, for real?" before mocking you for remembering it yourself, saying things like "you're such a hopeless romantic" or "I can't believe you care about shit like that." Then you'll get a little upset, crossing your arms with a childish pout and everything, and he'll make it up to you by giving you an amateur bouqet of daisies that he plucked out earlier, tied by a thin thread and slightly wilted from being shoved—carefully—in his backpack. The sticky note in the bouqet should do the trick if the gesture doesn't suffice.
So he's lazily sauntering around campus with his bag, using only one strap to carry it, as he searches for you. That's another easy step, because he's got two options: 1. under the shade of a random oak tree or 2. sitting on your usual bench. Today's the oak tree, probably because of how hot it is today. He sees you reading a book while leaning against the bark, delicate fingers flipping a page to prevent any wrinkles, and the clothes you're wearing today... You're dressed up. The denim frock under your red sweater looks like overalls, and your hair's up in a bun with the front strands framing the sides of your face. Your lips are also a cherry red, and as he heads your way, he can't help but admire your appearance.
And also mentally cheer you on for picking that spot, because he has to squint in order to see. The sun is blinding as if the lovebirds snuggling in public wasn't enough.
He plops down next to you on the grass and you quickly look up from the book. It endears him to see you wear a smile instantly. "Hey," you say.
"Hi, baby," he smirks and puts a loose arm around your shoulder to bring you closer. "What are you up to?"
"I was just reading," you close the book with a soft thud and set it aside. "How about you? How was class?"
"It was alright, I mean," he lightly shrugs, "didn't really pay much attention."
"How come?"
"You could say I was distracted by the thought of someone," he tugs on your hair teasingly. The corny line makes you giggle and roll your eyes, though your cheeks turn a little more rosy.
It's clear that you know what day it is today, going by your light makeup and cutesy fashion, so he doesn't need to press in order for you to say, "By the way, happy Valentine's day."
He raises his eyebrows, feigning slight surprise. It's almost too easy. "Today's Valentine's?" he says, appearing mostly disinterested.
"Yeah, you didn't know? Everyone's wearing red today. Didn't you see the flyers?"
"I didn't really pay attention," he coolly replies.
The small laugh you sing catches him by genuine surprise. Maybe he wasn't predicting your reactions all too well. With your hand over your mouth and eyes crinkled up to cute crescents, you chuckle, "I don't know what I was expecting, but you can't be that blind."
He clicks his tongue. "You act like I would've cared anyway."
"Now that—I was expecting."
Ouch. Okay, not really an ouch, because he can't take any offense to that when he still doesn't care about Valentine's day. But you have to give him credit, he consciously made the decision to wear red sneakers this morning. That counts for something.
"Rude," he scoffs anyway, lightheartedly bumping against you. "There are still things you don't know about me, little smartass."
"Humour me," you grin knowingly.
"Would you expect me to ask you to be my valentine?"
You pause and your smile slowly falls to a sheepish grimace. "Oh, Jungkook... I'm sorry, but I already have a valentine."
He recoils in confusion and stares at you for a second, retracting his touch from you. "What?"
"Wait, are you being serious right now? Who?"
His scowl slightly intimidates you. "Just a friend," you mumble.
"Who?" he demands.
"Why are you getting mad?"
"Is that really a fucking question? I'm supposed to be your valentine, you airhead, because I'm your fucking boyfriend," he grits in calm frustration. "Why didn't you ask me?"
You're somewhat flabbergasted by his jealousy and stammer, "Well, y-you just admitted that you don't care about–"
He cuts you off with a groan, "Are you stupid? Did you think I would actually say no to you?"
"You don't look like you want to say yes right now," you retaliate, but never without sounding meek.
"That's because you already have a fucking valentine!"
This makes you suppress a smile. "I never would've guessed you wanted to be my valentine this bad," you whisper.
He clenches his teeth at your implying tone. "Don't fucking tease me right now. You're practically telling me you want to celebrate love or whatever the fuck with someone that you don't love. Because you only love me, right?" You nod and bite your smile harder. "Then how would you like it if I asked someone else to be my valentine?"
"But... you don't care about a valentine," you softly defend with a thoughtful pout.
"Do you want me to show you?"
When he aims to stand, you stop him by holding his wrist. He shoots you a challenging look. "No, no," you quickly say, "I was just kidding, it was a joke. There is no valentine. Why would I spend today with anyone other than you?"
"Oh my fucking God," he sighs in exasperation to himself. "You just want to see me mad, don't you? Fuck, I feel so fucking stupid–"
"No, please," you plead a little nervously, "don't feel that way. I just wanted to see if you actually cared about it, and I'm really happy that you want to be my valentine. I mean... will you?"
His frown doesn't lift. "Will I what? Be your valentine?"
"Um... yes." You shrink into your clothes at his monotone voice. With your gaze downcast, you hear him take a deep breath and chuckle to himself. You look up to see him leaning his head against the tree, staring up at the bright sky before glancing at you.
"I was going to ask first," he rolls his eyes and his lips curl up to an involuntary small smile at your innocent expression. Then he reaches to his bag and unzips it before taking out a small bouqet of flowers, inelegantly holding them out for you.
You take it with wide eyes and parted lips. "Oh... Thank you so much," you breathe, struck with utter awe. It isn't fancy by any means, but the fact that he made it for you makes it so precious. You can see his efforts in such a mundane little thing when you stare at it like it's a diamond collection. It is a meaningful gift. You pick the purple sticky note rolled up inside the bunched up daises and read:
roses are red
violets are blue
i'm in a lecture right now
but i can't stop thinking about you
very romantic i know, now be my valentine
"I take back that last statement," he breaks your trance, but the growing lovesick grin on your face doesn't fade as you keep rereading the stupid poem. "Fucking 'course I won't be your valentine, not after that dumb prank you just pulled."
You instantly turn to him, "Wha– but you–"
He interrupts you by the gentle press of his lips against yours. Without pulling away, he whispers mischievously, "That was a joke, too."
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taechaos · 3 years ago
Hello 🥰🥰🥰 I was wondering what textbook love is? I’m new to your page. I cant seem to find it on the master list. Is there a link to reading it? 💜💜💜
HIII :))) textbook love is a series of oneshots ig?? it is sort of like a UNIVERSE if u will 💀 at the end of my masterlist i linked all of the chapters (which have different titles for each) and they are in chronological order by date, so "rightful punishment" is the dEbUt of textbook love. hope this helps!!! 💜💜💜
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taechaos · 3 years ago
jesus christ i feel bad for not being able to answer every ask there are just so many THIS IS UNUSUAL
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taechaos · 3 years ago
I just spent hours binging your textbook series and they're so toxic??? And I love it??? I usually hate that sort of toxicity but you write them so well and I really love your style. Really really great job. Have a lovely day/ night 💜
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