#analogical my beloved
overlooked scenes in sanders sides episodes that i really like pt. 13
logan being proud of virgil (and thomas) for finally calming down from his panic attack and contributing to the conversation.
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confusedasever · 11 days
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Haha as usual I’m Logan anyways who else has terrible coping mechanisms lol
More from my stockpile of sander sides things
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kinokoshoujoart · 1 year
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based on this official art of the awl girls! i wanted to see a version with my retro kings so i tried to draw ‘em in matsuyama’s old style
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al-kemist · 4 months
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☀️ The sun and the moon 🌙
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yuwuta · 5 months
can you assign other jjk charcters a/b/o? Like yuuta, nanami or megumi? I wanna know your heacannons
absolutely, i have thought about this extensively lmfaooo
omega satoru, but also alpha satoru works, too (tho, i am biased and learn more towards omega for him). he uses the power/influence he has to draw attention and whine about how you should be his mate. omega satoru is so unbelievably insufferable and pathetic in trying to get your attention, and then incredibly cocky and a show-off to everyone once you’re mates. alpha satoru is the wet paper equivalent of a man once he has you, he will literally bend to your every command, there is nothing he wouldn’t do to keep you happy, and yet, still, also incredibly cocky. either way, he’s the scariest. as an omega, he uses it as an excuse—bats his eyelashes and feigns innocence for attacking someone he considered a threat; as an alpha, he doesn’t feel sorry and nobody tries to get him to apologize, unless they’d also like to be on the receiving end of that treatment. also terribly horny no matter what, he is always ready to go
megumi fits all the roles in my head, so honestly, it depends on you. as an alpha he’s very nonchalant, and begrudgingly accepts his role. tho, he is possessive; he tries not to let it show/let that take over him, but it’s sort of always there and peeps through even if he doesn’t intend to. he doesn’t feel the need to glare at other alphas or be the strongest of them all, but he does like to nip at you, to make sure you smell like him at least a little bit, and he does keep an eye on you even if you’re perfectly safe. as a beta, he’s kind of apathetic to the whole mating situation and being part of a group. he’s drawn in by others—if you, or yuuji, or nobara convince them, then he’ll go along with it, and usually ends up liking it, but he wouldn’t try to seek out new people or experiences. you’d have to be the one to approach him first. as an omega, he’s not all that different as an alpha—he’s still possessive, but maybe a bit more forthcoming and shameless about it. he doesn’t pout or go crazy if you’re affectionate with your mutual friends, but he’s not nearly as nonchalant about you being close to strangers. it’s not paranoia, or distrust in you, it’s quite literally, pure, shallow possessiveness driving him—he’s your omega, and he wants your attention. and he wants to have it when he wants it. and he’s not above biting you to get it 
alpha kento…. just fell to my knees. he was born for this. he’s a very level-headed alpha; very rarely swayed by his own emotions, or preconceived alpha notions, and is aware of how his presence can affect others. he never uses his status to intimidate—honestly, he’s intimidating enough without being an alpha—he keeps a respectable distance from unmated omegas, he uses scent blockers, he doesn’t engage in petty arguments, nor does he boast just because he has the power to. extremely dependable, all of his friends feel safe with him, and are physically drawn to him even if it’s not sexually. you’ve found satoru and haibara cuddled up, asleep on either of nanami’s shoulders on more than one occasion—and nanami, immune to it all, just carries on reading his book. the only thing that really ticks him off, gets the stereotypical alpha drive going is the mention of children—especially, when other alphas try to come on to you by saying how lucky they’d be to have someone like you carry their kids. then, kento’s not above knocking someone’s teeth out. even when your friends make off-handed comments asking about if/when you’ll have kids, kento can be found snarling. it’s truly his weak spot, and it sort of embarrasses him because he seems to have no control over it, he just knows he doesn’t want anybody else but him thinking about you that way. also maybe that repressed breeding kink of his who said that 
yuuta’s an alpha to me <3 the kind that nobody suspects at first, but give him a moment to shine and it’ll all come through. he doesn’t care to come across as intimidating, but he’s undeniably at his strongest when he has his loved ones to protect, and there are so few things he wouldn’t do to keep them safe. he’s intensely loyal and protective, and takes it personally when anybody infringes upon the safety or comfort of his loved ones. you’ve seen him throw people against walls for picking on toge, seen him break another alpha’s arm because they were trying to intimidate nobara, seen yuuji and maki have to pull him off a guy solely because of the way he’d spoken to you. but if that’s not the case, and there’s nothing/nobody to rouse the aggressive alpha behavior out of him, yuuta’s the one who’s easily intimidated. when you or his friends aren’t in the picture, he doesn’t care to interact with other alphas, he finds himself feeling small and anxious; he’s gullible and always the subject of pranks within your friend group despite his alpha status; he’s shy and sometimes still stutters around you, no matter how long you’ve been together. he’s pretty malleable and not at all what you’d think of as an “alpha,” until there’s a threat nearby and he’s ready to kill someone with his bare hands. 
alpha yuuji agenda and no i’m not biased <333 he’s the kind that feels the need to provide for the people in his life. he cooks, he cleans, he lifts all the heavy boxes, he picks you up and walks you home, he’s the perfect alpha, but yuuji strives for it. he’s conscious about bettering himself and how he can use his strength and skills to serve you. he wants to be the perfect mate, but for you and you alone. lots of things come naturally to yuuji, but he’s intentional in how he treats you, and how how to be a good alpha for you. like satoru, he’s honestly more of a puppy when he’s with you, one that preens for attention and smothers you when he’s happy. and he’s very moody when he doesn’t get that attention, or when somebody else is trying to take it from him. he’s nice and all, but he’s still an alpha with a temper at the end of the day. he’s the definition of “you should see the other guy,” whenever he comes out of a fight. 
it doesn’t matter whether toge’s an alpha, a beta, or an omega, his true sub-gender is a professional brat and part-time troll. attention-seeking 24/7, gaudy with his tactics for getting your attention and then pouty whenever you’re not paying attention to him, even if it’s for a few minutes. bites. all the time, always. doesn’t even leave hickies, he leaves teeth marks. literal indentations along your arm or on your wrist or your shoulder just because he’s that much of a brat, and needs some outlet for his possessive nature. also, doesn’t have a humble bone in his body, he’ll let everyone know you’re his partner and that he’s hitting it raw because god forbid he have any tact. terrible. 
choso is like yuuji in that he strives to provide and tailor himself to being a good mate for you, but the omega version of it. choso knows what he’s good at, but he also knows he’s got his whole life to learn, and he doesn’t think there’s a better way to spend it than learning how to be good for you. he takes care of all the things you have to put off because of a busy schedule, he runs all the little errands you forget about, he learns to sew so he can easily hem your clothes, he learns to cook your favorite meals, he learns to paint so he can take care of that accent wall you dream about, hell, he’ll even learn to how to do your hair if it saves you a trip to the salon. choso will do, or learn to do anything for you; no skill is too small, no task is too detailed. he strives to be everything you need in a partner, because he doesn’t ever want to give you reason to resent or regret making him your mate :(( also… horny. all the time. always. yeah, he does these things for you, to make you happy, but he’s not above being rewarded for it, either 😇
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ed1c24 · 3 months
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weird imaginary friend.
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nobody-nexus · 8 months
As you watched on in horror, the horrid rabbit on the screen slowly died into the static on the screen, enveloping the cartoon as the noise crackled across the room. And then.... an arm came out.
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ash-rigby · 8 months
I started listening to The Magnus Archives for the first time the other day. Wish me luck!
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heyhollow · 1 year
The Sun and the Moon
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Click for better quality
Sorry for two posts back to back but I made this and the last post in the past two days and was too impatient to wait to put either at different times.
Version without text
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Both individual
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I love em sm
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witloph-art · 4 months
little pink axolotl man kinda cute yknow he looks like he’d read me a book while my parents are returning an old book past its due date
Oh yeah he's super cute when he wants to be...
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“ D O- n ’ T F- F- A a L L- a sl E E p ”
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queerweewoo · 1 month
repressed catholic gayboy edmundo diaz used to be such a vanilla sponge cupcake until the day he bore witness to the scandal that was firehose buck buckley openly flirting with t-bone tommy for the first time in public and became so insanely jealous and so furiously horny that he morphed into a rich red velvet gâteau filled with get your fucking sausage fingers off my wife buttercream and topped with lashings of look at my majestic mustache and tell me you can keep your man icing
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corokoro · 6 months
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sometimes i think about this picture and how they pull each other in waaay closer than they fuckign needed to
like this happens a lot in shonen kinda stuff right, but they're super physically closer than most do it and god this was over bumping into each other jfdbkdbfjd, the both of them don't know how to deal with accidentally bumping into a guy that they end up finding hot so they just fight like the gremlins they are
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skyward-floored · 7 months
the thing about botw/totk zelink is i absolutely adore it, i just adore other zelink MORE. Like I love orange juice, but my favorite is grape juice, and when i get a nice strong craving for grape juice all i can find is orange, and it is Frustrating
everyone is planting orange trees even though there's already a huge orchard of them and while oranges are indeed delicious, the grapes are literally dying a few fields over. please water them.
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graedari · 1 year
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Hi and welcome to Grace still being obsessed with @radjerda's Tron Fights for the Users (Children) AU. Quite overtly obsessed if you will. And I can and will build off of this installment of the AU (without thinking too much about the logistics)
[Image ID in alt]
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VIRGIL GIVING LOGAN A WHOLE ASS MYSTERY TO SOLVE THAT’S MY BOY!!! i was a little disappointed for a minute when he just got logan a newspaper but i should have known better. the left brain boys know each other too well for that <3
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dufferpuffer · 4 months
Adding up to that Severus has a not-so-secret daughter au! Some good nasty drama
Since the lycanthropy is based on the AIDs and they can be passed down to offspring, let me introduce you to:
After the Prank, Severus did get infected but never went through the actual transformation, so he just carries it in his blood with some side effects (maybe he eats raw meat now and has sharper senses, who knows). But even if he's not a werewolf as such, he still has the infection in him...and his daughter is born with it, turning into a full werewolf each moon and overall suffering all the regular effects of the curse.
Just one more reason for them to dislike lupin (and the marauders in general)
I REALLY hate Lycanthropy being tied to HIV/AIDs. I know the author said so, but she says alot of things that suck, and that's one of them. It's a real stinker.
In any case, Lycanthropy isn't actually passed down from parent to child - that's a myth, perpetuated by the fact so few Werewolves ever have children. Remus was worried - but its just another point on his list of "things he is anxious about that aren't real/don't matter as much as he thinks they do" He has nothing to fear about sex. He would have more to fear about kissing - but even then, that isn't how Lycanthropy works.
It doesn't change your genes. Its a magical disease - you don't become a non-human, your DNA isn't changed. You're only contagious at the Full Moon, about 12 hours a month and ONLY via saliva, not blood or sexual fluids. Even if Severus was partially infected with cursed wounds, like Bill Weasley - as he doesn't transform he cannot pass it on.
Same with HIV/AIDs. A father doesn't pass it to their child. The DNA/RNA in his sperm does not have HIV - just the fluids it is carried in. A mother can pass it down through the pregnancy, childbirth fluids or breastfeeding - but not necessarily.
In order to have a child infected with Lycanthropy Severus would need to be fully bitten by Remus and then also bite his own child - or pick up a child from somewhere that has already been bitten.
And that's cute. Why is Severus so good at brewing Wolfsbane...? He's been doing it for his daughter for years already. But I don't really see how, even if you HC that Lycanthropy can be passed down to children via the fathers DNA, that it is something to 'dislike Remus' about...? Remus wasn't a part of that prank. He was a sick boy who did everything right. He wasn't wandering around, he wasn't being reckless - he was hiding in the shack. He was as much a victim of the prank as much as Severus was.
The Ministry has shifted whether they consider Werewolves as 'Beings' or 'Creatures' for years - and in either case, whether they are considered 'people' or 'animals' - they don't have human rights. Just being found out is a danger to Remus' life.
Remus would be mortified to know he had even partially infected Severus... even more so that his Lycanthropy had been fully passed onto a child. He would be DEVASTATED. He would be torn between feeling some responsibility over the child, to teach them how to manage their condition... and wanting to run as far away as possible, hide in a hole - and die from shame.
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