#am i just a faking attention seeker
stormratyaps · 3 months
I started yapping but it turned into a vent - here's the short(er) version
just saw another genderfluid tiktok that really resonated, about how you'll constantly think you're faking it, thinking 'oh im just cis' 'oh im just binary trans' ... and the fear of other people thinking I'm cis and invalidating my gender is really big for me, so much so that like,, I am a girl right now, but I don't feel like that's allowed as a trans identifying person (because its my agab), and it's lowkey giving me gender dysphoria. But then I'm like wait gender dysphoria?? About my agab?? that doesn't sound like a thing. It's so confusing
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tightjeansjavi · 1 month
I’m ngl, tumblr is such a fun place once you tune out the noise and stop overthinking what you’re posting and just have fun in your space freely
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sylusjinwoon · 2 months
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{ 203 }
attention seeker.
alternate title: the five times he purposely got injured to get your attention.
sylus x (non.mc)healthcare.worker!fem.reader
notes: healthcare worker can be any profession of your choosing in the medical field like nursing, physician, pharmacist, physical therapist, etc.
{ i know you’re faking it, but that’s okay. }
ever since sylus knew of your occupation as a healthcare worker, the man stopped healing himself using his abilities, always wanting you to take care of his injuries and wounds.
he didn’t care how his wounds could heal with just a mere snap of his fingertips. all he wanted was to feel your soft touch; to bask in the way you would always dote on him as your fingertips would lightly trace at his cuts and bruises.
“what's this? aren't you the almighty leader of onychinus who can't be killed? why would you ever need my services?" he recalls you asking him in a giggle, earning a growl of your name from him as he gave you paper thin excuses.
"i have been feeling more exhausted than usual, and am unable to bring forth such abilities. so... are you going to heal me or not?" his haughty reply would always earn him a playful roll of your eyes at him, yet you were never one to deny him of his needs (a fact that he was all too willing to take advantage of.)
currently, he was busy examining his supply of weapons, and his hands itched with a sudden desire to run his fingers through your hair while bringing your pliant form into his embrace. frustrated at how distracted he was feeling, sylus pushes himself away from his desk all while taking deliberate strides toward your shared bedroom.
he arrives at the master bedroom within a few minutes, letting a huff in response as he pushes aside the doors, revealing your sleeping form settled comfortably atop the king-sized bed. sylus freezes in his steps, wishing to take a moment to admire you. crimson eyes trail down your body with adoration shining within his gaze, taking note of how vulnerable you looked as his silk sheets were tangled up within the length of your legs.
after spending a few moments simply watching you, sylus steps closer to you, sitting down on the edge of the bed as he reaches out a hand to brush back your hair. while burning your image into his very memories, he couldn't help but reminisce about the times he had given himself an injury or experienced pain, just so he could begin to heal with your gentle touch...
{ ... }
sylus had purposely put himself in the middle of a bar fight the moment the bastard had managed to give him a black eye in response to his intervention. he was around the area, wishing to check on the businesses he owned when he stepped foot into the bar.
immediately, he knew something was amiss when he caught sight of a drunkard messing with one of the female bartenders, the scent of vodka reeking from the bastard's very veins when sylus stepped closer to him. he merely placed a hand on that drunkard's shoulder when the bastard swung at him, managing to land his fist against sylus's eye.
red hot anger was felt coursing through his veins as he grabbed the vodka drenched man by the collar of his torn shirt, forcing him to land head first against the onyx counter. when he hears the satisfying crunch of bones breaking against the marble counter, a sense of satisfaction fills him-
but sylus wanted more-
he was bloodthirsty, and he felt the way his left eyelid seemed to pulse from the sudden impact of the asshole's punch-
yet what ultimately stops him was the sight of your smiling face, and how you would have been so disappointed in him for ruthlessly killing for no good reason.
with a scoff, sylus shoves the drunkard away from the counter before dragging his body out of his bar, tossing him outside and into the pouring rain. "you're lucky i felt generous enough to spare your life. leave this place and never come back, unless you really have a death wish."
sylus was uncertain if the man had even heard him when he started to puke profusely, earning another grunt of disgust from onychinus's leader as he looked away from the vomiting man.
turning away from the mess, sylus goes to check on the bartender, and once he was certain she was unharmed, he leaves the bar through the back exit and rides his motorcycle, with the intention of returning home to his shared penthouse-
of returning home to you.
filled with motivation thanks to the thought of you, sylus purposely speeds through the rain, dodging traffic as he rode between several vehicles with you as his sole purpose. after racing through the city, he finally arrives back home, parking his bike in its usual spot before making his trek back to toward the penthouse settled at the top floor.
the moment he unlocks the door, he was greeted by your smiling face, with your arms already outstretched to welcome him. however, when you notice the purple and black bruise beginning to blossom against his left eye was when your demeanor completely changes.
"oh my god, what happened to you, sylus?!"
"hm? what do you mean?" he was frowning, but here you were, chattering around him like a worried, mother hen.
"your eye...! your left eye has the worst bruise on it!" you tell him with a hiss, taking him into your shared bedroom before settling him on one of the couches. he was ready to protest, the words ready to spill from his parted lips when you suddenly disappeared into the bathroom, pulling out a first aid kit before rejoining him on the couch.
with your eyes filled with love and concern for him, he allows you to gently dab at his bruised eye with a cold handkerchief, biting back a grin as you worked on treating his bruise.
he never used his powers to heal that night, for he found a much deeper comfort in having you care for him instead.
{ ... }
the day he had broken his arm was completely and utterly accidental on his part. he was simply working out, not paying any attention when the weights on the shelf slid down and just happened to land on his arm.
upon feeling such an impact on his arm, he let out a string of curses, but refused to readjust his arm and heal himself. when he steps out of his personal gym and greets you, he purposely lays the extent of his pain on thick.
"sweetie... i'm afraid an accident happened... could you help me? i believe my left arm is broken."
you were in the midst of reading a book when he returned back home to you, already seeing the worry in your gaze as you stood up from your seat. "sy, what happened?"
he lets out a hiss when you gingerly touch at his arm, hiding back a grin before admitting to you. "i think a fifty pound weight fell off from the shelf and landed on my arm when i tried to catch it. the pain... it's too much to bear. i can hardly focus."
that was when your doting nature reappeared, helping him into bed with the same determination shining in your eyes as you put some ice on his arm while offering him some medicine to aid with easing the pain.
you spend the next hour or so scolding him, telling him to be more careful as you help with keeping his arm in place, already making plans to set up an appointment at the clinic for him as sylus couldn't help but simply smile in response.
never before had another human being shown so much compassion and concern for him-
and he loved every minute of it.
{ ... }
the bruises on his back and abdomen caused by luke and kieran's training was also a mess that sylus had purposely brought upon himself.
knowing that his kids henchmen were all too eager to train and show off their newly acquired skills at ambushing him, sylus allows the twins to treat him like their own personal punching bag, knowing that their blows were hardly painful-
but it was enough to cause a series of bruises appear all across his body, causing your gentle hands to remain glued to him, doing everything that you could to help him heal.
after spending two hours with the twins, sylus dismisses them the moment he hears you coming home from work. knowing that you were currently undressing in the bedroom, ready to destress after a hard day at work.
with a half smirk donning his features, he enters the bedroom dressed in his gym clothes. calling out your name, he catches your attention, watching as you turn around and face him.
"hello, my grumpy crow." he grumbles at your nickname for him, but welcomes you in his arms with little hesitation. you lean up to press a kiss against his lips, allowing him to deepen it for a brief moment before pulling away from him.
you meet his gaze, arms already coming up to wrap around his neck when you saw several purple and black marks on his chest.
"sylus, what happened to you?!" you let out a gasp, taking a step back as you saw several bruises blossoming against his pale skin. he simply hums, feigning innocence as he looked down at his chest. "oh, luke and kieran's punches were so light that i barely felt them. i guess they're getting stronger now if they're able to bruise me like this."
a look of suspicion crosses your lovely features, but instead of questioning him, you let out a sigh before taking his hand and leading him into your shared bathroom.
with his luxurious, porcelain tub in sight, you turn on the faucet, allowing the hot water to fill before focusing your attention on sylus. he meets your gaze, expression filled with a calm confidence. he watches as you step closer to him, hands running up the fabric of his tank top before sliding it off his body. you do the same with his shorts and boxers, leaving him completely bare for you.
"wow, you've stripped me of all my clothes and have yet to pounce on me, that's quite an achievement, kitten." you roll your eyes at his teasing words, pushing him into the tub as he lands inside of it with an audible splash!
his eyes darken with desire for you, hands running through his now soaked strands of hair. he sits back up against the tub while watching you with hungry eyes as you shed the rest of your clothes. once you remained just as bare for him, you join him, settling yourself on his lap while gently massaging and soothing the bruises seen across his body.
unfortunately for you, your innocent touches simply served as a means for sylus to unleash the entirety of his desires on you, making love to you as he stopped caring about the sheer amount of water that lands against the marble flooring of the bathroom in response to sylus's passionate movements... simply basking in your cries of pleasure.
{ ... }
the day he had gotten sick with a fever was something that was truly accidental on his part.
it was a stressful time for him, with news of a traitor lingering within onychinus taking over his time as he sought out the mole. sylus had spent countless nights looming over his men, his eyes never leaving their sights before he came into contact with a man who's thoughts were filled to the brim with greed.
upon realizing that the bastard had been leaking important information to a rival, sylus takes it upon himself to get rid of the problem permanently, refusing to give the man a second chance (even as he begged for his life.)
yet by the end of it all, a strange exhaustion was felt coursing through his veins. his steps were uneven and heavy when he manages to return back to the penthouse, panting while thinking of you (always thinking of you).
the moment he comes home and sees you in the kitchen, the scent of your cooking filling his nostrils, he thought he would be excited to see you; to bask in your cooking as he was finally able to relax after such an arduous event.
but all he felt was an impending nausea, leaving him trembling and coughing as he struggled to get on the couch. hearing his struggles, you shut off the stove and cease cooking, coming closer to him.
you settle yourself in front of him, taking note of the haziness seen within his gaze. normally, his eyes shone a bright red and ruby hue, so filled with life-
yet now, they became hazy and dull, losing the light it once had due to his mental exhaustion.
sylus was unable to respond to you, letting out a deep sigh when he feels the palm of your hand touch at his skin. you gasp, feeling just how hot his skin was beneath your touch. "you're burning up...!"
still in a haze, sylus was dimly aware of the way you helped him stand up, practically dragging his body towards the bedroom as his fevered body was pressed up against you. he didn't know when or how it happened, but you had placed his body in bed while peeling off his clothes, leaving his expensive suit in a pile in the corner of the room.
the man was about to respond to you, telling you how his suit was worth what a businessman makes in a year, but was unable to do so. he was going in and out of consciousness, dimly aware of you saying "i'll be right back..." before disappearing from his view completely.
sylus's hands itched with the urge to grip at your wrists-
to prevent you from leaving him so soon when all he wanted was for you to stay by his side and hold him; to comfort him when he was in such desperate need of you.
without you here, the man found it difficult to close his eyes and fall asleep, your absence making him feel even grumpier as he sat up from his spot in bed. losing track of time, he was ready to stomp out of the room (using all of his remaining strength if he had to) just to get to you and force you to come back with him.
but his anger soon disappears the moment you enter the room with a tray in hand. he tilts his head at you, seeing what looked like a steaming bowl of soup with a tall glass of ice water and some tylenol. setting the tray on the nightstand, you click your tongue and hold the bowl in your hand.
"what am i going to do with you?"
sylus chuckles in response to your question, "what are you going to do with me? well, you're going to take care of me, of course."
you let out a soft laugh before dipping the spoon in the broth, gently blowing on it before feeding it to him. you bask in the way he allows you to feed him, showing you a vulnerability that you had never seen before. once he finishes eating the soup, you offer him two tablets and watch as he drains it with the glass of water. only when you place the emptied glass on the tray did he make his move.
with your hands free of all bowls and utensils, sylus wraps his arms around your body, crushing your form close to his chest before laying back in bed with you. a series of giggles was heard coming from your parted lips, and sylus found that he had enough strength to bask in such a sweet sound.
he continues holding you, allowing your gaze to meet with his, you gently brush back his hair with a smile, smoothing back the lines seen against his forehead before gently telling him, "go to sleep... you need it."
sylus lets out a huff of your name, taking a hold of your hand before biting down against the side of it. "only you have the power to tell me what to do and how to live my life. remember that."
returning your form closer to his embrace, sylus holds you to his chest before slowly falling into a peaceful slumber, feeling all of his stress melt away the moment your warmth begins to surround him.
{ ... }
it was just a simple cut on his cheek-
but the way he kept pouting glaring at you made it seemed like he was in an excruciating amount of pain.
sylus was mad at you, remaining settled on the couch while refusing to look at you.
"if my blood drips on the couch, then it's your fault for not healing me."
you couldn't help but roll your eyes even further upon hearing his theatrics. "sylus, you and i both know that you can survive a simple gunshot wound to the chest. this cut is nothing in comparison, my love."
a plethora of grumpy sounds were heard coming from him, his arms now settled across his chest as a bitter scowl paints his expression. "and i told you i don't like abusing my powers. so are you going to help this heal or not?"
if that's the case, how on earth did you heal before i came into your life?
you wanted to call him out on his lie, you really did-
but seeing the soft (almost puppy dog look) in his eyes makes you stop. as you sift through your memories and think back to all the times you had helped sylus 'heal,' you had a sudden epiphany.
perhaps it wasn't the fact that you could help him heal him, but rather...
he liked the fact that you worried and constantly doted over him, since caring for him was an integral part of your love language.
with a wistful smile, you head back into your shared bedroom, taking out your first aid kit before returning to sylus. you sit directly beside him, gently taking a hold of his chin, revealing the thin cut on his defined cheek to you. with a q-tip in hand, you apply some of the antibacterial ointment on it before gently covering the slender line of blood with it. once it was completely covered, you choose a rather colorful band-aid decorated with blue penguins, settling it directly over the cut.
"there, better?" you set off the first aid kit to the side, ready to leave when sylus grips at your wrist.
"not quite, darling. you missed a step." his eyes were shining with mischief now, pointing directly at his 'injured cheek' now covered with a bandaid. "you know what to do."
letting out a feigned sound of annoyance, you lean in closer, pressing a kiss directly over where you had placed the bandaid as you felt him smiling against your lips. before you could move away from him, sylus ends up tackling your body against the couch, littering your face with obnoxious kisses as he elicits the sounds of joyous laughter from you.
{ ... }
by the end of his reveries, he was left smiling, heart filled with love for you as he slowly joins you in bed.
making sure that his movements were slow and steady, he manages to get into bed without disturbing you, taking you into his arms with a grin on his face.
sylus takes a minute to admire you once more, brushing back your hair while relishing in your natural beauty. "i can never get enough of you..." he admits in a hoarse tone, wondering just how lucky he was to be able to say that you were his; that you belonged to him alone.
filled with adoration for you, sylus allows himself to close his eyes, visibly relaxing in bed as he places your body on top of his chest. you stir for the briefest of moments, but end up smiling in your sleep, somehow knowing that you would always be loved and protected by him...
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a.n. - lmao my current major / career goals has to deal with the medical field, so this was a very self-indulgent story for me to write (⺣◡⺣)♡
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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kaq3yma · 26 days
𝐊𝐈𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐍𝐄𝐓 how they'd react to your interaction with younger kids [wind breaker boys]
qeena's brief note: idk how i feel about this but you guys can probably tell how out of ideas i am because some words just get repeated many times (˵ˊᯅˋ˵) though i think i did excel in certains part huweee ₍ᐢ⸝⸝› ‹⸝⸝ᐢ₎ cus i lowk love how i write for hiragi and togame! ik its short, and some scenarios just seriously bad written but still, let me know what you guys think okie ૮˃̵֊ ˂̵ ა tell me if you guys love, hate it, or so-so. your comments (no criticism pls T T) will really, really help me improve my writing skills! request is very much needed at this critical time. thank you sm sayangsss and happy reading xoxo 🌺.
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桜 遥 🌺
Given Sakura Haruka somewhat rough exterior, he might initially try to act indifferently if he saw you with kids. However, behind that oh-so fake facade, he is quite reserved and attentive towards your behavior. When he see you interacting effortlessly and affectionately with younger kids, it might makes him all a blushing mess. He, though he won't admit it, loves to see you with them, especially that one time where a kid accidentally drop her candy to the ground and you didn't hesitate to scoop her up and soothe her.
"..., ...Ru, Haru!" You yelled, awaken him from his train of thoughts. Sakura notice beside you there's a boy, a boy that oddly looks like him except for a different hair color. The boy's hair is ash black but his eyes, it's eerily reminds him of himself. They're gold, almost orange "I do not look like him, I'm much handsome!" The boy protested, causing both you and Sakura to look at him, bewildered. The small boy look at Sakura in disgust, and hide behind you.
"Why did you say, brat?" The boy cling to you, scared because Sakura was reaching for the back of his shirt. And it's safe to say, they're running and chasing each other around for the rest of the afternoon.
蘇枋 隼飛 🌺
If Hayato Suo saw you with younger kids, he would react positively and be genuinely amused. He find it endearing and heartwarming to see you being caring and nurturing with children, but still, knowing his teasing and slight playful demeanour, he would probably still remark with a hint of humor, calling you "mother" to tease you.
"Now, oka-san, what are you going to play today?" You glare at him, slapping his arms playfully making him laugh. You turn to the bunch of kids in front of you as they frantically suggest what to play for the day. When everybody decides on police and thief, they all ganged up on you to become the sole police catching a bunch of mousey thieves. Suo sat by tree, watching you play with the children, running and pick them up when you catches them.
Overall, he would find the situation charming and cute.
楡井秋彦 🌺
Nirei Akihiko is as good as you are when it comes to younger kids. At first, he might find it slightly unexpected but would quickly find it heartwarming to see you being affectionate with them. The both of you would often visit the park to watch the neighbourhood kids playing at the playground and naturally find youselves included in their plays. You wouldn't count how many times Nirei fall flat on his face during the plays because it's a lot but nevertheless, the kids find it funny, not pathetic, not at all, just purely funny.
One time, all the kids hide from this one particular kid, both you and Nirei are hiding inside the slide thinking, perhaps it's the best hiding spot there is but boy, how wrong you are. The mini seeker aka the chubbiest boy in town search for anyone on top of the slide and being a lazy boy he is, he decided to use the slide instead of the stairs to get down and boom...! Both you and Nirei on the ground and the boy on top of you.
桐生 三輝 🌺
When Mitsuki Kiryu saw you interacting with younger kids, he would react in a calm and warm manner. Knowing his gentle nature, it's likely would make him admire your ability to treat children with kindness but please, don't ever expect me not bite back when certains mini snobs goes around and mocking you, he would say something, anything, true but hurtful that will make them cower and run with snots hanging from their nose.
And everyone knows he might address his admiration subtly by smiling warmly or making a brief comment on how well you interact with kids. He just so appreciate the beautiful interactions.
"Kiryu, it's your turn..." He look at you, blinking away his confusion. He cough awkwardly and pick the same story book from your hands to read another story to the children circling you both.
"...The end, now you guys should go home." He leave no room for argument before he left the book to one of the kids and drag you. Now he can you for himself.
柘浦 大河 🌺
Tsugeura Taiga is like Nirei but unlike Nirei, his enthusiasm to play with kids will include a bit of aggression, just a bit... When he realizes how undeniably good you are with younger kids, he gets giddy and energetic because he love kids! They're so innocent, doe-eyed and and adorable!
He loves the fact that you're not so different than him. Your interaction with the kids spark an excitement inside the pit of his belly. When you playfully chase after the kids pretending to be a monster, Tsugeura would join in gladly, taking two to three kids in his arms and run after you "Let's catch that pretty monster!"
It's a fun afternoon when you're outside, not at home, usually weekends, with Tsugeura and the kids, at the park, playing.
梅宮 一 🌺
Hajime Umemiya is well aware of how good you are with kids. Right from the moment he first met you, he knew how caring you are with children, especially toddlers above threes. He met you when he visited his old foster home and there you was, helping a child on three-tired bike as you helped her by pushing her bike from behind. It's truly a sight to behold.
Even after both officially date each other, the amazement does not cease, if anything, it's expanding.
You both are at the grocery store, picking out candies, snacks and junkies before dropping by the foster home like usual. Umemiya went to the dairy section to get you and himself a drink but when he gets back, he sees you, tiptoeing to grab a bag of candy, presumably for the little girl next to you "Ume-chan, please help!" He laughs, heading to the rescue and help you get the bag of candy for the little girl.
If had you turn around fast enough, you'd see the way his eyes form to heart-eyes when you stroke the little girl's hair and bid her.
柊登馬 🌺
Hiragi Toma's usual serious expression softened ever so slightly as he observed you engaging with younger children. He might have quietly watched you for a moment before making a casual remark, something like, "I didn't realize you had such a nurturing side." He even found it a refreshing change from your usual behavior. The way your lips tug ever so-slightly when kids goes around to you to tell you about their days and the way you laugh when they tell you funny stories is a beautiful sight to watch, honestly.
Hiragi just finish patrolling the town and now on his way to your work place, the good-even-when-it's-cold pastry shop. However, just as he's about to enter, a boy, probably around six, beat him to it. The boy almost sprint to you who's behind the counter and he was frantically handing you out a paper. Hiragi watches the brief interaction unfold before his eyes with a small smile on his face. When Hiragi enters, the boy yelled in enthusiasm "Shark-chan!" He look back and forth between you and the boy, confused, until the boy show him the paper he initially handed you.
It's a sketch, an absolute hideous yet intriguing sketch of him and you, standing next to each other. His teeth showed as he smile brightly in the drawing "Pretty-chan gave me a picture of you to draw this!"
梶 蓮 🌺
Ren Kaji dont like kids, especially toddlers around the age of eight to twelve. They're self-centered, immature and loud. They're also brutally honest which, sometimes, hit a nerve in the easily-annoyed man causing him almost to go berserk.
So when he saw you, the purest angel, the kindest soul to interact with his most sworn enemy, he almost went into a shocked-and-freeze state. Kaji also can't help but notice how attractive you look. He think he likes that side of you, that not-so foreign caring side of you, though he didn't really appreciate that side of you towards them.
When you saw Kaji across the field, you yell at him to come to which he did, begrudgingly. Unexpectedly, when he stop around, all the kids enthusiastically wave at him. Their smiles, damn, it struck him straight to the heart. His usual annoyed face falters as he look away, pretending to be irritate. You giggle, gesturing him to sit down beside you.
Before a quick matter of time, Kaji softened up around the kids. He may not seem like it but he's very attentive, listening to them with a pretend-disgruntled face "They're... Not so bad,"
十亀 条 🌺
Togame Jo love your interaction with kids, only if they're not the annoying kinds. A stark contrast to his usual laid-back and tough demeanour, his expression often wavers to the sight of you with kids. But despite all that, he might have to make a sarcastic comment, saying something like "I'd never thought I'd see you playing the caring babysitter?" while still trying to maintain his cool expression.
"Hey, brat, don't give my girlfriend a hard time, okay?" His tone appear neutral and chill but that makes the kid cower in fear, nodding his head in an anxious manner.
He'd laugh when you smack his back, telling him not to scare the kid. He smile, giving you a quick pat on the head whilst one hand taking a sip of his cold ramune drink.
"Your Kame-chan is just worried for you!~"
兎耳山 丁子 🌺
Choji Tomiyama has that hate-love relationship with younger children. Love because they're similar to him, cheerful, overjoyed and giddy. He love that even their way of thinking is similar. Him and kids, both think it's preferable to eat candies rather than actual food and hey, they're also on the same heights!
But... He also hates them because they're clingy and that's a bad thing because he is too. They're not sharing you with him but neither would he. Nevertheless of his slight hatred of them, he still love that you're attentive towards the group of children, very kind and gentle and he thinks you look so cute when you explain to them something in detailed like when they asked you; "Why is the grass wet?"
"Because it was raining."
"Why was it raining?" And you'd just tell them because it's sad and they'd ask you why it's sad so you just answer and answer their questions until they're tired.
"You wouldn't answer like that when I ask you though?" He pouts, dejected because he thinks you're being biased "They're four, Cho."
"I'm four too... mentally."
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𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓 is open. all rights reserved goes to @kaq3yma on tumblr.
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killykstudio · 1 year
Miguel O'Hara X Cheated on!Reader
Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5; Part 6;
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Warnings: 18+, no minors, angst , cheating , mention of heavy themes as su1c1de, depress1on , paranoia and anx1ety, fluff.
Summary: at your own wedding you discover that your own husband is cheating on you. This leads you in a spiral of anger and desperation , until your husband's best man notices that and decides to take matters into his hands.
Your head was spinning. Your face didn't show any motion and at that point you felt so overwhelmed that everything you felt became a poodle of weight, it was so strong at the start that after you felt numb. Nothing cared. No one cared. Your sister ... Your husband... All of the guests only wanted you to smile, but you couldn't bring yourself to.
You tried
You tried but nothing.
You tried to calm down this feeling by trying to give it a name.
You took deep breaths and laid on the bed of your bedroom as you spread your arms. You were gaining control again. Then everything stopped when you felt the strange frantic of something under the blankets.
It was an underwear...of a woman
Not yours... In your bedroom... In your husband bedroom.
Immediately you felt your breath leaving you, lungs becoming more more small and a weight forming on your chest, in your veins run a pointing feeling , your breath became more erratic , trying to catch as much air possible.
Overwhelmed, you stormed out of your room and , without being careful to not be seen by anyone , you went to the park and started running.
Your run quickly became a walk and your emotions destroyed your brain and senses.
You found a small lake. It was directly from a Monet painting. It enchanted you. Your mind was numb and with your indicex you touched the water. You immediately throw it out, due to its freezing waters.
In that moment your brain started running again
"I feel strange. I don't want to do anything. I always feel tired. I don't have any energy. I think a part of me is broken. I feel like something is pressing my heart. I feel so suffocated. I keep being sad."
Then you emerged your entire hand.
"He found another girl, probably more beautiful, more young , who makes him laugh, cheerful and happy. But I tried to be like this , why he didn't see all my efforts? Does even matter if it's all fake? My love is even real? Maybe I just did it because I'm selfish, he made me feel something different, that's why I got attached?"
Your whole arms were inside the lake. The coolness making your veins boil with hot blood.
"After all it's normal. Everybody wanted something from me: they wanted my smile and my happiness and I couldn't give them anything"
Your face was millimetres from the mirror fo water
your eyes are wide open
You couldn't believe it. Someone actually noticed you and helped you.
you think
what are you thinking about me now?
How miserable I am? That I'm ungrateful and attention seeker? You came here alone? Someone told you to search for me? Why did you pull me out? You care about me? Or you just did it because it's the right thing to do?
None of this could make past out of your throat.
"ehy! Answer me! Gimme some signs you are okay!"
Worry is all splattered on his face , his browns frowned and his chest rising rapidly.
You stared at his eyes then your attention got caught by the stars in the sky
"Lyla!" He shouts
Your eyes immediately get back to his face. A gold silhouette of a woman appeared on his shoulder.
"Ehy! Don't shout! You aren't a dog, you k-"
"Not now! scan her parameters!"
"what happened to this girl! She is shaking! You did someth-"
"Lyla please!" He begged her disperately
By his voice she understands the importance of the situation and do as he told her. Then she started informing him with medical information: you couldn't understand much of it
"Gracias a Dios" he relaxed after hearing the AI diagnosis
"can you stand up?"
You shake your head weakly. He sighs and takes you on his arm bridal style, starting to head back to the villa. You felt peaceful; your eyes switching to look at him and stars in the dark sky. His warm body against your cold makes you shiver , but with time you start feeling relaxed...almost peaceful. You close your eyes and lay your head in his collarbone. You hear him sighing at your movement.
"Lyla, call an ambulanc-"
scared , you interrupt him by grabbing his jaw and moving his head to you
"please...no" you whisper. Your throat feeling rough from everything that happened
He frowned, before he could answer your words
"I-I don't want to get back to the villa-
"I can't, trust me. I-I ca-can't... physically. I know you think... I'm crazy...but it's stronger than me"
His heart fell in his stomach by hearing you saying this kind of things to yourself
"Your wedding?"
You are going to answer him,but -
"what about your family, your friends, you husban- Okay let's forget about that.
Where should I take you? I mean... You need some medical check! You have to care about you, no one else is gonna do it. Also do you realise what you just did? Why you did it?"
He meets your wide blown eyes, he can't decipher your thoughts: are you scared? Sad? Afraid? Sorry? Or a mix of all of these?
"Okay nevermind, that it's not important. Let's just make a path, okay? I bring you out of here, but first you will let me take care of your medical state, secondly you will search for help and start to take care of you, muñeca entendido? "
Silence falls between you two. Miguel was scared, maybe he was too rough with you, mayb-
"third , you have to teach me Spanish" you say tenderly
"sì, como quieras" it seems to you a docile smile has gathered in the corner of his mouth , but you can't not distinguish it.
He starts walking again , now towards his car. You couldn't bring yourself to look at the stars again , when you had him a few centimetres from your face.
Someone who maybe cared about you despite your attitude... Someone who maybe you cared about...You felt again a red coloured emotion again that you should have felt way before during the ceremony, which already came up rarely during your days , but when it did it , you were completely overwhelmed by it.
He was more beautiful than everything could the nature offers.
Thank you for reading, guys!!!
Part 3!!!
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just-my-type-x · 2 years
jealous and toxic colby please
Bitch, U Better Be Joking
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Pic from Pinterest
Relationships are hard, especially when you try your best to be good enough for your partner and in return you get yelled at for being too clingy or an attention seeker. I roll my eyes once more when i get out of Colby's backseat, while he chats with Amber, the conversation not looking like will ever come to an end. He barely said something to me since we left the house like total strangers. I don't doubt the fact that he loves me, but he has an annoying way of keeping me out of the public relationship life. We've been through this conversation, multiple times, even our closest friends who know about us have talked to Colby about us finally posting something about what's going on between the two of us. Some fans already suspect us to be more than just friends, it's not like we would shock the world. But no, he says he protects me by tossing me away and arriving at parties talking to another girl. Something thay bothers me even more is that Amber has no idea about us, because when asked, Colby said we're just friends. So this is how i will act with him tonight.
We enter Amber's friends house, who throws this party to celebrate this big brand deal he's signed. We greet the people close to the entrance and immediately spot Jack and we're quick to go hug him. Happy that I'm not here just with Amber and Colby, i see Sam, Kat and Nate entering the house. A sigh of relief escapes my lips.
"Why are you so tensed, babe?", Jack asks me and i realise he has an arm around my waist, waiting for me to hug him.
"Oh, it's nothing. Just a bad headache, I'm not in my best shape", i give him a quick smile and hug him, looking over at Colby, who's already looking at me, frowned, taking a sip of his drink. I back away from Jack and feel my cheeks heat up and walk over to Colby, who puts a hand on my back.
"I hate him", he whispers in my ear.
"Because he hugged me?", i chuckle and put my hand on my back too, just to caress his. He moves his hand slowly away from mine, until he takes it off my back. I swallow my pain look at Colby, who isn't even facing me.
"Don't do that at parties, y/n. There are so many cameras everywhere", he waves at a random girl that walks by and fake smiles at her to keep the appearance of everything being ok.
"Don't you think I've understood that in a year? A year, Colby. A fucking year! Don't even bother to wait for me to drive home", i raise my voice at him and leave him in the spot, while i leave towards the kitchen, where I'm happy there's not much population. I lean on the counter top and massage my temples, when i feel someone next to me. I look up and i see Kat giving me a pitiful look. She reaches to hug me and i instantly let the emotions wash over me, as tears starts falling on my cheeks uncontrollably.
"You're ok, y/n, don't worry. You know Colby doesn't really mean it. He has this weird way of showing his affection - actually i don't kniw what he's showing, but it's definitely because he cares about you", Kat brushes some tears off my face and i shake my head at her words
"Kat, that's not love, that's not anything. People have no idea who i am and they still think he has something for stas like what the fuck. If that's not a red flag, i don't know what it is.", i throw my hands around
"He doesn't like stas, you know that and i promise you it's true", she puts a strand of hair behind my ear
"I don't think i have to believe anything because everything is a facade for something.", i try to look happy as i see Nate coming into the kitchen, his face lightning up when he sees us. Believe it or not, Nate has no idea about Colby and I because Sam was told not to say anything, so yeah, woohoo.
Nate comes to my side and puts an arm around the shoulders, giving me a side hug. I let my arm stay on his waist as we exchange a few words.
"You know, y/n, i think you should have fun tonight." Kat winks at me, then looks at Nate and then back at me. "I'm gonna go find Sam, love you", she leaves Nate and i in the kitchen and we both start looking for something in the huge bar to drink.
"This one?", he shows me a bottle of scotch and i nod, not really caring about what we drink. I decide we go out to the back yard, where there's a pool, yet only ten people around us, compared to fifty in the house. We find some tanning beds and both sit on one, facing each other and the bottle in the middle. "You look amazing, y/n. I don't know if you needed to hear that, but wow", Nate smiles and opens the bottle. I blush, my smile wide.
"i actually needed that, yeah. Thank you, you look amazing too. You're already turning around some heads", i point to some girls who sit on the edge of the pool, looking at us. I take a sip of scotch and cough at the feeling of the burnt throat. He waves at them and they start giggling. Unimpressed, he turns his attention towards me. "Tough crowd?", i raise an eyebrow and he chuckles.
"Just uninterested. Had my eyes on someone else for a while.", he takes a sip of the alcohol and doesn't leave my sight. I sigh. For a second i wish i could tell him about what's on my chest, how Colby treats me when people are around. At home and around Sam and Kat, things are really decent, but i can't have a decent love life.
We lose track of time as we go through numerous subjects and catch up with what has been going on in our lives since we last saw each other for the Madison Infirmary episode. We drunk laugh and tell stories, half of bottled emptied.
"There's no way he did that!", i say, putting a hand on his shoulder because of how hard I'm laughing. "Sam was such a figure when he was younger", i brush a tear from the corner of my eye.
"What the hell are you doing here?", Colby's thick voice makes us stop in our tracks and my smile quickly fades away. I check my phone and gasp at the 15 missed calls and 23 texts from Colby from an hour ago. We get up from the tanning bed and Colby stops between us. He turns to Nate and puts me behind him.
"Chatting. Why are you so pissed?", Nate asks with a grin, not understanding why his best friend behaves like this. I look somewhere else when Nate meets my eyes.
"My eyes are up here, not behind me. What the hell did you do for two hours here, all by yourselves?", Colby raises his voice and turns around to face me.
"Where the fuck were you for two hours, not giving a shit about me?", i yell at him and move a few steps away from him.
"I'm sorry, what's going on?", Nate asks
"You were here all this time, 'chatting' with my girlfriend. You drank almost a bottle of alcohol and you're telling me you just talked?"
"Your girlfriend? Since when is she your girlfriend and why didn't i know that?", Nate scoffs and starts laughing. "You're telling me that i should believe the crap you're telling me right now?", he runs a hand through his hair, losing his patience
"Yes, my girlfriend. We've been dating for a year now", Colby calms down and pulls me in for a side hug, but i shake my head and just walk closer to him for his arm to fall on my waist.
"You're shitting me", Nate looks from me to Colby and then turns around, running his hands over his face.
"No, I'm not. Why are you acting like this?", Colby asks frustrated
"Maybe because he's your best friend and you didn't tell him about us. Maybe because it's normal, in a loving relationship, for the couple to come forward and to fucking say that the other is not available.", i shout at Colby and push my pointing finger on his chest to make my statements more clear." Because if you don't do at least this fucking thing, your partner will seek this somewhere else. ", a tear falls on my cheek, unable to hold back my tears anymore.
"So you came to Nate for help?", from everything I've said, Colby understands this. I shake my head in disbelief. "Dude, i swear to God if you kissed her, i don't know-"
"I didn't touch her. Bro, come back to planet Earth. Look how you treat her. She loves the living hell out of you because otherwise i don't know what she's doing with you. And no, i didn't kiss her, but if you didn't show up, i might have had.", Nate takes the bottle and walks away, throwing it somewhere in the garden, glass breaking everywhere. My body is shaking because of all the adrenaline that I'm feeling from the moment.
"Bitch, you better be joking", I catch Colby's arm when he wants to follow Nate back into the house.
"You stay here, cause I'm not done with you. I want to break up with you", Colby turns to face me immediately and his face becomes as white as a wall. He shakes his head, but i nod, swallowing hard my tears and hoping that my voice doesn't crack. "I'm done. I can't fight for us anymore. This is not who i fell for. Who the fuck are you?", i raise my voice at him and i take a step back, running my hands through my hair. "I haven't been happy in months, because you keep flirting with everyone to be 'yourself' and you're killing me Colby!", i break down crying and i sit on one of the closest tanning beds. He's quick to come and kneel down at my feet, resting his arms on my legs, his hands trying to take my own hands off my face to hold them.
"No, don't say that. I just wanted to protect you from what people say. You know how mean they get", his voice is calm now, but his eyes are red and he's on the verge to cry too. I shake my head.
"I'd prefer them telling me to go to hell every day rather than having you push me away and deny my touches because people see us. And not just random people, our friends and fucking girls that you've had sex with and who come and talk to you like you're some kind of freeway. "
Colby just stares at me and a tear falls on his cheek but he wipes it away fast, but another one is quick to follow.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry that I was so stupid to ignore you like that and to treat you like this the whole damn time. I don't want to lose you. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me, baby, please", he begs, kissing the back of my right hand. I take it away and get up.
"I can't live like this with you. It's not healthy for me. It's enough that you didn't even realise what you were doing", my voice cracks and i look away. Colby comes in front of me and cups my face gently.
"I love you, I'm sorry. I will do everything that i can to make things right. I was so stupid, i know i don't deserve you, Nate was right, but give me a chance to change everything. I will listen to whatever you want me to do regarding our relationship and we'll talk things through. Please, y/n, just please, one more chance. I know i won't screw it up because i fucking love you like crazy. I can't afford to lose a piece of me. ", i hug Colby and we both let go and sob. I pull away after a few moments and wipe my tears with my sleeve. I nod.
"Ok, fine, I'll forgive you, but please, just please, be yourself around me. That's all i ask. Fuck a public picture, i want you to kiss me at parties, hug me, dance with me, i couldn't give a fuck about who takes our picture and neither should you. I'm a grown woman, let the hate comments come in cause i can handle them. I can't handle you mistreating me, ok? "
"yeah, yeah, anything you want. Just take me on this journey with you because i have no idea how to handle things. Especially relationships, in case you didn't figure it out in a year.", Colby chuckles. I nod again and hug him, while he kisses the top of my head and my forehead. "Let's go inside. I need to talk to Nate"
"I should apologise too.", i realise. "I kinda lied to him too.", i say as we walk towards the house holding hands
"Did he really want to kiss you?", Colby's grip tightens because of jealousy
"I think he was just messing with you", i laugh
"He better"
A/N: hey, so since i got this request, i didn't really know what to expect from myself to write. I also wanted to find a happy ending because I'm all about the good vibes and stuff. This aside, just wanted to tell you that if you're going through these type of things in your relationship, just think twice about it, ok? Because you're supposed to be happy and healthy, not depressed and unfulfilled. Staying in a toxic relationship isn't the way and just telling yourself that your partner is going to change is just a comfort lie to postpone the inevitable. Respect yourself and be the bad bitch you were born to be and find someone who makes you the best version of yourself. Find that someone who takes care of you, don't stay with the one that brings you down along with them.
This was purely fictional and u do not encourage getting back together with a person that treats you similarly or acts similarly. I did that and it took me years to recover. So learn from my mistakes and know when enough is enough.
I love you and i hope you're staying hydrated, i hope you're eating something and i hope you're getting enough sleep ♥️
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solarwynd · 1 month
An interesting turn of events - it is fascinating to see Jikookers being as vile they are right now towards Tae. Now I will preface this by saying I absolutely dislike that man. I think he’s fkn annoying, cringey and his pretentious attitude gets to my nerves. I have muted all JK related key words too. I am here for JiHope. And Jimin is my forever ULT. But in the shipping world up until 2021, the norm was Jimin getting the absolute worst shit on Twitter for doing nothing while JK and Tae get away with everything. Like the things Jimin would be labelled an attention seeker or whatever for, will be called cute and adorable when TH does it. And Jikookers largely really did pretend like OT7s for the longest time. They wanted to be the ones with common sense, middle ground, moral superiority. Their “you can never make me hate taetae(barf)” ideology was pretty strong.
But I have seen a new flurry of Jikookers that are absolutely unhinged lol. There’s this gang of theirs on Twitter, like a clique and they are all petty hateful towards Taehyung. They call themselves KM solos I believe and I think they really do hate him. I have majority shipping accounts blocked but I was on the trends yesterday and I saw a tweet with Jimin cropped out by a Taekooker account, and the qrts were filled with quality edits and shit and pure spite towards TH. Someone even made a meme where he looks like a donkey? And there were several hit tweets there with thousands of likes, all belittling TH. I also saw some “OT7 joker” getting ripped a new one because they said JKKrs are the same tkkrs. Like the comment section destroyed her. It’s a real shift for those who have witnessed the shipping landscape evolution. He used to get away with a lot and babied. Idk what changed. Now it’s still not even remotely close to what Tkkrs does to Jimin. There’s simply no comparison, but it’s interesting to see a counter narrative. Literally nobody gets benefitted from shipping except for JK I guess.
Can’t wait for the members to start revealing their relationships etc. I will be getting the butteriest pop corn and a front row seat.
You’re actually very right about the bulk of jikookers wanting to appear as OT7 and I never got that. You go on any of their accounts and it’s nothing but Jikook/JK/Jimin on there. What’s the point to even pretend. It seems exhausting putting up that kind of front knowing that you don’t care about the other 5 members to stay in armys good graces. Especially when you’re already ostracized by them. It’s the same as these diet solos who still try to act like they’re armys. Like I can’t imagine if I had decided to continue faking being an army past April of last year.
I think it’s easier for jkkrs to mask their dislike towards Taehyung cause unlike for taekookers, Jikook’s existence does not hinge on Taehyung being seen as some type of wedge. I feel like the bulk of them are indifferent or just don’t care about him. And I do know the exact clique you’re talking about. Including the main one who’s too invested in dragging Taehyung unprovoked and always gets Jimin dragged.
I also did see that big jkkr account that got ratioed and deservedly so, cause frankly idc how neutral or upstanding you’re tryna be. If you bias jimin, your priority should be him. To hell with Taehyung and his fuckass stans.
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pamithebunterfly2007 · 3 months
I’m back from my break and also. . . Here’s An Apology to my followers and friends.
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Before you all get upset with me, I’m just back from my break, and NO, I’m not leaving Tumblr and by telling you why I’m apologizing, it’s because. . . . . . I just wanted to stay at tumblr than going back to that hellsite Deviantart. . . . . . I know DA has like almost 99% contreverisial stuff like AI, Making DA User go on Eclipes, and furthermore, DA is own by Wix, A company from Israel which I HIGHLY don’t Support . And forgot to mention of how awful I treated my friends, followers, and random people on both DA and Tumblr. I just want to improve on myself, but I acted immature and I
@nicky-toony, I just want to say that I’m am sorry, I just wanted to stay at tumblr, Because if I got back to that hellsite, I’ll be even more stressed, and unhappy, so I’m better off at tumblr than that awful DA. . . . . Like you know, and the way we act so immature to others, the others don’t please us, so Nicky, if your reading this, I’m sorry for being a bad friend to you, I understand why I was so controlling over you the whole time, we are the ones acting like immature teens on the internet.
and to everyone from here and DA. . . . . . . I so sorry for being such a huge jerk and how I acted in front to everyone, I was so dumb and immature I could’ve just listen wisely to everyone around me, but instead Im always so angry and selfish to others and how I treated them. and BerryBoyHub was right about me, I have lied and manipulated all of you just because it’s doesn’t mean I’m a attention seeker, I just wanted not to be alone again, so I have to just make “friends” with random strangers who don’t give a damn about me. I’ve always been alone, I somehow don’t talk a lot IRL, My mom always says to me to find friends exactly like my age, I found some on the internet, like all of you, who are teens like me or young adults but the thing is that I wish I can improve my actions and I should think before I acted to all of you, I wanted to act like a mature teenager with autism but instead, I was acting like a immature teenage bratty 17 years old who makes really wrong choices. . . . . . . Like an infamous example of faking death, lashing out on others, and being selfish and a liar according to everyone. . . . . . Me and my friends also act like immature and ignorant losers and many user out there on Tumblr hated on how we don’t act like proper teenagers and young adults. I wish I can improve on my behavior more and become better at dealing with myself and my own problems both IRL and the internet . . . . . . . I just wanted to make people happy for me . . . . . . . . . . . . . And I know everyone is still upset with me for what I did. . . . . . I’m sorry for acting like a problematic and immature child. . . . . . I want to stay at tumblr, to enjoy, to make friends, to continue on making fun arts, improve more on being a better person, and make people happy for me. . . . . . I hope you understand.
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its-elioo · 11 months
Incorrect quotes (RnM fanfic related)
Part 2, Part 3
Rainbow: When I get murdered, can you make sure I become an unsolved case?
Sideswipe: What?
Rainbow: I want to be on Buzzfeed Unsolved.
Sideswipe: Can we go back to the part where you said “when I get murdered”?
Sunset: I want to be a caterpillar.
Optimus: Explain?
Sunset: Eat a lot, sleep for a while, wake up beautiful.
Optimus: You are aware that they have a lifespan of two to five weeks, correct?
Sunset: That’s another highlight.
Optimus: Sunset, no—
Bumblebee: I’m not mad, I just want to know why you need a fake ID.
Fluttershy: *mumbles*
Bumblebee: What was that?
Fluttershy: …You need to be over 18 at Petco to hold the puppies.
Optimus: You are very mature for your age, Sunset.
Sunset: Thanks, it’s the trauma.
Rainbow: Sibling relationships are weird.
Rainbow: Like, I’d give Sideswipe my life on a dangerous mission without a second thought but there’s no way in hell that I’d give him a single fry from my McDonald’s meal.
Rarity: *hurts herself*
Rarity: SH-oot!
*Knock Out and Sideswipe look at each other in confusion*
Sideswipe: What was that?
Rarity: I don’t swear.
Knock Out: Why not?
Rarity: It’s not ladylike. No well-mannered woman does it.
Rainbow: *walks by in the background and stubs her toe*
Rainbow: FUCK!
Rarity: …most of us anyway.
Twilight: Excuse me, who’s in charge here?
Ratchet: Well, usually whoever yells the loudest.
Rarity: We can’t kill him!
Knock Out: Not with that attitude, we can’t.
Fixit, gesturing to Twilight: Sir, that’s my emotional support human.
Pinkie: You call it a near death experience-
Rainbow: We call it a vibe check from God!
Ratchet: *optic twitches*
Sunset: When I asked if my day could get any worse it was rhetorical question. NOT A CHALLENGE!
Sunset: I stopped a murder today.
Optimus: Good job, Sunset. I’m proud of you. How did you do it?
Sunset, staring seriously and ominously at Optimus: Self-Control.
Bulkhead: What are your superpowers again?
Applejack: Super-strength, agility and stamina, yo mamma jokes-
Bulkhead: Yo mamma jokes?
Applejack: Well Bulk, I’m an orphan so they can’t say anything back.
Bulkhead: Kid—
Ratchet: How would you rate your pain?
Twilight: Zero stars, would not recommend.
Rainbow: Hey, Ratch.
Ratchet: *sighs* Yes?
Rainbow: If you say the words “control alt delete” do you just, like, straight up die?
Ratchet: Every day I convince myself humans are intelligent life forms and every day I am proven wrong.
Sunset: I’m willing to do a lot of things.
Sunset: But admitting to Optimus that I’m cold after he told me to bring a jacket is not one of them.
Everyone else: Knock Out, no!
Knock Out: Knock Out, yes!
Rarity: Knock Out, no.
Knock Out: Knock Out, no.
Fluttershy: *staring blankly at a wall*
Bumblebee: Fluttershy? What’s wrong?
Fluttershy: Did you know that rap stands for ‘rhyme and poetry’?
Bumblebee: *sits down and joins Fluttershy in staring at the wall*
Arcee: You’re okay, right? You’re not hurt?
Twilight: No, no, no, I’m fine! Totally fine, no, no, I’m fine.
Arcee: Really? Because you’re repeating your words you look pale and you look like you’re about to topple over.
Twilight: Yeah, you might wanna catch me.
Twilight: [holds up a cauliflower in front of Ratchet] What is this?
Ratchet: … a cauliflower?
Twilight: [turns to Pinkie and Smokescreen] Okay, now tell him what you think it is.
Both: Ghost broccoli!
Rainbow: I’m ten times funnier than you.
Sideswipe: Ten times zero is still zero.
Rainbow: Well, jokes on you, I can’t do math.
Arcee: You’re up early this morning.
Twilight: …
Arcee: You never went to sleep, did you?
Rainbow: You’re an attention-seeker.
Sideswipe: What?! I’m the total opposite of an attention-seeker. I’m the best there ever is, I do not- hey, don’t look away when I’m talking here!
Knock Out: Do you think I don’t like you? I do. I would kill for you!
Knock Out: Please ask me to kill for you.
Rarity: …First of all, calm down.
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Moonlit Pages #8
Moonshine's Musings
चांदनी का चिंतन
Thoughts , lot of thoughts , I sit here with various things going all around in my mind , I haven't been myself lately , I can sense it in my bones how things are going from worse to worst and yet I am not doing a single thing to stop it , I sit back and see my own life slipping from my hands....
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I can see my hands shivering , my inside churning how my heartbeat sometimes drop so low , I am hardly breathing upon that I can feel a constant weight on my chest , I do not know if it's the weight of regret or the weight of my existence , but whatever it is , it is slowly eating me alive , it feels as if it is slowly taking me towards my end but no matter how hard I try , I can't control it.....
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How hard it is to survive in a body constantly fighting to live but with a brain which always urges to die.....
I am losing interest in everything , listening to music was one such thing which always helped me but now it just doesn't matter if music is there or not....
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I want to run away from everything , I just want to disappear , doesn't matter where I go but I can be anywhere instead of this world , instead of living a traumatic life it's better off dying a peaceful death , I feel lonely all the time , I have people who care for me but still it feels as if everyone around me is faking their concern....
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Daily arguments , fights and this constant test which I have to pass in order to prove my worth , is something against which now I am losing my battle. I want to talk it out to someone but it just makes me feel like an attention seeker so I have no one who can understand me....
My mind plays tricks on me and i always believe my mind , I can feel pain in each pore of my existence and I do not know how to cope with this phase of life.....
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क्या ये है एक छोटा लम्हा या बन गया है जीवन का अफ़साना कैसे समझें इस नादान दिल को न वो वक़्त रहा ना वो आलम वो भी एक दौर था जब हम भी कभी खुशियों की पर्चाई से घिरे थे अब तो घमों के साये में कहीं खो से गए हैं
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I do not know where I am heading in life but "Day runs with a hope of one day life is gonna change" so let's not forget that and continue Hoping despite whatever life throws at us....
With the hope of this shall too pass
To the past me I am so proud of you....
To the future me I do not know where we are heading to , so let's just see what's up in life in the coming days....
Moonshine 💌
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mireyaaaaaaaaa · 10 months
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𝕌𝕟𝕣𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖
"As long as he's happy, I am too..."
Pairing/ Non idol!Ni-ki × Reader
Synopsis/ Reader likes Ni-ki but...
Genre/ a bit of angst in a few chapters, other than that mostly fluff
Warnings/ none
♡𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕎𝕒𝕪 𝕆𝕦𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕙𝕒𝕕𝕠𝕨𝕤
I was sitting. I was zoning out. I felt lonely. I just wanted to cry. Why me? What did I do wrong? I already had a friend in this new class... Or so i thought. I thought she would help me make friends. But instead... My old friends (turns out they never considered me as their friend...) have turned their backs on me. I feel lost. I'm wandering around, without a clue, what to do?
Suree i know what the adults would say- Focus on your studies, your social life can come later, when you grow up.
Look, I know my studies are important. But I just can't focus anymore. Everyone has high expectations I can't fulfill. I'm pathetic and a loser. I have no brains, beauty or talent. No friends and zero self esteem. Who would want to be friends with this piece of negativity?
Everyone has fit in... All 5 of them. Why am i an exception? Why do I lose everyone? Everyone has someone. Someone who would pay attention to them, who would talk to them, who would trust them and love them. Everyone has that one bestfriend. But why do I have no one? No one to confide in when I'm hurt. No one to share my joy with.
I wasn't always this... dark. I was quite cheerful. Because I thought I had friends.
Why are friends so important to me? Idk. Why am I so messed up? Idk.
I'm alone. I'm a nerd. I'm a dork. I'm not close to cool and likeable.
I'm happy when others are happy because of me, themselves or someone else. But I'm also bitter. I always manage to get outshined.
And no one would ever care about ny success. No one cares. That's what he said. No one cares about me, he said. My ex-bestfriend, Denise, said.
No one knows I exist. It hurts. I hurt.
"Hellooooo?" someone said, waving their hand infront of me. That broke my dark reverie. It wasn't pleasant at all.
"You okayyy?" that same voice asked.
"H-huh? Oh yeah I-I'm fine. I guess." I replied.
"Scoot over." She said to me. I did as she said. It was Eunchae. She's the most popular girl in my class. Everyone loves talking to her. She's very cool. She has cool interests, she has a confident aura lingering around her. She sings beautifully. It's mesmerizing. To put the cherry on the top, she's a good person. She doesn't put others down nor does she consider herself superior to anyone. She treats everyone with respect. She cares for everyone.
"So," she started, "one word. That's all I have for you. Spill."
I was confused. So confused. "Huh?"
"Don't pretend to be happy. Don't smile when it's fake. Cry when you want. Laugh when you feel like it. Show your emotions, don't hide them."
"You won't get annoyed? You won't think I'm being an attention seeker? You won't think I'm self centered, I'm a-"
"No! Just talk about your feelings. It helps. And I'm here. I'm here for you."
"I- thank you" I smiled. Genuinely. When was the last time I did? Not as a mask, but as myself.
I started talking. I told her everything. But mid way... I heard sniffling. "Eunchae... are you okay? I'm sorry"
"Stupid. Ask yourself that! Why are you saying sorry?! Can I hug you?" she asked. I nodded.
"You're so sweet. I'll be here for you. Always." she said as she hugged me.
"Can we stay like this?" i asked. "of course y/n"
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Miss Heed Gives An Offer To Dark Phantom
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[Miss Heed confronts Dark Phantom as she uses a formula to weaken him as Ghoul is knocked out by it. Dark Phantom is on the ground as she is looking smug and confident. He has just found out she's Cecelia Amanda Kelly from the his Black Hat Institute days.]
Miss Heed (taunts in a passive aggressive manner): Aw poor Ezequiel, you always bragged about your family legacy but never living up to it.
[Dark Phantom is still struggling as she gets up to his level to hold up his face.]
Miss Heed (continues with her deceptive smile): Why continue playing a role no one expects you to fulfill when you can come redeem yourself and finally win?
[Dark Phantom stares at her as he tries to comprehend what she is offering.]
Miss Heed: Come on I was just like you- (cuts off by Dark Phantom slapping her hand)
Dark Phantom (angry): I am fucking nothing like you!!!
Miss Heed: Ow! Why you little ungrateful fish freak?
Dark Phantom (is beginning to gain back his strength): No, I'd rather be an honest and unpopular villain rather than a fake sell out who lies to get everyone to like her while not believing in any of the justice bs she spouts.
Dark Phantom (continues as he finally gets up to his feet while wobbly): Face it Cecelia you are still the same pathetic attention seeker you were in school and after the brainwashing incident people are only pretending to put up with you because the cover up. If PEACE and your daddy wasn't shielding you from your own actions then you still would be wasting away in that rehabilitation center or even Mictlan as a sad sack.
[She growled as she tried to puff more of the formula before Dark Phantom quickly grabbed Ghoul, threw a smoke bomb at the heroine, and made his escape with his sidekick which left Miss Heed fuming.]
[Just then Ghoul was beginning to wake up.]
Ghoul (looking dizzy): Sir, what just happened?
Dark Phantom (smiling while still holding him up): Oh nothing just me having a cathartic comeback.
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kawthar63194 · 2 months
— 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐝 𝐈 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐚𝐰 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐠𝐨
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┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊___________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Hiiii there!
literally my first and last post lol (nah jk, definitely not the last)
ANYWAY!! let's talk about HOW I (re)changed so easily???? my personality while I didn't even know about loa 😭 actually, no, not the how, cause we all know it!!! okay little storytime
It was about 2 or 3 years ago. I'm too lazy to say what class I was in, but I was extremely cringe. Like, really. If I saw my old me of that year I would definitely slap her 😠 lemme describe her in some words (TW depression???) :
cringe af
false depressed (kinda)
a bit pessimistic
extrovert though
and well that's about it! also, this was my worst school year. This sorta affected my persona and there you go…i AIN'T born like that, I've always had the personality I have right now, it's just that my assumptions had affected it and I had to go back to being like before ok, let's continue. At some point in the year, I discovered what is now my love interest (joking again) MY BREATHING: a manga.
The Promised Neverland. chief's kiss‼
Emma. she changed everything, at the point that's now it's frustrating to compare/separate me to her cause I am her. This mf of manga inspired me, soooo soo soo much, you can't imagine!! I changed all my ideals my life, my mindest, thanks to this masterpiece So, old me after reading the manga and sobbing because of the ending not gonna spoil for those who are reading, decided to BE her to honor her, and also because I preferred to have an optimistic personality rather than a nasty depressive character. Like, at the moment I decided it, I knew it could be me. I knew I could act like her until it became me. So I did.
the very embodiment of the "fake it till you make it" mindest ✌
I didn't even know the LOA and shifting before, I just changed my 4d that easily!! I began to act like her, copying all her facial expressions, her words, acting according to her decisions, her way of speaking until it became part of me again and I was compared to her, especially my two best friends who took me as her reincarnation HELP I even became ENFJ although I already was, I think, my dark sasuke and baka period hid all that I am now extremely optimistic, cheerful, selfless, athletic and academically intelligent again, and this is a fact in my 4d and 3d! <3 rn it has become me, totally.
In my tpn dr, I take her place by being me and keeping the same first name but with her story and her physique yk beacause the level of frustration would be so high if I coexisted with her, two look-alikes? nah, i'd win.
I just was, until I am.
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kiwi2229 · 1 year
Fighting for control
(James Potter / Regulus Black | 1 333 words)
For @jegulus-microfic prompt: shade
CW: eating disorder, brief mention of past child abuse
It’s not that Regulus doesn’t like food. He can appreciate a tasty meal. In the other universe he likes to think would probably be a good cook. So, it’s not food that’s the issue. He is also not struggling with his weight. He is lucky enough to have good genes, so this was never an issue.
He is not sure when it started. Sure, his mother sometimes made them go to bed without dinner if they were misbehaving. He got used to it. She was always careful not to cross any dangerous line. So sooner or later he got his meal.
Then he came to Hogwarts where was no Walburga. He did great in class. Regulus thinks that classes could be more challenging, they could offer more advanced classes for students to take. So, he wouldn’t have to study alone when he wanted to learn more. He is the best seeker in school. It’s not like he is bragging. It’s a simple fact. The only game he did not catch a golden snitch was when he got injured during the game and that was hardly his fault. He is lucky enough to have good friends and a kind boyfriend. And no one knows what was happening behind the closed doors of the Gimmauld place.
For outside observers, it seems like Regulus has a great life. So what that he sometimes skips a lunch or dinner. He has things to do, books to read, and quidditch to play.
That’s how it all started. He found out how much more time he has with skipping meals. And the hunger never bothered him. He learned if you hold on for a while the hunger goes away. It’s fascinating how you can trick your body. How you can go against the basic urge and suppress it. Becoming the master of your body. When the world felt like too much, like something you can’t ever beat, Regulus could always control his body.
From what was the convenience of timesaving became a challenge. He felt satisfaction if he managed to skip breakfast and lunch on the same day and have only an apple for dinner. Sometimes he pushed too far. It was hard to know the line. He felt weak and lightheaded, and it took him hours to find out what was the reason. Sometimes his stomach didn’t cooperate and even though he wanted to eat he couldn’t stomach it.
No one noticed. Sure, his friends asked about it from time to time when he skipped a meal. But the lies came easily to Regulus. With his whole life living with Walburga, it was as easy as breathing. I already ate; I will eat later; I’m going to the kitchen do you want something? (When he never went there), faking eating or eating the smallest portions possible.
Easy. Until he started dating James. Unfortunately, this boy had to pay attention to him. No one ever did before. He started skipping meals altogether because James was watching how much he ate when he was there. Why couldn’t just leave this topic alone? It’s not like Regulus is doing anything dangerous. He learned how to balance on the line long time ago. It made him mad when James started bringing him food whenever Regulus didn’t come to the great hall.
“Can you just stop?” Regulus snapped at him one evening. Instead of having a nice time together, James was now holding a bowl of baked potatoes he sneaked out from dinner.
“What am I doing?” James answered obviously started by the harsh tone.
Regulus’ otherwise grey eyes turned into a dark shade. Does really James think he is this stupid? He doesn’t need anyone's help he is completely okay, thank you very much. “Oh, don’t play dumb with me. You know! Always asking about my food schedule, or if I ate. If I tell you I did, you won’t believe me. Watching how much I put on my plate like I’m not capable of feeding myself! How about you mind your own fucking business!” Regulus spits out every word. He even surprised himself how a simple question made him angry. He never got this angry at James.
The other boy watches him surprised by the outburst. If Regulus spots one glimpse of pity he will bite his head off. James seems to sense the mood, so he chooses his next words carefully. “I’m just worried, love.” He whispers.
Regulus throws his hands in the air. “There is no reason to be worried.”
James looks at him softly. When he speaks next, it’s firm but still full of kindness, which Regulus is sure he doesn’t deserve. “So, you are telling me, love, that if I start eating the same way you do, I would be completely okay?”
The silence is loud. There is a no on the tip of his tongue. If he says it, he will be admitting that he has a problem. If this is a problem, he will have to start doing something with it. He will have to start eating more. And only this thought fills him up with panic. If he says yes, James will start eating the same way Regulus does just to prove a point. And he doesn’t want James to starve. He doesn’t want James to starve himself just because of Regulus. The same way Regulus does. He does, doesn’t he? The realisation hits him hard.
“No,” Regulus admits. The moment James brings him into his arms he feels the tears run down his cheeks. He is mad at himself for not lying better. He is mad at James for caring about him. He is scared because James knows now. And he will want Regulus to do better. He will tell him to eat more. And Regulus will lose the only control he has. “I don’t know what to do.” He whispers into James’ chest.
Regulus half expected James to be mad at him. To not want to be with someone broken as Regulus. But the boy just holds him close, fingers brushing through Regulus’ hair whispering I love you.
“Okay,” James says when Regulus calms down. This is it. Regulus feels dizzy as he waits for James to speak up. To say what he wants Regulus to do. Will he make Regulus eat more? Sit with him at the great hall? Select portions of the food he will have to eat?
Regulus holds his breath. “Merlin, you look like I want to hurt you,” James whines reaching out to hold his hand.
“I’m sorry. It’s just… complicated.”
“I know, love. And we can talk about it if you want to. But for now how about this? The only thing I will ask you is not to lie to me. Can you do that for me? If I ask you if you ate today or how much you will tell me the truth. And in return, I promise I won’t push you into anything. I won’t be mad; I won’t need the reason why. I just want to know. And then I will ask you if you think it’s enough. And if you say it is, I will leave it.”
Regulus thinks about it. He would prefer it if no one knew. But this is an acceptable option. He probably won’t be able to get better by himself. He nods.
James kisses his forehead. “Okay. Let’s try it. How much did you eat today?”
Regulus looks down. Today was not a good day. Or it was in terms of avoiding food. “I had a carrot for lunch.”
James waits for Regulus to continue but Regulus doesn’t. Because that’s it. James is clearly trying to hide his dismay at how little he ate. Still, Regulus feels James’ arms tighten around him protectively.
“Do you think it’s enough?”
Regulus sinks into James' arms eyeing the bowl James brought for him. “I can eat a potato.”
They will take it step by step. Fighting inner demons. Together.
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rulerzreachf4n7 · 3 months
My main issue with the hazbin/helluva fandom is that they say that someone in the community had committed suicide over a ship because they didn't like it/did like it or something along the lines of that...surely people who don't like the show would bring it up clearly as a valid reason for not liking both fandoms right? RIGHT?!!
Anyways if y'all like long ass yap sessions abt misinformation ur in the right place, also a bit of a tw I do cover sensitive topics so be warned and come back when ur more mentally stabled
Everytime I'm seeing a post of someone giving their opinions abt the two fandoms I NEVER SEE ANYONE BRING UP THE SUICIDE, cause since people are claiming someone did surely it'd be on news and the whole fandom would talk about it for weeks and even up until now since the Hazbin just came out they use it as an excuse...RIGHT?? I've searched up this alleged "suicide"...it came from a Reddit post/on Twitter (one of the two I'm not sure 😭) IT CAME FROM FUCKING REDDIT/TWITTER IS THIS FUCKING FANDOM LACKING THAT MUCH MEDIA LITERACY?!!
And hey, I'm not the person to deny someones suicide or anything like that whether be suicide, rape, SA, I'm not an asshole, but I searched it up, no person, no pictures of news stations talking about it, no articles, not even the victim or their family, JUST FUCKING REDDIT, TWITTER, QUORA, AND LITERALLY ANY OTHER OBSCURE ASS WEBSITE/CHAT ROOM YOU CAN THINK OF IT'S THERE
If you can't take the hint right now it's very clearly obvious it's not real and only made it up to make the Hazbin/helluva fandom have a worse reputation, but since the story barely caught on (I'm assuming I'm not a long term fan of either of the shows I've only been her a couple of months prior to Hazbin being released) so it barely made a scratch and only the most chronically online people would fall for it
(psst, it was an anon who I'm referring to as an example)
Another reason why I don't and won't believe any of these suicide storys is that SOMEONE albeit it's not suicide but rape, PRETEND TO GET GANGED RAPED ON THEIR COLLAGE CAMPUS CAUSE IN INSTA THEY SAID THE DIDN'T LIKE HAZBIN, so yeah I am NOT gonna believe any type story like that cause with obvious experience they were both fake
The person who made this up is notorious for being a troll and has several banned accounts, it's also alleged they're also a grown man who's an attention seeker?
Other than that I can conclude that if there is no evidence to a rape/suicide of someone in the Hazbin or helluva fandom, DO NOT FUCKING BELIEVE IT
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thx-sunsxts-addrxss · 9 months
idea by @fish-ofishial123 <3
questions I get asked frequently and their answers!
How could you hate your mom when she gave birth to you and keeps you alive? Oh, you know how it goes lol. I guess im a rebellious teenager or something because I hate her. I mean she called me useless yesterday and that I don’t consider other’s struggles at all but meh she’s probably right just because she said it, huh? I’m being dramatic, right? She’s right, I totally don’t clean the dishes whenever she’s tired. I totally don’t make dosa for myself when she doesn’t want to. It’s not like she doesn’t do anything for me, you know? Not like she doesn’t take me to the store when I need something, or she won’t even do a simple thing for me. I’m obviously in the wrong here. What a bad child I am.
Are you just lying about all these experiences? oh, definitely! I have perfect reason to lie to random people online whose opinions I definitely need. I totally need to lie to people who don’t know me irl and aren’t in these situations. I’m not faking anything here. If something interesting happens to me, I just share it. You think I make the effort to make up some story and share it with y’all? I don’t care enough about my life for that. I just share what I want.
arent you obsessed with lemon dude? Shouldn’t you be happy to be associated with lemons? I’m not going to even be sarcastic here. I am not obsessed with lemon dude. I may like him a lot, but never has he been in a higher regard than my friends. I just think of him differently. I think of my friends like “oh!” And him like “oh 🫢”. That’s all. I don’t like being associated with lemons bc lemon dude is not my personality, you get my drift? Like my other life experiences, he’s just something I share with y’all. Remember, I share these things with y’all because you seem to like the experiences. If you don’t like the experiences, tell me and I’ll stop. Tell me and I’ll stop. I don’t want to torture y’all with something you don’t want to hear.
Are you an attention seeker because you’re sharing rants? I used to think I was, but a number of people told me otherwise. But totally!! I totally attention bait just for fun. Trauma and anxiety is so fun to joke about, no? I mean joking about getting kicked out at 8 pm is so cool and im attention baiting right? Posting an apology for something and explaining why is attention seeking and I should stop. It’ll create more delightful misunderstandings.
Are you against Jews? NO. I cannot express this enough. NO. Being anti-zionist does not mean you’re against Jews. It means you’re against Israelis bombing Gaza for settlement.
FYI, I am mainly being sarcastic. Except for questions 3 and 5, the rest are sarcastic.
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