doctorwhogirlie · 4 months
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Doctor Who - Alzarians
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ninbinary · 10 months
..gonna watch 5th Doctor, "Earthshock", tnite
so I guess for new years 'm watching the Adric drop 8|
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natequarter · 4 days
it's tempting to assume that the alien companions of doctor who speak the language of their planet. but much as earth doesn't have a language called "earth," but rather thousands of unique and varied languages, it is logical to assume that, say, alzarius has a whole variety of languages and that adric spoke one of them, not "alzarian". this is precisely what makes the destruction of traken so devastating: it's not the loss of one monolithic culture, one people, it's the loss of countless cultures and people, so many languages and ideas and ways of life. part of the tragedy is its unthinkable enormity, that traken cannot even be wholly remembered because there are elements of it which nyssa, as its sole survivor, never even knew of. that said romana does very much speak gallifreyan and this is for the simple reason that the time lords fucking suck
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gallifreyanhotfive · 7 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 37
When Mel was 18 months old, she accidentally caused her older sister Anabel to fall down the stairs, which ended up killing her. Mel repressed the memories of her sister's death, and her parents decided to keep Anabel a secret from her. (Novel: Spiral Scratch)
When Leela eventually died, she was reborn as a girl named Emily. (Audio: The Child)
The Seventh Doctor visited Ace when she was a baby to apologize for many of the manipulations he would one day put her through (and that he would continue to put her through) because he thought it was easier talking to a baby than a teenager. He stole a baby picture of Ace and replaced it with a playing card while he was there. (Short story: Ace of Hearts)
Oliver Harper joined the First Doctor and Steven on the TARDIS because he was running from the police, who were chasing him because he had been outed as homosexual. (Audio: The Perpetual Bond)
Martha Jones met the Thirteenth Doctor while she and the Tenth Doctor were stranded in the 1960s after being attacked by the Weeping Angels. (Comic: A Little Help from My Friends)
The Fifth Doctor can go between referring to the TARDIS as "old girl" and as "flying deathtrap" incredibly quickly. (Audio: Zaltys)
Dodo Chaplet's funeral was attended by only two people: James Stevens and the Doctor. Her entire life after leaving the TARDIS was a shitshow and became dark enough that I will not elaborate here. Feel free to do some digging, but it is not for the faint of heart. (Novel: Who Killed Kennedy)
However, there are other accounts of Dodo's post-TARDIS days that do not end as terribly for her!!!! :D
The Doctor's frequent trips in a damaged TARDIS during the 1970s and 80s disrupted Earth's timeline to such a great extent that the two decades folded in on each other, making 20 years worth of events happen in 10. This is how the UNIT Dating Controversy was addressed. (Short story: The Enfolded Time)
The Brigadier once bullied the Third Doctor into getting his metabolism checked over because he didn't believe the Doctor would be safe in Bessie or the Whomobile. While this was all happening, Sarah Jane helped foil a Dalek plot. (Audio: Glorious Goodwood)
Adric does not speak English. He hears Alzarian through the TARDIS translation circuits. (Audio: Zaltys)
Ace has a younger brother named Liam but didn't remember he existed for a long while because their father took him when their parents separated. (Audio: The Rapture)
While on a school trip to the Natural History Museum, Ryan and Yaz helped the Second Doctor fight Myriapods, which are insect like in nature. (Short story: The Myriapod Mutiny)
For a while, the Tenth Doctor traveled with Heather McCrimmon, descendant of Jamie McCrimmon. (Comic: The Chromosomal Connection, et al...she's in a lot of comics)
Rory Williams became Caesar of Rome as an Auton after the death of the Empress Augusta. (Audio: The Unwilling Assassin)
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tyba1t · 8 months
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Various sketches of my bb boi
I turned him into a toad because Alzarians evolved from amphibious creatures, the Marshmen. And spiders.. For some reason. Idk-
I also turned him into a cyberman cuz it was funny
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totally-not-your-babe · 3 months
Carys Harkness-Jones
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"Carys... Interesting name. Alzarian maybe?"
"It's Welsh you imbecile."
"I just went through three days of torture. My deepest apologies if I'm not a little ray of sunshine."
"Exterminate here. Exterminate there. Doesn't it get boring after all this time? I'm certainly getting bored of it."
"Yeah, sure. Being stuck in an alternative universe was indeed in my weekly plans. 8.30 yoga, 9.00 breakfast, 9.30 running from a Dalek and getting pulled into a rift of time and space and being spit out in an alternative universe. My favourite activity after breakfast, before lunch."
Jack: Sounds like I'm a terrible father over there.
Carys: No, and that's the problem. If you were a dead beat father it would be easier to be angry with you. But you are not.
Carys Jackson
Katherine Thane
Caitlin Ewans
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pluralzalpha · 2 months
Galactic Gazetteer: Alzarius
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Type: earthlike planet
Location: Coordinates -10 0 -11 00 by 0 -2 from Galactic Centre, in E-Space (Exo-Space/Time Continuum)
Inhabitants: Alzarians, Marshmen, spiders
Famous inhabitants: Adric
Visited by: the Fourth Doctor, Romana II and K9
First appearance: Full Circle (1980)
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Fun fact: Alzarius occupies the exact inverse of Gallifrey's coordinates, occupying the equivalent position in the negative universe of E-Space.
Another fun fact: life on Alzarius grew, healed and mutated quickly, allowing spiders to evolve into Marshmen and the Marshmen to evolve into humanoids, who took the place of the Terradonians who crashed their starliner on the planet.
Fun fact 3: every fifty years, Alzarius is drawn away from its sun by a neighbouring planet. The cooling starts an event called Mistfall which kicks off the evolutionary cycle again.
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6-and-7 · 11 months
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Time Ramvent Day 10: The Abominable Doctor Five Today, it's Peter Davison's 'The Abominable Snowmen'! The Doctor and his friends have arrived in Tibet (still not Heathrow) to return a ghanta the Doctor borrowed awhile back. No sooner have they arrived, however, than they bumble into a crisis with the local Yeti population. Peter Davison gets tied to a gate. Tegan knows how to cook Yeti. Nyssa... Nyssa's having a lovely nap this story. But in the end, everything comes down to one crucial question: how many balls do Alzarians even have? And what flaps do they keep them under?
Alternate titling and aged versions below the cut.
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I know I rather put everyone's ears in a twist last time I suggested that Nyssa was only a year or so older than Adric. I could really upset people and suggest that, due to the differences in the development of Alzarians versus Trakkenites, not to mention the length of a solar orbit on those respective planets, that Adric is actually her senior.
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dvdmitri · 10 months
The modern Doctor Who needs more regular non-contemporary non-Earthborn companions.
The Classic Who had an XVII century Scottsman, an Alzarian math savant, a robot dog, a L century jungle woman, a XX century Australian, at least two fellow Time Lords, a Trion exile and more.
In the Modern Who, I can't think of any companion outside of Jack Harkness who doesnt fit the mold of XXI century British person. We need to divercify.
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doctorwhogirlie · 7 months
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Species: Alzarian
So, Adric, he was my childhood crush. I had never watched Classic Who when I was younger, but I made myself memories the companions. And Adric was closest to my age, though I was a lot younger, and I adored him. I look at him now, and feel nostalgia.
Watching Season 19 felt like a countdown, obviously I know what happens to Adric, I had never watched it before, but I knew when it was. And boy was it heartbreaking!
I love it when Classic Who Doctor's have male companions, there's something about it, like a bond between them which is always nice to watch.
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luvic-of-traken · 8 months
Get the Remember 82 kid back
As I said on Youtube: Also, Robin Soans only returned to play a character who only exists to die, and is credited as his manner of death - “Chronolock Guy” dying by a Chronolock, and is played by a famous actor while “Alien Lady”, “Habrian Lady”, and “Elderly Lady” are played by extras, (it would be funny if Angela Clerkin was the redhead extra girl from Kassia and Tremas’ wedding) which makes me think that’s intentional, not relation wise as all four of the characters are apparently Habrians (if they were Trakenites then Nyssa would’nt be the last of her kind, which is a big part of her character) (married couple ALady and CGuy, single mom ELady with her daughter HLady, with HLady’s father dying during the events that led the four of them to move to Earth) and is meant to reference Luvic’s death\Traken’s destruction. As right after that, Clara says “do Cybermen show mercy?” and there’s also “Remember 82” said by the Doctor to a kid resembling a five year old Peter Davison. Clara and Adric are supposed to have parallels to each other. I guess said kid (he’s 14 now) should come back as either an Alzarian or Trakenite if not as Fivey\a Fivey-esque Doctor himself, bringing the show Full Circle… WHICH IS ALSO THE NAME OF ADRICS DEBUT EPISODE. MORE REASONS TO BRING SAID KID BACK THEN
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gaia-mix-nicolosi · 1 year
I like to think gallifreyan third person casual pronouns are the regen number. Plus a shobogan casual pronoun. But overall I think gallifreyan pronouns are related to house/chapter, regen number, and caste. I saw a gallifreyan language headcanon where it was so.
Trakenite is similiar. The Trakenite distinction would be between the Keeper, Consul, non-Consul Consular Nobility, Proctor, Fosters, and everyone else, but with diff levels of formality.
and Alzarians propably have a pronoun to refer to animals and plants and another for everything else
and the rest is TARDIS translation.
trion propably has different pronouns for trions, slots, and laima and then another for off worlder
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gallifreyanhotfive · 8 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 34
The Doctor once concluded that his sonic screwdriver is male.
When Donna was 2 years old, she used to go into her parents room every morning for a hug. One time she woke up at 11pm without realizing it, and after not finding her parents, she cried so loudly it was described as "primal."
In the single story, the Seventh Doctor took both Psylocibe mexicana and LSD.
The Eleventh Doctor and Amy once visited the Library to fight Book Monsters.
One time when the Sixth Doctor required skills in hand to hand combat, he knew he had little chance fighting opponents more prepared than he was and thus allowed the Third Doctor's persona to take over.
Harry Sullivan stopped traveling with the Fourth Doctor in part because he was too distracted by alien invaders to appreciate the places they went. For example, he didn't fully take in Loch Ness because of the Zygons and could not describe what the sky on Skaro looked like after leaving.
Adric and other Alzarians have their hearts on the right side of their body instead of their left.
Peri once commented that she sometimes thought the Sixth Doctor had regenerated into a cat, as fascinated by shiny objects as he was.
The Fifth Doctor didn't originally know how to swim and had to be taught.
The Fourth Doctor and Romana died on the planet Veridis, and Adric lived a long life. In his old age, Adric used a TARDIS crystal to make a time machine to change the past and save them.
In this other timeline, after the Doctor and Romana died, the TARDIS knew. The food machine stopped working, the rooms were disappearing, and the roundels cracked.
In the lost story The Hollows of Time, Professor Stream was originally going to be revealed to be the Master, but Big Finish didn't have the rights to him at that point. Stream was still portrayed in a manner similar to Ainley, and since the Sixth Doctor and Peri had slight amnesia after this adventure, they likely forgot that Stream was the Master.
When Braxiatel saw a pattern in a holograph that suggested that his future self was behind the Axis - a force that occupied the Collection - he tried to kill himself by ingesting poison.
The Eighth Doctor once said that he didn't consider himself suicidal, but he backed this up by immediately killing himself by detonating a nuclear warhead right next to him.
Rassilon's roulette is a game where participants shoot at their heads with the Time Gun of Rassilon, which fires and erases them from history. The Time Gun of Rassilon would not fire on Time Lord DNA, though, so Gallifreyans had an unfair advantage.
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cd-head · 2 years
thinkin ab how where different characters r from would affect the way they react to certain situations physically . do alzarians get tired ? do trakenites bleed ? do time lords get cold ? sooo many questions
do time lords sleep?
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wsrf-arts · 5 years
I decided that I draw Decider Adric.
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In the actual series, We never seen Adric grown old and become a decider. Because He died young, that's why.
But what if events of Full Circle took a different turn? Varsh, Tylos, Draith, Dexeter, and Nefred would survived mistfall and Adric wouldn't be a companion at all! Adric would've live a full life and at one point of his life, He'd become a Decider!
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