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notyoujamie · 1 year ago
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And we didn't stop for a second to say, "What the hell?"
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natequarter · 5 months ago
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this is series 18 right
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headcanonsandmore · 9 months ago
Doctor Who companions summarised in ten words or less (classic edition)
Susan Foreman: Gallifreyan teenager abandoned on post-apocolyptic earth because love.
Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright: Married schoolteachers educate grumpy alien about morality.
Vicki Pallister: New granddaughter acquired!
Steven Taylor: Future Blue Peter presenter enjoys double act with adoptive sisters.
Katarina: She's lovely- oh, wait, now she's dead.
Sara Kingdom: She's cool- oh, wait, now she's dead.
Dodo Chaplet: Northerner loses accent due to BBC classism, more at ten.
Ben Jackson and Polly Wright: Opposites attract couple near-immediately overshadowed by new companion.
Jamie McCrimmon: Himbo highlander as gay as sixties television will allow.
Victoria Waterfield: Nineteenth century teenager has worst week of her life.
Zoe Heriot: Master martial artist knows one (1) throw.
Liz Shaw: Scientist is too competent for this nonsense.
Jo Grant: Cinnimon roll has no self-preservation instinct.
Sarah-Jane Smith: Feminist journalist surrounded by idiotic military men.
Harry Sullivan: Otherwise-sensible medical professional becomes world's biggest imbecile.
Leela of the Sevateem: Knife lady kicks ass, takes names.
K9: Robotic dog malfunctions for ninety minutes.
Romana: Sheltered Gallifreyan has surprisingly good fashion.
Adric: Math kid go boom!
Tegan Jovanka and Nyssa Of Traken: Hypercompetent space girlfriends have unintentional homoerotic subtext.
Vislor Turlough: Universes most incompetent assassin accidentally becomes friends with intended target.
Kamelion: BBC producer gets tricked into buying cursed prop.
Peri Brown: Dubiously-accented botanist struggles with sexism and BBC wardrobe department.
Mel Bush: Health nut weaponises volume of scream.
Ace McShane: Awesome butch bisexual pyromaniac hits things with baseball bat.
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clowns0cks · 2 months ago
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textposts I got from @inanotherunivrse to make everyone sad including myself
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storekn1fe · 11 months ago
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soupforsoup · 1 year ago
Some behind the scenes tidbits I feel normal about (classic who edition):
- apparently every story Matthew Waterhouse's hairstylist would say they were going to trim his hair and never did, resulting in all the variations from crusader triangle to fuck ass bob to shaggy mullet
-Peter Davison was unaware he was many people's sexual awakening in his dressing gown in black orchid
-Colin baker was mistaken for a runner by another actor in arc of infinity and asked to go fetch a coffee (which he did)
-he would also walk around making chicken noises on the set of arc of infinity (until he was told to stop)
-Matthew didn't know adric died in part four of earthshock until he read Peter's script whilst shooting, and was apparently more upset over the fact he was being killed off rather than just leaving
-a lot of the doctor who movie was filmed in the same building as the X-files
-Janet Fielding was told she was good casting for doctor who because she "looked slightly alien"
-Deborah Watling and Frazer Hines used to joke that she left the show because she got pregnant, as she left almost nine months after arriving
-Sylvester Mccoy once couldn't find a filming location until after the doctor who fans, who had been waiting there for an hour
-Paul Mcgann thought all the doctors companions were their kids
-Peter and Sarah Sutton had to stop Janet from accidentally prostituting herself in the red light district
-Sylvester once played the spoons on a guy that tried to menace him
-Paul had to wear a wig because he was casted with the long hair you see in the movie but cut it all off for another role a couple months before they started filming
-Janet called Matthew "matte-finish" and "boom-boom waterhouse" whilst filming earthshock
-the cast bought a prop gun for arc of infinity from a sex shop in amsterdam
(Just to stress I obviously don't know the validity of these I just sourced them from interviews and commentaries!! Please don't come for me if these aren't accurate! These are just some funny things I've heard and if anyone else knows any random facts or stories feel free to reblog/share!!)
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the-worms-in-your-bones · 6 months ago
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Version two because everyone in this show has issues
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whiloww · 8 months ago
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keepingitanonymous · 2 months ago
Happy birthday to Matthew Waterhouse! (AKA: Adric)
To celebrate I decided to dump all the photos of Adric/Matthew I have
I think most of these are either from Pinterest or @fuckyeahadric
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behindthesefangirleyes · 1 year ago
Fourteen: Adric.
Fifteen: Adric. River Song. All the people we lost. Sarah Jane is gone. Can you believe that for a second?
Fourteen: I loved her.
Fifteen: I loved her. And Rose.
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natequarter · 5 months ago
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Forget your faith in me. I took you with me because I was vain. Because I wanted to be adored. Look at you. I'm not a hero. I really am just a madman in a box. And it's time we saw each other as we really are.
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gallifreyanhotfive · 1 month ago
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 73
The Witch of the Wishing Well would steal parts of people's psyches when in contact with them. The Tenth Doctor realized the Witch was a composite entity made of seven different beings. These seven beings were seven 8-year-old children from the Dark Times on Gallifrey. They had been thrown into the Untempered Schism. The time sensitive among them tried to save them by cobbling them together into this composite being, and they would take pieces of other people's psyches to make up for the pieces they lost. (Comic: The Wishing Well Witch)
The food machine has been destroyed or given away in a variety of interesting ways. On one such occasion when the food machine was taken from the TARDIS, the Fifth Doctor told Nyssa that he could easily make another. (Audio: Time Reef) This seems to explain the limitless supply of food machines to destroy.
The Rani thought there was something of a genius about the Doctor before he went astray. (Audio: Planet of the Rani)
Susan recalled that the First Doctor used to shake hands with a sense of uncertainty before he got used to the custom. (Audio: The Alchemists)
There is a genetically modified version of the Vashta Nerada called the Nerada Vashta. It travels in light instead of dark. This research was funded by the Time Lords to weaponize it for the Time War. Another avenue of research was to modify the Vashta Nerada to be able to consume Dalekanium. (Audio: Day of the Vashta Nerada)
By one account, the Doctor had never heard of the star called Sol when he ran away from Gallifrey. Susan on the other hand knew about the Earth from her spatial cartography lessons. (Audio: The Beginning)
Soon after fleeing Gallifrey, Susan came up with the name "TARDIS." The Doctor asked her how she knew that name and told her that the name already existed, but she didn't believe him, choosing instead to think that she came up with it. (Audio: The Beginning)
The War Master manipulated Alice Pritchard into psychically calling out for the Eight Doctor for help. The Master manipulated her psychic abilities to get him on the station he was in and make him easier to deal with, so to speak, as Alice was psychically draining him. (Audio: The Missing Link)
The Master wanted the Doctor because he had been exposed to the time vortex like no other being had. He wanted to use the Doctor's cells as a component for his biological weapon. His creation, the Rage, thought of the Master as Father and could absorb people. The Doctor and the Master worked together to stop the Rage, but afterwards, the Master fled and used this device he implanted into the Doctor's mind to erase his memories of the event. (Audio: Darkness and Light)
The War Master has also successfully taken the Eighth Doctor's body, leaving the Doctor in the Master's body. (Audio: The Castle of Kurnos 5 all the way to Audio: The Cognition Shift)
The Twelfth Doctor once went through a degeneration cycle after being hit with energy from a time storm. He degenerated from his eleventh to his young first body. (Audio: The Lost Magic)
Lechasseur witnessed an incarnation of the Doctor speaking with Mestizer in Gallifreyan. To do this, Mestizer sang strings of gibberish. Earlier in the story, this incarnation of the Doctor had explained away his smoking since it improved his singing voice (although he admitted he was in a body with cravings). (Novel: The Cabinet of Light)
Similarly, Adric once described Gallifreyan as being almost musical, sounding like a nursery rhyme. (Novel: Cold Fusion)
Mi'en Kalarsh, or "Blue Fire" in Old High Gallifreyan, was an ancient Gallfireyan myth and scary bedtime story that inhabited the wasteland between realities. (Audio: House of Blue Fire)
Some of the Adventures in Time and Space: The Roleplaying Game have sections where players can choose to interpret everything after Genesis of the Daleks to be shaped in part by the Time War (meaning, all televised stories, all audios, books, etc). In the Sixth Doctor Sourcebook, in the appendix (The Sixth Doctor and the Time War), it is suggested that either the Great Intelligence or the Valeyard drove the Fifth Doctor to take the actions on Androzani that led to his regeneration.
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headcanonsandmore · 6 months ago
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I mean, the Doctor would definitely end up using Kamelion's body parts for adjustments to the TARDIS, tbh.
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cleowho · 11 months ago
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“Interesting stuff, isn't it?”
The Keeper of Traken - season 18 - 1981
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storekn1fe · 11 months ago
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romana ii you will always be famous
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