#also yes i know that is more than a gallon. let the man live
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rosemaryfuckingwalten · 11 months ago
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i dont think i ever posted rootbeer jack. which is really sad
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sourced from this @butchsophiewalten twitter space recap. thank u my friend
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the-witchhunter · 1 year ago
Oh this makes me very happy
So fun fact, winemaking is one of my hobbies
It's surprisingly easy to pick up, and combining things into a magical potion of getting drunk makes me feel like a wizard or alchemist
So for regular booze, all you need is a source of sugar, water, and yeast. Sure, things that ad nutrients for the yeast are extremely helpful, but that's the basics
So despite everything being ectoplasm, things in the zone have structures and even the ectoplasm in Danny's DNA is structured like his actual DNA, so likely in GZ fruits in vegetables ectoplasm is similarly structured to earth sugars and starches. Since the structure informs the function, then yes they basically act like ghost sugar and starches
So the issue is the yeast. Even in actual winemaking, yeasts have different tolerances and thrive in slightly different environments, so you'd need a strain that is tolerant to ectoplasm. Now, considering you have to fly a long distance between areas of land and plants are not a given, yeast is probably not that common in the zone. Like, it's basically all around us in the world, but there's little opportunity for it to naturally propagate in the zone. It's entirely possible that it exists but likely only in certain places
You know a place that would have access to yeast and gradually increasing levels of ectoplasm that could naturally create a strain tolerant to large quantities?
Fenton works
Danny lives in one of the few places that producing Ghost Booze is possible
But here's the real question: If humans in the Ghost Zone are like ghosts on Earth, then does that mean that ghost alcohol SOBERS UP HUMANS?
But also Danny 100% could make a still using stuff from his parent's lab, but also chances are they might distill their own ethanol for the lab so good chance there's just straight up ecto infused booze lying around that probably tastes like garbage
as for the taste of ghost moonshine, it probably depends
one what it's made from, his skills, if he scorches the mash, how wide of a cut he keeps, if he ages it, if he flavors it etc
it probably is not even drinkable the first time he makes it and might actively be poison. Did he remember to discard the heads so as not to make everyone go blind? How hot did he let it get? it probably tastes burnt with all kinds of off flavors
after doing it a while?
Danny get's good. He'd need to up the scale of his operation because he'd likely be working with a still that could only handle at most a couple gallons if he's keeping and hiding it at home because his parents might not notice or applaud his chemistry, Jazz isn't letting her little brother moonshine. So he'd need to scope out an area that's hidden, has access to running water to cool it off, and probably is easy to get supplies to to make the mash
So obviously he's choosing to do this in the GZ and actively is avoiding walker like he's a revenue man in the 1920's and selling his product to probably most of his rogues
I can also only assume it's more flammable than regular alcohol
Can you make Ghost Booze?
No really, serious question.
If Danny hit, say for legal purposes, 21 and TOTALLY not like 16+ with an internet connection and a dream, and looked a Zone Plants? And Wondered?
We know, basically, if it's Fauna it boozer. Gods bless the natural kingdom etc. BUT! While he maybe be looking at some sweet, FREE, neon day-glow fruits and veggies? They...are ectoplasm.
That Ectoplasmic Grape cluster? Ectoplasm. The neon purple mango? Ectoplasm again! These starchy tubers? From the fridge. But THESE tubers? The orange glowing ones? Ectoplasm! It's all goo, all the time, baby!
And DOES ECTOPLASM FERMENT? Is the question!
Cause we aren't ASKING IF there is ghost booze. Of course there is. But THAT may just form fully developed, bottle and all! So? Can they? Do we need Ghost Yeast? If it DOES ferment, does it even release ALCOHOL or something else? Like radioactive by-product?
Does it make sludge?
What does the illicit Ghost Moonshine Danny DEFINITELY hasn't made in the OPs center, TASTE like? Paint thinner with a hint of battery acid? Floral after taste? Is it fruity? Could it kill a man? Does it still GLOW?
The people demand ANSWERS!
@hypewinter @nerdpoe @ailithnight @the-witchhunter @hdgnj
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years ago
Big question. I need your opinion on something. If Mipha was never saved, and Vah Ruta was never calmed, what effect would it have on Hyrule. We know that it will flood, however I doubt the Shiekah would have the ability to create water from nothing (like to gods) so I just assume they are teleporting so the ocean won't rise. With this in mind, none of the major settlements would really be affected. Gerudo Town is far enough out of the path that the river would take through lake Hylia, Riti Village is also out of the way, and not only does it have a natural moat (if you could call it that) but also a canyon in the way. Korok Forest has magic and a moat and is also out of the way, Goron City is also to high up and out of the way, Tarrey Town is really highup and out of tge way, Zoras domain has pretty good drainage and it will probably go through the several other exits to not cause that muc damage, Kakariko Village is safe in the mountains, Hateno Town is safe and out of the way, and Lurelin Village is also out of the way and won't be damaged unless the ocean floods.
**Zelda meter is the meter system of objmap.zeldamods.org, but in accordance with previous posts I'm gonna convert it later to "actual" meters that I think is more realistic. You’ll see why later.
So, East Reservoir Lake is 545 zelda meters long (light blue) and 340 zelda meters wide (blue)
Or if we want to see it as more of a circle, it has a radius of 239 zelda meters
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Rutala Dam itself is 30 zelda meters wide and 140 zelda meters across. (see purple)
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Taking a picture and using an online ruler, I found that the damn is roughly 123 zelda meters tall. (1 cm equal to 17.5 zelda meters by using the 140zm measurement)
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Technically speaking, the dam's depth is infinite in the game, so we'll just use this damn's height as the depth.
And before you tell me that I should count the height of the rocks that the damn sits on top of as part of the depth, I'm gonna say not because dams typically block preexisting waterfalls, and given the rounded erosion of the rocks here, I would say that is also the case. Therefore, this was a waterfall that fed into the Rutala River and is not counted for the reservoir's depth.
So, in summary:
Reservoir Length: 545zm
Reservoir Width: 340zm
LW Reservoir Surface Area: 185,300zm (That is only 0.1 zelda kilometer. For comparison, the 45th largest reservoir in the world, Capivera Dam [last place on Wikipedia list] is still 515 square kilometers. The largest ones being in the 60k areas. I’ll come back to this point later.)
Reservoir Radius: 239zm
(pi)r^2 Reservoir Surface Area: 179,451zm2 (179zkm2) [Just got these numbers of surface areas to demonstrate they're practically the same whether you see it as circular or rectangular. I think the circle will be more accurate so going forward I will be using it as my basis for calculations]
Dam Length: 140zm
Dam Height: 123zm
Dam Width: 30zm
The Total Water Rutala Dam Holds Back: 22,072,473zm3 [Instead of just using the sphere volume formula or the LWH formula, I used my more accurate surface area made with the the radius and multiplied by the dam height(is that the,,,cylinder formula? I think so)]
Rutala Dam is supposed to be the largest reservoir in Hyrule, shown very prominently on the map. The largest reservoir(by surface area) in our world is Lake Winnipeg, with a surface area of 24,514 km2, (but only has a depth of 12 meters.)
But here it is on a map of Canada:
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To reiterate, Lake Winnipeg has an area of 24,514km, and with zelda meters, East Reservoir Lake has an area of 179.
Ok, so comparing the reservoir to one of the the largest, if not THE largest, settlements in the game, Zora’s Domain, we can see that the reservoir is several times it’s size.
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But you’ll also note that Zora’s Domain has a diameter of 234zm. That, the entire city, the entire DOMAIN of Zora. 234 zelda meters. Manhattan is 21,100 meters long. Manhattan, by the way, is a fifth fraction of the New York County, which is the smallest county in the United States of America.
234 zelda meters, that’s an area of 43,005zm2. Do you know what else is aobut 40k meters squared in real life? Your nearest Walmart. Just a bit bigger than your local Tesco. Supposedly the entire Zora population, that has been untouched by the 100 year apocalypse and arguably had room to GROW over this time, is living in a Trader Joes.
So I hope this illustrates why I’m converting the zelda meters used on the website to something that I think would be more realistic in the realm of Hyrule. You can find my very loud and kinda embarrassing but factual! and old post about the conversion here, same link as at the top, but essentially just trust me on the conversation that 1zm is equal to 30 real-life meters.
New Realistic Measurements:
Reservoir Length: 16,350m or 16.35km
Reservoir Width: 10,200m or 10.2km
LW Reservoir Surface Area: 166,770km2
Reservoir Radius: 7170m or 7.17km
(pi)r^2 Reservoir Surface Area: 5,383,530m2 or 5382.53km2
Dam Length: 4200m
Dam Height: 3690m
Dam Width: 900m
The Total Water Rutala Dam Holds Back: 19,865,225,700m3 or 19.8 million cubic kilometers of water AKA 19.8 billion kiloliters AKA 5.2 trillion gallons o’ agua
Now THAT sounds more like the biggest dam in all of Hyrule. In fact, it adds up with the stats of the largest dam in our world(by gallons held), that is, the Three Gorges Dam.
The Three Gorges Dam, located in China, ALSO holds back 5 trillion gallons of water/19 billion cubic meters. Although it is a lot shorter than Rutala’s measurements--I think the amount of water that it holds back will be a perfect guide to see the devastation that Rutala’s potential breakage could cause on Hyrule.
There actually is a simulation online about what would happen if the Three Gorges Dam collapsed but I’m not gonna link it cause it might be a bit too distressing, but just know that I based this on that simulation.
Firstly, the biggest sigh of relief comes from the Samasa Plain.
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The plain is very very low and slopes down into the Lanayru Bay, so a lot of the water would empty into there. However, the plain would then be totally submerged, so RIP to the shrines and ruins around there. Areas in red as submerged and areas in green would become islands or marshes.
And with that, the water level of Lanayru Bay would rise drastically. Blue is the new water level, dark green are islands, and light green are potential wetlandish areas that would form as time passed.
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But basically, Rutala river would have a new branch that spills directly into the Lanayru Bay.
So now you may be thinking,
And you’d be half right.
Yes, a lot of the water is going to spill out over Samasa Plain and yes, Lanayru Bay will house a lot of it. But here’s the kicker.
It’s a bay.
Not an ocean.
It would take 1.25zkm or 30km for the water to make it’s way to the ocean, and the water will be traveling SUPER fast--about 100 kilometers per hour.
And that water wants to move, it wants to flow, and Lanayru Bay cannot help all that water flower because:  It’s shallow as fuck.
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This chest shows the deepest point in all of Lanayru Bay.
I dropped a windcleaver down in the water: and using a generous GENEROUS estimate of 2 feet per second given the conditions of the still water in the bay--It took 5 seconds for it to float to the bottom. 10 feet. 3 meters. That’s just barely deeper than the deep end of a backyard swimming pool.
But even being extra EXTRA generous and using a real world estimate: Bays would be around 14 feet deep, roughly 4 meter. And we can be even more generous and say the sounding mountains can accommodate 30 feet of height. 9 meters. 9 + 4 = 14 meter height times 30km by 10km(width) = That’s 4.2 cubic kilometers, or 4.2 billion kiloliters of the 19.8 billion kiloliters in total.
uh oh. wheres the other 15.6 billion kiloliters of water gonna go?
It’s like taking a firehose, and filling up a bathtub. Yeah, the tub’s gonna catch a lot of that water, but that firehose has way, way, way, more water than that tub can hold, and when the tub can have a leak or hole on it, but the rate that that hose is going is astronomically faster than the rate the tub can expel water, so it’s just gonna overflow and water will still spill everywhere
[And this isn’t even taking into the account that Rutala Dam is SIGNIFICANTLY higher that it’s surrounding landscape, and would pour into the river with such a force that it could cause a giant tidal wave and break through the rocky boundaries of the pre-existing Rutala River causing even more water to flow into the bay]
Lanayru Bay would be occupied with a lot of water, and since the other 15.6 billion kiloliters of water can’t immediately flow into it, it’s gonna take the scenic route through Rutala River. It’s high mountains on either side basically just make it a death funnel.
Here’s how that would look:
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This is the new water level for the Lanayru Wetlands. MAn they weren’t lying, those lands do be wet.
so yeah everything is submerged in between 10 to 20 meters of water and you might be thinking
Well, bestie, here’s the thing. This length of land is 3 zelda kilometers long. AKA 90 kilometers long. And you might recall, I said, that this, 3000 meter tall  wall of water was traveler at 100km per hour. Well the good news is, my calculations are a lot easier for this as this large stretch of flat Lanayru Wetlands land lines up perfectly with the flat areas of Yichange, (which was actually traveling at twice the speed compared to Rutala because it didn’t have Lanayru Bay to open up into)  
But the bad news is, the video is five minutes long, and this is just the first 50 seconds. This water is destined to travel 400 kilometers. That’s about half of the country of Wales, by the way. The entire length of the state of Virginia.
Here’s the rough path of the total flooding that other 16 billion kiloliters from Rutala Dam
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Oh, and what’s worse is that the rivers in central Hyrule? Yeah they’re like HALF the depth of Lanayru Bay so the flooding will be even WORSE :D
So here’s the new waterlevel map!
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Overtime, a lot of the water is gonna spill onto the paths through Central Hyrule, new swamplands, creeks, etc. etc. The path to the Gerudo Desert will be fin initially, as the water as slowed to the point where it won’t put immediate damage since the bridge is so high. But that new water level plus the influx of water from the River of the Dead is definetly gonna erode that over time and maybe possibly will just collapse and prevent anyone from leaving or entering the desert.
Hyrule Castle will be even more of an island, as the two islands to the left and right of it will be moslty submerged. Also the entire path through Eldin is just fucking done. Everyone in Akkala and Eldin? You’re trapped there. It’s basically a new Lake Hylia but no bridge. Sorry Robbie.
Oh, and also these rapid waters are carrying the debris of it’s destruction, whether the corpses of travelers or giant rocks that it broke off from the side of mountains. So everything is a mess, and depending on the amount of debris, it could completly alter water paths to go even more in land. The rivers are shallow enough, so just pilling in more rocks and dam metal and dirt just makes things shallower
Lake Hylia will be fine, the mini islands are gone, but as a whole, the bridge and the height of the surrounding ridges will keep the water in there. Although a lot of Necluda is basically a goner, and the bridge on either end of Dueling Peaks is totally decimated.
So what did we learn?
All of Hyrule’s economy is fucked. Every major trading path--gone. It’s basically gonna breed even more ethnocentricism, and a bunch of wildlife and sources for food are gone. And not to mention the climate, that’s gonna be fucked too as years pass. Rito and Zora will probably be the most fine? Hylians are fucked though, we destroyed like five stables and basically every river setllement there is. Oh and that influx of water is gonna fuck with the fishes so Hateno and Lurelin aren’t totally out of it either!
Gerudo? Well good thing they’re all lesbians because they sure aren’t going out to woe anybody once those stone pillars holding the bridge give way to the new water levels. Gorons will actually not even know anything’s wrong if I’m being honest. Sheikah? Well that point by Eagus Bridge and Sarhasra slope is gonna connect into a river at some point so I guess they can be a fishing village now.
Oh an RAIN I didn’t even think about that, yeah people are totally gonna die. And if Ruta CONTINUES to pump water into Hyrule (because again, this is only from an INITIAL burst of the damn. Well...
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Zora’s Domain will be gone within the year. Water levels will just continue to rise, probably take on Central Hyrule first, but then after that the Gerudo Canyon. Also if flooding in Zora’s Domain REALLY continue it would probably spill over and destroy Tarrey Town. So not good all around!
But I think the main takeaway that we can all settle with is that the Flower Lady and her garden are absolutely, positively, dead.
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fandoms-and-bullcrap · 3 years ago
This post will talk about sex, nothing explicit, just the historical aspect of it
Okay I know we are all horny and want to see the triplets get it on (can't believe I have to say this but not with eachother you fucking sick people) but I do think that both Julieta x Agustín and Pepa x Félix had their first time with eachother.
Let me explain:
Encanto takes place in the 1950s, let's say 1950 to make it easier. That means that Dolores and Isabela were born in 1929 which also means that the parents had to start dating around the end of the 1910s to the start of the 1920s. Let's say they started dating in the start of the 1920s.
Okay, 1920s, was birthcontrol a thing? Yes. Condoms existed but it was not the type we had today, also back in the 1920s condoms were still frowned upon which means that a highly religious town like the one Alma ran away with would not have packed condoms nor were they likely to have them. Contraceptives in general (including the pull out method which doesn't work please don't use it) were frowned upon in general by the church.
So this means that if you wanted to have sex you either had to pull out (which again is a very dangerous route) or hope for the best.
But you might say "well Pepa looks like she was a rebel and could have gone against her mother's wishes" or "Félix looks like a ladies man with how charming he is" or even mention how touchy Félix and Pepa are. And to that I say, Pepa might have been rebellious or butted heads more with her mother but she is not dumb, she know that if she gets pregnant from a random boy she will live with the consequences for the rest of her life, she is also a very anxious woman who would be constantly freaking out if the thought of pregnancy before marriage even crossed her mind so I don't think she'd have it or at least have it with someone she wasn't 110% sure was it.
Now moving on to Félix, is he flirty? Yes. Was he a ladies man? Probably. Did he have sex with a woman before marriage knowing the possibility of getting her pregnant and ruining her social life was very much there? Definitely not. Félix drinks five gallons of respect woman juice every single morning, this man would never do anything that could potentially harm a woman. I also take Félix as kind of a romantic and he would for sure have the mentality, that a lot of people back than had, that his first time was supposed to be with the one. So yeah, for me Félix waited.
Now for Julieta and Agustín. I think Julieta was way too stressed with feeding a whole town and healing them for her to even think about going against her mother in that aspect and specially not wanting to deal with pregnancy. And Agustín... well he is very accident prone so an accidental pregnancy was something he was terrified of. He also drinks 5 gallons of respect woman juice with Félix and would never do that to a woman.
You might think the way I am talking is very old fashioned but that's because it is, they were young adults in the 1920s who lived in a religious town where everyone knew eachother and everyone specially knew the Madrigals.
All of that and the addition of pressure to be presentable, magical powers that people depend on you for, the church and status are reason why i think they waited for marriage or eachother.
Anyways that's my take on it, you can disagree of course and I do know it's not important but I like history and how being from a specific place in time could affect how you view places and the world.
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chironshorseass · 3 years ago
do you have any hc about percy being part of the sea? I know it's partly because we have so many books that get into his character and his connection to the sea, but t me it always felt like his connection is very different to the connection the other demigods have with their element
and u are not wrong, anon, because we don’t see anything like percy’s connection to the sea with other demigods and their respective elements. here are some Thoughts that i have about this, in no particular order at all:
if u read carefully, percy gets more and more powerful as time goes on, or more specifically: as he gains a better understanding about who he is. his connection to the sea is something he has to find, but it is still very much a part of him.
i feel like this is canon (i can’t remember? but i swear this is mentioned somewhere) but percy has more water in him than the average human. he is the ocean, based on how much raw power he has, so theoretically he may or may not be able to melt into the water the same way nico shadow travels. it could be like. idk. water traveling lmao
yes he can cause earthquakes, but this has to do with not only poseidon being the earthshaker (duh) but because the majority of earthquakes take place on the sea floor so. makes sense, i guess. this is something percy finds he can do later on (maybe when he’s 18 or something) because to me the incident of mount saint helens doesn’t count.
his moods change depending on the tides. for the longest time he didn’t know about this, but it gets to the point where it’s such a coincidence that when it’s a full moon he feels more powerful, more confident. tbh this is how i came up with the h2o au lol.
there was an oil spill near montauk while he was there and he felt sick for days
or for example if there’s a storm, he will feel uneasy/more alert about everything
this is how i came up with this fic bc he can totally tell when a storm is about to come in. this was handy in the argo ii probably lol
this goes for earthquakes, too. and sometimes he feels weird for no reason at all
like imagine him at school:
“hey, percy, you okay, man?”
and he explains that it’s an earthquake, but at the end of the day no one feels it bc it was like a 1.5 in the richter scale lmao so he learns to live with it.
obviously he wasn’t trained with his powers. obviously chiron didn’t want to train him. power=a threat in the riordanverse, so even once everyone learned about him being a son of poseidon no one made it their mission to help him control his powers. everything he knows about his abilities just….happened.
SO i am Convinced that poseidon or even triton take pity on him they also wanted to piss off zeus and help him out. he’s unstoppable after ofc
he’s also weirdly strong? this is canon, and it’s also canon for most demigods since it’s an actual Trait that was specifically described in greek mythology concerning heroes, but percy’s strength comes from the ocean’s raw power.
he loves salt. yes. he does. when annabeth first comes over to his apartment and sally makes her dinner she has to gulp down GALLONS of water because of how salty the food is 💀 sally had gotten so used to percy’s Needs ig. annabeth never lets percy live this down.
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joysmercer · 3 years ago
[first year of university]
“We’re going out. You should come.”
Patricia pauses halfway up the hill to her dorm room, rolling her eyes at the unmistakable sound her suitemates trying to score a date for whatever party they’ve been invited to this fine Wednesday evening.
“Oh, that’s very sweet of you, ladies, but I already have plans. My girlfriend lives in that building right behind you.”
Patricia’s eyes widen. Eddie.
She quickens her pace (running up the hill in sandals with her backpack and gallon of water being, unfortunately, impossible) and ducks behind a tree when they become visible.
A short while ago, she would have immediately gone up to them and put a stop to this madness, but after spending the first part of the semester navigating long-distance(ish) with her boyfriend and dealing with Emma and Julia’s incomprehensible obsession with the male species, she’s quite content to stay here and watch the girls make an embarrassment of themselves.
But then Emma starts touching Eddie’s elbow flirtingly and he whips around and looks at Patricia so pleadingly that she had no choice but to reveal herself.
“Eddie! What are you doing here?” she exclaims, making her way up to the group. She makes a show of taking a sip of water when she reaches them, giving the other girls ample time to throw cowering glares in her direction.
Patricia considers grabbing his hand or something to make it clear that she’s the girlfriend he was referring to earlier, but the second she tightens the lid of her water bottle, Eddie’s wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her toward him.
“Surprise, Yacker,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
Jules, apparently unable to not be the center of attention for more than a minute, clears her throat and asks, “So you two know each other?” There’s a note of condescension in her voice that temporarily makes Patricia’s blood boil until she realizes that the other girl is just jealous. She bites back a grin instead.
“Yeah, something like that,” she retorts, looking up at Eddie in the sickly-sweet, adoring way the female leads of Hallmark movies do when they’ve just met the man they’ll marry in an hour’s time. Eddie, well aware of what she’s doing, tries and fails not to laugh.
At least Emma has the decency to look mortified. “C’mon, we’re late already,” she mumbles, forcibly dragging Julia away.
As soon as they’re gone, Patricia extricates herself and crosses her arms. “Two questions—one, what are you doing here, and two, how’d you know I was here?”
“What’d you do, attach hammers to your shoes? I could hear you coming from a mile away,” he says, a twinkle in his eye.
“Hey, it’s true,” he says. “But also…”
Patricia raises an eyebrow.
“I knew your midterm ended at 5:50, which meant you’d be here at like 6:10 or 6:15, and I thought I’d take you out to dinner to celebrate it finally being over.”
Eddie runs his hand through his hair nervously. Patricia can’t figure out how to do anything but stare right back at him.
“I mean, it’s totally fine if you’re tired or have things to do, like it is Wednesday and we’ll see each other in a bit anyway, but I just thought—”
She drops her stuff and throws her arms around him without another word.
“Oh woah, it was that bad, huh?” he says, returning the hug.
She knew it would be awful going into it—that’s why she spent all weekend revising.
It’s that he remembered the exact time of her exam and came all the way to see her in the middle of the week for no reason other than to brighten her otherwise less-than-stellar day a little bit.
“I love you,” she says, instead.
“Love you too. I take it that’s a yes on dinner?”
“Yes, dumbass.” Patricia kisses him softly. “Let me put my things inside and freshen up a bit though, yeah?”
“I don’t think you need to, but okay,” Eddie says, playfully tugging at one of her curls.
“I won’t be long, I promise. Just take that for me, will you?” She gestures to where her bag still lays discarded behind her.
“Sure thing—ow, Yacker, what’s in this backpack of yours? The entire Frobisher library?”
“Now do you see why I wanted to leave it here?” Patricia laughs, grabs her water bottle, and leads him to the entrance of her dorm building.
Eddie says something back, she rolls her eyes, and they fall into an easy banter all the way to her room that Patricia never wants to end.
(It doesn’t.)
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“OK, that evil truck driver has agreed to leave you here. You won’t have to worry about him raping you every night. We came to an agreement. He decided to leave you here with me on one condition. You know what that was? Follow me....
"No. I don’t have anything for you to wear. You should have thought about grabbing something other than his keys from the truck before bolting from his cab. Don’t worry, we’ll put something together later. This is my business here. I run a motel and diner in the middle of nowhere in Western Montana. I make the rules here. Which is why I get to always have a cigar in my mouth.
"Here we are; into the bathroom here. My place caters to one thing and one thing only, the needs of men, or rather the deviant needs of twisted men. I gave that trucker his keys back, but kept the remote. He won’t be shocking you with that dog collar any more; I will be. Faggot, don’t look at me like that. You do realize you escaped from a trucker and turned yourself into very the man he was going to sell you to? That was incredibly stupid. I mean when you ran into my lobby wearing nothing but that collar and the cock cage begging me to save you, weren’t you surprised that I was totally calm and didn’t react outraged? You are a dumb one. It’s a good thing your mind isn’t what the men around here want to use.
"Let me tell you what living hell you have begged to be a part of. First, I am way more sadistic than that driver, whose only thing is rough fucking with that battering ram of his. Once your cunt became a sloppy gape, he wanted to get rid of you. Kinda boring if you ask me. He’s not even into piss. That should tell you everything. But do you know who is into piss? I am. And you know who else? You are. If you are not, well that sucks for you, because this is where you will be spending most of your training at night. See that middle urinal. There’s a piss puddle in the bottom. That’s your trucker’s piss. I watched him unload a gallon of it. Get in there and start licking. Begin with cleaning the porcelain.
"Faggot, that hesitation is going to cost you. A firm hand to the back of your head should work. I know it’s working on getting my dick hard. I have to take it out whenever I’m treating a shithead like a piece of shit. Get that tongue going. Yeah, I have a cigar in my mouth, my dick in one hand, and the remote to your shock collar in the other. Life doesn’t get any better. A little electricity should get that tongue going…. And it does! See how this goes now? I give you an order, and you fulfill it. It really is that easy.
"What do you say to me,… without pulling your face out of that urinal? You can drop the ‘Sir’ shit. Refer to me as ‘Boss’ as in ‘Yes Boss’ or ‘Right away Boss.’ While I am thinking of it, I do have a safe word, it’s ‘More, Boss.’ Whenever you feel that I am crossing that limit, say those words. Now hold still, I’m going to add some of my piss to that puddle. I’m also going to piss all over you, to mark my territory. Oh man that’s fucking hot. The sound of your sobs perfectly echoes out from the urinal. What you are doing now is what your role will be for a long time. Every night, I have a bonfire for my guests. This is the bathroom they will use. Your job is to keep it spit clean. Yes, you will clean out those three urinals and those two toilets with your mouth.
"The men coming in here will also use your holes if they want. Most of them use the fag slaves at the bonfire to drink their piss. The ones that come in here are probably here to shit. I am not into scat, so I will let you flush that down when the men are done with it. And I do that because I’m a nice guy. So don’t fucking piss me off. You will be their toilet paper though; I think that’s reasonable. That’s why we have a rim seat in here.
"Did I just hear you right? Did you just say ‘Yes Boss’? Fag you are learning! Now arch your back and show me your cunt. Keep cleaning though. Now that is one hell of a gape. That puts a wrench into things. You see, every new fag is broken in with a gang bang. All the guests and the men that work here will breed your cunt. Even the other slaves wearing strap-ons will get a piece. With a gape like that, you aren’t going to be suffering enough.
"I know, pull away from the urinal. Crawl over there and under the rimseat…. You get to eat my shithole while I play with your gaping cunt. While I am sitting, get your legs up in the air and show me that hole. That’s so fucking pretty. Get that tongue in me deep. Feel that on your cunt? That’s my cigar smoke being blown over your hole. You like that don’t you? That’s right. Wait, did you just call me ‘Cigar Boss’? I like that. A lot! I take it you like cigars. Figured.
"Damn fag, I’m beginning to really like you. The thing is that I don’t want to. You still need to be punished for running away from the trucker. Runaways are a big no-no. If you did that while you are here, the punishment is castration. No for you, I have something different. You know why I like cigars? That’s a rhetorical question, keep eating my shithole. I love the taste, but they serve a completely different purpose. See, I love to singe hair off of fags. Your trucker rightfully removed your hair. Cigars also are used to burn skin, and faggot I am going to brand you tonight. Right before the gang bang, it is tradition that all slaves get branded in the exact same spot, their piss slit. I want you to know who fucking owns you. Normally the slave is kept unaware, but faggot, you need to be punished good. That trucker wanted to be the first at you tonight, and I want you suffering. And you will be. See, I have a red hot cigar in my hand, and you have an exposed cunt that needs to be in pain only a few inches away. Better start screaming, because this is going to hurt.”
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mybunnyparadenme · 3 years ago
chaossanthebae replied to your post “Graphic design is NOT my passion and all I have is...”Listen to me listen to me, B1, we have some...
Sorry it took so long! OTZ I hope you like it, I made sure that Kenny’s 100% just a civilian here. Long live Chaos/Kenny supremacy :D
B1 - Professor Chaos/Kenny
Kenny's mind felt so hazy as he slowly made his way into consciousness.
He blinked, not recognizing his surroundings, and felt his eyebrows furrow together when he tried to move and found that his arms were bound behind his back. Seeing as he wasn't naked, he figured this wasn't the fun version of being all tied up, but he couldn't think of any other situation that would leave him in this position. The last thing he remembered was leaving the store after picking up a gallon of milk for breakfast the next morning. There had been... a loud noise, maybe an explosion? Then a flash of light, and then here he was in this high-tech room, feeling like he'd been hit by a bus. But he wasn't alone, he quickly realized as he noticed movement from the corner of his eye. A handsome guy in a ridiculous outfit was walking towards him, his blue eyes seeming to spark with electricity with every step he took.
"Ah, sleeping beauty's finally awake." He said, a grin slowly rising on his face as he crossed his arms over his chest. Damn, he had nice biceps. "I didn't zap you too hard, did I?"
"Who the fuck are you?" Kenny asked, feeling his lips twist into a scowl. "And what did you do to my milk?"
"Oh, I put it in the fridge to keep it from spoiling." The guy said, his expression turning sheepish for a moment before his smug mask fell back into place. "And as for who I am, well... you'll know soon enough." 
Kenny was ready to tell this guy off for being overly vague (and for abducting him of course), but before he could get the first word out, the large screen on the wall in front of them lit up. An overweight guy about their age took up most of the screen, the top half of his face hidden behind a black raccoon mask. 
Great, now he had to deal with furries on top of everything.
"Chaos!" Raccoon Boy bellowed, his voice so gravelly Kenny wondered if he had a cold. "Show yourself!"
"Right on time." Chaos took a few steps into view and grinned up at him. "Why if it isn't The Coon! So nice of you to join us, did you need Call Girl's help to hack into my frequency, or were you able to follow the breadcrumbs this time?"
"Cut the banter Chaos, what have you done to the hostage?"
"He's fine." Chaos said, gesturing to Kenny behind him. "Though for how long, I can't really say. It's amazing how high you can turn up the voltage before the human body starts to lose control."
"You've sunk to a new low, haven't you?" The Coon growled, his eyes darkening as he stared at Chaos. "Electrocuting civilians is barbaric!"
"Oh, like clawing up my minions is any better?" Blue electricity crackled in the air around Chaos, making the hair on Kenny's arms stand on end. "You think you're so heroic, but really you're hardly any better than I am!"
"I am better than you!"
Things were starting to click in Kenny's head, and he tuned out the arguing to really think things through. Electricity, minions, Chaos... oh he remembered now! The guy in front of him was Professor Chaos, the new villain in town who was quickly building an empire of crime in South Park. Kenny felt a bit comforted by this realization, strange as that might be. He could handle being used as a pawn in some superhero political bullshit, no problem. There were worse things to be kidnapped over, like being used for organ harvesting or being part of a serial killer's sick fantasy. This was nothing.
He watched the two of them argue for a minute, frowning when he saw that neither one of them was really getting anywhere with this... negotiation? That was probably what this was supposed to be, but it was looking more and more like a petty squabble between childhood frenemies. He leaned forward in his seat as far as he could and whispered, "Hey, Chaos?"
Chaos jumped, looking like he'd forgotten that Kenny had been in the room at all. "Y-Yes, what is it?" 
"If you really want to intimidate him, give him a deadline." Kenny said, nodding at The Coon, who seemed to be in the middle of a long monologue about the difference between good and evil. He also didn't look like he was paying any attention to him, the person he was supposed to be saving. God, the guy must really like the sound of his own voice. "Tell him he's got a day, that should shut him up for a bit."
Chaos gave him the most bewildered look, but composed himself enough to call out, "Coon, I'm tired of this! You have twenty-four hours to meet my demands or the hostage... the hostage dies, you hear?"
The look on The Coon's face was more than worth the indirect death threat. "What the fuck? You don't kill people, Chaos."
"Now end the call," Kenny whispered. "Make him sweat a little."
"Things have changed, hero." Chaos let out an evil laugh and gathered sparks in the palm of his hand. He sent the lightning straight into the screen, causing the whole thing to start short-circuiting. The Coon's angry face lingered for a moment, just long enough for Chaos to grin and give a snappy, "Time's tickin'!" before the screen finally died and went black. 
The room was silent for a long moment, save for the crackle of lingering electricity in the air, but it was quickly broken by the sound of Chaos groaning loudly into his hands, all of his bravado disappearing. "Oh god, why'd I have to go and do that for? That's gonna cost a fortune to replace!"
"On the bright side, you looked really cool doing it." Kenny said, grinning when Chaos lifted his head up to look at him. "What? I'm a guy who can appreciate good theatrics."
"Yeah, I guessed that when you didn't freak out after I threatened your life." Chaos said, tilting his head like he was trying to see him in a different light. "Don't you... want to live?"
"Well obviously." Kenny said, shrugging his shoulders. "But this is clearly your first time taking a hostage, so we might as well do it right."
"How do you know this is my first time?" Chaos asked, his cheeks huffing out indignantly. 
Kenny lifted a leg in the air, a loose piece of rope dangling from his shoe. "This right here. You secured my hands, but left my feet loose enough for me to wriggle them free. You didn't notice because you were too busy with Raccoon Boy."
Chaos flushed and crossed his arms defensively over his chest. "W-Well it's not like you would've gotten very far! My secret base is rigged with booby traps, you would've been a goner if you left this room."
"Is that right?"
"Of course!" He said, his cheeks turning pink as he puffed his chest out proudly. "I might've let you trick me into ruining my monitor--"
"Hey you did that all on your own!"
He pursed his lips but powered on. "--but that doesn't mean you have any power here. I'm a dangerous man, you know. You're stuck here until I say you can leave."
Kenny considered this, tapping his foot against the floor as he took in the villain in front of him. Chaos had some wickedly strong powers, and even with his legs free he really wouldn't be going anywhere without the use of his hands. The only real option  he had was waiting for that tool, The Coon, to come rescue him, and that didn't sound appealing at all. He leaned back in his chair and let out a deep sigh. "Well since I'm not going anywhere, I should probably introduce myself to my host. Hi, I'm Kenny."
"Nice to meet you, I'm Bu-- um, I mean, I'm Professor Chaos!" He said, his cheeks turning a deeper shade of pink at his almost slip-up. He cleared his throat and tried to look serious as he continued. "And wherever I go, destruction's sure to follow. So you'd be smart to get on my good side, Kenny." 
A shock went through his spine at the sound of his name, and Kenny was sure it had nothing to do with the villain's electrical powers. He bit the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling, but he could already feel his lips curving up in anticipation. He'd always been a sucker for trouble, and it looked like Chaos was just the right combination of danger and adorable awkwardness that would make all of this worth his while.
No matter how this went down, he had a feeling this was only the first of many encounters between him and Professor Chaos.
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thejadecount · 3 years ago
Fight! Wirt Headcanons
Y’all know from my reverse! Wirt Headcanons that I was gonna do one for Wirt in Fight! Falls
So here we go
He’s Wirt, but more emo and dark
His favorite poet/writer is Edgar Ellen Poe no doubt
His poems are constantly about death, nightmares, forests, ‘beasts’, and all that good stuff
Even Kill is kinda creeped out from them
He’s much more quiet and serious than regular and reverse Wirt
Like he barely talks
I’m talking a few yes’s and no’s and maybe a sentence or two each day like Ferb (Phineas & Ferb) shit
He wears much more darker colors and a lot more black
He has the classic e-boy aesthetic: dark t-shirts with a long sleeve under it, tight black ripped pants, occasionally dark camo pants instead, black plain turtleneck long sleeves, black long sleeves with a white collar
He has dark eyeliner and eyeshadow, a chain or two on his pants, maybe the occasional ring that has a skull or looks like a vine with leaves, a cross necklace or cross earrings, one bar earring on one ear.
He is a True Neutral. No one is more neutral than him. He cares about Kill, Tyrone, Gregory, Fight! Mabel and all of the rest too much. If you hurt them, he kills you. But otherwise you’re okay. He’s not going to get in a fight they’re (Kill, Gregory, Tyrone etc.) in unless they’re seriously injured.
He’s the peacemaker of the group and prevents them from all getting killed/caught by the police from their crazy schemes.
But not like peacemaker and prevents them from getting killed in a motherly, ‘don’t do that again way’
But more like *loads gun* “God damnit you little shits you know, I was having a good day why do I keep saving you little fuckers”….
A few hours later, currently shoveling dirt over the body: Seriously I should just let the cops get you by now, I was having a real good fucking day until you bitches had the audacity to ask me to help you AGAIN especially after since you still own me a favor after I saved your asses from the FBI last time….”
But everyone knows including him that he would kill himself before giving up them.
He regularly has a weapon on him. Some kind of weapon. A small gun, pocketknife, taser. And no, not several weapons and it’s that meme where it takes him forever to unload said weapons from his body (that’s Fight! Mabel and Tyrone, definitely) but the meme where he’ll a pull a weapon from somewhere that’s physically impossible to have one.
He regularly has to knock one of the twins (or both of them, in some cases) out to prevent them from following Kill into some crazy-ass suicidal plan.
If you need a body hidden or someone poisoned, he’s your guy. No one knows how Wirt knows so many poisons and ways to hide a body.
He’s very sarcastic and officially Tired With Everybody’s Shit™️
He has the miraculous ability to pass out on command, watch *his head proceeds to slam down on a table as he goes unconscious*
He needs approximately a gallon of coffee each morning to stay awake (no one knows how he’s still alive)
When was the last time he’s ate or drank water? No one also knows! (Seriously Fucking Kill is considering bringing this man to the doctor)
He’s a Fucking Cryptid™️
Does he sleep? No one knows!
This man needs help.
In a situation where him and the Gang is in prison or a dungeon or something he’ll suddenly pull a knife out of no where and he’s like, “Well no time like the present for a suicide pact, am I right guys?”
He isn’t suicidal. He would be, but 1) he doesn’t want everyone on Earth to suffer with Kill and the twins unleashing their chaos with no restraint such as him and 2) his family really didn’t like him that much and kinda thought he was gonna end himself so now he has to live just to spite them.
And he has to take care of Gregory of course.
And he likes Tyrone and Kill, so there’s that too.
But seriously how is this man still alive?!?!!!?????
Also in addition: He’s the dom of whatever relationship: pinescone, cipherpinescone, ciphercone
And I know that seems unrealistic because Kill is the most violent and aggressive of the three Ciphers but also: he’s a sadomasochist, and Wirt is constantly tired of his shit.
He’s always wearing steel-toe boots, high tops or doc martens.
Anyways, like the last one, reblog/reply with any headcanons of your own!
And if y’all see any of these as different or wrong I really want to know why because I like knowing people’s headcanons and the reasons why they do/don’t agree with others.
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sourwormsaresour · 4 years ago
Headcanons on the type of pets La Squadra would own?
Holy shit this was too fun to make, especially with giving the pets names.
Sorbet and Gelato have their own Crusty-White-Dog™ that's a Maltese Terrier named Armani. The dog hates and barks nonstop at everything deemed threatening (aka, everyone and particularly the rest of La Squadra) and yet those two will claim she's the sweetest thing in the world. True to her name, they deck her with Armani branded clothes, either specially made dog fashion or they had a DIY done to make it look like an Armani outfit- down to the bright pink leash she wears dripping in the Armani logo. She eats the finest dry kibble and only drinks Ferrarelle Sparkling water; she will know the difference if you switch it up. She's the epitome of "I demand pets but only do so with your eyes" to everyone. Despite loving Sorbet and Gelato the most, she demands all their attention on her and she will cockblock those two if she catches them being affectionate to each other instead. Despite having a nice bed, she always sleeps between the two of them and will whimper if they kick her out of the bedroom so they can get intimate. Those tear-stained eyes always look like they've seen everything, despite being constantly babied by her owners. If Armani could, she would kill everyone.
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Risotto, the biggest man in Vento Aureo, has a little Syrian hamster he called Ace. He thought that a pet with a shorter lifespan would allow him the perfect balance of having a pet but not being very attached to it compared to pets that live longer- he was wrong. If you ever come into Risotto's office as he worked, either you are greeted with Ace running around in his green hamster ball, walking around Risotto's desk as he worked, or running in the hamster wheel behind the desk. Ace's tank is an old Aquarium tank Pesci gave to Risotto that is now full of soft bedding, toys, and Risotto frequently cleans it. There are days where Risotto just spends hours watching his hamster walk around the room, eating little treats, and staring at Risotto with its beady eyes. It's gotten to the point where you can't walk into Risotto's office without noticing a lone sunflower seed or piece of bedding on the ground that Risotto didn't notice until you pointed it out. Every time Ace passes from old age, Risotto buys a new Syrian hamster and calls that one Ace. He hasn't kept track of how many hamsters that came and went so far, but treated every one of them as if they were the first Ace. He takes pictures of Ace doing the most relatively boring things and will share them with his members.
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Illuso got a Sulphur-crested cockatoo named Scapino as a joke. He thought they didn’t require much attention but later felt bad when he found out that they need specific proper care. He proceeds to care for it as if it was his child. Illuso taught his bird how to speak and swear at people, specifically swearing at Formaggio and occasionally at Ghiaccio. This man will shower his bird with the best treats (expensive nuts, dried fruit, chicken bones) and has a special bar for it to perch on when they're in the shower together. This bird has free reign all over Illuso's place and wears a little anklet thing to verify that it has an owner should it escape. The two of them have spa days together and it’s one of the most wholesome things in the world to witness. Scapino will actually join Illuso on missions too, staying in the mirror world the whole time, and it provides him some comfort from his social anxiety. Sometimes Scapino sits on his shoulder as he walks. Illuso trained it to stay and hide in the mirror world so that it wouldn’t fly away or blow his cover when he’s working. But the bird will fly around in there and will watch anyone that’s getting murked in front of him with no remorse and commenting on it too. Imagine you’re dying in the mirror world and your last moment is this fucking bird looming over you going “night night, motherfucker”. JESUS CHRIST. 
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Prosciutto used to be on the whole “pets are unnecessary” train but he had considered looking at breeders for the best quality dog. And then one rainy day he found an abandoned Portuguese Water Dog puppy in an alleyway and at Pesci’s insistence took it in. Turns out the puppy was bought by a rich family for their kid but then abandoned when the kid wasn't interested in it anymore. Prosciutto insisted that the dog was going to stay for one night and then sent to the pound first thing in the morning. It's been years now and the little dog is now a big fluffy good boy named Pon Pon. The second biggest chunk of Prosciutto's paycheck is for this dog; I'm talking grooming services with paw-ticures, an all-organic raw diet, the nicest beds that even a human would wish they can sleep on. Pon Pon is properly trained with all the basics and tricks, because Prosciutto doesn't want to deal with a misbehaving dog, but it will use puppy eyes against the old man now and then. He give you the best smiles if you call him a good boy and if you glance at the right time you can see Prosciutto smile for a brief moment. Had he lived longer, he would have made Pon Pon famous on Facebook like Boo the Dog. Prosciutto will also not admit that this dog has helped him get laid a few times, because every person he did bring home always got a kick out of Pon Pon.
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Ghiaccio has a pet snake- an albino ball python named Bianco. Ghiaccio was also on the “pets are unnecessary” train too but mainly because he can't stand loud pets (i.e. Illuso and Sorbet and Gelato’s pets). When Risotto suggested he get a snake, Ghiaccio looked into it, researching and meticulously setting up the proper enclosure  and found himself going to a local reptile expo to find Bianco for sale. He’s fascinated by his snake to say the least, and would use leftover containers or Tupperware for Bianco to spend more money on proper equipment or food. Ghiaccio is really involved in online reptile forums and frequently debates with people on topics such as the best substrates to use, whether live rodents are better than frozen, ethics of breeding certain species, etc. He often gets worried when Bianco becomes picky and Ghiaccio would spend sleepless nights trying to get his baby to eat. Ghiaccio would walk around with his ball python wrapped around his neck or lets him slither around in his room under supervision but he mostly leaves him alone in the enclosure. There are times where he would claim he has the best, smartest pet and everyone just rolls their eyes like “yes the white fettuccine that got stuck in a toilet paper roll an hour ago is so smart”. But they let him rant about it. It’s kind of cute to say the least.
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Pesci is the definition of people whose entire LIVELIHOOD is making his room into an aquarium. His room is full of strictly maintained, cleaned, and decorated tanks full of various types of aquatic animals. I’m talking Dwarf Puffers (Antonio, Portia, Jessica, Bassiano, and Solanio), Albino Gold Axolotls (Moe, Larry, and Curly), Red Ear Sliders (Franco and Ciccio), Clown Fishes (Browser, Mario, Toadstool, and Koopa), Brazilian Sea Horses (Tom and Jerry), a Blue Betta Fish named Valentina in a 30+ gallon aquaponics tank that grows a variety of plants each season- to name a few. He rebuilt his entire room to keep everything running and even had Melone help him set up timers for lighting and temperature control. Pesci will cry if you somehow made the pH level off by 1 or did not care for his animals properly when he’s away. He’ll even lecture you about bad tank setup. He's a prominent member of the aquarium  community in Italy and will regularly redecorate each tank to suit the year and mood. This is where he’s spending his cut on the 20 million lira job: caring for his mini aquarium room. He occasionally gives away his pets’ offsprings for extra money (he doesn’t breed but sometimes he ends up having a ton of baby animals he can’t take care of) and would have been a YouTuber for his fish content. Now that I think about it, Pesci reminds me of my mutual @nexter2nd. Please go follow them.
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Melone has a Holland Lop bunny and you cannot change my mind. He actually had a pet bunny growing up, another Holland Lop named Echo and Grep, and his current one is named Sudo; all three are named after UNIX commands. He has a large dog crate he diy-ed to be a roomy enclosure in his room for her that he cleans frequently but also allows Sudo free reign of the room when she wants to go out. Because of his job, he makes sure all his wires are covered so his bunny isn't tempted to chew them and watches his bunny diligently whenever she roams around. Easter time is when the denim jacket, pastel bows, and flower crowns come out and Melone makes sure to take a lot of photos. He also housetrained his bunny and taught her a few tricks, similar to how he trained Echo and Grep years ago. Sudo is spoiled in terms of getting a lot of pets, new toys, and feasts on the finest veggies and delicious hay. Melone also makes sure the first thing he teaches his Juniors is to not harm the bunny. Surprisingly, he's against breeding Sudo and has her neutered. This is mainly because he doesn't have the time to breed and raise more bunnies but also he hates the idea of selling the grown bunnies off afterward. 
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You know that Formaggio has a cat: the little Russian Blue cat named Sweetie Baby. Sweetie Baby was a kitten that he found outside his home. The little thing was the sole survivor of its litter and nearly starving to death, so he took her in thinking he will bring her to the shelter when she recovers; that cat now lets him live in HER apartment rent-free. Despite feeding her cheap dry food and constantly shoving her into bottles, he treats her like a queen otherwise. He will dress her up in little outfits (much to her annoyance) and often would be too aggressively affectionate towards her. Still, there are moments where she would cuddle with him during the later nights and allow him to put on one iced-out bow he just spent a quarter of his paycheck on. Walking to his apartment and even the backdoor of La Squadra’s HQ means carefully walking through the stray cats mewling at your feet, because Formaggio will feed any cat he sees. Initially, Risotto wanted the cats gone, but then he finds out the cats doubled as security when he watched some robber attempting to break in but getting their eyes scratched off instead.
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feminaexlux · 4 years ago
Silence is Golden, Duct Tape is Silver
Re: title -- there's no bondage or being duct taped anywhere I just can't get the title out of my head 😂
For @verfound, happy birthday!!! This is based off of a MegaMind AU some of us at LBSC were shooting around for a long while. I decided to make some of it a reality, and of course I also decided it would be moderately fun to do it as smut.
Rated E, for reasons above lol
Find on AO3 here :)
(Okay so it's a day late)
Adrien Agreste is Chat Blanc, hero of Paris (Metroman), sir not actually appearing in this fic
Luka Couffaine is Silencer, villain of Paris (MegaMind), working together with Sass (Minion). Sass is also not appearing in this fic but I thought I'd give it a mention
Marinette Dupain-Cheng is the intrepid special-news reporter (Roxanne)
Felix Graham de Vanily is the museum curator (Bernard)
Theo is (now) Chat Noir, new hero of Paris, formerly creepy cameraman (Hal/Titan), now creepy superhero stalker mentioned here and there
Also for all of you out there thorsty for Felinette I apologize 'cuz I will be serving up a gallon of POISON BREW, aka this was always Lukanette. Altho I appreciate your visit! This is an official apology for the bait and switch.
Felix looked nervously around the restaurant, taking in the families and other couples dining quietly at the fancy-ass place he reserved for his dinner date with Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She was running late… which wasn't hugely out of the ordinary for her, but still… this seemed later than usual? He adjusted his bracelet, re-checked that the flutes of champagne were perfectly topped off, centered the now burnt-out candle on the table. Taking a quick peek around and making sure no one noticed, he pulled out his raygun and fired it into the candle, re-lighting it. He tucked away the gun as fast as he could.
"Marinette," Felix sighed in relief.
"Sorry I'm late," she breathed out a sigh, dropping down into her chair.
"Wow, your hair…" She didn't have it up in pigtails! It was flowing loose and was wind-swept. So wind-swept that her bangs were sticking straight up. She'd always been gorgeous but this took it up to another level, geez. "Looks... exciting?"
"Hmm, not the only exciting development of the night," she said, leaning in closer. "Silencer's created a new hero, and I know why!" There was a pop as another bottle of champagne was opened nearby and Felix jumped a little. "It all makes sense now!"
Felix choked. "Uh huh, yeah?" He shakily drew up his water glass to take a sip.
"He missed getting his ass kicked so he created a new hero to kick it for him," Marinette explained. Felix nearly spat out the water but luckily the glass was still in front of him so it sprayed back into it. "But why pick Theo? Theo is the worst possible person you could pick!"
"Wow," Felix said nervously. "That's a lot to take in."
"It boggles my mind," Marinette huffed, leaning back into her chair.
"I am extremely boggled. You know, I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of who's kicking whose ass, but in the meantime," Felix held up his champagne. "Let's enjoy each other's company."
"Ah, I'm sorry Felix, of course you're right," Marinette smiled. "You know I could use a breather," she sighed again, but raised her glass of champagne to toast. "To Felix, for being the only normal thing in my crazy, upside-down world."
Felix felt a pang of guilt but tried not to let it show on his face. "To… being normal," Felix said, clinking his glass with hers. "Marinette?"
"Yes, Felix?"
"Say I wasn't so normal… Let's say I had the complexion of a popular primary color, as a random, non specific example. Would you still enjoy my company?"
"Of course," she said easily. "You don't judge a book by its cover or a person from the outside--"
"Oh, that's a relief to hear," Felix chuckled, leaning in closer.
"You judge them based on their actions!" Marinette finished.
Felix blinked, sitting up straighter. "Well that seems kind of petty, don't you think?"
Marinette smiled pleasantly, but he could tell there was something she wasn't saying. "I am starving," she said, changing the subject. "But I see this is such a cute restaurant, I love the décor!"
"Oh yeah, I'd recommend their special entrée for tonight, it sounds delectable."
The dinner was actually very good and they enjoyed chatting about various subjects. They had just finished up dessert when Marinette sighed again, looking a little… spooked, maybe? Nervous? "Hey Felix?"
"I… I'm not sure I want to go home alone… Do you think it'd be okay if I… stayed with you tonight?" She looked up imploringly at Felix.
God her big blue eyes were so beautiful… wait, what did she just ask? Oh shit, Felix thought. He choked, coughing. "Uh w-wow, I…" Felix put a hand to his collar and loosened it a bit. "Th-that's uh… S-sure. I'll be… I'll be right back," he said awkwardly. "Promise I'll be back," he said belatedly when Marinette raised an eyebrow at him. "Just need to… take care of something," he kept talking. Just GO, dumbass, Felix thought at himself.
He practically ran to the bathroom. Oh fuck he had no idea where Felix actually lived. He pulled out a dehydrated cube from his jacket pocket, running the sink tap. He threw the cube into the sink and the real Felix popped back into being. "What the hell--" the real Felix started.
Silencer pulled back the serpent's head on his bracelet and detransformed. "Where do you live?" he asked Felix, pointing his raygun at the startled man in the sink. "Give me your keys."
"Wh-what?! OKAY, okay, okay I'm at--" Felix blabbed, panicking when Silencer shoved the raygun under his chin. Felix took out his apartment keys and handed it to Silencer.
"Cool, thanks," Silencer mumbled, firing the raygun and re-dehydrating Felix back into a cube. "Alright, Silencer, she just asked to spend the night with you," Silencer talked at himself in the mirror. His face was kept neutral but inside there were Code Red alarm klaxons ringing through his entire body and he was fucking ecstatic and goddamn petrified at the same time. "And you said yes. She's… spending the night. With you, you lucky asshole," Silencer chuckled a little disbelievingly.
Well, okay, she was spending the night with Felix, but… it was really him anyway? Silencer felt an even bigger pang of guilt run through his system after thinking that, but… he'd been so in love with her and she'd never give him a chance as the real him. He thumped his head into the mirror and sighed. "I should tell her," he thought despondently.
Maybe? She'd probably throw water at his face and walk out on him if he did admit he wasn't who she thought he was. And… and why did he care? He was Paris' Big Bad. He was bad to the bone. So what if he was lying to his most favorite person in the entire world (outside of Sass)? She was… she was just Marinette Dupain-Cheng, reporter for TVi, and he was a Supervillain.
Supervillains never got the girl. This was his only shot.
And he'd take it.
He fiddled with his bracelet again, re-disguising himself as Felix. He straightened his collar, necktie, and vest, combing back his hair with his fingers. He smiled back up at the mirror. "Let's do this," he said to no one in particular.
He went back to their table, feeling much less nervous about things. "Sorry about that," he chuckled. They went ahead and took care of the check and they walked out to his car. He'd been able to hold her waist while she leaned against his arm. His heart still thumped double time whenever she touched him and he was able to touch her. They'd been comfortable holding hands for a while, but this was all pretty new since it was basically the first time Silencer had ever been able to get that close with anyone.
"Wow," she giggled. "This is pretty… rockin'," she commented wryly. The normally-invisible-but-currently-visible car was black but still stood out against the rest because of its many spike ornamentations.
"Oh, uh, yeah, it's a classic," he laughed nervously. "Didn't want to change too much from the way I… I found it, you know?" He helped her into the passenger seat and got in the driver side. "Don't touch anything, by the way. The buttons are… just for show but they're very delicate."
"So strange," Marinette smiled as she looked at the console. "What is this, a jellyfish launcher?" She'd pointed at one of the buttons. "Is that a shark with a laser attachment?!" she yelled excitedly, looking at another button.
"Th-those darn people from the ol' days. They were… eccentric," Felix chuckled, shrugging. He started the engine and the car blasted Jagged Stone at them. "Oh shit, I'm sorry," he said, panicking as he turned down the volume.
Marinette laughed and it was beautiful to his ears. "I don't mind actually, I kinda love this music."
"Huh, really? Cool," he said, internally screaming a YESSSS SHE LIKES THE SAME MUSIC I DO. "He's my favorite musician."
"Mine too!" Marinette started singing along to the tune and Felix turned the volume back up to a comfortable level. "Oh, you know I actually designed one of his covers when I was still in Collège, the one for Rock Giant."
"No way," Felix gasped, driving out into the Parisian streets. Oddly enough Felix lived in the same direction his lair was in, which sort of stressed him out a little. "That's my favorite album. Very nice work on the cover," he said, distracting himself. They continued talking about Jagged Stone on the ride until they ended up in front of Felix's apartment and he parked, shutting off the engine. "Uh, we're… we're here." He felt a little on-edge now that they arrived.
"Huh, I thought it'd be more…" Marinette trailed off. "Lair-like."
His brain ground to a halt. "Excuse me?" Felix asked blankly.
"Ha, right. So here's the thing," Marinette started, turning to face Felix. "I was late tonight because, guess what? I got a visit from Chat Noir! He flew me off around the city and decided I needed to be rescued, so he dropped me from 1000 meters in the air into traffic and 'rescued' me! I nearly died about 3 times." Marinette grabbed Felix's lapels angrily and pulled him in. "I was trying to tell him that Silencer was planning something with the new hero, but Chat Noir got angry and he left me nearly stranded at the top of the Eiffel! And now I think Chat Noir has a vendetta against me and I'm scared as fuck and you need to help out and keep me safe because you created this mess, Silencer!"
Felix blanched, his mouth gaping wide open in horror as he searched for words. "I… I'm so sorry you had to go through all that b-but I don't know what you're talking about," he tried to laugh. "That sounds terrifying, though! I-I'm not--" Marinette heaved a sigh, rolling her eyes. She grabbed the bracelet on his left arm and moved the serpent-head, going through a series of disguises before it finally detransformed him entirely. "Okay, you got me," Silencer smiled nervously. "Su-surprise?" She didn't respond except to take her hands off him and glare. He lowered his head and thumped it against his steering wheel. "How'd you find out?"
Marinette folded her arms. "Remember when I broke my sunglasses?"
"Well, turns out when you change the angle of the polarized lens filter you get to see things from a brand new perspective. Your disguise thing didn't work when I saw you through the lens at a different angle."
Silencer tilted his head toward her and frowned. "That… was a month ago."
"Aaand you kept dating me even though you knew?" He tried to keep the hope out of his voice but he wasn't sure he was successful.
Marinette rolled her eyes again. "It's called putting up a front, Silencer. I needed to keep tabs on you." She stared forward, looking pretty angry.
Shit. Ouch. He'd been bruised and battered and broken being beaten up by Chat Blanc countless times, but for some reason this hurt more than anything. "Sorry," he breathed out, straightening himself back up into his seat. "Okay." He turned the engine on again, the music continuing to play a mix of Jagged Stone albums, but the two car occupants sat in silence on their way to his lair.
He drove toward the sewers, going through a secret entrance down a level into the garage of his lair. The huge, heavy metal doors shut close behind them in a booming metallic thud. He parked, turned off the engine, and got out first to open Marinette's door for her. She got out and folded her arms again, looking tired and sad but unafraid.
"My room's over there," Silencer pointed at a door heavily decorated with gothic elements. "You can have it, feel free to use whatever inside. Let me know if you need anything, I'll… be at my desk." The little brainbots hovered nearby, beeping and whirring anxiously. They somehow knew not to attack Marinette.
"Thank you," Marinette said softly, heading toward his room.
"You've got a surprising amount of trust in me," Silencer said offhandedly after she'd taken a few steps. "I could have -- might have just kidnapped you for nefarious reasons."
Marinette stopped but didn't turn around to face him. "No, you haven't. I made you come here. And besides," she glanced over her shoulder. "Between you and Chat Noir, at least you haven't ever hurt me." She had a sad smile on her face. "So, yes, I do trust you."
"I would never hurt you, Marinette," Silencer whispered to himself after she went into his room and closed the door.
Okay, Marinette, she thought at herself. You just willingly allowed a Supervillain to take you back to his lair and now you're in his room because you were being stalked by a brand new superhero creep calling himself Chat Noir and this was literally the safest place you could be. She took a look around his room and while it was all painted black or blue with lightning bolts everywhere, she saw a bunch of music posters and guitars hung up on the walls.
She smiled, remembering that Felix -- no, scratch that, Silencer -- had always been kind of a music nerd. She walked forward and flopped onto the bed in unexpected exhaustion, but God, she needed a shower. After that horrifying experience with Chat Noir and the… weird sense of guilt she felt for pushing Silencer to do this for her, she just wanted to wash herself of the grime and sleep it off. It was largely Silencer's fault anyway, even if he did look completely surprised and shocked when she said Chat Noir had paid her a nasty visit.
She went into the bathroom and turned on the lights. She opened the shower door and turned the faucet to hot, testing the water after a bit to make sure it was the right temperature. She stepped in after taking off her clothes and shoes, sighing in contentment as the hot water hit her skin.
But she wasn't relaxing as much as she hoped she would.
She couldn't forget the heartbroken expression on Silencer when she told him she'd been dating him as a front. Well, he had to be a Supervillain (even if he never actually did intentionally hurt anyone), if he'd just been a Hero instead she probably would have loved to -- Wow, fuck, where did that thought come from? Ugh.
So what if he was actually kind of cute, blue skin and all? And so what if, when he wasn't terrorizing the city and causing massive property damage, he'd been sweet and kind and thoughtful and she felt the happiest and safest she'd been in a long time when she spent time with him? "Ugh, stop it, Marinette," she groaned, slapping her palms against her face. "You're being stupid." So stupid it sounded like she was in love with a Supervillain. Yeah right, as if…
Fuck, she was.
She turned off the faucet and angrily stepped out, drying herself off. It hadn't ever been about superpowers. If she'd been interested in heroes she would have probably propositioned Chat Blanc, but she hadn't. Chat Noir was a definite no-go. Instead she'd flirted with Silencer and was now in his Lair, because she had trusted him.
She stepped out of the bathroom and rifled through his closet to find and put on a robe. It'd been embroidered with "The King" across the back and it made her laugh. King of what? Evil? Silencer was bad but he didn't have an evil bone in his body. Which was kinda weird to think about so she stopped thinking about it.
She crawled into bed. 30 minutes to an hour later she found that she couldn't sleep after tossing and turning. She sighed, sitting up and getting out from under the covers. She slipped on her flats and walked out of the room, finding Silencer looking through the exterior surveillance cameras in his chair, but he was facing away. She pushed on his chair and turned it around to face her. "So what did you--"
"Aah!" He nearly jumped straight out of the chair. "Ma-ma-ma-Marinette?!" He flushed, the tips of his ears were pinker and there'd been a red tinge to his cheeks.
She giggled. "Are you alright?" She left her arm on his chair, noticing that she was leaning over him a little bit, maaaybe showing a bit more skin than usual as the robe had separated slightly. He definitely noticed that too and was desperately looking away.
"Fine, fine. Why do you ask?" He was playing it cool but it was obvious he was trying his hardest to not look at her. "Did you need anything?"
Oh now this was precious. "Why, Silencer, are you scared of me?" she teased.
He started sputtering, finally looking back up at her. "Wh-what? Pfft no, nooo. S-scared? Of you? Nope. So what if you're unbelievably brave and amazingly intelligent and manage to outsmart even me sometimes? A-and so what if you're really, really ridiculously good looking?"
She smirked. "Are you trying to charm me, Silencer?"
"H-hey, you're the one trying to seduce me, you-you temptress," Silencer continued to stammer, his blush getting worse as she sat down across his lap and leaned against him.
"You know, Silencer, it's strange. For all the times you've kidnapped me, you've never treated me badly and you'd only kept me until Chat Blanc came to fight you. When we were dating and I found out that you were impersonating Felix, I thought you were trying to use me or control me or brainwash me, but you haven't. There were so many times, like now, where I'm clearly unarmed and helpless, and yet you've never done anything to make me think I need to be afraid of you. So what's the deal here? What do you want with me?"
He looked elsewhere (anywhere but at her) and she could see a slight grimace forming as he ran through his options. "Can't I just like spending time with you?"
"So you've been lying to me, pretending to be Felix, to spend time with me?"
He laughed a little despairingly. "That's the only thing I've lied about. Everything else I've told you was the truth. But you like me as Felix. You don't like me as Silencer. So yeah."
"Would you have slept with me still pretending to be Felix?" Marinette asked the question that had been plaguing her, preventing her from being able to sleep.
He looked ashamed. "Honestly?" he sighed. "No. I would have bailed."
She raised an eyebrow. "Really?"
"I want you to be with me," he said quietly. They both went quiet, and outside of the occasional beeping of the brainbots hovering nearby the room was nearly silent.
"It's funny," Marinette said after a few moments, placing her hand along his cheek and guiding his gaze back down to her. "I've gotten to know you when you're not blowing up half the city, and you're pretty fun to be with. So maybe I do want to be with you. As you are, right here, right now."
"I-I thought you said you were just 'putting up a front,'" he said, sounding confused.
"Doesn't stop me from wanting to kiss you," she said. "And more, if you want that."
He choked. "M-more?"
"Even if your spandex suit doesn't leave much to the imagination," Marinette said, her voice sultry and low. She traced a finger from the tip of his jaw down his chest. "I'm still... curious about what you have underneath it." His gulp was audible. It was simply so fascinating to see his reactions and it made Marinette want to keep teasing him.
For a long moment he looked like the physical equivalent of a spinning loader icon. "Wait, you're not making fun of me, are you?" She pulled his face toward hers, pressing her lips against his. She kissed him again, harder the second time after he looked so deliciously surprised. She got back onto her feet standing up from his lap and he numbly followed his gaze after her, forgetting that he had the rest of his body in his chair. "Wh-what--"
She smiled and partially bit her bottom lip. "So, still think I'm joking?" She spun one end of the robe's tie as a little show of impatience. "Like I said, there's more if you want it."
"Uh, I..." he trailed off, the fingers of his hand touching his lips where hers had been just a few seconds ago. "Is this real?" he asked, still apparently dazed. She sighed but kept a smile, placing her hands on her hips, which had apparently been enough to bring him back to the present. He braced his weight on the armrests and got halfway up. "Hell yeah, I want--"
"Sit down," she commanded. He dropped back into his chair, surprised. She unfastened the robe and let it slip off and fall into a pool of fabric at her heels. She hadn't had anything on underneath. She sat back in his lap, straddling him, watching his expression grow ever more wide-eyed and mesmerized. There was a little whine that escaped him as she leaned his head back, running her fingers through his hair and kissing him again. She pulled back, raising his chin further to find the zipper at his neck, and pulled the tab down. There were some intriguing shimmery purple striations across his chest that seemed to define the valleys of his muscles...
"Oh shit," he murmured. She giggled and bit at her bottom lip, then thought of a better place to set her teeth, nipping lightly at his neck while she unzipped the shirt or whatever it was all the way and pulled it off. Soon after he wrapped her in his arms, pulling her in a tight hug while he let out a shuddering sigh as she was pressed up against his bare chest.
She froze in place. "… Do you want me to stop?"
"No! No. Just need…" he groaned a little. The brainbots hovering nearby chirped quizzically. "Privacy." Whoops. She forgot they had cameras.
"You're not recording this, are you?"
He cleared his throat nervously. "Not... intentionally." Shit. At least he was honest. Oh well.
She leaned in to nibble at his ear and tugged at the earring stud. "Then take me to bed," Marinette growled. She had felt a burgeoning warmth press up against her inner thigh before, but she felt it -- him -- flare a little more when she growled. He liked that, then? Oh god, he whimpered when she pressed herself into that warmth. She was going have so much fun torturing him and she'd just barely begun. She was already reveling in the way he was responding to everything...
Apparently he felt a little in over his head. "A-are you sure?" he asked, a little breathless, his voice strained. She saw him swallow again. "It's... it's me," he continued, as if she hadn't been well aware of that and was mostly naked on top of him anyway. "You know, the villain?"
It was equal parts endearing and frustrating that he wanted to check like that. "Yes, I know. Now do you want me to fuck your brains out or not, Silencer?"
Whatever he'd been worried about halted abruptly. He nodded emphatically and mouthed a yes even though no sound came out. He stood up from the chair, supporting her weight by gripping onto her ass, and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Yep, she could definitely feel the bulge in his pants. He groaned and shifted her so he could carry her in his arms bridal-style when she brushed up against it -- she was probably teasing him a little much. Thankfully it wasn't too long before they got to his room and he kicked the door closed behind him.
He didn't get a chance to go much further after that. Marinette pushed off from him and got back onto her feet, then pressed him up against the closed door. She brought him in for another kiss, one hand working its fingers through his hair and down his neck, the other hand causing him to jump a little when she cupped and squeezed his erection. "Mmm, too much?" she asked.
"N-no," he shook his head, half a shy smile on his face.
"Good." She pulled down both his pants and boxer briefs to mid thigh and got on her knees. He yelped in surprise but other than shivering he didn't move. He made little gasps as she kissed his inner thighs, then the delicate skin bridging his legs to his groin, deliberately putting her mouth anywhere but his penis, hearing him whine at the lack of attention to his most sensitive part.
Then she wrapped her fingers around the tip, running her tongue along the underside of his cock, marveling at the way it was so (thankfully) familiar but still uniquely his. His cock was oddly beautiful. There were... shimmering purple ridges and thick veins running across the length of his skin, accenting the normal coloring of blue at the base shifting to a lovely pink at the tip. She uncovered the head of his penis with her tongue, pushing his foreskin back gently, and then took him as far as she could into her mouth and squeezing the rest with a firm grip.
He groaned loudly at that, his hands reaching for anything to hold onto and ended up just bracing himself against the door as his entire body shook. It made her giddy that she was having this effect on him and she giggled with him still so full in her mouth. While he was already plenty hard and thick she felt him surge, making it harder to breathe, but all she was thinking about was how good it would feel when she would finally ride him.
She pulled her head back to take a breath, then ran her tongue across the flared ridge of his head, licking up the sticky fluid dripping from the very tip. She went down on him again, squeezing tighter with her hand gripped around the base. His moans were getting more strained, getting louder every time she took him in as deep as she could and pulled away, all up until he slammed a fist against the door and exploded in her mouth with a stifled yell.
He put a hand on her shoulder and pulled away from her when she swallowed and kept on going. "S-sorry," he breathed out, sliding down against the door until he landed on his ass. "That was... too good..." He was sweaty and breathing hard. She just smirked, satisfied with herself, pulling off his boots and finally taking off all of his clothing with no resistance on his part. Then she wordlessly lead him back to bed.
He turned her around and kissed her, pressing his tongue up against hers, and kept kissing her as he laid her down on her back across the bed, just at the edge of the mattress. He was already hard again, now that was fun, and she reached out and stroked him but he jerked back slightly. "Not yet," he laughed softly, placing her hand back on the bed. He kissed down her neck, seemingly encouraged by the soft little gasps she made. He moved further down, hesitantly resting his fingers around her breast, then squeezed, flicking a tongue across her hardened nipple.
"Mmm, yesss," she moaned, weaving her fingers through his hair, scoring lightly down his scalp and neck with her nails, causing him to shiver. He kissed down her stomach, and went further down still until he was on his knees between her legs, which Marinette was only happy to encourage. He lifted her hips a little, bringing her thighs over his shoulders and decided to pay her back for teasing him in kind, his mouth pressed against her inner thigh and ghosting his lips across everything but her pussy. She laughed.
He stuck his tongue deep in her.
"Ah!" She raised herself up further to get his tongue in even deeper. "God, yes, Silen--" He pulled away after lapping her up. She... didn't actually realize how wet she was until she felt his breath against her. It was both hot and cold at the same time. "Silencer?"
"Luka," he said quietly, but she heard him clearly enough.
"H-huh?" she asked, a little dazed. He sucked on the sensitive little nub, flicking his tongue across it, and she cried out an "Oh god, yes, there!" He pulled away again, a little further this time.
"I want you screaming out my real name," he said, voice dangerously low.
"Luka?" Marinette repeated. She saw his eyes darken at the mention and he dove his tongue back into her, tasted more of her juices, drank in more of her until she was dizzy. "Luk-aah!"
"Just like that," he sighed. He went back to devouring her, switching to lavishing her clit with attention, drawing circles with his tongue around her most sensitive part, then back to going as deep as he could with his tongue until she felt her blood rush to her core and she was screaming.
"God yes, yes, aaah!" Her back arched and everything in her body was taut, her mind's focus on the heat and the slick and her nerves lighting up bright as she came. She felt him holding her down as her body nearly writhed in the ecstasy, and he continued, her muscles tense and vibrating, aching now for something more... "Luka, I need you," she moaned, heady and nearly delirious.
He groaned and pulled his head back again, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He buried his face in her thigh, nipping and sucking at the delicate skin until it left a mark. Marinette was still breathing a little ragged but the sounds escaping her mouth set him to get off his knees and do it again on her stomach and breasts. He stopped there and Marinette felt him shudder, his eyebrows furrowed in a wince. "I am so hard it hurts," he breathed out in a soft chuckle. Her toes curled as she imagined feeling his length sliding in her, hard and hot and spreading her wide.
Why the hell was she waiting? She wrapped her arms around his torso, pulling him in and rolling them over so she was on her knees straddling him again. "I want you to watch me fuck you, Luka." She sat up on his thighs, gripping him upright and sliding along his underside until she reached the tip and sank down slowly on him, making sure his eyes were on her. He was most definitely watching and she saw the furrows in his eyebrows deepen as she sheathed him, fully seated. "Did you like that?" She felt him tense beneath her.
"I--" she wasn't sure how his voice could break in the middle of a single syllable but that happened. He cleared his throat. "I did, yeah." She couldn't keep it serious and started laughing, especially since he was trying so hard to sound smooth. She bit her lip when she couldn't keep the grin off her face. She leaned back, getting back into business and watching his frown quickly turn into wonder, supporting herself by putting her hands on his thighs as she moved, letting him reach out and hold onto her hips. She lifted herself up and came back down, feeling him fill her up so full as she inched down, savoring the sensation. It wasn't long before she moved faster, squeezing him as hard as she could on the way down to get him to moan as loudly as he did before.
It wasn't long before he had started losing control. He gripped her hips tight and she saw him swallow hard. There were beads of sweat at his forehead and she was half starting to wonder if he was...
He pulled her down on him suddenly, an arm wrapped tight across her shoulders, pushing her hips hard against his with his other hand gripping her ass, his fingernails leaving marks into her skin as they dug into her flesh. "God, fuck, I'm coming," he breathed out through gritted teeth, jaw clenched tight. She clenched her core harder in turn, setting her teeth at his neck and biting down, reveling in the way he groaned and spasmed inside of her. She could feel how hard and fast his pulse was on her lips. There was a deeply primal sort of satisfaction in all of this.
"Ugh," he groaned in a much less sexy way. "Shit." He brought his hand to his face to hide his embarrassment. She started giggling again before she could catch herself.
"Sorry, I'm not laughing at you, I swear." Actually she kinda was but it was over how powerful she felt bringing him to the brink that fast (honestly it was kind of flattering), and how stupidly cute he was being.
"I'm--we're not done." Before she could ask what that meant he rolled on top of her and kissed her, and to her surprise he was still hard inside of her. He pulled out slowly and sank into her deep, going a steady rhythm. She hooked her feet together behind him over his back, making sure he didn't dare pull out all the way. Their breathing grew rougher as they continued, tongues dancing together as they kissed. He dragged his lips from her mouth to her neck, to the sensitive spot behind her ear and she shivered and cried out beneath him. It felt so good with him inside her, his weight on top of her, his heart beating as fast as hers.
There it was, she could start to feel the tension down where they were joined, that hypersensitive tingle that told her that she was building up to something grand. She needed a bit more to push her to that peak... "Luka, harder, please -- I'm so close," she gasped out. He made a low, deep growl that left her tensing up in anticipation, then she held a hand above her head to brace against the headboard as she started to get driven into hard and fast. That was exactly what she needed. All of her senses rushed down her body to focus on his rock hard cock hitting her deep, stretching her open, so hot she was melting on him.
There it was, it was her turn to come hard, and she did. "Aah, Luka I'm coming--!" She was stretched so taut and he was so much bigger than what she was used to but she felt herself tighten and collapse into a singular point, squeezing him with so much pressure that he was gasping for air. He kept pounding his cock into her over and over while she kept screaming out his name.
He came again with a reverent murmur right before he kissed her. "God, Marinette, you're so amazing." She could feel his whole body turn rigid, felt his arms get threaded underneath her to hold her tight against him, and felt herself being flooded inside as he continued thrusting. But he was slowing down, falling back to his deep, languorous penetration.
God, they were both exhausted. She kissed up his neck, barely able to do anything else. She still had tiny little echos of her orgasm run through that made her shiver and him gasp as he was still inside her.
Maybe sometime in the morning they'd be able to figure out where to go from here. If she had the opportunity she would have heard him say she was the best thing to ever happen to him. She would have wondered about saying that she was his and had been for a while, and except for that whole villain business she was happy.
Except that Chat Noir had followed them. And was waiting outside.
And he was pissed.
Additional notes:
Jellyfish launcher :p
I'd been imagining a little bit of Divinity: Original Sins 2 elves for how Silencer/Luka's built?
DEFO NSFW but I was also sorta thinking BadDragon's Elliot >_>
I kinda love that I switched the chill levels of Marinette and Luka. Luka's the one with high anxiety around Marinette. Marinette just wants to kiss him (and more).
73 notes · View notes
blacksunscorpio · 5 years ago
Astro Musings No.1
Jupiter, as well as your Moon in your Natal chart, can show your addictions just as much as Neptune can. Jupiter is about excess and your Moon is your emotional state. Where one feels comfort or how they process these things/emotions.  Mercury placements or Mercury Dominant often make people great lyricists and communicators. Many famous rappers are actually Gemini’s (Notorious B.I.G, 2 Pac, Kanye, Kendrick, Andre 3000, etc). That's because Gemini is ruled by Mercury/the god of communication. He also rules the lungs. People with this dominance are very good with wordplay and are blessed with the gift of gab. 
Your Sun is still important
...despite modern astrologers attempting to throw it away. Your sun is your core. Your ego. Your basic identity. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it a thousand more-- we are heliocentric as a galaxy. This means all our planets orbit around the Sun. The same goes for your natal chart. Say you have a Gemini Sun and Capricorn moon but seem to identify more with Capricorn-- Your moon is your emotional habits-- and you know what they say about habits: they’re hard to break. This simply means you will always be a Gemini at your core even if you have the emotional tendencies and habits of a Capricorn. The same goes for those who say Lunar Scorpios are more ‘Plutonic’ than Solar Scorpios Now, it may seem that way, but this myth is only prevalent because emotions are extremely primal and powerful things. When they rear their head in a Plutonic way, people mistake the intensity for dominant power when in reality more drama does not equate more scorpionic influence. In fact, Scorpio’s are rarely the types to put on a show. They leave that for their Cousins-- The Cancers, The Arians [also ruled by Mars] & the Pisceans. True Scorpios prefer to be the tacticians. The ones who quietly observe their surroundings and flex when it comes to spatial awareness. They will rarely draw unnecessary attention to themselves and emotional scenes will often be kept under lock and key/private.
Speaking of Scorpio’s cousins, believe it or not, Aries, Sag’s and Cancers are the true divas of the zodiac, not Leos. That’s because Leo’s are upfront about what they want and will not surprise you with their scenes.
You know what’s coming/always knew it was there.  As for the aforementioned three, these triplets demand attention and praise or notice from others. Aries demand to be noticed for their prowess and skills, Sag’s can be excessive and demanding-- they want what they want and they want it NOW. No questions asked. Fueled by fire and Jupiter’s penchant for drama--you will never forget it if you don’t cough up what they demand. I.E. Nicki Minaj and her Grammy stunt[s]. Cancers give ultimatums to expedite the process of getting what they want. They are hard-pressed to demonstrate patience for people or to wait for situations to play out. They are never about the long game. They can be very coercive and forceful. At their worst, they can even be bullies. Of course, this is not the rule, I often find that December Sag’s, are more intense than November Sag’s. April Arians are less high strung than March Arians and July Cancers tend to act out more of the ‘diva qualities’ mentioned above than June Cancers.
Pluto is your friend.
Yes, the shadow is your friend. Pluto often gets a bad rap for being this torturous unknown force that comes to destroy/transform but that is not the case. Pluto is all about transformations, yes but transformations for the better. He is the garbage man. He gets rid of the trash. Toxic relationship? Ok! Pluto will rip it from you. It will hurt. You will cry. But after you��ve used up all the kleenex, you will have spidey senses. You will see those red flags before they and their cheap cologne darken your doorstep. You will level up. And while you’re doing that, Pluto will let you watch as he terrorizes your abuser. Pluto is justice. Not like Libra where all is fair and balanced by the scales. Pluto is Karma. Karmic Justice at that. The equalizer. He will show you the ugly of all those who wore the mask of ‘friend’. See, Pluto gets nasty rep because he forces you to see what you’d love to ignore. He makes you feel what society tells you to be numb to. Euphoria, Obsession, jealousy, bliss, even paranoia. Pluto is the depths. You need to feel. Jealousy is not an ugly emotion, ENVY is. They are not synonymous but people use them interchangeably. Pluto can be jealous, but jealousy is simply the sensation that something important might be taken from you. Envy is seeing someone have something, and hating them for it/not wanting them to have it. Pluto is not envious. He rules the underworld and in his realm live all of Earth’s riches. Gems, diamonds, gold, jewels. He is the wealthiest-- what could he possibly be envious of? Paranoia is equated to him too, but this is simply an exacerbation of his skill at being prepared. Pluto is a GENERAL. He wants you to have a PLAN. And when you don’t he forces you to get one, whether you’re prepared or not. Pluto is Chess, not Checkers. Pluto is the bandaid ripper. Pluto's love is cold and hard but empowering. He exposes. Shows the ugly. Friend’s you weren’t sure were enemies? Pluto rips their masks off so you have no choice but to see their ugliness. You will be disenchanted. Maybe even heartbroken. But a moment of grief for a lifetime of healthy happiness is Pluto’s payoff. Pluto also represents in the chart the area where we can most empower ourselves and elevate our lives and our dignity. Pluto will disempower your just to elevate you and make your story of failure a story of victory. He’s the ULTIMATE glow up King. Pluto shows us where we can triumph if we find a way to revolutionize or otherwise radically transform/change ourselves internally, despite our external challenges. Plutonic cleansings are like working out or giving birth. Excruciatingly painful to the point where you feel like you want to die but the result is a whole new body/person you’re absolutely in love with. He is purging.  Again, Pluto is about evolution. He does not and will not allow you to stay stagnant/in one stage of your life. He forces you to grow and if you won’t he has no qualms with making you. Pluto is not soft. 
Speaking of which. This includes his influence in the bedroom. Often people will talk about plutonic influence in a dark way. As if his influence sexually is something dark/forbidden or something to be ashamed of. Quite the contrary. Pluto rules sex. Literally. It was his domain before it was anyone else's’. Therefore, everything about sex is simply an offshoot of his influence. The rougher, primal, knee-shaking, back-scratching, neck biting, squirting/screaming orgasm, ball-gag wearing stuff? Completely ‘OK’ in his book. He wants you to experience that. The reasoning is that Pluto loves to explore and honor edgier sentiments within. Pluto urges us all to normalize fetishes and fully embrace this side of ourselves. Why? Because Pluto wants us all to live our truth, not hide. Can’t say the same for his brother Neptune though.
See, Neptune is who you should be worried about.
Neptune is the ruler of what is hidden. The realm of the unknown. All that is fantastic, the stuff of fantasy, illusions, dreams, day-dreams, etc. He puts a veil on things. Adds confusion to the mix. makes things hard to see. While Pluto strips away the hidden, Neptune happily puts on the blindfold. Not only does he hand you the rose-colored-glasses, he hands you a ruffied pint to go with it. The essence of this planet is ILLUSION.  With Neptune, it can be difficult to ascertain where and how things are working against you, or you have a hard time figuring out who or what it is. Neptune is about confusion. Neptune clouds your judgment, so you're especially vulnerable to deception and trickery. [Those with hard Neptune aspects can testify] Enemies can be especially difficult to make out/avoid when he’s involved and bad judgment all around can be a theme when he rears his foggy head.  What also makes him so dangerous is because he walks around looking like everything you want. The dream of dreams, if-you-will. As a result, he makes you receptive to mind-altered states. Can even make one prone to hallucinations, the use of poisons such as drugs and alcohol. Even spending copious amounts fo time building castles-in-the-air and neglecting reality. You become addicted to whatever he lays in front of you. The fantasy is more alluring than reality. With Neptune adversely aspected or too many hard aspects to inner planets, this can cause chaos that can negatively impact a native or those closest to them. Neptune on Mercury can be particularly dangerous if ill-aspected because it can cause dishonesty to a pathological degree or simply mental instability. Think Joe Goldberg from ‘You’. 100% crazy 200% delusional. This guy definitely has a shot a gallon of Neptune in his natal cocktail. Manufacturing scenarios that aren’t really occurring. Obsessively daydreaming and idealizing strangers. Successfully conning others into thinking he’s a normal and stable guy when he’s anything but. His judgment is clouded as is the judgment of the poor souls who encounter him, while you, as a viewer, watch in horror. That’s what Neptune does. You won’t see reality until it’s wayyyy too late [RIP Beck].  Neptune rules over all chaotic feelings, and can easily un-focus the lens, making us inclined to obsess over impossible dreams and yearn for far-out things. OMG Neptune is all about yearning. Yearning for the unattainable. But as Dumbledore said: 
“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”
But that’s what Neptune will make you do. Forget to live. Dwell on the impossible. Make you prone to hypnotic mindstates that steal moments of your life away. Sex with Neptune can be almost spiritual but it can cause one to get addicted to the rush, and with Neptune clouding judgment, one can perhaps become addicted to sex or even participate in risky sexual behavior. Neptune at its worst also influences death by mysterious means, suicides, death by drowning, disappearance, or even poisoning if found in the eighth house or connected to it.
Neptune is a beautiful planet. Methane causes it to have that brilliant blue hue. It rains diamonds. But again, there but the aura/odor around it is methane. In layman’s terms? The planet literally smells like shit. This classic example of not all that glitters is gold. Tread very carefully when Neptune is around and keep your eyes peeled. Something or someone may not really be what it/they seem. Astro Musings No. 2  Astro Musings No. 3 Astro Musings No. 4  Astro Musings No. 5 Astro Musings No. 6 Astro Musings No. 7 Astro Musings No. 8  Astro Musings No. 9  Astro Musings No. 10
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 4 years ago
Motion Sickness 27.1
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I wasn't the sort to dwell on what Weiss had wanted from me. Well I totally was. I dwelt on everything. I was a dweller. But I was also the sort to get my workout in anyways.
Really, my thoughts were on Eminence and her partner. The people I had killed. They hadn't acted like gang members or at least not like the picture I had in my head of gang members. What with the pleas for me to spare their lives and all.
Well maybe the picture I had of gang members was of non-people. Then when I encountered some people and killed them I was surprised to find out that they were the same as anybody else. They had died the same as everybody else would, or at least most people would; together, if they were lucky, and begging for their lives, besides.
Qrow wheeled out on me while I was practicing my Limit Breaks and just watched me move around for a long time.
"Enjoying the view?" I asked.
"How are you feeling, kid."
"Like a murderer and a liar."
"We both know why we had to keep it from Ruby. Now we just have one more favor from Ms. Malachite."
"Assuming she keeps her word. I don't trust these criminals as much as you do."
"She will. She has to uphold deals she makes in front of her men in good faith. Or else they'll start to wonder about their own paychecks. It's a little bit of honor amongst thieves. It's more to prevent backstabbing than out of any real sense of honor, though. Trust that."
"Gee, if you say it like that I really have no choice."
"Tell me how you really feel."
"I feel… all kinds of fucked up. I want to talk to Ruby about it but I can't and it's leaving me more fucked up."
"You know why we can't talk to Ruby about it. As far as she is concerned it's just one favor. Scroll keys out of Don Corneo."
"I'm supposed to just live with this. Live with myself."
"Yeah kid. Just like the rest of us."
"The thing is I think I can do it. I think I can do it easily , too. That scares me."
"Sounds too complicated for me. It sounds like you're struggling; just the same as I do."
I grunted and swung my sword at nothing. "It's not quite the same. And all I have to talk to about it is you."
"Easy kid. Have a drink. Relax. There's nothing you can change about it now and nothing you would want to anyways."
I inhaled a shaking breath. He was right. Qrow needed legs. I had to be the one to kill them. It had to be done. No one of my friends would have done it. Didn't that make it wrong? None of them would have approved. I already had the answers I needed. I just didn't like them.
"Who were they? What did they do to deserve having me come after them?"
"Does it really matter? Come on have a drink."
"I don't want to drink anymore."
"You need to relax somehow."
"I am. This is what I do to relax now."
This was how I'd relax for the rest of my life. I swung the sword fast enough that it made several satisfying thwump sounds in the air.
"Well, we wanted to discuss the matter of infiltrating Don Corneo's workplace with you." It was Ozpin. Someone I wanted to talk to even less.
"What about it? We don't need to risk Ruby or Nora now. And I don't need to wear a dress. We have Yang."
"I'm not super comfortable with my niece going in there."
"But you're comfortable with me killing people." I wiped my brow and glared at Qrow. "Your priorities are fucked."
"Easy on the language, now." Ozpin said with Oscar's mouth. "It's good that we have only one favor between us and getting Qrow back on his feet. Then, thanks to Ms. Xiao Long and Ms. Schnee being with us again, things are better now than they were yesterday."
"What does better for you even mean?" I wondered. "How do you handle the lying and the murder?"
"So long as they don't ask us about it, it's hardly lying. And from what you told Qrow you did kill somebody in a near bar fight. The story you told your friends merely bordered on the truth." Ozpin lectured. "As for killing it never gets any easier. And that's a good thing. Though we take life we don't make any light of it." I exhaled hard. It was no new advice. "And we don't make sport of it. I heard you encountered one of the people drafted to Salem's side."
"The Scorpion."
"Yes. Tyrian. There are others too. Others like Hazel Rainart. They would not be so disturbed by violence as you are. Let them serve as a counterpoint. Would the man who attacked Ruby and yourself be upset if they had killed someone? Perhaps. But not like you are now."
"I get it. I get it." I sighed. "You wanted to talk about the infiltration mission. I vote Yang."
"We should discuss it." Qrow interceded.
"We are." Ozpin and I said at the same time. That pissed me off.
"I don't like the idea of her in there."
"You think I have a chance in a dress? I can rock a dress but I'm missing a certain je ne sais quoi that Yang has."
"You didn't want Ms. Rose or Ms. Valkyrie to do it. Why Ms. Xaio Long?"
"Je ne sais quoi."
"Yes. I suppose so." Ozpin relented. "Over Ms. Schnee too, I suppose. Our Target has a predilection for the type who frequent such places. Ms. Xaio Long is a match for, at least in looks."
"She looks like a party girl who knows how to earn a little extra cash is what you're saying." Qrow wasn't happy about it. "I get it though. Maybe she is our best bet."
"She bragged about going clubbing at Beacon. She has experience I don't. Plus she has infinitely more time spent in a female body than me. She knows how to use it better than I can fathom."
"We should have a backup plan," Ozpin insisted.
"She can wear a wire and everyone else can be waiting outside. There's five of us in huntsman-shape. Speaking of shouldn't they be here for this conversation. Part of being open with everyone."
"I wanted to have a quick think-tank and see what you thought." Ozpin dismissed my jab at him. "Qrow trusts your instincts."
"I don't like any of it. I think somebody is going to get hurt. I think Don Corneo from what we know is a scumbag."
"And what do you think of Leonardo?"
I faltered for a moment. "I don't trust him. I don't like how Cinder and her allies snuck past him." If Ozpin thought hard about it he would see how I don't trust him either. I snuck past him. I could have gotten myself or somebody else killed.
And he picked me over some more qualified student who had a better, more authentic resume. He chose me anyways. Why? Was he incompetent? I sure used to be. Or could he actually see my potential and what I would become and thought it was worth the risk.
If so, then it was a hell of a risk. I could have been one of Salem's agents if only I wasn't such a failure. He trusted too easily in any case that was kind to him.
"If you don't mind me asking, uh- Mr. Arc, how did you get as strong as you are?"
It was Oscar this time and I was stumped for the question. I found my gaze flicking over his head to Qrow for a second who only offered me a shrug.
"What do you mean?" I wondered. "And it's just Jaune."
"Jaune, then. It's your mentality. You have this mindset that sets you apart from everyone else."
"I wasn't always this jaded. If you want strength look at Ruby." Emotional or physical.
"It's not that or at least not just that. I've already asked her too. She's something special. You are too, though. Even with the fate of the world as it is, you still train day in and day out and do everything you have to, even if it hurts you. You've even killed people. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you're not afraid of the dirty work."
"It's not something to be proud of but Qrow's done it too."
"But he's not our age. Or your age, at least."
"I have to. I suppose. Or my friends, those that are still here, will bite it too. That keeps me going. What's left of my team and Ruby's team too."
"Can you teach me?"
"How to have friends? Haven't got a clue. Sorry."
"Not that. I need somebody to teach me swordsmanship. How to use my weapon. Or start to until Qrow is back up."
Qrow gave an enormous sigh from the chair. For my part I hesitated again. I wasn't the sort, didn't have the training myself. But this was one of those things I wasn't sure I could say no to.
The right thing to do would be to teach him. Pyrrha would want me to. Ruby might even ask me to. That pretty much sealed it.
"I won't take it easy on you." I drew the long sword and posited the cross shaped shield on my back. "Can't afford to."
"Really? That's fantastic! I was worried you didn't like me. Wait is this one of those things where you mean right now?"
"Why? Are you too busy?" I mocked him. He took it as friendly teasing. And it was, at least to some degree. The kid was not Ozpin. Not yet.
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There was something in the basement. In the tall white house in the middle of the woods where my sisters and I lived with our mother something definitely lurked away in the dark dusty corners of the underside of our house.
I had to be the brave one. I was the oldest. I was a guy. It was time to be a man. It was time to stop being afraid of the shadows which hung on the walls under soft grey lights.
I’d been in the basement a thousand times and I’d been fine literally every time. But still I was afraid of our basement. I was scared of shutting the lights off and walking up the stairs and turning my back on that total darkness. It was just so empty and complete.
No lights penetrated within and the lights which did shine in the basement were dull and weak. It was always dark down there. It was always dusty and had the faint smell of iron or copper.
I went down to get a gallon of milk for my mother. A little errand for a big boy. It should have been no problem for me.
I walked down the stairs. This was the easy part. I turned on the lights and everything was fine. Dark still. But it was fine. There were no Grimm or other goulish monsters down here. It was fine, I reminded myself that frequently and with force.
You’ve been down here so many times and nothing bad has happened a single time.
That didn’t stave off my irrational fears. Just because I knew a fear was irritation didn’t mean I could suddenly control it. We don’t choose our fears any more than we choose what food to like. It was automatic. It was outside of our control. And the dusty smell of iron pressed in on me as I opened the fridge. The light inside the fridge was brighter than the grey lights of the round bulbs in the ceiling. This was the easiest part. It was the part when the room was most lit up.
I grabbed the jug of milk from the shelf easily enough. There was no problem to that at all either. I was strong enough for this. I turned around. I saw little Lily standing in the stairs by the door. Her eyes bulged in their sockets and grew strangely to cover most of her face in a distorted wave like fashion. Her nose and lips and ears shrank and all her hair fell out. She started screaming.
It was a high pitched wail that made my bones and ears ache. Then she shut the door on me slowly and turned off the lights. I was locked in the basement. Alone in the dark with the cold milk jug in my hand.
I raced to the door and fumbled blindly for the handle. When I finally grasped it it was only to discover the door was locked from the other side. I retreated back into the room and dropped the jug. The plastic shattered and milk went everywhere. It coated my legs nice and cold. I crawled on all fours. I searched for the fridge with reaching hands. A square corner. It wasn’t here. It must be to the left. In the total darkness I found the fridge and opened it to get some light. To get some respite.
Inside the fridge was a skinless, hairless, eyeless thing. It twitched it’s head on it’s neck and turned towards me without eyes. With long limbs it crawled out of the cold fridge and towards me.
It grabbed me by the ankle when I fell back and away. It stood there eclipsing the light in its naked glory. Its limbs were much too long and thin and its body was small and round. It picked me up with it’s one hand and sank its long teeth into my ankle.
I woke up with my ankle humming with a vibrating pleasure. It hurt, yes, but it also felt strangely pleasant. I… I rubbed my ankle in the real world. I stroked softly so the skin slipped swiftly there. It felt good. But I was on edge with fear and adrenaline. The sensations combined into a luring grotesqueness that was a pleasant sensation.
“Jaune…” My mom’s voice whispered to me. I heard it clearly in the soft night. There was no buffer or noise machine. It was silent in the room Ren and I shared.  “I will always be your mother.”
Sometimes, in the throes of a nightmare, when unseen powers whirl one over the roofs of strange dead cities, it is a relief and even a delight to shriek wildly and throw oneself voluntarily along into the where the ginning mist yawns.
I checked a clock. It was four-forty five. I could probably get back to sleep if I really tried or wanted to. I didn’t really want to try. I laid back in the bed. I deserved worse than nightmares for the shit I had done. I was becoming something of a monster myself. Five. I’d killed five people. I’d elegantly unmade and twisted five coils until they certainly weren’t.
I sighed heavily and loudly as I laid back in the bed.
I needed to get out of the rental and clear my head. I need to clear it in a way which didn’t involve shooting myself which was a touch more tempting than I was really letting on.
I got out of bed and got dressed quietly. I made my way out of the rental and onto grey Mistrali gravel. The upper floors really were beautiful. But boy oh boy were the lower floors ugly. In a lot of ways it was two different cities entirely.
The sun was yellow and barely peaking out over the horizon. Beams of course light stretched through the air and I breathed deeply. It was refreshing and crisp this early in the morning. I muddled my way along through a market square clearing. It wasn’t busy but there were people out. I walked past the closed bazaars.
A brown haired girl spun in front of me and I stopped. She had deep green eyes and a red ribbon in her hair. She had to look way up at me to meet my eyes and I stared at her for a moment.
She reached into the basket by her side and pulled out a little white rose. “Here,” she said softly. “For you.”
“A flower?” I asked.
“That’s right.”
I looked away from her. “How much?” I wondered.
“That depends on the customer… for you, no charge. Sound fair?”
“You look like someone who could use a flower,” she returned easily and breezily enough that I thought she might float away.
I reached out a gloved and gauntleted hand. I took the delicate stem gently from her. I wasn’t sure what to do with it. I tucked the stem under a strap of my armor.
“Thanks,” I managed.
“Don’t mention it. Have a good day, now,” she bid me and just as swiftly as she appeared she was gone. She weaved her way through the openings in the early crowd. I blinked after her. I was unsure if I really saw her at all but I had the evidence of the encounter pinned to my chest.
I made my way down into a busier street.
I took in the sights of the shops on either side of me. One place was selling those little miniature trees that you trimmed. I wasn’t sure what they were called. There was a jewelry shop next to it and it was still closed. There was a dress shop with something elegant and purple hanging in the window. I stopped and stared at the dress. It would match Yang’s eyes well enough. I glanced a little along in the other window and spotted a flowing red gown which I bet Ruby could rock like no other. It was crimson like the tips of her hair and seemed to have petals flowing around the waist of soft silk. Her eyes could make anything glow and I was sure she would look like a distant dream in this dress.
I shuffled along.
I was suddenly shoved aside as I passed a bakery. The window display confections shattered and a man stumbled out with a cash register under his arm. He bumped into me as he dashed away from the broken window. Inside the bakery some fresh smell was emanating and a fat man in an apron shouted out. There were other customers inside. It smelled of coffee and baking pastries inside. They were open early it would seem. They were robbed early.
“Stop that man!” The man in the apron shouted.
The man with the register under his arm took off down the street.
I activated my semblance with a flex of will and took off after him. My feet… Ren was right. I didn’t touch the ground as I pursued my quarry on a pocket of air. I reached behind me and drew the longsword from the shield. The long triangle shaped blade ran down to the far too long red handle. I gripped it comfortably.
I front flipped in a thirty foot arc that ended with me landing easily in front of the burglar. People gasped and parted around me like I’d made a crater and they seperated around the running man as well. He stopped running with a slide and stared at me with an open mouth.
“Drop it,” I leveled my sword at him. “You can walk away if you drop it.” I watched his whole body tense up. “Don’t,” I suggested harshly.
He went for a gun. I crossed the distance between us in a sapphire blur. I swung my sword up into his hand where he held the gun and collided with green aura. I knocked the gun out of his hands and into the air. I stepped in and shoulder checked him off his feet. Before he landed I swung diagonally down from the right, then diagonally down from the left, then across the bottom in horizontal cut, then one last arching upwards swing that flung him back into a wooden box. He crushed it and his aura dissipated around him.
He dropped the register when I hit him.
He made to crawl towards the gun but, still Limit Broken, I glided forward and took actual walking steps where I kicked the gun off to the side of the street and far away from us. I continued my march and connected my boot with the side of his head in a swift sideways kick with the toe. He fell back and slumped over into unconsciousness.
I stepped away from him and felt my glow dissipate. The power was gone.
I didn’t feel particularly good as I reclaimed the register. I sheathed my sword and walked back down the street and through the gathering crowd. I walked into the bakery over shattered glass which crunched under my feet. I set the register on the counter.
“Thank you, young huntsman,” the baker said.
“It was nothing,” I returned. And it wasn’t. This meant nothing to me.
“Let me offer you a croissant and coffee. Please. Allow me to thank you earnestly and generously from my heart to yours.”
I looked away from him over his head at the fairly crowded establishment. Some people had left but many remained. Some were still partaking in their coffee and pastries even through the chaos. Sure, most had stood up to get a look and were now staring at me and there was a line near the counter of people still mostly organized.
“Fine,” I agreed with a glance back down at the baker. “I’m in no hurry.”
“Thank you. Please, won’t you have a seat. What’s your name?”
“Jaune Arc.”
“Just a moment,” I watched him go behind the counter and pour a coffee and grab a roll. He came back over to me and put them both in my hands.
“Thank you,” I murmured.
“No. Thank you.”
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I walked back into our rental. The police had gotten involved and had had a few questions for me but after that I was free to go.
I ran into Weiss in the kitchen. She turned around and stared at me from where she was washing some mugs in the sink.
“Weiss,” I greeted.
“I had the chance to talk to Ruby,” she informed me.
“Well, I still think you’re being self destructive. But I see why you wanted me to talk to her. She told me about you two.”
“I figured but couldn’t assume.”
“Where’d you get that?” Weiss asked. She pointed at the little white rose pinned to my chest.
I took it off my person with my gloved hand. I stared down at it for a moment. Then I held it out to her.
“It was a gift, I think,” I said. “Here.”
“Shouldn’t you give it to Ruby?” She wondered. She reached out and took it anyway. She held it up to her nose and smelled it. “It smells like Ruby,” she breathed. “Thoughtful of you.”
“It’s really not. It’s nothing. Besides, I don’t think Ruby is much in the way of gifts. She prefers spending time with me. She doesn’t want presents.”
‘Not even a single little rose as a sign you’re thinking about her?”
“If she doesn’t know I’m always thinking about her by this point I have no clue how to make it stick,” I sighed. “I mean who does she think she is with those tights and that corset?”
“She’s very good looking,” Weiss agreed.
“She’s drop dead gorgeous,” I confessed. I blinked at Weiss. “Of course you are too.”
“Oh come on. Your entire team is? Ruby doesn’t have any idea but you know. You know that you’re good looking.”
“What makes you say that?”
“You knew that you were out of my league,” I said. She blinked at me. “We can talk about it. It happened. I had a crush on you.”
“I didn’t reject you because I was better looking than you,” she scoffed. “Though you’re right to say I am.” She gave me a small smile.
“Total ice queen,” I laughed. “I don’t know what Ruby sees in me. So shoot. Tell me why.”
“Tell you why she’s into you or tell you why I rejected you?”
“I’ve met a hundred guys who could actually pull off what you were going for at Beacon. You couldn’t even play the part well. You couldn’t even pretend like you were all that. It was dishonest. And you weren’t even good at lying. So you didn’t even have that going for you.”
“You would have liked me if I was good at lying?”
“It would have been something at least. You came at me with a big ball of nothing. You know it and I know it.”
“So what does Ruby see in me? What did Pyrrha see in me?” I asked openly. “I’m mean, come on. I’m not much. And they are both out of my league by miles.”
“Well. You probably weren’t coming at them with a fake personality. I can only assume that they saw the real you and they liked it.”
“Stupefying,” I confided.
“Is it?” She pressed.
“Little bit.”
“Because I’m not much. We went over this. I’m a ‘big ball of nothing.’”
“Are you nothing? It sounds like you put your life on the line for Ruby.”
“Well yeah. I’m nothing and she’s a good person. What decision was there to be made in that? It’s no contest.”
“You’re not ‘nothing.’ You came at me with nothing. They aren’t quite the same thing.”
“Don’t bullshit me. You saw straight fuckin’ through me at Beacon. Don’t hesitate now.”
“I don’t know. I suppose we’ll just have to see what’s there and what’s not.”
“I’m telling you that it’s not a lot.”
“But it isn’t ‘nothing.’ Is it?” She leveraged down on me. She pointed her chin upwards at me as she said it.
“And that’s enough?”
“Enough for what?” She challenged.
“Well, ideally making Ruby happy.”
“It might be. Is what it is worth something? Are you valuable down there at the bottom of yourself?”
“Probably not,” I admitted.
“Well I don’t know,” she confessed right back. “I never got to see the real you.”
“You never wanted to try,” I fired.
“You never gave me the opportunity to try,” she breezed. “If we’re honest you would have tried that fake personality on any date I gave you. So why would I bother?”
“Honestly?” I asked.
“Honestly,” she agreed with an elegantly quirked eyebrow.
“I’d like to believe I would have surprised you,” I said.
“Is that right? So you want to impress me?”
“Always have,” I returned immediately.
“I suppose we’ll just have to see about that,” she folded her arms and leaned back on the counter. She had her lips turned up in a little smirk.
I looked away first and pushed my hand through my hair. I clicked my jaw closed.
pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years ago
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— In what was to be a summer of excitement, love, and adventure, you’re doomed to a summer working a job to pay some bills. But hey, who said romance still wouldn’t find a way to work while working at Scoops Ice Cream Parlor? —
pairing: kaibara sen x reader
warnings: fluff, cursing, modern!au, ice cream shop!au
word count: 6,361
a/n: this is for the bnharem summer collab!!!! I am so very tired, when am I not at this point... um... yes, kaibara is def my fav class 1-b boy, sorry not sorry.
The best part about summer… well, you really couldn’t begin to list what you loved about it. There was no bad part about summer. Sure, the days were hot and humid, but they were long and bright for so long you could go and do things for countless hours. You were able to stay out in the sun and feel the heated rays against your skin — road trips with friends and days when you had no sleep and those when you only slept.
Summer was indeed the best time of the year.
This summer was supposed to be the best, with your saved money from working at the student store for this last semester, you were ready to go places with your friends. Explore the unknown all in the name of youth.
There indeed wasn’t anything better about this time of the year than that. 
Cute clothes, cute bathing suits, and cute accessories, as you trailed out of your classroom with your final finally done and completed, you were ready to zoom on toward home.
This was going to be the best summer ever, you thought, your heart racing in anticipation at the thought of your best friend pulling up at your home with a car full of friends. Your parents waving you off as you descended into the purpling and pink sky with nothing but an uproarious scream and celebration.
You really hoped you’d find someone attractive… maybe a summer fling?!
You giggled at the thought, your face warming even more under the deep sun rays, your body avoiding passing commuters.
This was going to be your summer!
“You’re… you’re kidding me,” you deadpanned staring at your mother, who was in a full-body cast. 
She looked at you with a sheepish emotion on her face, her eyes full of sorrow yet no pain. The moment you had gotten home and had switched from your finals outfit to something more practical, you had gotten a phone call from the hospital. It seems that your mother, in all her clutz, had tumbled down the staircase at her work. Through this, she managed to break both arms and legs, two ribs and broke her collarbone. 
“M… Mom,” you groaned at the way she was laughing in total embarrassment; after all, miraculously, she was in little pain despite being hospitalized. “How did this happen?! Why did you — oh my god…” 
“There was a mosquito flying by my head, and well… I tripped and fell,” she laughed loudly, smiling in gratitude when the nurse came to adjust her pillows. 
“Why were you even leaving the office?! It isn’t even lunchtime for you, and you always eat lunch on the roof?” you questioned more, your arms folding across your arms. 
“Well, um… you know how there have been cuts at the office, I just… I was let go,” she whispered in a small voice, face twisted with embarrassment and shame. While you wanted to feel sorry for your mother because after all, she had suffered horrendously, there was a quick realization of what those words meant.
Medical insurance was now gone.
“How are we going to pay for this?!”
Having to wave your friends away with tears rolling down your face was hard. Their faces sullen at the fact that you had handed over your entire job savings to begin paying off the massive debt your mother built in a single minute. You also knew you couldn’t return to your job at the university, they were closed during this time.
There wasn’t much you could even find while looking around. Your resume wasn’t strong enough to earn jobs that would help your future career, not when competing against graduate students. The local shops and malls were already filled to completion; they always prioritized the highschoolers anyways. 
You had almost thought it was pointless to even be searching until you stumbled across a corner ice cream parlor. It was the closest ice cream parlor to your house, and if you thought hard enough, you definitely remembered coming when you were small, and fortunately for you, they were hiring on the spot.
So here you were, in an old t-shirt, shorts, an apron fastened on, and your hair free from your face. The owner of the ice cream parlor showed you around, pointing at the different things that were lying about. He was a simple tour guide, he had told you, a simple introduction to what was lying about. Your coworkers would be the ones to teach you how to create the unique menu items, teach you how to work behind the scenes. 
The smile on your face was stiff and very unnatural as he showed you about, stories of the old employee he had that had quit on him because they were moving suddenly. It was apparently a struggle for him to find willing workers at this time. He was also sure to name off the three other employees that worked here, and by the sounds of it, two of the three names were retired people who were so bored that they sought out a low-stakes job.
“Ah, there he is!” he exclaimed, his hands thrusting outwards as a tall, dark-haired man emerged from the back, a gallon of ice cream in his hands while he looked lost in thought. “This is Kaibara Sen! My youngest…er, second youngest employee now! He will be handling your training, he is very competent and well… a much better explainer than I am!” 
You tried not to stare too much at the man, but he was for lack of a better term, beautiful. Dark hair, brown eyes, and a look on his face that just told you he definitely did not want to be here… it was basically love at first sight for you. 
“Kaibara, this is y/l/n, our newest member of the family here at Scoops!” the owner exclaimed, his cheeks warm and his body brimming with excitement. “Please explain everything, I have to go now! My daughter should be out of school, and I have to go pick her up!”
You watched in silent awkwardness as the man picked up all his items and rushed out of there without a single word. Smiling awkwardly, you returned your attention to Kaibara, who was studying you without saying a word. Your smile began to pinch at your cheeks, the strain of the faux smile beginning to tire you out to completion while he changing the empty gallon of ice cream for the new one — you had to will yourself from staring at the very, very nicely toned arms of his. 
“Hold this,” he spoke, his voice low and flat, almost entirely passive and bored while he pushed the empty cardboard into your arms. You hitched a breath in your surprise, your head nodding in your overall confusion. 
The tub was cold in your arms, contradicting the overall harsh rays of the sun. You watched as he turned on his heel, moving back to the door, and you stayed put, your eyes wide in confusion and your increasing inability to stop checking him out. “Are you going to stand there all day, or are you going to follow?”
Blood flooded to your face in your embarrassment, your head dropping while you rushed after him.
Needless to say, your first day on the job was an interesting one.
While your first impression of Kaibara was that he was hot enough to melt you into a puddle, you found yourself at a quick and immovable realization that he was an overall dick. He was disgustingly bland, his tone only riling you up when he crudely pointed out your mistakes and issues. He had explained to you in five minutes how the entire ice cream parlor worked — yes, in five minutes, and yes, he expected that you memorized and retained all that information.
Refill the ice cream when there’s only five centimeters left. Don’t touch the soft-serve ice cream machine because it often broke. Don’t flirt with any customers, don’t destroy the whip cream swirls on the ice cream sundaes. Don’t ever go into the freezer without someone knowing, don’t forget to clean the counters every hour if it isn’t that busy, don’t forget… well, you got it. There were many don’t’s in his vocabulary surrounding the rules and regulation of this ice cream parlor. Furthermore, he had thrown you to the wolves because the moment he finished up the rules here at Scoops where they ‘live to bring a lick of happiness one scoop at a time,’ a customer had walked in and of course, because beginners luck was not a thing, ordered the hardest thing on the menu.
Your back had never been sweatier, and your arms trembled as he practically breathed down your neck. There was no stopping this incessant mother birding of his, and your ears seared with heat when he called you out for every mistake you made.
“I thought I told you to not do that!” he muttered just loud enough for the customer to ask with worry if everything was okay. 
The second you had handed of the quad-layered ice cream sundae that was most definitely a kickstarter to diabetes did you almost collapse in gratefulness of being done with that wretched thing. The customer did, however, frown significantly at the sight of the very ugly sundae, and you wanted to collapse in your failure. 
The two of you were not… compatible coworkers, and that was apparent as the summer sun while the day went on.
He ridiculed your every technique, he frowned at the way your voice pitched when you welcomed customers, scoffed when you were overly sweet because he would love to see you being that kind in a month, and he glared a hole through your head the moment you tried to socialize while there was nothing to do.
So when the summer sun had set for the night and your arm burned from the repetitive and laborious action of scooping ice cream all day, you walked out of Scoops with a wavering bottom lip. This was going to be a long summer.
“For someone who’s been here a whole year more than me, I’d’ve thought you were better than this,” you sang, pocketing the extra cash you got as a bonus for the fantastic and helpful review you had gotten on Yelp. Yes, America’s disaster of an app had finally made its way to Japan, and three weeks ago, your boss said anyone with a useful review on top of a five-star recommendation would get a bonus. You were always getting it. “What was that you were saying when I first began? Don’t suck? Hm, well, I think you need to get that under control on your own part.”
Kaibara rolled his eyes so hard you swore you could hear him do it. You tried not to allow the prideful smirk to become too apparent while you went about your shift reorganizing the front of the store. You had just managed through a demanding crowd of children, couples, and the elderly, and it was a mess. 
It had only been the two of you today, too (the owner only worked the register, leaving the two of you to make the orders). While there was no getting along for either of you, there was a good work ethic between you that allowed you to work efficiently together. But of course, the teasing and taunting from your voice while you graciously took the extra cash made Kaibara seethe.
It was an unspoken, spoken competition between the two of you, and to make things worse for the environment between everyone, the both of you sorely got along. 
He had called you incompetent, you called him lazy. He called you a useless employee, you called him fifth-rate at best. There was just a lot of tension between you and the man you had once thought was painfully attractive.
“It doesn’t count when you beg customers for the comment. Of course, they’re gonna take pity on you and your ass life; why do you think people give spare change to the homeless?” Kaibara smoothly stated, his fingers digging the cleaning rag harder onto a piece of fallen dried, sticky ice cream.
You nearly cracked the waffle cones in your gloved hands.
“At least I’m the one with the extra cash in your pocket!”
“It fell out actually, free change now,” Kaibara stated, pointed at the rolled money on the floor and quickly scooping it from the floor well before you could snatch it. 
Your face twisted when you ended a near chest to chest with him, his eyes seeming to read you entirely while you definitely met his gaze, yet also managed to look cities away. Your upper lip curled with your frustration, and you shoved his chest, grabbing at the money in his hand.
Unfortunately for you, he was both quicker than you, stronger than you, and taller than you. He merely rose his clenched fist well above his head and smirked at how your face blanched at his actions.
“You’re a fucking dick!” you yelled, your hands latching onto his bicep and pulling down with all your strength. “Give me my damn tip!”
“It was on the ground, it’s finders keepers,” was his smooth response, his arm somehow freakishly strong enough to fight off your full weight and stay defiantly up. 
Well, you definitely understood why no one liked working with the two of you, you were both annoying together. 
“Kaibara Sen, if you don’t give me back my damn money right now, I will—” you were interrupted by how his lips pulled past his teeth into a fierce, biting grin.
“You’ll what? Punch me? It hasn’t hurt the last ten times you’ve tried.” He taunted you with no mercy, his head tilting just the slightest bit to further his point and to have your blood pumping yet again.
“That’s only because I wasn’t trying before!” you counter, your fingers pressing into his palm, your nails beginning to dig into his flesh while he tried not to let on that it hurt.
“You’ll have a friend of yours write a five-star review for you, and write a complaint about me?” he asked, bringing back to light the one time that your friends left not one, but fifteen five-star reviews. Of course, a handful of them had also decided to include that they were not happy with the treatment they received from Kaibara — not that it was possible given that they were not anywhere near here. 
“Well, I didn’t know they were going to do that! All I was doing was exchanging stories about how I was working while they were all out having fun!” you attempt to defend, but it sounds weak because well, it happened.
“Ah, okay, I’ll try to remember that when I have my friends doing the same to you,” Kaibara sarcastically smiled, his arm finally dropping so that his fist was in your face, but it still remained defiantly closed. “I mean it’s only fair, and they didn’t abandon me on a whole summer long getaway!”
“I told them it was okay to leave, you jerk!” you grit out, your fingers trying to slip under his so that you could rip the money from his hand, but yours were beginning to sweat.
“Ouch, a jerk? Don’t hurt my feelings, please y/n, it’s making me tear up,” Kaibara sighed, his eyes very much interested in the way you were failing to get his fingers to open up.
“D-Don’t call me y/n! We are not friends enough for you to try acting casual with me!”
“Should I call you y/l/n-sama instead?”
“W… WHAT?!”
“Yeah, sounded weird to me too. I mean, after all, I don’t garner any respect for you, so why would I use that, to begin with!”
If you were a bird, you were absolutely positive that your feathers would be bristled and standing while you glared up at Kaibara with a near snarl on your lips. He matched your glare, his typically passive eyes ignited while the both of you neared in this hate-filled magnetism. 
“Would you two please stop! This is the time for summer flings! Not swinging fists!” 
The both of you whirled around to see your practically sobbing employer watch on with tears rolling down his face. He had been the most disheartened at the fact that both you did not get along at all, it was his biggest regret he had said many times over. While both of you did not fly twenty meters apart, Kaibara’s fist relaxed, and you managed to retrieve your money back from him with a satisfied ‘hmph’ before turning around.
Really you knew both of you together were insufferable. But to your credit, both of you were always civil in front of the customers. Well, at least polite enough for no one to speak up. But as you returned to your place by the corner to continue cleaning with your rag, you couldn’t help but look behind you at Kaibara, who was also staring back at you.
What an insufferable prick!
He stared at you, his lips pressing into a smile that you refused to admit made your heart hammer just the slightest bit faster in your chest, and the moment he caught on, the smile became a smirk before his tongue stuck out, and his finger pulled at his eye — or in other words, he threw you an Akanbe… well, your boss then had a ten-minute talk about how it was not okay to throw dirty rags at your coworkers.
It wasn’t that Kaibara didn’t like you.
No, of course not, there was no point in garnering unpleasant feelings towards someone who didn’t matter to him at the end of the day, but sometimes… sometimes he really thought you being a piece of shit just to enact rage and violence from him. After all, as part of working at the ice cream parlor, their break time leisure was always brought with a free sundae with whatever you wanted because you worked, and tips were only really brought in by the rare American tourist.
But you were doing this on purpose. 
“I want to add a caramel and chocolate drizzle, don’t forget to add peanuts… should I get whipped cream??? Is there enough??? I know we used almost half of our weekly supply on one kid?” Kaibara watched as you stroked your chin, ordering your custom-made sundae while you created this sugar-sweet dessert based on what he hated to create. “You know what… yes, I want some whipped cream, but I also thought that you could maybe smash it up like at Cold Stone? It makes it easier to eat.”
“I’ll spit in your ice cream if you make me do that.” Kaibara deadpanned, his fingers twitching on the serving spoons. If he was going to smash your toppings on the counter, he just cleaned, he was going to throw this in your face.
“And violate Healthcode Section 242?!” you gasped loudly, almost offended that he would do such a thing, and he wondered if you were pulling a number out of your ass. “Do it, I dare you! I really would like to have you replaced!”
He watched you triumphantly stick your nose in the air, your lips set in a victorious grin, but he just sighed. “You’re a fucking pain in my ass.”
You seemed to have expected that from him, but you still played it off in a shocked manner with your hands pressing to your cheeks in your horrified expression.
“Oh thank goodness, I thought for a second there you were going to say something horrendously rude!” you laugh, your hands stretching out for your finished sundae, and he watched your tongue wet your lips while you brought it close to you. “My mom tells me that all the time, and she’s still in a full-body cast.”
“And that’s relevant because?” he asked, his eyes blinking slowly, his head tilting in his faux boredom — he wouldn’t admit it, but he was never bored with you around.
“Nope, totally irrelevant! But I figured your life is so boring that my daily news about my bedridden mother must be like what Fashion Week is for Youtubers,” you chide, walking over to an empty table and plopping down on the chair with overdramatic confidence and slight exhaustion.
“I think maybe you should stop talking and eat that ice cream before your break is over.” he returned, his hip pressing into the cold counter while he cleaned up the small mess he had made creating your monster of a snack.
“You’re probably right… your small brain needs a break.”
Your words were nothing new, but he still stared at you with a growing smirk while you brought your spoon of ice cream to your mouth and took your first big satisfying bite… well, that was until you tasted it. “EW! HEY! KAIBARA! THIS IS FUCKING DISGUSTING WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MY SUNDAE?!”
“I added cherry sauce.” He shrugged, his arms folding across his chest while your face fell, your spoon digging into the sweet cream to shove the black sauce, which was not chocolate, to the side.
“Worst? I know!” Kaibara nearly snorted at the defeated, almost depressing look that overcame his face. He wanted to dig more at you because of that, but was unfortunately interrupted when the front door opened and in came a customer. “Oh, welcome.”
He didn’t want to look away from the fact that you were pouting and eating your sundae still; your guilt of wasting food outweighing your distaste much more. But a weird twist of his stomach made his eyebrows scrunch when he noticed how the incoming customer stared at you. It was a look of interest, and while he didn’t even like you, why was he feeling like this.
He ignored it, shaking his head, he focused on the customer who said they were still looking, and he sighed.
It meant nothing… right?
Well, it finally happened. 
Today was your day off, but at precisely 12:35 p.m., your phone violently buzzed with an incoming call from your boss. You had been out on the backyards lawn trying to sunbathe with your towel on the dirt floor, trying to live the best summer experience you could. Your music had been blasting, so when the call came, you quickly picked it up to figure who was calling and why.
There wasn’t even a chance to argue, a chance to say you were doing more important things, because the line ended immediately and you groaned loudly. To work it was, it seemed. 
It took you fifteen minutes to get to Scoops Ice Cream Parlor, and you were surprised, to say the least, about how false your boss’s statement was. It wasn’t a line out the door, it was a line that went out the door and wrapped around the block?! 
You locked eyes with Kaibara, who was also apparently called in today, and he merely raised an eyebrow at you before continuing what he was doing. In forty-five seconds flat, you had managed to get yourself ready to assist and were on it. 
It was times like this that everyone was grateful for how efficiently you and Kaibara worked together, as odd as it was. The two of you worked on multiple orders together, passing things off to one another, gathering items, and sharing. It was done wordlessly, effortlessly, and efficiently; it indeed was not a reflection of how you two behaved normally. 
In an hour and a half, the line had finally reached the last ten people, and you could almost cry in relief. 
“Ah! A soft served vanilla ice cream with a chocolate drizzle! Y/n!” your boss commanded, and you nodded, your sweating cheek pressing to your shoulder to wipe whatever you could off. Without a word, you went back to the soft serve machines and without so much of a thought, pulled on the lever. 
You quickly realized that pulling on that lever was a mistake, not a mistake you purposefully made, but a mistake. 
Do not touch the soft-serve machine because it often broke… that’s what Kaibara told you all those weeks ago, but when he meant broken, he didn’t mean it didn’t produce ice cream. No, no, no. That would be too nice by the universe, after all! When he said it broke, you never expected the soft-serve ice cream to begin to pour from the machine, with no stop in sight. 
“OH NO!”
The white vanilla cream poured endlessly from the machine, and you shrieked while trying to keep it on the cone you brought with you, but you were no expert in making those Instagram famous towers. Eventually, you watched in horrific slow motion as the ice cream tipped over and splattered on the floor, and in your moment of not knowing what to do, you attempted to gather the ice cream in your hands instead of letting it fall to the floor.
“Oh my god, stop! Please stop!” you chanted, your hands jiggling onto the lever hoping that it would make it stop, but it was to no avail.
With every passing second, your arm filled with more ice cream, growing colder and stickier with every moment. 
“What the fuck is taking you so long — oh my god!”
“KAIBARA PLEASE HELP ME!!!!” you sobbed, feeling like a pathetic toddler of all things as your foot desperately tried to drag the trash can near you to keep the building icecream from falling onto the floor, but your legs were too short it seemed. 
“What did you do?!” he hissed, running over slamming the trash can near you, but slipped on the fallen cone and crashed into you. 
Much like how the ice cream cone had fallen in slow motion, Kaibara crashing into you, exploding the armful of ice cream gathered in your arms everywhere, sent you both to the ground. 
“WHAT DID YOU DO?!” you sobbed in your hysteric laughter, the both of you now fumbling on the ground, the ice cream quickly seeping past the threads of the apron to seep into your clothes and burn your bodies slowly. “YOU MADE THIS SO MUCH WORSE!”
“Oh my god, would you stop?! Please stop yelling!”
“Get off me first! You’re so heavy!”
“The floors are so damn slippery, I can’t!”
“Roll off, you idiot!”
It was a chaotic, wild attempt by the two of you to calm down the machine that wouldn’t stop spitting out ice cream until it was empty. While no one else had seen the two of yours struggles to get into your feet (a feat that took twenty minutes and provided hilarious footage for your coworkers who watched it before closing), the both of you couldn’t speak of what happened without feeling like you needed to crumble away. 
Thankfully, both of you were sent home afterward, before the ice cream could glue into your skin. But as you were walking out, your arms not being able to bend at the disgusting horror of the sticky firmness of the dried ice cream on your skin, you were surprised when a hand grabbed your shoulder and stopped you. 
“I wanted to apologize,” Kaibara says the second you turn to look at him. 
“What?” you stupidly respond, your eyes blinking rapidly as if you couldn’t understand him. 
“I wanted to apologize about how I’ve been… how I’ve been behaving. We aren’t really friends, but after all that today, I just… can we start over?”
And somehow those four little words sparked a friendly fire in your core, and your lips stretched into a smile as sweet as the ice cream on your body. 
“Yeah, I think we can.”
This date was going horribly.
About nine days ago, a customer had walked in, seen you moping with an ice cream sundae made by Kaibara with black cherry sauce, and had asked you out. You were sure what exactly willed you into saying yes; after all, you didn’t know the guy personally, but here you were. Without wanting to seem rude, you definitely thought this date was going horrendously, and you wanted to get out, not that this man noticed anyways.
“Do you want to get some ice cream?” he asked, a smile spreading on his face while both of you exited the movie theater.
You thought about it, Kaibara wasn’t working today if you remembered correctly, and with Scoops being the only ice cream joint nearby, you weren’t about to stroll in on a date with him there. Since the whole broken soft-serve ice cream machine, both of you had taken to be friends like honey and flies. 
The bickering didn’t stop, not one single bit, but the tone and the atmosphere behind the genuine arguments no longer felt like an introduction to some World War and now instead teasing and playing between friends. However, admitting and seeing that you were friends brought up an issue that you never thought was going to happen again — you once more found yourself attracted to the dark-haired man.
Yes, like some overzealous whore, you were out on a date while having very real feelings for your coworker.
But well, going back to whether you should go get ice cream, it would give you yet another reason to speak up at all.
But of course, summer was not being your friend this summer it seemed, because when he held open the all too familiar front door, and you walked in with a grateful smile. You felt your heart twist and die the second that Kaibara walked out from the back, his already neutral face falling into stony coldness at the sight of you and your date.
“Welcome,” was his unwelcoming call. 
Please let there be some freak accident that causes time to reset so you wouldn’t have to do this, you prayed, trying to calm the blood that threatened to rush to your face while your date began to talk to Kaibara. Your eyes glued immediately over onto the menu as if you hadn’t already memorized everything up there. Still, even with your attention very focused on the menu, you knew by heart already, you could feel those dark, nearly black eyes piercing through you. 
When Kaibara was asked to cover a coworkers shift today, he expected it to be busier than it was today. He guessed that’s just how it was at times when the heat of the summer day failed to make anyone want any ice cream, but while it was nice to get paid without doing much work, it definitely sucked doing nothing. Which is why when the front door chime sounded, he offered to take on the customer… but he didn’t expect to see you here with some random guy. 
He didn’t know why it bothered him really, the both of you were finally getting along superbly but seeing you there next to some guy who was trying to talk about just how amazed he was by all the ice cream flavors and how he met you here soured his mood intensely. At the same time, he continued to look at you. You were staring at the menu; he knew you could recite to the very typo on the board because he had riled you into memorizing it within the first week. 
But when your sheepish gaze met his, Kaibara did not want to admit that the bizarre emotions he was feeling both disappeared altogether and intensified utterly. 
“What d’ya want, y/l/n?” he asked you after taking down this assholes order. He took to your gaze, trying not to have some lame physical reaction to how he felt when your eyes warmed at the sight of him. 
It meant nothing, it meant nothing, it meant nothing. 
“I’ll have the caramel banana sundae,” you ordered with a smile while your date grinned after your selection. 
“You really order the worst things on this menu, don’t you?” he couldn’t help but jab, knowing you would instantly focus on this mindless banter. 
“Kaibara, I swear, say that to my face one more time!” you instinctively yelled. Although you were here on some date, he would confirm later (and would then have to internally admit that he was, in fact, jealous) he liked the fact that you spent the majority of your date in here talking to him.
Sometimes you really wished that arresting the sun was an actual concept. 
Why in the world was it even legal for the temperature to be 114°F and for workplaces to still be expected to run normally. God, it was so hot that it only felt normal in your ice cream parlor employment that your only moment of grace was when you walked into the back freezers. 
“I think I’m slowly dying,” you whispered to Kaibara while you arranged the ice cream for the waiting customers. 
Today had been reasonably busy, everyone coming in and exclaiming that they needed some ice cream to combat the summer sun, and you always nodded in agreement. But you guessed despite the blistering heat that couldn’t even stay away from the ice cream shop, you appreciated being able to suffer together with Kaibara. 
“If you die and leave me here, I will kill you.” Kaibara’s eyes narrowed at you, and you laughed, shoving him with your shoulder. 
“Good luck!”
You handed the ice cream concoctions to the family and watched as they seem delighted to have it before walking away. 
After a perfect steady flow of customers, the parlor was at the moment empty, and you looked at the different ice cream gallons in search to see which needed to be refilled. You counted five, and you cringed, the both of you had been slacking it seemed. 
“Come help me switch out the ice cream,” you demanded, spinning on your heel and marching off back towards the freezer. 
Since your date, it had been… awkward with Kaibara, you hated to admit it.
The fact that he had seen you on a date was never again brought up, but it seemed that maybe it should have been considering the very awkwardness that bled into your relationship. Sure, he was beyond pleasant with you; as a matter of fact, there was hardly any bickering between the two of you because whenever it started, he would bite his tongue to keep from returning any of your lines — and you knew he had some comebacks. 
You walked into the freezer first, reciting the ice cream flavors that needed to be replaced like a mantra to avoid multiple trips to and from the freezer. With Kaibara coming in behind you, you immediately walked over towards the frozen gallons and began to pull out the flavors that you needed to take. 
“How’s your boyfriend?” Kaibara asked suddenly while you placed two of the gallons onto the floor so that you could grab the other ones. 
You felt your spine stiffen at his words, your eyes wide while you turned behind you to see that Kaibara had also grabbed another two of the flavors which lead you with one more, which was nearest to you. 
“Not my boyfriend,” you corrected awkwardly, your ears burning while you walked carefully over to the gallon in the far back wall. “I didn’t like him, I was promised a free ticket to a movie, and you know with my mom and everything I couldn’t pass it up.”
Without even looking at him, you knew that Kaibara had nodded his head in understanding.
“So you don’t like him?” he asked, his voice seeming to come from a few steps behind you, which caused a shiver to roll down your spine, but you mentally blamed it on the freezing air. 
“No, I um… I like someone else,” you respond honestly, trying not to let on your embarrassed and flustered state while trying to take the gallon of ice cream out from the rack but was currently failing. “Stupid fucking ice cream!”
But your frustration towards the ice cream container was quickly and almost immediately forgotten the second his unexplainably warm hands grabbed onto your shoulders and spun you around. Your eyes widened at the sight of his slight shaggy black hair falling onto his eyes while he looked at you and then down at your lips.
“Am I that someone else?” he asked, and all the air in your lungs froze over and died. He read you like a book, and the soft chuckle that left his lips made your body vibrate with warmth as he nodded his head in perfect understanding. “Lucky guess, huh… you think I can kiss you, y/n?”
A simple sentence crossed his tongue, and yet your mind spun at his words as if he had offered you only the greatest riches in the world, and you found yourself nodding your head while reaching up to meet his own eager lips into a scorching kiss. You weren’t sure how long the kiss lasted, only knowing that with your fingers twisted into his soft locks, his fingers digging into your waist and keeping you breathlessly near, and the buzz that came alive with your dancing lips. He inexplicably and irrevocably overwhelmed you, and the near frantic breathing that passed through your nose was evidence of that. 
By the time you two parted, you felt the world turn into some rose gold haze while you stared up at his smiling face.
The two of you would later find out that you had been locked in the freezer together, but on the hottest day of the year, next to someone who kissed you with enough intensity and passion that the freezer couldn’t even make you shiver, it was all okay.
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theladyofdeath · 5 years ago
Alone in the Ashes {1}
A Court of Thorns and Roses fanfction, characters belong to Sarah J Maas. Revolves around Nesta x Cassian, Feyre x Rhysand, and Elain x Azriel. Other characters appear throughout. Based on multiple prompts sent in by anons tbr below.
Warning: Mature content. Alcohol abuse, verbal abuse, sex, language, eating disorders. 
For summary & chapter index, click >  Alone in the Ashes {Acotar}
Word Count: 3.6k
A/N: Yay to new, angsty fanfics full of hot mess scenarios, sexy men, and foul language. 
Comment to tell me what you think, or to be tagged! x
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“I didn't want to wake up. I was having a much better time asleep. And that's really sad. It was almost like a reverse nightmare, like when you wake up from a nightmare you're so relieved. I woke up into a nightmare.” ― Ned Vizzini, It's Kind of a Funny Story
It had been two weeks of Feyre living with Rhysand, and although he had been her best friend since high school, she learned more about him than she had ever cared to know since she moved in. 
For one, the man was a complete mess. She blessed every woman that had ever had to step foot into a man’s bathroom, starting from the first night she walked in there to pee. After taking one look at the toilet seat up, the toothpaste all over the sink, the trash can full of Mother knew what,  and the shower curtain hanging halfway off the hooks, Feyre felt the need to put on a hazmat suit and go buy five bottles of bleach.
Secondly, he didn’t have enough food to make a complete meal. Not even close. She knew he wasn’t a fan of cooking, but they couldn’t live off of ten boxes of cereal and half a gallon of milk. 
And, lastly, he snored. Loudly. So loudly that, on multiple occasions, she was hurrying across the hall in the middle of the night and throwing him onto the floor with a string of curses. 
It was early on a Saturday morning when he awoke and rounded the corner to find her standing over the stove top, scrambling eggs.
He smiled, brightly, his hair a mess. “Good morning, Feyre, darling.”
Feyre rolled her eyes. “It would be if I got enough sleep last night. An obnoxious caveman inhabits the room across from mine.”
Rhysand’s smile widened. “Sounds like an asshole. You should get rid of him.”
Feyre laughed, taking a package of bacon out of the fridge. “Yes, but then I’d be lonely.”
Rhysand shook his head as he hopped onto the island in the middle of the kitchen. “Can’t have that.”
With a murmur of agreement, Feyre dropped slices of bacon onto the burning skillet. She always loved the sizzle food made when it hit a hot pan. It always reminded her of the little, family owned diner her mom used to take her and her sisters to when they were little, every Saturday morning. 
“Good thing you moved in,” Rhysand went on, opening a carton of orange juice and putting it to his lips. “I don’t know how I didn’t starve before.” 
Feyre turned to face him, scowling as she caught him drinking from the carton. “It’s scrambled eggs and bacon, Rhys, not a gourmet meal. You could easily-”
“- cook them yourself!” Feyre finished with a laugh. “Lazy ass.” 
“I am not lazy,” he said, hopping off the counter and flicking her nose. “I worked fifty hours this week at a restaurant. The last thing I want to do is go home and cook for myself. I prefer endless take out and best friends that do it for me.”
It was true. Rhysand worked at a popular local bar, one that had to fire two employees the week before for getting high in the kitchen. Until they found someone else, Rhysand was taking up extra shifts. 
When Feyre didn’t say anything more, Rhysand stopped what he was doing and asked, with a quiet voice, “Bad morning?”
Feyre’s head swung his direction. “What? No. Well...I don’t know. Yet.”
He raised his brows.
“Tamlin texted me, wanted me to come get some stuff I left behind,” she mumbled.
Rhysand’s lips tightened. “I’ll come with you, then.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea-”
“No, I should come with you.”
“I’ll be fine,” Feyre snapped. “I dealt with him for years, I think I can go pick up some shit.”
Rhysand’s shoulders tensed, and Feyre instantly felt guilty.
“Sorry,” she mumbled, turning off the stove top burners. “I’m obviously not looking forward to it, but really, I’ll be fine. And if he sees that you’re with me, he’ll start a fight, and I really just want to go get my stuff and get it done with.” 
Rhysand nodded, although it was obvious by the way his eyes darkened that he didn’t like the idea, at all. “Just...call me if you need me.”
Feyre promised she would as he picked up a slice of bacon out of the skillet and took a massive bite.
Her eyebrows rose. “Is that not hot?”
“Fucking burning,” he mumbled, chewing. “I can’t feel my tongue.”
Feyre laughed, shaking her head. “Dumbass.”
He flicked her nose again, and she punched him in the arm. 
They ate together at the little, rickety table, just as the front door opened and Azriel appeared. He was wearing black sweatpants and a t-shirt that said Velaris High Basketball on it. Given that it was nearly ten years old, Feyre was impressed it was still keeping itself together. The tattoos on his arms stood out, especially the new one on his left forearm, still ringed in red and covered in ointment. 
“Good morning,” he mumbled.
Rhysand lifted an eyebrow as he chuckled, and Feyre was certain they were sharing the same thought.
“You look like shit,” Rhysand observed, as Azriel pulled a chair up to the table and laid his head against the tabletop. “Too much to drink last night?”
Azriel mumbled something unintelligible. 
“There was a girl, wasn’t there,” Feyre crooned. 
“Let’s just say that it took me a few minutes to remember her name when I woke up next to her this morning,” Azriel muttered.
Feyre gasped as Rhysand howled. “You’re better than that, Az. I am so, so disappointed.”
He looked up, glaring at his old friend. “Don’t worry, I feel shitty enough without punishment from you.”
Feyre stood, chuckling as she ruffled Azriel’s hair, and took her plate to the sink. “Good.”
“Ready for a run, then?” Rhysand asked, cheerily.
Azriel cursed before pushing himself up from the table. “Yeah. May as well. I have to get my shit together before one. I’m supposed to go into town for a job.”
“Ah, and what will you be building this time?” Feyre asked, intrigued, as she loaded their dishes into the dishwasher. 
“Turning a garage into a bonus room,” he said. “So, I’ll be there a few weeks, it seems. But, the garage is small so….”
He let his words trail off and Feyre nodded, impressed. “Well, aren’t you handy.”
Azriel snorted. “It pays the bills.”
He was being modest, as he always was. Azriel was a brilliant craftsman and made the most beautiful, wooden furniture. However, he couldn’t seem to make a living that way, so he did small renovations and handyman work when he could get it. 
Rhysand had finished tugging on his shoes just as Azriel took the Advil and Gatorade Feyre had handed him. 
“I’ll see you this afternoon, then? After I get back from helping Cassian?” Rhysand asked, eyeing Feyre. “And you’ll call me if you need me?”
Feyre nodded.
“Alright,” he said, hesitantly, before following Azriel out the door.
Once she was alone, Feyre let out a long, deep breath. She should go now, get it over with. The thought had her hands shaking as she reached to turn off the kitchen sink.
“She didn’t want you going with?” Azriel asked, as they slowed to a jog along the Sidra.
Rhysand shook his head. “Thinks he’ll start a fight.”
It was common knowledge - Rhysand and Tamlin did not get along. They never had, even in high school. He also knew that Tamlin thought Rhysand was the reason Feyre left him, which was complete bullshit. She left him because he was a controlling, manipulative dick.
“She’ll be alright,” Azriel said.
Rhysand didn’t reply. He knew she could stand up for herself, but he saw way too much in the years that Feyre was with Tamlin. He knew the things Tamlin used to say to her, knew the things he used to threaten her with. 
“It seems to be going good,” Azriel continued, after catching the gleam in Rhysand’s eyes. “Roommates.”
“Yeah,” Rhysand agreed, as they stopped to stretch. “It is.”
Azriel was watching him in the quiet, articulate way he typically watched people when he was thinking something he didn’t want to say out loud. 
Rhysand looked up at the early morning sky. “Yes?”
“Nothing,” Azriel mumbled, but when Rhysand looked back down, he was smiling. 
“Fuck off,” Rhysand muttered, lying back against the grass. “I wouldn’t try anything.”
“Not yet,” Azriel added, jumping to his feet, wiping the sweat off his forehead with the hem of his shirt. “Don’t say never.”
Rhysand didn’t comment. Yes, he loved her, but he would be an asshole to try anything. She just got out of a long, shitty relationship. Besides, she was his best friend, and trying anything more would be a betrayal of her trust. 
“Alright, get up,” Azriel grumbled. “If I beat you back to your apartment, drinks are on you tonight.” 
Rhysand looked up at Azriel from where he was in the grass. Azriel stared back. Before Rhysand jumped up, he kicked Azriel in the back of the knee, causing him to go down as Rhysand took off. 
Elain looked in the mirror.
The dark circles beneath her eyes grew heavier, she would definitely need to layer her concealer. She had pulled on a pair of jeans she had bought the month before, but they had grown baggy, so she settled on leggings and a tank top. 
Since she had to move back in with her father, after her breakup with Graysen, things were...interesting. Neither she nor her sisters had spoken too much to their dad in recent years, so having to call Isaac and ask if she could occupy her childhood bedroom was uncomfortable, to say the least. Asking him to take her to her appointments had been even stranger, but they say that she cannot take herself, in case she had a meltdown when she was there, she would always need a ride home.
However, she felt better the past few days than she had in some time. She thought it may have been the new medication Dr.Jones put her on, or the fact that spring had turned into summer. Everything was better in the summer, right?
Isaac was gone that morning, but Elain had to stay put. A contractor was coming, apparently, to give a quote on transforming their garage, which Isaac had been talking about doing for years but never went through with it.
Elain wondered why he had chosen now, perhaps as a way to bring a little change into Elain’s life. Either way, Elain was stuck until the contractor arrived, not that she had much else to do.
It was just after one when the doorbell rang, and Elain hurried from her spot on the couch, where she had been watching a ridiculous reality love competition, to the front door.
She opened it, and blinked. “Hello. Can I help you?”
He was tall, his lashes long and dark over his hazel eyes. He wore a hat, backwards, over his black hair. Elain could see the tattoos peeking out above the neckline of his t-shirt, as well as those that covered his arms.
“Is Isaac home?” he asked, voice low. “He called about your garage?”
“Ah, yeah,” Elain said, stepping aside, unable to break her eyes from his. She knew him from somewhere, although she couldn’t quite place it. “Come in, please.”
He nodded his thanks and entered.
They stood in the doorway, an awkward silence growing overwhelming. 
Elain, at last, cleared her throat. “Um, my dad’s not here, but, I’ll pass along the message.” She turned on her heels and, a second later, his heavy footsteps trailed after her. They went through the kitchen and out the door, down into the garage. 
It was a small garage, but an absolute mess. When Isaac had lived alone, this is where he seemed to have stored anything and everything. 
Elain couldn’t tell what the man was thinking as he looked around. She knew her father had talked to him on the phone about what he wanted done, so she didn’t bother with providing the contractor with any details. 
“I know you from somewhere,” Elain said, quietly, as he walked through the garage, avoiding the clutter. 
“Yeah?” he asked, glancing her way, shortly. “From where?”
Elain bit her bottom lip. “Where did you go to high school?”
“Here,” he said, walking back to the bottom of the stairs and looking up at her. “Velaris, in the city.”
His brows suddenly shot up and Elain suddenly realized she was alone with a man twice her size. “You’re an Archeron. Feyre’s sister, yeah?”
Elain froze. “Yes.”
He nodded, jaw clenched. “I’m friends with your sister, saw her just this morning actually. We graduated the same year, you and I. Elain, right?”
Elain nodded, slowly. His name was on the tip of her tongue, but she could not remember it for the life of her.
“Azriel,” he said, looking away, and Elain blushed, feeling guilty. “You were valedictorian, if I remember correctly. Cheerleader.”
Elain suddenly remembered. “Oh, you played basketball.”
Azriel nodded. “I did, yeah.”
And you smoked a lot of stuff and drank under the bleachers, Elain thought, but figured it best to keep that to herself. 
“Well, I suppose I’ll give you the estimate to give to your dad,” he said, scribbling a few things down on the notepad in his hand. “When he gets home, have him call me. I can come in Monday.”
Elain nodded, taking the sheet of paper from his hand before leading him back through the house. He didn’t say goodbye before he left. Elain watched him drive away.
She had to admit that he had aged nicely in the last decade.
The dark, dangerous boy that had a hazardous reputation at Velaris High.
Elain resumed her position on the couch, playing the next episode of her stupidly entertaining television show.
She pulled out her phone and opened instagram. The first image that popped up had her gasping for air.
Graysen was smiling, his arms around her. 
She didn’t read the caption. She couldn’t. Before she could go any further, Elain dropped her phone, covered herself with a blanket, and laid on the couch.
The show faded into background noise as Elain stared at the coffee table. 
Nesta was trying to sleep, but the noise going on outside of her apartment was unbearable. 
With a miserable groan, Nesta rose from her bed and stomped through the halls before reaching the front door and throwing it open. 
Two men stood there, carrying a kitchen table, one of whom Nesta recognized all too well.
She leaned against her door frame. “Rhysand, didn’t expect to see you standing out here...or, be anywhere on this side of town. How’s my sister?”
Rhysand, and his companion, set the table down on the concrete. “Nesta...Is this your apartment or the guy’s you fucked last night?”
“I’m assuming you two know each other,” Rhysand’s companion muttered.
Nesta shot him a glare. His dark, brown hair hung around his shoulders, tangled and a mess. He wore torn jeans, laced up leather boots with the laces undone, and a black t-shirt. His hazel eyes were taking Nesta in, from the top of her bedhead to her bare legs, hanging out beneath Tomas’ old, white t-shirt. 
“Feyre’s sister,” Rhysand said, eyes still on Nesta.
His friend lifted an eyebrow. “No shit? The oldest, I assume.”
Nesta tensed, wondering what all her youngest sister said about her to her friends, then deciding she did not care.
“This is Cassian,” Rhysand went on, gripping his side of the table, once more. “Your new neighbor, it seems.”
“I would say it’s a pleasure, but you kinda look like you want to shove a knife into my chest, so,” Cassian began, then trailed off.
They lifted the table once more, bringing it inside the apartment. Nesta hadn’t even turned around before they came back out to grab something else.
“Well, keep it down,” Nesta snapped. “I’m trying to sleep.”
Rhysand ignored her, but Cassian seemed to not catch the hint. “It’s three in the afternoon.”
“Yes, and I was up until five this morning,” she scowled.
She heard the bedroom door open up behind her and looked over her shoulder, to find a disheveled Tomas walking toward her, cigarette between his lips. 
“There a problem?” he asked, coming up behind her.
“Just meeting my new neighbor,” Nesta said. “I was just coming back inside.”
“Hmm,” he mumbled, then went back to the kitchen and out the sliding door to the balcony. 
Cassian didn’t take his eyes from hers as she took a few steps back and slammed her door.
They didn’t bother to keep it down, at all. 
Feyre was sitting on the couch, in silence, when Rhysand got home.
Careful not to startle her, he shut the door quietly behind him. 
She looked over her shoulder, tried to smile, but it didn’t reach her eyes.
She had been crying.
Rhysand didn’t say anything until he was sitting beside her, his feet kicked up. “You didn’t call me. I assume it went well?”
Her lip quivered, and his arm went around her shoulder as her face fell into his chest. “I hate him. I hate him, Rhys.”
“I know,” he whispered. He hated Tamlin, too. Hated the years he stole from her, hated the lies he fed her. “I know.”
She wiped her eyes across his shirt. “I’m making you wet.”
Rhysand opened his mouth, then it snapped shut, before laughter sputtered out of his mouth. 
Feyre couldn’t help but laugh herself as she hit him in the chest, not moving from her position. 
Rhysand’s arm tightened around her as she said, “Take your dirty mind somewhere else, I’m upset.”
“You’re right,” he said, smile fading. “I’m sorry. What happened?”
She shook her head.
She didn’t want to talk about it, not yet.
“Well, we all have the night off, so we’re going out,” he said, lifting her chin by his fingers to meet his eyes. “Come with.”
It was moments like this that made Rhysand have to focus on his breathing. In and out, don’t overthink, don’t think about how her face is only inches from yours, don’t think about how easy it would be to close the space, don’t think about the feeling of her lips on yours.
“Okay,” Feyre whispered.
Rhysand nodded, quietly clearing his throat. “Well, we should get ready, then.”
Feyre chuckled. “You may want to take a shower if you plan on impressing anyone tonight.”
Rhysand knew he wouldn’t be bringing anyone home, the only one he wanted to bring home was coming home with him, anyway.
But he nodded. He didn’t smell great. It was true. “Probably should.”
With a smile, Feyre pushed off his chest and started down the hall. She shut herself inside of her bedroom as Rhysand looked down, at the betrayal going on beneath his sweatpants.
He had to take a shower.
And it would be a cold one.
Nesta’s phone vibrated in her back pocket as she lit her cigarette. 
She fished it out to find Elain’s name, and once she opened it, she read, Meet for lunch tomorrow?
Elain had a lot of time on her hands since she broke up with Graysen, and Nesta was trying her best to meet her from time to time and help her pass the time, but it was difficult. Then again, she should be spending time with at least one of her sisters.
Sure, tell me when and where, I’ll be there, Nesta replied, taking a long drag.
She was waiting for Tomas outside, waiting to go out on a Saturday night, but he was taking forever. She hated waiting. She hated waiting for Tomas, in particular. She swore he made her wait just because he could, just because he knew that it bothered her. 
The door across from hers opened and Cassian stepped out.
He looked as if he’d just gotten out of the shower. His long hair was still wet, but tied at the back of his head. He still wore his boots, but his jeans were cleaner than the torn ones he had been wearing earlier, and his button down shirt was rolled up to his elbows, showing off the ink that decorated his tanned skin. He locked his front door behind him as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, and noticed Nesta leaning up against the wall. 
He didn’t have a chance to say a word before her own door opened and Tomas stepped out.
He saw Cassian looking at his girl, his eyes turning feral. Tomas met Cassian in height, but it was clear that Cassian was much broader, much stronger. 
“Ready, Nesta?” Tomas asked, eyes still on Cassian.
Nesta didn’t answer. She took her cigarette between her lips as she watched Cassian’s gaze sweep over her, just as he had done earlier that afternoon. He did it slowly, no doubt to piss off Tomas more. 
“May I help you?” Nesta asked, voice low. 
Cassian chuckled, lips parted. The gesture defined his jawline, defined his cheekbones, and Nesta couldn’t help but notice. He had a handsome face, sculpted from stone. It was difficult not to imagine the body that lied beneath his clothes. 
“Have a good night,” he said, at last, and shoved his hands into his pockets before walking away.
It took everything inside of Nesta not to watch him go.
“I don't like that guy,” Tomas muttered, closing the apartment door and resting his hand along Nesta’s lower back. “I don’t like the way he looks at you.”
Nesta rolled her eyes. “Cut the alpha male bullshit. I can take care of myself.”
With that, she walked away, Tomas close on her heels.
She needed to start drinking immediately if she was going to make it through another night, another morning, with him.
Tag List (to be tagged, comment or send me an ask!) 
{ “I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you forget you ever met that asshole” - Feysand } -anonymous 
{ “How about Nessian needing to fake date when they go home for the holidays?!” } - anonymous
{ “could u pls do like an elriel fic where azriel is like this mysterious bad boy and elain is a goody two shoes lik aaaaa i cant get that image out of my head” } - anonymous
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famej · 4 years ago
Sunshine through the rain
Momotarou Mikoshiba x Reader
It surely was ridiculous, but those ridiculous things were getting to you more than they should. At this exact moment, instead of walking around a park with an obvious sad face and teary eyes, you should be enjoying an afternoon with a friend. But for the umpteenth time, they cancelled with the excuse of having to much to do before going back to school.
These days, it seemed recurrent for these kind of situations to happen. The cancelled meetings, your best friend pushing you away to spend time with her boyfriend that she never told you about before, that feeling of loneliness and abandonment was slowly starting to eat you up.
The weather had somehow matched your mood, with heavy bright grey clouds coating the sky, threatening to spill an equally heavy rain at any moment.
With all the running thoughts in your mind, the tears you’ve managed to keep in until now, trailed down your cheeks in perfect lines to your chin.
Then a crack of thunder, along with a wave of wind gave you a late warning, before rain literally poured down on you in a deafening noise.
Around you, the passers by scattered to shelter themselves under trees or simply  ran out of the park to go back home.
You should’ve done the same but you weren’t feeling like it, maybe due to your empty stomach, or simply emplty self, really.
Slowly your hair were drenched, clothes soaked and every inch of you was covered with water. Between the rain and the tears, there was no way to decipher one from the other. You were lost in all the negativity surrounding you and it didn’t matter if a full gallon of water fell on you or if you were gonana get sick afterwards.
« Hey ! What are you doing ? »
The voice, even if it was subdued by the raging rain, made you turn around. It wasn’t like you were even expecting anything from the person who shouted you out of your daze, but you certainly haven’t imagine stumbling upon this kind of sight.
A young man, wearing a bright yellow rain cape and holding an insect net. He was smiling, which contrasted the worried tone he’d called you out with.
« You shouldn’t stay under the rain »
His voice seemed so far and you were also too far away from reality to properly react. The only thing you could do was observe him. His red hair, golden bubbly eyes and his smile, slowly changing into a frown.
Your wrist was seized and you got pulled away from the main path, under a big tree, where the stranger stopped and finally took off his hood.
The raincape might not hide much but it was somehow different to see him without.
« Cute » you thought
« Are you okay ? » he asked you gently, putting a hand on your shoulder.
You took a dreep breath that you didn’t know you needed to take and managed to nod.
« Yes »
The guy seemed to relax at your answer, his smile returned to his face, in a brighter version this time.
« Good ! You scared me back there, I thought you were having a seizure »
As he talked to you, it was like the temporary wall you’d built around yourself to block the outside world, was starting to fall down, and so did the tears.
Adding to the previous ones and the crazy amount of water stainning your face, a new flow was starting to pour out, this one with the sobs you’d stuck in your thoat all this time.
« I’m sorry » you cried out, surprising your saviour.
Under the weight of all your built up emotions, you let yourself fall on the ground.
« It’s ridiculous, really, I’m just crying for stupid reasons »
He settled down next to you.
« Don’t worry, cry if you need to »
You desperately tried to calm down and after a few minutes, your breathing became normal again. You tried to wipe away your tears but realized that doing so with wet hands was useless and gave up.
« Are you feeling better ? »
Now that you regained all your senses , the shame of the previous events prevented you to look at him.
« Yes, thank you. I’m really sorry for bothering you I swear I’m not crazy »
He chuckled. You looked at him.
« Don’t worry, it’s okay to be sad. I was just worried ‘cause you looked like a zombie »
« So cute » you told yourself, analyzing his face.
« Can I ask you what your name is ? »
« I’m Momotarou Mikoshiba. I was hunting for stag beetles, cause one rare specy only goes out when it’s stormy but they hate water so I could only catch one before it started raining »
Right after finishing his sentence, he took his back pack off his shoulder and fished a bocal out of it. It was somehow organized with earth and a sort of branch on which a beetle was quietly resting.
« I didn’t name it yet. What ‘s your name ? »
« Y/N »
« That’s it » he exclaimed, smiling  widely at you, then turning to the bocal.
« Hi there, little Y/N » He tapped lightly on the glass. The way he looked at the little creature, with such passion that his eyes were almost shining.
You let out a laugh, a genuine one that wasn’t so much of a good fit with your mood.
« You’re really cute » you chuckled
Momotarou clearly tensed at your words and didn’t even looked at you. Instead, you could witness his face going from a slight pink to a deep scarlet, even reaching he’s ears and a patch of his neck.
Repressing another laugh, you completely turned to him.
« It wasn’t my intention to embarrass you, sorry. I’ve never had an animal named after me, also you seem to really like those things. »
With still colored cheeks, he slowly turned to you, his gaze adverting from you.
« Yeah, they’re fascinating. Did you know most Stag Beetles live for only a few weeks after emerging as an adult, only a few can survibe if they find a nice environment to live. That’s why I prepare some nice places for the ones I catch. »
Now, you two were just like friends having a basic conversation and not some awkward encounter under the rain.
He was still ranting about beetles, letting his embarrassment go.
Sure, your friends ditched you and it didn’t solve the problem nor suppress your sadness but for a moment, through the seemingly never ending storm, a sunshine pierced his way through, offering you some of his warmth. A warmth you knew you’d crave again in a not so distant future.
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