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celestiall0tus · 6 months ago
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Mayura falls, but another peacock takes her place with his own personal agenda. He will be making his grand entrance closer to the start of season 5 of Bloody Bug with another antagonist.
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yan-san-yan · 2 years ago
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An au where the butterfly miraculous could be corrupted and not even Nooroo would know, the user's consciousness becomes corrupted over time.
I can't imagine Luka ever being evil unless there was some supernatural interferences......soooo this is what I came up with!
Lukas transformation is "Dark wings rise" and his face is covered with butterflies. But when he activates his power the butterfly wings turns into eyes and lukas eyes change. The coat is also covered with eyes that finds a target and this whole set up with eyes and Luka "seeing" emotions is a play on his ability to notice and observe. He hears people's heart songs and understands their emotions so his superhero/villain alter is greatly affected by his empatic nature.
Would people like me to make a head canon of this and further explain this au idea?
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bigfatbreak · 1 year ago
Hey, I know it’s impossible but what would be the first meeting of Marinette and Alya in Dad Villain?
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Alya, like most, was instantly charmed~
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Rose is usually the mastermind for who meets with her, though. lol. lmao, even
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miharuki · 4 months ago
𝖄𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖁𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖃 𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗 (𝕱𝖊𝖒) 3
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Offical theme nomura
A butler hurried through the vast mansion, carrying the morning’s correspondence for his masters. Arriving at the head of the household’s study, he stopped, straightened his attire, and composed himself professionally before knocking on the door.
“Come in,” came the voice of an older man from within. Entering as instructed, the butler held out the stack of letters that had arrived that morning. He stopped before the desk and lifted the pile. “Sir, your correspondence has arrived. However, there is one letter in particular that I believe may interest you.” The lord of the house took the pile of letters and leafed through them, reading the names of each sender, until he came upon a blue envelope with golden accents. His gaze dropped to the golden handwriting on it: Nomura L. Néantazur.
“Call (Mother’s Name) immediately,” he ordered. The butler bowed and left the study. “What could that demon possibly want this time?” he muttered under his breath.
“Why would he send us a letter like this?” asked the woman, standing beside her husband and fanning herself in distress.
“I don’t know,” he replied, disdain evident in his voice. “I’d bet it’s about that brat again.” The man sneered before taking a letter opener and carefully slicing open the cyan envelope. As he read the elegantly penned words, spelling out Nomura’s intent with the utmost formality, his wife couldn’t contain herself.
“He wants what?!” she shrieked, collapsing into the chair in front of her husband, hand on her forehead in despair.
“To think that little disgrace could catch his attention,” the man muttered, setting the letter down and glancing out the window at a small house hidden within the gardens, far from the main mansion.
“It wasn’t enough to keep her on our property? We had to apologize to the royal family, and now that wretched girl brings even more trouble upon us? How could I have given birth to someone like her?” The man stood, stepping over to his wife, who had her face in her hands, and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Calm down, dear; she’s not a problem to us… for now.”
Naturally, upon arriving home, her parents had been disappointed—if not more than that.
“So, what do we do now?” the woman asked, dramatically sobbing, while her husband smiled beside her.
“We’ll simply say that the letter never reached us. There’s no way we’re allying with that blue devil.”
“Yes, exactly. Well thought out.” They exchanged smiles, pleased with their scheme.
What they hadn’t anticipated, however, was that just a week later, an elegant carriage in dark tones with a blue gleam would arrive on their estate. The man who stepped out wore costly shoes and elegant attire, his guards surrounding him as he made his way to the door and knocked firmly. After a few seconds, the maid opened the door and, shocked by the visitor, dropped the feather duster she was holding.
With a sweet smile concealing something darker, he looked at her and said, “Will you allow us to enter and summon your masters?”
The maid quickly stepped aside, opening the door further, allowing the young man and his guards to enter. The butler, who had been watching from a distance, hurried over to join them.
“A-ah, my apologies! Please, follow me to the parlor.” The butler passed by the maid, tugging on her sleeve as he whispered urgently, “What are you waiting for? Go fetch them!”
The butler led the way to the sitting room, allowing the young man to take a seat before bowing. Soon, another maid appeared, pushing a cart and setting down a tray with a fine teapot and matching cups. She poured tea for the young man, who accepted it with a smile and took a sip.
The door opened shortly after, revealing the master and mistress of the house. The man’s expression initially showed shock before he cleared his throat and regained his composure. Behind him stood his wife, partially hiding her face behind her fan. They both took seats on the sofa opposite the visitor.
“Your Highness! To what do we owe this visit?”
“Well, it seems you haven’t received my letter, seeing as I received no response,” Nomura noted, setting his teacup on its saucer before looking up at them. The man exchanged a nervous glance with his wife before chuckling awkwardly.
“Yes, yes… no letter here. I mean, you know how postal services are these days, eh? Ha… ha…”
“Very well,” Nomura replied, his tone cool as he leaned back slightly. “I am here to propose a business arrangement. A mutually beneficial one for both of us.”
pt1. Pt2
"I'll possibly do Part 4:)
Should I make a smut? Or do you not like that? I think I might turn it into a series. But seriously, Nomura is officially a profile character now.
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anarkhangel · 1 year ago
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Can't believe the Couffaine family and the Sancoeur family (Adrien has been forcefully adopted) are going to war for the Dupain-Cheng family. @bigfatbreak really wants to see the world burn
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kittysuicoffee · 3 months ago
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I commissioned @sillysiluriforme of my fanfic au! I woke up as a villain named Lila Rossi! Please look at this i love it!
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qiaolingz · 3 months ago
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Because I'm a Villain...
My interpretation of Luka's POV - Villain Song by Stella Jang
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miabrown007 · 2 years ago
Félix: kidnapping is a love language Kagami: you have no social skills, idiot
*two weeks later*
Félix: okay, so when Marinette's at her most vulnerable, I'll gaslight her into thinking I'm her boyfriend, so she'll follow me into an abandoned building where we can put her in an altered mental state and present to her my family's life story in the imaginable most cryptic play of theater she has ever seen, which will reveal to her our horrible secret and the fact that her abusive father-in-law is also her arch-nemesis Kagami: you're so big brained, bae 🥰
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bellekawata-san · 8 months ago
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[Miraculous Reversed x Reader]
⚝pairing: Luka couffaine x Reader Villain
⚝summary:It was unexpected. In a moment of eternal loneliness, he came to your rescue, and through him, you finally escaped solitude. But did the loneliness truly leave you, or did it remain? Did someone fill the void, or did you fill it yourself?
⚝Info:This book mainly features Luka Couffaine x Reader, set in a parallel universe called Miraculous Reverse. Let me clarify a few things before you get confused.Chloe will not be turning good in this world; just a heads-up. Everything in this book is fictional and comes from my twisted imagination.So, everything used will be based on the information we got from the special.Additionally, all the songs I mention will be saved in a playlist on Spotify and YouTube, in case you want to check them out.
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EP.01 EP.02 EP.03 EP.04 EP.05 EP.06 EP.07
✧character designs:
"Queen Bee/Chloe Bourgeois" "Volpina/Lila rossi" "souris sombre"
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✧Other accounts:
Ao3 Quotev Wattpad Spirit Fanfic
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thebadchoicemachine · 4 months ago
Reverse TMA AU where Jon, Georgie, Martin, Sasha, etc. are all evil and the evil characters like Elias, Jude, Peter, etc. are good.
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waty-art · 2 years ago
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Queen & King
Akumatized lukanette! 
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milatheartsy · 4 months ago
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I drew this for twitter cropping but well it doesn't really translate to tumblr so have this idk
I wanted to draw the pillars too in this but couldn't make it work sadly
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notcryingtoday · 7 months ago
wait eyewitness was actually such a great tvshow why didn't it get more hype ?
there's everything, even the villain was actually interesting, the ending's almost perfect, there's found family and all the characters are complex even the ones we don't see a lot
helen is everything i want to see in a female badass character (she's actually badass but also sensitive and flawed), same for philip and/or lukas (lukas is afraid of coming out and doesn't want philip to tell people they're a thing) who have a very basic storyline but a relationship that made sense and some twists in it (like philip who actually tells lukas he's an assh*le, which, well, fair)
i definitely recommend eyewitness it's like only 10 episodes and it's so easy to watch !
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bigfatbreak · 1 year ago
I just realised that Luka simps for Marinette and Jagged for Tom. They are both simping for Dupain-Chengs. Like father like son!
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just walk away, Jagged
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natimiles · 1 year ago
The :o troupe
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Bonus: Vincent (he is trying to :o)
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And then Seth trying too hard...
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bellekawata-san · 8 months ago
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"— Do you really think I care?! You're still the same!
— Don't try to play the victim! Do you think I enjoy putting up with your face, you damn bastard?!"
The shouts of an argument woke you up, as usual, your parents were fighting about something you didn't care to know. You had long given up on wanting to find out. Pulling your phone off the charger, you checked the time. You had woken up early, as always, with some time before you needed to go to school again.With a mix of anguish and anger, you got out of bed, glancing around the large room obscured by black curtains, allowing only a sliver of light to pass through the fabric.
—"And now I'm the one to blame?! If I could, I would have left this shitty house!! Far away from you!!"
—"Then go! Go away, you selfish piece of crap!"
—"I'm not leaving because of our daughter, you idiot! The only thing keeping me in this mess!!!"
As always, your name was mentioned. You've long since stopped caring. It was always the same; she said she would leave, but never did.After getting dressed, you glanced at the bed and saw Sass emerging from under the covers. Walking slowly over to him, you placed your hand beside the kwami, allowing him to climb on.
"They're fighting again," you commented as you looked at the kwami. Sass began to float and hid in your hair. Grabbing your headphones, you selected a song and turned up the volume before heading towards the argument.
Descending the white hallway and stairs, you walked to the living room, heading towards the dining room. You stepped over a broken vase on the floor that your parents had just thrown.
—"Why don't you just disappear right now, you contemptible little piece of shit!"
—"The only one who should disappear here is you! You fucking whore!"
You walk past your parents in the living room, entering the dining room and immediately sitting down. You observe the quiet butler placing your breakfast of fried eggs and pastries on the table. Taking advantage of your parents being too busy arguing and the butler being away from the room, you sneakily grab a piece of egg and place it on your lap. With sass, you sit quietly and eat while also having your breakfast.
Leaving home, you finally sighed, the ominously reddish sky a constant presence in everyday life. Looking out of the limousine window, you once again wished you were in a better place.
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✧Other accounts:
Spirit Fanfic
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