#also that gan was not my type
gonzodangerfeels · 8 months
Nice Mongolian eyes
#self supportive#the Mongolians were not Chinese they just ran through there#my queens you are beautiful to me no matter what#even if you transform into some nightmare tyoe shit#like I think I just quit deciphering between nightmares and dreams eventually#like whatever I am just here and stuff (dreams)#me at shoes for a second: I wanna play with you forever#air pen pals#her here a note use esp#me: how about I just put my lips on this kiss mark for you#also that gan was not my type#the cousin of the demons: the crowd looks like a video game (the price is right)#wife (bless her heart I Love her so much yanno): I think it's the lights me: yes#it would have been better if we had a private session but I would have had unprotected sex with you#or you would have had unprotected sex with me I mean#today it was a quick nod to Arthur#evoke the past a post from 101 ad tells me#me: look shit gets weird when I do that I have to be careful#he might forget where he is and go start coughing up more blood#the johnson and johnson me: smh#but yes in a way those papers I gave him were like here I learned how to read real good grandpa#and I always knew that shocked smile I could get out of him#mom never understood it is that which only I could do to him#like I suppose I was a powerful little guy#angel of vengeance at 3 maybe 4 I don't know#sam the eagle was 1984 though#it just makes it hotter whatever relation to the Star#a name of a Shar Pei to summon oh yes I would apparently#if we were playing when we were kids we know who Merlin was#Jason we would give him the important role so he felt important but we had to do the footwork
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ganondoodle · 6 months
Since you said it's ok to send you random ask, i've always found your "monsters" design to be really really gorgeous, and I wanted to know : in any form of media you've interacted with, what's PEAK monster design for you ?
i have been thinking about this ask alot bc ... i dont ... know? theres a problem with what counts as a monster really too, most are either some sort of anthro/furry or the horror gore type of monster that instills you more with disgust than awe
i guess theres some i really like but idk if thats what id call 'peak' (though its rarely JUST the design but their vibe and stuff too);
(its a lot of zelda.. sorry)
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Eldra, Farodra and Naydra (engl Dinraal, Farosh(?)) though Eldra is def my fav one of them, i like how they are a little more less typical dragon- with the fur around the neck the floppy ears and kinda goofy face yet manage to be the most ethereal, awe inspiring creature i have ever seen in a game with how they act and are presented as (in BOTW!!! do not mention anythign sonau/zonai with stupid magic pebbles to me about them i will manifest worms into your tea)
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Leunen (Lynels) (botw) -i could not find a better picture wtf, fav are white and silver ones) FINE they had some pretty neat new horn designs in totk- idk i just like them alot, rather simple if you think about it, horse lion plus horns- but its so well put together it just kinda scratches my brain in a good way (also how intelligent they clearly are, like the way they fight and act and also even their death animation is so??? huh?? you are just gonna treat them like any other mindless monste- *remmbers they treat ganondorf even even worse all things considered* .. nevermind you're good)
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'Beast' Ganondorf (twilight princess) its my favorite beast ganon design (even if it technically is just kinda a man boar .. again) though if ww gan had a non puppet beast form that one would most definitely be my fav lol (i will not get over the fact that some descriptions call this a hideous beast EXCUSE ME???? WHERE???) (honorable mention here, darkbest ganon from botw, pig on fire but it looks cool as fuck)
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Nimbusgarde (ww) .. (engl .. darknuts?) do i need to say anything? (i could throw alot of ww design here) not sure if it counts as monster but they are not human so ????
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the pathless bosses- (here in order, Cernos, the Godslayer, and Kumo) all of them are rad as hell (except for the final version of the godslayer ... liek im sorry but it looks to boring compared to any other one lol) again not just the design but man do i love them
since i dont know what would count as a monster or no i could just list my fav characters here bfmjbfmjsbmj like radahn (elden ring) is just kinda a zombie, aurelion sol (league of legends) is a space dragon, the forest god in princess mononoke, Narisha (skyward sword- sky whale)- i could go on but this post is long already (honorable mention to Omus in nausicäa, weird bugs but also something divine, though it is much more how they are treated and the vibe etc)
in all honesty though i cant think of one that i would describe as perfect, what i want of a monster design is to be ... cool but also a little weird, big hulking monsters that have something off about them and something that makes them 'other', but also not, as much as i like bloodborne, just bloody gory messes of rotting flesh, AND not just as a monster to kill, i just crave a game or otherwiese piece of media where the cool monsters arent just there for you to kill- the perfect one i guess would be something kinda big scary weird and off but while non verbal clearly not a mindless beast?
and here is the thing; my own characters do not furfill that, my designs are really rather conservative, much to my dismay, anthro of a mix of animals, maybe an extra arm thrown in- Eadrya, one of my favorites, is really just a blueish furry (yes they have fur) and their demon form is a mix of seals and catfish with some extra arms, too many teeth and a mouth that goas wayy to far (if they want) - Shargon is a feather dude with extra arms and his demon form is really just a chinese type dragon crossed with a bird, throw some darts at the color wheel, done
together with my problem of my monster characters losing their 'otherness' vibe within the story rather fast bc the majority of my characters are non human and speak and you see them in all sorts of emotions and parts of life- they lose that divine, unknown vibe and i HATE that that happens, i want them more akin to the forest god in mononoke but thats not possible unless i start from scratch
and i really dont mean to make myself look bad to sound self depre- ... however you spell that; i really am rather dissatisfied with my own designs but mostly just roll with what i got bc i never seem to be able to actually achieve what i want
even my redesigns often really make things LESS interesting (unless maybe the og was just ... human, but they are blue eyed with golden hair and white so that makes them divine you seE-), the skyward sword dragons as i redesigned them made them much more classical dragon, in part intentional bc i was drawing a connection of them becoming the botw dragons at some point, but by all means the canon design is much more weird and unusual than what i did with them, you could apply the same to even demise, his canon design might seem a little uninspired but really what did i do? inject him with some classic satan spice like that makes it in any way less stereotypical evil demon ??? lol
im sorry this post devolved into whatever this is but i really am trying to answer sincerely, i am confused about it myself, what counts as a monster, what doesnt, there must be more that i really loved but why cant i think of them, why do i design characters like this when i really want something much more different, i dont know, i feel like my brain is in a cage, why do i keep making things less interesting in an effort to make it interesting, am i falling into the corporate trap of cool sells who am i what am i doing
(theres a zelda artist with a style so strikingly genuis in shape, color and just .. DESIGN that i want to chew my nails off bc i cannot design like them, their designs and redesigns are so different yet sensical and so full of crisp shapes i have never seen before it drives me nuts and i would want to give them a shoutout but i think they dont like me so aaaaarhekjbfhgdknbgdfklbg)
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nayru-s-clay-tablet · 1 month
Comic Retrospective: Chest Quest
What is it about?
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The basis of any story is conflict. Sometimes it can be a very simple, universal human conflict, like:
A 12 year old just wants to walk on a rope over a sea of lava.
His weird father/uncle/friend thinks that's a bad idea and doesn't want him to do it.
I think it's happened to all of us at least once.
This little story was all about playing with their dynamic -- and letting Gan flex his Ganondad muscles a bit. And probably get some grey hairs.
Where did the idea come from?
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^ Back when I was still doing picture requests on Patreon, one of my lovely patrons requested Ganondorf and Link shenanigans. I was replaying Skyward Sword at the time and had gotten to the part where you walk on ropes over lava.
I was like: "This is completely insane -- what sort of psychos put a flammable rope bridge over lava? It's laughably dangerous." Which was followed by realizing: "Oh, ToP Link totally wouldn't care about any of that..."
And after completing the picture, I realized there was just so much more potential in this scenario.
Also, I really wanted to try to do a comic without lineart ...but I remember spending a lot of time going back and adding lines, which was an unpleasant surprise.
Favorite things about it?
The art was both the biggest struggle and also what I like the most about this in retrospect, especially any time where I got to play with the lighting:
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Also, it's just pure tomfoolery, so it's a lot of fun.
Would I make it again?
Yes. But I would definitely use a different approach towards doing it without the lines.
One thing that I really appreciate about being able to do these bonus comics for Patreon is learning so much about different types of comics -- and I honestly couldn't invest the time in doing so without the support from my patrons.
It really means a lot to me 🥰
But is this story canon?
No, it is not 😞 Originally, we were going to Death Mountain in the main comic... but, the Death Mountain storyline just became unnecessary, so it had to be cut.
Still, this idea was too much fun to drop altogether.
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rocketturtle4 · 7 months
Some wild musings on the ways the terms for older and younger siblings are the same and different between Thai, Korean, Taiwanese and (to a lesser extent) Japanese shows.
(Please note these are uniformed observational musings typed so my brain will shush and also cause it’s a heatwave right now and I can’t sleep - Australia Problems.)
Okay the mix of shows I am watching right now have got my brain spinning around the ways the terms for older sibling and younger sibling as romantic and non-romantic terms are the same and different across these four countries (based on their depiction in shows, primarily but not exclusively BL shows so like --- no accuracy is guaranteed)
(Please note I use the terms “older sibling” and “younger sibling” throughout this post with the full awareness that these terms in all the languages have broader implications – heck I’m talking about the broader implications – it’s just an easy way to keep track)
What started this spiral was twofold
The use of didi by robot boy in Anti-rest to denote himself as “younger brother” despite the romantic/possessive nature of their relationship
The use of “ge” vs “da-ge” in Unknown and the fact I have seen da-ge translated as brother, first brother and big brother and I really want to know what the da prefix actually means since ge is brother they also use da as a prefix to the general term for “uncle” in H3: MODC (yes I am watching MODC, Yes I know, No I don’t get myself either).
Lets start with Thai!
Thai is interesting because their older sibling term (Phi) and their younger sibling term (Nong) are both gender neutral and widly used, but calling someone Phi can have romantic connotations but calling someone Nong…can’t, (or well rarely/never does).
The BL boys seem to use “Phi Nong gan” as a way of denying romantic relationships, “we’re just brothers” – it’s platonic.
So “Phi” is potentially romantic but Nong isn’t.
However Phi is also casual to use (as in people can use it even with strangers) so there is both intimacy, politeness and casualness all tied up. It’s not formal but calling someone Phi is not necessarily intimate.
Next up Korea!
I find the Korean terms utterly fascinating since they have four different terms for older sibling, all of which gender both the speaker and the recipient: Unni (Y girl to O girl), Noona (Y boy to O girl), Oppa (Y girl to O boy) and Hyung (Y boy to O boy). (Y = Younger, O = Older).
All of these terms seem to be equivalent but some are used more freely than others
Calling someone older sibling in Korean seems to be a mix of intimate and respectful, it inherently acknowledges the age differential that is important in Korean society, sometimes people use the term straight away, especially Oppa, other times (more often) it’s something that is built too, or offered as a progression of comfort/intimacy in the relationship.
Korean, interestingly has one term for younger sibling, dongsaeng, and (like nong) this term is gender neutral to both speaker and recipient. It, like Nong, seems to never get used in a romantic context and, again like Nong, being denoted “dongsaeng” seems to be something to be actively mad about/avoidant of if you have a romantic interest in your “older sibling.”
Also Oppa is interesting since the term is also occasionally used in both Thai and Taiwan and seems to simply denote “Handsome/Dateable boy” in these languaes, without gendering the speaker. (Presumably this is the result of Korean romances being primarily younger girl to older boy so the use of Oppa was most commonly the term for the male leads and this got picked up).
Quickly Japan.
Japan doesn’t seem to use sibling terms to denote romantic relationships at all, in anime (but not what I’ve seen of live action so far) the terms for older sibling are used with strangers (much like Phi) but this is primarily by children and again anime so... (is anime a less reliable representative of normal speaking than BL do we think? Maybe it depends on the anime…or the BL).
Terms include:
Aniki (older sibling) – gender neutral of both speaker and recipient, rarely used in anime, seems to only be used with actual relatives in live action.
Ototo (Younger sibling) – opposite of aniki (also maybe only younger brother, unsure)
Onii-san (or other suffixes) - older brother
Onee-san (or other suffixes) – older sister
And Now Taiwan (and China)
Taiwan is interesting because “ge” is brother but their language seems to come with prefixes that change what kind of brother term it is. I’m only just starting to follow (read: hear) the terms but for example in Unknown right now Lili calls her brothers “ge” but Zhiyuan calls his brother “da-ge” and Lili uses “da-ge” when talking about their oldest brother with Zhiyuan. Yet all these terms are just translated as brother
Meanwhile in MODC, Hao Ting keeps calling Bo Xiangs older man “Uncle” and Boxiang keeps correcting him to “Big brother” but both words (uncle and brother) seem to be using the Da prefix so I think Da may be like… additionally respectful maybe…or formal, it doesn’t seem to be respectful when Haoting uses it lol? So I am thinking “Da” must mean oldest/first or something similar.
If The Untamed is to be believed “Da-ge” is first brother and “er-ge” is second brother but idk for sure
Then we come to my spiral thoughts, because the younger brother term here is “didi” as far as I know, but unlike nong or dongsaeng this term doesn’t seem to automatically denote the younger person to “only a brother (read: platonic).” Our young robot boy in anti-reset being the current example, but not the only. I’ve not heard an older boy denote a younger boy as “only a brother” (nong/dongseang) in Chinese so far using “didi’, though maybe that’s a sign I need to watch even more Taiwanese BL…
Anyway, that’s all for now, sleep is calling.
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(I would like to reiterate I know nothing and have looked nothing up, this is literally a random English speakers eyes and ears and that’s it, all thoughts welcome, if anything is blatantly wrong, or worse offensive, feel free to let me know)
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momtaku · 8 months
I saw the ask about No Regrets and it reminded me of this question I’ve tried to find an answer to for years but could never find. Sorry if the wording is weird, it’s hard to type out because asking and explaining my question is difficult
Did the author of No Regrets get permission to use characters from Isayama? Or was it just a fan made thing that wasn’t canon and just something created for fun?
What’s always been weird to me is it actually got ADAPTED. Like it wasn’t created by Isayama or even canon in the series yet, but Wit animated it. It was published in September 2013, animated in December 2014 and April 2015, and THEN chapter 69 came out in May.
Did Isayama even have a backstory for Levi? Did he see No Regrets and decide to give Levi a backstory and make it canon? I have no idea how far ahead Isayama even planned aot back then because I 1) had no idea of aot’s existence, and 2) wasn’t there when the manga was released back in 2013-2015.
For the new chapter we’re getting for Levi, do we know how many pages it’ll be? Will it have the same amount of pages as a normal chapter, or be shorter or longer?
Isayama authorized the No Regrets manga and visual story. You might find this post interesting as it contains an interview with Isayama and Hikaru Suruga (the No Regrets artist) as well as words by the author, Gun Snark (Gan Sunaaku). No Regrets was one of 6 visual novels/mangas that were release by various authors in the 2013-2015 times frame . All with Isayama's permission. There was a huge explosion of authorized material during those years, including the Smart Pass content, A Spoof on Titan, Attack on Titan Junior High, Before the Fall and so on. The list is really endless.
My opinion on the why of it all is that Isayama has talked about how he was convinced in those early years that each chapter would be his last. He was in constant fear of cancellation. He's also mentioned his long work days, the stress, and how little sleep he was getting. Writing and illustration 46 pages a month was a more-than-full-time job for Isayama and he was stretched entirely too thin. When the series exploded in popularity, there was a desire for more and tons of money to be made, but Isayama didn't have the time to produce anything beyond what he was doing. Thus the collaborations started. With No Regrets, Isayama provided guidelines as to what he envisioned for Levi's backstory. I can't find proof of that, but I do recall reading that he provided the general idea. It was a very limited scope, which is why he's able to produce Bad Boy now. He had a vision for Levi, but no time to develop it so he allowed No Regrets to cover a small period of time. I believe Bad Boy is only going to be 18 pages, but I'l very excited for it. I can't wait to see what Isayama can do when he isn't dealing with strict deadlines. Thanks for the ask! I hope this covered some of what you were interested in.
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ocrpfinder · 5 days
itching for a good ol' omegaverse rp lately😩🥀 EST, 20+ writer searching for anyone 18+ interested in MxM, FxM, FxF (open to trying out trans and nonbinary ones too but i will warn i've never actually roleplayed against those characters) pairings!
i'm looking to play the omega role in any of those ships really. i don't play my characters completely submissive, they actually have backbones because i find anything else boring. let them fight and makeout and be silly with angst and comfort.
some basic rules/info: i work and go to school so PLEASE be patient with me. i can't be on 24/7 but i do try to reply ooc as much as i can. that being said i LOVE ooc chatting, sending headcanons, music, everything. i write a lot of details in my rp messages so that may also add to how long i take. at minimum i ask for 4+ paragraphs to keep things interesting
there are a few basic plot ideas i have in mind but none of these are set in stone, i'm open to expanding on these ideas and am even welcome to other ideas you bring in too! single parent(s)😍. small town romance. maybe one leaves, comes back. post apocalypse (i'm thinking the last of us vibes or the 100 because i love those shows😝), lovers separated at the beginning of the apocalypse, finding each other laters, or strangers forced to work together. a professor x student, dad's best friend. age gaps😍. mafia and gans and assassins, etc. opposites attract. second chances. modern or fantasy or medieval type royalty. forbidden/secret relationships. enemies to lovers. hurt to comfort.
again these are just some very basic ideas to build off of so be ready to plot together! i'd love to rp on discord because a server makes things so much easier. will get back to every like asap!🥀
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 6 days
Hi-hi! How's your day been? :D
My day's been fun! I've been updating the picture of Karina today & she's looking good so far.
I'm currently thinking about actually making a legit picture of her that's almost entirely my own art. I'd use references & stuff, of course, but I definitely need a decent reference of a four-armed woman. I think the biggest issue that I might have will be with her hair & the folds of her clothes. 🤔
I've nearly finished Gan & Nemma's first meeting & only have to type out their fight scene, but other than that, it's done!
I also have other things, but that's the big one.
Anyway, I hope you & yours are doing well. 👋
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Every time I hear four armed anything, I think Sukuna. I cannot wait to see her.
I am tired. Ma's having surgery on Tues... has to be there at 6 am... that means leaving at 5 am... and guess who works until 2 am.... and is the chauffer? @_@ Ah.
Im like focused on the isekai. I want to post it all at once cuz I am much farther ahead now, but I dont wanna rush it. Like... Savor it, but dammit can this go faster.
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godraet · 3 months
for anyone wondering about my post abt wilnas having the energy of young gan ....
this is wilnas(human type, he also has dragon type)
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do u see my vision (i also had a brief period of writing wilnas)
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adamnsey · 1 year
do u have fave adansey hc!!!!! 👁👄👁
omg hiiii i love this ask 👉👈 i had to think about it but some of my favs are....
i hc that adam and gansey kissed once pre-the raven cycle and then never speak about it again and u can read my interpretation of that in my fic lololol...
(not even an hc its basically canon that) adam really likes touch but is too proud to ask for it but i like to think that once he becomes closer with gansey he starts putting his head on gansey's shoulder/leaning on gansey like he does to blue in that one backyard scene... and gansey's reaction is basically the same as blue's, he just Stops Breathing bc he feels so fortunate that adam has chosen HIM to rest his weary head and so he wants the moment to last as long as possible
i hc that adam doesn't sleep well, he doesn't have insomnia like gans but i think he just has a hard time falling asleep when he's at the trailer park. but once he meets Gansey he finds it like weirdly easy to fall asleep in his presence lol, not bc gansey is boring but bc adam just feels really safe in his presence. so like its so easy for adam to fall asleep in the Pig or on the couch on monmouth or something. he had never been a napper but he just falls asleep super easy in gansey's presence.
gansey likes to think of ways he can help adam but also think of ways that he can make adam accept that help. so like gansey will learn about hair cutting or take massage lessons and then he'll be like "adam will u help me and let me practice cutting ur hair" or "adam please i need to practice my massage on a real person please you'd be doing me a favour" and adam knows exactly what he's doing but after a while he still lets gansey and after a while adam thinks it's really sweet. and for gansey the whole time it's just an excuse to help adam and to touch him lol
jkffjdks so yeah anyways those are some of my favs. i could def go on!!! thank u for this ask i love talking about them <3 <3 yipeeee
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andro-dino · 10 months
Hi sorry for the ask jumpscare. I've been craving some Nile angst recently and may you could provide some of that Nile angst. (bc I randomly remembered the unrequited love Nile/Kyouya clip a while back. But it doesn't have to be about that.)
oooouhhh Nile angst,,, I haven’t had any angst thoughts in a while.
I think Nile’s interesting bc despite what he goes through, he’s actually very levelheaded and calm about it most of the time. I think he’s a very logical person and able to kinda see a lot of situations two steps ahead already, so he’s able to keep cool (for the most part) in the present. I think there’s a lot you could do with that there. I think the most obvious one is the emotional repression angle, where he’s almost too far ahead to the point where he’s not really letting himself feel in the moment. Like, he’s surprisingly chill about Kyoya’s outburst and split off from the group in fury considering how close they are, and he justifies that knowing that that’s just the kind of person Kyoya is and he wouldn’t expect him to stay tied down to something for long, and yet there’s still something about it that makes his stomach turn. He knows Kyoya’s a free spirit and not necessarily the friendliest person, so this isn’t really that out of character for him, yet part of him still wanted Kyoya to consider him a little more. For how close he thought the two were, they weren’t really getting much time together, and now with this, it only made him feel less secure about their bond. It’s kind of a feeling of his rationalism clashing with his own feelings and attachments, yk?
Another route I actually remembered I have thought a bit about before is how much Nile worries over Kyoya. Nile cares for Kyoya a ton, more than Kyoya probably even realizes, but he also knows that Kyoya has NO sense of self preservation and just wishes he would stop being so goddamn stubborn and reckless all the time. This thought is kinda inspired by wild fang vs gan gan galaxy, where Kyoya is super beat up and in no shape to battle after his battle with Gingka, yet still insists on going out there, despite Nile’s protests. Again, Nile kinda just accepts this as part of Kyoya’s character, but it worries him so much. I can definitely see and argument breaking out about that, and I think it could be interesting if Nile argued in this case that it’s selfish of Kyoya to be so reckless because of how much it disregards everyone else around him. It’s selfish because every time he does it, Nile is worried sick about what might happen to him, and he doesn’t even take the time to think about how his actions are causing that and considering anyone’s feelings besides his own. Like, not to pull out the “Why can’t you take care of yourself, if not for yourself then for me?” right now but like basically that. I’ve thought about this idea more lightheartedly before (I have an old ass doodle somewhere of Nile bandaging Kyoya up while the two yell at each other, ala “THIS IS STUPID IM FINE CHRIST THAT HURTS” “WELL MAYBE IF YOU WERENT GOING AROUND OVEREXERTING YOURSELF AND THROWING YOURSELF INTO TORNADOES, NEITHER OF US WOULD BE IN THIS SITUATION”) but I think it’s a very easy concept to make more angsty if you add more heartache into it.
Nile in general strikes me as the kind of independent but lonely type. In my head at least, he has a kind of duality between being fine on his own, and even preferring it at most points, but so desperately craving human connection and care. I think that’s part of what lets he and Kyoya get along so well in the first place, both are very free spirited and independent, but are able to understand each other and mesh more comfortably because of that. And with that, since there is a degree of yearning and relishing in that connection once he gets it, it’s only all the more confusing and painful once it’s called into question. Him kinda being under the impression that their relationship was something they both enjoyed more than being complete loners most of the time, yet he’s so willing to separate and say he doesn’t need anyone at all. Nile kinda figured they both needed each other a bit, so it’s strange realizing that may have been more one sided than he initially realized.
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curseofpower · 11 months
I think the fact that Ganondorf has suffered so much is what makes him so compelling to me. Fiction is rife with villains who never suffer the consequences of their actions. Gan has had consequences out the wazoo. But he never stops fighting, because his spirit is truly unconquerable. On a related note (sorry, this thing doesn't seem to paragraph very well), I think that gloom is very different from malice. Consider the terminology: malice is the will to do harm, gloom is sorrow and depression.
That is certainly what drew me to him to begin with, as Wind Waker was what completely made me change my mind about him as a character. It took some time, but eventually I started to comprehend, I mean really comprehend the ending, all the things he says to you. Then watching him lose everything and mentally break for the last time before your very eyes.
I realized. He had been so determined, because this one goal was all he had left. He didnt even want the Triforce at the end, he wanted to be rid of it because he was tired. He wanted an ending to this fucked up story.
Then he watched the one thing that would have kept him going get taken from him and was left with nothing. Nothing to go back to and not a friend in the world, because this was not his world at all. He broke down completely for those reasons but also because it was just so predictable, so fucking like fate to do this to him, he couldn't help but see the irony even as his soul was shattered.
He didn't attack Link because he wanted to take these kids down with him (If he did then let's be honest, both link and tetra especially would have died) but he attacked Link because the kid had the one thing in the world that could kill him, and he was ready to use it. Ganon was never the type to just lay down and give up. To the very end, to his suicide, he went down fighting. It was what he wanted. A final wish, I guess, that was ultimately just to die.
I related with that and it hurt so deeply. It still does. I can still barely watch the ending, as much as I love seeing him in action. The ending just breaks me every time. Because for him and his people, everything truly is hopeless.
As for gloom and malice, I can see the discrepancy. They're parts of his strongest negative emotions. I find it kind of fascinating that the malice was the Subconscious (calamity) while the gloom happens when he's actually waking up. Rage and depression go hand in hand with him, really.
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itsanidiom · 7 months
LET'S GOOOOO~ tagged by @negrowhat
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1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
Glorestor or Glorfindel / Erestor of Middle Earth Fanon Fame. Not that I don't CARE about it anymore, mind you. There's just not enough new content (for obvious reasons god it's old and there's like one conversation of original source material). I don't think about them as much anymore. Like I used to be reading fanfic EVERY NIGHT and we're talking like novel length fanfics (as you can imagine people in the LOTR fandom write lol). Anyway here's some super old fan art... (>u<)
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2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
Oh god...something Dynasty Warriors related for sure...
Probably like Sun Ce / Zhao Yu or Gan Ning / Lu Xun. (GO WU! lol) I feel like there were other couples I'm totally forgetting right now...but yeah god I love Dynasty Warriors...
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Also...daaamn Gan Ning looks good there I should go buy the latest game. (>w<)
3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
Like the first one I wrote or read?? I went into my oldest of old "old writing" folders and found this list of docs that I haven't been touched in over ten years. SO I'm gonna saaaay it was a Dynasty Warriors fanfic...one of these pairings. (^ ^;)
Also kind of hilarious to see that I literally still organize my fanfic files in the same way for over half my fucking life ago...nice...
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4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
I feel like it would have been something Inuyasha related. That or something Final Fantasy X. I do not remember, but it was probably some version of these scene.
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5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
Not that I can remember...do not need this in my life...lol but maybe I've reblogged some RPF like discourse? Like the "should or shouldn't you ship" type discussions. I'm on the side of "do whatever you want but don't send it to the famous people" [ex. like ATEEZ fanfic/fanart] or "if they are literally doing it as part of their promo go ahead, it's for fun/they literally requested it as part of their promo" [ex. BillyBabe]. (^ ^;)
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6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
It honestly always depends on the quality of the fanart or the fanfic because even a notp can turn into a OH!tp if it's good enough. [Exhibit a: my Phaya/Tharn/Chalothorn fanfic]
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
Weirdly the one new Chalothon/Singh fic from The Sign. But I really need AO3 to fix the spelling of his name in the tag...
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8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
PhayaTharn are the current obsession~
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Look at them...adorable...
9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Still wish John Wick / Santino fucked...also like James Bond / Q and The Protagonist / Neil and Arthur / Eames...bromance is SUCH a waste but considering the genres of these movies it is never gonna happen...I have to wait for the Thai BL versions lol (^ ^;)
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10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
OH I haven't been traumatized by watched it yet, but Dead Friends Forever has made me get onboard with Macau/Chay of KinnPorsche fame because OMG LOOK AT THESE CUTIES!!!!
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11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
GOD I remember there was a LOT of Sesshomaru x Inuyasha yaoi when I was a kid LMFAO like...straight up cancelled...I dunno if it was normal back then but no yaoi was normal back then so like it sadly all got lumped together or something...then again looking at some of the comics that are coming out these days...
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12. What was your favorite crack ship?
LOL Sorry that just brought me back LOL
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13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of?
Ahhhh I don't know...I usually either write a lot or read a lot...I literally have a fic rec list for Glorestor lol and then when I look in my AO3 bookmarks the top ship is Hannigram sooooo let's say Hannigram even though I haven't read one for a while.
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14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
toll and smol...i like me a toll and a smoll...lol or big and small...i dunno something something contrast something something just crush him and/or be uncharacteristically gentle or somehow incapacitate the larger man with your wiles...that is all...
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15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
Miscommunication < seconding @negrowhat's response. Cannot stand it. Such a boring trope. Very annoying for me (the audience).
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ambrossart · 11 months
I was wondering how you created Víctor Criss so well? ,
especially their way of being and their personality because I feel that there is more information about Patrick and Henry, data about their family and dialogues that show at a glance what they are like. In addition, those two are very striking characters that steal all the attention and make them stand out. easily due to its peculiarities.
On the other hand, there are not many things about Victor and during the movie Victor and Belch are one of the characters that are least shown, but it is true that in the novel there were very interesting descriptive fragments about him that left you a lot to reflect on how during the rock fight, so I was wondering that with the brief information about him, how you have done to decide what Victor would be like, I don't know how to explain it but Henry and Patricio are so canon and yet Victor is not, I have read several fanfics in the This character comes out and changes so drastically in each of them in every way, he is a shy and lovable boy or he is a bad boy among other things and on the other hand your character is the perfect balance so I was wondering how you have done to Being able to decide what traits characterize him as a character, what things Victor would do and what he wouldn't do, what scares him or not, what things he would say and what he wouldn't,
I feel that it is
A great character is as if you had filled in the blank spaces as if you had finished writing it completely, it is as if he were a drawing whose sketch is in black and white and you have given it color, you are great 😊
I actually love that there's so little info about Vic because it gave me a lot of flexibility while developing his character. And that’s why I’m so happy that he’s been received as well as he has. I worked very hard on my interpretation of him.
Honestly, the rock fight in the novel is what completely sold me on Victor and made me love him as a character. He didn't want to be there. He didn't have any emotional investment in that fight. But since he was stuck there, he figured he might as well do some damage. I love that, and I tried to keep that scene in mind while shaping his character.
With Paper Men, Vic's character developed organically chapter by chapter. I've said this many times before, but I wasn't intending for him to be a major character, and I was really struggling to find roles for both him and Reggie because, as you said, there's so little information about them. With Reggie, I decided to have him be Henry's closest friend (because that made the most sense to me), but I had no idea what to do with Vic. Initially, he was just supposed to be a classmate of Evelyn's, but then I became randomly obsessed with the image of Evelyn smacking him in the back of the head (like she does in Ch. 4) and I decided to run with it. I thought, okay, maybe they're not just classmates; maybe they're childhood friends, but that was too simple, so I thought, okay, maybe they were friends but they haven't spoken to each other in a while, and now they're slowly starting to rekindle their friendship. From there, I started to explore the reasons why they weren't friends anymore, and that eventually led to Jimmy. And I think once I had Jimmy figured out, I had a pretty clear idea of who I wanted Vic to be in this story.
And so the introverted, guilt-ridden, self-loathing, stoner was born! 😂
In the novel, Vic appears to be more intelligent than the other members of the gang, so I wanted him to be good at school but not necessarily the academic type. Vic is naturally very smart, but he's also unmotivated and afraid of failure, so he doesn't try very hard to challenge himself academically. If he doesn't strive for success, then there's no risk of disappointing anyone... including himself.
In the movie, Vic hardly has any lines, so I knew I wanted him to be the quiet type, but I didn't want him to be just another shy boy because that doesn't fit the Bowers Gang. That's a little too cute. Instead, I wanted to approach it more like Vic is an introvert who gets extremely exhausted talking to people, especially stupid people like he encounters every day at school. Socializing is a serious challenge for him, but he doesn’t want people to know he struggles with it. Vic would rather be seen as a moody, aloof asshole than someone who’s socially awkward or anxious in any way (because that would make him a target for bullying; he learned this at a young age). I have no idea why I made him a stoner, but it seemed to fit, and once again, I just ran with it. He self-medicates with weed and occasionally alcohol to dull himself and ease his anxiety. Makes sense, doesn't it?
I’m sorry, I never know how to answer these questions. I feel like Vic was a happy accident. I started off with a few random traits and just kept building off those chapter by chapter. That's pretty much what I do with everyone, which is why all the characters tend to get more complex as the story goes on. It's like peeling an onion.
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Okay, I'm rambling. I'll stop now.
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rp-partnerfinder · 1 day
itching for a good ol' omegaverse rp lately😩🥀 EST, 20+ writer searching for anyone 18+ interested in MxM, FxM, FxF (open to trying out trans and nonbinary ones too but i will warn i've never actually roleplayed against those characters) pairings! i'm looking to play the omega role in any of those ships really. i don't play my characters completely submissive, they actually have backbones because i find anything else boring. let them fight and makeout and be silly with angst and comfort. some basic rules/info: i work and go to school so PLEASE be patient with me. i can't be on 24/7 but i do try to reply ooc as much as i can. that being said i LOVE ooc chatting, sending headcanons, music, everything. i write a lot of details in my rp messages so that may also add to how long i take. at minimum i ask for 4+ paragraphs to keep things interesting there are a few basic plot ideas i have in mind but none of these are set in stone, i'm open to expanding on these ideas and am even welcome to other ideas you bring in too! single parent(s)😍. small town romance. maybe one leaves, comes back. post apocalypse (i'm thinking the last of us vibes or the 100 because i love those shows😝), lovers separated at the beginning of the apocalypse, finding each other laters, or strangers forced to work together. a professor x student, dad's best friend. age gaps😍. mafia and gans and assassins, etc. opposites attract. second chances. modern or fantasy or medieval type royalty. forbidden/secret relationships. enemies to lovers. hurt to comfort. again these are just some very basic ideas to build off of so be ready to plot together! i'd love to rp on discord because a server makes things so much easier. will get back to every like asap!🥀
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Info post about the au
(If characters seem OOC ((Out Of Character)) it's beacause I'm going off of my own interpretations/headcanons/fandom versions. So please be aware of that)
More info under the cut (Info is subject to change at any time. Info may be added to as well)
-Jobs in the group: managing the radio (trying to get a signal to contact other survivors), rarely helping Sci with projects, electronics management
Weapons of choice: bones (both ones that can be summoned from the ground, and in the air to shoot), gaster blasters, ability to change souls blue to throw them around
-Head canon voice: ???
-One of the more smarter people in the group. Acts as a sudo-leader sometimes.
-Goes by any pronouns but mainly uses He/Him.
-He’s someone in the group who mostly tends to keep to himself, he basically lets no one really know about his life or what he was doing before he ended up where he is. 
-Is smoking quite often, often gets more cigarettes from Dust, since Dust grabs them whenever he goes out.  
-Basically has claimed the Radio room as his own room, like how Error has claimed the storage room as his own. 
-Since he’s in the Radio room he deals with most of the electronics. He’s sort of good with tech, better than most of the others. But tends not to mess with any of it unless asked too. 
-Will often be wearing noise-cancelling headphones. Basically a way of saying to anyone to not bother him, without actually having to say anything. 
-Will put out a cigarette if someone who doesn’t like smoking comes into the Radio room. 
-To add to the point above, he knows tech exposed to smoke can harm them. But doesn’t really care that much, most of the stuff is broken anyway and they just use it as scrap to fix other things or to make completely new things. 
-As much as he doesn’t interact too much with the others he still remains polite to them, and tries to at least get on the others good side, or at least be neutral with them.
-Is a sort of no nonsense type of guy. Wants people to get straight to the point, no fighting just civil conversations, etc. Will call someone out on their bs. Will also tell the truth about things even if it could be considered mean.  
-Will give advice to the others if asked too, it has yet to be seen if it’s good advice or not yet. On the bright side at least it's free advice.  
-Is really just with the group since it’s better for survival. Sure he does sometimes enjoy some interactions with the others, but as someone who’s always stuck to himself mostly it’s the most interactions with anyone he’s had for a while.
-Has always had the holes in his hands and ‘cracks’ in his skull. He’s never know the purpose on why he has these. 
-Doesn’t actually remember that much about his life before he became an adult. He swears he has two separate memories, though he’d never tell anyone about this, not wanting anyone to think his crazy.
-Sometimes he feels his personality shift slightly, e.g. being more chilled out and friendly or leaning towards being more calculated and precise. Normally he stays between those two personalities. But he feels theres times where they seem to be ahead of his normal personality.
-pretty much as long as he remembers he’s felt lost, no memory on who he really is, and no goal. He’s pretty much been coasting through life without much purpose. And doesn’t really intend to find any purpose for himself either, just wants to enjoy the moment. 
-His eye light can switch what eye socket it’s in, though he doesn’t do it often. 
-He’s actually quite an empathetic guy, but he just lacks agency when it comes to showing more emotions towards anyone. He also just tries not to relate to others since he doesn’t really want to deal with other people and relating to them is a way to care about them. 
-Relatively smart guy, just doesn’t care at all about using that intelligence for anything meaningful. The day he gets any sort of agency is the day people should worry.
How they feel about:
Nightmare: They don’t get along too much, but both remain polite with one another. They both can joke around now and then. But he wouldn’t consider Nightmare a friend.
Dream: Has picked up on the fact Dream doesn’t like his smoking so tends to put it out if Dream is around him for any reason. They remain polite, but distant.
Cross: Only ever met Cross twice. Both times only a few words were stated between them. He has no interest in trying to get to know him better.
Blue: Doesn’t mind him, Blue once mentioned to him, that he (Echo) reminds him of his family member. Lets Blue hang out with him, Blue has some interesting stories to talk about anyway, either it be about Blue’s own life or about things happening within the group.
Ink: Both tend to ignore each other, paired on with their very limited interactions. On neutral terms.
Dust: Likes Dust, but doesn’t consider him a friend, just a smoking buddy. Just tends to quietly enjoy his company. But is also partly on guard around him, since he is unsure on how Dust came to be a murderer.
Horror: Basically very few interactions. On neutral terms with him.
Killer: The guy who sometimes tries to prank him. Killer will also once in a while tag along with Dust when Dust comes to smoke with him. Not much to say about Killer.
Error: Appreciates that Error is respectful of his space. He’d be one of the few in the group who he wouldn’t mind actually talking with and possibly being a friend with. But both of them enjoy the quiet so chances are they won’t talk much to each other.
Lust: Get along with each other but aren’t really friends. Lust has patched up his jacket a few times when it’s been ripped. Lust offered to make him a new jacket too since his is so worn down but he refused.
Fell/Edge: A guy he could consider a friend. Knows Fell hangs around to avoid his job, thinks it’s funny since no one tends to come looking for him in the Radio room, since no one expects them to get along. Finds out most of the going ons around the group from Fell. Basically Fell is his only connection into whats happening outside of the jobs the others do.
Geno: Only really sees him in the context of helping Sci out, or them having to work together on a project.
Outer: Doesn’t mind him, thinks he's a quiet soft-spoken guy. Is neutral on his opinion of him.
Sci: Helps out Sci sometimes with projects without having to be asked, mainly does this out of boredom and also wants to read what Sci has researched about Wraiths. But their main interactions tend to happen in the Radio room, trying to get into contact with other survivors.
Reaper/Death: Hasn’t met him. But knows of him.
Fresh: Hasn’t met him, but has seen signs of him around the place, without knowing who is behind these signs.
Chief: Chief is the one who normally gets info back and forth for him, at first he thought Chief tends to be stuck up and a bit of a prick. But after a few more interactions he realized Chief wasn’t that bad.
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 3 months
Equal Lady, here with something a bit more angsty. I can't help but wonder what the Dorfs' would choose if they were faced with the ultimate decision?
Gain Hyrule, but not meet his wife or meet his wife, but face possibly never having Hyrule.
(And part of the difficulty is in the uncertainty of the last part.)
I'm thinking something like the scene from HP Prisoner of Azkaban, where Harry & Moine use the Turner, but more so like he’s just viewing the past & he’s only able to influence one thing through it.
In this situation, Gan gets a moment where he could cause a distraction, but depending on the type of distraction, it’ll allow for past him to meet his future wife. Or turn his past self’s attention towards something else, creating a domino effect that eventually leads to him ruling Hyrule with an iron fist…
In the case of him selecting to go the other route, he gets everything he wished for & then prepares himself for the pursuit of “eating his cake too” as he thinks that he can simply court his beloved all over again later.
Only to discover… she was dead… She had attempted that Golden Lynel again &...
But, his mind would supply, “she'd killed it last time.”
Only for his broken heart to point out that that had been after training with him for months… They… didn’t train together in this sequence of events…
Thoughts, feelings, reactions, pleases? If that's alright?
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My heart is so torn with this one. I am a hopeless romantic, so in my worlds, Ganondorf will always choose his wife and trust that with their power, they will thrive and win. No matter the odds, no matter what happens, he will succeed with his wife at his side. A loyal, determined, stubborn man...
This is an intriguing and complex scenario. Here’s how each Ganondorf, as well as Demise, might react to being faced with the ultimate decision between gaining Hyrule or meeting his wife:
Wind Waker Ganondorf
Choice: Ganondorf in The Wind Waker is often portrayed as more introspective and regretful. He longs for the past and desires to restore his homeland.
Thoughts: If faced with the choice, he would ponder deeply. His desire for power is strong, but the idea of having a chance at genuine companionship and love is equally compelling.
Feelings: Torn between his ambition and his longing for human connection, he would struggle. Ultimately, he might choose his wife, hoping to find a different path to achieving his goals.
Decision: "I have spent centuries seeking power, but what is a kingdom without a queen? I will meet her and trust in fate."
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf
Choice: This Ganondorf is driven by ambition and the desire to rule. His pursuit of power is ruthless and singular.
Thoughts: Faced with this decision, he would initially be inclined to choose Hyrule. However, the uncertainty of possibly never having Hyrule could weigh on him.
Feelings: He would feel a sense of conflict, but his ambition might overshadow his desire for love. If he chose Hyrule, he would later be haunted by the loss of his potential beloved.
Decision: "Hyrule is my destiny. If I am meant to find her, I will, even if I must rule alone."
Twilight Princess Ganondorf
Choice: This version of Ganondorf is more cold and calculating, but he also has a sense of pride and honor.
Thoughts: He would carefully consider both options. The uncertainty of never having Hyrule might not deter him as much as the possibility of missing out on a chance at love.
Feelings: He would be conflicted, but his desire for conquest would likely take precedence. If he chose Hyrule, he would do so with the belief that he could somehow rectify the situation later.
Decision: "I will take Hyrule and then seek her out. Nothing will stand in my way."
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf
Choice: This Ganondorf is fiercely ambitious and enjoys the thrill of battle and conquest. His desire for power is deeply ingrained.
Thoughts: He would be pragmatic about the choice. The uncertainty of never achieving Hyrule might make him lean towards choosing his wife, but his pride and ambition would likely win out.
Feelings: He would feel a sense of loss and regret if he chose Hyrule and later discovered his wife’s fate, but he would mask it with a renewed focus on his rule.
Decision: "Hyrule will be mine. If she is my destiny, I will find her after I have secured my power."
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf
Choice: This Ganondorf is more enigmatic and his motivations might be more complex. He seeks power but also has a deeper connection to the land.
Thoughts: He would weigh the choices heavily, considering the implications of each. The uncertainty might make him hesitant, but his ambition would likely drive him to choose Hyrule.
Feelings: He would feel a profound sense of loss upon realizing he missed his chance at love. This might lead to a more somber and reflective rule.
Decision: "I will take Hyrule and deal with the consequences. Love can be found, but power must be seized."
Demise (Skyward Sword)
Choice: Demise is a primordial being of pure malice and power. His desire to dominate the world is absolute.
Thoughts: He would have little regard for the choice of love. His focus would be entirely on power and conquest.
Feelings: Demise would not experience traditional feelings of love or loss. His choice would be clear and unwavering.
Decision: "Hyrule will bow before me. Love is a weakness I cannot afford."
In summary, most versions of Ganondorf would likely choose Hyrule due to their overwhelming ambition and desire for power. However, each would experience varying degrees of conflict and regret, with Wind Waker Ganondorf being the most likely to choose love over power. Demise, on the other hand, would choose power without hesitation, as his nature is intrinsically tied to domination and conquest.
Would any of the Ganondorfs (Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, Hyrule Warriors, and Tears of the Kingdom) and Demise (From Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword) answer change if they were told that if they chose Hyrule, they would NEVER meet their wife or true love again? Or if they chose their wife/true love, they would NEVER have Hyrule, they would always fail in their mission?
Given the new conditions that choosing Hyrule means they would never meet their wife or true love again and choosing their wife or true love means they would never have Hyrule and always fail in their mission, here’s how their answers might change:
Wind Waker Ganondorf
Original Choice: Meet his wife, hoping to find a different path to his goals.
Revised Choice: This Ganondorf, with his more reflective nature, would likely still choose his wife. The finality of never meeting her again would weigh heavily on him.
Decision: "I have lost much in my quest for power. I cannot lose the chance at love. I will choose her and find another way."
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf
Original Choice: Choose Hyrule, believing he could still find her later.
Revised Choice: The finality of never meeting his wife again might cause him to reconsider. However, his ambition is powerful.
Decision: "If I cannot have both, I must choose power. Love is a luxury I cannot afford."
Twilight Princess Ganondorf
Original Choice: Choose Hyrule, believing he could seek her out later.
Revised Choice: The absolute nature of never having Hyrule or always failing in his mission might not deter him as much as the permanent loss of his true love.
Decision: "Love is fleeting, but power is eternal. I will choose Hyrule and bear the consequences."
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf
Original Choice: Choose Hyrule, believing he could find her after securing his power.
Revised Choice: Knowing he would never meet his true love might give him pause, but his drive for conquest is strong.
Decision: "Power is my destiny. If I cannot meet her, then so be it. Hyrule will be mine."
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf
Original Choice: Choose Hyrule, dealing with the consequences later.
Revised Choice: The absolute nature of the choice might make him reconsider, but his connection to the land and his ambition would likely prevail.
Decision: "Hyrule is my birthright. Love is a sacrifice I must make."
Demise (Skyward Sword)
Original Choice: Choose Hyrule without hesitation.
Revised Choice: Demise's nature is intrinsically tied to power and domination. The concept of true love holds little to no value for him.
Decision: "Love is irrelevant. I will dominate Hyrule."
Wind Waker Ganondorf would still choose his wife, valuing the chance at love and connection.
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf and Twilight Princess Ganondorf would likely still choose power, though with more inner conflict.
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf and Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf would remain steadfast in their pursuit of power.
Demise would remain unchanged, as his focus is solely on conquest.
The definitive nature of the choices adds layers of complexity, but most Ganondorfs would still lean towards their original inclinations, with Wind Waker Ganondorf being the notable exception, consistently choosing love over power.
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