#my queens you are beautiful to me no matter what
eljeebee · 18 hours
An old thing
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Vladislaus stared at the painting.
He was deep in his paperwork when Caleb barged in his office with a package in his arm, and a letter in his other hand. He thanked him before the Vatore left his office.
He opened the letter first. It wrote,
Overlord Straud, Lana wanted to write this letter to you, but I knew she would write unpleasant things instead. I forced her to give the pen and paper to me. Anyway, we made a dedicated team tasked to search for our old belongings. Some would be kept by either of us, while the rest would be put up for auction. The team was able to retrieve this painting. Lana wanted to keep this for herself, but Lenora and I thought it would be best to give it to you instead. After all, this is your family. I promised you. We’re giving this to you free of charge. Please take good care of it. Regards, Valentina Asvang
He remembered taking a deep breath. He remembered his fingers twitching when taking the package from one of the armchairs Caleb had left it on. He remembered slowly going up the stairs, and he remembered taking it to his room.
Then, he took it out of its huge box. An old thing.
He hung the old thing outside his room, on that blank space on the wall.
And then he stared at the painting. The music coming out of Caleb and Helen’s room faded as his vision tunneled towards the painting.
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This old thing…
His trance was broken when Helen stepped out of her room. He took a quick glance at her; she smiled. He smiled back, before turning his attention to the painting.
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Helen stood beside him, curious about the thing he was looking at.
“Hey, that’s you, Dad,” Helen said, pointing.
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Vladislaus chuckled. “Yes, that’s me.”
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“Who are they?” Helen asked. She gestured at the woman in red, and the boy beside her.
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Vladislaus glanced at her. How would she react?
“The boy looks like you,” Helen noted.
“Indeed, he is,” he replied, “he has her mother’s eyes, however.”
“Yeah, I can see that…” Helen nodded. “Mother, huh? Hmm. Is she your wife?”
It took him a moment to reply. “She is.”
“And that would make the boy your son,” Helen deduced.
He nodded. “That would make Hugo your older brother, my child.”
“Would that make her my mother then?” Helen asked. Chuckling, “Just kidding. I know how I came to be. You picked me up in a random alleyway.”
Vladislaus shook his head, relieved that the memory they’d implanted still holds. “Yes. Mhm. But still, she would be a good mother to you.”
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Helen nodded, “She’s beautiful. She…she looks familiar.”
“She’s the eldest sister of Lenora and Lana.”
“Woah, no shit?” Helen let out a laugh. “No way. How is she? Annoying like Lana? Nonchalant like Lenora?”
“Nothing like them,” Vladislaus smiled a little. “A queen. That’s what she is.”
They looked at it once more.
“Do you miss them, Dad?”
He didn’t answer at first. He continued, gazing at the painting.
“I do. I miss them, Helen. Especially Hugo. My son is her greatest gift for me.”
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Helen hugged him. “Wherever they are, I know they miss you too. They love you, Dad. I love you.”
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Vladislaus embraced her.
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“What’s wrong boy?”
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Hugo inhaled. “Hello, Lady Priestess…”
“You’re deep in thought,” she stood beside him, “what’s the matter?”
“It’s nothing,” Hugo grumbled.
“It’s not nothing. You’re thinking of your father, aren’t you?”
He sighed.
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“I could see it; it’s written all over your face, my dear.”
“I miss him,” Hugo murmured.
“And you want to see him.”
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He hummed.
“Not yet,” the Priestess said. “Not now. Too soon.”
“You always say that,” Hugo frowned. “When is now? When is it soon?”
“An old ally of your father is alive, Hugo. He must die before you reunite with the Overlord,” she said.
“Can’t we kill him? Can’t you?”
“We must let the actors play their roles,” the Priestess says. “I can do it in theory, but I vowed to Vladislaus never to step in. Remember who I was, Prince Hugo.”
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“The Tiebreaker. The Vampire Hermit,” Hugo said. “You’ll only fight when you know it’s time.”
She nodded. “Now is not the time.”
Hugo sighed.
A beat of silence.
“Tell me one of your mage tales, please?”
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She chuckled. “Come inside, then.”
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the-fiction-witch · 4 hours
Media - House Of The Dragon Character - Cregan Stark Couple - Cregan X Reader Reader - y/n Targaryen Rating - 12 Word Count - 877 Requested - i NEED cregan stark oneshots
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The snow gracefully floated down from the sky, creating a serene and otherworldly scene, while the colossal wall of ice dominated the horizon with its sheer magnitude. A blanket of grey clouds stretched endlessly overhead, casting a sombre atmosphere over the vast expanse of land.
As Princess Y/n made her way through the ancient corridors of Castle Black, her elegant black gown swept the ground, gathering traces of mud along its hem. Accompanied by Lord Cregan Stark, who was clad in rugged leathers and winter furs, she ascended a creaky wooden lift, her presence commanding attention and respect amidst the stoic members of the Night's Watch.
“Are we sure this is safe?” Y/n asked,
“Fear not my princess, the men of the Night’s Watch maintain all their equipment well. No harm will come to you,” Cregan nodded,
As the lift creaked and groaned, it gradually started to ascend. The wooden structure swayed gently, causing the lanterns to emit soft squeaks as they swung back and forth. As the lift continued its ascent, the imposing silhouette of the castle gradually receded from view, giving way to the expansive and undulating landscapes of the northern realm stretching out in all directions.
Y/n slightly trembled tightening her grip on his arm,
“One wouldn’t think a dragon rider would be afraid of such heights?” he teased her,
“No, it is not the height that bothers me.” she answered, “More the lack of control I suppose,”
“I understand, it can be hard to relinquish such things.” He said, “Come,” He told her As the elevator reached the top, he gently guided her through the winding passages that were meticulously carved into the massive wall. They passed by numerous guards stationed along the way until they finally arrived at an outpost overlooking the expansive landscape beyond the wall.
“It is beautiful… in a terrifying sort of way,” she says,
“Winter is coming My princess, and we must stand ready,” he told her,
She scoffed, “Coming? Surely it is here, no? Else tell me, what is this that falls from the sky and shivers me so?”
“This is but a late summer snow, in the depths of winter it will cover all you see. And the feelings of the warm sun will fade to distant memory.”
“My father brought King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne to see the wall, his grace stood this very outlook and watched as their dragons the greatest power in the world, refused to cross it.” he explained,
“It pleases me to know.” She nodded, “Our families share such history, that our ancestors over a century ago treated in this very place, The Conquer and the king in the north.”
He chuckled, “You my princess, at least had the grace and the mercy not to threaten me with your dragon,”
“True.” She smiled, “I wonder…”
“Of what?”
“From the word and histories I have read, The great Torren Stark would rather have died than bent the knee. Much less to the conquer unless he truly believed in unity for the kingdoms.”
“I fear you right My princess,”
“We know why I am here, we both know I have come because that unity… now is under threat.” she explained, “The realm is at risk of tearing itself apart like a dog chewing off its own tail.” she said, “If the men of this kingdom do not remember the oaths sworn before my grandfather King Viserys and his rightful heir my mother Queen Rhaynera,”
“I assure you, Starks do not forget our oaths my princess, Nor do any house under me. There are many in westeros who support your queen… quietly,”
“Quiet support is the same as silence, my lord Stark.”
“You must understand my princess, I like many others have a gaze torn. Between north and south, the matter of the crown and throne is a matter to you and your family I do not deny, but our matters are just as crucial, during winter the oath I owe to the wall and my people is even more than any I owe to kings landing.”
“War is coming my lord,” she said the shiver obvious in her voice,
“That it is.” He nodded, He gracefully removed his fur-lined cloak and gently draped it over her shoulders, ensuring that she was enveloped in its warmth and softness. “We must be united as one… to hold the claim of your mother together.”
Her eyes met his with playful suspicion, “Why do I feel the support of your Northmen comes with a cost beyond the oaths once sworn?”
“Our oaths are held dear, but what you ask would require our houses to have a strong union beyond just oaths.” He explained, “My princess?”
“Is this a proposal my lord?”
“It is. My princess.” He nodded, a gentle smile forming on his lips as he softly took her hand in his, delicately lifting it to his lips and pressing a tender kiss against her cold, delicate skin. The warmth of his breath mingled with the chill of her touch, creating a moment of tender connection between them.
“… for the sake of my mother's cause, and the kingdom. I must agree.” she softly smiled trying to hide her blush,
“Come we will discuss matters in more detail besides the fire.” He told her, “Before you freeze my princess.” he cooed tugging her away from the outlook.
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novaursa · 18 hours
Could u do a Visenya x brother reader
Of Duty and Heart
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- Summary: Visenya chooses you over her duty to Aegon.
- Paring: brother!reader/Visenya Targaryen
- Rating: Mild 13+
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff @alyssa-dayne @oxymakestheworldgoround
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The sound of footsteps echoing through the Great Hall of Dragonstone feels like the beat of a drum in your chest. You stand beside your younger brother Aegon, his posture straight and composed, but you can sense the unease rolling off him in waves. Your father, Lord Aerion, sits upon the carved throne at the end of the hall, his face a mask of expectation and authority.
But it is your elder sister, Visenya, who draws all your attention. She stands before you, her back straight, her violet eyes fierce and unwavering. The light glints off her silver-gold hair, cascading over her shoulders like a pale molten fire. Her face, as always, is beautiful and commanding, but tonight, there’s something else there. A hardness, a defiance you have rarely seen in her gaze.
“I will not wed Aegon,” she says, her voice steady and clear, echoing through the hall like the peal of a bell. Her words are a blade, slicing through the tense silence. You feel Aegon stiffen beside you, and your father’s eyes narrow, his hand tightening on the arm of his throne.
“Visenya,” Lord Aerion’s voice is low, dangerous, “You speak of duty, not desire. This is what the family—what the realm—expects.”
She lifts her chin, defiance blazing in her eyes. “I have served duty my entire life. I have wielded Dark Sister in battle, I have stood as a shield for our family, and I have done all that has been asked of me.” She turns her gaze to Aegon, and then, to your surprise, to you. “But I will not marry where there is no love.”
You inhale sharply, her words hitting you like a blow. Visenya has always been the warrior, the embodiment of duty and strength. You have loved her for as long as you can remember, since you were children playing in the shadow of Dragonstone’s walls, since you watched her learn to wield a sword with a fierce grace that took your breath away. But you had buried that love, knowing that she was promised to Aegon, knowing that your place was to protect her, not to claim her.
“Love?” Lord Aerion’s voice is cold, his eyes glittering like chips of ice. “Love is not the concern of kings and queens. You will wed Aegon, and together you will forge a dynasty that will be the envy of the world.”
Visenya’s gaze does not waver. “A dynasty forged in cold blood is a fragile thing. I will marry no one but him,” she says, and then she turns fully to you, and it is as if the world narrows to the space between you, to the breathless, aching moment that stretches between her words and your understanding.
You can scarcely breathe as she steps closer, her eyes locked on yours. “I would rather die than wed without love, and the only man I have ever loved is you, Y/N.”
The hall seems to vanish around you, the walls and the torches and your father’s scowl fading into nothingness. All you can see is Visenya, the fierce determination in her eyes, the way her breath hitches ever so slightly as she waits for your response.
“Visenya,” you whisper, the name reverberating in the silence like a prayer. You reach for her hand, scarcely believing that this moment is real, that the thing you have longed for, dreamed of, could be within your grasp. “Are you certain? This is not something that can be undone.”
Her fingers curl around yours, strong and sure. “I have never been more certain of anything. I want to marry you, Y/N. Not because of duty, not because it is expected, but because I love you.” Her voice softens, the fierceness giving way to something raw and tender. “And I will not give myself to anyone else.”
You feel Aegon’s eyes on you, feel your father’s fury simmering like a storm about to break, but none of it matters. All that matters is the woman standing before you, her hand in yours, offering you everything you have ever wanted, everything you never dared to hope for.
“I love you, too,” you say, the words falling from your lips like a vow, like a promise. “I always have.”
Visenya smiles then, a fierce, radiant smile that banishes the shadows from the hall, that makes your heart swell with a joy so fierce it almost hurts. “Then we will face whatever comes as one.”
Your father rises from his throne, his face dark with anger, but you meet his gaze unflinchingly, your hand still wrapped around Visenya’s. “You would defy me for this?” he demands, his voice shaking with rage.
“I would defy the world for her,” you reply, your voice steady, your heart calm. “And I will stand beside her, no matter what comes.”
For a long, tense moment, the air crackles with unspoken words, with the clash of wills. But then, slowly, your father’s shoulders sag, and he seems to age before your eyes, his fury giving way to a weary resignation.
“Very well,” he says at last, his voice heavy with the weight of surrender. “If this is the path you have chosen, then so be it. But know this: the road you walk will be a difficult one, and you will have no one to blame but yourselves.”
“We know,” Visenya says quietly, her eyes still on you, her hand still clasped in yours. “But we will walk it together.”
And as you stand there, your sister’s hand in yours, her love shining in her eyes, you know that whatever the future holds, you will face it with her, with the woman you love, by your side.
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gonzodangerfeels · 8 months
Nice Mongolian eyes
#self supportive#the Mongolians were not Chinese they just ran through there#my queens you are beautiful to me no matter what#even if you transform into some nightmare tyoe shit#like I think I just quit deciphering between nightmares and dreams eventually#like whatever I am just here and stuff (dreams)#me at shoes for a second: I wanna play with you forever#air pen pals#her here a note use esp#me: how about I just put my lips on this kiss mark for you#also that gan was not my type#the cousin of the demons: the crowd looks like a video game (the price is right)#wife (bless her heart I Love her so much yanno): I think it's the lights me: yes#it would have been better if we had a private session but I would have had unprotected sex with you#or you would have had unprotected sex with me I mean#today it was a quick nod to Arthur#evoke the past a post from 101 ad tells me#me: look shit gets weird when I do that I have to be careful#he might forget where he is and go start coughing up more blood#the johnson and johnson me: smh#but yes in a way those papers I gave him were like here I learned how to read real good grandpa#and I always knew that shocked smile I could get out of him#mom never understood it is that which only I could do to him#like I suppose I was a powerful little guy#angel of vengeance at 3 maybe 4 I don't know#sam the eagle was 1984 though#it just makes it hotter whatever relation to the Star#a name of a Shar Pei to summon oh yes I would apparently#if we were playing when we were kids we know who Merlin was#Jason we would give him the important role so he felt important but we had to do the footwork
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justanisabelakinnie · 2 months
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candies-and-eyeliner · 6 months
I think it's very punk rock of me to not get lip filler
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widevibratobitch · 6 months
#im so tired of this lalalalalalalalaa#something is Wrong lol#i really need this therapy on wednesday but guess WHAT im not going. im going to a funeral instead 🤡#and ill be singing in that stupid fucking church because have to but i dont fucking wanna i hate doing it and i hate churches#all i feel rn is the overwhelming urge to selfdestruct and like obv im not gonna kms now#but im so fucking angry that im not even *allowed* to do that anymore. like it was such a comfort all this time to know that i can just Quit#and now i cant because guess what someone has to take care of my mother 🫠 and im so fucking tired of being someone people depend on#to handle THEIR feelings and THEIR emotions and just take it all with humility and acceptance and kindness and never snap and bite back#like i dont WANNA hear about your dead husband i dont wanna hear about your stupid fucking boyfriend#i dont wanna hear about the new guy/girl who's hitting on you because you're so hot and perfect#i dont wanna be responsible for how people feel. i should just shut up and take it and be humble and never ask or expect anything back#but when is it MY turn to call at 1 am crying about how im tired and want to kms#or to start expecting shit of people and allow myself to get properly angry at them for not meeting those expectations#or to braggingly 'complain' about something the other person clearly lacks without any consideration for their feelings#or to just openly cry and say deeply personal shit without any filter not caring if that other person is clearly uncomfortable af#because *i* need it right now and i need someone to listen and let them worry about how to even respond to that stuff#im just so tired of people expecting shit of me im tired of being made responsible even tho i clearly cannot handle that responsibility#i wanna be mean i wanna snap and get angry and openly say that i dont give a shit and am tired and cant listen to this rn#but i cant because i have to be a motherfucking mother theresa and never dare to demand something for myself#and idk where that comes from. idk if it's coming from the fanatic catholicism of my childhood or my mother or just from myself and idc#i just feel so horrible and guilty and wrong for wanting anything for myself#and it once again feels like im making myself the victim and the tortured martyr here when i should just shut up and take it#i just wanna lie down and die and not care about who'll get angry or judge or blame me for it im tired and i dont know what to do#i want someone to take care of ME and reassure ME and make ME feel like i matter and that they really will help me if i ever need it#and that they'd be kinda sad if i were gone not because i had a role to fulfill that i failed at by killing myself but because i am a person#<- math calculations flying around my head as i come to the terrible realisation#of just why exactly im so deeply obsessed with my voice teacher (aside from her being literally the most beautiful woman alive lol) 🤡#like babygirl stop being so utterly overwhelmingly kind to me my knees are weak i would do anything for you queen and I MEAN IT
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faeryworlds · 4 months
#₊ ⊹ Gwen Stacy ❙ ❝Fight for what matters to you no matter what. ❝#₊ ⊹ Peter Parker ❙ ❝I made a choice. This is my path❝#₊ ⊹ Yelena Belova ❙ ❝The truth rarely makes sense when you omit key details ❝#₊ ⊹ Kate Bishop ❙ ❝Some people have actually called the world’s greatest archer ❝#₊ ⊹ Harley Quinn ❙ ❝ Treat me like a game and I’ll show you how it’s played❝#₊ ⊹ Mia Queen ❙ ❝ I'm a warrior I fight for my life❝#₊ ⊹ Katniss Everdeen ❙ ❝ fire burns brighter in the dark ❝#₊ ⊹ Malia Tate ❙ ❝I won’t judge❝#₊ ⊹ Allison Argent ❙ ❝I was born with silver between my teeth.❝#₊ ⊹ Emma Swan ❙ ❝ you want people to look at you differently make them!❝#₊ ⊹ Hope Swan-Jones ❙ ❝I am really bad at words I hope you’re good at reading eyes❝#₊ ⊹ Tinker Bell ❙ ❝The question isn’t who’s going to let me… It’s who’s going to stop me!❝#₊ ⊹ Katherine Pierce ❙ ❝ Humanity is a vampires greatest weakness ❝#₊ ⊹ Caroline Forbes ❙ ❝If you want something done right you have to do it yourself❝#₊ ⊹ Luna Mikaelson ❙ ❝I can take care of myself ❝#₊ ⊹ Davina Claire ❙ ❝I can give you a list of people who've underestimated me. ❝#₊ ⊹ Rebekah Mikaelson ❙ ❝ Kill the demon today face the Devil tomorrow. Count me in. ❝#₊ ⊹ Lizzie Saltzman ❙ ❝ I am getting back to me. I am who I am ❝#₊ ⊹ Hermione Granger ❙ ❝I’m hoping to do some good in the world!❝#₊ ⊹ Ginny Weasley ❙ ❝Anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve.❝#₊ ⊹ Lily Merchant ❙ ❝All I want to do is make him proud.❝#₊ ⊹ Victoire Weasley ❙ ❝As beautiful as the bright moon.❝#₊ ⊹ Lily L Potter ❙ ❝Wandering around aimlessly in the dark.❝#₊ ⊹ Bree Tanner ❙ ❝Rushing into things blind isn’t going to help us win.❝#₊ ⊹ Alison DiLaurentis ❙ ❝Sometimes lies are more interesting than the truth❝#₊ ⊹ Aria Montgomery ❙ ❝When you love someone it’s worth fighting for no matter what the odds ❝#₊ ⊹ Max Mayfield ❙ ❝Be running up that hill❝#₊ ⊹ Nancy Wheeler ❙ ❝Ask for forgiveness not permission❝#₊ ⊹ Mary Stuart ❙ ❝I am Mary Queen of Scots and I have come for my throne. ❝#₊ ⊹ Kenna Livingston ❙ ❝So I say to hell with what people think.❝
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mycameron · 5 months
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‎⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀࣪𓏲ּ ₊ ⊹ ˑ ִ ֶ 𓂃
being your boyfriend is rafe's favourite thing.
he does everything for you. whether it was buying you lunch or driving 5 hours just to get you the purse that you really wanted.. he will do it, no matter what.
he likes having you rely on him, depend on him for everything. in fact, he loves it. maybe a little too much. he likes being needed, especially when it came to you. you don't even have to lift a finger, not like rafe would let you anyway. he buys you expensive gifts, takes you on cute dates, gets you flowers, drives you everywhere, he treats you like a queen.
you sat in front of your vanity, looking at yourself in the mirror. rafe sat on the edge of your bed behind you. you were going to a party later tonight to celebrate one of your friend's birthday. running your fingers through your freshly curled hair, you sighed.
"rafe, do you think my hair looks good?", you had spent an hour doing it but it didn't turn out the way you wanted, as per usual.
he looked up from his phone, "of course baby, you could wear a trash bag and you'd still look beautiful."
he always knew what to say, didn't he?
staring at yourself in the mirror you stop worrying about your hair and focus on your outfit. it was supposed to be "casual" but in reality, everyone would be wearing clothes on the fancier side. you make your way to your closet and skim through the collection of dresses, all of which rafe bought you. you pick two out, the first one was a silky dark red dress and the second was a simpler black dress with an open back.
lifting them both up you ask, "which one would fit better for tonight?"
taking a moment to scan the dresses rafe lifts his finger and points to one, "the red dress. 'makes you look hot", he grins.
you walk over to place a kiss on his cheek and he puts his hands around your waist, pulling you in while planting kisses on your neck and making his way down your torso.
"rafe, we have to go soon and i still need to get dressed!" you try to pull away but he tightens his grip.
"tell them we're going to be late then", he says now gliding his hand up your thigh.
you pull out your phone and text your friend.
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི my first fic/blurb (idk?) & def not proofread.. please give me feedback if any!!
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hypnos333 · 8 months
Left her behind
Lucifer x Angel Wife Reader
Synopsis: Lucifer left you behind to rule hell and have lilith so you were behind cleaning up your broken piece
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Your wings were bigger than your body but your heart was bigger than your wings. You were an archangel helping your god important plans for mankind. Your husband Lucifer was a Seraphim and you always wonder how you two ever gotten married.
An Archangel and a Seraphim what an unexpected pair, isn’t it?
As you were talking to a human Adam about what god had told you to tell him. A bad feeling was upon you as you excused yourself to go back to heaven to find your husband.
An hour had gone by and you still couldn’t find him til you saw Lilith and you husband kissing. You were shocked and upset until god touched your shoulder ushering back into heaven saying he’ll handle it. Of course you couldn’t question someone you absolutely trust so you flew up with tears hurriedly to go find Gabriel and Michael.
That’s when you found out your husband has been banished with everyone else who betrayed God and heaven.
They were sent to hell as Lucifer as the leader of it and Lilith as queen. You sobbed so loudly make Gabriel hushed you quietly as he sway you left and right to get you to calm yourself.
Michael came back in with some ice cream with a sad smile. “Let forget about your ex husband my little Beauty” And you agreed. That was centuries ago and during that time you found out Lucifer had a daughter which made you completely forget about him focusing about your home more importantly.
Today was your birthday and you had to go to a meeting about the extermination in hell.
Back in hell after getting a meeting to heaven he told his daughter an important story.
“Over a century ago there was these two angels one in a lower class and another in a higher class they loved each nonetheless. Married in heaven but soon the married man became regrettably enchanted with a human bringing her with him to his chaos but leaving his heart where heaven was at” Lucifer explained
“Y-You left your real wife, dad?” She asked him shock and sadness looking at the sky.
“Sadly so, she was supposed to be your mom” He chuckled as tears slipped out his eyes. The amount of times he goes over to see you but you never reciprocate breaks his heart.
He still wears his gold wedding ring from the day he married you and he can never forget that day.
“Don’t worry charlie i’ll win her back no matter the cost and I’ll bring her here to hell for her to rule with me” He reassured her with determination. They both look up to the sky to see a rare white star down at hell.
Alternative ending
Regular ending
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entitled-fangirl · 2 months
When it matters most.
Cregan Stark x Targaryen!wife!reader
Summary: Aemond goes to Winterfell to recruit his sister and her dragon for the Greens. Cregan will not allow that.
A/n: based on an ask!
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Y/n and Cregan make eye contact, immediately standing from their seats at the table. 
Y/n runs to the window, while Cregan makes quick work of tying his cloak and moving to the door. 
She rushes after her husband, not caring for the proper clothing to shield the cold. 
She makes quick work of falling in step with him, grabbing his arm. 
Cregan's jaw clenched, a fear evident in his eyes. "Stay indoors."
Cregan's eyes close and he stops walking. "I said. Stay. Here."
"It is my brother. I will not let you go alone."
He takes a long and steady breath as he turns to her. His hands cup her face, "My beautiful wife, I do not care if it is our fiercest enemy or our greatest ally, you will stay indoors until I deem it safe for you."
A defeated look came to her eyes as Cregan released her. He gave her a final look before continuing on his path.
She watched him go, her gut wrenching with each step that he took.
Cregan had declared the North an ally of the Blacks only two moons ago. It made no sense for Aemond to suddenly appear in enemy territory.
She moved back to the dining hall, watching with bated breath from the window. Though she could see nothing now, she hoped that perhaps she'd gain a glimpse of what was to happen.
Soon, a servant entered the room, "Princess, Prince Aemond is within the castle walls."
Her blood ran cold. She turned her head to the servant. "In… Indoors?"
"Yes, Princess."
"I do not know." "And Cregan?"
"I am unsure."
She rested a hand on her forehead. "Very well, thank you."
The servant left, shutting the large doors behind her. 
If something had happened to the Queen, Jace would have written to her. She was sure of it. Someone would have.
But to ride straight to Winterfell was bold of Aemond regardless.
Riding into any enemy territory was bold. 
"Where is she?" Aemond's voice echoed down the corridor. 
A shudder ran down her spine at the sound of him so near. 
She abandoned the window, moving to the door. 
Does she dare try to leave? Or would that place her right into his hands?
In the skies, she would never run. Even against Vhagar, Silverwing was quicker. More agile. She'd have a fighting chance. 
But in the halls of Winterfell? She had nothing. 
She moved away from the door, looking around in panic. 
Without thinking, she ducked under the table, pulling her legs to her chest in hopes that she'd go unseen.
Sure enough, Aemond threw open the doors to the dining hall. 
She could tell it was him by the pace of his stride alone. 
The clicking of his boots neared, and she found herself holding her breath. 
The boots came into her line of sight, pausing in front of her. 
She wanted to scream when his knee hit the floor and his eye was suddenly trained on her. 
"Sister," he hummed lightly.
"Aemond," she whispered.
"You must get better servants," he mused. "Yours sing like canaries."
"Where is my husband?" 
His brows shot up, "Dunno. I haven't seen him."
Where was Cregan?
"Come out from there, dear sister."
A hummed resonated in his throat before he spoke, "Still stubborn as before. I had thought the North would drive that out of you. C'mon."
She shook her head, anger rising her her. "Leave, Aemond."
He sighed, "Be difficult then."
His hand encased her ankle, dragging her out with ease. 
She let out a scream as she sat up and began to pry his hands from her. 
Aemond was used to combat and seemed completely unfazed by her fighting. "Listen to me, sister."
She continued to fight until he straddled her, holding her arms above her head.
"Why must you always fight me?" He seethed.
She stilled, a fire lit behind her eyes, "The North has only hardened my heart to you, brother."
"īlon share ānogar, mandia," he growled. (We share blood, sister.)
"Nyke northern." She whispered. (I am Northern.)
He grunted in frustration, pushing himself off of her and standing. He pinched the bridge of his nose in anger, "You fight against your family. Against me."
She sits up, brushing off her dress, "I fight for the true heir. You and I both know we were not made out of love. Father did not care for us. Rhaenyra is to be Queen. Not Aegon."
"Watch yourself-"
"Aegon did not wish for this!" She yelled. She then used the table to help her stand as a thought came to her. "You are only here for my dragon. I thought you'd come to fight for Aegon, but no." She neared him, daring him to do something. "You only fight for yourself."
A hand shot out, gripping her throat tightly as the other rested over the handle of his dagger. He spoke through gritted teeth, "Do not speak of what you do not know."
"Might I remind you of the same?" Cregan's voice suddenly chimed in. 
Behind Aemond stood Lord Stark, Ice poking into the Prince's back.
"Tell me why I should not spear this sword into you now and end this war entirely?" Cregan threatened.
Aemond's jaw clenched as he stared at his sister who remained motionless. 
Finally, he let her go, cursing himself lightly when she dropped to the ground and coughed. 
"Turn yourself around and face me properly," Stark commanded.
Aemond did so with a look in his eye that could kill. "You command your prince-"
"I command the Green traitor scum that dared invade my home and threaten my wife."
"I still hold the fiercest dragon in the Seven Kingdoms," Aemond taunted. "What will stop me from burning all of the North down?"
"Then your war will be lost before it even begins," Cregan said lowly. "For I will hunt you down. And where a Stark leads, the North follows."
When Aemond stepped forward towards the Northernman, the tip of Ice rested against his stomach, the threat still there. "I am only here to return my sister to King's Landing."
"You touch her, and you die by my hands, Prince."
Aemond's head tilted, "So scared you'll lose the war?"
"Hardly," Cregan reasoned. "You're just not touching my wife."
"She," the prince pointed, "Is a Princess and a dragon rider first. Not your little northern wife."
"And yet she didn't choose you, did she?" Cregan mocked softly, enjoying the anger radiating from the man. "She chose to stay."
"She has no choice," Aemond gritted his teeth.
"And still she didn't choose you," He smiled. He looked past the prince, "Alright, pretty girl?"
Y/n looked up at the two, her fingers massaging her neck where bruising had already begun to show, "'m fine."
Cregan took that for an answer enough before turning his attention back to Aemond, "Leave before I change my mind."
Though filled with hatred, Aemond had no defense. He stepped away, his eye not leaving the Lord. "You'll regret this." He turned to his sister, "You'll wish you'd chosen differently."
She spoke up, her voice hoarse, "I shall see for myself."
Trying to force a unbothered tone, Aemond hummed, "Very well."
He then turned back on his heel, retreating from the hall.
The moment he was gone, Cregan abandoned Ice, kneeling in front of his wife, "Gods, what did he do to you?"
She held his hands, keeping them from wandering over her is panic, "Just some bruises. I promise. I'm alright."
"Forgive me. He had snuck past us men entirely and through the doors before any of us had even spotted him."
She shrugged, "You came when it mattered most."
"Aye," he smiled. "I always will, my girl."
She leaned forward, connecting their lips gently.
He groaned against her. "I always will."
Taglist: @misswynters, @cosmosnkaz, @sithapprentice, @kaniromi, @lovemesomevesey, @its-jackie-bb, @8812-342, @thorins-queen-of-erebor, @kingdomzeldaquest @nyxbranwenn, @callsignwidow, @a1lexh-blog
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ozzgin · 9 months
Male Yandere Lawyer x Female Embroider Reader (a lady who works as a tailor is fine too)
Imagine a man falling head over heels for that newly employed lady who hand embroiders beautiful handkerchiefs in a luxury shop he visits to get his custom suits! And he just trying to coax her into dating him, marrying him, and becoming his stay at home wife (and mother of his children eventually) 🥰🤭
Age difference? I need some DILF Daddy energy more in my life (but don’t make him an actual father…yet)
P.S. I adore your OCs and writing. And your artwork is way too fucking good! You’re art is just *chef’s kiss* infuckingcredible
Ooh, you know what this reminds me of? I have a yaoi volume from Scarlet Beriko, “Queen and the tailor”, about an interior designer that visits a legendary tailor whose suits will supposedly help you achieve success. The tailor turns out to be a scary looking, blunt man but nonetheless extremely talented. I liked the premise a lot, so it’s definitely interesting to try out a different perspective.
In this case I have the image of a patient, soft-spoken reader and a hurried, short tempered lawyer. Comically different but in a way that eventually works out, you know? Also thank you for the kind words!
Yandere!Lawyer x Embroiderer!Reader Headcanons
Featuring a Reader that is blissfully unaware the lawyer she just stared dating has their entire life together already sorted out.
Content: female reader, age gap, older yandere, obsessive behavior
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Your eyes begin to hurt mildly, so you look out the window and blink repeatedly, trying to refresh your poor sight. Such detailed works always strain you terribly, but you love seeing the finished result. Others must, too, given your handkerchiefs are often sold out the very same day. Right before your needle pierces the silk canvas anew, the door opens with a burst and you jolt. An older man in a suit, arguing loudly over the phone. He’s drumming his fingers over the counter, eyes darting around in search for an attendant. You know the type quite well, so you hurry over with the hoop still in your hand. “Might I help you with anything?” You mouth discreetly. He turns to you, stares for a couple of seconds, and promptly ends his call.
Out of all the places, he certainly didn’t expect regretting his rusty, unpolished flirting skills in a luxury tailor shop. Yet here he is now, clumsily mumbling something about his new suit he’s come to pick up and wondering how to connect that with your number. The name’s the easy part, as it’s neatly and conveniently printed out on the little badge pinned to your collar. Everything else, not so much. You excuse yourself and return moments later with his order. Shit. You tilt your head, confused by the delayed response, worrying whether you forgot something. Next time. He’ll figure it out for sure next time he comes here.
If there’s one good thing about his career, it’s that his eyes have been trained to spot every detail. For example the embroidery hoop you gently held while speaking to him, so he knows exactly what his next custom order will be. Truth be told, he didn’t anticipate your popularity and long waiting times, but a calculated raised tone with a sprinkle of intimidation has convinced the employee to assign him to you as earliest priority. Whether he can flirt remains to be seen, but arguing with others? Child’s play.
“Thank you for coming again today.” You bow slightly and extend the gift bag. “Although, I must say…I’ve never seen you using these before. What has caused your sudden interest in handkerchiefs?” Rather bold of you to begin such conversations, but your curiosity is too great. No matter how hard you try, you can’t imagine why a blunt, nonchalant man like him would abruptly become passionate about embroidery. A lover? You smile faintly at the idea. Whoever it is, they’ve taken quite the challenge upon themselves. The lawyer frowns at the inquiry. It seems you’re just as observant as him. Maybe this shall be the pretext he can finally cling onto. So he presents it in the factual truth you’d hear in a courthouse: it’s his excuse to see you. You raise your eyebrows in surprise. Well now, isn’t it just silly? He could’ve simply asked. Buying countless expensive handmade items instead of plainly confessing his intentions…He stumbles, flustered. The same man whose ruthless reputation has even reached your humble ears is anxiously awaiting your response with a deep blush on his face.
The childlike innocence doesn’t last long. You’ve agreed to date him and that’s great, but he’s a man with little time that has known exactly what he wants for many years. When he laid his eyes on you he didn’t imagine cheesy coffee dates as you discuss your favorite color and cautiously breach the topic of intimacy. What’s the point? He’s already certain he’ll spend the rest of his life with you. Skip the unnecessary steps. On the other hand, you’re not as cooperative as he’d wish. Truly, the tangible proof that opposites attract. You’re always calm and take your time with everything. It’s almost frustrating how easygoing you are. When asked when you’re moving in with him, you just smiled and wondered out loud what could be wrong with your small studio above the shop. Marriage? Good question, you never thought about it.
Oh, the irony. Last time a client was being particularly difficult, your lawyer boyfriend pulled him out by the collar under the mortified stares of the other attendants and shoppers. The exact attitude he himself would’ve shown before, yet this time it’s different. Of course it is, it involves you. His thin patience runs out if it’s you. That’s all there is to it. Can you blame a man for following his heart? They say you should always chase your dreams; he prefers hunting them down efficiently, and the shotgun is pointed in your direction. His sweet, exquisite prey he can never get enough of.
Finally you agree to move in with him. Your hesitation was maddening and he’d started coming up with downright psychotic alternatives to convince you, such as your studio burning down after a vicious attack of some unknown hooligans. So it was rather wise of you not to push someone that knows the law like the back of his hand, even if you aren’t aware of it yet. He enthusiastically guides you around your new forever home, omitting unimportant details. The spare office he emptied for a future nursery? You’ll get to that later.
He can’t wait to spoil you. See, that’s the advantage of dating an older man. He’s gotten his life sorted out a long time ago. All that was left was finding you. You just need to be a darling and behave. He knows you will. After all, you’re his talented little embroideress that won’t have to worry about anything else ever again.
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ham1lton · 3 months
girl if you write lando x assistant!yn, i think i'll ascend. oscaryn was already so good, but lando? would love that sm 🤭 have a great day queen!! 💖
author’s note: i’ve honestly been meaning to write this for so long! so here is some landoyn that doesn’t have lando being a loser. this is a part of my dream girl series <3
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liked by oscarpiastri, roscoelovescoco and 1,727,832 others.
yourusername: is this what the kiddos call a photo dump?
view all 50,728 comments
user1: ain’t this lando’s gf??? no way he bagged a baddie 😭
-> user2: he’s paying her atp 😭
landonorris: just died btw
-> landonorris: but your beauty brought me back to life 😍
-> yourusername: ur so lame
-> yourusername: i want u 😍
user10: hottest wag on the grid
hater1: yn dating one driver and working for another. what a slut.
-> user11: and she’s way more relevant and sexy than you’ll ever be!!! stay mad bitch !!!! 😹
user9: the sky is blue, grass is green and no matter when yn posts, within five minutes lando has liked, reposted and commented seven times.
*liked by yourusername.*
user3: i need you omg. the first pic???
lilymhe: my girlfriend is so gorgeous 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾
-> yourusername: no my girlfriend is MORE gorgeous 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻
-> landonorris: do you see this shit?? alex_albon
-> alex_albon: you just gotta let it happen mate
user7: yn will you marry me???
-> landonorris: NO 🤩
landonorris: do you have a boyfriend?
-> yourusername: yes i do :D
-> landonorris: can he fight 😡
-> yourusername: no x
-> landonorris: babeeee 😒😔
lewishamilton: did you know that lando spamming your comments is a form of harassment? i’ll cover any legal fees necessary for you. 🌱
-> maxverstappen1: i’ll pay half.
-> oscarpiastri: let me know if you need anything else yourusername 👍🏻
-> landonorris: jealousy is a disease of the heart. get well soon xoxo
roscoelovescoco: where’s my’s picture’s? 😢
-> yourusername: RUNNING OVER WITH TREATS RN!!!
landonorris: where is my pic creds for the last picture. want everyone to know you’re taken.
-> yourusername: sorry baby 💕💕
landonorris: need you so bad 😍
landonorris: can i get ur number 😍
landonorris: can i slide in those dms queen 😍
landonorris: thats MY girlfriend by the way stay mad everyone xxx
alexandrasaintmleux: double date soon? 🥰
-> yourusername: yes 😍 me and you can go out and we’ll leave lando and charles at home.
-> charles_leclerc: but then who’ll pay?
-> yourusername: good point… leave your credit cards with us and we’ll bring you back the leftovers x
-> landonorris: my gf is so generous 😘🥰
*liked by yourusername.*
landonorris: bae when are you coming home. our five kids are waiting for you xxx
-> user5: FIVE KIDS??? GET OFF HER 😭😭
-> yourusername: IM NOT A MUM YET PLEASE 😭
-> yourusername: he’s talking about my cats <3
-> landonorris: i want your cat
-> yourusername: OI BEHAVE 🙄 my boss can see this.
-> lewishamilton: unfortunately that is true, yourusername. thankfully jude is still single, for when you realise you’ve made a mistake 💕🌱
-> user6: HELP 😭😭😭😭😭
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— taglist: @flowergirl1134 @laur20a23 @greantii @rafebun (wanna join the taglist? fill out this form here!)
1K notes · View notes
How about Aegon or Aemond corrupting jace's twin? Maybe Aegon does the corrupting and Aemond is into her?
The list of morally wrong things in this one is astronomical, but it’s House of the Dragon so it’s okay. Also, this is part 1 (let me know what should happen in the next part!). I wanted to wait until it was fully finished to post, but this is 6k already so I'm splitting it
Warnings: 18+, smut, uncle/niece incest, corruption, fingering, oral (m receiving), non-consensual touch (not by Aegon or Aemond), protective!Aegon,
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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It all began when a letter from your grandsire arrived at Dragonstone, inviting you to spend summer in King’s Landing. You hadn't seen your grandsire since his fiftieth namedays, which was about two years ago, so you were more than pleased to accept his invitation. The gardens were beautiful in the summer…and you hadn’t seen Haelena in a while. 
It was absolutely not in the hopes to see your uncles again.
‘’Are you out of your mind? You’re going straight to the dragons’ den! Have you forgotten how they treated us all these tears we lived there?’’ Jacaerys said, walking into your bedchamber like it was his own.
The news of your summer plans must have reached his ears after his lesson with the Maester. 
‘’They’re not horrible people, you just never got along with them,’’ you fired back at your twin brother as you continued packing your bags for tomorrow.  
Growing up, your brothers had a few differences with Aegon and Aemond — many stupid fights and a lot of bullying on both ends —, but you never had the same treatment. Mayhaps it was because you were spending more time with Haelena than the boys. Or mayhaps they just took their teasing too seriously. 
Jacaerys was not letting it go. ‘’They called you a bastard in your back, like they did Luke and I.’’ 
The first time you heard the word from Aegon’s mouth, it hurt you. Being a bastard was badly seen. Especially for the children of the heir of the Iron throne. His slur branded your mother as a whore. 
Having heard, Jacaerys had come forward, the two pushing and shoving until Ser Criston and Ser Harwin separated them. When informed that a fight had occured in the courtyard between Aegon and Jace, your mother was mad at Jacaerys but also flattered that he had defended her honor. 
‘’We both know the truth about our father, Jace,’’ you reminded him, refusing to be blind. 
Although you and your brothers were conceived from an infidelity, you didn’t feel shame in being your father’s child. You remembered Ser Harwin being around in King’s Landing and making your mother happy. He was a kind and honorable man. Leanor was rarely ever present. 
‘’If the court finds out about our father, I won’t be recognized as heir. They’ll never allow a bastard to sit on the Iron Throne.’’
‘’We’re Targaryens, and that’s all that matters, all you need to sit on the throne,’’ you insisted. ‘’Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to finish packing.’’
At your return from King’s Landing, you’ll be meeting suitors — which you dreaded. That meant that this summer was going to be the last summer before becoming a wife. The thought of getting married made your stomach churn. Marriage was not something that interested you — at all. Like your mother, you would much rather ride your dragon and travel than live in a Lord’s castle and start a family.
Your arrival was announced to the King, who summoned you in the throne room. 
He stood from the throne as you approached, a smile spreading across his face. ‘’Ah, there you are,’’ Viserys said warmly, stepping down to meet you. ‘’It's good to see you back in King's Landing.’’
You returned the smile. ‘’Thank you for the invitation, Your Grace,’’ you replied respectfully.  
‘’You’ve grown,’’ Viserys remarked, his gaze appraising you. ‘’And you inherited your grandmother's beauty.’’
Though you never had the chance to meet Queen Aemma, you knew it was a compliment. The King always spoke fondly of his late wife.
‘’I’ll be ten and eight soon,’’ you informed him. 
‘’Already?’’ The King raised an eyebrow and you nodded. ‘’Time flies, doesn’t it? We’ll have a tourney in your and Jacaerys’ honor. My first grand-children turning ten and eight, it deserves to be celebrated.’’
You changed out of your traveling dress, then went looking for your aunt and uncles. 
First, you spotted Aegon soaring overhead on Sunfyre, the golden dragon gleaming in the sunlight. He had gotten so large and beautiful. You’ll have to ask Aegon to ride together next time he goes. 
Next, you made your way to the training yard, where you knew Aemond often spent his time. As expected, you found him there, sparring with Ser Criston, his movements swift and precise. He was much better than your brothers at sparring, you mentally noted.
You called his name excitedly as you stepped down the stairs, which you realized was a mistake when he almost got taken down by Ser Criston. You apologized, but Aemond shook his head. 
‘’No harm done,’’ he assured you, putting away his sword and walking over to you. 
The last time you were in this training yard, you kicked Aemond’s ass. You were only kids, but it was still one of your greatest victories. Sword-fighting was in your blood. With a little bit of training, you would be as great as the boys in this yard.
‘’Can you still hold a sword, Princess?’’ 
You and Aemond cleaned up just in time for dinner, where you greeted the Queen and Helaena. They had the same hairstyle, which reminded of you and your mother, Rhaenyra. Children look up to their parents.
After dinner, you, Helaena, Aemond and Aegon retired to the latter’s chamber and spent the evening talking, laughing and eating small cakes and other sweet treats that you had requested from the kitchens.  
‘’These pastries are divine,’’ you said, loving the bitter raspberry mixed with the sweetness of the tart. ‘’We don’t have anything like this on Dragonstone.’’ You took another bite, humming at the taste.
Just as you finished your third tart, Aegon stood and excused himself. ‘’It's been wonderful having you here, dear niece, but duty calls.’’
You glanced out the window, noticing the silver glow of the moon and the twinkling stars against the dark sky. ‘’At late hour?’’ 
Aegon paused for a moment, a confident smirk spreading across his face. ‘’Some duties can only be fulfilled at night,’’ he declared cryptically, his gaze flickering mischievously towards Aemond, who could only shake his head in response.
‘’I wouldn't exactly call it duty,’’ Aemond remarked, trailing off as Aegon interjected with a mischievous grin.
‘’A treat, then,’’ the older prince continued, redirecting his attention to you with a knowing look. ‘’You enjoy pastries. I, however, have a preference for women.’’
Confusion clouded your expression. ‘’What do you mean?’’
‘’Sex,’’ Aegon declared boldly, his eyes gleaming with mischief. 
Your gaze fell to your feet, color rising in your cheeks. ‘’Oh.’’ 
Aegon's lips twitched with amusement at your reaction. ‘’Ever had sex, dear niece?’’ 
‘’Aegon,’’ Aemond interjected, his voice a warning.
You shook your head. 
It was a good thing that Helaena had fallen asleep or she would have covered her ears. Sex always made her uncomfortable. 
‘’Not even with yourself?’’ Aegon continued. 
Confusion struck your face. ‘’Eh, no.’’
‘’You’re missing out.’’ 
Every night, you watched from your window as Aegon sneaked out through the secret passageway of the Red Keep. You had discovered these passageways when you were playing hide and seek as kids. Aemond always complained that hiding there was cheating, but you and Aegon did it anyway.
You couldn't help but wonder what was so great about sex that made him go out every night.  
One night, you decided to follow him. The curiosity was too much to resist. 
You snuck early through the secret passageways and waited for any sign of Aegon's approach. The damp, narrow corridors brought back memories of your childhood games. 
Finally, you heard his familiar footsteps echoing down the passage. As he rounded the corner, you stepped out of the shadows. 
‘’What is my favorite niece doing here?’’ Aegon asked, raising an eyebrow. He had a dark cloak over his shoulders, covering any signs that could give his identity away in the city. 
You took a deep breath, your heart pounding in your chest. ‘’I want to come to the pleasure house with you.’’ 
Aegon stared at you for a moment, then laughed. 
‘’I'm serious, Aegon. I…I want to know about sex.’’ You tried to make your voice confident, knowing Aegon would send you to your chamber if he sensed a sliver of uncertainness. 
Taking your hand in his, Aegon led you through the maze of streets and alleys. It was bustling with people. Merchants and artisanal liquor sellers were pushing their beverages at you, almost forcing you to have a taste. Some people were drunk and stumbling about, while some were playing instruments with surprising skill, their melodies blending with the occasional fights breaking out nearby. You could hear obscene sounds from darkened alleys, adding to the chaotic symphony of the night. 
It was your first time coming to the city, and the overwhelming sights and sounds made you clung to Aegon, not wishing to get lost. 
He came to a stop when you reached a dark wooden door. Aegon pushed it open and pulled you inside. 
The stuffy air hit you immediately, making you wrinkle your nose. Aegon took off his hood, but didn’t let go of you. You were under his responsibility tonight. Around you, people lounged around in various states of undress, some lost in laughter, others in more intimate activities that brought a pink tint to your cheeks. 
Aegon made a stop to the bar, ordering two cups of wine. One for him, and one for you. 
‘’Drink,’’ he said. ‘’It’s nothing like what we have at the Keep, but it'll help you relax.’’ 
You took the glass and sipped tentatively, the sour taste of the wine making you grimace. He was right about this wine being disgusting. You had to force it down your throat. 
‘’What do you do when you come here?’’ you asked, looking around with a mix of curiosity and unease.
Aegon leaned against the bar as he downed the rest of his drink. ‘’I get my cock sucked. Or I fuck some whore. Depends how I’m feeling that night.’’ 
His bluntness caught you off guard, and you felt your cheeks flush. ‘’What of me? How do I…’’ You bit your lip, the words shy on your tongue. ‘’I don’t have a cock.’’ 
‘’You don’t need a cock for pleasure.’’ Aegon set his empty cup on the bar. ‘’Come with me.’’ 
You followed him through the mass of people, avoiding touching or being touched by anyone. Some of these people were very handsy and pushy, asking for things you didn’t quite understand. 
One the way, a woman approached Aegon, her dress barely clinging to her body. She smiled seductively at him, her eyes flicking to you briefly before returning to him. ‘’Care for some company tonight, my prince?’’ she purred, hoping to make some good money tonight. 
Aegon glanced at you, as if gauging your reaction, then back at the woman. ‘’Not tonight.’’
The whore looked at you behind Aegon, giving you a full stare down, and glared. Did she take you for another whore? In your silk dress and jewelry around your neck?
You followed your uncle to a room, gasping in shock when you saw a woman being penetrated by two men. One was standing at her head, her mouth wrapped around him. Spit was dribbling from her mouth, but she didn’t seem to care. And the other was thrusting into her from behind, loud moans leaving their mouths. To your right, a woman with saggy breasts was bouncing on a bearded man’s cock. She craned her head back to kiss her partner, sweat covering both their bodies. 
It was not at all what you had expected. No one seemed shy or embarrassed of exposing themself in front of so many people. In fact, they didn’t seem to care at all. They were just there to take what they needed. 
‘’Don’t listen to what your Septa told you. Sex is not just for baby-making, sex is for pleasure. For the woman as it is for the man,’’ Aegon purred into your ear as you watched the people around you. ‘’Men find pleasure from their cock.’’ He pointed to a man getting his male part sucked, his head thrown back and moaning. ‘’And women from their cunny.’’ He pointed to two women in a corner, one with her hand between her partner’s legs. She seemed to be feeling great pleasure, you noticed.  ‘’Although most people here indulge in penetrative sex, penetration is not necessary for pleasure. You can find that same pleasure — at least similar to — by yourself.’’
‘’I want to try,’’ you stated, wanting to feel the same pleasure as her. 
Aegon shook his head. ‘’We’re only here to watch. I’m not letting any of these men get their hands on you.’’
You frowned. ‘’How am I supposed to learn?’’ 
Aegon motioned for one of the unoccupied whores to come up to him. Her hair was brown and very long. He gave her body a few caresses, then pointed at you as he explained something to her. She nodded in understanding and took your hand, leading you to a corner where a ‘bed’ was not being used.
‘’Larissa is gonna teach you the ways to pleasure,’’ Aegon explained. 
On your return from the brothel, you said a giggly ‘good night’ to Aegon and disappeared inside your chamber, excited to undress and try what Larissa had taught you. You had studied her movements, which had triggered tingly feelings between your legs. 
You unlaced your dress and boots, then flopped down on your bed. You opened your legs, exposing your pussy, and took a short moment to look down at it. It was different from Larissa’s. Your hair density was different and you didn’t have the floppy skin she called ‘petals’, but you didn’t think too much of it. All bodies were different, she said. 
The cool air of the room made the throbbing between your legs worse. Was this how it was supposed to feel? 
Tentatively, you lowered one hand between your legs, right against your throbbing core, and breathlessly gasped when you made contact with your sensitive skin. You threw your head back against the wall and closed your eyes at the new found sensation. 
Wetness stuck to your fingers and you pressed harder against your core, causing your eyelashes to flutter. ‘’Ahh.’’ 
Your fingers traced the seam of your slit, spreading the wetness around. Each touch sent waves of sensation through you, making you want more. Taking it to the next level, you swiped between your folds, causing you to moan as soon as you met your sensitive flesh. 
You continued doing so, humming in delight and feeling yourself relax more into the sensations your fingers were bringing. Why had no one told you about this kind of pleasure before? It was much better than eating raspberry tarts. 
Another moan slipped past your lips, the tingly feeling between your legs intensifying. You pushed your hips down onto your hand and sighed softly, arching your back from the bed. But it wasn't enough. 
Something inside you was tingling. 
Finding no better ways to relieve these tingles, you slid your middle finger inside of yourself. Immediately, your walls closed around your finger, warm and wet. It felt strange — and sinful. You began moving it in and out, your mouth opening to form an ‘O’ shape. 
‘’Oh Gods…’’ 
You began pumping your finger in and out a bit faster, thinking it was what you needed, but it did not make the tingles go away. It did feel good, but after a moment, your hand was getting tired and the tingles were growing more intense. 
‘’What am I doing wrong?’’ you asked aloud, feeling frustrated. 
On the morrow, after your afternoon tea with Helaena, you knocked on Aegon’s door. He rarely left his chambers during the day — other than for dinner or to ride Sunfire —, so you knew he would be there. 
Taking a deep breath, you knocked on the heavy wooden door. The sound echoed in the quiet hallway. Moments later, the door creaked open, revealing Aegon in his usual princely attire. His silver hair was tousled, and his eyes had a tired look. 
���’I need your help,’’ you said, not wasting time with formal greetings. ‘’Something seems wrong with my body, I’m afraid…’’ 
Aegon raised an eyebrow, leaning against the doorframe. ‘’What do you mean?’’
You hesitated, second thinking if you should be going to him about your intimate problems. After all, Aegon had boy parts, how could he help you? ‘’What Larissa taught me last night, it is not working. I tried, but I cannot…make the tingles go away. My finger is not enough.’’ 
Aegon's expression shifted from curious to alarmed as he glanced on both sides of the halfway, making sure no one had heard you. If anyone knew of your little escapade into the city, Aegon would be in a lot of trouble. 
Then, he stepped aside, gesturing for you to enter quickly. The room was somber despite the large window dorning over the city, and the bed was unmade. You couldn’t say you were surprised by the latter. 
Aegon shut the door behind you, pulling you out of your observation, and turned to face you. ‘’You should be more careful of the matters you speak about outside closed doors. You would be surprised by the number of ill intentioned ears that are waiting for bad whispers in this castle.’’
You nodded, having not thought of that. On Dragonstone, there weren't as many maids or servants.  They mostly assisted your mother and the younger children, or busied themselves with cleaning tasks in the lower floors of the castle. 
‘’Take a seat,’’ Aegon invited, sitting down in a large velvet chair at the center of the room and gesturing towards a loveseat right across for you. ‘’And tell exactly what you mean by ‘not enough’.’’ 
You pursed your lips, trying to find the right words. ‘’I do not know how to put it into words… All I know is that when I inserted my finger inside myself, it felt good. But the tingles intensified and my finger wasn’t enough anymore. A-am I broken, Aegon?’’ 
He laughed quietly at the last remark. ‘’Broken? No. You’re not broken, my darling. You’re simply not doing it quite right. You see, in order to truly satisfy yourself when you’re all alone…a finger simply isn’t enough.’’ Aegon leaned in his seat, speaking closer to you. ‘’Would you like me to show you how to truly do it, properly?’’
You were most certain that you should not be doing this, but going back to the brothel was not a possibility at the moment. It was likely closed during the daytime and, although Helaena was a woman, you doubted she could be of help. 
Aegon stood and pulled you with him, guiding you to his bed. ‘’Lay down. Make yourself comfortable.’’
You scooted back until you hit the pillows, glaring at the sheet when your foot got stuck in it. If Aegon would make his bed in the mornings, it would not have happened. 
Once you were settled, he pulled your dress up, letting the layers bunch at your hips and pushed your legs apart. You were completely exposed to him, and rather than feeling uncomfortable under your uncle’s gaze, you spread yourself wider, desperate to feel good. 
‘’Gods,’’ Aegon growled under his breath. His hand gently rubbed your inner thigh, caressing your soft skin. ‘’You have one magnificent cunny, dear niece.’’ He moved his hand up the inside of your thigh, gently playing with your soft sparse hair there, almost teasingly. ‘’Makes me want to kiss it.’’ 
You whined, feeling a tinge of shyness at his compliment. ‘’Aegon…’’ 
‘’I mean it. I’ve seen a lot in my short life, but none ever compared.’’ He pressed his fingers firmly against you, making you mewl from the contact. 
It felt different from your own fingers. More pleasurable. 
Aegon kept up the circular motions, using a bit more pressure, as he watched your expression flicker with pleasure, your mouth open and eyebrows knitted as a moan slipped from your lips. He began swiping his thumb over your clit and it made you moan so loud anyone who was passing in the hallway must’ve heard. 
Your reaction made Aegon chuckle, amused. He brought a finger over your lips, shushing you. ‘’If you do this again, you’re gonna alert one of the maids. We don't want that, do we?’’ He stroked a piece of your hair, looking at you like you were the most beautiful woman he laid his eyes on.
You shook your head. ‘’I-I’ll be quiet,’’ you promised.
‘’Now, I’m going to put my fingers inside of you,’’ he explained as two fingers slipped down and entered you, sinking between your folds.
You gasped and pushed your hips against Aegon’s hand, realizing this was exactly what you needed. ‘’Ahh, this feels so good.’’
Aegon’s smirk widened, his eyes darkening with desire as he felt your hips move against him. ‘’See, nothing is broken. You just needed uncle Aegon’s help.’’ He increased the pace a bit, his fingers moving rapidly as your breath came in short gasps and moans as your mind got lost in the sensations. 
Your whole body was on fire, trembling by need as his thumb started rubbing your clit again. You felt the heat inside yourself intensify, you could feel the release you so desperately craved was building. 
You whined, grabbing the sheets next to you. ‘’A-Aegon, something feels strange. I think— I think I’m going to pee.’’ 
You squeezed your eyes shut and focused on not wetting the bed. How embarrassing would that be?  
‘’You’re not going to pee. Don’t worry.’’ Aegon continued his ministrations. ‘’This is good. This is exactly what you want.’’ 
‘’No. I’m going to pee, I’m going to—’’ You interrupted yourself as your back arched off the bed as your final release hit you, your hands fisting one of the pillows so hard you almost pierced a hole with your fingernails. 
Aegon’s free hand covered your mouth just in time, muffling your cries while you rode out your pleasure on his hand. 
You sat on your vanity chair while servants were cleaning up the aftermath of your bath. Your chamber smelled of lavender oil, which you poured into the water to help get a great night of sleep. The beds were luxurious in the Red Keep, but it lacked the comfort of home. 
‘’Will it be all, Princess?’’ your handmaid asked after brushing your freshly washed hair. 
You thanked her for her service. ‘’Yes. Thank you, Dyana.’’ 
‘’I will see you in the morning, Princess.’’ 
Dyana left your chambers, and you waited for the servants to do the same. You didn't want to press them, but you were impatient to watch them leave. 
Once everyone was out, you laid on your bed and pulled up your nightgown. 
At supper, you had sat across Aegon and your eyes had fallen on his hand holding his goblet of wine. Precisely his long, thick, and dexterous fingers. You knew it was sinful to have such thoughts during a family meal, but you had been unable to keep yourself from thinking about the intense pleasure Aegon's fingers brought you. You had to clamp your thighs under the table, feeling a needy ache in your cunny. 
Your fingertips skimmed over your folds, and you let out a small moan. You've been waiting all evening to do that. Your index finger slipped down to the pearl Aegon touched this afternoon and you made small, soft circles around it. A jolt of pleasure went up your spine. That felt so good. You continued rubbing soft circles, causing arousal to leak down your cunny. 
You ceased the attention to your clit and brought your middle finger down to your entrance, spreading your wetness before sinking your finger inside. A sweet moan echoed in the room, but you reminded yourself to be quiet. Always quiet. 
Closing your eyes, you imagined Aegon slipping his long, thick fingers deep inside you. Your walls clenched down on your finger, and then you slipped in a second. 
‘’Ah, Aegon.’’
Like the night prior, your fingers were too small to reach where you needed. Frowning in frustration, you searched around your chamber for something that resembled a finger. There was a forgotten spoon from when you had tea brought up — too small — and a wooden stick used to roll parchment paper — too big. Lastly, you saw your hairbrush on your vanity. Perfect. The handle of it was smooth, it shouldn’t hurt.
You wiped your fingers on the sheets and got up to grab it. You brought the hairbrush handle down to your cunny and paused. Although you were alone in your chamber, you couldn’t help but worry you would get in trouble if anyone found out about this. Shaking that thought, you cautiously pressed the handle to your hole, and steadily pushed it in. You felt your cunny squeezing and slighting bucking your hips at the brush. 
The sensation was foreign, but not unpleasant. As you pressed the handle deeper, you let out a soft gasp, quickly covering your mouth with your free hand to stifle any more sounds. You moved the brush handle gently at first, allowing your body to adjust to the unfamiliar intrusion.
Your other hand moved back to your clit, resuming the soft circles that had felt so good before. The combined sensations were intense, sending waves of pleasure through you. Your breath was short and your eyes fluttered closed as you imagined Aegon with you, his fingers instead of the brush.
The handle moved in and out, your movements growing more urgent as tears formed at the corner of your eyes, overwhelmed by pleasure. Your hips rocked against it, whining needily as you felt the pressure building, your muscles tightening as you edged closer to climax. Your walls clenched around the handle, and with one final push, the pleasure overwhelmed you. Your body shook with the force of your orgasm, your back arching off the bed. 
You stayed there for a moment, panting and trembling, the handle still inside you. That felt… You couldn’t find any words to describe it. 
Slowly, you pulled the hairbrush out, and placed it on the bed. Its handle was coated with your slick but you didn’t bother to clean it, pulling the covers over your body and drifting to sleep. 
‘’Good morrow, Uncle,’’ you greeted, crossing paths with Aemond in the halls of the Red Keep after breaking fast.
Aemond gave you a short nod.  ‘’Good morrow, Princess.’’
‘’Are you heading to the dragonpit?’’ you asked, noting the faint scent of smoke clinging to his black leather riding doublet. 
‘’No. Returning, actually.’’
A pout formed on your lips, disappointed. ‘’That's unfortunate. I was heading there and hoping we could go together. I would go with Aegon, but he is not a morning person, as you know.’’
‘’We could go in the morrow after breaking fast?’’ Aemond suggested, watching as a smile lit your face. 
Just as you were about to seek servants and ask them to prepare you a bath, Aegon knocked on your door and asked if you wanted to join him for another night in the city. He didn’t have any friends to accompany him, and Aemond was too much of a prude to go to brothels. Although you were younger, you didn’t have a stick up your ass. 
On the way, Aegon dropped a few gold coins and got you sweets from a street baker. He wiped the cherry glaze on your lips with his thumb, sucking it into his mouth. 
You sat at a table and indulged in wine amongst the men. Around you, women were dancing in their smallest clothes, entertaining the customers inside the brothel. Beside you, Aegon watched the curious fascination on your face while sipping his wine, pleased to see you were having fun. He made sure to drink enough to relax, but not too much he wouldn’t be able to keep an eye out.
When you finished your cup, Aegon rose to his feet and took you to the back of the brothel. Excitement was bubbling in your stomach, hearing the sounds of pleasure coming from men and women behind each of the curtains. 
As you entered one of the rooms, a woman came up to Aegon and begged to suck his cock for free, desperately wanting a taste of the prince. She was only wearing a piece of cloth tied into a skirt, her small breasts and pointy nipples bared to all. 
‘’Watch and learn, little one. Your future husband will enjoy this,’’ Aegon said with a wink. 
He shoved his breeches down, exposing his surprisingly large cock to everyone in the room. You stared at it with wide eyes. Were all the cocks big? You peaked around you, searching for comparisons, but nothing seemed to come close. 
When you drew your eyes back to your uncle, the woman was kneeling before Aegon, his cock already in her mouth. The action surprised you, but you took notes and watched as she bobbed her head down his shaft, sucking and slurping as spit dribbled from her mouth. Your eyes flickered to Aegon, who was groaning, taking pleasure from the woman’s mouth. 
‘’Agh, fuck,’’ he slurred, his head slightly back. ‘’That mouth is made to suck cocks!’’ 
On the ground, the woman looked satisfied to please him. She moaned as Aegon grabbed a fistful of her hair and forced himself deeper into her mouth, groaning obscenely until he released his semen down her throat. Some spilled from her lips, but Aegon didn’t wipe it off like he did with the cherry glaze. He pushed her off him and re-dressed himself. 
‘’Do all men enjoy this?’’ you asked. 
He chuckled softly before responding. His eyes met your wide, curious gaze. ‘’Oh yes, most men enjoy it very much. Now, would you like another cup of wine?’’ 
You smiled. ‘’Please.’’ 
You sat on a couch by yourself, waiting for Aegon’s return. Before you, a woman was getting her cunny pounded by a bearded man. She moaned loudly, grabbing at her nipples. The sight made you think of the hairbrush you had inserted in yourself last night. It had filled you up nicely, but you couldn’t help but wonder how delightful a cock must feel.
Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t notice the man who approached you until he grabbed your hand and placed it on his cock. You froze, a bewildered look on your face. He said something, but you couldn’t hear it, too focused on how clammy and hairy he felt. You tried to retract your hand, but he gripped it tightly, forcing you to rub him.
The Gods must have heard your prayers because Aegon returned with the wine and saw what was happening. His jaw clenched, and his eyes narrowed in anger. He quickly stepped in, his presence commanding attention.
‘’Let go of her or I’ll cut your fucking cock,’’ he threatened through clenched teeth, his hand on the dagger tucked into his belt. His voice was low and deadly, leaving no doubt that he meant every word.
The man’s eyes widened in surprise when he heard Aegon, and his grip on your hand loosened enough for you to slip away. You wiped it on the skirt of your dress, trying to erase the feeling of the stranger’s cock. Washing them with soap and water would have been better, but there was no bassin to do so.
‘’I-I apologize, my prince. I did not know the whore was yours—’’ the man stuttered, making excuses, but  Aegon didn’t want to hear them. 
He grabbed his shoulder and pinned him against the wall, bringing the dagger to his throat.  The man's eyes widened further as the dagger's blade pressed against his skin, fear flashing on his face. ‘’She’s not a fucking whore,’’ Aegon’s voice was low and dangerous, his eyes burning with rage. 
The man swallowed hard. ‘’I-I apologize again, my prince. I meant no disrespect.’’
Aegon took a step closer, the dagger still at the man's throat. ‘’Don’t. Touch. Her. Again.’’ He looked down at his manly parts, then back at his face. ‘’Unless you want to lose your little cock.’’ 
The journey back to the Red Keep was silent. Aegon's grip on your hand was tight, his knuckles white from the tension. He was fuming, his eyes still narrowed in anger, his mind clearly still consumed by anger from the incident at the brothel. He kept you close, his gaze scanning the surroundings to ensure no one else tried to approach you. 
When you finally reached the safety of the castle, he stopped in his tracks and turned to you. Guilt was consuming him. What happened was his fault. If he hadn’t left your side, this man would not have forced your delicate hand on his filthy cock.
Aegon opened his mouth to speak, then shook his head. He walked past you, abandoning you in the secret passages. 
House of the dragon taglist: @khaleesihavilliard @domoron @ididliquorice @lover-of-helios @lover-of-helios @shine101 @tanyaherondale @mikariell95 @serrendiipty @lantsovheiress @gilliananderfuckme @shine101 @tetgod @clayzayden @memeorydotcom @tnu-ree @futuregws @blackravena @winxschester @mysteriouslydelightfulchaos @xxlaynaxx @secretsthathauntus @pilarxxxaguayo @emmavan39 @stargaryenx @erylilly @bbblackmamba @rainedrop97 @dreamer087 @gothicgay14 @ashlatano7567 @superkittywonderland @justaproudslytherpuff @evesolstice @buckysmainhxe @padfootsvixen @scarletmeii @evesolstice @dkathl @kaywsworld @tetgod @padfootsvixen @domoron   @weird-addiction @angeliod @xjennyx2 @adaydreamaway08  @mymultiveres  @secretsthathauntus  @puffycreamcakes @thirsty4nonlivingmen @naty-1001 @katiepie67 @moshpot24x @hc-geralt-23 @lovelynerdytraveler @saturn-sas  @zgzgh @sssjuico10 @tabloidteen @timetoten @deekaag @wondxrgurl @aerangi @strmborns @astridyoo15 @daemonslittlebitch @queenbeestuffs @severewobblerlightdragon @agentstarkid @msliz @vane1999-blog @fairyfolkloresposts @todaywasafairytale07 @otomaniac @zgzgzh @thebeardedmoon @golden-library @kikyrizuki @hnslchw @camy85 @winxschester @armstrongscommentsection @withfireandbl00d @randomstory56 @JudgmentDays-Girl @darylandbethfanforever9 @darylandbethfanforever9 @aegonswife @dakotapaigelove @jays-bullshit @blublock404 @Icefyre19 @paulilvsremus @mfedits @aemondwhoresworld @angrybirdxx @YarianyIrizarry
All and more taglist:  @kenqki  @hawkegfs  @gillybear17   @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade   @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3   @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @idkwhattonamethisblogs  @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @zoeynicolas @thejuleshypothesis @multi-fandom-bi-bitch @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @thejuleshypothesis  @katherinejess  @rafesgirlstuff   @lafleshlumpeater @iamluminosity  @Anouk nani-2305 @books0fever @papichulo120627 @qardasngan @ghostlyvoidydragon @M0rgans1nterlud3 @dahlia-blossom21 @Spacexdrago
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undiscovered-horizon · 11 months
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[The one where Sanji is jealous of the attention you're getting and he takes advantage of the effect he has on you.]
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The banquet has been going on for a good few hours now. All of the Straw Hats were surprisingly infallible in playing their roles to infiltrate the creme de la creme of pirates: Usopp and Nami, dressed as waiters, could befriend anyone into telling them something interesting. Luffy is taken for much stupider and thus less dangerous than he really is and some looser lips aren't afraid to spill a secret or two around him. Zoro and you are just supposed to be in the in the background, watching and listening. So far so good.
Sanji's mission is to listen in to the gossip that drunk sailors often like to exchange with bartenders but he has found himself in a terrible situation. On one hand, he couldn't blow his cover and start a fight. On the other, he is beyond done with the unsavoury comments about you the men drinking by the bar are exchanging. The only thing that curbs his burning jealousy is the knowledge that he's the only one to know the answers to their questions and speculations about your prowess in several private matters. Despite his fury, he can't really blame them. His own thoughts are escaping his grasp whenever he glances at your seemingly disinterested exterior, made all the more enticing in a long, red dress that belongs more to opera houses than bars frequented by pirates.
He's been scrubbing this one glass for a good five minutes. If he tightens his grip even just a little, the dish is bound to break into a thousand little pieces. Finally, he sets the champagne flute down and makes his way to the chattering men.
"Hate to be the joykiller, gentlemen," he speaks up casually, never giving away even a hint of his anger, "but she is not interested in you."
The three men look him up and down. Either they are ignorant to the concept of hygiene and sunscreen or they really are old enough to be your father. One of them gives him a contemptuous grin, uncovering a row of gold teeth.
"And what do you know, bar boy?" the pirate asks in a hoarse voice.
Sanji leans against the bar counter on his arms. "That rum you're drinking, Cruzan 9?" he nods his head towards the glasses with unfinished drinks. "She's more of a Caroni girl. A couple more zeros on the price tag, longer in the barrel, a rich bouquet of oak, caramel and berries." A charming, almost not arrogant, smile enters his face as he looks at the pirates with a look of superiority in his blue eyes. "Sophisticated palate for a sophisticated woman."
"Is that so?" The pirate leans towards Sanji. He's about to say something else but one of his drinking buddies stops him by putting an arm on his shoulder in a meaningful manner.
"How can you tell?" the other man asks. His voice is bright, filled with genuine curiosity. He hopes to learn something interesting about the mysterious beauty in red.
But Sanji isn't willing to share his secrets. "Comes with experience," he says in an interested voice. Then, to the pirates' dismay, he winks at them and goes back to wiping down his workplace.
A familiar voice makes Sanji immediately look up from the counter he's been cleaning. With grace that only befits someone confident, you politely nod at the three men by the bar and make your way to Sanji. The pirates' eyes linger on you like the perceptive eyes of predators.
His hands move quickly and swiftly as he makes you a drink, knowing exactly what you opt for in similar circumstances - fake "bougie" parties that are insufferable while sober.
"King's Jubilee for my one true queen," he announces while sliding the cocktail glass towards you.
Looking at the drink, you purse your lips having noticed something.
"It's missing the cherry," you point out.
With faux humility, he places a hand over his heart. The heavy rings on his fingers shine slightly in the twilight of the open-air bar. "My most sincere apologies. If I may redeem myself, madam." He bows his head.
"Madam?" you repeat in confusion. "I thought I was a queen?"
Sanji chuckles in a low voice. Your wit and humour are only making you more beautiful in his eyes, always keeping up with his suave words and innuendos.
"I am but a humble servant, Your Highness," he drones the title.
The men sitting by the bar watch the scene with jealousy and fascination. It's beyond them how a bartender could one-up the most notorious of pirates but at the same time, they can't just look away from your flirtatious grin and the clear desire shining in your eyes.
Sanji takes one maraschino cherry out of the jar behind the counter and, holding it by the stem, offers the sweet treat to you. Leaning over the bar, you grab the dessert fruit with your teeth and pluck it from the stem, all the while studying Sanji's dark expression. He's thinking about something obscene, that's for sure.
Taking advantage of the short distance between you, he leans in to whisper something into your ear. The envious voyeurs can't hear his words over the loud music and laughter but they do see your sudden bashfulness. Your eyes momentarily cast down. Whatever that bartending boy has said, it made even a woman of your poise flustered.
Your breath hitches in your throat when Sanji places a soft kiss right below your ear, letting his warm lips brush against your jaw. Then, with weak knees and fuzzy thoughts, you take the drink and go back to your corner to continue meticulous observation of the more interesting guests.
Sanji meets the angered eyes of the proud, envious pirates. He doesn't seem to mind their hurt egos and the doom that it foretells. With a self-assured grin on his face, he asks them:
"Another round, my good gentlemen?"
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chlorinecake · 3 months
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▹ PAIRING: soft dom! guitarist bf!jay x bratty switch! gf!reader
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▹ WARNINGS: ⚠︎ BRAT TAMER JAY who puts you back in your place, f. masturbation, kind of giggly foreplay in the beginning, dry humping, titty play, finger sucking, hair pulling, rough unprotected sex in a hotel room (BACK SHOTS), cream pie, mentions of clubbing
▹ WORD COUNT: 2.1k, for @heeslomll on her lovely birthday... wishing you a very happy 19th, queen !! ♡♡♡
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Just two days ago, Jay had whisked you away on a surprise getaway vacation, granting you both with a much-needed break from the hustle and bustle of your everyday lives…
Clubbing was a popular activity in the area, so like most guests at the Diamond Hotel, you and your boyfriend hit up an exotic club, where flashing lights, pounding music, overpriced drinks, and swirling bodies took over your sensual fields.
It wasn’t til around midnight once y’all had stumbled back to the hotel room, tiny giggles bumping from your tipsy body as Jay helped you undress, his touch gentle while guiding you into the warm bath he ran for you…
Oddly enough though, by time the following morning came, you couldn’t help but replay in your mind the way Jay’s veiny hands looked while carefully washing away the traces of last night's revelry from your skin…
The way his touch meticulously pampered you…
If you had had the energy for it last night, you’re sure you would’ve pulled his sexy ass into the tub with you, but that chance was over and done with now…
All you had currently was this king sized hotel bed all to yourself and your two, pathetic fingers that couldn’t make you feel good for shit…
And that’s when you heard it…
Jay’s skilled fingers faintly strumming a melody from his guitar… just from a few rooms away from you…
“Morning, beautiful,” Jay greeted upon hearing your bare footsteps enter the living room where he was busy working on chord progressions at the couch…
“Morning, daddy…” you returned playfully, catching on to the little smirk staining his face right away.
“Last night was fun…” you went on, almost mesmerized in the way his thick fingers traveled lower down the guitar neck, “didn’t know you could dance like that…”
“Yea?” He chuckled, eyeing you through his bangs as you paced around the table, “didn’t know you could drink like that, either…”
You let out a scoff at his comment, “Pleaseee, I was being quite conservative, actually… didn’t wanna make chaperoning too hard for you…”
“I'm sure I could handle it,” Jay replied in a slightly deeper voice this time, making your stomach flutter slightly at his words, “You hungry, party girl?”
“Not yet… I mostly just wanted to see why you left me all alone in bed this morning…”
Jay chuckled at your words, “Sorry about that, baby… I just wanted to practice this riff for a minute, but it doesn’t matter… you make sure my fingers get enough exercise anyways…”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well… it means that I know you want something from me right now… with the way you’re pacing around… what is it, love?…”
You felt kinda bad for getting out of bed just in hopes that Jay would wanna fuck you, but tossing and turning on the sheets while thinking about his fingers inside you wasn’t any better either…
“Just wanna sit here, if that’s okay,” you sighed, eyes falling to his lap as he placed the guitar down beside him against the wall, leaning back on the couch a bit now so you could nestle yourself in his lap.
He gave his thighs a quick pat as you came over, straddling him now as he gave you a kiss under your ear, “Of course this is okay, princess… no need to be shy…”
You tried to ignore the feeling of Jay’s dick resting beneath your core, but couldn’t help yourself from grinding against it slightly.
And it didn’t take many words after that for your boyfriend to know exactly what you wanted from him now...
His hands fell to your hips while you kept humping against his lap, eyes wandering down to the way your nipples poked through your thin pajama shirt just as you asked if he wanted to touch them…
“Will you smack me again if I pinch them this time?”
You gasped at his words, feeling his grip on your thighs tighten as he smacked the flesh there, looking into your eyes now.
“You've helped me toughen up since then, baby,” you said with a heavy voice, “just need to feel your hands on me more than anything right now...”
“What's the magic word, love?”
You let out a sigh at his teasing, rolling your eyes as you said, “Please, Jay, would you play with my titties while I dry hump you like a virgin, pretty please?”
He chuckled at your words once again—
—with that attractive ass chuckle of his… not even hesitating to slide his hands under your shirt and start fondling with your boobs, lifting your shirt over one tit as he ran a thumb over your nipple…
He then leaned his head down to take a wet swipe with his warm tongue over your sensitive bud, sending shivers down your spine as you whined slightly.
“So needy this morning… was wondering what kept you in bed so long today…” he started with a tantalizing whisper.
“I had a dream about you… I tried to touch myself but—”
“It didn’t feel as good as this, huh?” He finished for you, rutting his hips up for a second as he tightening his grip on your tit, “already got you feeling sensitive and all your clothes are still on…”
All you did was moan at your boyfriend’s words, putting your hands at his shoulders just as his hands traveled lower, “can’t make myself cum without you anymore, Jay…”
“Then let me help you feel better, love… Do you like the way that sounds?…”
“Yes,” you nodded dumbly, letting him kiss you now as you still circled yourself in his lap, leaving a wet spot behind on his sweatpants.
He picked you up bridal style before taking you to the bedroom and placing you on the bed that still wasn’t made up after all your stirring this morning…
You already started to spread your legs for him as he stood before you, making him smirk at your neediness. “Would you close your legs for like, one second? I haven’t even pulled my dick out yet…”
“Well if it bothers you so much, why don’t you do something about it?”
He simply smiled at you again. Smugly this time, “Y’know, you say you’ve toughen up with me, but I bet you’d still start crying once I actually put you in your place…”
That’s when Jay took a hold of your hips, pulling you closer to where he stood with both your pelvises touching now.
“I’d say it’s worth a try,” you went on, looking back at him with blowjob eyes, “I always like it when you play rough with me, anyways…”
He trailed a finger from your knee, along your thigh, before finally reaching your pussy, where he tapped a finger at, knowing exactly where your clit was already given how many times he’s touched you before…
Circling your clothed clit, he applied a bit of pressure to the spot while holding your face to look at him, your tongue laving at his thumb as he toyed with your lower lip.
He felt himself twitch in his pants at the way you moaned against his finger, not wanting to waste anymore time before he said, “turn over for me, love…”
And you did just that, turning over on your stomach almost instantly, not even being able to process it when Jay swiftly pulled your shorts and panties down, the room’s cool air hitting your cunt.
You meant to say something bratty, but he interrupted your thoughts with a spank to your ass, not a painful one, but hard enough to get your attention…
To keep you in check…
“Tell me… how did I fuck you in your dream?”
“Like this,” you said plainly while poking your ass out for him, bumping against his bulge… “only difference is that you didn’t take as long to get started…”
“Oh? Well isn’t that nice,” Jay smirked, just as your ears caught on to the sound of him untying his pants and pulling them down.
You turned your head to look back for a second, quite obviously checking out his dick that you weren’t surprised to see was fully hard.
Catching onto your peeking, he pressed your face into the mattress, lining his tip up with your sopping hole before asking, “Was I rough, too?...”
You couldn’t even get an answer out before he pushed himself in, the sudden feeling of fullness making your torso tense with pleasure that traveled throughout your entire body.
“Don’t get shy on me again, baby,” Jay cooed, releasing the weight of his hand from your face slightly while keeping your shirt out of the way with his other hand, “I’m not even fully inside you, yet…”
He thrusted his hips into you again, pushing past your tightness as your walls hesitantly welcomed the rest of his length inside.
“Anggh,” you winced for a second, gripping at the sheets given the deep stretch.
He didn't care for your whining though, as he knew it was only gonna be a matter of time before you started begging him to go faster.
“J-Jay!” You cried out weakly, already too affected by his ministrations as you felt his tip reach amazing places inside you, his hand bunching up your hair as he kept your face meshed with the mattress.
“Jay, what?” He taunted in a voice so low, you felt it in your pussy, his free hand letting go of your shirt only to pin your hands behind your back, the sheets releasing from your grip with a loud pop.
“Y’know I can’t read your mind, princess…especially not when you’re going all dumb on my cock like this…”
He wasn’t going to ease up on you until you told him how you wanted him, even if your words would have to come out in tiny little hiccups and broken moans...
It was his way of teasing you… not because he was an asshole, but he knew deep down that you always enjoyed the sex better whenever he made you work for it a bit.
“I w-want it to hurt,” your voice managed to come out muffed against the sheets, eyes pricking with tears given his hold on your hair coupled with the way he kept fucking into your desperate cunt, “p-please keep f-fucking me like this...”
You almost couldn't believe you were falling apart so quickly, and neither could Jay, your knees hardly being able to stay straight given how hard he pounded into you.
Your boyfriend groaned deeply behind you, keeping your arms pinned as his hips pistoled into you at a rapid pace, your moans syncing up with each slap of skin, “you're driving me fucking crazy right now- fughhck, baby... feels so good inside you...”
It wasn't long before Jay's once controlled thrusts turned into much sloppier ones as you both drew closer to your highs, his grip on your hands releasing as he leaned over you, close enough to where he could kiss along your shoulders.
A small puddle of drool rested where your mouth was on the mattress, just as you felt his fingers tap at your cheek, making your teary eyes flutter back open.
He wanted you to look into his eyes for the last few moments he could last inside you, the tip of his cock pulsing with his heart beat as you felt his load filling you up.
A loud groan fell from his lips as he slowed down the movement of his hips, holding you down with his weight as your orgasm followed soon after his, body trembling given how powerful the sensation was.
You were a squirming mess beneath him, whining out desperate cries of him name as your walls pulsating around him like a drum, his lips finally meeting yours in a sweet kiss as you felt his length slip out of you, a string of slick connecting your bodies.
“How was that, princess?” Your boyfriend asked breathlessly, almost in a cooing manner as he brushed a bit of your hair out of the way, “feel any better now?…”
“Shut up, I feel amazing,” you said, giving him a knowing look with your eyes as your breath came out like a satisfied purr, his touch still tracing the side of your face as you looked back at him.
That's when you felt his tip sliding between your folds, making your legs feel wobbly all over again given how sensitive you still were.
“Think you got another one in you for me?” Jay asked, the head of his cock coming dangerously close to your hole now as he whispered against your neck, kissing the skin there.
Yes, you were already satisfied, but given the way he sweet-talked to you in this moment, you're sure another round wouldn't hurt.
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⚠︎ Thank you all so much for reading this fic! Make sure you all wish this beautiful Italian princess a very happy birthday before the day is out, and check out my enhypen bookshelf if you’re interested in more works like this !!
⚠︎ tag list: @squoxle @nikisvanillaccola @wonbinisbabygurl @addictedtohobi @ashgonedash @yourmomscuntis2tighy @watamotee33 @ot7sevenlvr
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