#also thank you very very much for liking my work with sniper and his mom
honeysparklesmash · 3 months
Some sketches of Martha Mundy young and not so (I thought I need to draw some other than mercs characters of tf2)
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lunatic-pudge · 11 months
Scout, Pyro, Demo, Medic, Sniper, and Spy Relationship Headcanons
Can you tell which ones are my absolute favorite:')
• Unsurprisingly, it takes him a long time to get over his infatuation of Ms. Pauling (I'm 110% convinced she's a lesbian), so you must be basically a deity to be catching his attention (though he'd the type to flirt with EVERYONE)
• Golden retriever energy, also youngest child energy. Constantly wants to do everything for you but also needs constant attention. He's also used to be getting picked on by the other mercs and his older brothers so he'll be going to you for validation. But he also doesn't want to appear weak so it'll take some time to break through his (fragile) shell.
• Love language: physical touch and acts of services. Will be constantly trying to act like a macho man for you but will also beg to hold your hand. Cuddles are constant. He may not be good at being a handyman, but my gods he's gonna try his darndest. Plz tell him that he did a good job, he's trying his best.
• He's the best person to go to if you wanna go on randon and unexpected adventures. One minute you're both in Teufort, the next your across country at the beach up east coast. Poor thing gets yelled at a lot for just uping and leaving without notice.
• Local snack dealer. Ma is always making sure that he's got sweets on hand. His room has care packages from her with some of the most wholesome letters from her and the box if FILLED to the brim with sweets, treats, and soda
• My little baby boo, a wholesome partner who would kill for you. Can get jealous very easily so you might have to hold them back from committing manslaughter.
• Love language: quality time and gift giving. Time with Pyro is time well spent. Constantly just wants to be in the same room with you. They don't do well when you're not around. Also loves to give gifts. Most of their gifts consit of stuffed animals and handmade drawings. Your room will be filled with gifts from this goofball.
• In my opinion, they're a lot more there than people realize. Some days are better than others though. They were literally CEO of an engeneering company! And I believe they made all their weapons to but I could be wrong on that. Homie is definitely reliable when they're having a good day, but on the bad days, just sit and spend time with them. You don't gotta say anything, just knowing your right there beside them is enough conformation to know you'll always be there no matter what.
• You two are little troublemakers. You'll constantly be up to no good with them. It seems like harmless fun, but you've both almost burnt down the base five times just this month!
• Probably one of the best lovers you could have out of all the mercs (aside from Engie, they're competing for the number one spot). I'm deducting points cause of the nonstop alcohol consumpution. :(
• But he is a happy goofy dunk so thank gods for that. Always happy to be here. Very attentive, caring, cuddly, overall a good person to date or even just be friends with.
• Cause the constant alcohol ruined a good portion of his memory (and Medic as well), he writes down every little detail of you that he can in a little journal he secretly keeps on his person. Important dates, likes, dislikes, ect. The man has it on file in case of emergencies.
• Love language: gift giving and act of services. He works three jobs and makes over 5 mil a year, he's LOADED. He's gonna buy you the world if you ask. Definitely good at money managing so he never worried at how much gifts cost. He's also gonna try his darndest to help you out with any problems, though it can be a bit hard when you're constantly drunk. Hims trying his best, okay?
• Wants his mom to approve of you but knows how critical she is of him. Poor baby has some self-esteem issuses cause of her so please give him lots of love and support. It's hard when your mom never has anything nice to say about you and compares you to everyone else. It's a neverending struggle. :(
• You're definitley into weird and questionable people if you like this man, and that means we're best friends now. :D
• He will ask you to help him out with surgeries and organizing his lab. You're hims little nurse. He'd probably (absolutley) be getting you a nurse outfit with his symbol on it.
• He's very much the possessive type. What's his is HIS, no if, ands, buts, or questions about it. Would put a tracker in you so he knows where you are at all times, but someone would have to talk him out of doing it... for now...
• Constantly talks about you to his birds, if any on them ever have babies, he's naming one after you. Would get you a stuffed dove plushie to cuddle with at night when he can't be there with you
• Love language: physical touch and quality time, you're ALWAYS welcomed in his lab, in fact, he expects you to be there with him. Is the type to ask you to grab something and will graze his hands against yours when grabbing it from you. (then give a shit eating smirk afterwards) He'd also be the type to stand VERY close to you, and stand behind you in an intimidating way to keep others from talking to you.
• This man is my all time baby boy so I have LOTS to say about him and how much I love him :')
• Is someone who takes a while to get close to, especially in a romantic way. He's just a shy little boy who's used to being alone. But isn't introverted, just has introverted tendencies (you literally see him hanging out with some of the other mercs in Expiration Date)
• Love language: words of affirmations and physical touch, he sucks at verbally saying how he feels about you but will leave cute little love notes around for you to find. He's also VERY touched-starved so he will just flat out lay on top of you if you let him. Loves hearing you say how much you love him, plz just hold his hands and say how much he means to you, he might just cry from it.
• Is also someone who goes on random adventures, but they're usually just out and away from everyone. But I could see him taking you to a zoo or aquarium to look at the animals. But you're not allowed to go to a Humane Society cause you'll be walking out with all the animals they have and raising them like they're your babies,
• Another gremlin who takes a long time to warm up to you. He's a grumpy old man who's never really been with someone in such a serious light (aside from Scout's Ma)
• Love language: gift giving and words of affirmation, another merc who would buy you the world if you asked. Will only buy you the best of the best and will throw hands with someone if it's not up to his standards. He could go on about his love for you. His words sound like poetry. You'd wake up with a bouquet of roses and one of the most beautiful love letters anyone has ever read.
• Is 50/50 on PDA, he'll wrap an arm around your waist, call you beautiful, and give you a peck on the cheek in front of others but that's about it. Any extreme PDA is to be in private or you're getting a scolding.
• Would definitely help you learn French. He's way more patient with you than anyone else. You've seen him yell and insult every merc a couple times (Scout getting the brunt of it), but he refuses to ever say anything negative about you
• Definitely the bragging type. He'll put you on a pedestal and go on about how gorgeous you are. How you were crafted by gods, and so on. He thinks he's better than everyone else so if you're with him, than you're right up there with him.
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mickmundy · 1 year
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spy headcanon thread! just some of my personal thoughts and musings about his character :-) enjoy!
starting off by saying that spy is Absolutely Everything to me.. i've put his thread off for so long because i have SO much to say and im afraid i'll leave stuff out BUT we're going to take a Stab at it (😏) and i guess i'll just add more stuff later if i need! As Usual this is just pasted from my twitter so i'm sorry for any wonky formatting issues!
the most important thing to me about spy's character is that it is Varied and can be Contradictory. i say this about all of the mercs tbh but spy is among the Most important given his role/occupation as a spy. he IS A Spy, but he's also Just Some Guy (gender neutral).
spy is a bit dry; very sarcastic, a bit stoic, but he's definitely not heartless. i think he's very "emotionally in-tune" to those around him and prides himself on being able to read a room exceptionally well!
... but just because he knows what people might be thinking doesn't mean he's going to do anything about it! he likes being in the know but seldom ever enjoys interfering; it's best if he keeps out of the fray, or so he tells himself!
that being said, i Do think spy makes exceptions to this rule (which To Me is what makes his character Interesting!).... as we see in expiration date! he spends his "last living days" helping scout become a worthy date for miss pauling!
if he sees someone Floundering or really stuck in some kind of emotional squander, he'll pass by with a hand on the shoulder and a concise, discreet, kind word of advice in their ear and move on. no need for thanks, he's just Sharing an Observation! if you try to thank him, he'll give you a coy look and be like "for what?" but he knows. he's just letting you know you don't need to thank him <3
loves breaking balls. he'll help you if you ask him, but not before he gives you a LOT of shit for it. he'll volunteer himself to help you (even if you tell him you need his Stinking Help!) and he'll roll his eyes and say "ha! you are So helpless! i know you're glad i'm here to see this through with you uUu" LOL
but he will give you genuine insight and Surprisingly Good advice. huh, you didn't know he knew you so well! despite his job as a spy, he'll tell you to be authentic and will encourage you to listen to your instincts.
is an Observer First and an Action-taker second. prioritizes being in the know and likes being in the background (despite how good he is at being in the spotlight!). always thinks before he speaks, very calculated in everything he does!
got wiser with age. when he was younger i think he was quick to save his own skin and thought only about himself. among his first "selfless" acts were running out on scout and his mom to "protect" them, but with the wisdom of hindsight, that wasn't the smartest idea!
firmly believes in the power of respect. seems to have a positive relationship with all of his teammates (yes, even sniper, engineer and pyro lol) and scout's mom, too (regardless of how u see their relationship). tells scout that he has to earn pauling's respect to be worthy of her!
won't hesitate to stick his neck out for/work with people he appreciates. in the comics, he works with (and even prioritizes the safety of) miss pauling, helps sniper, and obviously comforts scout when he's dying in the way that Scout would want to be comforted. good job pops!
which brings me to dadspy... how i love you... i could make an entire other thread about my dadspy thoughts BUT i'll keep it "brief" here. i don't think he ever "treated scout like shit" nor do i think he was abusive to scout's mom or scout. he's just the world's most mediocre absent father to me... KDSKF
i think scout's mom knew What Spy Was and knew that at some point, he'd have to leave her. i think she's a perfectly capable woman who spy is genuinely still in love with (they have an open, long-distance relationship!) and is quite the deadly catch herself! perhaps i'll make a thread on her if that's something people would want....
i don't think she resents spy for running out and i think spy has complicated feelings about running out. he's convinced himself he did it for everyone involved's safety but in hindsight he Does feel a Bit (emphasis on Bit. it's not Earth Shatteringly Dramatic, just a little demon that sneaks up on him now and then...) guilty and tries to "make up for it" by Trying to get along with scout even if it's... not easy LOL. him turning into tom jones when scout died was to comfort scout the way Scout would want, which i think says a lot about spy's character.
however, once scout finds out the truth, i think he tells spy that he shouldn't have lied to him about it ("what kind of dumbass lies to their son on his deathbed! 🧍") and spy's like "ah... i suppose that... was also a mistake." and they smirk/smile at each other.. Road To Forgiveness begins..
also i personally love the running gag that everyone knows that spy is scout's dad (except for scout), not because i think spy would tell all/even some of the mercs but because it's SO obvious that all of them are like "i mean yeah.. doy". extra points if their knowledge Also surprises spy. "WHO TOLD YOU? HOW DID YOU KNOW?!" and the mercs are like ??? "erm... we have eyes...?" LOL
DESPITE being Stoic and Unknowable and Mysterious, he is also Quite the Doofus. one of my favorite and most important thoughts on his character. i think his authentic laugh is his snort laugh and i think that's what made scout's mom fall in love with him... :') has a great sense of humor.
loves playing pranks, causing mischief and being a Smug Cunt. will hide behind his Carefully Crafted Facade, but those who really know him (heavy, scout's mom) can see right through it! teaches scout some of his "best ones" (though not before pranking HIM with them first! it's okay though. scout's a good sport and gives him props LMAO)
a short list of spy's "best ones":
cleaning a glass door REALLY well and tricking the mercs to run into it at full force
oil on the kitchen floor so that anyone who comes running in will slam into the oven that engineer Just Fixed God Dammit! and destroy it
mentos in soda
scout and spy have the "same laugh" when they REALLY start howling. snorting, wheezing.... they sound almost identical. usually if they're laughing THAT hard, the rest of the mercs are looking at them like this >__> (covered in soda, can't get up from the ground because oil, etc)
obviously enjoys literature! language is one of his favorite things, though. loves learning about different dialects, slang, accents and learning the intricacies of grammar, too! likes studying the other mercs for this reason. the base is a fun, mixed bag for him!
the best secret keeper. contrary to popular belief, spy will NOT air your business if it's Serious. he might "let it slip" to medic that sniper sleeps with a stuffed animal, but he won't let anyone know that heavy has ptsd. he likes giving people shit, but not genuinely causing harm!
ah.. breaking balls as a love language.. this is something that i think is shared between spy, scout, and scout's mom. they LOOOOVE to give you shit, but it comes from a loving place. i think a lot of scout and spy's banter in exp date is like this:
it's not actually Insulting to either of them (spy calling scout a failure, scout telling spy to go to hell, etc) and is in fact more like a thing of Endearment. if you know people like this then you know what i'm talking about. idk how else to describe it KSDFKS
he is very girlfailure that thinks he's a girlboss but is actually a girlfailure and is coming to terms with his girlfailing. as i've said, spy isn't heartless. he knows he's made mistakes and knows his job has costed him a lot and now he's trying to reconcile with it. sometimes it's funny, sometimes its angsty!
is a total foodie and has a LOT of opinions about all kinds of cuisine! loves cooking with engineer and pyro (YES i think pyro is an INCREDIBLE chef. they only burn things because it's fun/funny! for the bit. you understand), and heavy has a perfect palette (just a personal hc of mine heh) so he always gets to tag along and taste test! <3
if spy is involved with any of the other mercs, scout's mom knows about it. they're in an open relationship and spy values her just like he'd value any of the mercs in a romantic relationship. she knows all of them and they're all very polite to her (ala like they are with miss pauling), but she quickly surprises them by being snarky and playful like spy and scout! she also doesn't hesitate to begin telling the mercs the most Humiliating Dirt on spy AND scout! HEHEHE
i don't think he'd cheat on her nor do i think he'd bother cheating on any of his partners. he's very open with communication when it comes to his interpersonal relationships (this is ironic to everyone but him because his relationship with his son is currently in shambles). he's good at it when it comes to romantic relationships though!
his love languages are, well, any and all of them! he loves being in love, he's a huge romantic and is not shy about showing it. will absolutely DROWN his partner in gifts and pretty words (that he really does mean!) and so on... perhaps to the point of it being a little overwhelming! at his partner's request, he'll dial it back... but he still loves to spoil his lovers, and THAT is something he WON'T apologize for! >:)
as i touched on earlier, has a good rapport with all of the mercs and pauling. he's patient with soldier and the other mercs hear him out about the bucket list idea (and are all Quietly Amused by how scout promptly ruins that for him. team dynamic ykwim). i think he's the closest with heavy (i'm a spoovy enjoyer), engineer, pyro, and sniper (BUT in kind of a "unique" way. perhaps i'll elaborate) but he enjoys the company of all of the other mercs as well!
is Informed about engineer's, demoman's and medic's research (though not on the levels they are of course) and likes being in the know about things going on around the base. he mostly shares enemy intelligence with these three over anyone else. they talk frequently and Love to gossip (engineer SWEARS its not gossiping but demo and medic are like "no. its gossip!" SKDFKSDF)!
will absolutely always enable you to treat yourself. scout, spy, medic and demo are the KINGS of "go on!! treat yourself!! :D" no matter what it is. if spy sees you really struggling about whether to get something, he'll slip it in with his own purchases and gift it to you later. "this one is from me, so you don't need to worry about compromise. <3"
in battle, he's a bit more sadistic than his teammates; likes making people squirm and is more than capable of getting under your skin. information extraction is part of his job and he treats it as such: Part Of The Job. he doesn't get a LOT of pleasure from hurting others, but he Does enjoy starring in a good revenge tale!
no, i do NOT think the world's most absent father cares about his 30 year old son's sex life nor do i think he's even "fiercely overprotective" of scout just in general. i think he knows scout is a grown man who has to make (and account for) any failures and fumbles he makes in his life. he'll be there with a kind word (and a few snarky ones!) when shit hits the fan, but he's not running around fighting scout's battles for him. scout loves battling too much to let him anyway! LOL
he teaches him things that Spy Himself values (like respect) because he... values it and since spy IS trying to be a bit more of a Dad to scout, it's also a reflection on him (to spy. scout doesn't care or think of it that way). insists on the value of self improvement! (something he himself didn't learn until he was Much Older... but scout doesn't need to know that!)
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11? 11.
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Robin Buckley being a gay disaster! But it all works out. Teeniest, tiniest bit of Steddie being her wingman because I just can't help myself. WC: 1.5k, let me know if a part 2 is in order, I'm more than happy to oblige. CWs: Tiniest implication of homophobia, brief swearing, short mention of bathing in the blood of virgins
After four years, eight plays, three soccer championships, and countless band practices; Robin was finally graduating. 
She crossed the stage fairly early, with her head held high and to the cheers of her band friends, soccer friends, friends that saw her through a Russian bunker, and of course her parents. As well as the soft, stifled grin and slow clap of the one girl she could not say one nice word to all four years. Robin smiled back and looked to the floor on the way to her chair. 
She let her parents congratulate her and Eddie then sent them on their way, saying Steve offered to drive her back to her party, he hadn’t, but he would anyway. They were both talking, Steve telling her how happy he is that she’s getting out of Hawkins, making her way in the world one PoliSci degree at a time. Eddie came up to tell her the same, also to give all the French girls his number on her semester abroad. 
That was until she felt another weight on top of her head. She spun around and had to tilt her head down because of the high heels her mom forced her to wear, which only made both the caps fall off. The other girl caught both of them. “Y/n l/n,” she said it like she was in an old western, coming face to face with her nemesis; at least that’s what Steve and Eddie thought. The rocker whispering to the other that he could almost hear the Ennio Morricone  themes rolling now. 
“Robin Buckley, I believe this is yours,” she handed the cap back.
“Thank you, you insatiable witch.” Steve was a little taken aback, having never heard Robin talk to someone like that, but the other girl never even flinched. 
“I’d much prefer that to being a horrid wench such as yourself.” Eddie was just watching, tagging along for the ride, having seen these interactions for the last 4 years. 
“Well, at least I do more with my days then curse people and bathe in the blood of virgins.”
“But I still spare you , couldn’t have your thespian geekiness tainting my bath.” Eddie had to hold Steve, who did not know the definition of the word ‘thespian,’ back from giving this girl a piece of his mind; though Eddie did whisper its actual meaning. “Your friends might not be so lucky. At least they’re not lame and play the stupid trumpet like you,” as their jabs got weaker, so did their voices. 
“At least I have friends.”
“I have friends.”
“Not ones you like.”
“That’s not my fault.”
“It has to be somebody’s.”
“Fuck you, Buckley.”
“Well, I’d like you to.” 
Everyone’s jaws dropped. No one expected her to say that. Even herself. At least the auditorium was loud enough that no one else heard. 
Steve and Eddie took that as their cue to leave. 
“I should not- I should not have said that. I-um, I’m gonna go-“ she turned to follow Steve and Eddie. 
“Wait.” The other girl caught her arm. “Um- I-uh, I’d like to.” She scrunched her face and shook her head. “I mean I-I-I would but, uh, I’d like to take you out.”
“Take me out? You’re a sniper or something now?”
“Can you listen to me? I’m trying to do what I’ve been trying to do since 9th grade.”
“But I’ve wanted to do it since 8th. First come first serve. You should let me do it.”
“No, I already started, don’t interrupt now.”
“Go ahead then.”
“Robin Buckley.”
“Y/n L/n.”
“Will you come see a movie and have dinner with me? Or we can do something else. I know you don’t like loud places. I know this restaurant, very low key, quiet if we go at the right time. Or we could just have a picnic or something?” She was clutching her cap to her chest and Robin was twisting the tassel around in her hands to keep herself from tucking that one piece of hair out of her face. 
“You hate the grass, it makes you itchy.”
“I’ll bring a blanket.” They were both talking so softly. Very breathy, stepping closer pretending it was because of the loud gym. 
“Bugs,” Robin couldn’t say she entirely believed it was really happening. The biggest crush she’d never told anyone about. Not even Steve, and mostly because she refused to admit it to herself. Probably because it was real and tangible and she was right there that Robin couldn’t believe it could be true. 
“I’ll manage,” she’d manage anything for Robin. 4 years of pining, longing, yearning . And hiding it from everyone under the guise of spiteful banter. Now it’s right here, right in front of her. She’ll manage. 
“Tomorrow then?” Robin asked. 
“Yes. Yeah, absolutely. I’ll bring some stuff, you bring some stuff and I’ll pick you up at 11?”
“Ok!” She said a little (a lot) giddy.
“Ok,” Robin said it just the same. “I um, I have to go see my friends but um, yeah tomorrow, 11. I’ll see you then.”
“Bye,” She said it so girl, not girly, just girl. The pitch making it sound like it was three syllables that went up and came back down like a wave pushing to the shore. 
“Bye,” Robin didn’t think she said it as pretty as she did. All breathy and light. She thought it was pretty though. She’d hear Robin say ‘bye’ all the time if it meant she got to keep saying hello and hearing that voice. 
Robin walked, then skipped and hopped, just a little, back to Steve and Eddie. 
“ God, finally, man. For years I’ve been watching those two dance around each other. Exhausting,” Eddie shoved his cap into Steve’s arms and wiped under his bangs with the back of his hand. 
“What are you talking about?”
“Oh you didn’t see the two painfully awkward lesbian mating dance they’ve been doing since they were freshmen? Look at them.” Steve turned his head to see Robin fidgeting with the tassel and the other girl, that he’s just now learning about, gripping her cap like a life raft. “You didn’t notice Robin, the absolute worst artist I’ve ever met, can’t even draw a stick figure, take art for four years, eight semesters in a row, just for her. And you didn’t notice someone else paint every set piece, though she claims musicals are ‘the lowest art form?’ Hmm?”
“Obviously not, Munson, I graduated. But why is this the first I’m hearing about her?”
“Hmm, oblivious much? But my guess is, my astute, professional, love-doctor, hypothesis, is that this was such an important thing to Robin that she didn’t want any outside opinions and it was just too real to mess up.” If Max were here, she’d tell him he’s projecting his own emotions onto a secondary situation. Especially with the way he was looking at Steve, not that he’d know since he was focused on watching Robin, and around Robin; giving her space and making sure no one tried anything with her. “Honestly though, I don’t think she knew herself. Don’t take it too hard, Harrington. Maybe you’ll be more observant the next time someone is so obviously in love. You’ll have a million chances, big boy.” Eddie took the cap back, plopped it on Steve’s head, slung his arm over his shoulders, and planted a fat smacking kiss to his cheek, while they watched Robin walk back over with the biggest, dopiest grin on her face.
“So you finally did it?” Eddie asked her. 
“Yeeep, well, she did. Um, we’re having a picnic tomorrow.”
“Do you need me to drive you?”
“No, uh she’s gonna pick me up.”
“Oh, a real gentleman,” Eddie teased and turned them all to the door. 
Once they were in the parking lot, they saw y/n across the way. She had taken the gown off which left her in what Robin decided was the most gorgeous dress ever. It was a simple sundress really, perfect for the June heat, covered in flowers, but Robin loved it all the same. Robin caught her eye and she waved with the biggest smile. She said something to her friends then ran over to Robin as fast as she could in her missguided heels. “I couldn’t wait to call you later.” 
Steve and Eddie stood on either side of them, blocking them from everyone else’s views so she could take Robin's face in her hands. She didn’t kiss her yet, she was going to wait for that. Just held her, looked at her, thanked whatever god made Robin’s mouth faster than her brain that made all this work out. “11.”
I'm doing this to quell my sapphic little heart that's too big for my own good, my last relationship (if you can even call it that) went utterly horribly, like so bad (cus she's straight and I don't like being a guinea pig [not that experimenting is a bad thing, just like, let the person know first y'know?]) Anyway, maybe this will manifest a pretty girl into my heart, because as of now I just keep giving her (the fattest crush I've ever had) random things, like a crow or something.....I'm hopeless
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woe plague be upon ye, I’m sorry for spam liking your posts. Also, do you have info on your tf2 ocs (background, fighting styles, relationships, etc.)? I have some ocs of my own and I love hearing about other people’s!
woke up to like 17 notifications this morning /pos
anyways YES I DO (AND i have three more that i havent posted about yet) thank you for asking
Cloak is a very... weird kid honestly idk theres something OFF about him sometimes. He's very silent especially when he doesn't mean to be, the others have tried to get him to wear a bell so they don't get jumpscared by him out of nowhere. He is also Engineer's nephew on his mom's side (yes i made up a sister for dell shhhuut up shshshh) and she very much DIDN'T want him around anymore same with his dad so they kinda just gave him to dell something something he ended up on RED team as a mercenary from then on. He has major trust issues, random panic attacks and doesn't remember his parents. Like at all, only sometimes looks at an old picture of his mom before she had him so he just goes off of that. Good news is he at LEAST takes care of his body and works out often. Sleeps anywhere he can though, slept in a box for a straight week once. He has a boyfriend (GASP!!!) back in Texas he regularly keeps in touch with. He's parkour-based, stealthy and has a direct approach to attacking. Offense class.
Assailant is a closed off person ESPECIALLY emotionally, he rarely ever talks to anyone unless he has to. He is very unappreciated as a mercenary/assassin and will go to intense lengths for recognition among anyone. He is very emo and sad and emo. He looks like a soggy piece of cardboard or a wet cat. Nothing much else besides he loves cats, will 100% be that one crazy cat lady neighbor. Familial issues, yes another one. Pansexual but not the best with dating. (how are you pansexual but get no game😭) Similar to Sniper fighting wise. Very distant, i.e. crossbow. Support class.
Blade also known as Bladesmith. Workaholic, like rarely leaves the workshop, SOMETIMES eats and lives off of coffee and spite. He makes and repairs weapons, mainly axes swords and knives or anything else that has a sharp edge. Very creative, very much doesn't take care of himself much, "i'm working out, carrying heavy boxes and shit is enough". Not much known about his family. Bisexual, that's it. Direct approach to fighting, helps with healing. Defense class.
Piercer ran away from Romania with a shit ton of money and managed to land a job as a mercenary/assassin. Self-proclaimed "NOT" a vampire. 50/50 probably a vampire, all everyone is concerned about is that he's gothic, edgy and likes fancy shit. And money, don't forget the money. Gay middle aged man. Stealthy, silent and is similar to Spy with fighting. Support class.
Can you tell who i favor more /JOKE!!!
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haven't drawn much of any of them besides cloak but i will draw more of them if asked to
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berenwrites · 1 year
Beyond the Battle - Chapter 26 - Stranger Things - Steddie
Beyond the Battle­: Action & Consequence
Click here for All Posted Chapters
Summary: Steve hits things with a bat or gets hit depending on who you ask. He definitely does not have anything to do with the psychic stuff. That is El’s domain. However, as Vecna is defeated, the rules change.
Pairing: steddie (Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson)
Other Relationships: Steve & Robin, Steve & Dustin, Eddie & Dustin
Rating: Teen
A/N: Multi-chapter story, updated regularly. Honestly not sure how many chapters it will have yet because it's still a bit hand wavy in the middle, but definitely more than 12. Thank you to my beta for find my mistakes and to all those who read/like/reblog.💖 Follow #st:beyond-the-battle for updates.
Also on AO3
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Chapter 26.    Dangerous Times
Steve was doing his very best to stop his mother telling Wayne and by extension Robin, a very embarrassing story about him as a five-year-old when cold fingers ran up his spine. Unfortunately, he recognised the feeling and looked up to meet Will’s eyes.
“Oh crap, I know that look,” Dustin said, since Will had been in the middle of a roll, and everyone was looking at him.
Diving under the table, Dustin picked up the bag he had brought with him and pulled out his walkie. As if on cue, it crackled into life before he had a chance to use it.
“Co…d,” was all Steve heard the first time because there was a ridiculous amount of interference. “Code…” El’s voice repeated. “…de Red.”
Steve was out of his seat on the first one.
“We hear you,” Dustin replied. “What do you need? Over.”
All that came back was static and then a high piercing note.
“That’s a jammer,” Dustin said, eyes big and round.
“Shit, they need help,” Eddie said, looking to Steve. “What do we do?”
“We can’t leave until we know where they are and that they’re not coming here,” he decided quickly. “Lucas, get on the phone, see if you can get a call to Hopper,” he instructed.
He shared another look with Will.
“Think we can get through to El?” he asked.
“Worth a try,” Will replied.
“Steve, what’s going on?” his mom asked, rising from the couch.
He almost swore. In the moment he had completely forgotten there were people in the house who wouldn’t immediately get it. Wayne was looking just as confused, as were Eddie’s bandmates.
“Bad things, Mom,” he said, “but I’ve got no time to explain now. Please, just trust us.”
For a moment she looked as if she might argue, but eventually she nodded. Steve walked quickly around the other side of the table where Will was sitting and placed his hands on Will’s shoulders. Their practice paid off as the real world vanished in only a moment and he found himself in the Void, standing next to his younger friend, holding his hand.
“El,” they called as one.
Between one blink and the next, El was standing in front of them.
“What happened?” Steve asked without preamble.
“There was someone with a gun, Dad said they were a sniper,” El replied, voice quavering.
He wished he could reach out to her, but that could up the connection too much for whoever was with El to pull her out quickly if necessary.
“Dad was going to drive me to visit Max, but Nancy came over,” El explained quickly. “She said she thought she was being followed. She walked in front of me just as the window shattered. They shot Nancy, Steve, she is bleeding badly. I had to help her like I helped Max, but I do not know how long it will work.”
“Where are you?” he asked.
“We are in the truck,” El replied. “Dad told me and Joyce to run and get in and he brought Nancy.”
“Bring her to my house,” Steve said without hesitation. “We’ll be safer together.”
“Okay,” El said and her eyes went distant for a moment. “I have to go.”
“See you soon,” Will said.
Steve opened his eyes to find everyone looking at him and Will.
“Close every curtain and blind in the place but stay as far away from the windows as possible,” he said, planning quickly and wiping his nose where it was bleeding. “Hop, Joyce, El and Nancy are on their way.”
“Phone’s dead,” Lucas informed him, which didn’t shock him.
“Someone tried to get El with a sniper,” Steve told them all, “so don’t take any risks.”
The kids, Eddie and Robin went into action without arguing and Steve moved to pull the big curtains across the windows in the living room. He wasn’t sure they’d ever been drawn since they were put up, but they moved smoothly on their runners.
“Did you just say ‘sniper’, son?” Wayne asked.
“Yes,” he said, watching the landing as the rooms upstairs went dark. “Oh god,” he added, totally unable to come up with any explanation that would make sense except the truth. “Look, all the things you think happened in Hawkins over the last three years have been lies. Will’s supposed death, Hawkins’ lab both times, Starcourt, the earthquake, everything is to do with government experiments on kids and what they unleashed. The lab was their base, and all the stories of monsters are true. El was the last survivor from the lab, she has powers. She defeated the big bad who was trying to destroy the world less than two weeks ago, but it looks like someone thinks she’s too dangerous to leave alive.”
“And what were you and Will doing?” his mom asked.
“Talking to El,” he replied. “Will has the same powers as her.”
He almost said more, but he was afraid.
“Steve, the blinds in your room won’t close,” Dustin called down from the landing and distracted him.
“Then just close the door,” he instructed, they didn’t have time for worrying about the little things.
He headed down the corridor and checked the doors to the garages and the basement, making sure they were all locked.
“What didn’t you tell us?” Eddie asked quietly, coming up beside him.
“The sniper got Nance,” he admitted,“ she accidentally walked in front of El when he took his shot. Which was good because we’ve still got El, bad because Nance is badly hurt. El’s keeping her alive, but it’s not good.”
“They’re coming here,” Eddie concluded, and Steve nodded even though it wasn’t a question, “and you’re going to do your thing.”
He nodded again and Eddie’s eyes flicked to his mom and the others not in the know who had all gathered together.
“I told them that everything since 83 has been a lie,” he said, “but I don’t have time to explain. Can you handle it when the others get here with Nancy?”
“No problem,” Eddie replied and gently touched his arm. “Is it bad that I’m relieved I can tell Wayne?” he added.
“No,” Steve said firmly. “It’s crazy they wouldn’t let us tell our families in the first place. Come on, we need to clear one of the couches for Nancy and we’re going to need towels.”
Steve managed to keep busy organising everyone and making the house safe until he heard tires on gravel. Will was at the front door before him, and El and Joyce were in before he even got there. He stood back and gave Hopper space as the ex-police officer carried Nancy inside.
“Nance,” Mike cried as soon as he saw what was going on.
“Couch,” was all Steve said to Hopper. “Mike, stay back, please, Dustin, look after him,” he added, following as Nancy was placed on the towels and pillows they had prepared.
“Sorry, Nance,” Steve said, kneeling down beside the couch.
Taking either side of her blouse, he ripped it in two before removing the wad of clothing Hopper had used to staunch the wound in Nancy’s chest.
“What the hell..?” was as much as he heard from his mom as he placed his hands over the wound in direct skin contact with Nancy and let the real world go.
Without thought, he sank into the presence of his ex-girlfriend and sought to heal. Her pain seared into his consciousness, but all it did was sharpen his resolve as his instincts calmly led the power inside of him. It felt like second nature to stabilise Nancy’s vital signs, hold her to life, but the wound was bad, and he understood immediately it was going to take more than boosting her own healing. He pushed into that reservoir he had found with Hopper and Max, curling his own energy into a physical thing, and smashing through the invisible barrier to restore everything that had been destroyed.
Time had no meaning. All there was, was the need to heal everything that was broken. Nothing else mattered. Nancy was like a shattered vase he had to put back together. He could see nothing except the pieces and his power was the glue. Every now and then he sensed someone else at the edge of his awareness, but they never came close enough to interfere in his focus. This was urgent, life over death, and he worked hard and fast. He could not pause for anything. Could not faulter or Nancy would slip away.
Only once Nancy was whole again, did the real-world seep back into his senses. Opening his eyes, he looked down at his blood covered hands and slowly lifted them away. Underneath was pink, but otherwise unmarked skin.
“Steve?” Eddie asked gently from somewhere behind him.
All he could manage was a hum before he was falling sideways.
“I’ve got you,” Eddie said, catching him before he could hit the coffee table.
He couldn’t hold himself up as his whole body sagged, completely failing to adjust back to the real world.
“Let’s get you sitting down,” Eddie said, gently lowering him so he was sitting on the floor with his back against the other man. “Just breathe, Stevie. Take it slow.”
“That will never cease to be amazing,” he heard Robin say from somewhere close by.
“Nance?” he asked, because he knew what his instincts said, but he couldn’t help doubting himself.
“All in one piece, now do as you’re told,” Eddie said pointedly.
“Not the boss of me,” he muttered, even though he had no intention of moving.
“Yeah, well you spent twenty minutes making sure your ex-girlfriend no longer has a large hole in her, which is pretty intense considering you took three days to put me back together, so I don’t think you have much choice,” Eddie told him, and he could hear the worry in the other man’s voice.
He would have patted Eddie’s hand, but his were covered in blood. So was his shirt when he looked down, which probably explained why his nose felt unpleasantly blocked as well.
“Hey, Steve,” El’s voice made him look up and he realised she was crouching in front of him.
She reached out and gently took his hands, seemingly not caring what a mess he was.
“Breathe with me,” she told him, looking him right in the eye.
He could already feel something, just from the touch and this time he did as he was told without arguing.
“Well done, Steve,” he heard, but El’s lips didn’t move, even as the world slowly flowed into normal focus around him.
By the time El gave him a small smile, he felt grounded in reality once more.
“Thank you,” he said even as he felt eyes on him from all around the room.
End of Chapter 26
Chapter 27
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aymayzing · 1 year
ty for the questions in my inbox so here's one for you! --
what objects do your ryders carry around? what classes are they, and ofc, did their parents have any influence on them they consider important? :)
Thank you sm for the ask!!💕 Answer under cut as it got so long 🫣
Scott has ADHD and is very forgetful so at some point he realized he needs to carry around stuff he may forget and then need. So he has a small pack with some water, a protein bar, safety pins, some money, a bandage - just in case.
Sara always has on her finger the ring she got from her mom on her 18th birthday. It's a tradition in Ellen's family that on the 18th birthday a girl gets a diamond ring. Sara's is not super fancy or anything, it's a small, lab grown diamond on a simple band but since she got it from her mother, as a part of family tradition, she values it very much, even more so after Ellen's gone.
I headcanon, much like you it seems :), that both Scott and Sara are biotics. However, Sara's biotics are more powerful, she's able to control them better, she's generally much better at them than Scott. Scott has a rudimentary grasp on his biotics but the best he can do is throw a biotically charged punch. Therefore he, unlike his sister, cannot rely on them, so as Sara went on to become a vanguard, Scott ended up choosing to be an infiltrator. He loves precision, so a sniper rifle is his weapon of choice, followed by a pistol. He doesn't shoot and hopes he hits something, he only shoots when he knows he will hit the target. He's very good at it too, enough to even have impressed Alec, but their father is always looking for an edge for humanity and just shooting good will not cut it. In my mind Alec is very impressed with biotics, believes it to be the next big breakthrough in humanity's history, in how we wage war. So it always made him all the more appreciative of Ellen's research and later on of Sara's powers. Scott was always aware of his father's disappointment in the fact that his biotics don't stack up to his sister's, another thing that made their relationship all the more strained.
For the question about parental influence... Scott has ADHD and it was Ellen who figured out what works for him best, how he can focus best and she is the one who found precision and focusing on small details is a way for Scott to get done what needs to get done. Breaking up reality into small chunks and focusing on them instead of one big thing. That's what she taught him and that's his strategy in his daily life which really came in handy when he became a Pathfinder. It made the situation he was in a little less overwhelming. This is also why he fights the way he does. He wouldn't have been able to handle life as well as he does without it.
When it comes to Alec though, he and Scott were never close, they never really knew one another. Alec loved his son but was never able to show it nor connect with him and at some point Scott stopped looking for any sort of affection or pride from his father, so there wasn't really any area of Scott's life Alec could largely influence. If anything, a lot of Scott's insecurities stem from what Alec pointed out - his not being a great biotic, being too trusting, not taking things seriously. I guess you could say Alec's job as an attaché ended up influencing Scott's choice of career - not the one in the military but the one he envisioned and planned he could've had once he finished uni and served a bit. He wanted to be a diplomat - through Alec he already knew enough people and the realities of intergalactic politics to be good at it. Of course it never worked out but probably, in the end, it made Scott's time as the Pathfinder a bit easier, as navigating interspecies diplomacy was not completely new to him.
Biotics are still new among humans so Sara always felt the odd one out when in the company of more humans than just her family. She heard the whispers, saw the weird looks. Her mother was ofc always very encouraging and trying to get Sara to accept her powers but it was Alec who actually made her feel.good about them. It was not easy to impress Alec Ryder, yet every time she showed him a new trick with her biotics, he was so impressed and excited. That's his biggest influence on his daughter.
Ellen on the other hand had such influence on Sara, being her primary caregiver, that she cannot pinpoint one specific thing that had the biggest influence on her. Everything Ellen did for Sara helped shape her, her morals, view of the world, that it's impossible to pick which one was most important.
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etruatcaelum · 1 year
1.2 & 3.
i find it funny to imagine that there was, like, an orientation day prior to the start of term where all the incoming students got shown around the campus and given a rundown on where to go on day one. and ruby just missed it because ozpin bumped another student to enroll her at the last possible minute
also rip to the kid whose spot ruby accidentally poached LMAO
like the academies need every class to be a number divisible by four. either ozpin kicked someone for ruby or added three more (which might explain jaune but also, i figure ozpin would go for kicking over adding)
i think about “energy propellant” a normal amount. like the implication here, i’ve always thought—& this is why my salem’s magic works the way it does—is that the magic isn’t stored in the dust so much as the dust is a sort of magical prism that refracts and perhaps amplifies aura. which would additionally explain why dust is so versatile! what it does exactly depends on who’s using it!
“aren’t you the guy who threw up on the ship” i love her
the fact that you can see the jaw of the rabbit on jaune’s sweatshirt under the armor right from the start is so funny to me. they waited four volumes for the punchline brhfjg
weapons culture in huntsman circles is so fucked up <3 ruby rose has never taken a gun safety class in the course of building her fuckoff huge sniper rifle scythe <3
meanwhile jaune is like “my stupid little sword is boring and lame” grhdjvjsk
ozma: i will build a society that is just, so fucked up
if jaune is from anima (as is implied in V4) then his grandfather probably fought on the imperial side of the great war. i think about this a normal amount. something about tainted legacies huh
credits bonus round: the lyrical parallelism between i may fall and sacrifice lives rent free in my head. “i may fall/but not like this/it won’t be by your hand” & “you can try, but i’m free/and you won’t conquer me/i won’t crawl/most of all/i won’t fall/for you” mirrors huh
dust for dummies and other inadequate individuals. hrgrgdk
“Hey. How’s it going. So, you’re interested in Dust. That’s cool. Hmm, I’m noticing that you’re not very smart, though. Some might even say you’re a dummy. Probably think you can’t use Dust. Well, you probably shouldn’t, but you’re going to anyway. So if you are going to, you should at least read this pamphlet. That way you won’t kill anyone. Probably won’t.” im HOWLING they could have just lorem ipsum’d this but i appreciate that they did not
“wow really?!” “……no >:(“ aksbfjdj
ozpin (dissociating): hello new students. all of you suck. try to do better. thank you goodbye
more seriously, “you assume that knowledge will free you of [purposelessness], but you will find that knowledge can only carry you so far” he is talking to his own reflection! at least he’s self-aware!
he’s dissociating so much that even the girls are like. he seems really checked out idk. bfhskhsj
“there’s no such thing as a negative friend! you just made one friend and one enemy!” it amuses me so much that yang is the one who groks that the relationship maria’s getting at re: cordovan is “enemies.” yang had an arch-rival at signal im sure of it.
WHERE did blake get a CANDELABRA
“yang used to read to me every night before bed, stories of heroes and monsters… they’re one of the reasons i want to be a huntress” -> “i wanted to be the hero, like the stories my mom read to me” CLUTCHES HEAD.
“she’s a hazard to my health” in about 12 hours weiss is going to jump on the back of a giant nevermore for this girl. BRHFKGJH
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tf2-hellhole · 4 years
Maybe Mercs with an S/O who's a clothes designer and just makes so much clothing items (ranging from like jackets and scarves and sweaters and such) for their merc s/o?
Oh my god, he absolutely loves it. He enjoys the attention he gets when you take measurements/edit the clothing/anything that involves having him stand there while you give him attention.
And of course, he flaunts all the clothing you make for him. He’s a very fashionable boy and he’s always walking around with the clothes on, especially if it’s brand new. He also brags that his gorgeous S/O made the clothing, too.
You can tell he loves the outfits; the dork gets so dang excited when you have a new outfit ready for him, and it’s honestly so sweet.
He’s a good model for when you are experimenting with clothes; he’ll stand still for however long you need and he’ll happily wear anything you want him to.
Asks you to plllllleeeeeeaaaaaaasssssseeeeee make him some American-flag-themed clothing. If you do, he wears it all the time, basically any time he’s not wearing his work uniform.
Like Scout, he’s gonna brag about your skill and all the amazing clothes you’ve made for him all the dang time. Though honestly, he’s bragging a lot more about dating you than having the nice clothes.
Pyro would love it if you made clothes for them, but you have to realize that you’re probably the only person who will ever see it on them, since they only wear their work clothing when out and about.
Pyro rarely takes off their work clothes, so wearing what you make for them is a much more intimate and personal show of affection that it’d be for the other mercs.
Surprise, surprise, Pyro loves more feminine or child-like clothing styles (probably Lolita too tbh) but they’d be happy to wear just about anything you make for them.
He enjoys being your guinea pig for making clothes, even if he’s not the best model. He likes it a lot because he gets to spend time with you while you work.
He’s not the most fashionable person, so he appreciates that you give him good clothes so he looks nice. He makes sure to show his appreciation for you making sure he doesn’t dress like a grandpa.
He likes to make sure you always have the supplies you need to work. Mercenary work makes a good chunk of change, so he likes to buy all sorts of materials for you (usually what he likes/what he thinks you like).
Heavy obviously doesn’t care much about fashion, so he’d prefer warm clothing from his S/O. He’d love stuff like sweaters, scarves, or mittens from them, especially if you knit/crochet them.
He’d never say it, but he thinks you doing what you do is super adorable. He can’t help but smile when he catches you hard at work on your latest project.
He asks if you can make clothes for his family. His sisters have taken a liking for fashion and want new clothes, and he wants comfy clothes for his mom. And, he insists on paying you full price for your work.
Engie’s not really into fashion, since he honestly only wears his work clothes and stereotypical Texan clothing, but he’s happy to be your guinea pig for experimenting with different styles.
He’s a very good model for making clothes; he’s excellent at standing still for you and isn’t the type to get nervous when you’re working with pins.
He’s always blushing when you’re working with him on clothes, since he enjoys being with you for such a long time. Sometimes he gets so wrapped up in work, so he appreciates that you pull him away from it.
Medic cares a lot about his appearance, and he likes to look clean and professional. So if you were to make him some suits/formal clothing or repair his work clothes, he would deeply appreciate it.
He’s like a little kid on Christmas morning when he gets new clothes from you; he gets so excited and has the silliest grin on his face, and of course he loves putting it on for the first time.
But he is kind of a brat when it comes to his clothing; he likes specific styles and aesthetics and he’ll probably complain if his clothing doesn’t fit his preferences. Just communicate well with him and it won’t happen.
Sniper usually doesn’t put a great deal of effort into his appearance, so he kinda feels pampered when you make or give him new clothing. Don’t get me wrong, he loves the attention and the thoughtfulness.
You can tell it makes him happy to get new clothes from you. Like, he still doesn’t understand why you care so much, but he loves it. He’s always blushing and has a goofy smile when he gets new clothes.
He’s not a super fashionable guy, so he prefers to get just normal clothes in a higher quality from you. If you give him something super fancy and fashionable, he honestly feels a little silly wearing it.
Of course this dude is so excited about you being a clothes designer. He loves when you make clothing for him, and he’s always bragging about having a “personal tailor”.
Spy buys you all sorts of extremely expensive and high-demand supplies for your work; the best fabrics, the strongest threads, the best equipment, the whole shebang.
He makes sure you know that your work never goes unappreciated. He always finds a way to thank you for your work, sometimes with cash, sometimes with gifts or dates, sometimes with just a sweet “thank you”.
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supercorpkid · 4 years
You’re running on fear and Kryptonite.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Alex Danvers x Niece!Reader
Word count: 1696.
Supergirl has a lot of enemies, but Superkid doesn’t have any and that’s basically because no one knows who she is. Or, so you thought.
You left school at the usual time, but before going home, you decided to go to the donuts shop. There’s one close to your school that is also close to CatCo, so you thought you would buy a few more, and stop at your momma’s work to share with her.
You’re walking down the street when you hear a gunshot. You look around and you can’t see anyone with a gun, and you also don’t see anyone hurt. You’re about to take off your glasses to check into the buildings when you hear another one.
But you can’t take off your glasses, because next thing you know you’re falling on the street. You feel something burning inside of you, and your hand goes to the place where this feeling is coming from. You raise your hand and see blood. Shit. That’s not possible.
When you realize what’s going on, you are already crawling to an alley nearby, so that no one can see you. And you’re almost sure it worked.
So, you try to think. You got shot. You can’t get shot. You’re bulletproof. But you are now bleeding from your stomach and there is an agonizing pain filling your body. It’s like the bullet got in your bloodstream, but it’s not possible. It’s not possible! Think!
What do you do now? Who do you call? Where do you go? Why is it burning so much? Is this what being shot usually feels like?
You finally look at your wound, it’s green. Fuck. It’s kryptonite. That makes sense. You’re not usually this dumb, but you just got shot with kryptonite bullet, and this is basically the first time you’ve been exposed to it.
It hurts. Actually, it burns. It’s like venom cursing through your body and, oh dear Rao, you need to do something before whoever shot you, come. They’re not just going to shoot you. It’s kryptonite, they know it makes you weak, so they must want something else.
You take off your glasses and look around. You don’t see right, your vision is blurry and you don’t know if it’s only because you’re crying, or also because kryptonite makes that to you.
You’re about to press the emergency button on the watch, when you stop yourself. You can’t. They have kryptonite. If Supergirl comes, they’ll have both you and your momma. And is this a real emergency? You have to figure this out on your own. You can’t call Supergirl, but you want your momma. You want Kara to hold you and tell you that you’re going to be fine.
You don’t have time to dwell on this thought, because you can see a guy coming at your direction. He is still on the other side of the street, but you know he’s probably not alone. And even if he is, you don’t think you can fight your way out of this.
You feel dizzy, and weak. There’s an excruciating pain going up your body, slowly taking over you. You can feel the kryptonite taking the best of you, but you’re half human, and that half human part is going to do whatever it takes for you to survive.
You take your phone from your pocket. You can’t call Kara. You also can’t call Lena. She would only get desperate and she wouldn’t be able to help. You can only call your aunt. Alex picks up in the first ring.
“Hey kid, listen, I can’t ta-”
“DO NOT call Supergirl! They have kryptonite.” Is the first thing you say. “I just got shot, I need help.”
“Ok.” She then screams at someone to call J’onn. “Listen, you have to stand still and apply pressure. I’m sending help.”
“They’re coming. I can’t stand still. It also hurts like a bitch so I’m definitely not applying pressure.” It’s so painful, but you stand up and walk further into the alley. “Can you track me?”
“Yes. J’onn is on his way, but don’t hang up, I need you on the line.” You can hear Alex yelling directions at everyone. She goes back to the phone. “Where’s the wound?”
“Stomach.” You breathe the answer. You feel sweat coming from your forehead. This is horrible. Rao, you want your mommy. You want you mommy so bad you don’t care who knows it.
“Did you see who did it?” She keeps asking questions and you know it is not because she needs you on the line, but because she needs to know you’re still alive.
“No. Sniper at a building. My x-ray vision is blurry.” You try to breathe, it gets harder. You bend your body and the pain gets worse. Shit. You’re panting now. And your whole body feels like a bomb. You collapse on the floor. “Shit, shit. Don’t tell Lena.”
“Kid!” Alex yells. “Kid are you still with me? Please, keep talking. Oh my God.” Alex keeps yelling on the phone. You can hear her, you want to answer, but your voice doesn’t come out anymore.
There is a man coming your way and you’re just lying there waiting for whatever comes next. He’s probably going to kill you. Is this a ‘press the emergency button’ moment? Before you decide, you see J’onn flying in front of your body. It’s all a blur after that. You are trying your hardest to stay awake, but the images keep blurring in your head and you only have snippets of what’s happening. J’onn is flying with you. Alex’s face. You’re rolling into the DEO on a stretcher. Brainy is in the surgery room with Alex.
“You did great, kid.” She puts a mask on your face and you know you’re about to sleep, so before you do it, you remove the mask and whisper:
“Please, they can’t...” And you’re out.
When you wake up, there’s this strange feeling. You feel like shit. You’ve never felt like this before, that’s for sure. The place where the bullet went in is still burning, but in a different way. It doesn’t burn open in agony, in burns because it’s closing. It also burns because there’s a yellow sun lamp above you.
You look around you. Only Brainy is there, but he didn’t notice you yet. Your moms aren’t here. Did your aunt really didn’t tell them?
You’re somewhat relieved. You know that if they knew it would cause them so much worry. But at the same time, you’re sad. You wanted them to be there. You wanted Lena to hold you. You needed to see Kara’ smile when looking at you. You needed their comfort.
“Oh. The Superkid is awake.” Brainy finally notices you and comes closer. “How do you feel?”
“Like I just got shot.”
“Great, because you did!” He thinks about it for a second. “Not that is great, but… Well, I’m pleased to inform you that J’onn J’onzz captured the sniper, who is currently being interrogated by Director Danvers.”
“And also, that your moms just arrived.” With that Brainy leaves and the two of them walk in. Lena is fully sobbing and staring at you like you’re not awake and alive at the moment. Kara looks very confused.
“Hey.” You try.
“My baby!” Lena holds your hand, and with the other she cups your face. You smile shyly. She keeps crying while caressing your cheeks.
“Mom, I’m fine.”
“You are NOT fine. This…” She points at you. “Is not what fine means. I-I can’t.”
Lena closes her eyes and Kara comes from behind her to hug her in comfort. With her free hand, she puts on top of your now slightly smaller wound.
“You didn’t call me.” Kara says and you can feel the pain in her voice. It hurts you too.
“They had kryptonite, momma. They would have hurt you too.” You are not justifying. You did the right thing and you know it, but she doesn’t look happy with your choice.
“I’m supposed to protect you.” Her hand feels hot on your wounded skin, but it’s somehow comforting.
“I’m ok.” You look at them and their hurt expressions and your heart shrinks. You’ve never felt so human before. You get hurt, and the people that love you get scared and hurt like you. This is what being human feels like. “Hey. A couple more hours in the yellow sun and I’m as good as new.”
“Try a couple more days.” Alex says and your moms turn their faces to look at her walking in the room. “Your daughter is very lucky she is half human. The kryptonite took a while longer to hit, so she’s completely fine now that I removed the bullet. But, well, her half human part also delays the recovery.”
“What do we do now?” Kara asks. You want to tell her she’s been through this before innumerous times, but she looks scared and confused, so you don’t say a word.
“Take her home, let her rest under the sunlight for a couple days.” Alex goes to you and smiles. “I’ll come to check upon you tomorrow, but, um...” She chokes up a little. “You-you did amazing today. I’m very proud of you, ok?”
“Thanks, aunt Alex.”
Your moms take you home, and even though you can walk, Kara insists on carrying you everywhere. She also puts your bed in the backyard so you can soak up as much sunlight as you can, and Lena makes all of your favorite foods.
You’re feeling less shitty by the minute, and their constant presence around is actually helping a lot. It’s just when Kara puts your bed back in your bedroom at night, and they don’t leave, that their presence feels a little overwhelming.
“How long are you guys going to stand around my bed like a bunch of creepers?” You ask with a smile on your face so they know you’re joking. Lena scoffs and sits on the bed next to you.
“Oh, we’re not leaving at all.” Kara immediately grabs the chair nearby.
“Not now.” Lena says hugging you and Kara smiles putting her hand on top of your wound. “Not ever.”
I’m officially naming @hermen0404 my idea buddy. Thanks for another awesome prompt.
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How do you think the mercs would react to engineer getting really tired and doing something absolutely idiotic? Like Engie don't lick the soap it won't taste good sweetie (totally not inspired by the fact ive done this same thing while exhausted)
Also your hcs are great!! They all seem super thought out and they're a thrill to read! Your writing is... Ok no word seems sufficient to describe it! It just too good!
Askers like you make my day! Thank you so much! Sorry if this is a little short, but I’m still working on the relationship ones, which take forever to write.
“Hey, uh, Engie...buddy...you good?”
“Listen, I’m the only merc around here that does stupid stuff like that...you’re one of the smart guys, remember?”
Pretends to yawn so that Engie will feel more tired and go to bed faster.
When that doesn’t work - Engie doesn’t pay much attention to his surroundings when he’s working - he asks Sniper for help.
“Aw, bloody ‘ell, ‘as he gone into one of his fits again?”
‘Fits’ meaning bouts of creative invention that can last anywhere from several hours to a couple weeks.
Sniper waves a hand in front of Engie’s face, but to no avail.
“Nah, mate, he’s outta this world. All off in his own universe. There’s nothin’ that can bring him out now.”
Suddenly Medic walks by, and the pair practically pull him in to help.
“Hm...zhere’s only vun thing that can avaken zhis building beauty!”
Medic wraps his arms around Engineer’s neck. No response.
Head on the shoulder. Nothing.
Chin resting on top of head. Nope.
Tugging on his collar. Still nada.
Finally, Medic uses his secret weapon: the cheek peck.
Engie still doesn’t look up - in fact, Medic has to pull his arm away from almost putting his hand on a sparking wire, something that an alert Engie would never do.
“Ach! Engie! Dummkopf! Vhat are you doing?!”
Suddenly, Spy peeks his head in as he walks by, but Medic grabs him by the tie.
“I need zhis vorktable for my experiment, and ve have all tried our luck. Any bright ideas?”
“Why must I always find myself in these situations? Surrounded by idiots, waiting for my assistance.”
A murmur of complaints all around, but no one contradicts him. They still need a pair of fresh eyes.
Spy snaps in front of Engie’s face.
“Laborer? Do you mind coming down to earth so the good doctor can commit his nightly atrocities?”
No answer. Not even a look.
Spy thumps Engineer’s hat several times. Then knocks. Then takes it off completely. Still no reaction.
Spy has been getting increasingly more frustrated, as he has been waiting to unwind all week, and this is keeping him from a glass of scotch and a good magazine.
“Did your Texan weed of a mother never teach you manners? Or did she not know any herself? She most likely had yet to learn her alphabet, much less any sort of etiquette.”
Scout cringed, Sniper pulled his hat over his eyes, and even Medic put a hand on his bonesaw. You never talked about Engineer’s mom. Scout almost got a wrench through his forehead when he walked into Engie’s workshop in the middle of a Yo Mama joke.
This happened to be an exception, because Engie still stared blankly at his project. This infuriated Spy, whose sharp tongue usually had a much bigger impact.
Spy gave Engie a stinging, backhanded slap.
Engie scarcely stumbled.
Spy roared in rage and walked out, using his cloaking device so he wouldn’t have to bear a walk of shame. He was also holding his raw hand, which was hurt from the slap.
Demo walked in right after, rubbing his eyes and looking really hung over.
“Mmph...whasall this, then? Aye...onea those, eh?”
Demo, being the night owl that he is, had seen Engie in his zone before - in fact, he was usually the first to snap Engie out of it.
“Comere, I’ll show ya how it’s done.”
Demo took the empty beer bottle he was holding and cracked Engie over the head with it. It shattered on impact.
“Don’tcha worry, lads, that hard hat ‘a his is made for more than a strong drink.”
Demo laughed at his own joke, then slowly got serious as he realized Engie still wasn’t reacting.
“Lad? Are ya...did anybody check for a pulse?”
Medic walked over and put two fingers on his neck. After a few minutes, his eyes went wide.
“No bloody pulse?! How the hell-!”
Pyro suddenly walked in, holding a bag of gummy bears.
He mumbles excitedly, then goes over to Engie.
She takes a red gummy bear, which are Engineer’s favorite, and holds it out to him.
No response.
Pyro laughs good-naturedly, as if he was joking about how silly Engineer was being. He put the gummy bear in Engineer’s mouth.
It fell out, but Pyro giggled and put it back in again.
It tumbled out once more, and Pyro cocked their head.
This whole process went on a few more times before Pyro decided to tap Engie on the shoulder.
When that didn’t work, he walked over in front of the table to look at Engie’s face, and hopefully get his attention.
Pyro took one look, started, then backed away slowly. After they had gotten a good distance, he ran to Medic and hid behind him, starting to cry.
Sniper translated: “He doesn’t look good...he doesn’t look like Engie...he didn’t even look...did I do something wrong?”
There was a rattling from above, and Soldier popped his head out of the vent and looked around.
“Morning, maggots!”
“It’s ten o’clock, mate...”
“You shut your godamn mouth before I write you up for insubordination!”
Soldier leapt down, took one look at Engie, and grunted.
“Gone A.W.O.L, huh?”
Everyone nodded, albeit unsure.
“I’ll show you landlubbers what we did in the army...”
He very slowly crept up to Engineer, grinning. Everybody took a step back, just in case.
Finally, Soldier pounced, taking Engineer’s hat and replacing it with his own, whooping and laughing as he went back up the vent.
Everyone just stared at each other, and while they were all recovering, Heavy walked in, still in his nightgown.
“Team is all here...what is wrong?”
Everyone started talking at once, but Heavy just held up a hand.
“One at time. Doktor. What is wrong?”
“Engineer doesn’t have a pulse, he hasn’t reacted to stimuli, his facial expression doesn’t change...he is a dead man valking!”
Heavy just chuckled. “Engie just sleepy. Here. Heavy will take him to bed.”
Heavy picked Engineer up by the underarms, lifting him over his shoulder.
Before he knew it, Engineer was falling apart. Arms, legs, body. It all crumbled to the floor in a mix of wires and cogs.
Pure. Chaos.
Everyone was either screaming, crying, looking like they were about to vomit, or were trying to salvage the pieces.
Suddenly, they heard a yawn behind them.
“Well, howdy, y’all!”
After everyone had gotten over the shock and had made a huge hug pile, Engineer explained everything.
The Engie at the desk was a robot with a realistic skin suit on. In the dark and dusty workshop, no one had noticed the difference.
He was actually doing an experiment - something that resembled a “straight face” experiment they had done with children. He wanted to see how people reacted when there...wasn’t any reaction. His hypotheses were mostly correct - except for Soldier, put he was a random variable anyway.
Scout was mildly put off, Sniper and Medic came up with a logical solution, Spy was furious because of his job’s emphasis on reaction, Demo joked around until it wasn’t funny anymore and then just froze, Pyro was very upset, and Heavy tried to physically change the situation.
“It was all real interestin’...but it had to be a blind study. Sorry I had to worry y’all. It’ll never happen again.”
He looked down at his broken robot.
“Especially not with my Engiebot in pieces.”
Engineer told everybody goodnight, apologized one more time, said he’d make it up to them, and then went to his room.
Needless to say, everyone followed Engie to bed that night.
And he had a certain Frenchman to apologize to over a cold-shouldered breakfast.
I’m a writer...can’t you tell? No, but seriously, by the time I realized it was spinning out of control, I had written too much to delete. I know it wasn’t exactly a normal response, but I just couldn’t resist! I just felt a really good story in this one!
Anyway, I’m sorry this took so long! I have an ask blog and a lot of requests coming my way, so I may be a little slower on the upkeep. But a lot of the requests are pretty short, so I should be able to knock them out.
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simonxriley · 3 years
OC lore part 1 of 7 for @gear-redfield 
Since I have a ton of ocs I’m gonna start off with the ones that are in different fandoms and then work my way through the fandoms I have multiple ocs for. I think I’m gonna do 5-6 HCs for them so it won’t be a mile long. The other ocs I’ll go into more details (maybe).
Riley Sanders (Metro Series)
Has three Watchers for pets, they’re her babies. But there was barely any room on the Aurora for them until they ended up getting the other rail carts. They tend to sleep anywhere they want, mostly in place where they stop people from moving around the train. 
She’s not very talkative, likes to keep to herself for the most part. The people she talks with the most is Ulman, Artyom, Anna and Duke. That was until Katya and Nastya joined them. 
Being able to breathe fresh air was kind of liberating for her. It made her happy that there were placing where you can live and breathe on the surface, not stuck in the dark, cold and damp metro. 
Besides her and Ulman, Nastya was the first of the Aurora crew to hold their son. 
Her brother wasn’t with her when that whole issue on the train occurred. He has no idea if she’s alive or not and she vice versa. She’s hoping she’ll be able to see him soon and have him meet his new nephew. 
Amazing at stealth. Can sneak by a group or camp in a matter of minutes without killing anyone. 
Kenadee “The Viper” Taylor (Ghost Recon) 
She joined the US Army right out of high school with her high school sweetheart, Maverick. They married a year later and a year after that had their daughter Addison. 
Joined Delta Force at the age of 24. That whole selection process was rigorous but very rewarding. 
She has a very happy outlook on life, always bubbly. You wouldn’t think she’s apart of Delta. It throws people off every time. 
Lost her husband in the field when their daughter was 5 years old. She retired after that and moved back to her hometown of San Diego where she could raise their daughter in a better environment. 
Joined Nomad’s Ghosts five and a half years later. All thanks to Midas, who she met because their kids go to school together. 
Carries around a knife coated in snakes venom, only uses it during interrogations. 
Anja Kovic (Uncharted)
Was born to Borislav Kovic, a General Major in the Yugoslavia Ground Forces and Svetlana Kovic, a former nurse. Also the younger sister to Vladimir. 
She grew up in a highly abusive household under her fathers rule. He had that mindset of the men work and the woman stay home, then add on the strictness of being in a military family. 
Wanted to be a nurse growing up but those dreams got shot down when her father married her off to the war lord Zoran Lazarevic at the age of 18. 
Marriage to Zoran was horrific, she was just happy he spent more time in the field than with her. His death did not sadden her whatsoever. 
Lost her mother to suspicious circumstances when she was twelve. Leaving her and her older brother at the will of their father. 
After Zoran’s death she was finally free. She left for Serbia in search of finding her brother and during that time gave birth to her and unfortunately Zoran’s son, naming him Dragan. And yes, she did find her brother and became the nurse she always wanted to be. 
Evelyn “Evie” Hazelton (The Order 1886)
Was born to Edith Hazelton and an unnamed father in London, England on October 1st, 1860. (Her mom was a prostitute) 
She lived in a brothel up until her mom’s murder. She loved it, to be surrounded with so many women that helped her through her life, gave her advice and helped molded her into the woman she is today. 
Sir Percival/Malory gave her a spot on the Order after her mom’s death and she became the protege of Sir Galahad/Grayson. There she learned how to fight and shoot a gun. 
The first time she ever saw a werewolf she thought it was a big dog. It was late at night, she was young and couldn’t tell since it was in the far distance. 
Has a scar going down her back from being scratched by a werewolf during a fight. 
Very protective of the people she cares about. She was the only person who pleaded not guilty during Grayson’s trial because she knows him. She knew he wouldn’t have worked with the rebellion if it didn’t suit a good cause. 
Lydia Wilson (Call of Cthulhu) 
Her parents were apart of the cult that was trying to bring back Cthulhu. However, they left Darkwater when Lydia was five and moved to Boston. 
No matter how much her parents tried to make her forget the past, she didn’t. She still has memories of the cult, what the uniforms looked like, the masks. It never left her. 
Started hearing the voice of the Leviathan in her dreams once she hit her late 20′s. Eventually she caught wind of what he wanted and she set sail for Darkwater, a place she hasn’t been since she was five.  
Her father ran a tailoring shop and she helped a lot through her childhood. 
When she spaces out she has a resting bitch face. It makes her loo unapproachable according to her mother. 
The first time she saw the Shambler she though she was hallucinating. That wasn’t the case and she never wants to deal with it again. 
Lily (MCU)
Born on the planet Prometheus. A planet cover in lush green grass and waterfalls. 
Ever since she was a child she had this fight in her. She use to find a decent sized stick and pretend to fight a tree. 
Was married to Thanos for over 20 years. The only good that came out of it were her kids. 
Joined the Avengers after Thanos’ death. It was nice to be around people and strike up conversations. She just loved learning about Earth and she would talk about her home world. 
She was the first owner of the scepter until it was given to Loki. That made her angry, she really loved that scepter. 
The first person she befriended was Carol Danvers because her youngest daughter, Lotus really liked her. 
Ashlynn Davenport (Tomb Raider)
Was born into Trinity. Her father was a sergeant in the Trinity army and her mom was a nurse. 
She liked her life for the most part, loved her parents and friends, but the more she found out about Trinity and all the harm they do she wanted out. Unfortunately they didn’t happen when she was being married off to the Trinity field commander, Konstantin. 
Being married to Konstantin meant moving around a lot, never really staying in one place for too long. Once the mission was done then they moved on. She didn’t mind it, not at first. She liked traveling around and seeing the world, but the stuff Trinity did put a bad taste in her mouth. 
Ash can be quite manipulative when she wants to be. It was something she learned from her dad growing up. 
She helped Lara take down Trinity from the inside when they were looking for the divine source. No one figured it out, all of thinking it was Lara. 
Ashlynn actually loved Konstantin, she just thought his mind was corrupted by his sister and was trying to make him see what was right. So when he died she was pretty pissed and was going to say her true feeling to Ana. Unfortunately the Trinity sniper got to Ana first. Leaving her with a bunch of anger inside her. 
Sawyer Monrow (TLOU)
She was 12 at the time of when the cordycepts outbreak began. Her life was pretty great as well and then over night everything changed. 
Her family ended up at the Hartford QZ, where her and her younger brother went through military training (just like in Boston) to teach them how to kill infected and other humans if necessary. 
Met Joel and Ellie in Pittsburgh. She was with Henry and Sam at the time and after their deaths she stayed with them and made the trek to Jackson. 
She can be very standoff-ish at first glance. It’s how she acts in this apocalyptic world, more so to protect herself and because she doesn’t trust people. 
Started a relationship with Joel a year and a half later. He was the first person she really let in and was happy for the few years they were together. She even considers Ellie like a little sister. 
She lost her family when the Hartford QZ fell. She tried to save her brothers, but couldn’t. That still haunts her to this day. 
Phaedra Alexeyev (Werewolf The Apocalypse) 
She’s very good at backstabbing and manipulating people. All thanks to her former caern. A part of her hates it, but the other knows how in handy it can be. 
She was born at the Shadow Lords Thunderstrike Sept, Ural Mountains, Russia. Close to the city of Chelyabinsk. 
Phaedra and Cahal became a surrogate family after they both had to kill a family member. 
Always the first ready to jump into the action. When there’s a fight she’s on the front lines, she’s not going to miss out. And she just likes to fight in general. 
She born under a full moon making her have the Ahroun Auspices.The Full Moon makes the Ahroun the living weapon of Gaia. They are the warrior among a race of warriors, the champion of a martial people. Ever ready to kill, and to die if need be.
Her name means Bright Defender. 
Emma Ross (Stargate Atlantis)
Joined the Marines to help pay for her college tuition. She surprisingly enjoyed it and continued to serve as she got her degree in science. 
Lived a very mundane life growing up. Had two wonderful parents, a good upbringing, nothing exciting really happened. Which might have been the reason she joined the military. 
The hardest thing she has to do is lie to her friends and family when she was transferred over to the Atlantis expedition. Being so far away from them sucks, but with the Daedalus she has more of a chance to go visit them.   
As much as she’s in danger, she’s never felt more alive than being on Sheppard’s team. All the action just makes her blood pump. 
Ronon calls her ‘red’ due to her being a red head. She finds it kinda funny. 
She’s very friends and loves to strike up conversations whenever she can. Getting to know more people on Atlantis made living there easier. 
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robert-j-t-wilson · 2 years
Chapter 4
Word Count: 895
I didn't realized how much time passed after the incident with the sniper, MI5 managed to lure her into a trap where Mycroft Holmes was the target; I thought for a very brief moment that the gap between both services had closed, at least for a few moments, I planned most of the operation I was even there when we shot the sniper, thankfully we got her alive, the interrogation didn't worked at all, the little information we got was encrypted and both the MI5 and British Government, have been working on everything. I do know that Mycroft Holmes left the country and based on what I heard back in the day, I believe Serbia is his destiny, I just want everything to be ok
"Something troubling your mind?" My sister finally came to visit me, it was time, I had to meet my nieces. Lisa got married on 2010 with an Aussie, nice chap, was in the military and everything  but she's my sister, and I felt jealous of him, being honest I really didn't spend much time with her when I was a child, I got separated from my parents when I was very young, is a long story I might tell later
"Just thinking about everything really, the whole attack and the message", to give my sister some credit, she managed to climb up through the Australian Government and have a good position  on it
"How have you been?, I brought your nieces so you could meet them but right now they are asleep"
"Don't worry, I'll see them later but, tell me, how was it?, carrying twins" I was surprised when I got the call from my brother-in-law that I was an uncle of two girls
"I mean, nothing you don't hear about, you have pain and suffer but in the end it was worth it", I swore that her eyes lighted up when she talked about her girls, "Robbie, I came because I wanted you to be a Godfather, for both of them, Zach and I are planning to have the christening after the holidays in Scotland, I couldn't thought of anyone but you"
I was flabbergasted I couldn't speak, for me it was more than an honour, "Are you serious?, of course I would love to, and the christening happening in Scotland, thank you" I was about to cry that even a tear fell off my right cheek
A few hours passed and I got to meet my nieces Alexandra and Caitlin, they look so much like their mother, fine nose, grayish eyes, small lips and were redheaded, that bit was from their dad, I fell in love for them knowing that the possibilities of me making a family were reduced to almost none
Christmas was here, the holidays were here and I was in Scotland, my mothers family house; I get to spend time with my family mothers twice every year, on the summer holidays and on the Christmas holidays though in these holidays I split up between Balmoral and Sandringham; having a Dukedom is not that easy and, although my siblings are also members of the Royal Family, I am the one representing them due to the Dukedom, it is a hereditary title I got from my Grandfather, my mom's father, he died in 2001 and since then I have been known as the Duke of Surrey
"Robbie, sweetheart, dinner's ready" my grandmother called
"I'm coming gan-gan, just finishing some work I have to deliver tomorrow" I grabbed my tux jacket and headed to the hall
"But tomorrow is Christmas, are you really going back to London tomorrow?" I heard her comment on, she doesn't like my job that much due to this incidents, working on the holidays
"Unfortunately yes, I'll come back for Lisa's daughters Christening" I saw her face change, "aw, but don't worry, you'll see me around more often, I asked for a small holiday extension so I'll be here, also, I will come in the summer, that is something I have never missed, have I?", I saw her share a little giggle; summer holiday used to be the time when my mom's parents spent more time together, we never missed a single summer holiday since he died, we all made a vow to gan-gan
"It is good that Lizzie give you a bit of time off, you have been working so hard in this Jubilee preparation I thought you were going to explode"
The night went on as any normal family would have Christmas, following royal tradition we opened that night our gifts, I played Christmas carols on the piano and people joined to sing, of course the drinks were on and we all were a bit boozed up but no one cared, we where with each other and we couldn't enjoy it more
Christmas arrived, I left Balmoral at 7:00 in the morning, my next mission waited in London, although I was officially removed from MI5, they still made use of my abilities every now and then, this was no different; Arriving at the MI5 headquarters I greeted everyone in the room and sat down for the instructions
"Admiral, we are going to need you to spy on someone" the director general commented, "you cannot screw this mission, we need eyes in the British Government"
"And will you explain on whom I need to spy?" I replied
"Who do you think, The British Government itself, Mycroft Holmes"
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mickmundy · 2 years
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a masterpost of some of my sniper headcanons! just some of my personal thoughts on his character and things he'd like, dislike, hobbies, etc!
while he prefers nonfiction, he also enjoys reading fiction and poetry. he used to read all of his mom's old books cover to cover and there would almost always be a book stashed somewhere outside that he could read between chores (or if/when he had a minute to himself).... thrashed paperback books shoved under hay bales or left to fade in the sun in the back of his old man's truckbed etc...
enjoys old movies and does Not shy away from romances, dramas, etc. he has memories of staying up late with his mom and watching them or listening to radio serials with her. they just Hit The Spot for him and while its maybe not something he'd Openly Admit, he's definitely not ashamed of it!
he loves the ocean. loves to surf, is an incredible swimmer. never really sought the ocean out but once he visited he was like Ohhh I Love This. is fascinated by marine life and learning about it! can hold his breath for a really long time too. sniping/shooting breathing control practice, y'know!
very knowledgeable about medicine. my love for medic/sniper aside, i think it only makes practical sense that he'd have a pretty extensive knowledge of herbs, remedies and medicines that he could easily craft/make/use on himself! he'd also know how to suture and dress wounds. he survived on his own for a long time before medic and his medigun came along, after all!
made money in his youth between jobs at being a pretty good taxidermist. big game hunting was an easy and fun hobby to do and his knowledge and appreciation for animals led him to being interested in the preservation of them. still enjoys doing it now too!
has a surprising(?) lack of knowledge about vehicles. knows where to shoot to sabotage them, but little about the upkeep of his own. knows he should just let engineer look at his van and fix her up, but his home is very personal to him so that is not something that comes easy!
doesn't like asking for help. was raised Not to ask for help, "because you're only as capable as you teach yourself to be". if you do help him, he'll thank you and genuinely mean it, but he won't go out of his way to ask you for assistance unless it's something minor or he's Extremely desperate.
would literally you rather see him naked than have an emotionally-compromising conversation with you. you'll see his whole tacklebox before he tells you how he's really feeling!
despite his stoic/silent nature, he is not very... emotionally mature. has trouble articulating his feelings. this does not mean he's devoid of them by any means! just has trouble getting them out there in a way that would make sense to others. lots of repression lots of internalized things he has to work out... hopefully someday!
enjoys classical, jazz, blues, and country (think Outside of the american genre lmao) music. plays the saxophone along to his cassettes when he has a minute! he has rhythm and is quite good!
he has a collection of kitschy mugs/cups and t-shirts that he'd picked up/somehow just Amassed in his travels... he uses the mugs for planters and other purposes besides drinking, mostly to house the herbs, vegetables and fruits he grows in his van!
installed a rack above the sink in his van that he hooks mugs/planters to and grows his own herbs/veggies/fruits. he does canning, keeps preserves and enjoys keeping his hands busy in a way that's practical and, you know, old habits die hard! he doesn't like to be wasteful.
loves being naked. hates underwear and clothes. if he's in his van he's Probably Naked. loves laying on top of his camper and Basking in the sun totally nude if he can get away with it. infinitely prefers the heat to the cold. he hates the colder bases, but you still won't hear him complain!
no matter how much he "tans", he still has Eternal tanlines from his glasses, glove, watch and hat. the right half of him is a bit more tanned than his left* because of the sun blaring on him when he drives. as someone who does a lot of driving this is just a given to me lol
*i reject the notion that his steering wheel would be on the left side lol. no way he got his van in america... i dont believe that for a second.. i dont Care what the canon model says... s;dlkfsd!
is a very clean person. being a survivalist doesn't allow for poor hygiene! getting dirty on the job is just the reality of it; he doesn't mind, but he'll never turn down a hot shower and a fresh change of clothes! wounds, clothes, and body should always be clean when possible.
likes clutter, hates messes. i don't think he's a hoarder but i enjoy the idea of him hanging on to Some stuff. tries to tell himself that everything he owns has Practical Purpose bc he was raised to believe its not worth keeping if it doesn't, but some things he just Enjoys keeping around!
one of the most flattering things you could do for him would be to make him a home-cooked meal. it isn't a gesture he would take lightly! he'd appreciate it a lot, no matter how good or bad it was. personal things like this go a long way with him!
absolutely Not a lightweight. enjoys having drinks after a long shift at work, but his days of getting sloppy are pretty much behind him. enjoys a couple of beers on a quiet night where he can hang out with his owl and decompress.
loves to grill and cook! baking not so much, but he's still decently savvy at it. used to bake with his mom so it's sometimes still a bit of an emotional sore spot. typically makes jams, jellies, sauces, marinades and whatnot with his preserves for meat he cooks.
greatly enjoys birdwatching and knows a myriad of animal calls. has an old worn beat to shit birdwatching/flora/fauna pocket book that he keeps in his back pocket when he goes Out so that he can mark off species he's seen!
adores horses. loves to ride them, take care of them. can stay on one no matter how much it bucks. also has a soft spot for sheep and chickens, too. i think as someone who lives off of the land he just has great appreciation for everything animals can do for people!
can understand quite a few languages from traveling, but doesn't know how to speak them fluently. he did like surprising spy with some... colorful french after letting the other mercenary think he was an illiterate bushman for a couple months, though!
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elionwriter · 3 years
"I need your help, Mando" says Greef Karga in his holo-message one day. "I know how busy you are lately, I wouldn't ask if it wasn't so important and I didn't need someone I trust on this". When Din answers the call he learns the details of the mission: Greef had taken so much at heart the renovation and improvement of Nevarro that he had made contact and tried to help cells of patriots of other planets that wanted to attempt the same. One of said groups, on a backwashed planet of the Rim, was having some troubles with a Crime syndicate that thought their efforts would do bad for business. Din's mission was to meet these people and help them plan a strike against the criminal organisation.
Upon reaching the planet and looking around, Din sighs, thinking that it would take a miracle to rehabilitate the place. Everything and everyone is so dirty that he wonders how an epidemic hasn't broken out, the people looks like little, feral animals rather than sentients and he's pretty sure there are some commercial traffics going on that had been banned long before the Empire. Then again, he isn't really surprised, the laws and enforcements of the New Republic don't reach this part of the Galaxy, these planets don't even have representatives in the Senate to speak up for them. They're on their own.
It's as Din is waiting in a crowded square for his contact to arrive that he catches a set of eyes fixed on him. He had felt someone following him from the moment he had left his ship but they hadn't come out yet. He looks down at the creature staring at him with hudge magenta eyes, three of them, and quickly realises it's a child, a girl. She's of a species he has never seen before, with bright yellow skin and feathers covering her head (the yellow and fluff or her feathers is dampered by the grease and dirt), she has four feathery arms and bony legs. She smiles brightly at him and waves. "Need anything, kid?" He asks. "You're sooooo shiny and cool! Can I be your friend?" She asks, voice full of awe. There is no deception in that statement and Din chuckles at it. Patiently he tries to shoo away the child telling her that he is waiting for someone and that things are about to get dangerous.
She's completely undeterred by his words, smile still plastered on her face. So he follows a different line: "Shouldn't you go back to your parents?" " No." "Are they around here?" "No" "Aren't they worried you're out here on your own?" "No" He considers it a moment then asks "Do you...have parents?" "No" she answers with the same airly smile of before. "Anyone that takes care of you?" "No" "A home to go back to?" "No" "Friends...?" "Everyone is my friend. Do you also want to be my friend?" Din sighs, starting to loose patients, wondering what the hell is his contact waiting for to show up. Before he can say anything else the kid points at his blaster "Did you kill anyone with that?" "Yes, I did." "Cooool! Was it a really bad guy? Did a lot of blood come out?" As a last resort Din pulls out a handful of credits and proposes "If I buy you something to eat, will you leave?" She thinks it over a second and asks "can I have caramelled Meiloorun?" Din nods "Even the big one?" Din gets her the treat and watches her skip away happily. It's not long after that he is approached by the right hand man of the organisation he's supposed to aid.
He is brought back to their headquarters and they discuss matters out. Din is surprised to find that they are a group of very level minded and shrewd kids with very good projects for the future and feels more prompted to help them out. They study a plan to strike against the criminal organisation and call it a night. Din is welcomed to stay at their place. As he steps out of the run down building to catch a breather and take a look around he finds the same kid from before waiting for him outside. He asks how long she has been standing there and finds she had been standing there for almost the entirety of his stay. "Hadn't we agreed that you would leave?" He asks "I did leave. Then I came back!" Din sighs. She asks for his name but luckily doesn't really wait for an answer before giving her own. "My name is Ky'lla. Are we friends now?" Din tries very hard to mentally create an interference over the name. Learning her name is definitely not wise and he wonders why she is so stubborn on the idea of befriending him of all people. But as he notices the way she studies with shiny eyes his armour he thinks he starts to understand. "Are you following me because you like my armour?" "Yes! I like shiny things and this is the shiniest thing I've ever seen! Also, you're big and buff and you're really nice too! You bought me candy! Nobody ever buys me candy!" She says excitedly. Din known he shouldn't ask but the question is out before he can stop himself. "Where do you come from? What happened to your family?" She thinks it over a moment then points her finger towards the sky "My homeworld is in that direction. I came here with mom, but mom died a long time ago'. It's sad but I have a lot of friends now." Something tells Din that all the "friends" she talks about are just a bunch of random strangers and passer bye; that befriending everyone she meets is the kid's subconscious response to her loss. "Don't you remember the name of your planet? Or of any planet nearby?" "No. But I am pretty sure it's in that direction" she says pointing in a different position of the sky altogether. "And...were the people of your planet all of your same species?" "Yes, they were." Great, Din thinks, there's really nothing he can do for Ky'l..THE KID considering he has no idea where "there" in space is and has never seen anyone of her likes before. He sees her yawning. Well, there is one thing he can do. "Do you have anywhere to sleep?" "There's the back alley a few streets over with comphy sacks..." She answers and Din pushes her inside the building "tonight you're sleeping in here" he says directing her towards the room meant for him. She flops over on the bed and asks "can you tell me a story?" "Go to sleep" "But if you killed people you must know stories of battles and duels! Can you tell me the most scary one you know?" Din sighs but for some reason finds himself flopping on the floor, near the bed and telling her what they told him, the first nights he was brought into the covert, of the Mythosaurs and how the Mandalorians learned to tame and fly them. He falls asleep as the words and memories cling to him, as he envisions the pendant with the Mythosaur skull he had given Grogu. The pain for loss of him spreads through his tired body like a fresh wound. Ky'lla falls asleep whispering with awe the word "Mandalorian".
In the morning, he wakes her up, gives her a few ration packs and tells her that she really must stop following him now. For the first time she looks actually sad, but doesn't protest as she goes.
Din catches up with the rest of the group and together they prepare the assault to the criminal syndacate's main objective. At first everything goes as planned but quickly things get messy. Din realizes he has to expose himself more than he intended. Firing up the jetpack, he flies up to the targeted power generator and places a frag mine over it. He fires at will at all the enemies that try to approach but one expecially sneaky killer works his way behind him and, preparing his sniper rifle, aims at a junction in between Din's armour. Din notices him a moment too late as the trigger snaps. He braces for an impact that doesn't come. He looks at the man with surprise and finds terror and bewildermente on the other's face as well as he tries to fire over and over. The rifle is insistently empty. Din takes the moment and turns it to his advantage firing his own blaster which knocks the assassin down cold. "I was the one to steal the rifle's charges. Was I good or what!?" Chirpes in a familiar voice. Din is only partially surprised to find Ky'lla popping out of nowhere, proudly waving the rifle's cartridge around. He wants to thank her, ask her how in kriffin hell she managed that and scold her for putting herself in danger's way for him but his pragmatic mind refrained from that. He quickly pulls the child in his arms and flies them both away from there moments before the charge on the power generator goes off in a hudge explosion. "Whoaaa" Ky'lla exclaimes over his shoulder as flames and electric shocks destroy the surrounding space. The patriots cheer happily below as the last standing members of the criminal syndacate run away.
Din is celebrated like a hero but he pays the compliments no mind. One of the young women of the group cuts off a ringed finger from one of their victims and tosses it to Din "there's a hudge bounty on this one! You should collect it, it's the least we can do to thank you." Din accepts the prize and parts ways with the group, Ky'lla following him around like a shadow. When he reaches his new ship and opens the ramp to it Ky'lla takes a shy step backwards and says "I guess it's goodbye, then. It was nice being your friend..." Din smirks at her from behind the helmet and says "Do you really think I don't know you're just going to sneak into the ship somehow? Let's save time and come in." Ky'lla looks at him in disbelief "you really mean it?!" Din signals her to follow and with a high pitched squeel she goes to hug his legs. "I've got some friends, I'm sure one of them will accept to take care of you" he says, even as part of him already knows that the kid will stick to his side.
Din prepares the launch sequence and soon they are travelling in hyper space. He sends Ky'lla to immediately take a shower in the 'fresher and in the meantime he sends a message to Karga to report on the end of the mission and to prepare the money for the bounty he collected.
Ky'lla comes back to the cockpit looking ten times brighter and fluffier than she did before. "Since I'm staying with you for a while, can you teach me to fight like you do?!" Asks the child. "I could be very good! With four arms I could grab the bad guys from the scruff and tickle them to death!" She says stating her case. "Do you really want that? It's a difficult and intense training..." "Sure! And can I have an armour like yours too?!" "You must become a Mandalorian and earn each piece of it to have one." He says carefully testing the ground. "Then that's what I want to be: a Mandalorian! Can I?" "Well, technically everyone can become a Mandalorian..." "THAT'S AWESOME! Till yesterday I was no one and now I'm gonna become a Mandalorian!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" The child starts running around bursting at the seams with happiness. Din laughs. "I want to learn everything there is to know about Mandalorians!" She exclaims and Din sighs out a "Yeah, so do I" "Why, don't you know everything about them already? You are one" He explains that there are very few Mandalorians left, that a lot of their history and culture has been wiped out and that he had very limited access to what was left growing up.
Eventually, the kid tires out and falls asleep in her seat. Din looks back at her and replays all the recent events in his mind, trying to figure out just how he found himself with a new kid under his responsibility. This had been a wrong move. The last time he did so broke his heart and even if it was the right thing to do, he doesn't know if he can get over that same loss again. His latest adventure however lights up a sudden and inspired idea in his mind. He reaches for the console and sends out two holo messages. One to Luke Skywalker and the other to Bo-katan Kryze asking her where to meet up and stating with confidence that he has a proposition for her.
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kyber-crystal · 4 years
Maybe It’s Meant To Be
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Words: ~3.7k
Summary: Sometimes, love finds people in unexpected ways. In this case, fate has extra special plans for America’s golden boy and one of SHIELD’s best agents in history. And you know there’s no running away from fate once she’s set out your futures for you. 
Warnings: mentions of violence and blood, angst, and once again, soft steve :)
A/N: I haven’t attempted a soulmate AU in over a year. this is one of my fav works but it’s really poorly written rip. The age gap between you and Steve is ~3 years. 2017 AU where they made up after the Accords :) Steve’s back with his WS look bc that suit was hot af
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You'd heard plenty about them growing up. Seeing your parents' perfect relationship blossom over the years piqued your interest, and for the longest time, your only wish was to find someone who could love you with their whole heart and soul and mind, like the way your Mom and Dad loved each other.
Unfortunately, as all stories must come to an end, love stories had to find their ending. And not all of them ended on a high note.
Their jobs should've kept them apart from the beginning. Your mother was head surgeon at one of the best hospitals in Brooklyn, and your father was head of SHIELD's navy division. Constantly out and about, they were rarely granted any time to rest. Yet they still found a way to make things work; and it all started because of a run-in at a café around the corner.
Then when you were fifteen, you got word that your father had been deployed overseas again, but this time, he wasn't coming back.
You had to stand there and watch your mother slowly fall apart, breaking down a little more each day until she fell gravely ill. A mere week after her diagnosis of cardiomyopathy, she passed away in her sleep.
A person's soulmark didn't appear at a specific time. It could show up at any point in their lives, when the Gods believed the time was right for them. When those Gods felt the time was right for you to find out who it was, you'd feel a slight tingle where the mark was etched into your skin.
Some people didn't receive the soulmark at all. Along with this came a sense of freedom to fall in love with whoever they pleased, but often times it would end in a loveless relationship. But they were additionally granted the ability of being able to carry on by themselves.
If your soulmate got injured in any way, you would feel the same pain that they endured. And if they died, you would carry a weight around with you for the rest of your life that slowly progressed into a disease. So ultimately, those left in the world without their soulmate would also die in the end, further proving the claim of humans being unable to live without love.
One by one, you watched your friends find their match. They would excited come up to you, goofy grins on their faces as they showed you their marks. You were happy for them in the beginning, of course. But as years went by, and you passed adulthood with still no sign of your designated soulmark, you slowly began losing hope. There was no point in looking forward to the future when you watched one fall apart before your very eyes.
Maybe it was because of your job. None of the Avengers had received their soulmarks either, asides from Tony and Pepper. But they were an exception. Everyone could see it coming from the day they first met, judging by the way they lovingly gazed at each other from across the room. It was a match made in heaven.
You believed that maybe, just maybe, you were destined to be alone. So when you woke up one morning with the burn mark on your wrist, you were taken completely by surprise.
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"Hey, Tony? Bruce?" you asked, walking into the lab with a frown. "I need to ask you guys a quick question."
"Ask away, Killer," Tony nodded, using the nickname he'd given you years ago when you first joined the initiative. "What's on your mind?"
"So, um..." you fiddled with the sleeve of your sweatshirt for a moment, before pulling it up to reveal the mark, "this happened."
"That's a soulmark," he stated.
"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock," you rolled your eyes. "But why would it appear now? I don't see any sign of me meeting them anytime soon."
"When did it appear?"
"I don't know. I woke up this morning and saw it."
"Let me take a look at that," Bruce carefully took ahold of your wrist, squinting as he adjusted his glasses to peer at the mark, "huh. So it appeared last night...have you felt any side-effects?"
"Not that I know of yet, no..."
"If you start feeling any severe symptoms, I can prescribe you some medication to deal with the pain, though I doubt that's going to happen. In the meantime, we need to figure out who this could be."
"Imagine if it was someone who already died, and I'm slowly dying right now," you joked.
"No, if that were to be true, you'd be lying in a hospital bed right now."
"Does the symbol have any specific meaning?"
"That I'm not so sure about," Tony shrugged.
Bruce was silent as he began typing away for a bit, before turning the screen over to you.
"I've checked out over a dozen different sites about this, and..."
"And what?"
"Well...once both people discover their mark, they have a week to find each other before both of them disappear off the face of the earth, forever."
"Sounds like a damn time bomb to me," you muttered. "What the hell? I thought that the point of this whole thing was the gods trying to push us with someone else! Not the other way around!"
"I don't know, Y/N," Bruce sighed. "Feel free to do your own research, but everything I've read up on so far says the same thing."
"So basically, what you're telling me is I'm gonna die if I don't find out who the hell has this same mark as I do," you repeated.
"Unfortunately, yes."
"Well, I'll have to worry about that later. Got a briefing with Cap, Bucky, and Wilson in five. Fury's gonna kill me if I'm late again," you breathed out as you tugged your hoodie's sleeve back down. "See ya."
"Agent Y/N," Nick Fury gave you a curt nod as you burst into the meeting room, breathless. "I hope you slept well last night."
"Of course."
"I need you four to track down a weapons dealer in Skagway," he explained as he handed Steve a black manila file folder, "shut down the base, download the intel onto the flashdrive. You’ll be staying at a safe house in Juneau afterwards for about a week to keep things on the down-low in case something goes wrong. Simple in-and-out job."
"When are we leaving?" Sam questioned.
"You're taking off in half an hour. Suit up."
You sighed. Finding your soulmate would just have to wait, then.
"Y/N, look out!"
You quickly whipped around and narrowly missed a bullet whizzing past you, as Steve tugged you around the corner, an arm wrapped firmly around your torso as he hid you both behind his shield.
You gasped as you felt a sharp pain in your chest, and Steve immediately pulled away from you in alarm, gripping your shoulders worriedly. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you panted, trying to steady your rapid breathing, “I’m fine. But we’re gonna have to split up from here if we wanna get the job done faster.”
“Y/N, I can’t-”
“Steve,” you interrupted, the firm tone of voice making him immediately shut up. “I can handle myself just fine.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure! Go find Sam and Bucky, and I’ll meet you guys by the rendezvous point as soon as I’m done. Okay?”
“Alright.” He looked around for a moment before stepping away, as if he was hesitant to leave you on your own.
Ignoring the slight ache in your chest, you parted ways, darting down the hall with your guns up and ears alert. 
From there, it was easy to fall into your usual routine. Keep all eyes and ears open; don’t hesitate, shoot on sight unless ordered otherwise. If necessary, engage powers but if not, use your fists or bullets. The mantra repeated itself over and over in your head as you followed through with your job.
You hid behind a tower of wooden crates, back pressed up against the steel walls. “Sam. Status update?”
“Controls room with Barnes, disabling all security systems. Steve’s retrieving intel from the north wing. You?”
“Outside on standby,” you murmured, keeping a finger pressed to your ear. Three technicians were loading equipment onto crates as the other six stood guard several yards away. “I make nine hostiles on the load dock straight ahead at twelve o’clock. Three dozen in total scattered around the area. Most likely preparing for an overseas arms trade. We’ll have to stop them.”
“And...done. We’re heading your way,” Bucky reported. “Be there in three.”
“Roger that.”
Exactly three minutes and two seconds later Bucky showed up, with Steve and Sam in tow. You came out from your hiding spot and began making your way towards the loading dock where the agents were stationed. They were quick to stop what they were doing and noticed the four of you approaching, whipping their snipers out and proceeding to open fire.
Your breath came out in white wisps of fog as you got caught in between a fistfight with one of the three dozen men on the docks, the freezing cold slowing all your movements and making them feel more sluggish than usual. If it weren’t for the thick material of your suit and your enhancements, you would’ve succumbed to the harsh weather hours ago.
The man captured you into a tight headlock with his thick arm but despite your frostbite you were too fast; you quickly whipped around and grabbed his wrist, twisting it to the side. His eyes widened slightly as he cried out in pain, the sickening crunch of bone echoing through the frigid Alaskan air as you swiftly dodged each one of moves as he attempted to come at you, countering with a sharp right hook to his jaw. 
His body slumped to the ground with a thump. 
“Why the hell do you even carry around a sniper if your fists do all the work for you?” Sam yelled over the cacophony as he released Redwing, swooping down from the rooftops. “Seriously, you don’t need guns! You’re strong enough as it is!”
“I prefer versatility in fights, Wilson!” you yelled back, grunting as you dodged a blow to the stomach, sweeping out your attacker’s feet from underneath him as his head smacked against the wall, before sliding down to the ground with a dull thud. 
“Y/N, look out-” Bucky called out, but it was too late. You didn’t get to hear his warning in time before you felt something cold and hard hit your lower abdomen. A yell of pain ripped through your throat as you felt a sticky warmth spread across your skin, your knees hitting the ground as you clutched the wound.
At that exact moment, Steve felt a sharp pain flare up his side as well. “Shit,” he cursed to himself, “Buck, cover me so I can get to her.”
You were barely clinging on to life by the time he reached you. Your breathing was heavy and labored, your eyes beginning to roll back as you struggled to stay awake. Everything hurt. Your arms and legs felt like they were weighed down with bricks. You couldn’t move. You couldn’t open your mouth to scream, either - you had no energy left to do so.
“Come on, Y/N, stay with me, please stay with me,” he muttered as he began carefully applying pressure to your wound. You let out a hiss of pain at the same time he did. “Just hang in there for me, please. Sam’s getting the Quinjet ready. We’re gonna get out of here in just a few minutes, okay? Please don’t die on me.”
“Look, if I don’t make it-”
“Don’t say that,” he spoke in between clenched teeth while fighting back tears of his own, “you’re not going to die. Not today, not tomorrow, and certainly not on my watch.”
“Steve…” you croaked out, the stinging from the wound almost becoming impossible to bear. Your eyes were becoming heavier by the second, your body throbbing painfully now that all the adrenaline had worn off. It was a struggle just to take in a single breath and to stay awake. "I'm so tired, I can't do this anymore..."
He disappeared from your line of sight as your began seeing spots at the edges of your vision momentarily, before reappearing and pulling you into his lap, trying to put pressure on the area of injury again in an attempt to stem the bleeding. But it didn’t seem to work. There was so much blood. So much of it, coming out so fast. There was no way you’d last out here for longer than ten minutes before bleeding to death.
"Stay with me..." he murmured as he looked up around him. "Hang in there for a few more minutes, please…Damn it, Sam, how much longer is this gonna take? Y/N’s down. We gotta get her to the safe house as soon as we can. She’s bleeding out.”
"Three minutes, tops. I’m circling the perimeter as an extra precaution," Sam replied. "You guys hang tight for a sec."
"We don't have time!" he raised his voice. "Just hurry the hell over here."
"I'm so sorry," you choked out before going into a coughing fit, blood dripping down your lips and chin much to Steve’s alarm. "I'm sorry for everything, I'm sorry for being reckless and not keeping a look ou—"
"Shhh, it's okay," he soothed, "There’s nothing to be sorry about. Just save your energy for later, okay? You're gonna be just fine."
"Hold my hand," you begged hoarsely.
"I already am," the super-soldier answered, but his look shifted to that of an alarmed one when he realized you couldn't feel it. "Y/N—"
"I'm cold," you said weakly, already feeling your limbs grow heavy and numb and your vision growing blurrier with each passing second. "I'm so tired, Cap, I just wanna sleep—"
"No no no, please don't leave me," he pleaded as he felt his head begin to spin as well. Where had the sudden wave of dizziness come from? "Hang in there for a little longer, please, I l—"
You didn’t get to hear the rest of his sentence before your eyes fluttered shut and everything went dark.
When you came to, your throat felt dry and raw, the metallic taste of dried blood around your lips and chin overwhelming your senses as you adjusted your eyes to the harsh bright lights streaming into the room. It looked like you were in some sort of antique coastal house, strangely void of belongings with the only decoration being a plain floral calendar hung on the wall opposite you, above the fireplace.
You were still in your suit, but your wound had been treated and wrapped up in a thick set of bandages. The couch you were on was old but extremely comfortable, so you found yourself not wanting to sit up at the same time you wanted to get up and look around.
The blinds were drawn shut, but the sunlight still managed to shine through. It was light outside, but you  weren’t sure what time it really was. The walls were a dull grey, and if you listened hard enough you could hear the faint ticking of a nearby clock and probably Bucky or Sam talking on the phone upstairs with someone in hushed whispers.
You finally pulled yourself up into a sitting position, glancing around at your surroundings. Someone quietly entered the living room and you looked up to see Steve. His shoulders sagged in relief upon seeing that you were awake.
“Hey,” his voice came out so softly it took both of you by surprise. You moved over slightly to make room for him to sit. “How are you feeling?”
“Like crap,” you groaned lightly, feeling a dull ache in your stomach where you’d been hit. “But other than that, I’m fine. What about you? Did you get hurt anywhere?”
“Body aches that come and go, but I’m fine. It isn’t your place to be worrying about me right now though, Y/N. You got shot.”
The curtains fluttered and a cool breeze rushed in, making you shiver. Steve took notice and stood up to go light up the fireplace, then sat back down and wrapped the fleece blanket around your body. You let out a small sigh of contentment. “Thanks.”
“Are you sure you’re alright? You knocked out for over twenty-six hours .”
“I’m fine, Steve, just tired...hey, how’s Bucky and Sam?”
“Sam’s upstairs radioing Fury on the mission status. Bucky’s taking a nap in the guest room.”
“Oh. Okay. So, I-” you were interrupted by a sharp stabbing sensation in your wrist. “Ow. Fuck.”
“Language,” he joked lightly, but when he saw the obvious pained expression on your face, his face fell. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Just...I get those random pains from time to time. I don’t know why, but...they’ve gotten worse since we took off for Skagway and then came here...”
“I’m so sorry,” he apologized, eyes glassy with unshed tears, “I should’ve kept a closer watch over you. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault. It’s mine...I should’ve watched my own back better.”
You both fell into an awkward silence for several minutes before he spoke up again, the realization finally dawning on him. 
"Your wrist."
Your brows furrowed in confusion as you looked down and saw the star glowing brightly, sending a white-hot pain down your arm. "What about it?"
Steve pulled at his shirt's sleeve for a few seconds before lifting it up to reveal the same exact symbol.
"We're soulmates," you breathed out, the realization hitting you like a flash flood.
"Yeah, I guess we are, huh," he smiled softly.
“W-when did yours appear?”
“Monday afternoon.”
“Mine appeared in the morning...I showed it to Tony and Bruce and they said I had a week to find who it was or both me and my soulmate would die. So I guess we got lucky, huh? Only four more days, then...”
“Yeah, we did,” he exhaled. “I’m glad you’re the one. I can’t imagine living out the rest of my life with anyone else.”
“But Peggy...”
“She found her soulmate decades ago,” he explained, “which explained why our relationship was so short-lived. I didn’t expect to find mine...especially not after coming out of the ice. Maybe I had this coming from the get-go, I’d wonder...”
“Then how come they’d appear now?” Your brows furrowed together in confusion. “I don’t get it. We’ve known each other for years.”
“Because it was only this year that I accepted it.”
“Accepted what?”
“That I’d fallen in love with you, and I kept that inside for far too long.”
“You...what?” You were officially rendered speechless. 
“Yeah,” he chuckled lightly, face breaking into a gorgeous, million-dollar grin before turning serious again, lowering his voice. “Y/N, I’m in love with you. You are my infinity and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. You’re my present and my future, and I hate that I couldn’t see that sooner. I should’ve known from the start that Peggy and I wouldn’t work out, but I never understood why...until I met you. I didn’t believe in the concept of soulmates because I felt I was undeserving of that love, but then you came along...and I started hoping and praying I’d find someone who’d love me as much as I love you. So now that I know for sure it’s you, that it always has been and always will be...I couldn’t be more happier that you’re my soulmate.”
You didn’t realize you were crying until he reached forward to brush your hair away from your face and wipe the stray tears that fell, before wrapping an arm around you and gently pulling you towards him.
“God, I made you cry, I’m so sorry,” he choked on a sob of his own. “I’m the worst.”
“I’m not mad at you, Steve,” you sniffed as you wiped your nose with your sleeve, and looked up and cracked a small grin. “You’re just so cheesy.”
“Can I kiss you?” he whispered, so quiet you almost didn’t catch what he said. 
“You can kiss me any day, Captain,” you smiled.
“I love you more than you know.”
“I know. I love you too.”
He then brought a hand up to cup your face, allowing his thumb to lightly skim against your cheek, his warm breath fanning against your skin.
When his lips met yours, it was like you were turning back the clock. Everything in the world stopped and held its breath,  and all the hurt, all the sadness and heartache and pain bottled up inside your body, washed away.
The sound of Sam’s screeching made you finally break apart for air. You could’ve been like that for two minutes, two hours, or two weeks, you weren’t sure.
You blushed and quickly averted your gaze. 
Steve’s face was as red as a tomato. “Yeah. We are.”
“Come on, man,” Bucky groaned, reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out a crumpled twenty-dollar bill. “We’re gonna head back home soon, anyways! And you’re not even poor.”
“A bet’s a bet, Barnes.”
“Of course you two bet on it,” you groaned. “Classic Sambucky activity.”
“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride, Captain Rogers,” Fury announced, a rare smile gracing his normally stoic features. 
Steve did his best not to break down sobbing as he slid the ring onto your finger. With the backdrop of the waves gently crashing against the shore and the sun slowly sinking lower and lower into the horizon, he leaned down and cupped your face in his hands, passionately pressing his lips to yours. Your soulmarks glowed brightly in tandem, lighting up in a brilliant gold hue. 
Needless to say, there wasn’t a single dry eye in the house. 
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