#also sibling vibes
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Hey :)
how about some intense action and angst for our beloved Thenamesh?
The Eternals are fighting deviants as always but this particular fight is different. They are stronger so for the first time Thena actually struggles against 2 pretty big and strong ones so Gil jumps in between them and fights both of them and telling Thena she should help the others because they are struggling too. It’s a hard fight and throughout the fight gets injured more and more without any of them noticing it. He kills both of them and when the others are coming to him to discuss future steps they realize how badly he is injured. (You know like broken bones,badly bleeding and more)
Thena pulled her staff from the head of the last Deviant of the pack. She looked around, taking in the full scale of the destruction caused. The city was in ruin around them, with crumbled buildings and spots of flame dotted around them. "Everyone here?"
Ikaris landed in front of her, watching for Sersi to emerge with the other Thinkers from the back lines of their fight. Makkari slowed to a speed their eyes could follow, walking back alongside Kingo. They all had some sign of the fight's toll in them.
"I've never seen so many at once," Ikaris addressed the team, looking around at them as the sun set. "Or ones so large. We should-"
The other Eternals looked over at the haunted sounding whisper.
"Where's Gilgamesh?" Thena asked aloud, although it was clear she didn't expect an answer from any of them. She walked forward, pushing past Ikaris as if he weren't even there.
"Thena," he growled at her as she moved him out of her way. His feet just barely left the ground, "we have to talk."
"Gil?" she called out, barely above a whisper.
"Hey!" Emerging from a pile of rubble, the Strongest Eternal waved at them. He had his usual smile on, but it had some other conditions along with it. Blood from his head was running down his face, making him close one eye against it. The hand that wasn't waving was lying limp--dangling at the end of a useless arm. He was hobbling.
The Warrior Eternal - the Goddess of War herself - ran, throwing herself forward before he could fall. She caught him, pulling his head against her shoulder, into the crook of her neck. She lowered them to the ground, letting him crumple around her.
"Gil," she squeezed his arms, although he groaned. She could feel the breaks in his bones, the swelling around his strained muscles. She nudged his head gently, immediately able to see where the Deviant had bitten or clawed his head through his thick black hair. His knee was probably all but shattered.
"Gil!" the rest of the Eternals rushed over in concern for their teammate.
They all stumbled to a halt as Thena held him to her, glaring at them the same way she would any enemy. They could all feel the air around them crackling with her energy.
"No one is coming anywhere near him," she ordered, holding them at bay from their own brother. "Go get Ajak. Bring her here."
"Thena," Phastos dared to reason with the most stubborn Eternal. "We can take him back into the temple. She can-"
"No!" Thena barked again, holding Gil tighter, instinctively protesting to anything that might separate her from him. "I'm not making him take another step!"
"We can carry him, T," Kingo suggested. He lowered himself down as he entered her periphery, as if approaching a wild animal defending its wounded mate. He half expected to get hissed and growled at any second now. "Please?"
She shook her head, though, her fingers splaying through his hair at the back of his head, her other hand firmly on his back. "He's hurt, Kingo. He's not going anywhere."
Sersi had yet to speak up, but rather found herself being looked at by the others. She did have arguably the most calming presence of the Eternals, Ajak aside--or maybe even included. She tiptoed forward. "Thena, what if..."
Thena looked at her sister, green eyes watery and fragile as frost. She held Gilgamesh tighter, "please, Sersi. He's in so much pain."
Sersi furrowed her brows. She understood both arguments--she really did. The team was firm in their belief in bringing Gil back inside to the Domo. It was how they did things. But Sersi only had to look at Thena, her resolute sister, curled up on the ground and holding the man she loved with screaming desperation.
Sersi placed her palms on the ground, growing a spot of thick, soft grass under the pair. "I'm afraid I can't do much more at the moment. Just stay here."
"Sersi," Ikaris frowned, but she shook her head at him, pulling Makkari with her to retrieve their Prime.
Druig let out a rough sigh, sounding just as done with it all as he always did. Without Makkari by his side, his patience left him. He walked forward, kneeling down in front of them. Thena judged exactly how close was close enough, and he respected her boundary. "Oi, Gil."
The Strongest Eternal let out a painful sounding wheeze.
"You wan'us to move you back 'nside?" Druig mumbled out with his lazy tongue. "Or you wanna wait here?"
Ikaris, Kingo and Phastos all traded looks, debating when they should risk their lives and try to separate Thena from Gil by force. Sprite was eager to watch the carnage if that was the option chosen.
Gil drew in a shaky breath, only to deflate on the exhale. He sagged against Thena even heavier, but the arm he could still used wrapped around her like it would a pillow. He nuzzled against her neck--the only exposed part of her in her armour. "Stay."
Thena turned her head, kissing whatever part of him she reached first that way. "I'm right here."
The others present rolled their eyes (Sprite faked a gagging noise).
Druig patted his knees as he stood again, "well, that's 'at. Nothin' to do but wait."
It wasn't as if it would be hours. Ajak was most likely almost back to them with Sersi and Makkari in tow. They gave their teammates some space, hovering around the created patch of meadow.
Druig sat himself a respectful distance away, back turned to the affections of arguably two of his favourite siblings. Ikaris and Phastos turned away by sheer uncomfortability. Sprite laid down on the ground, now fully uninterested. Kingo joined her.
Thena continued running her fingers through Gil's hair, listening to every pained breath he took and timing her own around them, as if it would help--as if she could alleviate his pain. Every second Gilgamesh suffered was another Deviant she would hunt down and annihilate. "Soon, my love."
Gil sighed, though. The minutes all bled together in his hazy mind, but he supposed it could be worse. For now, he was safely within the embrace of his sweet Warrior Eternal. She was soft, and gentle, and there was no safer place for him to await his healing than in her arms.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 19 days
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Council of lovefools.
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wei wuxian#jiang yanli#jiang cheng#They don't have an actual sleepover in this scene but the vibes were so sleepover coded...I had to get them cozied up.#Late night talks with friends and family are some of the best conversations.#My siblings and I used to have room sleepovers with each other (Actually an excuse to stay up and talk about runescape)#Currently my flatmates and I also have really great heart to hearts late into the night.#Pondering shit like 'What defines confidence?“ and ”Why are people terrified of letting themselves fall in love?"#All that aside; There is a really great conversation between JC and WWX here. They are so close and yet so far way from each other!#Fundamentally they *agree* about many things - but JC now has to play the role of someone more 'mature'.#His temper is reigned in and he had to take a more nuanced approach. Whereas WWX can be far more reactionary.#JC has changed to become someone more mature (or at least he is trying).#Contrast this attitude with the scene *right* after where WWX literally goes baby mode with JYL. Rolling around going “I'm Fwee years old”.#When children are hurt we comfort them with hugs and warm food and a laugh. It's not enough when you're an adult. It's not simple anymore.#WWX is stuck in the past when everyone else is shifting and moving on! It's a depression allegory (and just...actual depression)#But we also get to see how some things have stayed the same. They still bicker about soup. They still tease. They are still together.#They all care for each other very much but they are struggling against trauma and are not equipped to talk about it.#You can't really blame WWX for being so protective over JYL. But JC is right: “You don't have a say in who she likes.”#It may have started as an arranged marriage but *she* is *choosing* what her heart wants. JC sees that. WWX cannot.#The final act of love is letting go after all.
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izzystizzys · 3 months
As High Marshall Commander, a title foisted on him by the Galaxy’s fakest bitch aka Chancellor Palpatine, Fox theoretically has privileges and authorities like no other clone. In practice, he has a headache and gets ignored more obviously than before.
What he also has is a fancy new function on his personal comm unit modified to broadcast GAR-wide to all commanding officers, up to and including Jedi. It gathers dust next to his own modified button that sees much better use - a private channel to Stone, the only vod that will let Fox bitch at him to his heart’s content without hanging up (Thire) or bitching right back (Thorn).
It’s been a long shift of 72 hours, the maximum Stabby allows him to do without a well-placed hypo to the neck, when Fox finally collapses on his rickety cot in the Command quarters and hits the private comm connection to Stone without looking. He’s already rolling his eyes so hard it tweaks at the migraine that’s been building since hour 18 and heaving a put-upon sigh.
“Everyone is stupid, Stone, and asking to be thrown face-first from the Dome balustrades”, he begins, settling into a low, dead tone of voice to warm to the building monologue. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. “I swear to haran I’m going to wring Amedda’s stringy neck one of these days. I don’t know what magical Force gods his mother pissed off, but they made sure to punish her and the Galaxy at large a hundred times over. He sucks the joy and competence out of every room like a black hole of stupid. I’d call him a has-been, but I trust in the power of nepotism and also just don’t believe he ever was. I swear he’s doing it on purpose and - oh, kriffing Sith-damned hells, you know who’s definitely doing it on purpose?! The kriffing Chancellor, that wrinkly ass-faced ballsack!”
Taking a deep breath, Fox lets that sit in his chest for a moment, indulging in the feeling of bright weightlessness. “I swear he’s trying to keep the war going - no one man can be that incompetent and still draw breath, not even Amedda or Taa. Goddamn Taa - but anyways, kriffing hell, Stone, either the senility isn’t an act or he’s a bad cartoon villain from Dooby Scoo. Yes Sir, sending Senator Amidala to a Seppie-infested planet for negotiations is a great idea after her fourth bomb threat of the week. No Sir, I can’t hear you cackling evilly with Count Dooku under your lame two-credit robe as you’re definitely not colluding with the Republic’s enemies. What, you have a red lightsaber?! Oh, of course I don’t know what that means, I was dropped on the head as a tubie!”
Barely pulling in a harsh breath, Fox continues, palms pressing into his eyeballs hard enough to cause sparks. “And speaking of lightsabers and senile fucks, haran smite my ass off but who the kriff thought it’d be a good idea to give absolute tactical and military authority to the kriffing eldritch space monks! The Force didn’t bless them with the collective good sense it gave to a kriffing rock, and I’m tired of pretending otherwise! Has anyone kriffing read the Theed Convention of Sentient Rights in Wartimes?! NO?!! Well, color me UNSURPRISED, because war crimes ARE NOT! GOOD! BATTLE! TACTICS!!”
“They run around in crop tops, Stone, in crop tops! Oh, the Force provides - WELL I’M GOING TO PROVIDE MY FOOT UP YOUR ASS, AND IT’S GOING TO HURT BECAUSE YOU’RE NOT WEARING KRIFFING ARMOUR!”
“Sure, let’s send the preteens into active warzones under heavy artillery in kriffing party wear! Surely nothing will ever go wrong! And give them commanding positions equivalent to CC-clones, WHO WERE LITERALLY GENETICALLY CREATED FOR IT! WITH A DECADE OF INTENSE TRAINING! LET’S DO THAT, BECAUSE WE’RE ALL KRIFFING STUPID!”
He’s gesturing wildly at the ceiling now, face heating up as his blood boils beneath the surface. “And you know what really gets my lowers in a twist, apart from the preteen commanding officers and blatant kriffing high treason and war profiteering?! Is it the complete lack of recognition? Gratitude? Basic sentient rights?! No, Stone, no, I would take all that in stride if it meant I never had to see Skywalker and Amidala kriffing canoodle right in front of me again, and pretend like it isn’t the galaxy’s worst conflict of interest case in the making!”
“By all levels of Sith-hell, what the kriff is wrong with that woman? You have it all, you could have anyone, and you choose that twatwaffle?! And then they have the gall to lock themselves in a broom closet for twenty minutes straight and have me guard it! ‘Oh yes, Senator, naturally we all go rattling brooms with our good friends! Nothing dodgy happening at all! I definitely believe you were looking for detergent and have used a washing machine before!’ The absolute nerve on those two! And then last week - you’ll never believe this - High General Windu passed by, and I swear he looked like he wanted to throw himself off the roof! I’ve never been less impressed by anyone in my life, and I’m batch-mates with Bly!”
“Speaking of Bly, that little bitchtit - if I have to edit one more, one more kriffing propaganda piece of him staring at General Secura’s bits, I’m going to stab my eye out! And if I have to edit one more of Secura staring at his bits, I’m going to stab the other one out! The only good thing I have to say about them is they’re more subtle than Skywalker and Amidala, which means nothing really. I will never understand that woman - but then she’s worked with Jar Jar Binks for a decade and not had a nervous breakdown, so she either has nerves of steel or is on some good-ass drugs.”
“Girl, your choices. And you know what else is a choice? Kote kriffing roundhouse-kicking heads off droids when he has a perfectly good blaster right there! I don’t know what the Longnecks put in his tube, but I hope to kriff it’s not contagious. I’d say I’m glad he has Kenobi to keep him in check, but that man wouldn’t know common sense if it punched his nose clean off his face. Flirting with General Grievous, ugh. I’d say he can do better, but honestly, they deserve each other.”
“And Wolffe - “, panting, Fox pauses, considering. “Well, Wolffe is an asshole and stupid, and I hate him because he’s stupid and has a stupid face. Also he keeps drunkenly submitting adoption paperwork on General Koon’s behalf - I wish I could say something mean about that, but honestly, his existence is roast enough. Anyways, bitches are trying me today, and by bitches I mean everyone. Commander Fox signing off to go not commit treason, unfortunately.”
Thoroughly powered out, Fox sinks into his hard mattress with a deep sigh. Several seconds of silence reign, and then his comm unit starts blaring in alarm.
Somewhere in the Jedi Temple, Mace Windu is knocked flat on his ass by a gargantuan shatterpoint exploding.
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blue-mood-blue · 1 year
Rio’s request for Miles, before everything went way, way off the rails, was to take care of her little boy when no one else would - treat him kindly and remind him that he belongs
How literally do you think Miles is going to take that
Miles (1610): I just want you to know, if nobody else told you today… I love you
Miles (42): No
Miles (1610): I appreciate you and how talented you are at punching things
Miles (42): No shut up
Miles (1610): And even though you’re not a spidey and were prevented from your fate of becoming a spidey due to circumstances outside of your control in a cosmic mistake that only made your life worse, I want you to know… you belong
Miles (42): Shut up shut up shut up I hate you
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il3x · 7 months
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transfems u deserve support & love & respect & to exist without being sexualised & to have your voices heard!
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kaiiyoshii · 18 days
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Finally finished persona 3 so heres some art i made of the besties when it was hot out :p
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loopyarts · 24 days
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A fun little doddle spread of Sanji and his siblings along with Nyasha, Chuji and one Nezumisha as well. :3c
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thorin-is-a-cuddler · 3 months
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These two were unexpectatly adorable this season!
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byunbaekhyunie · 10 months
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@monwillica & @merrybaekmas asked: which EXO member is most like you?
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ashchoo · 10 months
uh yeah I recently just gained motivation to do mob au shit so here ya go
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the family everrrr GRARARAR im normal about them guys trust
hhh tw for blood, slight eye strain and severed head ig
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mob Ashton really goin crazy fr fr…..guess their vampire side is showin now
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also outfit refs cuz yeaaaa :D
[@clownsuu, @thelone-copper, @frenchfry99]
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detectiveforfree · 2 years
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han1c0le · 2 months
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The twins have been untwinned
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thetoyboxs · 5 hours
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As the oldest of four I say I'm qualified enough to say, close enough!
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dragonpyre · 24 days
Finding out Pandaredd is apparently your college friend was a fucking jump scare Jesus
Dude, finding out he was famous on tiktok was a jump scare!
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applepixls · 28 days
watching ren's scootball episode and joel being the aggressive star scootball player? there is so much room for aus and rival scootball team stuff with etho...
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sualne · 28 days
my voice has started to drop and ive been in a near constant state of gender euphoria this week :DD
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