#also hate his uppity mother
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sportygothic · 1 year ago
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 1 year ago
Usher AU Background
Lex is the only full blooded Usher, and thereby feels characteristically entitled to all that entails.
Lena is the first of the bastards to emerge, when her mother dies young. She is the only one of the bastards to grow up with the Ushers-- the others only show up in their late teens/early twenties.
There's obviously some growing pains when new siblings show up, considering Lena would also be late teens early twenties herself, but her kindness typically wins out, none of them really have any kind of beef with her. Except Lex.
Lex doesn't like Lena much once her world starts to expand beyond just the two of them. Especially when her eventual aspirations of running the company clashes with his. He acts like she's some uppity bastard with a false sense of entitlement, but the truth is that Lena threatens him-- she's the only one whose smarts rival his, and she has a keen eye for business and innovation.
Even so, Lena remains the only bastard for whom he holds any modicum of respect. He lets Lena in where bars the others, and when it comes to negotiating with Lex for any reason, it's Lena who's volunteered to do the talking. She knows him best, has the history with him-- which means his eventual crimes and violence impact her the most.
Lillian also holds Lena in a special sort of regard-- and not in a good way. Lillian is the only mother Lena has really known. Where the other bastards show up mostly grown, Lena is one she was to raise. Their relationship mostly resembles CWSG canon, except that when Lena is kidnapped by Metallo, Camille immediately knows that Lillian is behind it.
"That bitch has always had it out for Lena."
Camille and Leo mostly hate Lillian because of how she treats Lena, and try to help Lena distance herself from her adoptive mother and her criticisms.
Not sure if Lena would be familiar with the other bastards' mothers. Probably Camille's and Leo's mothers, since they're close, but maybe probably not any of the others. I imagine that she'd be friendly with Camille and Leo's moms, but not really close. Neither parties are interested in getting all that intimate, but they can hold a friendly conversation.
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creaturefeaster · 1 year ago
jumping back to my tim and hannah ask, I meant like how does gary work with the both of them ykyk?? And how all 3 of their relationships are (friendship wise)
Ohhh I see, okay.
Gary's got a pretty complex relationship between Tim and Hannah actually. Hannah's hometown, before she and her brother moved, was rather close to the main passage to the underground Talpian Dominion. When Hannah was younger she'd often meet up with Gary, who was always being rebellious and crossing the threshold into the land above. They sort of met by chance at first, and Hannah's laidback attitude was easy for Gary to get along with, so they just kept hanging out.
Gary being the person that he is, his overall friendship with Hannah is a bit rocky, being argumentative and a little bit of a grump from time to time. Hannah knows Gary doesn't always mean to be that way, and that he tries to be a decent person, so she still stuck by him.
One day though he just stopped visiting Hannah, after the gaps between his visits had already been lengthening. They got to be pretty good friends, so Hannah was upset about this for a while. But that'd've happened a few years before she moved up closer towards Tim, so she's had time to get past it ^^;.
But where Gary actually ended up, when he finally stopped visiting, was actually up in Little Stone where Tim lives. Or, well, he traveled the land for quite a bit, found himself up there eventually, and settled down. Where he originally thought was just a somewhat secluded flat opening in the woods, close enough to society were he to need any supplies, but far enough to where nobody could ever bother him. ...But instead he accidentally settled on Tim's acreage, and didn't realise for the better half of a year.
You could probably count the amount of times he encountered Tim with your fingers and toes alone, throughout the few years he lived there, but still a very unique kind of relationship between them came to be. Gary hated Tim the second they ran into each other, but Tim just thought the guy was interesting, and never told his mother about it. Which is all whatever, but Gary being so isolated from the world, any time they did run into each other he'd always draw the encounter out a little longer than it needed to be.
Tim also just totally trusted Gary even though he was literally trespassing on their lot, and that sort of trust continued after the Fault, because the first person he thinks to go to after he finds his mother kidnapped, is Gary. Not any neighbor, but Gary. It'd be this choice that not only connects Hannah & Gary back together, but also a visit that would retroactively save Gary.
So right at the start of the Fault you basically have this weird triangle of feelings between them, for better or worse. That tends to be their theme throughout their journey.
Gary wants to dislike Tim but the guy is so nice & he's been his only living connection to the world for years, and he's tense around Hannah because of his absence, but reliant on her because he needs her help with his pet Citus, who's body she helped design and build. Hannah is having to relearn Gary, the friend she used to know, concerned for his wellbeing but hurt by his actions-- while her other friend Tim navigates his temper with ease from more recent years of exposure. And Tim is buddy buddy with them both.
But also Gary can be there for Hannah when she needs a more logical brain to talk to. No offense to Tim, he can just be a little silly and airheaded with his takes on life, but that outlook also keeps Gary from getting too uppity about things & keeps everything lighthearted amidst their complex feelings.
Here's how I look at it simply, though:
Hannah - Tim: too silly, nothing to stop them from making dumb decisions.
Hannah - Gary: no fun, all serious, they can sometimes rub eachother the wrong way & make things more difficult than they need to be.
Tim - Gary: a cycle of nothing, friendliness that's met with defensive hostility that's met with more friendliness that's met with frustration. nothing gets done.
Hannah - Tim - Gary: balanced, just the right amount of fun and smarts, with a healthy distribution of emotions. they can accomplish a lot when working together.
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omegaremix · 8 months ago
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Innersleeve Records, 2022
There was one more store on the list that I planned on going to. That was Innersleeve Records in Amagansett, located all the way out at the Eastern tip of Long Island. It’s the one trip I really had to prepare for. At 60 miles and 70 minutes to get there, Innersleeve- would be the furthermost locale of any stops I’d make this year. Out east is where the most scenic parts are - the farmland, the famed beaches, lighthouses, and resorts that partially define it and give Long Island its identity.
Innersleeve- was on the list of my last record-store victory tour (‘18). It was to be on my last stop between mid-July and the end of summer in the event that anyone could go with me, because I refused to go all by myself. So I asked all of my radio-station friends if they wanted to join but all I heard from them was deafening silence. I was also dealing with a personal collapse that rocked me like no other before it. Hence why I didn’t take the ride. But this year is a different one which didn’t deal me a bad river card or rolled snake eyes. Like the last, I had plenty of sizeable victories. I was finally going to give Innersleeve a chance I’ve been putting off, even if gas prices were at an all-time high.
It was the day I was going to head out there, a partially cloudy Thursday. I sat in front of the computer having a breakfast egg-bowl with bits of green peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms, and bacon with a glass of orange juice. I popped in a cassette in the deck and let it run through to be digitized while auditioning my music finds for an upcoming radio show. I asked my friends on social media who visited Innersleeve- what they thought and told me it was a pretty good spot, but they also cautioned me that their prices were not cheap but reasonable. WUSB’s all-around good guy Evan told me that he nabbed some spaghetti western soundtracks and giallo for his mother-in-law. (Nice. I guess he was feeling Italian that day.) So, how ‘not cheap but reasonable’ are they, really? Why not visit their page and find out.
Here’s the daily record flip…oh, the fucking horror.
I saw the stickers on what they were selling and it didn’t look good for me. For example: a copy of Talk Talk’s The Party’s Over for $26.99. New records from Interpol, Soccer Mommy, Harry Styles, and King Diamond went for $25.00 to $35.00, some frightening more. Here’s an original pressing of Talking Heads’ '77 album going  for $40.00. The Doors R.S.D. (Record Store Day) sold for the same. A yellow vinyl version of The Smile’s A Light for Attracting Attention spun handsomely for $50.00.  Billion Dollar Babies by Alice Cooper was asking for a whopping $60.00. Wow, seriously? Marie Antoinette would tell me to fuck right off and go choke on a cake.
I’d assume that being they’re located in the trendy uptight part of Long Island, that their selection was pretty straight. I saw nothing but pop, rock, common reggae, all-too-familiar indie artists, American standard jazz greats, and Rock & Roll Hall-Of-Famers. Maybe the occasional Amyl & The Sniffers record? Nothing daring, challenging, or defying to throw in the face of the power-move-making status quo in an uppity part of - wait, nevermind - they carried a copy of GG Allin’s Brutality And Bloodshed For All. That’ll scare all the socialites, Seinfeld, and the rich and powerful back into their bank-account vault homes in no time, eh? I had a laugh for five seconds before I resumed hate-watching their stock. It seemed like they didn’t even attempt to care in hiding their price tags while flipping through their new arrivals.
I remember when I went to Plainview’s Vinyl Bay 777. I looked around and experiencing the freshly-built interior felt like finding a hidden gem in the middle of nowhere. The excitement started to die slowly when I saw that all of their stock was priced three to four times what other stores were selling. They were big on condition and rarity. I only lasted 45 minutes before walking out with nothing and feeling ashamed of myself.
I’m more of quantity over quality. I can care less if the album in question is in tattered condition. As long as I have the physical product and can get it for less as possible then great. I can always stream it afterwards. I knew that -777 and Innersleeve were playing the vinyl revival game and were competing to see who can sell their stock for the highest price possible. They’ll have their case as to why they mark up their selection and even you’d agree it’d make sense. It doesn’t mean you’d want to go broke, and that’s if you were in my position.
That said, their selection didn’t excite me and reeling from sticker shock wasn’t helping, either. Along with the mania of high gas prices ($4.40 a gallon at the time of posting) and spending $893.00 in two days at Amityville’s High Fidelity, it wasn’t worth it. Instead, Innersleeve Records will be replaced by taking a ‘bonus’ trip to (Greenpoint) Brooklyn’s Captured Tracks. After that, I’ll declare my ‘22 Record Store Victory Tour over.
TL;DR: Imagine if I was batting for the Yankees and I hit a zippy ground ball that rolled right to the Red Sox pitcher’s glove. He catches it right before I take my foot off the dirt and then throws it to his first baseman for the out. Now you know how I felt choosing to stay home instead of going to Innersleeve Records.
Innersleeve Records shopping list: no dice.
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wyiicb · 1 year ago
I've been thinking of starting a Peanuts acc with my own hcs too but I haven't worked up the courage >.< What's some of your headcanons?
the list is endless, but here are a couple of them im super passionate about:
• Charlie Brown taught Sally sign language (ASL) all throughout her childhood. She can ‘speak’ full sentences fluently and DEFINITELY uses it to her advantage (signs curses when the teacher isn’t looking /jj). The signs come in handy when Charlie Brown goes non-verbal (selective mutism)
• Lucy has terrible hearing and has had to wear hearing aides since she was like 5. Charlie Brown keeps stressing that she should learn ASL in case of emergency, but she always refuses (“I’d rather DIE than have to learn English again.” /j)
• Schroeder and Patty are cousins; his dad and her mom are German/Polish. Schroeder’s mom is black (Somalian) and Indian, and Patty’s dad is Swedish and Kazakhstanian. Patty bonds over Schroeders love for German history and loves teaching him about their family heritage (schroeder zones out until beethoven is mentioned)
• Lucy has a separate birth dad (Balkan) than Rerun and Linus’ dad (Irish). All three of them have the same mom, who I think is a Chinese immigrant who moved to America (along with their “blanket hating Grandmother”). Linus and Rerun are both “Rainbow children”, due to their mother losing a baby before Linus was born
• I saw somebody on tik tok say that Snoopy was Filipino-American, and honestly i cant unsee it /hj
• Marcie was born in Korea and was adopted by French immigrants in America. She grew up primarily learning French and a little bit of English due to the books in her house. When she met P. Patty at the summer camp, she was taught the ins and outs of American culture and still relies on her every once in a while (marcie calls her “sir” solely because she didn’t know the feminine English pronouns for an authoritative figure)
• Frieda and Heather (the little red haired girl) are half siblings. They share the red hair and the sharp nose trait (i think theyre both roman-italian bcs of it). Heather has the coveted “nAtuRAllY CuRLy HaiR” trait as well, she just burns it straight every single morning (i like drawing it frizzy asl)
• Violet is of Native American descent (mother’s side) and Black Irish (father’s side). When she first moved in in the comic (1951), she lived with both parents, but around late 1951, she moved AGAIN, so that makes me think her parents got a divorce between those two moves. Her mom quickly married a British person (ew /j) who hated all the tom-boyish crap violet was always seen doing, so he started to push his uppity customs onto her. This, I think, is why she’s so upset at Pig Pen all the time for him being messy, despite her literally being OBSESSED with mud-pie making in her first set of comics. She just has a random change there, and a different (british) influence is the only explanation /j
• Franklin LOVESSS space and science. He aspires to be an astronaut when he grows up. He often gets in arguments with Lucy about the validity of aliens existing, and it’s one of the few things that REALLYYY tick him off. Lucy revels to see him so stressed out, but she also likes getting the last word in.
• Peggy Jean (who? /jj) and Schroeder are besties, i think. They bond over talking crap about the other peasants and Peggy loves pissing him off. They have a kind of sibling relationship, where they outwardly insult each other and wish the lather were dead, but lets be real, they would die for each other.
• Peppermint Patty is originally from Australia and met Roy through a foreign-exchange program (Roy is originally from India). They were besties at camp and when P. Patty’s dad decided to live there, she offered to let Roy stay with them. They lived together for a long time until Roy moved out with his parents (now in America) and they kinda drifted away. It’s just whenever I recall that one scene in “He’s your dog, Charlie Brown” when Roy is in P. Patty’s house for some reason, im always confused, so this is canon now/jj
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING AGAIN!!! i love spreading my opinions out there and i salute you if you read up to this point (also yes all of these are canon to my AU /gen)
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angelsanarchy · 1 year ago
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Alone Together - Eddie/OC One-Shot Series PRT 25
Prt 1 - Prt 2 - Prt 3 - Prt 4 - Prt 5 - Prt 6 - Prt 7 - Prt 8 - Prt 9 - Prt 10 - Prt 11 - Prt 12 - Prt 13 - Prt 14 - Prt 15 - Prt 16 - Prt 17 - Prt 18 - Prt 19 - Prt 20 - Prt 21 - Prt 22 - Prt 23 - Prt 24 -
@thetenthdoctorscompanion @siriuslymooned @samwilsonnsnns @kathaaaaaaa
Eddie walked into the trailer, slamming the door behind himself and tossing a grease covered rag on the table with frustration. Wayne watched him carefully as he plopped down on the couch abruptly, muttering to himself through gritted teeth.
"So I take it the van is giving you trouble." Wayne was kicked back with the newspaper in his lap.
"I just can't get my hands to do what they need to do in this weather. It's like they cramp up from the cold and its pissing me off. How the hell am I supposed to have it up and running before Dani gets back?" Eddie rubbed his dirty hands through his hair and Wayne knew why he was so upset.
"Has she called?" He asked curiously knowing she hadn't called him since the beginning of her vacation.
"She apparently called Robin who told Steve who told Dustin who told the group that she would be home midday tomorrow but no she hasn't called again." Eddie picked at his nails and Wayne put the paper down.
"I thought you would be a bit more excited to see her considering you've been sulking about her being gone since she pulled out of here." Wayne watched Eddie roll his eyes knowing he wouldn't deny it.
"Yeah but she's been hanging out with her mom who hates me and Hawkins. Whose to say she doesn't come back to ditch me for someone better, who actually has a future beyond this town?" Eddie had never talked like this outloud to his uncle. Mostly because he knew how Wayne felt about him and hated hearing him limit himself to his reputation and last name.
"From what I picked up on at Thanksgiving, I don't see Dani's mother having any real influence over her decision making, let alone who she chooses to spend time with. Why would you worry about that now?" Wayne pressed.
"Apparently her mom has been shitting on the Munson name. Giving her all this history about my old man and how its in my genes to end up stuck in Hawkins locked up or working at a gas station." Wayne hated that woman. He knew how uppity she had always been but that never stopped her from buying drugs off his brother when they were younger. She often forgets that she isn't better than anyone just because she's seen the outside of Hawkins.
"What if she realizes I'm a waste of space? She deserves so much better than me, Unc." Eddie sounded so desperate, it broke Wayne's heart.
"Son, I can assure you that no one looks at you less like a waste of space than that girl. Dani is a strong minded, intelligent girl who thinks for herself and knows what she wants. Fighting for your life at a young age will do that to you." Wayne explained.
"Exactly! She's been through hell and for some reason she wants to be friends with me." Wayne laughed making Eddie frown.
"Oh boy. That girl is head over heels for you, Eddie. Don't kid yourself into thinking she just wants to be friends with you. I know you're smarter than that." Eddie blushed looking down at his dirty hands.
"I know how you feel about Dani but I also know that you've never been in love before so I can tell how god damn terrified you are." Wayne moved to sit next to Eddie.
"I don't have anything to give her, Wayne. Look at me. I'm a third year senior with no college aspirations and a part time job. I care enough about her to know that I'm not what she should want." Eddie looked at his uncle pitifully and he clapped a hand on his back.
"I want you to say it out loud Son. I want you to admit to yourself how you feel and know that the only person that has to think you're good enough for her...is her." Eddie nodded his head letting out a breath.
"She makes me want to be better, I just don't even know where to start with being a guy who could possibly deserve her." Wayne smiled at him. Watching Eddie grow up has been one of his greatest joys and all he can hope is that he continues to follow a path that will prop him up and not bring him down. That's what his mother would have wanted.
"How about you stop wasting time skirting around what people think of you and actually tell her how you feel. That would be a good start in my opinion." Wayne stood up, giving one last squeeze to Eddie's shoulder before walking back to his recliner.
"I would probably take a shower as well...you know, clean the grease from under your fingernails." Wayne teased making Eddie roll his eyes.
"I'll be sure to do all my primping before she touches down in Hawkins. Thanks Uncle Wayne." Eddie started back towards his bedroom to grab a clean change of clothes for a shower. Wayne tried to remember what it felt like to be in love at that age but it only made him think of Eddie's mother. He likes to think that things would have been so different if she would have ended up with him instead of his brother but it always made him feel somber. He only hoped that Eddie and Dani would have a much happier ending.
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lokiinmediasideblog · 2 years ago
Ngl frigga didnt trust things to thor. She burdened him eiyh stuff a parent doesnt need to burdrn their child
That's a valid HC and I think this anon was sent in response to me reblogging someone else's post about Frigga talking more to Thor.
I don't want this to come off as shit-talking of people's HCs. These are just my personal opinions on Frigga. I am not some fandom authority. I assume that's what the anon wanted?
And well, I agree in general that parents treating their kids as friends rather than children is harmful to their development.
So if you're still here and wanna hear my PERSONAL thoughts on Frigga:
DISCLAIMER: I have not watched TLAT and I don't want to. The lack of Loki, presence of Korg, and that very random uncomfortable ogling scene meant to market the movie got it on my DNF list. This may sound hypocritical because I watched the Loki series, but people get stripped while being processed in prisons IRL and Loki's a prisoner! I only watched the Avengers movies after the first one once and never want to watch them again because they give me headaches.
I think people either make Frigga a saint that saved Loki from Odin's wrath, or in pushback by people annoyed by the various "saintly Frigga" portrayals, some horrid woman that for some bizarre reason mistreated her only biological heir and preferred her adopted child because Zuko/Azula and Ursa (I see too many comparisons). I don't vibe with either of those HCs.
She's not a good adoptive parent because there are clear cannon signs of fucked up parenting towards Loki, such as "Because I'm the monster that parents tell their children about at night?" The very least Odin and Frigga could have done while raising a Jotun is not to tell those stories to their children. And guess what? They are king and queen of Asgard. When people say they were good but couldn't have done shit about it, that's a fucking lie. Despite those massive psychologically-abusive-on-hindsight fuckups, she cared about Loki. She prevented Odin from executing Loki and tried to keep him comfortable during his imprisonment. She also taught Loki magic. Not a good mother but she cared.
I don't think she hated Thor, parentified (as princes of similar ages, I don't think any of them were parentified, but they have trauma from being privileged child soldiers and killing at a young age (my HC)), or didn't care for him. I think in Thor (2011) it's pretty clear that ONLY ODIN has the power to give Thor his powers back. That's a DEFINITE power imbalance between Odin and the rest of the family. This is backed up in a deleted scene where Frigga asks and argues with Odin to bring Thor back (It should have been in the movie!). She also cared enough about Thor's happiness to die protecting Jane. And you all know how uppity Asgardians are!
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magmacannon · 2 years ago
1, 6, 7, and 11 for dehiscence & 20, 21, 22, and 25 for yarrow? :]
YES time to talk abt Them... hehe
does your oc have any motifs? Yes.... Dee's by far strongest motif is The Fungus, which symbolically represents both the decay of the individual (their previous life, the things they touch, and to some degree the horror of loss) and the symbiosis (?) of living in the world (the necessity of connection to survive and thrive, the wonder of going out into a lively forest and feeling it breathe, etc.) Their other motifs are contact and gentle intimacy and connection from that, and the Haze of trying to connect to the world when you really aren't able to connect/exist in what may be considered a normal way to do so.
6. what is the thing your oc likes the least about themselves? mmm the Killing.... they're not (usually) a fan of their Extreme Toxic Mushroom AOE that they can't turn off. They didn't immediately hate it but they definitely do now!
7. what is the thing your oc likes the most about themselves? Genuinely Genuinely Dehiscence Knows They're Sexy in a kind of freak way and they ADORE that. They like being a weird kind of dykefag and lean into it for fun.
11. has your OC ever fallen in love and with whom? Twice (or at least they think so!) - Millifleur, a very sweet and kind elf gal who ran away with them to escape the very limiting and pretty nightmarish environment she grew up in (and. subsequently died because Dehisence is not friendly to life) and Nelita, a much more cautious gal who is doing their best to make Dee less deadly All The Time (and also denying that Dee might be anything more than a friend for a very long time!)
And now for the Big Pink Guy
20. a nostalgic memory from your OC’s childhood? Yarrow, if given the chance and the comfort to do so, will get VERY nostalgic about apples and go off about their cultivation and the like. They remind him of his mother, since she worked the large orchard in the town he grew up in (and he helped pretty often - height was a genuine advantage there pff)
21. hobbies your OC enjoys? Besides sex, Yarrow likes dancing and socializing (both in clubs and at more ritzy events, different vibes for each ofc) and making things with his hands, be that sculptures or sketches. He also knows how to play a few instruments and works out daily so he keeps those in his circle of hobbies quite often!
22. what is holding your OC back to achieve their goals? VERY little nowadays! Before it was his Own Self, and it was frustrating for him to want something but also get So Mad/beat up about it that he couldn't maintain much of a straightforward Goal or connections needed to actualize what he wanted to truly to. He got much better at long-term planning through a lot of effort and time spent working on himself. The major block to Yarrow doing things nowadays is public appearance and (to a greater extent) Shitty Cops who think he's gotten too sexy and uppity for his own good (he'd do a lot more community-wise if he felt he could safely get away with it, if that makes sense)
25. favorite food and color for your OC? Favorite food is a rice and mango chicken pilaf, favorite color... you might be able to guess from some outfits (I think it might actually be like. salmon pink or a shade of red pff)
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animeblogsthings · 2 months ago
Story VII - (F)
Take A Hike
Prompt: #92: Describe a hike from the perspective of someone scared of heights
Character: Fatima
TW: Racial Slurs, Non-Violence Fighting, Abuse. Mentions of Violence
FYI: This has only been drafted and partly revised. I also tried my best with non-English translations.
“Fatima! Come on!” Stepmother yelled out as she crossed the glass bridge. I had yet to take a step onto it as I was staring down at the ground below the glass. Too high. My stomach felt twisted in my abdomen and my lunch was on the verge of coming up. The height we were at was dizzying. I could feel sweat falling down the sides of my face as I was inching back from the edge. I could barely register what my stepmother was saying until I felt her hands on my shoulder and her suddenly shake me roughly as she barked, “Fatima! Stop goofing around and come on! We don’t have all day, so stop holding us up!”
“B-But… Mother…” I started. I felt a sudden sting on my cheek as she slapped me across the face.
“No buts!” She barked again before grabbing me by my wrist and pulling me back towards the bridge. I tried to pull away as I could feel myself start to hyperventilate. I could barely see past the tears in my eyes as I felt dizzy from the height. My legs were shaky as I was barely able to stand properly. My body felt heavy and my lungs burned for air that I couldn’t keep in long. Sobs started to escape my throat when I felt my stepmother’s hand let go of my wrist, leaving me stranded in the middle of the glass bridge. My legs gave out from under me, but something, or rather someone, warm caught me.
“Come on…” a husky, yet gentle voice said, “Let’s get you back across the bridge.” I nodded with a small whimper as I buried my face in the stranger’s chest before following them blindly. Once we were off the bridge, the stranger set me down at a tree. I was still trembling from fear when the stranger wrapped a warm, fluffy blanket around me. I looked at him and through my tears, could tell he was one of the workers here at the mountain based on his uniform.
“T-Tha…nk y-you…” I responded shakily. The worker nodded with a gentle smile.
“Of course. You looked so terrified when you set foot on the bridge that I kept an eye out on what was happening. When I saw that lady let you go, I immediately knew that you were forced into crossing,” he answered, “You looked so panicked and about to pass out, so I thought I’d help out.”
“You’re so kind…” I said, “Sorry about the trouble… This was my stepmother’s idea of bonding… My dad is back at the hotel, unfortunately… My stepmother told him and me that we going to the spa… Not this…”
“It’s alright. I’ll get someone to notify security to see where your step-mother went. In the meantime, I’ll help get you a way down the mountain and to your hotel,” The worker said. I nodded with a small thanks.
-Time Skip-
I walked down the hallway to my parent's suite and was about to use my keycard to open the door, but paused at hearing their yelling. I hated walking in on their fights. It always escalated into further chaos when I jumped in.
“I cannot believe you would just abandon my daughter like that! Hell, what made you think it was a good idea to attempt to take her across that wretched glass bridge that’s nine-hundred and eighty-four feet in the fucking air!” My father’s voice was laced with venom as he spoke.
“It’s not my fault she’s such an uppity chicken!” Stepmother argued back.
“SHE TRAUMATIZED FROM HEIGHTS, DAMNED WOMAN!! HOW WOULD YOU FEEL TO BE TOSSED FROM A FIVE-STORY BUILDING BY SOMEONE WHO WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FAMILY!? HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN WHAT YOUR SON DID TO HER!?” My father boomed. “You know what? I’m done with this bullshit! I’m going out to find my daughter and get her dinner! When we come back, I expect you to have your shit packed and in the lobby! I’m not trusting you alone with my daughter again! And you can figure out your own way to go back to the States!”
“WHAT!? You’re going to leave me stranded here in the middle of a country full of chinks for that insolent little illegitimate cretin daughter of a bitch!?” Step-mother yelled. I stepped to the side as the door opened and my stepmother was thrown out of the room. I looked at my father as he looked at me shocked. That’s when I finally felt the tears falling down my cheeks before I hugged him and broke down sobbing in his arms.
“Papa…” I whimpered. I felt him wrap his arms around me and hug me close.
“It’s okay, dear. Come on. I’m sure you must be hungry, right?” My father asked. I nodded. “Alright then. You can take your pick on where to go.” My father spoke as led me inside and shut the door. “Go pack your step-mother’s stuff for me please while I call the front desk.”
“O-Okay.” I nodded and went to do as he asked. I could hear bits and pieces of him on the phone speaking in full, fluent Mandarin to the front desk agent. I didn’t know the language well enough to hold a conversation, nor understand when it was spoken so fast, so I had no clue what he was saying. Once I was done with packing my step-mother’s suitcase, I took it to the door.
“謝謝。祝您今晚愉快。(Thank you. Have a great night.)” Father said in Mandarin before hanging up the phone. I remained near the door as I awaited what to do next. “Hm? Come on, dear. Come sit at the table. We’ll look up some restaurants nearby and check out their menus while we wait for security to come collect Martha’s bags. I’ll teach you some more Mandarin too.”
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neverwritewhatyouknow · 2 years ago
It's available on Netflix to watch and it's really fun.
They don't really use being Jewish as a joke, often what they actually joke about is the prevalence of antisemitism like I remember one episode where Jake had to ask for someone's help and that guy was quite shady so Jake asks his friend how antisemetic that guy is and his friend goes average and Jake just shrugs and goes to ask his help.
Another time Jake gets into a fight with his mother in law about how she always treats her son like he is better than Jake's wife and he mentions that he knows she thinks his nose 'looks weird'.
One thing that always bugs me is how they portray Jake's relationship with money, I don't understand if it's offensive or not because he is always portrayed as super frivolous and he has no savings at all and is, at least in the first few seasons, in the first few seasons always in heavy debt to his co-workers
I can’t find it on Netflix :( might not be on Netflix in all countries, but I’ll look around. I just watched some clips and it looks really funny, definitely wanna see more.
Ooh okay, yeah I really like attention being brought to antisemitism. And that seems funny, just the answer being “average,” yeah, that’s cool, I think that’s funny. It’s a comedy, it’s not like they can go deep about it, and this actually shows how there’s an “average” level of antisemitism and Jews think about that. I like it.
Ah, yeah, mother-in-law and mother jokes are a very Jewishy thing. It’s the classic “over bearing mother” trope. But idk who he marries (don’t tell me!) so idk if it falls into the Jewish stereotype or not. But, I personally don’t love jokes about noses, since I personally do have a stereotypical Jewish nose (mine doesn’t droop much, but it is larger and sharper with a bump from a deviated septum) and have spent my entire life dodging hate for it and it’s literally one of the biggest reasons I’ve been racially profiled in the past, so I don’t think those type of jokes are funny. But, Andy Samberg is Jewish, and he also has a larger nose, and if he was comfortable saying it, then power to him. Personally, I don’t love it, because I think it plays into the “haha Jews have big noses” thing and it winds up as a thing in society where people think it’s okay to say someone has a “Jew nose” and etc etc. It’s a joke that’s, like, expected by the audience because it’s so ingrained in our society. Meanwhile the whole “Jewish nose” thing was literally an antisemitic piece of propaganda for hundreds of years, most notably during the Holocaust and is literally still used today. You’ve probably seen stuff like that, with the big hooked noses. Disney villains have them… it’s not a coincidence. I think we need to stop talking about noses unless it’s saying that larger Jewish noses are fucking great… even though they sometimes are impossible to breathe through because for some reason some of us have really fucked up septums. (A nose joke that isn’t harmful)
Sorry, went on a tangent there.
Jews and money are another thing that tends to go hand-in-hand. Without seeing the show I can’t tell if it’s just a character thing or if it feels like they did it because he’s Jewish. Because there’s nothing wrong with a Jewish character who has money issues, but I feel like if there’s a certain line drawn, then it’s weird. For example: the family in Schitts Creek is half-Jewish and they’re known for being a rich, uppity family— That’s totally fine because it’s plot, not rated to them being Jewish in any way. But in a show like How I Met Your Father, Josh Peck’s character’s dad who is introduced in a scene with bagels and it’s a super Jewish set-up, worked with people’s money and lost it all— that’s not okay. Does that make sense? Because I don’t know Jake’s character I don’t know where he falls, but since it seems like he’s bad with money, I think it attempts to subvert the classic “Jews are rich” trope. So it might just be a character thing unrelated to him being Jewish, which is fine.
Tell me if any of that made sense or not lol. I’m typing while brushing my teeth so I assume there’s a million typos
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sunlightandsuffering · 2 years ago
what if in E to E AU we see something like mikasa walking into a bar looking for eren for sex only to find some girl hitting on a partially drunk eren who to her wild horror seems to be into it.wud be funny to see mikasa trying to sabotage her plan while resisting the urge to shoot the bitch in the face while also trying to be subtle abt it and at one point when the girl asks if mikasa is his girlfriend,eren slyly answers with a smirk she is his fucktoy
Does Mikasa deserve a taste of her own medicine?
Should he be the one to deliver it?
Probably not.
If his mother has attempted to teach him anything in the world of crime families and too much money, it's that revenge is an objectively terrible idea.
But Eren really can't resist. She's been avoiding him lately, as she does every so often when she feels like they're getting too close, bordering on the edge of commitment, a real relationship. And that's exactly what happened last weekend when she'd woken up to chocolate chip pancakes in bed and sleepy morning kisses. He'd spooked her. And like a terrified baby bunny, she'd darted at the very first opportunity, and now she was skittish, afraid to come back, to test the waters again.
So instead, as if to prove her disinterest, she's chatting up every other guy at the bar, won't even look in his direction, no matter how he tries to grab her attention. Tonight, it just won't work.
And more than anything he's irritated, because he's so fucking tired of this game, this charade of hating each other, it's going to end with him genuinely hating her and her commitment phobia after all.
So he sulks, and then a pretty redhead comes to console him and suddenly, he's not feeling so heartbroken anymore, especially not as she drags him up to the bar for shots of tequila she says he can take out of her tits.
It had all sounded like a great way to forget about the little minx with anger management problems and a fear of commitment.
But Mikasa could never let him off that easy.
He'd be nose deep in the redhead's very impressive rack when Mikasa had so rudely interrupted him, manicured fingers yanking him by his hair right out of his date's boobs. Eren had ended up with tequila up his nose and a stabbing pain at the base of his skull where she'd yanked just a little too hard.
"What the fuck?" He'd regained his bearings to find she dark-haired little she devil leaning innocently against the bar, looking all uppity as she waves over the bartender, like she hadn't just ripped his hair out of his skull. His date too is looking a little worse for wear, dazed at what's just happened and a little too wobbly, he'd bet money Mikasa gave her a nice shove. "Mikasa," Eren growls and she looks him over with disdain, giving him her attention, as if she's not the one who just pulled him from his activities with another girl.
"What?" "Mikasa what the hell, we were busy." "It's unbecoming to fuck whores in public Eren you know." He wants to smack her, "MIkasa."
His tone is a warning this time and she gives a dainty little shrug, "I didn't do anything." "Bullshit," he spits but she waves him off, "I didn't, I promise."
"So you won't mind if I go back to my whore then?" The redhead looks offended but Eren doesn't care, too busy watching for Mikasa's imperceptible reactions, and she gives him just the slightest response, her mouth pursing up in disgust, eyes darting back to his girl for the night quickly. "It's of no consequence to me," she lies.
"Good." Eren then attempts to go back to the girl's boobs, but Mikasa gives, her hand grabbing at his leather jacket, and this time when he looks up she's pouty, genuinely upset with him for calling her bluff.
Cute. He drops the redhead like a hot potato for his pouty little mob boss, "You gonna take her place then Mika?" She looks down at the ground, suspiciously interested in the black leather of her boots instead of his gaze, refusing to swallow her pride. He continues to tease her, throwing her words from the other night back in her face, "Gonna be my fucktoy for the night instead Miki?" At that she shoots him a murderous glare and Eren thinks they're going to have a great time tonight, she's feisty!
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antiloreolympus · 3 years ago
10 Anti LO Asks
1. i seriously cannot get over how RS tried to make Apollo and Artemis being Zeus' children be a shock
like how was that surprising
how was that a twist
was she running out of ideas for more "drama" or something
2. This is more of a rant about all modern retellings of the taking of Persephone, but LO is the most egregious example to me. I despise how much the story has been warped and twisted to make Hades seem like a good guy and Demeter as a bad guy. Persephone’s story was meant to represent the strong bond between mothers and daughters, and the grief of a mother when her daughter is married off and separated from her. It always pisses me off when it’s portrayed as a love story, which unfortunately, is how it’s always shown nowadays. The way Demeter is treated by the LO fanbase and RS herself angers me to no end. It’s so disheartening to see misogyny win yet again with the modern demonization of Persephone’s grieving mother. 
3. What really bothers me is that new born infant Persephone has full done eye brows and teeth. Like holy fuck babies don't look like that did RS just really draw P's normal adult face on baby her???
4. I don't think Rachel is even reading the mythology right. It's not supposed to be a morality tale with clearly defined villains and heroes Even Zeus could be outsmarted, knocked down, and made to reflect on his bad choices, and he's the Top God. Rachel instead boiling down mythology to "good vs bad" with no shades of grey and needing the good guys to always be right with the bad guys always being wrong is just bad from a writing and interpretation standpoint. Even Disney gave them more nuance.
5. The de-twinkification of Thanatos and Eros should forever be a crime 
6. I love when LO fans realize Amphitrite is also a nymph and they realize the world building makes no sense because surely if every other nymph is hated shouldn't she be too? Or is she just one of the "good ones"? Truly give it up for a white woman to think the gods needed divine racism to seem more ~real~, with their racism being framed as a good thing because all the marginalized nymphs are all bad and uppity save for the few "I have a nymph friend" excuses.
7. I just find it so creepy Hades' first look of Persephone is her being humiliated and then him lusting after her body before even glancing at her face. Like what is that telling us exactly? 99% of the time we only get his POV too. We get Hades' POV looking at her, his internal dialogue, his thoughts, his memories, more focus on his life and relationships, meanwhile the only time we ever got her POV was her being r//ped and murdering a village. She seems like an afterthought most of the time.
8. What I find frustrating is RS has removed any sort of meaning or symbolism in P's design. The red eyes used to symbolize her inner darkness, only to now show up at random and go away just as fast. the long hair used to be tied to her strong emotions but now come up whenever it fitS better with her outfit, and now claiming her pink tone is from "a million perfect roses" is a laughable attempt to make her unique when the flower nymphs are the same color. She can't even keep her own lore in line.
9. IDK how we're supposed to buy Persephone has any guilt or even cares about her nymph "sisters" when she purposely ran away from the law instead of turning herself in, tried to sob story her way out of punishment, and tried to distract from her crimes with Elysium plans, and more so never once showed she remembered the nymphs or even tried to see them in the Underworld despite working and living there for weeks and having direct access with the King of the Dead. She's all talk and no reflection.
10. What I don't get with so many HxP retellings (and LO is the most egregious example) is they think the romance can ONLY come about with the destruction of Demeter and Persephone's relationship to prop her relationship up with Hades, which seems so reductive to me. A half-way decent writer should allow for Persephone to love them both, yet no one seems to even try. Their idea of the "reclaimed" myth is that Persephone's world starts and ends at Hades, and Demeter is to be vilified.
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lillian-nator · 4 years ago
Everything below was made by Me, Eye, and Ethan over the course of like 3 days
Thank you (with additions from sleepy my beloved)
Wilbur isn’t the oldest
Techno is
But it’s a war run empire, they take pride in their troops and armies and triumphs
The soldiers come first
So Techno is the commander in chief , the general
Wilbur, second born
Is heir to the throne
To the diplomatic side of the empire
and Tommy Gets shit
He doesn’t even understand why Phil had another kid
Of course there is the situation where Techno or Wilbur dies, or one of them steps down, but it won’t happen
Was he really born to be the understudy
he was born as a backup
Tommy was an accident but they’re not gonna let the public know that
like he's the Zuko
Phil doesn't really pay attention to him so his mother picks up the slack
Wilbur is 21
Techno’s 23
Tommy’s 17
However I have a really good idea for prince Tommy, just like what if he doesn’t like the way that people treat him? Like he doesn’t want all these yes men he wants to be he wants to be told now, he want somebody to tell him he that’s against the rules he just wants him like structure he just want someone to hate him he want someone to not like him and say no and tell him that he’s stupid which is why he does all of the stupid shit that he does
Ever since he was like 4
Everyone has said yes
He wants to defy them
He wants to just do something to make someone say no
That and he lowkey
He wants ~~Phil~~ Wilbur to pay attention to him
Is a Little Shit who causes so many problems on purpose to try and find someone who will push back against him
He wants someone to give him structure and discipline but overall he just wants his family’s attention
He’s broken shit, thrown temper tantrums, he’s started fights and he’ll he’s even snuck out and stole things
He’s never been stopped
People consider him snobby and spoiled
He's a brat
He gets everything he wants, but he doesn’t really want it, he just asks to see if they’ll tell him no
Tubbo = Stable Boy
Ranboo = Prince of another country (probably the americas)
Ranboo could definitely fit the role of an overseas royal prince who Tommy sees as a regal, spoiled, uppity little shit. Like Tubbo, who Tommy sneaks everywhere, has met Ranboo and likes him. Tommy can't possibly see why, he's unbearable.
Bench Trio = Best freinds
I think that Tommy and his brothers were always very very close
they just have jobs and shit
They took over Phil's shit
they probably drift apart as they get older, Wilbur and techno have duties and Tommy starts his quest for attention, they grow apart from their little brother without realizing it
Tommy and his mother (kristin) are always and have continued to be close
she definitely chides him, and tells him quietly to not do things for all of his "misbehaviors"
but there is only so much that she can do, because she has the duty to not make a scene
that and she's not who he's looking for attention from
You may be asking "How is crime recognized, identified, discussed, and atoned for?" more specifically, "Is it a 'you stole my bread so without asking anyone I'm cutting your hand off' or is it the US court system" ~~You may also be Ethan~~
The answer is:
like the UKs
But more like
Okay so the Supreme Judicial system, but Phil (and then Wilbur) has teh final say
Court system, but with Phil overseeing everything
instead of a judge
HOWEVER, that's in the national level
in smaller villages, its more of the cut your hand off system
because the judicial system isn't regulated
So bonus questions:
Punishments and the identification of whether a crime counts as a crime?
soldiers can call crimes out, and citizens can file reports
Phil's not really shit, he just doesn't show Tommy any attention because he's busy with the other two
Just honestly doesn't even care about most shit Tommy does
Like, doesn't pay attention to it until it affects him, he's busy running a country and training the boys to running a country
I don’t think they (the brothers) realize how badly everything is affecting Tommy
The only one who knows anything about the full extent would be his mom, and she’s in a similar boat to Tommy
Phil doenst really see her much either
Not like she could “Make a Scene” trying to get Phil to pay attention to his youngest, to actually love his child, he’s barely around
Kristin and Phil spend time together at night, but during the day everything is for the cameras
its like the UK royals, how they do shit just for the people
And Phil doenst want to hear about the kids at night, he wants to spend time with his wife
Tommy has stolen a car and will do it again
Just fucking hopped in and took a joyride
With Absolutely No Repercussions
Do you think Phil ever tries to hire like, a nanny or something? In the aftermath of the Car Incident? Yes, and it never worked
Tommy, like 15 at the time, pissed as hell as a random ass woman tries to tell him to go to bed at 8:30 pm
Tommy wants somebody to tell him no but not somebody hired to tell him no mannn
Tommy goes to like parties - like ragers
he has a network of really famous friends like young actors and shit
dude is a party animal, underage drinking, rumors of drugs, he’s the PR Teams worst nightmare, but they’re not going to say anything
The press makes up SO MUCH SHIT
The press once said that he had done cocaine when it was really one of his friends
Tommy adopts two dogs (hello Betty and Walter) without asking either of his parents
Betty is short for Elizabeth
He brings them in off the street
Literal abandoned street dogs and he goes, mine now
He like, walks down the street with sunglasses on, and just doesn't look at anyone as he walks the dogs, who have like black nice leather leashes
The paparazzi always finds him walking the dogs
like a modern celebrity
Mans can and will call the paparazzi on himself - because he is a drama queen ETHAN Tommy voice "hello pa pa. I have hired two new staff, pa pa." "Huh?" "they have found work in this palace as emotional support animals, pa pa." "....ok." tommy voice "he didn't even blink, elizabeth the fourteenth" END OF ETHAN MAKING FUN OF THE BRITISH
By the way just to clear things up with you all, Tommy addresses Phil as "Father"
most of the paparazzi's pictures of Tommy are him flipping the camera off
He poses for them
just sees a camera and fucking sticks his tongue out and flips them off
He’s wearing some atrocious outfit while walking his dogs and he just has a full on fashion photshoot of poses for them
If his dad won’t give him attention at least they will
Tommy befriends some of the staff
he hates a lot of the butlers tbh
thinks they're stuck up
but likes to gossip with the maids, and sit in the kitchen as the chefs cook lunch "Heyyyy, chef!" "Your highness, what is it, are you hungry?" "Can't a man just talk to his chef? Befriend his castle staff?" "Ah."
that and the kitchen gives betty and walter treats
Top ten Prince Thomas microaggressions
Number One: he calls Phil "your highness"
For context, kings are referred to as Your Majesty
He calls Wilbur Your Majesty
It was a joke when they were younger, a habit from then on, but now it’s to spite Phil
Tommy spends an ridiculous amount of money on clothes all at once, purely to see if Phil would yell at him for using the family debit card for it
He never wears the clothes
He doesn’t particularly like any of them anyways
Instead he donate them all anonymously
Tommy may be a brat but he isn’t wasteful
By the time Tommy’s 12 he’s started acting up, and it escalates slowly until he hits 15 where things just start snowballing and he gets worse and worse
he's definitely nicknamed by the press as some sort of party animal or fratboy
a spoiled brat
He’s 16, and he knows his place in the family, he is forgotten and glossed over, but he won’t be ignored, not if he can help it
The Public gives him the attention he wishes his father would give him, he walks his dogs with the paparazzi tailing after him, just hoping that maybe one scandal or one horrible picture will eventually be enough to make his dad actually See him
he'll tell the paparazzi what they want to hear
and give every magazine a story to tell
they notice him
he just wants somebody to tell him no, somebody tell this boy no without being paid to please
Tommy probably has like, pierced his ears or smth. Gotten tattoos.
he has holes in his face yes.
he pierced his ears and his nose
He has a tattoo on the inside of his finger that matches with Tubbo and Ranboo
Maybe the picture of him plastered from last weekend will make his dad reprimand him
Maybe the weed found in his backseat will get his Dad to ground him
Maybe the bottle of fucking pills he was “holding for a friend” but got caught with Will get some sort of reaction
and its not like he's only doing it for attention
he starts it for attention, but he loves it he does
he has fun, he loves his friends, he likes the parties and the air
but, he also loves the attention, he's not gonna lie
Tommy who took adderall at a party once but it didn’t do anything for him, he seemed to function a little better actually
Tommy who knows Techno has adhd and takes adderall for it, Tommy who puts two and two together Bc he’s not fucking dumb
Tommy realizing his dad never cared to even get him diagnosed or treated
and Techno does notice, he does figure it out, but he does either a "hey..." or a "m8 I'll just get you your own if its helpin you focus" and tommy is furious
Tommy's life here is just
'trying to be yelled at HARD MODE'
Just wants to be screamed at, lowkey
I think, Wilbur avoids the tabloids
And the press
And the news
However, his advisors often read him the shit about Tommy - or anything about him
But they never see the pictures
They don’t see the picture of Tommy drunk on a strangers balcony
They don't see how bad it is
Tommy however? LOVES reading what the press has to say about him
Phil sees it however,
And he’s so disappointed
He gives Tommy so many talks but it never works
Because it doesn’t get him to love Tommy, to care about what Tommy does
Not like their mother
And he never makes a scene, not in the way Tommy wants to
He never asks if Tommy is ok
He never asks if he’s safe
Tommy's mum however, SO MANY AWKWARD "STAY SAFE" TALKS
He doesn't just fucking jump off shit because of her, he's slightly less reckless so that he can come home alive to her
I just think that Wilbur, no matter how busy, would find time to concerned yell at his baby brother if he were to find out about the pills
Weed and alcohol? Not great but ok.
Pills though?? He is full blown concerned Wilbro there
His brothers care. Their father is busy. He's a jerk sometimes too.
Wilbur does put out the fire a bit
He’s glad Wilbur had his best interest in mind
But man
The news headlines
They do him dirty
Shit like “Prince Tommy Caught Doing Cocaine at Frat Party” really fuck him over
They really just try their best to make him look like shit 95% of the time
Tommy loves it, just a little
Bad press is still press
He laughs at the headline Bc he knows he wasn’t doing cocaine, but Phil doesn’t, wilbur and techno don’t know that
It’s a tense week after that headline is released
His mom doesn’t even know if Tommy would have actually done cocaine
They just don’t know
Kristin asks him
She’s the only one who believes him
I think Wilbur wants to believe him, Techno too
But it’s hard to, especially when you’re not even sure you know your own brother anymore
Wilbur says something along the lines of being disappointed in Tommy, if he thought Tommy was trying to be better
Tommy scoffs and says he is trying, but that it’s real rich of Wilbur to be or entering to care now
This isn’t even the worse headline
One time a blonde kid got picked up from the same party Tommy was at on a stretcher, he had had an allergic reaction
Some shitty journalist saw and automatically assumed it was Tommy
They ran with the story that the prince had fucking overdosed for at least a week
The things they say are close to the truth but not quite
The PR Team tries their best to help but
They don’t even know what’s true or not
Tommy goes on a bender for a week, and walks into their office with coffee and pastries to apologize
They all know that presents mean a rough week of damage control
But Tommy imports them these Bomb ass donuts so
Fair trade really
Also heaven forbid tommy gets seen with a girl
It’s the worst shit
Tommy gets caught, drunk off his ass, pushing a couch out a window
(To be fair the people were moving soon anyways, they didn’t need the couch, it was a going away party)
And the next morning, recalling what he did
He orders up those pastries and calls the coffee place
Swings by to pick up the coffee and picks up the pastries all within the next two hours and delivers them on the third with an apology note
It’s fucking DAMAGE control
Thinking about Tubbo and Ranboo being Tommy’s DDs when they can
They are
When Tommy’s handler isn’t around
Them doing wild shit together but not Wild Shit
Tommy teaches them how to do burnouts and donuts in a fucking lambos in an empty mall parking lot
Ranboo goes everywhere incognito, Tommy practically flaunts his rank, Tubbo is considered a nobody and doesn't have to do anything but show up in casual clothes. He has a uniform for stablework.
Ranboo's parents are approving of his friendship with the fledging prince, as they hope he can wrangle Tommy to regality and he's building positive relations between the two kingdoms.
Phil is disapproving, worried Tommy will taint Ranboo and his rep and cause a tense air between the two kingdoms. Tommy loves Phil's worry, he practically bathes in it, it's the attention he so craves.
Tommy definitely will hold Tubbo's hand when he walks with him, because the headlines all scream Tommy is the gay?? and while he's very incredibly straight, he finds this hysterical.
Ranboo isn't always in Tommy's kingdom and rather spends most of his time at home. He might be second to heir or the crown prince himself, but he does have to spend time in his own country. Tommy face calls him a lot and he and Tubbo are ecstatic when he announces he's going to visit
I imagine he's second to the throne because that means he can focus on building relations instead of training to be king.
Older sibling Fundy, gets chronic illness, and Ranboo has to take over the throne for a bit
One of Tommy's worst stunts was hitching a ride to the Americas/Ranboo's kingdom without telling anyone.
Whether by boat or plane, he was gonna go visit his young king friend no matter what.
I say "young king" but he's still a prince. Just filling in for fundy
But all eyes turn to Ranboo and Ranboo is stumbling with attention he'd never known. Tommy has to help, doesn't he?
He expects such a punishment for stowing away to visit, but the headlines are... positive. Prince Tommy's friendship with Princr Ranboo becomes.... legendary, practically. Tubbo is always excluded from the news, even when he comes with.
Never too fantastical for classism
But no, the headlines see Tommy's visit not as the young, rebellious prince stowing away, but as a young boy risking his skin to visit his stressed friend.
Tommy is appalled.
And Tommy just groans and shows him the phone
And Ranboo laughs and goes
“There there Tommy, I’m sure dragging me to a frat party will be enough to ruin the good press.”
“Maybe get a dui, you’ll have diplomatic immunity so no jail time?”
“Boo, I wouldn’t get jail time even if I wasn’t em-mune, I am simply too poggers.”
“Sure man, let’s go with that.”
Tommy’s like “maybe I need to actually start doing hard drugs”
Ranboos just like “no -“ just “Please god no, your brothers will kill both of us.”
The Boo is terrified of Techno and Wilbur
Not as royals though, simply as Tommy’s older brothers
Like he knows about Tommy’s issues with validation and feeling unloved, he knows his Brothers are often very busy
But he also sees the way they look at Tommy, and the way they look when people talk bad about Tommy
He knows if something were to happen and he was to cause harm to Tommy or cause Tommy to cause harm to himself
It probably wouldn’t end well for him
Wilbur and techno try as hard as they can
But they’re SO busy
That they can’t do much especially when Tommy’s so persistent on doing his shit
Tubbo is great with the horses he tends to, and Tommy adores them. Ranboo is an excellent, regal rider and Tommy and Tubbo are more rough and ballsy, so races are fair and fastpaced.
Ranboo once got bucked by a royal stallion and Tommy and Tubbo never let him live it down.
I imagine Tubbo lives on the property, as some servants do. He either doesn't have a family, has a bad one, or his family doesn't live close to the palace.
So Tommy 10/10 sneaks to the servants' quarters and he and Tubbo sneak out to ride the horses.
I feel like Wilbur makes more of an effort after the pills and cocaine incident, he tries to ask Tommy about the headlines
Purples is Tommy’s friend
Rich family, old money
Throws a lot of the parties Tommy goes to
Purpled and punz :handshake: Tommy
Frat Boys
I think you guys are underestimating the time that Tommy spends at the castle
Like he still has school, and usually 3 days out of the week he follows around his brothers like an endearing little shit
But those 4 days where he’s gone (which includes weekends) plus nights, he’s doing shit
Also, yiu know Pongo right
101 Dalmatians
That’s how Tommy walks Betty and Walter
They are like standing completely proper and walks straight
ah yes, the royal bitches and also betty and walter are there too
the paparazzi taking pictures of Tommy and the dogs
and Tommy turns, taking his sunglasses off, and smiles big and wide "They have names you know? You should stop callin' them 'the royal dogs'."
One of the guys, he's familiar with the prince turns on his camera and asks "what're their names Prince Tommy?"
"Betty and Walter. Give them some respect."
Tommy visits Ranboo sometimes. Ranboo was looking for him one day and just found him standing in a long hall, staring at a portrait.
It's Ranboo, just barely younger, hands folded behind his back, the perfect picture of regality.
Tommy is staring at it because he knows that at home, there is a portrait of Wilbur looking like that, and one of Techno, and one of Phil and Kristen, and one of himself.
But somehow this image of Ranboo is.. haunting
Not because it doesn't match with the Ranboo he knows, but because it does.
It haunts him because he can stare at his portrait for hours and never see himself, but this is so plainly Ranboo that it's chilling.
Ranboo stands beside him, hands folded behind his back as they always are when he is in nice clothes and his eyes are visible. Tommy glances over and Ranboo is facing him, but staring up at the picture. It's still him.
The clothes are different and his hair is longer now, but Tommy can't tell the difference past that.
He knows that Ranboo is what his family wants him to be
He knows that Ranboo is him if he hadn't strayed, the same past
Ranboo knows exactly what’s going through his head right now
And he knows exactly what he needs too
They get fucking piss ass drunk in Ranboo’s room order takeout and FaceTime Tubbo
They can party tomorrow, Tommy doesn’t need to be in public right now
Tommy and his mother have a wonderful relationship
she teaches him literacy and history, they have a tutor teach him maths
they eat breakfast together every morning
the whole family does
but his mum tries to eat lunch with him at least 3 times a week
he goes out for lunch the days he doesn't eat with his brothers or mom, out to some resturant, sometimes, they trash it or party, sometimes he just brings Tubbo, no big group, and they just chill
With Ranboo in line for kingship (the way royalty works is that if the ruler dies, it will always go to the next in line of blood, never by marriage. Even if every heir was dead, it would still not go to the ruler consort but instead to a family member of the late ruler), rep is so much more important
he can't really be seen with Tommy sometimes
not on the bad weeks
not when Tommy just destroyed a bnb or set off fireworks with his friends, or was caught throwing chairs into his friend's pool
Tommy likes sport cars
big car guys
He has an exorbitant amount of fancy cars
its truly like
how many cars he owns
Wilbur makes fun of it Bc the kid is just now legally old to drive
But Wilbur has so many expensive instruments
Some of which he doesn’t even know how to play yet
to be fair
Wilbur doesnt go breaking his instraments
Techno, techno has swords, which makes sense Bc he’s a general
But the amount swords he has just hanging on his wall
Never meant to be used
It’s so many
I feel like Tommy has a few cars that he doesn’t even let get scratched tho much
His babies
he has his expensive cars that he wrecks
and then his expensive cars that he treats like gold
They’re named
Clementine is this horrendous orange car that he absolutely loves
Its a bright orange ferrari
(He loves it Bc it was a gift from Phil, one of the first cars in his collection)
(Tommy doesn’t know that the idea was his mother’s, his father didn’t know what to get him)
all of his cars have padding in the back for his dogs
Tommy hates purse dogs, the girls with them are always fake and horrible
but he wishes his dogs were that small
Easy to transport
but they got all gangly limbs like him
and stand up to his hip
Henry is his sleek black classic mustang convertable
its what he drives when he doesn't want to be followed by the papp
It’s what he drives when he takes The BT to lunch
its not that the paparazzi doesn't know its him
they know
but he's not in one of his bright fucking obscene cars
The press and Tommy have a weird sort of understanding
He creates their headlines and they let him have moments to himself
If someone breaches that
They risk getting blacklisted
that car was what he drove to his grandmother's funeral in
im not naming his grandmother, but all royals live like forever
Clementine barely sees the road I think
She’s kept in top condition
By Tommy’s own hands
But she probably doesn’t get driven to the parties
Or the brunches
Or the clubs
She's used pretty much exclusively for black tie events
Tubbo is his driver for those Bc he trusts no one else with the car
And he has to exit her before she’s parked
So Tubbo valets and then meets him inside
It’s also how Tubbo gets into the black tie events
so its modern right
so its like thousand-dollar suits instead of capes
so, Tommy just refuses to wear blazers and suit jackets
he always wears his button-ups rolled to his elbows
Maybe, maybe you’ll get him in a vest
But most of the time it’s a button up, rolled up sleeves, and the tie is most likely incorrect or untied
The only reason it’s correct half the time, is because Wilbur makes him let him tie it
Tommy won't wear the jacket because he prefers to roll his sleeves up - he's able to do anything, party or just like rough housing with his brothers, or helping out the staff
Wilbur won't wear a tie, or a button up most days, opting for a high-end sweater and loads of jewelry; its just much more his style.
Techno won't wear a vest because it restricts the places he can hid weapons, and he almost never keeps his tie tied.
Tommy trying to walk past Wilbur to leave with and untied tie
“Wait! You know you can’t leave like that, come here.”
Tommy’s groans and slumps over but walks over to Wil anyways
“I’m just gonna untie it halfway through the party, you know i will.”
“Well, I’m not letting my little brother walk a red carpet with an untied tie, you know I won’t”
The second half said in a mocking tone of voice, very clearly mimicking Tommy’s whining
It’s a soft moment, they stand there together, brothers
And as Wilbur’s pat the finished tie, they make eye contact and both of them have undeniably fond looks on their faces, damn they’re brothers n shit
“Thanks Wil.”
It’s quiet, it’s soft, it’s Tommy
“Of course.”
Just as soft, just as quiet, wholly Wilbur
Wilbur clears his throat breaking the soft atmosphere of the room
“Now go, you gremlin. Don’t be late”
Wilbur ruffles Tommy’s hair, careful not to mess it up too much
Tommy rolls his eyes And quickly heads for the door “Bye Wil! Love you! Don’t wait up!” Wilbur quickly yells after him
“Love you too! Don’t do anything stupid!”
“Oh Wil you know I can’t promise that!” Wilbur just rolls his eyes and returns to his book
Yeah Tommy stays away from tobacco I think
Just weed
and I wouldn't be surprised if like hits peoples vapes sometimes, but doesn't smoke cigs
for sure, its stressful
Wilbur smokes cigarettes though
and he can't act out like Tommy can
and Phil loves him..
Techno and Wilbur watching Tommy rebel in the ways they never got to
They feel kinda sad, that they never got to be kids like that, sad that Tommy feels like he has to act out for attention
he gets to do shit
like he gets to be a real teen
the whole, dumb rich 17 year old experience
like yachts, and expensive hotel rooms, and sport cars
And sure they probably wouldn’t have been going to frat parties or crashing brunch places, but they see him with BT
See him have actual friends
And they’re happy for him
But it hurts a bit
And Tommy's hurting too
It's a lot
but its like
even if Phil wasn't shit
its a lot of attention
like everyone is watching them at all times
Techno and Wilbur have to stay refined in the eyes of the press
Tommy gets to put on a show for them
Yeah yeah
Do you know how much a drunk picture of Prince Tommy is worth?
Too much
Some random guy on his first paparazzi job, gets a pic of Tommy, shirt mostly unbuttoned, tie tied around his head, drinking out of a beer bottle, and flipping off the camera while stumbling out of the most expensive hotel in the UK
The guy never has to work again
Purpled son of some billionaire, and Ranboo a literal prince is with him
They are both laughing at him
Tommy swung on a chandelier that night
A picture of that ends up online, some socialites Twitter
The amount of people in her dms for that picture?
Like just the random pictures from Snapchat stories
Magazines pay thousands
Yeah the amount of double takes people have done going through their friends Snapchat stories like
Just tapping through
So, Dessert Drinks
It’s alcoholic beverages that have like chocolate or gram crackers or maybe candy in them
That are meant to taste like a dessert
So there’s chocolate cake margaritas, or like s’mores drinks
They’re Tommy’s favorite things in the world
Everyone thinks that he’d like the like strong, burning, whiskey esk stuff
But no
He wants the sweetest thing you got
Like he’ll drink straught vodka, but not if he doesn’t have too y’know?
He also like wine strangely enough
The like really expensive wine
Bc it reminds him of Wil
They have it down in the cellar
Techno is the whiskey dude
Or like 1942
Which is just a really bougie tequila
He just likes the shit that burns
Tubbo will drink literally anything
He’ll eat anything too
It definitely comes from the spot that he didn’t have that many choices like Tommy, but he genuinely just likes anything
Which is why Tommy really likes to treat him out to fancy fucking restaurants
One of Tommy’s favorite past times is spoiling his loved one
Fucking loves giving presents n shit
It's his love language
Ranboo doesn’t pay for anything when he’s visiting
Tommy insists on paying
Tommy has millions from the throne, he will use it
Plus he uses his daddy’s card so like, Phil can afford to spend the money
Oh he has one of those black cards doesn’t he
And by he I mean Phil
But you know, Daddy’s card
Black amex all the way
Boujie motherfuckers
Tommy's drunk like persona is different depending on the environment
When its Wilbur and Techno having to deal with Drunk Tommy
He’s like an excitable puppy, he would switch from rowdy to sappy real quick for his brothers
So they’re trying to get a drunk Tommy to bed but Tommy’s 100% clinging to them
Just full of affection
Techno tries to leave to go study and drunk Tommy just looks so fucking sad
Kicked puppy
He’s very much turning on the little brother charm, full scale pouting, whining, nicknames and all
making grabby hands, sitting on thr ground, fluffed up hair, shirt all wrinkled
"Fucking - fine. What are you gonna do without me, hm?"
He’s a god damned puppy and it’s hard to believe this is the same kid who got in a bar fight last week
he hangs off the chandeliers of boogie hotels
he also trashes his friend's rentals
on the other hand, he hugs his brothers
and steals Wilbur's crown
when he wears Will's crown it goes over his eyes
Still does after all these years
He’s grown but Wils head is simply too big
Tommy has his own crown of course
he just doesn't wear it as often as Wilbru does
Wilbur wears his all of the time
Tommy wears his when
A. he's drunk and with friends
B. at formal or royal events
he likes wearing it when he's partying
still thinking about drunk Tommy and his brothers having to deal with him
He makes techno give him a piggy back ride
He can walk fine, he just wants a piggy back ride man
Can you blame him?
They all really miss being little
They miss being able to be kids n shit
when their mother took care of them
and their father did all the king shit
And when Techno would give Tommy piggyback rides in the garden
When Wilbur had all the time in the world to learn how to play guitar
Even if it comes from Tommy getting drunk off his ass they’re glad they can still find the childish joy that they once had y’know?
Techno gives Tommy a piggy back ride to his room, and Tommy steals Wilbur’s crown and they talk and it’s nice
And as everything winds down Wilbur plays his guitar
And it’s so similar to when they were younger man
but then,,, Wilbur gets called down for an emergency meeting
and Techno has to make sure the guards are doing their rounds
and Tommy's left all alone in The Prince's Chambers
and people wonder why Tommy likes partying
fills the time, doesn't it?
He wakes up cold and alone and hungover
And he calls Tubbo and they just fucking day drink man
It’s a bad two days
Yeha but basically after this night he and Tubbo get fucking drunk as hell and they don’t come back to the castle for two days
And Tommy is barely sober during those two days
After those type of days happen Tommy always goes completely straightedge for a week
He doenst need to develop an addiction y’know?
Plus the chaos doesn’t have to happen drunk
He’s pretty irrational sober anywyas
half of the parties he's at he's not even drunk
sometimes he'll get high
but he just likes the adrenaline
and just hanging and being fucking assholes with his mates
POV you are an emotionally wrecked prince who is hanging onto this present as proof that your dad knows who you are at least in the slightest and you find out it’s not actually a gift from him but something your mother told him to get you
He didn’t even think twice just called the dealership and asked for the car, didn’t even know which one it was
mmmmm Tommy wrecks Clem that night
It’s not a good night for anyone
Got drunk as hell man
No dd
Car crash
I don’t think Clem is totaled
And Tommy is ok
But she’s scratched and dented and it’s just a representation of how Tommy feels
Something about Clementine being symbolic of hope and the idea that his father knew him
And with that crashing down
Clementine was bound to crash too
Tommy gets out with some bruises and Clementine can be fixed
But it happens on a public street so it’s everywhere
Tommy wrecks Clem
Then fucking goes on a bender
just destroys shit
parties so he doesn't think about it
and then he fucking crashes
Wilbur and Techno and Kristin all know what the car meant to him, what it symbolized to him
So when there’s a headline and a picture of Tommy staring at a wrecked Clem, they don’t know how to feel
maybe he mentioned something about upgrading Clem to Phil, or offhandedly at family dinner
And Phil asks something like “Right and when did you get this one?” Very rudely y’know
And Tommy’s like, it’s the one you got me for my birthday last year, and Phil just says something about how he has to be more specific because he doesn’t even know which one that is
And Tommy feels everything crumble around him and he just tensely says, “never mind...” and goes back to his food
The other three watch the whole exchange like, “fuuuuuuuuuck”
And then as soon as dinners over Tommy’s out the door man
He’s gone
he doesn't take the dogs, which means he's causing damage
He doenst even take Tubbo
they can hear the handler hand Tommy the keys
Tubbo comes to Wil to ask if he knew where Tommy was and that’s when they realize Tommy’s going out to cause real damage
And Tommy’s phone is turned off
They can’t contact him
Tommy gets handcuffed
he won't get arrested, but he'll get brought back in a police car
he fucking like crashed into a poll on purpose
like it was less on purpose and more like he definitely wasn’t not trying to hit something
And then they fucking breathalyzer him and he’s drunk as balls
Straight vodka type night
there's a bottle in the cupholder
He gets out when he wrecks and you just see him dead eyed staring at the scratches on her hood
The dent in her door
The cracks in the windshield
And he just takes a swig of the bottle
He lets the police take the bottle and handcuff him, taking him back to the palace
Clem is towed back too
He doenst care man
this is bigger than party to distract Bc it’s all he’s thinking about even drunk n shit
So I feel like he’s absolutely crushed
he spends like a week or two in a depressive episode won't leave his room, won't talk to his dad
and then he asks his mom "why didn't you tell me?"
and she just purses her lips and and shakes her head
and he's out
he needs to leave
he doesn't need her pity
and he just goes to Purp's and parties
because he just wants to have fun for one night before he learns that everything is a lie
His brothers are there as much as he lets them be
Tubbo too
Ranboo would try to make it over after seeing the headlines
he gets on a jet
and goes as soon as he sees the news
cause Clem was Tommy's baby
He loved that fucking car man
And then
One dinner is all it took to ruin everything
Phil's just left like "what'd I do?"
Techno is straight faced
Wilbur rolls his eyes at Phil
And Kristin just looks stressed
She’s still staring the the door Tommy all but ran out of
none of them finish dinner, Kristin waves the butlers over to clear the plates
They don’t, and Phil is just so confused and frustrated and he doesn’t know what happened
Top 10 Prince Tommy Headlines: 10. Mourning or Disrespectful: Prince Thomas caught smoking outside grandmother's funeral 9. New Connections? Prince Thomas and Prince Ranboo seen outside Palace walking Royal Dogs 8. Protective Older Brother; Crown Prince William shielding Prince Thomas from cameras while walking down London streets 7. When Will He Stop? Prince Thomas continues his week-long bender 6. Another Frat Party: Prince Thomas found stumbling drunk after rowdy night at The Ritz London 5. Boy Crazy? Prince Thomas and Mystery Boy seen dancing at Crown Prince William's Birthday Ball 4. Is Prince Thomas's Rampage Over? The Prince seen hungover, nursing a coffee at London Branch Costa Coffee 3. Time to stop; Prince Thomas caught doing cocaine at socialites party 2. A good friend - Prince Thomas flew to the United States to help Prince Ranboo with new responsibilities
1. When is enough, enough? Prince Thomas crashes after driving drunk, arrested.
10 Tommy doesn’t smoke cigs so mans was just getting high at his grandmas funeral
he was real close with his granny, it was a sad day
It was because his father said something like “oh, I didn’t know you were coming Tommy”
It was his fucking grandmother Phil
Tommy just puts his sun glasses on, and sits as far away as he can
Number 5, the boy is Tubbo, Tubbo thinks it’s fucking hilarious, Tommy is pissed
Some of those headlines seem like they’re from the car month
Obviously number one is
But then the bender headline
Then the coffee one
And then the Wilbur one
They seem like a series of events
big month for the press
Tommys hungover and he calls Wil asking for him to pick him up
And Wilbur drops everything Bc he’s just glad Tommy’s coming back home
wilbur fucking glares at the cameras
Tommy's used to it
And then the press tries to mob them and Wilbur Almost breaks decorum
Like almost fucking yells at someone who gets too close
and Wilbur never does that
he's so in-line
he never breaks the rules
but goddamn if they take one step closer -
He’s been especially stressed, and all he wants is to get his baby brother home man
He’s been smoking a lot more since the wreck
He just wishes he could make everything better
Tommy relishes in talking to the press
Wilbur will clart someone who gets to close to his baby brother
The press who’s never seen Wilbur as anything other than composed and charming suddenly being faced with a very angry older brother who smells slightly like cigarette smoke
Wilbur in the Pogtopia coat but it’s some designer piece that’s expensive as hell
It’s his smoking coat
And it’s what he picks Tommy up in
So he smells like smoke
And not the tasteful cologne he usually wears in public
just like a dark overcoat
really expensive wool
Wilbur using it to cover them from the cameras
when they were younger, like 16 and 12, Wilbur would hide Tommy
like no one got a picture of Tommy until he was 14 or 15
Kristin really hid the boys when they were kids too
Tommy trying to peak out and make faces at the camera
it was illegal to get pictures of them younger than 10
like immediate blacklist
And also maybe some legal issues
Wilbur pulls Tommy's hood up over Tommy's head
And it’s very older brother of him too, he pulls it over to protect his face but then cinches the strings to be a little shit
Those Wilbur and Tommy brother moments comps exists in the universe too
But it’s just shit like that
Tommy has a great support system
He really does
His brothers love him
His mom loves him
He has two amazing friends and a bunch of other great friends as well
And sometimes he feels like a brat for throwing all these fits over his dad y’know?
Wilbur always tries to like, keep an arm around him when they're doing red carpets
And keeps Tommy sitting next to him at Royal events
but also like, steals food off his plate
and ruffles his hair
Tommy whispers the fucking worst jokes about the dignitaries and nobles and Wilbur has to keep a straight face
god thats tommys favorite thing to do
he tries so hard to get Wilbur to laugh and lose his shit
The fucking big boobs bit
But it’s Tommy whispering it to Wilbur completely out of context and randomly at a gala
But Royal Families are always big on that shiit
They try to hug him n shit
And Tommy depending on how Brave n shit he’s feeling (how fed up he is) will either politely excuse himself or straight up say no and step back with a glare
he's honestly uncomfortable around the strangers
who say they're family
like he's too sober for this
He needs a god damned drink
But he’s in a vest and a nice tie and his crown is sat proper on his head
And he can’t have a drink
god he's like a little doll, he plays by Phil's rules
the crown comes on and he's the proper prince
He fucking hates it
he sips on Wilbur's wine, and does the whole "tequila for water" thing sometimes
Flask in his sleeve
Techno catches him with the flask once and is just impressed
god is that a look on Techno's face
He sees Tommy slip it from his sleeve and somehow sleight off hand take a drink
And it’s just a raised eyebrow and a head nod that says
Good for you
Bc techno also needs a drink during these events
Sometimes Tommy will spike his and Techno's drinks
as Wilbur regally sips on wine
Wilbur fucking also secretly wishing he had a flask during the drier events
Wine drink just isn’t enough sometimes
Wilbur puts on his best face
and pretends he wants to be there
and gives out a warm smile, and raises a glass
god he fucking hates it sometimes
and sometimes he loves it
but man, does he hate it sometimes
Tommy complains and Phil makes a passive aggressive comment about how
“Oh but don’t you love parties Tommy.”
Wilbur sits between them
The table goes
Techno Kristin Phil Wilbur Tommy
Tommy just sneaks another sip of the flask
he doesn't have time to deal with his dads shit
Slumps back in the seat
He probably wouldn’t even try to hide it after that
Not like Phil is actually looking at him
He can let the press have it
He doenst care
just like leaves the flask next to him
under teh table
and jsut takes large swigs from it
Tommy maybe having a group of his friends crash one of the stuffy events
Not an important one
So fucking dedication ceremony to some inane building
He just invites a wild group of socialites
It’s nice
It’s not as wild as a normal Tommy Innit party
But it’s not a stuffy fucking boring ass royal meeting
they just bring some fucking whiskey into the back room and chat shit
Tommy fucking has a group of friends crash this gathering
It’s not wild
But it’s not stuffy
It’s nice
Tommy even drags Wilbur back for at least a little
and that takes a whole lot of work
It really does, Wilbur isn’t even a little tipsy off the wine, and Phil been by him the whole time and it’s just been hell, he can’t get wiobur away from the “socializing” hes doing
but when Wilbur is a bit tipsy he just becomes more charasmatic
truly a king
Less someone putting on a mask for their father
A little bit more authentic
he's a natural, sipping wine with one hand, and shaking hands with the other, crown propped beautifully on his head, million dollar suits hanging off his frame
It’s nice to see his brother in his element
its a bit sad
but its nice
A little yeah, Wilbur’s
Wilbur’s leaving him, not really but
Wilbur being king is-
It’s going to be hard
More than it is already
Wilbur will always love him
But eventually he’ll be too busy for Tommy
Just like Phil is
And it hurts
But that thought is what makes Tommy take a drink of his flask and drag Wilbur to the back room
Wilbur doesn’t have to forget him yet
Tommy looks real regal too
Wilbur wishes that Tommy could see what he sees
But he knows that Tommy’s self worth issues would take more than a nice hug and some warm words to fix
Tommy looks regal, and the gold crown really fits with the whole golden boy aesthetic
and he laughs, and makes conversation with everyome
and everyone eases up around him
Wilbur wishes that Tommy saw what he sees
Tommy and Ranboo's texts have been leaked once
Wow so many dog pictures dude
but also
:sparkles:state secrets:sparkles:
That was hell to clean up
it fucking was
it used petnames (which the public is never supposed to know about the nickanmes of royals fun fact)
and said shit about Phil
and detailed Fundy's illness which isn't public
and talked about meetings that Wilbur forced Tommy to attend
Tommy was terrified
Ranboo too
He was so scared someone would be angry at him for it
He doesn’t think he could handle be yelled at for this thing that wasn’t even his fault
like of course he could've not said it over text
but one of his best friends lives an ocean away
and his life is just all about secrets
dont make this something too
:sparkles: hackers :sparkles:
if someone god a hold of Tommy's IP, or Phone, or Phone number
they could be using instagram, twitter, or snapchat to have some of these converstaions
dms can get leaked real easily
Mmmm you ever think about Crime Bous
Because all I can think about is when Wilbur does get out of the house, and just like every event they go to
Tommy isn’t a fucking party boy then, he’s just Prince Thomas, Crown Prince William’s baby brother
And they always get photographed and shit
But they have a great time
They’re always smiling when they’re together
Sans Wilbur being a really protective older brother, and when their grandmother died
It’s nice to just go get lunch together at that one specific cafe they’ve been going to for years
Or just walk the dogs together
Just hang out and be brothers
They sit at the same table every time, and Tommy has gotten a Raspberry Lemonade since he was 8
When they walk the dogs, Wilbur holds Walter and Tommy holds Betty
Sunglasses on, big wool overcoats, and pants that were sewn just for them
And they’re seen walking out on the streets during big events a lot too
To like take a breather
Tommy has made a habit of allowing the press to ask him questions whenever they find him
Wilbur on the other hand always knows exactly what to say to press that come up to them
He always shoos them off with a polite “we won’t be answering any question right now thank you” and a blinding smile
And Tommy’s making a face at the press from over his shoulder
Either like sticking his tongue out or making some sort of face at Wilbur
As he gets older, he stops doing it as much because it gets a bit tiring, everything is tiring
But he does it every once in a while, usually a sharp grin over Wilbur’s shoulder accompanied by a middle finger
when like press sees that Wilbur smokes like a lot
big thin
and I feel like Wilbur would straight up be like "its not a big deal, its completely legal"
and hes like smoking 8 cigs a day, but its fine
He doesn’t have an issue
It’s just a little stress relief
King at 21 is a lot to handle
and maybe the stress is so much that it becomes a problem
but hey its his relief
its legal
he's fine
That’s Wilbur’s mantra most of the time
he falls asleep in Tommys bed a lot, waiting for the teen to come home
wilbur does
he finishes a pack, and sighs, rubbing his eyes
The empire is on the brink of war, it always is
He looks in Tommy's room, its empty
And he sits on the bed, waiting
10 minutes later he's asleep
The sheets don’t smell like Wilbur, and Wil thinks that’s what makes it’s so comforting
They don’t stink of nicotine or Wilbur cologne
The smell like Tommy
and while that smell like expensive booze, and coconut shampoo
its perfect
and the dogs are in Tommy's room too
he's a little less alone
Betty is the cuddler
She’ll come up and sleep next to Wil
but she wont do it to just anyone
its a bond, its trust
its the fact that Tommy likes Wilbur
she growls at Phil
she nudges at Kristin, LOVES kristin
its lonely and sad
because Tommy usually doesnt come back
Tommy snakes back in early in the morning and tucks Wilbur in
Though most times Wilbur falls asleep in Tommys bed
Completely dressed
He’s lucky bettys fur is sleek otherwise his very expensive clothes would be covered
I think Wilbur more often then not will wake up with Tommy in his arms, and that makes him very happy
like, Tommy comes it at 5am, and just snuggles next to Wilbur
It’s makes Tommy sad to know his brother is waiting up for him to never come
But at the same time he’s always so happy to see him when he gets home
I imagine sometimes butlers come to get Wilbur for work, and Tommy makes them leave so that Wilbur can sleep in "Hello your highness, we came to fetch King Wilbur for his morning briefing" "He's sleeping." "Well, I can see that Your Highness -" "So let him sleep." "Prince Thomas -" "Let. Him. Sleep. Okay?" "Yes, Your Highness."
I've decided that Tommy is the big spoon
in these vulranable moments, when Wilbur is weak, Tommy kind of holds him
like obviously there are a lot of tims, where Wilbur wants to hold his baby brother
however, Tommy kind of holds Wilbur, like wraps himself around Wilbur, and puts Wilbur's head in the crook of his neck
this happens when Tommy comes home to find Wilbur in his bed
either this, or Tommy curls into a ball and rests his head against wilburs chest
Tommy has daddy issues
Wilbur has the weiht of the world
Techno has ptsd
Phil: fuck you my kids are completely fine!
Wilbur’s nicotine addiction
Tommys abandonment issues
Technos fucking PTSD
Once, when the empires war was getting really, really bad, and Wilbur had to decide life or death shit
He smoked a whole pack in a day
And then just kept going
His hands wouldn’t stop shaking
why wouldn't they stop fucking shaking
Tommy stopped partying that week, he isn’t ignorant, nor a fucking dick
He was Wilbur’s right hand for as long as he needed him
Despite how badly he wanted to party until he could see straight
His brother needed him
His king needed him
And he will gladly serve Wilbur as long as he would have him
He stood right behind Wilbur
Every decision
He was right behind him
Even if it meant constant decorum and constant royal dress, Tommy was there
And that was a grounding fact
If Tommy hadn’t been there Wilbur thinks he may have lost it that week
Sometimes the only thing that kept Wilbur’s hands from shaking terribly was holding Tommy’s hands
When the advisors and court had left
Tommy would take Wilbur hands and make him do breathing exercises
Wilbur wasn’t allowed to look anywhere other than Tommy’s eyes
They would get through this
They would, Tommy would make sure of it
Tommy in the room also made everyone a bit nervous and loosen up around Wilbur though
Because sometimes they act like they can boss Will around
And Tommy is stone faced, and has the media wrapped around his finger
The court knows that all it would take is one “scandalous statement” from Prince Thomas to end their careers
Wilbur could fire them, but he’s stressed
Any other day, he’s a fucking FORCE to recon with
But Tommy? He’s here to ensure the best or their careers would end
And you know that Tommy has at least 3 sources in the biggest news outlets in the empire
He could get ANYTHING out there
Wilbur’s throne is the biggest in the middle
Two thrones smaller aside him
Within the like office / study / planning room
Tommy's hasn't been used until just then
Tommy finds it quite uncomfy
But he can deal
Also Tommy drops the nicknames for the week or so
No “Big Man”
It was “Will” and “William”
Your Majesty at one or two points
But that felt a little too formal for both of them
Too alienating
Tommy learned a whole fucking lot of fucking politics that week
Not that he didnt listen in his lessons it’s just that
He can’t not listen if he’s not there
It’s different IRL too
Seeing all the decisions
It’s terrifying
And he’s exhausted
Dressing nicely and talking for 12 hours a day about politics
And life / death decisions
So many cuddles dude
Just permanently cuddling if they’re not presently working or “coping”
And I think
That although Wilbur is the one who’s going through it
When they cuddle, Wilbur likes to hold Tommy
Just in the sense that Tommy’s here and safe
In the midst of all the death around Wilbur
He needs to know that his person, his kid is alright
Plus having this one thing this one routine helps him feel a little on control during this out of hand time
:sparkles: Prince Tommy PR leak :sparkles:
I talked about how Tommy was close to his grandmother
and how he was smoking outside of her funeral
maybe it was during that time in his life
really dark place in his mind
smoked and drank every day
Wilbur smoked a lot during that time yet
they probably drank together a few times
like straight up vodka
Just they’re so young and so tired
and so its like, pictures of Wilbur and Tommy (and just Tommy) drinking in the parlor, and in the like, bar area of their private living area, dark eye bags, red eyes, just straight from the bottle
Both of their ties were undone, no jackets, sleeves rolled up to their elbows, Wilbur's top 3 buttons are undone, they're both like manspreading
like they're just at their lowest, particularly Tommy, but Wilbur was having an adjacent bad time
Tommy's hair is a fuckin' mess
HOWEVER, they're both still clean shaven, neither of their shorts or trousers are wrinkled or stained
They may be going through it, but the royal image waits for no one
How does the castle react? Immediate lock down.
Interrogations or some shit
none of the princes are allowed to leave
they have to do clean up
they write scripts essentially for Tommy and Wilbur to adress the press
they need to send out a memo that they don't agree with underage drinking
its all structured, scripted, and written by advisors (and their father)
major damage control
which is just not what Tommy needs right now, because he's like trying to work through his grief
and Wilbur has a fucking fight with his father about that
Phil does not care
They fucked up
Someone else fucked up
And now they’re going to be big boys and fix it Like Phil's going to Tommy's room to get him to look over what his quick press tour and Wilbur jsut stops him in front of the door "He's fucking grieving - Let him have a moment will you? Don't you know how close he was with Gran?" "You messed up. He messed up. Now you're gonna be big boys and fix it." “You’re horrible sometimes you know that?” “I am your father” “Then act like it, your majesty”
meanwhile Tommy: in bed, hasn't slept, major depressive spiral, cuddling Betty, Walter standing guard at his door, holding onto a blanket that his grandmother gave him
just - can't even cry anymore
just empty
Literally just despondent
Staring at the ceiling as Betty noses his face
like good luck getting to get up, let alone read shit
He hasn’t showered in days
He is very much not presentable
like it's only been a week or two since his grandmother's death
and he still is processing
He is no where near done grieving
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toshima-division · 3 years ago
Lillian's Thoughts on Aoyama Division
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Tomi Chōten
"Tomi Chōten, also known as 'High Class'. Subject is a self-proclaimed 'socialite', making a living mingling with other members of high society. Subject was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and has experienced little to no hardships due to his family's wealth and status. His mother, Okawa Chōten, works for Chuohku as one of our spokespersons. Like Kaori-san and Mei-san mentioned, despite the passion in all of her speeches, it is quite obvious to the trained ear that she does not believe half of what she is saying, and is only speaking because she is being paid to say what she does.
"Despite his persona, subject suffers from a well-hidden inferiority complex that he hides behind an arrogant and overbearing attitude. Subject appears to have a very high opinion of himself, but cannot handle failure or rejection. Subject is also afraid of disappointing his parents or peers, which only adds to his sorrow. It's believed this stems from his younger brother, who was cast out by his parents after failing to adhere to their strict lifestyle. Subject's paranoia is easily exploitable, not making him a threat."
Karada Kessaku
"Karada Kessaku, also known as 'Nike'. Subject is a well-known bodybuilder, specializing in events that showcase his impressive physique. Subject also works as a trainer, helping the women of his city and division by performing and scheduling sessions with them, which he helps them to get active and increase their stamina. Personal opinion states that these 'sessions' are little more than promiscuous rendezvous that he uses to exploit the women of Aoyama.
"Subject did not have a healthy childhood due to his father leaving his mother before he was born, and his mother dying when he was only five years old from sickness. Subject was primarily raised by his grandfather, whom subject would eventually come to love and respect despite his early attitude towards him. Subject possesses incredible strength and stamina, but has difficulty with certain mental issues. Subject is deemed not a threat."
Luis Kōkyū
"Luis Kōkyū, also known as 'El Dorado'. Subject is a famous chef and restaurant owner, which has made him well-known throughout all of Japan for his exotic dishes. Subject was trained how to cook by his grandmother, whom he loves and cherishes dearly due to her being the only parental adult to show him any love during his childhood. Subject's parents only married each other for money, and reports show that despite still being married, both have many partners on the side, which only increases subject's hate towards them. Personal opinion states that I can understand fully how Subject feels.
"As stated, subject received little to no love or affection from his childhood. And because of his physical appearance, subject was frequently ridiculed and bullied by his peers in high school, causing a great deal of animosity towards others. Subject was eventually approached by Subject Kessaku, who became his first friend, which continues on to this day.
"Subject is a calm and quiet individual despite his tendency to put on airs in front of certain people. Subject is not a threat, but caution should be used when dealing with him, as his persona greatly resembles that of Doppo Kannonzaka's of Shinjuku, in that he can explode once pushed over the edge, especially in regards to his grandmother, friends or physical appearance."
Jet Set Trio
"Despite the group being one of the earliest to form, Aoyama Division, Jet Set Trio, is not deemed a threat by Chuohku. The team formed after Otome-sama sent an invite to Subject Chōten, forcing him to enter. Team has only had one battle thus far, and lost badly against Ueno Division, Sakurai Clan. Despite love for and popularity for the division is still shown, despite the group's arrogant and uppity attitude, mainly shown by Subject Chōten.
"Interaction with group seems unlikely, due to their elimination from the tournament. However, if battle occurs, taking out Subject Kessaku first should be wise as he is the group's main form of defense. Afterwards, taking Subject Kōkyū out next would be the best course of action, followed lastly by Subject Chōten.
"Report and analysis on Aoyama Division, Jet Set Trio, is completed. Moving on to next available assignment."
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dragynkeep · 3 years ago
" Welp.
As if people needed another reason to hate Weiss and Whitley’s first interaction in Volume 8, the commentary outright says that they thought Weiss was 100% in the right for treating Whitley like trash because it was some kind of epic character moment for her to "stand up" to someone who "represents what the Schnee name used to be.” Also they call Whitley a spoiled rich kid who deserved it.
https://files.catbox.moe/pcp69f.webm "
god, i really hoped that mkek would’ve taken on board the meaningful criticism from not only the abuse justifying fan comic made that was endorsed by them but then also the response to the actual episode. just as a reminder, what they call “completely justified” of weiss having a girlboss moment “standing up” to the last of her corrupted name is in fact weiss repeating the abusive behaviours of their mutual abuser on her defenseless brother who was abandoned yet again, all while pointing a loaded weapon in his face.
whitley was not a spoiled rich kid in that moment. he was a terrified little boy who had just lost the only family ever present in his life, even if jacques was abusive, was further abandoned by his pathetic drunkard of a mother & then further abused by his uppity sister who swanned into the home she disowned herself from to play the boss of him. as if she’d ever been there or ever even tried to connect to him. as if she’d ever even cared about him.
& that whole tripe about weiss “standing up to what the schnee name used to be” makes no goddamn sense considering this is what the schnee name has always been. jacques just took a imperialist company that built it’s bones on a colonist regime & featured some child slavery in it. the core of the sdc & the schnee name is rotten, it is built on the blood of faunus & of other kingdoms like vacuo. weiss can’t just comfortably “distance” herself from what the name is to reclaim what she feels like all while abusing whitley when he was the only goddamn one to do anything worth while in the manor in v8.
honestly this all just fills me with so much more dread about how mkek are going to not only handle the bloody legacy of the schnee name now that weiss is a “martyr” for it, but the colonization that vacuo underwent. i do not trust these american, mostly white fucks in handling a topic their country still perpetuates every day against middle eastern countries because shit like this shows that they still don’t understand the painful scope of current day colonization & how much it ruins lives, countries, cultures.
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saltysalmonkid · 3 years ago
Nother fucking nandermo au just came to mind i hate my brain anyway its this: in this world magic is a selfishly guarded secret and also a terrible career path due to technological advancements far surpassing the limitations of magic. Basically wizardry is a once-glorified proffession that is now kind of moot. Like a history major or something (sorry history majors). Also its really hard to enter into anyway bc you specifically have to learn magic via apprenticeship and wizards are generally a) few and far between and b) uppity judgemental assholes.
Anyway, Guillermo is a Weirdo. With a capital W. His whole life he's been aspiring to be a wizard. Even though its not lucrative and not very feasible. He's going to med school because it's what his mother wants but secretly he still holds out hope of one day being taken under the wing of a wizard and learning magic. In comes Nandor on his nightshift at Panera Bread. (Does panera bread have a nightshift idk im not american. Whatever in my fake made up universe it does) Now, one perk of wizardry is that immortality has long since been discovered. Which means most wizards are old as shit. Nandor himself is, you guessed it, around 700 years old. And his clothes certainly show for it too. Guillermo can barely contain his excitement as he takes Nandor's order and the fucking moment Nandor leaves the Panera he takes a 'toilet break' and rushes outside and begs Nandor to take him in. And honestly this ploy would not have worked if any other wizard but Nandor walked into that Panera that day. Because one thing about Nandor is that he is desperately, desperately lonely. Still, for the sake of his pride he makes Guillermo grovel on the floor before he finally acquiesces and hands him a slip of paper with the address of his house. Guillermo quits Panera and med school literally the next day.
Queue Nandor basically just making Guillermo do all his chores and also a shitload of homoerotic longing. Anyway i swear to god if i make myself write one more thing im going to combust.
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