#also clip stolen from twitter
pusangkambing · 1 year
What has this server done to this man 😭
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dduane · 1 year
PSA: "Shaxpir" AI writing software: AVOID!
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The tl;dr: A guy is selling subscriptions to an AI-based software tool to "help you write better novels." And to train it, he's used tens of thousands of novels from authors you know, without those authors giving him permission.
...Sometimes things seem to blow up with unusual speed. This particular shit seems to have hit the fan yesterday, primarily on Twitter, when various authors discovered the guy's website, prosecraft.io. This site featured "clippings" of writing from the authors he'd stolen from... and the revelation that he had scraped their entire books, not just excerpts, to train his AI. ("2,470,720,986 words," his website bragged, "from 27,668 books, by 15,622 authors." The only authors who were off limits, apparently, were people using [or paying for] his software.) Though the guy hastily took prosecraft.io down when the online explosions began, if you take a look at this Google search you can see the covers of just some of the books the entire contents of which he exploited for AI training.
This usage goes well beyond the "fair use" defense that he belatedly (and ineffectively) attempted to employ on Twitter. It's straightforward copyright infringement, on a massive scale: good old-fashioned theft.
Gizmodo has a goodish breakdown of the broad situation here. AV Club also has one here.
The only upside to this sorry situation is that, at the legal end of things, this guy is certainly about to get nuked from orbit… because all those authors’ full-text works will still be in the guts of the guy’s AI, which is being used by him for commercial purposes. (Among the authors he made the gross tactical error of stealing from: Stephen King, James Patterson, the Pratchett Estate, and Nora Roberts. This... is not going to go well for him.)
Leverage's John Rogers sums it up succinctly:
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Meanwhile: the guy who created this whole mess is still selling subscriptions to his Shaxpir software (I'm not adding the URL here) that he trained using stolen goods. So—until someone stops him—you might like to reblog this info for the attention of others here who prefer their writing to stay human-made as well as -fueled, and not to support the seriously ethically-challenged.
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chaoskirin · 2 years
What AI Art is NOT
I keep seeing people refuting points from REAL ACTUAL ARTISTS using these talking points. So here’s a sort of FAQ of what I’ve seen.
Q: Isn’t AI Art is just a tool?
A: Tools include grids, perspective lines, rulers, apps like Sketch Up which place assets that are pre-designed and cannot be altered, et cetera. Tools are NOT: apps that draw the whole picture for you. If AI datasets were tools, then artists would also be tools. Artists aren’t tools. 
Q: AI Art isn’t stealing art. It’s just like a collage. 
A: I really want you to think about what a collage is versus the kind of art an AI dataset spits out. Are those things the same? Collages are derivative and generally fall under parody law, so long as the person creating them isn’t taking credit for the parts of the collage they didn’t photograph or draw. You cannot sell a collage of other peoples’ work without express written permission from those people. The elements of a collage are each separate and identifiable as such.
AI art is not a collage. The elements of an AI art piece are not separate and identifiable. They are combined into one single piece, where each piece cannot specifically be traced. AI art does not fit the definition of a derivative or parody work. 
Q: If someone puts their art on the internet, it’s fair game. 
A: Copyright law specifically disagrees with you on this point. 
Q: If it’s not a collage and one can’t see the pieces of the art, doesn’t that make it an original work, and therefore, it’s not theft? 
A: AI isn’t generating a new image. It’s taking pieces from many originals and “claiming” to make a new original piece. However, AI cannot generate these things without knowing what they are (IE skimming tags and allowing users to tell the AI what’s in the picture) Without the input of original artists, an AI would not be able to create anything, which is why most datasets include millions of pieces of art “scraped” (AKA stolen) from the internet. Currently, these pieces AI makes are being sold, and the owners of the datasets are charging for their use. This means that people who did not actually create the art are being paid, whereas the original artists are not. 
Q: AI art can’t replace real artists. You’re fearmongering. 
A: AI art has already replaced real artists. Shortly after Kim Jung Ji died, someone fed all his artwork into a dataset and “created” several new pieces that were almost identical to his style. Cosmopolitan magazine released a cover “drawn” by an AI and blatantly stated on the cover “and it only took 20 seconds to make.” A magazine article in The Atlantic used AI art to generate a photo of Alex Jones surrounded by papers. Someone submitted AI generated art to an art contest and won. Several anecdotal stories (not verified, but reliable) on Twitter state that small companies have fired their graphic designers or cut their work force. Commissioned artists have reported dropping sales numbers. 
Corporations (and most people) will ALWAYS favor a cheaper option. If it’s good enough, it’s usable. The Cosmo magazine cover and the article header image were TERRIBLE, and they still went to print. Everyone should know by now that corporations will ALWAYS screw people over when they’re able to. If AI art becomes acceptable and commonplace, in-house artists will be replaced. This isn’t theoretical. It is already happening. 
Q: It’s going to happen anyway. You can either embrace it or reject it. (Yes, this is real. Someone actually said this to me.) 
A: Yes... Exactly. I’m rejecting it. Without laws to protect artists, I will fight AI art whenever and wherever I can. It might be fun and convenient for you, a non-artist, but it is terrifying and heartbreaking for artists. Websites like Deviantart and Clip Studio Paint who said “well it’s going to happen anyway” should have been the first line of defense against the creep of AI art, but they failed. It can only take over if people let it. Stop letting it.
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nicofan57 · 5 months
i wanted to talk about this clip so here’s my thoughts on it and the entire situation from yesterday (rest is under the cut)
minute: oh but why wemmbu, why, we- clown you and i were against him before, why-
clown: i didn’t like it either, okay, let me- you know why-
minute: ill tell you better- ill tell you better than anyone he’s just gonna use you and spit you out whenever it’s convenient. or whenever you’re no longer convenient for him. i know it better than anyone!
clown: i think we can handle wemmbu.
minute: he can't die!
clown: oh but he could drop- (?)
minute: he's just gonna sit tens of thousands of blocks out and wait for everyone to kill each other until he's the last one. i know this better than anyone! why didn't you talk to me?)
so first let’s dissect this clip. minute saying "i know this better than anyone" brings me back to kings s1 . they worked together to take down the other team that had the mythics and when wemmbu finally got a hold of the lifestealer (i can’t remember the exact details.. time for a rewatch) he threw minute out, saying there could only be one king. which sucks more when you think about at the start of the server, minute was open to teaming with wemmbu because he genuinely thought they were friends like he was not seeing that coming. someone warned him wemmbu is not trustworthy and he went “wemmbus my boy he wouldnt do that" (or something along those lines). and it’s like. well he did end up doing that. and minute realized he was being used all along.
fast forward to foundation when wemmbu literally said something along the lines of (again, sorry this might not be accurate) he’d team with minute because
- minute is powerful
- he has gear sets
- he would give him stuff
and most of all because he’s too kind for his own good. he wants peace even with his enemies, which we all know from the current arc right now. and wemmbu knows that all too well he knows he wouldnt refuse siding with him even considering their history on kings. anyway we all know how the abyss arc turned out for them with the orbital
so here is this clip i posted a while ago (linked here, because i cant put more than one video in a post apparently) where minute talks about how wemmbu's betrayed him a million times and how he says it hurts but he moves past it (this guy....) well clearly he’s not going to move past it now. because behind his back wemmbu has been working with zam, the person trying to break him mentally, and wemmbu’s stolen his position of power and is going to undo everything he’s worked towards. and the worst part about it is that he even convinced minutes teammates from day one to vote for him.
it’s pretty clear that wemmbu knows minute more and is able to get to him better than zam, he knows how to get into his head, he knows what actually fucks minute up, and no offense to zam because zam did end up winning… he achieved his goal by employing wemmbu! but i noticed minute isnt worried about zam that much anymore, or any of the players at all. it’s wemmbu because he knows what wemmbu can do and he knows how fucked up the server is going to be under his presidency. worst of all he knows what’s going to happen to his friends, he���s been in their shoes before, he knows they’re going to be left for dead when all is said and done, and even though they betrayed him and voted for wemmbu he still wants to save them because he knows it all too well (i think he also did say this). he still has some good left in him, even after the betrayal.
though the players are using wemmbu's presidency term to get what they want, it’s always going to end up being minute against wemmbu, it’s a cycle that ive noticed keeps repeating lately . thank you all forcoming to my ted talk
(p.s. i copied and pasted this from my twitter thread sorry if theres any weird formatting. or typos. or bad english pleabse be nice to me smiles)
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the-l00ker · 4 days
Go support Vtuber Froot
And before I see the comments about her allegedly cheating I just locked into it on my Twitter and the person who claims she cheated has publicly stated before this she hate Froot, was found to be editing screenshots, putting racist and allowing racist things to happen in her discord server, starting deleting nudes of vtubers for no reason, made up the "everybody makes mistakes" story by editing together out of context clips and creating a narrative and their only defence was that their edgy.
People taking the story that face value is wild. I'd like to tell people that's saying that she cheated was a cover up because it's a manipulation tactic used by abusers and people who don't like you to basically get the first word in before something happens so it can be used as defense in the long run.
Like you do one thing someone takes it out of context and now you're at fault, and you can't say anything anymore because of it.
It is clear, Amt-hme (hime??) Did not like Froot. It's clear when her discord server and it's clear everywhere else. So for her to go out of her to scrap together alleged screenshots and alleged accounts then editing them together to make it seem as something it was not is the exact thing that I predicted would happen. Because now she's got little thing out and it was copyright striked and taken down people thought they were trying to silence the truth in actuality there was no truth there. I've linked someone who found some edited screenshots from the now apparently deleted documentary (another version is up but I do not know what this the original), it's clear most of it is not true, people don't even know if that's actually her discord, and Froot addressed it because the clips of her addressing it were edited together out of context. The only person who says anything about it is Ironmouse, who says that it's weird people are harassing her over something she didn't do and then taking pictures of themselves next to her leaked nudes, stolen off of a Google Cloud.
Ex husband, has not said a single thing. I thought he did but I was wrong. He has never in the entire history of the abusive relationship called around for allegedly cheating on him with five men from discord. He tried to claim she was cheating for other reasons which was disproven by her and you can check the timelines. The only person to have everything about her cheating is someone who would publicly hates her guts, and has edited screenshots in her favor.
Those accounts from those people who say "yeah she did", do not sound confident. You can hear them agreeing with what ant-hme says and it's almost like they're reading a script and then putting it into that own words, they are also been on her discord long enough to know that ant-hme (who I'll be calling AH not bc it's funny but bc it's shorter) that she despises Froot.
She literally came in with a point and no evidence. You can dislike someone but making a whole two hour documentary with edited screenshots and alleged Witnesses who do not know what they're doing is something that goes beyond the level of shady.
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blazehedgehog · 8 months
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Putting this out there for y'all but I'm 99% sure this is a scam.
I'm wary about this kind of stuff since I've heard people run scams like this. Generally I don't blog about this kind of stuff, but if you follow me on Cohost or Twitter, you know I will sometimes retweet people in need -- but I never do it at random, I always try to make sure it is coming from someone I marginally trust or even know personally. Never strangers.
So when a "stranger" approaches me in my tumblr ask box, immediately I go about investigating.
This user's blog passes the first sniff test: a seemingly "real" avatar (not a default shape, not a stolen selfie), there's an actual blog description, and they even have some likes.
Red flag number one: This blog has only made six posts. I have post timestamps turned on, so I can see that all six posts were made on January 31st of this year. Nothing before that date, and nothing after that date.
Red flag number two: Five of those six posts are reblogs (generic animal memes). The only original blog is the pinned post about the supposed cat. No other pictures of the cat, no other pictures of the daughter, no other posts about lifestyle or interests in any shape or form.
Red flag number three: Though the blog has some likes, they only have seven likes, five of which are also the things they reblogged. One of which is someone publicly boosting their message about the supposed cat.
Red flag number four: Tumblr lets you view a blog's following list, so you can see who they follow. This user is following at least two obvious spambots (empty blog, default shape avatar).
Red flag number five: They don't even follow me. How did they find my blog? On what grounds do they think I'd be a good fit to boost their message? I do not signal boost charity on tumblr very often, as stated.
Red flag number six: Their pinned post mentions they "have a paypal" but they're gathering money through some obscure crowdfunding platform I've never heard of ("because gofundme takes too much money out.") I haven't clicked their link, but I did google the site name, and it's some sort of social media profile card service (like linktree) that also lets you raise money. The service lists high profile clients, most of which may as well be fake clip art images for all I know, outside of the Comedy Central logo. Not super trustworthy.
Red flag number seven: "Try to answer this ask privately." Why? Because it's obvious this is all super suspicious?
Nobody wants to be heartless, which is exactly what this message is built to prey upon. If this person's cat is real, my heart truly goes out to it, because I've lost many pets over the years. Some of which had their health decline so rapidly they literally died in my arms as we were rushing to the vet emergency room. I've been more emotionally wrecked by some pet deaths than people I knew.
So I don't want to inflict that on anyone.
But the red flags are overwhelming. This person is not to be trusted. Be on your guard with what you share, folks.
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hesokuri-wars · 10 months
I never got the chance to play this game, but it looks so fun... Why was it shut down? Also, are there any other oso-san games still available?
Well, nobody here was playing around the time of the shutdown, so we wouldn't really be experts on the situation. Either way, game staff in general don't just outright tell players the reasons for discontinuation, but I think the safe assumption would be that they simply didn't have the budget to keep it running anymore. Which... honestly, was a possibility that I had been concerned about for a while, given how much the game grew to rely on its whales. I could be way off on this, but the fact that they flat started requiring to spend money to roll for premium sets had the alarm bells going off in my head.
As for the (mobile) games still available now, there are three - Pokomatsu, Tabimatsu, and NEETPro, all of which region-locked to only Japan (assuming you don't live there, if you want to know of a way to get around this issue, follow the instructions in the FAQ under "how to install the app" - the process should be the same).
And because I have thoughts on all of them, I wrote up a brief description on each game before concluding with my personal thoughts on the current state of the Ososan Gaming Experience, but I'm not sure if anyone else really cares that much so I'm putting it under a cut lol. Links to downloading the games are included below as well for those who are curious.
Pokomatsu (Apple Link / Android Link)
I kind of talked about this one just the other day, but basically, it's the game that "replaced" Hesokuri Wars. Not only does it use a lot of Heso's assets, but the Twitter account for Hesokuri Wars and Pokomatsu is one and the same.
And... that's really it as far as similarities go. Hesokuri Wars was a tower defense game, and Pokomatsu is that one game where you aim and shoot balls at objects/people that are slowly advancing towards you and have to hit them enough times to win (idk if there's a more succinct name for this type of gameplay). Also, you can collect screenshots from the anime, movies, and Heso, either by playing/progressing or by rolling in the gacha. The basic story of the game is that the sextuplets are defending themselves from having their roles as the protagonists stolen by the other characters.
Here's a sample of some gameplay, if you're curious. Note that the voice clips are recycled directly from Heso. Also, it's incredibly noisy, so I guess that's just another similarity the two share.
Mod Ichi's Opinion: If you like this sort of game, then go ahead and give it a try, but I personally can't see myself getting too invested in it. Collecting the cards is its main selling point, but even that's not really all that given that they're just screenshots as opposed to original art. Also, I think I'm bad at it because I can't get past Stage 8. Never mind, I was playing it while I was typing this and I just beat it lol. But now I can't get past Stage 9.
Tabimatsu (Apple Link / Android Link)
AKA the other big Oso game from back in the day, although it still wasn't as big as Heso. The premise is that the sextuplets are traveling to all of the prefectures in Japan to pick up money, and the gameplay is in the form of a board game where you roll a die and move around. Much like Heso, had its fair share of original outfits and events, but it's currently in a bit of a weird place because it's been dormant for the past few years; it's still there for people to download and play, but it hasn't had a proper update since like 2020/2021 aside from the occasional maintenance. It's very clearly on its last legs, but it's still available to the public, presumably because it's not as costly to run as some other games of the past.
A sample of gameplay.
Mod Ichi's Opinion: I really enjoyed this game when it was more active! I'd like to replay it for the nostalgia, but it refuses to load properly on my phone teehee.
NEETPro (Apple Link / Android Link)
This one was released in conjunction with the first movie. It's also made by the same people who made Tabimatsu.
NEETPro is by far the simplest out of all the games, being more of a story-driven visual novel and not much else - I think this is the first and only Ososan mobile game to not have any gacha function? You play as a female showbiz manager, Totoko is your supervisor (she quit being an idol), and you're responsible for managing a sextuplet of your choice. Depending on the choices you make throughout the story, you either succeed in turning him into a movie star, or he stays a NEET.
In other words, this is the closest thing to an official Ososan otome game that exists. Like I said, this game is very much just a visual novel and not much else, so it basically was just released and not really updated since. I also found a tweet posted by the official Tabimatsu account from this September announcing the app would no longer be available on the Google Play store (though people who already had the app can still play), so like. That pretty much confirms that keeping this game up to date isn't exactly a top priority of the staff.
A sample of gameplay.
Mod Ichi's Opinion: I'm playing Ichi's route and I keep trying to brute force him into letting me become his manager and at one point he grew convinced that I was secretly an assassin plotting to kill him. Anyway, I don't think you'll have much use for this if you can't read Japanese or can't find a translation somewhere.
I feel like I've been hinting at this all throughout this post, but Ososan doesn't seem to be thriving in the mobile game sphere as of late. We used to have games like Hesokuri Wars, Damematsu, and Shimamatsu, all of which were rife with content, but all three current games I described above are fairly low-maintenance to keep running, have very sparse updates, and overall just don't seem to be here to keep your long-term interest. Maybe it's not too fair to say that about NEETPro, given the type of game it is (not to mention that it mainly served as promotional material for the movie), but like. Tabimatsu? That game used to consistently get new content, until one day, all that just stopped.
Idk I don't really have a conclusion to all of this lol this isn't meant to be some thesis or anything. It's just that when I went back to see which games were still available to the public, I immediately noticed the lack of actual content, and it's such a downgrade. It kind of bothers me as someone who not only rigorously played Heso for years, but also was super into checking out every other game the staff would drop.
🐾 Mod Ichi
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mentalbaddiex · 4 months
you’re the worst Jude account here how many times have you stolen from people and never giving credit especially from that Ria account on twitter
i‘ve literally said multiple times on here that i either get my clips/pics from twitter, sometimes ig or screenrecord them myself.
also you guys need to stop acting like people own these random bein sports clips or whatever which are posted all over twitter by the randomest accounts, they are literally screenrecordings & the rights only belong to those channels.
by that logic anytime anyone reposts even stuff from real madrid/jude we‘d have to credit them.
as far as the ria girl goes, most of the times her stuff is watermarked anyways
football twitter is probably the worst place to cry about giving credit when it’s random clips from games or training that none of us own the rights of
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golbrocklovely · 7 months
i just read your 2021 colby tweets post…
“(it's so clear to me now that this man was clearly going thru so much. this is when things really changed for him and how he interacted with us. it's sad to look back on this now)”
im so curious… what happened? - aussie anon
i'm gonna give the briefest and quickest run downs, just bc as a fan that was on twitter around this time, i full on hated this time period in the fandom and literally contemplated leaving bc of how bad it got.
so between 2020-21, colby was getting called out for a lot of shit. some of it was warranted, but a lot of it wasn't. for example, he was getting called out for mouthing the n word in a video and musically. he addressed it and apologized. and obviously hasn't done it since.
he was also called out for not doing enough for stop asian hate, which according to fans was he needed to retweet the right links, bc him retweeting whatever post he did wasn't good enough.
but then it got into a different territory. he started getting called out for the following: not immediately talking about jan 6 as it was happening, wishing happy international women's day, getting called out for mimicking brennen's weird voice in a video which apparently sounded like he was mocking asian ppl?????, the queerbaiting shit (which to this day i die on the hill that ppl cannot queerbait you, and on top of that brennen and sam never had to apologize), not calling out his fans for apparently being transphobic (even tho how was he supposed to know that was happening). there's probably plenty more as well, but these were the highlights.
and then in 2021, if i'm not mistaken, he ended up getting a terrible death threat that was posted by some """"""fan"""""". it was a really disgusting, long ass dissertation basically calling him worthless in a 1000 different ways. once that happened, he really removed himself from twitter, literally taking like a week long break, and from that point forward did not come back on the platform the same. he kept his distance from us after that, and when his journal was stolen… he really parted from the fandom in a way. bc there were ppl in the replies of that tweet celebrating him losing it. and i think that tied with the two past years of bs, it was enough for him to separate himself from the fandom.
bc before, he would tweet a lot. balcony tweets had been a thing for over a year, and then once ppl started harassing him, he stepped back. and look, i'm not here to argue that he didn't deserve to get called out for the n word clips or stop asian hate stuff. yes - those made sense. bc it's not a call out, so much as "hey, you need to address this". but everything else that followed was just straight up mean and nasty.
i mean, for fuck's sake, one of the many fans that called him out and celebrated him losing his journal, i just found out, WAS HAPPY he got cancer. that's how far some of these ppl's hate for him ran. even to this day some ppl dislike him for dumb mistakes that he shouldn't have made.
and i know i can't accept his apologies. i'm not here to do that. i'm just here to say that it's one thing to hold someone accountable, but it's another thing entirely to wish someone the worst and be glad when it occurs. bc that's demented. he's made mistakes, sure. but none of them are bad enough to wish him misery. at least i don't think so.
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calipersandtongs · 2 years
The Universal NPC’s Homeworld
I’m still piecing together the storyline for my next video. Initially I was going to create some kind of compilation video with funny clips from past videos since I recently hit 5000 subscribers on YouTube (if you’re subscribed to my channel thanks for subscribing! 😊) So I wanted to do something a bit different before moving onto my next game NPC video since it’s a milestone. Also I was going to start building the NPC museum I mentioned in my last video. 
So if you plan on watching the video I’ll probably be covering everything here in that video anyway. Also I posted some of this on twitter before yesterday. I just felt like rambling about my ideas and mods I’m looking at lol.
Somehow this morphed from museum though to ‘dream world where Rod Humble’s computer stash is really located.’ So I started building this as a subhood for Blightgate. It’s called z_¦¦S•e•¦¦D••¦o¦¦••N¦¦ªa••¦¦¦• based on the Sedona hood which was scrapped by Maxis at some point in development but still has the hood template + references in game files + a flythrough.) I wanted to use a glitch text editor to make some weird looking names for all the lots but The Sims 2 can’t display that text so I just kind of used random characters that would show up instead. 
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There’s a train station lot (which I downloaded from mts a while ago called Simton Railway Station it’s actually a really great lot outside of what I’m using it for right now haha.) Then I found this awesome effects collection by Sophie-David so I could actually have trains running through! 
When I was working on my Don Lothario Machinima I realised that lots placed close to the edge of the world in Strangetown have this kind of fading effect where they disappear into the sky. This was pretty great for Vidcund’s dream sequence but also in this case allowed me to have the train kind of floating off.
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So there’s a kind of backrooms maze type lot I’m working on too here and one of the rooms is kind of an gnome room. So I was looking through more of Sophie-David's mods because they have some more magical effects I haven’t added yet but I think would look cool. And then I noticed they had a mod called ‘Gnome of Protection’ which is so funny and has lots of uses(including summoning a gnome guardian that intercepts burglars, repo-men and Mrs Crumplebottom,) but it also can stop Sims from stealing the Gnomes to quote:
“Basegame gnomes may still be stolen, but potential perpetrators will typically be distracted to come and admire the Gnome of Protection instead of committing gnome theft. As a side effect, these Sims will gain just enough Niceness points to prevent them from stealing gnomes in the future."
haha love that so much. I was having an issue with Sims stealing the gnomes in the gnome room lol so I might have to add one of those instead of just locking the door which is less interesting. 
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The entrance (will be adding more effects/changing some things later):
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I’m trying to find ways to incorporate more Blightgate characters into the storyline too and obviously Victor is still technically on a mission to find Rod Humble’s computer source to become a full member of the Shadow crime family since Rod keeps escaping him. I remembered that I actually have a more minor character who lives with her friends who actually came to Blightgate in the hope of setting up a museum so this seems like the perfect time to cover that household. I’ve said this before but I headcannon the universal NPC’s as being cryptid type beings that can travel between worlds. So they kind of come from a magical location in the game files and aren’t rooted in any of the neighbourhoods regular Sims live in. Well besides the ones that have temporarily moved into spaces in my game like Mrs Crumplebottom lives in Blightgate for now.
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chibi-sunrise · 2 years
What does Luminaria Twitter have?
More like what don’t they have? Well, it helps that Luminaria Twitter has the biggest JP fandom, so we get a lot of information close to the source material. Twitter feels like it has the biggest global Luminaria fandom too, but I don’t have any concrete numbers to say that definitively.
Let’s start off with a couple of tags before going into more specific and miscellaneous areas!
The ルミナリアユーザーアーカイブ tag is basically the JP twitter equivalent of the EN tumblr Luminaria archive tags. Luminaria fans, whether they’re on the EN or JP side, really think alike sometimes… Fans submit all kinds of screenshots and video clips from the game, so if you’re looking for some references, come take a look! And if you see anything that the tag’s missing, then please feel free to add some screenshots if you’ve got a twitter account!
Last time I checked, we didn’t have any screenshots of Leo’s glasses or sunglasses in the tag, and a couple of characters don’t have references of all their outfits. Hugo might have everything, though; his fans are as meticulous as he is. Lucien’s fans are pretty thorough too, so he might have everything. Edouard too – is this the power of ikemen??? すごいですね!I’m joking; I think Celia and Lydie’s fans might have everything in the tag too
*You don’t need to make a twitter account to browse the tag, but I would highly recommend making one just to block this user.
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They used to appear almost daily in various Luminaria-related tags to insult the game, anyone related to making the game, and the fans. They’ve also stolen other players’ screenshots and acted as if they played the game themselves. And while they appear to have to moved on by now, they haven’t deleted any of their spam during their aggressive anti-Luminaria phase. I’ll think you’ll have a better experience while browsing after blocking them, and please don’t bother giving them any sort of attention.
The lumiparty2022 tag was used by fans to talk about and share memories while celebrating the 21 days that led up to Tales of Luminaria’s 1st Anniversary. You’ll find lots of game discussion, fanart, fanfic, video uploads, assets ripped from the game, and really, just all kinds of stuff you might be looking for. This tag is just filled to the brim with love for the game and helped bring together many Luminaria fans, whether they’re on the EN side or the JP side.
Lumiparty’s got an account here on tumblr too! Go check them out!
For 色の日 (Color’s Day), the official Tales Channel twitter posted the title colors that are used for official merchandise. This collection of title colors also includes Tales of Luminaria’s official title color. This tweet extracted the hex codes for the title colors.
Here’s a collection of screenshots of the game’s Terminology section in JP. And here’s a collection of screenshots of the game’s Terminology section in EN.
A twitter thread with every character’s JP Chronology tab. The characters’ icons were edited onto them, so that you can easily see which Chronology belongs to who. And this twitter thread attempted to combine multiple characters’ EN Chronology tabs into one timeline, divided by group.
A twitter thread putting various Luminaria characters next to each other and comparing heights. Another tweet that made a height chart based on the 3D models. Another tweet that made a height chart based on the official information we got from the Memorial Archive that was published on December 26, 2022.
A tweet with links to imgur albums for various images you might want. Stuff like badges, character icons, stamps, etc.
A fan’s personal archive of screenshots for armor, accessories, recipes, etc. that they had.
A collection of shots of the Mystic Artes that come with a character’s armor at various levels, grouped together by weapon types (JP text)
This user takes a TON of screenshots, like just, PAGES AND PAGES of Look Mode screenshots. You can find a bunch of different angles for characters, different angles for monsters, shots of characters in the middle of their artes and mystic artes, like, please just take a look if you’re itching to draw something
A collection of shots that focus on scenery and material you find in the scenery. For example, say you see some characters playing cards in the background, then this collection will have screenshots that zoom in on the cards, the table, the chairs, what the soldiers are wearing, etc. If you’re looking for things you’d find in the background or ideas for a background, look at this one in particular!
Screenshots of different weapons a fan collected. A thread of different accessories a fan collected. A collection of shots of the ingredients (JP text) And here’s part 2 of the ingredient collection (JP text)
If you’re looking for screenshots of the stamps that were usable when purchasing a Noble Pass. More shots of the stamps that were usable when purchasing a Noble Pass
If you’re looking for a screenshot of Origin’s Primordial Fossil for reference. It’s also a pretty good screenshot for reference for the scenery in front of Origin too.
If you’re looking for a full-body shot of Origin’s Primordial Fossil for reference. Check out the thread itself for some interesting shots and images.
This is the same thread as before, by the way. If you were looking for a combined panning shot of Vicar Kanon for reference. If you scroll up, you’ll find more shots and a combined panning shot of Blaze from the OP. There’s also a couple more combined panning shots (the heavily edited group ones from the ED and then one of August with his family really far down) below the Vicar tweet.
Textures from the Primordial Beasts from the original environment assets. If you’re looking for screenshots of a PB fragment for reference. If you’re looking for screenshots of Gald for reference. Gald texture and UI icons for Gald, Noble Pass, PB stones, etc. Textures for Highgarden.
If you wanted a closer look at the Ecru plushies in Celia’s ep 2. If you’re looking for a screenshot of Aglaya’s lion-dog statue.
All Luminaria Characters’ Mic Test lines recorded (JP audio JP text) All Luminaria Characters’ treasure opening lines recorded (JP audio JP text) Thread of all Luminaria Characters’ Game Over (“And they were never heard from again”) lines recorded (JP audio and text)
Recording of Luminaria’s female cast saying “Happy Valentines!” when you unlock all the panels during the event (JP audio) Recording of Luminaria’s male cast saying “Happy White Day!” when you unlock all the panels during the event (JP audio)
A video of Luminaria’s specially animated ED for their final episode release.
Videos of various Primordial Beasts’ summoning animations. I believe these were all the ones that were in the game, but we never got summoning animations for some beasts, like Haleu or Origin? Watamusubi, Bozak, Lazui, Tarulhan, Gemslay, and Aglaya are here.
A tweet of what Accessories and some recipes that a fan was able to collect (JP text) A tweet of someone maxing out Elixir and Noble Mabo Curry (JP text) A video showing the message and visuals that happen when you max out a recipe (JP text)
A tweet that leads to different collections of screenshots/videos (JP audio JP text) The first is a presentation that was written to introduce the game to new players as well as the results of a fan survey on various aspects of the game. The second is a collection of character dialogue. The third is their first impressions while playing the game. The fourth is multiplayer battles. The fifth is a collection of miscellaneous videos.
A tweet with a chart for reading the written language of Luminaria’s world. This is the original tweet before they could decode the last couple of letters. It has some screenshots of examples on how to read the game’s language.
A tweet about how the stone monument at St. Aedis Academy has the lyrics of the school’s song on it.
A tweet that attempted to decode a report that an anime director said was decodable in the Luminaria anime. Another tweet that attempted to decode a report that an anime director said was decodable in the Luminaria anime.
A tweet that decoded the word on the back of Falk’s ep 2 jacket.
A tweet that collected different shop/business signs and decoded two of them.
A tweet of someone putting together all the Divine Accessories (JP text) The second pic is them having fun with ideas. A tweet of someone putting together all the equippable Accessories limited to each faction (JP text)
A tweet with all the 5 Star accessories in Luminaria. If you scroll down, you’ll find an interesting story on Luminaria’s early days and what other sources of monetization it had (EN text)
A tweet that will lead you to three different GDocs. All docs are a collection of dialogue, and each one is tied to a faction. I don’t believe it’s complete yet? (JP text)
A tweet that will lead you to a PDF of character dialogue (JP text) If you scroll down, you can find what specific dialogue they’re still looking for.
A tweet showing the liked and disliked recipes after everyone’s ep 1 was released (JP text) A tweet showing the rest of the liked and disliked recipes (JP text) If you scroll down, you’ll also find calculations for the total number of everyone’s liked and disliked recipes (JP text) A tweet showing liked, disliked recipes and how much they cost as well as calculating how many characters share a favored dish (JP text)
A tweet that will lead you to two different Gdocs. One is a dishes list that still needs screenshots of recipes with their descriptions. The other is a complete list of character preferences. If you can provide them with any screenshots they don’t have, it’d be a big help (EN text)
A tweet observing how one of the enemies is wearing a mask that resembles Aglaya. A tweet that spotted Grace at Lunne in the final episode. A tweet that observed how Gaspard’s boss has stitching similar to the designs worn by people who hail from Shayor.
A tweet that provides shots of Joyce’s 3D model for reference. A tweet that provides shots of the Vicar’s 3D model for reference.
A thread with scans of the concept art for all Tales of Luminaria characters in the  “Tales of” Series 25th Anniversary Commemorative Book.
A tweet about the Tales of Luminaria First Guidance booklet, which was distributed during AGF 2021. It contained promotional images, a timeline, and a brief manga adaptation of Leo’s first character episode. A lot of fans, both on the EN and JP side, were unaware this piece of printed media existed. To begin with, the event was in Japan only, and even those who lived near the event couldn’t attend it even if they wanted to for various reasons.
Screenshot of the JP website before all the character PVs were added. Hugo and Amelie are transparent in this shot because their PVs weren’t added yet. Screenshot of the JP website before it shut down for comparison to the previous tweet.
Tweet recording a question from the audience concerning Tales of Luminaria’s continuation during Bandai Namco’s 2022 Shareholder’s Meeting. A tweet from the audience member who asked the question concerning Tales of Luminaria’s continuation during Bandai Namco’s 2022 Shareholder’s Meeting.
Tweet that recorded Tales of Luminaria’s Official Soundtrack becoming the number 1 quickest trending MP3 album on Amazon JP within 12 hours of its release.
Tweet that links to a poll conducted by NetLab. Translated results are here. So, this poll was limited to JP fans, and it was about “Original Tales of Series Works,” but I did see people vote for non-original Tales works using the “Other” option. Whether or not those votes were counted, however, I can’t say for certain.
Tweet that recorded Luminaria trending the day service ended. I believe it also trended the day before service ended in Japan (because JP fans remarked on this), but I wasn’t online that day and can’t confirm for sure without any recorded proof that I can find again. Tweet that recorded Luminaria trending on the day of its 1st Anniversary.
JP Viva-kun’s anniversary text from the Tales Channel Plus website on the day of Luminaria’s 1st Anniversary.
A thread on various Luminaria Uvs/textures. Gives you a pretty good look at Embleo markings! And if you scroll down some more, there’s an observation on how Lucien doesn’t have a visible Embleo, so it may actually be inside his body like how Celia’s Embleo is in her eye.
(A tweet extracting each character’s “Personal Color” based on the color of their ribbon in the official Tales Channel+ member exclusive smartphone wallpapers that were distributed in April. -You can sign up to be a member for free on the Global site! You’ll need to do some extra steps if you live outside of Japan and want to be a member of the JP site, though (it’ll still be free, but like, VPN, JP address, they might just still straight up block you from registering this way and redirect you to the Global site, etc.)
A tweet extracting each character’s “Personal Color” based on the color of the backgrounds in three sets of badges. Since there are no official hex codes published for these characters’ personal colors, please feel free to use whichever set you’d like! Or you can make your own!)*
*On December 26, 2022, Tales Channel Plus published Luminaria’s Memorial Archive, which includes each characters’ official hex code. i don’t like deleting history, though, so you can see how fans tried to figure things out before we got official information.
A tweet showing the minimum episodes to go through before doing the episode Final. Even after the game’s over, I would still consider it useful for those who want to watch the minimum episodes to understand the main parts of the game’s story
A twitter user made a fan survey about various aspects of the game, so if you’re curious about the thoughts of a small sample size of the JP fans… An account that made a second fan survey about various aspects of the game, if you wanna know more about the thoughts of a small sample size of the JP fans…
Music box arrangement of Frederic’s ANSWER, Luminaria’s inspire song. A collection of recipe icons.
A thread about the story behind the #ルミナリア料理部 (Luminaria Cooking Club). The user also comments on how the recipes in Luminaria had the touch of a professional, whether they were a chef, nutritionist, or a general researcher. Regardless, an amateur couldn’t come up with these recipes. It’s a fascinating read, and I highly recommend it!
A fan created menus and put together some visuals to create a stunning concept idea for what a console version of Luminaria might look like.
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bisluthq · 2 months
No, because it's so weird he can't even post his little silly photodump without causing a commotion among swifties, who say he's so irrelevant yet act like they have his notifs on and take screenshots of what he posts. His name ended up on the trends thing on Twitter 💀 I actually saw someone posting a screenshot of a gc she's in where they were mocking him for the golf clip. I mean????
But I saw something even more ridiculous to me because it's highkey coming from a place of privilege and entitlement. I saw a tweet (and it wasn't one of those with 10 likes and no comments. There actually were hundreds of likes and people on the comments joining the op on their mockery), where this person was laughing at Joe because of the phone he took a photo with.
And you might be thinking what's the fun about that? Well op thought it was fun that she has a more recent phone model than him, so she was like even I have a better phone that's how poor he is. And people in the comments were commenting the phones they have aswell and laughing about how his phone is an old model cause Taylor must have given it to him and hahahaha even I bought a better phone and he didn't.
Like can y'all stop to ponder the absurdity of it all? According to them his phone is a 11 whatever idk much about or care about phones myself, and you are bragging cause you have a 12, 14 etc? And you are calling someone poor and equating someone's value over the phone they have? Like jesus that's the kind of bullying kids do it in schools, you are grown adults and still have this kind of elitism? So Joe seems to have a perfectly working phone and he's in the wrong for not wasting his money on a better model, because people on the internet think that's what you should do even if you don't need it? You are the dumb ones if you keep giving money to millionaire companies, just so you fit in or whatever
but I’ve said many times swifties’ attitude to money baffles the fuck out of me. That’s not even high school bullying - that’s like straight up middle school bullying. Fwiw my partner and I both have the 11 too (weird coincidence but yea neither of us has upgraded). He’s super techy but like there’s nothing he needs a newer phone for tbh because he wouldn’t be able to work off even a 14 Max Pro or w/e (he has an iMac and a desktop PC and he has like a very new iPad that he can do some stuff off of when we travel but also mostly because he needed a new iPad lol because his was really fuck old so then idk he bought himself a new one). Unless you’re working off your phone/an influencer there is no reason to get a new phone. It can do pretty much all the same things, the 14’s camera is just a lot better. But like Joe doesn’t need to use his phone for work and even for his very hobby photography seems to prefer his film ones so like?? Why must he upgrade?? And I’m not saying if you did upgrade even though you don’t need it because idk your shiny new phone makes you happy that’s bad or shallow because silly little materialistic things are allowed to make us happy tbh. What I’m saying is it’s VERY middle school to bully someone for having a perfectly adequate thing just because you’ve got a newer or more expensive thing?? Now ALSO because Joe isn’t actually in any way poor like if he had let’s say a Galaxy A13 I’d have a chuckle about it and be like “mate buy a new phone come the fuck on” because like… the Galaxy A13 can’t even support Google Pay right and a functioning person with a decent job in this here year 2024 should be able to pay with their phone places (this is actually not a fictional example lol a friend of mine who can absolutely afford a new phone has an A13 and I laugh at her about it because there are legit so many things it cannot do but she’s very paranoid and technophobic so like the Google Pay thing for example she’s all like “yes but what happens if your phone gets stolen then all your money can be stolen” and I’m always like “not… really?” and idk her and I went to a bar the one time and she hadn’t brought her card because she’s also parry about THAT when she drinks which actually I do understand because that I’m also careful about because like losing your card can really be a nightmare seeing as how you then need a new card and all the saved card details everywhere disappear and you no longer have Apple/Google Pay etc etc etc so yes that would highkey suck and is why I just use my phone instead and have my cards at home and anyway the bar turned out to be cashless so I had to pay the whole tab - with my phone like a NORMAL FUCKING PERSON - and she did give the cash right away but still that’s like dysfunctional af lol babe JUST BUY A NEW FUCKING PHONE!!!! YOU HAVE A GOOD JOB!!!! YOU CAN AFFORD IT!!!!!!) anyway that was a sidebar but yea if Joe legit had a crappy phone then I would possibly be like “come tf on dude get your shit together pretty much anyone with a normal income can afford a better thing than that and your thing is objectively useless” but he has a perfectly adequate thing??? So what’s the conversation even about?????? PS if you legit can’t afford a nice phone that’s also not something to mock. But my friend can absolutely afford a phone that supports Google Pay/Apple Pay and she’s being weird about it so I’m allowed to mock it. Also she’s actually super into like photography for fun and I’ve tried to explain the camera on her phone is also like very shitty and it’d be better with a new phone but she steadfastly refuses and uses a digital camera instead mostly which idk man idk like I’d get it if it were film but it’s a random ass mid range digital camera and THAT she’ll take out with us like we live in fucking 2008 dudes and then she makes a whole song and dance the next day about “sending everyone the pics” exactly like it’s 2008 again. That shit’s weird. She’s a weird girl. Still nothing she does is as weird as Swifties get when talking about money tho.
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stevishabitat · 6 months
Baltimore bridge collapse: The decline of Twitter as measured by disasters - Vox
The same conspiracy-theory-peddling personalities who spammed X with posts claiming that Tuesday’s Baltimore bridge collapse was a deliberate attack have also called mass shootings “false flag” events and denied basic facts about the Covid-19 pandemic. A Florida Republican running for Congress blamed “DEI” for the bridge collapse as racist comments about immigration and Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott circulated among the far right. These comments echo Trump in 2019, who called Baltimore a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess,” and, in 2015, blamed President Obama for the unrest in the city.
As conspiracy theorists compete for attention in the wake of a tragedy, others seek engagement through dubious expertise, juicy speculation, or stolen video clips. The boundary between conspiracy theory and engagement bait is permeable; unfounded and provoking posts often outpace the trickle of verified information that follows any sort of major breaking news event. Then, the conspiracy theories become content, and a lot of people marvel and express outrage that they exist. Then they kind of forget about the raging river of Bad Internet until the next national tragedy.
I’ve seen it so many times. I became a breaking news reporter in 2012, which means that in internet years, I have the experience of an almost ancient entity. The collapse of the Francis Scott Key bridge into the Patapsco River, though, felt a little different from most of these moments for me, for two reasons.
First, it was happening after a few big shifts in what the internet even is, as Twitter, once a go-to space for following breaking news events, became an Elon Musk-owned factory for verified accounts with bad ideas, while generative AI tools have superpowered grifters wanting to make plausible text and visual fabrications. And second, I live in Baltimore. People I know commute on that bridge, which forms part of the city’s Beltway. Some of the workers who fell, now presumed dead, lived in a neighborhood across the park from me.
The local cost of global misinformation
On Tuesday evening, I called Lisa Snowden, the editor-in-chief of the Baltimore Beat — the city’s Black-owned alt-weekly — and an influential presence in Baltimore’s still pretty active X community. I wanted to talk about how following breaking news online has changed over time.
Snowden was up during the early morning hours when the bridge collapsed. Baltimore’s X presence is small enough that journalists like her generally know who the other journalists are working in the city, especially those reporting on Baltimore itself. Almost as soon as news broke about the bridge, though, she saw accounts she’d never heard of before speaking with authority about what had happened, sharing unsourced video, and speculating about the cause.
Over the next several hours, the misinformation and racism about Baltimore snowballed on X. For Snowden, this felt a bit like an invasion into a community that had so far survived the slow death of what was once Twitter by simply staying out of the spotlight.
“Baltimore Twitter, it’s usually not as bad,” Snowden said. She sticks to the people she follows. “But today I noticed that was pretty much impossible. It got extremely racist. And I was seeing other folks in Baltimore also being like, ���This might be what sends me finally off this app.’”
Here are some of the tweets that got attention in the hours after the collapse: Paul Szypula, a MAGA influencer with more than 100,000 followers on X, tweeted “Synergy Marine Group [the company that owned the ship in question] promotes DEI in their company. Did anti-white business practices cause this disaster?” alongside a screenshot of a page on the company’s website that discussed the existence of a diversity and inclusion policy. That tweet got more than 600,000 views. Another far-right influencer speculated that there was some connection between the collapse and, I guess, Barack Obama? I don’t know. The tweet got 5 million views as of mid-day Wednesday. Being online during a tragic event is full of consequential nonsense like this, ideas and conspiracy theories that are inane enough to fall into the fog of Poe’s Law and yet harmful to actual people and painful to see in particular when it’s your community being turned into views. Sure, there are best practices you can follow to try to contribute to a better information ecosystem in these moments. Those practices matter. But for Snowden, the main thing she can do as her newsroom gets to work reporting on the impact of this disaster on the community here is to let time march on. “In a couple days, this terrible racist mob, or whatever it is, is going to be onto something else,” Snowden said. “ Baltimore ... people are still going to need things. Everybody’s still going to be working. So I’m just kind of waiting it out,” she said “But it does hurt.”
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raayllum · 2 years
Updated Season Four Predictions
AKA the clips of 4x01 have given us a lot to talk about and re-evaluate, so let’s talk about it! Full spoilers down below including a twitter summary of 4x01 “ReBirthday” from SDCC 2022, so if you don’t want to see all the spoilers we’ve gotten so far, please move past the read more! For everyone else, strap in! It’s gonna be a doozy.
Driving Narrative force for S4 / S4-S6
So the driving force for S4 and beyond is clearly Claudia’s resurrection and the ticking timeline Aaravos has given her: one month to free Aaravos from his prison or else Viren will die and stay dead, this time. This indicates that Claudia resurrected Viren with some of Aaravos’ help in terms of magic, and not just the spell (or ingredients) it would take to bring him back. 
There are two routes this journey could take: either it’s the actual travel time to wherever they have to be in order to free Aaravos from his prison (possibly the ruined Star Nexus, whose location is unknown). Or it could mean getting a powerful relic and/or ingredient from each of the six primal sources. They already have a corrupted Sun staff, so the Sun primal is covered, but it leaves Claudia with a mission to collect the rest. Powerful objects being stolen or going missing would be enough to alert Callum and Ezran in Katolis that something weird is going on, and Callum is currently the human with the best understanding of primal magic, so that could be a plot element. As well, it could be that one of each kind of Primal Source is needed alongside Aaravos’ cube is needed to be in a certain spot to free him, a kind of carefully constructed cosmic checkmate, if you will.
The month timeline is particularly interesting because a shot from 4x01 of Callum and his mage wings (when he falsely thinks Ez is in danger on his 17th birthday, and Viren’s re-birthday) is a waxing gibbous. So rather than moving towards a full moon, it’s heading towards a New Moon. 
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The New Moon is commonly known as a time to initiate beginnings. Something to also be mindful of is that when the new Moon occurs, it not only begins a new cycle, but also ends the phase that came before (1). This would perfectly fit with Aaravos’ return / breaking out of the mirror ending the previous world of peace and kicking off the era the characters currently live in, which is canonically known as the Return of Aaravos (SDCC 2019). 
The real question is whether Claudia’s month timeline will cover one season, or like how S1-S3 was a month, it will cover the entire Arc 2 timeline. I lean towards a just one or two season timeline for a few reasons, by which I mean: her deadline is completed by the end of S4 or the end of S5. The deadline feels vaguely reminiscent of Rayla’s binding, established in S1 and concluded by the end of the season, for example, especially since S1-S3 never had any such timeline (we comparatively didn’t learn Zubeia was dying until 3x04, for example). So this one is the most likely to me.
Additionally, I could see it stretching out to S5, but I feel that Aaravos must be out of the mirror by the end of S5, so that S6 can have the trio and co. work together to try to bring him down and fail spectacularly. They can’t win the first time they try, so I think it’d be difficult to have them lose say halfway through the final season, and then have them try again very shortly afterwards and succeed. This would also mean that S6 ends in typical three act structure with the second act ending horribly to set up a triumph for the third (as opposed to a tragic structure, where the hero wins the second battle for loses the finale).
The other driving forces seem to be 1) Callum’s interest in the mirror, perhaps to fulfil Harrow’s letter and/or take his mind off Rayla, which will subsequently aid in our understanding of Aaravos as we go along and learn his history with Callum as an audience conduit / detective 2) Xadian and pentarchy politics. This fulfils both Ezran’s side of things (not all humans will want peace, King Ahling might still resent the death of his son, etc) and Janai. Her engagement to Amaya may be the final straw for her more traditional brother, or other Sunfire elves of the Six Horns. This could lead to a rift between Sunfire elves and a short conflict of the throne furthered by Sol Regem, although I do think Janai and Karim’s relationship will be repaired and have a happy ending (with some nice setup / parallels for Soren and Claudia’s getting there someday, too).
Unexpected Angles
Claudia and Terry’s relationship was the last thing I expected, but I’m already won over and curious about where their relationship will go. Judging by his first clip, how he meets Viren, and that he’s there when she does the resurrection spell, Terry is totally okay with dark magic even though he’s an elf. That’s a perspective we haven’t seen before from anyone but Aaravos, so I’m excited to see where Terry fits in morally even amid his adorable, charming personality.
However, this also means Claudia has three relationships to ponder: her and her Dad, her and Aaravos, and her and Terry. It’s already been heavily implied / basically confirmed that she’ll be under Aaravos’ greater tutelage for a bit. Now, this is more of a headcanon than anything, but I always figured Claudia would have a very hard time breaking off or dealing with the end of a romantic relationship of any kind, as it would remind her of her parents’ divorce. If Terry does begin to see dark magic in a worse light, and Claudia does not, how will she handle (or rather, not handle) that kind of distance happening again in another relationship? Just food for thought.
The Season Breakdown and Callum’s Path
As we know, every season of TDP is roughly broken down into three sets of three arcs per season, most plainly seen in season one. 1x01-1x03 is the castle arc, 2x07-2x09 is a continuous journey for ex, etc. This is a little harder in season three since there’s so much going on, but it can be down by following Callum and Rayla’s journey trajectory: 3x01-3x03 is pre-Silvergrove, 3x04-3x06 is romance and reckoning with the past, 3x07-3x09 all take place at the Spire, etc.
Therefore, I think a rough season breakdown for S4 could have similar stuff. 4x01-4x03 might be a lot of political set up, with something perhaps inspiring Callum to leave Katolis, whether it’s on his brother’s business or chasing his own desires. As people have noted, Callum isn’t wearing his scarf while he’s serving as High Mage in the first clip of S4, but he does have it in the “Aaravos as Puppetmaster” promo art, tethered to string the same way Claudia and Viren are.
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Perhaps the donning of the scarf around 4x03 signifies a choice or decision that will impact him for the rest of the season (and arc by extension). This would be a nice parallel to 1x03 with the Zym mission, and how much 1x01 and 4x01 parallel each other. 4x01 ends up with Callum being upset/possibly angry over thinking Ez was in danger, and ends with him being quite upset over the anniversary of Rayla leaving, dejected and ashamed, similar to how he blew up at Ezran in 1x01 over his fear of losing Harrow, and then slumped to the ground disappointed. 
The arc set up could also fit nicely, as Claudia has an Earth arcanum with her (Terry could at least hold the cube, if that’s enough) and Sun staff. Rayla may end up being the Moon arcanum if she does run into the trio, and they’re a lot more powerful than expected even without Aaravos (who’s something else on his own). That leaves Ocean and Sky and possibly Star, fitting nicely into one every three episodes, or something along those lines.
Cube Hostage Exchange Theory
Although modified, now that Callum hasn’t gone after Rayla (possibly just not yet), I still think my Cube Hostage Exchange Theory continues to hold merit as well, a theory. (Extended tag here for any who are interested.) Basically: Rayla is captured by Viren, Claudia, and Aaravos. Possibly just as a hostage, possibly as bait, or even — if we harken back to “Claudia needs ingredients, particually the Moon as Aaravos has been lowkey Ghosted x1000” — as the intended ingredient for the Moon arcanum.
Then, according to the theory, Callum (and possibly others) will show up to save her / trade something Valuable for her. It could be Callum, if he’s connected to the Moon arcanum, but I lean more towards the Cube. It already holds weight as a present from Harrow, but would be very full circle: Rayla risking her life in 1x04 to get it for him and being taken hostage by Amaya, only for him to now sacrifice the cube (and put the world at risk too) to save her from a hostage situation.  
I could see Ezran and Callum (and possibly Soren by extension) coming to save her, I could see it being Callum, with them and Rayla escaping, and/or him and Rayla are both taken hostage in the end and S5 is them trying to escape. Either way gives time for Claudia to confront her old friend and her old enemy, and time for Rayla to unlock the secret of what Viren’s coins hold. 
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Aaravos: “Those who fail tests of love are simple animals. They deserve to be motivated by fear.”
Other Misc Thoughts
I wouldn’t be surprised if 4x02 is a flashback heavy ep in terms of giving the audience context for when/why Rayla left, as 4x01 confirms that she’s gone but doesn’t seem to say why or for what. I think it could be really cool to see some Janaya flashbacks here as well as maybe an interspersed Claudia narrative, as Rayla and Claudia have quite a strong foils relationship. Then perhaps another flashback heavy episode (as TDP always tends to have 2ish per season) that focuses more on Aaravos’ history, so we can know more about why he’s bad news before he gets out of the mirror if it is by the end of S4.
I think perhaps Claudia will send Terry to distract / lead Callum astray, but the two dorky, seemingly similar-ish boys will bond instead, and Terry’s persepctive will perhaps change. I’m also very excited to see what Soren thinks of Terry once he realizes this is Claudia’s new boyfriend and all the emotions that brings: happiness someone is looking after his sister, fear and resentment at what she’s become, reservations that she has some ‘random’ boyfriend, etc.
And I think that’s it, Conclusion wise? More theories and such may trickle as we go along, and I have some non distinct thoughts marinating (Soren and Viren’s relationship, possible Ezran-Callum Harrow-Viren parallels being pushed further esp in early S4, etc) that I may post as I go along, but for now, these are the big ones!
So now let me hear from you: agree, disagree, want to take a theory and run with it? Let me know in the replies, reblogs, and/or in my inbox, I’d love to hear ‘em!
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mel-the-fangirl · 4 years
Toss A Coin to Your Witcher
Henry Cavill x Reader
Words: 2,362
I am so so so nervous to post this because this is my first time writing a Henry fic and I know that the Henry Cavill fandom is such a tightknit family, I hope you guys have room for one more hopeless Henry stan. I know this isn’t even half as good as the other Henry fics out there but I had this idea stuck in my head for a very long time.
Please like and reblog or leave me some replies if I should do a second part! Thank you!
The makeup brush swept precisely along your cheekbone, covering it in a subtle shimmer. Production staff milled around behind you, testing sound, testing lights. Being an actor, these things were nothing new. 
"Now remember, say it with me," 
"Don't say or do anything stupid." you recited with your long time agent and friend, Marge.
You thanked the makeup artist and made your way to the set. 
"When have I ever said or done anything stupid though?" you asked
Marge looked at you appraisingly before replying, 
"There's always a time for everything. Now go on." 
The vibe on set dialled to a hundred when you stepped on. It was really flattering how they cheered as you plonked your butt down on the wooden chair, a red tarp was set up behind you and the studio lights surrounded the area.
"Ready when you are Y/N!" the producer aka the ring leader of this whole operation flashed you a thumbs up
You nodded, feeling the nervousness bubble up your throat. 
Surprise, surprise. You still got nervous in front of the camera. It wasn't hard to handle though, you took a couple of deep breaths and you were good to go. 
"Hey guys, gals, and non-binary pals! I'm Y/N Y/L/N. I'm here with Buzzfeed and we're gonna be playing Twenty Questions." you winked at the camera with your arms wrapped around the little jar that had your questions in it
 "Let's get started, shall we?" 
Eager to begin, you stuck your hand into the jar without a second thought. 
"I freaking love Buzzfeed, really. Especially Tasty, I mean, I don't cook. But," you shrugged, wiggling your fingers, hearing the tiny bits of folded paper move around in the jar. "I love watching people cook. Then I love eating."
Scattered chuckles broke out through the crew. 
After a few minutes of rustling around, you figured you’d just come clean, "Okay. Small problem." 
You lifted your hand, the jar coming along with it. The pieces of folded paper crowding around your encased wrist as you waved your arm. 
Another round of shocked giggles started up as a couple of assistants rushed to you and tried to yank the jar off. 
"This is too good," the producer chortled, "Mind if we keep this in?"
"Fine by me!" you watched intently as Marge rolled up your sleeve so one assistant could pour oil all over it. Eagle eyed, she watched as a drop of oil landed on the bottom hem of your sweater.
"Great job, Y/N. This sweater was a gift from that designer you met last week, he said he made it just for you." she scolded, taking charge by grabbing the jar with two hands
"It was an accident, Marge. It's not like I planned on getting my hand stuck in a jar today!"
With a tug and a pop, your hand was free and slick with olive oil. Marge landed on her butt on the floor.
"Marge!" you howled with laughter, helping her up
She straightened her blouse, all business but her cheeks were stained red with embarrassment. 
"Can someone help Y/N wash the oil off her hands? Let's get this show on the road, people!" she barked marching orders at the staff, clapping her hands as she went. She wasn't in charge here but no one dared to question her. 
You chuckled, knowing that this was a cute little anecdote you’d be sharing with anyone who was willing to listen.
A few minutes later, you were back in your chair, having a laugh with everyone. The jar incident already stripped away the majority of your anxiety so you were ready to go.
"Okay! First question!" you squinted at the strip of paper, "What is the most expensive thing you’ve stolen from any set you’ve been on?" 
“Well!” you widened your eyes at the camera, “Bold of you all to assume that I’ve ever stolen anything!”
Marge scoffed rather audibly, making everyone raise their eyebrows at you.
“Okay, fine!” you held up your hand. The stunning ring you had on sparkled underneath the lights, nearly blinding anyone who looked.
“I did a period movie a while back and they had these drop dead gorgeous, and I mean gorgeous pieces of jewelry. I wore this piece,” you gazed down at the ring fondly, “for the whole of the film and I just pinched it after we wrapped, I couldn’t part with it, okay? I’m like a fricking magpie, I love shiny things.”
The crew burst into fits of laughter, making you laugh along with them.
“To clarify! This is the replica the props department had made, a very expensive replica. I can see you freaking out, Marge. And no, you don’t have to call the insurance company.”
You were a big hit, to say the least. You had them in stitches every time you opened your mouth but all good things had to come to an end, right?
It didn’t matter how carefully you dipped your hand into the question jar, this next one was going to make things very messy for you. 
"What do you like to do in your free time?" you read out loud, tapping a finger against your chin
"There hasn't been much free time lately,” you chuckled, “Let’s see… I play video games, yeah. I am so obsessed with the Witcher, it's borderline unhealthy. I’ve read all the books and played the games so many times." 
"What do you think of Henry Cavill as Geralt?" the producer asked you
Henry Cavill.
Just hearing that man's name was enough to make the blood rush to your cheeks. You brushed an imaginary hair out of your face. From behind the camera, Marge raised a knowing brow.
"Well," you cleared your throat and sat up straighter
"To be honest, at first I was really skeptical about his casting. I mean, he is way too good looking. Like way. Way. Too good looking. But…"
Your mind drifted to the first time you saw a picture of Henry Cavill in full costume. The white hair, the golden cat eyes, the intense gaze and all that leather? It definitely made you feel… Certain things.
You cleared your throat, propping yourself on the table with your arms. To be honest, your head was still in a Henry Cavill haze so you had zero control of what came out of your mouth next.
"I'd definitely toss all my coins to that Witcher. Toss a few other things as well."
Everyone in the room ooh'ed and whistled, delighted by your saucy reply. The ruckus snapped you out of it and your hand immediately flew to your mouth.
“Please tell me I didn’t just say that out loud.”
“You did.” Marge mouthed at you, trying but failing to contain her laughter
"So you enjoyed his performance as Geralt?" the producer pressed on, hoping to get more audience-raking answers
How many times were you going to blush during this interview?
"Oh, well, about that, I haven't really gotten around to actually watching it.” you admitted sheepishly, “But I've seen photos and some clips. Very impressed by what I've seen so far."
"You will watch it though, right?" 
"Oh, absolutely. No way I’d miss out on that! Henry Cavill is an incredibly wonderful, talented actor. I think he’s also a fan of the franchise so I have no doubt that he played Geralt to perfection as with all his other roles." you nodded solemnly, putting a hand to your heart
Everyone in the room with you caught on that you were gushing over the actor, the sly looks they all exchanged with one another were a dead giveaway. Too bad you didn’t notice before you could try and play it cool.
“Alright! I think it’s time for the next question!” you declared, swiftly plucking another question out of the jar
By the time it was all over, you had convinced yourself that your little crush-related blunder wasn’t even a big deal, it would probably just be a little footnote in that video. No biggie.
But, Jesus Christ were you wrong.
The video took a couple of weeks to edit and in that time, you were busier than ever. A movie you had just done was getting a lot of attention, your performance in particular had critics singing your praises. At that point, you were definitely getting noticed a lot more when you stepped out for coffee.
So, the timing was just perfect.
The second the video went live, your phone was going off non stop. Twitter mentions, Instagram tags, and articles. A few notable entries being:
“@geralt-of-vengerberg: Y/N The Fond™ is showing👀👀👀”
Marge sat on your sofa with your phone in hand, absolutely thrilled while reading tweets out loud. You scheduled a panic session with her over lunch once everything blew up.
“Oh my God.” you groaned, massaging your temples. “Marge, what do I do?”
“About what?” she didn’t even bother to look up at you
You plopped yourself down next to her, laying your head in her lap, “All that. It’s everywhere.”
“And? There’s nothing wrong with it, they all think you’re charming and funny. A true Relatable Queen.”
Was it your sanity slipping through your fingers? Or the overpowering embarrassment? You had no idea but whatever it was, it had you laughing until your stomach hurt.
Marge tugged at your hair, “Get it together, bitch. Jeez.”
“What are you so worried about anyway?” she asked, placing your phone on your stomach
You swiped through your emails absentmindedly, “I’m not worried about anything, it’s just that what if…”
You left the words hanging in the air, you might as well have been dangling from a cliff from how much colour drained from your face.
“What if what?” 
Marge shoveled some pasta into her mouth before noticing that you essentially turned into a statue right next to her.
“Y/N!” she shook your arm with a grip you were sure would leave some bruises. “What’s the matter?”
Wordlessly, you passed your phone to her, the comment from a certain verified account displayed prominently on Buzzfeed’s Instagram post of a little snippet from your video, the “I’d toss all my coins to that Witcher” part, naturally.
“@henrycavill: Dear Y/N, how many coins are we talking about here? Let’s talk about my reward.”
It was all Marge could do to not throw your phone across the room. Her eyes went wide, following your every move as you paced back and forth, a thumbnail in your mouth.
“That did not just happen, I did not just see that right now. I didn’t.” you babbled, your heart beating thunderously in your chest
There it went. Your very own ticking time bomb finally went off. Number of casualties? Just one. You.
“Okay. Just calm down, Y/N.” Marge caught you mid-pace, squeezing your arms
“Maybe it was a fan account. Tell me it was a fan account, Marge. Henry Cavill did not just hear me imply what I implied.” you grasped at her hand with your clammy one
“Well if he has a fan account that’s verified and has fourteen point five million followers?”
“Oh god.” you groaned, sinking to the floor and hugging your knees
“Oh, Christ.”
Marge hauled you to your feet and thrust your phone in your hand. She looked you hard in the eye, “Stop your whining and answer him. You’re Y/N fucking Y/L/N, one of the hottest people on the planet, start acting like it.”
You stared at her, eyes wide. Your chest rose and fell rapidly. Marge’s words started to make sense in your mind and adrenaline started surging through your veins. You nodded fervently, psyching yourself up.
“Fuck yeah.” you breathed, clicking ‘Reply’
“@yourinstagram: @henrycavill I know you take orens, crowns, and florens but maybe we should discuss further?”
Before you could even stop yourself (did you even want to?), your fingers already landed on the blue paper plane.
“I did it.” you exhaled, staring as the likes and overly enthusiastic replies started pouring in
“Fuck yeah, you did. Now, come on. Leave your phone. We’re getting drunk.”
More weeks passed and you actually ended up forgetting about that little reply you left Henry Cavill. You were busier than ever. Guestings, endorsement deals, and awards shows left and right. So, when you finally had a couple of days free, you decided you would set up camp on your sofa and finally watch Henry Cavill as Geralt of Rivia.
You even threw on your Superman pyjamas, “What the hell.” you shrugged
If you were going down this road, you might as well do it right. Maybe you would even watch the Man from U.N.C.L.E after or would it be Night Hunter? The decision would have to wait.
You watched, absolutely riveted as the White Wolf battled against the kikimora, his silver sword hacked at the creature with unmatched expertise. You were only a few minutes in but you already knew you’d be stuck on that sofa for hours.
When the kikimora had Geralt pinned underwater with his trusty sword just beyond arm’s reach, you found yourself on the edge of your seat, one of your cushions in a chokehold.
“Come on, come on, come on.” you muttered as Geralt reached for his sword
You wouldn’t find out if he got it or not. A knock on your door literally made you fall off the sofa.
“Fuck!” you exclaimed, your hip was already smarting from the impact
Whoever that asshole was, you swore you were going to give him a piece of your mind. You stomped to your front door just as that idiot started knocking again.
You huffed and threw the door open then your mind immediately went blank.
“I am so sorry. Are you alright? I think I heard you fall?”
Oh yeah. You were definitely falling.
You can find the second part here!
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w00wzerz · 3 years
~Titans … Have they lost the plot?~ 🤔
(All that matters in Titans season 3 ep 11)
Hello everyone! Welcome back to another special edition (rant) analysis for this week’s episode! All I can say is that I took a good couple of hours to steam & marinate after that fiasco. I’ve also had my time to release my frustrations all over Twitter so we are back on track.
Before I begin, yall will notice that a good chunk of events will be skipped because this analysis will only cover all that mattered, which was sadly about less than half of the episode, but I digress.
Let’s talk about my baby Timmy being introduced quite early in the episode. He is greeted by Donna on a roof who coincidentally - finally found her way into Gotham and is headed to China Town (Tim’s neighborhood) for clues. Also with the speed of Tim’s healing process, I’d say that him and Donna most likely returned back with some form of special abilities.
There seemed to be a-lot of plot holes missing in this particular scene, Donna is particularly aware of what is taking place in Gotham and shes also seen the clip, so why wasn’t her first instinct to take a visit to Wayne Manor? Seeing that as an Amazonian, plus with the addition of her recent power charge she was more than capable of defeating Jason and Crane on her own. Possibly even with the help of Conner and Kory, who are extraterrestrial.
(Me: trying to explain this concept at 3 am in the morning)
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If this scene were rewritten correctly, they all would’ve met up with Donna “coincidentally” and cleared those idiots in less than a minute.
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But anyway, let’s move on to Kory’s shifty storyline. I cannot say that I am impressed by the continuous downplay of her character. There’s no way that the writers had the tiniest inkling that her fans would enjoy the not so subtle erasure of her and Kom’s backstory. Plus the utter obsession that they have with nerfing and stealing her powers each season!
Can someone also explain to me in what world were Starfire’s star bolts ever … blue? I’m still scratching my head, but we move!
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The fact that Starfire’s powers were never hers to begin with - that it was stolen from her sister, despite the comics completely contradicting that line of events is comical to me. It sounds like a concept that should’ve remained in the drafts. Yet, here we are.
Can we also acknowledge how adorable the babies playing Kom and Kory were! 💜✨
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This next scene definitely ruffled my feathers a bit. Not only was I upset for Conner, but I was incredibly disappointed in Dick. The fact that he decided to breach the trust between himself and Conner by using kryptonite (Superboy’s weakness) against him was a serious low blow. Especially when considering how useful Super boy would be in a fight against Jason.
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What I will tell you is that I am intrigued to see how Dick will work to regain Conner’s trust, but with him getting shot in the neck - serves him right - I can only picture that this scene will ultimately be glossed over and all will be forgiven, which is the cliche norm in Titans kumbaya land.
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There were so many things that Dick could’ve done differently in that fight scene. Why in the world would he turn his back on a civilian with a GUN?! Why did he not make sure to remove it from his possession before returning his focus back to Jason. The bullet in the neck was clearly the result of his rookie mistake. Plus it’s karma for his stupidity so 🤷🏽‍♀️
I am all here for the mother - son duo that is Tim and Donna. If you weren’t watching this scene with a huge grin on your face like an idiot, then are you even human?!?!
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If there is anything that added a short glimmer to this week’s episode, it was surely the contagious relationship shared between these two characters. I could feel the level of mutual respect and Donna’s motherly instinct all over the screen! I cannot wait for her and Kory to finally get together and spill the beans on their adventures. What a ride that’ll be huh?!
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That concludes this very… special edition of my analysis, until next time 💜✨
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