#also also the flavor is ''blackberry lemon'' and it's not great
theradicalace · 4 months
idk who decided "soft lozenges" was an acceptable form for edibles but i'd very much like to smite them with lightning
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angelmush · 4 months
been a while since i made one of these and ppl seemed to enjoy them, but here are my cooking endeavors this week:
- made a couple of easy weekday pasta dishes w pesto (finding it tough to go back to the jarred stuff after a streak of making my own). i made 2 different ones w varying things, crumbles of goat cheese or bacon or broccoli or slivers of asparagus or buttered oyster mushrooms or lemon, generally whatever green-ish thing that was looking sad in the fridge
- had a couple of sort of tasty but mostly sad fried fish sandwiches from frozen cod filets i had purchased on accident. used my favorite pickle chips and kewpie mayo and soft white burger buns, pretty much every other element was better than the fish itself which made for a not very delicious dinner but one that got the job done lol
- a plush vanilla layer cake w blackberries swirled into the batter and topped w a vibrant homemade lemon curd and clouds of whipped cream mascarpone frosting and deep purple sugared smashed blackberries and their juices. stained my fingers but was sticky and delicious and summery, would have been great for a tea party if i’d had one to go to
- i made 2 discs of pie dough, one i popped in the freezer for a future cherry pie (my gf’s request) and one for a gruyère, spinach, sausage quiche im making for dinner tonight bc i have an abundance of eggs and a deep love of breakfast food
- i prepped a chicken for roasting tomorrow, it’s now resting uncovered and spatchcocked in my fridge, coated thickly w a rotisserie inspired blend of spices to dry brine. i boiled some waxy yellow potatoes to make it easier to roast them w the chicken tomorrow when i get home from work . simple + easy for my future tired self
- will also be making a cucumber salad to go with the potatoes and chicken bc we have 8 cucumbers (not an exaggeration) to work through and i need a cold crunchy vegetable to eat every day in the warm months or else i shrivel up and die
- planning to use my leftover roast chicken to make either a caesar salad or a caesar salad wrap or something for dinner the day after tomorrow, something easy to make after a long day at work and tbh very little brings me more joy than homemade caesar dressing and cold romaine
- busted out the ice cream maker !! have plans to make both a pineapple sorbet and a toasted coconut vanilla ice cream (sweetened w condensed milk maybe? for the nuttiness?) so then i can swirl the two flavors together in my little bowl :)
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smudgingpumpkins · 3 months
Also known as Midsummer
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When is Litha?
It is celebrated on the summer solstice, which is the 20th of June in 2024. However, it can be celebrated between June 20th-24th, depending on when the solstice is or how it may have traditionally been celebrated.
What does Litha mean?
“Litha” is the celebration of the longest day and the shortest night of the year, welcoming the light, warmth, vitality, and power of the summer sun. The summer solstice offers the longest amount of daylight hours of any day in the calendar year.
Who does Litha celebrate?
Any gods and goddesses in relation to fertility, beauty, and the sun are worshipped, including Lugh, Celtic God of sun and light, Helios, Greek God of the sun, and Freya, Norse Goddess of summer, love, and fertility. Modern pagan practices include honoring the “Oat King” or the personification of summer, who is said to be at his peak strength around Midsummer.
Work with stones that inspire creativity, abundance, and renewed strength, like citrine, sunstone, tiger’s eye, amber, and carnelian.
Utilize mood-boosting, aromatic herbs and flowers such as orange blossoms, sunflowers, ferns, thyme, sage, and St. John’s wart. These plants blossom beautifully in the summertime and symbolize vigor, love, and happiness. The herbs may ease stress, and reduce inflammation; St. John’s wart has been traditionally consumed for relieving symptoms of depression.
Eat an assortment of fruits, like early summer peaches, plums, cherries, and blackberries. These fruits are round like the sun, and are plump and plentiful, symbolizing the wish for abundance and fertility.
Decorate and dress yourself with bright, summery yellows, oranges, golds, and whites.
Incorporate animal imagery (e.g., figurines, photographs, drawings, et cetera) of eagles, sparrows, horses, and bulls, all magnificently free-spirited, powerful, and protective animals.
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Cleanse your face and body. Fill a water basin and leave it under the summer moonlight, mixed with at least one of the seven herbs of St. John (fern, rose, fennel, lemon verbena, rosemary, mallow, gorse, or whatever is available to use). Use this holy water to cleanse yourself.
Write a letter to the fairies. It is said that the veil between the human world and the world of the fae remains thin at this time. Ask for a wish and add gemstones and plants as an offering, and hope that the fairies will grant your wish true.
Take a ritual bath. Add sea salt, sugar, citrus slices and/or essential oils for a calm, refreshing bath time.
Drink refreshing beverages. Lemonade of any flavor, like raspberry or lavender, is a great summer-inspired choice. A traditional Litha tea recipe includes brewed black tea, fresh raspberries, sugar, and mint leaves.
Light a bonfire. Assist the sun with its offerings of warmth and light and safely dance and sing around the fire.
Prepare a Queimada. There is a popular tradition from Galicia where participants would read an incantation whilst preparing the alcoholic "Galicia Fire Drink": made with aguardiente or orujo (or any brandy you can obtain), coffee beans, sugar, and lemon and orange peels. The drink is mixed and prepared in an earthenware pot or hollowed-out pumpkin, kind of like a cauldron.
Here is a link for more information on the Conxuro da Queimada, as well as the English translation for the incantation:
Make a Litha altar. Add an icon or figurine of your preferred Litha God/Goddess in the center of your altar, and surround it with white and yellow candles, abundance crystals, herbs and sunflowers, bird feathers, and gold-colored decorations.
Get creative with recipes! Carlota Santos, who is the author of Magicka, recommends a savory vegetable coca. Here is the recipe below!
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ladytesla · 8 months
The Great Faerun Baking Show (part five)
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Hello people. I cannot be stopped. Do you know how long I spent making up and looking up weird desserts? Do you have any idea how hard I tried to come up with a baking-related pun using the word 'Menzobarranzan'? I have a Problem.
(I failed thinking of a pun, by the way. Feel free to comment whatever you come up with and then I'll kick myself for not being as clever as you)
For those of you who are just stopping by, I had a horrible idea a while ago and this is the result. I have no idea what's going to happen or who's going to win. I’m just going to roll a D20 ‘bake check’ for everyone and write out the results, including what everyone rolled so y’all know I’m not cheating just so my druid boyfriend can win.  The person with the lowest total score (out of a possible score of 60) goes home.
We've got the main 6 companions, Jaheira, Halsin, Minsc (and Boo), Minthara, Dammon, and my tav Medora (who y'all can just pretend is Alfira if you don't want someone else's tav in the story, since they're both female bards)
Week One, Cake Week: Star baker was Karlach, Minthara went home
Week Two, Biscuit Week: Star baker was Halsin, Shadowheart went home
Week Three, Bread Week: Star baker was Wyll, Jaheira went home
Week Four, Pies and Tarts Week: Star baker was Wyll, Minsc went home
Week Four: Underdark Week, or "Just Like Lolth Used to Make"
Signature: Sussur loaf
This cake uses sussur fruit instead of eggs, which provides a unique gelatinous quality. They also glow in the dark, which of course they do.
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Astarion: Blackberry and vanilla sussur loaf. He got the proportions wrong, and after upending his pan onto his serving dish the sussur loaf oozed out in a puddle. The flavor was nice, but the presentation was horrible.
Dammon: Peach lemonade sussur loaf. Part of the loaf stuck to the pan, but he did his best to decorate it with leftover sussur fruit to hide it. The dark silhouettes on the glowing cake disrupted the traditional clean look, but there was nothing to complain about regarding the flavor.
Gale: Pandan and star anise sussur loaf. The star anise flavor was a bit too strong and the loaf was underbaked, but overall he received positive comments from the judges.
Halsin: Honey and lavender sussur loaf. The alien-looking cake and the homey flavors made a wonderful contrast, and it was baked almost perfectly.
Karlach: Gin and tonic sussur loaf. While her loaf was in the oven she passed around measuring cups of booze for the other bakers, the hosts, the camera crew... Things came out quite nicely, but the taste was ALMOST too boozy.
Lae'zel: Ginger and passionfruit sussur loaf. A nearly-flawless bake that came almost perfectly out of the pan. She expected no less, of course.
Medora: Rose and orange blossom sussur loaf. The floral flavors and the glow of the cake made her dessert look ethereal. She went a bit too heavy-handed with the rose, however.
Wyll: Lemon and thyme sussur loaf. The Blade isn't familiar with the Underdark, and it showed, unfortunately. The loaf was very overbaked, which dims the signature glow, and the thyme was overwhelmed by the lemon.
Technical: Menzobarranzan Tavuk Göğsü
This seemingly inocuous custard-based dessert contains a secret ingredient: shredded bulette meat. You apparently can't taste it if you prepare it correctly, and it provides a more robust texture to the dessert.
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From worst to best:
8. Medora
7. Astarion
6. Gale
5. Halsin
4. Karlach
3. Dammon
2. Wyll
Showstopper: Myconid Cake
What better way to showcase the natural beauty of the underdark than to bake a tribute to those weird and wonderful mushroom people? Cakes must have two tiers and beautifully decorated.
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Astarion: Tiramisu cake. The soaking syrup he put on the layers made the cake too wet, but the flavors were well balanced. He wasn't able to make as many decorations as he liked, but the ones he managed to create were nice.
Dammon: Earl Grey cake with raspberries. And with enough myconid-like decorations that it looked like a cavern in the Underdark. Nearly flawless.
Gale: Triple chocolate cake. Had a very ambitious idea to do three tiers, each with a different flavor batter, different filling... and time got away from him. His presentation was very sloppy, and as he frosted the cakes while they were still hot due to the time constraints, the frosting melted right off.
Halsin: Orange and thyme cake. A unique combination of sweet and savory, again using herbs he foraged himself. His decorations were incredibly detailed, and the cakes themselves had a very delicate texture.
Karlach: Carrot cake. Carrots are roots. Roots grow in the ground. Mushrooms grow in the ground. It works. Unfortunately carrot cake takes quite a long time to bake properly, and hers were still nearly liquid on the inside when she took them out of the oven. She salvaged what she could, but gave up on trying to make things pretty with two minutes left on the clock, and went to find the last of the gin and tonic from the signature round.
Lae'zel: Lemon elderflower cake. The lemon overpowered the elderflower and the cake was slightly overbaked, but her militant attention to detail made the rock candy decorations incredibly precise.
Medora: Mojito cake. It was far too boozy and the presentation was definitely lacking, but at least the cakes were baked properly.
Wyll: Strawberries and champagne cake. Apparently it's Boozy Bakes club this week, and he was a card-carrying member. A surprisingly delicate flavor, and beautifully balanced with the strawberries.
The Results:
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Our star baker this week with a total of 52/60 is Lae'zel!
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And with a score of 24/60, Astarion is leaving the tent today.
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So I hope y'all are okay with me taking some creative liberties with the bakes today. Suspend your disbelief. Except for the Tavuk Göğsü which is a real traditional Turkish dessert that honestly sounds super interesting to me. How can you put chicken in a dessert and not taste it. I gotta know.
Feel free to play along in the comments! How would your tav or favorite npc compare?
Omg we're halfway through! We've got dessert week next.
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I can't remember who I was talking to about tea (@thequeeninyellowlace and @help-help-i-need-an-adult maybe?), but I figured I should mention a few of my favorites:
- Adagio chestnut (flavored black tea) is my new all-time favorite tea. No really. Even over Irish breakfast. It is THAT GOOD. My brother and sister-in-law gave me a 3 pack of Adagio teas for Christmas, and this one was in there, and I have NOT looked back. It's just a really good black tea, with a slightly nutty flavor and some maple notes. I LOVE IT. (The other two were gingerbread black tea - quite good - and candy apple herbal tea, which I expected to be better.)
- Twining Irish breakfast (black tea) is now my second favorite black tea. Which goes really well with creamer and a little sugar.
- Stash maple apple cider (herbal tea) is AMAZING. I accidentally ordered two 100 packs of it, and then ordered 2 sampler packs of tea which each had an 18 pack box of that flavor in it, and I'm not even mad. It's that good.
- Stash chocolate mint (flavored oolong tea) is the OTHER flavor I order in 100 packs. For good reason. If you like mint chocolate, TRY THIS TEA. (Harney & Sons has a very good loose leaf mint chocolate tea, if you prefer loose leaf!)
- Great Value (Walmart) peppermint bark (herbal tea) is a seasonal tea (AKA only sold around Christmas) that tastes like mint chocolate with spearmint. I bought one box last winter, then went back and bought two more. I'm already out.
- Bigelow blackberry citrus (herbal tea) I tried when I wanted a blackberry tea (I like blackberries) and then LOVED. It's now on my "don't run out of this tea" list.
- Stash white peach (oolong tea) is a lovely, light tea with a gentle fruity flavor. You can drink it by itself or mix it with chamomile - both are nice. You might want to use two tea bags if you have a large-ish cup - the flavor is a little weak, and I like my tea strong.
- Bigelow peppermint & chamomile (herbal teas): I mix these together when I have a cold/sinus infection (which is basically EVERY OTHER MONTH, fuck my life) and it works slightly better than most teas at loosening up the gunk in my nose so I can blow it out. Also, with some sugar or honey, it tastes nice! AND it soothes a sore throat, which is always a nice bonus during cold and flu season.
- Stash holiday chai (black tea) is my favorite chai tea, and I have tried SOOOOOO MANNNNYYYYY chai teas. Seriously. And "spiced teas."
- Harney & Sons has sooooo mannnnyyyyy good loose leaf teas, but I'm at work right now, and I don't bring my loose leaf teas to work (too fiddly), so I can't remember which ones are my fave, other than their mint chocolate and a Venetian tiramisu white tea that is SURPRISINGLY GOOD.
- Tealyra lovely nights (rooibos/herbal tea) is rooibos, chamomile, mint, vanilla, and AMAZING. I bought some to try it and YOU NEED IT TOO.
- Every so often, I get bored and buy a sampler of teas that look interesting - most recently was a Stash pack of 50 different tea bags. (They also sell packs of 6 boxes, each a different flavor. The fall/autumn one is good!) Doing something like this is a great way to try new flavors without getting stuck with a bunch of tea bags of something you don't like - if you DO like a flavor, you can order more! If you don't, it was one bag, no big loss. (Apparently I like ginger and citrus/fruit teas more than I realized because I LOVED the lemon ginger tea, and liked both the orange ginger and the peach ginger tea, but the plain Meyer lemon just tasted like hot lemonade to me.)
No, I'm not getting paid or endorsed or even free samples for recommending tea to anyone. I just get a kick out of going "hey, want to try this thing (that I like) and see if you like it? You did? Want me to tell you more about it and maybe try more types of it?" Which is 100% how I got a coworker hooked on fancy teas. She went "I need caffeine, but coffee and energy drinks give me heart burn" so I was like "want to try some tea?" And the rest is HISTORY.
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Hello, love your work btw, it's tied with another fic series for the number one slot of best fics I have ever read, anyway what are your headcanons on what flavour of ice creams the ninja+ your ocs would like, and what are their reactions to the Dairy Dragon? Do they love it, hate it, or meh about the fact that the flavours are named after their villains? Do they even like the ice cream in the first place? How traumatised is Lloyd, post s5 after they name an ice cream flavour, 'the mango morro'. What are Jay's and Nya's reactions when they find out the flavour 'Bananakan' exist? Are the sprinkles and toppings named after the ninja then? Also wouldn't it be funny that while the rest of ninjago gets destroyed by a villain (for the umpteenth time), the Dairy Dragon still stands cuz its that good even the villains love it? Anyway, have a great day/night.
Well thank you!!! I'm honored to share such a flattering title!! :'3
But now, what we all came here for...ICE CREAM THOUGHTS GO
Kai: Is not a huge ice cream guy but will still eat it when the opportunities arises. Pretty meh about the Dairy Dragon; all ice cream places are the same to him. Is a little wary about the villain flavors and generally avoids them. Likes lemon + berry flavors primarily, but will try something wild like a chilli pepper flavor or a spiced chocolate and wind up utterly addicted. Has a topping called "Kai Krunch".
Jay: Loves ice cream, but likes Ice Planet more than Dairy Dragon. Flipped his shit upon seeing the Bananakhan flavor (especially because Skybound events aren't erased this time around ahahaaaaa), but is also amused by the fact it's a banana-flavor. He likes ice cream that has "Stuff" in it, like cookie dough, brownie pieces, fruit bits, peanut butter bites, cheesecake pieces, candy crunches, pop rocks, etc, etc. It's about the texture for him (...and he tends to get Kai Krunch loaded on top of everything, but don't tell Kai that)
Cole: Love ices cream, indifferent on Dairy Dragon. Amused by the villain flavors and thinks there should be more, but will not say that to anyone's face. Like sorbets and sherbets the most as he had those for dessert a lot while growing up, but otherwise isn't all that picky. Has a flavor called "Cole's Rocky Road", which is just Rocky Road, but it's very popular Jesse buys it by the carton
Zane: Indifferent on Ice Cream and Dairy Dragon; much prefers ice pops as a frozen treat. He does make a habit of tasting the villain flavors just to see if they're accurate lmao. Has no real partiality to any flavor, but makes Ninjapolitan his go-to, since its four flavors are based on him and the Core Four (which is cherry, (blue) raspberry, blackberry, and french vanilla).
Nya: Likes ice cream, liked Dairy Dragon until Bananakhan became a flavor (she was always more of an Ice Planet gal anyway), aaand is a huge chocolate ice cream junkie. The "Nya Special" is literally chocolate ice cream filled with chocolate brownies filled with fudge and covered in chocolate syrup and fudge sprinkles, and just looking at it is enough to put even Lloyd into a sugar coma.
Lloyd: Loves ice cream and Dairy Dragon, but is the vanilla fan. "You can make vanilla into any other flavor, but you can't make any other flavor into vanilla, and plus vanilla is always good by itself", is his motto. Hates the villain flavors and is especially put off by Mango Morro and is a little bitter about how popular it is snksnknsnk. "Spinjitzu Swirl" is actually a flavor based on Lloyd specifically, which is essentially a green-colored cake batter flavor with frosting (...which exists and I have had it. It is to die for).
Jesse: Prefers frozen yogurt to ice cream, not that he won't eat ice cream. Likes mystery flavors or not knowing what he's going to get, because he likes being surprised (in this specific instance lol), and finds the villain flavors to be a bit distasteful. Also really enjoys Ninjapolitan and Spinjitzu Swirl. Lowkey slips in some suggestions for a "Fruity Fuchsia" flavor. The time will come, he's sure of it.
Antonia: Ice cream is like her favorite treat ever, but doesn't even discover Dairy Dragon until way later on and kicks herself for it. Doesn't mind the villain flavors, but thinks they could be more creatively named. Is a Buttered Pecan kind of gal, but otherwise just gets whatever she's in the mood for. Is also a strong advocate for making "Fruity Fuchsia" a thing, but for different reasons.
Harumi: Used to like ice cream a whole lot, but the novelty wears off over time. Will still go to the Dairy Dragon if Antonia's egging her on about it. Likes strawberry the most, sometimes shares in Kai's penchant for spicier flavors...but is also unfortunately a huge fan of Spinjitzu Swirl and Ninjapolitan (she tried the latter out of spite) and there's literally nothing else like it in the world so she has to get that specifically if she wants to indulge RIP. Would also actively boycott Fruity Fuchsia if it existed hgdhsfhfs
Miranda: Not crazy about ice cream but certainly isn't going to turn it down either, especially if it's from Dairy Dragon (which Nelson gets her hooked on). Surprisingly has simple flavor preference, as her go-tos are mint chocolate chip and cookies & cream. Also has a whole list of idea for future villain flavors that they could and should use (such as Time Twin Tropicana, Pythor Punch, Mechanic Marble, Overlord Overload, and a Garmadon popsicle with gumball eyes)
Olivia: Might be contradicting something I said previously but she tends to avoid ice cream—the cold is really sensitive on her teeth. She can force herself to eat it but it's not usually a good experience. She does, however, like chocolate-flavor almost as much as Nya does, and can manage some salted-caramel flavor on occasion as well. Attempts to destroy the Dairy Dragon once or twice just to figure out how it manages to stay standing throughout everything lmao
Pixal: Does not like ice cream at all, but can be encouraged to at least try a bite or two, but will never go overboard with it. Therefore, indifferent to Dairy Dragon. Can stomach some vanilla on occasion, but like Zane, would probably go for a fruity ice pop first.
Skylor: Has not really had the chance to indulge in ice cream until getting off the island, and then the Dairy Dragon winds up becoming one of her favorite spots. As with her drink preferences, like a lot of the more tropical flavors (pineapple, coconut, dragonfruit, etc) and finds things like chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry a bit bland. She can get behind citrus flavors, however. Really hopes they don't make a flavor out of her dad—she's already got enough bad publicity to deal with.
Bridget: An Ice cream hater, somehow even more than Pixal.
Sunni: Is lactose-intolerant and probably shouldn't even be eating ice cream but that's not going to stop her from indulging in Ninjapolitan or Spinjitzu Swirl snksnksnksn. Would also probably die if she attempted to eat the "Nya Special", and very loudly attempts to boycott Bananakhan (with reluctant help from Samantha).
Harleigh: Not a big ice cream fan herself, but is lowkey waiting for them to make an ice cream flavor out of Ronin (for better or worse)
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lovelylogans · 2 years
random distribution
The number π (/paɪ/; spelled out as "pi") is a mathematical constant that is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, approximately equal to 3.14159. It is a transcendental number, meaning that it cannot be a solution of an equation involving only sums, products, powers, and integers. The transcendence of π implies that it is impossible to solve the ancient challenge of squaring the circle with a compass and straightedge. The decimal digits of π appear to be randomly distributed, but no proof of this conjecture has been found.
ao3 | other fics on tumblr | coffee?
warnings: mentions of baking mishaps, let me know if i’ve missed any!
pairings: none, all platonic!
words: 2,152
notes: hi, all! i wrote this for the tss fanworks collective discord january remix challenge; i took @edupunkn00b’s fic 3.14159265 ... and had some fun writing some fluff for it! thank u to @teacupfulofstarshine for the “patriarchy” pun in here! edu, i hope you enjoy it!
Pi day, in Patton’s mind, has reached transcendental levels of importance.
Previously, the attention he’d paid it had been potential for puns and potential for pies—both matters near and dear to his heart, of course, and an opportunity for great, low-effort fun.
Say what you will about Patton’s endeavors today: they certainly cannot be called low-effort.
He’s done research on best crusts to pair with each flavor profile. He’s gotten deep into baking blogs’ pros and cons of blind bakes. He’s hauled enough flour, sugar, and jam into the cupboards to best maintain a surprise to pass as workouts for a full week. Those bags of flour are not Eton mess-ing around!
He even, in a move that he thinks would make Logan particularly proud, made a spreadsheet to list out all the baking timings and when he needs to start each pie.
Because while he is doing this to make sure Logan feels heard, he also wants to take the particular recent incident to heart; he wants to make sure they all feel heard. And, while Pi Day is definitely skewed in Logan’s favor, he can’t help but throw in a few gestures for the rest of his favorite guys.
So that means boo-berry pie for Virgil, and strawberry rhubarb pie for Roman, a good ol’ apple pie for Thomas, and an interesting recipe he’d found when he’d gotten sidetracked on the blogs; a lemon meringue galette sounds just about perfect for Janus.
And that means, though the flavor definitely isn’t within Patton’s particular profile—ugh!—haggis for Remus.
(What are tatties?! What are neeps?! Where is he meant to get groundnut oil??? What is the proper measurement for a dram, and should he even really be pouring a dram for Remus anyway? Patton’s Google search history is really getting to some areas of the internet it doesn’t usually get to stray into!) 
Patton decides to just. Not really look at it too closely. Or smell it too much. And to maybe clean out the oven between bakes to make sure the other pies don’t taste too haggis-y. He can’t imagine a blackberry-pomegranate jam pie is going to blend well with the lingering scents of sheep liver and suet.
So Patton sets his alarm to purr (a purring cat alarm clock! what will people come up with next!) at a truly ridiculous time of day. 
It’s actually a little bit painful, waking up that early. Ugh. The sun isn’t even up. Patton can still see the light of the moon filtering through his blinds. It’s so cozy in his bed, and out there it’s so cold, and he’s tired, gosh darn it. 
It’s a good thing he sets two alarms; the cat alarm within his reach and, in a move of forethought that usually eludes him, a second one on his phone that’s out of his reach so that he’ll need to actually get up to turn it off. He finds himself dozing off in that space of three minutes between blaring, but even as the second one starts, he thinks that might have been just what he needed.
More sleep. 
But that’s going to have to be contained to three minutes and three minutes only. Because there’s a brilliant, bespectacled brainiac who has a year-long hankering for both jams and pies, and this is THE day to cater to both of those interests.
So even while he’s debating going back to sleep, he thinks for Logan, and that staves off the last sweet temptations of warm blankets and more blessed, blessed sleep.
So he blearily pulls on one of his many blue polos, ties his cat hoodie over his shoulders, and descends the stairs, headphones in hand and playlists prepped, ready to tackle the pies of the day.
He turns on his headphones and puts on a playlist Roman made, preheats the oven, washes his hands, and lays out saran wrap he can flour to roll out doughs (thank you, baking blogs, for that tip on how to get a lower level of mess!) and then gets sidetracked because he could have sworn they had a rolling pin, where is it—
(It’s tucked into the drawer where they usually keep a mishmash of other unusual kitchen supplies, which means that Patton also gets to find a little juicer which will save him time when it comes to juicing lemons for Janus’ galette. Neat!)
—and goes about rolling out the first of many, many doughs.
All made with butter, flour, sugar, salt, ice water (substituted about half of that water with vodka for some, which apparently makes a flakier, more tender crust? He’s interested to see if that one actually works) most of them the night before, so that the doughs had time to chill, but he still has a couple quicker crusts (made of graham crackers, mostly) that need to be assembled, like, now.
Also, he’s going through so. much. butter. Holy moo-ly is that a lot of butter! These pies are gonna be delicious, though, you’d butter believe it!
Patton laughs to himself. He has a feeling he’ll be doing that a lot today.
He packs away the first of the pie fillings (old-fashioned jelly pie, one of the two blackberry-pomegranates, and Virgil’s boo-berry) and sets the first three pies in the oven. He’s on a roll!
Or. Hang on.
Patton immediately sidetracks starting on the second batch to look up if pie rolls are a thing (they are, of course they are, what will those recipe bloggers come up with next!) and takes a few moments to deliberate if adding in a whole new baked good would be worth it for one pun.
He decides to wait and see if he has enough leftover dough for that. But he is very tempted.
Patton gets into a pretty good rhythm, really; by the time the first three pies come out of the oven, the next three (Roman’s strawberry rhubarb, Thomas’ apple, and a peach mango) are rarin’ to go, and he’s even got a head start on Janus’ fancy galette crust!
It’s more fun and less fussy than he thought it’d be, really. The crust recipes he’s found for this recipe is much less fussy than the needs-to-be-chilled-forever pie crust he’d been working with before his baking research for today. 
Patton hums happily along to the latest song on the playlist because he doesn’t know the words well enough to sing as he carefully pinches and pleats the dough.
The filling, on the other hand, is very fussy. Why is meringue so dramatic? Patton overbeats it for, like, maybe five seconds and it immediately deflates on him. 
Okay, more like thirty seconds, but he wasn’t sure what foamy was meant to look like, he was just trying to be sure!
But anyway, he manages the second attempt at meringue pretty well, or at least well enough to manage. He manages to transfer the meringue to the galette crust with minimal spillage. Woo-hoo!
He has to pause in brushing egg yolk along the crust to take out the pies and swap in the three newest (another old-fashioned jelly pie, Janus’ galette, and a blind bake for the french silk that’ll quickly go into the freezer).
He’s so in the zone that he doesn’t even notice until he’s taking out the latest old-fashioned jelly pie, sniffing it and frowning at the incorrect smell, that he’d completely switched around the two containers they use to hold salt and sugar.
Patton sighs, staring down at the ruined pie. Oh well.
He hesitates.
It’d be a shame for it to go to waste, he guesses.
He folds, and takes in a forkful of pie, before pulling a face and leaning to spit it out in the sink. Yuck!
He quickly wraps it up with foil and adds a post-it note on top that says FOR REMUS: SALTY?
Patton hopes he’ll like it, otherwise people might get salty about missing out on what could have been a perfectly good pie.
So he gets started on an extra old-fashioned jelly pie; good thing for that extra dough, but he guesses that means no pie rolls. Oh, well! He can still make the pun while knowing about their existence, even if he won’t have a physical prop.
All’s sel that ends sel.
(Get it, sel? Like sel gris? It’s some kind of French salt, Patton thinks. According to Google, anyway. And it rhymes with all’s well that ends well? No? Ah, Patton can admit that’s not one of his best puns. He’ll keep workshopping it before he cracks a joke to Remus.)
But the rest of the baking goes great! He even remembers what each piece of Scottish lingo is for each ingredient of the haggis! 
There’s no more salt-for-sugar level catastrophes; the closest mixup he has is misremembering which way he was overlaying a lattice, and that’s fixed easily enough even if the lines aren’t as straight as they are in magazines.
There’s a lot of not straight in this household, though, so Patton figures everyone will be okay with that.
He even manages to finish ahead of schedule! Take that, Great British Baking Show stressful rush music that was starting to play in his mind! He bets Mary Berry’s blue eyes would sparkle at him in grandmotherly pride! Prue Leith would happily tap the countertop with the flat of her hand if she tasted one his pies!
Earning a Paul Hollywood handshake? Patton doesn’t know about that one.
But that’s to Patton’s preference. He really isn’t sure about that Paul Hollywood. Something about the judgings he doles out. And why is his judgment more heavily weighted than Prue’s, anyway? Prue’s an incredibly accomplished baker! 
It’s that darn pastry-archy working, Patton bets. Just because Prue’s not queen of scones or something doesn’t mean her opinion matters less than the silly king of bread.
Patton might have said so, really, during their latest bingewatch of the show, except it’s not a particularly common opinion. He isn’t sure how much his fellow sides prefer Paul Hollywood to Prue, though. If he says how much he prefers Prue and Mary to Paul, then someone whose favorite judge was the batter latter might take it like Patton’s enacted the Pi-ides of March.
He manages to settle most of the pies, goes about scooping in cold fillings for the chillier pies that need to be in the fridge (French silk, a peanut butter-chocolate pie, banana cream, and a very promising Twix pie he’d found—those blogs, really, what will they come up with next? Patton hopes all of them have been sent flours for their efforts!)
Patton spends the rest of the morning tidying up the kitchen of stray flour and sugar, arranging the pies in a flavor order that makes the most sense of him, (with the salt pie far in the back) and trying to pick out which of their dining utensils would be cutest to use with each pie, watching the sunrise filter in through the windows.
Ooh, he can’t wait to see the look on all of their faces!
And he does get to see the looks on their faces; the surprise, the pleased smiles, the “mmm!”s as they eat their specialized pies, Logan’s soft smiles at him when he probably thought Patton wasn’t looking, and Patton’s happier than… well, happier than a sweet-toothed sugar lover in his kitchen, currently full of pies, pies, and more pies.
And dirty dishes. But that’s less important to the metaphor, and he can take care of that pretty quickly! Just… later.
What? It’s not like they can have Pi Day without trying to seek out other pie-themed foods!
(It’s mostly pizza.)
At the end of the day, when everyone else has gone up to bed, when Patton’s loading the dishwasher, he pauses.
There’s one more covered dish than there was this morning.
A chocolate chip cookie pie for our favorite dad guy!
—Janus, Remus, Roman, and Virgil
P.S.: Your gestures of celebration are appreciated. —Logan.
Patton beams a bright, silly smile, briefly tracing his fingers over their signatures, then carefully cuts himself a slice of chocolate chip cookie pie.
It’s delicious. Still a little warm—so it must have been baked recently, probably when he’d fallen asleep on the couch a bit, oops—gooey, chocolatey throughout, and the perfect marriage of a pie and a cookie. Patton wiggles happily as he eats every last delicious crumb of his slice, making sure to carefully wrap it back up and place it amongst the other pies.
He takes the note, though. That’s going somewhere special.
And as he falls asleep, full of sugar and all the good things, he knows he’s going to sleep well after a day of baking and eating and making sure Logan knows he’s appreciated.
Even if he has silly dreams about the moon turning into a big, silver pie.
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heaven-dope · 4 months
your ocs' favourite food for: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Dessert, & Mid-day Snack/s. GO GO GO
not averse to veggies, but definitely likes to eat a lot of meat and fat. despite being taiwanese, she hasnt grown up with the culture much.
breakfast: thick cut glazed bacon on toast topped with egg and green onion
lunch: taiwanese beef noodle soup baby!!!
dinner: steak (cooked rare) - likes gamier meats like venison, but any slab of well cooked meat is great!
dessert: likes it when lili makes shortcake and matcha desserts :)
snacks: jerky, pork rinds
a lot of asian cuisine (middle eastern, south)! his dad is ala mhigan, and he didn't get to know his mom.
breakfast: leftover roti and achar from last night
lunch: doner kebab stuffed in pita! this is actually his favorite food.
dinner: veal korma :) he's from thanalan so he's a fan of spice
dessert: he doesn't have too much of a sweet tooth so I think he likes things like... berries with a teeny bit of cream, and poached pears
snacks: tantuni
"why are all your ocs asian" anyway. she's chinese. she has the chef feat and loves cooking for her friends!
breakfast: fruit smoothie with some protein. gotta go fast!
lunch: grilled whole fish with lemon! this was the first dish her best friend/brother figure made for her :) this is her favorite food. i think she likes mackerel the best.
dinner: hot pot. there's just something very homey about cooking around a pot of broth with your friends and family. she's very sentimental!
dessert: donuts ^_^ shaved ice and baklava
snacks: dried squid and youtiao
closest to my palate, since i projected a lot of my taiwanese american-ness onto him teehee
breakfast: he often skips breakfast, not because he dislikes it or thinks it's useless, but he's just really busy. but when he gets the chance, he likes taiwanese beef rolls (braised beef rolled into a scallion pancake with cilantro and hoisin sauce)
lunch: he's on the go a lot, so it's likely a sandwich - probably banh mi!
dinner: taiwanese spaghetti - i think i established this as his favorite food a while back
dessert: HE HAS SUCH A SWEET TOOTH... does boba count? if not hes a big fan of strawberry flavored things, and cakes!
snacks: oamisua, pocky, taffy, shrimp chips!
unfortunately it's just sad luce was raised away from one half of his culture.... he is also a bougie boy teehee
breakfast: eggs benedict
lunch: white truffle flatbread (yeah, i know.)
dinner: grilled octopus served ontop romesco sauce. also a fan of chilean sea bass and halibut.
dessert: blackberry panna cotta :3
snacks: dried fruit.
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wentzsmatchacup · 2 years
omg haii what flavor are the fall out men to you?? :P OH AND what flavor are the different fob albums?? and which one is ur favorite? ^_^
thank you so so much for asking!! :]
The flavors of people change based on who they are n stuff, so like, young Pete and now Pete have different flavors!
Blondie Pete (Pete now) is a citrus seltzer and a warm oatmeal cookie with dark chocolate chunks. Younger Pete is Cola, raspberries, and a hint of something bitter, but like a deep flavor; kind of like a chocolate but saltier; it’s something I can’t quite put my finger on. Patrick is like the Texas Roadhouse bread (shameful yeehaw from a Texas resident. If you’ve never had Texas Roadhouse, the bread is famously delicious and sweet and fluffy) with butter and a lavender tea. Andy is a sherbet with mint in it and a little metallic tang to it. Joe is a smokey steak, cherry juice, and carnival corndogs. Out of the boys, I’m torn between now-Pete and Joe for whose is my favorite. Pete’s reminds me of sunshine and warm spring and happy memories and just overall comfort and stuff, but Joe’s is strangely nostalgic.
As far as albums go, the different songs kinda taste different, but I can give an overall synopsis! :)
Take This to Your Grave tastes kinda like gunpowder, sweat, something lightly fragrant, like rain, bug juice (okay this sounds crazy but it’s this juice in a bottle from gas stations n stuff and it’s great, you should Google it lol), and a snickers bar. Despite those flavors sounding somewhat unpleasant, it’s oddly endearing and I love TTTYG! 6/10 flavor
From Under the Cork Tree tastes like bitter cherries, smarties, perfume, and wood. It’s probably one of the albums I have the least to say about flavor-wise, but it’s SO good and simple. This one has a more cohesive flavor pallet which makes it super pleasant to my senses. 9/10 flavor
Infinity On High tastes like dusty fabric, butter, summer rain, gummy bears, sawdust, and chicken noodle soup. Despite this being one of my favorite albums (behind Folie and SRAR) it has one of my least favorite flavor combinations. I can’t focus too hard on some of the tastes of the songs or it grosses me out, but MAN is it good to my ears. Very salty, very dingy. 4/10 flavor
Folie a Deux tastes like green tea, cleaning spray, cinnamon, honey, whiskey (only ever had it like once lmao), nachos, and dark chocolate. Don’t ask me why cleaning spray, that’s what “What a Catch, Donnie” tastes like to me :,) I LOVE YOU FOLIE!!! 7/10 flavor
Save Rock and Roll tastes like pop rocks, sand, milk, smoke, assorted fruit, wet dirt, something vaguely like nostalgic summers(?) (idk I can’t place it), beef, and sour patch kids. Weird combo, but it somehow works? It’s not quite unpleasant, but it’s not wholly enjoyable if that makes sense? Young volcanoes tastes good lol. 5/10 flavor
American Beauty/ American Psycho is one of my favorite tasting behind FUTCT. It tastes like sour punch straws, whoppers, apple juice, sweet tea, seawater, ballpark hotdogs, barbecue sauce, and blackberries. It tastes like going to a movie theatre and a cookout; it’s freakin delicious. There’s this overhang of hazy, deep flavor, while maintaining a sweet and tangy thing goin on. 9/10 flavor
MANIA tastes like dust, leather, cotton Candy, milkshake, wood, lemon seltzer water, vinegar, pistachios, and fruit snacks. It’s kinda like you dropped your food on the ground and ate it afterwards. I love MANIA, but why does it remind me of kindergarten daycare.. yuck… not a good taste, excluding Stay Frosty, Bishops Kinfe Trick, and Wilson. 2/10 flavor
I May update this post when So Much (for) Stardust is released, but as of right now, it tastes like licorice, pine, gunpowder, sprite, and cantaloupe! 5/10 flavor
I love the way that flavor connects me with things. These flavors also change from time to time, and I can’t ALWAYS taste it, but it’s kind of a neat party trick, eh? Once again, thank you so much for the question! This was really fun, and gave me a new appreciation for their music!! :)
final ranking (based on flavor)
(this does not at all relate to my opinions on the albums themselves! I Can do a separate ranking for that some other time!)
overall, my favorite song (flavor wise) is probably XO, Young Volcanoes, The Kids Aren’t Alright, and Favorite Record! :)
(Edit: I’m sorry i forgot to include EOWYG and didn’t include any of their EP’s, but I would LOVE to if anyone would like to hear it!)
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chadwick211 · 2 years
11 Top Wines that You Must Have for Parties
Serving the best wines at a party can be as exciting as serving favorite liquors. Wine is a great choice for entertaining because of its versatility. Adding salads and steaks to a good white wine should enhance its flavor.
What are the top wines you should include in your list? Sendgifts provides some great tips on choosing the right wine for your picnic or party in this article.
Sendgifts is an online liquor store in the US that caters to those who want affordable wines online as well as those who enjoy experimenting with new wines. By carefully evaluating flavors, our wine delivery service puts the customer first.
 Top Wines for Parties
Whatever type of party you're planning, choosing the right wine is essential.
Here are some of our best wine collections:
 1. Pinot Noir
A bold red fruit with earthy flavors pairs well with pork, steak, game, and poultry.
Pairing Tips: Allow this Pinot noir wine to breathe for at least 15 minutes before serving. Slowly unwind the wire cage over the bottle's neck to prevent oxidation. Due to its low tannin content, it is suitable for serving in a casual setting. Pinot Noir is perfect to accompany meats such as fish, chicken or duck, as well as mushrooms and soft cheeses.
 2. Riesling
With its clean acidity and sweeter notes, this white wine pairs well with almost anything.
Pairing Tips: Unlike some wines, Riesling wine should not be decanted for hours before serving—it would ruin its delicate character. Instead, remove the cork and gently ease out the wire cage over the wine's neck. Give it 15 minutes to breathe at room temperature before serving. Pair with light appetizers like cheese or seafood.
 3. Sauvignon Blanc
Sauvignon wine is high in acidity and pairs well with poultry, herb-roasted chicken, and pan-seared fish.
Pairing Tips: This is another wine that's best decanted, so remove the cork 15 minutes before serving. To prevent oxidation, gently remove the wire cage from the bottle's neck. To enjoy its crisp flavors, serve it slightly chilled.  
 4. Merlot
Merlot wine has a soft tannins and complex aromas of berries, cherries, and spice. This makes it great pair with red meats like lamb or bison.
Pairing Tips: When you're ready to serve, unwind the wire cage slowly but firmly (to prevent oxidation) from the bottle's neck. Merlot pairs well with a variety of foods, including shellfish and vegetables.
 5. Vouvray
The aromas of honeysuckle and green apple in this Vouvray wine are very pleasant and it is best served chilled with spicy food, such as Cajun-rubbed steaks or Chinese cuisine.
Pairing Tips: This wine needs to be chilled all the way down before serving. You can keep the bottle in an ice bucket for a few hours before drinking it to keep its crisp flavor.
 6. Pinot Grigio
Pinot Grigio is an all-around white from the Pacific Northwest that's known for its nutty flavors and citrus notes.
Pairing Tips: Try light pastas and rice dishes with lots of herbs, fresh green salads and vegetables, chicken and turkey, and fish and seafood. Add a couple of slices of lemon and lime and several pieces of seasonal fruit like raspberries or blackberries.
 7. Malbec
Most Malbec wines are smooth with jammy fruit flavor and savory notes of black cherry, pomegranate, plum, raspberry, and raisin. There are also hints of coffee, leather, tobacco, molasses, and black pepper.
Pairing Tips: You'll find Malbec a great match for steak, pork, and lamb, as well as fattier fish like salmon and poultry with dark meat. Game meat like bison, ostrich, and venison are also a safe bet. In addition to meat pairings, consider foods with richer sauces or more vibrant flavors.
 8. Chardonnay
Chardonnay wine varies in flavor based on the climate in which it grows. Depending on how ripe the grapes get, the flavor ranges from citrus and green apple, to overripe peach and canned pineapple.
Pairing Tips: Pairing chardonnay with foods that are creamy, light, and simply seasoned are going to be the best way to compliment the wine. You’ll also want to avoid more acidic foods like tomatoes, as the acidity of the food will make the wine taste sour.
 9. Cabernet Sauvignon
A beautifully crafted Cabernet Sauvignon, particularly smooth and fresh. Its seductive aromas of cherry and blackberry are followed by delicate plum and chocolate notes. A really well-balanced red wine, with refreshing acidity and a memorable finish.
Pairing Tips: Cabernet Sauvignon is best with nearly all red meat, including prime rib, New York strip and filet mignon. Also try lamb or pepper- crusted ahi tuna. The wine is best enjoyed with food and is great in sauces or reductions.
 10. Zinfandel
With aromas of dark fruits and peppermint, this crowd-pleasing red wine is perfect for casual get-togethers.
Pairing Tips: Zinfandel wine pairs beautifully with barbeque, spicy foods, smoked cheeses and tangy flavors, but is also easy to enjoy on its own.
 11. Barbera d’Alba
Barbera wine has notes of strawberry and sour cherry: flavors synonymous with light-bodied wines. Light tannin and high acidity make it taste 'Juicy'. Most of the Barbera you'll find is from Italy which leans towards more herbaceous flavors.
Pairing Tips: Given the high acidity, fatty foods work beautifully with Barbera wine. Think red meats and even salmon is a gorgeous pairing. Also because of the acidity, barbera wine pairs well with pasta with a simple pasta in red sauce or a marinara.
Wine is the key to any party. Order wine online to stock up on all the top wines from Sendgifts that your guests won't bring, so you can surprise them with a new drink they haven't tried before. You'll have tons of fun at your next get-together!
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expresscbd · 2 months
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londonfoodandmore · 3 months
Unwind with Style at Water Lane Lounge & Cellar Bar in Bishop's Stortford
Situated in the heart of Bishop's Stortford, Water Lane Lounge & Cellar Bar is a hidden gem that offers a unique and stylish experience for those looking to enjoy delicious drinks, tasty bar snacks, and live music. Housed in the historic 17th century Hawkes Brewery, Water Lane provides a blend of rustic charm and modern sophistication, making it the perfect spot to unwind and have a great time.
As you step into Water Lane Lounge & Cellar Bar, you are greeted by an inviting and cozy atmosphere. The interior features exposed brick walls, vintage decor, and comfortable seating that create a warm and welcoming environment. The space is divided into two floors, with the ground floor lounge offering a relaxed vibe and the cellar bar providing a more intimate setting for live music and special events.
The menu at Water Lane Lounge & Cellar Bar is designed to complement the wide selection of drinks, offering a variety of delicious bar snacks and small plates. From crispy calamari and spicy chicken wings to loaded nachos and gourmet sliders, there is something to satisfy every craving. Each dish is made with fresh, high-quality ingredients, ensuring a delightful dining experience that pairs perfectly with your favorite beverage.
One of the highlights of Water Lane is the impressive drink menu, which includes a selection of award-winning cocktails, craft beers, wines, and spirits. The skilled bartenders at Water Lane are passionate about their craft, creating both classic and innovative cocktails that are sure to impress. Whether you’re in the mood for a refreshing mojito, a smooth espresso martini, or one of their signature creations, you’ll find the perfect drink to suit your taste.
The cocktail menu features a range of expertly crafted drinks, such as the Water Lane Special, a delightful blend of gin, elderflower liqueur, and fresh lemon juice, garnished with a sprig of mint. The Spicy Margarita, made with tequila, lime juice, and a hint of jalapeno, offers a tantalizing kick for those who enjoy a bit of heat. For something a little different, try the Berry Bramble, a mix of gin, blackberry liqueur, lemon juice, and crushed ice, providing a sweet and tangy treat.
In addition to their extensive cocktail menu, Water Lane also boasts a carefully curated selection of wines and craft beers. The wine list features a variety of options from around the world, ensuring there is something to pair perfectly with every dish. The craft beer selection includes local and international brews, offering a range of flavors and styles to suit every preference.
The staff at Water Lane Lounge & Cellar Bar are known for their exceptional hospitality and attentive service. They are always on hand to recommend drinks, suggest food pairings, and ensure that every guest has a memorable experience. Their dedication to providing excellent service and their passion for creating a welcoming atmosphere shine through in every interaction.
Water Lane Lounge & Cellar Bar is also a popular venue for live music and special events. The cellar bar hosts regular performances by talented local musicians, creating a vibrant and energetic atmosphere that enhances the overall experience. Whether you’re enjoying a quiet drink in the lounge or dancing the night away in the cellar, Water Lane offers something for everyone.
For those who prefer to enjoy their drinks and snacks at home, Water Lane offers convenient takeout options. Their expertly prepared cocktails and delicious bar snacks can be enjoyed in the comfort of your own home, bringing the Water Lane experience right to your doorstep.
Water Lane Lounge & Cellar Bar is more than just a bar; it’s a destination where you can relax, socialize, and enjoy the best of what Bishop's Stortford has to offer. With its inviting atmosphere, delicious food and drinks, and exceptional service, Water Lane promises an experience that is both enjoyable and unforgettable.
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freshbeardprince · 4 months
How Many Fruits Should You Eat This Summer for a Healthy Body?
Summer is the perfect time to load up on delicious and refreshing fruits. Not only do they taste great, but they also offer a plethora of health benefits that can contribute to a healthy body. But how many fruits should you be eating this summer to reap these rewards? Let's dive in and explore the juicy details!
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The Importance of Fruits in Your Diet
Fruits are nutritional powerhouses, packed with essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. They play a crucial role in supporting various bodily functions, including:
Boosting Immunity: Vitamin C, found in abundance in citrus fruits, berries, and mangoes, strengthens the immune system and helps fight off infections.
Promoting Digestion: The fiber content in fruits aids digestion, prevents constipation, and promotes a healthy gut microbiome.
Hydration: Many fruits, like watermelon and cucumbers, have high water content, helping you stay hydrated during the hot summer months.
Protecting Against Chronic Diseases: The antioxidants in fruits neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, reducing the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
Maintaining Healthy Skin: Vitamins and antioxidants in fruits promote glowing, healthy skin and protect it from sun damage.
Weight Management: Fruits are low in calories and high in fiber, making them a satisfying and healthy snack option that can aid in weight management.
How Many Fruits Should You Eat?
The general recommendation for adults is to consume at least two servings of fruits per day. However, during the summer, when a wider variety of fruits are available, you can aim for three to four servings. A serving size typically consists of:
One medium-sized fruit (e.g., apple, orange, banana)
Half a cup of chopped fruit (e.g., berries, melon)
One cup of 100% fruit juice (limit intake due to sugar content)
Summer Fruit Superstars
Some of the most nutritious and refreshing fruits to enjoy this summer include:
Watermelon: Loaded with water and electrolytes, watermelon is incredibly hydrating and helps replenish fluids lost through sweat.
Berries: Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries are packed with antioxidants and fiber, making them a delicious and healthy snack.
Mangoes: This tropical delight is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, and fiber, and offers a sweet and tangy flavor.
Papaya: This fruit contains papain, an enzyme that aids digestion, and is a good source of vitamin C and folate.
Citrus Fruits: Oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes are excellent sources of vitamin C and can be enjoyed fresh, juiced, or added to salads.
Stone Fruits: Peaches, plums, nectarines, and apricots are juicy, sweet, and packed with vitamins and minerals.
Tips for Incorporating More Fruits into Your Summer Diet
Start your day with a fruit salad: Combine your favorite fruits for a colorful and nutritious breakfast.
Snack on fruits: Keep a bowl of fresh fruits on your counter for easy access.
Add fruits to smoothies: Blend fruits with yogurt or milk for a refreshing and healthy drink.
Grill or bake fruits: Enhance the flavor of fruits like peaches, pineapple, or watermelon by grilling or baking them.
Freeze fruits for popsicles: Puree fruits and freeze them in molds for a healthy and refreshing treat.
Variety is key! Enjoy a diverse range of fruits to benefit from different nutrients.
Choose fresh, seasonal fruits whenever possible.
Be mindful of portion sizes, as fruits do contain natural sugars.
If you have any medical conditions, consult your doctor or a registered dietitian for personalized advice.
By incorporating a colorful array of fruits into your summer diet, you can nourish your body, boost your energy levels, and enjoy the delicious flavors of the season. So, grab a juicy mango, a refreshing slice of watermelon, or a handful of berries and savor the goodness of summer fruits!
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anjaliprabhakar · 6 months
Top 10 Juices to Jumpstart Your Weight Loss Journey (and Keep it Going!)
Hey everyone! We all know the struggle – that extra weight that just seems to stick around. You might be watching what you eat, hitting the gym, or even trying out yoga at home for weight loss, but sometimes that stubborn weight just won't budge.
Well, listen up! While juice cleanses and fad diets might be tempting, a sustainable weight loss plan is key. Here's where juices can be awesome allies! Packed with vitamins, minerals, and water, they can help you feel fuller for longer, curb cravings, and give your body a healthy boost.
But with all those juicing recipes out there, where do you even start? Don't worry, I've got you covered! Here's my top 10 list of weight-loss friendly juices, along with some tips to make juicing a fun and effective part of your journey.
Hydration Hero: Celery Juice
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We all know water is king, but sometimes you crave something with a little more flavor. Celery juice is your low-cal BFF. At over 95% water, it keeps you hydrated while being super low in calories. Plus, it's packed with antioxidants and beneficial plant compounds that fight inflammation – a big factor in weight gain.
Tip: Celery juice can be a bit strong on its own. Try adding a squeeze of lemon or a cucumber for a refreshing twist.
2. Green Goodness: Classic Green Juice
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Think of green juice as a garden in a glass! Leafy greens like kale, spinach, and swiss chard are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber (although juicing removes some fiber, you'll still get a good dose). They also help with digestion and reduce inflammation.
Tip: Don't be afraid to experiment with flavors! Add some sweetness with apple or pear, or a zing with lemon or grapefruit.
3. Belly Buster: Watermelon Mint Cooler
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Watermelon is practically synonymous with summer, but it's a weight-loss warrior year-round! This juicy fruit is high in water and low in calories, making it super filling. Plus, it contains L-citrulline, an amino acid that can help your body burn fat more efficiently. Mint adds a refreshing touch and aids digestion.
Tip: For an extra protein boost, add a handful of chia seeds to your juice.
4. Citrus Powerhouse: Grapefruit and Ginger Juice
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Grapefruit is a breakfast staple for a reason! Studies suggest it can help with weight management by promoting feelings of fullness and regulating blood sugar. Ginger adds a spicy kick that can also help curb cravings and boost your metabolism.
Tip: If the tartness of grapefruit is a bit much, try adding a squeeze of orange or a dash of honey for a touch of sweetness.
5. Beet It! Beetroot and Carrot Blast
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Beetroot might seem like an unusual juicing ingredient, but hear me out! This vibrant root vegetable is loaded with antioxidants and nitrates, which can help improve blood flow and oxygen delivery to your muscles, enhancing your workouts. Carrots add a touch of sweetness and beta-carotene, which is great for your skin.
Tip: Beetroot can stain, so be careful when prepping! Wear gloves or wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.
6. Tropical Twist: Pineapple and Spinach Surprise
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Don't let the spinach scare you away! This tropical blend is a delicious way to get your daily dose of greens. Pineapple is a natural source of bromelain, an enzyme that can help with digestion and reduce inflammation. Plus, it's sweet and juicy, making the spinach more palatable.
Tip: Frozen pineapple chunks are a great way to add a frosty feel to your juice on a hot day.
7. Berry Blast: Mixed Berry Medley
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Berries are nutritional powerhouses! Packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber, they can help keep you feeling full and regulate blood sugar. This mix allows you to play with different flavors – strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, the choice is yours!
Tip: If you're using frozen berries, there's no need to add ice cubes.
8. Spicy Sunrise: Veggie and Ginger Kickstart
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Looking for a morning pick-me-up with a kick? This juice is your answer! Start with cucumber and celery for hydration, then add a zing with ginger and jalapeno (be careful with the amount!). Finish it off with a squeeze of lemon for a vitamin C boost.
Tip: This juice can be quite spicy. Adjust the amount of jalapeno to your taste preference.
9. Creamy Dream: Tropical Protein Powerhouse
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This juice is perfect for an afternoon pick-me-up or post-workout refuel. Combine mango and banana for a creamy texture and natural sweetness. Spinach adds a hidden dose of greens, while almond milk provides a protein boost to keep you feeling fuller for longer.
Tip: Use frozen banana chunks for a thicker, creamier consistency.
10. Immunity Booster: Citrus and Veggie Medley
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This juice is a one-two punch for your immune system and your waistline! Grapefruit and orange provide a dose of vitamin C, while carrots and beetroot add antioxidants and essential vitamins. Ginger keeps the flavor interesting and may help with digestion.
Tip: If you find the grapefruit and orange too tart, add a green apple for a touch of sweetness.
ALSO READ: Can Buttermilk Aid Your Weight Loss Journey?
Remember: Juicing is a fantastic way to add extra nutrients to your diet and support your weight loss journey, but it's not a magic bullet. Here are some extra tips to maximize your success:
Focus on Whole Foods: While juices are great, don't ditch your fruits and veggies altogether! You'll get more fiber by eating them whole.
Portion Control: Juices can be high in sugar, so limit yourself to one serving (around 16 ounces) per day.
Balanced Diet: Pair your juices with healthy meals and snacks to ensure you're getting all the nutrients your body needs.
Listen to Your Body: Juicing shouldn't cause discomfort. If you experience bloating or digestive issues, adjust your intake or consult a doctor.
Variety is Key: Don't get stuck in a juicing rut! Experiment with different fruits, vegetables, and herbs to keep things interesting.
Bonus Tip: Making juicing a social activity can be a fun way to stay motivated. Get your friends or family involved and host a juicing party!
By incorporating these tips and these delicious juice recipes into your routine, you can keep your weight-loss journey on track and feeling great from the inside out! Remember, consistency is key. So, grab your juicer, pick your favorite recipe, and get blending!
And hey, if you're looking for some extra help with weight loss, don't forget about exercise! Even a short yoga routine at home or a brisk walk can make a big difference.
Here's to a healthier, happier you!
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heetdubai · 1 year
The VUDU Filter 2500 Puffs Disposable Vape is a long-lasting and flavorful disposable vape that is perfect for vapers of all experience levels. It features a cylindrical design with a tapered mouthpiece, making it comfortable to hold and use.
The vape comes pre-filled with 6.5mL of nicotine salt e-liquid, and it offers a variety of delicious flavors to choose from. The VUDU Filter 2500 Puffs Disposable Vape also has a built-in 1150mAh battery, which provides up to 2500 puffs per device. This means that you can enjoy your vape for weeks without having to worry about recharging it.
The VUDU Filter 2500 Puffs Disposable Vape is a great option for vapers who are looking for a long-lasting and flavorful vaping experience. It is also a great option for vapers who are new to vaping, as it is easy to use and does not require any maintenance.
Here are some of the features and benefits of the VUDU Filter 2500 Puffs Disposable Vape:
Long-lasting: Up to 2500 puffs per device
Flavorful: Variety of delicious flavors to choose from
Comfortable to use: Cylindrical design with tapered mouthpiece
Built-in battery: 1150mAh
Easy to use: No maintenance required
If you are looking for a long-lasting, flavorful, and easy-to-use disposable vape, then the VUDU Filter 2500 Puffs Disposable Vape is the perfect option for you. Order yours today!
Blue Raspberry: Blue Raspberry 2500 by Vudu is crafted with a masterful blend of blueberry, raspberry, and sweet & tart candy flavors.
Vanilla Caramel Tobacco: Vanilla Caramel Tobacco 2500 by Vudu is a tobacco blend with undertones of vanilla and caramel for a sweet and subtle flavor.
Watermelon Ice: Watermelon Ice 2500 by Vudu is a blend that offers a sugary mouthful of watermelon flavor and a refreshingly icy cool finisher.
Grape Ice: Grape Ice 2500 by Vudu is a refreshing classic combination to give a fruity & mouth-watering effect to your smoking.
Mango Ice: Mango Ice 2500 by Vudu is a honey mango and crushed ice for a tropical paradise. Strawberry Watermelon: Strawberry Watermelon 2500 puffs by Vudu is an iconic fusion of watermelon, honey melon, and cantaloupe bound together over crushed ice.
Energy Drink: Energy Drink by Vudu 2500 puffs is a strong and sweet fruity taste of Red Bull. Vape it, you can imbibe the energizing taste and feel of stimulation.⁣
Sour Apple: Sour Apple 2500 puffs by combining sweet apple with a punchy, sour finish. Strawberry Bubble Gum: Strawberry Bubble Gum 2500 puffs is A sweet strawberry bubblegum Flavor that you remember from your old days.
Strawberry Mango: Mango accessories its profile with a hint of strawberry that will be leaving you wanting more.
Black Mamba: featuring a blend of citrus and juicy blackberry and raspberry with a slight touch of ice that will tantalize your taste buds and make it perfect for vaping.
Purple Rain: Purple Rain is an irresistible fruit slush of an e-liquid with a delicious balance of tangy raspberries and sweet blueberries and a subtle hint of lemon.
Cool Mint: An Arctic-inspired creation, blending chilled fresh mint into a powerful nicotine salt infusion.
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jlilycorbie · 1 year
One thing that continually bothers me: how dependent on chocolate most ice cream parlors and novelties are in the United States.
Or at least in my area of the US, I'm not an expert on this stuff.
I was complaining about this over the weekend, about how chocolate is great and I like it but I don't need or want it in all the things, and how very much I'd love an ice cream parlor that focuses on fresh fruits and seasonal flavors.
And so I came up with an idea for my own ice cream parlor, probably with a fairy or unicorn theme? Maybe enchanted forest? And then I spent days coming up with ice cream flavors and sundaes for my parlor (and also talking about cannibalism, particularly medical cannibalism, but that's another story).
I figure there'd be a set of always available flavors. Like chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry are required. Maybe matcha? Something coffee based, probably. And all of the always available flavors would also be available in dairy-free and nut-free options. And I've heard how hard it is to find gluten-free chocolate ice cream, so definitely gluten-free options, too.
But the real stars here are the sundaes. There'd be the regularly available flavors and seasonal flavors of ice cream along with a variety of basic and seasonal fruits and toppings. You could build your own, or we'd have a selection of menu offerings. Everything would be topped with whipped cream, of course, except when it's got something like marshmallow fluff instead.
We'd have to have a whole variety of splits. Like, what am I even doing having a fruit-focused ice cream parlor without banana splits?
Including a banana split with dulce de leche ice cream, salted almonds, and hot fudge (because chocolate is still allowed, it just won't be in or on everything).
Or a peach split with roasted peaches, cinnamon ice cream, toasted oat crumble with walnuts or pecans, and brown sugar syrup.
Or a mango split with cardamom ice cream, salted cashews, and browned butter rum sauce.
An apple split with cinnamon roasted apples, vanilla ice cream, almonds, toffee bits, and caramel or butterscotch syrup.
Since it's fairy or enchanted forest themed, I'd want to include floral and herbal flavors, too.
Like for summer, I'd need vanilla lime ice cream with fresh watermelon with mint and lime juice and house-made strawberry syrup.
A warm sugar cookie topped with lemon lavender ice cream and fresh blueberry syrup.
Hibiscus ice cream with strawberry swirl.
Earl Grey ice cream with blackberries and chocolate lavender syrup (maybe with pound cake or a sugar cookie?)
For spring into summer, we could have fresh raspberries and mangoes with matcha ice cream and strawberry syrup.
For early autumn, we could have a peanut butter blondie with honey ice cream, fresh grapes, and peanut butter sauce.
From Halloween to Thanksgiving, we could have pumpkin ice cream with cranberry syrup, toasted pecans, and marshmallow fluff .
For deep winter, something with a clever name referencing Persephone with smoked vanilla ice cream with a clementine curd swirl, pomegranate syrup and fresh arils, and salted pistachios.
And for the people who really want a lot of chocolate, a chili pepper brownie with dark chocolate cinnamon ice cream with cocoa nibs topped with espresso hot fudge and chocolate shavings.
Those are my ideas from the last week (no name for this imaginary place, of course, because I'm terrible at naming things). I still need more ideas that include raspberries, blackberries, apricots, pineapples, and...so many other fruits. Pears. Plums.
I might have to make some of these sundaes for myself sometime.
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