#allys rants
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natsbaby · 2 years ago
Hello, it me! And im here for a life update :> ive already been rather inactive on tumblr but officially speaking, i just wanted to say that i’ll officially stop writing stories and using the app as a whole.
It’s been a lot of fun this past year or so!! Writing for the fandom has been an experience of a lifetime but sadly, it’s time for me to leave. Thank you for the small following ive created on here and for the people ive met. As dramatic as this is to say, tumblr has changed my life and ill always have fond memories on here <33
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emiko-matsui · 9 months ago
Here's what you missed from the ScreenRant+ interviews with the Fantasy High: Junior Year cast
The reason Gorgug and Zelda broke up was a natural drifting apart. There were no animosity or harsh feelings, but Zac felt it unnatural for them to stay together for such a long time and still be true to the characters
The reason Cassandra's name is found in ancient stones and writings even though Ally was asked to make it up in Sophomore Year is because it wasn't Kristen choosing a name, it was Ally choosing the name that came to Kristen in a holy revelation of remembering a forgotten name
Ayda Aguefort wasn't removed from the season because she was too powerful to have around, but rather that Brennan genuinely felt a natural follow to her arc was to spend time creating a family bond with Arthur
All of the cast are clear with the fact that Senior Year is not being discussed at the current moment and is something that would be far in the future, but all of the cast are also excited to return to Senior Year and Brennan has plans for what he wants to expand on and plot threads in Senior Year. Additionally, Brennan said he left Sandra Lynn and her relationship to Bobby Dawn unresolved because he rather wanted to leave that storyline for a Senior Year.
Ally considers Gertie's action of immediately declaring Kristen as her nemesis after realising Kristen didn't want to be with her forever after kissing her once was Kristen "getting a taste of her own medicine" and finally being on the end of the insane chaos she's been dealing out to NPCs for years.
Emily was the one who came up with Fig taking on Gilear's bad luck/curse and she was inspired to do it by Fabian's delevelling in Sophomore Year.
After being pitched the headcanon that the adventuring party Goldenhoard was talking to in the first freshman year episodes was The Rat Grinders Brennan liked it so much he, on the spot, retconned it into canon
The cast thinks the four dogs joke is even funnier because they know Ally's mom is a dog breeder
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we-left-egypt-for-this · 5 months ago
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See. This is the shit that bothers me. Not really that Beardsely was campagining, or that they got arrested, or that theyre being public about it. Theyre a public persona. Thats all fine.
Its the shirt. Why are you, a person who has repetitivley spoken about growing up Christian and leaving that after facing homophobia
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(From their wikipedia page)
So why. Why are you wearing a shirt that says "not in our name"? Why are you cosplaying as though you have any fucking stake in this, as though it's your family being shot at or bombed. Your family kidnapped or displaced. Beardsley, you are neither jewish, israeli, muslim, or arab, nor druze or bedouin, so why do you care so much? Why do you think this is happening in your name?
I'm not saying they shouldn't care about human suffering, or make a stand against it either way. But why are you wearing a shirt from JVP if you aren't, infact, jewish?
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frownyalfred · 18 days ago
“I can’t even tell the difference between Justice League and ZSJL” I can. I can.
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disgruntled-detectives · 3 months ago
Im feeling incredibly grumpy right now and im gonna rant about something real quick I’ve seen in a lot of Jewish online spaces but Reddit is really the biggest space I’ve seen this in.
Routinely gentiles go into a Jewish subreddit and they go “hey I’m a goy, and *I* think antisemitism sucks. I hate how you guys are treated!” And then everyone stops and throws this person a parade of congratulatory thank yous and praises for not being a bigot, and being *such* a good ally (and of course tons of upvotes)
I honestly am getting so sick of my fellow Jews falling all over themselves to heap praises on someone for doing the absolute bare minimum in not being a dick. We need allies, yes. We have precious few of them. And if you are an ally, you know exactly who you are.
But you don’t need to tell us you’re our ally. We need you to actually *show the fuck up*.
Are you shutting down antisemitism *when* (not if) you hear it from someone in your own community? Educating the people in your own communities? In person and on social media? Are you uplifting our voices? Are you actually listening to us? Are you pointing people to *Jewish* resources to learn more about Jews and antisemtism? Are you using your privilege to help us? Are you opening yourself up to potential hate and backlash because you’re doing this? Are you doing the very real work of unpacking the antisemitism that is absolutely baked into Eastern and Western Cultures? (Antisemitism is rampant fucking everywhere. We ALL have work to do to unpack and unlearn it) Are you sitting down and shutting up and letting us speak on our own experiences?
Are you *actually* an ally, or are you content to just come into our spaces and demand thanks for not actively wishing us dead, but not actually doing a damn thing to stop the people in your communities from harming us? Do you actually want to help or do you just want “ally” points?
There are amazing gentile allies here on Tumblr and elsewhere. In real life and on social media. They are people I know personally and people I’ve only ever seen online. They are amazing people who are actually doing the work. Not just for our community, but for all marginalized people.
But they are allies because it’s the right thing to do. Not because they want the brownie points.
Basically…Put up, or shut up.
Edit: this is okay to reblog!, Goyim, do not add any goydacity to this post.
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cupidsncheerios · 14 days ago
as much as i enjoy seeing the class politics discussions around silco and his actions as a chembaron and a revolutionary, i do think that a lot of people condemning his actions (which we should condemn) miss the part where like.
it did work
like that was a pretty significant part of the show. it didnt pan out because he loved his daughter but silco's methods very much did get zaun as an independent nation, the real question is if it was worth it (which we'll never know bc jinx shot him)
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pyroangelo · 9 months ago
It pleases me that Brennan is known and seen by his friends and colleagues at dropout. Ally knowing choosing to play as Brennan would irritate him, Rehka clocking that Brennan would choose a character that would be diametrically opposed to him making him Rehka, Katie immediately sensing that a bug with a big ass is Brennan after a long monologue. Even Brennan remarking that everyone in the last five episodes of game changer has commented that Brennan is formidable even as he loses, tells me that this man is thriving, and everyone around him can comfortably improv with him and do thousands of bits and it will occasionally be unhinged but will always result in hilarious content.
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shit-sorry-fuck-mybad · 1 year ago
You wanna know who’s the best ally? It’s Ron “Slider” Kerner HEAR ME OUT—
It starts with Ice, because Slider was never homophobic, mainly because he never considered the idea of people around him being gay, he thinks he doesn’t have a reason to care
But then he meets Tom Kazansky and Tom Kazansky very quickly becomes his best friend, his brother
So when his brother tells him, voice shaking, hands fidgeting, eyes at the verge of tears, that he’s gay, Slider decides there and then that he would never be a reason for Ice to be scared
Of course he then meets Maverick Mitchell and thinks he might actually be homophobic because the thing Ice and Mav have going on is driving him insane
Slider realizes, as the relationship between Ice and Mav progresses, that now he needs to watch out for the both of them. He wants to convince himself that he’s only taking care of Mav because if they get caught then Ice goes down too, but deep down he cares, because he wouldn’t want Ice to be alone, to have no one on his side, no one watching his back, and Mav has no one, so it’s Slider’s job
Also I truly think Slider is the only straight person in his friend group but I didn’t want to make this post too long so I cut that out
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x-ac1d-tr1p-x · 2 months ago
how did they whitewash a white women?
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if-mirrormine · 3 months ago
a man approached me at the gym this morning (WHILE i was mid bulgarian split squat mind you like sir i do not have the time nor will nor energy for this right now) trying to chat me up and i can't help but imagine how often that happens to gray.
and you know what. add that to the growing list of drabble ideas.
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despairots · 9 months ago
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natsbaby · 2 years ago
Wanna read a fic of nat dating y/n who’s family grew up/lived in the mountains and was around guns or other weapons a lot so like imagine y/n’s father just doing normal gun maintenance and nat was just watching like can i help cuz i know how to c:
LIKE !!!!!!! COME ON !!!!!!
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pigeonxp · 4 months ago
ok now that bt is FINALLY bones, all i really have to say is fuck yall for real. there are some of yall that arent that bad, but the overwhelming majority of you guys are actually fucking awful. i have had twitter mutuals be harassed by yall, i have had friends harassed, ive seen people i dont even follow being called horrific things and insulting their appearances, and so so much more. one thing that really sticks out is the blatant misogyny that some of you guys present. the amount of men that have gone online and confidently called women bitches and sluts and whores and cunts and hoes is genuinely fucking deranged, and i hope you all know that. there have been bt stans in my replies and my inbox and in my business, telling me that IM in the wrong for stating my opinions on the weird ass shit theyve been doing, telling me that they "dont feel welcome" in this fandom, and that they feel like this fandom is toxic and etc etc etc etc I DONT CARE BRO. i have said it once and ill say it again and again. some of you guys are just not meant to be in fandom spaces. there are block buttons for a reason. you can block people and tags and literally everything under the sun but you continue to SEEK OUT shit that makes you mad or that you dont agree with just so you can hate on the OPs in their replies. you dont seem to understand that people can have opinions on what characters they like and what ships they enjoy, and that other people have the right to criticize them. i am NOT sorry and i will NOT apologize for how i may have reacted. i do NOT feel bad for you. we all told you that this wasnt going to last, the showeunner said it wasnt going to last. the ACTOR said it wasnt going to last. and instead of using critical thinking skills and media literacy training, you got tattoos for this ship, you spent hundreds of dollars on cameos from a nepo baby, and you spent days of your lives hating on and harassing people over a FICTIONAL TV SHOW. instead of being upset at LFJR for leading yall on, you attacked oliver stark for being "biphobic"??@?!?!??!!??!÷*×(!&×,@ for having an opinion on his own character, especially after he spent time becoming genuinely one of the biggest bisexual allies i have ever seen. after he told reporters that he was planning on playing buck as bi anyway, after he made post after post saying how excited he was for bucks storyline, and after he advocated for this character he loves so dearly. you jumped down his throat for no reason. i have absolutely no sympathy for you. i really do hope you follow lfjr back to SWAT and i truly hope he gets every single line and every single scene just to keep him off of my fucking screen. 🫶
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daisytrails · 17 days ago
happy valentines day or whatever but mostly happy one year anniversary to the episode of dimension 20's fantasy high: junior year that sent me into a slowly spiraling existential crisis that resulted in me uprooting my entire life to go back to school
so shout out to ally beardsley and brennan lee mulligan for my college education that i guess
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slymanner · 4 months ago
Look all I'm saying is if that a shadow game can work THAT well and be so well designed story wise and gameplay wise
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HE can work
#sonic#silver the hedgehog#sonic the hedgehog#silver right now is such a open canvas of a character#story wise and gameplay wise#he's been a side character for so long and in the one time he was a main character his whole story was basically axed from canon#he's definitely been explored since then but not to extent we've probably wanted with this character-#and I'm talking mostly game silver cause obviously in IDW and archie he got some LOVE there#even if we never saw idw silver actually explore his good future#which i still think is a shame but also apparently if sega doesn't want that to be explored in a comic and saved for the games then#THEY BETTER EXPLORE IT SOON#and honestly gameplay wise he needs another shot as well#like C'MON his psychic's just needed better...well...PSYCHIC'S TO WORK#can you imagine what cool and fun movement he'd have now that sega is now slowy understanding what kinda stuff they wanna do with#the sonic franchise again and how it should play#i don't know if i should fully expect a silver game at any point#but he should ATLEAST be a second main character in a new game so people can be reintroduced to him and they can cook with him#IM TIRED OF SEEING MY SON GETTING HATED ON OR CALLED LAME#I WANT PEOPLE TO BE REMINDED OR SHOWN HOW COOL AND FUN HE CAN BE WHEN GIVEN THE SPOTLIGHT#archie and idw are the best examples of him as a character#he is a lovable friend and ally#but serious when he can be character#and his powers are literally so COOL AND INHERENTLY UNIQUE AND POWERFUL COMPARED TO OTHER'S IN THE CAST#like when surge saw silver come in casually carrying a large object and she got nervous THAT'S WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT#THIS MAN CAN BE A THREAT.#okay rant over DHDNDNDB
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initforthelolzz · 2 years ago
No one does queer representation quite like One Piece.
Allow me to explain in great detail.
I’m going to talk about the queer rep in Impel Down, and you’d best buckle up cause it’s rant time.
Impel Down is one of my favorite arcs because I love the story line, it’s downright hilarious, and Luffy’s struggle to rescue Ace is incredibly compelling.
But there is another reason why I love Impel Down so much, and that’s the queer rep that utterly knocked me off my feet.
Now, I’ve come to accept that queer representation in anime (not touching on any other media in this rant) is generally nonexistent or extremely rare… if you’re watching anything other than a BL.
On the rare occasion that we do find some LGBT rep it is usually extremely subtle, and shown exclusively in convoluted subtext and minuscule details that are easily overlooked. While this representation is so incredibly meaningful to everyone who’s able to pick it out, the subtly makes it all the more easy for homophobes to argue that it was never in the first place.
Keeping all this in mind, I finally picked up One Piece several months ago after refusing to watch it for a long-assed time (It was too long and I thought the art style was weird. Dear god have I eaten my words.) I’d heard on social media that One Piece was big on trans representation, but I wasn’t prepared at ALL for what I’d find in that department.
I had NOT expected to find One Piece’s treasure trove of LGBT characters in Impel Down of all pleases, and the shock factor made it so much better.
The arc had already been chaotic as fucking hell by the time Luffy reunited with Bon Clay, and their reunion made me tear up. Like dude!
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I hadn’t been particularly attached to Bon Clay before but THIS ^ was it. This scene right here, he wormed his way into my heart istfg.
Can we appreciate this scene please?! The sparkles in the background?? The leg lifting?! The REUNION HUG?!?! I love this so dearly not just because it’s fucking ADORABLE but because of what it *says.*
Bon Clay is an outwardly queer character, and Luffy absolutely adores him. Those two are best friends and we treat queer people with respect and they are good people. We can be friends with them and allies with them and they aren’t something to shy away from just because they’re different.
Be fucking for real. The representation is so positive, and it never ceases to blow me away.
If you thought that this representation was enough YOU WERE WRONG because this BARELY SCRATCHED THE SURFACE.
Iva. Emperio Ivankov. The Queen of the Queers. He is a gender fluid ICON and a literal drag queen. His special attack is a wink that blows shit up. His Devil Fruit ability is quite literally hormone therapy.
Do I need to say more?
Now, this is One Piece we’re talking about, so naturally characters are going to be wildly exaggerated but ARE YOU KIDDING
I love Iva so fucking much words cannot describe 😭
Oda didn’t just say “look, I made a queer character” he really said “fuck it, nuclear option it is.” It is literally impossible to ignore the fact that Iva is LGBT, and One Piece’s queer rep is SO IN YOUR FACE, especially in Impel Down. It’s impossible to ignore, which is the stark opposite from the usual business with “implied” queer characters in anime.
Implied? HAH.
There is a kingdom of gay people living INSIDE THE WALLS of the biggest prison in the world. They are led by a gender fluid drag queen and run a strip club bar in the middle of a fucking prison, where they drag new gays through the cracks in the walls to join them.
I love One Piece so much.
All joking aside, the introduction of Iva and his kingdom of gays drove me to tears. Like deadass. The representation literally drove me to tears, I was sobbing.
Why? Because it was so positive.
Do you know how meaningful that is?
It made me fucking cry, man.
Iva’s speech introducing his gay kingdom, like goddamn. I can’t even remember exactly what he said because I was crying the whole time.
“We’re here and we’re queer.” That’s a quote from fucking One Piece, dude. I can’t, I can’t.
It wasn’t just the introduction of Iva’s kingdom or the LITERAL LESBIAN COUPLE SITTING AT THE BAR, it was the way the sense of community was presented.
We’re called the LGBTQ Community and I don’t know if Oda’s a member or not but HOT damn if he doesn’t know what it means to be a part of it.
I’m talking about the Luffy situation. He fought the Warden and got his ass handed to him. He was poisoned to all hell and about to die at 17 but Bon picked him up and carried him to Iva’s Kingdom. He’s wanted to meet Iva his whole life but by the time he did he was more worried about Luffy’s condition than anything else.
And then we find out that Luffy had insisted that Bon get medical treatment before he did. What a guy. When Iva got Luffy, he said that it was a lost cause to try and overcome the poison. But he was willing to give it a try anyway.
Let’s discuss.
Iva injected Luffy with hormones to help him beat the poison. Luffy underwent hormone therapy. (I will cling to this tidbit of information forever, YOU CANT TAKE IT FROM ME.) When Bon woke up, he demanded to see Luffy.
Iva warned him about what he would find, but brought Bon to Luffy at his request. When Bon found Luffy, he found his friend chained up and screaming in excruciating pain. We didn’t see Luffy in full at all during this time, but when Bon looked through the door he was horrified.
He got defensive. He started yelling at Iva, saying that the person inside that room was not the Luffy he knew.
Iva was firm, and told Bon that Luffy was going through a tough challenge, and he would be different afterwards, but he was still the same Luffy.
Do you see it? Can you read between the lines? This exchange made me sob all over again. Why? I urge you to think about it, to see the underlying message here.
Bon broke down into tears, realizing that Luffy was fighting for his life. He apologized and took back his harsh words.
Then he spent hours outside Luffy’s cell, screaming till his throat was raw and cheering him on. He couldn’t do anything to help Luffy, Luffy was fighting this battle on his own. But he could be there for him.
I ask you again, do you see it?
As the hours passed, others in Iva’s kingdom trickled out to see what Bon was doing. They told him to stop screaming, that it was useless. They mocked him, told him he was being a fool.
Then Iva stood up for him, and told them to see Bon for what he was doing. He couldn’t help Luffy, but he could cheer him on. He could be there for him.
Within moments, the entire kingdom was outside Luffy’s cell. Cheering him on. Encouraging him. Supporting him. They didn’t know who he was but they saw him fighting and immediately backed him up.
It isn’t just representation, merely the presence of a queer character or even an entire kingdom of gays that makes it meaningful. It’s how those characters are shown, how they behave.
Oda could have thrown in a queer character here and there and left it at that, but he went out of his way to show the incredible support system that this community provided. They jumped to Luffy’s aid. They were so supportive and cheered him on until he beat the poison. They fought alongside him… and you know what else?
When Luffy woke up, he accepted them in a heartbeat. He didn’t question anything, just saw a bunch of people and thought “huh. New friends!”
Oda’s representation is exaggerated as much as it is painstakingly accurate in nature and positive to a tee. Obviously it isn’t perfect. Iva and the squad were still mocked, called “freaks” and “weirdos.”
But it’s about Luffy. How Luffy behaves. How Luffy reacts. Even in the face of how the rest of society views Iva and his kingdom, Luffy sees them as friends and allies and doesn’t give a singular shit if they’re gay or not.
Luffy accepts everyone, and he doesn’t draw the line at queer people. The aroace king himself. You heard it here, Luffy is the ultimate ally.
Of course I’m not even scraping the surface on this topic and Oda’s representation is in no way perfect, but Impel Down remains the greatest example of queer rep that I’ve seen this far.
You gotta give credit where credit is due ✨
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