#allos scare me....
chemicalarospec · 3 months
For a solid month I used to keep getting recommended on youtube “this song sounds like you’re 14 and in love” and every time my honest reaction as an aromantic was: Y’all were experiencing LOVE at FOURTEEN???
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scrumptiousfoxglitter · 5 months
Being aro/ace is great except for when allos. Like, I saw a conversation online about how one partner in a couple "Wasn't bad looking, just when compared to THEM" and I'm just sitting here like... What? My only basis for how attractive allos find people is my aesthetic attraction to them and... They're basically look on par with each other? They've even got the same aesthetic going on. Wdym? Why you insulting my boi (gender neutral) like that? If that's what you think of them then maybe you don't deserve them, how about that?
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sapphicc-ace · 2 months
Really starting to get a little unsure of my identity in even more ways...
It's kind of frustrating if I'm being honest but I also enjoy self discovery
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skyllion-uwu · 2 months
I wanna be in a QPR so bad but I can't communicate efficiently without feeling guilty for expressing my own needs and wants, so for everyone's wellbeing I just don't bring it up
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captain-k8kat · 1 year
The thought that I could be allosexual and just confused my asexuality with aromantism is a thought that's been cropping up a lot lately and it's terrifying me.
Like it's easier to say that I'm ace/allo, it's easier to say that I'm simply aro/ace, but saying I'm allo/aro just scares me. Because while I know objectively this isn't true, a part of me feel that the moment I identify as allo/aro is the moment I become morally bankrupt. That no matter my sexual history, I will be this heartless creature who's only ever in it for sex in the eyes of the public. And like, I know that just internal aphobia but it scares me regardless.
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crowskullls · 5 months
wish we had a specific system tag for when other headmates post. hm
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raccoon-queer · 1 year
the funniest part of realizing you're asexual young is the pressure to have sex slowly building and building. when I was 14 and came out as asexual I was completely comfortable with never 'doing it'. now I'm almost 18 and nervous for the day when I can no longer use the 'um, I'm a minor' excuse
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the-bee-graveyard · 2 years
I remember once when I was still in the closet I was at a family event and someone asked me why I didn’t have a boyfriend and I said that love was beneath me and my cousin who brought her boyfriend to introduce us to went on about how in love is the most noble thing a person can be and no one is beneath love and I’ll know it once they try it. And she and that boyfriend broke up two months later.
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vagorsol · 2 years
the thing about the talon/quinn relationship—romantic or platonic—that you need to understand is that it isn’t “he’s so cool and mysterious and edgy, and she’s naïve and inexperienced” (which, first of all, is kind of misogynistic but we’ll get to that later), it’s “he’s a spicy little feral kitten clawing and screaming and hissing the entire time, and she is so blasé to this and just picks him up like a hamburger like. ‘you’re my friend now. we’re getting soft tacos later :)’”
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chemicalarospec · 4 months
In the end I think my biggest complaint with Dead Boy Detectives is that it's paced like a kid's show despite being a young adult show. If they just aimed for 2-5 minutes less in every episode, I think the characters wouldn't have had those moments where they seemed a little bad at their job for how long it was taking to figure things out.
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I think one of the highest compliments would be "I'd move in with you (queer)platonically out of pure spite as a fuck you to society and romo. And also bc you're cool as shit"
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pirefyrelight · 2 months
"well if you're aroace how will you ever experience love and heartbreak" I can get fired from my job. That's basically the same thing as being dumped from a toxic relationship right.
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cacophonylily · 6 months
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"I'm your constant, remember?"
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Dear Luke, Love, Me
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leafatlaw · 8 months
may have made a mistake …
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itistimetodisappear · 8 months
Yes we've all heard aroace people complain about the 'you haven't met the right person' line. But to the idiots citing this as the reason aroace people 'aren't oppressed’: No, micro aggressions aren't what's oppressing us.
I could talk about corrective rape, but I'm not going to because that's not what scares me the most. The worst thing about being aroace (aromantic, and asexual to a certain extent) is that society is set up for couples.
Being aromantic is a crushing economic disadvantage. As a couple, you can save more. As a legal couple, you can borrow more. This puts Mortgages out of reach for a lot of aromantics. Adopting too. Although aro people can adopt, you must have a similar income to a couple, which again, rules out a lot of aros. Don't forget Immigration, spousal visas will never be an option for us.
Being poor and aro means you're denied housing, family, international movement, basically anything that allos of a similar income would get. And anything you can get, you'll have to jump through many more hoops for. But we can't fix this by legalising aro marriage, like we did for the gays. Until our society's economic system is completely revolutionised, we'll be waiting.
It's impossible to compare oppression. You can't objectively say which minority group has it worse and I really mean that. But also I'd rather be called slurs and hated by Christians all fucking day.
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mellifiedprincess · 8 months
GOT MY FIRST MATT REQUEST😝 this is angsty to fluff, so be warned. i got kind of carried away and don’t have anyone to proofread my writing so sorry if this actually sucks ass.
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“I’m gonna be working 16 hours again today, so I won’t be home until late.” You can feel the annoyance from your boyfriend before you even turn around. Matt absolutely hated when you worked long shifts like that, but he also knew you loved your job as a peds nurse. Still. He hated the hours. He hated how tired you were after work, all because you would pick up everyone else’s slack.
“Again? Baby-“ He stops himself, watching you pull the baby pink scrub top over your head. You can only laugh softly at his expression. “That’s the 3rd one this week.”
“I know, but I Lisa asked me to cover part of her shift. She’s always been super nice to me.”
That was one of the things Matt loved and hated about you, you were too nice. Always doing for others, never for yourself. And he worried you were gonna burn out.
He places his hands on your cheeks, placing a kiss to your slightly squished lips. “You’ve barely slept baby. You haven’t had anything to eat. You’re barely a person right now.”
“Matt, please don’t do this right now. I’m gonna be late.” You watch as he rolls his eyes, stepping away from you as you gather the rest of your things. “I know you’re just worried about me, but don’t be. I’m fine!”
“Just please text me and let me know you made it to the hospital okay, and let me know when you’re on the way home. Just so I know you didn’t fall asleep at the wheel.” He reaches out for you, and you greedily fall into his embrace. “I will. I love you, okay.” You place a soft kiss to his lips and smile sweetly. “I love you more baby.”
And with that you leave.
You kept your word of texting Matt and letting him know you made it to the hospital safely. Even sending him a cute little selfie of you blowing him a kiss.
But when he saw it was almost 45 minutes past the time you should have been home, he felt a pit of anxiety form in his stomach.
He immediately ended the game of fortnite he was playing, and grabbed his phone wasting no time in calling you.
No answer.
So he tried again. And again. And again.
No answer. So he calls the floor of the hospital you work on. Only for the nurse on the phone tell him, you left almost an hour ago.
Kid was shitting bricks he was so scared.
“Nick!” At the sound of Matt’s terrified voice, the older brother of the triplets rushes into his room. “What?” Nick asks as he watches a frantic Matt put his shoes on. “I need you and Chris to take the other car and help me look for Y/N.” This only confuses Nick more.
“Isn’t she at work? And we can’t drive without our-“ “She’s not answering her phone. She left work almost an hour ago. She should have been back by now!” Matt cuts Nick off, trying his best not to break down.
Next to his brothers, you were the most important person in Matt’s life. The thought of anything happening to you made his want to throw up.
“You need to breathe before you pass out. Y/N is fine Matt, she’s gonna be okay.” Nick rubs comforting circles on his back, trying his best to calm his younger brother down.
“Maybe she fell asleep in the parking lot.”
You were not in the hospital parking lot when Matt arrived, only making his anxiety worse. “She’s not here!” He tells his brothers who are on the phone with him as they drive around the city in search of you.
“Chris is gonna take me back home, in case she shows up, but he’s gonna keep looking.”
Matt was barely listening anymore, because as he turned to get back on the highway he sees your car. And when he looks closer, he sees you in it. Asleep.
“I just found her and I’m going to kill her, right after I tell her how much I love her.” “Is she okay?” Chris asks.
“She fell asleep in her car. She’s fine.” Matt hangs up after that. He was relieved to say the least, but so furious with your stupidity.
As he gets out of his car and walks up to your window, he allows himself to take a minute to actually breathe.
You’re startled out of your sleep to a tap on your window, looking up you meet the eyes of your very angry looking boyfriend.
As soon as you unlock the door, he’s pulling it open and unbuckling your seatbelt. “I’m so sorry-“ He cuts you off by pulling you into his chest, and you can feel the rapid beat of his heart against yours.
“Do you have any idea how fucking worried we were?” You begin to gnaw at the inside of your cheek, the feeling of guilt all consuming your body. “I’m sorry, I didn’t even realize I was falling asleep.”
“I need you to realize how stupid and dangerous that was. We’re not in Maine or Utah, baby. We’re in LA. You know from working in a hospital how dangerous it is here.” He knows he should be a little more cautious with his words, but fuck he was scared.
“I’m sorry. I closed my eyes for two seconds! I didn’t mean to fall asleep.” Matt stops himself from berating you anymore, knowing you probably feel guilty enough. “Just- go get in the car. I’ll grab your things.” “I can���t leave my car here-“ You don’t even finish your sentence at the look Matt gives you.
You get in the passenger seat of his car and watch as he grabs your things, and double checks that your car is locked, before settling in the drivers seat.
“I need you to really listen to me when I say this.” You turn in your seat to face him, his hand reaching for yours. To comfort you or himself, he’s not too sure at this point.
“The next time you even think there’s a possibility of you falling asleep like that, I’m talking you yawn for 2 seconds longer than usual, you better call me. I don’t care what time it is. I love you and you scared the hell out of me tonight.”
“I’m sorry, Matty. I love you and promise I’ll never do anything like that again.” He smiles softly, and places a delicate kiss to your palm.
Now that you’ve faced the repercussions of Matt, you spent the drive home preparing yourself for the inevitable lecture to come from the one and only Nicolas Sturniolo.
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