#all my mutuals out there with impeccable taste
pharawee · 1 year
I should finally catch up with Naughty Babe, Love in Translation and Venus in the Sky but...
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anaalnathrakhs · 1 year
white, teal (NOT talking about mick mars) and grey <3
if u can't handle me at my teal you don't deserve me at my grey </3
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jellalism · 9 months
Zhongli x gn!Reader fic: A thousand more years
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You're visiting Zhongli, your friend and the person you're head over heels for. He's so perfect; could he ever look at you in the same way you look at him?
Word count: 1204 words
Genre: Fluff
Content warnings: None
Notes: Merry Christmas, @bitterrenegade! I'm your Secret Santa, and this is my gift to you: a little bit of mutual pining. I hope you enjoy! Thanks to @2023gisecretsanta for the organization!
Read below or on AO3.
“It is always satisfying to have a cup of tea when it is cold out, do you not think so?” You’re visiting Zhongli at his place, and as usual, he has prepared tea for the both of you. He always picks something appropriate. If you’re stressed, he’ll make some jasmine tea to help you relax. If you’ve just had a meal together, he makes ginger tea to aid digestion. Or, in this case, when the weather is cold, black tea hits the spot. Especially if Zhongli makes it: he’ll pay attention to the right brewing temperature and steeping times. He isn’t one to skimp on details.
You eagerly take a sip. It’s still too hot to drink, so you end up not tasting much. But at least the smell is good. “Mh-mm,” you agree. “Black tea is just right for moments like these. I got so darn cold on my way to your house. I really need something to warm me up.” Like your arms around me — the thought is there, but you could never speak it aloud.
It’s been a few months since you’ve fallen in love with him, but you fear he could never reciprocate. He is way too… perfect, in a sense. His calm and steady demeanor, his countless skills, his impeccable style: in all respects, he is in a league of his own. You’re just glad you can spend time with him as a friend; that is already a great honor. Although that, too, you could never speak aloud. He’d play it down, humbly; as if he isn’t a former Archon; as if he is just a normal human.
Zhongli smiles. “I’m pleased to hear you enjoy it. Have as much as you like. And if I can do anything else for you, let me know. You are my guest, after all.”
A soft laugh escapes you. “Come on, Zhongli. We’ve been friends for quite some time now. No need to be so formal.”
Zhongli chuckles, too. “You are right. Apologies. I’m just most used to this manner of speaking. Although that is, of course, no excuse. Please know that I never mean to be cold towards you; quite the opposite.” He scrapes his throat. “Well then. Friend. How have you been?”
“It’s been alright. I’ve just been going to work as usual. How about you?”
“Likewise. Although I don’t mind it. Contrary to what one might think, living as long as I have does not get boring. It does not rob each moment of its worth. Rather, life has taught me that there is an infinity of different experiences and that each one is worth treasuring. Even moments that seem to be the same, are different in interesting ways.”
You take a moment to find the right words to say — any silences that fall between are not awkward, but peaceful. “That’s quite a profound answer to such a mundane question, Zhongli.” You laugh a little, but it’s not mean-spirited; Zhongli smiles along with you. “I suppose you may be right. I’ll try my best to live a thousand years and maybe I’ll learn to treasure each moment the way you do.”
He laughs again. His laugh sounds deep, much like his voice. It’s carefree and calm, coming from deep inside. Something about it just draws you in and makes you fall in love with him all over. “I do not think it’s necessary to live as long as me, dear. Though I would not mind if you did. I would love to have tea with you for a thousand more years.”
‘Dear’? You blush at his choice of words. And he said he would like to have tea with me for a millennium more?
“Y/n?” Zhongli interrupts your shock. “Did I say something to upset you? You look quite troubled.”
“No, no, it’s not that at all!” You shake your head and wave your hands in a defensive gesture. “I’m just… Never mind,” you trail off. You can’t even look him in the eye.
From the corner of your eye, though, you see him looking at you with a smile. “Alright then.” A short silence falls. Then he sets his cup of tea on the table between you and gets up. You look at him, wondering what he’s up to. He makes his way around the table to you and lowers himself on one knee so that your faces are level. “Did I fluster you with my words?”
You feel yourself becoming even redder. You nod, unable to speak.
“I meant those words. And I apologize if I misread your reaction, but I have the impression that you feel the same way I feel about you. I’ve been yearning for you. So, if you’ll let me…” He trails off, seemingly intentionally. His hand cups your cheek gently. You could pull away if you wanted. His other hand takes your cup from you and places it on the table. His lips draw nearer to yours. And nearer. You close your eyes. His hand slides lower, to the back of your neck, as he presses his lips on yours. His lips are soft; his mouth has the lingering taste of a green tea he must have had before you arrived.
For several long moments, the touch remains. Then, Zhongli pulls back. You open your eyes; you find him looking at you with a kind gaze. “I have wanted to do this for months. Months that felt like centuries.”
“I don’t know what a century feels like, but I imagine it must be like the months I spent yearning for you.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t let you know my feelings sooner. I did not want to be presumptuous. That’s why I used that term of endearment. I wanted to gauge your reaction.”
“That’s so sweet,” you murmur. “But… I almost can’t believe it. You’re so amazing. You’re perfect in every way. I can’t believe you’d fall in love with someone average like me.”
Zhongli’s face betrays pity and love. “Dear, surely you’ve heard that beauty is in the eye of the beholder? To your eyes, I’m perfect — even though I do not see myself the way you do. Likewise, you’re perfect to me, even if you don’t see it yourself.” He smiles at you.
You can’t argue against that. “Zhongli. Kiss me again.” Your voice is soft, unused to the candor.
He indulges you. Again and again. His tongue slips in your mouth. Sometimes you even detect a hunger in the movements of his mouth. A possessive voraciousness in the way he holds your head like he’s never going to let you go. He probably won’t.
Eventually, he lets up. “We shouldn’t let the tea go to waste. It is probably good to drink now.” He returns to his chair and picks up his cup. You take yours, too, and take a sip. Zhongli is right: the tea is at the perfect temperature now. It warms you deep inside. It’s a little bitter, giving it an intensity that fits the weather.
“Zhongli?” you whisper, your breath blowing away the steam rising from the cup.
“I feel the same. I would like to have tea with you for a thousand more years.”
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communist-hatsunemiku · 4 months
shouts out to all the mutuals & followers who said they followed me for my kickass URL and stayed for my kickass blog. Your taste is impeccable and your swag is unlimited
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
The room is a dim basement room. It has no windows. There’s a liquor cabinet, though, and a bookshelf full of notebooks, and a table and chairs, and a candle lighting the place. The candle doesn’t let off much smoke, but it’s steadily alight, indicating that the room’s oxygen content is still acceptable. A small, blinking device next to it confirms that any other electronic device in the area is well and truly dead. There’s tape sealing the door, so that no one can see the flicker of the candle inside.
There’s a bottle of brandy on the table. The glasses suggest neither party is bothering to savor it. It’s not a brand worth savoring, anyway; for all Scott could easily afford the expensive stuff, that’s not what he feels like he should drink while he’s down here.
He’s slumped forward on the table, hair askew. The hoodie he’s wearing doesn’t fit, because it isn’t his; neither are the sweatpants. He knows for a fact his contact is laughing at him for that. Whatever. She’s one of the only people who gets to know he has enough of a personal life to steal sweats from someone else anyway. May as well take advantage of that while he can. It’s not all impeccably-designed bulletproof suits out here.
“I hear congratulations are in order,” Pearl says from across the table.
“Fuck off,” Scott says.
“...are you already drunk?”
Scott huffs. “So what if I am, huh? It’s not like I need to be alert while you’re out here in full costume.”
Pearl peels herself off the wall. She’s a relatively muscular woman wearing red and black. Her face is masked with a simple red circle. A lunar eclipse. Scott still has no idea how she sees through that thing. He’d made fun of her, back when she chose the getup for her criminal activities. Told her she looked like an evil dinnerplate or something. She’d told him in turn that he looked like a pretentious dork in his chosen costume. Judging by the whispers through the Hero Association about the two of them, though—
God. Through his Hero Association, or just about his. 
“Promoted to Vice Commander, huh?”
“I’ve sold my soul,” Scott says, and he takes another deep swig of his brandy. 
“You already did,” Pearl says.
“God, I hate you,” Scott says.
“It’s a good thing the feeling’s mutual,” Pearl says.
“I wish we’d never fucking met,” Scott says.
“I killed someone yesterday,” Pearl says.
Scott’s quiet.
“You can’t go telling me that,” Scott says. “That’s another thing to hide. You can’t just—Pearl.”
“I know,” Pearl says. “I know. But for all everyone’s scared of me, I normally manage to avoid—”
“Hah. We were both there when—”
“I know,” Pearl says. 
Scott sighs. He pours Pearl a glass and pushes it across the table. Pearl takes off her mask. Her eyes are rimmed red, and her face is covered in splotches. She’s always been terrible at hiding she’s been crying. She’s been terrible at it since they were ten, and had both quite suddenly realized that if it had been hard to have their powers alone, it was even harder once there was evidence they weren’t both just going crazy.
He’s hated her since he was eleven, really. Took the year to realize he probably would have always seen what his powers gave him as useless nightmares, otherwise, but after that, well. The feeling’s mutual, at least. He wouldn’t have been able to stand it, if the feeling hadn’t been mutual.
(A girl who can see deaths, and a boy who can see alternate universes. They make quite the pair.)
“I probably kill more people,” mutters Scott, halfway between a consolation and a competition.
“Not with your own hands.”
“Yeah, does that make it better? I’ve sold my—you know this. You know this.”
“Yeah,” Pearl says. “Yeah, I know. Thought I should congratulate you on succeeding.”
“You’re welcome!”
They’re both quiet for a while. Pearl takes a drink from her own glass and grimaces. “You can afford better brandy than this,” she says.
“Fuck off,” Scott says. “I can buy the cheap stuff for this.”
“Your taste is stupid,” Pearl says primly. “Next time we come down here to plan, I bring the drinks.”
“Right. Planning. Because we’re doing so much of that today.”
Pearl sighs. “Does Jimmy know you’re here?”
“Jimmy doesn’t exist, as far as you’re concerned,” Scott snaps. “I buried the man’s documents myself.”
“Eclipse will make anyone exist for the right price,” Pearl tells Scott.
“Jimmy doesn’t, or you don’t,” Scott snaps, voice low.
“Oh, now you’re sounding like a Vice Commander.” Scott gives her a two-fingered salute. Pearl shrugs. “Just saying.”
Scott considers arguing harder. Instead, something in his stomach shifts, and he pours a full glass of brandy. It’s not how you’re supposed to drink the stuff. He might have a good tolerance by now, but he fully expects to wake up with the worst hangover he’s had in years tomorrow. He deserves it.
“You uh… got enough alcohol there?” Pearl says.
“Got unclassified access to the Black Ops files when I was sworn in,” Scott says.
“Jesus,” Pearl says.
“I sold my soul,” Scott says. “I’m in charge of that now.”
“Jesus,” Pearl says again.
“And I kept thinking about the plans we had to—I can’t just dismantle that, Pearl. I can’t just—what are we doing?” Scott realizes his shoulders are shaking. “What are we doing, Pearl? The best of all possible endings? Don’t make me laugh—I can’t see this universe once we’re in it. Who are we to decide, huh? Who are we to, to try to…”
Pearl watches him for a while.
“I could have told you it would be bad,” she said.
“Do you think I didn’t know that?” Scott snaps.
“I killed someone yesterday. It’s not uncommon,” Pearl says.
“Great, so we both deserve to be executed!” Scott says, throwing his hands up. “Some of them started in the scholarship program, Pearl, they were scouted at sixteen!”
“And we were eleven,” snaps Pearl, and Scott shuts his mouth and looks away.
“Yeah, well. That’s not the Association’s fault, is it.”
The air hangs heavy. It smells like booze and candlelight and misery. Distantly, Scott wonders if Pearl was maybe right, asking if Jimmy knew where he was. The only other person on the list of people allowed to know Scott has a personal life, and he’s going to be disappointed in Scott again. Great. Scott’s lucky that, legally, the man doesn’t exist; if someone who legally existed was mad at Scott, he might just finally have to do something about it.
“You’re right,” says Pearl, finally. ”What are we doing?”
She slumps forward in her chair. She knocks back her own drink, but doesn’t pour herself another. Scott isn’t surprised. It’s not safe for both of them to be drunk. If the newly-promoted Vice Commander of the Hero Association is caught drinking with an infamous information broker, it’ll be the end of their house of cards. Scott’s powers helpfully decide to show him what happens at this juncture in that universe. Scandal, collapse, corruption—the worst part is, he thinks, is that it can’t even be all that different from this universe, only that the guy on the inside trying to change anything won’t be in power to do so. Maybe it would even be better.
Pearl ‘slits her throat’ in the night, his powers inform him. It’s not a suicide.
Scott can be selfish about that much. So can Pearl. They can’t be caught.
“I already knew most of it,” Scott says, finally. “But I’m in charge now. I sign the orders, right next to the Commander. I sign the ones his name can’t be caught on, too. I’m in.”
“Who better to lead than a man who can see the future?” Pearl says.
“You know that’s not how it works,” Scott says.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have taunted you,” Pearl says.
“Jesus. Don’t apologize. You’ll make me think you’re an imposter,” Scott says.
“Yeah, well, the plan goes forward,” Pearl responds.
“Sure. Yeah. The plan goes forward,” Scott agrees. “The plan goes forward.”
Pearl reaches her hands across the table. Scott looks at them and, after a moment, reaches his own across to grab them. They sit there, holding each other’s hands, for a while, and it’s almost like they’re ten, and every horrible future the two of them can see flash by as possibilities is the end of the world, instead of another messy quagmire of maybe-just-as-bad-as-this-one. It had seemed much clearer then, really. It had seemed much easier. Scott doesn’t know. Maybe they were just stupider as kids.
Then again, he’d hated Pearl by eleven. He couldn’t have been that stupid.
He squeezes her hand tighter.
“Do good by them?” Pearl says, and it’s quiet and pained.
“Yeah,” Scott says.
“Okay,” Pearl says. “Okay.”
Slowly, Scott lets go of Pearl’s hands. He grabs the brandy again. He pours another glass. “I’m gonna get blackout drunk now,” Scott says.
“Sure. Just for tonight. I reserve the right to be sad and drunk next time,” Pearl says.
“Great planning,” Scott says.
“Yeah, well, we’ve still got a few hours,” Pearl says.
“I hate you,” Scott says.
Pearl smiles, for some ungodly reason.
“Yeah, me too.”
They stay there until Scott’s too drunk to stand up straight, and then Pearl lifts him around her shoulders and gets him outside to a cab. In the clothes he stole from Jimmy, no one can recognize him anyway. He’d think the hair would be distinctive enough, but apparently not. He won’t be caught today.
He muddles forward into the one future he can’t quite see.
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drummergetwicked · 4 months
Jason X Reader
“Tonight And Always”
By Drummergetwicked
Warnings: None. Total romantic fluff. Just a silly romantic fantasy I was having tonight. Thanks, hormones.
Tonight is a big charity gala in Kansas City and Jason has asked you to be his plus one. You never in your wildest dreams thought that moving to KC would mean you’d actually meet Jason Sudeikis, let alone that he’d ask you out and make you his girlfriend. But here you are, in his home, putting on a gown that he helped you shop for, getting ready to be the pretty thing on his arm for the night.
You told him that you want to make him wait to see you, to give him a “She’s All That” moment. So you’re using the guest room to get ready. Your favorite pump-you-up jams are playing and as you fumble with the deep red silken fabric and the blasted zipper, you’re starting to regret your decision to be cute and romantic rather than practical. But after a good few minutes and plenty of curse words, you finally get the damned thing zipped.
You fix your hair and look in the full length mirror. You’ve never felt more beautiful. Jason insisted that you try this gown on and he was right. The man has impeccable taste. A corseted bodice with a sweetheart neckline, draped sleeves, and a full skirt with a slit up the side. Gorgeous, timeless, sexy yet classy and it hugs you in all the perfect places.
“Y/N you almost ready, girl?!” You hear his deep voice reverberating up the stairs. You swiftly grab your shoes, bag and jacket. You take a deep breath as you take your first step down the staircase, Jason standing at the end watching you, waiting. His big hazel puppy dog eyes wide and beaming at you. But it’s you that’s breathless at the sight of him.
He’s dressed in a beautifully tailored navy blue three piece suit with a sky blue dress shirt and crimson silk tie with white dots. His hair perfectly styled. You’re so used to casual hoodie and ball cap Jason, that seeing him like this has your heart exploding and your eyes blinded by love dust.
“You’re a damn goddess, Y/N. Look at you. Just incredible.. holy moley.” He coos at you as he takes your hand to lay a sweet peck at your knuckles. You damn near trip over the last step from swooning.
“Jason, would you mind helping me with these shoes? I always have such a hard time with the tiny buckles and my nails.” “I’m at your service.” He says with a little flirty shoulder wiggle as you hand him your heels. You giggle as you sit yourself on the edge of an ottoman.
He so delicately takes your foot and places a shoe upon it, carefully fastening the ankle strap and repeats the process with the other. You can’t help but look at him with so much love and affection as he makes this small but sweet gesture. You lightly trace your fingers up his graying sideburn up into his hairline, beaming.
Looking up at you with those big eyes and their crinkles at the side, he asks sweetly “what’s going on in that pretty head of yours, sweetheart?” Without a word you just cup his face and lay a tender kiss on his dimple, his cheek, up to that gray temple that does something indescribable to you. He lovingly placed his hand on yours, at his cheek. With tears beginning to form in your eyes, you whisper with your face upon his other bristled cheek: “you take my breath away.”
He maneuvers his lips to yours for a sweet, loving kiss and then looks into your eyes and asks softly “are you in love with me, baby?” Neither of you had said those words before. But lord did you feel it. You fought back more tears with a laugh and say “I never have been great at subtlety. I guess I am. Please don’t feel obligated to say it back.” You kiss him and put your arms around his neck as he leans into you, wrapping his arms around you. Still on his knee in front of you.
“I would never say that if I didn’t mean it. Not to you or anyone. But the feeling is mutual, Y/N. You take my breath away every day. You don’t even have to be here. Just thinking of you leaves me breathless. My heart just bursts with love for you.”
The tears are flowing now and you feel the wetness of a couple tears rolling down his cheek onto your arm. “Oh what a mess we’re going to look like at this thing we’re going to!” You laugh as you wipe his and your own tears away.
He chuckles and gets himself standing. Takes your hand as you stand next to him. He helps you on with your jacket and hands you your bag, pecks you on the cheek and offers up his arm. “I can’t wait to show my love off tonight. I’m proud to have you on my arm. Tonight and always.”
“And I’m proud to be on your arm. Tonight and always.” Two faces and two hearts beaming.
“Blinded by lovedust, what did I see? A million, a billion, a trillion stars.” -Luna
*** Let me know if you want to be tagged in these****
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afniel · 3 months
When you get this, publish 5 songs you like to listen to, then send it to ten mutuals!
Ooh this should be fun. Only five? I could do this all day but let's go. In fact I'm just gonna give you a chunk off my aptly-named "writing MMX fanned fiction" playlist that I keep going back to listen to, because, well. Guess what I've been doing still.
I feel like there should be a way to do a small embed but if there is I can't find it, sooooo uhhhhh sorry for the long post!
I'm not actually sure if it's got anything to do with the plot but the vibes are impeccable so I kept it. Ghost kinda fucks.
This is so extremely a character song and I won't bore the uninterested by going into it but if you have read any of my shit you can immediately figure out who. I'm 100% positive about that. I dunno where I got this. I think I was just letting Spotify run on its own and it pulled this out and I went, oh hey hold up I can rotate a blorbo to this...
Songs that just hit exactly right when you're writing a series in a setting that's basically running on sentient robot slavery. Essenger is alright, but Scandroid is kinda what makes it work for me. On their own Essenger is a little too downtempo for my tastes.
This is also a character song! Whose? Mmmmm you'll figure it out or you won't. The point is though that it's fucking cool and Gary Numan is doing some awesome shit these days. I wouldn't have even known but my buddy @uendwen send it to me and I immediately was obsessed.
I'm cheating and this is two songs, but the first goes straight into the second without a break, so I'm calling it one.
Really gotta listen to them back to back. Spotify randomly played MHz and I went, whoa, what is this, I kinda like it. The more I listened to it the more I got into it, and then I listened to Problem Me just to see if I liked it, and it slaps also. The vibe was so exactly what I was looking for too. I'd never heard of Modwheelmood. Sometimes the Spotify algorithm is good, actually.
I am a little braindead today and don't feel like finding ten people to send this to, so consider yourself tagged. I wanna hear your tunes. Hook me up with some new shit to listen to.
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wannab-urs · 1 year
The Spreadsheet Digest - Vol 12
Hi friends!!
I read a certain dark romance book this week and then also spent some time trying to catch up on all my lovely mutuals' fics (and there were many), so the rec list is only like 9 fics this week. I guess that's still a lot? It's no 27 fics though.
If you tagged me in a fic this week, I'm planning to get to those soon I promise. The actual spreadsheet with all my recs can be found here and the masterlist for my fic recs can be found here.
Anyway recs below the Pedge
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Adversity a Frankie/Ezra series by @the-ginger-hedge-witch
This combo... okay I'll just start with how unreasonably HOT this is. Like you got Ezra: protective, talkative, wild, a little feral, definitely likes to use his mouth, lean and impeccably dressed with that dumb little blond patch. Then you have Frankie: Established Canon Pussy Eating King, def talks you through it, broad shoulders and a cute belly, patchy beard you'd just die to have between your legs, broody boy. So obviously, I'm already about to pass out. And then!! Their relationship with each other makes me feel so many things. The way Ez pulls Frankie out of his fucked up head and the way Frankie settles Ezra UGH. And then!!! and then!!!!!!! The way they take care of reader and the way they all love each other and balance each other out!! The hints of the other TF boys in there is v fun also. I know this series is old, but I am dying for it to be added to. Every glimpse into this wonderful lil throuple was wonderful. <3333
i've got headaches and bad luck but they couldn't touch you - a Joel one shot by @tremendum
Brat tamer!Joel is sooooo fucking hot. This is filthy and I love it!
warmth - a Joel one shot by @grippingbeskar
ooooh i love how at first this is just a sweet lil fluffy thing and then you put *you can stop reading here if you aren't a whore. however, i am, so i will continue* LMAO. I'm obviously a whore so I obviously kept reading. This one is for my thigh riding girlies <333
the worthwhile fight - a Marcus P one shot by @swiftispunk
So glad you decided to write some sweet angel baby Marcus P!! And I love the lil twist with reader being the protective one, because.... I actually cannot see Marcus punching anyone. Like I'm sure he would if he had to, but in my head he's such a soft boy I can't. The smut, as usual, was just absolutely immaculate. Looking forward to more marcus from you maybe...???? (please)
Sparks fly - a Joel one shot by @ezrasbirdie
Ok listen... This is the second anal fic I've read in as many weeks that made me have emotions other than filth... How do y'all keep doing this to me. The story is adorable, I love it!! And then they eat each other's asses and it's hot and it's a good time. Honestly I'd still give this a shot if you're not into the idea of eating Joel Miller's ass bc there's a bunch of super cute interactions and some smut before that happens... If you're a freak tho... this is the one
Just a little taste - a Din one shot by @jksprincess10
I fucking love inexperienced!Din and I love when he tastes pussy for the first time and just goes absolutely nuts. This was so hot ugh.
Fire a Din one shot by @jksprincess10
Din Djarin Fluff Supremacy
Hungry Hearts - a Joel series by @atinylittlepain
Young Joel... in booty shorts... playing baseball??? Being a gratuitous flirt and a total asshole in the most frustratingly charming of ways?? Ok and then... he's also a MECHANIC... Slutty Joel is everything. Oh but let's not stop there! We also get girl dad Joel being the most stereotypical softball parent ever. Sarah and Ellie being so very Sarah and Ellie about the whole thing. Also like if you needed more incentive for some reason Joel gets hit in the balls while being a douchebag. I feel like I'm not selling this as well as I should be, but I don't want to give too much away. It's delightful. Read it!!
Peace - a Joel one shot by @swiftispunk
As a former John Green novel SIMP, I love the living eulogy thing. It has a special place in my heart and I refuse to apologize for that. This fic had me tearing up bc like... Joel Miller deserves to hear how good he is and how much he means to people and he doesn't really ever get that in canon. Not really. I am going to have a literal breakdown bye
----------------oldies but goodies----------------
The Appreciation of Fine Liquor - an Ezra one shot by @write-and-buried
poor baby - a Joel series by @walkintotheriveranddisappear
Just a little game - Javi P one shot @walkintotheriveranddisappear
quickie (boyfriend's dad!joel x reader) - a Joel one shot by @joelscruff
𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒅 𝒎𝒆, 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒎𝒆, 𝒕𝒐𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒎𝒆, 𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒚 - a Dieter one shot by @psychedelic-ink
warm up - a Dieter one shot by @ezrasbirdie
Dieter Bravo x Library AU - a Dieter one shot @fuckyeahdindjarin
Bouquet, Bloom, Blossom - a Dieter series by @mypoisonedvine
Happy Reading
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ladyramora · 8 months
To my friends, followers, and mutuals who use Twitter!
If any of you followed my friend Vann @vantaray (@/Vanta_Ray) on Twitter, his account got suspended for no reason.
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I was initially going to promote his new account here so he could find his followers, but he recently got unsuspended. Yayy!
So, I'd just like to promote his now unsuspended Twitter here since my lovely, loyal Tumblr followers are my largest following on social media. (I love you all so, so much! 💕)
Vann is a wonderful person and a fantastic artist! (I've included some of his art that he drew for me ↓ It's a whole lotta Ram, it's so beautiful 🥺) 💕
Of course you can just go check out his Tumblr, @vantaray , too!
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Vann is one of the kindest, coolest people I know.
His WoL Esen is one of my favorite characters to write! (It's currently a private fic, sorry.)
I did write an ambiguous WoL fic for him
If you'd like to read it!
Vann also has impeccable taste. He ships his WoL Esen with Urianger & his Viera, Marinko, with Estinien~
Please go follow him on Twitter, if you haven't already ❤️
Thank you very much!
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wren-of-the-woods · 2 years
Hello hello hello, it has been a while since we last chatted but you are still my resident Witcher mutual and I know you have impeccable taste in fanfic - so I was wondering (if you wouldn't mind) if you could rec any fics about Jaskier's family? Either blood-related from Lettenhove or found family from bard-ing, I'm really unfussy! I'm just very invested in where the bard came from before meeting his Witcher...
Anyway, hope you're doing alright and no worries if this isn't something you're interested in!
Hello Fae!! It's lovely to hear from you! I absolutely do not mind and was delighted at the chance to make another reclist. I hope you find some fics you like!
As always, I would love to hear if anyone reading this has their own recs. Do you know a fic that fits the category? Want to promote one of your own stories? Go for it!
Without further ado, here are a bunch of lovely fics featuring OCs for Jaskier's family!
his hair was like the strands of gold by underlay Rated G, 6k  The Count de Lettenhove has been away from home for several months. Meanwhile, a Witcher has arrived, part of a new protection deal between the Witchers and the Northern Kingdoms. When the Count gets home, he finds a lovesick Julian and a Witcher who isn’t quite what he was expecting. (I have yet to read it, but this one has a sequel that also looks very good!)
for she had done mischief by @whatkindofnameisvolta Rated T, 43k After unexpectedly becoming a father to a demi-god, Jaskier returns to Lettenhove for much needed parental support. There he finds half-a-dozen of his niblings, all with far too much curiosity for their own good. Meanwhile, on the run from Nilfgaard, Geralt, Yennefer and Cirilla also make their way to Lettenhove, to find sanctuary amongst Jaskier's family.
A Mother of One's Own by ohnoesidontknow Rated M, ~1k (one of multiple ficlets posted as the same work) Jaskier's mom adopts Geralt.
enough to drive a man mad by @contemplativepancakes Rated T, 6k Jaskier convinces Geralt to pretend that they’re dating when they visit his parents.
So Inviting (I Almost Jump In) by @happyjuicyfruit Rated G, 5k Geralt accompanies Jaskier to his sister’s wedding. Jaskier’s family is not what Geralt expected.
You, Forever by inanoldhouseinparis Rated G, 16k Geralt and Jaskier pretend to be engaged in Lettenhove.
You've Been Deprived, Haven't You My Dear? by Bedalk05 Rated T, 7k  Jaskier is a shifter and Geralt finds out. (Featuring Jaskier’s mother! I have yet to read the rest of the series, but it looks wonderful.)
Kingdoms Come and Kingdoms Go, Rivers Run and Rivers Flow by @dancinglassie Rated T, 62k Jaskier's start in life was unfortunate, but sadly not unheard of. He was put in a sack, less than an hour old, and chucked in the river. For many in his position that would of been the end of it, but the Yaruga heard his cut off wail and swept him into her loving embrace. Less than an hour old and Jaskier had already died and been reborn as the newest child of Mama Yaruga.
Wicked Things (orphaned) Rated M, 101k  This is the story of how Jaskier helps to save the world. Jaskier is twenty when a rift opens and an army of Fae pour through it. Bloodthirsty and mindless, they sweep across the Continent, devastating human settlements and pushing them into smaller and smaller communities. Jaskier finds himself trapped in Lettenhove, having to deal with his father's gradual decline into madness and protecting his family and his village from the threats outside their walls. He meets a Faerie, trapped in a Faerie Ring; the rest, as they say, is history. (Jaskier’s family is there a lot, especially in the beginning, but heed the tags! There are a lot of other things going on here and a lot of them are horror-y.)
Now, here are a few AUs where Jaskier is related to someone from canon.
of music and motion and love by WriteThroughTheNight Rated T, 12k Jaskier comes from a far humbler background, and would really like to know why Yennefer never came back for her youngest brother. (The sequel is also wonderful!)
Soft Deceitful Wiles by boopboop  Rated M, 23k  Jaskier is Renfri's son, and ten years is plenty of time to prepare a suitable punishment for the Butcher of Blaviken.
Bonus: this one isn't really what you asked for, but it has brief appearances from Jaskier's parents, beautiful found family vibes throughout, and I love it far too much not to mention it!
speak the language of love (like you know what it means) by @restmyheadatnightcontent Rated T, 35k Julian Pankratz, one of the Continent's most famous playboys, always invited to the hottest parties, always seen with the best of the best, is enjoying his lavish life in his huge Cintran apartment when he suddenly gets cut off by his parents and is sent to live in the middle of nowhere. It might turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to him.
More of my reclists can be found here.
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festivating · 9 months
Ten First Lines Game
Rules: Share the first line of ten of your most recent fanfics and then tag ten people. Don’t have ten? Not to worry, just share what you have.
I was tagged by @wickedobsessed101 and @wickedlyqueer Thanks y'all!
I'll just do my Wicked fics for this, but since I don't have ten (yet. guys I just got here) I'll fill in the rest with some WIPs.
in the rain, i'll give you sunshine: “You have to help, Glinda, I keep leaving late because of her. It’s so unfair.”
attrition: The Cloister of Saint Glinda was a straightforward and practical affair in the outskirts of the Shale Shallows; bricked quoins with washed out plaster dated back several hundred years and decadent stone towers that, in the past, Glinda supposed may have been grand.
misunderstood can feel so good: “Galinda, get up.” 
outlive a lie: Glinda woke up without air, with her throat raw and burning.
all my nights taste like gold (WIP): “I hate heights,” Elphaba mutters, only now realizing that about herself.
you come back with gravity (WIP): "Engaged?" Elphaba frowned. "They've gotten engaged?"
from the twilight world (WIP): It was the most important of rules, that a handmaiden should never rummage through the belongings of the lady of the house without permission— but did it matter, when said lady of the house had been dead for five years?
miseducation (WIP): Morrible placed the letter atop other things she had already taken care of, and it fell over a solitary essay that was good enough to make it to her desk but not good enough for her to properly take seriously. It read, in impeccable penmanship: Magic Wands: Need they have a point?
dreams that you dare to dream (WIP): Galinda fanned herself in silence, adopting a neutral expression, though inside she was seething.
witcher AU (WIP): “Tell me about this monster.”
A quick scroll through my dash revealed all my writer mutuals were already tagged by someone else, but if anyone wants to do this, consider yourself tagged by me! <3
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thealogie · 1 year
can you recommend any blogs that post about good omens that Get It like you do. i feel like i’m drowning out here
This isn’t going to be the answer you want but literally all the people I reblog from. My mutuals are right about everything it’s literally devastating once you step out of this circle but inside the circle we’re having such a good time having impeccable taste and never being wrong
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 1 year
NEW GAME ALERT 🫡 Assign a song to each of your tumblr friends?? 💪
IM SORRY FOR TAKING FOREVER W THIS AOUGHGHGHHGHGH im rlly bad at answering asks on time 🤡 anyways without further ado (buckle up for mostly kpop)
@pernonix: cliche but it has to be cast me a spell by mili! perno is like The mahoyaku mutual for me so it's only natural that i associate the mhyk theme song w them AHAHAHA if i had to give a non-mhyk song, it'd be in&out by red velvet!
@pocasu: AOUGHGHGH ion my beloved 🫶 suit dance by onlyoneof is the song i'd give them! it's got the suave elegant #swag that i associate with them <3 keep serving all that cunt bestie bae we love to see it
@ai-kan1: (grips ai) i give you boy by the boyz! it's super cheerful and fun, which is genuinely the vibe u give off hehe i also think the song is super ace-core which works perfectly well for one of our resident acekissers xoxo
@anzepanpan/@venushotline: i'm giving you new by yves (loona)! this is actually my favorite loona solo and i stand by it when i say yves only makes music for hot girls <3 it's classy, it's girly, it's got the pretty girl energy dia embodies perfectly!
@senqv: your song is sunny side up by red velvet! i kinda associate you with a sweet, lackadaisical energy, and i think this is the perfect kaiserkisser enemies to lovers thing (pov im delusional) im thinking of <3 we love to see it nyehe
@tartppola: im giving you by other ace anthem, which is we must love by onf! our taste is impeccable and our shady smut peddling dms are even more tasteful. keep kissing adeuce and letting me beat u up w love &lt;3 also liar liar by oh my girl is my deuce anthem so im tacking that onto u as well
@scornelious: hello tv :] my song for you is meddle about by chase atlantic! this is what u get for being my resident aikukisser. im sorry i have to. i didnt want to assign you a machine gun kelly song, so ur getting chase atlantic instead. love u to pieces muah hehe
@pearly-elain: elain my bbg (fuckboy lipbite /j) i'd be doing u dirty if i didnt give u a girlboss anthem! so im giving you snapping by chungha <3 please dont grill kaiser too hard i still need him sort of alive if i wanna continue by whiteboykissing
@sophiethewitch1: im assigning you villain by stella jang! it's so preppy and mature, and i think that suits you very well! i love seeing u in pitlock, and i think the nuanced nature of the song is very sophiecore in my opinion :]
@takumipineapplexd: taku babe u are love o'clock by wjsn! it's the perfect teenage-girl daydream heartthrob crush song, and it fits your vibe to a T! love seeing u being delulu and love smacking u into the ground with said delulu
@spadecentral: im giving you hula hoop by loona! it's such a cute, fast-paced bubblegum song, and that's generally the vibes i always get from you when we talk! thanks for always being supportive of my interests, and keep brightening my day lovely!!
@antiv3nom: POPPET <3 you are getting wow by loona! it's another banger song, very cute very fun very dancey! i wanted to give u smth more creative than slapping on some videogame-themed kpop song, so loona it is 🫡
@yaakultt: aough anyone who has been on my blog for like . longer than 3 seconds knows that i am Not the biggest fan of newjeans but i truly mean this when u give me immaculate hype boy by newjeans vibes! it's the girlypop, chillax big sis vibes yanno? only the cool girls get assigned newjeans songs by mac :]
@katasstrophy: ur song is so what by loona (can u tell im an orbit ADKGKJSD)! it's so loud and unapologetic and layered, it's the perfect bad bitch song for none other than the baddest of them all <3 thank u for feeding me so well w kaiser thoughts always hehe
@leiqi: ur getting superhuman by nct! idk why but i keep associating nct with u 💀 and this song for some reason but its ok!! its a super fun song that fits a super fun person, and i love how u always indulge in my delulu ass tbz x bllk thoughts HAHA
@kruinka: hello kaiserkisser :) you're getting picassO by onlyoneof! it's such a beautiful sensual artsy song, which is perfect for The kaiserartist of tumblr dot com! i love seeing ur art, and i cant wait till i get to commission u again!
@torufilms: im giving u the One and Only heart attack by chuu! it's cutesy and fun and so so so huggable, which sums up everything about you so well! even ur acc theme is adorable, so i think heart attack rlly is the cherry on top <3
@gloriium: your song is to heart by fromis9! it's a super heartfelt coming-of-age song and i cant help but think abt how well it'd fit ur yumeship w sebek :] it's so pure and catchy and innocent, and it's definitely a song i associate with you!
@earthtooz: my song for you is change up by seventeen! you're like a spark of joy to see, so naturally, my song for u is something that matches that high-tension energy! you never fail to make me crack up, so i adore having u around!
@aanobrain: every time i see u, all i can think abt is the tag u left abt me almost making u like kaiser, so i just Have to give u gaslighting by onlyoneof! the enemies to lovesr arc before becoming a fullfledged kaiserkisser is a rite of passage <3 u'll become like us soon enough
@hammannii: man there's like . a bajillion songs i cld give u, but i am assigning you with begin by jungkook! i think it's a good testimonial song to our . unconventional friendship, and i hope we continue indulging (read: bullying) each other!
@notaliarr: hello kaiserkisser :) your song is the stealer by the boyz! it's such a slutty yet like . oddly yearnful song? and if that doesnt sum up kaiser–and by association, you–then i dont know what does <3 i love seeing ur art, and i always gobble it up
@hyomaluvr: my song for u is rococo by iz*one! i remember u mentioning them being ur ults, and rococo is one of my favorite songs by the group :) have fun with ur dangans and ronpas or whatever, and ill be back to smack u over the head w kuroo at some point
@chaosinanutshell: your song is dkdk by fromis9! can u tell im a sucker for cutesy pop? it's so whimsical yet endearing, and that's the sorta vibe i get from you! i love seeing u pop into my inbox and im so so sorry for being so bad at answering ur asks, but ur effort doesnt go unnoticed here!!!
@itshis: i'm assigning you get it by pristin v! it's such a good song, and it's so pussyslay just like u <3 i look up to u a lot, so im always excited to see u on my dash and to see whatever it is ur up to! im cheering u on zari!!
@by-moonflower: i salute to the backbone of kaisernation 🫡 my pick is velvet by exid! it's such a chill, sensual grown-woman-ass song (im so sorry i wish i cld be more elegant) which is genuinely the kind of vibes i always get from u. like the red-wine-rich-aunt-poetry-night sort of aesthetic, yanno?
@aiixen: your art is sOOOO cute!! i love seeing ur oc smmmmm im giving u flash by rocket punch! ur art is always so smooth n yummy n i wanna shove it into my mouth like taffy (pov i have the impulse control of a toddler)
@echarie: your assigned song is orbit by jonghyun! your bllk takes are so big brained (like u deadass predicted lorenzo being a major character before any of us did, and im excited to see what role drago might play!), and i love hearing ur input!
@daiseukiis: my pick for you is eve, psyche, and bluebeard's wife by lesserafim! it's the "it girl" song, the boss bitch song, the hot girl summer song if u will :3c keep doing ur thing and slaying, cuz we love to see it!
@00fabulous/@doki-doki-imagines: your song is love on the floor by nct! our dms are . A HOT MESS so to say, and it's uncanny how well our thoughts match up HAHAHA it's real genius to genius (read: clown to clown) communication up in this bitch
last but not least @ayushipop: my sharty bae, my babagrill, my mark to my lee <3 your song is irreplaceable by nct! it'd be illegal of me to give u any other song after ive heard u going apeshit over teehee go drown oingo boingo in a vat of water for me <3 hope u get unbanned from twt soon and have a safe trip <3
if i missed anyone, pls dont take it personally! as u can tell, this was a longass list, so im bound to accidentally let a few people fall thru the cracks 🤡
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broomsticks · 2 years
Tumblr media
@unspeakable3 ho ly shit you are phenomenal. if i didn’t admire you so much i would be so indescribably jealous at how quickly you write, for so long — and such good fic too. the humanity and the depth of understanding you have for each of your characters, the respect and recognition you pay to each of their stories, regardless of how minor a part they play in the story! your sheer creativity, coming up with all this magical culture and fleshing out the world. your taste in books and shows and movies and just Stuff is impeccable, too, i love hearing all about it — no wonder you’re such a great storyteller. <3
T H E canon compliant regulus fic. Stars Shine Darkly • regulus-centric gen, 200k, T. the worldbuilding! the magical culture and activities, the complicated black family relationships — regulus and his grandmother! regulus and kreacher! all these wonderful and unique OCs!
the DORK and his QUEEN. December, 1983. • regulus/OFC • 70k, M. just for you i will get aboard this regulus deserved better train and read some regulus fluff.
He Can't Hurt You if You're Already Dead • regulus-centric gen, 31k, T. unsuccessful attempts at haunting, and the difficulty in reconciling brotherly relationships when one of you is dead and the other is a wanted criminal, ahhh i cry
oh my gosh, i love your walburga??? I am terribly sorry for dying • 24k, M. what a premise, what a cool opportunity to explore this time period of the WW — the decline of the blacks, immediately following halloween ‘81! and the epistolary! cherry on the cake!
fics of all time The End of the Line • 16k, T. the structure of this fic. the increasing circles, the widening scope of regulus’s world, and it all coming back to grimmauld place and sirius in the end… inspired.
for an explanation of why i just wrote you a whole ~thing~, check out this post & the ‘mutuals march’ tag below!
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khalixvitae · 1 year
i wanted to write poly rookvil x mc fics and general headcanons because i have anime boy rabies (life threatening) but i need mc to be fucked up irrevocably. like you. like me. like so many seyx sexy bastards out there. what do YOU think of alt!yuu x rookvil <3333333333333333333333
You think I’m fucked up irrevocably? Goodness, I’m honored! <3
But I love the idea of alt!yuu and RookVil. Frankly I think the mc of all of my fics is going to be alternative because that’s just. How I am and my writing is nothing if not self indulgent! I’m of the belief that both Rook and Vil have at least somewhat alternative tastes in fashion. At the very least they both enjoy the subversive! I know in my experience at least, my outfits are very methodically planned out and so is the time I allot to getting ready for the day! There’s a lot of thought and love that goes into alternative fashion- which I think Rook and Vil would both respect regardless of your precise subculture. As for headcanons, I have several!
Firstly, Vil is going to help you dye your hair (if you dye it, ofc). It’s a non negotiable, and frankly he’s the best person to trust with the task. He’s methodical, experienced, and nothing short of a perfectionist. It’s going to look incredible (as if he’s capable of producing work that’s anything less than impeccable).
Now, we’ve talked about blood vials and such on this blog before. I do think Vil would find the premise interesting- I mean he’s a brilliant potions master, and the blood of an individual is one hell of an item to have a hold of. That’s a lot of power you’re willing to give him, which he’d undoubtedly find attractive. The idea of relinquishing some of his own power to another person (someone he loves deeply) also sounds enticing. However he’s WAY more thoughtful about the process than Rook, who would be almost dangerously gung ho about it. I can also see Vil preferring a ring over a necklace- idk it just seems like that would be his preference.
So much makeup. Like, an insane amount. The three of you get ready together in front of Vil’s massive vanity. It’s almost like a ritual- before any event, the three of you gather to get dressed and do your makeup side by side, ofc aiding one another if need be. It’s an important kind of bonding activity that all three of you are extremely particular about. It’s also exclusive to the three of you- nobody else is privy to these pre outing activities.
Overall there’s just a lot of very intense closeness between the three of you. Sometimes others describe being around you three as being excluded from a conversation they aren’t even fully aware of. The way you exchange silent glances and affirmative nods makes it abundantly clear that there’s some form of communication nobody on the outside of your relationship could ever understand. Of course you all have your individual lives and hobbies, but that doesn’t negate the fact that when the three of you are together you’d like to live under one another’s skin. You aren’t one organism per se, but instead three very distinct people who are deeply intertwined and seem to be on the same wavelength regardless of the situation. You know each other so well, and it’s a relationship built on an equally spread layer of trust and mutual understanding. The lines between friends and lovers definitely blurred organically here- there was no particular definition for your relationship until Vil very matter of factly referred to the three of you as a polycyule. It was never a Formal “what are we” discussion- the three of you love one another, and never really questioned motives beyond that.
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ofmora · 5 months
@ofmora, a private roleplay blog for zhongli of genshin impact.
written by eggy!
also find me at: @inblazes & @twiilite!
Rules & about are below for the ease of mobile users.
be kind and civil.
hi! i’m eggy, and i’m a *jenna marbles voice* 31 year old ladyyyy who has been on this cursed, cursed hellsite for way too long.
i’ll keep my rules short but sweet:
the standard roleplay etiquette applies; no godmodding, infomodding, etc.
i only write with mutuals. (if you have a sideblog etc, let me know!)
i try to give back the same time/energy given to me where i can, so i will usually try to match your reply length.
i’m chronically ill so pls forgive me if i don’t always have the energy to reply right away. sometimes my condition fluctuates and i need to prioritise resting.
i don't follow minors. it is no offense to you, truly, but a boundary i set as someone who writes nsfw content and for my own personal and professional comfort. apologies!
i will try to tag any recent event/story spoilers as ’// genshin spoilers’ other spoilers are tagged like so: ’// topic’ e.g. // nsfw, // blood
i don’t really focus on writing a lot of nsfw content, unless it’s with friends i’ve known for literally forever.
i only use art from official sources.
feel free to vibe with me ooc, i like to chat on discord. :) just ask.
don’t be a dick. <3
name. morax.
occupation. consultant at the wangsheng funeral parlor.
alias. rex lapis, the god of contracts, lord of geo, lord of rock, groundbreaker, prime of adepti, warrior god, god of history, god of commerce, god of wealth, deus auri, the geo archon. one could go on.
nowadays, he humbly goes by the mortal known as zhongli.
age. 6000+, appears to be in his mid 30’s.
birthday. dec 31st.
height. tall. (lmao)
gender. appears as male.
sexuality. grey-ace.
current location. liyue harbor.
notable features. tall, slim, and impeccably dressed at all times. long, dark bangs frame his fair-skinned features, and his hair is tied into a long, waist-length ponytail that fades into an amber gradient at the ends. his eyes match the hue of the cor lapis one might find scattered around the mountains of liyue.
personality traits.
(+) logical, knowledgeable, subtle, elegant, chivalrous, congenial, humble, polite, stoic, reserved, dutiful, cultured
(-) stolid, freeloading, obstinate, estranged, old-fashioned, forthright, guileful, insulated, melancholic, morose, petulant
i will need to work on these for specific franchises/themes, but my default for out-of-universe interactions is that zhongli is travelling to different lands on annual leave to taste test… new and interesting tea. :) *sippy sippy*
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