#alex's sister x luke patterson
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𝐂𝗼𝐥𝗼𝐮𝐫𝐬 | Soulmates AU. Part. One.
plot: based on a writing prompt i found on pinterest: AU where everything is black and white until you meet your soulmate but the world turns back to black and white when your soulmate dies. plot twist, you can see colours again in the afterlife.
pairing: luke patterson x mercer!fem!reader | alex mercer x sister!reader | sunset curve x mercer!fem!reader
show: julie and the phantoms
warnings: light mentions of death.
word count: 4,4k
author’s notes: english is not my first language, apologies for possible mistakes. this is the second version of this fic. first version has been unpublished. this AU is somewhat based on episode five of julie and the phantoms aka the other side of hollywood. this is a two-part AU.
luke patterson masterlist || part. two. || main masterlist
Los Angeles, 2020
The sun sets down behind the horizon, the golden glow reflecting onto the crystal blue water of the pier. A warm breeze blows through her hair, loose strands falling on each side of her face, perfectly framing the gentle nostalgic smile across her lips. She tentatively dips her feet into the cold water from the ocean, the waves crashing onto the shore but the sound brings a sense of calmness to her mind. She closes her eyes, inhaling slowly.
Twenty-five years. It has been twenty-five years since Y/N had last come up to the pier, the memories of her friends too numerous and too painful to handle at the same time. But the pier was their spot, and she can still vividly imagine Luke with his acoustic guitar, or Alex tapping his thighs to make a beat while Reggie and Bobby sang together. She remembers always sitting with her feet buried in the sand, watching as her brother messed around with his three best friends.
She remembers the day she first met them through Alex, her twin brother older by only twenty-minutes. And she remembers when her eyes landed on Luke, and suddenly colours started to flood her vision, highlighting her world. She chuckles at the memory; Alex had been mad for a couple of weeks after finding out, wondering why on Earth his twin sister and one of his best friends had to be soulmates, but he got around it after a long conversation with Luke and Y/N. Besides, it’s not like they dated right away. They wanted to get to know each other better first, and when they both turned sixteen, Luke asked out on an official date.
A single tear falls down her cheek. She was fifteen, when she discovered that Luke was her soulmate. And she was seventeen when she lost him.
Los Angeles, 1995
Y/N is in the studio, looking at herself through the bathroom mirror. She’s wearing a white Sunset Curve shirt tucked inside a pair of black ripped jeans. White Converses are on her feet, and she wears a black denim jacket over her shoulders, just in case she gets cold. Tonight is supposed to be her brother’s showcase with Sunset Curve at the Orpheum; they’d been anticipating this day for months now, and she was really looking forward to it. And she knows the boys, they wouldn’t miss an opportunity to celebrate the occasion once the show’s over, and she was not about to ask her boyfriend for one of his jackets, again.
It’s when she wants to reach for her handbag that it happens. She trips over her feet, and her vision turns black for a short minute. Her ears begin to ring, her head pounding as she falls on her butt in a soft thud. She takes her head in her hands as tears begin to roll down her cheeks like a waterfall. She doesn’t dare to open her eyes, but finds herself forced to do so when the phone near the garage doors begins to ring. It’s a shrilling sound, one that makes the pounding in her head grow stronger. Reluctantly, she wills herself to get up, opening her eyes to realize the truth of what had just happened, something she’d feared for two years. It’s the little details she notices first, like how Luke’s usually electric blue guitar is now a dark shade of grey, or how the lights hanging from the ceiling are now a blinding white colour when she looks up. It’s how Reggie’s red flannels he’d left on the couch are now black-coloured ones, and it’s how one of her brother’s pink hoodies that she often steals turns a light grey when she looks at it. She chokes back on a sob as she reaches the phone to answer the call, dreading the news she’d get on the other side. She knows; of course she knows. She can feel it deep within her bones, and her stomach keeps churning and twisting in anticipation. Because hearing it out loud makes it real, and she doesn’t want it to be real.
Y/N never was stupid, and she knows what the loss of colours in her eyesight means. She barely hears the words spoken on the other line as she breaks down in tears, hiccups stumbling past her lips as her headache grows stronger. What was supposed to be the best night of their life had just turned into the worst. Last she’d seen them, they were buzzing with excitement and energy over playing at the Orpheum. Rehearsals had been a blast, and it’s the most fun they’d had in a while. Barely an hour later, she’s faced with the reality; she’d just lost her twin brother, her best friend, and her boyfriend.
She tries to reach out to Bobby that night, but he seems to have vanished from the surface of the Earth. Is she angry? Yes, because he’s the only person who knows the boys as well as she does. She can’t go to her parents, even if she wants to. They’d kicked her out of the house the same night they did Alex when he came out as gay to them. Maybe she could go to Emily and Mitch, but she isn’t sure she’d be strong enough to face them, not when she’d been there when Luke ran out on them on Christmas Eve night of 1994.
She does see them, however, during Luke’s funeral. It’s gut-wrenching, and she barely has the strength to face them. Emily sees her first, and the woman practically runs into Y/N’s arms to hold her close, and the young girl can’t stop herself from clinging onto Mrs. Patterson as Mitch wraps his arms around the both of them. She does see her parents for the first time in a year when they show up to Alex's funeral, one she’d organized from A to Z. She tries her best not to be mad at them, but when her mother comes up to her with a fake smile, Y/N loses it completely. Never had she been this angry in her life, and perhaps it was the grief, but that day she told everything she’s ever wanted to say to her parents, and she stormed out of the service, leaving them shamefaced in the middle of the alley way. She goes to Reggie’s funeral last, and she sees his parents from afar. She’s never spoken to them in the time she knew Reggie, but she knows his little brother and when he sees her, she allows him to give her a tight hug. It doesn’t last long, but it’s enough to give both of them a sense of comfort; that someone shares their grief.
But going to three funerals in a week takes its toll on Y/N. She barely eats, barely speaks, and she spends most of her time locked up in the garage, the owners being kind enough to let her live there until she can find her own place, and she spends every minute despising the beautiful black dress she’d worn one too many times in a short span of days. She lays awake at night, looking up at the ceiling whilst tears fall from the corner of her eyes, low sniffles being the only sound in the quiet studio. Polaroid pictures are scattered on the floor, each with a date written underneath. Y/N had torn them from the walls, leaving them untouched on the ground. She doesn’t have the courage to pick them up and store them in a box, the pain from the memories too unbearable to even look at the pictures. After the funerals, she can’t find the strength to go back to Los Feliz High either, deciding instead to get home-schooled and graduate at home.
On her eighteenth birthday, in the year 1996, Y/N visits the boys’ graves, like she’d do every week for the past year, and she always leaves a bouquet of white lilies on each of their graves. She sits down in front of Alex’s headstone, and she tells him about her day, before she tells Reggie and Luke about their respective families. But Y/N never speaks about her parents whenever she visits, never getting any news from them after Alex’s death.
Los Angeles, 2020
Tears roll down her cheeks as Y/N reminisces on the events that followed that fateful night, on her eighteenth birthday. She’d been on her way back to the apartment she was sharing with a friend of hers for a couple months, when her vehicle got caught in an accident. She could still remember the blue and red sirens echoing in the street as she was pulled onto a stretcher and into the ambulance. She still remembers staying in that dark room for an hour before someone came to get her. And as her fingers brush against the purple mark on her right wrist, regrets overwhelm her mind.
Caleb Covington had made promises to her, and she had naively agreed on his deal, with the persuasion that every ghost end up at his club somehow and that maybe, by a miracle, she would find her brother, her soulmate, and her best friend at the Hollywood Ghost Club. But it’s been twenty-four years since she died, and still no sign of them anywhere. Perhaps they had crossed over, after all.
That night, she walks back to the club when the mark begins to burn her skin. Caleb is calling for her, and Y/N knows she can’t mess up her act during the night’s show. With a snap of her fingers, she lands on the scene in the Hollywood Ghost Club, quickly disappearing behind the curtains to go to her dressing-room, where Caleb is probably already waiting for her.
“Ah! There you are, my little dove.”
Caleb’s voice wants itself to be comforting, but after twenty-four years Y/N has learned not to trust his sweet words. She only smiles when she sees him, sitting herself in front of the mirror as she reapplies her red lipstick, dabbing it with her pointer finger. She doesn’t need to look up to know that Caleb is leaning over her, his cold hands on her naked shoulders as he looks at her through the mirror.
“I need you tonight, my little dove.” The magician says, tightening his grip on her shoulders. “See, our dear William has found three new ghosts here in our city of Angels…”
At those words, her curiosity is instantly picked. She lifts her eyes from the dressing table, looking at the man through the mirror, her head tilting to the right.
“Ah, yes. I knew you would be interested, dear.” He smiles smarmily. “I need them working for me. They’re too powerful to be on their own.”
“How so?” Y/N asks, her curiosity getting the best of her.
“They don’t need my help to be visible to Lifers.”
At that, Y/N smirks, noticing the man’s gritted teeth and the frown creasing his forehead. Caleb is all about power; power over the ghosts that cannot cross over, and power over the Living, who are so interested in anything paranormal. She wants to smirk and flip him off, but she decides against it when he squeezes her shoulders between his fingers.
“I need you–” He says, pointing at her through the mirror. “–to convince those boys to work for me. Use your wits, your charms, anything. I want these boys to work for me.”
“And if I can’t?” She asks, her voice slightly wavering.
“You know what happens…”
Caleb slightly waves his fingers, and Y/N’s wrist begins to tingle with a burning sensation. She hisses, glaring at him through the looking-glass before she reluctantly nods her head, watching him disappear into his own dressing-room before the big show. She sighs, taking her head in her hands. She’s gotten used to seeing her surroundings in black and white, and she learned over the years to discern the different shades of black and white, associating them with the colours she used to see. Sometimes, she still longs for the days when she was alive; when the boys, her boys, were alive. A single tear rolls down her cheek, memories of the plans she’d made with Luke rushing back in her mind. Fortunately for her, she doesn’t have time to think much of it when Willie barges into her dressing-room, dressed in black shorts and a tuxedo vest over a black button-up shirt, a pair of black Vans on his feet. Y/N gives her friend a soft smile before a sigh leaves her lips.
“So…” She trails, looking at him. “I’ve heard you found three lost ghosts today.”
“They’re not exactly lost.” Willie tells her. “They have this old band mate of theirs, who stole their songs, and they want revenge, I– I guess? I don’t really know, but I figured Caleb could help them.”
“Are they already here?”
Y/N’s heart, if she still had one beating in her chest, sinks down as her friend nods yes. She has this weird feeling bubbling in the pit of her stomach, just like the one she had the night the boys were supposed to play the Orpheum stage. Her vanishing emotions don’t go unnoticed by William, who sits on the edge of her dressing table, his eyes landing on her.
“Something wrong, Y/N?” He asks her, worry hidden in his voice.
“I have a bad feeling about this, Willie.” She tells him truthfully. “Caleb asked me to–”
She stops herself mid-sentence; can she tell Willie what Caleb asked her to do, knowing the consequences? She doesn’t want to put Willie at risk; he’s her only friend, but everything in her body screams at her to let him know, just in case something happens to her, or to those boys.
“What did Caleb ask you?” William asks her again.
“He asked me to convince the new ghosts to work for him.” She blurts out, immediately covering her mouth with both hands. “Oh god, I shouldn’t have said it.”
“He threatened you, didn’t he?”
Y/N nods, quickly wiping the tears that begin to fall from her eyes with the palm of her hand, sniffling. Willie wraps his arms around her, and she buries her head in the crook of his neck as he holds her close. In their years spent together at the Hollywood Ghost Club, he’s come to consider the girl his sister; someone he could trust, no matter what.
“I know what will cheer you up.” He says after a while, and she looks up to him.
“What?” She asks him, raising a brow.
“Well… I was about to offer you some food, but I remembered you don’t eat before a performance so… how about I take you to meet the boys instead?”
“Why do I feel like you need something from me?”
“I need you to entertain them while I go see Caleb. Please.”
“Are you going to try and convince him not to own the boys’ souls? You know that won’t work…”
“I can still try. If it means you and them are safe in the end.”
Y/N’s lips curve into a thin-lipped smile, holding Willie in her arms for a brief moment before they both walk out of her dressing-room. Arm in arm, they head for the main stairs of the Hollywood Ghost Club.
Y/N freezes when she spots the three boys at the top of the stairs, her eyes going round with shock, lips parted and mouth hanging open. Could it be? Y/N shakes her head; no, it can’t be. It’s been twenty-five years since they passed away, why would they show up just now? They don’t seem to notice her yet, even when William lets go of her arm to poof up the stairs next to them. Her feet are glued to the ground, too afraid to move an inch, but she watches as Willie leans over the handrail and exchanges a few words with the brunet boy wearing a long denim jacket. She watches in anticipation when the boy slightly turns his head, and his eyes land on her at the bottom of the stairs.
His breath gets caught up in his throat when his eyes lock with hers. He knows he doesn’t technically breathe, because he doesn’t need it, but the feeling is just the same. What is she doing here, he has no idea. She was supposed to have gone on with her life, created a family without him. She was supposed to have done everything they had planned together before he died. How is she here, not looking a day older than the last time he’d seen her when he was alive?
She looks as beautiful as he remembers her to be, dressed in a long evening dress with an open slit on the right side, spaghetti straps over her shoulders. Her H/C hair cascades over her shoulders in curls, and her hands are covered by black silk gloves that go up to her elbows and match the colour of her dress. She’s a sight from Heaven, if there were such a thing as Heaven, and if he still had a heartbeat, Luke is certain everyone would hear it beat out of his chest. He isn’t paying attention to either his bandmates or Willie anymore, too enraptured by the sight of her at the bottom of the stairs. She’s the only thing on his mind, and not even the beauty of the Ghost Club would take her away from his thoughts. He watches as she shakes her head, and his eyes finally meet hers as she begins to climb up the stairs.
Gold is the first colour that comes to his eyesight. It’s everywhere; on the walls, on the floors, even on the stairs. Everything in the Hollywood Ghost Club is gold. He sees the red next, like the lipstick on her lips, or the diamond encrusted in her necklace. And blue, like the curtains behind the stage at the centre of the room below him, or the evening dresses some of the women are wearing tonight. One by one, the colours come back to his eyesight, leaving him breathless when she reaches his side, standing by Willie as she links her arm with his.
“Y– Y/N?”
It’s Alex’s voice that pulls Luke out of his trance, blinking and shaking his head as he gathers his thoughts. She’s smiling, that same smile he fell in love with all those years ago, and he sees her E/C lit up with happiness when she finally looks at her twin brother. But she doesn’t move from William’s side, as if she were afraid of something. She only waves her hand in their direction.
“Hey guys.” She smiles. “Long time no see, uh?”
“Y– you guys know each other?” Willie asks, looking between her and Alex.
“Come on, Willie.” She teases him. “You don’t see the resemblance?” A pause. “Alex is my twin brother.” Her brows furrow as she looks back at her twin. “Why?!” She then shouts, letting go of Willie’s arm to slap Alex’s chest repeatedly. “Why did you have to eat those stupid hot dogs?! I– I told you they were bad! Why didn’t you guys listen to me?!”
Willie is the one to pry Y/N away from her twin brother, afraid it might get Caleb’s attention. And the last thing Willie wants, if for Caleb to find out Y/N actually knows them from the time they were all alive. When she composes herself, Alex smiles at her, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. He almost loses his balance when she rushes into him, wrapping her arms around his midsection and hugging him tight. He chuckles softly, wrapping his own arms around her shoulders as he rests his chin atop her head.
“You were stupid, Alex.” She mumbles into his chest, a soft sob escaping her lips.
“I’ve missed you too, sis.” He says, dismissing her comment.
“You guys are idiots.��� She sighs when she pulls away, wiping the tears under her eyes. “Why didn’t you listen to me? You were supposed to become legends that night!”
“To be fair–” Reggie joins the conversation. “–we didn’t know they were bad.”
“Uh, I did say it was a new flavour.” Alex corrects him. “And you said, I quote, ‘chill man, street dogs haven’t killed us yet’. And guess what? We died!”
“It doesn't matter, guys.” Y/N chuckles, leaning against her twin. “We’re all together now.”
“What happened to you, by the way?”
Alex wonders, looking down at her. When he came back on Earth as a ghost after twenty-five years and met Julie, he figured his twin sister had gone on with her life when he couldn’t find anything from her in the garage where they used to practice. And since she could see him, and he could very much see and touch her, he figured something must have happened to her to come back on Earth as a ghost.
“I got in a car accident.” Y/N admits, sighing. “On our eighteenth birthday. Talk about luck.”
Y/N runs a hand through her hair, her eyes finally landing on Luke who’d stayed quiet the whole time. Green is the first colour she sees when her eyes meet his; it’s the colour of his irises, and it’s just like the first time they’d met. His hazel eyes seem to be the first thing she’s able to put colours on, alive or dead. The tears brim the edge of her eyes as the colours slowly come back to her, and soon she can see the world as she used to before he died.
“Hey Luke.” She smiles, head tilting to the side.
“I– I can’t believe it.” Luke breathes out, stuttering. “Y– you’re here. You’re actually here.”
She nods, a soft giggle leaving her lips as he engulfs her in a bear hug. He buries his face in the crook of her neck as she wraps her arms around his back, tightening her embrace around him. Y/ relishes in the moment, the feeling of his body pressed against her own as she can feel the ghost of his lips against her skin on her neck. His hands are warm against her back, and she can smell the faint scent of his cologne when she buries her face in his chest. Right now, it’s only them, everything else around them disappearing as they enjoy the moment. Luke only parts away with her when Reggie clears his throat behind them.
“H– how long have you been here?” Luke asks her, reaching for her hand.
“Twenty-four years.” She answers. “A man came for me in that dark room; he said he could help me.”
Her wrist begins to burn at the mention of the man, and she has to hide the wince on her face to not worry the boys. She’d just found them, there’s no way she’d let anything happen to them. But Alex does notice; he knows his sister. And Luke does too. She knows because he squeezes her hand softly, and when she looks at him, she can see the concern in his eyes.
“Are you alright, Y/N?” Alex wonders, worry laced in his voice.
“Y– yeah, I am.” Y/N breathes out, wincing again. “I– I’m sorry, I– I have to go.”
She smiles apologetically at the boys, worriedly glancing at Willie before she poofs herself out of the place, reappearing in Caleb’s dressing-room. The dead magician is leaning against the edge of his dressing table, a glass of wine to his lips whilst his piercing blue eyes are focused on her. She sits on the small couch, awkwardly shifting around under his stare.
“I believe William has introduced you to our new friends, right little dove?” He asks in a sweet tone.
“I won’t do it, Caleb.” She says, her voice a bit more confident than earlier. “I can’t do it to them.”
“And why is that, dove?”
Y/N shakes her head, her eyes sending daggers to the man standing before her. She won’t tell him; there is no way she’d let him get close to the boys, to her boys. Who knows what he might do to them if he knew who they are to her. The only thing she’s certain of, is that he’d use her as leverage against the boys if he knew the real relationship between her and them. She wouldn’t let him own their souls like he does hers, not over fake promises.
“You know what happens, little dove, if you don’t talk.” He threatens her, but there is something else in his voice.
He moves closer to her as she stays quiet, but Y/N can see it in the way he struts over, how he rests the palm of his hands against her naked shoulders and how his lips brush against her earlobe. He already knows.
“I already know who they are, Y/N.” He whispers in her ear. “But I thought your loyalty laid toward me, little dove. I have to say, I am a bit disappointed in you. I had such great plans for all of us. I guess I’ll have to do everything myself then.”
She holds her breath. She cannot let him know that she’s afraid, and that she worries about her brother, and her friends. She barely even has time to comprehend what happens next, as a purple cloud of smoke surrounds her, and she finds herself in her own dressing-room. She hears the lock click but, by the time she returns to her senses, she’s already locked inside the room, with no way of getting out to warn her boys. Tears roll down her face as she faintly hears Caleb’s musical number begin. Y/N knows how the night is going to end; Caleb will get what he wants, and she will suffer the consequences of her actions. But she knows her boys, and she’s persuaded they won’t comply with Caleb's demands. She hopes they won’t. And besides, as long as she can see the colours around her, she knows they are doing fine. Because, if Luke is alright, Alex and Reggie are too.That night, she promises herself to do anything in her power to get back to them, to Luke, and to finally free herself from Caleb.
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JJ’s Fic and Moodboard Masterlist Updated 7/14/24
Best Friends Brother AU || One Chicago || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Sarah Reese: Police Officer || One Chicago || Sarah Reese Centric
Single Dad!Severide || One Chicago || Kelly Severide Centric
Halstead Brothers Adopt Reese || One Chicago || Gen
Merlyn Twins au || One Chicago & Arrow || Tommy Merlyn & Connor Rhodes
One Chicago x Jatp Fusion || One | Two | Three || One Chicago & Julie and The Phantoms || Mult-ship
The Andi AU || One | Two || One Chicago || Sarah Reese Centric & Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
The Resident x One Chicago Crossover || One | Two || The Resident & One Chicago || Gen: Conrad Hawkins & Sarah Reese
Ballet au || One Chicago || Sarah Reese Centric
Voight Family Values || One Chicago || Gen and Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Sarah Reese as a Former Black Widow || One Chicago & Marvel Studios || Gen: Sarah Reese & Bucky Barnes
The Sisters Halstead || One Chicago || Gen: Makayla Ward & OC
MCU Spiderman Meets The Amazing Spiderman || Marvel Studios || Gen
Mockingbird || One Chicago & DC TV || Gen: Sarah Reese & Dick Grayson & Mult-Ship
Severide & Reese Step-Siblings au || One Chicago || Gen: Sarah Reese & Kelly Severide
Burgstead Pregnancy AU || One Chicago || Jay Halstead x Kim Burgess
Superstar Juke AU || Julie and The Phantoms || Julie Molina x Luke Patterson
NHL Star! Connor Rhodes || One Chicago || Connor Rhodes Centric
What if Paulo took Daisy with him when he left Clump? || Irreverent || Gen: Paulo Keegan & Daisy
Some Kind of Haunted || One | Two || One Chicago & Criminal Minds & CBS FBI International || Gen: Brian Lang & Connor Rhodes && Connor Rhodes x Sarah Reese
Marvel Comics
The One Where Tony Survives (Alt Endgame Universe) || WIP (Series)
A Handful of Moments I Wished I Could Change (And a Tongue like a Nightmare that Cut like a Blade) || Complete || One Shot
Two Worlds (One Family) || Complete || One Shot
The Darcy Lewis Chonicles (Series)
Just Tony || Darcy Lewis and Tony Stark || One Shot
Julie and The Phantoms
Found a Time and Space || WIP || Multi-Chapter || Juke & Williex
In These Small Hours (Series) || Complete
Hollywood Tragedy Aftermath || Complete || Bobby | Trevor Wilson Centric
Do You Hear That Love? || Complete || One Shot || Willie x Alex
Melancholy Kaleidoscope || Complete || One Shot || Julie x Luke
Little Wonders (These Twists and Turns of Fate) || Complete || One Shot || Julie x Luke and Willie x Alex
One Chicago
You Held Me Up on Your Shoulders Way Up High || Chicago Med and Chicago Fire || WIP || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese and Kelly Severide
It Was a One Night Stand Until I Woke Up Next to You || Chicago PD || WIP (Series)
It Was a One Night Stand Until I Woke Up Next to You || WIP || Multi-Chapter || Jay Halstead x Kim Burgess
Blood Thicker Than Water || One Shot || Complete || Jay Halstead x Kim Burgess
Married But As Friends (Series) Chicago Med || Complete
Delicate || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
You Could Still See the Best in Me || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Cause I Clutched Your Arms like Stairway Railings || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Freeze Time, Baby Rewind || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Friends Don't Look at Friends That Way || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Come Back Be Here (Series) || Complete
Never Stop || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Guilty by Association || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
If I Drift in the Wrong Direction (You Turn the Tide) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
You & Me || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Reader Imagines (Series)
Apartment Fire || One Chicago || Complete || One Shot || Jay Halstead & Disabled fem!reader Halstead sibling
Doctor Visit || One Chicago || Complete || One Shot || Halstead brothers Will & Jay Halstead & Disabled fem!reader Halstead sibling, and Manstead if you squint
One Chicago Soulmate AU || WIP (Series)
Your Words (Burned into My Skin) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
In Your Eyes (and it all makes sense) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Sweet Nothing (All You Wanted From Me Was) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Long Story Short || WIP (Series)
Rare as a Glimmer of a Comet || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Voight Family Values || WIP (Series)
Yeah, I Just Wanna Take You Home || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Hold On, I Still Want You || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Interlude: What If || Chicago Med || Complete || Drabble || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Bottled Up Feelings are Silently Screaming (You Were Breaking Down) || Chicago Med || WIP || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
What Happened in Russia, Didn’t Stay in Russia || Arrow || Oliver x Felicity (An AU season 2 rewrite) || WIP (Series)
You’ll Always Be My Girl (or Felicity’s first scar and Oliver’s lecture) || Complete || One Shot
Slade’s Promise (Or Oliver’s Overprotective But with Good Reason) || Compete || One Shot
DC TV/Chicago Med Crossover
Mockingbird & Co.
The Same Little Breaks In Your Soul || Chicago Med || Arrow || Titans || WIP || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
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✍️ + Kat Patterson?
Kat my girl yes! Could still change something more but this is what I've already planned! (Actually, most of this are things added but whatever lol)
Major thing of all: Julie and Luke relationship. If in the show is "Cuties! They like each other! Cuties cuties!" in Kat's fic is more like "Lmao my sister likes you, I'm going to set you two up"
Gonna give Bobby/Trevor an actual personality and I will explain why he did what he did
Way more songs for everyone
One of my favourite hc ever: Alex and Luke had a thing. Decided they were better as friends, but still...
All canonically queer btw
Julie still "sings" Perfect Harmony but with someone else 👀
Molinas are way more present bc I love them
And Carrie as well!
(Luke x Reggie? Maybe so, maybe so 👀)
Caleb gets punched in the face bc he deserves it
Willie actually interacts with the others and not just with Alex (even if I love them)
Fic will get an actual finale (don't know how/what, but it will)
Maybe more things coming but that's what I'm thinking about rn
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Julie and the Phantoms f/os
1. Luke Patterson, romantic
Aricka x Luke, you’re my brightest burning star 🎵
2. Reggie Peters, romantic
Aricka x Reggie, we're standing on the edge of great 🎸
3. Alex Mercer, familial
Aricka and Alex, the Mercer twins, live it like it's now or never🥁
4. William “Wille” Stewart, familial
Aricka and Willie, ghost bestie, my life would suck if I didn’t have you 🛹
5. Julie Molina, familial
Aricka and Julie, hey little sister, We will fight to shine together 🎹
6. Flynn Taylor, platonic
Aricka and Flynn, we will shine bright forever, little bestie
7. Carrie Wilson, familial
Aricka and Carrie, hey soul sister, we make them say wow 🌟
8. Bobby Shaw/Trevor Wilson, familial
Aricka and Bobby, the Wilson twins, lost my way til I found you again
9. Nick Evans, platonic
Aricka and Nick, go little rockstar, hey little brother
10. Caleb Covington, familial
Aricka and Caleb, dad and daughter, Life is good on the other side of Hollywood
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
#Aricka x Luke P#you are my brightest burning star 🎵#Aricka x Reggie#we’re standing on the edge of great 🎸#Aricka and Alex#the Mercer twins#live like it’s now or never 🥁#Aricka and Willie#ghost bestie#my life would suck without you 🛹#Aricka and Julie#hey little sister#we will fight to shine together 🎹#Aricka and Flynn#we will shine bright forever#little bestie#Aricka and Carrie#hey soul sister#we make them say wow 🌟#Aricka and Bobby#the Wilson twins#lost my way til I found you again#Aricka and Nick#go little rockstar#hey little brother#Aricka and Caleb#dad and daughter#life is good on the other side of Hollywood
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JEALOUS | Luke Patterson
Requested by anon: “5 times Luke gets jealous and one time he doesn’t have too. Luke x reader?”
PAIRING(s): Mercer!fem reader x Luke Patterson WARNING(s): angst, fluff WORDS: 2.3k SUMMARY: Five times Luke Patterson gets jealous and one time he doesn’t have to.
A/N: hi! sorry this took so long, lol. school sucks. :/ i promise im gonna be posting more frequently from now onwards! anyway, decided to make y/n alex’ sister, bc i’ve been wanting to try it for a while. hope u like it!! <3 also, song used is carry me by kygo ft. julia michaels.
The first time that Luke Patterson feels that scorching, smoldering rage in the pit of his stomach is when he notices Y/N Mercer stare at his bandmate, Bobby Wilson, for the entirety of their hour-long Literature class.
At first, he doesn’t understand why he feels this way: Y/N’s just as much Bobby’s friend as she is his. Well, not really – Luke likes to believe that he is the one that she is closest to in the band, other than her brother, Alex, of course. Sure, Bobby and Y/N are friends – they say ‘hi’ when they pass by each other in the hallway, she helps him out with his Physics homework when he asks, and he asks her how her day’s been – that sort of friends. They’ve never really interacted more than it was required, and Luke knows that if Bobby wasn’t a part of their band, Sunset Curve, or if Y/N wasn’t their drummer’s sister, those two wouldn’t be friends.
Anyway, he thinks that maybe it’s because they are supposed to be partners, working on their assignment together – and instead, she is choosing to abandon him and stare at one of his best mates, instead. He thinks that maybe he’s mad because she promised him that she would help him out with this assignment, which is particularly hard, and now, it feels like he’s ditching her.
Instead of thinking about why he is so bothered at the fact that Y/N is staring at Bobby, Luke chooses to elbow her instead.
“What?” She whispers, a blush covering her cheeks.
“Can you focus?” He snaps as she rolls her eyes and opens their textbook.
“You’re annoying.”
“Alex, Alex, Alex!”
“Luke, I’m sitting right beside you – you don’t need to yell.”
“There’s something that you should know.” Luke whispers, conspiratorially. Alex, who’s sitting beside him on the couch in the garage where they rehearse, leans forward, intrigued. “What?”
He points at Y/N, who’s sitting in front of Reggie in the opposite side of the room, strumming a guitar – Reggie’s teaching her how to play. Unlike her twin brother, she’s not naturally gifted in music, which is pretty evident from her occasional frustrated huffs, and the obviously off-key tune. Rather, science is her talent, and has always been. The top spot in their class has been permanently occupied by her ever since their first exam as freshmen.
“She!” Luke whispers. Alex furrows his brows. “Yes, I know that she has no musical talent whatsoever –”
“No, no, no. I mean, yes, she doesn’t have that – but you wanna know what she does?”
“I have a feeling that you’re gonna tell me even if I don’t wanna know.” Alex mutters.
“She has a crush on Bobby!” Luke scrunches his face, a disgusted look taking over.
The drummer raises his brows and bursts out laughing. “Really, dude?”
“No, no, no, I’m not lying, okay! I’ve seen her stare at him!”
He raises his brows. “So? She stares at a lot of people.”
“It wasn’t that way, okay? Last week, in class, she was ignoring me and staring at him. Plus, yesterday, when you were god knows where, she and Bobby were having a conversation. An actual conversation! I’ve never seen them talk that much. They were nerding out over Star Wars!”
“Dude, are you…” Alex pauses, looking around, “… jealous?” A smile spreads over his features.
Luke’s eyes widen, and he looks horrified. “What? Me? Jealous? Huh? Me? How?”
Inside, he is panicking. He hadn’t considered this possibility. Is he jealous? No, that can’t be. Y/N – he’s known her forever, and he is supposed to think of her as his sister. He does think so. He’s sure. He can’t – he doesn’t like her. She’s just… Y/N. Sure, he’s always thought that she’s beautiful. And smart. And so, so kind. He’s always admired her. OK, he might have had a little crush on her. But, in a totally harmless, admiring way! (In the way everyone seems to like Winona Ryder these days. Nothing more than that. Absolutely.)
She’s just Y/N.
Y/N, who’s always there for him after he has a bad day. Y/N, who’s the first person he hugs after playing an intense show. Y/N, who’s the only person who can understand his silence. Y/N, who makes sure that he knows that she appreciates him. Y/N, who he knows like the back of his hand.
Before Luke can panic any further, Bobby enters the garage, and Luke notices her attention immediately shift toward him. They exchange a smile, and Luke feels that rage, yet again.
He falls back on the couch, locking eyes with Alex, who is silently watching with a soft smile on his face.
“I’m not jealous.” He says weakly, and Alex nods – but he knows that it doesn’t convince either of them. His friend lays a hand on his shoulder, whispering, “It’s okay.”
By the time the next month rolls around, Luke is positive that he’s jealous: so, he’s resorted to not thinking about it, her or even interacting with her – which is hard considering that she’s always around.
Now, he feels like shit. For their junior year, they are supposed to do a report on a Victorian era novel of their choice, with a partner. He and Y/N were supposed to partners – they had decided months ago and have also done previous assignments together. But now, since he hasn’t even dared to look at her in a month, she’s now doing the report with Bobby, of all people.
As he watches Bobby and Y/N sit next to each other with their arms brushing, he feels that rage again, and curses himself. Could he not have behaved like a normal person? He knows that she is confused as to why he’s suddenly ignoring and avoiding her – she has even asked her brother about it. But Luke had threatened Alex that he would tell everyone about his crush on Reggie if he even said a single syllable.
(Although Luke knows that he would never.)
He sighs, dramatically, and searches for someone else to pair up with, ignoring the way his heart clenches at the realization that he may be losing her.
He looks up and feels a rush in his veins.
“Are you… mad at me?” Y/N asks tentatively, standing at the door to his bedroom. Her eyes keep flitting between his face and around his bedroom, and he hates the fact that there seems to be an ocean between them.
“Uh…” He scratches the back of his neck, not knowing what to respond. She looks down at her feet, biting her lip and Luke feels a tug on his heartstrings at that. It’s been so, so long and he has so, so much to tell her, but he doesn’t know how to bridge the gap that he created.
He builds up his courage and says, “Yeah. I was kinda mad at you.”
Her eyebrows furrow, and panic flows into her e/c eyes. “What – what’d I do?”
Luke inhales sharply and wonders what he’s gonna say. It’s not like he can say that he was jealous of the fact that she liked Bobby, nor could he say that in the past month he has realized the fact that he may have a tiny, little crush on her and had to avoid her at all costs because she will never like him back and it’s too embarrassing?
He clears his throat. “Uh. It’s because you promised that you would do the English project with me but you’re doing it with Bobby.”
“But I’m only doing it with him because you won’t even look at me! Why won’t you?”
“I… You also ignored me for Bobby the other day?”
She throws her hands up. “What other day?”
“When we were working on the Shakespeare thingy!”
“I was not – now you’re making –”
“Forget it. Just go home, Y/N.”
A look of hurt flashes over her eyes, but she quickly clenches her jaw, and stands straighter, masking her emotions. “Asshole.”
She walks out his door, slamming the door shut behind her.
For the rest of the day, Luke lies on his bed and stares at his ceiling, and when Reggie comes over, he tells him that he’s ruined everything. Reggie lies beside him and asks softly, “You okay?”
“I think I like Y/N.” He whispers.
“We know.”
His lips part and he says in disbelief, “Alex told you?!”
Reggie shrugs. “He didn’t need to. Everyone can see the way that you look at her.”
Luke sighs, too tired to argue.
“Hey. It’s just a date, alright? It’s not like they’re getting married.”
Luke props himself on his elbow. “What?”
“Y’know, Y/N’s really picky –”
“What date?”
Reggie’s eyes widen. “Y-You didn’t know?”
Luke raises his brows, urging his friend to continue. He purses his lips and says, “Y/N and Bobby are on a date right now.”
Instantly, Luke feels as if his world has drained of every colour. Reggie looks uncomfortable, and whispers, “I thought you knew.”
“I, uh, I didn’t. Obviously.” He whispers, falling back on the bed again. His heart physically hurts, and he can feel tears prick at the back of his eyes. Mostly, he feels anger – at himself, and regret.
As jealousy claws its way to the surface, Luke mutters, “I hate Bobby.”
Luke sits cross legged on the floor of the garage, with a Spanish guitar perched on his lap. His hands dance over the strings, trying to find the perfect melody for the song he just wrote.
Writing songs has always been his way of dealing with his emotions, especially when they got too intense. Right now, the situation with Y/N is exactly that.
His eyes dance over the notebook in front of him, and he closes his eyes, trying to forget everything that’s happened in the past couple of days.
“Cause I don't know how we How we got so far, you and me Almost like there's oceans between us, us So I need to know Could you carry me? Back into your heart again Could you carry me? Right into your distant hands Could you carry me? Right back to where we started from Could you carry me?”
“That’s beautiful.”
Luke’s head turns sharply to the side, and of course, it’s her. He clenches his jaws, and says, “What are you doing here?” He hates the fact that she looks so pretty, wearing a beautiful red sundress.
She bites her lower lip, and says, “We should talk, Luke.”
“There’s nothing to talk about.”
She giggles. “You’ve always been the jealous type.”
He raises his brows, opening his mouth to deny whatever she was about to say next, but she raises a hand to stop him. “Alex and Reg told me. They said that they’re tired of seeing you mope every day.”
“I –”
“Hold on. So, for the past month, you’ve been mad at me because you thought I like Bobby?”
Luke lowers his head, choosing to stare at his open palm instead.
“You ignored one of your best friends for more than a month because you were jealous, and you were too much of an idiot to tell her the truth?”
“Well, you don’t gotta be so mean about it.”
She laughs. “Luke. Bobby and I – we’re just friends, okay? I was staring at him because I really liked his hair. And you have to admit it – it’s nice. I actually asked him for his shampoo, too. But, well, you and him both thought that I liked him. That’s why he asked me out to the movies last day. But... uh, well, it didn’t work out.”
His heart races at the last sentence. “Why?”
“Because I like you, Luke. I always have. I thought I could like Bobby, I really did – but all I could think about last night was you.” She shrugs, and Luke feels like he’s falling. He thinks that the universe is playing a prank on him, but when he sees her crimson tinged face, the vulnerability in her eyes and her fiddling with her hands, he allows himself to feel the slightest amount of hope.
She looks down, continuing, “I, uh, I always thought that you only saw me as your best friend’s little sister. I didn’t ever think that, you know, that there could be something more. So, I kept it to myself and only Alex knew. But, last night, Reg came over and they were screaming for a while, about you and me, so I went to find out what happened, and they told me that you, uh, liked me too.”
Reggie. He must have told Alex that Luke was ugly crying on his shoulder.
“Please say something, Luke.”
He releases the breath he didn’t know he was holding. “I – I feel like you’re pranking me.”
She grins. “No. No, definitely not.”
“Y/N, god, you have no idea how difficult this past month has been for me. I mean, I never realized that I liked you that much until I saw you with him, you know? I always thought that I had a tiny, little crush on you but I never… and I thought that Alex would kill me if I did anything, but he’s been oddly… nice about all this.”
“He’s just tired of hearing me talk about you.”
“Probably. But yeah. I think you’re brilliant, Mercer. And I really, really, really like you.”
She jumps a little, and whispers, “I really, really, really like you too.”
“Do you maybe wanna go to the movies with me?” His wide grin matches hers.
“Only if we watch part two of Father of The Bride.”
Luke watches Bobby smile at Y/N, looking at her as if she’s put the moon in the sky. Although, this time, he doesn’t feel the rage. He doesn’t need to, really, with Y/N’s hand wrapped in his, and the ghost of her lips still lingering on his.
requests open! as always, feedback is highly appreciated <33
#julie and the phantoms#jatp#luke patterson#luke patterson x reader#luke patterson x y/n#luke patterson oneshot#luke patterson + reader#luke patterson + y/n#luke patterson fanfic#luke patterson fic#luke patterson fanfiction#luke jatp#alex's sister x luke patterson#mercer reader#luke patterson x fem!reader#alex mercer#reggie peters#bobby jatp#trevor wilson#bobby wilson#ralex#alex x reggie#alex jatp#reggie jatp#charlie gillespie#charlie gillespie x reader#charlie gillespie oneshot#charlie gillespie x y/n#jatp fanfic#jatp fanfiction
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Can you do Luke Patterson fanfic where the reader is Alex sister and is in the band who’s been in love with Luke all this time but he never noticed her. And ever since they met Julie she has seen them together has gotten jealous.So she hatches up one finally plan to make him jealous to get him to see her . And Luke realized he had been in love with her and confess to her . Sorry if it’s too much this is my first time asking for a request 🥺
TITLE: Unrequited (Luke Patterson x reader)
✌🏻Masterlist Taglist, Requests, and Works in progress!
Requested: Yes!
Prompt/summary: Reader does one final attempt at getting Luke to notice her.
Word Count: 1,615
Authors note: appear I just write a lot of angst. Again Where’s my Love by SYML is the vibe lol
The day we woke up on the floor of the garage in the year 2020 was the worst day of my life.
Or that’s what I decided at least.
Apparently we had spent the past 25 years in a dark room, with Alex crying for most of that time. The girl who found us, Julie, quickly became our only tie to the real world. We could only be seen playing if she was playing with us. We soon found out that we had unfinished business that we needed to attend to before we could properly cross over to the other side. We figured it was simple. Play the Orpheum and we were done. But getting to the Orpheum was going to be a lot harder than we thought.
Slowly we had started to build up a following on a thing called ‘YouTube’ where people share videos, I never thought such a wide library of videos could exist for free every single day. Practices became a daily thing, though I didn’t know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.
I really shouldn’t be jealous. Luke has chemistry with everyone he sings with. Alex would kill me if he found out that after all these years I was still crushing on his best friend. I couldn’t help the feeling in my throat when I saw Julie and Luke singing together though... the feeling like I couldn’t breathe. Like all the air was being sucked out of me while I tried to keep the feeling of anger from bubbling over.
Why can’t he look at me like that?
I never meant to get him jealous, because I always thought making crushes jealous was unhealthy and only ever worked in the movies. But as soon as I started only talking with Reggie and Alex at practice Luke started to notice how I didn’t go out of my way to talk to him like I used to.
As time went on I started only singing with Reggie on stage for the harmonies. Every time I would look over afterwards I would see Luke staring at me with an almost blank expression.
The next few days were miserable for me.
My only desire then was to go up to him and tell him why I had been avoiding him. That I had seen every glance, smirk, smile, and laugh he and Julie had shared and say it was breaking my heart in two. I just had to watch in silence. The fear of causing drama within the band had taken precedent over my unrequited love.
I never meant for it to be taken this far. After Caleb branded us I truly began to wonder if my place in the band really meant anything to anyone. My feelings poured out over a page as I explained everything to them in a letter. A stupid letter that I didn’t know if I actually was going to deliver or not.
My worst fears soon became a reality after I saw their interaction outside of Luke’s house on his birthday.
Tears fell out of my eyes as I slipped the letter into his songwriting notebook and poofed out of the garage. I knew they would find it. I knew my brother would know the first place to look for me, so I avoided it.
I stood in the alleyway behind the Orpheum, tears falling down my face as I held onto my brother’s sweatshirt he had given me a few days prior. Hopefully I could still keep it.
“Are you ready?”
I turned around and saw Caleb standing in all his elaborate glory, “I guess so.”
He smirked, “Why so hesitant little dove?”
“Um,” I mumbled, a shiver went down my spine at his awkward nickname, “I’m just going to miss them.”
“Miss them? You’re going to miss them? Oh (Y/n), they haven’t even noticed you were gone. You’ve got nothing to lose.”
Tears began to form in my eyes. Breathing became hard as I realized I had been sitting here for hours, and no one came yet.
“Poor (Y/n), in love with a boy who doesn’t even notice her. A brother who was rejected by even his parents, and a best friend who doesn’t even notice her feelings. You can leave all that behind, just shake my hand.”
I stood there, debating on if I really wanted to give it all up. Did I really get a choice in this? I slowly lifted my hand, still hesitating.
“(Y/n), look around. They haven’t even come for you yet, and I’m sure that rat Willie already told them what you were doing. They just don’t care-”
“That’s not true!”
I turned around and saw my band running towards me.
“(Y/n) don’t listen to him? He’s manipulating you,” Alex said.
Tears fell down my face as Caleb grabbed my shoulder, “You’re too late. (Y/n) just look at them. They didn’t even notice as you drifted further and further away.”
My eyes flickered up, Luke locked eyes with me. Tears were forming in his eyes, “(Y/n) please don’t do this.”
I looked back down at the ground.
Julie spoke up, “(Y/n), you really don’t realize how much you contribute to this band. We all care about you so much.”
“I doubt she wants to hear from you,” Caleb scoffed, “Seeing as you stole the one thing she most wanted away.”
The boys looked at each other confused but the look on Julie’s face told me that she knew exactly what Caleb meant.
“(Y/n) I promise you, Luke and I are just best friends. I’m so sorry you felt like you weren’t important to us anymore,” Julie said.
Luke looked up at me but I tried not to meet his gaze.
“(Y/n),” Alex said, “You’re my sister. I can’t lose you too. Please.”
Tears ran freely down my face as I pulled myself away from Caleb. Luke ran forward and caught me as I began to fall.
Caleb let out a frustrated yell and disappeared. I didn’t even bother to look up as I sobbed into my hands.
“I’m so sorry,” Luke whispered to me. Alex pulled everyone into a group hug.
“Guys I’m so sorry,” I sobbed.
“This isn’t your fault,” Reggie said.
I brought my hands down to wrap around Luke’s shoulders, “I just didn’t feel good enough. I wanted to know if you guys really cared. I’m so sorry I should have said something.”
“We’re just happy we got here in time,” Alex said, he ran a hand through my hair, “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
My tears came to a slow stop, and eventually we began to walk home.
“Guys, I’m taking (Y/n) somewhere. We’ll catch up.”
The guys waved as Luke grabbed my hand and pulled me in a different direction. It soon became clear where he was taking me.
“Do you remember this place?” he asked.
“Barely,” I said. I looked around the park I had always gone to, it had changed so much since 1995, “They tore the gazebo down.”
He looked over to where the rickety white structure used to be, a bathroom area was there now.
“I remember, you used to always go there after there was a fight at your house.”
I nodded, “Quiet, secluded, free to go to. Can’t tell you how many songs I wrote here.”
He pulled me over to sit on the benches near the playground.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he said.
I looked up at the clouds, trying to get the answer straight in my head, “I just… I had seen how you looked at her. I wanted you to look at me like that. Once I started to pull away, no one seemed to notice. Caleb offered me his help, he said I’d be famous…”
“What made you hesitate?”
“I realized… I didn’t want a million admirerors, I just wanted one. Nothing could compare to that.”
I jumped as he reached over to grab my hand, bringing it over to sit in his lap as he covered it in both of his, “I want to be that person.”
“You always were.”
He smiled. He brought my hand up and placed a kiss gently on my knuckles. In a quick moment of bravery I leaned over and kissed his cheek quickly.
He placed both his hands on my cheeks before pulling me into a real kiss. The boy I thought I had lost was kissing me. The kiss I had always dreamed of but thought I could never have.
We both pulled away breathing heavily. I looked up and giggled at his swollen lips and tousled hair knowing I probably looked the same.
“I’m sorry it’s taken so long for me to say this. I love you (Y/n). I’ve loved you since the day I met you, I loved you after we died, and I loved you every moment till now. I guess the only reason why I didn’t do anything is I was so scared of you not liking me back, or how your brother would react.”
I sighed as he rubbed his thumb across my cheek, “How do you think he’ll react?”
“He told me while we were looking for you I should’ve asked you out weeks ago. He knows,” He laughed.
The sun had started to set, the light illuminated him making him look ethereal. I pulled him into another quick kiss, “I wish I had done this sooner.”
“What? The kiss or trying to sell your soul to a dead magician?”
I laughed, “Either.”
He smiled and wrapped his arm around me, “Don’t do the second one again anytime soon.”
Taglist: @thebookwormlife @talksoprettyjjx @coolreallyfuzzystudentuniverse @igotabadfeelingabouteverything @larrystylinson-sus @lovesanimals @aunicornmademedoit @thexhotmess @ssprayberrythings @registerednursejackie @peachyxdream @catieiscute2001 @julieandthephantomsblogduh @fangirling-allday @ashleyleblancx @alltimekp @wcnderwoo @unipanda1006 @disgustedchild @aberette13 @dpaccione @whyworry27 @number-0-iz @musicconversedance @owlgirl1209 @angelxfics @hamdehlesmis @solophantomsmultis @marinettepotterandplagg @idkanymoremansstuff @carleywhittaker @spooky-season-bitch @sunsetcurve-h @peresphoncs @lolychu @joshy-obx @mochamiilk @starenemy @caitsymichelle13 @kiss-themoongoodbye @noncannonships @cherrybombboom @etherealexsistence @itskindyl @heidimortensen123 @starkeysgirl @nicolewithasoul @chenellearose @voguesir
#julie and the phantoms#julie and the phantoms imagine#luke patterson#luke patterson imagine#jatp luke#jatp luke x reader#jatp luke imagine#luke patterson x reader#jatp alex#jatp reggie#jatp julie#jatp alex x sister!reader
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Pairing: Reggie x Bobby’s Sister Reader
Word Count: 2.5K
Request: Hey, I was wondering if you would write a reader x Reggie imagine, where reader is Bobby’s sister and secretly having a relationship with Reggie without the rest of the band knowing about it.
Warnings: very light swearing
A/N: this fic also doubles as my (very late) submission to @jatp-btr week! I decided to set it in 2020 with Julie and the Phantoms going on tour but the guys are alive and Bobby is still a tennager! Also, shoutout to @txrii, who’s playlist of songs that Sunset Curve would cover got me through the final stretch of writing this! Anon, I hope you like this!! As always, let me know what you think and drop a comment/ask/message to be added to my taglist!
“Hey Reg,” you said softly, smiling shyly as his face appeared on your phone screen.
You didn’t have any reason to be shy, you and Reggie had been dating for over a year and had known each other for much longer, but you still hadn’t gotten used to your only face-to-face conversation being over FaceTime. Plus, you’d learned to be wary when the two of you called, you didn’t want to say something mushy and have one of the guys behind him, or worse, your brother.
When you and Reggie had started dating you’d decided to keep it secret from your twin brother, and by default Luke and Alex too. Reggie had reasoned that Bobby would be pissed at him for starting up a romantic relationship with you, which was fair given how protective your slightly older brother had always been of you. However, you were certain he’d be more upset with you for dating one of his best friends and bandmates. So, you didn’t tell him. And then months went by and all of a sudden you were passing one year and Sunset Curve was going on tour and they still hadn’t told him.
“Hey, Y/N,” Reggie responded with a grin, clearly psyched to be able to talk to you.
“Are the guys around?” You started to ask when you were interrupted.
“Reggie, did you say Y/N?” A voice called from the background and all of a sudden your boyfriend was being pushed out of the frame and Luke’s face was front and center.
You giggled exasperatedly at the boy but smiled.
“Hi Luke,” you greeted and he grinned at you.
He had just opened his mouth to respond when he was shoved out of frame as well, Alex now taking his place.
“Hi Y/N!” He yelled and you winced slightly, leaning away from your phone at the increase in volume.
“Hi Alex,” you said quieter, though trying to match his enthusiasm in your tone. “Where’s Bobby? And Julie and Flynn?” You asked, trying to rush through any more potential disruptions.
“Bobby’s in the bathroom and Julie and Flynn are on their bus,” Alex explained while struggling to keep Luke from pushing him out of frame.
With Sunset Curve being such a large group (five performers and their manager), and all of them being so young, their parents decided it was for the best that the girls get one tour bus and the guys get another. Plus, you were pretty sure Ray was not very keen on Julie and Luke sleeping in the same space now that they had started dating, even though they were both adults and you knew Luke was asexual. Still, parents will be parents you supposed.
Besides, it meant there were fewer opportunities for interruptions when you called Reggie while they were on the road.
“Y/N how come you always call Reggie and never me?” Luke pouted, finally having shoved his way back into the frame.
“Don’t be ridiculous, I called you yesterday,” you protested, rolling your eyes at the boy’s dramatics.
That had been another issue you’d had to work out when their tour had first kicked off. Calling Reggie every day was starting to seem suspicious, even though you claimed it was to talk to all of them. Alex had quickly pointed out that it was weird that you didn’t just call your brother, which you had tried to excuse as not wanting him to hog the phone time but then Luke had gotten jealous that you only called Reggie. It seemed reasonable enough when you thought about it from their perspective. You’d been friends with them all for years and they didn’t know about your relationship, so it probably did look like you were playing favorites with Reggie. So, you started making regular calls to Luke and Alex, making sure to give them enough one-on-one time on the phone with you to throw suspicion off your calls with Reggie. It had mostly worked, but Luke was still a butthead.
“Yeah but you called Reggie today,” he whined and you shook your head.
“Because it’s my turn,” Reggie responded for her, pushing both boys away so he could fill the screen once again. You hoped nobody noticed the way your smile brightened when you saw your boyfriend.
“Don’t you guys have other things to do?” He whined and you could practically hear Luke and Alex pouting off-camera so you tried to put on your best understanding-but-disappointed look.
“Sorry guys, it’s Reggie’s time,” you said, though not really sorry about it.
“I feel like it’s always Reggie’s time,” you heard Luke grumble and rolled your eyes.
“Maybe I like him better than you,” you shot back, with a raised brow.
You heard him gasp from off-camera and then you heard the stomping of feet and Reggie grinned broadly at you.
“It’s not nice to lie, Y/N!” Luke yelled as he stomped away, and you heard Alex yelp as he was dragged away with him. “We all know I’m your favorite! I’m everybody’s favorite.”
“Nicely done,” he commended you and you laughed.
“I don’t even know what I did,” you admitted, assuming it would be a much larger fight to get Luke and Alex away.
“Well, whatever it was worked,” he chuckled before his face fell. “I wish you were here.”
Your smile turned melancholy at that. It was certainly nice to be able to see him every day when you got a chance to call, but it was nothing compared to actually being together.
“We’ll be together again before you know it,” you tried to comfort.
“We still have two months of touring!” He whined and you nodded.
Sunset Curve did still have two more months of touring, but what Reggie didn’t know was that as soon as they stepped foot on US soil to finish off the last leg of their tour, you’d be joining them. You’d been in cahoots with your brother, Flynn, and Julie to plan everything in secret. Of course, you were really only planning to surprise Reggie, but to throw off suspicions you had to claim to want to surprise all the guys. You’d be traveling on the girls’ bus but everybody knew you’d be spending the most time with the guys. You did grow up with them, after all, whereas you’d only known Julie and Flynn for a couple of years.
Still, it was difficult to talk to Reggie every day, watch him pout as he whined about missing you and how long you had before you’d see each other again, without throwing in the towel and telling him everything. The look on his face will be worth it, you had to remind yourself each time.
So, you nodded along, strategically choosing your words to avoid lying to your boyfriend.
“I only have a couple more minutes, babe,” you said after about a half-hour had gone by with the two of you sharing about your days.
“Oh, right, your class,” Reggie groaned, not wanting to hang up.
“Believe me, I don’t like this any more than you do,” you sighed, giving him a tight-lipped smile. “But, I’ll text you when it’s over and maybe we can call later?”
Reggie nodded.
“Don’t find any cute girls to replace me while I’m gone,” you joked and he shook his head.
“How can I? I’ll be thinking about you the whole time,” he replied and you smiled shyly.
“I love you, Reg,” you said softly.
“I love you too, Y/N.”
You were practically running across the airport. No, not practically, you were running through the airport.
You and Bobby had strategically planned your flight out to the east coast to meet them so that you would land a little before them and be at the airport waiting for them when they arrived. Neither of you had considered delays in your plan and so you were running from your gate across the airport to try to get to the boys’ gate before they disembarked the plane.
You could feel your phone vibrating in your back pocket and cursed quietly to yourself, knowing it was Bobby texting you that they were getting off the plane. You groaned, though in your out-of-breath state it came out as more of a stuttered whine.
You were pretty sure you were nearly there when you heard it.
“Y/N?” A voice called out, sounding confused.
You cursed mentally, having hoped to have some time to compose yourself before seeing them, but obviously, you were too late.
“Reggie, what are you talking about?” You heard Luke ask the boy and you could practically hear your twin’s knowing smirk before you saw it.
When you finally spotted the group of teenagers grouped just outside the gate your eyes slid right past your brother and all your friends, finally locking onto blue-green eyes. Before you even realized what you were doing you were running again, launching yourself at your dark-haired boyfriend. Reggie caught you in his arms, spinning you around slightly before placing your feet on the ground. The two of you stared into each other’s eyes for a moment, relishing in the feeling of being in each other’s arms again before remembering the company you were in. Reluctantly you stepped out of his arms before embracing Luke and Alex, still thrilled to see two of your closest friends just in a different way than Reggie.
“What, no hug for me?” Bobby asked with a frown once you’d hugged Julie and Flynn as well.
You scoffed, wrinkling your face as if the prospect of hugging your brother was revolting.
“If I must,” you sighed before wrapping your arms around your twin. “I missed you.” You added more sincerely. You had never been the kind of twins that were attached at the hip, but this tour had certainly been the longest and farthest you’d been from each other.
You pulled away, moving back to stand by Reggie who was staring at you with a mix of awe and adoration that you hoped the rest of the group missed.
“Wh-when? How? I- I can’t believe you’re here,” he stuttered out, pulling you into his side and you grinned.
“Bobby, Jules, and Flynn helped me plan it all out,” you explained, smiling up at the boy. “I wanted to surprise you.” You turned to smile at Luke and Alex, knowing they were included in the surprise even though it was really only intended for Reggie.
“So wait, I don’t get it, what are you doing all the way on the east coast?” Alex asked, puzzled and you laughed while Luke smacked his chest. “Surely you didn’t fly all the way out here just to see us?”
“No, you idiot! She’s joining us on tour!” Luke exclaimed before faltering, eyes flicking between you, Bobby, Julie, and Flynn for confirmation. “…Right?”
You nodded, laughing again.
“Yes, I got sick of missing you guys while you were traveling the world,” you grinned and Reggie squeezed your shoulder, a reminder that his arm was still around you. Luckily all the guys were pretty touchy so it seemed friendly enough. “So I’ll be with you for the rest of the tour!”
The guys all cheered at your announcement and you grinned, so thankful to be back with them.
You’d made it surprisingly long into the North American leg of their tour before any mishaps occurred. You couldn’t quite believe you’d made it that long given that all you and Reggie wanted to do in your free time was stay wrapped up in each other but there wasn’t exactly the privacy for that.
Still, you couldn’t help but be frustrated when the slip-up finally happened.
You’d been backstage before one of their concerts, the guys had left you and Reggie alone in their dressing room so you took advantage of your momentary privacy and leaned in to give your boyfriend a good-luck kiss on the cheek. Of course, it was just your luck that the guys would bust back in looking for their bandmate just as your lips made contact with his cheek and before you knew it you were giving the other three boys good luck kisses and mentally cursing yourself while Reggie held back a laugh.
Needless to say, you were more careful next time but you were still stuck giving good luck kisses for the next few performances because the guys insisted that they actually performed better.
Of course, that whole ordeal was completely forgotten on the night of their last performance. You were all back in LA and after this performance, you’d be returning to your own homes and beds to sleep for the first time in weeks for you and months for the rest of the group. You knew they were all excited to be back home even though they loved touring.
You were excited to be home too, and maybe that was why you completely forgot the lesson you’d learned earlier on the tour and pulled Reggie in for a kiss when the guys stepped out of the dressing room for the final show.
It had meant to be a quick kiss so that the two of you could follow right behind them without arousing suspicions. However, you didn’t stop him when he pulled you in closer, prolonging your kiss. You were so focused on each other that neither of you heard the door open as Luke came back in to grab his forgotten guitar pick.
“Holy shit!” He yelled back down the hallway, scaring you and Reggie.
The two of you jumped apart hastily, but the damage had already been done. You could hear two pairs of footsteps as Bobby and Alex came running back down the hallway.
“You both owe me ten bucks!” Luke yelled triumphantly as the two boys appeared in the doorway.
“Aw, man are you serious?” Alex whined. “You guys couldn’t have waited until after the concert?”
Your jaw dropped open as the blond drummer and your brother began rummaging through their coats that had been left strewn across the dressing room couch for their wallets, each pulling out a ten-dollar bill and handing them to the guitarist.
“Y-you… you knew? And you were betting on us?” You sputtered, looking between the three guys in pure disbelief before whirling on your brother. “I can’t believe you!”
“Sorry, y/n, you’re not slick at all,” he shrugged, smiling smugly. “All the phone calls to Reggie specifically and then the good luck kisses?” He shook his head mockingly.
“But, it was fun to watch you both squirm,” Luke added and you glared at him.
“I can’t believe you guys,” you pouted, glaring at the three of them.
“Well, at least we don’t have to sneak around anymore,” Reggie pointed out, slipping his hand into your own and you turned to smile up at him.
You leaned up to press a kiss to his lips and heard the guys groan.
“Okay but I still don’t want to see that!” Bobby whined and you smiled into the kiss, flipping your twin off with your free hand.
“What the hell are you guys still doing back here, we have a show to do!” You heard Julie call, her voice getting closer as she approached. “Oh, I see. It’s great that you guys are public now but we still have to get onstage.”
You laughed as you pulled away from the kiss.
“Knock ‘em dead, rockstar,” you said softly before letting go of his hand so he could follow his bandmates out into the hallway.
JATP Taglist: @meangirlsx @morganayennefertyrell
#jatp#jatp fic#julie and the phantoms#reggie peters#reggie jatp fic#jatp reggie#reggie jatp#reggie peters fic#sunset curve#luke patterson#alex mercer#bobby wilson#bobby jatp#bobby's sister#reggie x reader#reggie peters x reader
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Hero Complex | Owen Patrick Joyner
Requested by anonymous: Hi!! Can you do one where the reader is Jeremys little sister and she comes to set and hits it off with Owen and they start to hang out a lot and Jeremy gets really protective of her
A/N: I hope this is what you were looking for!
Pairing: Owen Patrick Joyner x Little Shada!Reader, Jeremy Shada x Little Sister!Reader
Warnings: fluff, big fight, anxiety
Words: 7,084
Reader’s POV
Jeremy and I have been the best of friends ever since the day I was born. He might be my older brother, but I’ve always considered him more like my best friend. We used to play games together when we were younger where I’d pretend to be a princess and he was the knight protecting my castle from dragons and dangerous monsters. Or, when we were in a swimming pool, I’d pretend to be a mermaid and he was my dolphin. We played so many pretend games, I’d lost track of most of them. When we got older and made a lot of new friends, we still tried to take at least one night in the week where we’d spend time together, whether it was watching movies together or jamming or just chatting about absolute nonsense or going out together. I even got to be his best (wo)man when he married Carolynn about a month ago, and we’ve been calling each other non-stop since he started this new project of his with Netflix called Julie and The Phantoms. I helped him prepare for his audition and was equally as excited as he was when he got it. This role was written for him. Though, when bootcamp and filming started, it did mean I’d have to miss him for a very long time since he was all the way in Vancouver for months on end. So, now I’ve come up with the idea to go and visit him and Carolynn in Canada. I’d called Carolynn to help me out and surprise him. She picked me up from the airport just a few minutes ago, and as we’re catching up in the car, I can’t help but feel giddy at seeing my brother again. It feels ages since I’ve last seen him at his wedding. That’s also when I saw the rest of the cast last. Jeremy had introduced me to the ones that were at the party, and I loved hanging out with them. It felt like being introduced to one big family that quickly became part of my own family. That was one fun night, but that’s all it was. One night of spending time with all these people and then never hearing or seeing them again. To be fair, they were all really busy with rehearsals and filming and everything. “Are you ready?” Carolynn asks when we’re at the door of their Vancouver apartment. “Yes!” I reply in a hushed voice, just to make sure Jeremy doesn’t hear me. Carolynn unlocks the door and walks in first, I follow suit. My eyes dart around quickly to take in as much as possible before the two of us turn a corner to the living room here Jeremy’s on the couch, watching something on the tv. “What’re you watching, bro?” His head snaps up at the sound of my voice, his eyes widening as he takes in my presence. “No way!” he exclaims as he gets up quickly and rushes over to me, taking me in his arms in a bone-crushing hug. “I can’t believe you’re here!” he mumbles in my ear as he twirls me around. “I wanted to surprise you,” I tell him as he puts me down again, taking my hands in his instead. “I don’t go back to college until like next week, so I figured, why not?” I’m overexplaining again, I know it. Jeremy doesn’t care how I’m here, he just cares that I’m here. “You wanna come to Set with me today?” he asks with this sparkle in his eyes he only gets when he’s really excited about something. “I’m sure the others would love to see you again!” I can’t help the smile tugging at my lips as I think about how much fun they all were at the wedding. There’s no denying that I’d love to see them again too. So, I nod my head eagerly, earning an excited squeal from the boy in front of me. “The driver will be here in half an hour, you need some time to freshen up after your flight?” “Yes, please!” Carolynn guides me to the bathroom where she puts out a pair of towels for me. I shoot her a thankful smile and when she’s out of the bathroom, I get into the shower. Once I’m all dressed and ready to go, the driver is already in front of the building. “Hey, Darren,” Jeremy greets as he gets in. “My little sister’s coming with me today.” He buckles himself into the seat as I do the same. “Hi, I’m Y/N, it’s nice to meet you,” I say to the driver. He gives me a kind smile through the rearview mirror, letting out a small ‘hi’. He must not be very talkative. “What scenes are you filming today?” I ask my brother instead whilst the driver heads down to the next stop. “I think there’s a gig scene we’re filming today,” he answers, and the car comes to a standstill. “We’ve got about ten more minutes before Charlie and Owen head down. You want some coffee?” My eyes bulge out of their sockets at the thought of caffeine alone. I’ve been up for so long, I could use a good shot of wakeup-juice. “Guess that’s a yes. Let’s go!” he lets out a chuckle before getting out of the car with me in tow. “Do I need to remember anything I can or can’t do on set?” I ask the only thought that’s been haunting my mind since coming up with this idea. I knew he was going to have to work, and I also knew he would want to bring me to set. As a newbie to this entire world of filming a show, I worried I would be in the way or say the wrong things or break something. I knew I needed some pointers from my best friend to calm me down. “Just try not to trip over anything, Clumsy,” he simply answers before turning to the barista. This coffee shop seems really quiet at this time of the day, there are no customers at the counter. Just a few at the tables, most of them with their laptops open. “A large coffee with two extra espresso shots, and a medium black coffee to go, please,” he tells the man behind the counter. “Can I get your names, please?” he asks with the pen in hand. “You can write Shada on both of them,” Jeremy answers. The man nods his head curtly before scribbling down the name on both cups. He pays the barista and then moves to the end of the counter, pulling me along. “Filming with Kenny Ortega is really chill, Lil’ One, no need to worry,” he reassures me, taking me into a side-way hug, planting a kiss to my hair. “I’m just really nervous to be on a set, does that sound ridiculous?” I ask, twisting the bracelet around my wrist. It’s the one I got from Jeremy and Carolynn for Christmas last year. “No, I think that’s pretty normal. I ought to bring you to set more often, get you used to it all.” “Yeah,” I agree in a hushed voice, going over every possible situation that could go wrong. My train of thought is interrupted by the barista calling out our last name, sliding the two cups over at us. I grab the large cup whilst Jeremy takes his, and exit the joint to head back to the car. “Oh, seems like we’re right on time,” he points out, waving at two boys near the car. The brunette I know as Charlie, waves back before hopping into the front seat next to Darren. The blonde guy, better known as Owen, doesn’t get in yet, and instead waits for us to reach the car. He holds the door open for me, letting me get in first before hopping in himself. Jeremy jogs to the other side, getting in there. Now I’m squeezed between the two boys, clutching my coffee as if my life depends on it. “It’s good to see you again, lil’ Shada,” Charlie says, turning to face us. I giggle at the nickname. They’d called me that at the wedding. The entire night. “Surprising your big brother?” I nod my head in response. “Yeah, I didn’t have anything better to do, so… Came to annoy my brother and his buddies at work.” This makes all three boys laugh, which, not going to lie, makes me feel ten times more at ease. I thought seeing the boys again would be awkward. It’s anything but that. They make me feel so relaxed, and as though I’m a part of their group. Once we’re at the set, Jeremy introduces me to most of the crew and the rest of the cast, but especially Kenny Ortega. “Oh, look at that! Lil’ Shada’s here!” he says, opening his arms for a hug, which I gladly give him. I did meet him at the wedding, but it was so brief, I didn't think he’d remember me. “Hi, Kenny!” I greet excitedly and then let go of him. “You don’t mind if I hang around the set the next couple of days, right?” He inspects me from head to toe, eyebrows raised, and I can’t help the anxiety that’s welling up inside of me. I knew I shouldn’t have come over, I knew this was a bad idea. Kenny doesn’t want me here. I’m just going to be in the way of his mastermind working its magic on this show. I’m going to be a distraction for the actors, especially Jeremy. “Of course I don’t mind, Lil’ Shada! Jeremy's family is my family!” The pressures and intrusive thoughts wash away immediately. Those are the words I needed to hear. I sometimes think I need too much affirmation and confirmation, that other people get annoyed. My therapist told me that’s just my anxious brain speaking. He said if I want confirmation, I need to ask for it. Jeremy has been a great sport in my mental health journey from the very beginning. He took me to my sessions, did the exercises my therapist gave me with me. He’s always making sure I’m okay and gives me the confirmation I need whenever he feels I need it. Which is always at the right moment. “See, Lil’ One? Told you it would be okay!” I shoot both the men a thankful and relieved smile. Kenny places a hand on my shoulder as he passes me, leaving Jeremy and me all by ourselves. “You wanna go to makeup and wardrobe with me?” he asks, to which I nod. He then grabs my hand and leads me to the destined trailer. The second I step inside, I hear an ear-piercing screech coming from one of the chairs, and before I know it, I’m engulfed in a group hug by two pairs of arms. The sweet floral scent entering my nose tells me who it is without having to look at them. Savannah Lee May and Victoria Caro. “Hi, girlies,” I giggle, hugging them back equally as tight. The two let go of me, keeping me at arms length to inspect my entire being. Their make-up is only half done, Savannah’s hair is curled to perfection whilst Tori’s is put up in curlers. “I can’t believe you’re here, Lil’ Shada!” Savannah says, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. “We were just talking about you last night,” she points at Tori, who nods vigorously. “Yeah! We were wondering when we’d see you again because we missed you after your brother’s wedding!” the smaller girl explains. My heart melts at the idea of these two girls caring so much about me, they’re wondering when they’d see me again. “Aw, you guys! I missed you too!” I pout, trying my hardest not to start crying from happiness. “Hey! What about us?!” Owen’s voice sounds from the back of the trailer. I turn around to find him in the last chair, getting his hair done. “I missed you too, Owen, but I already saw you earlier!” I tell him whilst making my way to Madison and Jadah in the other chairs. I hug them each from behind, making sure not to ruin their neatly-done hair. “Yeah! But you didn’t say you missed us!” he exclaims. His bottom lip sticks out in a pout. Shaking my head, I make my way towards him and place my hands on his shoulders as I stand behind him. “I thought that was a given,” I whisper in his ear and then turn again to find Sacha and my brother near the doorway. The latter is looking at me with happiness emanating from his eyes. “Hey, Sacha!” I offer the boy a wave, which he returns with a smile. A busy-looking woman squeezes past me towards Owen, so I take a step back to give her more room. I watch her as she plays around with his hair, using spritzes of hairspray to keep it in place. I always loved doing other people’s hair when I was younger. I braided all of my cousins’ hair or used curlers on them whilst playing ‘hair-dresser’. My love for hairdressing went out the door as I got older and more anxious, but seeing this woman play around with Owen’s hair so determinedly, it reawakens the desire and enthusiasm. “This is Teresa,” Owen says when he catches me staring at his head and Teresa’s fingers. “She’s a magician when it comes to hair.” Teresa shoots me a kind smile through the mirror, which I nervously return. They caught me staring, that must’ve been a weird -- and kind of creepy, let’s be honest -- sight. “Y/N used to dream about becoming a hairdresser,” Jeremy informs them when he’s taken a seat in one of the chairs too. As both Teresa and Owen look at me with surprise in their eyes, I feel the heat rising to my cheeks. “You wanna give it a try?” Teresa asks, stepping aside from Owen. I open my mouth in pure horror, not knowing what to tell her. There’s no way I could ever do what Teresa’s doing. What if I mess it up entirely? What if I ruin all the work Teresa has put into his hair? What if I ruin Owen’s hair? “There’s not much you can do wrong with Owen’s hair. It pretty much just does what you ask,” Teresa tries to reassure me after probably seeing the absolute horror in my face. I glance at Owen in the mirror. He gives me an encouraging nod. “Okay…” I mumble and step up to his chair. “How do you need his hair?” I ask Teresa. Owen’s character Alex probably has a specific way to how he wears his hair. He’s a ghost from the 90’s, I’m sure it’s a little different from his usual hairstyle. “Leonardo DiCaprio from Titanic,” Teresa simply replies, which is enough for me to know. I nervously raise my fingers to Owen’s head, suddenly anxious about the fact that I’m going to be touching this attractive man’s hair. My eyes dart over to his reflection in the mirror, our eyes locking. He licks his lips before they curl up into a smile that gives me enough encouragement to just go for it. I play around with it a little and grab a comb to guide me before asking the hairspray. Teresa hands me the bottle and I spritz some more of the product onto his blonde locks. Though Teresa has already done the works, pretty much, I’m just left with the finishing touches. It takes me about five minutes to get it in perfect shape. “You can tell you’ve had years of practice,” Teresa says, impressed at my work. “I mean, you pretty much did the gist, I just… finished it…” I trail off shyly. I avert my eyes from Teresa to Owen, who’s checking himself out in the mirror. “No offense, T,” he starts, turning to Teresa, “But I think someone’s coming for your job.” I’m frozen to the floor from the compliments that I don’t even move when Owen gets up from his chair and turns around. Suddenly, he’s mere inches away from me and all I can do is crane my neck to look up at him. A vibe I never felt around him when I first met him surrounds us now, resting down on us like a blanket. I don’t know why this is happening or how, but all I can see for a good minute is Owen and his tender smile. Until he places his hands on my waist, picks me up, and puts me down again a feet further. “I gotta go,” he says with a smile, “See you around, Lil’ Shada.” He boops my nose. The sudden movement startles me a little. I watch him walk out of the trailer before I come back from my daze and find everyone else in the trailer looking at me. “What?!” I ask, confused at why I’m being stared at. “What was that about?” Jadah asks, chuckling as she turns to face me. “What was what?” I ask again, seriously unaware what had just happened. “You, pretty much drowning in Owen’s eyes,” Madison reminds me. The thought of Owen’s eyes looking into mine just minutes ago warms me up from the inside out. Especially the nose-boop. “What?! No, I wasn’t,” I deny, but I don’t think I can hide it from either of these people. Thank God Jeremy had left before Owen. He would not have liked that. Jeremy is an amazing brother, but he can get a little overprotective when it comes to love-interests. “I’m gonna go…” I cough awkwardly, trying to come up with a good excuse, “Find my brother…” That feeling I had in that trailer doesn’t subside for the rest of the day. Sometimes I think it does, and then Owen looks my way or sends me a wink from the other side of the room and I’m back to feeling absolutely and utterly mushy. “Hey, you wanna go get lunch with us, Lil’ One?” Jeremy asks around noon when they’re done filming the scene. I take a look behind him, Owen and Charlie standing there, awaiting my answer. I lock eyes with Owen again, and he offers me a beautiful smile that persuades me. “Yeah, sure,” I reply and link my arm with Jeremy’s. The two other boys fall into step with us, Owen on my left, Charlie on Jeremy’s right. “Where are the others?” I ask. Not that I don’t like the idea of having lunch with these three boys. I just really like hanging out with the others too. “They had to start filming another scene, they had lunch earlier,” Jeremy informs me as we enter the restaurant on the other side of the street from the lot. Owen takes a seat next to me while Jeremy and Charlie sit down on the opposite side of the table. “So, Lil��� Shada,” Charlie starts after we’ve ordered our food and drinks. “I heard you did Owen’s hair this morning…” I am taken aback by his subject of choice, especially since he makes it sound so teasing. My eyes dart from my brother to Charlie and back, unsure of what to say. Owen jumps to the rescue then, feeling me tense up beside him. “Yeah, she did a wonderful job! Her fingers are kinda like magic.” I look up at him, earning a smile from him in return. “Yeah, well, what can I say? It’s a talent,” I flip my hair over my shoulder confidently, though in my mind I’m wondering where all this confidence comes from. Even Jeremy is a little surprised by it whilst the other boys just laugh. “Maybe you should ask Kenny to start next week,” Charlie suggests with an excited grin. “Yeah! Then you could stay with us longer!” Owen’s enthusiasm dazzles me even more so than the words that come out of his mouth. He wants me to stay longer… “I still have to get through college, you guys. I can’t just quit?” I’m catapulted back into reality as those words roll off my mouth. “Do you know how much college costs?!” Owen and Charlie share a glance, wondering if either one of them knows. “I’m an actor, Lil’ Shada, so no…” Owen whispers in my ear without breaking eye contact with his buddy on the other side of the table. I let out a laugh, shaking my head in amusement. “How long are you staying?” Charlie then asks, his eyes flickering from me to Owen and back. “A week. I start college again next Monday,” I reply when the waitress finally brings us our food. “Thank you,” I say to her with a smile, the others doing the same. “So, you’re just gonna stay a week?” Owen queries before taking a bite from his lunch. “Yep… Going home on Sunday,” I answer. The disappointment in his face is prominent. “But I might come back soon if Jeremy will let me.” My eyes dart over to my brother, who hasn’t said much since we sat down. “Can’t really say no to Lil’ Shada, can I?” My lips curl up in thankfulness. “Besides, I think the rest of the cast would hate my ass if I took you away from them.” His eyes flick towards Owen for a split second. He has caught on to the vibe Owen and I have been giving off towards each other. Maybe it’s not just in my mind. “That’s very true,” Owen agrees, his mouth full of food. I turn my head to look at him, eyebrows raised at his immature way of eating his food. My eyes then fall on his chin, which has a little dressing seeping down it. I raise my hand and swipe my finger across his skin, taking the sauce away. He freezes at that moment, halting mid-chew. “Dressing,” I show him before licking it off my thumb. He swallows harshly and when I look back at the boys on the other side of the table, they’re staring at me too with wide eyes. “Someone ought to get this dude a bib,” I joke, trying to take the tension away. Charlie lets out a laugh, nodding his head agreeingly before turning back to his food. My brother, however, just raises his eyebrows at me. He doesn’t love the idea of his little sister being intimate with anyone. Especially not one of his best buddies. I can’t help it though. I’m a twenty-one year old woman, I have feelings. I have hormones. Jeremy’s overprotectiveness isn’t going to take away the fun from this week. I’m not going to let it.
And I don’t. I spend the entire week on set, either hanging out with some of the girls or with my brother and the other boys. Teresa lets me help out in the mornings with the cast’s hair, teaching me some new tips and tricks. If anything, it just brings me closer to the cast, which is a nice bonus. Mainly because it also brings me closer to Owen. The connection we created during my time in Vancouver has only grown from that first day. Whenever Jeremy’s not around or he can’t hear it, the two of us harmlessly flirt with one another and, whenever he doesn’t have a scene to shoot, we hang out together. One day, he took me to Julie’s bedroom set where we sat on her bed and talked until we fell asleep huddled up into a cuddle. Jeremy wasn’t happy when he found us like that. Even though I did tell him it was just an innocent nap. He didn’t take it. My brother’s disapproval didn’t stop us though. We just kept going to that set to take a nap together. It has become my favorite part of the day. “Hey,” he captures my attention. We’re cuddled up on Julie’s bed, legs entangled. My head’s resting on his chest, one arm slung over his stomach whilst the other is squished between our bodies. He has his left arm draped around my shoulder, his fingers trailing up and down my arm. “What?” I ask, looking up at him. He’s staring at the decorative lights above us. “Do you really have to leave tomorrow?” His voice sounds so soft, I’d almost believe he’s sad. “I mean… Yeah… I don’t think I can miss my first classes of the semester,” I whisper as though it’s a secret. My fingers start drawing patterns on his chest and abdomen as my eyes focus on them instead of his face. I’m too scared I might kiss him if I keep looking at him. “Can’t you follow them online? Or just… I don’t know…” he exhales deeply, my head bobbing along. “I just don’t want you to leave yet.” I want to reply, but people bursting in the room cut me off. I scramble upright, terrified it might be Jeremy. Instead, Owen and I are tackled by Charlie, Savannah and Madison. “Group cuddle!” they scream, making me and Owen giggle. I go back to my previous position while Charlie comes to rest his head on my thigh, his arms around my waist, the rest of his body curled up between Owen and me. Savannah takes Owen’s other side, mirroring my position while Madi rests her head on his stomach. “What were you guys chatting about so intimately?” Savannah asks, followed by a yawn. “Me leaving,” I sigh joylessly. I feel Charlie’s arms tighten around me and Owen tense beneath me. Savannah’s eyes lock with mine, a pout forming on her face. “I don’t want you to leave. It’s been way too fun with you around,” she whispers. “I agree,” Charlie mutters. “Ditto,” says Madison, making me smile widely. Even more so when Owen presses a kiss to my hair. This is where I want to be for the rest of my life. Not on some stupid campus studying for a job I don’t even want to do. I need more time with these people. And I’m going to get it. It’s about time I did something for myself instead of constantly doing shit for others.
“Can I talk to you guys for a moment?” I ask Carolynn and Jeremy at the dinner table. Jeremy halts, his fork lifted mid-air, while Carolynn simply places her cutlery down, giving me her undivided attention. I inhale deeply, trying to gather all of my courage. “I was wondering if I could stay here a little longer? I haven’t talked to mom and dad yet, but I wanna do an independent study this year while interning with Teresa.” Jeremy drops his fork on his plate, a loud clatter echoing through the place. “She asked if that would be something I’m interested in, and to be quite frank, I am. Helping around this week really reminded me of how much I loved doing it.” I glance at Jeremy, noticing how tense and frustrated he’s becoming with every word I say. “Being a doctor was never my dream, Jer. It was mom’s. I think I need to do this. I need to do more things for myself instead of wanting to please others.” “I agree, sweetie,” Carolynn chimes in, offering me a supportive smile before the two of us turn back to the man of the house. He has his lips pursed, clearly mulling this over in his head. “This is about Owen, isn’t it?” he finally asks. The mention of the boy I had grown so attached to startles me at first, I didn’t expect him to be brought up in this conversation since it has nothing to do with him. “He put you up to this?” I open my mouth, but no sound comes out. I have no clue what to tell him. On one hand, I do want more time with him and Charlie and all the other cast members. I want more time with my brother. But I can’t hide that it’s mostly Owen that’s drawing me here. Spending time with him made me feel so much more connected to myself, in some way. He calms my anxiety. He makes me feel happy. Genuinely happy. “Of course he didn’t, Jer. Why would he do that?” I finally manage to bring out. “Because you’re clearly in love with him, Y/N!” The loudness of his voice and harshness of his tone makes me flinch. “But he’s not right for you! He’s distracting you from your goals, making you think this is what you want! You don’t know what love feels like but you think you do! You and Owen can’t happen, and you can’t stay here. You have to go back home!” The anger and frustration builds inside of me, and pours out in the form of tears. “You don’t have a say in this, Jer! I am twenty-one, I’m not a child anymore! I can decide what I want to do with my life and I can decide who I love!” I’m surprised by the words that flow out of my mouth. “I get that you wanna be the protective brother, Jeremy, but this is going too far. You have to let me make my own mistakes! You have to let me live my life the way I want it to!” He angrily shoves his chair back when he stands up in frustration, making Carolynn flinch. “You’re still a child, Y/N!” he shouts at me. I stand up too, leaning my hands on the tabletop. “I’m not even a year younger than you, Jer! If I’m a child, so are you!” I yell back. “At least I’m married and have a family!” he aggressively points at Carolynn, who’s rubbing her face in desperation. My eyes flicker from my sister-in-law back to my brother. “I would be in a relationship if you didn’t scare off every person I ever brought home!” “I didn’t want you getting hurt, but did I ever get a thank you for that?!” I scoff at him. He’s not playing the petty card right now. “That’s just life, Jer! People get hurt! People break your heart! But you never even let me experience that pain because you’re too obsessed with being the good brother!” My heart is pounding out of my chest. Jeremy and I have never fought like this. Sure, we used to bicker when we were teenagers, but it’s always been something stupid. This screaming match sounds like years of bundled up distress from both of us. “You have a hero complex, Jer…” I lower the volume of my own voice. Jeremy lets his head drop, knowing all too well I’m right. About everything. About the hero complex, about him meddling in my life. Everything. “I think it’s better if you go to your room for a while, Y/N,” Carolynn orders sweetly. The pent-up anger still hasn’t gone completely, it makes me want to lash out at Carolynn too. “Still not a child,” I mutter instead before grabbing my bag and leaving the apartment. Once the cold Vancouver air hits me, the realization of what just happened does too. The tears escape again, along with anger and regret. I don’t regret what I said to my brother. It’s the truth. It’s exactly what I’ve been thinking for years. What I do regret is telling him all of that in a burst of anger instead of a civilized conversation like we used to back in the day. That’s the only thing I really do regret. After a while of roaming the streets of Vancouver and getting riled up about the whole situation again, I find myself aggressively knocking at Charlie and Owen’s door. I don’t know where else to go and Owen’s the only one who could calm me down from the anger and frustration I’m still holding inside for my brother. I still can’t believe he even dared to say that to me. “Lil’ Shada!” Charlie greets excitedly, but his smile quickly disappears upon seeing my state of being. Jaw clenched, balled fists, tears running down my face. “Hey, Gorgeous, are you okay?” Owen appears in the door too after hearing Charlie utter my nickname. Upon seeing the boy, I race into the apartment, grab his face and bring him down to meet his lips. He’s startled at the force and aggression I’m putting into this kiss, but that soon dissolves when he kisses back. His hands find their way to my waist, pulling me closer and closer until I can’t do anything else but wrap my legs around his waist. He holds me tight, scared he might drop me while my fingers find their way into his hair. I pull back from his lips, but keep my forehead pressed to his. Both of us are panting from the intensity. I can tell from that sparkle in his eyes he has no clue what happened, but he wanted it to happen for a while. “I’m gonna stay,” I tell him in a whisper, which only makes the sparkle in his eyes more earnest. Without another doubt, he crashes his lips on mine again. This time, he takes it a little slower, making it more sensational without depriving it from the sizzle from before. I try to forget about the fight I’d just had with Jeremy and focus solely on Owen, but my brain counteracts. His words are on repeat in my mind like syncopated beats. This time Owen pulls back when he no doubtedly tastes the saltiness of my tears mixing in with the passion. He looks at me, the sparkle in his eyes making room for worry. “Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” he whispers, putting me down on my feet again but keeping his arms around me and my body close. “I’m sorry, I just…” I inhale sharply, “I had a major fight with Jeremy and I just can’t shake it. I have never seen him like this…” Owen snakes his arms around my shoulders, pushing him closer into his chest. He lets me cry for a while, holding me in his arms until I’ve calmed down a little. He takes me to the couch where Charlie’s sitting too. I hadn’t even noticed him still in the room, let alone that he moved. “Talk to me, Gorgeous,” Owen whispers, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. He’d stopped calling me “Lil’ Shada” a while ago, which makes me feel like I’m more than just Jer’s little sister. Savannah told me it was what he did to anyone he liked. Those little details are his way of showing his appreciation or love to someone. I like the small details in Owen’s love language. “I wanted to ask him and Care if I could stay at their place a little while longer, and I told him about the independent study and internship I wanted to do while here. For some reason, he thought I was doing all of this for you, that you put me up to this.” Owen inhales sharply at this. I can tell he hates being part of a fight between two people that mean a lot to him. “I told him it had nothing to do with you, but he didn’t believe me. He was shouting and screaming that I was still a child and that I couldn’t make my own decisions. I told him he had a hero complex,” I scoff at myself. This whole fight sounds even more ridiculous now. “Told him that he wants to be the good brother and that he has this idea of being a good brother that doesn’t let his little sister live… or love.” Owen’s eyes flick at mine, a small smile tugging at his lips. “I shouldn’t have shouted at him though… This was all just pent-up anger and frustration from the past twenty-one years. I should’ve just told him to back off like an adult instead of yelling at him like a child.” I glance at Charlie, who had been listening to the entire conversation. His eyes look somber, almost heartbroken. These two boys are just too good for this world. I can’t imagine a life without them anymore. “We both acted like children,” I mutter, shaking my head. There’s rap on the door, shaking all three of us awake from the somber cloud we’re all on because of me. We exchange glances, knowing exactly who’s at the door. Charlie goes first, Owen and me following suit. The anxiety welling up inside of me must be visible to him because he takes my hand, intertwining our fingers as we stand a little behind Charlie as he opens the door. “Hey, Char… Is Y/N here?” I hear my brother ask. The Canadian boy opens the door a little further, presenting Owen and I. Jeremy had been crying too, I can tell. His eyes are red and puffy, his lips swollen from biting on them in distress. “I’m so sorry, Lil’ One,” he mutters from the door. That’s enough for me to let go of Owen and launch myself into my brother’s arms. He’s stunned at first, but then wraps his arms around me too. “I know I can be a little overbearing sometimes, but you have to know it’s only because I love you,” he whispers in my ear, followed by a sniffle. “You’re an adult, just like me, and it’s time I treat you like one.” I push him back slightly but keep my hands on his shoulders. “It’s about time you figured that out.” He lets out a chuckle, dropping his head in defeat. “Hey,” he looks back up. “Thanks for looking out for me. I know you mean well.” “We’re family, Lil’ One, we’re supposed to look out for one another,” he looks past me at the two other boys, “We’re all family.” Charlie and Owen walk up to us, the latter scratching the back of his head with a pained expression on his face. “Yeah, can we not call it a family? Because otherwise, I’m in love with a family member.” He places his hands on my shoulders and presses a kiss to my hair. I meet his eyes whilst my heart beats faster. He’s in love with me. A boy I’m in love with is in love with me too. I mean, of course he is, he wouldn’t have kissed me like that. Jeremy glances from me to Owen and back, trying to decide what to think about this entire situation. I can tell it’s hard for him to let this idea of his little sister go, but he’s trying. “Be careful with her, alright? You might be my best friend, but I will not hesitate to kill you,” Jeremy’s pointing at Owen, a harsh look on his face. “Bro, I could never hurt her,” he reassures my older brother, and me at the same time. “You better keep that promise, Joyner!” That night, Jeremy calls Carolynn over too, and the five of us sit on the couch all night, talking and watching movies. I love being in Owen’s arms so much. Though we used to cuddle and be flirty with each other before, it really does give a whole different vibe knowing I could just turn my head and kiss him now. My parents allow me to stay in Vancouver and go through with my plan, much to all of our relief. Days on set are amazing. I help Teresa and the other hairstylists every morning and during all the scenes when they need touch ups, spend every night at Owen’s and Charlie’s place, and have the most fun I ever had in my life with all these people around here. “Cuddle session?” Owen whispers in my ear when we’re rounding up the scene. His sudden hands on my shoulders and lips against my ear makes me jump at first, but I calm down just as quickly. “Baby, I’m working,” I giggle, clearing all the hair products from the table, knowing he’ll convince me within five seconds. Teresa really is a very loose mentor and wouldn’t mind if I escaped now. “But you’re almost finished though? And Teresa is here to take over from you?” he tries, which makes me look up at him, and then at Teresa. The woman I call my Canadian mother winks at me, letting me know I’m good to go. I turn around in Owen’s arms, wrapping my arms around his neck. “You are so lucky Teresa’s this awesome,” I tell him and peck his lips quickly. “Thank you, T.” I grab Owen’s hand and guide him to the bedroom set we’d used so many times for cuddles, whether that be alone or with the others. The second we’re in the room, Owen tugs at my arm, making me stumble into him with a squeal. Before I can ask what he’s doing, he cups my face with his warm hands and brings me in for a passionate kiss. He pushes me backwards when I kiss back, right until I feel the bed push into the back of my knees. I crawl backwards, Owen following suit as he’s still attached to my lips. He pulls back for a moment, looking me in the eyes with those tender eyes of his. He’s holding up his weight by placing a hand next to my head, using the other to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. “I love you,” he whispers, causing the corners of my mouth to curl up into a smile automatically. “I love you too,” I whisper back and diminish the space between our lips by pulling him down by the back of his neck. My fingers tangle up into the blonde hair I styled this morning. Doing his hair might just be my favorite part of the day, along with this. “Group cuddle!” Our intimate moment is disturbed by a mop of our friends attacking us on the bed. With a groan, Owen drops next to me, the others piling onto us. That lunch break, all of us take a collective nap on Julie’s bed, some on stomachs, on chests, shoulders, thighs. All our limbs are tangled up together, no bystander would be able to tell which limb belongs to who. To say my new job is the best ever would be an understatement.
Taglist: @hannahhistorian92 @marinettepotterandplagg @thequirkybookaholic @bookdealer5 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @hemmingsness @iainttakingshitfromnobody @ifilwtmfc @angryknightstatesmantrash @kiss-themoongoodbye @rudysbay @caitsymichelle13 @thedarkqueenofavalon
Lemme know if you wanna be on my taglist!
#julie and the phantoms#julie and the himbos#owen joyner#owen patrick joyner#owen x reader#little sister!reader#little sister!reader x Jeremy Shada#Jeremy shada#alex jatp#reggie jatp#charlie gillespie#luke patterson#madison reyes#julie molina#jadah marie#flynn jatp#savannah lee may#carrie wilson#tori caro#kayla jatp#carolynn shada#jatp#owen joyner fic
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Cheer up!
Summary: anon requested the reader being down for no reason the sunset curve boys cheering her up
Words: 1.6k
Warnings: lots of platonic cuddles
Pairings: none
Did I expose my touch starvedness with this one? Yes. Also terribly sorry to the anon who requested this and then had to wait two weeks.
Julie just kept walking by as she watched you flop down on your bed. You stayed face down, not really feeling the need to get up.
You thought you heard her lean on the frame in your doorway but when you turned around no one was there so you just shrugged it off and face planted back on your bed.
But pretty soon you jumped up when you felt a hand tap your shoulder.
He grimaced. “Sorry didn’t mean to scare you,” he apologized.
“Didn’t Julie just tell you guys off about boundaries?” You narrowed your eyes at him.
He looked slightly guilty. “Yes, but there’s an exception today,” Luke hinted.
“And what would that be?” you grumbled.
“Because you’re all upset and shit,” he explained.
You half expected him to be joking but he was looking at you with complete seriousness. You felt your heart melt a little bit.
“And why do you know that?” you asked out of curiosity.
“Because you’ve been moping around all day!” Julie exclaimed. You turned to see your sister in the doorway.
“I have not!” you defended yourself. You looked to Luke for support but he was seemingly very interested in looking out your windows.
“Y/n you have barely left your room today, so you’re hanging out with them till you stop being a sad bitch,” she demanded.
You started to say how uncalled for she was being but she just ignored you and walked out.
You groaned and flopped back down on your bed. Luke’s lips twitched up in a way that you could tell he was trying not to laugh at you. “Oh no, I’m gonna need backup, aren’t I?” Luke rhetorically asked.
Before you could utter an ‘I’m fine’ the three were in your room. “Y/n you know what always makes me feel better when I’m sad?” Reggie asked. You rolled over to your side. “What Reggie?”
He started backing into a corner of your room. “Doing cannonballs.” He started sprinting over to your bed and you quickly rolled off with a yelp as you hit the ground.
Luke high fived Reggie, “Nice, we got her off the bed,” he cheered.
“You guys couldn’t have done that in a way that didn’t potentially send her to the hospital?” Alex asked. He pulled you to your feet, and you squeezed his hands gratefully.
“Meh, it was the more fun way,” Reggie shrugged.
Alex rolled his eyes. “Now come on, we’re going to the studio,” he told you.
You groaned, “No thanks, I’m just gonna stay here.” You could tell by the looks on their faces, that they were not going to give up that easily.
“Y/n I will carry you down there,” Reggie threatened. He crossed his arms, and Luke put his arm around him in agreement. You hopefully looked to Alex for defense but he shook his head at you.
“I’ll come on my own,” you agreed, not wanting to risk them dropping you.
Luke and Reggie shared a glance before trailing behind you to the studio. “Okay, so what do you guys want me to do in here?” you asked, as you walked through the doors.
“Well it’s more of what we want to show you,” Alex half explained.
You raised your eyebrows in confusion.
“We were waiting for a specific time to show you it, but we decided what better time than now,” Luke continued. Whatever it was, they all looked antsy to show it to you.
“So what is it?” Their excitement was starting to pass onto you.
“You have to close your eyes!” Reggie suddenly remembered.
With tight lips and suspicious eyes, you analyzed the three of them. Despite your love of the three you did not trust them for a second.
Luke tilted his head down and glanced up at you. “Come on y/n, you’ll be fine,” he insisted.
You nervously let your eyes shut. You could hear the three shuffling around, and you were pretty sure you heard someone trip; which you had to stifle a giggle at. You felt someone nearing you and you accidentally held your breath.
“Okay y/n you can open your eyes,” Reggie called out.
You opened them to see Alex hiding something behind his back, he pulled it out to show it to you. It was a black cropped leather jacket with little studs scattered on it, he turned it around to show the back which neatly said 'sunset curve manager' in white paint.
You took it into your hands. “Did you guys make this?” you asked in amazement.
“Well, we needed a little help from Flynn, but yeah the four of us made it,” Alex admitted.
You felt your eyes start to heat up. “Thank you guys.”
You couldn’t help but let your mind wander to how much time and effort they had probably put into your gift. Even though you weren’t actually a part of their band, they truly cared about you as if you were. You hugged the jacket to your chest, “I’m literally never taking this off,” you laughed, as your eyes started watering freely.
“Oh no, she’s crying. This is supposed to make her not sad,” Reggie joked. Luke mockingly elbowed him in the ribs.
“Do you need a hug?” Alex offered with open arms.
“Yeah, I’ll take one,” you agreed. You wrapped your arms around him, his sweatshirt was nice and soft, but still cold, since he was a ghost. You hoped you were leaking your tears onto his clothes.
“Can we get in on the hug?” Reggie hopefully asked.
“Sure,” you responded. Before you could move to let them in, they decided it was just best to squish you between them. Luke was to your left and Reggie was to your right. They all tightly squeezed you, as if it was the last time they were gonna get a hug. You could feel all of their hands against your back and you let yourself relax into their arms. As much as you were enjoying the closeness, after a while, it did feel like they were cutting off your air flow.
“Guys, I think you might be killing me,” you announced.
“Oh trust me it’s not that painful you’ll be fine,” Alex told you. You couldn’t currently see his face, but you were certain that he was smirking.
“I love you guys, but I’m not dying today,” you retorted.
They all backed up to give you some room to breathe. “So you wanna talk about what’s wrong?” Luke suggested.
You took a moment to put your feelings into words. “I don’t know, I guess I don’t really have a reason; I’ve just been really down today,” you admitted.
“You know what helps me with that?” Reggie asked.
You turned to him with wide eyes. “Reggie if you are about to almost land on me again I swear to god,” you threatened.
Reggie couldn’t help but laugh at that, and you heard Luke snicker. “No, I was going to say watching a comedy tv show,” he explained.
“Oh, nevermind then,” you backpedaled.
“Come on, I’ll set up the projector,” Luke offered.
“I really don’t want to bother you guys though,” you brought up.
“It’s not bothering if we want to spend time with you, and besides you would really be letting them down they haven’t been able to have a movie night in weeks,” Alex said.
“Are you manipulating me into self care right now?” you questioned.
Alex shrugged and his lips quirked up. “Maybe a little bit.”
“Wow, that’s a low blow for you Alex,” you scoffed. He just shrugged again. But his plan worked, you sat yourself down on the floor, and gladly took the blanket Reggie gave you.
“So what are we watching?” Luke asked the group of you.
“Parks and Rec?” you suggested.
“Sounds good to me,” Alex agreed, and Reggie shook his head.
Luke managed to have minimal struggles getting the show to play but he eventually did and came to sit next to the three of you.
It didn’t take long for all of you to be in a big cuddle pile on the floor along with various pillows and blankets. You were pretty sure Reggie was snoring by the fourth episode. Luke and Alex were practically laying on top of each other. Reggie’s head rested on top of your legs and Luke’s arm was resting on top of your stomach. In that moment you were perfectly comfy and completely happy. The blissful happiness wrapped a warmth around your body, that felt very similar to the hug from earlier. The warmth gently put you to sleep within minutes.
You awoke what felt like minutes later to the lights being flicked on. “Y/n Dad says it’s time for dinner!” Carlos called.
You groaned, “Carlos I was sleeping.”
That did not make Carlos look any more sympathetic. “And we are trying to be eating,” Carlos retorted. The boys started stirring at hearing speaking.
“Fine I’m getting up,” you surrendered.
“So?” Carlos questioned.
“So what?” you asked, as you grabbed your new jacket.
“Did they make you not a sad bitch?”
“Carlos! You can’t say that word!” You heard Luke start loudly laughing behind you.
“Well did they?” he intently asked.
You glanced back at the boys adoringly, “Yes, they did.”
#quillsandtyposwrites#q&t- jatp#q&t- x reader#jatp#julie and the phantoms#jatp x reader#luke patterson#luke jatp#luke patterson oneshot#luke patterson x reader#alex jatp#julie molina#julie molina x sister!reader#reggie peters x reader#reggie peters#julie molina/reader#jatp fluff#reggie x reader#bi julie#bi reggie#sister!reader#sister!Julie#alex mercer#owen patrick joyner#charlie gillespie oneshot#charlie gillespie#jeremy shada#madison reyes#reggie peters imagine#reggie peters oneshot
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Easter Bunny Isn't Real
Alex Mercer X Child!Sister!Reader, Sunset Curve X Child!Mercer!Reader
Summary: Luke spills a secret you and Reggie didn't know.
Warnings: uh... Easter bunny is real? Idk I Don't think kids are on this site but whatever
Readers age: 7
A/n: Happy easter! 😁 This takes place before they die, but I might have one for after they died
Divider: @firefly-graphics
You happily followed your older brother into the garage carrying your easter basket. You paid no attention to the boys once getting in there as you sat down and dug through the basket. Reggie smiled and sat down next to you.
"Reggie look what the Easter bunny brought me!" You said happily.
"Can you share?" He asked.
"Fine. Here." You passed him a egg full of chocolate kisses. "All you get though he left this for me." You sassed.
"Okay!" Reggie happily began eating the chocolate. Luke walked out of the bathroom immediately noticed 7 year old you digging through the basket.
"Hi Luke! The easter bunny came!" You said happily.
"The easter bunny isn't real." Luke stated. Alex looked at Luke glaring while Bobby smacked him. "Ow what!"
"W-what?" You whimpered. Reggie stayed quiet.
"Luke is lying y/n. He's mad the Easter bunny didn't bring him a basket." Bobby said.
"The easter bunny isn't real? My whole life is a lie!" Reggie said pouting. Alex sighed.
"Easter bunny is real. That's why you have the basket." Alex said to you smiling.
"Oh... So luke is a liar?"
#alex mercer#alex mercer x sister!reader#alex mercer x platonic!reader#julie and luke#luke patterson#reggie peters#bobby jatp#reggie julie and the phantoms#julie and the phantoms cast#julie molina#julie and the fat ones#julie and the phantoms#charles jeffrey gillespie#charles gillespie#owen joyner#owen patrick joyner#jeremy shada#taylor kare#easter
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𝐂𝗼𝐥𝗼𝐮𝐫𝐬 | Soulmates AU. Part. Two.
plot: part two of the luke soulmates AU, or in which you do not only see colours when meeting your soulmate but feel their pain as well.
pairing: luke patterson x mercer!fem!reader | sunset curve x mercer!fem!reader | alex mercer x sister!reader | julie molina x mercer!fem!reader
show: julie and the phantoms
warnings: like one or two swear words, maybe?
word count: 6,0k
author’s notes: english is not my first language, apologies for the possible mistakes. this is the second version of this fic. first version has been unpublished. let’s just roll with the fact that julie can see other ghosts for the sake of this story. and also that carlos can see the sunset curve boys after julie saves them from caleb’s stamp, but he cannot see neither reader nor willie.
luke patterson masterlist || part. one. || main masterlist
Los Angeles, 2020
Finding your soulmate again in the afterlife should come with a handbook. Yes, the colours had come back to Y/N, but every day they seemed to flicker away from her sight. Whenever that happens, when the world around her turns black and white for an hour or so, she’d sit in a corner of her room, where she’s been locked up for the past few days, and she’d pull her legs against her chest to bury her head between her knees as silent tears roll down her cheeks. She has no idea why this is happening; maybe because both Luke and her were dead, and being dead and soulmates isn’t the same thing as being alive and soulmates. Or something is happening to Luke, and she has every right to be worried; she’d just gotten him back, after twenty-five years. If something happened to him, or to her brother and Reggie because of her, she’d never forgive herself for it. And on top of the colours fading and coming back, jolts of electricity keep coursing through her body, sending her flying backwards into the wall or the couch in her dressing-room, the pain spreading to her chest as the little purple sparks on her wrist fade. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, boy does it hurt like a bitch.
Tonight is no exception. Like usual since she’d found her boys again, Caleb orders her to stay inside her room, as a punishment for the last time she went up against him; which coincidentally was when Willie introduced her to the boys. Every day she wonders what they’re doing, only having occasional information from William when he sneaks into her dressing-room to let her know how the boys are doing whenever he goes to see them. What she doesn’t know is why Willie goes to see them that often, but she knows he’s got his own reasons. Willie, on the other hand, well… He simply can’t find it in him to tell her the truth. He wants to protect her, he’d promised Alex as soon as she’d disappeared that night and did not show up for Caleb’s little show. He couldn’t tell her that Caleb had managed to put his stamp on her brother and his friends, leaving them no choice but to work for him. He doesn’t tell her that they’re planning on crossing over, to be free of Caleb’s stamp, nor does he tell her that he’s helping them do it. He knows she��d been waiting so long to see them again, and he couldn’t tell her she’d never see them again, no matter the outcome of everything. So, he’d decided to keep her in the dark about everything, for a whole week.
Y/N can faintly hear the musical number beginning downstairs when she returns to her senses, but she’s too preoccupied by the pain spreading from her chest and down to her body. It feels like dying again, the floor being swept off from under her feet as she crumbles to the ground, clutching her stomach. Tears prickle the corner of her E/C eyes, threatening to spill down her face and ruining the make-up she isn’t able to take off. Talk about Caleb’s magic. She despises the place, now more than ever knowing there isn’t even the slightest chance she’d see her boys again. She’s trapped in the Hollywood Ghost Club, ever since she’d agreed to that deal. Y/N knows she’ll forever regret that mistake.
Her body is taken with a slight startle when Willie suddenly appears in the middle of her room. Her eyes go round, mouth hanging open in surprise. She hadn’t seen him in two days, and he seemed rather panicked.
“I’m so– so sorry, Y/N.” William mumbles, kneeling beside her. “I’m so sorry this is happening to you…”
Y/N’s lips, covered in red lipstick, curve into a thin-lipped smile, a trembling breath leaving her chest, and she shifts in her spot to raise a hand against Willie’s cheek. How long do they stay in the comforting silence of her room, they don’t know, but Willie snaps out of it when he hears the faint screams from below them. Y/N then notices that the music's over, and her pulled brows create a frown on her forehead as another jolt of electricity shoots through her body. She doubles over in pain, a groan leaving her lips as she rests her forehead against William’s chest. Her eyes go shut, the prominent lines under them a visible sign of her lack of rest. Sure, ghosts don’t need sleep, but it’s always nice to take a nap once in a while. And Y/N is the female version of her twin brother, a very anxious person. She’s never liked being stuck in a room, alone. This past week has been the worst she’s experienced so far. Well… apart from the year she was alive after the boys’ deaths.
Willie shakes his head solemnly when he sees her state, a sigh leaving past his lips as he scoops the girl in his arms, the coldness of her skin spreading through his. She’s heavy breathing, clinging around his neck as another jolt shocks her, sending her in a coughing fit. The skater knows he won’t be able to poof them both out of the Club and back to Julie’s garage, especially in Y/N’s state. He can only go as far as the street opposite to where the Club is, but they’ll have to walk the rest of the way. He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath as he focuses on the location, before he poofs himself out, still holding onto Y/N.
When the cold air hits her face, Y/N opens her eyes and looks at her surroundings.
“W– why are we here?” She asks, voice wavering. “I– I can’t be out here, I–”
“I need to take you somewhere safer than this place.” Willie interrupts her, his eyes darting to her weak frame. “I won’t let Caleb hurt another one of you.”
At first, she doesn’t understand that he’s speaking about Alex, but it doesn’t take her long to put two and two together as a frown creases her forehead, scrunching up her nose as she overanalyzes Willie’s words, biting on the inside of her cheek. She can tell he’s filled with remorse, and she wonders what has happened while she was locked inside her room. Many thoughts fill her mind and, as much as she doesn’t want to admit it to herself, she knows Caleb had had his ways with the boys that night. Everything suddenly makes sense; the colours fading at the same time as she feels the jolts of electricity, and the colours coming back to her eyesight an hour or two later, the excruciating pain spreading from her chest and down to her body whenever that happens. Caleb had put his stamp on the boys and, because Luke is her soulmate, she can feel his pain. Yeah, soulmates in the afterlife definitely should have come with a handbook or something.
“I think the band’s back.” Luke whispers, smiling at Julie.
A golden aura radiates from his body, his thumb softly brushing against his wrist where the purple stamp had just vanished in a cloud of purple smoke.
“Do you think we could try that hug thing one more time?” Alex asks, his voice soft.
Julike chuckles, nodding her head as she wraps her arms around Alex’s and Reggie’s shoulders, their own arms going around her waist and over Luke’s shoulders, the four of them jumping up and down as they celebrate playing the Orpheum stage. However, their happiness doesn’t last long when Luke breaks away from the embrace, backing away until he falls flat on his butt to the ground as he doubles over in pain. His hands clutch onto his stomach, and he lifts his head up to see the concerned looks of his bandmates.
“Are you okay, Luke?” Julie asks him, voice trembling.
The golden aura around him has faded away, a bright flash of purple appearing on his chest instead. Another groan leaves his lips as he throws his head back against the grand piano behind him. The pain is worse than anything he’s experienced so far; even dying from bad hot dogs seemed sweeter than whatever this is. The colours flicker from his sight and suddenly, Alex’s pink tuxedo blazer becomes a light grey, Reggie’s red vest turns a dark grey, and the blue shirt Julie’s wearing turns darker.
“I– I think something’s wrong with Y/N…” Luke manages to say, a breathy sigh following his words.
“Wh– what do you mean something’s wrong with Y/N?” Alex asks, visibly worried. “Luke, what’s going on?”
Julie watches as Alex walks up to his friend. She knows who the girl is, from the moment she’d met the boys. The blond drummer had told her about his twin sister, admitting that he’d often wondered what Y/N had become since he’d died. Well, that is until he found her at the Hollywood Ghost Club a week ago. But Julie remembers offering her help to look for Y/N with the help of the internet, and she apologized when she couldn’t find anything. She’d found out from Reggie that they’d found her at the Hollywood Ghost Club the night they’d ditched her school dance, but he’d waited until she knew about Caleb to tell her.
Julie also knows Y/N had been Luke’s soulmate when they were alive, and that she still is even in the afterlife. And, as much as it hurts her because she’s had a crush on the lead guitarist since she’d met him, she knows it’s better as such because she’s aware of who her soulmate is, and it isn’t Luke.
Julie shakes her head, worriedly glancing towards Reggie before her eyes land back on her two bandmates by the grand piano.
“Th– the colours…” Luke breathes out as another jolt of electricity courses through his body. “They’re fading… again.”
“Wh– wh– what do you mean they’re fading again?” Alex speaks fast, his anxiety rising. “That only happens when your soulmate dies, and you’re both already dead!”
“I don’t– I don’t know Alex, okay? They’re just– all I see is black and white, alright?”
Tears prickle the corner of Luke’s already swallowed and bloodshot eyes as another jolt reaches his chest. He groans in pain, clutching his stomach and biting down on his lower lip, throwing his head back again to stop the tears from rolling down his cheeks. Alex stands up from his kneeled-down position, and he begins to pace back and forth in the studio, tugging at his blond hair in frustration. Reggie takes it upon himself to stand by Luke’s side then, rubbing a hand up and down his bandmate’s back in hopes to ease his pain away
Julie wants to help, too, but she knows nothing about having a ghost soulmate, nor why Luke keeps having the jolts from Caleb’s stamp when she’d witnessed the purple mark vanish from his wrist. She wants to do something, she really does. She hates to see her bandmates, her friends, in pain but she feels utterly helpless in the moment.
“Hey Julie!”
The teenage girl turns around at the sound of her name, and she sees her little brother standing by the garage doors with a smile on his face. It soon falters, however, when he seems to notice the two ghosts by the grand piano, and the third one pacing back and forth in the middle of the room.
“What’s wrong with your ghost bandmates?” Carlos asks, pointing to the three boys.
Julie widens her eyes in surprise, spinning on her heels to see the boys’ reactions. Alex stops in his tracks, standing frozen in his spot with his eyes wide open in shock as he looks up to Carlos. Reggie seems equally stunned, lips parted and mouth agape. And Luke… Well, Luke would probably have had the same reaction as his two bandmates, if he wasn’t so focused on the pain in his chest.
“Y– you can see them?” Julie asks her brother, dumbfounded.
“Well, yeah. Now I can.” Carlos smiles.
This is all too confusing for Julie; first she manages to touch them. Then, somehow, hugging them and saying she loves them (which is entirely true, she’d tell you) made the stamp on their wrist vanish. And now, it seems that Carlos can see them too. But she doesn’t have time to ponder her questions, because Alex’s voice cuts through her train of thoughts.
Julie lifts her head to look at the drummer, watching as his face falls from shock into concern as he looks past Carlos’ head.
“Oh, my god! What happened?” Alex asks as he rushes outside the studio.
Julie’s eyes follow him, landing on a boy with long brown hair and holding a girl in his arms. She instantly knows who they are, as Alex takes the H/C-haired girl from the boy’s arms, taking her back inside the studio and carefully laying her down on the black-leathered couch. His hand brushes against her cheek to push away the hair stuck to her face. Her eyes are screwed shut, a frown on her forehead whilst her lips are turned upside down into a pout, hands clutching on her stomach. Her body shakes with another jolt, purple sparks erupting from her chest, and Julie watches as Luke’s body does the same thing, sending him backwards into the grand piano.
“I– I think Luke and Y/N are connected in more ways than just the colours.” Julie mumbles, getting all the boys’ attention.
Even Carlos seems suddenly interested, though he can neither see Willie nor Y/N. All he sees is a body print onto the couch, and Alex leaning against the void, his arm wrapped around nothingness. The situation would have been funny, if his sister did not have that worried look on her face.
“I think,” Julie says, getting closer to Luke, “that, since Luke and Y/N are soulmates, they can feel each other’s pain in the afterlife.”
“So…” Reggie trails out, trying to understand where she is going with her explanation. “Luke isn’t freed from Caleb?”
“It’s Y/N who isn’t.” Alex answers for Julie, his voice wavering. “And the colours vanishing from Luke’s sight means that she’s dying. Again.”
“But– if I was able to save you guys because we’re somehow connected, doesn’t that mean Luke is able to save her?” Julie wonders. “Since they’re soulmates, and all.”
Another jolt causes Luke to bring his knees to his chest, Y/N’s body jerking up onto the couch. She does, however, manage to open her eyes, eyelids half-open over her retinas, but still. She can see the lights around her, something different than when she passed out from the pain in Willie’s arms. She can also no longer feel Willie’s arms, but rather a soft material under her back. Faint and muffled voices reach her ears, but a groan stumbling past her lips makes them stop talking. Y/N tries to sit, pushing herself up with her arms, but she fails and falls back into the couch. She begins to cough, her throat itching as another jolt sends a wave of pain in her chest. She hears someone’s footsteps coming closer and, through half-opened lids, she extends her hand for them to take.
“Hey Y/N.”
Alex’s soft voice reaches her ear, a thin-lipped smile growing on her lips.
“Can you hear me?” He asks, brushing the hair away from her face with his free hand.
Y/N nods her head, letting out a small sob as the pain spreads through her body. With the little strength she has left, she squeezes her twin’s hand, her head falling onto the armrest of the couch.
“It’s okay Y/N. You’re safe here. And– we’re going to find something, alright?”
Alex doesn’t know if he’s trying to reassure himself or his sister, but he isn’t certain it’s working for either of them. Still, he smiles when she slowly nods her head, letting him know she’d heard him.
“L– Luke?” Y/N croaks out, coughing. “Wh– where’s Luke?”
At the mention of his name, the lead guitarist from Julie and the Phantoms lifts his head up, glancing at Alex and who stands by the couch. The blond drummer nods his head softly, and both Julie and Reggie help Luke as he tries to stand up, making his way to the couch.
“Hey you.” Luke chuckles, kneeling down next to the couch. “Where have you been for the past week?”
He can guess where she’s been, but he just felt the need to ask her. He’s not certain she’s able to answer, but when he sees her lips turn upwards in a broken smile, he knows she’s heard him. He holds her hand when he catches a glimpse of her trying to reach for his, and he uses his free one to run it through her hair, knowing how much she loves it when he does so. Another chuckle leaves his lips, tears silently rolling down his cheeks as she laughs a little, and he leans down to press a gentle kiss onto her forehead.
“Does it–” Y/N tries to speak, her voice hoarse from the pain. “Does it hurt you– as much as it hurts me?”
Luke nods his head, closing his eyes when he leans his forehead against hers, and he feels her try to weakly squeeze his hand.
“I love you, Y/N.” Luke whispers through tears.
It’s not the first time that he says those words, but it’s the first time in twenty-five years that Y/N hears them again. And she knows that, if she still had a heart, it would be beating out of her chest while butterflies swarm the pit of her stomach, just like when they were alive. She can still remember the feelings, even when on her deathbed. Again.
“I love you more.” Y/N whispers back, somehow managing to press her free hand against his cheek.
The pain subsides inside Luke’s chest, his body quickly recovering from all the jolts of electricity he’s endured. He’s surprised, at first, and it takes a minute for his brain to process what’s happening. He sees Y/N’s hand fall limp at her side, the loss of her touch against his cheek sending shivers down his spine, and he watches as her eyelids drop shut at the same time his vision turns black and white. He backs away from the couch with a jump at the sudden change in his eyesight, almost knocking Julie off her feet as his back collides with her front, but in the same minute he’s kneeling back in front of the couch; his teary eyes roaming across Y/N’s peaceful features as he cradles her face in his hands.
“Luke?” Julie calls him, brows furrowing together. No answer.
“Y/N?” It’s Alex who calls out his twin next, letting go of Willie’s hand as he gets closer to the couch. “Y/N?”
No answer. Alex turns his head to look at Willie, eyes wide and filled with worry and fear. But William can only shake his head as his shoulders rise in a little shrug. He doesn’t know what’s happening either. He’s seen what happens to ghosts gone rogue, however, and to his knowledge they cease to exist after they’ve been stamped by Caleb. He’s seen how it goes, and he knows that the jolts should have killed Y/N, making her disappear from the face of the Earth. Even if she went against Caleb only once.
“What’s happening, Julie?” Carlos asks his sister.
He still cannot see neither Y/N nor Willie, so seeing everyone getting agitated and teary-eyed is all the more confusing to him. Julie has almost forgotten that her brother could see the boys now, and she’d certainly forgotten that he’s still in the garage, with everything that’s been happening in the last hour or so. She wants to answer him, but she sees Reggie standing besides her brother, and she shakes her head when he jumps slightly the moment Reggie’s hand finds his shoulder. Reggie is even surprised that his hand doesn’t go through the boy, like it normally should have. He doesn’t complain though, nor does he say anything. He only pulls the younger boy in his arms, engulfing him in a hug. Julie and Carlos only leave the garage when they’re forced to go; Alex pleading with them to at least have a couple hours of sleep, and telling the siblings they’d still be here in the morning.
When morning comes, Reggie goes to join the Molinas for breakfast, although he still cannot eat anything. He just enjoys their company. Alex stays by his sister’s side, brushing his hand through her hair gently. She looks the same as he had last seen her, with the same slightly red cheeks, her lashes perfectly hitting her cheekbones when her eyes are closed. He spends his time watching her, afraid that if he’d look away, she’d disappear from his sight. He remembers all the childhood memories they shared, tears silently rolling down his cheeks. The only difference now between them is the fact that she’s a year older than him, dying when she turned eighteen while he passed away a while after their seventeenth birthday. But in his eyes, she’d always be his little sister, younger by twenty minutes.
And then, there’s Luke. Luke handles it the way you’d handle losing your soulmate. One day, he sees the colours again, and a week later his world suddenly goes black and white. And while you’re supposed to experience this only once in your life, he’s experienced it twice. And he hates every part of it. He knows now what Y/N had to go through, when he died back in 1995, and it’s way worse than what he’d imagined. Having the colours snatched from you, knowing you wouldn’t be able to see them again, it’s heart wrenching.
Luke sits in a chair facing the couch, with a song book in his lap. He holds a pen in his right hand as he angrily scribbles down words and words on a blank page, crossing those who do not fit into the lyrics he’s trying to put together. It keeps his mind busy, allows him to think about something other than Y/N’s body laying on the couch. But his swollen eyes betray him, letting everyone know just how much he’s been crying since Willie showed up with her the night before. And Alex can hear his soft crying from where he sits; it’s the only sound in the studio. From time to time though, Luke does lift his head up to glance at the couch, as a way of making sure she’s still here; that she hasn’t vanished. Willie did tell them that Y/N should have ceased to exist when the jolts stopped, and that her still being here must mean something. It’s that little spark of hope that Luke holds onto, as he goes back to writing more words onto the pages in front of him.
Eventually, Alex leaves his sister’s side when Willie shows up to the garage. He knows how close to his sister his friend is, and if there’s a way to save her, they’d find it together. Even if it means getting caught by Caleb. Again. His sister is worth taking the risk. And if Willie is willing to risk his afterlife for Y/N, then so is Alex; for the both of them.
It’s only when Willie and Alex poof out of the garage that Luke gives up on writing lyrics. Instead, he finds himself wandering to the couch, sitting himself on the floor as he takes one of Y/N’s hands in his. His calloused fingers draw small circles against the back of her hand, his tired eyes never once leaving her peaceful features. He leans his forehead against hers, his free hand running through her hair and gently grazing at her scalp, tears escaping the corner of his eyes.
“I love you.” Luke whispers, his lips brushing against the shell of her ear. “I’m so sorry. For everything.”
He doesn’t know why he’s apologizing. Maybe because he feels guilty; guilty that she’d suffered the jolts because she only tried to protect him from Caleb. Or maybe it’s because he knows what she had to go through after he died, and he doesn’t understand how she went on with her life for a year, knowing she’d never see colours again.
He lifts his head up when he hears the garage door creak open, and he looks over his shoulder to see both Julie and Reggie standing in the doorframe, with sadness in their eyes. Luke sighs, removing his hand from Y/N’s hair to wipe away the tears on his cheeks.
“Are you okay, Luke?” Julie asks him, her voice filled with concern.
The guitarist doesn’t say anything, his voice getting caught up in his throat. But Julie knows he isn’t fine, from his bloodshot eyes and the tear stains on his cheeks. Just as he’s about to stand up, he stops dead in his tracks when he feels a weak squeeze on his hand. He stops all movement, holding his breath (as if he needed to breathe) as he whips his head around, eyes wide open in shock as he watches his soulmate’s eyelids flutter open slowly. His mouth hangs agape, and he drops back to the floor on his knees. His free hand finds its way back into her hair, caressing it softly, his own eyes teary as hers open slowly.
It’s as if the world stops, when he can finally see her E/C irises; now bright and colourful in his sight. Shades of black and white fade around him, slowly being replaced with the many colours he’d come to love so much when he could see them. He lets out a relieved sigh, closing his eyes for a brief second, before he looks at her again. His hands cradle her face, and he brushes his thumbs across her cheekbones, afraid that if he’d let go, she’d disappear.
“L– Luke?” Y/N calls out his name, her voice hoarse, but he knows it’s real. She’s here. “Wh– what happened?” She asks him. “Wh– why are we in the studio?”
Although it had changed a lot since the last time she’d been there, she’d recognize the walls and the ceiling anywhere. And besides, the boys’ instruments are still there so it’s an easy guess for her.
“Willie brought you here last night.” Luke tells her, a smile on his lips. “You were feeling the jolts I felt and– and it nearly killed you. Again…”
His brows crease a frown on his forehead. He hasn’t seen the mark vanish from her wrist, or at least, he doesn’t recall it disappearing. He remembers she told him she’d been stamped; she’d made a deal with Caleb after she died. He does the first thing that comes to mind, picking up her arm and inspecting her wrist. He’s surprised to find black ink on her skin, instead of a purple stamp, but most of all he’s relieved he cannot find Caleb’s mark on her anywhere. It means she’s free.
“Well, that’s new.” Luke comments, chuckling as he points at her wrist.
“Yeah…” Y/N breathes out. “I got it two months after you guys died. You were the closest I had to a family. Well, Alex really was my family.”
“I love it.”
“Me too.”
Y/N, with Luke’s help, pushes herself up so that she’s now sitting on the couch. Her eyes on her wrist, she admires the back ink in the shape of a sun setting down behind the horizon, the ocean waves forming a curve under it. It’s simple, but Y/N loves that tattoo more than anything. Alive, it’d been a reminder that the boys would always be by her side, no matter what happens. Seeing it again after twenty-four years is a relief. She’d known it was there all along, but Caleb’s stamp had been a constant reminder of the freedom she had given up over his fake promises. But now, she’s not tied to Caleb anymore, and she isn’t quite sure of what to do with this newfound freedom. She’d probably do something stupid with the boys, like they’d always do back in 1995.
Smiling softly, Y/N lifts her eyes from the ink on her skin, hearing the sound of footsteps coming closer. She glances up at the garage doors, now noticing her brother, her best friend, Willie, and a girl she doesn’t know.
“Y– Y/N?” Alex stutters, his voice going an octave higher in surprise.
“Hey Alex.” Y/N greets her twin brother, waving her hand. “Hi Reggie.”
“Please don’t scare us like that again!” The bassist exclaims, sighing in relief.
Y/N giggles, her body falling back a little under the weight of two seventeen-year-olds engulfing her in a bear hug. She wraps her arms around the both of them, glancing over Reggie’s shoulders with pleading eyes to Luke. He only smiles, shaking his head a little in disbelief.
“I don’t know how or why this is happening.” Alex begins, waving his hands in the air once he pulls away from his twin. “But I am so glad you’re back, shortie!”
“Hey!” Y/N pouts, hearing that nickname. “Do I need to remind you I’m actually a year older than you now?”
“Yeah, well… you’re still short in height.”
“I hate you.”
“No you don’t.”
“Y/N?” Luke calls her, taking her hand in his.
He helps her stand up from the couch, leading her to the garage doors where Willie and Julie still stand, observing the scene. Y/N glances at Willie, letting go of Luke’s hand to wrap her arms around the skater’s shoulders, going onto her tiptoes to whisper in his ear.
“Thanks Will.”
Willie smiles; she’s the only one allowed to call him that.
“I’d do anything for you, Y/N.” Willie states, tightening his embrace around her. “You’re like a sister to me.”
A small smile curves Alex’s lips; he’s glad they’re getting along, because he’s yet to tell his sister that he’s finally found his soulmate in Willie.
“Y/N.” Luke calls out for her once again, his hands over Julie’s shoulders. “This is Julie. She’s a Lifer, and she can see us. They guys and I are also in a band with her, and when we sing together, she can make us visible to other Lifers.”
“Y– you can see me?” Y/N asks when her eyes land on the teenage girl.
“Yeah.” Julie chuckles. “You’d think I’d be used to it with these three,” she says, pointing at the three boys. “But I’m not. It’s nice to meet you, and to finally be able to put a face on a name.”
Y/N tilts her head in confusion, brows pulled together and creasing a frown on her forehead.
“When I found out about the Hollywood Ghost Club and Caleb,” Julie begins to explain. “The boys also told me they’d seen you. And they haven’t stopped talking about you since. Especially Luke.”
Y/N chuckles. “I’m sorry you had to deal with them alone.”
A chorus of ‘heys!’ and grumblings reach her ears, which only fuels her laughter, especially when her eyes meet with Luke’s angry puppy face. Oh, how she had missed her boys.
Y/N and Julie spend the rest of the morning getting to know each other, until Luke comes and claims to ‘steal Y/N for the rest of the day’ as he puts it to his bandmate. And here they are now, walking hand in hand by the seashore, bare feet into the sand. Kids’ laughter is all around them, the waves crashing near their feet producing a peaceful sound. Luke soon finds a quiet spot, where no one but them is, and he spins on his heels to face Y/N. He lifts a hand up to cup her cheek against his palm, his thumb brushing over the soft but cold skin of her cheekbone as he delicately wipes away a lash that had fallen on her face. His touch is light against her skin, like a feather, and it results in a thin-lipped smile to grow on her lips.
Y/N blinks twice, tilting her head against the palm of his hand resting on her face. Her E/C eyes are locked onto his hazel ones, glistening with the adoration and love she has for the seventeen-year-old boy before her. He’s heavenly looking; his mop of brown hair falling in strands on his forehead, covered by that orange beanie he loves so much, his hazel green eyes gazing back into hers with love and tenderness, and the gentle smile that graces his features. Just the sight of him could have made her heart flutter, if she still had one, and the butterflies to erupt at the bottom of her stomach.
The world around them seems to have vanished, the kids’ laughter now a distant memory and the waves crashing down the shore a distant sound. The warm Los Angeles wind is blowing, caressing their faces in soft breezes. The birds chirp their joyful melody in the distance, harmonizing together as the sun shines bright into the clear blue sky. Y/N’s bare feet dig into the cold sand, and she lets her gaze fall from Luke’s face, turning around to look at the vast blue ocean before them, settling her back against his chest.
Luke’s arms find their way around her waist, pulling her closer to him, and he rests his chin atop the crown of her head. His smile grows wider when she begins to play with the rings around his fingers, balancing their bodies back and forth.
“I think blue’s my favourite colour.” Y/N says after a while. “Any shade of blue, actually.”
“Why’s that?” Luke mumbles against her temple after pressing a soft kiss there.
“Sometimes, the ocean reminds me of your eyes. They were the first colour I ever saw, dead or alive. And I’ve noticed, over the years, how their colour would change. Sometimes they’re green, or hazel. But there are these occasional times where your eyes turn blue, the same shade as the ocean. I could– I could drown in your eyes if I wanted to.”
Y/N turns in his arms to look at him, her hands on each side of his face. Luke’s hands stay on her waist, his eyes boring into hers.
“Which colour are they now?” He asks, a love-struck smile on his lips.
“As blue as the ocean.” She whispers, smiling, before she kisses his cheek.
Luke chuckles, inching his face closer to her again, his lips brushing against hers. Y/N giggles, shaking her head in disbelief as her hands find their way at the back of his neck, her fingers tangled into his hair, and her lips crashing against his. His grip on her waist tightens, pulling her even closer if that were possible, an euphoric feeling fogging both their minds. Y/N stands on her tiptoes, deepening the kiss, and Luke uses this as his opportunity to bite down on her lower lip, eliciting a surprised moan from her. He smiles victoriously against her lips before he takes her bottom one between his teeth, and he pulls at it slightly before watching it fall back into a pout on her face. His right hand moves up from her waist, pulling a strand of hair away from her face before resting on her cheek. He gazes into her eyes, love and adoration in his, whilst his lips carve a gentle smile on his face.
“I’ve missed you, baby.” Luke whispers against her lips.
“I’ve missed you more, rockstar.” Y/N smiles. “Don’t ever leave me again.”
“I’d never dream of it. I love you too much to let you go.”
“Good. Because I love you, too. And I’m not planning on letting you go either.” Y/N states, pulling Luke in for yet another kiss.
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headcannon for Reggie's older sibling stress smoking and trying to stop but Reggie and the band catch them with a cigarette again
alrighty! and i’ll do it with a gn reader

you weren’t always a smoker
it started when someone offered you one, under normal circumstances you would have declined, but the fights at home were getting louder and worse so you took it
it was a secret at first and you were very good at hiding it until reggie came back home one day when he was supposed to be at alex’s
“yn w-what are you doing?”
“i-its nothing reg,”
“nn, are you okay?”
you sighed, “i-...no,”
reggie sat with you and you talked it out a bit, he encouraged you to quit and you promised you would try
it was growing great at first, the only downside being your increased hunger
you had told the boys about everything and they insisted supporting you
things were fine until that one night
your parents were yelling and somehow you were caught in the middle of it
and when you couldn’t take it anymore you ran out, grabbing a spare cigarette you had tossed aside and started smoking again
the boys were unaware of this for a good few months before you got careless and they caught you
“yn what happened you were doing so well!” luke said
“come on, whatever it is we can help,” bobby insisted
you broke down in your younger brother’s arms letting the boys come around you and offer comfort
“anything you need yn, we’re gonna be there for you,” alex whispered
“always,” reggie agreed pressed a kiss to your hair “we love you, yn, always,”
#reggie peters#luke patterson#alex mercer#jatp#jatp headcanons#jatp hc#peters!reader#reggie’s sister#julie and the phantoms#jatp x reader
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I started a Bobby fic mayhaps?
After mourning the loss of his brothers for three years Bobby finally finds a light in his morbid situation. A music label wants him to perform a concert in memorium of his deceased band mates, and use it to kickoff his "new career" as a solo artist. The concert was marketing scheme by his manager, but for Bobby? It was going to be a final farewell to his brothers, a way for him to finally move on and start playing music again (even if most of the songs happened to be Luke's).
How was he supposed to know fate had another plan in store for him?
#julie and the phantoms#bobby jatp#angst#fanfiction#whump#luke patterson#lukebobby#jatp alex#jatp reggie#caleb covington is a right little bastard#and he knows it#julie molina#carrie wilson#her mom is bobby's sister#leggie#luke x alex x reggie#luke x bobby
9 notes
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Just Like You
Luke Patterson X Reader
Imagine on my fandom instagram?: No
Prompt?: No
Request?: No
Requested prompt?: No
Edited: Yes
Word count: 6,348
Warnings here
You can listen to the story be read out loud here.
Post Date: November 30th 2022
Post Time: 11:36 pm
Summary: Reader is Alex’s sister, but she also happens to be Luke’s best friend. She’s the person he always runs to for anything. so it doesn’t really come as a shock to anyone that she died alongside them. Reader also really hates shoes so it’s a huge shock to the boys when they find her hanging out around home in the one thing she really hates: shoes.
Please refrain from stealing our work, thank you and please enjoy!!
Y/n’s Pov: {December 12th, 1995}
I stand off to the side of the stage by a table with my brother's and best friend’s towels in my hand. I wiggle my toes against the cold floor and smile at the soothing feeling. I hold my shoes with my socks stuffed in them and on my shoulder is my brother's fanny pack.
I lightly drop my shoes down to the ground before pulling the fanny pack around to my front to get out a piece of gum. The boys start playing Now or Never, making me smile as I watch them dance around. I watch as they play and I see Luke look down at my feet before chuckling and shaking his head, then starting to sing.
♪ Take off, last stop
Countdown 'til we blast open the top
Face first, full charge
Electric hammer to the heart ♪
I smile at the passion my brother and best friend have up on the stage. All the boys are sweating as they jump around and jam to the music. I continue to dance around and Luke keeps smiling when he looks at me, making my stomach flip every time.
♪ Clocks move forward
But we don't get older, no
Kept on climbing
'Til our stars collided
And all the times we fell behind
Were just the keys to paradise ♪
Luke sings and as they come up onto the next part the others join in on the verse. I stop dancing for a moment to watch as Luke finishes his line so passionately. I smile at him as I wiggle my toes a bit.
♪ Don't look down
'Cause we're still rising
Up right now
And even if we hit the ground ♪
They all end the last verse together and Luke sings the next part. He continues to smile at me like a lovesick puppy and I can’t help but do the same. I watch in awe as he sings like he’s singing to me and I find myself wishing he would be.
Being best friends with the guy you're in love with and one of your brother's best friends is hard. Alex of course knows how I feel, heck, he pegged me liking Luke even before I realized it. But he’d never in a million years spill my secrets.
♪ We'll still fly
Keep dreaming like we'll live forever
But live it like it's now or never ♪
I blush lightly when Luke winks at me as he sings his heart out. He smirks when he sees my reaction, then goes back to singing and I wiggle my feet some more as they continue with the song.
♪ Hear the noise in my head
It's calling out like a voice I can't forget
One life, no regrets
Catch up, got no time to catch my breath ♪
Luke continues to look at me and I can’t help but to have an overwhelming feeling of love for him even though we are very much not a couple. I move over and take Alex’s fanny pack off my shoulder and grab my water off the stool I had set it on. As I move the floor is colder on my feet and I can’t help but smile as I wiggle my toes again.
♪ And clocks move faster
'Cause it's all we're after now, oh ♪
Luke finishes the last line and nods at Reggie for him to come sing with him. Reggie goes over to him and they sing together into the mic, facing each other and I smile even more.
♪ Won't stop climbing
'Cause this is our time, yeah ♪
Reggie and Luke sing the line together, then Luke smiles as he pushes Reggie back to his spot on the stage as he continues to sing into his mic alone. Luke turns and looks back at me with a huge grin. He shakes his head again, but never wavers in his singing.
♪ When all the days felt black and white
Those were the best shades of my life ♪
When Luke is done with the last line, they all come in to sing the next part and I sway with the song. If we were in the garage, I’d be full on rocking out, but we aren’t, so I dial my dancing down a bit.
♪ Don't look down
'Cause we're still rising
Up right now
And even if we hit the ground ♪
When they all finish, it goes back to Luke, who continues to have the most energy on the stage. I continue to lightly dance as my best friend and brother seem to push their passion on me.
♪ We'll still fly
Keep dreaming like we'll live forever ♪
After Luke sings his line, the guys come back in to sing with him again. Now I quietly sing along, still enjoying the coolness of the floor on my feet.
♪ But live it like it's now or never ♪
When they all finish singing, Alex takes his part and Reggie does the background parts. I smile as my brother seems to have found something that makes him happy, which makes me happy.
♪ We ain't searching for tomorrow (tomorrow)
'Cause we got all we need today (today) ♪
Once Alex and Reggie finish, Luke takes over singing again. I see Alex look at me briefly and I give him a thumbs up in encouragement with a huge grin. He smiles as he quickly gets back into it and I can’t help but smile proudly.
♪ Living on a feeling that's been running through our veins ♪
After Luke’s line, Reggie then takes over this time to sing his part. I smile as Reggie, who's normally more shy than the others, gladly sings his part without even an ounce of shyness.
♪ We're the revolution that's been singing in the rain ♪
After Reggie sings they all come in again, but this time they bring claps into the mix. I smile as I clap along to their beat while they sing.
♪ Don’t look down 'Cause we're still rising up right now and even if we hit the ground ♪
“They're good, yeah?” A girl comes up and starts to clean the table that I’m next to. I turn to her with a smile.
“Yeah, they really are. I'm proud to call the lead singer my best friend and the drummer my brother,” I say as we bop our heads to the very end of Now or Never.
“You're one lucky girl to have their music in your life everyday,” she says and I smile.
“Yeah, I am,” I say, turning back to watch the boys as I continue to dance lightly to the song.
“Let me guess… don’t like shoes?” she asks as she points down to my feet while moving to a new table.
“Yeah. I just don’t really like the construction of them…” I admit as I look down at my own shoeless feet.
“My sister used to be the same. Then she started having to wear them more for pilates… that new workout thing…?” she explains before trailing off and I nod.
“Yeah I’ve heard of it,” I tell her and she nods.
“Well when she started that, she started wearing more workout shoes and now she loves them,” she continues to explain and I smile at her.
“I don’t think I’ll ever be one to wear shoes. My mom tells me she’d put me in some when I was little and then not even two seconds later, Alex or Luke would be telling her I took them off,” I explain with a giggle and she giggles too.
“Well that sounds like you definitely love being shoeless,” she comments and I nod in agreement.
“Oh I definitely do,” I tell her and she grins before going back to whatever she was doing beforehand.
♪ We'll still fly
Keep dreaming like we'll live forever
But live it like it's now or never
It's now or never (now or never) ♪
Just as we finish our conversation, the boys are finishing up and I smile as they all pat each other’s back. They stay on the stage, basking in the feeling, then they talk for a minute before coming down to where I’m standing.
“Hey, sweetheart. What'd you think? Wasn’t that awesome?!” Luke uses the nickname he’s always had for me, but I can’t help but wish it was in a different way.
In all his sweaty glory, he comes over to hug me from behind. I squeal before giggling, nodding as he lets go of the hug and grabs his towel from my shoulder.
“Yeah, hon, it was electric,” I agree with him as I use my pet name for him and smile when Alex puts his arm over my shoulder.
“I was on fire, sis!” he exclaims and I smile.
“Yes you were, Lex!” I concur with a nod before giving my brother a kiss on the cheek.
“Anyway sweetheart, we’re going to get street dogs to celebrate. You gonna come?” Luke asks as he now replaces Alex's arm with his.
“Yeah, I think I will,” I reply and Luke smiles before giving my cheek a kiss. I push back the thought that I wish that could be a kiss on the lips.
“Well if you’re coming, you should put your shoes back on,” Alex tells me as he bends down to pick up my shoes.
“Do I have too?!” I whine out like a five year old, making both Luke and Alex laugh.
“Yes, sweetheart. You have to. I promise you can take them off as soon as we get to the alley,” Luke tells me and I grin at him.
“Ok. I guess I can,” I reluctantly agree as Alex hands me my shoes, rolling his eyes before giving me the ‘we are so talking about this later’ look.
“I’ll put them back on here in a minute,” I assure them and they both nod before Alex grabs his fanny pack along with my water.
“Hey! Bobby, where are you going?!” Luke asks as we watch Bobby go up to the girl I talked to earlier.
“I’m good,” he replies, turning back to Luke for a moment with a shrug before he goes back to the girl with all of us now following.
“Vegetarian. I could never hurt an animal,” Bobby boasts as he tries to flirt with the poor girl.
We all come up next to him and Luke puts his other arm up onto Bobby’s shoulder. He holds my hand with his other hand, something we’ve just always done platonically. Reggie stands next to me with an arm on Alex’s shoulder as Alex is on the other side of him.
“You guys are really good,” the girl praises them and smiles at the boys.
“Thank you,” Luke sheepishly says with a big smile on his face.
“I see lots of bands. Been in a couple myself. I was really feeling it,” she emphasizes as she looks at us.
“That’s what we do this for. I’m Luke, by the way,” Luke continues to flirt with her and my stomach twists with jealousy.
But then Luke squeezes my hand and I smile at the fact that it’s for no reason but to let me know he loves me. We’ve always done that when one of us seems to be upset, just as a sign of ‘I’m here, you’re ok,’ to calm the other. It’s our way of saying we love one another without having to say it, always has been and always will be. Again, Alex gives me a look and I shrug, making him roll his eyes.
“Hi, I’m Reggie,” Reggie introduces himself in a flustered tone.
“Alex,” Alex chimes in, putting a hand up in a wave.
“Y/n.. nice to meet you,” I interject with a sweet smile as I lift my hand and give a small wave like my brother did.
“Bobby,” Bobby chirps as he pushes Luke behind him a bit.
“I’m Rose. Nice meeting you guys,” the girl says amusedly, and smiles a beautiful smile.
Luke then gives Bobby a wet willie and I giggle lightly when he does. I then hold a shoe out to Alex and he nods as he takes my left shoe to hold it for me. With my right shoe I take my sock out and Alex takes the right one as well.
I bend down and Luke keeps a hold on my arm to balance me. I smile up at him in thanks, then finish putting my socks and shoes on.
“Oh, uh, here’s our demo. And a tee shirt, size beautiful,” Reggie croons, now flirting as well and I roll my eyes as I stand up right again.
“Thanks. I’ll be sure not to wipe down the tables with this one,” she jokes as she holds it up to herself before she throws it over her shoulder.
“Oh, good call! Whenever they get wet, they kinda just fall apart in your hands,” Alex informs her and I smirk at him as he bashfully looks away.
“Don’t you guys have to go get hot dogs?” Bobby asks as he tries to get us all to leave so he can be with Rose.
“Yeah. He had a hamburger for lunch,” Luke informs Rose as he pushes Bobby back so he can talk to Rose. He then pushes off the table with his hands and grabs my hand again before leaving.
“That’s what I’m talking about!” Luke exclaims and Reggie giggles as we all walk out the back door of the Orpheum.
“The smell of sunset boulevard?” Alex asks and I snort as I start to giggle before groaning.
“The shoes?” Alex asks me and I nod.
“No. It’s what that girl said in there tonight,” Luke explains as he swings our hands back and forth and kicks the puddle that’s in front of us.
“About our music, right? It’s like an energy. It connects us with people,” he elaborates and I smile even though in my mind I’m only wanting to take my shoes off.
“I mean, he’s got a point Lex, that’s what connected me and Luke,” I agree and Luke smiles, pulling me in so I’m against his side with his arm around my shoulders.
“She’s not wrong, man, but they can feel us when we play. I want that connection with everybody,” Luke bursts happily and pulls the boys into our little huddle as well.
“Then we’re gonna need more t-shirts,” Reggie jokes as he holds up one of the sunset curve shirts I helped them make a couple weeks ago and the rest of us laugh.
“Let’s go,” Luke playfully orders and I giggle as Luke pulls me closer to leave a kiss to the side of my forehead.
“I love you,” I muse, making him smile.
“I love you too, precious,” he parrotes me, making me grin and nuzzle into his side.
Out of my peripheral I see Alex shake his head lightly and I only cuddle Luke closer. Alex lets out a huff and I shrug as Luke lets go of me.
“Let’s go boys,” Luke commands as pops his hood up over his head as we all head to the front of the Orpheum. “And best friend,” Luke adds, making me giggle.
We continue walking forward until we pass a group of girls who are all talking and not noticing anything at all.
“Ladies,” Reggie croons as he walks up to them and hands them the leftover shirts he has.
We stop and wait for him as he hands them the shirts before coming back to us. Then we all continue walking and the girls open the shirts only to let out a scream.
“Reggie, wait!” One of the girls yells out, making me giggle as Reggie smirks.
We walk for a while before coming up to the alley to get our hot dogs. We get our hot dogs from the cook before we each pile condiments onto them from the back of an Oldsmobile.
“Man…. I can’t wait until we eat someplace where the condiments aren’t served out of the back of an Oldsmobile,” Alex states as he turns to Luke and then walks off to the owner.
“I mean, I can’t say I don’t agree,” I tell Luke and he chuckles as he grabs my hand.
“Hey… sorry I got some pickle juice on your battery cables,” Alex informs the much older man and I hold back a giggle.
“No problem. It’ll help with the rust,” the older man jokes with a laugh.
“That can’t…. okay. What?” Alex asks in confusion, then just deciding to let it go as he walks away from the man. He shakes his head and I giggle when he comes back up next to me.
“Confused?” I ask him and he nods.
“Duh!” he tells me and I snort out a giggle.
We walk over to a couch with our food and sit down. Reggie sits farthest to the left and Luke sits next to him before pulling me down onto his lap and Alex shakes his head as he sits down next to Luke. I push my hot dog into Alex’s hand and he rolls his eyes.
“Uhh, ok sure. I’ll hold it for you, sis,” he sarcastically jokes and I giggle.
I reach down and quickly pull off one shoe along with its sock before ripping the other off. I lean back into Luke with a sigh and he chuckles as I take my hot dog back from Alex.
“This is awesome, you guys. We’re playing the Orpheum! I can’t even count how many bands have played here and ended up being huge,” Luke says excitedly as he keeps his arm around me while holding his hot dog with the other.
“We’re gonna be legends!” Luke exclaims with a smile.
“Yes, you guys will be. And I’ll be right beside you the whole time,” I agree and promise them with a big smile.
“Eat up, sweetheart. You too, boys. Cause after tonight, everything changes,” Luke informs us as he squeezes my hip while holding his hot dog in the air.
We all put our hotdogs together as if toasting to something, then each take a big bite.
“That’s a new flavor,” Alex mentions with a mouth full of hotdog while looking at us.
“Chill man, street dogs haven’t killed us yet,” Reggie jokes, making me giggle.
“I mean he’s got a point. We’ve been eating here for how long?” I ask with a shrug before we all continue to eat.
Little did we know, the hotdogs had bad chemicals in them, chemicals that aren't good to ingest at all.
Y/n’s Pov:{2020 after the Orpheum performance}
“Knock knock,” I speak as I stick my head through Julie's bedroom door.
“Ahh, if it isn’t my favorite ghost that actually has manners. You can come all the way in,” Julie jokes as she turns to look at me and I grin as I step all the way in.
“Hi, Julie. Yeah, the guys are not well mannered, that's something we can agree on,” I say with a laugh and she smiles, also laughing.
“Come to get away again?” she asks and I quickly turn away from her before starting to look around her room again.
“Yeah… he’s just…” I sigh and shake my head as I make my way to her closet.
“Infuriating?” she fills in for me and I bite my lip as I nod.
I start to look around her closet and find a shirt I really like. Smiling, I pull it off the hanger and turn to her as I hold it up.
“Can I try this on?” I ask her and she nods as she gets up and grabs a notebook off her chair.
“Sure. Just don’t do what your boyfriend apparently likes to do,” she tells me with a giggle as she sits back down and I pull it off the hanger.
“One, he’s not my boyfriend. Two, Alex tells that story too much. It was one time!” I quickly defend Luke as I walk over to the mirror to slip it on over my shirt and Julie shakes her head.
“Whatever, just make sure it stays the way it is and comes back to me,” she jokes and I roll my eyes in the mirror at her.
“Yeah, yeah. One time. One time Luke steals a shirt and cuts it up, then we both become shirt villains,” I joke as I turn to look at her.
“Well? Does it look good on me?” I ask her as I hold my arms out and spin a little.
“Yeah. It does. Go ahead and borrow it whenever you want to,” she tells me when she looks up at me from writing and I grin at her.
“Thank you, Jules,” I tell her and she smiles sweetly back at me.
“Of course. That’s what girlfriends are for,” Julie says as she continues to write in her book.
“I’ve never really had girl friends. I’ve only ever had the boys…” I tell her, my voice thick with emotion and she gets up from the bed.
“Well, you have me and Flynn now,” she tells me as she comes up beside me.
“Wanna try on anything else?” she asks and I shrug, making her smile.
“Really y/n, it’s ok. Try whatever you like,” she reiterates to me and I grin, making her smile as she goes and sits back on her bed.
I excitedly walk over to her closet and look through it. I look at her shirts for a few minutes, but nothing jumps out at me. I sigh and let my head fall with my eyes falling closed, making Julie chuckle.
“Nothing speaks to ya, huh?” she asks and I huff, opening my eyes.
My eyes light up as I see something and Julie seems to notice as she once again gets up to come over to me. I bend down and pick them up with a smile on my face. Julie watches me carefully as I straighten up and look at her.
“Do you have socks by chance? I don’t know if mine would even be in the bags in the garage or not. I never really kept any around,” I say excitedly and she smiles, walking over to her dresser.
“Sure, what kind do you normally like?” she asks as she opens the drawer.
“Umm, you got any knee high?” I ask and she gives me a devilish smile.
“Oh, I’ve got many…” she tells me as she begins to pull a bunch out:

Julie lays out pair after pair and I marvel at all her choices of knee high socks. I find it hard to pick my favorite pair and Julie chuckles.
“Pick two or three favorites and you can keep them along with the shoes,” Julie tells me and my head snaps up to look at her.
“Really? I can keep the shoes and two pairs of socks?” I ask and she nods, smiling.
“The shoes aren’t really my favorite anymore, so yeah. Keep ‘em. I also don’t really wear the knee highs anymore,” she says with a laugh as she motions to all the socks she has.
“Thank you, Jules,” I tell her and she smiles, nodding at me.
“There’s so many new patterns from when I was younger. How will I ever pick?” I ask and she chuckles as she lifts a pair off the bed.
“I think you’d like these maroon ones or maybe the navy blue, but if you're ever looking to impress a certain someone, then I’d take one of the music notes,” she tells me as she lifts each one to show me.
“I’ll take the maroon and the yellow and black ones, those ones kinda remind me of when Luke used to call me bee…” I fondly tell her as I pick up the socks before looking up at her to see she has an amused look on her face.
“What?” I ask and she giggles.
“He used to call you, bee? Really?” she asks and I blush lightly.
“It was because bumblebee was my favorite transformer. He used it when we were like 8!” I exclaim when she raises an eyebrow at me.
“Ok. No, that's actually a very cute reason…” she admits as she crosses her arms and I smile.
“Isn’t it, though? If Lex were here he’d totally be gagging and rolling his eyes,” I tell her and she chuckles.
“I could totally see that. Alex seems very protective over you,” she agrees with me and I roll my eyes.
“You have no idea,” I joke and she laughs again.
“You can come take my socks whenever. Like I said, I don’t wear them very often. But keep those ones, they’re yours now,” she tells me with a grin and I grin back.
“Really, thank you,” I tell her again and she shrugs.
“Hey. It’s nothing. I know you hate shoes, so if you like those and I mean really like them, go right ahead and keep ‘em,” she tells me with a smile and I jump up, grabbing the shoes and socks.
“I’ll see you later. Thank you for my new shoes and socks. You think Luke will like ‘em? They match his…” I say in a bashful tone and Julie smirks.
“I’m sure he’ll love them. Heck, he’ll probably just like seeing you excited about shoes for once,” Julie jokes with another shrug and I giggle.
“You're right. I’ll see you later?” I ask her and she nods, grinning.
“Got a gig with the boys tonight so I’m sure I’ll see you there. You never pass our gigs up,” she tells me as she starts picking up the other socks.
“That’s ‘cause I’m the cheerleader. I cheer everyone on, especially now that I’m more of a background manager now that Flynn’s the real manager,” I admit and she shakes her head.
“You’re part of the team too, even if you do more background stuff. Plus, I think of you more as our stylist than a cheerleader. Those shirts you used to make were awesome. Not to mention how you dressed the guys and me for the last gig,” she raves and I blush at all the praise.
“Oh… that was nothing, really,” I wave her compliment off and she shakes her head.
“Y/n, take the compliment. You're awesome at style,” she demands and I slowly smile while nodding.
“Ok… ok. Thank you,” I tell her shyly and she laughs.
“Now go try your new shoes out,” she jokes with me, rolling her eyes with a smile and I grin.
“Ok. See you later!” I wave at her and she waves back.
I quickly walk out of her room—when she opened the door I have no clue, probably when my head was buried in the closet—and I decide to just apparate to the garage. My feet lightly land on the garage floor and I quickly rush over to the couch.
I put the bumblebee striped socks on, then the shoes and smile when I finish tying them. I stand up and grin as I dance around a little bit. Soon I get bored waiting for the guys so I decide to figure out the guy’s clothes for the gig tonight.
I go up into the loft where all of our clothes are and look through Alex’s first. I find him a real nice light pink shirt, knowing he’d want his pink. I then look through his pants and find him one of his many pairs of black sweats.
I then go over to his new collection of fanny packs and find him a nice jean jacket style one. I lay that all out and look over it. I then grab one of his many snapback hats and add it in.
The blue of the snapback pairs perfectly with the fanny pack and I decide to let him pick shoes, making me smile as I’m satisfied with the outfit. I then move on to Luke’s outfit, starting with his favorite skull shirt and lay it out. I start to riffle through his pants when I hear the boys land downstairs from apparating.
“Sweetheart, where are you?” I hear Luke shout out and I smile.
“In the loft, Lukey!” I shout back and smile when I find the right pants.
“There you are. Come down and cuddle?” he asks me and I shake my head, smiling more.
“Sorry, Lukey boy. Can’t. I’ve still got yours, Reggie’s, and Julie's outfits to do before tonight,” I sadly tell him and he frowns.
“But… if you help me, maybe I can get them done faster,” I appeal to him and he takes a moment to think it over before his frown slowly turns to a smile.
“Deal,” he tells me and I smile softly at him as he comes closer.
“Ok. Do you want to finish your outfit then while I start on Regsters?” I ask and he laughs.
“What?” I ask him and he chuckles.
“You haven’t called Reggie Regsters since we were like ten,” he tells me with a smirk and I shrug.
“I guess I’m just feeling very nostalgic today,” I comment as I continue to put Reggie’s outfit together.
“Ok. I’m done with Reginald’s. Are you done with yours?” I ask as I turn around to look at him and again he has a smirk on.
“What is with you today? Old nicknames and full names?” he asks and I giggle as I look over what he’s added to his outfit.
“I really don’t know. I was hanging out with Jules today and for some reason it’s put me in a very weird happy and nostalgic mood,” I explain as I give his outfit a few minor changes.
When I finish his outfit I fully stand up and when I do, I hear him let out a gasp. I look at him and realize he’s looking down at my feet.
I grin as I stand on my heels, letting my toes angle out before bringing them back in.
“Oh! Jules gave me ‘em. Aren’t they rockin’?” I ask and he gives me a sideways look.
“Sweetheart, don’t get me wrong, they are rockin’, but why are you wearing them? You hate shoes…” he asks me and I feel a blush creep up my neck.
“I really liked them and Julie told me I could have them, so I took them. Do you not like them? They match yours…” I tell him as I bite my lip as I look down at them.
“No. I love them. It’s just… I’m not used to seeing you wear shoes, sweetie,” he explains as he comes over to me.
“Oh…ok. I liked em ‘cause they matched yours. Not to mention they’re too,” I meekly point out and I hear him chuckle.
“Is that all we had to do all these years to get you to wear shoes? Just find you a pair that matched mine?” he asks, making me look up at him and my breath gets caught in my throat with how close he is.
If I moved just a little bit more, my lips could touch his. Oh how badly I want to just surge forward and close the small distance, but I don’t. I look down at his lips before quickly looking back up at his eyes in hopes he didn’t catch it. To my relief, it seems like he didn’t.
“If that’s the case, we shoulda done that years ago,” he jokes and I just watch him as he keeps a smile on his face.
“Hey. What’s wrong?” he asks me, snapping me out of my thoughts.
“Oh… nothing, I promise. Just… stuck in thought I guess,” I tell him with a shrug before going around him to try and go down the ladder.
“Hey. No. I know something is up, y/n. Come on, you can tell me,” he prompts me as he grabs my hand and pulls me back to him.
“Really. It’s nothing. I’m fine…” I try to lie the best I can, knowing he’ll read me like an open book.
“No. You’re not leaving till you tell me what’s wrong…” he informs as he again pulls me back, but this time he pulls me into a hug and holds me there.
“Lukey… come on. Let me go. I can’t talk to you about it, ok…?” I plead with him and he gives me a confused look.
“What can’t you tell me? You tell me everything, sweetheart. It’s ok. You can tell me,” he promises and I sigh, realizing he won’t be letting this go.
“I can’t tell you because it’s about you. You’ll stop talking to me and I don’t want that,” I admit in a fast jumble of words.
“What do you mean it’s about me? Did I do something to make you upset with me? I’m sorry if I did,” he quickly apologizes and I shake my head.
“Goodness no, Luke… I… uh… like someone…” I tell him as I bite my lip and his face falls.
“Oh. So you’re…” he trails off and I nod.
“Yeah. I’m in love with you…” I admit sheepishly and his eyes widen.
“Wait, what?!” he asks and I give a nervous giggle.
“What did you think I meant?” I ask him and he chuckles.
“I thought you were trying to tell me you were going to go out with another guy. Ya know, dial everything back…” he explains with a slow smile making way to his face.
“Oh… well, no…” I again nervously trail off and he chuckles again.
“Sweetheart, look at me please…” he asks me and I do, only to see him smiling.
“Wha-” I start off, but he cuts me off as he slams his lips to mine and I freeze.
The kiss lasts for a few minutes and it's exactly how I always dreamed of it. At first, Luke kisses me and I can’t move out of shock, but once I’ve snapped out of it I kiss him back. Our lips move in sync and it’s so full of love.
It’s nice and slow as Luke keeps his hands on my cheeks. My arms slowly wrap around his neck and I play with the hair at the nip of his neck. All too soon though, we are both pulling away for air.
He lays his forehead against mine as he now wraps his arms around my waist and mine stay around his neck. He gives me one last peck before he’s smiling, making me smile too.
“I’ve wanted to do that since fourth grade…” he whispers out as he nudges my nose with his.
“Well… why didn’t you?” I ask him with a giggle when his face scrunches up.
“Why didn’t you kiss me?” he sassily asks and I giggle again.
“Because I didn’t know how you felt. I didn’t want to risk losing you,” I admit and he chuckles, shaking his head.
“I had the same reasoning,” he admits and I grin before we both start laughing.
“Wait, so we’ve both been oblivious idiots this whole time?” I ask and he nods while still laughing.
“I could have told you that! As a matter of fact, I did!” Alex shouts from downstairs, making me and Luke laugh harder.
“Well, that’s definitely one way to do it,” I giggle out and Luke shrugs.
“I guess so, bee…” he says with a grin on his face and I immediately look down at my socks.
“You figured it out!” I excitedly exclaim and he nods, smiling.
“That I did. How could I forget about bee? Now if we had known that all we had to was get bumblebee striped socks and shoes that matched mine, maybe we would’ve had you in shows years ago,” Luke jokes with an eye roll and I scoff.
“Oh, shut up. At least now I’m just like you,” I tell him with a grin and he smiles more, if that’s even possible.
“Yes, you are and I love it,” he tells me with a smile before pulling me back to him by the waist.
“Can I kiss you again?” he asks and I giggle.
“Well you didn’t even ask the first time around, but you're lucky I love you or else it’d be a no,” I joke before realizing what I had actually said and I pause, waiting for his response.
“I love you too, sweetheart,” he replies with a big cheeky smile and I can’t help but smile with him.
“I’m going to kiss you now,” he jokingly tells me and I smile, nodding.
He leans forward and kisses me again. This time feels just like the first, so full of love and care. I smile into the kiss as does he before again we’re pulling away.
“You gonna come give me those cuddles now?” he asks and I laugh before playfully sighing.
“I guess we can go cuddle now…” I reply playfully and he grins.
“Ok. Come on,” he tells me and before I know it, I’m being pulled towards the ladder.
We make it down to the bottom and he pulls me over to his couch before he’s plopping down onto it. He looks up at me before holding his arms out and doing grabby hands like a five year old would. I laugh as I sit down on the couch.
He wraps his arms around me and I cuddle into his chest. I sigh when all he brings is a protective warmth over me. Soon before I know it, my eyes slowly drop and I’m off into dreamland, sleeping peacefully in my best friend's arms (well, boyfriend now, I guess). Only the peaceful sleep doesn’t last very long because soon I’m jumping awake.
“Are you wearing shoes?!” Alex shouts as I sleepily look up at him.
“Yes, I am. Now go away, I’m going back to sleep,” I grumble as I cuddle back into Luke, who lets out a small breathy laugh and that’s the last thing I hear before falling back into a deep, peaceful sleep.
The End…
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We're Not Friends
Pairing: Alive!Luke Patterson x Fem!Peters!Reader
Friends don't look at each other the way I look at you
CW: implied smut, food descriptions, jealous Julie, College apps, music, movie mention (deep impact and dante's peak)
Dividers from @firefly-graphics
Luke looked at the feast she had put together for their movie night.
Popcorn, candy, loaded nachos, samosas, pizza, there was a pack of soda under the coffee table. He was just waiting for her to come downstairs.
They got lucky their parents didn't care about these sleepovers. Luke's parents loved you, and your parents loved Luke. It helps that you grew up next to him and was his best friend’s sister. It was a tradition since they were kids where they'd pull a random movie out of the movie hat, though over the years it's changed into Genres so she could keep the boys over longer. Eventually when they'd met Julie and Flynn the girls would come over too, but tonight, it had just been the two of them. Not that either of them minded. They were best friends for a reason.
"Okay so tonight's roster is…." She dug around in the old top hat, pulling out a slip of paper. "Disaster movies!" She put the hat under the coffee table, and walked over to the DVD rack. "We have twister, twister two. Dante's peak, the day after tomorrow, 2012, Armageddon, the core, and deep impact."
"I don't think we've seen Dante's Peak or Deep impact."
She slipped one of the DVDs into the player, sitting down on the couch, pulling her blanket on her, scooching just a smidgen closer to Luke. The two of them were quietly watching, passing snacks back and for, occasionally making jokes about something happening in the movie
It's coffee time! Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee! Cappuccino, java, YES!
He heard her giggle knowing her obsession with coffee already.
At some point she ended up curled into his side, his arm around her. Neither of them had second thoughts about it, the feeling being natural.
As the credits started rolling Luke looked down to see her sleeping lightly. His face flushed but he dared not move. Her long hair had been pulled until a messy top knot, and now a few of her white streaks hung in her face, a tiny bit of drool in the corner of her mouth. They had eaten a fair amount of the food, the samosas being the first to go as they were her favorite.
He heard the basement door open and Reggie came downstairs.
"Did sis fall asleep again?" Luke just nodded and Reggie stood in front of them, hoisting her over his shoulder. Luke started cleaning up the basement as Reggie took her to her bedroom.
Alex came down shortly after, followed by Flynn and Julie.
“Looks like we missed the party.”
“She fell asleep, but I’m sure Reg wouldn’t mind if we stayed and watched another movie. Flynn was already plopping on the couch as the next dvd started, her favorite move starting.
“What even is this?”
“Deep Impact! It’s her favorite movie and we pulled the disaster genre today.” Luke smiled to himself as he picked the cases up. She had been obsessed with it ever since she saw it, always watching Storm Chasers. She had wanted to be a meteorologist when they were little, but it’s been a while since they had that kind of talk. He noticed the room go quiet and looked up from the dvd case to see the four of them, Reggie having made it back down, staring at him.
“Dude, just ask her out already.” Luke sputtered a bit at Alex’s blunt statement.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. She’s my best friend.”
“You have my blessing if that's what you need bro.” Reggie made his way over to the couch. “She totally likes you too in case it wasn’t obvious.” Julie paid them no mind and scrolled through her phone. It was the truth, but it still hurt. She could tell when they’d all first met, but regardless she caught feelings.
While everyone found spots around the basement, Julie and Flynn taking the guest room, Reggie went upstairs to his room.
Luke couldn't sleep. No matter how hard he tried, how many sheep he counted. He kept thinking about her. Maybe it was those thoughts that compelled him to sneak his way upstairs to her room.
He knocked quietly before slipping in through the door, his feet finding its way through the dark to her, the layout of her room memorized. He slips in under the covers facing her. When her eyes open slightly he puts his hand on her cheek. "It's just me, Elm." She smiles at his voice, nuzzling into his palm slightly and moving closer to him. Luke lets out a soft chuckle, gladly pulling her into him and smelling her pomegranate shampoo. He wanted to believe she stuck with it because he liked the smell, but he knew deep down it was only because it smelled like her.
"Skyguy?" He tilted his head down at her. "Can you take me flying again tonight?"
"Whatever you want, Elm." She settles back into him, falling again into her deep slumber.
Luke still had problems falling asleep, but when he focused on her breathing he found himself pulled quickly to sleep.
When they first met, it had been nothing but talks of star wars. She turned towards him with those big green eyes, they were 8 that year, and very simply said "You're going to take me flying someday."
He made it a vow then.
'Cause sometimes I look in her eyes
And that's where I find a glimpse of us
And I try to fall for her touch
He has this dream often. The two of them racing towards the edge of the world. Jumping off the ledge and soaring through the skys
But I'm thinking of the way it was
Said I'm fine and said I moved on
Her standing front row of his front row show
I'm only here passing time in her arms
Hoping I'll find
A glimpse of us
His home, her family, Alex, they were all his home
Luke awoke in the morning grabbing one of her notebooks from her night stand, and scribbling away some lyrics. Something to save for later so he doesn't forget.
He peeked over at her, still asleep, her white strands hanging in her face. He thought back to the nickname, refusing to see him as the Skywalker he'd been named after "You're way too dramatic to be Luke. Your dad should have named you Anakin."
He smiled and tucked around her again.
She had woken up to find Luke still wrapped around her, their legs and arms a tangled mess. She should just tell him. Ask him to stay like this with her, just the two of them. But instead she carefully untangled herself and padded downstairs. Their parents left a note, officially designating their much needed vacation. The Peters siblings had the house for the next 4 days. She smiled softly and heard Reggie pad down the stairs, immediately pulling out breakfast.
"Do you think pancakes or French toast?" He pondered his option when you put the bread back in the fridge.
"French toast calls for the special bread from Madame Alexandra's. Do pancakes today." She smiled and walked outside into the back, unlocking the shed their dad let her and Reggie use for a music room.
Alex, Julie, and Flynn awoke to the smell of breakfast, the three of them migrating upstairs where Reggie had almost finished.
“Welcome! Julie and Flynn this is your first annual Vacation weekend at the Peters House!” He was putting massive plates of food on the table, and Alex started grabbing drinks from the fridge. “Typically the guys stay over all weekend, but it’s totally optional, my parents are out of town until Tuesday for their yearly ‘Alone Time’.”
Luke rolled out of her bed, his face hitting the floor. Groaning, he sat up, giving himself a minute to wake up. He peeked over, saw your side of the bed empty and peeked out of your window, noticing the door to the music shed open. He walked down to the kitchen, everyone else already getting seated at the table. “Hey Luke, can you go get Y/N? I think she was practicing out back.”
“Already on it. Save me one of those weird bubbly juices your mom gets?” Reggie threw a cheesy grin and grabbed their normal breakfast drinks.
“I’m sorry, bubbly juice?” Flynn was curiously eyeing the can put down in front of her. “Why have I never seen this before?”
“My mom has Champagne taste on a beer budget is what my dad always says.” Reggie sits down at the end of the table his dad usually sits, scrolling through his phone. “It’s just carbonated juice though. My mom buys in bulk.”
“Hey, speaking of which, we should go get food for the weekend.” Alex pulled out a pen and notepad from one of the drawers. “Can we take your sister's car?”
Reggie feigned offense at this comment, scoffing at his suggestion.
“Yeah we can take my car, but I have to drop my audition tape off while we’re out.” She sat down in her normal spot at the end of the table after setting the case down on the counter, Luke sitting next to her.
“Audition tape?” Julie didn’t realize she was in music, but she also went to a different school than the rest of them. There was a lot she realized she didn’t know about her.
“Yeah um… Itsmyjulliardapplication.” she flushed and hid behind her hair, mumbling to herself before grabbing food from the table. Luke smiled at her, his heart fluttering.
After breakfast the 6 of them piled into her blue SUV, Alex confirming everything on the way to Wholesale Sam’s.
She dropped the four of them off, and the two of them went to the post office down the street.
“Are you excited”
“A bit. I’m also a bit nervous and a bit scared and worried and…” She trailed off when Luke put his hand over hers. “It’s a lot to take in… I doubt I’ll make it in, I don’t go to a music prestigious high school like you guys.”
“Okay true, but you’re amazing. I’ve never met anyone who would beatbox and play an instrument, let alone write the way you do.” She smiled slightly at his words, a pink heat dusting her cheeks. He held her hand the whole time as she dropped off the parcel, and the entire way back to the store.
“Luke?” He turned towards her as they parked, his bright eyes gleaming.
“Thank you. I’m really glad to have you as a friend.” The words stung both of them, but he smiled, and just walked with her into the store, meeting up with the rest of their friends.
It was really like any wholesale store, and soon they found themselves heading towards the back of the store where the freezer section was, forgetting that Luke was holding her hand.
Reggie nudged Alex when they approached, but no one said anything out of the ordinary. It wasn’t until she surged forward towards a bin of giant Stuffies that Luke realized he had been holding her hand the whole time. It felt empty and cold, and his face fell slightly at the absence, but seeing her stand there with a giant round penguin-looking thing made him smile. “Look, it's a penguin! But also a mango!” She dropped it by the bin and dug through it again, producing a watermelon with a pugs face on it. “We can be matching!” He never saw her get so excited over squishies before but before he knew it she had dug up a stuffed Plague Doctor and Nurse B, almost as big as her. Luke had no idea where he’d put it in his room, but the smile on her face convinced him he’d do anything to keep it there.
“Sis those are pretty big, You wouldn’t have room for it.” She seemed to ponder this for a moment before putting all the giant stuffies back and producing two smaller keychain stuffies of the same pair.
“I can settle for this then.” She put them in the cart, and the 6 of them continued shopping.
The trip ended with a stop at Her favorite bakery, getting the special french toast bread she loved so much, but also treating everyone else.
“Julie, do you want something?” Her question caught Julie off guard who just nodded, and Flynn pulled her over to the case.
The rest of the day everyone spent hanging around the house. She excused herself upstairs during their game tournament, padding up to her room. Truth be told she felt too anxious to be around people, and she had hoped the olive branch of food would be enough to show Julie she wanted to be friends. She didn’t notice she had been crying until she heard a soft knock on her door. She quickly wiped her tears and opened the door to a concerned Luke. She moved aside slightly for him to come in, and he wrapped his arms around her.
“Are you okay?” She nodded and felt his lips against her forehead.
“I’m just a little overwhelmed lately.” He nodded and pulled away looking down slightly at her face. He couldn’t help but look at her lips, his concern still festering seeing them chewed up. He hadn’t realized she’d been doing it all day. “Luke…”
“I’m sorry… I should go back downstairs.”
“No wait…” Her hand was warm against his arm, and he faced her again.
“Be honest. Are we friends?”
“Of course we are.” He almost scoffed at her question. “You’re my best friend…”
“Am I? Cause there are times when I think… no I want-”
“-to be more…” His eyes fell to her lips again as he finished her sentence for her.
“Luke I-” She’s cut off by his lips on hers, his hands on her cheeks. He pulls away slightly, kicking the door closed and walks to the bed with her. “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
“I want to.” He kisses her again, hungrier, and faster “I’ve wanted this for so long. I’ve wanted you for so long.”
3 months later
“Oh my god.” Luke hears the ripping of an envelope, and all 6 of them jump up. “Oh god I can’t read it. I can’t face this rejection.” She hands the letter to Reggie, who rips it out of the envelope and hungrily reads the words.
“Dear Miss Y/N Peters, We are pleased to announce that your application has been accepted and you will be attending Julliard for the next Fall semester!” She screams in excitement and the group rushes to hug her.
She cries while muttering about how she couldn’t believe she was accepted. The group celebrates later that evening with the rest of their families.
And amidst the crowd she finds herself and Luke alone in her bedroom. “So… New York huh?” A sad smile washes over her face, and the tears she was holding back came through. “Hey don’t cry babe you got in! That’s good isn’t it?” He moves so he’s sitting on the floor beside her. He wraps his arms around her, and she nestled into his side, the two of them leaning against the wall.
“Luke I… Reggie and I have never been separated. I haven’t been without you for more than a few weeks since you became friends with him too and…”
“Hey…” He pulls her face up to meet him. “I never said you’d be going alone.” Her eyes widened a bit at his statement. “Besides, New York sounds fun. And if you decide we don’t like it there we can always come back home.”
“Luke Patterson, you are my home.”
“And I’d follow you anywhere.”
#luke patterson#julie and the phantoms#luke patterson x reader#reggie peters#jatp#julie molina#alex mercer
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Fic List
❋ Favorites
Niall Horan x Harry Styles
Barbara’s - WC: 11,466 - Ao3 - Coffee Shop AU
What’s A Fella T’Do - WC: 35,618 - Ao3 - Fake Relationship AU
Maybe You’re My Snowflake - WC: 19,987 - Ao3 - College AU
You Were A Vision In The Morning - WC: 2,484 - Ao3 - Dr. Niall/Injured Harry
You’re The Missing Piece I Need - WC: 4,214 - Ao3 - Soulmate AU
Savin’ My Love For You - WC: 8,265 - Ao3 - Soulmate AU
❋ Friends Just Sleep In Another Bed - WC: 39,224 - Ao3 - Tour/Friends>Lovers
I have loved you since we were 18 - WC: ~26,500 - Tumblr - Friends>Lovers
Share A Little Of That Human Touch - WC: 4,001 - Ao3 - Tour/Friends>Lovers
Playing For The Wrong Team - WC: 10,616 - Ao3 - American AU
Niall’s Pregnant - WC: 2,262 - Ao3 - Bromance
❋ Emotional Knapsack - WC: 63,991 - Ao3 - Storan Tour/Hiatus
And Us Their Men - WC: 25,176 - Ao3 - College AU
Children Of All Ages - WC: 27,303 - Ao3 - Circus AU
Who You Lay Next To - WC: 5,860 - Ao3 - First Time
You’re Almost There - WC: 10,437 - Ao3 - Depression/AU
Always Wanna Blow Your Mind - WC: 18,316 - Ao3 - Weird Sex Powers
❋ Move Your World A Little Closer - WC: 45,806 - Ao3 - Alien Harry
Seven Year Chase - WC: 11,445 - Ao3 - Hogwarts AU
❋ Future Full of Yesterdays - WC: 44,279 - Ao3 - College AU
Call Me What You Will - WC: 9,452 - Ao3 - College AU
I’m Scared, So Scared - WC: 13,967 - Ao3 - College AU
This Thing Upon Me - WC: 5.085 - Ao3 - 1D Reunion/Niall Comes Out
You Just Took Me By Surprise - WC: 51,923 - Ao3 - Married at first sight
❋ The One With All The Football - WC: 125,152 - Ao3 - American College AU
See To My Soul - WC: 18,201 - Ao3 - College/Musical AU
Handwritten - WC: 31.095 - Ao3 - College AU
The Mad Ones - WC: 18,956 - Ao3 - OT5 Roadtrip
Let Me Photograph You In This Light - WC: 29,610 - Ao3 - College AU
So It Goes - WC: 11,193 - Ao3 - Fake Dating AU
Love Muffins - WC: 20,388 - Ao3 - Coffee Shop / College AU
Niall Horon x Niall Breslin
One Of These Nights - Part 2 - Part 3 - WC: 27,307
Spencer Reid
The Years - WC: 7,932 - Smut/Age Difference/Co-Workers/Undercover
Dark Side - WC: 6k - Part Two - WC: 4.3k - Dom-Reid/Dr.Reader/Prison-Reid
Four In Hand - WC: 1.7k - Platonic/Mutual Oblivious Crushes
“I’m On Fire” series Masterlist - Fake Dating
Kissing Lessons - WC: 3k - Just kissing
Matthew Gray Gubler
Let it Rain - WC: 1.7k - MGG makes you squirt
Draco Malfoy
Pieces of a Prophecy - WC: 8.9k - Pureblood Slytherin Reader
Not Really Mine - WC: 2,602 - Fake Dating
Luke Patterson
Beanhead Gets Busted - WC: 4k - Alex!Step-Sister/Alive!Luke
Best Friends - WC: 2,767 - You walk in on Luke
Touch Starved - WC: 4,161 - You can touch Ghost!Luke
Reggie Peters
Hey Princess
- WC: 4,744 - Reader has a Crush on Reggie
Owen Joyner
Hero Complex
- WC: 7,084 - Little Shada visits set
Charlie Gillespie
Rent-A-Bae - WC: 7,670 - Fake Dating/Thanksgiving
Rafe Cameron
Clung - WC: 3k - You get scared going though haunted houses
“In My Business” Series Masterlist - Barely Friends to Lovers
“New Light” Series Masterlist - Old Friends Finally Get Together
Fuck I’m Lonely - Part Two - Rafe isn’t as bad as he seems
JJ Maybank
A Crack In The Glass - WC: 8k - Sarah wants you to meet John B/ You meet JJ
Dumbasses - WC: 2,394 - JJ and Y/N get handcuffed together
Well, This is Awkward - WC: 2k - JJ walks in on you changing
Soul Deep - WC: 38.1k - JJ can’t hide you from his friends anymore
“Sweetheart and Honey” Series Masterlist - Bestfriend to something more
Stiles Stilinski
Ski Trip - WC: 18,427 - Best friends>Lovers
Poker Night - WC: 9,320 - Best friends>Lovers
Mitch Rapp
Inked - WC: 16,682 - You get more than a Tattoo
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