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lvkereggie · 2 years ago
sometimes i’m thankful we never got alex and reggie’s full backstories only because i know the edits would be even more painful then they are now.
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invisibleraven · 3 months ago
Keeping Spirits Bright
Day 11: Snow + Ralex <=AO3
“If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?” 
The question comes out of nowhere, but Alex is used to that with Reggie-his mind works in mysterious ways. And maybe it’s because he’s a good boyfriend, or maybe it’s because he is bored and there’s nothing on that he indulges him. “I mean in the US? New York definitely-I want to see the sights and sounds of Broadway. In the world? I mean, I’d like to visit Germany; see where my oma and opa grew up. What about you?”
“I’d go to Antarctica.” 
“Why ?” Alex asks with a sidelong look. 
“Well for one, because I would like to see a penguin,” Reggie said, ticking it off on his finger. “Plus I would love to see snow.” 
“You've never seen snow before?”’ Alex asked. 
“I mean, I have,” Reggie replied. “But nothing that stayed long enough to do all the fun wintery stuff you can do in it. Make a snowman, go skiing, have a snowball fight.” 
“I mean if you really wanna ski we can go up to Vail,” Alex offered. “I used to go with my folks all the time when I was a kid.” 
“I don’t think I should actually ski,” Reggie replied. “You know how uncoordinated I am. But a wintery getaway might be fun. One day when we can afford it.” 
“Go to a chalet in the Alps, sip cocoa by the fire?’ Alex proposed. 
“Skate on a frozen lake, go on a sleigh ride,” Reggie mused. “Though I still wanna make snow angels.” 
“We can do that,” Alex assured him with a giggle. “Maybe when we tour through Europe we can convince Luke to take a break in Switzerland in December.” 
“Oooh, have a real white Christmas!” Reggie enthused. “With a real tree, and chestnuts and everything in that Nat King Cole song.” 
“That’d be nice,” Alex admitted. “So that’s what we’ll do-when we’re rich and famous, we’ll have our winter getaway, complete with all the wintery fun you want, and it’ll be great.” 
“Yeah,” Reggie sighed, leaning into his side. “I can’t wait to do all that with you-see the world, play sold out shows everywhere, get to do everything we’ve ever wanted to.” 
“As long as we’re together,” Alex stated.
“No getting rid of me,” Reggie assured him. 
And years later, with fresh rings on their fingers, Alex mad good on their imaginings-whisking them away to a cabin for the holidays. Reggie was in his glee-even as he shivered through every activity, despite his layers. Nothing could erase his smile, and Alex prided himself on a job well done. 
But also on having the forethought to get the fire and cocoa ready so his new husband didn’t get hypothermia before they go to their sleigh ride and snowball fight. 
A snowball fight Alex was determined to win. 
Of course, given Reggie helped coach Little League, he had pretty good aim, but he was a rank amateur when it came to forming his projectiles, so Alex scraped by with a win, but they were laughing too much to really keep score. 
The sleigh ride was more sedate-though of  course Reggie, ever the cowboy at heart was so enthralled by the horses he almost missed the scenery. Alex didn’t mind though-Reggie’s enthusiasm helped belay his own anxieties about trusting two massive beasts (and their driver) to steer them safely through unknown woods and not toss them into a ravine or something. Reggie swore that one day he was taking Alex horseback riding, but Alex wished him all the luck in the world ever getting him close to a horse again, no matter how smooth the ride had been. 
“Anything else you wanna check off your wintery bucket list before Christmas?” Alex asked that night as they enjoyed their fire and some warm cider. “The staff says the lake isn’t solid enough to skate on so that’s a no, but we could try skiing if you’re up for it.” 
“Would it be terrible of me to say I wanna stay in tomorrow?’ Reggie asked. “I love that you did all this for me, but snow is cold and wet , and I’m kinda over it?” 
Alex laughed then to the point that he almost collapsed on top of Reggie. “Oh thank god you said something. I am so sick of it!”
It was Reggie’s turn to laugh then, the two of them holding each other as they shook with giddiness. “So you wanna head home?” Alex asked. 
Reggie looked outside to where the drifts were sparkling in the moonlight, then back to Alex, lit by the fire’s glow and the soft twinkling of the lights on the tree they had decorated earlier. “Nah, I still want my Christmas with you. Just maybe we'll stick to indoor activities from here on out.” 
Alex grinned, pulling him in to rub their pink noses together. “That sounds like a perfect way to finish off our honeymoon.” 
Reggie responded with a kiss-one hot enough to make even their lopsided snowman melt. But that was okay-the both of them preferred the heat. So even with the snow blowing outside, they didn’t mind-they had each other to keep them warm. 
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oakleavesandcoffee · 5 days ago
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Day 4 of learning how to draw
Prompt: @fandom-free-bingo Tolkien Edition "Fairy AU"
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 7 months ago
okay so question.
if one was to write ralex smut
in the bex verse
but context wasn't *really* necessary
who would want to read it?
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daintyduck99 · 2 years ago
"what's wrong?" "your feet are cold!" for Alex/anyone plz and thank
Also tagging @theamd426, who asked for this prompt for Reggie/Alex as I was in the midst of writing it that way 😆
As much as Alex loves Reggie, there are a few things about him that Alex will never quite understand:
1. The absolute whiplash that are every single one of his playlists;
2. How he manages to eat marshmallow cream straight from the jar;
And most maddeningly of all:
3. Why he doesn't wear socks to bed.
Reggie has the worst circulation of anyone Alex has ever met. And while Alex doesn't mind keeping him warm—he spends a lot of time trying to rub warmth back into his hands, which used to fluster them both but now only flusters Alex somehow as Reggie beams at him adoringly while he does it—
—nothing will ever prepare him for the blocks of ice that are Reggie’s bare feet.
Reggie just looks at him all innocently, like he hasn't gleefully tangled their limbs and started clinging to Alex like an octopus.
"What's wrong?"
"What's—your feet are cold!"
And if Alex whines, it's justified, okay?
"Oh." Reggie bites his lip. "Sorry—"
He starts to pull away, but Alex huffs, wrapping his arms around him more tightly.
"Just—warn me next time, will you? Or put some socks on. Hell, you can even borrow some of mine, if you want."
Reggie brightens immediately, and Alex bites down on a grin as Reggie asks—
"Even the ones with the dogs on them?"
"Yes, honey. Even the ones with the dogs."
Reggie lets out a literal, honest-to-god squee, which Alex can't help but crack a grin at, and smacks an eager kiss to Alex's nose like the human golden retriever he is.
And Alex can add 'why wearing his socks is more appealing' to the lists of things he doesn't quite understand, but honestly?
If it makes Reggie this happy, he really can't complain.
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ik-g · 1 year ago
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zerolostwalks · 2 years ago
Kiss prompts!! 16 for reggie/alex plz 💜
Alex hissed as he gripped his shin tight, his leg curled up so his bloody knee was close to his chin. He wasn’t going to cry, he refused to cry. His parents often berated him about crying. ‘Good boys don’t cry,’ they often told him.
“Oooh that looks bad.” Reggie mildly lisped beside him, his front teeth still growing back in. 
Alex kept his mouth closed tight, bottom lip wobbling slightly as he still fought to hold back the sting of stings he could feel building. It didn’t hurt so much, not anymore, but the fact he could still feel tears fighting to escape was upsetting him. 
Quick as lightning, there was soft warm, and loud smacking of lips to Alex’s forehead. His mouth fell open during the few seconds it took to register what happened. Reggie kissed him. 
Alex blinked at the boy standing and openly smiling in front of him. “Why’d you do that?”
Reggie’s smile faltered only slightly, more out of confusion than anything else. “I was tryin’ to kiss it better.”
Alex wasn’t sure what to say to that. His parents' words flying through his again, from years ago, citing how he was getting too old for that sort of thing. Yet, Reggie had just done it, with no issue, and with no hint of teasing. 
“You’re supposed to kiss the scrape, “ Alex stated, with a roll of his eyes. 
“Oh,” Reggie eyed the knee with a little uncertainty before his eyes flicked up to Alex's. “Did you want me to?”
 Alex failed to hold back the small short lived laugh that erupted out of his chest. “Geez, Reg, no I don’t,” he manages to breathe out with a shake of his head. His earlier tears and panic forgotten.
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brionyjae · 2 years ago
Fandom: Julie and The Phantoms (TV 2020) Relationships: Alex Mercer/Reggie Peters Characters: Alex Mercer, Reggie Peters Additional Tags: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, like just a dash of h/c bc i can't help myself lol, Mutual Pining, Pre-Canon, pre-prom feels, Reggie Peters Has ADHD, it's not explicitly mentioned in this fic but it's how i write him!
Written for the prompt: "And on that note, we're going to stop having this conversation." Prom is approaching, and Alex is trying his best to pretend he's fine with not having a date. Luke and Bobby both have dates, which is fine, it's not like Alex thought the band was going together or anything. Reggie notices, however, because of course he does.
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wr0temyway0ut · 2 years ago
Thank you for the ask! This is from a Ralex piece that's ultimately going to be the backstory for one of my upcoming smaus:
Alex shushes him and wipes away some of his tears. “You have nothing to be sorry for, Angel. Are you hurt?”
(Send me a 🌹 and I'll post a random sentence from a random wip)
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romanbridgers · 7 days ago
i need will trent to stunt cast priyanka chopra in an episode then have ormewood see her and be like "why does she look so familiar" so i can have some closure for quantico lol
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rachele-2010 · 2 years ago
No school just chilling
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Frog days of summer. 🐸☀️
Sending good vibes out to everyone. 😌
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lvkereggie · 2 years ago
we don’t talk enough abt how excited reggie got when alex said he met a new ghost friend and how whenever alex tells reggie abt something he picked up from willie he always leans forward like he’s only wanting to tell reggie abt it. therefore, i believe alex talks to reggie abt willie and what he teaches him all the time and reggie loves hearing abt it because willie makes alex happy and he loves learning abt what willie taught alex.
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mndvx · 1 year ago
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jeremyshada Reunited with the lads in London 🇬🇧
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ralexsol · 2 years ago
im so tempted to finally make the switch from riverraysong -> ralexsol just randomly right now hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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daintyduck99 · 2 years ago
lying together in silence, one playing with the string of the hoodie on their lover's chest for Alex/anyone because Hoodie <3
This is also for @jmrothwell, who asked for this prompt for the ship of my choice! I went with Reggie/Alex <3
He really ought to finish his homework. 
There are always a million things Alex ought to be doing. He's always doing, going, following a frantic voice that very few things can quiet or curb. 
Said things make a very short list:
Fortunately, it's one of those weekends when Alex's parents aren't home, but Reggie is, and Alex can actually sort of breathe. The desire to do his homework YESTERDAY is still there, but it's not as awfully insistent as it'd normally be. 
So. Alex is fine. 
Reggie stops messing around with Alex's switch and gently pries the neglected novel out of his hands. He grasps Alex's knee, which makes the bed stop shaking. 
Okay. Maybe a little less than fine, still. 
Reggie just regards him with kind eyes. Contrary to popular belief, Reggie is capable of being quiet. He's good at knowing what people need; he's a people person, and more people would appreciate that, Alex supposes, if he wasn't also a lot.
He's Alex's person, ultimately, and Alex knows that he's lucky to have a boyfriend who cares so much. For everyone else…
It's their loss.
Reggie nudges Alex away from the edge of the bed, prompting him to lay back and rest his head on his favorite pillow. 
It's a giant squishmellow of a ghost that everyone gave him for his last birthday, borne of Reggie’s insistence that having one pillow was just sad. Alex had grumbled a little at the time, but threatened them when they offered to take it away, because…Reggie sort of had a point. 
And it IS soft, and cute, and thoughtful, coming from the band, and…it still smells like Reggie, presumably where he kept it buried in his closet or something. 
Reggie then drapes himself carefully over Alex, using him as a pillow, basically. He has his ear over Alex's heart and a leg thrown over Alex's, and a hand that knots  in the strings of Alex's hoodie. 
Alex's arm automatically comes to anchor around Reggie’s hip. He traces circles into the soft fabric of his flannel with his thumb.
His heartbeat slows as Reggie fiddles with the string, tugging it idly to a strange beat. 
Reggie nuzzles his jaw. "Better?" 
Another thing most people misunderstand:
Their banter 
Their whole relationship, really 
Because they don't tease when they aren't sure how the other is doing. They know their banter is all play, but they also know it can be too much in the wrong sort of moment, when the other might be fragile. 
So Reggie doesn't make some cocky quip. He just waits for Alex's response, tugging at his hoodie string all the while. 
It also tugs at his heartstrings, but Reggie does that all the time…even when Alex simply can't or won't admit it. 
It's easier, though, in moments like these. 
Alex presses his lips to the top of Reggie’s head, burying a tiny smile in his hair. 
"Mhmm. Thank you, baby." 
Reggie hums, hiding his face in Alex's chest. It's warm even through his layers, and Alex huffs a laugh. He kisses the top of his head again, so full of love that there's no room for the anxious little voice.
So…maybe he ought to do his homework, but it isn't due for another week. He succumbs to the comfort he's wrapped up in, instead, surrounded by Reggie, and falls asleep.
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invisibleraven · 2 months ago
Keeping Spirits Bright Masterlist
As always you can find the whole thing on AO3 here, or each entry on tumblr, below:
Day 1: Adventure + PeterPatter Day 2: Stories + Rulie Day 3: Fireplace + Willex Day 4: Song + PeterPatterLina Day 5: Recipe + Jayla Day 6: Home + Luke & Emily Day 7: Winter + Willexie Day 8: Mistletoe + Rulie Day 9: Run + Luke & Emily Day 10: Underground + Sweet Tarts Day 11: Snow + Ralex Day 12: Alone + Sweet Tarts Day 13: Stranger + Willex Day 14: Letters + Ray/Rose/Reggie Day 15: Present + Double Trouble Day 16: Tree + Fleggie Day 17: Magic + Flarrie Day 18: Smell + Jayla Day 19: Meet + PeterPatter Day 20: Goal + Wiggie Day 21: Party + Greater PolyPhantoms Polycule Day 22: Beautiful + PeterPatterLina Day 23: Ghost + Greater PolyPhantoms Polycule Day 24: Nostalgia + Ray/Rose Day 25: Joy + Rulie
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