#kayla jatp
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ginervacade · 1 year ago
Did I ever say on here that I have a plot for a whole second season of JatP? ( I know we all do but I actually wrote mine out)
If this gets like 4 notes I’ll break down the episodes
Update: THIS IS UP
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jatp-scrapbook · 1 year ago
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alex hanging out with carrie & kayla pre-show, taken by bobby and posted in the group chat
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 1 year ago
Ok. so you know how Tori Caro is Kayla and also a dancer at the HGC?
What if Kayla was dead. But her deal with Caleb meant that she could show up in the world as a lifer and was bound to performing at the club at his whim?
And maybe the boys recognize her and figure it out? And (in an AU where they aren't saved or a post-series reality where they need to deal with Caleb again) they arrange for something similar to let them be "alive" with Julie at least some of the time?
Or maybe something else? This has been a little thought that I am kind of curious to know what other brains would do with!
(please feel free to borrow this for anything if it inspires you, I won't likely write it and even if I did - two cakes!)
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daintyduck99 · 2 years ago
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This night is sparkling, don't you let it go / I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home / I'll spend forever wondering if you knew / I was enchanted to meet you - Enchanted
JatP Characters As Taylor Swift Albums
Kayla & Speak Now
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arcaneprism · 2 years ago
Nursing the Sick One - Julie & Kayla
Number 9!! What better time to write about sick people than when you’re sick yourself?
Anyways I’ve been thinking about Kayla
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Kayla being ill wasn’t a regular occurrence. Generally, she was one of the last of them to fall sick, if at all. That, coupled with her studying to get into nursing, usually made her the unintentional caretaker in their household for when all of them fell sick. Julie wondered how she coped. Because Julie was in her role right now and she wanted to die.
She loved her housemates, truly she did but good lord they were really making her think that they should be giving Kayla presents every time someone fell sick. She kind of wished that Kayla wasn’t one of the sick ones right now so that she could have some help but hearing Kayla’s croaky ‘come in’ when she knocked on her door had her changing her mind quickly. She more than deserved the break she was getting.
Not that being ill was a break but given how stretched thin she had been with assignments and placement and Dirty Candi practises, it was probably as close as she was going to get.
“How are you feeling?”
All Julie got from the pile of blankets was a pained groan.
“I have soup.”
Another groan. Julie frowned behind her mask, putting the soup aside to poke and prod at the pile of blankets until Kayla finally emerged from her blanket nest.
“Come on, up we go.” Julie urged, fussing around Kayla’s complaints until she managed to force herself to sit up. She looked groggy, eyes drooping as if she was about to fall asleep again, and her usual smile replaced by the angriest scowl Julie had ever seen on her.
“I’m not hungry,” she grumbled, looking somewhat like a disgruntled cat and Julie had to hold back a laugh.
She didn’t take no for an answer though, having learned from Alex who had nearly bitten her head off when she tried to get him to eat and then almost ended up crying because he was hungry a little later on. Unlike Alex who acted like a toddler when Julie tried to feed him, Kayla was compliant, swallowing down the soup whenever Julie spooned it into her mouth.
She managed to make Kayla eat half the bowl before Kayla finally had enough, pushing away the soup when Julie tried to get her to eat another spoonful.
“Are you going back to sleep now?” Julie asked when Kayla had finished up as much water as she could tolerate.
Kayla shook her head, settling back down into her pillows in a still upright position, “Have to wait 30 minutes.”
Right. That was a thing. Maybe Julie shouldn’t have let Luke flop back into bed right after he had eaten. No matter. She’ll check on him later to make sure he didn’t die in his sleep or something.
“Do you want company till then?”
Kayla tilted her head, taking a moment to think through the fuzz in her brain before she finally nodded. Julie smiled and took a perch at the end of her bed.
“How’s playing nurse going?”
Julie wasn’t sure what kind of face she made, but it managed to pull a laugh out of Kayla and she was more than happy to take that as a win.
“That bad?”
Julie thought of Reggie who was so quiet and resigned to his sickness that if he died in his sleep, Julie probably wouldn’t realise till the next meal time, then of Nick who had become so whiny Julie had nearly strangled him, and then to Bobby and Flynn who both of them somehow wanted to be productive and needed to be sat on until they actually took a rest. (God, she was grateful that Carrie was travelling right now, she’d rather die than have to take care of a sick Carrie as well).
“At least we have Willie.” Julie finally said as a response. Willie had been an angel. The best patient in the house. Even if he was so delirious that half of what he was saying didn’t make sense. But hey, he at least listened and didn’t whine too much.
“Remind me to take you out to dinner when you’re well again. You deserve it for having to deal with us being like this so often.” Julie added.
Kayla only laughed.
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stellarspecter · 11 months ago
even if it's not actually jatp s2 but just like a tour or new music or something I would still be mega hype. I would buy tickets to a jatp tour so fast u wouldn't even believe. and I would have the time of my life there in cosplay singing the words to every song. it's my eras tour
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onlygenxhere · 4 months ago
"Sorry I called you a fucking idiot, I was trying to flirt." is just so Carrie to me. Plz and thank
Kayla almost tripped over the entryway as she hobbled inside the dance studio with two iced coffees cradled in her arm as she used the other to control the crutch under her other arm.
She’d sprained her ankle a couple days ago working on the new chorography for Dirty Candi. But injured or not she needed to be here. Carrie needed her here.
Speaking of Carrie. She’d finally spotted her in the mirrors. She ran toward her looking angry. “You fucking idiot.” She growled as she took the drinks out of her hands. “What are you doing?”
Kayla glared at her feeling tears pricking at her eyes. She’d thought… “Fine.” She turned back around. “I can just go.”
“No! Shit!” Carrie dashed in front of her holding her hands up. “I’m sorry. I…”
“What!?” Kayla practically yelled at her. She’d do anything for Carrie. Their relationship seemed to be moving from friends and colleagues into something more. She could have sworn Carrie felt the same, but if she was just going to call her an idiot for trying to do something nice.
“Sorry I called you a fucking idiot.” Carrie dropped her hands and bit her lip. “I was trying to flirt.”
She scoffed. “Well you suck at it.”
“Obviously.” Carrie rolled her eyes. “You know how many dates I’ve had in the last year.”
“What dates?” She frowned.
“Exactly.” Carrie looked away. She took a deep breath before taking a step closer and laying her hand on her arm. “You mean the world to me, and when I got you hurt, I thought for sure whatever might be going on with us was over but…” She bit her lip again. “Here you are bringing me coffee just like you always do.”
“First of all, you didn’t get me hurt.” Kayla took her hand and squeezed it. “Accidents happen.” She sighed. “And I brought you coffee because I missed you. I can rest just as easily here on your sofa as I can alone in my apartment on my own sofa.”
“You missed me?” Carrie grinned as her eyes lit up.
Kayla rolled her eyes trying not to smile at the hopeful look on her face. “Although I don’t know why when you’re so mean to me.”
Carrie snickered. “Stay there.”
She dashed across the room and sat the drinks on the table beside the old pink sofa in the corner before racing back over to her.
Carrie bent down and scooped her up in her arms making her squeal. “Carrie! I’m too heavy for you.”
“You really aren’t.” She laughed as she walked them to the sofa. Kayla felt a blush creeping up the back of her neck as Carrie sat down with her in her lap.
“Thanks Care.” She whispered into the entirely too quiet room.
She nodded. “I’m sorry I’m a bitch.” Carrie licked her lips and swallowed. “You deserve someone as wonderful as you are Kay.”
“I like you.” Kayla couldn’t help looking at those perfect pink lips so very close to her own. “You just need to learn how to flirt.”
“Would you teach me?” She asked as her eyes dropped to her mouth and she hugged her around the waist.
Kayla couldn’t help the grin that spread across her face. “As long as you only flirt with me.”
“Deal.” Carrie breathed across her lips before she closed the distance with a soft kiss.
Send me prompts
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narcissusbrokenmirror · 2 years ago
I love my multiverse of jatp shipps and sexuality headcanons.
Julie and Luke as a couple? Super cute. As a couple of besties? Yes please.
Bissexual/Pansexual Luke? So true. Polyamorous Luke? True and real. Aroace spec Luke? Even better.
Reggie and Julie? Bring it in. Reggie and Flynn? Lemme see what u got. Reggie and Alex? Dont mind if I do.
Julie and Carrie? Give it to me. Carrie and Flynn? Yep yep. Julie, Flynn and Carrie? Ugh i want it.
Alex and Luke? ofc they dated. Luke and Reggie? dumbasses in love. Reggie and Bobby? Oh u got style. Luke and Bobby? childhood besties to lovers!!!
Luke, Alex, Reggie and Bobby? Oh u got it. Julie, Reggie and Luke? im eating it up. Luke, Julie, Reggie, Alex and Bobby? You better write it right.
If u think i forgot Willie ur wrong. Willie and Reggie? Bam soulmates. Willie and Luke? maybe. Willie and Alex? Actually they're the only ones i cant see as platonic. Ever. My eyes will burn if i try.
I did forgot abt Nick. im not sorry.
i love dynamical possibilities too. Flynn and Willie are meant to be best friends. Carrie and Bobby (not trevor wilson) are the friendship that'd heal my soul. Willie and Bobby are special to me. Alex and Carrie are spiritual best friends. Reggie and Flynn are spiritual soulmates. and of course, Alex, Julie, Reggie and Luke are ultimate squad goals. they're real.
also. Lesbian Flynn is very real but i don't see nothing wrong w Pan Flynn, either way Flynn's a she/they. Willie gay he/they every day. Reggie likes women like a bisexual. Luke can be aro ace or pan i just know he likes to be called girlfriend. Julie you're bisexual idc. Lesbian Carrie, no idc she had a bf, that didn't happened. Bobby is a gay man idc. Alex ur my gay he/she king pls never change.
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zerolostwalks · 1 year ago
"Weirdly, the best sleep I've ever had." / Royal Purple
This day could not get any worse, and Julie really needed to stop thinking that particular sentiment. It was like every time she thought it the universe conspired to prove just how wrong she was. 
First she couldn’t get out of this stupid haunted forest night hike activity that someone thought was a good idea. Then she wasn’t allowed to go with Flynn, because the ever so brilliant activity lead also thought it’d be brilliant to completely randomize the groups. While she didn’t have Flynn’s misfortune of being stuck with Nick and Carrie during one of their ‘off’ periods Julie was still trapped with Kayla and Reggie. 
Kayla, who rarely ever spoke to her. Almost always close to Carrie, unsurprisingly since she was practically Carrie’s number one Dirty Candi girl.  And then Reggie, who Julie had even less interaction with. Only really knowing that he and the rest of his band were as close to getting dropped out of the music program as she was. Despite how new they were, though for entirely different reasons. 
The two of them seemed friendly enough. Though, it didn’t take long before she was feeling like an awkward third wheel with how quickly they got flirty. An analogy that got all sorts of confused and mixed up when Reggie turned his attention to Julie.
“So, Julie?” He spoke her name like he wasn’t sure if he was allowed to say it, like even acknowledging her very presence would shatter her like the most fragile glass. She didn’t even have the time to feel insulted at the insinuation as he plowed on, practically shattering her apart anyway. “I think I’ve missed out on any of your performances, what do you play?”
 God maybe she was more fragile than glass. She avoided glancing towards Kayla, certain she’d be pulling some face or ready to make some snarky Carrie-like comment. Julie was not ready for this kind of attention and wished to get out of it. Only for the heavens above to open and release a sudden torrential rain pour on the three of them. 
Which is how Julie now found herself in a small dusty abandoned cabin in the woods that Kayla managed to spot. The one stroke gracious stroke of luck for the night. A fact Julie tried to remind herself as she tried her best to hold off the chills running through her veins.
“Don’t worry.” Kayla stuttered loudly enough for Reggie to hear as he explored the cabin to see if there were any blankets or firewood to help warm them. “I’m sure once they notice we’re gone they’ll send out some sort of search party.”
Sure, once they notice Kayla and Reggie were gone. The odds were slim of anyone but Flynn noticing Julie was gone. She kept her mouth shut as she tentatively sat on the creaky couch that vaguely smelled of mildew. 
“You make it sound like it’s going to rain like this all night.” Reggie laughed from the other room. 
“Who knows, maybe it could.” Kayla said, sitting on the couch beside Julie, her chilled damp arm brushing against Julie’s. “If nothing else it’d be safer to stay here. Unless either of you know how far we may have ventured from the trail, because I certainly don’t.”
Julie silently shook her head before realizing it may be too dark to be seen and quietly said her “no” out loud. 
“You got a point there.” Reggie said, his outline barely more than a silhouette as he returned to where Julie and Kayla were, sitting on Julie’s other side. She pulled her arms in tighter trying to shrink into herself when his wet flannel brushed against her. It was a bit of a surprise he was still bothering to wear it. 
“Anyway,” he continued on, leaning further into her space. “All I could find was this blanket, one the one bed this place seems to have. So unless either of you wanted to use the bed–”
Julie wrinkled her nose at that idea, given the state of the couch who knew what that mattress was like. 
“Ew. God no.” Kayla echoed, and Julie’s chest twisted uncomfortably despite how she knew Kayla was also only referencing the mattress.
“Yeah, I figured you’d say that.” Reggie laughed again, weaker and more stuttering than before.
“He should probably get out of those wet clothes” Someone said, and Julie froze as the other two fell silent and she realized that someone was her. 
Reggie bumped her with his shoulder. “Is that a come on?”
“N-no.” Julie stammered out, teeth chattering from a mixture of her growing mortification and the cold, her blush doing little to warm her up. “You’re drenched, and clearly freezing. I-I’m j-just saying, you’ll g-get sick if you do-on’t get warm and dry.”
“You’re not much b-better yourself.” Kayla replied, a distinct lack of venom or malice. 
“Sounds like we’re all in a bad shape.” Reggie stuttered out again before mournfully adding, “Too bad I didn’t find any firewood.”
“Well maybe we should just get out of these wet clothes then.” 
“What?” Julie and Reggie both snapped at Kayla’s suggestion. 
“Think about it. We’re all soaked and freezing. We have one, questionably decent, dry blanket. Plus the body heat would probably help too. Besides, if we stay in our underwear it’s basically like we’re just in swimwear.”
While Kayla’s argument added a layer of mortification Julie hadn’t felt regarding swimwear in a long while, she couldn’t deny the logic behind it all. Neither could Reggie. 
None of it alleviated the awkwardness of stripping in front of each other. The three of them turned their back to each other as they did. Silently sitting back on the couch in their earlier arrangement and Julie tried to not think too hard about the state of the couch or blanket. Nor about how smooth Kayla’s legs against hers were, or about how surprisingly toned Reggie felt against her other side. Her mind instead decided to wonder what the other two were thinking about her. Not that it mattered much, right?
Reggie quickly broke through the growing silence. “Feels like we should have had dinner, or played like strip poker first or something.”
“What?” Kayla laughed incredulously, Julie’s own confused chuckle mixing in. 
The three of them soon found themselves falling into teasing conversation similar to the one from their earlier hike. Only now Julie felt less like an awkward third wheel and more like she had a surer place between the two of them. Though it probably helped she literally was between the two of them. 
And much like before it wasn’t long before Julie found herself on the receiving end of questions she was unprepared for.
“So, Julie, you never did answer my question before.” Reggie said, though now Julie could tell it was genuine curiosity that drove his inquiry.
Julie took a deep steadying breath, bracing herself. Not so much to answer Reggie, by this point she was almost numb to the words she needed to say, a mechanical practiced speech. Rather she braced for whatever pitying response she might get in return, the unpredictability of which she could never truly prepare for. 
Before she could say anything though, Kayla’s long nails brushed Julie's hair aside as she leaned closer, warm breath ghosting across the shell of her ear. “Hey, you don’t have to answer if you aren’t ready. I’m sure he would understand, or I could distract him. If you want.”
Julie grabbed ahold of Kayla’s hand, giving it a small squeeze. Hoping it came across as the thanks it was intended to be.
“You actually haven’t missed any of my performances.” Julie quietly said.
“Oh.” Reggie’s hushed tone matched hers. “But I thought–”
“You’re not wrong.” Julie cut him off not wanting the reminder and Kayla squeezed Julie's hand again. Maybe, maybe Kayla was right about this too. At least Julie hoped she was, because Julie definitely wasn’t ready to tackle this. Not tonight anyway. 
“However.” She said, trying to infuse as much flirting teasing as he and Kayla had been using all night. Even if she could tell she was doing an extremely poor job of it, her voice cracking despite her efforts. “That’s a part of my back story you have yet to unlock.”
Reggie did her the service of laughing at her poor attempt at a joke and allowing the conversation to move to new topics. She did him the service of pretending his ‘oh so random excuse’ for a hug not even a minute later was just that, ‘a random hug.’ One that Kayla also happened to get involved in.
The next morning Julie was almost certain the whole evening had been a bizarre fever dream until she realized she’d fallen asleep sitting up. Slowly she blinked her eyes open to find herself leaning against Reggie’s pale freckled shoulder, a heavy weight leaning against her own head and against her other side. Julie shifted, trying to not wake the other two but not sure hoe to remove herself from between them. 
“Morning.” Kayla whispered, her voice slightly raspy, and making no move to get off of Julie. “We must have accidentally drifted off.” 
Julie nearly squeaked in surprise to hear her voice, and definitely did when Reggie chuckled and whispered back. “Weirdly, the best sleep I've ever had."
“Same.” Kayla giggled, both of the laughing vibrating against Julie’s chest. And though she couldn’t quite bring herself to say it with her voice caught behind her smile, Julie felt the same way too. 
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onlygenxhere · 3 months ago
From the as yet untitled next fic in the The Miraculous Files of Mariposaport, Maine(from Luke Patterson, S.E.O.)
She spotted Carlos before they’d even handed their jackets over to the coat check girl at the entrance. The Molina family owned several businesses in addition to the cassino, but the dance club was Carlos’ responsibility. Kayla had always wanted to ask him why he worked here. As far as she knew, he didn’t dance. He’d certainly never been to her studio.
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This week’s word is…
Find the word in any WIP and share the sentence containing it. Reply, reblog, stick it in the tags, tag us in a new post, or keep it private. All fandoms, all ships, all writers welcome.
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greatsharklamia · 3 months ago
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Summer Fling | Rafe Cameron x Y/N | Social Media AU
Summary: Y/N, in her second year of uni, is back in Obx for the Christmasbreak. Ending up at the same uni, Kiara, Pope and Y/N are drawn together by their love of the Outer Banks, becoming friends outside of the slight acquaintance they had before. This has spilled over into break and Y/N finds herself invited to hang out with the younger group.
In the meantime, six months out of a chaotic relationship Y/N is trying her luck on dating apps. Rafe just so happens to be home for break as well, and enters into a casual fling with Y/N.
Featuring: Y/N a year older than the Pouges, Half Pouge/Half Kook reader, University AU, A world in which Big John never went missing
Table of Contents: Part 1 | Part 2
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One Girl Kinda Guy | Rafe Cameron x Y/N | Uni + Social Media AU
Summary: Turning down Rafe Cameron catches his interest.
Featuring: Uni AU, Fratbro Rafe, Social Media Au
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Julie And The Phantoms
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JATP Social Media AU
Summary: The Phantoms are taking over the world; one hit at a time.
Featuring: Julie/Luke, Alex/Willie, Flynn/Carrie, Reggie/Kayla. Aged up characters, all human.
Table of Contents: Part1 | Part2
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Rivusas relationship through their friends (and each others) eyes | RivenxMusa | Social Media AU
PartOne | PartTwo | PartThree | PartFour | PartFive
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jatp-scrapbook · 1 year ago
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selfie on luke’s insta; kayla visiting the band during rehersal
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neon-in-the-night-time · 1 year ago
rewatching jatp rn and damn did they fuck over the yellow dirty candi girl in hair and makeup. it’s just. it’s bad. all the others are okay. kayla and the teal one and even the orange one (though they could have chosen a shade of orange/red that matched the actress’s skin tone better but i digress) but the yellow one just. looks so bad. the wig is so ugly and the yellow lip does NOT look good
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daintyduck99 · 1 year ago
^^"We should definitely get out of here. Don't you think so?" and you just(AHHHHH) "Y-yeah, sure. Uh huh." And they chuckle at your shyness because they know just what kind of effect they have on you. + Kayla/anyone
Julie is grateful for her boyfriend for many reasons. He makes her laugh, stops her from studying too much, dotes on her so much that it's hard to believe he's real…
She could go on and on. He's the best. 
But generally speaking, she's grateful for Reggie because they've established something comfortable. Gone are the days where they'd have to dance around, distracted by every little action or fond word, trying to figure out what they meant. 
She loves him, and he loves her. They never have to wonder what they are. 
Only…they hadn't counted on Kayla. 
Though she transferred to their university fairly recently, it feels like they've known her for forever. Something about her…
Something about her simply upends them.
She's pulling Reggie onto the dance floor now, and Julie just shrugs, smiling, as he sends her a helpless look. Julie had been the one in his position half an hour ago; Kayla had whisked her away before Reggie could register what had happened. 
She's a force to be reckoned with, for sure.
She catches Julie's eye and winks.
Julie takes a quick sip of her drink, hoping it'll excuse…any of her behavior, but the sideways look Flynn sends her from the other end of the bar quells that notion. 
Thankfully, Flynn doesn't materialize right beside Julie like she usually would; she keeps getting sucked into conversation with the leader of Kayla's dance group, a severe blonde in insanely high heels. Julie can't tell if they're flirting or arguing, but knowing Flynn's type…it's probably both. 
Still, Julie isn't taking any chances. And she does love to dance, distraction or no. 
She finds Alex first, then Luke and Willie. It's actually kind of insane that Willie managed to get Luke out on the floor; how agreeable he is to it depends on the music, and a Dua Lipa fan he is not. 
Julie never actually finds Kayla or Reggie, though, because Kayla sneaks up on her. 
Her slender arms snake around Julie's waist, and Julie's squeak is lost to the bass as Kayla's glossy smile brushes her ear. 
"Did you get lonely, Julie?" 
"Mhhm." Julie reaches for Reggie as soon as he appears, and they squeeze hands in a familiar sort of mutual SOS. "Not badly." 
Kayla laughs low in her throat, in Julie's ear. "We should definitely get out of here."
Julie shivers, and Reggie gasps; she can't hear it, but she knows it when his lips part. 
"Don't you think so?" Kayla adds softly after they fail to respond properly, unfazed.
Julie wishes she could be that composed. 
As it is, she stammers, "Y-yeah. Sure." 
Reggie nods, still gaping. "Uh-huh." 
Kayla just laughs, low and sultry again, and before they know it, her lip gloss is decorating both of their flushed cheeks. 
"Come on, then. I have a few ideas." 
And as it turns out…it's more than a few. 
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lukey-pookie-hughes43 · 2 years ago
Summertime Sadness - Give me a game (cym, fmk, would you rather. Anything) and I'll respond as fast as possible
cym as jatp characters <333
Julie - @softcoremaybank obviously...duh
Luke - @lee-says-things I think it's self-explanatory
Reggie - @esperisdrunkinwonderland idek why but she reminds me of him lol
Alex - @dreamingwithrafe no reason I just feel like they're both knowledgeable in a way yk?
Flynn - @hrts4natejacobs also self-explanatory
Carrie - none everyone is WAYYYY too nice to be Carrie
Kayla (Carrie's backup dancer) - idfk maybe @maia-isnt-real she gives off the same vibe as Kayla
Caleb - I feel like I should do @lee-says-things for this one bc of what she just told me. Only Caleb would yeet a child.
Willie - @saturnband same vibes yet again
I think that's it bye bye
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story-courty · 2 years ago
1, 18, 29. 💜
K! Thank you for the ask!
Share a song that makes you think of [fic title]
I'll go with Midnights, since I JUST had two ideas for songs that go with that Luke and that Julie.
For MaM!Luke, a song I canNOT get out of my head is 100% "My Escape" by Ravenscode. GORGEOUS gorgeous song.
As for MaM!Julie, "Trust Me" by Crystal Lewis is pretty much everything she's thinking about Luke in that story.
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
I answered that one here, but another section (because who can pick just one line?) I love is from the end of Every Moment, Just for this Moment, my JatP/Wicked songfic based on "Just for This Moment" from the musical.
The night disappeared, neither of them aware of anything but the other.  What happened to them after this would matter later. If they continued to fight alone, they’d eventually be caught. If they were caught, they’d be thrown into the deepest hole the Emerald City had and left to rot. Or they’d be executed.  Probably executed.  But Julie wanted one moment, just one moment, where this man could love her and she could love him back. And as unwise and selfish as that probably was, she was going to take it.  And if that made her evil then so be it.  Wait…  No…  Not evil…  She gasped and pulled her lips away from Luke, squeezing her eyes shut against another power wave blasting through her heart.  Luke searched her gaze, worry and confusion furrowing his eyebrows. “Julie, are you alright? What is it?”  She took a few deep breaths. “I’m okay, I promise. It’s just…” A small, breathy laugh escaped her lips. “For the first time I… I feel…” She slid her fingers from his hair, cradling his cheeks in her hands. She leaned forward and let her lips touch his again, a grin slowly lighting up her eyes.  And then she finally accepted who and what she was. “Wicked...” 
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
I answered this one here too, but here's a little more from that fic!
He held up his coffee cup so she could see the side. Kayla’s bubbly handwriting decorated the side with her name, number, and Call me! “Wanna explain this?”  Julie almost choked on her bite of croissant. “That, I think, is why we got four extra croissants in our order.”  “The barista?”  Julie nodded. “Seems someone’s got himself a not-so-secret admirer.”  Reggie took another look at his cup, then sighed and took a long swig. “Poor thing. I’ll have to find a way to let her know my heart belongs to another.”  “Speaking of your mystery girl, are you ever going to tell me who she is?”  Reggie hit the blinker and turned into the park’s entrance. “I can’t tell you who she is until she knows who she is. That just wouldn’t be fair, now would it?” 
Ask me things from THIS list!
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