♡ Greta ♡
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Greta - Italian Bi Bitch - she/her - oc blog
Last active 60 minutes ago
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 2 days ago
I love this one.
send me a 🐮 and i will refresh my pinterest and give u my first four pics as a random moodboard
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 4 days ago
hotd ocs' dragons pls pls pls i need the babies 🥺
Yes yes yes the big kitties!! Minella Baratheon and her children (Tyrek, Myranda, Myrenna and Tommard Lannister) are not here since they don't have Targaryen's/Old Valyrian blood rip
Aegena - Goldfyre (The Golden Queen); golden scales with lighter underbelly, white wings, black eyes. From the same clutch as Sunfyre, they're totally considered twins just like their riders. Almost possessive with Aegena, won't let anyone get too close to her when they're together, the only exceptions being her children.
Aerion - Karnax; black with a gold underbelly and wings, yellow eyes. The same size as Arrax (they're from the same clutch), very skilled with tricks. Named after the first Targaryen's dragon just like Aerion is named after the first dragonrider. After Lucerys and Arrax's death both the dragon and his rider started to get worse and worse, sick and fade, after they lost their other half.
Berena - Frostbite (also sometimes mockingly called Zokla by her enemies, just like Berena); pearlescent white with light blue scales, blue eyes. She shouldn't have had a dragon, but Vermax let her ride him before and he flew away and came back with two eggs just before she started giving birth to her first child. She called her own dragon Frostbite and her child's one Frostfyre.
Heleanora - Azantys; light pink, almost white, with dark red scales, wings and underbelly, black eyes. Very small, one of the fastest dragon, but also skilled with tricks yet very much savage in battle. When she was little Heleanora often sneaked to the Dragonpit and slept near her dragon. Ironically, just like his rider is with Aemond, Azantys is fiercely protective of Vhagar, even if she could basically swallow him in a second so she definitely doesn't need it lol
Laenyra - Thalassor; dark navy with lighter wings, blue eyes. Average size for a dragon, fierce and very aggressive if Laenyra is in danger, not very much trick-skilled but loves flying near water to splash his rider. Born from one of Vermithor & Silverwing's clutches, his egg was left in the Dragonpit by Silverwing herself and she refused to leave the egg until Laenor arrived to take it and bring it to baby Laenyra.
Laverna - Shrykos; light green with black scales and wings, darker underbelly, green eyes. Was a wild dragon until she saved Laverna's life and claimed her, with much shock form anyone since she doesn't have Valyrian blood.
Maerea - Vermithor (The Bronze Fury); bronze with darker wings. Previously King Jaehaerys's dragon, unclaimed for years until little Maerea decided she wanted to see the Bronze Fury. Rhaenyra, that totally has a soft spot for her and wanted to make her happy, took her to his cave on Dragonmont and he claimed her. Technically Maerea had a dragon before but she lost it even before meeting it bc the Cannibal eat the egg.
Nera - Zōbrie; all black with just a slightly lighter underbelly, purple eyes. Was a gift from Daemon after he found out she was his daughter (was never official btw but he grow fond of her anyway), absolutely furious in battle, even if she's not a huge size, and only Nera can get close to her without getting hurt. Ironically literally named Black in High Valyrian (Just like Nera means black in italian btw) while Nera betrays the Blacks and falls in love with Aegon.
Taryssa - Vissarion (also called Kēli, that means cat in High Valyrian, at first as mock from the court but Taryssa starts to use it as a cute nickname to say fuck you to anyone that used it before); very dark green with bronze underbelly, dark yellow eyes. The smallest dragon ever lived until that moment, so small that Taryssa can't even ride it. Unlike the last dragons, that are sick and can't live long, Vissarion is completely healthy, just very very small, but this adds doubts to the "Taryssa is a bastard child" theory and makes Alicent even more mad about it. Will follow Taryssa anywhere, most times sleeps at the end of her bed.
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 9 days ago
Who wants to hear me rant about the dragons of my hotd babies? 😅
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 10 days ago
Plot Bunny: OUAT, John & Sherlock?
Finally I can answer this and talk about the babies! (All the heart thing drives me crazy honestly ngl the parallels and plots I'm planning ugh I love them)
Joseph Doyle - Sherlock Holmes in the Enchanted Forest. Regina stole his heart to control him and use his genius for her own plans, and had to deal with a furious John Watson for it. In Storybrooke is still under Regina's control and works as her private detective basically but still keeps turning to his left to talk with someone that isn't there. Will drop the name Joseph as soon as the curse breaks and basically oblige Artem to do the same bc keeps calling him Watson again. Artem/Watson ship FC: Matteo Martari
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Artem Sacker - John Watson in the Enchanted Forest. Was trying to sneak in Regina's castle to find Sherlock's heart when the curse kicked in. Completely forgot about his best friend, but always felt like something was missing. A doctor in Storybrooke ofc. Joseph/Sherlock ship FC: Dev Patel
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 10 days ago
New OUAT Babies!
Special thank you to @randomestfandoms-ocs that let me rant about them and helped me with fcs as always lmao thank you dear (Sherlock & Watson have their plot bunny ask since you sent it lol)
Minerva Gold - Her parents made a pact with Rumpelstiltskin and gave her to him but he got attached and kept her. Henry's fave person, best friend and basically the knight of his story. Tbd if they will be a ship at the end, probably yes, but I'm still early on and they're too young for now lol FC: Millie Bobby Brown
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Vincent Boccanera - Victor Van Dort in the Enchanted Forest. Was engaged with Victoria but had just met/married the Corpse Bride when the curse kicked in, now desn't remember neither. In Storybrooke is basically the secretary at the Sheriff Station. Colette and Em ship FC: Timothee Chalamet
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Colette Evergreen - Victoria Everglot in the Enchanted Forest. Was engaged with Victor before the curse kicked in, now doesn't even remember him. In Storybrooke comes from a rich family obsessed with antiques and befriends Em. Vincent & Em ship FC: Anya Taylor-Joy
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Emmeline "Em" Gold - Emily Burton aka the Corpse Bride in the Enchanted Forest. Lives with Mr. Gold as his protégé and works at his shop but keeps having nightmares about him killing her. Befriends Colette in Storybrooke. Vincent & Colette ship FC: Lily Rose Deep
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Flam Liang Sohn - Ember Lumen in the Enchanted Forest. Fire Powers, her parents transfered from their village to a bigger city before she was born, started a little district where all the Fire people stay. Juliet wannabe for Cove's Romeo. In Storybrooke works in his father's shop. Cove ship FC: Arden Cho
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Cove Newman - Wade Ripple in the Enchanted Forest. Water powers, Romeo and Juliet wannabe with Flam since everyone in their city thinks Fire and Water should not mix. In Storybrooke works as delivery for Granny's. Flam ship FC: Tyler Posey
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 12 days ago
Buffy is SO good!!! Congrats on starting your journey, you have tons of good stuff ahead! Hit me (@/noratilney) up if you wanna talk about your oc ideas with someone.
Yeah I'm totally obsessed!! Some things are very ugh not good at all but like, it was the 90s so I can understand and forgive, but outside that it's just ahhhh truly truly obsessed + Buffy is my daughter I need to protect her with my life (and also Willow my baby. And Xander I don't care everyone in this fandom hates you you're my baby too)
Now I need to go to sleep but I might take this offer too seriously tomorrow and info dump you with ideas so 👀💚
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 12 days ago
Finished Buffy s1 and I'm obsessed I need to cast and name those ocs ideas asap
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 15 days ago
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Mia Barnes | Relationships • Hydra
You did not break me, I'm still fighting for peace.
Taglist : @randomestfandoms-ocs @eddysocs @that-demigirl @impales @ocfairygodmother @rose-of-oz If you want to be added send me an ask! 💚
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 15 days ago
I really like your edits! Do you have any advice; I’m such a novice 😅?
Oh oh thank you so much dear anon! It brings me so much joy that you like them! 😭💚
I am by no means an expert (I really can't do gif for example lol), but I can tell you what worked for me! I would say start with simple moodboards (like this one), 90% of the thing is pictures that work well together! Having pinterest boards for my ocs really helps me with that, but anything that works for you is completely fine!
I use mainly Canvas for my edits but I recently realized while doing a group project that not everyone finds it simple to use tho so if you want to use it as well I think you should start with pre-sets!
Then you can start do some changes then when you feel more confident start to do your own things!
Main advice is to take things by steps and don't feel bad if you don't like the firsts you will grow and they will be better with time! But also, if you put love and effort on them it will shows I swear!! Can't wait to see some of your things! 💚
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 15 days ago
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Mia Barnes | Relationships • Allies
I'm following the heroes, learining how to stand up on my own.
Taglist : @randomestfandoms-ocs @eddysocs @that-demigirl @impales @ocfairygodmother @rose-of-oz If you want to be added send me an ask! 💚
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 17 days ago
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Mia Barnes | Relationships • Friends
We are the reckless, we are the wild youth.
Taglist : @randomestfandoms-ocs @eddysocs @that-demigirl @impales @ocfairygodmother @rose-of-oz If you want to be added send me an ask! 💚
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 17 days ago
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Mia Barnes | Relationships • Family
I'll rewrite this whole life and this time there'll be so much love.
Taglist : @randomestfandoms-ocs @eddysocs @that-demigirl @impales @ocfairygodmother @rose-of-oz If you want to be added send me an ask! 💚
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 17 days ago
For once I'm edititng something outside challenges, crossovers or gifts for my friends (which I adore do don't get me wrong, but I never do things for my own ocs lol). Only you Mia Barnes, only you.
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 18 days ago
If I had a nickel for everytime I came up with a Quill baby with a connection with the Power Stone (or is the Power Stone in one case lol) I'd have two nickles. Which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice.
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 19 days ago
Send me 💐 + an OC and I’ll tell you:
Three of their favourite hobbies:
Do they know how to use any weapons? If so, what kinds?:
Their top three favourite holidays:
The most common negative thought they have about themself:
If they were to transform into any kind of mythical/supernatural creature, what they would become:
Do they have a sweet tooth? What is their favourite kind of sweet treat?:
Whether they’re an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert:
Two of their most prominent positive traits:
Two of their most prominent negative traits:
A piece of trivia about them that you haven’t shared yet:
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 20 days ago
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Valentine's Giveaway ✤ Liv Otto & Cherry Bradford
Tag List: want to be added?
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 20 days ago
Hypothetically speaking, if I had Winx Club ocs (the cartoon, not the series, I haven't watched Fate and I don't think I will) should I give them a made up last name or go just with their first name like in the franchise? Hypothetically ofc 👀
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