#alec smith
savagefunk · 4 months
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tlj1988 · 11 days
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secretladyobservation · 7 months
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sigmundsdottir · 2 years
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thebiggerbear · 7 months
Jensen Ackles Characters Masterlist
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Dean Winchester from Supernatural
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"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that." - You and Dean refuse to speak to one another after an argument and Sam has finally had enough.
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe." - When Sam calls to tell you that Dean is gone, you can’t accept it. Not until you visit the offline Bunker and see for yourself. …But is he really gone?
Part 2 of "Sleep." (coming very soon)
Follow Me Into the Dark - Tragedy has struck in your life, quickly and without warning, leaving you completely devastated. As if that wasn’t bad enough, Dean Winchester rolls into town and he and his brother are starting to ask questions. Questions that you are not prepared to answer though you have a question of your own: just what the hell is Dean doing darkening your doorstep again?
when were you going to tell me - After finding out you concealed something from him on a hunt, Dean is not happy with you and he definitely does not appreciate your attempts at humor on the subject.
"You're safe now. I'm here."
Real or Not Real
"What do you see in him?" "Everything you don't."
Soldier Boy from The Boys
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"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that." - You’re pissed that he put himself at risk yet again.
"I took care of that asshole for you." "I don't like the sound of that." - When Ben mentions something to you in the middle of battle, your attempt at a little levity turns the conversation in a direction that probably would have been better kept off of Comms during a mission.
Part 2 of "I took care of that asshole for you." (coming very soon)
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe." - You’re tired of running and you go to Soldier Boy for protection. He agrees to do it but not without a price.
"What do you see in him?" "Everything you don't." - Hughie and everyone don’t understand what you see in Soldier Boy but they also haven’t seen what you’ve seen: Ben.
"You're safe now. I'm here." - Soldier Boy has been on a ton of dangerous missions in his time, fought a lot of battles, but never did he imagine he would be undertaking the one you had just tasked him with. Shit.
Call My Name - Grace Mallory, the Boys, and the government have all warily agreed to your plan to take down Homelander. There’s just one more person to add to the operation, the very person who is necessary for any measure of the plan’s success. Can you convince him to join the team and help you defeat Homelander once and for all?
every king needs a queen - Homelander makes you an offer that you are all too happy to refuse
Keep Me Inside - When you took a job at Vought International to pay the bills, you never could have imagined just how much your life was about to change. Especially when you catch the eye of a certain Supe.
no one's the new me - Soldier Boy is the OG Supe. You goad him into proving it and get more than you bargained for…or did you?
Something Real - You had offered him the chance for something the two of you could build, something real, if he gave up the suit for good.
Thankful - It’s Father’s Day again and you have an extra special present for Ben this time around.
Where is she? - Soldier Boy only has one thought in mind when Homelander wakes him up: you.
sequel to Something Real (where SB gets his vengeance)
I've Been Waiting For You
Beau Arlen from Big Sky
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"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that." - He put you with Hoyt and Tonya. For the day. What the hell had he been thinking?
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe." - Your house is broken into one night when Beau wasn’t home and now you find yourself expecting it to happen again at any moment. Will you ever feel safe in your home again?
A Twist of Fate (mini series coming very soon)
i need your hand but i don't want to burn it - You receive a phone call letting you know a family member has passed. The news rocks your world, especially when you find yourself flying back home for the services, returning to a place you’d rather forget. As your best friend, Beau is trying to be there for you but you’re determined to go it alone. But since you’ve known him, when has Beau Arlen ever not had your back?
if you love me (don't let go) (mini series coming very soon)
Only Ever Holding Onto You - When Beau Arlen called and asked you to join him at the Lewis & Clark County Sheriff’s Department, you knew you should have turned him down. Sure, he made a great case for your relocation, but it was the sound of his voice that had you putting in for an immediate transfer. After all, he was worried and needed you; how could you say no? Yet, the more time you spend in Big Sky Country, the more you wonder if you should have stayed in Houston.
The Ghosts Are Coming For You - When you moved to Montana, you figured you’d be in for a much quieter, more slow-paced lifestyle compared to the big city one you had left behind. Meeting Lewis and Clark County’s youngest sheriff while working a string of murders in your new position in Homicide turns out to be anything but — especially when things start to hit a little too close to home and remind you of things you thought you’d left buried long ago.
"You're safe now. I'm here."
"I never wanted to lose you like that."
Guide Me To You
You Are My Home
"What do you see in him?" "Everything you don't."
Alec McDowell from Dark Angel 2000
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"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that." - You’re looking for a way to set yourself up and blend in after breaking out of Manticore. Having heard the rumors, you seek out Max for help. In doing so, you come across someone you had never thought you’d see again.
Nothing But Killing Time - Manticore has recaptured you and this time, you’ve been assigned a breeding partner. From the moment you meet, it’s evident that neither you nor X5-494 have anything in mind other than a means of escape. Can you two come up with a plan together to break out and reclaim your freedom? Or will Manticore come between you and shatter the fragile trust you’ve built?
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe."
"You're safe now. I'm here."
"What do you see in him?" "Everything you don't."
Jason Teague from Smallville
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"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that." - When another student makes an unwanted move on you, Jason’s not above flexing his assistant coach authority muscle a little to get the guy to leave you alone and send a message.
Part 2 of "I hate you." (coming very soon)
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe." - Jason has just helped you escape the clutches of his nefarious mother. Where will you go from here now that you know the truth?
Part 2 of "Sleep." (coming very soon)
"You're safe now. I'm here."
"What do you see in him?" "Everything you don't."
CJ Braxton from Dawson's Creek
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"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that." - You had only meant to call once, remaining anonymous while feeling out the whole helpline thing for yourself. Now, you talk to CJ every Friday night around the same time. When you don’t call one Friday, CJ is worried and comes looking for you which presents its own host of problems.
i won't let you go - When Jen breaks CJ’s heart, though you hadn’t planned on it, her loss quickly becomes your gain and so much more.
Something Like This - A Nor'easter hits Boston and luckily for you, you don’t have anywhere you need to be except right here, snuggled up with CJ.
Part 3 of "I hate you." & Something Like This (coming very soon)
"You're safe now. I'm here."
Don't Give Up On Me
"What do you see in him?" "Everything you don't."
Tom Hanniger from My Bloody Valentine 2009
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"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that." - You went to visit Tom in the mines for a little Valentine’s Day fun. Who knew that one decision would lead to everything that’s happened? Will you be able to help Tom or will he be lost to you forever?
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe." - Tom has taken you hostage. This is not the Tom you knew and fell in love with. Unable to escape, can you get him to trust you and maybe even reach him?
"You're safe now. I'm here."
"What do you see in him?" "Everything you don't."
Jake Gray from Devour 2005
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nothing to win and nothing left to lose
You're Mine
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe."
"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that."
"You're safe now. I'm here."
"What do you see in him?" "Everything you don't." - When you go with Jake to visit his mom, you encounter a young woman who inexplicably sets you on edge and has you sticking that much closer to the boy who has your heart.
Boaz Priestly from Ten Inch Hero
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"Sleep. I'll keep you safe."
"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that."
"You're safe now. I'm here."
"What do you see in him?" "Everything you don't."
Russell Shaw from Tracker
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Close Enough - When you’d met the Shaws at the morgue the day before, you thought that had been the end of it and you wouldn’t need to see one Shaw brother in particular again. Little did you know that Colter was about to once again ask for your help and not only would you be forced to see Russell again but things were about to change drastically for the both of you.
Closer - Now that Russell knows the truth about you, there isn’t anything he won’t do to try to get you out. Even if it means he might have to move up the timeline of his exit strategy earlier than planned.
Off Limits - When Reenie sends you to assist Colter with whatever he needs after getting arrested for breaking into a morgue in Virginia, you meet his older brother Russell for the first time. There’s some flirting and definitely a mutual attraction there before you Colter sends you off. Little do you know at the time that Colter has warned Russell that you’re off limits and that Russell has no intention of listening to said warning.
So Close - You meet Colter and Russell at the morgue to help them gain access. Had you known how this was really going to go, you might have pushed Colter’s call to voicemail.
"You're safe now. I'm here." Part 1 - You’ve been taken hostage and Russell is part of the unit sent in to retrieve you.
"You're safe now. I'm here." Part 2 (coming very soon)
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe."
"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that."
"What do you see in him?" "Everything you don't."
Within Limits (sequel to Off Limits)
Michael!Dean from Supernatural
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Let Me Set Your World on Fire - While on a hunt, you all get stuck in an abandoned cabin in the woods due to a snowstorm that comes out of nowhere. It’s cold as hell (Cas’ fact checking not withstanding) and both you and Dean are trying to fight off the icy temperatures. When Cas offers his coat to Dean, in usual Michael fashion, the archangel offers you something bigger and more to his liking than a simple article of clothing to keep you warm.
This Time The World Burns and You With It
"You're safe now. I'm here."
Demon!Dean from Supernatural
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AU!Dean from Supernatural
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Endverse!Dean from Supernatural
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MOC!Dean from Supernatural
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Dean Smith from Supernatural
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Huntercorp!Dean from Supernatural
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Ben | X5-493
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Jensen Ackles RPF
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Come Pick Up Your Ghosts - Jensen left a little…something behind on his last visit when he was in town. Something you are urgently asking him to come back and retrieve so you can know peace once more.
i want better for you...what's better for you than me? - Your heart is broken and you’re currently going through a divorce that didn’t have to happen. Will you give Jensen the chance to explain everything that came about from that one night in Rome when you weren’t there?
Trust Me
"What do you see in him?" "Everything you don't." - Jensen says something at a con that initially bothers you that prompts a conversation where you admit that there are certain parts of his job that you could easily do without, not sure how that’s going to impact your friendship moving forward.
Mark Meachum from Countdown
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Jensen Taglist: @samanddeaninatrenchcoat; @deansbbyx
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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first masterlist
this masterlist has hit the link limit. please see SECOND MASTERLIST for more works
masterlist masterpost
fandoms are in alphabetical order
Cale Erendreich x Reader
Full-Length Fics (600 words plus)
It's The Dominance Of The Thing - (Cale Erendreich x Fem!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Cale wants you to ride his boot.
Drabbles (600 words or less)
Your Devil - (Cale Erendreich x GN!Reader)
You want Cale to get a little dressed up for the trick or treaters on Halloween. Cale is less than impressed.
Names A Plenty - (Cale Erendreich x GN!Reader)
Cale wants to know why you have a book of baby names.
Alec Hardy x Reader
Alec taking fem!readers virginity HCS 18+ ONLY
Full-Length Fics (600 words plus)
Confessional Feelings - (Alec Hardy x GN!Reader)
You find your feelings for Alec exposed after running into him after his date.
Unconditional Support - (Alec Hardy x GN!Reader)
It takes a while for you to get used to receiving love and affection, but this time it was just a little too much.
Starving - (Alec Hardy x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Alec discovers you fantasise about his tongue. A lot.
Rough Around the Edges - (Alec Hardy x Fem!Reader) 18+ ONLY
You and Alec have been working on expanding yourselves in the bedroom. Today Alec wants to try something new
Mortified - (Alec Hardy x GN!Reader fem anatomy) 18+ ONLY
Being in the office so late usually meant that you had complete privacy- though that doesn't account for people leaving things behind, does it?
Crimes of Essex Proportions - (Alec Hardy x GN!Reader)
Alec's stuck on his case. You just so happen to know exactly what he needs to know.
Tomorrow Problem - (Alec Hardy x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Sometimes all you need for a little fun is, like, twelve drinks and a good laugh.
Deep, Deep Down - (Alec Hardy x GN!Reader)
Your menstrual cycle was always the worst, but Alec does his best to make it better.
Drabbles (600 words or less)
Alec Hardy Drabble - (Alec Hardy x GN!Reader)
Alec doesn't know how to deal with the fact that you think he's a DILF
Your DILF - (Alec Hardy x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Alec decides to own the fact that he's a DILF
Interested - (Alec Hardy x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Alec's interested in receiving some attention from behind, if you know what I mean.
Enticing - (Alec Hardy x Fem!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Alec comes home and ruins your anniversary surprise for himself.
Missed - (Alec Hardy x GN!Reader)
Alec's been away for a while. It's safe to say he missed you.
Out In The Sticks - (Alec Hardy x GN!Reader)
It's high time you forced Alec to take a vacation.
Bullshite Doctors - (Alec Hardy x Fem!Reader)
Alec is shocked by the type of care females get at the doctors.
Tenth Doctor x Reader
Blowjob HCS 18+ ONLY
Relationship HCS 18+ ONLY
Full-Length Fics (600 words plus)
Running Towards Something - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
The Doctor is in need of some comfort after a nightmare.
Nightmares No More - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
It's no surprise that your nightmares pick up again since beginning travelling with the Doctor, but the Doctor has just the fix.
Almost Too Far Gone - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
It's when the Doctor starts messing with things he shouldn't that you realise that you're growing afraid of him. Is it time to slip away unnoticed?
Riled Up - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
The Doctor grows tired of you trying to work him up.
In It For The Long Haul - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
Almost dying repeatedly will wear anyone down eventually, and you're not sure how much more of this you can take.
Could Have Been On A Picnic - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
You're pretty sure the Doctor cooks things like this up specifically to irk you. After all, you could have been on a picnic today.
Best of Friends With A Little Extra - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Prompt: “People who’re just friends don’t do shit like this, and you know it.”
Nothing At All- (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
Your feelings for the Doctor are outed, and you're pretty sure he doesn't feel the same way. Thank God you're wrong, eh?
Cocktails and Confessions - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
You don't mean to confess your love, but in your defence, you are about three and a half whiskies deep.
Perhaps It's Time - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
You think you're finally ready to have your cherry popped.
Love Drunk - (Tenth Doctor x Masc!Reader) 18+ ONLY
The Doctor jerks you off. That's it, that's the fic.
Accountability - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
You're gone, and it's the Doctor's fault. How is he supposed to live with himself now?
Trans Pride - (Tenth Doctor x Masc!Reader)
You can't believe the Doctor didn't know you were trans.
Drabbles (600 words or less)
Mild angst/fluff Ten Drabble - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
"The world needs more people like you / "Do it or die trying!"
DW Prompt Drabble - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
"I'm here to save your sad little ass." / "Hey! My ass isn't little. It's.... average size."
DW Prompt Drabble - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
"What did you do?" / "Nothing you can't get me out of jail for!" / "Not again!"
DW Prompt Drabble - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
"You know, this reminds me of the time I met the president."
DW Prompt Drabble - (Tenth Reader x GN!Reader)
Prompt: “I’m about to say ‘shut up’ and if you respond with a ridiculously flirtatious ‘make me’ I will slap you.”
DW Drabble - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
The Doctor comes into contact with some (non-sexual) stimulants
Touchy (Drabble) - Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
The Doctor asks about your touchy nature.
For Research Purposes - (Tenth Doctor x Masc!Reader)
In order to save the universe, you're pretty sure you need to kiss the Doctor again. There's no harm in trying...
Marks - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
The Doctor really enjoys seeing his marks on your skin.
Aziraphale x Crowley x Reader
How They'd Deal With Anger Issue!Reader
How They'd Take Care of You HCS
Full Length Fics (600 words plus)
Angel's Blood - (Aziraphale x GN!Vampire!Reader + a hint of Crowley) 18+ ONLY
It's entirely an accident when you discover Angel's blood is an aphrodisiac for Vampires.
Demon's Blood - (Aziraphale x Crowley x Fem!Vampire!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Part two to 'Angel's Blood.' You've tried, Aziraphale. It's high time you tried Crowley, too.
A Fair Few Questions - (Aziraphale x Crowley x Reader)
In which the Reader finds out Aziraphale and Crowley are Supernatural entities and has a fair few questions for them.
Snack Foods - (Aziraphale x Crowley x GN!Reader)
You're originally from the US and are feeling homesick. Your partners somehow just always know what to do to make you feel better.
Crotch-Punching Distance - (Aziraphale x Crowley x Reader)
Jim, short for James, James short for Gabriel- or was it James, long for Jim and short for Gabriel? Is really getting on your nerves.
Follow on drabble post
Birth One, Get One Free - (Aziraphale x Crowley x Fem!Reader)
You're the birth mother of The Adversary, Destroyer of Kings, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Prince of this World and Lord of Darkness and you find you need Crowley's help with making sure you get to keep your little Antichrist.
Drabbles (600 words or less)
Movie Magic - (Crowley x Aziraphale x Reader)
Aziraphale and Crowley comfort the reader after a bad day.
Five More Minutes (Drabble) - (Aziraphale x Crowley x GN!Reader)
Your partners catch you singing under your breath.
Sleepy Things (Drabble) - (Aziraphale x Crowley x GN!Reader)
Aziraphale and Crowley sleep much, but they love to cuddle you to sleep when the opportunity arises.
Warming Up (Drabble) - (Aziraphale x Crowley x GN!Reader)
You're cold. Aziraphale and Crowley can't have that, can they?
Show To Catch - (Aziraphale x (fem!presenting!)Crowley x GN!Reader)
Prompt: "Everything would be a lot easier if you fucking sat still."
Little Moaner - (Crowley x GN!Reader + smidge of Zira)
Crowley has the shits with you and he's being petty about it.
Bear It All - (Aziraphale x Crowley + GN!Reader)
You reflect on the fact that you love Crowley and he doesn't love you back quite the way you want him to.
Aziraphale x Reader
Full Length Fics (600 words plus)
Much Better - (Aziraphale x GN!Reader)
You've had a long day, but that's okay. Aziraphale always knows just what to do.
Drabbles (600 words or less)
What Would They Think? - (Aziraphale x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Prompt: “What would they think if they could see you now, hm?” 
Crowley x Reader
Angel!Crowley HCs for Shy!Singer!Reader
Full-Length Fics (600 words plus)
Paper Boat - (Crowley x Reader)
Crowley needs a little comfort but has trouble asking for it.
Going Steady? - (Crowley x GN!Reader)
Reader comes out to Crowley as gay, and it comes to light that Crowley was rather interested too.
No Pity for the Wicked - (Crowley x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Crowley fucks the reader in the Bentley (post-S2)
Flushed (Crowley x Fem!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Reader doesn't expect Aziraphale to be at the Bookshop when they show up in nothing but a trench coat. Crowley teasing Reader ensues.
Untitled - (Crowley x GN!Reader)
The Reader has had a Day(tm) and comes to Crowley for comfort.
Helping Hand - (Crowley x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Crowley catches you reading a NSFW novel and gives you a helping hand.
Not Just Friends, Then? - (Crowley x GN!Reader)
FWB!Reader accidentally tells Crowley they love him.
Last Meal - (Crowley x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Crowley really, really, likes to eat you out.
Better Hurry - (Crowley x Fem!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Prompt: “if i have to pull over, you won’t be able to walk for a week.”
Bentley Shenanigans - (Crowley x Fem!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Crowley needs to relieve some frustrations after that shitshow of a birthday party.
Drabbles (600 words or less)
"I'm Inside Your Walls" - (Crowley x GN!Reader)
Reader visits Crowley's flat for the first time.
Good Toys - (Fem!Presenting!Crowley x Fem!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Prompt: “I am going to fuck every last thought out of this pretty head.”
Little Minx - (Fem!Presenting!Crowley x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
It's nice to lay in and snuggle.
Connor Temple x Reader
Drabbles (600 words or less)
Wolverine or Spider-Man? - (Connor Temple x GN!Reader)
You meet Connor at the bar. He's pleasantly surprised by the topic of conversation.
Martin Whitly x Reader
Martin Whitley HCS X X
Soft!Dom Martin HCS
Full-Length Fics (600 words plus)
Science Behind the Madness - (Martin Whitly x Fem!Reader) 18+ ONLY
You're lucky to have a sexual partner so versed in the science behind the female orgasm.
Study Materials - (Martin Whitly x GN!Reader)
Martin loves your singing voice. How convenient that it helps you study.
A Collared Occasion - (Martin Whitly x Fem!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Martin gets you a collar.
Drabbles (600 words or less)
Martin Whitly Drabble - Martin Whitly x GN!Reader 18+ ONLY
Prompt: “you look so pretty when you’re cumming for me.” (but not smutty)
Cute As A Button (Drabble) - (Martin Whitly x GN!Reader)
Martin will do anything to make you smile.
Kisses - (Martin Whitly x GN!Reader)
You really want to cover Martin in kisses. What a shame his guard is distracted.
No Crowds, Thanks - (Martin Whitly x GN!Reader)
You're not a fan of crowds, but Martin always keeps you safe.
Just A Trim? - (Martin Whitly x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Martin asks if he should get a haircut. You don't think he should.
Brendan Block x Reader
Brendan charm HCs
Negan x Reader
Full-Legnth Fics (600 words plus)
Negan x GN!Virgin!Reader HCs
Distraction - (Negan x Reader) 18+ ONLY
Negan consoles the reader by offering them a distraction from their recent break-up.
Binders and Bonding - (Negan x GN!Reader)
Negan catches the Reader trying on a binder.
That Smile - (Negan x TransMale!Reader)
Negan offers some very Negan-esque support when he discovers that the Reader has had to deal with some transphobic issues at the Sanctuary.
Dirty Girl - (Negan x Fem!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Negan fucks the reader up against a fence.
Acquired Tastes - (Negan x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Negan likes to see just what it takes to wake you up sometimes.
Drabbles (600 words or less)
Suds (Drabble) - (Negan x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
You invite Negan to come shower with you.
Not Little Red - (Negan x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
You really shouldn't enjoy egging Negan on as much as you do.
Against the Rules - (Negan x Fem!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Negan returns to encourage the Reader to be bad for him. He just needs to let off some steam.
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Leverage 3x11 - "The Rashomon Job"
One scene, five ways
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Round Four of The Hottest 80s Band Tournament
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The Cure
Defeated opponents: Dexys Midnight Runners, Echo and the Bunnymen, The Cross
Formed in: 1978
Genres: goth rock, pop, dark pop, new wave
Lineup: Robert Smith - vocals, guitars, and keyboard
Simon Gallup - bass
Lol Tolhurst - drums
Roger O'Donnell - keyboard
Porl Thompson - guitars, keyboards, sax
Boris Williams - drums and percussion 
Albums from the 80s: 
The Top (1984)
The Head on the Door (1985)
Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me (1987)
Disintegration (1989)
Propaganda: the band, especially Robert, has such a dark beauty to it, especially when photographed or even more through their music. I think they way they write and sing songs is probably the hottest thing about them, a very sweetly delicate, but often miserable, tone in the guitar; Robert's soft, breathy voice, and their lyrics. they are a very nice sounding and looking group, in short
Bon Jovi 
Defeated opponents: Salt-N-Pepa, Violent Femmes, Queensrÿche
Formed in: 1983
Genres: Hard rock, area rock, pop rock
Lineup: Jon Bon Jovi- vocals
 David Bryan- keyboard 
Tico Torres- drums
Alec John Such- bass
Richie Sambora- guitar
Albums from the 80s: 
Bon Jovi (1984)
7800 Fahrenheit (1985)
Slippery When Wet (1986)
New Jersey (1988)
Propaganda: Genre-defying powerhouse of a band. So many classic songs. Every member was some flavor of hot but Richie was married Heather Locklear hot and Jon was hot enough to make you want to take a risk on a Jersey boy. Their stage show was iconic with Jon, Richie and Alec fitted with wires so they could be lifted up and fly out over the crowd mid-performance. (See the video for Livin' on a Prayer to see this in action) They're still performing to this day and Jon is still married to his high school sweetheart which I think is kind of adorable.
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petratherrock · 3 months
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Miserable detectives Ten and Twelve
Then we've got royalty Eleven (twice? Ig he did right by the Ponds lol)
Edit : in hindsight, they're both not very good royalties which is an understatement so ig not really winning? Just losing in a roundabout way?loll
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Britain is just collecting ex-Dr Whos into cops atp xD, cue Jenna Coleman as Det. Ember Manning in upcoming bbc thriller
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Bonus,, I will never get over Det Alec Hardy microwaving cold tea then stirring it with a knife handle lmao
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Ellie : you're not gonna drink that disgusting stewed tea, are you?
Yh same
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lobbycards · 2 months
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Murder by Death, US lobby card #5. 1976
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citizenscreen · 7 months
James Coco and the other usual suspects of Robert Moore‘s MURDER BY DEATH (1976)
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tlj1988 · 8 days
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secretladyobservation · 9 months
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sigmundsdottir · 2 years
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brokehorrorfan · 8 months
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Murder by Death's soundtrack is available on vinyl for the first time via Varese Sarabande. Due out on March 22, the score is composed by Dave Grusin (The Goonies, The Firm).
The album is housed in a jacket featuring artwork by The Addams Family creator Charles Addams, sourced from the original illustration. Varese Sarabande carries an exclusive yellow marble color variant, limited to 500, for $28, while the translucent clear retail version costs $25.
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