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livxdeadangel · 1 month ago
zjedzone- 650
spalone- 700
bilans- -50
dzisiaj bylo okropnie, caky dzien wszyscy wmuszali we mnie jedzenie, czuje sie tragicznie przez to ile zjadlam, staralam sie chowac i wyrzucac najwiecej jak sie da ale koncza juz mi sie sposoby akbo wymowki (jak ktos ma jakies sposoby to nede wdzieczna za pomoc), oczywiscie pocielam sie za kare ze tyle zjadlam, vhociaz teraz to juz bardziej nagroda niz kara, naszczescie udalo mi sie troche spalic, ale i tak jestem zalamana
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h1eliianthus · 8 months ago
wiecie co mnie najbardziej wkurwia?
gdy motylki na tiktoku wstawiają ss z aplikacji i zamazuja tumblra, to po 1, bo jak zamaze to oczywiste ze ktos będzie chcial wiedziec fo tam jest, a jeszcze bardziej mnie wkurza to, ze inni pisza ,,szanuje za zamazanie” ,,nie zlamalas zasady” ,,jestes dobrym motylkiem”, wtedy ludzie jeszcze bardziej chca się dowiedzieć o vo z tym chodzi, w oni dopisują im ze to zamknieta społeczność, ze nie wolno, ze ktos jest za mlody, ze tumblr jest tylko dla niektorych osob itp. wiecie ze ludzi ciagnie do takich ,,zakazanych” rzeczy? wiecie ile dzieci/nastolatkow chce ogladac np. p☺️rnografie, albo jakis g☺️re czy cos, bo przeciez ,,nie mozna”, to wtedy jest fajniej? gdybyscie pisali pod takim filmem ,,to taka aplikacja gdzie sa blogi” ,,ludzie tam pisza o swoim zyciu albo o czyms co lubią ” ,,to dla różnych fandonow” , wiecie ile mniej osob by sie tym zainteresowalo? bo ,,po co mi drugi ig” a ,,chce zobaczyc co oni tam ukrywają i czemu to takie zakazane” to co innego. tumblr nie jest aplikacja tylko dla nas, a nasze społeczenstwo nie jest zamknietez poniewax kazdy ktono tym sie dowie, ściąga aplikacje, zaklada konto i tu wchodzi. uszanujmy to, ze inni tez korzystaja z tego, a piszac takie relzwczy typu ,,zlamales zasade” lub ,,to aplikacja tylko dla nas” to bardziej zachecamy ludzi i zaciekawiamy ich do obczajenia co tu robimy. czy to takie trudne do zrozumienia? pomyslcie, co was bardziej zaciekawia, ,,wyszukaj motylki na tumblerze” czy ,,NIGDY nie wyszukuj motylki na tumblerze”. no wlasnie. jak piszmwy takie rzeczy w komentarzach to ludzi automatyxnie to interesuje i chca sie dowirdziev wiecej, wiec zachecam aby zamiast pisac ludziom ze sa za młodzi by wiedzuec akbo ze to zamknieta społeczność czy ze to zakazane vy tam wchodzix, wytluamczcie im ze przeciez to taka aplikacja dla blogow i pisania ludziom co robimy w zyciu albo co lubimy. może i sciagnie tu kogos, ale napewno mniej osób niz gdybysmy pisali ze nie moga tu bo to tylko dla nas jest. pozdrawiam cieplutko
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tryingtolearnfilipino · 4 months ago
Mga Aspekto Ng Mga Pandiwa
(Galing sa Tagalog for Beginners: An Introduction to Filipino, the National Language of the Philippines 2011)
Disclaimer: I'm learning tagalog, not fluent at all! Cannot guarantee the accuracy of these notes but I'm sharing them as I learn more about the language. Open to corrections!!!
Just as the English Language has verb "tenses", nasa Wikang Filipino ang mga aspekto o "aspects". Sa ilalim ng itong post ay yung mga basics ng mga aspekto at ang mga kanilang english equivalent.
Completed/Perfective = Past Tense
Action started and finished in the past
Ex: Nanood - watched
Incompleted/Imperfective = Present Tense
Action started in the past and is not yet finished
Ex: Nanonood - watching
Contemplative = Future Tense
Action has not yet started
Ex: Manonood - will watch
Recent Perfective = Past Perfect and Present Perfect
Action finished JUST before speaking
Ex: Kanonood - just watched
Filipino verbs have different forms such as:
Tulog (Sleep): Natulog -> Natutulog -> Matutulog
Salita (Speak): Nagsalita -> Nagsasalita -> Magsasalita
Takbo (Run): Tumakbo -> Tumatakbo -> Tatakbo
Depending on the word, the changes made between different aspects vary. Though generally it's:
"na"/"nag" + root word (Completed Aspect)
"na"/"nag" + first syllable of root word + root word (Incomplete Aspect)
"ma"/"mag" + first syllable of root word + root word (Contemplative Aspect)
Sa mga pandiwa na may "-um-" sa gitna katulad ng "tumakbo", ito ang kanilang general structure:
ro- um -ot word / T-UM-AKBO (Completed Aspect)
ro- um -o- root word/ T-UM-A-TAKBO (Incompleted Aspect)
ro-root word/ TA-TAKBO (Contemplative Aspect)
So generally, as it moves forward through time, syllables are added and "n" turns into "m"
Ka- prefix is typically used for something that just happened before IN CONTEXT OF VERBS.
Ka- prefix for NOUNS are used if it's close in relation like "kaklase" for classmates, "kagrupo" for groupmates, etc.
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pedromirandolla · 2 years ago
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lyrics365 · 5 months ago
Maestro of My Heart (Prod. Czaer)
Bout to turn your kingdom into ashes i akbo wireul hejibeo nol Voices Come and take a look what we’ve been making buri kkeojin mudae wiro Step in Ah beoseonaji mothae This your melody, mp3 Stuck inside your head I know (I know) deo nopiga We fly high kkeokkyeodo We go louder We run, we run, we run sorireul nopyeo Now wake ’em up Cause I’ve got the baton! Gimme that Do Re Mi Gimme that…
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detikindo24-com · 6 months ago
Kapolres Kota Payakumbuh Hadiri HUT Denzipur 2/PS Ke 58 Bukti Sinergitas Semakin Erat
Detikindo24.com,Payakumbuh -Kapolres Payakumbuh AKBP Ricky Ricardo, S.I.K.S.H.M.H. hadiri Hut syukuran Detasmen Zeni Tempur 2/Ps (Denzipur) ke 58, Kamis (01/08) di Mako Denzipur 2/Ps Padang Mengatas.   Turut hadir dalam acara tersebut, jajaran forkopimda Kota Payakumbuh, Pj. Walikota Payakumbuh, Bupati 50 Kota, Ketua PN Payakumbuh serta Kapolres 50 Kota AKBP Syaiful Wahid, S.I.K   Kedatangan AKBO…
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lintasbatasindonesia · 2 years ago
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hwrnl · 2 years ago
One Way - Hillsong
link: https://youtu.be/Grp6ifzYN2g
akbo: https://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/tab/hillsong-worship/one-way-chords-130370
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freightzeit · 5 years ago
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hozzrry28 · 2 years ago
czy ja moge nagle trafic do szpitala akbo przestac oddychac albo cokolwiek dajcie mi zdalne bo predzej sie zapoerdole niz tam jutro pojde
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pamietnik-narcyza · 2 years ago
czuje jakbym byl w jakiejs grupie przyjaciol j oni wszyscy juz do spania chca isc akbo siedza razem a ja mam najwieksza faze umkocham
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airmanisr · 6 years ago
0562:G-AKBO by David Whitworth Via Flickr: Miles M.38 Messenger 2A, Duxford 24-5-19
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pedromirandolla · 2 years ago
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eunannirocha · 3 years ago
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Até Bozossauro se deu como derrotado rsrs. AKBO pra você! Lula vem aí! 1️⃣3️⃣ na sua cara! 247 - O jornalista Bernardo Mello Franco observa, em sua coluna em O Globo, que Jair Bolsonaro “tropeçou na própria língua” durante uma entrevista a um canal simpatizante nesta quarta-feira (12). “O capitão violou uma regra básica da política: nenhum candidato admite a hipótese de ser derrotado. Ao acusar o adversário de defender o "controle da mídia", Bolsonaro reconheceu que pode estar fora do Planalto em 2023. ‘Nós estamos conversando aqui, mas com o Lula presidente, podemos não mais conversar. Você como repórter, eu como ex-presidente’... disse”, destaca o colunista. Ainda segundo ele, os novos ataques contra o Supremo Tribunal Federal feitos durante a entrevista indicam que “é perda de tempo esperar um Bolsonaro mais moderado no ano eleitoral”. “Em pouco mais de uma hora, o presidente voltou a atacar ministros do Supremo e mentiu sobre o combate à pandemia, a eficácia das vacinas e a urna eletrônica” e “ainda tentou fabricar um novo atrito diplomático ao declarar que não irá à posse do presidente eleito do Chile, Gabriel Boric”, observa Mello Franco. #lula #lulapresidente2022 #forabolsonaro https://www.instagram.com/p/CYq86SzL20h/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dreamassignmenthelp · 4 years ago
Influence of State Transition Matrix in Control System Engineering
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What is state transition matrix in control system?
In a classical system, there is an involvement of plants say G of s, we are applying input and we are getting the output. So input is applied. At t equals 0, we are expecting that the output at certain time interval output says at t equals 10 secs. Now, this is the step input and now is the output. So here output we have got at t equals 10 secs. But in the state of the state-space system along with this output, there are states which are the important parameter in the system, that has been traveled that is from t equals to 0 to t equals to f, the state has been transferred. So this transferring of the states tell about the state transition matrix. Now, how you define the state transition matrix. If you want to know What is state transition matrix in control system, you can send us an email.
It is defined as the transition of states from the initial time t =0 to any time “t” or final time (tf) when the inputs are zero., that is this trans-state transition matrix has not concerned with any type of input. It is concerned with some initial state that is t =0 to tf.
The Significance of The State Transition Matrix
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· It is defined as the solution of the linear homogeneous state equation. We have seen last time, the X =AX, X(t)= eAtX (0), this eAtis called the state transition matrix and this is a homogeneous state equations. .
· It is the response due to initial vector x(0).
Here if you consider X dot = AX +BU, X(t)= eAtX= 0 to t, some values will get here coefficient will get and we have written d of t. so in this particular case, this is u of t. it has taken care of X naught only, whereas if you take this part , this portion that is a forced portion, forced part in this particular part there is no involvement of X naught. So, therefore we are saying
· It is dependent on the initial state vector and not the input. Here in this forced part there is no initial state has been involved, but as far as we are discussing with the state transition matrix it is concern with the zero ,
· It is called the zero input response since the input is zero. It is called the free response
· It is called as the free response of the system, since the response is excited by the initial conditions only. You can get the significance of the state transition matrix.
Properties of state transition matrix
A matrix is often referred to A rectangular arrangement of numbers in rows and columns..Now in Engineering, Control theory refers to the control of continuously operating dynamical systems in engineered processes and machines. The state-transition matrix is a matrix whose product with the state vector x at the time t0 gives x at a time t, where t0denotes the initial time. State transition matrix helps to find the general solution of linear dynamical systems. It is represented by Φ. It plays an important part of two conditions that is the zero input and the zero state solutions of systems represented in state space.
1.It has continuous derivatives.
2. It is continuous.
3. It cannot be singular. Φ-1(t, 𝜏) = Φ(𝜏, t)
Φ-1 (t, 𝜏) Φ(t, 𝜏) = I. I is the identity matrix.
4. Φ(t, t) = I ∀ t.
5. Φ (t2,t1) Φ(t1, t0) = Φ(t2, t0) ∀ t0≤ t1≤ t2
6. Φ(t, 𝜏) = U(t) U-1(𝜏).
U(t) is an n×n matrix. It is the fundamental solution matrix that satisfies the following equation with initial condition U(t0) = I.
U˙(t)=A(t)U(t)\dot{U}(t) = A(t) U(t)U˙(t)=A(t)U(t)
7. It also satisfies the following differential equation with initial conditions Φ(t0, t0) = I
∂ϕ(t,t0)∂t=A(t)ϕ(t,t0)\frac{\partial \phi(t, t_0)}{\partial t} = A(t) \phi(t, t_0)∂t∂ϕ(t,t0​)​=A(t)ϕ(t,t0​)
8. x(t) = Φ(t, 𝜏) x(𝜏)
9. The inverse of this gives the same as that of the state transition matrix , replacing ‘t’ by ‘-t’. Φ-1(t) = Φ(-t).
10. Φ(t1 + t2) = Φ(t1)Φ(t2) .If t = t1 + t2, the resulting state transition matrix is equal to the multiplication of the two state transition matrices at t = t1and t = t2.
Consider a general state equation, X˙=AX(t) , (eq 1) where X is state matrix, A is system matrix. thus its general homogeneous answer are often given as series of t [from ODE], X(t)=bo+b1t+b1t2+….+bktk+ …, (eq 2) So (eq 1) are often written as: b1+2b2t+3b3t2=A(bo+b1t+b1t2+….) Comparing the constantwe tend toget, b1=Abo;b2=12A2bo;bk=1k!Akbo We see, on golf shot t=0 in (eq 2), X(0)=bo=initial condition So X(t) are often re written as X(t)=[I+At+12A2t2+…+1k!Ak+…]n x n matrix X (0) i.e, X(t) = eAt(an operator on initial condition) X(0) (initial condition) We can create following conclusion: State transition matrix Φ(t) = eAt, is infinite series that converges for all A and for all finite price of t. Φ(t) operates on state vector initial condition to urge answer for all t≥0. State transition matrix contain all the knowledge concerning the free response of system once input is zero, or, the system is worked up by initial conditions solely. So, state transition matrix Φ(t) , defines transition of states from initial time t to any time t once input is zero. We tend to get the truncated series of finite term. Best helpful properties of state transition matrix Φ(t) is: Φ(t2−t1)Φ(t1−t0) = eA(t2−t1)eA(t1−to)= eA(t2−to) = Φ(t2−to). This property is vital, since it implies that a state transition method are often divided into range of serial transitions. You can get a clear idea of state transition matrix properties.
State transition Matrix is thus a sq. likelihood matrix whose columns total to one. It describes the demographic population amendment from year to year or the amendment of the market costs from year to year. It typically is delineated as a Markov process. We provide control systems engineering online tutors for helping engineering students to complete their dream assignments within the deadline. Reach us soon and take the best expert help.
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lintasbatasindonesia · 2 years ago
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