#aka the only murder batman I have accepted
cluescorner · 4 months
The episode where everyone is like 'omg wait Batman killed someone??? Oh no!! Bad Batman!!' is so much fucking funnier when you've just watched season 1 and like...Terry is killing people so much. Barbara where have you been he's been like this since the beginning and the one time he actually DID NOT EVEN TRY TO KILL THE GUY OR EVEN COME CLOSE you decide that now is the time to bring him in.
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david-talks-sw · 1 year
When a Star Wars writer engages with the material but not the narrative.
I'm writing a long post about the Jedi and the clone troopers and there's a whole section that I had to remove because it was too long:
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Karen Traviss' take on the Jedi and the clones.
I already wrote about why Karen Traviss' take on the Jedi and Yoda doesn't track with what George Lucas had established in his narrative of the Prequels. Since then, I've been able to do more research.
It's no secret that one of the reasons Traviss listed for criticizing the Jedi in the Expanded Universe books she wrote is their treatment of the clones (or at least what she understood it to be).
In 2008, she wrote a now-deleted blog post about it (it was really long, so I'm only including the part relevant to my point, if you want the full context you can look it up, this is old stuff).
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So if you ask me, in the above quote, Traviss is essentially doing the equivalent of saying:
"Batman is a psycho elitist who beats up the mentally ill and indoctrinates kids, turning them into child soldiers for his unending crazy vigilante war on crime, and if you can't recognize that then you scare the living crap out of me."
Like... you can argue that, and a couple of comics have argued that.
But by and large, the general consensus is that Batman is a superhero, the Robins are his sons and daughter, and the "mentally ill" are in fact the Joker and Two-Face aka mass murderers.
So if you make that argument, that's you applying your real-life values and conclusions to a narrative that deliberately doesn't acknowledge those points, in-universe, in order to tell the story it wants to tell.
It's counting on your suspension of disbelief, defined as "the avoidance—often described as willing—of critical thinking and logic in understanding something that is unreal or impossible in reality, such as something in a work of speculative fiction, in order to believe it for the sake of enjoying its narrative."
The Jedi accepting the clones and the clones being slaves isn't a "delicate point". It's barely a point at all!
It's never addressed in the film (because of course it isn't, the Prequels are about Anakin and the Republic, not the clones).
It's only addressed once by Slick, an unreliable narrator, in The Clone Wars.
That's it. Hell, in 2008, when The Clone Wars writer Henry Gilroy was asked to comment on the relationship between clones and Jedi, he explicitly said he'd "rather not get into" that particular point.
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I recently got Mythmaking: Behind the Scenes of 'Attack of the Clones' and nowhere is that detail touched on by Lucas at any point.
Nobody wants to touch on that point with a 10ft pole, because it's not relevant to the story.
So while Traviss acknowledges the Jedi are fictional characters, she doesn't follow that thread through to the end by acknowledging that fictional characters don't have free will, they must abide by the story and the whim of the writer.
She's engaging with the material, but refusing to engage with the narrative. She's having her cake and eating it too.
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My reason for saying all this is that in the book Star Wars on Trial, she elaborates on her thought process upon discovering this detail.
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Shortly before to this, she acknowledges twice that she knew nothing about Star Wars, beside seeing the original films in her youth.
Another writer who saw the new films and saw Mace Windu argue against there being a war...
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... the worry on his face at the prospect of the Jedi being thrown at the Separatists...
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... and the sheer melancholy on Yoda's face upon announcing the Clone War had begun...
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... might have instead wondered how the Jedi, so opposed to war, could've ended up being generals.
Because while we don't see the Jedi openly protest the use of the clones in the film... they're not exactly giddy about it, either. All they can do is watch powerlessly as it gets voted by the Senate.
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"The Jedi are there. But the Jedi aren't really allowed to be involved in the political process. They're there, but they can't suddenly step up and say, "No, no. You can't do that." They have to let the political process go." - George Lucas, Attack of the Clones, Commentary #2, 2002
We also don't see them take on the role of generals, either.
We only see them begrudgingly lead troops on Geonosis, specifically.
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But they're not referred to as "generals" yet.
Another writer might have imagined a scene where after Geonosis, Mace Windu talks to Palpatine thinking the Jedi will go back to their roles as diplomats, and that what we saw in Attack of the Clones was a one-time thing to save Obi-Wan, but Palpatine politely goes:
"Ha! No. Didn't you hear? The Senate was so impressed by your performance on Geonosis that they voted to make you all generals in the GAR. Now, get back to the front."
Another writer might've elected to write them having that "big moral debate" she mentions.
Instead, Traviss immediately jumps on the "Jedi are elitists" train.
Because her personal experience with the military makes her sympathize with the clones and her personal belief is that - while the story may frame the Jedi as "the good guys" - nobody is that good a guy, real life people aren't that pure and selfless. There's gotta be something off about them and aHA! That's what it is!
That's her choosing to take that line of thought instead of one more in-line with the story, because she perceives it as unrealistic. But like... Star Wars isn't real life, it's a fairy tale.
That's like saying:
"The hunter in Little Red Riding Hood commits animal cruelty by cutting the Wolf open. He should've let nature take its course, the wolf earned that meal fair and square. If you think the hunter should've saved Red Riding Hood and her Grandma, then clearly you're the kind of monster who thinks one life is worth more than others."
... no?
The story's narrative clearly portrays the wolf as the villain of the tale and frames the Hunter saving Red Riding Hood as a good thing.
Disagreeing with that narrative is absolutely fine, but anybody who acknowledges the wolf is the bad guy in the story isn't automatically an animal hater and/or a bad person. Just because you say "the wolf is the villain" doesn't mean that you think that, in real life, killing wolves for shits and giggles is good.
Conversely, the narrative of the Prequels asks you to suspend your disbelief and not consider the implications that having a clone army entails. Because the use of clones doesn't have a direct impact on either Anakin or the Senate's stories.
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Edit: I finished the post this one here originally spun out of!
You can find it here:
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ar1mas · 2 months
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- a rant
no because ive watched this stupid show 5 years ago, and i only noticed this now?? how???
ok. some context first. this is about fox' gotham, a prequel series to batman. or at least a potential one with slight changes. one of those changes is the relationship between oswald cobblepot and edward nygma (spelled with a 'y' for mayhap legal reasons? idfk its silly). whats their relationship like in the show? well...
theyre gay af. idk what to tell you.
okay so oswalds gay as fuck. edwards... ambiguous. totally ambiguous. he had a girlfriend or 2 and a half (kristen kringle, the-woman-who-shall-not-be-named (aka kristen but... blonde? this show is weird), and lee. not comfy counting lee, but technically shes one, hence the 'and a half')! very straight, much hetero (on another side note how tf is oswald the gay one, like i know he wears make-up and shit but eddies all about theatrics and showmanship and flair and hOW IS OSWALD THE GAY ONE NEXT TO HIM?? ok anyway).
so oswald was (is. be real.) canonically in love with ed, ed was.........., and 'penguin in love' is a piece of music composed by david russo for season three in which the whole "im in love with my best friend" thing took place.
that song has been used all over season three, as far as i can tell not once in season four, and once in season five.
.....or so i thought.
because yesterday, while in another obsession phase (of which i get one a few times a year. ive only ever watched the show once, in 2019, when it ended. still dream about nygmobblepot though. i dont dream about media, like ever, but with them, its different), i saw 5x8 to satiate my never satisfied craving of nygmob scenes, obviously skipping the main story bc i dont care about that straight shit. i got to the scene where oswald kills mr. scarface and frees arthur penn from said mr. scarface, after which ed shoots him in the head because thats what one does in such a situation, thought "aw how cute", again, as one does, and then realised.
what was that background music just now? rewinds.... oh. oh haha, its 'penguin in love'. how fun.
correction. it wouldve made sense to have it here. they used it in 5x5 for the speech about not backstabbing each other (wedding vows for murderers fr fr), so using it again after their relationship has solidified wouldve made sense.
note how im saying 'would have'.
because it would have made sense, if they used it when ed said "i accept you for the person that you are, just as you accept me for the cold logician that i am. thats why this friendship is great." they didnt, though. they used another equally heartfelt song for that. dunno what its called, it sounds a bit like 'penguin in love' but isnt, not sure if that one has a specific meaning like 'penguin in love' does.
so when was the song used? at 36:08 – 36:17. barely ten seconds, right before eds lines, right before ed kills penn.
...right when penn was sitting in oswalds lap because theyd been fighting for the gun and os fell on the ground.
now. the most obvious answer to "why in the fucking hell" would be because ooh this dudes on his lap so sexy, but no. no. 'penguin in love' is about one specific thing: love. the pure kind. the kind that makes you giddy with butterflies in your stomach, kicking your legs, while youre on your bed, writing in your diary about this guy you have a crush on. and oswald and penn do have history, oswald was more or less fond of penn, but not in love (i mean where would he have found the room in his heart if it was already filled with EDWARD EDWARD EDWARD martin my sweet boy EDWARD EDWARD EDWA-). im also definitely not thinking that penn was so happy about being free from mr. scarfaces influence and not having to kill oswald (oh yeah, the horror. who would wanna kill oswald, the guy with the big ego, who never does anything for anyone without some kind of endgoal- well, unless your name is edward of course) that he instantly fell in love with the guy. i can deal with the homicidal kind of crazy, but that? no. thats where i draw the line.
the next most obvious answer is that it was about oswalds love for ed. more believable, since its what the song was made for, but more believable doesnt mean believable. or likely. because even if i 100% believe that hes been loving this dude for so long its not something he has to think about anymore for it to be true, im pretty sure that itd be very random to suddenly focus on that when oswald was just about to die. so no, even if its what the song is intrinsically about.
so next most obvious answer is- wait. thats it. huh? theres no obvious answer anymore? everything else is brainrot? oh. oh well. its been five years, im sure its too late to worry about it now. what the hell.
im sure you know where im going with this. or maybe not. honestly idk what the fuck im talking about-
youre smart. you know what im about to say. if it wasnt about what oswald was feeling because he was otherwise preoccupied, and it wasnt about penn because that makes no fucking sense, then who was this song used for? who else was in the room?
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inhale, exhale. no. don’ get mad, you know he cant help it. you know hes totally helpless when it comes to emotions. just breathe. ok.
i hate him. i hate him so much.
if the song wasnt for oswalds sake, it was for his. because i know hes in love with oswald, but does ed? does the producers??
'penguin in love' is about oswalds love. its about his love for edward. its about their love, their relationship. its about edward just as much as it is about oswald.
(why am i like this? what is my life? i will never be normal.)
ed has always been the obsessive one. first kristen (and the woman who shall not be named is just an extention of that ofc), then oswald, then lee. and as weve seen with kristen, when hes obsessed with someone, he can become possessive. absolutely not on the scale oswald is on, but still. theres a wee bit of jelly there. oh you have a boyfriend? better get rid of him! oh you wanna run away from me bc i murdered your boyfriend? better keep you right in place and- oh shit did i kill you? ono D:
this is a huge oversimplification, but you get the point. its there. or at least it has to be there because why else do you get so angy that someone is sitting in the lap of your just friend because they were fighting and they ended up in that position totally accidentally? like thats not normal behaviour, for anyone, unless you have possessive tendencies.
i mean its not like penn was a threat in any way. "he wasnt the threat, the dummy was the-" like i understand ed told penn about the submarine which was supposed to be a secret, but come on, like they couldnt make sure penn wouldnt say anything. so why would ed shoot him? its not even like penn was a random dude where that type of thing would be very inconsequential, oswald knew him. hed worked for oswald, and like i said, oswald was more or less fond of the guy. penns just a poor little meow meow, y u kil him eddie? 🥺
unless this fondness was part of the problem. unless ed saw how happy oswald was to see him, got annoyed but let it slide, then used penn attacking os and knowing about the sub as an excuse to kill him. and why would oswald being happy to see penn be a problem to ed? it wouldnt be. it wouldnt be, unless ed thinks oswald is his.
which makes sense. i know im calling him names and calling him out, but like. oswald told him he loved him like 5 times 2 years prior, i dont blame him for believing that maybe theres something to it (especially since that was the point of 3x14, oswald really being in love with him and surprising himself with it). but i thought ed didnt feel the same way? because hes very hetero? because he had a full-on girlfriend before, twice, technically? because-
"the truth is oswald, you would sacrifice anyone to save your own neck. even me."
"like i said! you will always fail, because youll never change."
hm. i know this is a bit off topic, but i just got a war-flashback and... why did ed sound so hurt when he said that? "youll never change." "you would sacrifice anyone. even me." why does he care? they were friends, best friends, yes, but why does he sound like a heartbroken wife who just found out her husband cheated on her again? why does-
"honestly you deserve this. you are opportunistic, your loyalty is.. shaking, at best, and you will hurt anyone, anyone, to get what you want."
"and yes, i was not a good friend. to you or anyone. its why im alone. but i saw you for what you are and i valued that!"
...why would edward nygma, the man who literally said "i dont love you" to oswald, be jealous of even the idea that maybe penn could have something going on with oswald? and why would he act on it if hes usually so careful to not reveal his feelings (unless its about kristen. the original obsession, the american dream, the just be normal, show them you are normal, and people will accept you)? he wouldnt.
unless oswald just told him that he knows he messed up. that hes sorry for it.
and unless that made him think that maybe theres a chance.
"love is about sacrifice. its about putting someone elses needs and happiness before your own."
"you gave up your revenge for me?"
a chance... for what?
"life begins anew."
"shall we get to work?"
and if theres a chance, hes not about to risk losing it. not this time.
so maybe 'penguin in love' is about more than just oswalds feelings. maybe they were trying to tell us that, yes, we see you traumatised gay kid, were sorry this is all we can give you, but here you go, eds in love with him too, but don’t tell the channel. subtlely. just for barely ten seconds. and maybe it can be enough.
nope, it wont be. im gonna sit here crying about the injustice of not having them kiss on screen in the finale as was originally intended for the rest of my life. seriously though, what is this, nbc's hannibal, where im noticing something new details every single time i watch the show, causing me to spiral? no, i was already spiralling. the spiralling was the reason i rewatched the scene. the scene simply made it worse.
so yeah, im done freaking out about a mediocre show that was cancelled 5 years ago and is honestly not worth anyones time (like, its ok. it might even be better than i remember since its been so long. i doubt it. but its ok).
tl;dr: ive only now realised that a specific gay song plays in a specific episode of a show i watched 5 years ago and the only reason theyd include it in the episode is if the dude that was not canonically in love with the other dude was in fact gay, they just werent allowed to make it canon, so they added the gay song to subtlely tell us about it.
have a wonderful day, hellsite. dont do what i did and go crazy about fictional gay people. i know you will though, that’s why im here too. i hate gay people. these two make me homophobic so bad, i wanna gauge my eyes out and skin myself-
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solar-wing · 1 year
⚣ YJ BatBro Incorrect Quotes: Scooby Doo ⍘
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⚣ ⍘ A/N → ah memories. My first ever BatBro and Conner Kent post. Time sure does fly. Anyway, what I said still stands. There needs to be more Conner Kent x Male Reader and just male reader content in general. Batfam included :) WARNINGS: typical chaos, fluff, sibling arguments, random humor
⚣ ⍘ Summary → You join the Young Justice Team against the wishes of your father, Bruce Wayne aka Batman, who doesn't want his youngest son to join the superhero world. You've also got a mad crush on Conner Kent aka Superboy. Ever since you've joined though, you've got this weird habit of having moments in life feel like incorrect quotes. Oh well...
REBLOGS and replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💛
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Superboy: Gee, Dad. Does this mean you finally accept what I want to do with my life me as your son?
Superman: *laughs* Hah-hah-ooh Superboy.
Superman: No.
Superboy: *sad*
You: *calm murderous*
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*Batman, Red Tornado, Black Canary, and the Team in the mission room with you & Kid Flash dressed up like waitressing girls*
You: Um, like this isn't exactly what I had in mind. Why are KF & I dressed up like girls when Artemis & M'Gann are girls?
Wally: Yeah *pulling on dress* my skirt's too tight.
Artemis: Because M'Gann & I refused.
*You & Wally grumbling*
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You: *dialing Conner* Sphere? It's Y/N. Put Conner on.
You: *Pause* ...because you're almost impossible to understand on a phone.
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*Kid Flash leading everyone through a door and shutting it*
*Demon Vampire that looks like Batman locks the door trapping everyone inside and throws away the key*
*runs away*
You: *mocking Kid Flash* 'Everybody! In Here!' Nice.
Kid Flash: How was I supposed to know we'd get locked in by your dad?
You: It's a cage KF! You always want to stay on the outside of a cage. And that's NOT MY DAD!
DV: *brooding*
You: I don't think...
Robin: *facepalms*
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*everyone looking down an ominous tunnel*
You: I wonder where it leads?
Superboy: Only one way to find out. *drops down chute*
Superboy: All clear! Come on down!
You: Catch me Superboy! *drops down and lands on your butt*
Superboy: Did you say something Y/S/N?
You: *sigh* never mind.
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*Wally receives message from Kent Nelson*
You: What does it say?
Message from Kent: HEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You: Heep? What the hecks that mean?
*finding Kent*
Kent: I meant to type 'Help!" I'm no good with these new fangled gadgets.
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*talking about Bruce to the team*
You: Every day for two weeks now, he runs screaming down the hall and ends up sleeping in the yard. Is that normal?
Wally: For your dad? Probably.
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Speedy: What's up with Superboy?
*Superboy screaming and ripping his shirt off*
You: Oh, he's just in the zone. It'll pass.
You: If not, we'll spray him with a hose.
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*you and the team show up at the hospital*
You: Can we help you with anything?
Bruce: No. Go away.
M'Gann: Who's the patient?
Bruce: An employee at Wayne Tech. Go away.
Wally: What happened to him?
Bruce: it's classified...go away.
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*You and Artemis watching Wally and Conner spar*
Artemis: Hey Y/N, let me ask you something. If you liked a boy...?
You: *gasps* WHO TOLD YOU?! Was it one of my brothers?? Dick! Hmm, he thinks he's so perfect. WELL, what no one knows is he has a SIXTH TOE on his...
Artemis: UH! What are you talking about?
You: I- Clearly, not what you were talking about…
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You: Dad, you're vampiring is tearing this family apart! I'm sorry but you've left me no choice. I'm going to have to stake you! *randomly pulls out a wooden stake and mallet*
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aingeal98 · 9 months
I have like. Two versions of Damian Wayne in my head. I think it's a consequence of getting to know and love him via Morrison's run on him and then wanting to know more, doing research into his mother's side, and being horrified by how racist the retcons made were. It didn't really change how much I enjoy Damian in any significant way, because I liked him for his dynamic with the batfamily and how entertaining he is as Robin. It's just that when it comes to anything deeper than that, about what motivates him, what he internalized growing up, the impact his childhood abuse had on him, anything to do with Ras or Talia really... A lot of writers fail so badly at making it compelling and instead just make me cringe and want them never to touch the al Ghuls again. And so we end up with two Damians:
Damian Wayne aka the Damian I love: Most easily described as an in-character, well written Damian with a solid backstory. Robin Son of Batman and his Robin run both pull this off pretty well. They don't downplay the horror of his childhood but they don't cross over into cartoonish territory either, and they allow Damian to have complicated thoughts and feelings about what he did and what was done to him. You can see how his abuse shaped him without it being shoved hamfistedly down your throat, and I don't come away thinking "I have to ignore all of this no matter how important it is to his character because logically Ras and/or Talia would not fucking do that". Also he's hilarious and makes me root for him whether he's insulting his enemies or electrocuting Jason or dying for the fifth/sixth time. Like that's my son and I can write a million words on his mentality and how it's changed and his opinions on his parental figures and his character development and how he'd interact with x or y character and-
And the second Damian, aka the Woobie Damian. The one you get where hack writers want to give him a sad backstory to justify how Edgy and Badass and Damaged he is and write the most cartoonishly over the top evil Ras and Talia possible. Most recent example I can think of is Tom King saying Ras locked Damian in a box with no water for a week because he didn't tie his shoelaces right. Or Morrison's Talia murdering her own son. Or how SuperSons wrote Talia. And look, it's not that I won't accept horribly, ridiculously evil villains. My favourite character's dad abused her in more extreme ways than even the worst al Ghul writer could come up with. It's that these are characters with already established personalities and traits. Unless they are being mind controlled they would not act like that and do these things. Just like how Bruce Wayne wouldn't lock Dick in a cave and feed him rats. There are ways you can show the impact of growing up in a cult and raised by an evil grandfather and being told repeatedly that you are destined to lead them all into a better world and trained in the art of killing a man. And these writers fail miserably at pulling any of that off. It's as shallow and boring as "You know why I'm mean to you all the time? Because my family taught me love is a weakness. I said mean things to you and stabbed you but my grandfather used to beat me for showing kindness to animals. Don't you feel sorry for me now?"
It sucks. I hate it. Anything with that Damian in it, I automatically filter out of my personal canon. The only way I can think of making it good is if it's like the "Slice the Baby Saturday" meme, where Damian is just bullshitting to see how much he can get away with and deliberately testing his family with stereotypes. But unfortunately those writers are dead serious about Ras making Damian climb up a whole mountain with no safety gear even if he falls and breaks his arm or dies. Because that is definitely something you would do with your one and only heir. They're literally two minutes away from saying Ras gave Damian a puppy and then told Talia to kill it in front of him.
So basically when I say that I love Damian and he's my favourite male Robin, know that woobie Damian is not a part of this conversation. Real Damian I would kill for. A writer puts woobie Damian in front of me and says his mom stabbed him I say let him bleed out so I won't have to endure comics about him anymore.
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bougiebutchbitch · 2 years
Heyyy you seem like you really know your batjokes. You got any fics to recommend? Oneshots, longfics, incomplete or not, I'm just looking to feed this craving. I've already read the big ones, REMS, Made for the Journey, Half Way Across, Love and Abuse, etc. I need MOAR
DAMN this is a good question... and one I am only semi-qualified to answer. I've trawled through a fair bit of the Batjokes AO3, but that still amounts to, uh, not even half of it. Any further reccs are welcome! For now though, some favourites, old and new, are under the cut~
Please check each individual fic for rating & warnings.
I'm currently obsessed with The #48 Verse series, by DesdemonaKaylose! Start here...
BRED TO SUFFER (desdemonakaylose)
AU from Batman comics #48: amnesiac Bruce Wayne is saved from having to choose between his newfound peace and the legacy of Batman. And as long as there is no Batman, there can't be a Joker.
John Doe, of the uncannily wide smile and the acid green eyes, deals with a creeping sense of dread that something is poised to go very, very wrong.
After the events of Endgame, amnesiacs Bruce Wayne and John Doe find themselves drawn together and repelled like magnets. Love - and danger - ensues, as their pasts crawl slowly back through cracks in the mirror.
And I can't not mention the other fic I'm obsessed with: AS WE GO ALONG (battybrownboo) - EXPLICIT
Batman and the Joker are perched along the edges of a precarious and complicated affair when an old enemy returns to Gotham. The adversary's desires for revenge against Bruce Wayne have only strengthened with time. This forces the two enemies with benefits on a wild goose chase, and to confront their relationship head on, whether they’re ready or not.
Strong Deadly Duo vibes, but with all the hardcore fucking that DC keep forgetting to add in! Batman and Joker are forced to team up, while navigating a delightfully messy ongoing relationship. As ever, I'm on tenterhooks for the next chapter!
"Mr. Wayne, it's this government's decision that regardless of the progress, you will become this man's handler. How he gets to the point of accepting that, is up to you."
Bruce breaks the Joker. But not for himself. Contains rape.
Joker is preparing to celebrate his and Batman’s upcoming Nemesis Anniversary when he makes the devastating discovery that Batman is married to his roommate Bruce Wayne.
Legobatjokes cuteness!
JUST IN CASE OF SURPRISES (princegrantaire)
What do you get for the man who has everything anyway? A skinny murderous clown, apparently.
Clark gets Bruce a very unconventional birthday present.
After you've worked your way through those, please go read the entire archives of Dracze, Distortopia, Fractualized and Fricketyfrac, aka DDFF, aka the deities of batjokes fic. A couple of faves of theirs that I haven't yet reccommended publicly are:
Dick and Barbara reminded me what’s important,” Bruce says, quietly. “And there's one more person I want to see.”
So sweet it gave me cavities <3
FRIEND, PLEASE (distortopia)
Joker will not let a disease, of all things, do him in. He was always meant to die at the hands of the Bat. He hadn’t tortured him enough before; he had been holding back. But now he would present Bruce with an impossible, obvious choice: kill Joker before he killed the world.
Joker gets cancer. It goes badly.
The Justice League are regrouping after an attack when an unexpected visitor arrives at Batman's hideout.
The Justice League meet John Doe! <3
Batman investigates why Bane made an appearance at Amusement Mile, and his interrogation of Joker takes a dark turn.
Batman finds the nasty aftermath of a confrontation between Joker and Bane. Warnings for rape and some very, very dubious consent.
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I saw Oppenheimer (here after Oppy Heim)
It is a magnificent movie. It's exciting and very interesting and thoughtfully made, and with care. I'm glad the doofus who directed the batman movies and Directing: It's Heroic (aka Inception) gets to make these very unique, fascinating, huge projects. No one else gets to these days, it feels like.
That said, I can understand some meaningful critique of the film. No, it's not at ALL condoning the actions of building nuclear weapons, but as the film states from its protagonist in a scene where he is later under close scrutiny (and to some extent bad faith interrogation) he explains that context is important. I think that is brutally true in a story about the creation and utilization of mass weapons. So what context is this film presenting?
The film is large in scope, and knows it. Characters say as much multiple times. Creating the power to unleash literal hell on earth with one "gadget" or "device" is literally world changing. It doesn't hinge entirely on the efforts of one man, J. Robert Oppenheimer, but the film takes pains to indicate that the US wouldn't have accomplished the building of the bomb on the timeline it did without Oppy's charisma, his intellect, and his ability to coordinate and collaborate with other geniuses. Oppy Heim tells a huge story, but it does brilliantly narrow the scope of the story, long ass running time aside, because it's not The Story of the Atomic Bomb it's the story of J. Robert Oppy Heim, Father of the Atomic Bomb. These are overlapping but disparate things.
I would be a hypocrite if I tossed this film aside, by the way, after I have declared more than once that The Wind Rises is Miyazaki's finest film. They are essentially parallel works, exploring very, very similar themes. That said, isn't that the crucial distinction? Miyazaki was fire bombed by the US in his own living memory. He and his family had to run away from war and violence. Now, of course, Nolan is not a man without a dark and complicated history. (Spoiler alert, we all come from pain) However, context is important, is it not? When grappling with the pain Oppy Heim inflicted, it's clear that he is at once self-flagellating, and truly guilty, filled with shame, and also unable to accept ownership of the real harm he's done at times to real people. So, when the only direct reference to real Japanese human being being charred to death, and those who survived the initial blast eventually doomed to feel their organs liquify inside their own bodies, we only see it reflected in Oppy Heim's pained face.
Which, Cilliam Murphy Deserves the Oscar, it's not even a question. That's part of what elevates the film. Really superb acting, and Cillian still the stand out.
I am not sure what to do with a film that wants to build and explore sympathizing with an accomplice to mass murder. Am I meant to see himself in him? Does Nolan, absurdly, see himself in this man? Is it just sick fascination? Is it suggesting that any of us could do this? That genius forces us to do this?
That's sort of what The Wind Rises suggests, and again, it deeply informs my reading.
So, I mean, if the film wants me to think "wow we strongly over rate Big Important Men of Genius" then sure, yes, lol.
That said, this is a film that makes a staggering case for Seeing Films In Theaters. I can't imagine seeing and enjoying this film even half as much at home on my couch with distractions abound and my wimpy sound system.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Watch "The Dark Knight Rises: Batman Vs Bane With Healthbars" on YouTube
Is Trump and he was greedy in St John's and fought like Brenda and it went on for like 40 minutes or something someone said 30 minutes which is very long for open fist I mean not covered fists full contact and there are bloodied and Granny's face was expanded for a day but really that was John Reema Lord and he could take the punches and he was punching him and my daddy it was Mac Daddy and usually he can knock someone out in one punch and then the vents over and he would not go down well he went down but he came up but still this is grainy AKA John reedward AKA Trump fighting Brad and I think we got the wrong Batman as we calling it bja and it's really Trump
Zues Hera
I'm challenging you Trump is to an exhibition WWE style wrestling match no weapons of course and we follow the rules and for charity if you bow out I'll understand but I'm formally challenging you and I'm putting it in writing and I know the ring and in costume you don't have to wear a full costume because I'm not going to wear a full costume and The mask will be similar but it won't have a metal in it but that's the idea and it will look real though I'll have everything else on
Brad aka Bane
I accept your challenge and I will be wearing the Batman suit and it won't have the armor and you can see it as armor that's pretty hard to hit it and I probably won't have a cape and her friend says you have the cape and you going in and you hand it to that girl or Robin most likely Robin cuz it's going to be a man on man bout, yes he was saying so where the cape and I take the cape off and I hand it to her and the cow will have to be a little different somehow they don't allow masks that cover your whole face or even parsley like that and he says it's not true because Rey Mysterio has one and so looking at it and it's covering everything so we're going to go ahead with it and I have a call that's made for abuse but it's not really armors rubber and you can wear a rubber helmet they don't really appreciate it but it's not really apropos in this case. So I'm accepting your challenge and offer too to do the charity match
Batman trump
It's a huge issue here everybody's kind of giggling a little cuz of thinking of trump suiting up as Batman and saying his wife's ass things I can't stand anymore he's going to do the scary monster movie that's like years of footage he's saying it's Batman as Trump a little skit no one gets elected but me stand down it's scurvy little b****, and he's saying it but being is saying back no one talks to me that way and now Trump Batman is saying it wasn't me it was someone else he says you better stop that s*** I know it was him only acting and Trump being says Trump Batman says I've had enough of both you you're going down bane and I'll take you down to the ring they're going to stay down and you won't be able to challenge me anymore because I'm going to leave you injured. That was unnecessary Batman and I'm questioning your scruples you're supposed to be a good guy and a good man get your blemishing yourself by seeing these things and yes to a public audience all can see you. I'm going to come down on you babe you're trying to smear my image so you can get away with murder and crimes Batman says
I guess it's on and we're going to have to have a ring and we're going to set up the bout and there's several bouts that are going to be set up. The real Batman versus the real bain well I guess it's a different class, the real pain versus Andre the Giant and that's a different class and possibly a while later the real bane versus the real Bain at least you could have a girl as a sidekick hopefully the first one will be an actual girl. And he's saying I hope that's an actual human girl he says she might be a giant. Now it's on okay we got all this to arrange and set up and this is because of hulk Hogan and he was encouraging it and he wants to start a series of wrestling heroes reborn and they're going to have music and celebrations and the clones and the gifted will call it corny and gay and they're going to get mad and start wrestling for real and Andre the Giant will be in it as well as Preston who has not been feeling well he's got plastic to take out and that's what it was and we do work on it
I'm going to set this up and no Chris not in the event center in Miami thanks though is a good idea your people would be there I do understand that. It they can haul you out with a crane cuz you're way so much I've got enough of this stupid s*** stop saying that funny stuff
Mac daddy
We have a huge number of people think of these your son cuz he says all this crazy s*** you do then he's just like sitting there memorizing it trying to embarrass you or some dumb s*** and he gets famous cuz he's saying what you're saying it gets away with people think he doesn't really get away with it but it's hilarious cuz he's going around saying it and later on something happens he just keeps doing it
0 notes
nightcolorz · 3 years
Poorly describing my versions of the Gotham rogues:
Joker: “yolo” in its most dangerous form, def is writing a slow burn enemies to loves fic about him and Batman. Gay and homophobic 💯 The other rogues don’t invite him to pride celebrations anymore cause he’ll keep calling people slurs “as a joke”. Him and Edward have longterm beef, like schoolgirl levels of petty drama.
Harley Quinn: would describe herself as a “girlboss” unironically while committing heinous crimes. tweeted “clowns aren’t funny” after breaking up with Joker (ended up causing a huge scandal). The OG “I can fix him” girl. Is sort of the rogues free underground therapist (god knows they need it) cause they can’t get professional help without being sent to Arkham.
Poison Ivy: Breaking News: Cottagecore lesbian commits mass murder cause her plant wilted. She’s what republicans think environmentalists are. Would get in a fist fight with that vegan teacher cause “plants have feelings too”. Has beef with most of the male rogues, supports ‘kill all men’ without realizing it’s a joke (she prefers ‘kill all humans’ but figured she had to downgrade because the Gotham city sirens are humans technically).
Cat Woman: “OH NO! It appears I’ve gotten stuck backwards in the bank vault step-Bat 😏😏😏😏😏😏, looks like I’m not stealing any more diamonds today 😰😩”. Mad respect for Selina, she just wants diamonds and bat dick, no tragic backstory or complex motivations needed. I personally like to headcanon her as wearing a straight up cat costume (ears and a tail like a true furry) cause it’s way funnier to imagine a sophisticated rich woman dressing up as a cat to steal shit than whatever bullshit DCs up to these days. Trans catgirl supremacy 💎👍
Scarecrow: That one guy who gets angry at people because “Halloween costumes are meant to be scary 🤬😡😑😒”. Doesn’t even attempt to express emotions, is the human embodiement of this emoji: 😐. His presence is more jarring than threatening, his intimidation levels are somehow underwhelming and overwhelming at the same time. The other rogues have collectively decided that he’s asexual under no assumption other than that they don’t want to imagine Jonathan having sex. Overtime Jonathan has become basically fearless (he smokes his own fear gas like vape just to feel something). Jonathan and Harley became good friends when they both worked in Arkham, their dynamic is surprisingly wholesome.
The Riddler: Didn’t get hugged enough as a child and is now making it everyone’s problem. Would hold a bank hostage to show Batman his third grade spelling bee medal. Is the only autistic rogue that gets accommodations in Arkham because he won’t stop bugging the guards. FTM trans ofc (his names Edward Nygma for Christ's sake). He ran away from home at seventeen and faked his own death (his deadname is legally dead lmao). Uses the terms “alpha, beta, and omega male” unironically.
Two Face: “Yeah, I mean, I didn’t wanna blow up the orphanage either, but Y’know the coin said-” The other rogues talk to Harvey as if he’s constantly at his breaking point, which is half true. Harv is a stone cold mf, he’s the rock that’s holding Two Face together tbh. Edward calls Harvey and Harv Jekyll and Hyde cause he’s that original. All the rogues have at least a sneaking suspicion that Bruce Wayne is batman and use Harvey as their little primary source (being ex besties and everything), until they find out Selina and Bruce are a thing of course. No matter how much evidence he’s faced with Harvey will never accept Bruce Wayne is batmam, he’s not ready to consider that one of the only positive people in his life has been duking it out with him this whole time.
Penguin: He’s the rest of the rogues chill gay gangster uncle I don’t make the rules. The iceberg lounge is like the Batman villain equivalent of The Central Perk from friends (aka: its their default place to hangout). Oswald always makes a fuss about them not making reservations ahead of them but at this point it’s just performative. Everyone’s 99% sure Oswald and Edward fucked at some point (Edward always makes a show of flustering Oswald when he needs a loan). Ossie always takes care of the others belongings when they’re in Arkham (he has a special place in his heart for Jonathan‘s crows).
The Mad Hatter: I love Jervis lmao he just really likes Alice in Wonderland and that’s a valid ass villain motivation 👍. One of the smartest rogues but doesn’t get enough credit because of how childish he is. He dresses in kids clothes, not just because he wants to but because he’s small af and can’t fit in shit. In public while the rogues are undercover Jervis usually wears a beanie or a baseball cap (he’d get spotted instantly if he wore his usual, but on bad days Jervis can’t bear to be without a hat). Jonathan and Jervis play chess a lot together in Arkham, and frequently engage in intellectual discussion, Edward tends to be a piss baby when Jon encourages him to do the same, he’s not ready to accept the reality that Jervis can match his intelligence.
Killer Croc: Waylon has a surprising amount in common with Jonathan, they share southern solidarity. He doesn’t travel out of the sewer often so the rogues will occasionally come to visit Waylon there (Edward always makes sure to complain loudly about the smell). Will show immense affection and loyalty to anyone who treats him as human (poor guy just needs a friend ☹️).
Mr Freeze: Literally just dead inside, someone give this poor bastard a hug. Victor stands as the most awkward rogue, he‘s sorta like the odd one out. The other rogues don’t interact with him that often because he’s sort of a party pooper. He’s the straight friend on thin ice, haha get it. Mr Freeze is my sisters favorite Batman villain because she thought the ice puns were funny in Batman in Robin, little does she know I’m embarrassing myself on tumblr in her glory.
Music Meister: So many of the Gotham rogues have horrible childhood trauma and Music Meister is just like “people bullied me for being a theater kid 😩😭💔😔”. In all honesty he’s iconic, in my au universe thingy I have him join the dork squad latter on and he sticks out like a sore thumb for a bit. I feel like him and Jervis would really hit it off though (mind control buddies, ha), although Jervis would always get him to sing Alice in Wonderland songs. In Arkham they have him wear a dog collar thingy and zap him when he sings, he gets bullied for that lol. anyways I’m sure I could make more of these, but it’s 2:20 am and my mind went blank. If y’all liked this I could always put more au headcanons out (I have A LOT)
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incoherentbabblings · 2 years
Tell me more about how Batgirl and Red Robin are sister series?
Oh this is an ollllld idea which I peddle whenever I can from time to time.
They just mirror each other a lot. Either running in direct parallel or going in opposite directions. I have no clue if this was done intentionally. Miller and Yost seemed to speak to each other and read each other's runs, but I really don't know how much was done on purpose or if it's just happy coincidence that Tim and Steph seem to be doing similar or directly contrasting things at the same time.
So here we go: a somewhat condensed and oversimplified list of parallels and perpendicular... things that crop up in Red Robin and Batgirl:
Tim can no longer inhabit his usual title, so takes up one that used to belong to his brothers/mentor. Stephanie can no longer inhabit her usual title, so takes up one that used to belong to her best friend/future mentor.
Tim's initial arc is an externally motivated one - I'm going to prove Bruce is alive. Steph's is an internally motivated one - I'm going to prove I'm good enough to be a hero.
Both of these arcs smack against Dick and Damian but they are proved right in their convictions and a healthy relationship is restored/created.
Following on from this, they both follow Tim's figure out list that he writes up - they are trying to figure out who exactly they are, what they want to be, and how to do it.
During this journey, Tim deliberately isolates himself and rejects help. Stephanie has help thrust upon her and accepts aid. As time goes on, Tim opens himself back up to working alongside his family and team and friends, whilst Stephanie learns to be more self reliant and not need Oracle/Proxy's voice in her ear to do her job.
Their final arcs have them confront this journey, and picture exactly where they want/predict their vigilante life to proceed. Tim sees three options: Dead (self explanatory), Batman (something he is terrified of becoming), or isolated as a sort of Oracle figure (Tim as Robin existed to be in a team or partnership; he's not mean to be alone). Steph sees three things too: her graduating (her efforts to 'make something' of herself not in vain), her with a child in a nice home (she will be able to 'have it all'), and her as Nightwing with a sidekick (aka the most beloved and trusted of titles, hope practically personified, plus she is deemed capable and responsible enough to guide another).
There's a couple of plot points which are similar, like the [re]joining up with heroes from their generation but for the most part the arcs and plots of the two titles are totally different, but themes contrast or reflect off one another. Not issue to issue parallels necessarily, but as a whole, I do genuinely believe these similarities are there.
Going beyond just these titles, and I've mentioned these before but they also do the following things:
Both Tim and Steph as their first 'proper' mission - as Robin and Batgirl - fight Scarecrow. Steph begins her vigilante career trying to off her father. Tim ends his trying to off his father's murderer. Then there's the broader theme of Steph experiences trauma and rejection and becomes kinder and more hopeful, deliberately making herself more vulnerable; Tim experiences trauma and rejection and turns inwards, cutting out the hope in an effort to protect himself.
That is to say... Steph's Batgirl run says: "The only variable you can control is yourself." Tim's Red Robin run says: "At the end of the day, I have to accept that I can control everything… except the things I can’t control."
Like bruh. Steph turns her need for control and self determination inwards. Tim externalises it.
And that's why I think of Batgirl and Red Robin as sister series.
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
BSD x university au hc’s | pt. 2
part 2 of the university au hc’s !! i am obviously a slut for chuuya and fyodor so don’t mind me. i hope you guys like this !!
check out pt. 1 here
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke:
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i love akutagawa ryuunosuke my angst child but i’m just like ‘hmmmmmmm’ when it comes to what his course would probably be
after extensive research aka reading his character page on wiki i feel like maybe he’d be a history major because,,,, he likes antiques?
well his clothes do seem very dark academia-esque and i can see him liking something as cool as history
akutagawa’s probably into something like war history but he’s not weird about it he just finds it really cool how different strategies work or analyzing what exactly makes the winners win
he absolutely HATES the fact that he keeps having to read the Iliad for class
he’s also that classmate who INTENSIVELY DEFENDS achilles for being a bit of a little bitch (but he fully agrees that patroclus and achilles were gay af ok this was random moving on)
akutagawa has practically no social life. he doesn’t go to parties, he doesn’t talk to his roommate, he doesn’t even like to eat in the dining hall
BUT he absolutely loves being in debate team because WINNING
he’s such a nightmare to work with though but he just delivers so well when it’s time for him to speak. like, if he’s on a negative and it’s time to hash out rebuttals, just prepare to get MURDERED
other debaters: “esteemed scholars and adjudicators...”
akutagawa: “you, sir, have no idea how wrong you are.”
that is until dazai decided to randomly show up at a debate tournament all ‘la di da da’ like and completely crushed akutagawa along with his ego
from then on he started stalking dazai and just SOMEHOW managed to end up in his circle of friends
even though he’s antisocial in real life, akutagawa 100% runs a dark academia aesthetic blog on tumblr i’m right and i don’t accept criticism
it’s actually really good he has a ton of followers and even does requests for moodboards if someone asks nicely
atsushi was the one who actually found out about it but he’s nice so he didn’t tell akutagawa about it
kunikida probably follows that blog
Chuuya Nakahara:
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if this part sounds like i’m just thirsting for chuuya then you’re absolutely right i love wine man
he’s just always had such a good eye for fashion and he’s veryyy meticulous when it comes to snipping and putting together clothes
chuuya also carries a sketchbook full of designs and his drawings look amazing and he isn’t afraid to just show them off
that said he doesn’t dress like a tired uni student at all, like he just always looks so on-point and unbothered by his five million deadlines
dazai: chuuya, i said this was a CASUAL LUNCH
chuuya, dressed in what looks like silk pajamas: THIS IS CASUAL
tbh if he just wore a white t-shirt and jeans i would die maybe he’s actually saving us from this ordeal
he has so much talent though as a designer he’s probably had several internships with design companies all throughout his years at uni
i feel like chuuya’s also really active in extracurriculars and has been in leadership positions in some of them (he probably runs the student org for fashion design)
chuuya in a student band though oh my gosh i can’t breathe i can’t breathe him as a VOCALIST?? and wearing torn jeans and eyeliner and that same hat in concerts ican’t brEATHE
okay in all honesty he would thrive being in a band chuuya loves the attention and the creativity of being able to design their whole look and write songs
tbh i don’t know if he’d have a roommate chuuya’s probably the type who’d rather have one of those single rooms or just rent a flat for him to stay in even after graduation
because his social life is super vibrant, he does have a lot of friends and he does make an effort to get to know all of them individually 
but he’s more open around those who he’s been friends with for a really long time and as much as he’d like to say dazai isn’t one of them, he is
also chuuya is definitely the type to party hard during the weekends and has more than once crashed in someone’s house after drinking too much (dazai drew on his face on more than one occasion)
Oda Sakunosuke:
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i love this man SO MUCH you guys have no idea i would literally die for him
100% this guy majors in creative writing because this is supported by FACTS and not just me wanting to be coursemates with him in this fictional world
super serious and diligent with his work especially since he’s passionate about writing. he loves to read in his spare time and is such a fan of classic novels about social realism or philosophy
oda spends 99% of his time in second-hand bookshops that the owner probably knows him by name at this point
he’s super old school when it comes to writing though, like he still keeps and writes in a notebook before typing it up on a laptop and no matter how many times dazai tells him its impractical, oda just keeps doing it
lmao whenever workshops come around he’s super nice with his critique. i bet a lot of his fellow classmates like sending their writing drafts to him
he draws smiley faces and always adds ‘nice work’ on people’s drafts omg i love odasaku
he’s such an old soul, he probably doesn’t do a whole lot of partying but he likes more quiet, private social events like drinking with close friends or just hanging out and talking at other people’s houses
he and dazai probably met when dazai decided to take an intro to creative writing class and wrote a long poem about double suicide on his first day that kind of put off everyone in the class from wanting to sit with him
odasaku was the only one who wasn’t exactly bothered but he did give dazai some comments to help him with his poetry and dazai instantly wanted to be his friend
in terms of extracurricular life, i can definitely see odasaku joining a writing organization and even the campus newspaper. he does find joy in interviewing students for newspaper articles
he’s also pretty into photography and uses a really old, second-hand camera that he bought at an antique store and fixed himself. at one point he won a prize in a contest
odasaku would be the best roommate. he’s super sensitive to when you have a bad day and will invite you to sit on his bed and hug his pillow and talk about your problems
scratch that, everyone talks to odasaku about their problems and now your room is like a therapist’s office
Edgar Allan Poe:
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i swear this was the only gif i could find other than actual edgar allan poe
well actually i feel like since he’s super ambitious and already has a fixed idea on the stuff he likes to write, he’d probably double major in something like forensic science because he’d use it to write his mystery novels
omg that’s where he meets ranpo and now pretty much every main character poe writes is slightly based on on ranpo
it’s a problem. his professor brings it up more than once during his classes but it’s poe’s Thing now
he also has such an unending passion for gothic literature and he wears those white, long-sleeved blouses and waistcoats on a REGULAR BASIS
chuuya probably saw him once and was like ‘hmm, i could pull that off’
poe’s daily route is just going to the library and to class and then go home and that’s about it
he ended up working as a student assistant at the library because he’s just super familiar with the book collections and it’s a job that’s peaceful and quiet 
more than once though, he’d just be really in-deep with his writing to the point that he doesn’t even notice that the library has closed or that he hasn’t eaten the entire day
that’s alright though because ranpo always passes by the library at night to check on his friend and (reluctantly) give him some snacks
also since poe’s pretty much a recluse, he doesn’t go to any social event UNLESS it’s a halloween-themed one
he loves going all out with his costumes because he’s a Drama Queen like that but the problem is he keeps dressing up as gothic novel characters and nobody gets it
dazai, trying to guess his costume: umm,, Two-Face from Batman?
there was this one time when poe took it upon himself to host the halloween party and it was EPIC
he basically designed it as a murder mystery night wherein everyone who came pretended to be guests at a house and then a murder happened
the only problem was that ranpo was conspiring with poe and it was pretty much unfair
except for the fact that ranpo was frustrated at how bad everyone was at deducing that he ended up solving the mystery for them
Fyodor Dostoevsky:
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one of my favorite scenes of him in s3 was of fyodor playing the cello because god damn that is beautiful and therefore i am hc-ing him as a music major and you can’t tell me otherwise
fyodor is an absolute music genius and he was definitely scouted by the university’s music program and then he was granted a scholarship (because in this ideal university, the arts are valued)
he purposely decided to go to a university rather than a music conservatory because he’s also interested in learning a bunch of other things
aside from his music classes, he ventures into comparative literature and philosophy, even a bit of computer science at some point
people always assume that since he’s a music major he probably wouldn’t do well in other subjects but SURPRISE BITCH
anyway, fyodor’s a genius because god clearly has favorites
aside from attending class, he’s even part of an official orchestra and has even landed a few solos 
that said, he’s quite busy and very preoccupied in his own work to actually have a social life either
you’ll often find him rehearsing by himself in an empty classroom for hours and hours on end (someone pls bring him food he’s also the type to forget to eat or even drink water)
if you are able to catch him perform at an orchestra or just practice by himself, it’s quite a mesmerizing sight. his eyes are often closed so he could focus on the sound alone and his fingers move so elegantly along the neck of the cello
(sorry i just love people who play any form of stringed instrument)
fyodor also takes such good care of his cello. also he would probably kill you on the spot if you touched his bow
he has a fairly small group of friends and they like playing chess together (even though fyodor is better than all of them) and just talk about um,, idk philosophy and stuff (whatever it is smart people do idk i’m not one of them)
i have a feeling he actually follows akutagawa’s dark academia blog and loves his content, even to the point of requesting ‘cello player moodboards’
also because he’s a cello player he needs to take care of his fingers so he wears gloves a lot (idk why i find this hot)
taglist (check out my post for details on being part of my taglist): @waitforitillwritemywayout @tpwkatsumu @laure-chan
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phis-corner · 4 years
I saw your Cass x Marinette one shot. How would the Batfam and/or JL react to Marinette?
“Are you sure I’m not allowed to adopt her?”
“Well, if you do ever change your mind, I already have adoption papers prepared.”
Welcomes Mari to the family with only a tiny bit of snooping into her background, because Cass is scary. 
Still wishes that he could adopt her, but she’s going to end up part of the family either way, so whatever makes Cass happy works for him.
“Another one, B?”
“What? What do you mean you didn’t adopt her? She fits all your criteria!”
“Oh. OHHHH.”
Lots and lots of hugs and squeals.
Instantly accepts her as a sister.
They’re gymnastics buddies now. He absolutely refuses to lose to her in a stretching contest.
Does his best to be a Mom™ and tries to cut her off from coffee too.
“We already have one coffee gremlin. Two of them will be unstoppable.”
“New Wayne?” 
“Cassie’s girlfriend?”
“All right then. Am I allowed to corrupt this one?”
“So Bats can convert everyone to his methods, but I’m not allowed to teach even one of his kids to fire a gun?”
“You already know how to fire a gun? I want to see this.”
Mari isn’t as good as he is, but boy is she close.
Declares Marinette the best Wayne after Cass, because it’s universally agreed upon that Cass is the best.
Spars her a lot. Their skill levels are perfectly matched, so he only gets his butt kicked about half the time.
Starts running a background check as soon as Cass tells them about her.
“Her name is Marinette, you said? I’ve got eight Marinettes that live in Paris with an age within five years of yours. Ooh, look, this one looks like Ladybug. Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Is that her?”
When he meets her in person, the first thing he does is ask if Adrien knows about the voicemail incident.
“Of course I know about that. Had to make sure that you were good enough for Cass, didn’t I?”
Once Marinette proves herself (aka bribing him with delicious coffee-flavored sweets), they become coffee buddies.
That mostly consists of helping each other sneak in coffee beans for their secret stashes when they are cut off from it by their family, but it also involves the occasional outing to a cafe where they make various baristas nearly wet themselves.
Challenges Marinette to a duel for his sister’s hand.
“Cassandra only deserves the best. Are you worthy of my sister?”
It was originally a duel to the death. Cass stopped that with a look.
They fight for an hour and a half before Marinette finally pins him to the ground.
He is (mildly) impressed and allows Marinette to ‘continue courting my sister.’
Marinette finds out about his childhood and has to be stopped from portalling over to Nanda Parbat and killing both Ra’s and Talia.
“First Cass, now Damian? How dare they?”
Anyway, since she’s not allowed to murder, she settles for making all of Damian’s favorite childhood foods. Every. Day.
“You’re Marinette! Oh my gosh, you’re the girl who makes Cass go all pink and flustered and-”
Cass tackles her to shut her up.
“We’re besties now. No takebacks.”
Marinette tries her best to get Steph to stop eating so many waffles with other tasty treats, to no avail.
“Yeeeah, those were great, but waffles.”
“Think twice before you enter the Wayne household, Marinette. Seriously. It’s f*cking crazy in there, and once you enter, they’ll never let you leave.”
“Oh no. You’ve already met them, haven’t you?”
“Well, I tried.”
Does a deeper background check than Tim, somehow.
“Did you ever tell Adrien that you made the scarf?”
“How do I know? Security cameras, duh.”
Batman is scary, sure, but Oracle is the truly terrifying one.
She knows everything. Literally everything.
Including which Hello Kitty stickers Marinette used on which folders for each subject back in collége.
Stares into her eyes very seriously.
Continues doing this for a very long time, until Marinette is positively sweating.
“Save yourself before it’s too late.”
Behind him, a crash sounds as Jason throws Tim off the side of the stairs, just as Dick walks past.
A paintball whizzes by his head as Damian charges in, screeching a war cry.
Cass joins the fray and takes them all down in thirty seconds, standing victorious, until she’s sniped by a paintball and dramatically falls to the floor.
Alfred is holding a second paintball gun. 
Alfred wins.
Is at the Manor for an interview. Enters the living room to see them all congregated on various seats.
Eyes glance over Marinette at first.
Blinks, then looks at her again.
“Bruce. Did you get another kid?”
Marinette cheerfully informs him that she actually turned down the adoption papers.
“I-is that allowed? Is that allowed???”
Also declares herself Mari’s mother.
“She is a fierce warrior, this one. I must take her under my wing.”
“You are the wielder of the Ladybug miraculous as well? Well, since Bruce has not managed to adopt you, I must do so now. Mother would love for her successor to be her granddaughter.”
Is disappointed when Marinette insists that she has ‘two parents, both alive, and I am very happy with them!’
“Alive, you say? Do you need me to fix that?”
“Well, all right then.”
Decides to be her mother in spirit.
Starts showing up at the Manor weekly to train her.
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ljones41 · 3 years
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"THE DARK KNIGHT RISES" (2012) Review Seven years after it had begun, Christopher Nolan's three-movie saga about the D.C. Comics character, Batman, finally came to an end. The saga that began with 2005's "BATMAN BEGINS", ended with 2012's "THE DARK KNIGHT RISES".
The trilogy’s third film, set seven years after 2008's "THE DARK KNIGHT", began with the aerial kidnapping of a nuclear scientist by an escaped terrorist named Bane. The scene shifted to Gotham City, where a fund-raiser was being held at Wayne Manor. The only person missing was millionaire Bruce Wayne, who had given up his vigilante activities as Batman after claiming he had murdered former District Attorney Harvey Dent. During the fundraiser, Bruce caught a maid breaking into his private safe. She turned out to be a resourceful cat burglar named Selina Kyle. Aside from a necklace that once belonged to Bruce's late mother, Selina did not steal any other object from the safe. Curious over Selina's actions, Bruce resumed his Batman alter ego and tracked down Selina. He discovered that she had been hired by a rival corporate CEO named John Daggett to lift and steal his fingerprints. Bruce also learned that Daggett had hired the terrorist Bane to attack Gotham's stock exchange and bankrupt Wayne Enterprises. And along with Police Commissioner James Gordon and Wayne Enterprises executive Lucius Fox, Bruce also discovered that Bane was a former member of the League of Shadows and planned to continue Henri Ducard's (aka Ra's al Ghul) goal of Gotham City's destruction. Bruce asked fellow millionaire Miranda Tate to take control of Wayne Enterprises to ensure that Daggett and Bane will not gain control of their clean energy project, a device designed to harness fusion power. Re-reading the above made me realize that Christopher and Jonathan Nolan had created a very complicated plot. For me, the plot became even more complicated two-thirds into the movie. "THE DARK KNIGHT RISES" obviously exists under the shadow of its two predecessors - "BATMAN BEGINS" and "THE DARK KNIGHT". I would say that this especially seemed to be the case for the 2005 movie. Batman and James Gordon's decision to lie about the circumstances behind Harvey Dent's death in the second movie had a minor impact upon this third movie. But Bruce's relationship and later conflict with Ra's al Ghul seemed to be the driving force behind his conflict with Bane in this third film. I had heard rumors that Christopher Nolan was initially reluctant to make a third BATMAN movie. Personally, I found that rumor a bit hard to believe, considering how "THE DARK KNIGHT" ended with Batman accepting the blame for Harvey Dent's crimes and death. But there were certain aspects of the script he wrote with his brother Jonathan that made me wonder if he had truly been reluctant. There were certain aspects of "THE DARK KNIGHT RISES" that I found troubling. It seemed a pity that the second movie ended with Batman and Jim Gordon's decision to lie about the circumstances behind Dent's death. I found their decision annoying back in 2008 and I still do. The impact behind their lie proved to be hollow. It merely kept Batman off Gotham City's streets and led Mayor Anthony Garcia and the city to pass a strong anti-criminal law that proved to be hollow following Bane's arrival in Gotham City. I also found Bane's mid-air kidnapping of a nuclear scientist and escape from a U.S. marshal (portrayed by Aidan Gillen) rather somewhat idiotic. I understood that Bane needed that scientist to weaponize the Wayne Enterprise device.  But I never understood why that U.S. marshal failed to take the trouble to identify the hooded prisoner (Bane) before boarding the plane.  In the end, the movie's opening sequence struck struck me as unnecessarily showy. Was this the Nolan brothers' way of conveying Bane's role as a badass to the audience? If so, I was too busy trying to comprehend the villain's dialogue to care. I understood why Batman had not been seen in Gotham for so long. But what was the reason behind Bruce Wayne's disappearance from the public eye?  His physical state was not really that severe.  Rachel Dawes' death? Rachel's death did not stop him from going after the Joker and Harvey Dent in the last movie's half hour. Was it an injured leg? How did he injured it? And why did Gotham's citizens failed to put two-and-two together, when both Bruce and Batman finally appeared in the public eye a day or two apart after many years? The only person who managed to discover Bruce's alter ego - namely Officer John Blake - did so through a contrived reason. For me, the movie's real misstep proved to be Bane's three-month control over Gotham City. As a former member of Henri Ducard's League of Shadows, he planned to achieve his former leader's goal of destroying Gotham City. And he planned to use Wayne Enterprise's energy device to achieve this. One - why not simply build or snatch his own nuclear device? Why go through so much trouble to get his hands on the energy device? Why did Wayne Enterprises create a device that not only saved energy, but could be used as a bomb, as well? And why did it take three months before the device could become an effective bomb? The Nolans' script could have frustrated Bane's attempts to acquire the bomb during that three-month period . . . or anything to spare the audiences of that second-rate version of the French Resistance. The latter scenario seemed so riddled with bad writing that it would take another article to discuss it. And what was the point of the presence of Juno Temple's character Jen? What was she there for, other than being Selina's useless and cloying girlfriend? And Wayne Enterprises executive Lucius Fox was last seen declaring his intentions to leave the corporation for good, following Batman's misuse of cell phones in "THE DARK KNIGHT". In this movie, he is back, working for Wayne Enterprises. What made him change his mind? But not all was lost. I found Bruce's introduction to Selina Kyle very entertaining and sexy. Even better, the incident served as Batman's re-introduction to Gotham City and allowed him to discover Bane's plans regarding Wayne Enterprises and the energy device. One of the more interesting consequences of "THE DARK KNIGHT" proved to be Rachel Dawes' last letter to Bruce. Its revelation by Alfred Pennyworth after seven years led to an emotional quarrel between the millionaire and the manservant and their estrangement. At first, I had balked at the idea of Bane carrying out Ra's al Ghul's original goal to destroy Gotham. After all, why would he continue the plans of the very person who had him kicked out of the League of Shadows? But a surprising plot twist made Bane's plan plausible . . . even when I continue to have problems with his three-month occupation of Gotham. Many critics had lamented the lack of Heath Ledger's Joker in the movie. As much as I had appreciated and enjoyed Ledger's performance in the 2008 movie, I did not need or wanted him in "THE DARK KNIGHT RISES". Tom Hardy's performance as the terrorist Bane was good enough for me. Mind you, I found it difficult to understand some of his dialogue. And when I did, he sounded like the late Sean Connery. But I cannot deny that Bane made one scary villain, thanks to Hardy's performance and intimidating presence. Before I saw the movie, I never understood the need for Marion Cotillard's presence in the film. I thought her character, Miranda Tate, would merely be a bland love interest for Bruce. Not only did Cotillard ended up providing a subtle and intelligent performance from the actress, her Miranda Tate proved to be important to the story as the co-investor in the energy device and for the plot twist in the end. "THE DARK KNIGHT RISES" provided some solid performances from other members of the cast. Matthew Modine shined as the ambitious and arrogant Assistant Police Commissioner Peter Foley, who proved to be capable of character development. Another solid performance came from Brett Cullen, who portrayed a lustful congressman that had the bad luck to cross paths with Selina Kyle. Both Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman continued their excellent performances as Bruce Wayne's "heart" and "mind", manservant Alfred Pennyworth and Wayne Enterprises executive Lucius Fox. In the end, the movie was fortunate to benefit from four outstanding performances. One came from Gary Oldman's excellent portrayal of the now weary, yet determined police commissioner, James Gordon. His guilt over the Harvey Dent lie and discovery of Batman's true identity provided Oldman with some of his best moments in the trilogy. Another came from Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who was superb as Gotham City beat cop John Blake. The actor did a wonderful job of balancing Officer Blake's intelligence, passion for justice and disgust toward the bureaucracy. When I learned that Anne Hathaway would end up being the fifth actress to portray Selina Kyle aka Catwoman, I must admit that I had my doubts. Then I remembered that Hathaway was an Oscar nominee, who has also done action before. Watching her sexy, yet complicated performance as the complex cat burglar removed all of my doubts. She was superb and her sizzling screen chemistry with star Christian Bale made me wish Selina had been Bruce's love interest throughout the movie. Speaking of Bruce Wayne, Bale returned to portray the Caped Crusader for the third and final time. I must admit that I found his performance more subtle and complex than his performances in the previous two movies. Bale did an excellent job in re-creating a slightly aging Bruce Wayne/Batman, who found himself faced with a more formidable opponent. I was a little disappointed to see that "THE DARK KNIGHT RISES" lacked the Chicago exteriors of the 2008 movie. In the end, Gotham City resembled a collection of American and British cities. But I cannot deny that I found Wally Pfister's photography very eye catching. And Hans Zimmer's entertaining score brought back memories of his earlier work in both the 2005 and 2008 movies. I have a good deal of complaints about "THE DARK KNIGHT RISES". It is probably my least favorite entry in Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy. For me, the movie's main problem centered around the script written by Nolan and his brother Jonathan. But despite its flaws, the movie still managed to be both entertaining and intriguing. It also has an excellent cast led by the always superb Christian Bale. It was not perfect, but "THE DARK KNIGHT RISES" did entertain me.
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
And PS, like I’ve been saying forever....the problem is not that Dick doesn’t have flaws or shouldn’t have flaws or I just don’t like him being viewed as though he’s not perfect, lmfao. Its just that, put simply: the shit fandom loves to give Dick shit for are only flaws WHEN its Dick Grayson doing them.
Dick Grayson: resents Bruce and gives him the cold shoulder and is aloof or distant or rude and refuses to come home anymore after Bruce fires him and does nothing to seek Dick out or ask him to for a good three or four years.
Fandom: Umm drama queen much? Yeah okay fine, its one thing to be a little ticked Bruce took his toys away from him, but way to milk the teenage angst, Dick. And after everything Bruce has done for him too.
Jason Todd: resents Bruce for not killing the Joker, Dick for being so perfect and never doing anything wrong or giving a shit about him when he was alive, Tim for replacing him and Damian because why the hell not at this point.
Fandom: umm okay but Bruce WAS wrong for not killing the Joker, Tim SHOULDN’T have replaced Jason, and Damian IS a little brat and I have no idea what you’re talking about, Dick never killed the Joker lol see he’s right there and also we just told you he never liked Jason and that’s why Jason resents him, duh? Read much?
Tim Drake: resents Bruce for overlooking him and not paying attention to him and also other things probably and also resents Dick for not being enough like Bruce except for when he resents Dick for being too much like Bruce and other related Bruce issues that he takes out on Dick instead of Bruce, and that he bonds with Jason over resenting Bruce and Dick for because Tim is too good of a person to resent Jason for a little thing like trying to murder him twice.
Fandom: Umm, exactly? See what a good person he is, he became BFFs with his brother the would-be brother-killer instead of his brother who CLAIMS he would literally die for Tim WITHOUT EVIDENCE, but instead just does horrible unforgivable things like give Robin to Damian when Tim literally never even said Damian could play with HIS stuff, wow, who the fuck just gives away something that doesn’t even belong to him. Rude much?
Etc. etc.
Or the infamous temper debacle, another perfect example:
Dick Grayson: gets pissed at Bruce when Bruce fires him, gives Robin to Jason without ever even telling Dick about Jason or asking, punches Dick, kicks him out, blames him for Jason’s death, prepares to kill off his Bruce Wayne persona and exist forever just as Batman and in the process acting like nothing connected to his Bruce Wayne persona aka his FAMILY is worth holding on to, etc, etc.
Fandom: This is all proof that Dick is the overly emotional member of the Batfamily, and this is a FLAW. None of this is reasonable or warrants holding a grudge.
Jason Todd: Comes back to Gotham and takes over the criminal underworld, kills lots of people, tries to force Bruce to kill the Joker as the only proof Jason will accept that Bruce ever cared about him at all, tries to kill Tim because how the fuck dare he get to wear leggings as Robin when Bruce never let HIM wear pants, etc, etc.
Fandom: Umm, all of that is reasonable and justified and the only thing its proof of is that Jason is right about everything. Like what was Tim thinking believing he could pull off tights?  We all know Jason is the only member of the family who has thighs.
Tim Drake: Blows up at Dick and leaves the city and refuses to talk to Dick any of the many times Dick tries to just check that he’s doing alright, because if Dick really cared, he wouldn’t have tried to make Damian Robin after Damian TRIED TO KILL HIM, like HELLO DICK, Tim is NOT the kind of person who just DOES THE RIGHT THING and gives a second chance even to someone who tries to kill him unless its Jason and its the first time he’s tried it and also the second time and look Jason just understands me in ways you NEVER will, Dick, he actually knows what its like to be REPLACED.
Fandom: I see no lies? Truth bombs only? Tim Drake tells it like it is, which only he knows, as he is the smartest of all the Batfam but also the most modest which is why we have to tell the hard truths for him. Like just because its been ten whole years since the Damian thing happened, Tim SHOULD still be giving Dick the cold shoulder, that’s literally the rule? “Screw Timmy over even once, that’s A HUNDRED YEARS OF WINTER FOR YOU, SUNNY BOY!”
Me: But not when his family screws Dick over, that he should just forgive instantly and never mention again ever, right?
Fandom: We wouldn’t know. Moot point. Its literally never happened.
Its not the flaws I have a problem with. Its double standards masquerading as flaws when (and only when) its Dick being critiqued, while at the same time being cited as proof of victimhood when its the other Batboys being discussed (and usually still only when its somehow Dick that’s being critiqued).
Sorry not sorry, but that math don’t add up.
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jaykore · 5 years
How Jason and Tim's relationship should be in your opinion? I don't know much about them but I wanted to ask this to you. Someone said they hate each other and I am just trying to find different opinions about it.
Oof… nonnie this is a loaded question.
This is the question that “launched a thousand ships” if youwill.
How do I answer this…. In short… They absolutely do not hateeach other, and people who are telling you that refuse to acknowledge the last8/9 years of DC comic canon. In fact, according to recent canon material, I’d go so far as to say that Tim is actually Jason’s FAVOURITE of the bat clan.
The longer answer is… under the cut. 
Jason and Tim have an incredibly rocky history that beganextremely negatively. I don’t know how much you’ve read nonnie, but the ColesNotes version is that Jason was the second Robin, before Tim. He was murdered at the hands of the Joker and when he came back to life, he found that Bruce had “replaced” him with a new kiddo. Not just replacing him as “Robin” but in his life; like Jason, as a son, was easily replaceable. (At least that’s how Jay perceived it).
Jason was hurt, and angry, and personally, I don’t think he ever truly hated Tim. I think that Tim was the unfortunate target of all his rage, and in an effort to hurt Bruce he targeted and on occasion brutalized Tim. In the worst instance he corned him alone in Titans Tower and attacked him, leaving him bloody and on the verge of death. Jason’s mental health has never truly been explored by any comic writers, but it’s a “fanon headcanon” that part of Jason’s anger was due to what people call “pit rage”. In that they believe that the Lazarus pit that Jason was dunked in knocked some things loose and made him a little crazy. I believe… (and people can correct me if I’m wrong) that this may have been referenced in the comics somewhere; that the Lazarus Pit effects people in that way. And so… if you tend to be in the more “forgiving” group, you can see where Jason, who is already a troubled teen, dunked in a rage pit, and feeling like he’s been kicked to the curb, could go a little insane. Not that this is right by any means…
The interesting thing about Jason is, even though it appears he hates, or wants to hurt Tim, over time we see that there may actually be a grudging respect? Jason asks Tim to team up with him on occasion to help clean up Gotham’s underbelly. Tim declines, and Jason just pretty much accepts that’s how it is,or they fight and go their separate ways.
For Tim’s part, it appears that he never truly hated Jason. Tim even looked up to him at a point. When Jason came back they were both frustrated and hurt and angry and they’d fight… Jason viciously. But even after Jason is locked in jail by Dick, Tim STILL believes that there’s good in Jason, and finds a way to break him free. Jason also stabs Tim in the chest in Battle for the Cowl… and yet he still doesn’t hate him. Tim’s a saint lets be honest lmao.
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Enter the retcon that everyone loves to hate. New52. In which DC revamped their canon and released a line of 52 new series in 2011. With it, many characters and their backstories were also changed, including… I bet you can guess… Jason and Tim’s! However… lots of people conveniently henpeck and/or ignore this canon all together, such as those telling you that Jason hates Tim and/or is his adopted brother. According to current canon… absolutely not true.
When they retconned everyone’s stories… Jason was the only kiddo officially adopted by Bruce Wayne. Dick Grayson was his “ward” but never his “son”, and Tim Drake’s parents are still very much alive. Tim is never adopted by Bruce, and in fact, never becomes “Robin”, therefore, he doesn’t “replace” Jason in the same way. It is heavily implied that Jason and Tim had issues when Jay came back from the dead, however… Tim has forgiven Jason and moved past that. Jason and Tim find an odd camaraderie in being the “black sheep” of the family, the Robins that “didn’t quite make the cut” if you will.
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They often work together, side by side in titles like “Batman Eternal”. “Batman & Robin Eternal”, the “Robin Wars” and “Death of the Family” events… etc etc; Tim even makes cameos in Jason’s series, “Red Hood and the Outlaws” in which he tells Jason he’s forgiven him, and hopes that one day everyone else can move on too. They work together a bit in “Red Hood/Arsenal” as well.
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So… in short. If you ignore the last decade of DC comic canon, you can probably say that Tim and Jason tolerate each other. Even then, I don’t think “hate” is the correct word. I think to say they “hate” is each other is oversimplifying and negating a lot of the complexities of both characters and their relationship overall.
If you follow canon… you’re an absolute liar to try and tell people that they “hate” each other. They simply DON’T. Not now anyway 😊
At the end of day, to each their own. I just wish that people would be honest with the facts.
So I hope that helps nonnie! And you go out there and form your own opinions! But in the meantime, I’ll leave you with some lovely collaborative canon JayTim content :D Because they like each other…
Last time I checked we don’t generally give people we hate fun nicknames, like “Timbers”.  
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 Or help people we hate….
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We don’t generally flirt with people we hate either (ahem… yesmy shipper goggles are on)
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Nor do we wanna fight bad guys with people we hate….? ButTim does…
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*Tim and Jason ‘fought’ each other to throw the Joker off…
And Tim gives him sweet compliments… lmao
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Lastly, in Rebirth, while they don’t work with/see each other asmuch as they did in the New52 runs, they’re still aware of/affected by eachother. In particular Jason, who still appreciates Tim, and when Tim “dies”, hasa hard time bringing himself to attend Tim’s funeral.
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So yeah… I don’t…. see the hate… lol But I do see something else -eyebrow waggle- haha
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dcubang · 4 years
2020 DCU Bang Summaries
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2020 DCU Bang Claiming Instructions | Claiming Form Claims are now open!
Summaries after the Read More
2020 Summaries
1 Title: Green (may be renamed) Word Count: 9961 Genre: Fandom/Universe: Batman - All Media Types Characters/Pairings: Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Jason Todd - Tim Drake/Jason Todd/Damian Wayne, Tim Drake/Damian Wayne, Tim Drake/Jason Todd, Jason Todd/Damian Wayne, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent (background), Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne (background) Warnings: Dubcon, non-consensual drug use Rating: Explicit Summary: Jason and Tim agree to coach Damian through trying weed for the first time. All is going well, until they realise they’ve been dealt Ivy-brand weed and inadvertently been dosed with sex pollen. Obviously, a threesome ensues.
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2 Title: Love and Other Four-Letter Words Word Count: 10.4k Genre: Angsty Romance Fandom/Universe: Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Birds of Prey Characters/Pairings: Hal Jordan / Dinah Lance / Oliver Queen Warnings: Angst (happy ending), violence, gun violence, drinking, threesome, polyamory, open marriage, emotional infidelity, swearing, depression, self-loathing, nasty past breakup Rating: E Summary: After yet another breakup with Carol, Hal and Ollie find themselves on a road trip across America. Along the way, Hal starts to realize he’s feeling a bit more than friendship for his best friend. The days pass, and the two grow closer, but all too soon the trip must come to an end. On Ollie’s insistence, Hal agrees to stay with him and Dinah in their Star City home. He easily falls into routine with them, but living under the same roof has caused his feelings to multiply tenfold. After a rejected kiss in the middle of the night, Hal has to finally figure out what it is he wants. Dinah, caught in the middle of the two, is forced to confront her own feelings on the situation, eventually making her thoughts known. After a mission turned sour and a near-miss, the three grow closer still, eventually developing a relationship with each other. The story is entirely in Hal’s POV and there is quite a fair bit of self-hatred.
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3 Title: The sky's gonna hurt when it falls Word Count: 12k Genre: Drama, Angst, "Romance" Fandom/Universe: Nightwing (comics), Batman (All Media Types), Heathers (All Media Types) Characters/Pairings: Jason Todd/Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson & Barbara Gordon, Dick Grayson & Catalina Flores. Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Catalina Flores, Harley Quinn, Crystal Frost, Barbara Gordon, Roman Sionis, Jack Napier. Warnings: graphic violence, suicide, bullying, violence in schools, underage drinking, parental neglect, homophobia, drug use, major character death, threats of non-con, underage sex Rating: M Summary: All Dick Grayson ever wanted to make Gotham High School a better place. So when queen bee Catalina invites him to be part of the most powerful and ruthless clique in school, he jumps at the chance to accept her invitation---after all, it's easy to change the system when you're the one making the rules. Things get complicated after the arrival of the dangerous new kid, JT, who urges Dick to bite the bullet and abandon high school politics before it's too late. But Dick can't help but feel that JT has another plan for the bullet... AKA the Heathers/Jaydick crossover no one asked for. This work is set in 1989 and contains excessive use of 80s slang. Like the movie and musical, themes of violence, suicide, homophobia, and bullying are present throughout. Situations of dubious consent and threats of non-con are mentioned but not in detail.
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4 Title: The Ghosts of Robins Past Word Count: 9,399 Genre: Action, casefic, drama, canon divergence Fandom/Universe: Batman Characters/Pairings: Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Alfred Pennyworth, Jack Drake, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd. Jason Todd/Dick Grayson Warnings: Kidnapping, mentions of torture Rating: PG-13 Summary: Bruce never planned or wanted to take on a third Robin. Dick seemingly vanished off the face of the earth at fourteen and Jason was murdered at fifteen. Thirteen-year-old Tim Drake came into his life while he grieved for Jason, insisting Bruce needed a Robin to keep him balanced. Against his better judgment, he accepted and began training Tim. Now, at fourteen, Tim’s more than earned the mantle of Robin and his place at Bruce’s side. But did Bruce make a terrible mistake in accepting him? If something should happen to Tim, could he handle another loss? Bruce hopes he won’t have to answer that question. Soon he has a new case on his hands. People are being killed with gold tipped knives with owl symbols on their hilts. Bruce believes the killer is mimicking the Court of Owls to scare Gothamites while Tim believes a Talon is responsible. Dismissing the claim, Bruce continues to fight Gotham’s crime while doing his best to keep Tim safe. Even the best intentions fail. After a wrist injury prompts Bruce to send Tim home early, Bruce is horrified to receive a call from Jack the next morning saying Tim is missing. Try as they might neither man can find Tim. And Tim at last discovers what happens to the long lost Dick Grayson: he was abducted by the Court of Owls and trained to be a Talon along with the resurrected Jason Todd. Now, they have their eyes set on him.
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5 Title: Cats and Devil Bats Word Count: ~5,900 Genre: Romance, Supernatural, Action Fandom/Universe: Batman (comics) Characters/Pairings: Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne Warnings: Noncon, graphic violence Rating: NC-17 Summary: Batman is a violent vigilante who stalks and kills criminals. When Catwoman finally runs into him, she fully expects to die. But she doesn’t. In fact, he seems to want something else entirely from her. Meanwhile, Selina Kyle meets the enigmatic and very wealthy Bruce Wayne and the two begin a relationship. What happens when their two lives finally cross? And what’s all this about a Bat demon anyway? Everything takes place in Gotham: on rooftops, Bruce Wayne’s penthouse, Selina Kyle’s apartment, Wayne Manor, and the caves beneath it. The noncon is Batman/Catwoman and occurs throughout. It’s not 100% handled well by either of them. Relatively graphic violence in the later chapters, but nothing permanent.
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6 Title: What I Know Now (subject to change) Word Count: 9k written, maybe 12k total Genre: Angst, fluff, adventure Fandom/Universe: DC Comics or Young Justice Characters/Pairings: Jason Todd/Dick Grayson, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne Warnings: None Rating: PG, T Summary: Set in a YJ timeline where Jason and Dick are only two years apart, Dick falls in love with Jason when they're younger only to be devastated when he dies. And although Jason comes back to life as normal, he instead stays with the League and becomes a brother figure to Damian. Eventually Damian is sent to live with his father, and as his new family begins to grow on him, he begins to tell them more and more of "Akhi," who sounds achingly familiar to Dick. This story is set mostly in Gotham, with a few scenes in Nanda Parbat in the middle when Jason and Damian are with the League. No major warnings besides the Jason/Dick relationship if that bothers you. Some swearing and descriptions of Jason's death and resurrection, but it is not in explicit detail.
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7 Title: To the Fairest Word Count: 18,000 written Genre: Mystery Fandom/Universe: Batman (comics) Characters/Pairings: Bruce Wayne/Zatanna, Bruce Wayne, Zatanna Zatara, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Kara Zor-El Warnings: canon level violence Rating: Teen Summary: The Queen of Fables has another tale to tell… In this thrilling mystery Zatanna, the Mistress of Magic, wow’s audiences while solving crimes with the help of her new sidekick: Batman. Co starring in this mystical mystery are the youngest world's finest trio: Robin, Robin, and Supergirl. Will they be able to return a Talon to his nest or will birds fly? Join us in Gotham city, Metropolis, a witch's sales outlet, and a creepy shake filled with sentient vines. No warnings need apply.
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8 Title: we could put some roots down Word Count: 14378 Genre: Fluff, Romance, Drama Fandom/Universe: DCU (pre-New-52), Nightwing, Deathstroke Characters/Pairings: Slade Wilson/Dick Grayson, Batam Warnings: family drama, Bruce Wayne’s A+ Parenting, mention of Catalina Flores Rating: PG-13/Teen Summary: A set of multiple vignettes that center on Dick and Slade as they interact with the other members of the Batfam as Tim and Bruce come home to act as a catalyst of change. Dick grapples with what Bruce’s return means for his time as Batman while Jason teases that his relationship with Slade might be moving to the next stage. Dick and Tim finally get closure and the ability to clear the air between them while engaging in a bit of brotherly bonding and teasing. As always, Alfred holds all the answers. The story takes place mainly on the grounds of Wayne Manor, in the Bat Cave, or inside the Manor itself. The timeframe of the story takes place over the course of a few weeks to a month.
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9 Title: Scarlet Tears Word Count: 12,857 Genre: Action/Adventure Fandom/Universe: The Flash Characters/Pairings: Barry Allen/Leonard Snart Warnings: mpreg Rating: Explicit Summary: Leonard Snart decided to take a break from the Legends, with Mick in tow. They head back to Central City, only to find Team Flash in a bit of trouble…well not the team just Barry. A young Meta causes trouble with her power exactly what is her deal?
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10 Title: The Date (or The Bargain, haven’t decided yet) Word Count: 6,040 Genre: drama, hurt/comfort Fandom/Universe: Batman, Red Robin, Ra’s al Ghul/League of Assassins Characters/Pairings: Tim Drake, Slade Wilson, Ra’s al Ghul, Kon-El/Conner Kent, Bruce Wayne. Ra’s/Tim pairing Warnings: Kidnapping Rating: PG Summary: After a long and exhausting week all Tim looks forward to is catching up on his sleep. Much to his surprise he wakes up not in his comfortable bed but handcuffed to a seat aboard Slade Wilson’s private jet. He soon discovers that Ra’s al Ghul paid Slade to kidnap him and deliver him into Ra’s’ care. Angry, Tim’s thinking of his escape when Ra’s presents him with a deal: if a member of his family contacts him in one week, Ra’s will leave Tim alone for six months. Tim accepts the deal. As days pass with radio silence from the Bats, Tim has to face the truth about how all of them have grown apart and they’ve done little to draw him back in. Is he better off staying with Ra’s despite their vastly different morals? Or does Bruce deserve a chance to prove himself?
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11 Title: When You Move, I Move Word Count: 9150 Genre: Fantasy, Action/Adventure Fandom/Universe: Batman, Nightwing, Red Hood and the Outlaws Characters/Pairings: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Dick Grayson/Catalina Flores, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne Warnings: Non-Con/Dub-Con (non-graphic) Rating: R Summary: Despite having been in love with one another since they were children, Crown Prince Richard and Dragon Slayer Jason are faced with the fact that they are bound by duty and law to never marry. King Bruce manages to come up with a plan that would allow the pair to remain close and for Richard to fulfill his duty as the future king. He proposes a marriage of convenience to a woman, Catalina of House Flores, who is on the brink of permanent maidenhood after having been passed over by too many men in the past. And though she was aware that the future king would never love her, Catalina grows bitter and jealous over the love between the two men and the love her and Richard’s son shares with that man. So she calls upon the help of a crone to curse both men to live this life and all future lives close to one another but never allowing them to be together. And though the crone grants the curse she places a contingency: if one of them were to die before their 18th birthday then the curse would be lifted and they would be reunited to share the love they have been denied. When Dick and Jason come into contact with the god Fate in their current life, the pair are made aware of what had been stolen from them decades in the past and shown that because of Jason’s untimely death at the age of 15, the curse has been lifted. And Jason is finally given the answer as to why he was awoken in his grave all those years prior. With the truth laid out before them, the pair must figure out what it means for them in this lifetime and all future ones.
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12 Title: The Sorrows Of Healing Word Count: 18k of 20-22k written Genre: Slice Of Life, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Character-centric Fandom/Universe: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), AU from Battle of the Cowl Characters/Pairings: Dick Grayson & Tim Drake, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Alfred Pennyworth - Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake Warnings: Off-Screen Character Death, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts and Intentions, Racism, Past/Referenced Child Abuse, Hospitals and Therapy Rating: M Summary: It was Dick who had taken up the Cowl after Bruce had died. It was Dick who had become Batman, taking Damian, Tim, and Alfred with him to the penthouse for a fresh start. But things could never be that easy. All of them were haunted by sorrow: Tim not capable of believing that his second father was gone as well, Dick almost breaking under the pressure of standing tall in the face of a crisis, Damian uncomfortable and lost in these unfamiliar waters he was forced to navigate, and Alfred mourning yet another child. In a world in which Bruce actually died, becoming a family again is harder than some might think. In the midst of fights, the racist white Gotham High Society, and Tim, who fled the nest in a last attempt to resurrect something that no longer exists, it is hard to find hope, and yet all of them somehow manage to do so anyways. The story mostly takes place in their Gotham City penthouse, a ballroom, a Baghdad hospital room, and the graveyard. This is a story of healing - but also about the growing pains along the way - so be aware that Tim and Dick deal with depression (Tim with suicidal thoughts and intentions as well), that Damian and Dick face racism, that Damian's childhood will be referenced as the unpretty mess that is was, and that Bruce will not return. His children will have to learn how to fly on their own.
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13 Title: since you’ve been gone (I can breathe for the first time) Word Count: 9,134 Genre: whump, hurt/comfort Fandom/Universe: Batfamily comics (mostly preboot canon with occasional elements of New 52 & Reboot canons) Characters/Pairings: Tim Drake, Batfamily, implied one-sided Tim Drake/Ra’s al-Ghul Warnings: Body horror, depression, child abuse, body modification (consensual and non-consensual), terminal illness, child death, substance abuse (harmful self-medication). Rating: Mature Summary: A study of Tim Drake and his experiences with Hanahaki (specifically, familial Hanahaki), mostly following comics canon with a few changes. Starts when Tim is a child (pre-Robin). He befriends the Gotham Sirens after seeking out Poison Ivy to obtain a growth stopper for his Hanahaki, and later befriends Jason-as-Robin. After Jason’s death and Tim’s parents find out about his Hanahaki, Tim seeks out Batman and becomes Robin. Eventually, after he starts spending time with Bruce, his Hanahaki fades. Years later, following the events of Red Robin and Tim’s distancing from the family, it returns with a vengeance. This story is primarily set in Gotham (at Wayne and Drake manors and the Batcave in particular), with scenes in Iceland (including a glacier) and other locations around the world. Being a Hanahaki fic, the story does contain quite a bit of body horror and terminal illness. The depression occurs throughout due to the Hanahaki & events of Red Robin, as does the body modification (in reference to forced surgery and growth-stopping drugs Tim takes (also the substance abuse tag).). Child abuse is neglect on the part of Tim’s parents, and correlates to the non-consensual body modification tag. Child death is Jason Todd’s canon death.
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14 Title: Forging Friendship Word Count: 4k Genre: Action/Adventure Fandom/Universe: Young Justice Characters/Pairings: Roy Harper, Kaldur’ahm, Black Manta Warnings: None Rating: PG-13 Summary: Green Arrow takes Speedy on a mission at the Star City Wharf with Aquaman and the new to the surface Aqualad. When the mentors give them a solo task, Speedy is very unsure about working with the new hero and tries to only focus on his mission. However, the mission goes wrong, forcing Speedy to risk his life, and face his fears, to save Aqualad. This story takes place primarily at night at a warehouse near the ocean. However actions scenes take place inside the warehouse with lots of crates that create a maze effect, and at the end of the story they’re all on fire.
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15 Title: (Better Things to do than) Chasing White Rabbits Word Count: 4k of what will likely be 6k Genre: Romcom and action/adventure Fandom/Universe: DC, Pacific Rim Characters/Pairings: Slade Wilson/Dick Grayson Warnings: violence, swearing, slurs (Gipsy Danger is the canon name of a jaeger), overprotective parent Bruce Wayne, sexual innuendo, secret identities, Slade's canonical bad parenting (but at least he's trying to work on that), accidental relationship, family drama, frenemies to lovers Rating: Explicit just in case, though I don't think sex will happen until the next installment in the series Summary: Rumor has it that Dick Grayson can drift with anyone. Slade Wilson has the opposite problem, and kids. Killing kaiju may be easier than parenting, and that's with Grayson playing mediator when he inevitably messes up. Dick, meanwhile, is tired of Bruce overstepping boundaries, and Slade just offered him a chance to help a villain redeem himself while also rubbing B's nose in the fact that clinging so tightly is more likely to drive all his kids away than make anyone want to stay. Even Nightwing has a rep for cheerful spite. Stacker Pentecost is too tired for this; he's got a daughter pushing to join the program, said program to run, and the Becket brothers are enough of a headache. That said, if an internationally wanted mercenary is truly willing to join the program, he'll welcome Deathstroke. He just doesn't want to lose Grayson in the process, or the Wayne family funding for the program. Jason, meanwhile, wins Best Brother accolades, and not just for donning Nightwing while Dick pilots giant robots.
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16 Title: in reverse, tragedy Word Count: ~12k Genre: Drama, Action Fandom/Universe: Batman, no specific canon Characters/Pairings: No Pairings, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Talia al Ghul Warnings: Dehumanization of Talons, Canon-Typical Violence, Decapitation Rating: PG Summary: Around two years after Batman fires Robin and Jason Todd (AKA Batboy) returns from an interstellar mission to find his sort of little brother missing, Talia al Ghul's jet touches down in Gotham. Her objective? Take revenge on the Court of Owls, the secret society hidden under Gotham that ordered Ra's al Ghul's death at the hands of a Talon, one of their personal assassins. During her mission, Talia is once again confronted by the Talon she fought when defending her father. After an intense battle in the Court's underground labyrinth, Talia defeats the Talon. As she unmasks him, she realizes that this Talon is the key to answering a question that has plagued even the Batman: what happened to Dick Grayson? (Sort of a Reverse Robins story, but more accurately a Mix-'Em-Up Robins story.)
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17 Title: bury the dead where they're found Word Count: 8K-ish Genre: Action Fandom/Universe: Batman (Comics) Characters/Pairings: Dick/Koriand'r, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Slade Wilson, Gotham Rogues Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Murder Rating: PG-13 Summary: After returning to Earth and discovering his little brother is dead, Dick Grayson finds himself questioning how heroic Batman's "No Kill" rule truly is. Faced with Bruce's temper and the disrespectful ways Bruce has chosen to honor Jason, Dick decides it's time to take matters into his own hands, and makes a plan to remove the threat of the Gotham Rogues once and for all. Jason Todd, freshly back from the dead, doesn't understand what happened when he looks at the news in Gotham and sees that the Joker is dead. Determined to figure it out, he leaves Talia and makes his way back to the city that led to his death, only to learn from a strange source the truth of what went on while he was away. This story takes place in various locations, including the batcave, an apartment, Arkham Asylum, and the streets of Gotham.
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18 Title: Coffee Shop Love Word Count: 7,494 Genre: Fluff, Romance, Crossover, Alternate Canon Fandom/Universe: DC Comics/MCU Characters/Pairings: Dick Grayson/Tim Drake/James "Bucky" Barnes, Owens/Pru/Z, Conner, Cassie, Bruce/Diana, Bart, Cassie/Cass, Jason/Roy/Kory Warnings: None Rating: PG-13 Summary: Five years ago, Tim Drake saved Bruce and walked away from his so-called family and with Owens, Z, Pru and Bucky Barnes the Winter Solider and started up a small coffee shop with only Conner, Cass, Bart, Cassie and Alfred knowing where he is. Tim was happy until the day the Bats and the Avengers found him. Dick has never forgiven himself for driving away Tim, he longs to make things right with him, even if they never become anything but brothers but those plans are derailed when it comes clear to him that James "Bucky" Barnes has more than friendly feelings for Tim. Soon it becomes Dick vs. Bucky for Tim's heart. Tim just wishes that they would have asked him first.
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19 Title: Against His Heart Word Count: 6,566 Genre: Angst, PWP, rape recovery, happy/hopeful ending Fandom/Universe: DCU, no particular canon Characters/Pairings: Dick Grayson/Roy Harper Warnings: Past rape/noncon, slut-shaming, consensual nonconsent Rating: NC-17 Summary: The morning after Dick Grayson learns that Tarantula has died in prison, he gets on a train. Somehow he ends up at Roy's place. Nobody knows about everything that happened with Tarantula; even Dick forgets parts of it. He wishes he could erase everyone who'd ever touched him, even if that would erase Roy, so that Roy could touch him anew. They decide to pretend, and play out a situation where Dick is a virgin. A few awkward hiccups and a whole lot of feelings come out. It makes Dick realize something he wants--something he needs, maybe. He wants to pretend to struggle and say no and for Roy to keep going. They pick a safeword, Dick promises to use it, and so he does. Most of the scenes will take place in Roy's apartment which is somewhere in south New Jersey. It's not an AU (i.e. they are superheros), but they're out of uniform for the story. This is definitely a PWP, with a focus on sexual trauma, beginning to heal from trauma, and hints of a burgeoning DickRoy romance. There are no flashbacks to rape, but there are mentions of it throughout, including Dick's feelings towards his own body and his thoughts during sex with Roy. For a majority of the fic, Roy believes that Dick's relationship with Tarantula was fully consensual, before Dick ends up telling him that it wasn't. Dick is a trans man, and Roy is a cis man.
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20 Title: Stay Awake With Me Word Count: 10,738 of 40k Genre: Mystery, Case-fic Fandom/Universe: Court of Owls (comics) Characters/Pairings: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne Warnings: Major Character Death, Violence Rating: NC-17 Summary: When Dick goes missing, the family works together to try and find him. When Bruce goes missing, the mystery only begins to show itself. In an investigation which will span decades, Clark must work together with the remaining members of the Batfamily to unravel the secrets of Gotham's underbelly, and not only stop the Court of Owls in their bid for power, but to also catch Talon!Bruce and Talon!Dick. The fic will explore two timelines: the 'present' timeline which deals with the court of owls plot and a 'past' timeline that explores Clark's role in the batfamily.
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21 Title: The Maiden in the Tower Word Count: 6k complete so far, looking to be around 10-11k total. Genre: Urban Fantasy, Romantic Comedy, light Drama Fandom/Universe: primarily the pre-Flashpoint DC canon, though that’s more of a guideline than a hard rule. Characters/Pairings: Everyone Loves Tim Drake, ultimately Dick/Tim; Klarion the Witch Boy, Bruce, Barbara, Cass, Cassie, Kon and Bart all have prominent roles. Featuring cameos from as much of the DCU as I can fit in before the deadline, primarily Titans and Young Justice. Warnings: Low-key canon-typical violence and a ‘happily ever after’ kiss for two (full-grown) adopted brothers. Swearing. A few people get made the butt of jokes but it’s nothing too mean-spirited. Rating: PG-13 (technically R for swearing but content-wise it’s strictly PG-13) Summary: Klarion’s idea of the perfect birthday present is to trap Tim in the highest room (Bruce’s office) of the tallest tower in Gotham (Wayne Enterprises) and flood the rest of the building with a mix of living vines and fairy tale obstacles that can only be overcome by Tim’s true love. Shenanigans ensue as half the superhero community competes for the hand of the fair maid Red Robin. Pay-off is Dick/Tim but the lion's share of the page time is spent watching people fight fairytale tropes while Tim and Klarion snark with popcorn. Light-hearted comedy in which some characters get made to look the fool, ultimately gets no sexier than a True Love’s Ending Kiss. Set entirely within a vine-infested, magically-warped Wayne Tower with everyone from the Bats to the Titans to Tim’s civilian friends dealing with fairytale nonsense: glass mountains, living office supplies, pixies swarms, catching the cat who has the key to the next floor, etc. Meanwhile Tim hangs out in the penthouse with Klarion and a pint of ice cream watching the event like a reality show and getting dunked on for being an archetypal Disney Princess. Fun times for all with a light sprinkling of angst for flavor.
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22 Title: The Antecedents to Reunion Word Count: 13,500 (out of approx. 20k) Genre: Steampunk AU, slice of life, case fic Fandom/Universe: Batman comics, drawing heavily from the Court of Owls storyline and Cass's Batgirl run Characters/Pairings: Cassandra Cain/Stephanie Brown (preslash), Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson Warnings: non-canonical limb loss, temporary character death, fake character death, grief/mourning, implied brainwashing, past child abuse, drug use in an interrogation by a minor character Rating: PG-13/Teen Summary: In a verison of Gotham that never existed, a version of Gotham where clockwork and steam bring the city through the night, Dick Grayson is believed to be dead, and Cassandra Wayne has just returned from Hong Kong. But as Cass settles back into the city, she quickly discovers that something-- or someone-- is trying to get her attention, and that the clock is ticking on how much time she has to figure it out. This is very much a "slice-of-life" fic, except it's set in a Steampunk AU. This story is set mostly in Gotham, with there being one flashback scene to Cass’s apartment in Hong Kong. In Gotham, characters go to the manor, a gala, an ice cream parlor, and the Iceberg Lounge. There is also a fight scene in Robinson Park against Poison Ivy, in a villain’s apartment against droids, and a brief chase scene across rooftops. The plot with the Court of Owls is fairly in the background of this fic, as the real focus is Cass, her relationships with the other bats, and the intricacies of mourning. This story has a hopeful ending, in that it ends with Cass discovering that Dick is alive, but the actual reunion is left to the reader’s imagination.
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23 Title: With Blood and Rage of Crimson Red Word Count: 6,968 Genre: Angst, Action/Adventure Fandom/Universe: DCU, Batfam, Lantern Corps Characters/Pairings: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Hal Jordan, Guy Gardener, John Stewart, Bleez, Rankorr, no pairings (however, I might include hints of Batlantern (HalxBruce) later) Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, mentions of past underage attempted rape, mentions of past drug use, mentions of past child abuse Rating: PG-13 Summary: Jason was only 11 when his life was irreversibly changed. Now the newest member of the Red Lantern Corps, he is immediately thrust into a dangerous game where losing could mean death. With practically half the villains in the universe after him and the rest of the Lantern Corps, Jason must watch his step at every corner. To overcome this threat and find a way to save himself and the people he cares for, Jason must first overcome his own inner demons and learn to trust himself and the people around him. This story is set on multiple planets throughout the DC Universe. On Earth, we see Gotham City, the Batcave, and the Watchtower, in space, they travel to Ysmault and other planets that I made up for the purpose fo the fic (so you will have mostly free reign with the design of those planets if you choose to draw scenes involving them). This story involves canon-typical violence throughout. At the start, there are mentions of child abuse, and there is camera footage shown of attempted rape of a minor, but nothing explicit. At the start of the story, Catherine Todd is found by Jason post-OD and that is mentioned a few times throughout the story. The abuse and attempted rape are mentioned a little throughout the story, but not much, as it is not the focus, rather a back story for Jason. Other than that, there is no smut, or even pairings (unless I decide to do the Batlantern, but that will be a minor background pairing). There might be some language, but it is kept to a minimum.
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24 Title: You Have Their Eyes (But You'll Never Have Their Smile) Word Count: 6,679 Genre: Action/Adventure, Mystery, Angst Fandom/Universe: DCU, Justice League Characters/Pairings: Jason Todd, Kyle Rayner, Donna Troy, Chris Kent, Lorena Marquez, Connor Hawke, possibly Jaykyle Warnings: Canon Typical Violence, Mentions of Past Character Death, might have some minor language Rating: PG-13 Summary: Eight years ago, the Justice League vanished into thin air. Since then, their proteges have been left behind to pick up the pieces of a broken world. Struggling to fill shoes that don't quite fit, the next generation of the Justice League is faced with their pasts as an old case makes a reappearance, eight years after the original Justice League closed it. This is set on Earth, in various locations like Wayne Enterprises, the Watchtower, the Whitehouse, Los Angeles, Malaysia, and Atlantis. As stated before, violence is a part of this fic, but nothing more than you would normally see in canon. Past character deaths are mentioned, including Jason's temporary death, and the supposed deaths of the original Justice League. There is cussing, but only like two or three words in the entire fic. There are also mentions of a court stripping away Donna's parental rights to Terry.
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25 Title: Heavy the Head Word Count: 4k~ Genre: Greek Gods AU Fandom/Universe: No specific canon Characters/Pairings: Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson, assorted batfamily characters Warnings: No real warnings; there's some smut at one point in the fic Rating: NC-17 (overall it's rather tame, but some smut) Summary: Slade is an old nature god, one rather bored with the politics of Olympus. He is, however, rather fascinated by the reserved god of the dead Richard, remembering how different the boy was back when he truly was just a boy. He's always like oddities and figuring out puzzles, and Richard certainly is one at that. Dick would really prefer that everyone leave him alone to do the job he was assigned a millenia ago. Visiting Olympus brings him no peace, not when he knows he'll have to leave again soon, not to see his family for another century or so. Of course, there's always Slade, who's happy to give more than Dick is usually comfortable accepting. Not that that ends up being a bad thing. This story takes place in Mount Olympus, at a waterfall, and in the Underworld.
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26 Title: Hearts Beating Side by Side Word Count: 3,600 Genre: Romance, Drama Fandom/Universe: Young Justice Verse Characters/Pairings: Garth - Tempest/Kaldur'ahm/Dick Grayson Warnings: Threesome, misunderstanding, pining, dirty talk Rating: Summary: On the precipice of changes in their lives, Garth and Kaldur find a momentary reunion and the repressed childhood love that they have both harbored for the other is reignited. But the weekend won't be an easy fall into long awaited love. Nightwing has reappeared after months of silence in the guise of his civilian persona, Dickie Wayne-Grayson. And even though he's playing the part of full-time playboy, Garth can see the spark that Dick lights within Kaldur. And it's not a one-sided feeling. A weekend of diplomacy is consumed by Garth and Dick's competing jealousy; each believing Kaldur has eyes for the other. Garth thinks Dick is leading Kaldur on, and Dick thinks Garth has won Kaldur's heart before the weekend even began. They bicker, and banter, until they Bang It Out. When Kaldur catches them, there's guilt, and confessions and polyamorous negotiations.
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27 Title: hold onto the fire even if you have to burn Word Count: ~7k Genre: Angst with a happy ending Fandom/Universe: DCU (specifically Batfam) and post-Underworld Unleashed Characters: Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Zatanna Zatara, John Constantine, Donna Troy Pairings: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd (endgame), Dick Grayson/John Constantine/Zatanna (temporary) Warnings: Threesome, rape/non-con mentioned, self-harm (through magic), depression, lack of self-worth, explicit content, graphic violence, temporary major character deaths. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Dick Grayson is no Batman. After Bruce Wayne refuses to resurrect the late Jason Todd, Dick takes matters into his own hands. Armed with the knowledge of a deal that didn't go through, Dick allies himself with Zatanna and Constantine in a bid to right the wrong that Bruce ignores -- even though souls come at a cost. Dick knows he's strong enough to take the pain to save Jason. But can he stop at Jason? Can he let his fallen friends and family stay dead? Dick is determined to save everyone he can, even if it means losing his soul. The story takes place in multiple locations, primarily in Gotham and Neron's throne room in Hell, with occasional switches to Bludhaven. Rape/non-con refers to past instances (Dick/Mirage, Dick/Catalina) that are discussed at length. Threesome takes place as part of a magic ritual. Self-harm is heavily implied through self-sacrificial actions and reckless behavior (as well as the literal deals with a devil). Graphic violence will be canon-typical. Deaths are canonical deaths and happen offscreen (with the exception of Donna Troy and Damian Wayne who die in front of Dick and are described vividly). There's an alternative ending that includes Dick Grayson dying, but that's only one of two endings that will both be written.
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28 Title: The Deepest Secret Nobody Knows Word Count: ~6500 written (~15000 total) Genre: Romance Fandom/Universe: General DCU, Batman, Green Lantern Characters/Pairings: Bruce Wayne/Hal Jordan Warnings: Unintentional Exhibitionalism, characters/relationship being outed without their consent Rating: Explicit/NC-17 Summary: Hal and Bruce have been fucking for a full year, but have only been in an acknowledged relationship for six months. A jealous co-worker, who will stop at nothing to destroy Bruce Wayne, has a private romantic encounter between Bruce and Hal taped, then releases photos of the encounter to the press. Hal now finds himself thrust into a part of Bruce's life that he'd only had a vague impression of previously. While he believes that his and Bruce's relationship is solid, he's still left wondering if this will prove to be too much trouble to bother with, for himself, for Bruce, and for Bruce's family. Takes place primarily in Gotham (WEI offices, the Batcave, and the manor), with minor placement on the Watchtower, in Hal's apartment in Coast City, and varying Bruce boltholes around Earth. No serious warnings, other than semi-graphic/graphic sex.
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29 Title: In the Shadow of the Empire Word Count: About 12 or 13k, just under 9k written Genre: SciFi, Action/Adventure Fandom/Universe: Batman (though no particular canon), Star Wars AU Characters/Pairings: JayDick, JayTim, implied DickTim, pre-DickTimJay, Cass, Steph Warnings: Graphic descriptions of violence, dub con Rating: NC-17 Summary: For most of the galaxy, life under the Empire's thumb was difficult, stressful, and painfully short. Dick and Jason knew this all too well, trying to keep their rustbucket of a ship in one piece while living job to job on the fringes of the Empire's control. It was a hard life, but as an ex-Jedi and a so-called 'troublemaker' wanted in multiple Empire systems, they didn't have much choice. But when a job goes wrong, they and their crew find themselves on the run from the Hand of the Emperor; a masked dark side user who is as feared as his origins are mysterious... and who is much more involved in Dick and Jason's past than either of them could guess. This story exists within a Star Wars setting, roughly around the time of the Original Trilogy. Scenes take place aboard Jason's ship, on a derelict Republic cruiser (i.e. no lights and without atmosphere or gravity), and on a small, heavily forested moon where the showdown happens between the ship's crew (Dick, Jason, Cass, and Steph) and Dark Side!Tim. The graphic violence is to the tune of blaster and lightsaber wounds. The dub-con occurs when Jason drunkenly sleeps with a stranger at a bar, who later is implied to be Dark Side!Tim undercover. This counts as dub-con because Tim is actively concealing his identity to get information out of Jason and because Jason would likely not have slept with him if he knew who he was and what he was doing.
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30 Title: There Be Dragons Word Count: 6425 words Genre: Urban Fantasy, Dragons Fandom/Universe: Batman Characters/Pairings: JayDick Warnings: Descriptions of burning buildings, violence, some gore Rating: M Summary: In Gotham, there be dragons. A pureblood dragon, Bruce revolved his vigilante persona around his ancestry, to become, Dragonman. Dick’s dragonhood was a direct result of Bruce’s ingenious DNA bonding–a gift he now refuses to use. For a moment in his life, however, he tolerated it, for Jason. Then Jason died. For six months, as far as Dick and Bludhaven was concerned, there were no goddamn dragons. Then one night, fire licked the sky. No matter how fast Dick ran, swung and flew, it was too damn late. A casino was razed to the ground. Human bodies stacked in piles. The shadow of a red dragon’s wings flapped in a distance. There was no question, however impossible, who did it. Dick couldn’t believe it. Dick wouldn’t believe it. This dragon flew around in Dick’s city on a raging warpath, knowing more than he was letting on. Dick intended to find it, and stop it.
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31 Title: When the Winds are Howling Strong Word Count: 3040 Genre: Found family, omegaverse, no capes AU Fandom/Universe: Batfam, Red Hood and the Outlaws Characters/Pairings: Jason Todd, Dick Grayson Warnings: Implied non graphic rape, intersex omegas, severe misogyny against omegas. Dick is a cop but he’s on leave through 90% of the fic Rating: PG-13/Teen. Nothing is graphic, but the topics are heavy Summary: Dick signed up to be a foster alpha, but never expected that he would actually be given an omega. Then Gorden’s men find an gang’s omega in heat and in bad shape. Since most foster alphas are searching for a mate, Dick is given custody over the omega. Jason was pulled off the streets by Joker’s gang when he was fifteen and life’s only gotten worse from there. As a gang omega, Jason served mostly as a form of recreation for the other gang members. After four years in hell, Jason’s given up all hope of escape. He’s got a new alpha who seems decent, but past experience has taught him those are the worst ones. Found family is the core of this fic. Dick helps Jason with his reintroduction into society/introduction to Gotham’s high society and both are forced to confront their internalized prejudices against other castes. It’s set in Gotham and explores both the slums and the glitzier districts. Jason and other male omegas will be depicted as wearing more feminine styles, including dresses and skirts. Key scenes: Dick taking custody of Jason, Dick and Jason growing used to each other, Tim and Damian meeting Jason by accident, Jason dumping out all of Dick’s liquor cabinet, Dick taking Jason shopping, Jason meeting Bruce and Alfred, Dick takes Jason to a gala and they work through a meltdown, Jason shows Dick where he used to live before Penguin and Joker, Dick and Jason fight after finding out everything Jason did in the gangs, Sheila makes an appearance, Jason is induced into an artificial heat, Dick and Bruce find Jason who is already making progress to rescue himself, End by Jason cutting the ribbon to an omega shelter.
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32 Title: Midnight Rendezvous Word Count: 4000+ Genre: PWP, Drama Fandom/Universe: Batman, Nightwing/Grayson Characters/Pairings: Midnighter/Dick Grayson, Bruce/Dick Grayson Warnings: Explicit sex, References to violence, Maybe unsafe sex Rating: NC-17 Summary: Dick is tired of the Golden Boy act. Tired of waiting for Bruce’s approval. And he’s beyond tired of not being noticed... So tonight, he’s going to find someone one who will.
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33 Title: crowns of violets and roses Word Count: 3009 Genre: Romance, Alternate Universe - Greek Mythology Fandom/Universe: Batman - All Media Types Characters/Pairings: Bruce Wayne/Jason Todd Warnings: Attempted non con, swearing, descriptions of violence Rating: Explicit (NC-17) Summary: Modern Hades & Persephone AU. After Bruce Wayne’s parents die, he becomes lord of the underworld, leaving the seasons and harvest unattended. Replacing him are the two Robins, Dick and Jason, spirits of spring and growth, but neither is able to fully step into the Waynes’ empty mantle. Things are further complicated when Dick wants to move on to a new role and Jason’s propositioned by another god. Bruce pulls Jason into the underworld, offering him sanctuary from the threats above. In the shadows, Jason finds both his strength and love. But without the work of both Robins, the land crumbles, threatening the lives of mortals and the power of the gods. The only solution is for Jason to return, unless Bruce is able to out think their enemies. The setting for this story is largely modern with stylized elements from different periods (gothic, art deco). The Underworld, which is the primary setting, is heavily influenced by Wayne Manor and the Cave from comics and the animated series. Other places can have a more Gotham art deco influence.
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34 Title: Bruce Wayne, the Court of… Word Count: 4035 Genre: AU, humor, fluff, angst Fandom/Universe: Batman comics, Nightwing comics, Red Hood and the Outlaws comics, Batman: Under the Red Hood Characters/Pairings: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne Warnings: rape, death, beating, abuse, violence, spoilers for: Forever Evil arc, Court of Owls arc, recent Nightwing comic arc, recent Batman comic arc, Red Hood and the Outlaws #25, Batman and Red Hood #20 Rating: T/Teen And Up Audiences /PG14+ Summary: Bruce had made many mistakes in his life. The most horrifying and disastrous were the ones involving his family. The way he treated them, deceived, hurt and used finally blew in his face and he had to face the consequences. There was no forgiveness for him now, not from any of them. But maybe there was a way to avoid it all. This story is meant as a fix-it to all the mess the canon turned into. While the story focuses on talking about canonical events there are a lot of headcanon/fanon/tropes put into it as well ie. romantic relationship between adopted brothers. And although the topics discussed are serious matters the fic itself is slightly crackish. The story takes place in Gotham during the Batman: Under the Red Hood events. At first the action is placed all over the city: rooftops, docks, parking lot, train station; for it to narrow down to an abandoned hotel room.
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35 Title: Do You Love The Summer Like I Do? Word Count: 6116 words Genre: Romance, Action Fandom/Universe: Batman, Red Hood and the Outlaws Characters/Pairings: JayRoy Warnings: Descriptions of physical trauma, healing from injuries, violence, some gore Rating: M Summary: Those hazy nights spent blinking in and out of consciousness, events of Bruce cracking his hood open like an egg replaying like a neverending nightmare. Waking up to a stuffy bed, IV drips and the simmering heat. Roy’s dumb, handsome face hovering worriedly beside him. For those months of grueling physical therapy, Jason could depend on one thing to keep him going--Roy’ love. Jason would have put any grand plans of his to a screeching halt, if Roy asked him to stay on that island forever. But he had therapy to go to. Jason could respect that. Then, Roy died. And Jason missed the funeral. But unlike every other piece of shit who dared to call themselves Roy’s friends, Jason wasn’t about to let him lie. And he had a way of bringing him back.
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