#ahhh.. alas
lazlolemur · 6 days
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read stone butch blues and we both laughed in pleasure back to back and received several mental illnesses and had to draw my beloved oc to cope
Klyde Kaisyrr (He/She)
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surreal-duck · 1 year
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nui shenanigans
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oliversgarden · 3 months
“So just sign the damn contract while you still have a chance. You’ve got plenty of ink, and I’m sure even you can manage to write your own name.”
GWENNNNNnnnn damnnnnnnnn!!!
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malaierba · 4 months
Maybe writing emotionally disgusting fic about Maizur.u and T.oshiro will save me
Do we even comprehend what it must be like to live in a household with a father that's charming to outsiders but somewhat egocentric and emotionally distant within the household wall's, a mother that mentally checked out, and to be raised by a nanny who both was the adult that loved you the most but also "disciplined" all the unseemly things out of your personality. Oh and the nanny is officially the other woman.
Something about growing up and your eyes slowly open to what your parents are like, beyond what they try to project to you, and noticing all the ways in which the adults of your family don't respect someone else in the household, the désillusion, realising that you have no role models who didn't hurt you and that's now up to you to decide the type of adult that you'll be,
Always feeling guilty and entitled by being affected by the dynamics between the adults in your life, like you've got any right to comment on it, like they aren't adults at liberty to live their life as they please, you're too old to be affected* by it anyway, you are the eldest too so get it together
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hubbleablubble · 4 months
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Lathlyria fullbody for artfight! I finally have (mostly) decided on a design for his jacket...
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stabbyfoxandrew · 4 months
you know what's fucking insane though???
it's only been 3 days in the mafia front fic. THREE DAYS= ~34k. (so far, we're still on day three rn)
wow i'm truly insane. three days... mein gott
(potential spoilers for this fic in tags???)
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mintymx · 2 years
Character study comic attempt of Trafalgar Law. !! CW: Blood, corpses, Dressrosa (Law's past spoilers) !!
!! Read from left to right !! In my mind, I don't think Law like snow that much because :-)
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thefunniestguy · 4 months
the biggest downside of new interests is the urge to cosplay. or buy merch in general. but especially cosplay bc i'm going to 2 cons and have cosplays planned for both of them i DON'T NEED TO DRESS UP AS DENJI.....
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renabe4life · 6 months
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Day 4 - Weapons | Hands
“You’re distracted.”
A whisper in his ear. He shivers. Had he any fight in him, he might reply in kind. Ask who’s fault that may be.
As he is, Clover would see through it in a heartbeat.
“Maybe,” Qrow says, testing his voice. He draws a shuddered breath, an extra moment granted to pluck out the words he needs, and leans further against the warm body at his back. He swallows hard. “Maybe you could… give me a reason to be distracted.”
~~Note that this fic is rated mature, though mostly for the eventual second chapter. Partner piece to this drawing
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riwooga · 1 year
Okay Whitney character dive, I'm just gonna use he/him pronouns for all of this except for PC ✨
I don't know how much of this makes sense but I'm going to ramble and I can already tell this is gonna get quite long
And once again small disclaimer I'm just rambling my personal speculation and thoughts and have no ways of knowing what the creators actually planned/intend for a character!
... Okay I have to add a cut I think it'll clutter the tag too much 👉👈
I actually kind of want to start out with making a comparison of Whitney vs Avery. Because I adore both, yet have actually seen some people interpret them in almost a switcharoo to what I do? Which is super interesting to me, but their character archetypes are definitely similar in several senses, and I find it fun to think about so-
From my point of view, what they have in common, in my opinion, is the "Control and status" mindset.
So when we first meet Whitney, he's obviously not introduced as a good guy, he's a bully, an utter asshole, and for a long time he is just that, he doesn't treat PC nicely until you get pretty high up in love, and still there he's still sometimes an absolute ass. (Just.. A more controlled one that will sometimes semi-respect your boundaries if you enforce them)
Whereas Avery, we meet as this charming, slightly mysterious yet chivalrous older man, helps us out, takes us out for a nice meal and in turn afterwards keeps being quite charmingly chivalrous as long-- as you act the proper way.
But the kind of funny thing it me is, with both of them, once you're in a relationship with you start to see the facade slip sometimes.
With Whitney, you start to see softer moments, it's small things that could be missed or brushed over perhaps, but you start to see moments where he shows he actually cares about the PC, and can actually be sort of sweet if you're in private with him.
Where as with Avery, you see the facade slip too-- but in the opposite way in my opinion? You start to see a colder side of him, start to see that what he cares about is appearance, and see that if you don't act the way he wanted you to, the anger comes through. (I'll definitely go more in depth of Avery if I make a post for him too)
Which again, feels like opposites, yet so similar?
And to touch back on their "control" mindset, there the thing is Whitney seems to be almost desperate for control, and will fight to have it, desperate for something he can actually have his own control over, likely stemming from a home life where he feels stuck and like he has no say in anything (Will touch more on this in just a second)
Where as Avery... Isn't desperate for control, rather he seems to simply expect it. He expects that PC will fall into line and be good, let him make the decisions that make them both look best. Especially at first of you chose the options that provoke him a bit, you can sense he almost starts to consider PC something to be tamed at that point.
Where both of them, highly value their status and other people looking upon them the way they've worked hard to obtain.
And to further explain what I meant with Whitney's home life, let's just say I think there's a reason that Whitney seems to be away from his home for as long as he can, why he prefers to loiter in alleyways and get drunk and cause trouble..
If we, once again, look at psychology, delinquent behaviors USUALLY stem from not feeling seen or heard by your parents, stem from an anger and frustration of either too strict rules or otherwise things like neglect. Same with bullying, usually also stemming from issues in the home life leaving the bully feeling weak and worthless, where bringing others down gives them a high of somewhat power. Especially to people they have a sense of envy toward.
We can also somewhat guess out from certain dialogue that Whitney's family probably isn't the wealthiest, as he describes his own room as a dump and also admits to Bailey that he indeed doesn't have near enough money to afford the PC. Plus if his parents were rich I don't think it'd make as much sense for him to be stealing, other than I guess pure provocation?
So those things combined I feel like I can definitely start to guess why Whitney might feel that lack of control in his life. I'm like... 90% sure I have seen Vrel say that the only thing feels like he has control over is his appearance? (And then the PC)
And while Whitney's relationship with the PC may start as a control thing for him, a simple way to get that itch satisfied and have some humiliation fun as well, well... He does genuinely start to care for the PC. Not that you'd get him to fully admit just how much he does.
Some of my favorite moments is when his brain almost short-wires when the PC not just reciprocates but initiates, especially outside the sexual context. Instantly blushing and trying to play it smooth but often ending up stuttering a bit. Or if you're gone too long and you can see faint tears in his eyes? Yeah good shit.
But also I absolutely have to mention how he is also so oddly soft in encounters, like often saying PC is like an angel, kissing PC'S forehead, praising... Like even in the "embarrassing" scenarios he often has this softness to him.
And to just softly go back to the whole bully psychology thing, a really interesting part of Whitney's character in my opinion is his target on Kylar, especially once he's with the PC.
Whitney in general is quite jealous / possessive, the only way he's sharing the PC is on his own volition, when he's the one controlling the scenario and who touches who. We can see he gets confrontational even in class of people just looking at the PC, or how he gets so frustrated if one of his friends try to help themselves to the PC.
So, to see the PC give someone like Kylar attention? Of course his brain will spiral.
Whitney has probably done so much to build up his position, to be popular, attractive, feared, to be in control, so to see /Kylar/, the freak, the weird little creep everyone actively avoids, who's such an easy target for bullying because of it-- /that's/ someone PC is interested in? Infuriating. A confidence hit probably. From his point of view he has so much more to offer than that pathetic little freak, doesn't he?
And that's where one of Whitney's big flaws come in, because when he feels upset, or even betrayed by the PC, he acts out. He starts to threaten, he starts to humiliate, he forces the PC into dangerous situations. A way to try and snatch that control back.
If pushed far enough, (spoiler warning here!!) we know he's even willing to sell the PC off to the underground brothel because of that loss of respect from everyone else. Because of that loss of control that he so desperately clutches onto.
But I'm gonna try and round it off a bit here--
Whitney seems to have a rather poor handle on emotions, on vulnerability. It's easier to be someone people fear and be having fun with it than it is letting someone even catch a glimpse at the vulnerable parts inside.
... Which is exactly why the moments that he has alone with the PC is something I absolutely melt over, those cracks beginning to show the softness.
So to sum up!
I find Whitney a really interesting character, as much as I roll my eyes at him and think he's a stupid ass, I really hope we in the future keep seeing him develop more and more 🤧
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tteokdoroki · 6 months
yuuji before bkg is so fascinating, please elaborate 🎤
okok hear me out !! i feel like yuuji is more of a fight first, fear later kinda guy. so he would run into the fire straight away without thinking of the consequences. he wants to save people so that they can live better lives and i feel like he often disregards his own body for that purpose so !! he comes first and quickly!!
bakugou is a close second because !! he thinks first and then acts, he almost always has a plan (except for that one time he jumped in front of izuku) and… he has his moments where he does get really scared. i think if i were to be in a fire there’d be a split second where all of his close calls/near death experiences flash before his eyes and he has to think about what to do before carrying or rescuing me from the fire so that he doesn’t panic ??
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harrenhalyuri · 7 months
i'll be getting a new laptop soon, not a gamer laptop by any means bc that shit is ridiculously expensive here lmao and i need it for work reasons so i'll likely be settling for a samsung model
anyway i do believe it will be enough to run a couple games i've had my eye on for a long ass time now, namely WOTR and rogue trader
was thinking which one i would buy first once i've got the laptop and although WOTR has been on my list since 2021............... rogue trader has an old man that has me 👀AND a dark-haired psycho that looks like v*ryn d*goth so you see. i will have to let it skip in line
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meefy · 1 year
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Are we just gonna ignore the fact Obi told Shirayuki his name before he told Zen...? 👀
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kylos-starlight · 3 months
I cannot wait for moving to be over with. Day 3 of sorting and getting rid of stuff. My body is literally screaming to stop. My muscle hurt so bad and my back is stiff. x.x just today and tomorrow (and a probably July 1st)
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stabbyfoxandrew · 1 year
Hello again! Can I also have Vampire Andrew? Maybe they'll meet each other this week??!? (I am so so so excited about that!) Also a question, does Andrew have superstrength?
WIP Wednesday (9/27)  | Vampire Andrew AU
After a few minutes, Kevin’s blood dries and Andrew can sort of think. He lets go of the bleacher and stretches out his hands. Then he looks up to see the score is really close. Ah, that must be the reason for Kevin’s annoying habit reappearing.
Andrew is about to demand Kevin to hand over the Three Musketeers bar in his jacket when a couple of kids in front of him start arguing loudly. Andrew looks down into the next row and watches them fight over what looks like a Happy Meal toy.
‘He always gets the good one,’ the girl is pouting. The boy, however, doesn’t even care about it. His plan is to toss it towards the court as soon as he can take it. Andrew scowls. The children’s mother isn’t paying them any attention at all.
Andrew nudges the boy with the toe of his shoe. “Let her have it,” he whispers. 
The boy, possibly nine years old to his sister’s seven-ish, turns around. “Why should I?”
Andrew glances around them and holds his hand up between himself and Coach. “Because if you don’t, I’ll eat you,” Andrew says, then he flashes his teeth. The blood drains from the boy’s face and he drops the toy to climb over the seat to his mother.
“Mom! Mom!” He shouts, fear evident in his tone. “That guy’s a vampire!”
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gottagobuycheese · 2 years
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A WIP I didn’t end up having time to finish and I’m not sure when it’ll really be “IP” again sdkjfhsk, BUT since it’s still February 15th in some time zone somewhere, HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIM DOKJA!!
[ID: a digital sketch depicting several characters from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, posing for a photo. A young Kim Dokja lays asleep in a hospital bed in the center of the frame. A slightly older Lee Gilyoung and Shin Yoosung crowd his sides; on Kim Dokja’s right, Lee Gilyoung half-climbs onto the bed to rest his elbow on Kim Dokja’s shoulder, while on his left, Shin Yoosung kneels beside the bed and rests her hand on Kim Dokja’s arm. In front of her, Yoo Sangah rests her right arm on the foot of the bed, a somewhat wistful expression on her face as she kneels on one knee so as to not block the people behind her. Han Sooyoung stands behind the bed with her arms folded over the top, chewing a lollipop stick as she stares at the camera with a tired yet determined smile on her face. Finally, Lee Jihye stands in the right foreground, grinning at the camera and making a peace sign as she takes the picture. /end ID]
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