#ahaha why does this keep happening to me
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whatupitsgiaaa · 11 months ago
me last year: i love college !!!!
me this year: oh my god it’s getting bad again
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strwbrymlkshake · 2 years ago
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really. for real. deadass. on god. are you kidding me. if these problems aren't my fault then why am I always in the center of them
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sinning-23 · 10 months ago
Hot Tatted Uncle Pt.2 (Uncle!SukunaAu x Teacher!Reader)
Thanks so much for the love and support on pt.1 you guys are the besttt lol, honestly might be a 3 parter we'll see! ANyway, enjoy :0
Also pleaseee excuse any spelling errors yall
Link to Pt.1
You stared at the text message, throat tight with excitement but dread. It had been a few months since the last incident with Yuji and his Uncle. The roguish male often picked up the young boy, tagging along with Yuji’s father. You’d usually just give Jin a rundown of his son’s day, ever so often catching Sukuna’s gaze as he leaned against the door frame. And every time it happened, you’d choke, clearing your throat and focusing your attention on Yuji and his father.
It didn’t help that he was always texting you, asking his his nephew was behaving. Even though it was cordial and polite, you still felt giddy getting texts from him.
This comes to the next point, why you’re sitting here practically gawking over the most recent message request from Yuji’s father.
Hello Miss Y/n! Do you babysit? I know Yuji loves having you as a teacher and I was wondering if you’d be interested in babysitting for him along with his Uncle while me and my wife go on vacation. Of course, you will be paid as well.
-Jin Itadori @ 6:28pm-
You wait to open it, pacing for a moment, thinking, first of all if you were available for the weekend and second, why couldn’t his uncle handle it?!
Well, given the man’s track record maybe an experienced hand in childcare could be useful. With a heavy sigh, you respond and you'd have to quickly come to terms with the fact that you would be essentially babysitting over 2 days with your students' hot uncle.
It's Friday now, and arrangements for you to simply drive Yuji back home and meet up there with his uncle were already in place. You were trusted with a spare house key, and their precious baby boy, who so seemed to be happier than a fly on shit that you would be spending even MORE time with him.
You gather your things and a few activities to pass the time, loading them into your car. Yuji insists on helping, carrying a small container of building blocks with his chubby hands. And god damn does he not stop talking while he does. It's adorable really, whatever comes off the top of the boy's head simply flying free.
"My-My uh uncle, he doesn’t have no girlfriend." He speaks, the statement making you choke.
"Ahaha is that so? He tells you to say that?" You joke, setting the pink-haired toddler in his car seat, and buckling him in with ease.
"MHM! My uh-" He coughs, quickly covering it with his elbow as you give a small 'good job' seeing as he's learning to keep his germs away from everyone, including you.
"My Uncle says uh he says that you got pretty eyes." He explains, your heart fluttering.
You sit in the driver seat finally, the boy still rambling on and on about what his uncle thinks about you. Though all you can do is respond with a simple, "Oh that's very kind, or a awee", Yuji is nonstop.
It’s quiet for a moment and as you’re pulling into the driveway when he says it, clear as day.
"Uncle says your ass is fat too."
You slam the brakes, the car jerking a bit when you do. What. The. FUCK-
The culprit is already awaiting you, arms folded over his chest as they flex. He’s got a white tank top on and a pair of black basketball shorts paired with slides and ankle socks.
Yuji squirms, growing ever more excited as Sukuna takes him out of the car seat and lightly jabs his knuckles to the boy's sides with a 'Rahhhh', as if he were some kind of tickle monster. Yuji of course laughs and if ALMOST makes you forget about what he'd just said a moment ago.
"Wanna help Miss Y/n put this inside?" Sukuna asks the small boy, handing him the block container from before. Yuji is quick to nod and scurry to the front door.
"I can bring the rest of this, Jin gave you the housekey right?" He asks, leaning against the frame of the car, your neck snapping towards him as you swallow thickly. Fuck you can see even more of the tats now in that shirt.
"U-Uhm yes, yes. I'll go get the door. I can get some of this too I-" You speak, fumbling to find the key. He only puts his hand up and shakes his head, the silver chain around his swishing a bit.
"Nah I gotchu. Yuji knows how to turn the TV on so he can watch his lil show for a bit.”
Sure enough, the minute you unlock the door, Yuji crawls atop the couch, using the remote to try his best to navigate. It takes a while, and he mispresses a few buttons but after about 5 minutes he manages to play something entertaining for him.
Sukuna had finished bringing your bags in as well as the one with activities in it, setting it on the stairs. He rolls his shoulder, pointing at Yuji who was immersed in the show.
"See." Sukuna hums, leaning against the countertop next to you, also skimming over the note. His body heat is practically radiating off of him, just standing by him is warming you up.
You nod in response, looking over the brief note Jin left for you both and according to what it said, your next step was to head up some leftovers for Yuji and then run him a bath.
"There’s two bathrooms so I can get the boy.” He offers, resting his hand behind his neck as you give a nervous laugh. FUCK this nervousness was most likely only on you. There’s no way he could be just as filled with anticipation as you were?!
You take the offer, giving a small thank you before fishing the shower and taking one considering you did just get off of work. Packed away in your bag was a set of comfortable clothes and a book with you figured would help pass the time once Yuji went to sleep.
You could hear footsteps and Yuji fussing back and forth with his Uncle.
“Hush man you’re making me look bad.” Sukuna groans, throwing the toddler over his shoulder as he giggles but continues to thrash, pounding tiny fists against the older male's back.
“No! NO BATH! I don’t wanna!” Yuji whines, his Uncle only growling in response.
“I’ll give you candy if you stop.”
And just like that it was quiet.
The night had gone smoother than you thought, you and Sukuna both interacting with Yuji as it’s beginning to be time to wind down. His eyes were beginning to get heavy and before you knew it he was slumped against the couch, clutching an unfinished sucker in one hand and a white puppy plush in the other. You smile, scooping him up and patting him when he stirs.
“Be right back, let me tuck him in.” You whisper, seeing Sukuna look up from his phone and nod, one arm slung over the sofa while he practically manspreads
Turns out, Yuji took a bit longer to fall asleep when he realized he was being put down and so you had to sit and pat him for an extra 30 minutes. And once you returned to the living room, there was Sukuna, still scrolling. Well, that was until you came in.
“Sorry, he wouldn’t go back to sleep.” You explain, sitting at the farthest end from him, picking up your book in the silence.
“So you like working up there? At the school?” He asks, putting his phone down to hold the conversation with you.
It takes you by surprise for a second but you are quickly to respond.
“Well yeah, I love the kids and I love working there and teaching them things. Yuji is a sweetheart and it’s definitely kids like him that make it all worth it.” You explain, a smile making its way to your lips.
“You got kids?” He asks, eyes on your frame as you laugh a bit in response
“Nah, don’t really plan on it right now either. Kids are difficult.” You answer, now facing him a bit more, body relaxed.
What was there to be so scared of?! He’s a chill guy who just so happened to be hot as fuck asking you about your career and life?!
“How about you? Kids? Working?” You flip, seeing him shift a bit uncomfortably.
“Hell nah. I see how Jin deals with Yuji and I’m not really cut you to be a dad. And for work well, I’m a priest.” He states, smirking at the surprised look on your face.
“R-Really??” You question definitely surprised.
“Nah I’m just fucking with you.” He laughs and you do the same, trying to keep your volume down since Yuji did just fall asleep.
It was crazy to believe you’d spent about two hours just talking back and forth, with him about his past, his brother, and his nephew. You about your own life and current living situations. Somehow the conversation took…a turn.
“Y’know, it’s funny because Yuji keeps telling me about these things you say and I think it’s so funny. Like he’s your little wingman.” You laugh, seeing him grin right back at you.
“Yeah like what?” He asks, more teasing than anything.
“Well he said that you said I have pretty eyes and on the way here he goes, ‘uncle says your ass is fat’” you explain with a laugh that he doesn't return.
Instead you see his lip tuck between his teeth after he licks them.
“I did say that.”
Suddenly the room is hot, and you’re very aware of how sharp his canaines look in that stupid grin. How his hand is grinning the back of the couch cushion. And for some goddamn reason you just had to look down, that fucking print so visible against his inner thigh.
Your breath falters, eyes wide and you swallow back any doubt. So he had said all that stuff and it want just Yuji repeating something or just talking.
“I-Well I…Thank you? I-I mean I’d be lying if I said hadn’t looked at you too.” You admit, his body shifting to face you more, almost caging you in on the couch.
“I figured. Every time I come to pick up you can’t seems to form a sentence correctly .” He notes.
“Ryo.” He corrects. Lifting the strap of your nightshirt over your shoulder, playing with the fabric for a moment.
“Ryo.” You test, hearing his exhale heavily.
“Let’s stop pretending there’s nothing happing and has been happening here. No rule against fooling around with me is there?” Sukuna tests, his hand trailing up to rest no on your neck, his thumb pulling your lower lip down.
And with that you make the first move to connect your lips, his arms immediately going to lift you up ans set you against his lap.
Damn does that bulge feel to much better resting between your legs than just looking at it.
Authors note: OKAY YEHA ITs gonna be a 3 parter with smut in the next one I cant resist lol yall know smut is my specialty! LMK if you wanna be added to the taglist shawty!
Taglist: @manikosii @ya-boi-v @tergyri @ninacutebee16 @minaloq @kriegsumire-blog @samisfunky @peachhiz @teupaidecalcinhasblog @khaotic-luca @gurutoru @molita111 @snail-squasher @rowrowrowyourboat13
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meo-eiru · 5 months ago
meru, i always did like elias but he really really has been growing on me lately and i just have so much appreciation for the way you crafted his character like it is legit so beautiful😭💔
there was this advertisement that used to play on tv when i was a kid, and i can't really remember what it was for or abt tbh, but it had this man that lived on the moon and everytime you post elias content i kinda just remember it somehow.
there's this sort of isolated air around him, all he has is his self and his darling, and even then — it's not like he can always keep them around, no matter how hard he tries. so he's kinda left there, stuck with himself so to say. someone he doesn't love, and in turn, struggles to see how anyone else can love. in his head 24 hours a day, thinking how he can use the only trait he has to his advantage.
i can imagine all those things eat him up little by little, which is why he's volatile at the slightest indication his darling could be losing interest. their stopping him from hurting himself, somewhere is soothing, like a headpat, bc it feels like they're telling him they still care despite all odds.
how does one recieve love they feel like they don't deserve? in a way, he builds a bubble around himself bc of that w/o knowing and then there's just this surmounting distance he doesn't know how to lessen. so man on the moon, staring at earth through his telescope everyday, but failing to feel its warmth bc though he revolves around it and monoplises the fact that he belongs in its orbit, he makes no move to get closer. constantly trapped in the thought that he is stuck where he is, and that place is an undesirable home.
idk know where i'm going with all this and i rambled a lot so you can just ignore it actually ahaha all i really wanted to say was that you're amazing and elias deserves quality hand-holding time😩💕
You captured Elias as a character so so well.
Elias truly is like a miracle. People who used to ask me stuff about him should remember, he basically didn't have any story. I don't know if it was just sheer force of will, or if it was thanks to you guys, but he developed so much within these past few weeks he existed.
I've never seen the ad you mentioned but based on what you said it fits him so well. A lonely man who was thrown out of the bubble due to his biggest blessing, and keeping himself there without realizing.
So lonely, so desperate, so self aware yet too far gone to fix any of it. Thirsty for your love yet thinks he doesn't deserve it causing him to always be on edge. So contradictory, so unstable.
A man who so desperately yearns for your love, to feel alive, to know he exists, to know someone is seeing him. He doesn't care what happens to him in the progress, he just needs you and your love.
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maddogofshimano · 6 months ago
Four Shine in the Nick of Time: Yuki Scratcher Event
Minor YK2 Side Content Spoilers
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The first of the two giveaway winners, this one’s for @yakozy​ !!
It ended up being not super long, but don’t worry! The other winner ALSO wanted a Yuki event, and that one is massive?? So it balances out in the end. I’m moving slow but I should be able to get that one done in the next couple of weeks
Summary: Set in 2007 following the events of the Cabaret Grand Prix, Yuki sets up a special campaign to boost sales. Unfortunately, the numbers just aren’t adding up--a counterfeiter seems to be in their midst...
One day in 2007 Sotenbori's Four Shine After Four Shine won the Cabaret Grand Prix and became popular....
Waiter: Aika-san, you've been requested at table six~.
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Waiter: Kira-san, table four just put in a request for you. Yuki: Wheww~ ...I'm beat~!
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Koyuki: Ever since we began that campaign you thought of, we've really been flooded with customers. Majima: The campaign Yuki-chan thought of?
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Yuki: Wah! Majima-san!? What are you doing here!? Majima: Ever since the Prix Goooro Majima's been awfully popular. I was out this way on business and came to see how things have developed. (tl note: his name is written as ゴ一ロ真島 Goooro Majima, instead of 真島吾郎 Majima Goro, to match his Cabaret Grand Prix announcer name) Yuki: I-I see... So that's why you're dressed like that. Majima: So then, what's this campaign you came up with? Yuki: Fufufu... It's an appreciation scratcher campaign! Majima: Scratchers? Yuki: Yes! Every time someone visits we give them one scratcher exchange voucher, and once they gather five they get to do a scratcher! Yuki: To make our customers happy, we've put together some super great prizes! Majima: And that'll bring in even more customer, huh. Yuki-chan, you've gotten good at business too!
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Yuki: It's not about making money! The point of this campaign is to give back to our regulars! Yuki: Buuuut, if the number of customers also happens to increase, that's not a bad thing either, right...? Fufufu. Majima: You're laughin' real evilly~.
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Waiter: Yuki-saaan, do you have a moment? Yuki: Hm? That's the waiter, Takada. I wonder what's up. Give me just a minute. (tl note: name is 高田 and I went with Takada but there's a bunch of readings) <she goes out to the main floor, and also my eardrums get blasted out by hostess music> Yuki: What's going on, Takada?
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Waiter: There's something weird going on with the scratcher exchange tickets... The number that's been used is higher than the number that we distributed. Waiter: Can you think of any reason for this? Yuki: Eh? There's more exchange tickets? Are you sure the numbers are correct? Waiter: Yes ma'am. I counted them all again, but... it still came out the same. Waiter: I'm not sure about this Yuki-san but... it may be possible... that someone is making counterfeit exchange tickets. Yuki: Counterfeiting the scratcher exchange tickets... seriously...? Waiter: If things continue at this rate then we'll run out of prizes faster than expected and I think we'll end up in the red. Something has to be done... Yuki: I understand... I'll do everything I can. Will you keep quiet about this to the manager and everyone else? Waiter: Y-Yes ma'am. You got it. <he leaves> Yuki: ...What do I do. This is my fault... I'm the one who thought of the campaign...
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Majima: What's with the sourpuss? Yuki-chan, did somethin' happen? Yuki: Wah! M-Majima-san! I-It's nothing...! Yuki: Th-This sourpuss is because... ummm... right! I have a little bit of a tummy ache! Owie~! Majima: ...What kinda stomachache? Did ya go scroungin' around here for food? Yuki: Ahaha... That must have been it. Well I'm just going to go pick some flowers... <she leaves and the music cuts off SO abruptly> Majima: Heh, that Yuki-chan... she's a real idiot.
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Yuki: (...I can't bother Majima-san with this. This is my fault, so I need to handle it on my own...) [The next day...] Waiter: Thank you very much! Please come see us again soon. Yuki: (I don't want to believe that someone is really forging exchange tickets, but...) Yuki: (If it's true then I just watch the register, and someone will show up whose exchange tickets does not match the number of times they visited!) Waiter: ....Since you have thirty exchange tickets, sir, you can do six scratchers.
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Rough-looking customer: Hell yeah... I got a good prize! Yuki: (...! That customer, he's only been here twice... He shouldn't have thirty exchange tickets!) Yuki: (...So that means... he's the counterfeiter!? I-I found him just fine, but... what do I do now...!) Waiter: ...Thank you very much! Please come see us again soon. Yuki: (Whoawoawoah... that customer is leaving...! I-I'll just have to chase him...!) <outside of the club> Customer: Heheheh... I got a real good one. Those idiots in the club didn't even notice the counterfeits.
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<he walks off> Yuki: I-I knew it, he's the culprit...! I have to tell him not to do it again...! Yuki: ...That customer went in here, didn't he? Yuki: Let's see... Banjou Family Office... Banjou Family..................... eh!? He's a yakuza!? (tl note: 万乗組 is the family) Yuki: Wh-What do I do... maybe it'd be best if I just went back... but then I'd be causing an issue for everyone at Four Shine... Yuki: .............I'll just have to go anyways. Yuki: If I tell them to stop cheating... I'm sure even a yakuza would understand. Yuki: ....Yeah! Women have guts! Let's go, me!!
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<she goes in, and the event starts>
Yuki: I know I said I had to, but... Ooooh, I'm so scareddddd.....!
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Yuki: I just have to tell them to stop cheating... Even a yakuza will understand... Yuki: Yeah! It's for the club! Get going, me!! <she goes and knocks on a door, then opens it> Yuki: P-Pardon the intrusion...?
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Majima: .....What's up, Yuki-chan. What are ya doin' here?
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Yuki: M-Majima-san!? What are you doing here... ah! <a bunch of beaten up men, including our counterfeiter, are shown> Yuki: They're all beaten black and blue... Majima-san, did you...? Majima: Hm? Ahh, s'pose so. I got into a fight with that lot. Majima: Ah, that's right. They had this. Yuki: Th-These are... Scratcher exchange vouchers!? Majima: Unrelatedly I told 'em not to do any stupid shit. They just happened to start a fight over it, so that was lucky. Yuki: Th-Thank you for this! Now everyone at Four Shine won't have to worry! Majima: Oops, it's almost time for the train. Till next time, Yuki-chan.
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<he leaves, and it sounds like he kicks a door clean off its hinges as he does> Yuki: Ah! Majima-san! Ah-he's gone... Yuki: ...Majima-san is also a bad liar. Fufu. Yuki: Alright! I'm going to work hard to make up for the help I got!
Bonus stuff:
Not a whole lot to go into on this one tbh! I do like seeing Majima and Yuki interact a little more, and that Majima went back to Four Shine at least once. This event originally ran almost exactly 4 years ago, which is wild to consider! and finally a big thank you to this youtube video that I used to pull screenshots from
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slayfics · 1 year ago
Hello again :3 I hope you gave calmed down from earlier if you know what I mean AHAHA😩 Anyway, this came to mind when I was drinking my choccy milk, but remember that one-shot where Mui gets jealous when the reader is around another Hashira? And how the Hashira that took care of the reader was Iguro? What if you make a one-shot on what actually happened while the reader was on the mission? That would be so cool considering how popular that other one got lol🤭 Take your time and take care if yourself :D
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Obanai tends to your injuries.
This is sort of a part two for the Muichiro Jealousy fic. I’ll link it here~
Muichiro gets jealous when another Hashira looks after you.
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The demon in front of you took a heavy slice out of your arm. Jumping back to get some space you prepared to use a breathing technique and go in for the final strike. Just as you took a breath, what appeared to be a giant snake crashed through, separating the demon's head from its body.
You didn't need to look twice to know it was Obanai the Serpent Hashira that attacked.
"Hi Iguro! I had that under control you know," You said teasingly.
"Hm- is that why you got injured?" He retorted.
You crossed your arms and let out an overdramatic puff of air at the Hashria's comeback.
"You better let me look at that," Obanai recommended.
"No need, it's just a scratch," You said, brushing off your injury. Obanai was not swayed in the slightest by your words. He pulled your arm from you and pushed up your sleeve to inspect your cut.
"It doesn't look that serious-" he concluded.
"See! I told you," you said childishly.
"I wasn't finished," he hissed out. "It's not serious, but you should let me wrap it so it doesn't get infected."
"Fine-" You said stubbornly, causing Obanai to let out a sigh.
"I can tell your Tokito's Tsuguko," He said, pulling out some wraps and carefully placing them around your injury.
"What does that mean?" You asked defensively.
"Your lack of tact," He chuckled.
"Mhm sure- pretend you don't like it," you said playfully as he finished tying off the wraps snuggly around your arm.
Obanai ignored your remark, putting away his supplies. "I'm headed to a Wisteria House, I have a long journey to go from there after some rest. It's best you come too before you make the journey back to Tokito's," he recommended after noticing how exhausted you were from your previous battle.
"Well who am I to argue with a Hashria's suggestion," you said as you inspected the wrap on your arm. "Thank you Iguro."
Obanai nodded in acknowledgment. "Always make sure to tie it snug enough to support the slowing of bleeding but not enough to cut off circulation, got it?"
"Understood," you said, playfully giving him a salute. Obanai rolled his eyes at you pretending to hate your quirkiness. Secretly, he admired your ability to remain playful given the harsh life of a demon slayer. Something about it made him feel as if he was living an atypical life, if only for a moment.
"Come on it's this way," He motioned for you to follow him.
It didn't take long for you both to arrive at the mansion. Obanai would never admit it but you did a decent job at keeping up with him. He was noticing your improvements already from the training Muichiro was giving you.
"Good to see you Mr. Iguro, oh and you brought a friend!" The head of the Wisteria House welcomed you both.
"Yes I have another corps member with me tonight," He explained.
"Well do come in, your usual room is ready, but I'll have to bring in some more accommodations," they explained, bowing their head and then leaving.
"You usually come here?" You asked Obanai.
"Yes, this house is in my designated area to patrol so I come through often."
It wasn't long before the head of the house showed you both to the room kept designated for passing through demon slayers. The room had two tatami beds on opposite ends of the room.
"I hope this will do for tonight, please let us know if you need anything," the head of the house said before bowing their head once more and leaving.
Obanai made his way to one of the beds and sat down. You made your way to the other and upon sitting down felt your eyes immediately begin to get heavy.
"I guess I didn't realize how tired I was," You said lying down on the bed yawning.
"Mhm- you're welcome," Obanai spoke sarcastically.
"Ah look at you being playful all of the sudden," You giggled.
"How is your arm?" He asked, ignoring your remark.
"I don't even feel it, you did a great job," You responded.
Obanai laid down upon deciding he didn't need to tend to your injury any further. Kaburamaru slithered off of his neck and seemed to inspect the room.
"How is Tokito?" He asked you while staring up at the ceiling.
You were only slightly taken aback by Obanai's question. Many lower ranks made him out to be some strict scary Hashira, but in every encounter you had with him he was caring and overprotective. Given that might be because you were higher up than most being a Tsuguko.
"He is great!" You said, too excited to talk about Muichiro. It had only been a few days but you missed him dearly already.
"And being his Tsuguko? How is that?" Obanai questioned further.
"Um-" You paused, unsure of how truthful to be with Obanai. Kaburamaru slithered his way over to you and peeked his head at you as if he was curious as well. You reached out your fingers and the snake gave them a gentle lick.
"You can tell me you know," Obanai encouraged you.
"Well, it was hard at first... I even thought he regretted taking me in for a time. It's so much different now though! Our relationship has really changed and he even smiles from time to time now," you giggled.
"I see, it seems you two have grown rather close," Obanai concluded. You blushed, unsure if you gave too much away about the nature of your relationship with Muichiro.
"How are you Iguro?" you asked. Obanai stayed silent for some time. Kaburamaru even turned to look at him.
"I'm fine." Was all the Hashira eventually said.
"Wow... that was super convincing," You joked. Obanai did not respond to your playfulness. Kaburamaru turned to you as if encouraging you to keep pressing the Hashira. "Well, I hope you're allowing yourself to be happy. You deserve it, you work so hard, Iguro."
Obanai didn't say anything yet again but turned his head to look at you as if to analyze any sarcasm in your tone. Instead, all he saw was genuine concern and well-wishes for him in your gaze.
"You don't need to waste those sentiments on me," Obanai retorted.
You scoffed, "Yeah yeah whatever. Just promise me to go easy on yourself and take breaks. If there's anything you enjoy at all make sure to take time to do it. You owe that to yourself. At the very least, do it because it makes you a more rested Hashria to fight even harder. You work so hard to protect people, don't act like you don't deserve to be happy." You said.
Obanai felt his eyes getting heavy during your lecture, half dosed he digested your words. The hands of his past holding him down seemed to be weaker today, as instead, he held on to your well-wishes and praises.
You turned to look over at the Hashria after some time had passed to see he had fallen asleep. You watched as he lightly breathed in his sleep and felt a giggle escape your lips.
As threatening as Obanai was awake, he looked just like any young man when asleep.
Morning seemed to come too quickly and you were shocked by the sight of Kaburamaru curled up on your pillow next to you.
Obanai was just awakening himself, he scanned the room for Kaburamaru and also seemed to be shocked to see him next to you. However, he made no comment about it.
"Ready?" He asked. You nodded sleepily and followed him out of the house.
"Well this is where we split ways, have a safe journey back to Tokito," He said.
"Thank you, and you stay safe too!" You said smiling at the Hashira.
Obanai nodded," If you and Tokito ever need anything don't be afraid to send me a crow," He stated, about to head out but you surprised the Hashria by wrapping your arms around him.
Obanai stayed limp, not responding to your sudden affection.
"People say you're so intimidating, but you're actually a big softie, you know that?" You said giggling into the Hashira's chest.
Obanai reluctantly placed his arms around you for only a split second. You let the Hashira go amused by his uncomfortableness.
He didn't say another word but nodded then vanished.
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Thank you for requesting this! It was fun to come up with what happened in the mission~ I hope you enjoyed it!… and yes I’ve calmed down hehe
@sakurasunkiss @hashiroses @snowmist-hashira
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beautifulterriblequeen · 10 months ago
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so, the guy in the ace flag colors
(ace flag made with colors picked from Aaravos turnaround model)
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✨Reproduces through asexual reproduction✨
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Aaravos really be out here spawning the caterpillar from his own mouth like he's budding, huh.
mlem mlem plop
Step 1: spit out a bug Step 2: bug receives primal radiation to begin growth Step 3: pod Step 4: open pod
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Leaves me to wonder, from a scientific perspective: if Sir Sparklepuff is indeed a clone/bud of Aaravos, maybe Sir Sparklepuff actually has Aaravos's true form. Ahaha, god that would be wild.
(But don't you think it's a little sus that these godlike beings just so happen to look exactly like elves, even though they're thousands of years older? I do. I don't trust that beauty. Something's up. Maybe it's benign, or some kind of "become an aspect of what you're worshipped for" or something. But if you could bend reality then why would you keep looking like elves 24/7? And you know I'm asking seriously because I'd be an elf for like 2479 years first before I tried any other shape. So: if god, why elf?)
Anyway, this asexual reproduction is the funniest thing in the whole show to me. Aaravos is the sluttiest slut who ever slutted, but he doesn't understand sex at all... unless he does, but with his Startouch brain, sex is just the same as everything else.
Which is extremely, extremely asexual of him.
Y'all can pry genius idiot asexual Aaravos from my cold dead hands. I'm keeping him forever.
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hunieday · 10 months ago
Iori, Yuki, Touma 2024 Shuffle talk RabbiTV Episode 3
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Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3
Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Yuki: ...I thought we were supposed to take a bus to the flower field…
Izumi Iori: We came by bus to the foot of the mountain. We've only been walking for about ten minutes.
Inumaru Touma: Well, a little stroll ain’t so bad, is it? We'll be there in no time if we chat in the meantime!
Yuki: Yeah, if we chat... So then, tell us something interesting.
Inumaru Touma: Huh!? Interesting...!? That's too sudden!
Inumaru Touma: Um, well let me tell you something that happened backstage the other day...
Yuki: You came up with something pretty quick for a sudden request.
Izumi Iori: Indeed, Inumaru-san's responsiveness is impressive, but is it appropriate to share that story here?
Inumaru Touma: Ahaha! It's fine, don’t worry! I just wanna say that we’ve never seen our manager laugh so hard before.
Inumaru Touma: So, I tried my best to show off my weirdest face but everyone recoiled... Do you wanna see it?
Yuki: Yes I do.
Izumi Iori: Your reactions are quick too...
Yuki: I forget because Momo does it quite often, but I think idols making funny faces are quite rare.
Izumi Iori: Hmm... I don't quite understand, but I am certainly curious about a weird face that makes people recoil.
Inumaru Touma: Alright, here goes! ...Gyuu!
Yuki & Izumi Iori: ...!
Izumi Iori: What on earth happened to your facial features...!? How is it even possible that they’re all concentrated in the middle like that...?
Inumaru Touma: E-erm, please stop inspecting me from this close...
Yuki: …pfft, hahaha... Touma-kun's weird face and Iori-kun analyzing it on top of it is hilarious…
Inumaru Touma: T-Thanks for praising my weird face! ...Phew. Can I stop now...? Izumi...
Izumi Iori: I'm sorry. I have witnessed the wonders of the human body.
Yuki: Alright, your turn Iori-kun. Do something entertaining.
Izumi Iori: I refuse.
Inumaru Touma: Quick reaction!
Izumi Iori: Unfortunately I do not possess such talents.
Yuki: Even though it's your senpai's order...
Izumi Iori: ... I won a "Seasonal Vegetable Assortment Set" in a lucky draw the other day. Would you like to come over and eat some? Nii-san will be cooking something delicious for us.
Yuki: I'm in.
Inumaru Touma: Yuki-san is bribed with vegetables...!
Yuki: Mitsuki-kun's cooking is delicious. Touma-kun, why don't you come over too?
Izumi Iori: By all means. There's plenty to go around.
Inumaru Touma: Seriously!? I'm so happy! Thank you...!
Yuki: Oh, look, you two. A flower field!
Inumaru Touma & Yuki & Izumi Iori: Wow...!
Izumi Iori: The view is magnificent. There are hydrangeas in shades of light blue and pale purple as far as the eye can see...
Yuki: It truly is like a "carpet of flowers". It must feel amazing to lie down there.
Inumaru Touma: I'm glad I came here...!
Staff: Congratulations, everyone. Mission accomplished!
Staff: Thank you very much for your hard work even in this hot weather. There are benches here, so feel free to take a break and enjoy the scenery!
Izumi Iori: Yes, thank you very much.
Inumaru Touma: I feel a great sense of accomplishment...
Izumi Iori: ...Indeed. I've discovered how invigorating mountain climbing can be.
Inumaru Touma: No matter how tough the journey is, all the hardships will blow away if there’s a view this beautiful waiting for you!
Yuki: ...Sounds the same as being an idol.
Inumaru Touma: Oh, maybe! Even if we're struggling with lessons and work every day, seeing the smiles of our fans makes us feel like we can keep going the next day!
Izumi Iori: Speaking of mountain climbing, have you heard this phrase?
Izumi Iori: "Life is like climbing a mountain. Once you've climbed it, you have to come down eventually. If you keep climbing without descending, then you lose."
Yuki: ...It’s hard for people to maintain their spot when they achieve something and reach the top, they have to come down eventually to aim for the next peak.
Inumaru Touma: ...That's deep...
Izumi Iori: Yuki-san mentioning that it sounds like our job reminded me of it.
Inumaru Touma: Does Re:vale ever have a thing called going down a mountain?
Yuki: Of course we do. But it's not about descending the mountain. It's about not resting on our laurels and continuing to strive to create something great, one song at a time.
Yuki: Isn't that true for you guys too?
Inumaru Touma: …! Yes... I want to challenge myself more and more with us four in ŹOOĻ.
Izumi Iori: It’s the same for us in IDOLiSH7. Each member's composition and choreography skills are improving, but we still haven't seen the end goal yet.
Yuki: Fufu, that's scary. Re:vale can't just sit back and relax when we have such strong-willed children.
Inumaru Touma: I'm really glad I came here.We were able to talk about the future together because of it.
Izumi Iori: We'll be rivals again tomorrow.
Yuki: Can't we be friends for today? I don’t think I can go down this mountain without Iori-kun and Touma-kun.
Inumaru Touma: Haha! Of course! Let's talk as we go down!
Yuki: That's good to hear. Then I wanna see Iori-kun's weird face on our way down.
Izumi Iori: I-I thought the vegetables were enough...!?
Izumi Iori: ...I'll have to resort to my last trick. How about looking at a photo of Nanase-san's weird face instead?
Yuki: Wait. Even the concept is already funny. I really wanna see it.
Inumaru Touma: You guys take photos of each other’s weird faces!? That's awesome...!
Izumi Iori: They were sent by my brother during a party.
Yuki: Thanks. I think we can still have fun thanks to you two.
End of Episode 3.
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cielogiovinezza · 5 days ago
Murr 2025 Birthday SSR
(Rise and Shine, Master Sage~!) Murr
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Note: I recommend reading the 2.5 Anniversary login stories as it gets referenced!
Apperances: Murr, Shylock, Rustica, Chloe, Akira
Card Story: A New Morning and Murr! ~BD Party with the Western Wizards~
Part 1
[Murr's Room]
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Shylock & Akira: Happy Birthday Murr!
Chloe & Rustica: Congratulations!
Murr: Congrats me~!
*Crack Pop Crack*
Shylock: Oh dear, when did you happen to sneak in these party poppers…?
Murr: The moment I caught wind we were having a Pajama Party!
Saying that, Murr turned towards me.
Murr: Even the Master Sage is wearing pajamas!
Murr: Is it no longer embarrassing to wear them? Last time you didn't change in them.
Akira: I'd be lying if I said I feel fully comfortable right now…
Akira: But I really wanted to celebrate Murr's birthday with everyone!
Murr: Does that mean you've grown fonder of me? Yippee, now I'm chummier with you Master Sage!!
Rustica: Lucky you, Murr.
Rustica: To commemorate your deepening friendship with the Master Sage and birthday too, I dedicate this melody to you.
Shylock: Allow me then to start preparing some celebratory drinks, of course, yours will be of the non-alcoholic kind Master Sage.
Murr: Me three!! I'll start popping fireworks!
Chloe: Right here!?
Chloe: We wouldn't want to endanger someone,,,, how does confetti sound?
Chloe: Here-! I prepared all kinds of shapes, from stars to flowers. Even ones with your favourite shape Murr, the moon!
Murr: Hooray~!
Murr: Bet it'll look even better sparkling above your head!
Murr: < < Eanul Rambul > >
As soon as Murr finished his spell, confetti began to fly.
A rainbow of confetti, Rustica's playing, Shylock's drinks… Hearing, sight and taste. Murr's eyes narrowed in satisfaction, able to delight in this luxury with all his senses.
Typical of the western nature, we were enveloped in a melodious cheerful atmosphere with Rustica's performance carrying us on through the night.
Chloe: Okay, it's time to start giving the birthday gift-
Chloe: … Wait, h-huh?
Rustica: What's wrong, Chloe?
Chloe: I left his birthday gift right here, but it's gone,,,,
Murr: Could you be talking about a box big enough to carry with both hands?
Murr: ‘Cus I've hidden it away~!
Chloe: You're kidding!?
Shylock: I had an inkling you were the main culprit. Only someone as strange as you could hide your gift so brazenly.
Murr: Ahaha~ Nothing gets past you Shylock!
Akira: Ummm… Why did you hide the gift, by the way?
Murr: Since it's a gift made by all of you, I wanna keep having fun with everyone right until the moment I receive it.
Murr: It's my surprise gift to you all!
Part 2
Shylock: How typical of you to be unsatisfied with just a celebration. 
Shylock: Very well. You're today's main guest, so I shall play along. 
Even though Shylock's gaze was gentle, he still gave a soft slap to Murr's shoulder. 
Rustica: Even as I already knew the joy of choosing a gift for you, Murr… Now I will have the opportunity to relish our time searching for your gift too~. 
Rustica: Thank you Murr, for this wonderful surprise. 
Chloe: T-That's… true…… So basically, we get to have twice the fun, right? 
Murr: Ok~! Let the Gift Hunter Games begin! 
* pop * * pop * * pop *
With a strike of magic, Murr spawned multiple gift boxes around the room. 
The boxes were all the same size, but each one had a different colored ribbon or tied distinctly. 
Murr: One of these boxes has my actual gift. 
Murr: Get it right, I get to have my birthday goodies! 
Akira: (Isn't this overcomplicated!??) 
Chloe: And what happens if we don't get it….? 
Murr: All of us will look like Oz for an entire day! 
Akira: (Oz…. That's going to be messy… We definitely have to get it right…!)
Rustica: The ribbons on these mystery boxes are truly delightful. Tied in such intricate shapes, from butterfly-wings to corsage-shaped. 
Chloe: The shape of a ribbon…. Ah-! I think I've figured it out!! 
Chloe: This has to be the right answer, right? It's the only box with a corsage hanging from it. 
Murr: Are ya sure about that~? You're not gonna regret it, are you? 
Chloe: U-Ummm,,,, well, if you think about it… wouldn't this be too easy for someone like you Murr….? 
Shylock: Don't be naughty Murr, it's cheating to speak with words meant to make the person doubt themselves. 
Murr: Aww, I got scolded-! 
Rustica: Perhaps the color of the ribbon matters in some way too. 
Chloe: Oh, you're right-! It goes from red, yellow, purple and blue too! 
Akira: Color…. Could it be that green like Murr's eyes? 
Chloe: But it could also be that purple like Murr's hair! 
My brain racked around all the possible answers, interrupted only by Shylock's peeping voice. 
Shylock: Having known your play style, is this not the perfect time for a hint, Murr? 
Murr: Absolutely! 
Murr: Let's see, the first hint will be~... 
Based on the hints given by Murr and a fair few discussions with everyone… We were able to decide on a single gift box. 
Murr: Here. We. Go-!
With a mischievous blink, Murr untied the ribbon swiftly. 
Chloe & Akira: ! 
Chloe: That is my gift!! 
Rustica: I see mine there too. 
Shylock: Wonderful, looks like everyone's gifts were packed in that single box. 
Akira: I have to say, I wasn't expecting the hint Murr gave me to be related to the drawing on the gift box… 
Chloe: I kno~w! And also that we had to search for the gifts we prepared, find them and celebrated in turn, feels crazy!! 
Murr: But wasn't it fun?! 
Chloe: Totally! 
Murr: Then-
Murr: Let the 2nd Gift Hunter Games… begin! 
Chloe & Akira: W-Whaaaat!? 
Rustica: Are we starting already? I will have to get a gift ready right away. May I go pay a visit to the markets? 
Chloe: Rustica's got his head in the game already…!! 
Shylock: Goodness gracious, at this rate the new day will soon creep on us. 
Thus, I participated in Murr's game until night fell asleep.
Part 3
*Chirping *
Akira: Nnnnn….
Akira: This is…. Murr's room? 
Akira: (Right, yesterday we had a pajama party in his room. ) 
Akira: (And afterwards, he started talking about complex topics, forgot about the game… and then I fell asleep.) 
I looked around noticing everyone had already left for their room, so it was just Murr and me in the room. 
Murr (asleep): .... 
There he lied, sleeping soundly in his hammock. 
Akira: (It's rare to see Murr sleeping, so this feels rather fresh) 
Silky violet hair swayed gently in the air, matching the rhythm of his calmed breathing. 
Akira: (... His hair is so smooth.) 
Akira: (He's not beating the cat allegations soon, sleeping with his limbs curled up…) 
Akira: (... Okay, time to go back to my room. He looks far too comfy like that, I wouldn’t want to wake him up.) 
Carefully avoiding making any noise, I turn my back to Murr and slowly creep my way to the door. 
Or so I thought, but-
Murr: Ahahah~! I was totally being examined by the Master Sage! 
Akira: M-Murr!?!? 
Akira: How long have you been awake? 
Murr: Around the time you started staring at me! 
Murr: ‘Cause I wanted to know how you'd react to me sleeping! So I pretended to be asleep!
Akira: I-I see…. 
Akira: (How embarrassing,,, to think I was staring so intensely without realizing it…) 
Akira: U-Ummm,,, well, sorry for intruding all the way until morning. 
Akira: It looks like everyone else has returned to their rooms, so it's about time I return to mine as well…. 
Akira: W-whoa…! 
I felt a tug at my clothing all of the sudden, I turned around in surprise. 
Murr: I spent all of yesterday with the Westies and you…. 
Murr: But today, I'd like it if I could spend it only with you Master Sage! 
A far too casual confession, I found myself at a loss of words. 
Astounded by the innocence in his request, my eyes were trapped in his gaze… who were searching for my reaction. 
Akira: O-Oh…. Is there a reason why…? 
Murr: It was super refreshing to be on the opposite side of the equation, since I'm usually the observer!
Murr: Let's stay together all of today! Find more of me! 
Murr: Pretty plea~se! 
Murr laughed...
I couldn't help but sense a form of trust and affection, like a cat showing its belly to its owner, I felt a smile forming at the thought. 
Akira: Alright. If you think I'm fit for the job, I'm happy to help! 
Akira: ... but before that, once again-
I raise my hands carefully, as the morning sun beamed brightly reflecting off Murr's eyes-- now looking up. 
Akira: Happy birthday, Murr!
Card Episode - Getting Breakfast, Murr Style
[Sage's Room] 
Akira: * yawnnnn*….. 
Akira: (First wash your face with the magical water bottle, then get dressed-...)
*Door opens*
Murr: Nyello~! 
Akira: H-huh,,,, Murr!??? 
Murr: Good Morning, Master Sage! I'm hu~ngry, let's go make breakfast-! 
Akira: W-well,,,, if it's something simple, then…. 
Murr: Yay~! 
Akira: By the way, I didn't know you were an early bird.  Is it normal for you to wake up around this hour? 
Murr: No clue! Today I woke up starving~.
Murr: Since it’s super early and breakfast isn't ready yet, I thought I'll go like ‘Meow-!’ and go ask for food! 
Murr: Also, also! Master Sage was chosen first cause I happened to pass by your room first! 
Akira: Yeaaah, that makes sense.  I'm glad I happened to wake up early today. 
Murr: Why's that? 
Akira: Well, if I was still sleeping, I wouldn't have been able to make breakfast for Murr. 
Murr: It's totes fine if you were sleeping though, I would've kept meowing until you woke up~! 
Akira: Ahahaha…. 
Akira: (It's giving… a cat waking up its owner to get food….)
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Rise and shine, Master Sage~!! Ahahaha, the wake-up prank was a total success…. What's that? ‘Happy birthday to you Murr’ Excellent~! Already got an extravagant gift, first thing in the morning! Your blessings sparkled so dazzlingly, while basking in the morning sun.
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lia404 · 5 months ago
I'll give you Yusaku for "Send me a Yugioh character" owo
AH. Ahaha. Oh my god, okay. So for context, your ask landed in my inbox exactly when I was struggling with formatting my "Yusaku birthday post." Which means it caught me at a point when I had even MORE feelings than I usually do for this boy. I apologise in advance: the answer about Kaiba may have been a wall of text, but I'm afraid this one will become a full skyscraper of text. So go grab some tea, coffee, biscuits, whatever makes you feel good for a break, then sit back and relax while I scream at you about how much I CARE for Yusaku Fujiki.
(Whatever happens remember that you asked for it.) (Thank you so much for this, too, even if I've spent a good part of my afternoon and all my evening and part of my night on it.) (By the way at this point I really won't feel insulted if no one reads it to the end, I think I mostly need to get it all out of my system.)
WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD, in the form of headcanons and personal analyses of Yusaku's character and his relationships, along with multiple screenshots, gif, videos, all hidden behind the excuse of an ask meme (so it's still superficial in many parts, but I feel like it's a good overview.) I'm putting it all behind a cut since I know how to use them now. (Or do I? It's the 4th time I edit to put the cut back to the place it's meant to be at.)
----------- Also, keeping track so I stop getting lost in my own blog: The original Ask meme Seto Kaiba Spectre Aoi Zaizen I still answer for other characters so long as they're from DM or Vrains!
Why I like him/why I don’t
I think it's Yusaku's resilience that I like the most. He can be no-nonsense and harsh, but he's always honest, and he always stands up. It's striking, actually, how he always manages to keep standing.
He's thrown to the ground by life, by his enemies (interestingly, many declare they are his enemies when he's not even TRYING to alienate them, and just doesn't really care.) Even his allies are the reason why he ends up beaten up sometimes. And yet, he always get back up. It's very rare to see him fully crash, which makes it even more impactful when he does.
I'm just fascinated at how even at his lowest, at the biggest blows he receives, he stands up. His strive for life is remarkable, so much so that it sometimes almost feels like a curse. Just the same way he keeps winning and winning, because he's good, of course, but also because losing is not an option. He has to stand up and he keeps doing it for himself, for others, and still manages to feel guilty for not doing enough.
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(I'm afraid you'll have to do with my French subtitles, I am NOT trying to find other streams just to make screencaps, these ones were hard enough to find.)
"Sorry, Kusanagi, your brother Jin has been taken and Lightning is menacing humanity and all of this is because I'm not strong enough."
Yusaku, FFS.
This is all heavily linked to the other aspect of his character I love most: Yusaku is so human. He's filled with hope. In one of the episodes of season 3, Revolver tells him to "stop thinking with his naive optimism".
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And Playmaker clearly doesn't like it, look at this face.
But he still holds onto it until the end. He's not giving up until he's forced to (and even when it's done, he takes off and tries to find solutions.)
And Yusaku cares, he cares so much. He may seem heinous and gratuitously savage with the way he shuns Shima or Ai, but you have to go beyond the words. When Shima is captured, he literally runs to his rescue, barely waiting for the van to stop before he jumps out of it to check on his classmate. Shima and other people around, no matter how annoying, will also give occasional encouragements (often hidden behind a layer of backhanded compliments, because that's how Yusaku rolls.)
Yusaku makes sure that people around him are feeling alright. He comforts them. He may not use the nicest words, he has the sensitivity of an elephant let loose in a fine china shop, but his words usually strike right where they should. He helps. He gives a lot of himself for this, apparently not caring what other people think of it.
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Goddamnit, Yusaku. Why are you trying to make me cry.
And this, actually, paradoxically, might be the only thing I dislike for him. It's not even about HIM per se (he may not be perfect but I am able to admit I'm too biased to not have a hard time finding him any flaws.) It's the way he gives so much of himself for everyone leads not only to people relying on him a lot, they also tend to take him for granted. And it pisses me off. Yusaku doesn't really fight against it, which, understandable considering his character, his backstory, everything. But sometimes I wish he could stop being the hero of Link VRAINS, because he's spreading himself too thin, and he had to break at some point. Or multiple times.
What I like about his appearance
I am trying SO hard to stop myself from waxing all kinds of poetics on him, so for this once I'll go with the most obvious: his EYES.
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(Yes this was all a shameless excuse to flood you with close-ups of Yusaku and Playmaker's beautiful, vibrant eyes.)
The colour is striking, of course, especially in contrast with his or Playmaker's hair. But also, for someone meant to be aloof and stoic, Yusaku's eyes are hella expressive. His eyebrows only emphasise it, and actually, this is another trait I really like: Playmaker's eyebrows are orange. Playmaker is a real red-head! It makes me irrationally happy. It's the little details, folks, and Yusaku definitely pays more attention to them than most would expect.
And the second aspect of his appearance I just can't omiss...
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...Well, that's his smile, of course! If only he had reasons to smile more often. Look at him; no matter how terrible the situation, he manages to smile.
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This one is from when he says goodbye to Kusanagi before the final duel agains Ai. It's honestly quite tragic, but here he is. Smiling. Why is no one in this series protecting this smile. What are they all DOING.
Anyway, I've been writing for way too long already and I still have TOO MUCH to say so that's it for the appearance. He's adorable, he's beautiful, he's gorgeous.
Do I prefer his dub names or original names?
You'd think the question is not relevant since his name is the same in both, BUT. There's actually a massive difference. I can't take the dub version's stressed Yu'SAku seriously when in Japanese it's very clearly 'YUUsaku. Also, watching parts of the dub has been very amusing once I accepted that it was a parody, but there's not much to keep. Not even the pronunciation of a name. So I'm going with original, no hesitation.
Okay, another obvious one. If you've been following me you have noticed the ridiculous amount of Datastormshipping I put in your feed.
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Evil smile besties ftw.
And YET.
It's so hard to ship them seriously. There's so much to repair. I can't see them all lovey-dovey, they have to work for it, and work HARD. Because Playmaker is just... so completely defanged when he's in front of Revolver. And Revolver, while actually acting in the shadow to support Playmaker so many times in the course of 120 episodes, never spares him a kind word, a nice face, except when he thinks he's dying.
I suspect he's not doing it consciously, but the way Revolver behaves makes me feel like he takes Playmaker for granted. It makes sense, considering their backstory: Revolver has obsessed over Playmaker and endangered people he cared about because of it. He has also proved multiple times that he is very intent to shoulder the full blame for an incident he had not much to do about, so he'd rather keep Playmaker and his "stupid faith in him" at a distance. But Revolver is also Playmaker's saviour, which makes it so Playmaker trusts him and can follow him blindly no matter what.
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Eloquent: everyone is wary to follow, but Playmaker is first in line, not a hint of hesitation in spite of having no idea of what lies behind the portal.
For this reason, I'm actually happy with the Revolver event in Duel Links, in spite of all its writing flaws.
In the event, Playmaker feels Revolver with his Link Sense even before he arrives, which shows that he's still VERY attuned to Revolver. And in spite of this clear bond, Playmaker really stands against Revolver and asserts his beliefs with no room for negociation, something he hasn't done since the Tower of Hanoi (...and even then, arguably, he was trying to negociate.) He is not yielding no matter how important Revolver might be for him. And, at the end of the event, Revolver seems to be relieved to have met such resistance. He even sounds sort of supportive? It's open to interpretation, but my feeling was that he actually approved of Playmaker's doing and encouraged him. The Ghost Gal and Spectre events that followed emphasised it for me. They're clearly not fighting anymore, but they also don't have this weird blind spot for each other anymore.
With this approach, I feel like they'd have better roots for a relationship that would not lean towards codependence or other unhealthy bases.
Don't get me wrong, I adore the fluff, and Datastormshipping really is the obvious end goal for me, but for this ship what I love most is them having to work for it. Because even if they clearly trust each other, Yusaku will have to learn to NOT give all of himself blindly, and Ryoken will need to learn to actively LISTEN to Yusaku, and even make him speak.
(As a quick parenthesis, because I'll get back to this topic later and I'd rather not leave any ambiguity: as much as I resent him for his treatment of Yusaku, I absolutely adore Revolver, in this terrible love/hate dynamic that makes me hate to love him and love to hate him. In spite of everything, or maybe DUE to all of this, I really like his character. I'm not sure I'll ever write deep meta about him, though, because he's already had a lot written about him and I doubt I have much more to bring to discussions that happened years ago. But who know what time will bring? Anyway, Datastormshipping FTW.)
BEWARE: unpopular opinion ahead. I actually can't see Aiballshipping.
Again, don't get me wrong: I see where the shippers come from, and I really don't hate the ship! I've read multiple doujin and fanfictions, I enjoy the content, I enjoy the art, I love the analyses of the ship... But I can't see it, because for me, it goes beyond a romantic relationship. Ai is literally a part of Yusaku. Him and Yusaku are a package, in a way: if someone wants to be with Yusaku, they'll also have to be with Ai. If someone says Yusaku "It's Ai or me", they'd better not expect to be chosen. I understand Aiballshipping. I like reading takes on it, I like reading stories about it. But to me, what Ai and Yusaku have is not romantic. It's something obvious, a given, almost fusional. They don't kiss; they can communicate without saying a word. (Even if they spend their time throwing jabs at each other out loud.) Any other romantic relationship will come in addition to it, without being replaced by it. So I don't "ship" it. It's very much not an OTP. I have no idea which verb I could use for it, though, because I'm not really sure it can be considered queerplatonic either.
Di-sas-ter-ship-ping! It's actually my main ship, even if there's not a lot of content. Sure, if we want to make it work in a nice healthy way, it's going to be quite the challenge. BUT not everything has to be serious and reasonable or even believable (I have datastormshipping for this) and seriously, the dynamic between these three has so much potential for wholesomeness, stupid arguments and general chaos. It's called disastershipping for a reason. (Not only this, I know, but still.)
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Look at them, their smug poses and their stupidly form-fitting costumes. What could go wrong, right? <3
Favourite card he uses
Contrary to my answer re: Kaiba's deck, this time I am familiar with Playmaker's deck, because I play it AND I actually watched his duels multiple times to understand how he uses it. The fact is that even if there's the usual "I magically draw the exact card I need and use if without even looking at it" effect that is characteristic to Yu-Gi-Oh animes, his deck is solid and it really allows different kind of combos to always find workaround. (Doesn't mean I don't brick often, but not everyone can be Playmaker.)
So I actually have TWO favourite cards. The first one is my little love, usually one of the first to join the field: Backup Secretary.
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She's beauty, she's grace, she's always here to help me link summon my ace. She's easy to use. She may not be the best one, but I'm so happy to have her in my deck—three times. I have multiple other cards that allow me to bring her in my hand. She never stays long on the field, since her specialty is to help summoning various types of Code Talkers, but she's a life saver. And seriously her design is awesome.
And the second one is, in my amateur point of view (I need to write the disclaimer that while I'm not BAD at duelling, I'm not exactly GOOD either and I miss a lot, lot, lot of subtleties) one of the best cards in Playmaker's deck: Recoded Alive.
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This card is a lifesaver. It has multiple effects for different situations. It helps me avoid having an empty field when my opponent's field is filled with monsters. It's a trap, and allows me to switch monsters when attacked if I use it during the opponent's turn. It allows me to bring another monster to the field and have another attacking monster if I play it during my own battle phase.
And even if we want to remain focused on Playmaker's storyline, it's one of the most important ones Yusaku plays in the anime. It's always here for him since the beginning, and it has allowed him to bring back so many monsters. I mean, it basically wins him a duel against Revolver. It saves him against Ai. It's just... I love this card. It took me forever to understand how it works, but now it's hard to imagine a Playmaker deck without it.
Favourite moment(s) he was in
And here I thought I had already written enough. Well, we're here for a few more hours. I hope your tea has not gone cold.
I dare hope that you KNEW you shouldn't expect me to choose only ONE moment. There are so many. I can't satisfy myself with only one, I must bring up a few more, but not too many because this post is overwhelming enough as it is.
1. Season 1, when Playmaker goes against Akira to recover files in SOL's massive datbase. I can't begin to express how angry I was with the way Akira treats Yusaku. I know it was done in good faith, but having Akira tell Yusaku "go have a normal life, go out with your friends, enjoy your life as a teenager and prepare for your future, it's important" is just horribly condescending. It's SO satisfying to see Playmaker put the Zaizen, who always seem to think they know what he feels, or what is best for him, in their place. There's something incredibly satisfying in having Yusaku say "It is MY story and it is MINE to tell".
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"I don't want the story of my past to be told by someone else."
Having Playmaker defend his story like this, and not let others take it or misinterpret it (especially when they feel like they "understand"), is, to me, a very powerful moment. And as if this wasn't enough, Yusaku adds a power move to it, adding a step in his final turn that he didn't have to do to win the duel: returning the two Tindangle cards representing Akira and Aoi to the hand rather than winning by leaving them both in the graveyard. When confronted about it, he answers that he doesn't want the siblings to be in the darkness of the graveyard, that his revenge should not implicate them and that they should walk towards the light. It is incredibly heartful, AND an amazing way to show Zaizen that he will never manage to "understand" Yusaku considering the mindset he keeps displaying. That was so badass, seriously. I wish the Zaizen had learnt more from it.
2. Season 2, after the duel against Kusanagi. Playmaker won and collapsed, not waking up. The second moment I like most is there, in Yusaku's head. It's intimidating... and slightly tragic.
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"I have done enough. I'm tired."
Oh. It's been building up for so many episodes, they've been straining him so much, and finally, it happens. The quietest mental breakdown, the hint of depression. It makes him so human, so relatable suddenly, and yet it's so painful. I love this moment because it really brought me back to who he is: a 16 year old kid with a trauma bigger than himself and the expectations of a whole city (world?) on his shoulders. I'm glad he gets up again, but I'm also really glad that we get to see this part of him, so tragically realistic. Now let's wrap him in a blanket and hug him, okay?
3. Season 3: The "last nice moments in the real world". I wish we had had more of those in the whole course of the series, there was SO MUCH potential for it! Look at them being teenagers. Yusaku, so happy, confident and carefree as he is working for Kusanagi (and this apron makes him look so cute.) Yusaku, being pestered by Shima who wants to know where Playmaker is (WHY would Yusaku know? Shima has weird leaps of logic.) And Aoi and Yusaku having the most AWKWARD handshake, that instantly relieved me from the fear that Aoi might be a love interest.
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"This is what high schoolers do I guess. Okay, we tried, we're done, completely uninteresting, let's move on now. When's our next trauma-session already?"
That's three moments I love, but I can't resist adding a last Painful Bonus: another moment of "let's make Playmaker suffer". I'm so sorry, Yusaku.
4. Season 3: Roboppi's death; the flashback to a younger Yusaku who has just built his cleaning robot and is SO proud, so happy and welcoming, and then Playmaker, broken, begging Soulburner to strike one last time and finish Roboppi.
I feel like his eyes, at that moment, are another reminder of his age. It's one of the most terrible scenes of the whole anime (I'd say ex-aequo with Ai's final words), it's masterfully executed, the pacing is amazing, the work on the expressions is amazing, the voice acting is incredible. But really, these eyes.
Least favourite moment
Two moments come to mind, and both are in the third season. You'll see there's a recurring theme, and more importantly, the fact that I really don't like these moments barely comes from Yusaku's role in them. Even if his personality encourages it.
1. The scene at the pier. It's REALLY, REALLY not Yusaku's fault, but he's still one of the two major protagonists so it counts as a "least favourite moment." Yusaku is going for the final fight, and Ryoken catches him, sends him and almost kills him with the card that will help him win the duel against Ai. I know this scene is considered one of the cornerstones of Datastormshipping, but all I can see is... Yusaku getting rejected, again, after saying goodbye to Kusanagi with a brave and grateful smile on his face, and just before having to destroy someone that is essentially a part of him. He calls Ryoken's name, and Ryoken keeps the most distance possible. I think it may have been one of the worst things Ryoken could have done, and even the fact that the Borrel dragon is actually a symbol of how much Ryoken believes in Yusaku,.. well, it would still be not enough to recover from the blatant, cold rejection Yusaku received at that moment. Ryoken, I know you couldn't find it in you to encourage him, but you only had to say his first name. Acknowledge him more than by coldly stating his complete name. And maybe NOT use the word "farewell" this time, because twice in the few first minutes of an episode is way too much. GOD FORBID Yusaku has any sort of support from Ryoken, that would encourage him to feel like they have a bond, the horreur. (Ugh.) With Playmaker knowing that Takeru would leave, Aoi would have Miyu, Kusanagi would have his brother, having Ryoken just... coldly ignoring all tentative of closeness, and leaving without looking back, WELL. It's no wonder Yusaku disappeared solo at the end. From his perspective, he had no one left.
2. Mission begin: everyone is ready to try and stop Ai, the plan is set and Playmaker is not part of any team since he's not even here. Except...
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"We can't begin without Playmaker."
It annoys me so much, because the thing is, yes, yes you really can begin without Playmaker. And you should, Heaven's sake!
Many characters at this point have told him that they would understand if he didn't want to take part in this fight, that they would shoulder some of his burden and that he could rest and stay away for his health and sanity.
The thing is, Yusaku is not this kind of person. He will take responsbility and let no one else do the job in his stead. And he comes back, in a rather flashy way, EXACTLY when they're all expecting him. And barely anyone is surprised, they all look so relieved. They were waiting for this.
This moment leaves such a bitter taste in my mouth, because here is the problem with Playmaker: he's so good and reliable that people just... lean on him and wait for him to do the hard work. No matter how traumatising. I took screenshots of the many, many times people said "I leave it into your hands, Playmaker". "I know you"ll complete the job well, Playmaker." "I'm counting on you, Playmaker." I am not putting all of them here, but I have an album of these.
In doing so, they only enable his rather destructive hero-complex.
Destructive because, consider: he had a huge trauma when he was a kid and never fully recovered. When he finally learns and fights the truth behind this trauma, he feels like his revenge is over, but the person he'd spent years and years looking for is gone after treating him quite awfully. Additionally, he releases his new "hostage/friend" and goes back to being alone. He's been a hero, and all he got was: being alone again. Come Takeru, and somehow he acquires a sort of social circle. He's not really good at it, but it exists, and he even looks quite comfortable with it, if a bit awkward. Then he's forced to watch, powerless, as all his newfound friends/trusted persons get erased one after another, all of them with parting words expressing how much they trusted him to fix this. Way to make him feel like it's great to have friends and allies, uh. Then the humans come back, but the Ignis are dead, and he feels like he has failed his self-imposed mission to find a way to coexist. Ai is gone, Ryoken sort of gloats (I understand it's probably not what he intended, but it still feels awfully like it.) He's been a hero, and all he got was: more trauma about losing people, more responsibilities he shouldn't have to shoulder, and likely no one who understands the pain he's in because the world is safe now.
And then Ai comes back and everything goes upside down, and Yusaku lives in denial all beginning of season 3.
That's what makes it a self-destructive complex, for me. Every time he plays hero, Yusaku exposes himself to the things that hurt him most. He's never rewarded. And yet, he keeps doing it, and giving people what they want from him/taking responsibility for things that should NEVER be considered his responsibility. It drives me crazy.
Note: I have a similar beef with the "epilogue", in which they all have something nice to say about Playmaker, and they're all so certain that he's amazing, that he'll be back... And yet. No one is looking. Not even Revolver, who should have it easy since he's working from the inside. Arguably, Kusanagi keeps the foodtruck parked in the same place so he has a home to go back to if he wishes
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"He would be sad if he didn't have a place to come back to sometimes": I am convinced that Kusanagi is aware of how fragile the notion of "home" is for Yusaku.
So there's this at least. Arguably #2, I guess we could say they all know he doesn't want to communicate and they respect it. But the way they talk about him, it doesn't feel like its the case.
And this is why I keep saying that they don't deserve him; are they friends, or are they fans? Is any of them even really trying to do something for him, beyond "understanding his feelings" (Aoi, sigh), or rooting for him in the typical "Good old Playmaker, always knows what to do!" way (Takeru, sigh.)
Oh, Yusaku. The way they treat you upsets me so much. It's absolutely not what they're aiming for, but it's like they're encouraging you to develop new traumas instead of really helping you, and it makes me so angry.
So, yeah. I hate these moments, and these dynamics.
Would I fuck, marry or kill him
WHY IS THERE NO "ADOPT" OPTION. Well, the choice is quite easy by elimination. I would NOT kill him (in case you had not gathered already) I would very much NOT fuck him (I really doubt he'd be interested in it either, so that works well for both of us.) Soooo... marry, I guess? That would be hella awkward, but eh, if I can't adopt him, might as well use the option that would vaguely allow to, you know, protect and cherish. Even so, it's hard imagining Yusaku settling like this.
Aaaaand I'm done and off to bed, three hours later than planned. Honestly, kudos if you've read until here. Before I sign off, please receive the cutest gif of Yusaku to thank you for bearing with me for the past 2k+ words of crying over this incredible boy who deserves better.
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You know, maybe my OTP is actually Yusaku/hotdog. They do deserve each other.
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idolish7imagines · 8 months ago
Could I request Re:vale with a very protective reader who scares off Tsukumo by breaking a door by roundhouse kicking it then threatening him?
Re:vale with a very protective reader who scares off Tsukumo
A/N: truthfully i did NOT expect to write them this long but here you go; also reader is married to Yuki in this bc i thought itd be funnier
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Yuki wasn't rolling his eyes yet, but he was certainly getting there.
The president had stopped him right when he was about to head home for the day from a shoot, and unlucky him, the president of Tsukumo Productions was also there and decided to not only corner him in his dressing room, but chat a little bit like they were buddies.
Despite the fact in another timeline, Yuki would've already bashed him over the head with a metal bat.
They weren't talking about anything special, making him question even further why Tsukumo would waste both of their time with idle chatter truly neither of them cared for.
Until, the next statement nearly feels like he set his blood aflame.
"You know you can't hide them from the public forever, right?" The president says in a teasing tone, yet also seemed like he wasn't just pulling his leg with a meaningless joke.
"i...excuse me?" The idol blinks, now looking him straight in the eye.
Ryo lifts his hands up in sadistic joy. "Ahaha, I got the Yuki-san of Re:vale to stutter for a moment!"
Yuki bites the inside of his jaw, not even hiding his distaste for the man with his expression anymore. "Answer me."
"Why, your partner of course!--oh wait, thats the word you use to describe Momo.." He presses a finger to his lips in mockery. "Maybe I should use a different word..let's say, spouse?"
The man's brows furrow. Thoughts flooding through his mind both of wondering how he found out and not being suprised at all.
"Sorry but my spouse doesn't really like pathetic business men, so they stay far away from work, or else they'll be in the situation i'm in right now." Yuki says with a smile spitefully courteous enough to make Ryo's brow twitch.
"Is that so? They'll be a bit disappointed finding out what you get up to during the day then."
"I don't have any reason to feel guilt, unlike you."
That statement is what makes Ryo's facade drop first, eyes squinted and fists slightly lock.
"Really now?" "Really." Yuki keeps smiling. "In fact, they should be here in a moment."
As if on cue, he moves and the door behind Ryo goes flying off its hinges into the nearest couch of the dressing room.
Much to Yuki's dismay, the clicks of the door signaled Ryo to move before he wouldve gotten hit and hopefully hospitalized-
"I will not be late for our dinner just because Tsukumo wants to play games!" You bark, stomping over to your husband and taking his hand in yours.
Ryo clicks his tongue with his eyes narrowed, before trying to brush it off with a smirk.
"I wouldn't have thought you were into the feisty ones." He says.
"Well, theres' a lot you don't know about me." The idol puts a hand into his pocket. "Now if you'll excuse us, we do actually have a reservation." He says calmly.
"If I find out this happens again that door will be you." You turn to Tsukumo. "Stop talking to my husband. We don't. Like you." You firmly state.
Before he can respond, the two of you start walking out, hand in hand.
"..I love this side of you." Yuki nuzzles his head against yours, something he does when feeling more playful, despite what just happened.
"I know."
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Momo regrets even telling you the address of Tsukumo's house. He did it in the name of trust, that if anything were to happen to him like before, you'd at least know his location.
The lies and misdirection was getting exhausting to keep up, and he needed someone to lean on...but he knows how you get even at the mention of the evil, sadistic president's name.
Which is what was making him at least 2x as nervous than he would be typically when having dinner with the man tonight. Even the thought of eating something he had made makes Momo's stomach turn.
On one hand, it could be poisoned, but on the other, he doubts Tsukumo would hurt his favorite 'toy' that much. Or else he wouldn't be as entertaining when he grovels.
"Something wrong with your appetite, Momo?" The man's typical cat-like grin spread across his face, seeing him all but grow visibly pale at the sight of the food.
"-ah-ahaha! No, not at all, it looks great! Maybe you could share your recipe sometime?" Back to the act. His defense mechanism.
"A good chef doesn't share his secrets!" Ryo pridefully proclaims. "Well, unless you want to give me something in return~"
Yeah, he was definitely nauseous now if he wasn't before.
"Awwww!" A dramatic pout in response. "But I couldn't possibly come up with something t-"
His phone buzzes, making both of them pause abruptly.
Momo prays silently that it isn't one of his friends, Yuki, or god forbid you. At best it'd be someone who got the wrong number.
Ryo waits a bit boredly with his hand on his cheek, waiting for the other man to be done. Almost like a child waiting for their older sibling to finish attending to something to continue their play time.
Fortunate a sight for him and far less for Momo, the idol's expression visibly changes to one of slight fear when he sees the text.
Quickly, he starts to get up, reaching for his bag and slipping his shoes back on, leaving Tsukumo befuddled.
"Momo, we're not done." He forces a smile, but there was unpleasant bass in his tone, one Momo was all too used to.
"I-i'm so sorry Ryo-san, I need to head out--ah--its an emergency!" He quickly tries to cover himself, hoping he would accept the vague excuse.
There was stomping heard outside the door and getting closer, making the president tilt his head in confusion and slight curiosity.
At first there's only a knock, which has the idol's heart pumping even harder against his chest as he's too late.
"If its room service it can wait, I'm in the middle of important business matters." Ryo says in a snooty tone. The other nearly rolls his eyes at his idea of important business matters.
Another beat of silence.
Suddenly the door shakes as a force on the other side pounds into it. Momo dodges a hinge that flies off nearly towards his face.
Another one comes swiftly after, now making it turn diagonally.
Before the third impact comes, sending it hurling towards the wall, coupled with dust rising up.
Tsukumo quickly rises from his seat, wondering who on Earth in their right mind would knock down his door.
A figure soon comes into view through all the dust, brows furrowed and quickly lunging to grab Momo's ear.
"You are coming home now!" You demand. It wasn't a hard pinch, but you did have a firm grip on his ear while your boyfriend squirmed.
"I-its not what you think, me and Tskumo are fine, nothing shady-" "Not today Momo." You bite back a bit harshely.
"My oh my, who might this be?" Ryo quickly becomes intrigued.
Momo feels like a fire may as well be lit under him if he pieces it together that you're his significant other.
"None of your business unless you keep pulling these stunts." You scowl towards him.
"Oh I see, so you've come to collect precious Momo?" He grins, unphased.
"Yes. Bye. I'm not paying for your door." Starting to drag him out, you step right over the expensive debris on the floor. You may have even knocked a vase over, but judging who it belongs to, you could care less.
Tsukumo looks at the two of you incredulously as you walk down the hall to the elevator.
Once in there, your boyfriend sits on the cold steel floor, pulling his knees to his chest.
"We are screwed, we are so screwed-" He mutters over and over, prompting you to bend down to comfort him.
"We're not screwed Momo. We just need to be assertive with him from now on. He can't just do what he wants...I..."
You pause, looking away with a few teeth gently biting your lip.
"Everyone almost lost you a while ago..because of him." You slightly hiss.
"please..just trust me? Like you said you would.." A hand reaches out to gently caress the face you adored greatly.
His fuchsia eyes peer up into yours. Hesitant, but accepting.
"..yes. I love you, (y/n)..Thank you for being here."
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commander-rahrah · 1 year ago
Talking to the Moon: Part IV
Pairing: Astarion x GN!Reader Word Count: ~4700 Warnings: swearing, PTSD, trauma, past/implied abuse, fluff, angst, emotional hurt/comfort
archiveofourown: here
masterlist: here
part I: here part II: here  part III: here
Summary: Set at the end Act II in the Gauntlet of Shar. Shadowheart finally faces Reader/Tav's blessing from Selûne in the temple of her dark mistress.
Notes: We finally got to the angsty part between Reader and Shadowheart muahaha. I've had a couple of these lines stuck in my head FOREVER. Does anyone else play the game and immediately start thinking of the scenario and more detailed dialogue for their specific Tav?? No.. just me? ahaha...
Also — Shadowheart rejects Shar in this, as an FYI. If that isn’t your cup of tea or prefer other decisions, etc. that is your discretion for your own game, etc.! For the purpose of my fic and this specific Tav, that is the route I took and don’t want it to be a debate! 👍🏽 Cause I know that happens in fandom sometimes - and that’s not what this fangirl is about baby!
I also just really really love the idea of letting Astarion and Reader/Tav explore things sloooooooooowly. Like little tiny fingertip touches and touching shoulders. I think that Astarion being emotionally vulnerable with someone first and slowly building up to being physical intimate is just MUAH chef’s kiss.
ANYWAYS Ted talk over — Thank you so much for reading and interacting! It means so much to me ♡♡♡
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“Tell me another thing.”
It was Astarion’s new favorite game — asking for you to confide in him, to tell him about how you see him. The things that made you fall for him. 
Each one had made him feel more and more seen. More and more safe. Some had been surprising characteristics he would have never assigned to himself — but you had explained them so earnestly that he couldn’t help but believe you. You had said he was strong, that he had more strength than he realized. That he was funny (obviously). That he was open-minded. 
He was collecting the compliments and observations, letting them stroke the flame inside of him that he had long thought dead. 
“Hmmm…,” You were sat on the worn, dirty floor leaning against a crumpling wall. The group was taking a moment to rest after another harrowing trial in Shar’s Gauntlet. Squinting your eyes you pretended to study him, before speaking, “I like how materialistic you are.” 
“Oh." Something akin to shame flooded through him. "I don’t like this one, pick another.”
A chuckle escaped you, shaking your head. “That’s not how this works.” 
The vampire frowned at your laughter, “This one seems like some back handed compliment." He turned his nose up, trying to mask the small twinge of pain spreading in his chest, "Just tell me I’m pretty instead.” 
You finally recognized the hurt, the smile vanishing from your face. “Astarion, I swear it's not a backhanded compliment. It’s something I genuinely like.” You sounded earnest, you looked solemn. 
He met your wide eyes, nodding as he believed you. “Hmph. Why?” 
“Well, you know I come from a noble background… I grew up with certain luxuries and I miss them." You admitted, your nose scrunched. "It’s nice to have someone who also appreciates the finer things in life.” 
He realized that you thought it was trivial to admit such things, surrounded by death as you all embarked on a seemingly impossible mission. But you were being honest and vulnerable with him in the broken hallway of the dark temple. 
He kept his tone light, smirking at you. “I do have good taste.” 
“Excellent taste. You would love the keep I grew up in, the art and amenities…" You closed your eyes as if you imagined them right there. "I dream of them on cold nights on my bedroll.” 
“Hmmm, tell me about them tonight when we are holed up in our tent.”  
Our tent. A slip of his tongue, but it really had become that way. You rarely were in your own tent anymore, only enough to change and store your things before you were slinking into his.  
“I’ll take you there someday and you can see it yourself.” 
His eyebrows shot up his face, shock morphing his features. You thought that far ahead? Taking him to see your home? Meeting your family? 
You smiled at his reaction, before filling in for his stunned silence. “And… you’re very pretty.” 
A puff of air escaped through his nose, his lips quirking. “Oh I know.” He stretched his fingers, before sweeping his thumb across the back of your knuckles. “Thank you," He whispered. 
You smiled at his touch, your eyes darting to where his pale fingers met yours. 
The pair of you stayed in that quiet moment, until it was broken by the sound of a swear echoing down the length of the crumbling hallway. "Shit!"
Karlach and Shadowheart were sat across the hallway, the tiefling putting on a new bandage across the half elf's small palm — or was attempting to. The cleric had sliced her palm three times now, offering her blood in the name of her dark mistress before every trial. The party had winced every time she did it — but the woman never faltered. 
And she didn’t not heal it with her divine abilities, instead letting the wound remain, cutting into it deeper with each trial and then only wrapping it up. She said it was intentional, purposeful pain that her Goddess demanded. And that she alone would pay the price for it. 
Astarion had immediately marked the strain in your face as she said it. Knew that you wanted nothing more then to remind her that she was not alone, that she could be anything, anyone she wanted to be.
But the words had remained unspoken. Like you didn't have the right to say them to her anymore. 
The vampire was now watching you watch them — studying you once again, trying to decipher how you were feeling. Karlach continued her efforts, but her large fingers fumbled as she tried to tie the knot and the bandages fell off again. 
"Godsdammit! Sorry, Princess." She said sheepishly, snatching the bandages up quickly. 
"It's okay, Karlach." Shadowheart shook her head, looking down at her hand and squeezing it into a fist. She winced from the pain, a hiss coming from her mouth. 
"May I?" Your voice was soft, quiet as a mouse. But not so quiet that Shadowheart did not hear you. She flashed her eyes over to you, her face contorted with genuine surprise. The cleric said no words, instead nodding and offering her hand out. 
Astarion remained sitting, watching as you stood up and crossed the hallway to the two women. You knelt before her, bowing your head slightly as you grabbed the bandages and began to wind them tenderly around Shadowheart's hand. If it were another moment, another person, the vampire would be jealous. Wishing he had a wound himself so that you could offer your services and gentle touches. 
But this was monumental. Not only was it a rare sight — one blessed by Selûne taking care of one of Shar’s disciples. But it was an olive branch, a silent offering that meant much more then those bandages. An offering of peace and acceptance. 
He was sure he saw Shadowheart's eyes lining with silver as you worked, the bob of her throat as she swallowed thickly. With a slight cough, you made to stand back up. "All done." You said in a hushed voice. But before you could stand up, the cleric grabbed your elbow. 
"Thank you," She choked out. The gratitude was for more then just this moment, he imagined. 
You bowed your head again, "Of course." As you marched back across the hallway, Astarion stood up to meet you. He ducked his head to look at your face, a silent conversation passing between you as your eyes met. An art the two of you had begun to master already. 
Are you alright?
I will be. 
He blinked and nodded in understanding, before falling into step at your side. 
• • •
Every place they explored in the Shadowlands somehow topped the previous wretched place. If Astarion never had to step foot in a temple of Shar again, it would be too soon. 
The air surrounding them was freezing, and the hairs on his arms and back of his neck had been standing up for what felt like hours. It felt like eyes were always on him, trailing after your group and judging every step taken. 
Glancing behind him, he waited for you to step onto the disc with the rest of the party. You were hesitating on the edge, the smallest tremble in your hand as you stared down at the floor. "Darling?"
Your face shot up, like his voice snapped you back to reality. You looked rattled, completely shaken. 
Astarion extended his hand out to you, beckoning you forward. He grabbed your hand easily, pulling you into him with a questioning glance before letting go. The rest of your party was looking at you, worry forming in their features. 
You had all but stepped into him, your shoulder pressed into his. He actually didn't mind it one bit. 
“You look pale, are you feeling okay?” He kept his voice low, his mouth downturned. 
You gathered yourself for a moment, before flashing him a smirk. “I’m pale? Coming from the vampire himself?” 
“Ha," He rolled his red eyes. "Trust me, my sweet. I’ve memorized the flush of your features by now — something’s off.” 
Your eyes settled on Shadowheart for a moment, before looking down at your boots. “I think it’s being in here… Her gift is straining inside me.” 
Her gift, Selûne's blessing. You didn't dare say the Goddess' name in Shar's ruined temple. The rest of the party had heard the tale over the campfire about a week ago. While most of their faces had been filled with awe and astonishment when you had told them then, now their faces were only anxious. 
“Oh gods, you’re not going to...?" Wyll trailed off, his brows furrowed together. 
“Drop dead? I hope not.” You shrugged, trying to act nonchalant. 
“Not funny.” Astarion hissed, flashing you a look. The sentiment was echoed by Gale, chastising you for saying such things. 
You quirked your mouth, before wrapping your arms around your torso. "I'll be fine." 
Suddenly, there was a loud click and the disc you all stood on began moving — descending deeper into the ruins. 
Astarion heard the heartbeats of the entire party begin to increase, the thrumming pounding in his ears. None were as loud as the rhythm of your heart. 
Then the scent of your fear filled his nostrils. 
He could think of no words, no quips or jokes. The dark ruins had been taxing, draining. And he did not know what to expect at the bottom of this temple. 
But he was afraid too. Afraid for you, for both of you. 
The disc settled below with another audible click, and as the rest of the party began to move off of it and deeper into the next area you stayed planted where you were. 
The vampire stayed with you, eyeing your complexion that was turning paler by the minute. Your breaths labored as you blinked, long and slowly. His red eyes followed your line of sight — to Shadowheart and Karlach. 
The half-elf and tiefling were standing before large ornate doors, shoulder to shoulder. Their hands were intertwined, fingers laced together as they continued to stare the door down. 
Your eyes were fixed on their hands, before you licked your lips and spoke quietly — only for him to hear. "Would you be okay with that?”
His brows furrowed together in confusion. “With what?” 
“A touch like that.” 
A bewildered look crossed his features. Here? Now? This is where you wished to discuss such things. Moments before stepping into the unknown darkness of the mistress of night. He stepped in front of you, his back to the rest of the party as he looked you in the face. 
“Holding hands? What next, you want to cuddle?” He teased with his sharp tongue.
The smallest twist in your features was your only tell. Anyone else would have missed it — a flash of sadness at his rejection. 
He suddenly realized it. Longing. You had been looking at the pair holding hands with longing, yearning to be touched like that right now. "You want that, don't you?"
You stiffened, as if you had said the wrong thing. You stumbled over your words, immediately backtracking, “Not if you don’t want to. I'm sorry, I just thought—“ 
His eyes softened at your reaction, “You’re upset.” 
“No, never." You shook your head, your voice unwavering. "It’s your choice, Starry.” 
“I’m not the only person in this—" In this, what? Finish the sentence, Astarion. He thought to himself. "Is it, something you would like to do?” 
“Maybe." You licked your lips, before nodding self-consciously. "Yes, but only if you were okay with it.” 
“I can try." He whispered sincerely, before looking back over his shoulder to the group. Shadowheart and Karlach remained at each other's side, their fingers still intertwined in a tight grasp. "I just— I don’t really understand it. The touch I’m used to is… sensual, erotic. Or incredibly violent. I thought touch was only supposed to lead to some explosive end, one way or another. What’s the point of it?” 
“It’s comforting, holding the person you care about. Feeling their presence with you, when you need it." You admitted, your eyes unguarded as you looked at him.  
He recalled how he felt when you had held him in your arms in the river. How he had let his fingers linger and hold onto you as you pulled away from that first hug. The overwhelming urge he had sometimes to just be near you. He could understand that feeling, he knew that feeling now. He just wasn't sure how to act on it. 
"I think I'd like that." He agreed, the corners of his mouth pulling up with a hopeful expression. "I will try." 
You smiled back at him, the pair of you momentarily forgetting where you stood. What was to happen next. What could happen next. 
As you made to finally step off of the disc, he called your name softly — halting your movement. "We will get to try."
It was a promise. A vow.
No dark mistress or Absolute or bastard vampire master would stop him from having you. 
You nodded, smiling back at him before moving to join the others. 
The group was cautious as they entered into the final chamber, the hundreds of candles in the room suddenly lighting with an eerie purple flame. The coloured flames flickered and cast dancing shadows on the stones around them, all leading to a pool of still water. A ginormous, untouched statue of the Mistress of Night stood in it — her arms outstretched, beckoning you forward. 
"This must be the last step. I need to pray. Only by Lady Shar's grace did we even make it this far." Shadowheart fell to her knees immediately, offering silent prayers to the intimidating figure ahead. Karlach stayed loyally at her side, but her brows were crinkled with worry. 
Everyone lingered behind, unsure of how to proceed. 
"I'm ready." The dark-haired cleric spoke, determination flashing in her features as she stood up. The spear she had fought and bled for in the trials strapped to her back. She held a boot over the unmoving water for a moment, hesitating for a moment before stepping into it. 
A voice spoke throughout the chamber, echoing and rattling the stones. The candles flickered with her voice, as if the magnificent voice caused the cold breeze that suddenly filled the room. "You are so close, my child. So close to fulfilling your destiny. And is that another trophy you bring for me? You honor me with your dedication.“ 
The party turned to stare at you. Shar was aware of who you are, of what lingered in you. Astarion swear he saw Shadowheart’s bottom lip tremble as her gaze fell on you again. 
But you put on your practiced expression of calm, nodding at your companions to continue. But as you stood on the precipice of the pool, Astarion noticed your fingers twitching at your side. 
It should have been be so easy for him to reach out and hold them, like you said you wanted. He had been daring himself to touch you more lately — a brush of his knuckle against yours, tucking an unruly strand of hair behind your ear. He was trying. He wanted to, so badly. 
But something was holding him back. A weight on his chest and lungs that made it feel him feel so tainted and undeserving for such things. 
He hesitated for too long, and your hand was moving away as you stepped into the sparkling water. So he took his own steps in. The water was ice cold, instantly sending goosebumps over his entire body. Then a frozen sensation that went deep into his half-dead body. It began clutching at him, at everything he was and ever could be. 
His red eyes widened, searching frantically for you beside him — his hand reaching out wildly for you before he was suddenly pulled under. 
• • •
The last thing you had seen was Shar’s menacing face —looming over you, spelling your end. A blanket of cold had surrounded you, tightening unbearably around your ankles and wrists before yanking you down into the darkness. 
You had never been afraid of the dark before. 
You could no longer say that. 
With a gasp, you wretched your eyes open to find yourself somewhere new. Standing on a craggy rock, floating in raging winds and surrounded by streaks of lightning. A living storm of black and purple swirling around you. 
"Lady Shar...," Shadowheart's voice was quiet — her tone a strange mixture of astonishment and fear. "I can feel her all around. This is her domain. This is the Shadowfell.”
“Bloody hells.” Gale muttered, the wizard's mouth a hardline. 
“We best keep moving.” Lae'zel ordered, eyeing the surroundings with a look of disgust on her face. 
You all murmured in agreement, before traveling down the precarious craggy rocks until you were at the very bottom. You hesitated at the site of a person— a pale, large woman dressed in only shredded rags.
The Nightsong. 
She stood in the centre of several complicated sigils, the symbols radiating a sickly green. Her head flicked up to your group, her eyes narrowing as she inspected every single party member. Before they settled on you, and softened. 
“I recognize you." Her voice was hoarse at first, like she hadn't spoken out loud in ages. "You aren’t a sibling… But I recognize you. Why are you so familiar to me?” She cocked her head at you, her eyes studying you. There was a flicker in them — hope.
Her hair shined silver like yours, but her eyes glowed even brighter. Much more than any mortal could. Your mouth fell open as you realized. She was not blessed by a divine being like you, she was immortal herself. 
“You are...“ 
“A child of the gods.” She finished for you, and even clad in nothing but rags she stood tall at the words.  
Your mind raced as you put together the pieces, the ritual on the stone similar to the secret room of Balthazar. Kethric’s undying nature. She was bound here in the Shadowfell — being syphoned like those fairies in the lanterns. And the dark justiciar’s — they used her, killed her like a bounty for their goddess. Over and over. As Shadowheart was meant to do now. 
But you. You were bound to nothing, and you were not born from the goddess — only a mortal woman, who feared for her child. A mortal mother who was thousands of miles away, not knowing where her child now stood, not knowing that they were waiting to see if a spear would be driven through their chest too.
"My mother spoke of you once. I don't think that even she knew we would meet." The daughter of Selûne eyes shone with quiet understanding. The flicker of hope in them still catching light somehow in the dark storm in the Shadowfell as she stared at you. 
Shadowheart stepped forward, toeing the edge of the ritual symbols carved onto the floor. Her face was stoic, determined. Yet she refused to look at you. 
"But you.” The woman’s eyes dragged to the cleric, her voice a vicious snarl. “YOU. You, who have come to seek the praise of your wicked goddess. You, who have come to drive a dagger through my heart." 
"Not a dagger — a spear. My Lady Shar's spear. Your fate is mine to seal." You noticed Shadowheart's hands were trembling fists at her side. 
"The fate that you seal is your own. To be a Dark Justiciar is to turn your heart from everything but loss. You will know no love, no joy — only servitude." Karlach stiffened next to Shadowheart, concern etching every feature of her red face. "Until, of course, your mistress inevitably discards you. And there is much she does not tell you — a terrible blood price that may extend beyond my own death. Beyond your companion's."
The cleric looked over her shoulder to you, her eyebrows furrowed. You said nothing, keeping your face steady. 
But it was the first she looked you in the eyes since you found yourself in the dark place. Truly met your gaze. And the rage and betrayal you had first seen in them that day she learned the truth about you had lost their heat. Instead you saw only pain and regret. 
Astarion made to move in front of you, to act as your shield as Shadowheart turned her attention on you. But you waved your hands at your side, silently asking him to stop. 
You knew the rest of your party waited with bated breath for you to intervene, to speak up for this woman, for yourself. 
But instead, you held Shadowheart’s gaze and waited. 
The Nightsong spoke again, drawing her attention away from you. "You may think you know what they are, but do you know what I am, little assassin? For I know you — a lost child, frightened by wolves in the dark." 
"What did you say?" 
"Much has been promised to you, hasn't it? But what has been taken from you?" She asked sadly, her eyes piercing through Shadowheart. "What do you know of your own heart — your own life? I sense more in you then you know." 
"I—" The spear was suddenly summoned into her hand, her light coloured eyes widening as she feels its weight. It was as if Shar would wait no longer, and would thrust the weapon into her hands and guide it through the Nightsong if need be. "I..." She raised it up, inspecting the intricate designs and deadly tip of the spear. The bottom of her eyes filled with silver as she studied it. 
And just as fast as it was summoned, it was gone. Soaring over the party's heads, away and into the swirling storm below them. 
You let loose the breath you didn't know you were holding.
It was echoed by a sigh of relief from the rest of the party. 
Shadowheart's mouth was agape, staring into her empty hands and then to you. A humorless laugh escaped her, like she was in a state of shock. "I can't believe I just did that. Lady Shar will disown me... what will happen to me?"  
"Not what will happen — what will you do? Your past is not yet lost. Your future is not yet fixed. Lay a hand on me in friendship, not-quite Sharran, and I will fight the battle that been waiting for me this last century." The large woman knelt before them, bowing her head. "Then — oh then, we will have much to discuss. All of us." She looked up to nod at you, still standing on the edge of the circle. 
The cleric stepped forward with more certainty then she had in most of the trials in Shar's Gauntlet. Her head held high before she grasped the child of the god on her shoulder. Suddenly the green of the binding ritual turned into a bright, silver light. The woman fell to all fours as the silver light traveled through her.  
"Our lady of Silver. Hear me! She Who Guides, the Moonmaiden Selûne — mother of the so-called Nightsong. THE NIGHTSONG IS NO MORE!" Then she began to levitate in the air, a shining light of white and silver wrapped around her before large wings spread from her back, and spectral armor and sword appearing upon her body and in her hands.
The group was amazed as they watched her fly up and up. Before she landed with a gentle thud.
A child of a god indeed. 
"I am resplendent. You have given me a great gift, little warrior." She nudged Shadowheart's chin with a gloved hand, before stepping back. "Come now — there is a battle to be fought." 
"My kin," She looked back to you, her eyes and brow set in a determined line. "Are you ready?"
"Ready for what?" You asked, stepping forward until you were at Shadowheart's side. 
"To kill Ketheric Thorm." She flashed a wolfish grin that was filled with a controlled rage. Vengeance and justice was to be served by that glowing spectral sword in her hand. With a large woosh, she was soaring into the air and vanishing back to the mortal plane. 
• • •
It wasn't until you were out of the Shadowfell, away from Gauntlet and endless depictions of Shar that you all finally spoke. 
The cool air of the Shadowlands was welcoming for the first time since you had arrived. Astarion watched as you took large gulps of air, your hands resting on your hips as you centered yourself again. The colour was already returning to your cheeks, your heart slowing to a familiar rhythm. 
He made to reach out for you, but Shadowheart got there first. A look of surprise flashed across your face as she threw herself at you. "I don't— I don't know what to say." She muttered into your shoulder. 
You swallowed hard before holding her back fiercely, your mouth quivering. "You don't have to say anything. I forgive you."
Astarion blinked. You gave her your forgiveness so easily, much easier then he would have. But wasn't that one of the things he was so fond of? Your kind heart, your innate goodness. That even though he didn't feel he deserved your attention, or that Shadowheart deserved to be forgiven, you still granted it to them. Your kindness was not just for him, but for everyone in the group. The hubris wizard and seasoned fighter who didn't think they were enough. The warlock and barbarian ripped from their homes. The manipulated manipulators who were used and discarded.  
“You can't—You can't just forgive me." She pulled away from you, staring at you like you had gone mad. "What I did, what I almost did — I almost didn’t bring you back that day, oh gods—" Her hand moved over her mouth, her brows meeting in the middle. 
“But you did.”
“But if I didn’t—" Her voice broke.
You grabbed her by the shoulders, ducking your head to look at her. “But you did. And we will not speak of the past any longer. But we will get you answers for your own, okay?” 
"What she wanted me to do in there, what she's made me do..." A sob escaped Shadowheart, the sound breaking something in Astarion. Something that hit a little too close to home. His red eyes flickered to his boots as he tried to keep his own emotion at bay. 
Your next words were a whisper in her ear, too low for even his elven ears to hear. But you both nodded together, before Karlach was pulling the cleric into a hug of their own. Pressing a kiss to her forehead, whispering her own affections to her. 
Before the vampire could even try to will himself to do the same things for you, you were in front of him. He could see no hint of expectation on your face, only relief as you took him in. 
He ran the tip of his finger down your wrist, to the back of your hand, before trailing it in your palm. "That was all a little dramatic, wasn't it?"
A tired chuckle escaped you, "I'd thought you'd learned by now that we have a flair for it, don't we?"
"We certainly do." 
Suddenly, flashes of divine white power swept above you, before shooting fast across the sky — the light silhouetting a set of large wings. Without further thinking, Astarion threaded his pale fingers through yours, squeezing them slightly as he watched the light head closer and closer to the imposing tower in the distance. 
He gulped as you squeezed back. 
Your party watched the sky for a moment, silence filling the air before you all stared at each other. Your tired, aching bodies were begging for rest. But the world would not wait for you to rest. 
"To Moonrise?" Gale asked, a sad, tired smile on his face. 
"To Moonrise." You nodded, starting to march forward and lead the group forward. 
Astarion curled his pinky around yours as you meant to pull away, not quite ready to let you go again. 
Read part V here
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spacehostilityy · 2 years ago
rewatching the OVAs (netflix s2)
low key one of my fave intros art wise (we all know howling by granrodeo is my fave intro song lol) like the suits !! are so !! cute!!!
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and this frame is adorable !!
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I love the search for hawk sm theyre all so fucking cute
Meliodas casually dropping “you are my purpose in life” to Elizabeth like a month after they met is INSANE. Bc from his side, makes sense. Fell in love when they were young from opposite sides of a war, risked everything to be together, have been finding and losing each other for 3000 years. But from her side, he is a cool guy she has a crush on (who is at least 15ish years older than her) who she might have known as a child. He also just described her as his entire life’s purpose. Like bro THATS CRAZYYY
Seeing Meliodas destroy the horn of cernunos is such a badass moment to me. The way he responds to her taunting with direct action and violence rather than his usual merciful beating around the bush. My favorite Mel moments are when he is using his silly goofy little guy façade and suddenly has to drop it. This is when we see a glimpse of who he was when leading the 10 commandments: arrogant, powerful, and constantly full of rage
it just so happens that arrogant, powerful, and constantly full of rage are my most prized qualities in any character
maybe everyone knew this and im late to the game but damn that would be so cool
im pretty sure ban switches out his red leather for the long burgundy coat is bc he keeps getting stabbed front to back and the coat has a hole in the back so the weapon wont tear it lolll😭
i feel like their faces (esp meliodas’s) look a tiny bit janky in the OVAs
once again appreciating the intro 😌
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They’re so fucking cute !!
Merlin and Ban clearly don’t rlly like each other much yet and it’s so funny to me
Like these are Meliodas’s closest friends and they just kinda annoy each other a lot
it’s like fuckin icarly
Gustav: the captain and one of his fellow sins going one on one? We might neve see something like this again!
hahahahaha nooo. i mean gustav didn’t, he’s dead. but the rest will el ol el
Gil is the biggest dork to ever live and howzer is concerned. Mans is crying at watching them fight and howzer is just like … ok ??
Bartra: where the fuck is my daughter
his daughter: literally watching a cage fight
theyre literally the cutest
bestiesss (boyfriends)
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every one of these bitches is a fucking alcoholic
ban’s whole character is that he’s a depressed, violent alcoholic and I love him
my horrible secret is that im skipping through a lot of ova 3 bc im just not a kiane girlie😔
i do love diane tho she so babygirl
nakaba’s not even thinly veiled size kink strikes again. Seriously, i can fuck with it, but its so funny that every single main ship has a significant/abnormal height difference
hendy and dreyfus are so gay for each other im genuinely surprised it’s not canon
like look at this scene and tell me something lgbt is not happening here
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omg my pfp !!
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Howzer’s dad is such a dick i love it
Meliodas using the sugar spoon to full counter is literally so fucking cute, i love when they have to use dumb weapons
but also vivian lost to a tiny spoon hehe
bet gil regrets not killing vivian after she kidnaps and permanently fucks up his son ahaha🥲
Merlin being fucking terrifying saying that vivian should have realized that she is a monster is why im gay
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Meanwhile Meliodas:
I love when his face does that he’s so baby
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anyway time to start season 2!!
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frogiwi · 1 month ago
HIIIII KI ✨🥰🫡 7, 18, and 27 pleas for the more fic writer asks !!!
7. your preferred writing fonts
18. if you keep them, share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a published fic
DO I KEEP THEM? pause while i go look through some docs LOL
OK I FOUND SOME. i found a lot actually but i got bored of rereading them so i'll go with the first one i found which i had entirely forgot about, deleted from my first makichi fic, right in front of my eyes
“Do you trust those guys?” Chihaya blinks. Sure, he does. Loathe as he is to admit it, Kiyomine is as much of a monster as ever, and Kaname improves at a pace far beyond any true novice could. Todo’s performance had been questionable in their last game, but Chihaya’s willing to give him another shot to prove himself because he’s shown results before. Yamada is as reliable as ever, even while they iron out the kinks in their lineup. They have good senses, and what some of the group lacks in skill, they make up for in enthusiasm. They’ve settled into a good routine, and they’ll only get better from here. “Outside of baseball,” Makita tacks on belatedly.
so.... i wrote this fic back in july, so i don't really remember any of my thoughts outside of the notes i have in the doc. but these lines happen during a conversation chihaya and makita have after the second round of the summer tournament in first year, when makita asks chihaya to meet up. the fic is about, like, exploring how the shitty things makita said to chihaya came from a place of hurt and rejection rather than from hating chihaya or resenting him, and about chihaya learning that makita didn't resent him but just wanted to be friends with him. it's about reconciling, to put it simply. it's a short and sweet one too. i think the reason the above passage got cut is twofold
a lot of my early bouba wips have this thing where i. have the narrating character (chihaya or todo, p much) kinda... reflecting on the composition of the team and thinking a nice (and/or snarky) thing about each person. idk why i did it so much. we get it, the team is full of earnest weirdos who are great at baseball or are learning to be great at baseball. the show told us that already, move on. i think the reason this came up in this fic is bc makita has noticed that chihaya is actually friends w his high school team while he wasnt friends w anyone on his and makita's old team, and makita wonders why they weren't good enough. so chihaya thinks about his team and why he's friends with them. i think this paragraph just didnt feel like it really added anything by going specific though. none of these things are like, things makita or others on the old team didn't have tbh. but then to my second reason
"outside of baseball", now that i think about it, doesn't make sense at all in a fic about chihaya. bc 1) we know that one of his biggest problems is trusting people, which is presented to us through the lens of baseball and how he would only rely on himself in crucial moments, rather than being presented to us in terms of his social life in general, and 2) makita doesn't care about things that aren't baseball, and he wouldn't care about whether or not chihaya trusts his team outside of it. he WOULD care so much about whether he trusts them in baseball, bc he didnt trust makita or the rest of that team. but i dont think ANY of this occurred to me when i cut it. but now that i reflect on it i'm glad i did LOL
ok anyways idr what i was talking abt. i found a TON of cut stuff for the todochi/makichi cheating fic too but it was all boring. no wonder it was cut AHAHA
27. your favorite part of the writing process
HM.......... i think..... ok, i don't have much of a "process" other than: write whenever my brain and hands allow me to until either i get hopelessly stuck, or i finish it. if i get stuck i go to some trusty friends and gather thoughts and i discuss deeply with my beta (THAT'S YOU!). and then i work on it more and finish it. editing is generally minimal.
so that said, i think my favorite parts are
when i have an idea take hold so strongly that i spend a day writing multiple thousands of words and end up with a solid chunk of really good shit, ESPECIALLY if i was just endlessly rotating it in my head before but never writing words other than notes. what's better than coming back to ur doc the day after a writing fever like that and seeing all this shit that wasn't there before. IT SLAPS.
actually, having beta discussions is probably my favorite part. it's so fun every time to absolutely dissect the shit out of the plot, or a character, or a paragraph, or even just a sentence. i feel like how i think about writing has transformed so much in a short time bc of this part of the process and it's also made me better at identifying my own goals and intentions etc. it's really fun to really get into it for hours and come out of it with a page full of notes to start plugging away with. i've never stayed stuck after we do this so it really is the best thing ever
ok this got rly long as always but these ones were interesting and took some thought (other than font....) so THANK U ILY
✍️ fic writer asks
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cryptid-writing · 1 month ago
similar to [this post] but here's a collection of fic prompts and concepts for general Mysterio (not mcu) that I've thought about over the past 2 years that are of a more mature type.
this will probably be a little long, but please feel free to take one and go for it or even more if you have any further ideas and would like to write any of these. I would love to see some of these be brought to reality and fill up the Quentin x reader tag on ao3 (minus mcu, there's only 6 fics..)
again, just like the other post: I will add more as I think of them. but please enjoy these, I'm a little shy/embarrassed to be sharing these jkdhfsdj but I hope y'all enjoy them!
..Listen. I know we all find him hot. his costume is extremely sexy, okay. most of these can be summed up as "getting intimately acquainted with the man in costume". I am a very simple and basic woman, I'm sorry. I know what I like and want. and it's Mysterio.
- You've been dating Mysterio for awhile.. and he wants to treat you to a little karaoke night. You're not much for singing and he knows this, that's why he's reserved a special room to put on a special little show just for you. Truth be told, he's a bit nervous and hopes this goes well.. after all. He's gonna be giving you a little lap dance in full costume. Serenading you with song and dance.
- Just some good ole Mysterio using his illusions to create dupes of himself (making the reader giggle and kick their feet internally). Surely that won't lead to him getting jealous of his own clones while tending to his beloved and trying to fight them off for dominance?
- How do you suppose he'd react to finding out that your deepest desire is him when you're placed inside the Mysterium? Him being very talkative and excited, but as soon as he sees himself in the illusions.. he stammers and goes quiet. Awkward silence as the illusion does its own thing.. walking towards you, greeting you.. Does Quentin leave the control room to meet you in the illusion room? Or does he remain and simply watch with curiosity to see how this plays out.. after all, it IS based on your desires.. I think the thought of someone being so desiring of HIM would certainly stroke his ego. Make him a little crazy.. ;)
- Have you considered the reader being the spider-person and tying Mysterio up sexily in their webs? I bet if the feelings are mutual, he'd be very into it and giving a bit of banter to keep things going. Things are going to get very interesting if this keeps up between the two.. and they're both very very invested in this little two-player game.
- Listen. I just want him to touch me like he did to the Tablet of Order & Chaos in Shattered Dimensions. I'm sorry. The way he just.. runs his stupid sexy clawed gloved hand along the tablet as he dips his voice and says "to have a taste.. of the real thing.. ahaha..!" I need him whimpering.
- Mysterio playing "villain" with the reader who is the spider-person (literally) and it's just them. there's no real big event happening, they're just doing this as a little fun play thing. Reader is giggling and enjoying every minute of this as Mysterio is playing his part, oh the things he's saying, the way he keeps getting closer. The way he touches them.. it makes them melt and flustered. Mysterio is also enjoying every minute of this, getting one heck of an ego stroke from how much they love and trust him, even when he's "trying" to be all scary and intimidating.. It just makes things all the more.. titillating for them both. ;)
- I just.. come on. Spider-person!Reader and TSSM Beck.. he isn't in his Mysterio outfit, but is instead in his suit.. reader is in costume and.. well.. both of them have always had a nagging thought about how badly they wanted the other while in those clothes.. and now they have the chance to act on that little thought and live it out.
- This. Just this:
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darknessisafriend · 2 months ago
hello love, hope you're doing well 🥸❤️
Just out of curiosity: how do you manage to literally pop out fics/oneshots every week? I'm also a writer, but i take so, so much longer. I admire you deeply! Do you have like a 9-5 job while balancing your writing? I'd love to know, but i understand if you want to keep it private.
Love you 🫶
Hello dear !
Thanks for your question! I have a lot to answer to you, I'll try to make it concise ahaha <3 I hope it help you a bit, this is what works for me, maybe it will for you
So no, currently I don't have a 9-5 job. For two years now I've been working in tourism so I work from mid february to mid october , then 4 months holidays (that's why I posted close to nothing this summer, it was crazy with Paris Olympics). But back when I started posting stories 5 years ago I had a 9-5 job and I posted even more often! I would say it takes a lot of things to post often but don't pressure yourself , everyone is different and I sometimes feel terrible bc I don't post 'enough' <3
First, find what stimulates you to write faster/more , for me it depends on mental energy, for example I need to be in a quiet place, to not be bothered at all, to dive into daydreaming and immerse myself fully to write. If someone/smthg bothers me, it takes me hours to go back to it.
find the right moment of the day to write: for me usually evening until about 23:00 (11pm), instead of watching something I get to a bit of writing.
Don't force yourself to write something that doesn't stimulate you so much for example sometimes I don't feel like writing an imagine, bc I'm tired or not inspired enough so I do HC, it's a nice quick exercise.
ALSO if you take requests it can get pretty challenging to write requests bc it gets very mechanic, so I balance with personnal writing ideas.
I personnally write either in silence or listening to ambience music that helps me immerse myself into worlds for my stories, it helps me a lot (some people prefer to listen to songs, personnally it distracts me) Here's the link to my ambience palylist if you want ;)
Practice does help to write more often, like if you tell yourself okay I write everyday even if you write just a sentence it will pull you into a nice pace. Otherwise when you write every 2 weeks or month it gets sooooo hard to get back to writing, happened to me last month, it was painful T_T
READ, like the Abbé de Coulmier says it nicely in the movie Quills: "A person that writes more than they read is the mark of an amateur" . Doesn't mean that if you don't read your writing is not good but reading can be inspiring, it doesn't distract, also it helps a lot to find what kind of story you enjoy writing, makes you learn how to write characters, how to build a plot, etc^^
Finally, the community helps me a lot. Right now I see a lot of people excited for Commodus/gladiator, so getting likes, comments, seeing post it doesn motivate me to write bc when a fandom is sleeping it's really hard, feels like writing for nothing. Believe me it happened last year mostly bc Joker had come out a while ago, there were no new movies, people moved on.
Well I guess that's all, I hope it helps, don't hesitate to DM me, I love chatting <3
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