#ah well can't have everything
victorluvsalice · 9 months
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-->Fortunately, Smiler already had some medicine on them, so all I had to do was give some to Victor and have him down it. ...Along with Smiler, as apparently THEY were sick too, just in a somewhat less visible way. Sheesh, poor things... Anyway, Alice got the camera set back up as Rory went to go play in the spilled trash by the front porch (making me go "if you ruin this shot Rory so help me Will Wright") --
And THEN we got some good trio pictures! :D I made sure to take a variety of picture sizes and orientations to go with their various poses. I definitely love some of the goofier ones you can do -- I just wish the third person wasn't standing off to the side like that so much! Bunch in a little closer there, please!
-->With the photos taken, and the main goal fulfilled, all that was left to do was to fulfill Talk Like A Pirate Day by chatting to their friends! Rory and Clement were both jamming by the phonograph, so the trio joined them, Smiler showing off their sweet moves while Alice talked with Rory and Victor with Clement. Weirdly enough, while Smiler had managed to fulfill the "talk like a pirate" traditions at the dinner table, and Victor managed to fulfill them with a bit of hand-holding with Alice (not sure WHY that counts, but okay game), Alice just could not complete that golden check no matter what she did. The party eventually wound down before she could do so, and she dragged herself off to bed as the guests left and Victor and Smiler took some time to squeal over how adorable the kittens were --
And as it turns out, going to sleep is what finally fulfilled the tradition for her. Because both the "sleep" and "nap" options were written in pirate-speak and thus counted. Okay, game. XD
-->However, fulfilling Talk Like A Pirate Day was definitely not my main goal today -- throwing a gold-level family reunion was! And with my love of taking pictures in the game, I easily succeeded in that goal. So, as the guests headed out, I claimed my prize --
New picture frame collages! :D Yes, if you have a good family reunion, you unlock some new collage frames that you can use for all your various photos! And you guys know that I need my collage frames, given how many freaking photos are hanging around the Valicer farmhouse. XD I already knew I wanted to use the "one large, three little, all landscape" collage for some of the wedding shots -- specifically the three of them standing together looking super romantic and the three selfie shots -- and I decided that the other two could be used for the actual family reunion snaps! The stacked trio for the various selfies they'd taken with their friends, and the group of four for my favorite shots from their porch photo shoot. Plus one bonus medium-sized picture just because. XD You guys all know I can't resist a good Van Liddelton shot!
-->And so the day ended with me rearranging all their pictures and photographs to find wall space for the new frames; Smiler deactivating the bots in the greenhouse and making sure the chickens were well-fed before putting some hatchable eggs in the coop to incubate; and Victor playing with Surprise before kicking some creepy hands apart in the barn. *nods* A good Saturday for the OT3! But next week, it's time to start working on the store again, as I am SO CLOSE to getting all those damn shelves filled...
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sysig · 5 months
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How much of me is me? (Patreon)
#Doodles#UT#Handplates#Sans#Papyrus#Another one that I cried to while drawing hehe ♪ Hhhhh I love their dynamic so much <3 <3 ;;#Sans' apparent disinterest in hurting Gaster is deeply interesting to me - we see him punch Gaster in Mercyplates even! :0#I can't help but feel that a good portion of it is Papyrus being there with him when Gaster gives them his arm haha#Would he have been as well-behaved if he'd been by himself? I wonder :)#But generally I read it as him having grown up <3 They've both matured so beautifully by that point it's just ah- such a treat to read#Their transition from their childhood to their teens and young adulthood into themselves is just jdlksafhdsfd it's incredibly well written!#I say ''I wonder'' quite a lot lol but that's just speculation - watching them grow into themselves is So Incredibly satisfying <3#It feels so natural to watch them become themselves ♥ It's beautiful ♪♫#And their sibling dynamic is truly unrivaled <3 They support each other! Lift each other up! Where one stumbles the other catches him!#I love them so much ahh#Papyrus' emotional intelligence gets me so bad <3 The sweetest lad#I feel like it would bother Sans that he/they have Gaster's memories and not their own#It makes me especially sad to think about everything he missed of them - if only you hadn't fallen behind on the footage Gaster! >:0#They already have some pretty incredible identity issues just throw being pieces of him in every sense into the mix#They're grown from him and even when they got away and built themselves that still got subplanted with memories that aren't even theirs!#It's a rough spot#Papyrus though ♥ Always knows what to say hehe#Reaffirming that Sans is the most important person to him - that they are to each other - that no matter what they're brothers#And that no matter what - even having Gaster's memories or being without memories at all - that Sans is a good person#That it's not out of self-preservation or trying to do it for Papyrus' sake (even if that is a lot of it haha)#That /Sans/ is the one making that decision of his own volition and his own morals and beliefs#And that he loves and supports him no matter what <3#''I know you can be a good person. You can choose to do the right thing'' and ''I see you being a good person. You're doing the right thing'#Hhhh <3 I love them <3
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gwinverarrouz · 9 months
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Just finished rereading the first Bartimaeus book and yeah, yeah, I can see why I loved these books so much as a child :>
I feel like these illustrations aren't 100% faithful to the source material but maybe they're how Bart wished things happened, you know??
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tekatonic · 14 days
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Doomed Prince
Sonic x Shadow Generations X Metaphor: ReFantazio
if you thought you were done with me shilling Metaphor boy were you wrong ! here comes a crossover !
so in the upcoming Atlus fantasy rpg Metaphor, the protagonist goes on a quest to save their childhood friend : the prince of Euchronia, from a deadly curse. with twists and turns along the way, starting with the assassination of the King !
this is a redraw of this visual !
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do you see how beautiful this art is i mean DAMN
anyway i'm extremely excited for this to come out and if you're a fan of games like Persona, SMT, Fire Emblem, Xenoblade or FF, you might like it too !
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vynnyal · 1 month
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Turns out Sunlit Trail isn't quite done just yet, so after all that they just send you to a dead end 😂
#rain world#comic#rw chasing wind#sunlit Trail#Hunter#Art#Chasing wind spoilers#I can't imagine anyone filters that tag but just in case sksksks#ANYWAYS turns out mod is way better than I expected and it's super well made.#So far made the trip as hunter (first time) then riv and now working on arti.#For arti I realized that howling rifts led to sub and sub led to dar shore so I was like sweet! A shortcut!#Now imagine for a sec trying to get through a parkcore + miros bird gauntlet with a corpse and a worm within 5 cycles#before the scav ran out of karma and you were stuck inside forever. Yeah#Besides that tho I've been messing around and been very tenderly modding the game.#Turns out you can have a bit of fun with most sprites without too much effort by simply cloning the MSC mod in your files#Then changing the copy's mod info so it doesn't clash and simply swapping images out for whatever you want#As long as you have the sprite name you can do this. You can also change region names and decals and music all sorts of stuff.#In short I've been brewing a custom mod for a friend to make her suffer as much as possible <3#Thanks to a buddy on the rw server for showing me that trick btw lol. The best cesspool I've ever participated in#Oh before I forget- the symbol on CW's head is completely made up. They just looked so... Bald.#Tbh I wasn't expecting their personality to be so... bright? Most interpretations make them kinda solemn and gloomy#But nah this CW is what NSH should've been 100%. I like them. Not gonna spoil too much but their situation is somehow so... chill.#Still bad tho!#Other fun news! There's a scammer going around on discord that's basically like ''bad news I reported you for fraud''#And they're getting a lot of people. My buddy that owned my home server got hit and we lost everything. It's all OK tho nobody was hurt#I keep trying to ask them questions on my alts but they're ignoring me... I kinda wanna bait them into doing the scam with me#to see how far I get before they catch on 😜#Wasting a scammer's time is never a waste of time#Ah I had more to say but I reached my tag max. Till next time- hopefully my animation project will be done by then!
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wovenstarlight · 9 months
indescribably funny to me that hyj's argument to convince stw to take the lamb was in part "THINK OF HOW GOOD IT'LL BE TO HAVE A KISEUNGSU WHO CAN HELP YOU FIGHT IN DUNGEONS" because songie is NOT doing that songie is a full-time therapy lamb who for all i know has free run of the awakening management office and routinely cuddles victims of awakening related crimes to make them feel better while stw goes and arrests people about it
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minhmynchi · 20 days
planning on uploading the next chapter today, saying this now to hold myself accountable
i had to cut it in half bc i barely made any progress the last few days and while i would love love love to actually finish what i had planned i don't think i can write it lol
so the chapter is a (little) bit on the shorter side
but it includes drawings so!!!!!!!
edit: maybe tomorrow actually. I STILL HAVE TO ACTUALLY FINISH THE DRAWINGS AUGH writing is hard today even still but . tomorrow. for Sure
edit2: yea def tmrw if not night my time today (aka 9pm for me is in 9 hours so. but i work for 5 of those hours and i will be preoccupied w other things in the other 4 so rly it will most likely be tmrw lol.) i have added another drawing and i am in agony but the writing part is done .
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magnusmodig · 20 days
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||. thor misunderstanding earthen housing norms in the modern day is SO funny to me to think about. He's doing his best, but between being from another planet with far more advanced technology (and much more "archaic" culture customs) on top of also being a PRINCE, I would imagine some normal practices and understandings of things simply don't click with him more than others.... Not because he's not smart. Thor is incredibly intelligent. ONLY because of the huge culture divide. But... that said: the concept of having neighbors who own their own land right next to yours, but the plots of land are TINY ??? absolutely crazy to him. Why aren't the plots of land BIGGER? why don't more people utilize it to farm crops???
Also don't get him STARTED on the idea - or nature of - apartments.
#(it's just— i'm realizing that living with jan.e fo//st.e.r would have taught him SO much??)#(i can imagine him questioning everything about /everything/ on occasion...)#(just... ja/.ne and th.o/r chilling around breakfast and he decides he's got a severe case of the toddler why's)#(he's curious about a common practice and wants to understand the logic of it— who better to make it make sense than his beloved)#(even something as basic as a house key. why does he NEED that? he's never needed a “house key” for his palace)#(he can just /walk in/??? ask the guards to open the doors??? use a biometric lock??? )#(— ah but is the “house key” for a secret compartment perhaps? a hidden passage? a secret chest???)#(what's the house key for if not for something particularly worthwhile??? it's so archaic ?? it must be very old.)#(what??? it was made yesterday??? It actually /IS/ for the front door????)#(what do you /mean/ you haven't got guards or sentries and the po-lice can't offer THEIR services with compensation)#(the avenger's tower does it??? shield does it???? he thought that would be normal for earth houses???)#(he doesn't see how that's supposed to keep j.a//ne safe all that well >> he's decided he's going to fix /that/ first thing.)#(granted: i doubt he'd actually ask or comment most of this out loud but it'd likely be what he's thinking)#(anyways he wouldn't /use/ the key when he has a balcony they can just keep unlocked so he can get in from there)#(and he'd probably have a similar setup on the avengers tower)#(it isn't as though anyone will reach it from up so high. he can fly. it'll be fine.)#(furthermore ...... he'd probably break his house keys....)#(...always on accident tho.... he'd want to keep his house key from ja.n//e safe bc it's from her)#( ooc . ) — stories that leap from the page .#(i'm mostly rambling my thoughts out loud - this would make a really cute domestic fos.ter/s//on fic)#(someone write this and then show me)#(or maybe i'll do it idk)
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cowcowwow · 1 year
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Girl she's on a bridge
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trans-cuchulainn · 1 year
okay i've finished rewatching pride now i will stop having feelings all over your dash
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datastate · 8 months
still so frustrated that it's because it took so long doing the video production part of my kai analysis that a lot of my revelations were rendered redundant but it's fine. it's okay. i was right. it's just that now everyone else has had it handed to them on a silver platter instead of reading between the lines like i did incessantly for the months before the miniepisode.
#it's killed a lot of my motivation to make such videos. i must admit.#jestersvaguely#i could still try to make it but augh. it's like nankidai didn't even put kai in the limelight he put him under a stadium light#too much. too much! where's the subtlety where's the tact. i loved it so much more before it was just explicitly written. sorry.#what else are people meant to dig into or engage with characters with if you're just completely clearing ANY curiosity#i don't know. i should still make it. it'd require so much rewriting though because i was specifically drawing from ranger's existence#and now there's a whole miniepisode detailing the complications of the satous dynamic and it's like well now i have to analyze that#but it doesn't even add much more than what was already implied & extrapolated from.#which i already had. i already had all of this speculation written down and dug into and now i have to rid the entire section of speculatio#it's so much less. impressive i guess. it just feels so plain and basic and it's like 'well yes we all saw that play out in the miniepisode#and it's like NO IF IT WEREN'T FOR THE MINIEPISODE HOW MANY OF YOU WOULD'VE JUST REDUCED HIM TO ABUSIVE OLD MAN#AND COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN THE FACT HE LOVED RANGER. RANGER - INCAPABLE OF AFFECTION - SAID GASHU 'S AFFECTIONS WERE HIS#AND FROM RANGER. COMPARABLE TO A SON. KAI'S EXISTENCE & GASHU'S REACTION THEREAFTER ... AHHHHHHH#i don't know. more than anything i'm just upset at my own inaction because now it's like. this is the one thing that we didn't need to wait#on for analysis. now i need to wait for asunaro to be explained before i can do proper kai analysis and it's so frustrating and saddening#i don't know. i just hate that i can't do any actual kai analysis now because he's my favorite#there's the whole 'what do the satous mean for sara & the narrative' but that was meant to be part of the larger thing#not the focus of the video. the focus of the video was discussing everything with kai#and now it's like. well the entire cover's been blown off unceremoniously and it's#ah. it's frustrating. it's so frustrating. nankidai's storytelling is so sloppy i really don't know what draws me to it at all
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victorluvsalice · 2 months
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-->Anyway, with the rush over, I decided that I wanted Alice to make a pizza in her new pizza oven, so I had her check out her options, then prep some veggies and make some cheese in order to get a garden pizza going. Victor and Smiler kept working the sales floor, chatting to customers and leading to a few more sales – a guy named Umber snagged one of Victor’s Energizing scents for $744, while Brytani deigned to buy some watermelon conserve for $171 (I made sure Victor rung her up, since Smiler doesn’t like her for some reason). Cameron Fletcher also came by to grab a $2 spinach – I’m glad he’s not too annoyed that I banned him from the break room microwave. XD Alice wandered back upstairs while waiting on the stand mixer to clean one of the displays (which WERE getting a bit manky) – I promptly sent her back downstairs to collect her prepped vegetables and get the pizza in the oven while I had Victor finish the cleaning magically and conjure up some spaghetti for himself. Smiler meanwhile got another sale – someone named Anaya buying a box of veggie MREs for $241. For five seconds, everything seemed to be going well –
-->BOOM ANOTHER MASS BUYING EVENT! Complete with lag, because you gotta have lag. *heavy sigh* I had Alice stay downstairs long enough to get her pizza (as it was almost done by the time everyone decided they wanted to buy something), but after that, it was all hands on deck to take care of customers! Fortunately, they got them all – Paolo with a cube of beeswax for $18; Tetsuya with a box of canned fishcakes for $413; Dali with a box of chocolate syrup jars for $413; Jeb and Osuma both with friendly animal treats for $17 each. Oh, and a guy named Chad grabbed a strawberry out of the produce fridges for $19. Whew! I put Victor on "removing all of the out-of-stock signs" duty afterward while Smiler cleaned up some stray plates and glasses that had ended up on the produce stands (the custom “farmer’s market”-style ones I got from Brazen have slots on the little shelf underneath, it appears – perfect for Sims to hide shit from you) and Alice made a clay bunny. As you do. Alice then used the toilet and ate a container of prepped veggies over the bathroom sinks (I forgot you could just eat prepped ingredients straight-up) before running off to shower in the rain. *shakes fist* ERRATIC SIMS! While she was busy causing newcomers to the lot to gasp, Victor and Smiler handled what I decided would be the last sales of the day – Ivana with a box of canned tomato sauce for $413, and Francine with a pumpkin animal treat for $46. There was another lady wanting to buy something, but for some reason Smiler kept insisting they couldn’t get to her, so before things got any more chaotic, I decided to have them close the store. All in all, they sold 18 total items for a profit of $3,729! Not bad for a day’s work!
-->Except – when Smiler closed up shop, three people stayed behind, the previously-stuck lady and two others, all with shopping carts over their heads. Puzzled, I had Smiler and Alice (back in her clothes) ring up the two that could be reached (Victor heading back into the break room for another nap) while I let the “stuck” one time out – this did NOT result in any post-closing sales, though, just some customer goodwill. Well, for everyone except the customer who was mysteriously blocked. Sorry, lady, not sure what happened there! Try again next time!
-->Anyway – with that sorted, the trio decamped to the break room to watch a bit of TV and do a bit of flirting, as they do. :) Once the last customer had FINALLY left the store, they headed back to their place, arriving back home at about 9 PM in-game –
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sysig · 1 month
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Good to see you again ♥ (Patreon)
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🔥unpopular charles opinion
The thing is, it’s not an opinion, really. The question isn’t meant to be a complaint or a rebuttal or anything. I just genuinely don’t get it! The question goes something like this.
So Charles/Klinger seems to be the one actively disliked ship in the fandom, discounting the h*nn*hawk vs p*erc*ntyre gang war and that one rabidly anti-hawnk person (lol). Most nobody has any love for the ship, because it’s stupid and OOC, of course, but mostly because it’s egregiously obviously racist and gross, which is the critique that seems most common, and to be of most importance to people.
And to be clear, for the purposes of this post I am wholly agreeing with all that! It’s distasteful and immoral and people who are into it are insane, including me. I’m not arguing against this line of thinking, I just wanted to look at its inner logic. Because when I first heard people saying this, I thought, “Yeah, makes sense, Charles is truthfully a terrible person with abhorrent opinions. Nobody watching this already unfortunately bigotry-riddled show is obligated to try and look past that! It is Always valid to hate Charles’ guts.”
But it turns out most of the fandom (I assume it must be most, given how shockingly few people here have blocked me) actually don’t hate Charles, in general. It’s the specific ship, not the character, that’s distasteful. (Not to say any Charles ship is anything resembling popular, but like with most ships, that’s just a result of the general population’s Hawkeye BJ Laser Focus Gaze. I’ve never seen anybody actively dislike these ships when they’re brought up.) And the more I think about it, the more I wonder why, because well. to put it bluntly. It’s not like someone stops being racist when they’re not actively interacting with a nonwhite person.
You know what I mean? I feel like Charles’ bigotry would be a turn off for all of our generally morally sound protagonists, not just one who happens to be personally affected by it. But it only becomes an issue when it involves Klinger. I’ve heard people say that any Charles/Klinger ship fic would obviously have to go out of its way to address Charles’ racism, but I’ve read a few Charles/Hawkeye and Charles/Donna (and Charles / other strange and varied choices too, because of course I have) fics–really, REALLY good fics, that captured the characters very nicely and are very beautifully written–and I’ve yet to find one that discusses The Bigotry In The Room with any degree of seriousness.
(Pssst this is everyone’s chance to absolutely dunk on me by sending me fics that do this if there actually are a bunch and I’ve just never read them because I would in fact LOVE to read some fics with that topic regardless of ship!)
And to be clear, that’s fine with me! I truly do not care. When I read Charles running away to Maine or romancing Ms. Parker and I don’t see his love interests stop to ask “Hey, um, so any updates on the fact that you and your whole family are eugenicists?”, it doesn’t bother me in the slightest, because I just assume that Charles has already gone through the cult deprogramming step of his character development at some point prior to this, and either the love interest in question has already confirmed this off-page, or they are making the same assumption I am. After all, at least in Hawkeye’s case, the mere act of admitting romantic interest in a Democrat from the back of beyond would necessarily imply a shift in values, right?
(Admittedly, for all we canonically know Donna could be a fashy scumlord herself, so this reasoning doesn’t wholly apply there, but it obviously does to her fanon background/personality.) (Which is adorable, by the way. Everyone go check out the collective oeuvre of AO3 user onekisstotakewithme.)
So that’s all cool! It’s just that the same thing applies for me when it comes to Charles/Klinger. If anything, it applies even more, because you can have a fic where Charles’ whole family attend his and Donna’s 2nd wedding (Everyone go check out the collective oeuvre of AO3 user onekisstotakewithme!!!) but if Charles gets with Maxwell in any capacity, his father is at the very LEAST never going to speak to him again, ever. And personally I think that is SO fun and sexy, because Charles’ father is a white supremacist and I want him to die painfully forever and ever amen. <3
I got sidetracked a few times here and I just realized I never actually asked the question, which is, TL;DR: If it’s immoral–or at least gross and nonsensical–to ship Charles/Klinger, because Charles is bigoted, shouldn’t the same also apply to shipping Charles with many other characters too, given that they should logically also have a problem with his bigotry?
For what it’s worth, I have a bit of a theory about the answer to this, all to do with the incompetent way Charles’ bigotry (and other characters’ reactions to it) are portrayed in canon and the deeper Doylist factors that I think forced the showrunners into writing it like that, but I wanted to stay strictly on the topic of fandom attitudes for now, because it may be niche and silly, but I find it interesting. And I’d love to hear other people’s thoughts on it!
#Did this sound rude? Was I totally incoherent? Is everyone mad at me now? All these questions & more swirling around in my brain right now#It seems like such an obvious thing I feel stupid even bringing it up because there must just be some huge thing I'm missing#but I can't figure out what it is!#There was so much more I wanted to bring up here as I said but I had to Stop haha#like sometime I also want to do a post on how most people seem to envision Charles fitting back into his family and his old life very well#and I always picture the exact opposite! Not just from a ''what I would want to have happen'' POV but also just#what I think would complete his arc in a satisfying way and build on the things that happened to him in canon#not saying he's gong to go home and become a commie immediately (ah! if only!) and I think he WOULD try DESPERATELY#to have everything be exactly the same. but I just don't think it would work!#like Margaret and unlike BJ or Hawkeye his pre-war life was not built on healthy sustainable or even ethical foundations#and that life is going to collapse in on him!#but ghdsjkgdsj STOP I will make a separate post later. enough controversy for today I'm sleepy#(but I also do SOOO want to make a post examining the insane inconsistencies in how the protags treat Charles and his bigotry cause it's#SIMPLY RIDIC#)#Hawkeye when he wants to have a little bonding moment with Charles:#I can excuse racism but I draw the line at failing to flirt with a 6'4'' millionaire. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!#and the thing is Maxwell also does this. but of course THAT isn't ok. wheezing.#Charles: god I fucking HATE [checks the list of protected minorities to find an ethnic group that's not on there] uhhh MEDITERRANEANS#Max who is used to long odds and is already mentally rehearsing his teary ''But officer! My husband was in that house!'' speech:#haha yeah ok Major. I think we are soulmates btw :)#THIS POST IS A DISASTER. APOLOGIES TO EVERYONE AND HAVE A NICE DAY.#Charles Emerson Winchester III#MASH#Starky loves answering questions#marley-manson#CHARMAX#Starky's Original Posts
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tooies · 10 months
i started this minecraft server because i wanted to make my friends compete in sadistic blood games but in its creation i have been enchanted by the wonder of making a beautiful nightmare labyrinth with my friends ♥️
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crazyspookies · 1 year
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