#aftg crossover
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angry-kid-with-no-money · 6 months ago
I don't even watch mha I just read fanfics and shit but there's a little aftg au floating around in my head with them at UA
Like andrew with a super flashy 'heroic' quirk with no real interest in heroics but he applies to the course so he can keep an eye on aaron who applied to the support course with (of course) a healing quirk
Andrew encountering vigilante neil on his internship and juuust letting him slip through the cracks cause he was too interesting to stop (definitely not bc he didn't want to admit to himself the guy had him off his game)
Andrew, Riko, and Bakugou in the same class
The chaos that would occur
Uh jean in the support course, making his first real friends away from rikos influence (aaron and mei hatsume ofc)
I do vibe with riko tho, I think he'd be an ass like bakugou as a kid but worse bc the ppl encouraging him were actual hero's but I think aizawa would straighten him tf out
Kevin and izuku's nerd persona's and anxiety disorders bouncing off each other to the extreme
-maybe kev in a similar situation to izuku, either quirkless or super late presentation but either way he finds pre-quirk era and the science behind quirks super fascinating and they just click together instantly
Wymack and aizawa tired parents together
I've got so much more of this I'm ngl
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yourleftpinkytoe-blog · 1 year ago
Aftg x FNAF fic idea.
February, 1997- drake spear is (dishonorably) discharged from the marines.
the spear family decides to purchase a local pizza place (the upper middle class family thought it would be a good environment to raise foster kids also it’s a place where Richard can put his robotic prowess to use)
they have had two (foster kids) so far and for some reason none of them stick.
June, 1997- drake moves out of his parents house.
July, 1997- the business takes off under the spears management.
Children love the robots.
October, 1997- a child goes missing at the restaurant.
The police questioned the owners but determined none had anything to do with it.
They were wrong.
March, 1998- 12 year old Andrew Doe was placed in the care of the spears.
Two months later he meets drake (he was busy with the investigation and didn’t want to risk getting caught)
Andrew got quiet after that. (more so than usual)
The next two years are basically the same as canon for Andrew except the existence of Freddy Fazbears.
June, 2000- four children go missing at the pizzeria.
Drake tries to make Andrew watch the last one.
Andrew fights back(for the first time)
He couldn’t care less about himself but he draws the line at watching drake hurt other kids.
June, 2000- the Andrew Doe became the fifth victim of the 2000 missing children’s incident.
None of the children’s bodies are found.
Backtrack to two years earlier.
The business is loosing patronage because of the first murder.
Nathan Wesninskie, mob boss and serial killer, Nathan sees the goings down and decides to invest in the company to keep it going.
{Idk his reasoning but bare with me here}
Back in July, 2000- Nathan sends Lola and the newly caught Alex Nathaniel to clean up drakes mess.
Dead kids is not something Nathan wants to publicly be associated with.
Nathaniel tries to run.
Andrew gains a friend.
They are two enraged and vengeful souls stuck in the same vessel.(golden Freddy)
The actual story
Aarons pov. October 2000
He’s alone.
His mom is distant and neglectful.
But she’s never hurt him.(in canon she doesn’t start hurting him till after he contacts Andrew)
She’s high a lot.
She had a date with some guy and she lets him come with her. It’s at an exy game.
He likes exy.
This stranger keeps calling him Andrew and asking where he’s been.
He’s a police officer .
He has had a twin.
He steals his mom’s pills to ease the ache of what could have been.
He hates his mom for giving Andrew away. He hates the spears for letting Andrew out of their sight, he hates Officer Huggins for telling him about Andrew, most of all he hates himself for not being able to do anything to help Andrew.
His mom takes one too many pills when he’s 16, he doesn’t cry at her funeral.
He’s lucky Nicky cares.
They greave the “what if” together.
He’s 20, with a scholarship at palmetto university. He plays exy with Nicky.
He likes exy
He wonders if Andrew would have liked exy.
He’s been sober for years.
He and Matt really helped each other with their sobriety.
Kate also helps.
Every year on the date of his brothers disappearance he goes to the memorial. (There are no grave for a missing nobody, a Doe)
The spears knew but they didn’t want to think about it.
If they pretend Andrew never existed, then it never really happened, right.
Someone else is at the memorial.
Hes never really believed the spears were entirely innocent
the lady tells him about Freddy fazbears
She looks like a broken woman
(She lost her son)
Something doesn’t feel right
Over summer break he gets a job as a nighttime security guard.
His family comes with him for moral support (the foxes)
He is going to find out what happened to his brother.
And Andrew is going to fucking kill anyone who tries to hurt him or any of the other children.
(In his eyes anyone who is there at night is a threat)
Nothing good had ever happened when someone comes near him at night.
Then stuff happens and Aaron eventually finds out what happened to Andrew and he kills drake. In the end Andrew, Neil and the other kids are set free.
The sub plot would involve Andrew and Neil slowly growing to trust each other and the other dead kids forming a bond that starts to heal their mental wounds. Kinda their both still angry and vengeful ghosts who’s only purpose (in their minds) is to protect the other kids)
Andrew died fighting for them and that followed him into death and Neil ran when he saw Andrew’s corpse and although he ran for himself after death he feels unexplainably protective over Andrew.
NOT A ROMANTIC STORY FOR NEIL AND ANDREW. THEIR RELATIONSHIP IS PLATONIC BECAUSE THEY ARE FOURTEEN AND THIRTEEN AND DEAD. (They don’t need romance they need some who will stand unwavering at their side)
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contrarianwitt · 18 days ago
was a little suprised about jeremy becoming one of my favourite aftg characters until i realized… has a weird thing with his last name… holds immense guilt over a teenager named noah’s death… is from old money and feels guilty about it…loves his friends so much that they become family…
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powderofcats15 · 1 month ago
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Neil graham <33
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starsstardust · 21 days ago
“Stupid, beautiful Kevin” has the same energy as “his stupid and kind and marvelous best friend Gansey”
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scarletfish · 1 year ago
the SECOND I saw this mf I was like "medicated andrew?!?!??!!"
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(it's actually aiden clark from the web comic school bus graveyard. 10/10 would recommend I binged all available chapters in 2 days)
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I'm gonna need a High School Musical au aftg fic right now with Andrew as Troy and Neil as Gabriella (even though realistically Andrew wouldn't give a fuck about basketball that much). Or maybe Jeremy as Troy and Jean as Gabriella. Or ofc Aaron as Troy and Katelyn as Gabriella. Or.... Kevin as Troy and Gabriella either as Neil or Jean (i fw kevneil hard yall). Moral of this post is that I desperately need a High School Musical au and I don't give a fuck who the main pairing is. Riko could even be Sharpay.
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saintofsacrilege · 13 days ago
neil josten 🤝 jason todd
duffel bag
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a-disasterperson · 1 month ago
I just realised that The sunshine court takes place in LA (i know thats obvious dont mind me) and 9-1-1 also takes place in LA. Now, i have no clue how big LA really is since im not american but i would actually beg for a buddie and jerejean crossover fanfic
(Im a sucker for crossovers sue me)
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starwhale37 · 1 year ago
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okjii · 9 months ago
rip Aaron Minyard you would have loved House MD (he would have loved your murder indictment)
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avp23 · 2 months ago
assigning marauders era characters a PSU Fox to hang out with
james: matt boyd. you'll have a great time at the gym and gushing about how beautiful your friends are. compare hair routines. im sure matt would love to meet harry!
sirius: kevin. hit on him. freak him out. try some exy. dont let kevin get under your skin, get under his right back! itll be fun i promise. youre no match for each other you tenacious, traumatized, beautiful bastards
remus: wymack. yes what a treat, both of you are sane wymack will make him talk to abby about his hip what who said that? also, both are tired dads, please rest. maybe join lily and andrew?
peter: seth because he will sympathize with the feelings that lead up to the betrayal. "His life is not more important than mine just because he's more talented."??? pete would eat that up! then seth would find out what he did and probably crash out
lily: andrew. you are smart enough to earn his respect methinks and there's no chance of you crossing his boundaries. yall will quickly be sipping hot coca and gossiping, i can see it now.
regulus: renee walkerrr learn how to fight with some knives i bet you'll dig it. i promise youll get along splendidly, she's basically pandora and dorcas in one person
mary: allison, go off and be girls' girls who are repressing feelings for their best friends with each other. maybe you can help each other see the rainbow
marlene: dan! teach each other your sports! and then talk about how great women are and dan yes you may brag about how matt is the exception as long as marlene can brag about her gorgeous gorgeous girlfriend
barty: aaron. honestly im not sure what would happen but your both smart-asses who dont blink twice at violence, at least on the surface. ravenclaw kiiiiings
evan: neil! ace-spectrum baddies. id love for you to talk about how hot your boyfriends are but i also know obviously you wont do that. maybe evan can show neil one of his freaky science experiments? really bring out the cold-hearted-martian in neil
**grant chapman (atyd): nicky. please go have a good gay time together and talk about love and family and how difficult it is when your loved ones make questionable decisions and how they don't always choose you but you lovelovelove them anway <3
this is inspired by a post by @the-sun-is-also-a-star which also has me cooking on how these characters meeting would actually go. ill probably reblog their post with an idea soon
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skykes · 4 months ago
I don't know if someone has already said this but hear me out. Arcane × AFTG
Arcane spoilers bellow
Aaron and Andrew as VI and Powder/Jinx. Neil as a pretty fucked up Ekko (give him his past on AFTG).
Andrew drugged with all his trauma as Jinx and "normal" Andrew as Powder before he goes through all that trauma growing up. Blaming Aaron for abandoning him when he's taken to Stillwater by the Ravens guard or something like that.
Neil trying to stop/help Jayce/Kevin (idk I haven't thought about this a lot), and going to a different timeline where the only shit happens is sadly Aaron death. Andrew being sane without his trauma and grugs, just being depressed bc his brother isn't there. Neil realizing that's not the Andrew he really fell in love and wanting to go back to his original timeline feeling guilty for not being in love with this Andrew as he's not his Andrew, returning the spark to this other Andrew by asking for his help to build the time machine.
Neil going back to the original timeline and knowing that he needs Andrew's help to save Piltover/Zaun and making Andrew and Aaron make the peace between themselves (a very Neil thing to do) and saving the world.
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contrarianwitt · 2 months ago
okay going off my last post that mentioned matthew playing exy… it’s lived in my head for a while but imagine him being one of the fox freshman after neil!!
wymack looking at his photo and history and seeing obviously a sheltered rich kid who had loving family members, but also someone in desperate need of connection and a purpose
declan acting as his pseudo manager negotiating with wymack (even tho there’s literally nothing to negotiate)
ronan and declan both come to drop him (and ronan brings chainsaw which makes neil very very angry. not a fan of ravens)
literally everyone just has to love him, (neil and andrew are definitely wary at first and kevin thinks he’s kinda dumb but he has this unabashed positivity and drive for the game that neil and kevin respect)
he’s literally the kindest, easiest person to get along with. until one of the other freshman makes a homophobic comment, and he gets there before the rest of them and beats the shit out of them
him and renee go to church together when he gets homesick, and him and matt go boxing as well together
they literally think he has three brothers because he mentions adam just as much as he does declan and ronan
literally has the most visitors out of all the foxes. sometimes blue and gansey come to see a game, declan and jordan make the trip up, ronan and adam come from cambridge (doesnt ronan move?? or is that a hc) but he is very loved
one day they’re talking about car trunks and neil makes a joke about being put in one during baltimore and everyone is horrified except andrew ofc, but matthew just like “yeah man that happened to me in high school! it except it was my brothers crazy ex who wanted to blow the car up for 4th of july haha”
one time he gets inured in a scrimmage and the foxes have the pleasure of dealing with adam, ronan, and declan in the hospital which basically turns into the three of them bickering over matthew in the waiting room while the foxes watch
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powderofcats15 · 1 month ago
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Someone lock me up more hannibal x aftg au!! this is so self indulgent omg
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berryberrytaeberry · 9 months ago
I finished The Kings Men yesterday and purely for the record, I would like to state that for 2.9/3 books I viscerally hated every minute of reading this series STAY WITH ME DONT SCROLL but Jesus fucking christ those last 10 minutes (I listened to the shitty audio books for all 3 because I could not bear to read it) changed the entire thing.
Why am I now plagued by thoughts of Andrew Minyard and all the words he's ever said and all the moments he stripped his walls away painstakingly slow and how Neil filled those cracks and Andrew said Neil's the only one who lets Andrew say no and how Andrew blocked the stick from Riko and the shower and him reaching for Neil though he was cuffed to wymack and the roof and the cigarettes and the scars and the blood and the knives and the trauma behind it all
When literally .1 book ago I was like oMg i dOnT uNdErStAnD wHy I cAnT gEt iNtO tHiS
And girlies and theys, this is why we take our friends recommendations and try everything once
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