#adrien ships gabenath
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rayraygo1267 · 2 years ago
Gabenath Incorrect Quotes
Note: I feel like I love Gabenath more and more everyday
Gabriel: Are you ready to commit
Nathalie: Like a crime or a relationship?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Adrien: Nathalie, what do you see in my father?
Gabriel: *screaming at butterflies*
Nathalie: I don’t know…
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gabriel: Nathalie, I fucked up
Nathalie: *sipping coffee* Does it affect me?
Gabriel: No
Nathalie: Does it affect Adrien?
Gabriel: No
Nathalie: Okay then, suffer in silence
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gabriel: So, you have feelings for me?
Nathalie: Yes…
Gabriel: Even though I’m a villain and I’ve been terrorizing Paris for the past year
Nathalie: Yeah, I don’t really understand it either
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Adrien: Father, this is your plan b?
Gabriel: *attempting to dig up Emilie’s grave* technically this is plan c
Adrien: Plan c? Is there a plan d?
Gabriel: Yeah, but I marry Nathalie in plan d
Nathalie: I like plan d
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nigmothart · 4 months ago
I can't access my accounts, so I created a new account. ^'^
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rayraygo1267 · 1 year ago
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next time gabriel is booking an entire row for himself and sending them both to the back of the plane lol
(got the idea from this by @rayraygo1267)
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eldritch-ace · 2 years ago
natalie ships are so funny to me, like stop fucking adriens family.
They’re all so fucking funny. Girl is out here pulling all the Graham de Vanilys and Agrestes. I can’t decide if she was just a third for Gabe and Emelie or if she rebounded with Gabe after Emelie and then rebounded with Amelie after Gabe. Either way it’s gold. Adrien is chill with it though.
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drtwit · 3 months ago
Miraculous Ladybug - Miraculous Menaces AU: Trojan
Miraculous Menaces AU
Chapter Summary:
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Chloe continues to abhor Nino, Adrien and Alya make introductions and Mayura's perfect plan has a perfect interruption
An AU where Chat becomes Hawkmoth's partner in crime. At first, Adrien thought that the day he found out that his father was the supervillain terrorizing the people of Paris was the worst day of his life, but in retrospect, it might have been the one change needed to save his family. Because it was also the day that both of them realized that, when they don't need to be Adrien and Gabriel Agreste, they're both fucking goobers. Follow the adventures of Hawkmoth, Chat Noir, and their reluctant assistant who doesn't get paid enough, Nathalie, as they try to navigate life as a supervillain family. And pray for Ladybug's sanity as she suffers their antics.
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marvel-lous3000 · 1 year ago
A Short Gabenath Story (it's too short)
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Adrien was playing the piano. His father was listening to it. He actually didn't practiced the lesson as he would just turn the lesson on his phone and ran away as Cat Noir.
While he was playing he didn't concentrate and pressed one key wrong (seriously? just one key wrong). His father told him to stop and asked that if he was really practicing or not. The bold boy requested to his father to play the piano with him. But as always his father's (a.k.a the grumpiest man alive in the world) answer was no. Now Adrien was in the verge of crying. Nathalie saw it while Gabriel Agreste didn't as he is blind (Fun Fact: Agrestes are always blind👨‍🦯).
Suddenly Nathalie said "I will play it with you". Both visually impaired men were shocked. Adrien gave space for her to sit beside him. They started playing it together. The grumpiest man alive in the world then went out of his son's room. But he was listening to what they were playing by keeping one ear sticked to the door. He was impressed. And then he realised....... (If you continue reading you will find it)
After they had done playing it, Adrien said "Wow! I didn't know you knew how to play the piano and you played it sooooooooooooooooooooooooo nicely" They both laughed.
After a little bit of laughing and talking, Nathalie went out of his room only to see Gabriel standing in front of her. She was scared (too much). "I-I-I am s-so s-s-sorry s-sir I-I d-didn't mpphh" She was cut off by Gabriel kissing her.
Gabriel was going to say something when Adrien burst open the door saying or I would say shouting happily "I KNEW IT!"
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thoughts-of-a-cypress · 27 days ago
Now that "Sublimation" is officially out I have a few notes to add (trying not to be too spoilery):
Wish we could've seen how Adrien and Sublime started becoming friends. I don't think we will see this piece of information later on but well, one can hope. Adrien always gets sidelined and now it's him who made a new friend for himself, outside the sidelines. Regardless, they seem to have such a sweet friendship. Yep, still shipping Adrien/Sublime, now even more! Why are they pushing Adrienette so hard when it's toxic af!? So far Sublime and Adrien seem to have a nice connection, the kind of connection which is perfect to build a relationship on (yes, my head's full of ideas and "head"canons). Even Sublime's parents seem like they would get along nicely with Gabriel and Nathalie (Gabenath is real - can't convince me otherwise) With character developments Gabriel and Caroline could bond over how their cold demeanour aggravated their relationship with their kids and led to their own downfall too. Nathalie and Severin both have great bonds with their kids already (yes, Adrien is Nathalie's son!) so they can either bond over that or trash-talk their partners, both options are good. And ofc both Adrien and Sublime can bond over sooo many things. Both play instruments, both do sports, both seem to have similar childhoods, both raised to be perfect (although I didn't get the feeling Sublime was forced to do all the things she does while watching) still grew up to be the sweetest, both giving off golden retriever energy, both seemingly being into Greek history (stan them for this)
Ah yes, I'm full of ideas. We could have all this...with competent writers but alas, at least we got fanfiction and our headcanons
Sidenote: did anyone else get the feeling when Adrien explained Marinette's creepy behavior to Sublime (why would you do that Adrien?) her eyes were literally screaming "Adrien, blink twice if you're in danger" cause wtf was Marinette pulling!?
(S5 isn't canon, it's just a bad nightmare)
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bellzsad · 1 year ago
this is poll #1 for ships that arent in the love square! please click on this link to vote for poll #2. i will take the winners of each poll (once results are out) and put them against each other in another poll to figure out the winner!
these are only ships that dont consist of the love square! if you want to vote for your favorite love square ship, go click on this link right here!
dont forget to put reasonings in the comments/reblogs!!
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gamerknight7310 · 6 months ago
Miraculous Ship Names
I hate when people just mush characters's names together to have it as their ship name, so I, and two friends of mine, have come up with a couple unique names we think fit all the canon and semi-canon ships of miraculous. I'll also give my brief opinion on what I think of the ship, so be nice as my tastes might be different from yours, but with that out of the way, let's get started.
Name: Catastrophe Ship: Adrinette (Adrien x Marinette) Type: Het Opinion: I kind of only see them as just friends
Name: Betrothed Ship: Adrigami (Adrien x Kagami) Type: Het Opinion: I wished these two got together over what we got in canon
Name: Regal Lily Ship: Alirose (Prince Ali x Rose) Type: Het Opinion: I think it's really cute, but it probably wouldn't last too long
Name: Legally Blonde Ship: Chlodrien (Chloe x Adrien) Type: Het Opinion: I wished these two had a sibling dynamic towards the end of the show, but we can't have nice things
Name: Shining Armor Ship: Chlokim (Chloe x Kim) Type: Het Opinion: I can kind of see the vision with them, definitely toxic for sure
Name: Insecurities Ship: DjWifi (Alya x Nino) Type: Het Opinion: It felt rushed in the episode that introduced them as a couple and I don't know just never felt anything with them
Name: Stockholm Syndrome Ship: Feligami (Felix x Kagami) Type: Het Opinion: It was rushed and Kagami wouldn't realistically hook up with someone that looks like her ex especially their cousin
Name: Toxic Love Ship: Gabenath (Gabriel x Nathalie) Type: Het Opinion: I love how toxic this ship is and wished it continued for the entirety of the Agreste arc
Name: Princess & The Tailor Ship: Gabmilie (Gabriel x Emilie) Type: Het Opinion: I mean… it's alright for what we got in canon, but that's pretty much it
Name: Goths & Roses Ship: Julerose (Juleka x Rose) Type: Femslash Opinion: I think these two are absolute cuties and I absolutely love them
Name: Sinking Ship Ship: Kimdine (Kim x Ondine) Type: Het Opinion: I don't like this ship as both people are at fault in the relationship
Name: Just Business Ship: Liladrien (Lila x Adrien) Type: Het Opinion: Eh don't really see it
Name: What Could've Been Ship: Lukanette (Luka x Marinette) Type: Het Opinion: This should've been endgame over Adrinette
Name: Infatuated Ship: Marcaniel (Marc x Nathaniel) Type: Slash Opinion: I don't like Nathaniel he's a bitch and Marc deserved better
Name: Delusion Ship: Marikim (Marinette x Kim) Type: Het Opinion: I didn't like how the writers made Kim look evil when he's just a himbo
Name: Gentle Hearts Ship: Myvan (Mylene x Ivan) Type: Het Opinion: I wish we got more of them as I do think they're cute together
Name: Sketches Ship: Nathanette (Nathaniel x Marinette) Type: Het Opinion: Eh I don't really see it at all plus this came out on the second episode of the first season so yeah no
Name: Just Friends Ship: Ninette (Nino x Marinette) Type: Het Opinion: Honestly this came out of nowhere as it was meant to put Alya and Nino together by the end of the episode
Name: Tell Me Why Ship: Zoenette (Zoe x Marinette) Type: Femslash Opinion: There weren't that many moments with Zoe and all of a sudden she's in love with Marinette yeah fucking right
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fuckyeahladybug · 3 days ago
How do the kink meme’s prompt stats compare to the fandom at large? To approximate an answer to this, I logged into AO3 and did some math.
Interestingly, F/F is the second most common ship type for kink meme prompts, while M/M is the second most common relationship category in the fandom at large. F/M is the most common for both, at a similar ratio.
Several of the kink meme’s top ships (Eminath, Lilanette, Harriel, and Zoenette, all of which were among those tied for second place) are relatively unpopular in the fandom at large.
Gabenath, Lukanette, and Alyanette (The rest of the second place tie) are relatively popular in both, and naturally Lovesquare is king everywhere.
DJWIFI, Nathmarc, Julerose, Damienette, Lukadrien, Chlonette, Felinette, Marigami, and Emilie/Gabriel, while present in the kink meme, are relatively more popular in the fandom at large.
Chlonath makes one of the fandom top ten lists I generated, but it’s never been prompted in the kink meme. This was a popular early fandom ship that has since fallen out of fashion, which probably explains it.
Wish your favorite ship had more prompts? Add one to the kink meme today!
Lots of fandom numbers below the cut.
I filtered the Miraculous Ladybug fandom tag on AO3 to works rated M, E, or NR. Logged in, that’s 15,256/75,490 works. That gives us the top ship tags Lovesquare (7420), DJWIFI (1880), Lukanette (1066), Julerose (601), Nathmarc (525), Damienette (519), Lukadrien (484), Gabenath (459), and Alyanette (398).
With Lovesquare, Adrien & Marinette, Adrien, and Marinette filtered out (down to 1,906 works) the top ships become Gabenath (177), Nathmarc (162), Julerose (58), DJWIFI (55), Lukanette (46), Chlonath (39), Emilie/Gabriel (32) and Lukadrien (32).
With Adrien and Marinette’s individual character tags allowed back in (7,326 works), the top ships become Lukanette (566), Damienette (441), Nathmarc (367), Gabenath (312), DJWIFI (309), Julerose (290), Lukadrien (284), Chlonette 166), Felinette (163) and Marigami (149).
With the first filter, the top relationship categories are F/M (9767), M/M (2064), and F/F (1944). With the second, it’s F/M (782), M/M (444), and F/F (317). With the third, it’s F/M (3152), M/M (1443), and F/F (1237).
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rayraygo1267 · 10 months ago
Gabenath Memes because I’m Bored
Note: Featuring Adrien bc he’s pookie
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wackus-bonkus-maximus · 2 years ago
What would you say are feligami’s flexes as a ship/couple?
i put some of this in my guide to feligami but thank you for the excuse to expand >:3
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they're the smartest couple in mlb (in some ways. most ways.) ((sorry not sorry to gabenath)) both felix and kagami are wunderkinds in their own rights and i love that if you put them together they turn into happy little dorks
fastburnfastburnfastburn. while i would've loved some more feligami buildup and/or exploration, i did love that rapid connection, shotgun romance type thing they did in canon.
they understand each other. it helps that they both know they're sentis and can bond over that shared experience! nobody quite knows what it's like to be who they are except the other. come on that is so so sweet 🥺
they're both the most socially awkward kids in the show. they study human interactions together and compare notes afterwards. "you did well speaking to adrien today. he was glad you did not steal any of his belongings or insult any of his friends." "thank you. your smiles were very genuine. all your practice is really paying off."
they challenge each other to grow. felix helps kagami push the boundaries of authority imposed on her by her mother and her upbringing and her own expectations of herself. meanwhile kagami helps felix become more socially and emotionally adept with all the wisdom she herself has acquired <3 they both help each other not be afraid <333
let's not forget this look (the one that started it all):
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also i guess it's not really a flex but i do think it's so funny that kagami's the girl who dates both twins 😂😂😂😂😂 fun future conversations for the next generation
thank you @redundant-lava @bugaboooooooooo and @heartfulselkie for your help on this <333
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graaythekwami · 1 year ago
What are your favourite non-lovesquare ships?
ADRINO! I love Adrino so much.
I'm also a fan of GabeNath, DJWifi, Alyanette, Adrigaminette, Lukagami, Chlogami, Heartrate, Adrien+Marinette+Alya+Nino, and Cheesecake/Plikki. I also like a lot of the canon background pairings as well (like Julerose, Myvan, MarcNath.) Then of course you can't go wrong with Sabine+Tom and Jagged+Penny. And then a crack ship I really like is Tomarka (Tomoe x Anarka).
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 5 months ago
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ilikekidsshows · 2 years ago
Gabenath and Felila.
Rate Your OTP Game
Crème de la crème | Excellent Taste | A Worthy Sailing Vessal | A fine ship it is | The Finest Crack in the Den | Unorthodox yet not Unwelcome | It is a good | Overrated | It is acceptable | Forgive me but I am not familiar with the source material | I would not consider myself a fan | Just because you are contrarian doesnt make it good | What dump did you find this? | In the lowest pits of the Abyss is where your taste was forged.
Unpopular opinion time: I liked Nathalie better when she was a villain motivated by her simping for the winner of The Worst Guy Ever Award. She was a villain, it was obvious she was a villain and she actually kinda leaned into it. The evil smirks and smug attitude while being aloof to almost everything that wasn't about Gabriel worked. She was a great contrast to Gabriel's more bombastic villainy, and their relationship was a brilliant dark parallel to the Love Square. They were codependent in every aspect, like a warning of what the Love Square could become (and did become once the writers decided to romanticize codependency), and they used their powers for evil. What's not to like?
This new "I totally no longer support Gabriel even though I won't work against him because that would instantly end the story because I know too much" angle is really bad. The writers want Nathalie to be redeemable now for no real reason, considering how she is contributing jack shit to the plot, but I just find her utterly uninteresting and irredeemable, not because she's done anything that absolutely heinous, but simply because she has done NOTHING to undo her past evil actions. You don't get to redeem a character just because you make them feel bad for a bit.
Crème de la crème | Excellent Taste | A Worthy Sailing Vessal | A fine ship it is | The Finest Crack in the Den | Unorthodox yet not Unwelcome | It is a good | Overrated | It is acceptable | Forgive me but I am not familiar with the source material | I would not consider myself a fan | Just because you are contrarian doesnt make it good | What dump did you find this? | In the lowest pits of the Abyss is where your taste was forged.
I've already implied that if I got a chance to "fix" Félix, I'd make him an ally to Lila and not Gabriel, this is me ouright saying it; Félix would have been better if he was kept as a petty jackass and eventually teamed up with Lila with some suitably unhealthy romantic undertones to underscore how much better the heroes' relationship is.
They had the parallels. Adrien could see through Lila and defang her attempt to act against her grudge towards Marinette in 'Ladybug', while Marinette saw through Félix's scheme against Adrien without knowing Félix was a thing in 'Félix'. Adrien protects Marinette from Lila and Marinette protects Adrien from Félix. Why wasn't this a thing? Because Félix acts like he's been replaced by at least two different identical Sentimonsters with different personalities and motivations by this point.
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ganenath4ever · 2 years ago
Okay so for all the gabenath shipers I got news so listen to all my facts
1 if opposites attract then these 2 are MADE for each other
2 nathalie is one to say she's fine even id she's lit DIEING while gabriel thinks he's dieing with a sneeze or cough
3 even adrien ships it (as shown in the episode felix)
4 gabriel protects nathalie (for example in the episode ladybug)
5 nathalie risk her life for this blind man (witch is no secret)
6 nathalie a gabriel are both cold (mostly)
7 emilie is dead so forget her and marry nathalie simple as that
8 nathalie clearly loves you (not counting season 5)
9 every body loves gabenath (mostly)
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