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drtwit · 1 month ago
When Gabriel didn't take Tomoe's bs, this is what I saw
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Gabriel would be feeling so pleased with himself if he wasn't so busy brooding.
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drtwit · 5 days ago
*emerges from the trash can* you are most likely tired of seeing my user pop up on your notifications...
But here are some meme fresh out of the oven
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At one point, I'm just gonna make a meme-based summary of the story just to see how crazy it all sounds without context.
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drtwit · 17 days ago
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Big Bad Drug Lord beefing with a fifteen year old and losing before she even pulls out the super powers.
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drtwit · 3 months ago
Nathalie the second she realizes she can mess with Gabriel as Mayura:
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Gabriel is not ready for a woman taking an active and direct interest in him. God help him.
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drtwit · 2 months ago
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Ladybug: "I can't believe Hawkmoth would make a teenager hit herself with a hammer."
Gabriel: "Wait, what?"
Nathalie: "I know you hate Audrey, Sir, but taking it out on her daughter is just petty."
Gabriel: "I didn't do-"
Volpina: "Oh look, an ugly old man preying upon a defenceless little girl; I guess even supervillains don't have standards."
Gabriel: "Now you listen here you little-"
Adrien: "Father, is there no level you won't sink to!?"
Gabriel: "...You're supposed to be grounded, Adrien."
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drtwit · 21 days ago
Miraculous Ladybug - Miraculous Menaces AU: Troubled Teens
Miraculous Menaces AU
Chapter Summary:
Nathalie has an Assistant-Son talk with Adrien about being grounded while Marinette and Lila end up stumbling upon a valuable clue.
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An AU where Chat becomes Hawkmoth's partner in crime. At first, Adrien thought that the day he found out that his father was the supervillain terrorizing the people of Paris was the worst day of his life, but in retrospect, it might have been the one change needed to save his family. Because it was also the day that both of them realized that, when they don't need to be Adrien and Gabriel Agreste, they're both fucking goobers. Follow the adventures of Hawkmoth, Chat Noir, and their reluctant assistant who doesn't get paid enough, Nathalie, as they try to navigate life as a supervillain family. And pray for Ladybug's sanity as she suffers their antics.
Adrien huffed. “He worries about the brand; about how much I embarrass him.” He tossed the wet sponge up into the air angrily, only for it to bounce off the frame of the cupboard door and land on his face. Still, he continued on as if it hadn’t happened, albeit his speech was muffled. “Cawn’t ‘ave da tophy boi thanking for ‘imself, e might ‘ave an ohriginal fought and guv farter a heat attack.”
For a minute, Nathalie watched in silence as cleaning fluid leaked from the sponge and dripped down the side of his face, all while Adrien pretended that nothing was wrong. Even while a very visible red rim was developing around his eyes.
Nathalie hand her fingers over her face, stifling a groan. “You are not just another item in your father’s collection.” She reached down to snatch the wet sponge from his face, but Adrien just looked away, squeezing his eyes shut. “Adrien, look at me.”
He managed to fish his arm out of it’s prison just in time to finish his crossed arm mimic. Though, in his case it looked less dignified and more petulant, curling his body in such a way that Nathalie forgot that he wasn’t as small as he used to be.
“I can’t, the betrayal hurts my eyes too much.”
“I’m sure that’s the soap.”
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drtwit · 5 months ago
Here I am, your least favorite gremlin out of her garbage can, with another gremlin idea for Menaces AU .
The Butterfly™ is actually stupid enough to step into Paris, AKA Hawkmoth's territory, and not only that, but to prove that he can do whatever he wants in moth's turf and nobody could stop him, he tries to steal Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculouses, and even—takes an interst on Nathalie. This motherfucker actually went into HK's turf, fought his enemies, and by pure stupid coincidence, ended up interested in his assistant. The perfect concoction of disrespect to piss Hawkmoth off.
Everyone would expect him to react bringing an akuma like "Reflekta", "Multiplier" or "Miss Squirrel" (that definitely is not a ripoff of Mr. Pidgeon), overall, expected him to bring an akuma that Butterfly could defeat.
Nobody expects Hawkmoth to bring in Cthulhu.
Does least favourite implies that I have multiple gremlins on stand by?
Hawkmoth: "Send in Cthulhu."
Adrien: "…Like, a Cthulhu-based akuma?"
Hawkmoth: "No, no, Cthulhu. He owes me a favour."
Adrien: "For what?"
Hawkmoth: "Don't think about it. Here's his phone number, just don't look at it too long, the numbers are cursed knowledge or something."
Adrien: "This number is our HR department."
Hawkmoth: "He's the head of the department. Does good work."
Hawkmoth: “Here’s his calendar. Pick a day when the planets aren’t aligned, or else he gets cranky.”
Adrien: "We had Cthulhu in our back pocket this whole time and we never sicked him on Ladybug?"
Hawkmoth: "Ladybug isn't harassing my assistant with dirty messages."
Adrien: "He sent her a poem."
Hawkmoth: "A filthy, perverse poem."
Adrien: "He just says that her eyes 'reflect the boundless cosmos'."
Hawkmoth: “Reflects the boundless cosmos? Reflects the boundless cosmos? Are you hearing this, Adrien? This slimy… insectoid casanova thinks he can just waltz in here, spill a few poorly-disguised innuendos, and charm my assistant?"
Adrien: “I… Don’t think it was an innuendo, Father. He just… Mentioned her eyes?”
Hawkmoth: “Oh, sure, sure! Just innocently musing on her ‘infinite, alluring gaze,’ hm? And what’s next? Calling her his ‘celestial muse’? Describing her beauty as ‘indescribable, yet timeless’? This whole thing has one intention, Adrien, and it’s the kind of intention you don’t put in a Hallmark card! It's all code for unspeakable desires, and poor Nathalie has to suffer through it all."
Adrien: "So… Cthulhu?"
Hawkmoth: "Some disrespect requires a beating, some require eldritch intervention."
Nathalie is, of course, sitting off the side with a glass of wine basking in Gabriel's jealousy.
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drtwit · 4 months ago
Gabriel: You joined a WHAT?!
Adrien: Joining is a very strong term, I prefer: "Infiltrate", "Intrude", "Gatecrash"—
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Nathalie and Gabriel were gone for five minutes and he's already throwing up gang signs.
Emilie and Plagg would be proud though.
"I don't see what the big deal is, we're already criminals."
"SUPER Criminals. Elegant, stylish super villains. With standards! We're not on the same level as the common thug mugging old ladies on the street."
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drtwit · 6 months ago
I know I may be a bit annoying but I've got another idea... no need to answer it.
I've always thought that being Hawk Moth may not be as easy as Gabriel makes it seem, all because his akumas... are literal drama detectors, if I was Hawkmoth, I would literally akymatize no one... because the drama would be so good I would get distracted.
... What if this happens to Gabe too? Like, he wants to akumatize someone so bad... but the tea is just TOO GOOD!
Bonus if he tells Nath and Adrien all about it
Adrien: "Dad, are you gossiping with the akumas again?"
Gabriel: "It's not gossip, it's reconnaissance. I don't just pick out a random person to akumatize, you know, there's days of prep work that goes into this!" *Akuma noises.*
Gabriel: "What's that? Oh, he did not! Really? I think he's just jealous of you."
*Akuma noises* Gabriel: "No, once again Melissa, I can't akumatize you over an internet argument."
Nathalie: “Is something wrong, sir? You’re not sending the akuma?”
Gabriel: “Wait, Nathalie. It’s just—did you hear that? She just told her best friend that she never liked her outfit. Can you believe it? After all those compliments!”
*Akuma noises*
Gabriel: "I mean, yeah, I have plenty of tea in the cupboard, but why do you need so much?"
Adrien: "Should we be worried?"
Nathalie: "We probably should have started worrying when your father put on a butterfly costume and called himself Hawkmoth."
Adrien: "Good point."
Gabriel: "They’re meeting at the park in ten minutes! She’s going to confront her! Go my akuma, don't miss the fight!”
Gabriel just likes feeling included, alright?!
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drtwit · 6 months ago
Miraculous Menaces AU
Adrien walks into school, ready to start his plan to get Marinette to like Chat Noir.
Adrien: Hey, Mari, guess who-
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"If Chat Noir has a million haters I'm one of them. If he has a 1000 haters I'm still one of them. If he has 1 hater its me."
Plagg: I think your Dad and Glasses have a better chance than you right now.
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drtwit · 5 months ago
Miraculous Ladybug - Miraculous Menaces AU: Kindred
Miraculous Menaces AU
Chapter Summary:
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Lila and Chloe bite off a little more than they can chew when they sabotage Marinette's entry in Gabriel's design contest.
A collection of vignettes covering an AU where Chat becomes Hawkmoth's partner in crime. At first, Adrien thought that the day he found out that his father was the supervillain terrorizing the people of Paris was the worst day of his life, but in retrospect, it might have been the one change needed to save his family. Because it was also the day that both of them realized that, when they don't need to be Adrien and Gabriel Agreste, they're both fucking goobers. Follow the adventures of Hawkmoth, Chat Noir, and their reluctant assistant who doesn't get paid enough, Nathalie, as they try to navigate life as a supervillain family. And pray for Ladybug's sanity as she suffers their antics.
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drtwit · 5 months ago
Miraculous Ladybug - Miraculous Menaces AU: Bugaboo Got A Boo-Boo
Miraculous Menaces AU
Chapter Summary:
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In the aftermath of an easy akuma battle, Marinette suffers a grievous injury. It's a good thing that nothing important is gonna happen while she recovers.
A collection of vignettes covering an AU where Chat becomes Hawkmoth's partner in crime. At first, Adrien thought that the day he found out that his father was the supervillain terrorizing the people of Paris was the worst day of his life, but in retrospect, it might have been the one change needed to save his family. Because it was also the day that both of them realized that, when they don't need to be Adrien and Gabriel Agreste, they're both fucking goobers. Follow the adventures of Hawkmoth, Chat Noir, and their reluctant assistant who doesn't get paid enough, Nathalie, as they try to navigate life as a supervillain family. And pray for Ladybug's sanity as she suffers their antics.
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drtwit · 2 months ago
Gabriel's brain after seeing Nathalie be like
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Gabriel during his usual monologue by Emilie's tomb later that day:
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Adrien: "You okay, Father?"
Gabriel: "Nothing, just trouble with the fireplace."
Adrien: "...We have a fireplace in the basement?"
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drtwit · 6 months ago
Miraculous Ladybug - Miraculous Menaces AU: Masks
Miraculous Menaces AU
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Chapter Summary:
Adrien contemplates the difference between Gabriel Agreste and Hawkmoth, while Gabriel and Nathalie have an awkward conversation about Adrien's new extracurricular activities.
A collection of vignettes covering an AU where Chat becomes Hawkmoth's partner in crime. At first, Adrien thought that the day he found out that his father was the supervillain terrorizing the people of Paris was the worst day of his life, but in retrospect, it might have been the one change needed to save his family. Because it was also the day that both of them realized that, when they don't need to be Adrien and Gabriel Agreste, they're both fucking goobers. Follow the adventures of Hawkmoth, Chat Noir, and their reluctant assistant who doesn't get paid enough, Nathalie, as they try to navigate life as a supervillain family. And pray for Ladybug's sanity as she suffers their antics.
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drtwit · 1 month ago
Ladybug and Hawkmoth were so unhinged xDDD
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Miraculous Menaces AU Context
Adrien isn't there for a week and the chat turns into a COD Lobby. Marinette invented several slurs to insult Gabriel's theoretical mother, leaving him both insulted and kind of impressed.
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drtwit · 6 days ago
Miraculous Ladybug - Miraculous Menaces AU: Keep Yours Friends Close
Miraculous Menaces AU
Chapter Summary:
Marinette just wanted to dance.
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An AU where Chat becomes Hawkmoth's partner in crime. At first, Adrien thought that the day he found out that his father was the supervillain terrorizing the people of Paris was the worst day of his life, but in retrospect, it might have been the one change needed to save his family. Because it was also the day that both of them realized that, when they don't need to be Adrien and Gabriel Agreste, they're both fucking goobers. Follow the adventures of Hawkmoth, Chat Noir, and their reluctant assistant who doesn't get paid enough, Nathalie, as they try to navigate life as a supervillain family. And pray for Ladybug's sanity as she suffers their antics.
It was pounding in her head, threatening to split her head open the further she got. In that moment, the alley seemed to peel apart, opening so far that the light reflected off of the windows couldn’t make a dent in the growing darkness. It filled her vision, submerging her feet in the abyss, sucking her in with that empty feeling. That feeling of something hollow, something she needed to fill with something, anything.
She tried to move away, chase sanctuary in the last turn she took, but the sea of darkness only rose. It went above her knees, it clung to her, eager to swallow her whole and trap her underneath he waves until she gave in. All she could do was struggle against it, yanking her entire body back in frantic, futile motions and desperately hope that it’s hold would weaken.
And finally, one push was mighty enough to snap the connection, to throw her back, to let her fall back to the pavement.
Only for someone to catch her.
“You know…” Dutch drawled, his eyes the darkness made flesh. “It’s awfully dangerous to be out here at this time of night all alone.”
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