#actually this came to me while building a college in minecraft
bunneclair · 11 months
Ah yes the 3 genders; male, female, and disabled/family
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noro-noro-noro · 2 years
I've genuinely been too lazy to write my dreams down in as much detail as I usually do & it's becoming annoying for me. it's bc I sleep too much when I don't have work on days I don't go in. hey on the bright side my dad said he was leaving on vacation "at the end of the week" so I assumed he meant today Friday but he actually meant Saturday!
I was in my 2nd grade classroom but at college age. there was some kind of project where we had to pick a Minecraft seed & go through, but going through the world was actually more like subnautica. the water was clear. there were other divers & less sealife, but there were some. I remembered the cuddle fish & also something similar to the Mesmer but it just looked like floating anime eyes instead, but the lashes were teeth.. anyway once we came back up our seed spawned us the middle of the ocean, but there was a village nearby! I suggested we relocate to the village (we came back into the classroom) but my group members didn't understand they didn't have to build a house at spawn. it would be difficult to do an underwater house anyway... I said I'd go in & show them what I meant, but then the neighboring teacher came over & it was my 7th grade math teacher & he was apparently teaching something about modules and tesselations by using some dark blue origami thing I'd left in his classroom 10+ years ago, but it was fallint apart so he needed me to fix it & I was like yeah sure okay & tried fixing it, but I had no idea what it was that I'd made. the pieces kept slippinf out after I'd slot them together. it was getting annoying.
2. I just finished up at some kind of event with people from high school. I remember a dude named Alton, but he was walking around like color inverted in ms paint. the area was the shopping center with the Arby's that's about 10 min away from home, but the parking lots and in fact the entire layput had changed. it was around evening. I got to my car (it was parked bext.to some lime green jeep & the dude was like wow love the color of your car) (but my car is like plain silver) & started to drive away but he wasn't paying attention & almost walked in front like a moron!
anyway the parking lot was different. I couldn't figure out how to leave. there was some gas station place that also served bbq meat at one exit, which was blocked off & there was a tunnel with stairs heading down where I assumed I wasn't supposed to drive into so I turned around and parked somehwerr else. I was like dang I ca t figure out how to leave so I might as well buy dinner here & went to look for a restaurant I was interested in. there was a man with a quest marker at this one place that had no walls but it did have fluouescence & I was trying to ask about rgeir menu, butbhe was complaining about his fiance or maybe wife. she didn't care for him bc he was too gloomy, but he was gloomy bc she was mean to him & seemed very flighty. I saw there was a locked option under the dialogue tree for "how do I get out of here" called "after the divorce" that was in green, which meant it was positive & would give me an item or advance things somehow like unlocking the door. I remembered in one of the girls speech bubble at the gas station diner, she was complaining about her husband, so I went back down there. it smelled good so I tried to order something while chatting with her, & she was like "you're chill & easy to talk to." but she wasn't getting on the topic of her husband & instead asking what I was ginna order, but the menu she handed me was a scrap of lined paper that just had random stuff written on It & I was like where's the food ....
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teddy06writes · 4 years
Can I request a Karl x Alex x Nick x Reader fic in which the reader is a teacher and they bring their boyfriends in for career day? I just thought it’d be so cute to see them interact with little kids.
sapnap x karl x quackity x reader
trigger warnings: none
premise: pretty much everything from the ask, although I know nothing about children so..., sorry lol
requested by the person above as well as @eliasxxk who asked for more karlnapity x reader
(y/n/n)- your nickname
(y/l/n)- your last name
“Career day?” Nick asked.
You nodded, quickly packing up the last of the assignments you had finished grading and tucking them into your bag, “Yeah, remember how I was planning the different stations and stuff for the kids?”
“Oh yeah, I thought you had all that stuff sorted?” Karl handed you your laptop from across the table.
“We did,” You sighed, “But someone backed out and now we have a slot to fill. So, one of you, all of you, I don’t care, we still need someone to do it.”
Alex frowned, “What would we have to do for that?”
You ran a hand through your hair, “Make a presentation on what you do? We were looking for a broad spectrum and the guy who backed out was someone’s cousin who did like, animation or something.”
As you gathered the rest of your things you explained that one group or person would be set up in each classroom, and that kids would rotate through, not just the fifth graders you taught, but the whole of the elementary school.
Karl grinned, “What time would we have to be there?”
“The welcome thing for the speakers is it 9 ish on Friday, so I can bring back the forms you’d need to fill out today to get them in on time.”
Your boyfriends agreed, and with a smile you pecked them all on the lips, “Alright, I gotta go. I’ll see you later.”
“Love you!” Karl called as you started out the door.
“Love you too!”
After practically zooming through your first three units, ELA, Math and History, and sending your kids off to PE, you headed down to the admin offices to make copies and grab the forms.
“Hey Sadie!” You greeted cheerfully.
The secretary smiled, “Hey mx. (y/l/n).”
You moved over to the copier, starting your copies, “Do you have any of those forms? For the people giving the presentations on career day?”
“You found someone?” Adam, the sixth grade teacher who had been organizing the career day asked as he entered the office.
“Three someones actually,” You smiled, “Alex, Karl and Nick said they could.”
“Oh, that’ll be interesting.”  Sadie laughed.
“Minecraft youtubers,” Adam mused unenthusiastically, “I’m sure the kids will love to hear about people without real jobs.”
You rolled your eyes, “They pull just as much if not more than me every year, plus Nicky and Alex are still in college.”
Adam cocked an eyebrow as you grabbed your copies, and then the forms from Sadie, “Well at least I can’t complain, your saving my ass.”
“Damn right I am,” You scoffed starting out of the office, “You owe me.”
Heading back down the hall and then up the stairs to the fifth grade hallway you pulled out your phone, sending a text to the ‘loves <3′ group chat, ‘the files have been secured’
Back in your classroom you began to set out the Novels your class had been reading, and set up the last of the things you would need for the mini science lab that would happen later in the after noon.
~~ The next few days passed quickly, and soon you were pointing your boyfriends in the direction of the library, where the volunteers were supposed to be meeting before heading up to your classroom, greeting the kids who were already inside.
“Hey guys! Are you excited for today?”
A few kids nodded.
“Which presentation are you most excited to see?”
“Probably the actor!” Damien exclaimed.
“The actor? Any reason why or you just think they’d be cool?”
“I wanna be an actor.” He said.
“Yeah?” You chuckled, “What about you Sam?”
The girl through for a moment, tapping at her desk absently, “Probably the firefighter, I want to save people like them some day.”
You nodded, “Calum? Any your excited for?”
“Well I was excited to Ricky, he’s my cousin and an animator but he couldn’t come.” The boy pouted.
“Aw, well I’m sorry about that, but I’m sure there’ll be plenty of interesting people for you to see.” You looked over the schedule again, answering a messege from Adam, willingly surrendering yourself to running around and helping wherever needed during the day, instead of watching the presentations with your kids.
The morning announcements came and went, and the teaching aid who would be taking your place, touring the kids around came in, “Alright guys! We’r~~e going down to the auditorium so that the principal and Mr. Alderton can explain the plan for today, and so that the people who are going to be in these rooms have time to set up!”
She herded the kids out of the room, smiling at you as you grabbed your phone, following them out, but turning down a different hall to the library.
Adam breathed a sigh of relief as soon as you got inside, “Oh thank god! Okay, I need you to get these lovely people to there rooms, Adda is already going around to set up projectors.”
You nodded, taking the papers from him, “Okay people! If you’d follow me, we’ll get you into these classrooms on time!”
The group of various adults followed you out of the library as you started calling out names at each floor, in between the intersection of grade level hallways, pointing out room numbers.
By the time you had made it to the cross roads between the fifth and sixth grade, Adam was already frantically messaging you about being late so quickly you called out the last of the room numbers, pointing various directions and telling the people to let themselves in.
You turned to your boyfriends, “Right you guys are in my room, it’s at the end of the hall, my computer should be unlocked.”
“You’re not like, staying to hang out or anything?” Karl asked.
“I’ve been roped into over seeing this thing. I might be in and out at various times through out the day,” You pressed a kiss to each of there cheeks before starting back towards the stairs, “Have fun!”
You spent your day running around, delivering different things to various classrooms and basically doing Adam’s bidding.
A little way into the last rotation of kids around the building you finally got the chance to take a break and head back up to your room, slipping in and sitting in the back as Karl tried his best to explain streaming to a group of kindergarteners.
They may not have fully understood what he was talking about, but they sure did find him funny.
You watched quietly as your boyfriends interacted with the kids, opening up for questions sooner than they had with the older kids, and patently answering each one.
“What are you going to college to learn how to do?” A young girl asked.
Alex smiled, “Well I’m going to get real smart to be a lawyer, and Mr. Sapnap here is learning about computers.”
“What’s a lawyer?” Another kid asked.
“My uncle’s a lawyer,” someone two desks away offered, “My mom says it’s someone who works in a court!”
Alex chuckled, “You are absolutely right Big Man, lawyers defend people who go to court.”
“If you and you are goin to college,” A boy near the front pointed at Nick and then Alex, “Then what’s he learning at college?” He pointed at Karl.
“Karl isn’t in college anymore.” Nick said simply.
“Not honking smart enough.” Karl grinned as kids laughed at his use of the word honk.
They continued to joke around for a while, until the pa crackled that it was time for everyone to head back to there normal classrooms, and you moved back to the front of the room, “That was entertaining.”
“(y/n/n)! This was awesome!” Karl exclaimed.
You nodded, glancing at the clock as you began to re arrange your desk, “Theres like, maybe ten minutes to the bell, you guys want to hang out in here?”
“Sure.” Your class began to file back in as Alex spoke.
“Mx. (y/l/n)! Why didn’t you tell us you were dating famous youtubers?” Damien asked.
You groaned, looking at a shrugging Nick, “Why have you done this?”
You class laughed at your displeasure, and you were about to start asking everyone how there days had gone when Karl beat you too it.
“Who was your favorite?”
“It better have been us!” Alex stage whispered.
The kids laughed, and you sat back, content to watch your boyfriends entertain the class.
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riacte · 4 years
HBomb watching Grian’s world tour.
It’s like 1h 30mins long with the commentary. Here’s some highlights lol. Keep in mind most of this is paraphrased :P
*seeing Grian has 61 eps* Hermitcraft is nuts. They are so invested and talented.”
“Did they makes little railing things to send messages to each other? That’s the cutest thing ever. It’s like when you’re living on treehouses with your next door neighbour.” OK HBOMB WAIT TILL YOU SEE THE SEASON WHEN REN AND FALSE LITERALLY LIVE IN THE SAME AREA.
Grian, about the mansion: It’s lacking soul
About Grian’s chest monsters: “I’m starting to realize me and Grian have a lot in common.”
“You can give villagers dragon heads?”
He was stunned into silence by Scar’s Big Dig. For like fifteen seconds. Just gaping.
About the Big Dig: that’s more work by Scar than we put into Dream SMP
About Mumbo’s base: “This is so beautiful”
H said people really under appreciate Minecraft grass and leaves. YEAH HE’S ON TEAM HEP LMAO.
He smiled so much at Grian and Mumbo’s shenanigans lol.
He screamed “ISKALL!” the moment the Omega Tree came into view. And he proudly told chat “I KNOW THAT GUY!”
H legit made the POG face when he saw Stress’ base. “I thought they all lived super far from each other.” “I know Stress too!! She’s on Vault Hunters!”
“I wanna see more of the dragonflies”
“Renpog renpog renpog? That’s my MCC9 Teammate”
About Ren: “he’s nuts”
About Ren’s Darth Vader base: “this would take me a full year to build”
AND THEN REN SAID “<3 <3 <3” in chat
“We love Ren in this chat. Ren’s out of his mind.”
Now he said Ren put in more effort than everyone on DSMP except Sam.
Grian: I struggle with terraforming
H: I struggle with everything compared to the Hermitcrafters.”
“It’s so crazy!” H said while massaging his head.
“Mumbo Baggins.”
“I forgot about Keralis! I haven’t watched him in so long.”
H also stared at Keralis’ build for ten seconds just making the Pog face.
“I can’t tell how big that is. 30 blocks or 300.”
“I feel like there’s always 40 people on the server.” Good try, H. Lol.
Grian fell down Keralis’ hotel’s elevator chute but flew himself to safety. “Grian’s at 3 hearts. Thank God’s he’s so good with an elytra.”
H about graffiti: “Oh I love this”
H saw the Keralis Bee in front of X’s base and instantly made the same face.
Grian admitted he doesn’t watch his friends.
H: as a content creator, it’s very awkward to watch your friends. 100%.
He said Etho was the first MCYT he fanboyed over aaaa
About Etho’s base: ohh it’s so cool
“I love that the beacon is going through the end crystal!”
About Wel’s base:
Grian: I don’t think he’s on very much
H: that’s more than I built in my lifetime
H confusedly squinting and peering at Zedaph’s base lmaoo
About Tango’s base: “that looks straight out of a Doctor Suess novel. I LOVE IT. I LOVE THESE TWO (Tango and Impulse’s) BUILDINGS.”
About Impulse’s base: the quartz and water combined look really cool
Grian, about Impulse’s base: is this mega?
H: y e s
Grian: no
H: that thing is freaking huge. I’ll say that’s mega. That’s huge. It’s mega.
Grian: it’s not mega
H: it goes down the water IT’S MEGA
H stared at Tango’s base for fifteen secs. “I love it. I love it. Chat, have I ever told you I love it.”
“Did he make an iron farm with ravagers?!”
Grian: I don’t know what I’m doing with farms
H: I don’t know what I’m doing 24/7
“She’s nuts, chat”
“When I raid False, I ask my chat to ask her to show her base because it’s so freaking cool”
Grian: is False’s base mega
Grian: this is juuuuust mega
H, screaming: JUST? I’m gonna throw hands with Grian
Then he proceeded to talk about False’s water at the bottom of her base and how she had to place water sources and blocks (chat told him she used ice, but hey it’s the thought that counts)
“That’s insane, chat!! It’s so cool!”
“I’m ready to throw hands with Grian.”
He wanted to win the mega argument with Grian lol. “Hbomb VS Grian.”
“I actually don’t know what Grian looks like irl. He might beat me up.”
H stared at Cleo’s armour stands. “OHH THAT’S SICK!”
“I’m still mad at you on the megabase thing. Other than that, we’re good.”
He watched False make the Nether hub on Twitch.
Grian: X made this Nether build-
H: X gonna give it to ya
“Ren and False are just built differently.”
H’s face legit froze when he saw Cub’s base. And he bellowed “WHY?!”
H: size matters
“Link’s ready to throw hands with Grian” (Link is H’s dog)
“He managed to make our Targay look absolutely irrelevant.”
“Do you think they’ll let me on to play with them? Just for like, twenty minutes? 🥺👉👈”
“Walls made out of ancient debris. Jesus Christ. WHY?!”
Pomo, donation: impulse once raised his base by one block bcz he thought it looked better
H: oh no
“Imagine there was an ancient debris wall on the Dream SMP, chat. It would be there for an hour. Maybe two. Maybe.”
“Doc was another Minecracker”
He was so relieved when he saw Joe’s stuff lol. Since people can be “normal”.
About Mt. Goatmore: OHH THAT’S DOPE!
He went to a Bdubs meet up when he was in college. And had a photo and autograph of Bdubs and Gen.
“Yo that cliff is dope”
About Bdubs’ castle: I won’t be surprised if he used diamond blocks.
“I love how Bdubs use the nether wood trapdoors.”
He loved the anvil droppers thing and said he’s gonna steal the idea. He also mentioned Beef and Mindcrack.
H is such a HC stan now lol. AND HE WANTS TO PLAY THE HC MINIGAMES. PLEASE LET THE MAN ON. Also he’s gonna vibe so well with Grian. Not only do they have similar views in MCC but also in a lot of other things (don’t watch their friends, chest monsters, etc).
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videogame1up · 3 years
Ranking Smash DLC based on my own excitement (The definitive list)
I don't especially like fighting games, and I don't like playing as Ken or Ryu also doesn't help I had never heard of Terry or his game. I couldn't care less about Terry being in smash
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I like Fire Emblem, I hadn't played three houses when Byleth was announced but when I did I enjoyed the game. The problem with Byleth is that 8 Fire Emblem reps is just a bit too much, I think everyone would have been happier with literally anyone else making it in over Byleth
10-Min Min
All I'm saying is that there's a mummy looking dude in Arms that we could have gotten. Min Min looked unique, that's where my excitement capped at for her
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9-Piranha plant
"Lol, okay"-Me when Piranha plant was announced
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"But you said you don't care about fighting games and that's why Terry was at the bottom of the list" That is true, but I've also heard of Tekken, also he looked fun to play as to me, and he is.
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I play as Pyra and Mythra for the story. Also her moveset looked unique and fun and i liked the stage she came with.
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Also the first DLC that people got excited over (No disrespect to Piranha plant outside it's fairly low ranking) Persona crosses over to Smash? I didn't see that coming, did you? Joker was a great starting place for DLC, not the most hype character we will end up getting but a pretty exciting starting point none the less.
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With how long running and significant of a series Dragon Quest is, it's really no surprise to see Hero make his way in. Fun fact, in Japan the newest Dragon Quest games are sold on weekends, because so many kids would skip school on the launch of a new Dragon Quest game. I'm kinda of a sucker for sword fighters, i like seeing new sword fighters added in smash (Don't tell the smash community i said that though) Hero looked like a fun sword user, with plenty of alt costumes to please fans, and a really unique down B, whether or not i like Heroes Command menu he can pop up, is for another list.
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4- Steve
I think, like many people i got a lot of fond memories with Minecraft over the years. In High school i remember a friend getting so mad at another one of our friends because he went in and destroyed the wall he had spent the better part of an afternoon building, in college me and two of my roommates set up our own server, open our bedroom doors and yell at one another as we were playing, to this day i still play online with a couple of friends from time to time, Smash Ultimate is a celebration of gaming as a whole, Minecraft is the also the best selling video game of all time, seeing his inclusion felt like a fever dream and a no brainier at the same time
"I really want Sephiroth in"-a friend
"Idk i don't see it happening, that would be really cool but probably not for ultimate"
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2-Banjo and Kazooie
I'm going to be completely honest with everyone for a second, i actually don't care for Banjo and Kazooie, i beat the game from start to finish, i just did not love it. So why was i more excited for Banjo than pretty much everyone else? Because while i didn't love the game, i did love that music, i also liked the design for Banjo and Kazooie and viewed them as a great fit for smash. Banjo would have likely been in back in Melee or Brawl had Rare not been bought up by Microsoft, i also knew the overwhelming fan support that Banjo had online, I'll be honest it was hard not getting swept up and excited for Banjo and Kazooie finally making their way back home.
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1- Sora
I made this list because I wanted to discuss how excited for Sora i am and how deeply sad i am that there's going to be no Utada Hikaru singing simple and Clean as Sora destroys what he thinks is a heartless but is really just Mr.Game and watch. To say I'm excited for Sora being in smash really just does not do it justice. That first Kingdom hearts game is a real contender for favorite game of all time, I've attempted a speed run (I wanna say i can beat that first game in under 5 hours) Sora was a character I would have loved to see make it, but with Disney I really didn't think we would get Sora, also the DLC had been getting a lot of love from Square and i fee like Sora was really pushing our luck. BUT NOPE HE FUCKING MADE IT IN BITCHES.
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With 12 characters making their way in i know my list won't be exact same as yours, i would love to hear who were you excited for? Who did you not care for? Was it Terry?
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sleepywriter84 · 4 years
Zombie Au:
A Whole New World
Chapter 2: Taunting Smile
Inspired by SOCKS Zombie Au on twitter (their @ is o0oSocko0o https://twitter.com/o0oSocko0o?s=21 you should definitely check them out they’re so talented and amazing)
Sapnap’s Pov:
Cold. As the rain poured from the sky, he shivered. It had been several weeks since the incident. After seeing the burning bodies, he had gone as far away from that neighborhood as possible. He had no clue how long he had driven for, or where he was exactly. All he knew was that the world was in shambles.
A couple days ago his car had broken down. Frustrated he had grabbed all of his supplies and had stormed down the road he had been driving on. Now he was still on the path, letting the road carry him to his destination. He had passed a sign saying he was entering Georgia, so that was a sign that he had gotten somewhere.
He had no clue where he was in Georgia, but he still pushed forwards. The rain beat down furiously, causing his vision to become hazy. As a loud crack of thunder roars from above, he jumps a bit, his shoulders hunching up and then going back down.
It was tiring being all alone. Going along some unknown path in the hopes of coming upon another gas station or building to stay at for a while. It was also tiring not knowing if any of his family was okay. After getting out of his neighborhood, he had gone to any of his relatives places in Texas that he could. But with every stop came disappointment and fear.
Any amount of sleep he was able to get nowadays was always filled with nightmares, the same dream playing in his head every night. Shuddering he tries to push it out of his head, the amount of times the scene would replay tormenting him. It always was the same thing. He was stuck, stuck on something watching everyone being ripped and torn apart by those maniacs.
As the rain comes down even harder, he grunts. Looking around for shelter, he stomps his feet, pausing in his tracks. There was nothing around him to even provide him a tiny bit of peace from the chaotic storm. He was in a field, and everything around him was just grass and wheat.
Deciding he needed a break, he walks over to the edge of the road, sitting down trying to ignore the water soaking even more into his pants. Shimming his backpack off, he rips it open, grabbing a granola bar and shoving it into his mouth. Angrily chewing, he stares off into the field of wheat.
‘If only this was like minecraft’ he thought.
After finishing his granola bar, he pulls his knees up and places his head down. As the rain cascades down his back, he tries to focus on his breathing. Everything was too much, it was too stressful, especially all by himself.
He missed his family, he missed his computer, hell he missed his college classes. Now he was abandoned, his family could very well be dead for all he knows.
Balling his hands up, he presses them against his temple, lightly punching himself, trying to make everything go away. As his salty tears mix with the water that fell down upon him, a quick shuffle brings him out of his tantrum.
Quickly looking up, he squinted towards the field that sat in front of him. When nothing happens, he assumes that he was just hearing things. Grunting he stands back up, wiping at his eyes to try and get rid of the wet feeling, which didn’t quite work out like how he wanted it to due to the rain that continuously bombarded him.
Throwing his backpack back over his shoulder, he starts to head back down the road he was treading on earlier. Turning his back to the field, another noise rings out, once again sounding like shuffling. Quickly turning back towards the field, he grips the pistol in his back pocket.
Moving a bit forwards towards the wheat field, his grip on the pistol hardens. Slowly tiptoeing towards the rustling fields, he reaches the start of the wheat, pushing it aside a tiny bit. Looking around in the start of what was a vast field, he cautiously pulls out his gun and points it around. After a close inspection, he concludes nothing is wrong. As he turns back around to head back to the road, the shuffling intensifies. Before he can turn back around towards the field, something grabs him, pulling him down into the wheat.
Struggling on the ground, Sapnap furiously shakes around, trying to get whatever was on him off. Reaching for his pistol that he had dropped in all of the commotion, he grunts as his face is pushed into the ground, the smell of mud filling his senses.
As he continues to reach for the gun, his hand is suddenly pulled back. As his arm is twisted, he screams in pain, trying to get out of the grasp of whatever had him. As the rain clears up, the slight drizzle makes it easier to see. Trying to turn around, he’s able to move his head to look behind him.
“Turn back around” a voice demands. Squinting, Sapnap takes a good look at the man that was on top of him before obeying his orders.
As the person behind him rips off his backpack, he feels them get up and move away. Slowly pushing himself up, Sapnap turns around, kneeling on the ground facing his attacker.
“Dude your stuffs shit” the guy scoffs, before zipping back up the backpack and putting it over his shoulder.
Staring at the man who was in front of him, Sapnap takes in his appearance. He was tall, and he wore a green hoodie that was very dirty. What startled Sapnap was that the man had a mask over his face. The mask was a faded white, spots of dirt and blood speckled here or there. It was attached to him by an elastic band that connected around his head, and the mask seemed to be made out of some sort of hard material. What really terrified Sapnap though was the design on it. It was a simple smiley face, but the more and more he stared at it, the more and more he felt uneasy, as if the mask itself was taunting him.
“Get up!” the man barks, yanking Sapnap up by his arm. Struggling to stand, Sapnap gets thrown around, the man gripping his arm tightly.
“Stand there” the masked man orders, rustling in his pocket for something.
Standing there, Sapnap looks around, trying to figure out which direction he should run in, if he goes towards the road he’ll be out in the open, but he wouldn’t get lost. If he ran through the field, he would be hidden, but he would most likely get caught, and one wrong move would cause him his life.
“I wouldn’t think of running,” the blonde haired masked man hums, taking out some rope from his pockets, “you wouldn’t last a single second no matter where you go” he points out, pointing his gun at Sapnap.
“Why are you doing this?” he asks, putting his hand up, not wanting to risk getting shot.
“Because,” the man laughs out, grabbing Sapnaps hands and forcing them together, tying them tightly with his rope, “if I don’t do this shit, I’m gonna get screwed by my group. It’s already bad enough that I don’t finish the supply hunts by myself, I can’t chance fucking up, simple”.
After securing the knot of the rope around Sapnaps wrists, the masked man tugs harshly at the rope, causing Sapnap to stumble forward. Catching himself with his feet, Sapnap glares towards his captor.
“Come on, let's go” the man tells him, yanking the rope forwards.
With Sapnap following behind like cattle, the masked man drags them through the field of wheat. Nervously looking around, Sapnap tries to stay aware of his surroundings. Going through the field was a risky task, especially since getting lost was so easy, and if one of those maniacs came charging through the wheat, he would definitely be dead.
“Why so glum?” the smiley faced person calls out, turning his head to face Sapnap.
“Lets see, you just stole all of my shit, and kidnapped me. I’m sorry I’m not in the best mood. Not to mention you’re going through a damn field, you know how many maniacs could be hiding in here ready to jump us”
“Maniacs?” the masked man wheezes, laughing at the top of his lungs, “You call those things maniacs, what kind of fucking group are you in man, maniacs thats the dumbest name I’ve heard yet. No wonder you were by yourself, I bet you and your group were a bunch of highschool students who struggled in their English class”
“I’m actually alone, I’ve been alone this whole time” Sapnap whispers, lowering his head down. The laughter of the man who was leading him with a rope dies down, and the once joyful man stays silent. As time goes by, Sapnap stumbles along following the smiley faced man, trying to keep up with the pace he was going out. No words spoken between the two, just silence.
In a burst of confidence, Sapnap raises his head, taking a deep breath, he calls out to the blonde haired man, “What do you call them, ya know the dead? You have a better term than maniac since you think mine is stupid?”
In response the man scoffs, a series of giggles falling from his lips, “We just call them death walkers, they’re dead and they walk, pretty self-explanatory.”
“Death walkers, that’s so boring. At least maniacs has a ring to it” Sapnap scoffs,stepping over an ant pile, “And you don’t even know if they’re really dead”
“No I guess not, but when these things don’t have a pulse and can literally be split in half, I would say a lot in a person dies after that. From what I’ve seen these things just want to tear into warm flesh, they crave it ya know. Not like a cannibal, no something worse than that. Maybe they’re just crazy people, but even crazy people can think and have choices, and these things, they don’t think or have choices”
“Well they’re still people” Sapnap mumbles, staring at the blonde haired boy in front of him.
“People?” the masked man snickers, quickly turning around to face the brown haired guy, “Those things aren’t people” he spits before yanking Sapnap by the rope, bringing him closer to him; face to face, or more like face to mask.
“You listen to me, and you listen to me now, those aren’t human”, he snarls, the dull white mask and its smiley face almost touching Sapnap’s face, “Those things will kill you, as fast and as slow as they want. They aren't human, humans have choices, humans can decide for themselves what they want to do. These things don’t give a single shit about who they’re killing, all they want to do is eat. They don’t think, they don’t decide, they’re just drawn by the blood, and then their stomach does the rest for them; drives them to you, a piece of flesh for their enjoyment. If you think those things are people, then I’m so glad you’re gonna be killed by real people then whatever imaginary fantasy you had. You said you’ve been alone this whole time, well any hope of you reuniting with your family should just disappear from your damn brain. I’ve seen it happen, I know what it’s like to wish for something that’ll never happen, and to see them turn and tell you that they still are human, and then see how they don’t hesitate to eat, because that's all they want to do!” he barked.
With glossy eyes, Sapnap stares back at the masked man, the mask covered in dirt and blood with that damned smiling face making his stomach drop.
“You’re gonna kill me aren’t you” he whispers, tears streaming down his face. As the blonde haired man backs away, lowering his head down, Sapnap accepts that he doesn’t have much longer to live.
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trashno0dle · 4 years
What's this? Shameless self promotion? Uh- yep dkdksksks
I'm working really hard on this,, between college and personal life updates are a little slow but I'm,,, sorta proud of how this is turning out so far? I owe it all to my wife- djdnsnsjs no seriously she gave me the inspiration and motivation to continue this when I pretty much lost all my motivation- so if you see this,, thank you ily ❤
Here's a few paragraphs of the latest part, chapter six “The Proposition”
With all the things that had happened recently Tommy shouldn’t expect them to get better, he shouldn’t expect them to get worse either. Yet here he was, standing in the middle of the forest. Completely alone with absolutely no sign of his friends anywhere. Panic overwhelmed him as the shadows twisted and formed around him. Wilbur had sent him out to look for more supplies, and as he walked he eventually lost his way and turned up dangerously close to Manburg. In the few weeks that had passed Tommy noticed that the small nation had expanded, reflecting Schlatt’s promise to ‘expand his empire’ and build more and more buildings. But he really didn’t need to rub it in their faces.
Tommy cursed under his breath, usually he had a good sense of direction, but apparently today just wasn’t his day. While he walked, he thought about his promise to Tubbo, he was glad they were on good terms again, he really was. He shuddered, remembering what he had done the first few weeks after he was named vice-president. Sure, Tommy was still a bit jealous, but not as much as he had been before. Yet he still couldn’t shake Tubbo’s pained expression every time Tommy had yelled at him or simply refused to talk to him. He regretted it, though he never really admitted it. He hadn’t even apologized. He probably should. In the end, this was all Wilbur’s fault anyway, what with his decreasing mental stability.
His insanity. Which Technoblade was only fuelling more each day. Though Tommy never dared say a word in front of Tubbo, he did know The Blade. Personally too. Both Wilbur and Technoblade actually. The secret that Tommy was in fact the younger brother of the two was not a well known one, in fact Tommy barely remembered what it had been like before he came to the DreamSMP. He’d remembered going off on his own at 14 after a rather harsh argument with...with him and then he’d left. Two years later Wilbur had shown up in the SMP after leaving home on his own accord, he’d instantly recognized Tommy and Tommy himself had tried his very best not to get caught up in his antics. Alas it seemed he couldn’t help it, with all the mess he was in now.
Technoblade was a different case. Tommy hadn’t seen him in over 6 years. After all, Techno had been the oldest of the three brothers and he’d left home a long time ago. Tommy had barely recognized him. Covered in many battle scars, wounds and his long flowing pink hair which had been fairly short from what Tommy had remembered, now tied back in a braid. Wilbur had recognized him almost immediately, wandering the woods alone he’d offered Technoblade a place in their nation. Techno had only accepted for one reason, not because they were his brothers.
Because he longed to shed some blood. Techno wanted a war, he desperately sought as much chaos as possible. The frightening fact was that Tommy didn’t doubt that Techno would mind turning against his brothers if they ever gained the upper hand in the war.
Tommy in all honesty never liked thinking about his estranged brothers, that’s why he never did. Or at least tried to. That’s why Techno’s arrival sent him spiralling. Not to mention...
What Tommy regretted most in this life, was that final argument, the last time he'd seen-
“You’re uh, getting awfully close to the border there buddy.” A cold voice shook Tommy out of his thoughts immediately, he froze with shock as he stood face to face with the president of Manburg himself. Jschlatt.
(So if anyone's interested in reading this I'd greatly appreciate it- if not,, fair enough djdbseje-)
Yeah don't mind this... Uh- tumblr mobile is literally the worst and always fucks up the format of things;
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fameliarity · 4 years
Protect Your Peace
 Hello, my name is Amelia Brown. I come to you from the ashes of an online semester. While the word "ashes" probably denotes something negative – I mean, yes it was really hard – I'd like to think it was a testament to making the most of hard times. Despite struggling to stay afloat in my online academics, I was left with a lot of time on my hands that I inevitably needed to fill or risk mental deterioration.
     I feel as if I should preface the details of my online semester with my quarantine experience. In March of 2020, I was sent home to Virginia from what was proving to be a promising semester. I had a renewed sense of purpose, starting the second half of my freshman year. I was waking up early to go to the library and getting fantastic grades as a result. I had an exercise schedule, friends – new and old – that I enjoyed being around. My time was filled to the brim. I felt extremely well-rounded and content.
    What do you do when you are stripped of such a well-balanced environment? Well, in my case, I attempted to replicate it in the confines of a one-story home. I was not exactly consistent with my studies. Many of my professors changed their curriculum to be asynchronous or moved due dates to weekly checkpoints. I let that accumulate quite a bit and suffered the consequences in what college students collectively endured for the first time: online finals week. It was a solid week of no showering, sitting at my dining room table or couch for hours, dressing in sweats with my hood up, and blocking out the noise in order to scrape by. My support system for this insane crunch time, other than looking like a sad, grey tele-tubby, was the intermittent breaks for weed and/or red wine that allowed my thoughts to flow more freely (and also maintained my sanity). The latter was a challenge that would prove harder once the semester came to a close. 
    Here's a follow-up question, what do you do to occupy your time at home when you no longer have school to worry about? Well, on top of copious amounts of weed-smoking, I took up old video game habits. There was one day, possibly right after I submitted all of my class-work, that I was sitting on the couch (incredibly high) with my family and decided that I needed a USB adapter for my computer to play Minecraft. I hadn't touched the game in over three years but I had this spiritual urge to start again – and start again I did. I logged many hours on a new server, building, making friends, and talking to other players on discord. It fulfilled the human interaction that I was lacking in the throws of quarantine. Additionally, I picked up spiritual practices that I had lost over the years. My dedication to this in particular was quite impressive over the summer. At my peak, I was meditating twice a day, for 45 minutes each time. Journaling was also a habit that I picked up in conjunction with meditation; they worked hand-in-hand in changing my mindset. It was my hope that all of these productive, self-actualizing habits would carry into school. 
    At this point, it may be unclear how this is all tied together. While not directly connected, it's a series of events that leads me to where I am now and one that maybe others can relate to. I was consistent with my new practices upon moving back to college. Somewhere along the way, I became distracted with so many other things. There was work, school, being with my people, and other bumps in the road that hindered my practices. So, when I finished this semester, I felt as though I had lost pieces of myself that I really valued. Academically, this semester was my best one yet; why did I feel so under-accomplished? The answer here is simple: I was unbalanced. 
    While I did well in my classes, I spent plenty of time with my friends, made my own money, and exercised regularly. Still, there was a missing puzzle piece. I had not spent time alone with my thoughts in productive ways – meditation, art, journaling, etc. This kind of alone time is not for everyone. I've learned it takes many different forms. Sometimes it's music, reading, video games, a workout, laying in bed, or a walk in nature – whatever fits the individual. The point is, no matter how extraverted you are, time to yourself, with your own thoughts (Eek!), is important to understand your mind and emotions. 
  So, maybe you're like me; you picked up new habits out of necessity. There was no way you were going to allow yourself to regress during the pandemic mentally, physically, academically, etc. The clock still moves forward and, though the entire world is in shambles, you still have progress to make. This is the go-getter mindset we all want to take but it's not realistic for everyone. When undergoing change, the brain can only handle so many stimuli while accommodating the new ones coming in. Put in plain English, this means that not everyone is so resilient with change. If you cannot consistently stay on top of your agenda during the pandemic, no one will blame you. You're not a failure, unsuccessful, or undeserving of love. If anything, you are a human responding to change to the best of your ability. The most important thing is that you are taking inventory of your feelings – recognizing and trying to understand them. Focus on protecting your individual peace. The other shit can come later.
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1, 20 and 46 for the unusual ask thing 🌻
1: Do you ever wish you were someone else?
No. I wish i was someWHERE else a lot but I don't really wish I was someONE else.
Sometimes I have the feeling that I've missed my chance to be the best version of me. I lament for missed opportunities to learn language sooner, hobbies I didn't pursue, desires I didn't fight for as hard as I could have, a body with limitations that kept me from things I really might have loved.
And that's a feeling I've been fighting. Because at the end of the day, I have always done the best I can with the circumstances and opportunities available to me. Most of the experiences I've missed, I've missed because I was spending that time taking a chance on something else. Many of my struggles and disappointments have made me a more compassionate and better friend - and have shown me how much my friends care about me, by being by my side through them
There is a certain allure to the idea of a world a few hundred years ago where you could up and move towns and start a new life with a new identity. I bet I would've done so, just to try it. But when you travel, the one thing you always bring is yourself, and on some level, even with a new name and history and career, it still would have been me living that life.
And there's always the chance that things could be better now if things had been different in the past, but we are really only made of variables, and every tiny building block of my life, every component, has made me the person I am today which, even through struggle, is someone I love to be.
But also
I DO spend a lot of time "being" someone else when I'm playing D&D and other RPGs, so any part of me that craves 'being someone else' is pretty thoroughly sated I think.
20: Have you kissed someone older than you?
Yup! I mean not ridiculously older. Most people you meet are gonna be either older or younger than you?? When any two people kiss one of them is gonna be the older one?
Anyways. When i was in freshman year college my boyfriend at the time was a sophomore. A few people i mentioned that to gave me kind of a concerned look and i was like "let me be very clear, i hit on him." We dated for six months. It was a learning experience. We don't talk anymore and as much as I'm glad for that I think that, in some ways, he was probably better at being a partner than I was, not that there is a scoreboard. 'Bout a year after that I came out as ace (partly to myself. Took me long enough to figure it out).
Don't actually like kissing much. I mean, I like it sort of symbolically as a thing of closeness and caring but as far as like, actual. Textures and sensations. It's, overhyped I would say. That gifset of the girl taking a sip of something, grimacing, taking another sip and going "well?" Like she's considering it. Me about kissing every time without fail. Doesnt actually make a difference who i kiss or how good they are at it. I dont think my sample size needs to be statistically significant for me to say that. At least one of the people I have kissed was, I think, Good At It. Its definitely a me thing. To go back to the talk about being a different person thing for a sec. Any time i think 'bout the fact I've kissed people theres some part of my brain that goes "unrealistic. OOC. Not canon compliant." It lives in this surreal part of my memory where its like "WOW thats unusual". I would not say that kissing is at the core of who i am as a person
46: Do you think people say I love you too much?
No! Not at all. I think people say "i love you" as much as theyre comfortable with.
I almost said "people dont say 'i love you' ENOUGH" but that's not quite it, I don't think. I think people don't HEAR "i love you" enough. People say I love you in all kinds of ways. People say "it's so good to see you!" And mean it. They say "i've missed you." They say "i am going to bring you some soup i made." They say "i found this cool feather, i know you collect them." They say "look at this picture of a sign i saw, it reminded me of that activity we did together."
When you see someone walking to the coffee shop a little bit behind you, and you hold the door for you, that's "i love you." When they smile and say thanks like it means something to them to have been noticed, that's "i love you." When they insist that you go ahead of them in line anyways because you really got to the door first that's "i love you".
I think people don't always know what others' "i love you"s sound like. I'm not sure if my brother hears it in "do you need anything while i'm at the store?" I'm not sure if my friend hears it in "i love the minecraft house you made!" or "tell me something interesting you learned this week?" or "your character voice is fantastic." I'm not sure if my old roommate heard it in "thank you for washing the dishes, i've been having a really bad day," or hears it now in "when I can travel I want to visit you again!" I don't know how to tell them other than to keep saying these things.
I think people say I love you a lot, and I think that's great, because people need to hear that they are loved as often as possible. They don't always believe it. With repetition, they might start to, and that's what I most hope for
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hiddenhearthwitch · 6 years
📓College Witch Tips📓
I’ve gotten a lot of asks for college witch tips and small living space witchy advice. I wasn’t practicing while I lived in the dorms but I did start practicing(in secret) while I was rooming in a studio apartment my sophmore year of uni so I figure it’s sort of similar. Anyways, I hope this helps someone out there ~ 🧡
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🕯️So, no candles, I totally get that and it’s a fucking bummer. You can always get fake candles though! There’s such a wide variety of picking between pillar sizes, tea lights, or you could even get ones where you pick the color so you can use it for any spell. 
On another note, have you tried string lights? It doesn’t matter if they’re fairy lights, Christmas lights, or bulb strands. I had a specific set of white strands that went around my part of the room and whenever I want to do a spell/feel magical/etc. I would turn them on ~ bonus you can get fake ivy and flower garlands at the Dollar Store to braid with them and it’s suuuper cute.
💧Water magic is a pretty sneaky go to! No one is ever going to be suspicious of water. You could leave a water bottle out near your window “on accident” for Full Moon water! There’s two big areas I think of so let’s break it down!
Bath magic! Everyone has to shower at some point. Without anything else, pure hot water is wonderful for a pure cleanse of your energy, mind, and body. @beau-witchery has a wonderful post on shower magic you can find here. You can also bring some of your crystals or something you want to charge into the bathroom with you(assuming you have private shower stalls) and let the steam from your shower charge them! You can even sprinkle some salt on the shower floor to help you release negativity and feel charged.
Water bottle magic! This is super universal tbh and I use it for so many things. You can put crystals in your water bottle to charge your water with whatever you need. Red jasper for strength and vitality, quartz for charging and cleanings, amethyst for magic and protection, rose quartz for beauty and love, etc. There are a lot of water soluble crystals so please do proper research first. I would inherently recommend not using anything under a hardness of seven, so do your research!! You can also put in fresh herbs or slices to fruit to enchant it with corresponding properties or to boost your energy.
📚Speaking of research, it’s a fundamental part of magic and college! Use your university library! They’ll definitely have books on the alchemy of plants, gemstones, and I’ve been able to find a few on magic at each uni I’ve visited so give it a look. You can also check out your local library and check to see if your library has an online database for e-check outs. The Akron Public Library has a huge database for online books, PDFs, and articles to “check out” and read online. See if your library or one in your county does as well - it’s typically the main library.
♌Sigil/stave magic, I know this is probably the most recommended thing for college witches but they’re honestly so helpful. You can design your own sigils/staves or use one that other witches have created.  Here’s a link to a tumblr tag for college/student based sigils. 
Now what to do with the sigils? Well, this is up to you. You could stitch or draw a “sigil to stay safe” on the inside of your backpack, draw a motivation/focus sigil inside your notebooks/binders, draw a good grade/”I’ll do well on tests” sigil on your pencil pouch or draw it on the side of your pencil! There’s so manyyy things you can do, just be creative and don’t feel obligated to do it one way just because someone else is.
🌱Plants may not seem like your first choice since you live in a  dorm but there’s a lot of small, low maintenance plants out there. You just need to know where to look. Keeping a plant in your room can help keep you grounded, feeling closer to your craft if your nature/plant based, and generally help keep the energy and air pure. You can also keep plants around for their metaphysical properties ~
Here is an online database to find local plant nurseries. I always suggest going through a nursery vs. a home or grocery store because the workers actually know how to upkeep the soil, when to water them, feed them, repot them, etc. plus I find they tend to have less root mold or disease when coming from a nursery. Some suggestions for small and low maintenance witchy plants would be: lucky bamboo, air plants(specifically Tillandsia maxima, Tillandsia bulbosa, Tillandsia ionantha, and Tillandsia chiapensis), small breed cacti and snake plants.
🔮Crystals don’t always have to be a giant slab of quartz on an altar. We’ve already talked about how you can use them in your water but you can also, carry small tumbled ones in your pencil pouch, wear them as jewelry, put them in your planters if you have plants, and so much more! You’re not limited to the “traditional” use of crystals. Think outside of the box! If you want to labradorite to keep you safe on campus make a key chain to hang on your bookbag or something like that! Some of my favorite crystals in uni were amethyst(memory), clear quartz(knowledge, cleansing), rose quartz(self love), labradorite(magic/protection), and sunstone(joy, knowledge).
☕Drink magic kind of ties in with water bottle magic but it’s more varied! Drink coffee or black/green tea in the morning to start your day off with grounding. When making your coffee or tea draw a sigil on top with your spoon before stirring. If you’re using honey draw it on the bottom of the mug first. Stir counterclockwise to bring in positivity. Use the properties of your tea, coffee, or creamer in your morning magic.
✨Enchanting would work with just about anything. You could enchant your backpack to keep your grounded, your pencils to keep you motivated, your doorway to ward off negativity, etc. If it’s an actual item you’re enchanting I used to do in secret by using water. For example, I enchanted my favorite sweater to help me feel motivated confident by using the machine cycle as a way to cleanse it + instill positive energy and the dry cycle as a way to infusion act and warmth. I mumbled some words about motivation and stuff when loading the clothing in. You could also use warm water to “clean” a water bottle, gemstone bracelet, set of earrings, etc. as a way to enchant something. 
🎮You don’t need an altar to be a witch! I don’t know where this misconception came from but honestly fuck it. If you would like an altar anyways and can’t have one out in the open you can set one up inside one of your drawers, a shoe box, or even a jewelry box. You can make small portable one’s with Altoid tins or other small boxes like match boxes! If you’re tech friendly and want too, you can say fuck it to all of the above and just make an online altar via a tumblr blog, pinterest board, etc. 
Bonus: do you like vidya gamez? You can do a lot with altars to both deities and for witchcraft in video games. You can build an altar in Minecraft or the Sims. You can build homes dedicated to your craft and gods in Skyrim, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, etc. be creative! 
💖The rest of these suggestions are small things anyone can do to feel more connected to their craft or “witchy”. It can be really hard to feel connected to your craft or like a witch at all when you don’t have time or energy because of school, work, depression, etc. So these are just some of my favorite low effort suggestions.
Meditate in bed for five to ten minutes before getting up!
Put cute witchy stickers or washi tape in your agenda, notebooks, etc. use colors and symbols to correspond with your intention
Go for a walk! It can be around campus, your local graveyard, tbh you could just use your walk to class as a chance to feel connected to nature and refresh your energy.
Witchy!! Playlists!! Seriously, get jammin’.
Star a grimoire or bos! It can be a word doc, tumblr blog, or an actual notebook. Whatever works best for you. ✨
Meditate! In the shower, on the way to class, when you wake up, when you’re making breakfast, whenever. Find a few minutes a day when you’re by yourself and focus on calming your thoughts.
Use ambient videos on youtube to help ground you and feel more connected to your craft. Basic ambiance w/moving video links: Forest w/waterfall, Woodland, Night, Ocean, Rain & fireplace, Nighttime train ride, Sunrise, Wheat field, River, Campfire, Swamp, Snow
Wear colors that correspond with your magical needs.
Hide your pendulum as your necklace or just use your favorite necklace as a pendulum!
Look on amazon, clearance racks, and thrift stores for tapestries and blankets to hang up that make you feel witchy! 
Wear scented oils ~ different intentions for different days
Pls love yourself and remember I’m sending you so much love
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monkey-network · 5 years
World Building w/ Monkey
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There can be many series in general where the world it takes place in struggles to leave a lasting impact on you (pic above unrelated). That perfect balance between immersion and comprehension.
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Ideally, you want to land right in the middle, next to Donkey Kong, where you’re given a world to think about but you aren’t loaded with questions the product purposefully won’t answer. But where this can get muddled up is with the addition of consistency, memorability, logic, whether it all mattered. It no doubt gets messy when you start examining what made sense, what didn’t add up, why were certain things in certain places, what importance does the world have. There can be so many variables, and it’s largely subjective to each viewer’s critical and investment levels that I don’t even know where to begin with this rant. How about...
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Steven Universe. I of course didn’t go into this series expecting a lot of exploration, but at the same time I visibly cannot give a rat’s ass about the settings for this show. Beach City is a white noise backdrop that can leave you begging for a change in scenery. I can see the personal influence that came with this, it can look beautiful, but it doesn’t help that very little actually happens in Beach City to where things would’ve probably been a whole lot cooler if the show took place in a metropolis or somewhere busier. You can casually remember certain locations, sure, but there is little to no overall memorable history and it makes the beach location feel mostly interchangeable rather than a place Steven genuinely calls his home. This is a problem for a lot of shows, ones I love included. You can have locations that in the back of your mind go, “Hey I know that place,” but unless it’s a location that actually has some weight on your mind, you’ll remember it but you won’t probably care as much.
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I hardly believe Beach City is for Steven what literal Hell is for Doomguy
And one might say, “Monkey, SU is mostly character focused, the world is supposed to be secondary.” To this, I gotta ask, what makes the town important to Steven? Exploring Steven’s character crisis among everything else is fine, but where SU staggers internally is that it could’ve given us better insight as to why Steven bothers to stay in this one place when he has the option to freely explore the world beyond having the dangers come to him at supposedly inconvenient times but doesn’t. It's like Beach City is this isolated trouble magnet that never shares why problems only happen in this one place or random, equally isolated and forgettable locations. This is where I gotta bring Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure.
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Diamond is Unbreakable’s Morioh-cho is more than just Josuke’s hometown, it’s a place where impromptu phenomena happen and gives the town that adventurous livelihood while giving us a simple explanation as to why we’re staying here instead of traveling the globe like its predecessors. Every place, from Tonio’s restaurant, the docks, the ghost alley, to the transmission tower Superfly, adds to both the town’s history and the overall Jojo universe, even when this story is isolated in it of itself. Additionally, even when you could change the location to a metropolis or whatever, the anime especially gives Morioh that memorable style to where it can be difficult imagining the story taking place anywhere else. The biggest factor is the main villain Yoshikage Kira, a man whose entire existence is to live among the small town citizens as a stand wielding serial killer. He is that looming threat, killing and evading exposure, and adds to the value of Josuke and his squad being the protectors of the place they call home. Diamond is Unbreakable is a character focused story like Steven Universe, but JOJO does a better job making its fixed location matter in the long run. Good world building shouldn’t just be about what a place looks like, but what do the characters make in them.
This isn’t to say Beach City is a terrible world, it’s far better than what games like Destiny, Anthem, World of Warcraft, and such have to where you honestly have to read a bunch of wikis and in game logs to understand why you should give a fuck. This is where lore comes in and lore does not and should not equal world building. A golden rule for me when it comes to media is that the best media is easily accessible media, and lore complicates that accessibility; lore should be complimentary and not obligatory or important to understanding things. It’s like seeing a desk covered with school supplies, if world building is expressing the details of said supplies like whether the owner has a habit of biting his pencils or folding his books a certain way, lore is unnecessarily explaining why the pencils and books were made. That isn’t to say that the rules of what exists shouldn’t matter, but lore is that extra step that you shouldn’t try to worry about when it comes to expressing/understanding your rules organically. 
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Take Beastars, a definitive series where the rules of society are highly beneficial to the story. It never feels like Paru skimmed through how the animal characters function, and any questions that come up either are or can be fairly explainable. Like, why aren’t insects considered citizens when even fish get privileges? You can look at the series and go, “Maybe since insects are tiny and can live on their own, Itagaki considers them the wild animals of this society,” without feeling like you’re pretentiously speaking for the author. The universe of carnivores and herbivores not only are what pushes our protagonists to essentially break the known expectations and limits of their birth right, but you can have an entire chapter where Legosi or the others are barely in it, & the story details with the character you’re reading about, say Sebun, Yafya, or Legom, are so captivating that it feels just as organic when we see the MCs again. The city itself is much a character in this story and like the titular Abyss from Made in Abyss, Far Far Away from Shrek 2, or the Land of Ooo from Adventure Time, you can probably imagine wanting to be in that world yourself or seeing yourself comfortably in that world without even thinking about it. Good rules adds depth to a world that can keep your focus but makes you think. Too little trivializes your investment because there’s no stakes, too many feels like a college course and fuck that. 
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Like Minecraft, the main character isn’t really Steve or whoever you control, but the world that you’re able to create and warp to your hearts’ content. You are grounded to the aesthetic and format of the game, but what you do in the game adds unique character to the experience each and every time. Once you jump on, sometimes it all just clicks to you and that can be the best feeling. To close this rant out, I wanted to express my two favorite worlds that to this day stuck with me.
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These places are generally opposites, but they do an amazing job in showing you everything without hardly telling you anything. Treasure Town is this busy and complex theme park looking place and you’re essentially with the characters as we roam the notable sites filled with details that can clue you in on what’s what. Does it all at a good, brisk pace and the colorful environment plays a major part in the story where the city is a symbolic extension of our main duo Black & White and the main struggle they go through in the film.
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Yokohama does this but in a more subdued way. The whole story is centered around living in what you could imagine a generally realistic post apocalyptic earth. Not a whole deserted wasteland like what you’ve seen from Mad Max and the like, but one where it’s says civilization has begun anew; a vast landscape that means the world to our lead. And as life reset, we take things easy as relationships grow and seemingly one off moments can reappear as significant turns later on. The mangaka of Y2K leaves you mysteries, but you never feel lost as the main character Alpha is a compelling protagonist to journey with and it kinda makes you wish you were in her shoes, enjoying life in a world pretty barren but full of tranquil hope and easy adventuring.
In the end, I find these to be the best because they 110% commit to the main idea that makes world building such a meaningful concept to think about and invest in:
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diaryoftheanonymous · 4 years
Entry #20 // 6/29/2020: November-December 2019
T/W: suicidal thoughts.
On November, I remember having my first shit incident in school. I needed to shit so bad, but some floors in the building didn’t have bidets, so I couldn’t wash my ass. I finally found a floor with bidets, and I let my load go. BUT WHEN I TRIED TO WASH MY BUTT NOTHING WAS COMING OUT OF THE BIDET. I was panicking. Good thing I remembered that my best friend had the colds during this time, and I asked her if she could bring me some tissue. I would just transfer stalls and find one with a working bidet with my pants down to my ankles, but there were women gossiping just outside my stall. She came down to the CR and passed the toilet paper at the under-gap of the stall. Man, I’ve never been so grateful.
This was the month where I gave up on going to my classes or if I did go to them, I always end up falling asleep. I don’t understand why, I get a good amount of hours of sleep and everything.
An organization that I was part of in school actually hosted an Open Mic event, and so I got to perform some of my poems. It was cool. I haven’t performed in a while, and it was nerve-wracking, because unlike when I did it in high school, I didn’t know most of the people I was standing in front of. I performed that spoken word that i wrote for my creative writing class in high school. 
This was also the month when Reed had to go to Baguio for a competition where only the talented and the smart ones are invited (or something along those lines). We fought during her week stay there because she couldn’t give me some time. She explained that she just wanted to stay distracted and the people she was with helped her with that. My point was I’m not even asking for her whole day. I just wanted an hour or something to catch up with her and not have anyone (on her end) disturb our conversation. I told her fine. If she wanted her space, I wanted more. I am a petty little shit. Anyway I didn’t talk to her for 2 days and until she came back home. During those 2 days I had to watch a play for my class. It was probably one of the worst plays I have ever seen. I don’t know, but Jesus-centered plays aren’t really matching my preferences.
Anyway, midterms came up at the near end of the month, and I was super stressed out by my Introduction to Psychology midterms. I studied like hell for that test. I remember the preliminaries being one of the hardest tests I’ve had to take in my life. It was 4 full pages of IDENTIFICATION. Kill me. When we got the results back for the midterms that we took per class, I found out that studying like a hermit paid off because I got high grades.
On December 7, Reed and I had our first date. I mean we’ve snuck off a bunch of times before that, but this was the first parent-approved first date that we’ve had where her parents actually willingly drove her to the mall and picked her up.We ate a lot. First we bought tickets to watch Frozen 2. I know, “what the fuck kind of first-date movie??” but hear me out... Reed asks me to buy ever slime she passes by. She’s a kid (not literally. Please don’t arrest me).  After buying the tickets, we went to eat lunch at Buffalo’s Wings n’ Things. My favorite wings place ever. Seriously, I eat there EVERY WEEK. That’s how good their wings are. I paid for everything of course. After that we went to watch movie. Reed has this thing where she always goes to the bathroom at the worst time. She usually goes at the best part of the movie. After the movie we ate dinner at Ramen Nagi we were both still pretty stuffed from our lunch, so we just got one serving of Red King and then we asked for 2 smaller bowls. Despite being walking balls after all that food, she still wanted some dessert so we got some gelato at Gelatissimo. We sang a lot of karaoke (mostly her, though) at Timezone before she had to leave.
2 days after, it’s her birthday. I bought her some custom-made Minecraft cupcakes (I told you she’s a child), a bouquet of flowers, a poem, a hoodie, and a ring, but I gave them at different times. I gave her the cupcakes and flowers first at her actual birthday, and the rest on December 18. She hosted a hotel-party and I was invited and I was allowed to stay over as well. It was the first time we ever had actual time with each other. We made the most out of it too. We took lots of naps cuddling and we had a lot of sex. 
The first time we actually had sex during her birthday celebration was when it was still early on in the day. I had just eaten really spicy wings. I washed my hands, of course. Apparently, the spice doesn’t just come off when you wash your hands. When I touched her down there, it really BURNED. I was worried and I wanted to laugh at the same time. I know, I’m mean, but think about it... how often do you burn a girl’s vagina? LMAO.
Anyway, her birthday was pretty weird. We mixed our friends together. I didn’t really like her friends much at that time. They were the elitist type, and they didn’t really like it when they saw that some of Reed and I’s mutual college friends are going as well. Even though my friends were charismatic and friendly as shit, they still didn’t know how to get along with Reed’s friends. After her dinner party, though, my friends and I had a mini-program for Reed where we say speeches of how much we value her in our lives. That’s when I read her the poem, and that’s also when we got “married”. Our friend spent her whole speech marrying us, with rings and all. She got ordained apparently from a website? So I still don’t know if we’re actually married or not.
Other than those fun times, Christmas sucked. Spending time with my family sucked. Traveling to Tagaytay with them to spend the New Years there sucked. My grandfather and my aunt stayed with us for the holidays, and I did not enjoy it at all. I can be a family person. I’m a family person with my friends and my girlfriend. I don’t think I’ll ever be a family person with my current, actual blood-related family, though.
At New Years Eve I contemplated on jumping. We were in Tagaytay, it was a really cold night and we were in a really high level of the building we were staying at. It felt so easy, and almost right. I could see all the lights of the other buildings and houses nearby. They were so pretty, I wanted to just reach for them.
-End Log 05:15-
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leaves-reality · 6 years
Rant™ About My Dad
My dad and I have never had a good relationship. As a little kid, he never cared about what I wanted to do. He only wanted to do things that he wanted me to do. Boy Scouts, Cars, Fishing, Building or Business. If what I wanted to do was outside his realm of Interest, he wouldn't even pretend to care. Drawing, Warhammer, Video Games and Writing. As a twelve-year-old I bought him his own Minecraft account. 30 bucks is not an in considerable amount of money, especially for a 12 year old. I even made him a custom skin.
He played it for five minutes, closed out, and has never played it again.
It has finally occurred to me why this is. He and his father had a very very good relationship. His dad was the vice president of the small Bank in town and his mom was a teacher at the local Elementary School. The only source of strife in his childhood where his three older sisters who liked to tease him. He had an almost perfect childhood spent almost entirely with his dad. And he recognizes that he had a good relationship with his dad and they wanted that for him and I.
The issue is, he has covered a Pig in eggs flour and yeast, and calls it a ham sandwich. He doesn't understand that it is not the actual activities that he did with his dad that made their relationship so good but the fact that they spent time together doing things that they both genuinely enjoyed doing together.
Of course our relationship isn't nearly good enough for me to actually bring this up and for him to take me seriously or even without getting in trouble. He has never taken me seriously or respected me as an individual who is separate from him.
As a kid I had a really hard time socializing with people, especially kids my own age. My parents noticed this and started giving me little pointers. Things like "Go say Hello to Mrs. ______" or "Make sure you don't mumble" and I'll admit that at the time it was genuinely helpful. While my mom dropped it about when I was 14, my dad has continued to do it in a very condescending manner. In fact the reason I felt the need to write this tonight was because I said "Yes" in an irritated tone of voice to him after asking if I had said hello to everyone. (The reason I was frustrated was because I was the person cooking literally all of the food for dinner and the kids were getting impatient and bugging me to go faster, all of which was information he had.) Instead of reading the room and just realizing that I was was just frustrated, he then snapped at me "Don't talk to me like that!" In front of like 6 guests. I stormed off. I came back 10 minutes later ate my dinner, took a shower and went to bed, where I write this to you all from.
The reason this whole part is relevant is because it shows how my father doesn't think I can handle myself in social situations and still views me as a child. I am 19 years old, I understand that I am not old or wise but I am not a child.
The final section I want to write about my father and I's relationship is ever since I came out as queer. I came out to my parents on my 17th birthday, early 2016. While I knew I was a trans girl at the time I decided I would come out as gender-fluid because it would leave some masculinity in there to appease my father. When I said that identified as gender-fluid he just didn't really even engage except every once in a while to tell me to stop being so feminine like when I had grown my nails out, or to make fun of me for wearing wig or breast forms. Then I came out to my family as a transwoman mid to late August. My dad just didn't even react at the time. While about 70% of the time he uses the correct name and pronouns, it's still very obvious that he doesn't take me seriously. He still thinks that I'm just a phase. I genuinely don't understand how he could think that I am temporary. I know it's just him desperately hoping, but I've been very honest with my family and have told them that I knew I was a trans woman from the beginning. Despite knowing that I've known myself for three and a half years he still thinks I'm temporary. He won't even allow for a conversation about HRT or anything medical. He still asks me to go back to being a boy for certain events. He still makes passing comments about how he thinks my boobs are too big, or that my hair is too long. My parents have told me that I can start transitioning medically once I'm out of college. I have told them that I was too long. My dad does not care. My mom is sympathetic but unfortunately while she is a lot more supportive I think that she doesn't see me as permanent either.
So I am now here to State my grievances/demands as a list towards my father. Some of these overlap. I know he won't see this but I feel the need to say it.
1. Respect me in my skill as a technician, an artist and a world builder.
2. Don't Call me Bud
3. Get off your high horse of of supposed superiority. You don't know what the word sentient means.
4. Love Me, not your idea of who you want me to be.
5. Get it through your three-foot-thick skull that I am a woman and always will be a woman.
6. Respect me as a woman and a person who is separate from you.
7. Pull your head out of your ass and realize that your supposed status is less important than my need to exist as myself, and that I am not a woman for the sake of rebelling against you.
Honestly I don't really know what to do at this point. I can maybe make it one more year without any sort of medical transition but I can't keep this up. My neck is raw from shaving everyday and my dysphoria just gets worse and worse.
Thanks y'all for reading this it means a lot to me.
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awesome-brick · 7 years
stupid shit my friends and i have done/said over the years
this is going to be an ongoing list, i’ll reblog and add to it every so often with new material. if you want a full story, let me know a “ ^ ” means that it relates to the previous item feel free to tag yourself
chugged five double shot espressos in an hour and almost died
wobbled into our lounge after a party one night, completely unaware that he had ripped the front of his pants and his dick was completely out
got completely lost in the mardi gras parade with a dead cell phone, cause his girlfriend abandoned him
^ and then somehow pissed off and got a double k.o. on a massive redneck dude named keith who was probably thrice my friend’s size
^ him calling me when he came to, saying “help, i’m dead” to my other friend who replied, “hi dead, _i’m dad” _before he passed out and disconnected
peed in a bush, on campus, in broad daylight, in the middle of our conversation, while two hot girls were passing by
^ did it again ten minutes later
brought a violin to a frat party, to play while drunk (there’s still some videos of that floating around somewhere)
gotten stabbed by some dude after coming home from a different party
during campus tours, as a tour group was coming out of the elevator and we (4 of us) were going in; waited until right as the door was closing and said very loudly so they could hear, “SO HEY YOU GUYS WANNA GO SMOKE SOME POT?”
 camped out in the floor lounge for the entirety of finals week building a settlement in a minecraft server
“i’ll have you know, I once injected _five whole marijuanas” “_oh shit can’t fuck with this guy”
organized a candlelight vigil for Sparky, a raccoon that allegedly jumped into a power transformer and cut off power to most of campus, canceling classes for a day and a half (over 200 people attended)
sat on the floor in the right of two elevators in our dorm, covered in blankets. when somebody would walk into the elevator, we’d pop our heads up in succession and say “welcome to Right Elevator Inc. If you look to your left, you’ll find the informations desk.” “How may we help you today?” and as they were exiting, “DON’T FORGET TO RATE AND REVIEW US ON YELP”
the tale of The Bridgebuilder
gave so little fucks for the chem test that he went in his pj’s, wearing a bathrobe and topknot. thus becoming notorious around campus as the “Chem Ninja”
“it’s hard to date girls taller than me. Given that i’m five foot two, I don’t exactly get a lot of options here”
actually smoked legit weed (instead of fake weed) onstage in the middle of a performance of a play
got “sexiled” (kicked out of the room for sex) by his roommate three times during orientation week, as in before freshman year even began
bought a wheelchair from goodwill on two different occasions bc it was <$10, so now he just has two wheelchairs for no reason
sold his gamecube and all his games to another friend for $50, all of which went to buying weed
^ one of the games was an original GC copy of Pikmin 2 which would go for about 100 alone on the internet these days
^ he also burned through (heh) all of that weed in a day
somehow woke up half naked in a parking lot, (just like the CaH card) missing exactly $20 cash. he had more, but he was only missing $20
somehow got sexiled out of his room by two other people, neither of which lived there
one dude that can spit mad freestyle bars, but only when he’s high
bought an IKEA storage shelf and generic painting to make our dorm room look _even more _like a hotel room than it already did
made a tally count to keep track of how many times my suitemate locked me out of the bathroom when he wasn’t in there (final tally was 215)
earned the title of Il Duche for his drunk!self
“It was not my intention to make out with your sister!”
^ he accidentally made out with each of his girlfriend’s siblings, on separate occasions
hooked up with someone over the summer, only to find out afterwards that they were seven years older
“mom, i’ve had more relationships than you”
_^ _(he’s at i think #29)
went to the mcdonalds drive-thru, he wanted chicken nuggets but didn’t know where the “mc” prefix went. it came out as something along the lines of “uh can i mchave a mcchicken mcnuggets and a large mcchocolate mcmilkshake” 
^ we each wanted separate orders that time, so we had to drive around four times in a row. they were so tired of us by that point
missed an uber because he was too busy saying goodbye to literally everyone at the party he knew
said to a police officer, deadass, “i’ll let you walk me home, but there’s no way in hell i’m getting on that fucking bike”
^ afterwards, tried to jot down the officer’s name, badge number, and name of his superior so he could “put in a good word for the guy” (he was so wasted he had to sit down to write it all out)
dude getting so wasted at a party he started timeskipping, thought the year was 2025
gave my friend a glass of water at a party cause he was fading in and out, needed some water. to gauge his mental state, i ask him “what are you drinking” “water” “what’s the chemical formula for that?” deadass replied “hcl” without missing a beat and he keeps drinking
had a drunken rap battle with some famous local rapper at a party (my friend actually won)
crawled from the taxi to the apartment, cause he couldn’t walk
^ “I said one thing, ‘don’t say anything.’ One thing. Of course, you said something.”
so wasted he couldn’t get off the floor, the owner of the apartment going “you gotta go, dude!” “bruh” “i’m not your bruh, now get up”
“wake up with a random mexican guy in your bed. College, amirite?”
all three of us have “slept” in this one friend of ours’ bed, but only literally and not sexually. one of us cuddled with her and others platonically, another slept in the bed while she wasn’t there, and a third had passed out and she let him use her bed that night
"Marcus, you’re a socialist, why don’t you distribute some of them hot dimes”
“Rainbows, unicorns, Xanax- The classic stuff.”
(arguing about which pocket the phone goes in) “You put the phone in the butt, and the hands in the front”
my friend Robert, who is “the weebiest weeb to ever have weebd”
the fact that i accidentally always cockblock my friend unintentionally by virtue of being ace
my friend, (a dude) showing up to a date only to find out she’s a lesbian 
the guy who routinely calls his exes while drunk. apparently he has a “system”, as to which exes he calls depending on how drunk he is
fencing practice on the courtyard
[sarcastically] “okay well as a straight, white male in politics, now i have to oppress you”
all of us basically ganging up on and whipping like the only white kid in our friend group (who’s like five feet tall) with our belts
barrel rolling down the mountain after someone stopped him from going home with a girl cause he was too wasted
the guy who asked his crush of 4yrs out in his valedictorian graduation speech, only to get shot down instantly (like jesus christ rip)
^ his mom to him, “why don’t you love me as much as you love her”
guy’s family owns a quiznos, so his go-to pickup line is, “hey, i own a quiznos, want me to make you a sandwich?” (times successful: none)
my friend’s little brother was reprimanded by his parents, cause he was reading up on buddhism, “i mean, I didn’t see what the issue was. Worst case, you’re learning buddhism, best case...you’re learning buddhism”
the time the timeskipping friend found himself a confederate soilder in the civil war era, but in an AU where the south won
^ he looks at my face, points at me, looks like he's about to start laughing hysterically, "you're fucked", "why" "because you're brown, and the south won" (keep in mind, this dude is 100% filipino and almost as brown as i am)
^ he starts rattling off some bullshit jargon about what division he was in, his name, blah blah blah, but we look it up later and everything exept his personal details lined up with actual historical fact, down to where his unit was based and the name of the commanding officer, noting details that even our resident historian hadn't even heard of before
^aaand he wouldn't go to sleep until we played dixie for him on a continuous loop
one of my friends has a habit of becoming both kleptomaniac and amnesiac when he’s drunk, so here’s a tally of the stuff he’s stolen, some of which we don’t even know where it came from (almost all of these have hilarious stories behind them so please ask);
pair of trash cans and recycling bins
half a bed frame
a large ten gallon paint bucket
pack of frozen tortillas
giant industrial fucking cinderblock, which was about the size of his abdomen
a pair of white shorts (he didn't own any)
a full set worth of coasters and shot glasses
a lawnmower
a vacuum cleaner
a broom
a sprinkler
a traffic cone (one of the tall skinny ones)
a banged up car door
a pack of cards
half empty paint cans
half a bra
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resbang-bookclub · 8 years
AMA Transcript: Pell Grant Matrimony
This weekend, @marshofsleep, @sojustifiable (known as Amanda on Discord), @adorabbey and @tilliquoi braved yesterday's Discordacolypse in order to chat about their 2016 Resbang, Pell Grant Matrimony! Here's some of what went down:
Q: Please, give us a rundown of how this was conceived.
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sleepmarshes: It's almost been an entire year. We've lived with this sin for 11 months. Right, so, like, there was that tumblr post going around about how a bro realized he could help another bro out since gay marriage became legal, and they could get a green card. So my thought was, of course, this is Soul and (somebody).
Amanda: I believe this was the tweet marsh referenced when she first described the initial idea to me before we were collabing on it:
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sleepmarshes: So, the setup would be Maka meets Soul and of course they hit it off because this is why we came here. But it turns out Soul is married.
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sleepmarshes: Then we decided B* would be the best choice. He would be ultra gung ho about PDA. THEN, Amanda started signing up for financial aid, and she was like hey, what if we do it like this instead of green card? And then BAM, COLLEGE AU. Then it became a game of how many tropes, cliches, and memes we could pile in.
Amanda: And then when I was signing up for financial aid I also saw this post and was like hey alternate motivation: http://zhuy-doodles.tumblr.com/post/144803762284. How we ended up collabing and doing it for real was that I was talking to marsh about how I wasn't sure if I was going to do resbang or not, and that if i was, I wanted to do something silly. And she was like, hey you should do that thing I told you about. And I was like I can't do that, it's your thing. And she was like oh we can collab and then we made a blood pact.
sleepmarshes: Now we are borg.
Adorabear: Amanda, marsh, and I did a minecraft FRAND ritual. Very legit.
Q: How did the collab work?
sleepmarshes: At the time, I was busy with house building stuff and other things, so I knew I wasn't going to be able to help a whole lot.
Amanda: I imagine it works differently for different people but ours was a Process. When we discussed collabing we pretty much decided I would do the bulk of the writing while marsh would act as helicopter mom with plotting and everything.
sleepmarshes: HELICOPTER MOM omg. It me.
Amanda: So we plotted together and marsh would be like hey I know this is a joke but we need actual character motivation and shiz and then I started cranking out words. And then marsh trailed behind me, editing and making parts funnier and more coherent and filling in the scenes I was really struggling with.
sleepmarshes: She trucked right on man, just huge chunks. Well, I also kept throwing stupid ideas at you.
Q: Who came up with my daughter snappy, and also, how do you feed an alligator on student budget?
sleepmarshes: We don't talk about the budget.
Amanda: So once upon a time, I sent marsh this meme:
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sleepmarshes: How DID that happen? This is clearly America.
Amanda: Just as a joke, I was like haha look at this meme and she was like fake gay fic??
sleepmarshes: I don't remember this but I believe it 100%.
Amanda: And I was like, not my intention, but okay, I can roll with it, they have an alligator now. Gained through some vague but nefarious means.
sleepmarshes: Snappy*Star. I think we decided [she was] smuggled from Disney World? I regret not making the epilogue about [Black*Star's] TV show.
Amanda: Yeah there were some interesting epilogue plans for when Snappy got too big to keep in an apartment. Black*Star was gonna have a TV show with Snappy I think on exotic pet care or maybe like, exercising with your pet. Just picture like, 3 years from the end of the fic, Soul and Maka are hanging out and turn on the TV to see the two of them.
Q for the artists: What inspired your arting decisions?
Adorabear: So I knew I'd do drinks, and wanted to do nail art (after getting a lot of encouragment from the resbang discord). I did some trial runs of the nail art shortly after the Resbang matchmaking.
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Q: What inspired Queen Wes?
Amanda: Queen Wes appeared out of nowhere when I was writing the last 15k in three days and was in a delirious state of confusion.
Q: How did you two like collabing? Did it work well?
Amanda: I had a blast and think the collabing probably went better than either of us could've expected.
sleepmarshes: Oh yeah def. I've been terrfied to collab for years.
Amanda: Like, it ended up being even more collaborative with merging our writing styles so we just got this monster of laughs out of it. Tbh I was surprised that marsh even suggested collabing cuz I didn't think she did collabs.
sleepmarshes: I DON'T do collabs, but I get along with you so well I figured well, if anything'll work, it'll probably be this. Actually, Amanda did a lot of work on the timeline.
Amanda: More like I did a lot of work harrassing Marsh about the timeline because I need things to be linear.
sleepmarshes: Yeah I'm definitely not that.
Amanda: Let me pull up some parts of the outline for posterity. These are the kinds of notes Marsh makes in the outline:
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These are the kinds of notes I make which are about 5% more coherent:
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Q: Why Harvar with Wes? I think it was hilarious.
sleepmarshes: Uhhh well we knew we wanted Wes to hit on DTK. Why DID we hook him up with Harv? Just because Harv has put up with his shit for so long and won't leave him?
Amanda: We hooked him up with Harv because you love Harv and love shipping everyone with everyone else.
sleepmarshes: Ok this is probably true.
Amanda: Other random add in about shipping cuz I forgot we had another pm chatlog and found where we were discussing possible ships and I have this quote from marsh's shipping habits:
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sleepmarshes: Can confirm, this is my hobby.
Q: Was there a line or joke or meme that made either of you legit laugh out loud when you realized it fit/it ended up in there?
sleepmarshes: Probably every meme we came into contact with?
Adorabear: Amanda and Marsh are basically the people on the date shoving all the breadsticks in their purse, but the breadsticks are memes. And their purse is overflowing, and they're going into the Olive Garden kitchen to get more breadstick memes.
Amanda: I think there was a lot of coming up with ridiculous lines and then having the other be like "wtf is wrong with you that's hilarious."
sleepmarshes: Yes, exactly that. As for drummer DTK....
Amanda: That was another last minute thing. We knew he was a math metal head but then I was like lol what if he shows up as a guest in the music festival?
sleepmarshes: ROFL when you said that I thought well man, if you wanna write it go for it. And then when I caught up to it for edits even I was surprised. I was like FUCK YEA.
Q: Did you guys have a playlist?
sleepmarshes: I didn't have a fic-specific one, personally. I think I was mostly listening to the Macabre Records mix and maybe a Sufjan Stevens album.
Amanda: I also didn't have any specific writing music, being a musician also I find music pretty distracting so the only music I can write to is if it blends together well and is really cohesive and doesn't have any distracting vocals. Hey, I was listening to Sufjan too. Carrie and Lowell.
sleepmarshes: SAME HAT oh I had uhhh. A Sun Came.
Amanda: And maybe some Seven Swans and some old Bon Iver and Iron and Wine sometimes. But basically I need a specific ambient music to write to as opposed to anything relevant.
sleepmarshes: There was a lot of dialogue in this fic, so I needed some chill stuff towards the end.
Q: Did you guys find any characters really challenging to write?
Amanda: I can't write DTK at all so I needed a lot of Marsh intervention in that camp.
sleepmarshes: DTK is uhhh very polite 'I care nothing about what you just said, let me do what i came here to do.' How happy do you expect goth burberry to be? Despite all that, he's got squishy innards [and] four smile muscles. I had Wes issues so his flamboyancy got a lot of help from Amanda.
Amanda: I turned Wes into a monster. Marsh did most of the bbq scene cuz I was quite stuck in the middle of it and wanted to keep steamrollering ahead.
sleepmarshes: We always knew Wes would be obnoxious but I was watching a lot of beauty gurus on YouTube at the time and like... stuff... happened.
Q: Does Tsubaki continue to be a badass pilates instructor after the story ends? Does B* continue to go to her classes? Q: DO THEY BECOME PARTNERS EVENTUALLY?
sleepmarshes: Maybe they can have a workout show together with Snappy the mascot.
Amanda: B* continues to be a big fan of her workout stuff and they're swolebuds.
Q: How goes Patti's Etsy?
sleepmarshes: She's always in business the more Snappy grows.
Amanda: I think we had another potential future ending in which Patti adopts Snappy and cares for her at a wildlife refuge when she gets too big. There were quite a few potential futures for the different people, especially as we were still playing shipping roulette.
Q: Is it really that easy to get divorced in America?
Amanda: Yes, at least as far as I'm aware. If it's not, then we're going with suspension of disbelief.
sleepmarshes: I mean, as long as both sides want it and no one raises a fuss, yeah no one cares.
Q: Why continue to call Kid 'Morty' instead of Kid?
sleepmarshes: Oh, man, idk, college AU with a guy named Death? I couldn't do it.
Amanda: Like, Kid isn't a name and if it's his stage name people wouldn't probably call him that all the time.
sleepmarshes: Bonus: Shinidaddy calling him Junior.
Amanda: Even with B* it's definitely a nickname, we just decided to go off the walls with his actual name. Like, what if instead of being Blake we call him something ridiculous?
Q: Does Blair ever give up the panty thieving?
sleepmarshes: Actually I had wanted that last sock Blair stole to actually belong to DTK, and he was going to find out at the festival, but I totally forgot. Disgruntled DTK with only one sock... chance missed.
Amanda: Just one of those things that slipped through the cracks in the last three days of screaming.
Q: How did Stein and Spirit move the car?
sleepmarshes: I don't know, I always figured Spirit just annoyed the heckie out of everyone in between parking spaces.
Amanda: I wanted to leave it ambiguous just to leave it like... how the fuck did they do that? Cuz they had to get the people to switch spots with them anyway, but then also had to get everyone to move to let them through too.
[a tilliquoi appears, there is much joy]
Same Q: What inspired your arting decisions?
tilliquoi: Hmmm well for Soul and Maka at the mailboxes, I liked it bc shark slippers and bc that was when they first met. And I drew Snappy and Wes just bc they're both fabulous and I couldnt resist.
Amanda: Both the showstealers of the fic.
Q: How did you make those pieces? What programs/materials did you use?
tilliquoi: They're all digital and done in photoshop. It's the only program i really use anymore.
Q: What made you go: Yes. That. This is the fic I want in the first place?
sleepmarshes: YEAH, I WANNA KNOW, TOO.
Adorabear: For me, I was looking for things that I knew I could make drinks for and uh, yeah, it looked fun af, and I like silly af shit.
tilliquoi: Well, last year I was an artist for another Marsh fic, coincidentally, and that one was a lot more serious. It was amazing but this year I wanted to go for something fun and ridiculous as a change of pace. When I read the summary for Pell Grant I was just thinking that I'd probably end up laughing the whole time, so I was like "that one. thats the fic I gotta art for."
sleepmarshes: When your claim came in I laughed SO HARD.
tilliquoi: Yeah it was pretty funny finding out you were one of the authors.
sleepmarshes: She had no idea I was involved.
Amanda: Marsh messaged me like "lol guess who claimed us" but wouldn't tell me until it was official.
Adorabear: Amanda and I were talking about my list, and she was in my Google doc watching me make my pics, watching me eliminate stuff.
Amanda: I was screaming inside because I couldn't let her know it was me.
sleepmarshes: We were both dying.
Adorabear: The joys of anon claiming, I guess.
Q: What are you guys' next projects?
Amanda: Uhhhh I should probably finish Strangers... but I've been focusing more on writing music lately and taking a break from fic, and then I have a couple back burner fics that I won't go into cuz I haven't decided if they'll be for a Resbang or not. Potential original fantasy story also, but I think working on more music is really gonna be the focus while I'm finishing school.
sleepmarshes: Strangers hype. I'm working on Quantum Entanglement, and intend on finishing Lodestar. Probably no Resbang ficcing for me this year, because I want to finish some fics and work on an original novel.
Adorabear: I'm not going to Reverb this year, but I think I'll Resbang art next year.
Q: Did you all ever have to reign each other in? Like were there moments you had to go whoa whoa whoa too much, too far, time to say when?
sleepmarshes: Uhm I think we were just a cycle of enabling, tbh.
Amanda: Confirmed: no reigning in nonsense, only enabling more and more batshit insanity.
Q: Anything not make the cut?
sleepmarshes: I think stuff that didn't make the cut were things we ran out of time for, since a large part of it was written in the last three days. Like I wanted Wes to have an obsession with cinnabon. I think there was more bean warfare.
Q: How did everyone, writers and artists, feel like they grew/changed/learned during the resbang season?
sleepmarshes: I think overall I learned there are more ways of collaborating in writing than I had thought. Like, I thought there was only some way with magical hand holding sentence by sentence and somehow no one committed murder. But like, we just delegated roles, she did the bulk of it, I did invasive betaing, and we talked in discord a lot about junk.
Amanda: I think my growth was just it being the first time I ever wrote that much in a short period of time. Like the last three days were crazy, but I didn't have any problems micromanaging cuz I was fine with just being like "yolo just make this better", for a murder free experience.
sleepmarshes: I was so worried at first about hurting your writing feelings. But then you were like JUST EDIT IT DON'T SUGGEST 200 THINGS.
sleepmarshes: After that it was just prancing through a field of yolo.
Amanda: I think both our collaboration and our friendship was helped severely by the fact that I don't have control issues or take anything personally, so invasive betaing was no sweat.
tilliquoi: I think if I learned anything or grew from this, it was in experimenting with coloring styles, particularly with that Wes drawing. That was pretty far out of my comfort zone in terms of how I usually color, but it made me a LOT less afraid to use excessive colors in places I wouldnt normally.
sleepmarshes: I had Wes open on all three monitors while I was editing. This is what it's like to have Wes on every channel:
Tumblr media
Adorabear: I think for me, it was just a lot of confidence building in terms of my artwork, because I have been really nervous [about whether] my authors are going to like what I do, or [whether] they'll think I've done enough. I'm just a worrier.
sleepmarshes: Did you get ultra fast at cross stitch? Because that's certainly what it looked like.
Adorabear: I think I just motored through that one. I guess I have gotten faster. But I was like, in beast mode for that one. I am very pleased with it, though.
sleepmarshes: I love it.
Adorabear: Anyway, I think I feel more confident that the things I make are ~enough.~
Thanks to all of our creators for stoppin' by!! Stay tuned for more transcripts!
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gottalove95z · 8 years
11 Facts/Questions
Tagged by @polkari-seuta My motivation for doing this is that I hope that if my followers get to know me better, maybe you guys talk to me more~ Anyway, here we go! 11 random facts about me and 11 answers. FACTS: 1. I am BIG Disney fan, I'm starting off with this because I'm currently babysitting my roommate’s daughter and we are watching Mickey Mouse Club House LOL 2. I am a dog lover! My dog’s name is Halo <3  He’s a rescue and when he first came home he was taller then me but now I’m taller heheh. oh and he’s a flat-coat retriever. 3. I’m 18 years old ( born Oct. 24th 1998)
4. I started taking college classes while I was in high school and I went into a program that allowed me to graduate early from high school so that I could start going to college full-time. 5. One of my favorite board games is Othello. I play it with my grandpa every time I visit him and my grandma. He’s always changes the rules so he can win! 6. I’m an artist! I usually work with black or white charcoal but recently I’ve been really curious about digital art. 7. I speak Spanish! Not fluently because I get nervous and stutter and stumble over words when I speak it but I can read and write in Spanish very well! 8. I am also a HUGE Marvel and DC Comics fanatic, I even have encyclopedias of them that contain descriptions and background info for EVERY CHARACTER CREATED. It’s awesome, and one day I will finish reading through both of them. 9. I love the color black!  (I’m like Jungkook in that I have over 20 black t-shirts and counting LMAO) 10. I was born and raised here in California :D 11. My nickname is Kiki! when I was in elementary school my childhood friends came up with it because it rhymed with Tiki (the nickname of their cousin, who they shipped me with LMAO)
QUESTIONS ASKED BY @polkari-seuta
1. [Second favorite Disney princess:] My second… would have to be Mulan! 2. [Your favorite field of science?] CHEMISTRY! Doing labs and experiments gives me life XD 3. [What was the moment you first fell in love with Jimin? (Or your bias if you aren’t in love with Jimin LOL)] HIS FIRST APPEARANCE IN NO MORE DREAM. The second I saw them I knew Jimin, V, and Jungkook were gona be my faves! Lmaoo I just about died (along with my phone that i threw across the room) when Jimin flashed his abs! 4.[ Recommend me a song.] I recommend ‘Hey Soul Sister’ by Train 5. [Predict the next Ji/kook moment.] A BACKHUG. 6. [Show me a comedy TV show clip you really like.] Here is a hilarious clip from the TV show Baby Daddy! 7. [The first place you go to in grocery store?] The pre-made salad shelves. DONT GET ME WRONG I am by no means a health nut or on a diet! I just start at the fruits and vegetables section and then work my way across the store LOL 8. [What was the largest meal you ever had and finished?] Probably the #25 at TK (or SK) Noodle House. Its basically a gigantic serving of vegetables and shrimp on top of white rice. 9.[ What’s the next thing I should build in Minecraft?] I know absolutely nothing about Minecraft! I actually thought it was spelled and pronounced MINDcraft! LMAO i was apparently wrong. But my little cousins are really into it and they built a gigantic castle with a huge garden and farm, so maybe that??? 10. [What song is stuck in your head?] Right now? ‘Pass Out’ by Tinie Tempah. Everyday? ‘Earthquake (feat. Busta Rhymes)’ by Labrinth. (It’s my morning alarm n wake up song lol) 11. [What TV show scenario would you want to see Bangtan in?] I reeaally want to see Bangtan do a popular variety show as a group like Running Man again or Infinity Challenge! (I love Yoo Jaesuk)
Well there you go! CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS TOOK ME AN ENTIRE DAY??? I was so busy with babysitting and I kept getting sidetracked and now I’m sooo exhausted but I was determined to finish this! And so now I am tagging @shyjimins @mintsugakookies @tennouuu and @astro-child (now you’ve been tagged twice!)
1. Favorite ice cream flavor? 2. Favorite movie? 3. First couple you ever shipped? 4. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done? 5. Any pets or siblings? 6. What is your favorite tongue twister? 7. Do you have a preferred fragrance or perfume? (what is it?) 8. Can you rub your stomach in a circular motion with one hand while patting your head with the other and jump on one foot? 9. Who or what do you confide in when things get rough? 10. What is your favorite childhood TV show? 11. What is your personal motto (if you have one)?
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