l8news · 1 year
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Microsoft se sale con la suya: Este 13 de octubre, Microsoft concretó al fin la compra de Activision (1° desarrollador independiente de juegos para consolas), Blizzard (creadores de World of Warcraft y de Overwatch), y King (dueños de Candy Crush Saga y de la palabra "Candy"). El proceso de compra inició en enero de 2022, y tardó 22 meses ya que tuvo que ser revisado por grupos anti-monopolio. [x]
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auspicioustidings · 10 days
Everybody shut up I am having a vision. The 141 stopping off at Soap's parents because there are top secret files he hid there. He's very cagey giving them directions and they are getting increasingly confused as their truck is pulling past wrought iron gates and into some tourist destination of sorts, driving past stables and a little crop of buildings to what looks like a manor.
Not his fault these English boys just heard a Scottish accent and assumed he came from peasantry. He turns bright red when the butler formally welcomes back the Much Honoured Laird of Kelburn. He's never going to fucking live this down.
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infinity23tech · 2 years
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flowersintheimpala69 · 2 months
Dean: I'm really glad we have such a great brotherly relationship where we're comfortable helping each other out like this :) you're such a good brother, sammy :) i feel bad for all the big brothers out there who don't have a little brother like you :) luv u bro!
Sam (who currently has all seven inches of dean's cock rammed inside him): What
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sweetmoew · 5 months
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Uh oh
Omgeeee I forgot his soul💀😭
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coochiequeens · 2 months
There's something satisfying about when an abusive man is called out by other men. Or at least one man.
Rest In Infamy, You Haunted Castle
Why I believe the Neil Gaiman accusations
I only met Neil Gaiman once, at an upscale dinner party where Derren Brown had been hired to do magic tricks like in the old-timey days. Between astonishments, Gaiman and I withdrew to a quiet corner where I pretended to be pleased that he was giving me a signed copy of ‘Sandman’. One of the unexpected advantages of being cancelled is telling people who took part in my harassment what I really think about their work, but this was a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, so I said the right things and we went back to being bamboozled by Brown’s invisible craft.
To give credit where it’s due, I later read Gaiman’s ‘Coraline’ to my kids which had them simultaneously terrified and hooked, and thanked him for it. Whatever my feelings about his earlier work, he was a real writer, practising his own invisible craft. From the evidence of that book, I thought he was probably a decent person too, an impression that continued until 2022, when we started to get into it over The Issue.
I may have asked why he wasn’t speaking out on behalf of JK Rowling, who was undergoing one of her regular cancellations for refusing to pander to the spoilt brats who loved her books but missed their meaning. A big name like his might have shifted the conversation and given her some much-needed support. He might perhaps have persuaded some of his fans to give the matter another look. This was when I assumed people like him acknowledged biological reality but worried about ‘coming out of the closet’, as it were. It took me years to realise that almost every celebrity mate of mine believed, or was pretending to believe, in the fashionable, American mind-cancer of ’gender’.
But back then, I was still astonished to find that he was a carrier of the virus, the mass delusion that by sheer coincidence, turned up after the arrival of the Internet. Whether it was Bill Bailey or Neil Hannon, Robin Ince or Matt Lucas, Arthur Mathews or Jimmy Mulville, it was always the same story. A sudden cloud of amnesia would form around my celebrity mates, a real peasouper, from which they suddenly could not see why we need female-only spaces, or why unhappy teenage girls will not find a miraculous cure for their woes in a double mastectomy. Far from sharing any of my urgency in the need to stop children from being irreversibly harmed in gender clinics, they instead downplayed, deflected and dismissed. “I never ask you to join in with my animal activism” grumbled Neil Hannon on one of the occasions I begged for his support.
“Couldn’t you pretend women and children are animals?” I thought.
My usual trajectory during these conversations saw me shifting from gobsmacked disbelief to fury and despair. The disloyalty made me angry, but knowing my friends did not care about their own daughters, wives, sisters and mothers was, and continues to be, destabilising in the extreme.
Gaiman went one step further. I can’t find the tweet, so I may be paraphrasing, but he said
"I hope you're kinder if your daughter ever hopes to transition."
I can think of no uglier thing to say to a parent. For girls, ‘transition’ means double mastectomies in their teens, hysterectomies in their mid-twenties, early menopause and a four times greater chance of having a heart attack than males of the same age. To have this decaying goth wish that horror on my daughter was more than I could bear. I wanted to rip his throat out.
Like a pair of grappling cowboys falling off a rooftop, our fight spilled into email. I sent Gaiman this article about the Tavistock. It was clear when he wrote back that he hadn’t absorbed it Like most celebrities in this fight, he appeared to have lost the ability to read.
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“As I said before Graham, I hope that you'd be kinder if it was one of your kids who wanted to transition. “
He actually said it again. The piece was right there, detailing exactly what was happening to the children unlucky enough to wander through the Tavistock’s doors, and he chose to repeat that disgusting thing. Why?
That same year, just months before Gaiman was advising me on the value of kindness, a 22-year-old woman (‘Scarlett’ in the podcast) arrived at his Waiheke Island home in New Zealand for a babysitting job. Upon her arrival, she discovered that Gaiman’s wife of the time, Amanda Palmer, had suddenly remembered a sleepover, an appointment the child was apparently eager to attend.
So she and junior drove out of view, leaving the 23 -year-old Scarlett alone with Gaiman for the night. Within a few hours the 61-year-old man, without warning or invitation, appeared fully naked and slipped into the other end of her bath. Scarlett alleges that over the next three weeks, they embarked on a semi-consensual relationship, where Gaiman routinely ignored the boundaries she set. She alleges that he became angry when she would refuse these demands, used a belt to beat her, insisted she call him ‘Master’ and once sexually assaulted her so violently that she lost consciousness.
“… (the sex) was so painful and so violent that I fainted. I passed out, lost consciousness, ringing in the ears, black vision, the pain was celestial, you know, which is a strange word to use, but I couldn't even describe it in language. And when I regained consciousness and I was on the ground, I looked up and he was watching the rehearsals from Scotland of whatever they were filming, I don't fucking know. And he didn't even notice that I was passed out. And you know…there was blood. It was so so, so traumatic, and I asked him to stop. I said it was too much.”
Scarlett is a compelling witness despite, or because of, her contradictions. Certain things paint a picture of consent—she sexted Gaiman, to which he would send careful replies—and she laughs nervously when she talks about the alleged abuse. But when Gaiman’s side of the story is put to her, she turns cold as a knife and shows flashes of fury that she—in her telling—young, inexperienced and dazzled by Palmer and Gaiman’s fame and lifestyle, was used so casually and so brutally.
A few years back, I wrote about becoming a sort of Jessica Fletcher figure on Twitter. ‘Murder, She Wrote” but with paedophiles and predators. “Just as murderers seemed drawn to any location Jessica presented herself, “ I said. “My opining about women's rights and safety on Twitter appeared to attract the kind of men who can't sit still during a spelling bee.”
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Among my adversaries was Peter Bright, the Ars Technica writer now doing twelve years for trying to buy two children to abuse. Luckily the children didn’t exist and the parents were actually FBI agents. Our exchange was brief and concerned safeguarding. I’m sure you’re all astonished to discover that he was against it.
Then there was ex-Labour MP Eric Joyce, who argued with me about the safety of mixed-sex loos in schools and was done for possessing the worst kind of child abuse images. More recently, I tangled with ‘Lexi’, who is now serving time for rape.
They all had one thing in common. They couldn’t leave alone those of us who were actively opposing the trans movement's assault on safeguarding, an assault that chimed nicely with their plans for the future. Each was returning to the scene of a crime not yet committed, each picking at a scab on their own character.
In 2018, at the height of #MeToo, Gaiman tweeted “On a day like today it’s worth saying, I believe survivors. Men must not close their eyes and minds to what happens to women in this world. We must fight, alongside them, for them to be believed, at the ballot box, and with art, and by listening, and change this world for the better.”
Well said. I certainly believe the women in ‘Master’. During my Jessica Fletcher period (a period which continues) no-one except Gaiman ever mentioned my kids. I think he knew it would cause me distress, and the second time he said it was just a twisting of the knife. Many of my colleagues in the media joined in with the trashing of my reputation, but Gaiman went that extra mile. I believe this is because he is a sadist. I think he is a man who finds pleasure in the suffering of others, and a man who does not see women and girls as fully human.
This was my final letter to him.
Dear Neil
I notice you’re still pretending you can’t read the Tavistock story. If you ever try and lay that curse on my kids again I will certainly share our exchange. Your privileged beliefs are harming children so to paraphrase Will Smith, keep their names out of your fucking mouth.
Thank you for giving me one last chance to say that JK Rowling will be remembered as a hero and you as a traitor to the kids who loved your books.
Rest in infamy, you haunted castle.
All the best,
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stillebesat · 2 years
DP x DC HC that Stephanie Brown and Dash Baxter are cousins. (Moms are sisters)
*walking to a WE meeting room where all the Waynes are sitting*
Dash: I can't believe you talked me into this! Steph: Come on! It will be funny. It will probably work too! Dash: He doesn't like rich people. Steph: Neither does Jason. Dash: Didn't you say the oldest grew up in a circus?! Danny's not a fan of the Circus. Steph: No, you said he doesn't like clowns. Dick is an Acrobat. Totally different. And! This entire family, heck the entire city absolutely LOATHES clowns. He'll fit right in. Dash: But! Steph: Nope! *shoves Dash into room* Go get 'em Tiger! *barricades door shut* Bruce: You had a proposal for us, Mr. Baxter? *gestures to his family*
Dash: *gulps* Ah. Uh. Yes. *clicks on the projector where 'WHY YOU SHOULD ADOPT DANNY FENTON' with a picture of Black-Haired Blue-Eyed Danny front and center flashes onto the screen* Wayne Family: o.o Dash: *clears throat* So, there's this orphan in my hometown...
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arisveah · 2 months
i just want to be really loud about the fact that i 100% believe so very strongly in t4t shiny duo (not ccs obvs). gem bc she has ANTLERS! woo! canon trans character in my books! and pearl bc she's an alien and her species doesn't have gender, so she chose to be female upon interacting with more and more humans.
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marblebagcollective · 6 months
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scream and shout , trickle down and down , ill build a home at sea.
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emry-stars-art · 3 months
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I am very much enjoying putting together summer packages for my patreon peeps (and I'd like to do moreeeee so if you want pride cats + other goodies in your mailbox.. you can sign up anytime before July starts over here in PST)
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julesdraws · 5 months
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doodles inspired by scenes from the lovely fic: Bedtime Rituals to Try out Before the Next Angelic War by @miribalis
(officially in my top 3 all time fav radioapple fics <33 , made me feel all the feels ToT)
(and alastor wears black and a dark red lipstick nghh)
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l8news · 1 year
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Si, ya sé que el juego en los GIFs es Rock Band, pero trabajo con lo que puedo: Faltan días para que entidades anti-monopolio aprueben que Microsoft compre al desarrollador de videojuegos Activition. Bobby Kotick (actual CEO de Activition) insinuó en entrevista para Windows Central que los "próximos 10 años de gaming" podrían traer un "resurgimiento de Guitar Hero y otras cosas [que] no sería posible sin los [...] recursos" de Microsoft. A pesar de esto, por ahora no hay planes oficiales para Guitar Hero. El último juego de la serie fue Guitar Hero Live en 2015 (el cual causó un regreso fallido del género en PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Wii U, Xbox 360, y Xbox One). [x]
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whatwooshkai · 1 month
Gimme a number 5! :D
Chase's face is contorted in badly disguised panic as he stands there, finials practically brushing the lights on his back, waiting for instruction.
Charlie tries desperately not to laugh, coughing into his fist. "I am so sorry," he says, voice strained, as Mayor Luskey forces his way out of the car, fuming.
"BURNS!" he snarls, his toupee slightly askew, and he nearly trips over the grappler as he storms up to him. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!"
"So sorry," Charlie repeats, noticing that Chase has started nervously wringing his hands. "The police bot noticed your car was going above the speed limit and wasn't responding to the flashing lights, so he- uh, the AI, I mean- took the next logical step." He gestures at the scene. "Hence the grappler."
Chase had deployed it without asking, and Charlie hadn't even known what happened until the mayor's car had suddenly stopped and started swerving in front of them, caught in a trap of yellow nylon webbing.
"Well- well- fix it!" Mayor Luskey turns on his poor chauffeur and starts shouting again, and Charlie notices the slight sigh of relief from Chase as the attention is taken off them.
"Police bot," Charlie orders, biting back his smile, "fix this please."
"Yes sir," Chase says, sounding much less confident than usual.
"I didn't even know you had a grappler," Charlie pipes up as they roll into the firehouse's driveway. "My last patrol car sure didn't."
"It was equipment I had back on Cybertron," Chase explains as the garage door closes behind them, then transforms when Charlie steps out. "I just haven't had a reason to use it until now."
"Well, uh, good to know," Charlie says, patting his hands on his hips. "Just maybe ask first next time?"
"Of course," Chase hums, and his finials flatten against his helm.
"So, do you have any other equipment you're holding out on me?" Charlie continues teasingly, and Chase's finials cant back.
"No," he answers, sounding almost disappointed. "A question better suited for Heatwave. I have not seen him use any of his arsenal."
"Really?" They step on the lift together. Normally Charlie would go back upstairs, but now he's curious. "What kinds of equipment?"
"I'd imagine it's similar." Chase taps his foot against the ground as the lift starts down. "He's got a kit hand."
"What's that?"
"Heatwave!" Chase addresses the fire bot instead, who's up on one of the pillars with the training dummy.
"What?" he calls back, leaning against it.
Chase gestures to Charlie. "He's curious about your equipment."
Heatwave frowns. "...What equipment?"
"Your firefighting equipment. You hand." Chase gestures abstractly.
"Oh." Heatwave jumps down and Chase offers his hand to Charlie, who climbs into it, and he's deposited onto Chase's shoulder for a better view. "Most of it's only accessible in my alt mode, but I got a few things."
He sticks his forearm out and a panel retracts. "Winch," he says, gesturing at it. "Got them on both sides. And my hand's kit." His left hand retracts back into his forearm, and he transforms tools out in rapid succession, including but not limited to a sledgehammer, an axe, a halligan, and a chainsaw. His hand's back in a few moments, and he offers Charlie a shrug. "I don't really have a need for them. I can usually brute force my way through any of the emergencies you guys have."
"True," Charlie hums, "but it's good to know. Thank you."
Heatwave blinks, then nods, turning away and going back to his dummy. Charlie looks to Chase. "Do the others have equipment like that, or, uh, 'kit' hands?"
Chase's finial flicks. "Why don't we go ask?" he says, voice colored with an excited lilt.
Charlie gets the distinct impression he's being included on something important, but he can't even begin to be sure of what. So he just smiles, pats Chase on the cheek, and lets him take him to the others.
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purpleleavesday · 7 months
So I don't have a proper screenshot, so this is just taken from the transcript. But at the end of the first day of Damien Tenma's trial, Blackquill says he can't trust you not to forge evidence, and then says this.
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Did he just invite Apollo to have a sleepover with him?? Are they going to paint their nails and talk about their crushes?
Anyway here's what I think would have happened if Apollo wasn't a coward
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alien-til-i-stage · 3 months
So like, i was thinking right.
we know that guardian urak will like own several human pets for the purpose of training them and sending them off to alien stage with the hopes of them winning. however we also know that the only person who has gotten close to winning is Till.
Meaning that technically, these other kids couldve been considered Till’s siblings in a way.
This next part is fully headcanon BUT WHAT IF LIKE HE WAS ACTUALLY CLOSE TO THEM OR AT LEAST SPENT TIME WITH THEM!!! What if Till had met and spoken with these kids, before watching them die in alien stage, knowing he himself would eventually be put in the same situation.
What if this is just another factor for why Till hates aliens?? like hes long since hated aliens before urak but this could just be even more fuel for his hatred?? siblings he once had were cruelly taken away from him and killed. Since Till wouldve had to be younger he mightve even looked up to these other siblings, JUST TO SEE THEM DIE DO YOU GUYS SEE MY VISION
i know someone would’ve probably mentioned it by now, but its very likely that urak still has other pet humans he trains similarly in case Till loses or if he wants to win again. SO NOT ONLY WOULD TILL HAVE HAD TO SEE HIS OLDER SIBLINGS WHO HE ADMIRED DIE IN ALIEN STAGE BUT WOULD HAVE TO BE BURDENED WITH THE FACT THAT NOW ITS HIS YOUNGER SIBLINGS WHO MIGHT SEE HIM DIE.
and even if he won, that doesn’t guarantee their lives if urak decided to put them in alien stage after winning with Till, which he probably will anyways. MEANING THERES A CHANCE HE ALSO MIGHT SEE HIS YOUNGER SIBLINGS DIE AHHHH
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kotdish · 1 year
Guys, I cartooned
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