#activist embroidery
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kitschycritter · 1 month ago
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Howdy, my name is Critter. Have y'all heard of this lil thing called Craftivism? Here are 5 types of Punk/DIY Crafts I think we need to embrace, sooner rather than later!
Yarn and crochet/knitting supplies are relatively easy and inexpensive to get your hands on, and learning to crochet/knit is relatively easy with video tutorials. Once you learn the basics, you can create patches and clothing items that support certain causes. You can also do yarn-bombing (essentially graffiti using crochet/knitting) as a way to spread awareness about certain issues. Here are the patterns I listed above:
LGBTQ Pride Keychains
BLM Patch
Palestine Flag Heart
LGBTQ Pole Wrap
Womens March Hat
All you need is something hard and sturdy to act as the base for your pin (bottle caps work best), soda tabs + a safety pin, and some glue to secure everything. Paint or decorate them however you please. Let people know who you are and what you stand for. 
While Kandi can be a way to express yourself and your identities, it is also a way to make community. Kandi-trading is huge in the EDM scene, and it is a huge part of why that community is so tight. You don’t need to make anything elaborate, especially to start out - just get some cheap pony beads from the dollar store, some letters, make some pretty bracelets. Keep them, trade them, give them away. 
Embroidery is a very fun and useful skill to develop, as you can basically put whatever you like wherever you want. Mend your socks, personalize your jacket, make some patches. Stop buying those shitty embroidered clothes from temu or shein and make your own one-of-a-kind pieces. Learning embroidery is pretty easy, just get some fabric, some thread, a needle, and go ham.
Zines are not only a way to spread awareness about certain issues, but they are a way to express yourself and talk about your personal experiences. I’ve included instructions on how to fold a zine, as well as some examples of zines. If you would like to learn more about zines & their history, I recommend @/decolonizationcoven on Tiktok. If you would like more examples of zines, check about any social media platform, but especially Pinterest. Lastly, if you would like inspiration for zines, Canva has lots of templates of zine layouts that are easy to replicate.
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lovestonedliberty · 2 years ago
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Two days until 4.20 🍃💨💚
I’ve listed a couple canvas on Etsy + clothing will be listed over the next few days.
It’s time to legalize cannabis…with home grow! Honestly, it’s time to end Federal Prohibition altogether, and let Citizens of the States decide if they want cannabis legal or not.
The fight is far from over!
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so-i-did-this-thing · 2 months ago
im sorry this might not be the place to ask for advice/help but im doomscrolling about the news and the soon to be president and im seeing so much to be scared shitless about, invasions, removal of vaccines, cost of living increases, revoking of trans rights and how it might make it all the more impossible to get the surgeries i wanted... its just too fucking scary to breathe right now what do i do with myself
Hey, Anon. I'm here. A lot of us are here right with you.
It's scary, to be sure. And I'm not going to sugarcoat the possibilities of things going south very quickly. So, let's jump into some survival tactics.
This post on burnout is a great place to start. There is a lot of overlap with burnout and the anxiety you're feeling.
Allow yourself to slow down and unplug. You are allowed to step away from the news cycle -- events out of your control will unfold regardless.
Don't feel guilty by letting yourself relax. I find it especially helpful to do activities that don't involve the internet -- I've been decorating my house, mending broken crockery, and sketching some embroidery ideas. I try to take the time to get dressed and groomed every day, to remind myself that I matter. I spend more time outdoors.
As you find the ability to relax, you'll be able to focus better on the things you can do to be resilient. Things I have been doing to improve myself and make me a better helper:
Staying on top of my medical appointments and any preventive care I can do
Working to be physically healthier overall to mitigate future medical issues
Getting all my paperwork in order, including passports
Tweaking my financial budget
Researching what estate & family documentation needs to be done to protect my relationship in case my marriage gets dissolved
Brushing up on job skills, getting new certifications to stay competitively employable
Stocking up on my medical and general emergency supplies, especially for bad weather events
Getting in the habit of mindful purchases, curbing my habit of impulse shopping
Selling things I don't want or need anymore to have a little extra money and be able to move house easier, if need be
Building a habit of fixing/maintaining my possessions instead of trashing broken things
Canceling online subscriptions and quitting social networks that make me feel in danger
Getting my personal and any queer-related files out of the cloud and onto redundant solid state drives
Downloading / printing out queer resources and buying queer art that may be banned or monitored in the future
Enjoying physical media again and hunting for old favorites
Keeping in touch with queer friends and allies and making plans in case people (even myself) need to flee
Being visible when I can and knowing when it's best to lay low
Allowing myself the luxury to dig into things Old Me would have saved for "special" events -- aka, wearing the nice clothes and eating off the fine china as an everyday thing
Shutting the fuck up, especially online, when I think my words could be used against me
In a way, I am trying to simply become a better version of myself, one who is calm & self-sufficient, mindful about his actions, and available to help those in need. It sucks that the driving factor is fear, but I intend to use that fear as a catalyst to be stronger and survive.
There is a lot to be done, but there was always going to be work, new regime or not. But please, start with that burnout article so you can jump into your own plans with new hope and energy. ❤️
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safaakhatib · 8 months ago
Martyrs of Gaza
"As a family they loved to read together, and together in their home in the North, they became Martyrs"
At 18 years old, Janna was supposed to be in her final year of high school; she was among the highest-ranking students. She loved to recite poetry and the Quran for her family; at gatherings they would recite together.
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They were a cultured family who loved embroidery and reading books.
They remained in the North and together they became martyrs on the December 8th; when their home, where they had sought safety, was bombed.
Please save my children from the horrors of war so they can go to a safe place. Donate every 1$ that contributes to saving us
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freyasfatale · 3 months ago
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About Me:
🐈‍⬛ My name is G Freyasdottir. I’m in my 20s, I’m an Appalachian American.
🕷️ I am a radical feminist and misandrist. If you are a male, do not interact. No minors or Christians either.
🌍 I am a climate activist and have sworn to devote my life to protecting and preserving Mother Jord.
🍯 I’m Northern Traditional Pagan and Hedge Witch. Always looking for more friends in the community. ♥️
⚔️ I work with the Norse deities in the most. Freya is my matron goddess.
🌿 I study naturopathic medicine, psychology, and anthropology. Medicine is the way of the woman. I specialize in women’s health.
🍄 My interests are baking, cooking, embroidery, vintage fashion, beauty, fragrance, herbal medicine, music, witchcraft, reading, outdoor activities like camping and backpacking, foraging, wildlife observing, history, art, literature, and more.
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magicmindless · 7 months ago
A HC List but it’s just Lois Stilnsky
First HC list that doesn’t have to do with Papa Louie lets go
- Early 40s maybe. She’s a kind, caring lady but she can have a bit of an attitude sometimes
- She’s been used as an armrest before because she’s short. She doesn’t appreciate it
- When she was around her 20s she found Roman beaten in an alleyway and left for dead by who he thought were his allies (yeah, gang/mafia stuff). She aided him however she could and then called an ambulance
- Despite being short, she hogs the bed at night, taking up over half of it. Roman has to constantly push her aside so that he can sleep comfortably with her
- Her dad is dead… yeah that’s it, he died of a heart attack
- She came from a humble middle class family. Her father also happened to be an accountant and her mother was a women’s rights activist (she’s retired now)
- As telling from her entry requests she seems to have a good relationship with her mother. They usually just have tea and snacks together and they never run out of things to talk about
- She loves desserts, anything with raspberries in them she’s down for, and also likes white chocolate over other chocolates (even if it technically isn’t chocolate)
- She became a housewife because she didn’t mind it. It’s her own choice and no one told her to do it so she felt fine just taking care of the house and occasionally going out shopping or whatever
- Roman kind of spoils her. The first gift she’s ever gotten from him was her hat she always wears ingame
- I’m sorry but I can’t come up with a reason for her hair covering her eyes. I don’t really wanna say scarring so… yeah, she just likes it
- Her favorite types of shows are dramas, romcoms, and oddly cooking shows. Most days when she has little energy or she’s done with all of her housework she watches TV
- She also likes embroidery. She has embroidered Romans handkerchiefs and even his ties which he wears under his suit (he does love them a lot)
- She’s a pouty person. Roman tells her that’s what she has the most in common with her mom: They both pout and stay silent when they’re pissed off
- She likes setting up tea dates with the other ladies, usually Rafttellyn though because she’s the only other person home most of the time. They both know dirt on everyone
- She loves teasing Roman, but when he teases her back she acts pouty (she loves it when he teases her back)
(Last little note here I am once again so sorry about the people who never got hc lists they requested for certain people, I’ve been in a massive writing block for a while and it got worse this summer, I can’t even write for my original characters but my motivation to write seems to be back? Kind of? Idk I hope it’ll come back fully with milk soon-)
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natequarter · 7 months ago
AITA for engaging with English politics?
I (37F) am French and moved to England when I married my husband (39M) aged twelve (which I resent to this day). Though we grew up together, we never bonded, perhaps because I hate this country and all you English pricks. Nonetheless, he suggested recently that I should learn English (as he is a stupid man incapable of noticing what is right before his eyes), or at least find a hobby (I don't know what's wrong with embroidery, but he insisted...).
Since he is my lord husband and I'm supposed to agree with what he says (even though he doesn't say anything), I obliged, and started a "book club." It should be obvious here that it is not a "book club" (I don't know what that even is), but instead an opportunity to gather with friends (27M, 62M, 43M, 19M, 33M, 37M, 51M, 29M, 34M, 33M, 49M, 48M, 24M, 44M, 37F) and discuss English politics. As English citizens (mostly), we felt it was our God-given right to get involved in our country's politics. You might even say we are activists. Anyway, we came into contact with the leader of the rival party to Queen Elizabeth's, discussing how we might mitigate her influence and steer England towards a brighter future.
All was going well, until my husband, who is a nosy arsehole, decided to look in on private matters after we had left. At this point he discovered what might be considered "incriminating" (for some reason) information regarding a planned protest. At this we were arrested by some of the queen's men, though I and a few others escaped. Unfortunately, my husband was killed in the process, because, like the idiot that he was, he ignored everything I said and chose to "protect" me (he could not protect his way out of a paper bag).
Some would consider this behaviour "terrorism" (?) or murder. AITA here?
EDIT: No, I did not mean to write "King Charles." I am from 1585. Who is King Charles? What is wrong with you? And what in the name of sweet Jesu is "the USA"?
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kendelias · 3 months ago
If they had a kid for Cordelia and Kendall? <3
ohhh my faves.... they have three but im gonna go with the oldest <3
Name: victoria 'tori' knight
Gender: cis female
General Appearance: brown hair she's dyed pink at the ends, green eyes, short like her mom lmao
Personality: kind, practical, independent, extremely confident, feminist legend, argumentative but only when people deserve it
Special Talents: ice skating, writing (everything from essays to poetry), playing piano, embroidery
Who they like better: cordelia
Who they take after more: cordelia
Personal Head canon: the oldest daughter and that is FELT - keeps her siblings in line, always handling their schedules and stuff, etc. can sing but has a deep and terrible stage fright. the kind of kid who changes her mind every day whether she wants to be an olympian or a lawyer or what. she is a lesbian and it's a huge part of her personality as she's an activist and advocate for her community (she has def helped organize her local pride parade and big time rush is performing tyvm).
Face Claim: mackenzie foy
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send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child.
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trans-axolotl · 1 year ago
also i need to remember to go pick up more narcan bc i just ran out again. will put that on my to do list for the week. wait maybe i'll just write out my new tasks list for week instead of trying to just remember this all in my head
pick up testosterone prescription
IOF off campus protest
stretching routine + flexibility and splits
get more narcan
ask MT if i can borrow her heels and try on
interview for keynote speaker event
check in with youth activist group + see what support they need
harm reduction sh skillshare
stretching routine + flexibility and splits
wheelchair skills practice if time.
check in about abolition in psychiatry panel.
stretching routine + flexibility and splits
grocery shopping. restock first aid kit also bc S used up like half the supplies.
psych abuse article research
stretching routine + flexibility and splits
harm reduction outreach on the van
day of action beforehand if can get to outreach in time
rest rest rest
embroidery project time perhaps!
rest. rest. rest.
make plans for rest of week (thesis work)
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catdotjpeg · 11 months ago
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On a sunny but cold Sunday afternoon, hundreds of pro-Palestine activists unfurled a massive quilt on the steps of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, calling for an end to Israel’s hostilities in Gaza. The action, which began around 12:40pm today, March 24, attracted over 350 participants.  Titled “From Occupation to Liberation,” the quilt was comprised of 65 artworks by various anonymous artists, some featuring traditional Palestinian taṭrīz embroidery. Other squares referenced poet Refaat Alareer, who was killed by Israeli bombardments in Gaza, and Thomas Kilpper’s “Jenin Horse” (2003) — a 16-foot sculpture that previously stood in the West Bank city of Jenin before it was removed by Israeli forces in late October. As the quilt was spread out across the museum’s main entrance, activists encircled the display, carrying signs that read “We See Genocide,” “Let Gaza Live,” and “None Of Us Are Free Until Palestine Is Free.” Simultaneously, protesters chanted phrases such as “Free Palestine” and “Art for Liberation, Not for Colonization” while various groups put on performances in reference to Palestinian dabkeh folk dance.
Organizers of the protest told Hyperallergic that the artwork was modeled after the historic NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt. Prints of the quilt are also available for purchase online. All proceeds will go to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the humanitarian relief organization that aids Palestinian refugees in Gaza and elsewhere, recently targeted by Israel and the US. The action came barely a week after the release of a group open letter signed by 158 Met workers urging the institution’s Director and Chief Executive Officer Max Hollein to issue a statement in support of a ceasefire and address Israel’s destruction of Palestine. No arrests were made, despite heavy police presence ahead of the protest. Patrons were still able to enter and exit the museum, some approached by protesters who handed out mock Met brochures. 
Urging people to “Dump the Fine Art of Imperialism,” the brochures called out the museum’s role in upholding colonialist power structures. They cited The Met’s physical location on Indigenous Lenape land, as well as its ties to Israeli violence via trustees and donors including Michael Steinhardt, Ronald S. Lauder, and Ted Pick. There were a few confrontations between the demonstrators and passersby, some escalating to shouting matches. Other bystanders welcomed the protest, some even joining in. Flor Sarna, a tourist from New Mexico, told Hyperallergic she was “pleasantly surprised“ by the action. Jacki Steiger, a museum visitor on a business trip from Los Angeles, said they were “overwhelmed,” but “glad to see so many people out” in support of Palestinians. 
“Everyone has a responsibility to speak up and to do what they can to spread information about the genocide in Gaza,” said actor Rowan Blanchard, who participated in the action, pointing out the significant platform that the museum holds, especially as the annual Met Gala approaches. The Met declined to comment on the protest. The protesters’ original plan to march toward the Neue Galerie and Guggenheim Museum up Fifth Avenue was scrapped in the interest of safety. The group dispersed peacefully around 2:30pm. 
-- "Activists Unfurl Massive Quilt for Gaza on Met Museum Steps" by Maya Pontone and Rhea Nayyar for Hyperallergic, 24 Mar 2024
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the-romantic-lady · 2 years ago
A few weeks ago it was said that the invitation had not yet been sent, what went out was the sabe the date, only those who RSVPed would recieved the invitation about 3 weeks before the event. It said that the deadline to RSVP was April 15. The dress code usually comes in the invitation right?
I'm just trying to find an excuse to still maybe we have other dress code, because daydress is so underwhelming. If we are getting full bang, the people who need to make the embroidery dresses, like Camilla, Catherine, Anne, Sophie will already know the dress code. The other people don't need much notice, just need to find a long gown and send their tiaras to the jewelry for some cleaning.
I'm grasping straws here because if it is daydress I'll be passing, I'm not even religious to watch just a Church service. It's such a shame, without the pomp and circumstance what do they have? Activists who have taxpayer funded security?
You are probably right. I personally don’t think the working royals will be in day dress. If there are whispers of this, it is from people trying to mislead the media or just media speculation itself. The tiara news came from People and if you read what was actually said, then it seems like a “no comment” about this situation. Hopefully, you and I are right and it’s all good at the end.
Granted that even if certain invitations say day dress that doesn’t necessarily mean the royals will be in day dress. The state opening of parliament is a tiara event for royal ladies and everyone else wear day dress. I think we might see similar scenes and now feel slightly better lol.
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moonspower · 1 year ago
Tell us another grandma story ❤️
hmmmmmmT........... well she always encouraged my artistic pursuits and maybe thats bcuz she made a lot of her living off of making quilts, pillows, etc etc i mean like $500 per quilt cuz her embroidery work is craaaazy!!!! anyway she was good w. my hobbies too....... every report card she let me get:
a fresh notebook so i could write in it, i have novels and concepts from like the age of 6-yrs-old
more markers and crayons
vhs from fye. it'd be like sailor moon, pokemon, tenchi muyo, yuyu hakusho, etc etc . . .
a cassette or cd of my choice!!!!!!
other than that, my moms gay / bi / trans friends always stayed at our house if they got into a tiff w. their folks. she always wants ppl to thrive and she never discriminated so w / e crash in the guest room or the living room if u wanna. like yea......... she talks shit about everyone........ but she talks shit about everyone like i just said ur not special glkfdjgldkf.
she was also a very vigilante civil rights activist part of the black panthers and a feminist that would snap a man in half. she was partially a separatist so she could protect her daughters and granddaughters.
also she beat the shit outta kkk members with no mercy in the 50s. im glad i was raised by her because i know not a lot of ppl have that privilege, even tho we were poor as shit; she also hated capitalism!
edit: not me talkin bout her like shes dead. shes still alive.... and still an asshole.
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notsochillnerd · 8 months ago
I got Keira Knightley and i guess period piece is fine since i would absolutely love to just sit around reading and doing embroidery, but also the women's empowerment thingy would fit my "activist" soul
Tagging: @dira333 @nolita-fairytale @spencerreidsreads @poisonquinzell now you guys!!!!!✨️💫✨️💫✨️💫
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hii i recently fell in love with movies again so i made a uquiz where you can find out which actor would play you in a film about your life.
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cleverhottubmiracle · 2 months ago
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The History and Evolution of Shearling Jackets Introduction Shearling jackets have long been a staple in the world of fashion. Known for their warmth, durability, and timeless appeal, shearling jackets have a rich history that dates back centuries. From their origins in ancient times to their rise as a fashion icon in the 20th century, shearling jackets have played a significant role in both fashion and history. In this article, we will explore the origins of shearling jackets, their role in World War II, their association with rebellion and counterculture in the 1960s and 1970s, their presence in high fashion and pop culture in the 1980s and 1990s, and their current status as a sustainable and ethical fashion choice. The Origins of Shearling Jackets: From Ancient Times to the Middle Ages The use of shearling for warmth can be traced back to ancient times. In regions with cold climates, such as Scandinavia and Russia, people would wear garments made from sheepskin to protect themselves from the harsh weather conditions. The natural insulation properties of shearling made it an ideal material for keeping warm in cold temperatures.During the Middle Ages, shearling jackets began to take shape as a distinct garment. The process of shearing sheep became more refined, allowing for the creation of garments that were both warm and stylish. Shearling jackets became popular among the nobility and were often adorned with fur trim and intricate embroidery. The Rise of Shearling Jackets in the 20th Century: A Fashion Icon is Born In the early 1900s, shearling leather jackets made their way into mainstream fashion. They were initially worn by aviators and pilots who needed a warm and durable garment for their flights. The natural insulation properties of shearling made it an ideal choice for these pilots, as it provided warmth without adding bulk.The popularity of shearling jackets continued to grow in the 1920s and 1930s. They became a symbol of luxury and were often seen on the backs of Hollywood stars and socialites. Shearling jackets were also favored by adventurers and explorers, who relied on their warmth and durability during their expeditions.In the 1950s, shearling jackets became a fashion statement. They were worn by rebellious youth who wanted to break away from the conservative fashion of the time. Shearling jackets were often paired with jeans and leather boots, creating a rugged and edgy look. The Role of Shearling Jackets in World War II: A Practical and Warm Solution During World War II, b3 aviator shearling jackets played a crucial role in keeping pilots warm in the cold and unforgiving conditions of the sky. The jackets were designed to withstand extreme temperatures and provided much-needed insulation for pilots flying at high altitudes.The importance of shearling jackets in cold weather conditions cannot be overstated. The natural insulation properties of shearling make it an ideal material for keeping warm in freezing temperatures. The thick wool lining traps heat close to the body, while the outer layer protects against wind and moisture. The 1960s and 1970s: Shearling Jackets as a Symbol of Rebellion and Counterculture In the 1960s and 1970s, shearling jackets became associated with rebellion and counterculture. They were worn by hippies and activists who rejected mainstream fashion and embraced a more bohemian style. Shearling jackets were often adorned with peace signs, patches, and other symbols of the era.The popularity of shearling jackets continued to grow in the 1970s. They were worn by rock stars and musicians, who embraced their rugged and edgy aesthetic. Shearling jackets became a symbol of coolness and were often seen on stage during concerts. The 1980s and 1990s: Shearling Jackets in High Fashion and Pop Culture In the 1980s and 1990s, shearling jackets made their way into high fashion. Designers such as Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein incorporated shearling into their collections, elevating the material to a new level of luxury. Shearling jackets were often paired with tailored trousers and high heels, creating a sophisticated and glamorous look.Shearling jackets also made appearances in popular movies and TV shows during this time. In the movie "Top Gun," Tom Cruise's character famously wore a shearling jacket, solidifying its status as a symbol of coolness and masculinity. Shearling jackets were also seen on TV shows such as "Friends" and "Sex and the City," further cementing their place in pop culture. The 21st Century: Shearling Jackets as a Sustainable and Ethical Fashion Choice In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on sustainable and ethical fashion. Consumers are becoming more conscious of the environmental and social impact of their clothing choices, leading to a rise in demand for sustainable and ethically sourced materials.Shearling is a natural and renewable material, making it a sustainable choice for fashion. Sheep are shorn regularly to keep them comfortable and healthy, and their wool is then used to create shearling jackets. Additionally, shearling is biodegradable, meaning it will break down naturally over time. The Evolution of Shearling Jackets: From Traditional to Modern Designs Traditional shearling jacket designs were often bulky and oversized, providing maximum warmth and insulation. However, in recent years, designers have started to experiment with more modern and streamlined designs.Modern shearling jackets often feature sleek silhouettes and tailored cuts. They are designed to be more versatile and can be worn in a variety of settings, from casual outings to formal events. Additionally, modern shearling jackets come in a wide range of colors and finishes, allowing for more customization and personalization. How to Care for Your Shearling Jacket: Tips and Tricks Proper cleaning and maintenance are essential for keeping your shearling jacket in top condition. Here are some tips and tricks for caring for your shearling jacket:- Avoid exposing your shearling jacket to direct sunlight for extended periods, as this can cause the color to fade.- Store your shearling jacket in a cool and dry place when not in use, preferably in a breathable garment bag.- If your shearling jacket gets wet, allow it to air dry naturally. Do not use heat sources such as hairdryers or radiators, as this can damage the leather.- Use a soft brush or cloth to remove any dirt or debris from the surface of your shearling jacket. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials, as these can damage the leather.- If your shearling jacket becomes stained, consult a professional cleaner who specializes in leather and fur garments. Conclusion: The Timeless Appeal of Shearling Jackets in Fashion and History In conclusion, shearling jackets have a long and storied history in both fashion and history. From their origins in ancient times to their rise as a fashion icon in the 20th century, shearling jackets have remained a timeless and versatile garment. Whether worn for practicality, rebellion, or high fashion, shearling jackets continue to captivate and inspire. With their sustainable and ethical qualities, shearling jackets are sure to remain a staple in the world of fashion for years to come. Source link
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norajworld · 2 months ago
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The History and Evolution of Shearling Jackets Introduction Shearling jackets have long been a staple in the world of fashion. Known for their warmth, durability, and timeless appeal, shearling jackets have a rich history that dates back centuries. From their origins in ancient times to their rise as a fashion icon in the 20th century, shearling jackets have played a significant role in both fashion and history. In this article, we will explore the origins of shearling jackets, their role in World War II, their association with rebellion and counterculture in the 1960s and 1970s, their presence in high fashion and pop culture in the 1980s and 1990s, and their current status as a sustainable and ethical fashion choice. The Origins of Shearling Jackets: From Ancient Times to the Middle Ages The use of shearling for warmth can be traced back to ancient times. In regions with cold climates, such as Scandinavia and Russia, people would wear garments made from sheepskin to protect themselves from the harsh weather conditions. The natural insulation properties of shearling made it an ideal material for keeping warm in cold temperatures.During the Middle Ages, shearling jackets began to take shape as a distinct garment. The process of shearing sheep became more refined, allowing for the creation of garments that were both warm and stylish. Shearling jackets became popular among the nobility and were often adorned with fur trim and intricate embroidery. The Rise of Shearling Jackets in the 20th Century: A Fashion Icon is Born In the early 1900s, shearling leather jackets made their way into mainstream fashion. They were initially worn by aviators and pilots who needed a warm and durable garment for their flights. The natural insulation properties of shearling made it an ideal choice for these pilots, as it provided warmth without adding bulk.The popularity of shearling jackets continued to grow in the 1920s and 1930s. They became a symbol of luxury and were often seen on the backs of Hollywood stars and socialites. Shearling jackets were also favored by adventurers and explorers, who relied on their warmth and durability during their expeditions.In the 1950s, shearling jackets became a fashion statement. They were worn by rebellious youth who wanted to break away from the conservative fashion of the time. Shearling jackets were often paired with jeans and leather boots, creating a rugged and edgy look. The Role of Shearling Jackets in World War II: A Practical and Warm Solution During World War II, b3 aviator shearling jackets played a crucial role in keeping pilots warm in the cold and unforgiving conditions of the sky. The jackets were designed to withstand extreme temperatures and provided much-needed insulation for pilots flying at high altitudes.The importance of shearling jackets in cold weather conditions cannot be overstated. The natural insulation properties of shearling make it an ideal material for keeping warm in freezing temperatures. The thick wool lining traps heat close to the body, while the outer layer protects against wind and moisture. The 1960s and 1970s: Shearling Jackets as a Symbol of Rebellion and Counterculture In the 1960s and 1970s, shearling jackets became associated with rebellion and counterculture. They were worn by hippies and activists who rejected mainstream fashion and embraced a more bohemian style. Shearling jackets were often adorned with peace signs, patches, and other symbols of the era.The popularity of shearling jackets continued to grow in the 1970s. They were worn by rock stars and musicians, who embraced their rugged and edgy aesthetic. Shearling jackets became a symbol of coolness and were often seen on stage during concerts. The 1980s and 1990s: Shearling Jackets in High Fashion and Pop Culture In the 1980s and 1990s, shearling jackets made their way into high fashion. Designers such as Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein incorporated shearling into their collections, elevating the material to a new level of luxury. Shearling jackets were often paired with tailored trousers and high heels, creating a sophisticated and glamorous look.Shearling jackets also made appearances in popular movies and TV shows during this time. In the movie "Top Gun," Tom Cruise's character famously wore a shearling jacket, solidifying its status as a symbol of coolness and masculinity. Shearling jackets were also seen on TV shows such as "Friends" and "Sex and the City," further cementing their place in pop culture. The 21st Century: Shearling Jackets as a Sustainable and Ethical Fashion Choice In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on sustainable and ethical fashion. Consumers are becoming more conscious of the environmental and social impact of their clothing choices, leading to a rise in demand for sustainable and ethically sourced materials.Shearling is a natural and renewable material, making it a sustainable choice for fashion. Sheep are shorn regularly to keep them comfortable and healthy, and their wool is then used to create shearling jackets. Additionally, shearling is biodegradable, meaning it will break down naturally over time. The Evolution of Shearling Jackets: From Traditional to Modern Designs Traditional shearling jacket designs were often bulky and oversized, providing maximum warmth and insulation. However, in recent years, designers have started to experiment with more modern and streamlined designs.Modern shearling jackets often feature sleek silhouettes and tailored cuts. They are designed to be more versatile and can be worn in a variety of settings, from casual outings to formal events. Additionally, modern shearling jackets come in a wide range of colors and finishes, allowing for more customization and personalization. How to Care for Your Shearling Jacket: Tips and Tricks Proper cleaning and maintenance are essential for keeping your shearling jacket in top condition. Here are some tips and tricks for caring for your shearling jacket:- Avoid exposing your shearling jacket to direct sunlight for extended periods, as this can cause the color to fade.- Store your shearling jacket in a cool and dry place when not in use, preferably in a breathable garment bag.- If your shearling jacket gets wet, allow it to air dry naturally. Do not use heat sources such as hairdryers or radiators, as this can damage the leather.- Use a soft brush or cloth to remove any dirt or debris from the surface of your shearling jacket. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials, as these can damage the leather.- If your shearling jacket becomes stained, consult a professional cleaner who specializes in leather and fur garments. Conclusion: The Timeless Appeal of Shearling Jackets in Fashion and History In conclusion, shearling jackets have a long and storied history in both fashion and history. From their origins in ancient times to their rise as a fashion icon in the 20th century, shearling jackets have remained a timeless and versatile garment. Whether worn for practicality, rebellion, or high fashion, shearling jackets continue to captivate and inspire. With their sustainable and ethical qualities, shearling jackets are sure to remain a staple in the world of fashion for years to come. Source link
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ellajme0 · 2 months ago
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The History and Evolution of Shearling Jackets Introduction Shearling jackets have long been a staple in the world of fashion. Known for their warmth, durability, and timeless appeal, shearling jackets have a rich history that dates back centuries. From their origins in ancient times to their rise as a fashion icon in the 20th century, shearling jackets have played a significant role in both fashion and history. In this article, we will explore the origins of shearling jackets, their role in World War II, their association with rebellion and counterculture in the 1960s and 1970s, their presence in high fashion and pop culture in the 1980s and 1990s, and their current status as a sustainable and ethical fashion choice. The Origins of Shearling Jackets: From Ancient Times to the Middle Ages The use of shearling for warmth can be traced back to ancient times. In regions with cold climates, such as Scandinavia and Russia, people would wear garments made from sheepskin to protect themselves from the harsh weather conditions. The natural insulation properties of shearling made it an ideal material for keeping warm in cold temperatures.During the Middle Ages, shearling jackets began to take shape as a distinct garment. The process of shearing sheep became more refined, allowing for the creation of garments that were both warm and stylish. Shearling jackets became popular among the nobility and were often adorned with fur trim and intricate embroidery. The Rise of Shearling Jackets in the 20th Century: A Fashion Icon is Born In the early 1900s, shearling leather jackets made their way into mainstream fashion. They were initially worn by aviators and pilots who needed a warm and durable garment for their flights. The natural insulation properties of shearling made it an ideal choice for these pilots, as it provided warmth without adding bulk.The popularity of shearling jackets continued to grow in the 1920s and 1930s. They became a symbol of luxury and were often seen on the backs of Hollywood stars and socialites. Shearling jackets were also favored by adventurers and explorers, who relied on their warmth and durability during their expeditions.In the 1950s, shearling jackets became a fashion statement. They were worn by rebellious youth who wanted to break away from the conservative fashion of the time. Shearling jackets were often paired with jeans and leather boots, creating a rugged and edgy look. The Role of Shearling Jackets in World War II: A Practical and Warm Solution During World War II, b3 aviator shearling jackets played a crucial role in keeping pilots warm in the cold and unforgiving conditions of the sky. The jackets were designed to withstand extreme temperatures and provided much-needed insulation for pilots flying at high altitudes.The importance of shearling jackets in cold weather conditions cannot be overstated. The natural insulation properties of shearling make it an ideal material for keeping warm in freezing temperatures. The thick wool lining traps heat close to the body, while the outer layer protects against wind and moisture. The 1960s and 1970s: Shearling Jackets as a Symbol of Rebellion and Counterculture In the 1960s and 1970s, shearling jackets became associated with rebellion and counterculture. They were worn by hippies and activists who rejected mainstream fashion and embraced a more bohemian style. Shearling jackets were often adorned with peace signs, patches, and other symbols of the era.The popularity of shearling jackets continued to grow in the 1970s. They were worn by rock stars and musicians, who embraced their rugged and edgy aesthetic. Shearling jackets became a symbol of coolness and were often seen on stage during concerts. The 1980s and 1990s: Shearling Jackets in High Fashion and Pop Culture In the 1980s and 1990s, shearling jackets made their way into high fashion. Designers such as Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein incorporated shearling into their collections, elevating the material to a new level of luxury. Shearling jackets were often paired with tailored trousers and high heels, creating a sophisticated and glamorous look.Shearling jackets also made appearances in popular movies and TV shows during this time. In the movie "Top Gun," Tom Cruise's character famously wore a shearling jacket, solidifying its status as a symbol of coolness and masculinity. Shearling jackets were also seen on TV shows such as "Friends" and "Sex and the City," further cementing their place in pop culture. The 21st Century: Shearling Jackets as a Sustainable and Ethical Fashion Choice In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on sustainable and ethical fashion. Consumers are becoming more conscious of the environmental and social impact of their clothing choices, leading to a rise in demand for sustainable and ethically sourced materials.Shearling is a natural and renewable material, making it a sustainable choice for fashion. Sheep are shorn regularly to keep them comfortable and healthy, and their wool is then used to create shearling jackets. Additionally, shearling is biodegradable, meaning it will break down naturally over time. The Evolution of Shearling Jackets: From Traditional to Modern Designs Traditional shearling jacket designs were often bulky and oversized, providing maximum warmth and insulation. However, in recent years, designers have started to experiment with more modern and streamlined designs.Modern shearling jackets often feature sleek silhouettes and tailored cuts. They are designed to be more versatile and can be worn in a variety of settings, from casual outings to formal events. Additionally, modern shearling jackets come in a wide range of colors and finishes, allowing for more customization and personalization. How to Care for Your Shearling Jacket: Tips and Tricks Proper cleaning and maintenance are essential for keeping your shearling jacket in top condition. Here are some tips and tricks for caring for your shearling jacket:- Avoid exposing your shearling jacket to direct sunlight for extended periods, as this can cause the color to fade.- Store your shearling jacket in a cool and dry place when not in use, preferably in a breathable garment bag.- If your shearling jacket gets wet, allow it to air dry naturally. Do not use heat sources such as hairdryers or radiators, as this can damage the leather.- Use a soft brush or cloth to remove any dirt or debris from the surface of your shearling jacket. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials, as these can damage the leather.- If your shearling jacket becomes stained, consult a professional cleaner who specializes in leather and fur garments. Conclusion: The Timeless Appeal of Shearling Jackets in Fashion and History In conclusion, shearling jackets have a long and storied history in both fashion and history. From their origins in ancient times to their rise as a fashion icon in the 20th century, shearling jackets have remained a timeless and versatile garment. Whether worn for practicality, rebellion, or high fashion, shearling jackets continue to captivate and inspire. With their sustainable and ethical qualities, shearling jackets are sure to remain a staple in the world of fashion for years to come. Source link
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