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befallenstars-archive · 1 month ago
It's been a while since I last read some fics and I saw this waiting in the drafts so I just had to pick it. Having your work as smth to get me back to reading is a very nice thing. I feel like I'm gonna have fun with this one!
As usual, looooots for yapping under the cut— bc it's me. When did I ever NOT yap?/lh
Dan Heng
"He wonders if this was truly the best course of action."
It's 3AM rn so lemme make sure I don't wake up my neighbors. I just know I'm in for an interesting ride.
“Hey.... stranger?” You're mumbling now, eyes locked on the floor, and his breath is stuck in his throat.
I had no idea alcohol induced memory loss. How do you forget a guy like that? Ouch. Poor Dan Heng/lh
“Here,” he turns around, lowering himself onto a knee to gesture for you to climb on. “I'll take you to your boyfriend.”
Aweee...I expected this is to be more comedic but I got a tad of comedic and some heartwarming vibes. Dan Heng's such a sweetheart!
Jing Yuan
“My boyfriend taught me how to fight, so don’t you even dare.”
The snort that I had to stop myself from letting out. No bc I'm thinking a reader that's completely flushed from being so drunk swaying to and fro while having their fists up in the air— HAHAHAHA THAT'S SO ADORABLE BYEEE
He blinks, once, twice — the hand gently patting your head a moment ago now entirely frozen in place. “Oh?”
The absolute mixed feelings I have for this man never seems to go away.
His hand finds its way back to you again, slower this time — traces over your cheek until he gently cups it in an effort to feel the warmth radiating from your skin. A chuckle almost betrays him and slips out at the sight of your eyes nearly fluttering shut, subconsciously leaning into his touch until you abruptly come back to your senses and swat at his hand.
He smiles at you. “Hm. Your boyfriend — is that right?”
Is it wrong that I think THAT was attractive. Also bc his voice is just chef's kiss.
Your eyes narrow at the amusement in his voice, likely wondering why a stranger would be speaking to you so familiarly. “My boyfriend. The one with a suuuper heavy weapon that …. that you probably couldn’t pick up … with help.”
You huff before deciding to face the opposite direction, all whilst scooting a secondary inch away from him. Perhaps a third, for extra measure.
Where are they even sitting at this point? Maybe I skipped it but I thought of a bench?? Like how long is that bench with the way reader is scooting away. Part of me is actually mentally preparing reader just accidentally falls over at the very edge HAHAHAHA
(Ah, the infamous guy that has caused dysfunction to just about everyone on my dash)
Mydei only huffs in response before glancing over his shoulder from where you’re draped over his left like a sack of potatoes, quickly confirming that … as of now, you still seem content, at least.
Where's the hi? Hello?? My name is??? Why is the reader just hoisted over this guy's shoulder like that—
So, he lets you talk, opting to silently listen to you ramble on about your day (aside from the occasional glances over his shoulder to check on you). It’s only when he hears a sudden shift in your voice that he stiffens.
I love yappy reader. The scenario is just so adorable??? Mydei who's just casually carrying the reader over his shoulder. Reader who's subjected him to listen to drunked yapping like it's just another regular night for her
He huffs. “No. He wouldn’t be mad. Not at you.”
Aweeee...okay, this made me wanna catch up with the game ngl
(Yet another one of the hsr men that has caused some chaos on dash)
“Oh.” You hug your knees in disappointment to let out another heavy sigh, one far too telling of your emotions — practically seeping back into your lonely puddle when you realize that this person who had found you in your corner was also in fact… not your boyfriend.
THE WAY THAT I WAS READY TO THROW HANDS WITH HIM FOR MAKING THE READER SAD??? Like how dare he— and then the last part made me go "oh...she's just drunk" BUT HE BETTER DO SMTH
“Hmph,” you leer at him from where your head is halfway buried in your arms, knees hugged tightly against your chest. “I wanted to see my boyfriend, not some random person. I’m tired, y’know.”
Reader is simply too adorable (T ^ T)
“Obviously I’m certain,” You huff, ignoring the way he seems to look happier at this and hugging your knees even tighter against your chest. “I like being around him. A whole lot, actually.”
Awwweee...adorable AND sweet. Such a lovely combination quite honestly. Especially with the part where he looks a bit happier? Yeap, tugged right on my heart strings.
“..Forgive me,” his eyes flicker from your hand to your eyes — then back to your hand. As if there may be a slim chance that you’ve simply forgotten about the ironclad grip on his wrist and would release him from his confinement, soon. Surely. “Then perhaps I should go get you a glass of wa—”
I love how he's both unsure what to do but still doing his best. Also the way halovian wings flap!! Such an adorable imagery hehe
“You’re stuck with me until we find my boyfriend.”
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TRYING TO TAKE YOU HOME WHEN YOU DON’T RECOGNIZE THEM. ft. dan heng, jing yuan, mydei, phainon, and sunday.
sfw. f!reader. in which the hsr men try their best to convince you that they really are your boyfriend and not a complete stranger trying to take you back home after a long night out.
cw for implied alcohol consumption. not mentioned otherwise — just the silly scenario where reader seemingly doesn’t recognize them upon first glance. prompt from anon on prev blog! fem!reader for all.
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He wonders if this was truly the best course of action.
“Give me back my jacket, you jerk...” your words come out slurred, barely mustering the strength needed to keep your hold on his sleeve as you trail behind him down the street.
His jacket — he'd usually correct you — but he doesn't this time, lest you eventually come to the conclusion that the mentioned jacket isn't even yours and therefore holds no importance.
“Soon. The agreement we settled on was that if you don't make a scene, I'll give it back.”
It sounds like a threat.
And if someone were to spot him now, this would certainly paint his image in a light that he would much rather not be perceived in, if given the choice.
He knows this all too well — apparent from the nervous sweat collecting along his temples and the frequent clearing of his throat whenever your grip begins to loosen, but you seem to only giggle at the statement now, eagerly nodding along.
“Really? You pinkie promise, stranger? I'll be reaaall quiet then.”
“Yes,” his brows furrow — from either stress or a sense of urgency that you don't seem to have, “I give you my word. So, please, keep your voice down and follow me.”
You respond with a cheerful hum before eventually falling silent again, the street quiet aside from the patter of your clumsy footsteps following closely behind his own.
Though it’s short-lived, much to Dan Heng’s misery.
Only about a minute or two goes by until you start to tug on his sleeve, and his heart nearly stops beating in his chest. Perhaps you’ve already realized. Or perhaps you’ve pegged him as a dangerous type of guy — which wouldn’t surprise him, given the circumstances.
“Hey…” you tug once more, even harder now, and then stop walking entirely — shifting your weight backwards to avoid being pulled straight into him.
Uh oh.
“Hey.... stranger?” You're mumbling now, eyes locked on the floor, and his breath is stuck in his throat.
“I'm sleepy.”
“You.. you want to sleep,” He repeats, still uncertain — his words coming off a bit too similar to that of a question. “Right now?”
You nod, hands coming to rub at your eyes, as if doing so could wipe away the sudden wave of drowsiness that has overtaken you. Though, your efforts prove to be futile in the end, with each blink becoming slower than the last.
“Yes,” you murmur, “Here. I'm going to nap … and then .. and then I need to find my boyfriend.”
Boyfriend. A part of him is relieved you remember, at least. Perhaps the other critical piece of information will find its way back to you soon as well.
Your eyes flutter back open when something familiar is draped across your shoulders. “Don't sleep here.”
“Here,” he turns around, lowering himself onto a knee to gesture for you to climb on. “I'll take you to your boyfriend.”
“My boyfriend taught me how to fight, so don’t you even dare.”
He blinks, once, twice — the hand gently patting your head a moment ago now entirely frozen in place. “Oh?”
It makes sense as soon as you turn to glare at him. While he’s rather certain he hasn’t done anything to warrant such a look, another part of him — his heart, skips a happy beat over how adorable you look, even if you’re not smiling at him like usual.
“I see,” Jing Yuan continues again, only a moment later, taking a seat beside you (and choosing to ignore the way you make the conscious effort to scoot an inch away from him). Sassily so, he might add, similar to the way you so endearingly turn your body away from him and puff your cheek out when he’s teased you just a bit too much for your liking.
His hand finds its way back to you again, slower this time — traces over your cheek until he gently cups it in an effort to feel the warmth radiating from your skin. A chuckle almost betrays him and slips out at the sight of your eyes nearly fluttering shut, subconsciously leaning into his touch until you abruptly come back to your senses and swat at his hand.
He smiles at you. “Hm. Your boyfriend — is that right?”
Your eyes narrow at the amusement in his voice, likely wondering why a stranger would be speaking to you so familiarly. “My boyfriend. The one with a suuuper heavy weapon that …. that you probably couldn’t pick up … with help.”
“Ah, how admirable he must be. You have no need for worry — I would never dream of wielding such a weapon.”
You huff before deciding to face the opposite direction, all whilst scooting a secondary inch away from him. Perhaps a third, for extra measure.
“This boyfriend of yours,” he speaks again, holding back a chuckle when you dramatically sigh at the sound of his voice once again, “surely he wouldn’t mind someone like myself keeping you company until he returns, wouldn’t you think?”
“I have grown quite curious. Perhaps he would allow me to see this impressive weapon for myself.”
“Actually, you’re rather comfy, stranger.”
Mydei only huffs in response before glancing over his shoulder from where you’re draped over his left like a sack of potatoes, quickly confirming that … as of now, you still seem content, at least.
“I’ve told you before. I’m no stranger.” The singular arm currently holding your thighs to his chest tightens, and you only giggle against his back, arms freely dangling beneath you. “Yeah, yeah.”
You’ve been surprisingly cooperative. In fact, he thinks he should make a mental note to remind you about being less trusting of strangers tomorrow — because .. surely, it should not have been so easy to convince you that he could simply carry you to your ‘boyfriend.’
Even now, when he’s seemingly been reduced to nothing aside from a mere stranger, you’re as inviting and friendly to him as ever — mumbling something about his strength, followed by a worried “Hey but — let me know if you get tired or anything, okay?”
So, he lets you talk, opting to silently listen to you ramble on about your day (aside from the occasional glances over his shoulder to check on you). It’s only when he hears a sudden shift in your voice that he stiffens.
“Say…” you start, drawing patterns along his back with a finger, as if nervous about his response. “Do you think Mydei’s worried?”
“I don’t want to worry him,” he lets you continue, eyes shifting back to the path ahead of him. “What do you think, strong stranger? He won’t be mad, right? Or sad, maybe?”
He huffs. “No. He wouldn’t be mad. Not at you.”
“Oh.” You hug your knees in disappointment to let out another heavy sigh, one far too telling of your emotions — practically seeping back into your lonely puddle when you realize that this person who had found you in your corner was also in fact… not your boyfriend.
“‘Oh?’ Well, someone doesn’t sound very excited to see me.”
The stranger decides to approach you anyway, taking a seat on the tiles beside you before letting out an exhale himself, back of his head coming to lightly rest against the wall. “What’s on your mind?”
“Hmph,” you leer at him from where your head is halfway buried in your arms, knees hugged tightly against your chest. “I wanted to see my boyfriend, not some random person. I’m tired, y’know.”
“Your boyfriend? How strange.” The confusion starts to leave his face the longer he looks at you — lips curling ever so slightly at the idea that suddenly comes to mind.
“He must be cruel … to leave you here all by yourself.”
He almost slips and calls you cute when you stick an arm out to weakly jab a finger into his shoulder, turning your head to the side again to mutter a “Hey. He’s not cruel.”
Truly too cute — the way your eyes have narrowed into something resembling a glare — the same one you always give him whenever you scold him for being too careless. Though, it tends to fade as soon as it comes, replaced with soft kisses against the crown of his head as you lull him back to sleep.
“Aw,” He’s smiling now, “You’re certain he’s not cruel?”
“Obviously I’m certain,” You huff, ignoring the way he seems to look happier at this and hugging your knees even tighter against your chest. “I like being around him. A whole lot, actually.”
The way his eyes begin to soften at your (unintentional) affection most definitely wouldn’t go unnoticed by you, he’s sure, nor the way his hand twitches — wanting nothing but to extend in your direction to pull you in for a hug. Though, luckily enough for him, you’ve settled on resting your head in the comfort of your own arms again, oblivious to the lovesick one seated beside you.
“I’ll make sure to tell him again … when I see him. So let me be, you weird stranger.”
If someone happened to be wondering whether a halovian’s wings flap awkwardly when rendered completely speechless — this would be their golden opportunity to witness it firsthand.
“M-my apologies,” his wings flutter again, then a third time when your hand only tightens around his wrist, eyes narrowing at him in suspicion. “Please excuse me. I was only checking for your temperature, since you seem to be rather…”
“No.” You don’t let go. In fact, you hold onto him as if you’ve just now captured a crook attempting to steal March’s snacks.
“..Forgive me,” his eyes flicker from your hand to your eyes — then back to your hand. As if there may be a slim chance that you’ve simply forgotten about the ironclad grip on his wrist and would release him from his confinement, soon. Surely. “Then perhaps I should go get you a glass of wa—”
“I… I see.” The nervous flutter of his wings shifts to something more sheepish — one wing moving to cover his mouth, as if deep in thought. Which wouldn’t be far from the truth, for even someone such as himself is left dumbfounded by your current behavior. “Then.. is there anything you’d like for me to help with? Someone like March may be better suited for..”
“My boyfriend…” he falls silent as soon as you speak, noting the softness of your words now — barely above a hushed whisper (though the familiarity has him quickly perking up in response). “I want my boyfriend.”
His head tilts at this. Subtly. Truly confused — and even more so when your brows furrow only a second later, followed by a tug on his wrist. “I want my boyfriend.”
“You’re stuck with me until we find my boyfriend.”
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yuttikkele · 11 days ago
hey gamers I’ve started watching star trek does anyone else see the romantic tension between captain kirk and mr. spock
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foolnamedjoey · 7 months ago
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YJ inspired Jason I stare at you
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minmocat · 7 months ago
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based off mew ex #232 from paldean fates!
this was a pokemon request from ko-fi! if you'd like to send in a request, shoot me a $5 donation on ko-fi with the name of a pokemon of your choice & i'll draw it!
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silentgravesdontexist · 13 days ago
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"I bet he'll figure it out immediately."
"You're buying me matcha if he doesn't."
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Satoru leans against a wall, scrolling through his phone while waiting for Cy. He mumbles under his breath, "The only time she's ever late. This is abusive." A second later, the subject of his mumbling finally leaves her room. There's another bout of complaint ready leave his lips until she smiles at him. That signature smile that leaves him pursing his own and swallowing down the thought with an "It's not like we're in a hurry" before turning to her.
"Yes, I know I am late. I'm sorry." Cy acknowledges with an apologetic smile. "Small wardrobe failure."
He lets out a soft scoff, leave it to her to catch on. Though it does catch him by surprise when she walks up to him and wraps her arms around his neck for a hug. Cy mumbles a quick 'thanks for waiting' before pressing a kiss against his cheek. Surely, his lover being sweet and affectionate shouldn't be something he's suspicious about, right? But there's just something about it that he finds to be off.
When she pulls away a little too quickly and tugging him towards the door, his intuition strikes again. Instead of being dragged away by her— he stands his ground and even nudges Cy to face him again. It takes him a moment before it registers.
"Your lipstick." Satoru points out. "It's a darker shade than usual."
Cy pauses. "What about it?"
There's that grin on his lips. Despite knowing him as long as she did, Cy hoped that maybe she wasn't caught just yet. Maybe he's just fishing for answers. But that possibility slims down when he coaxes her back into his arms. Satoru jokes about wanting another kiss for waiting and another and another. Until—
"A kiss on the cheek after you just did your make-up?" He chimes. Cy immediately freezes in his arms. "You'd never." He chuckles before pulling away, smug in his glory while having multiple kiss marks on his face. "And letting me get away with more? You're either feeling guilty or hiding something."
Damn him.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Cy tries to pull away from him, but he keeps his hold on her. The grin on his face growing impossibly wider.
"Out with it, princess. Maybe I'll let you get away with it." Satoru coaxes. "Maybe."
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Credits to @/luvluvluv06 from X for the commission! Such a lovely folk to get a comm from. Thank you so so so much @unriding for recommending them to me <3
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foolnamedjoey · 9 months ago
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yuttikkele · 4 months ago
thinking about benchtrio and remembering c!tommy was a PROFESSIONAL thirdwheeler for c!beeduo
tubbo: this is my husband ranboo I love him very much
some person: and who’s that?
*tommy in between them holding their hands*
tubbo: oh that’s tommy he’s our ally
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silentgravesdontexist · 9 days ago
Joining in with the quiz! No pressure of course <3
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haggz-is-here · 5 months ago
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royal portrait of a lamb who never desired godhood
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isjasz · 4 months ago
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For December in the Hermit Heartthrobs Calendar from @hotguycalendar :D!!!
Also bottom page for the calendar ft stress and joe under the cut ↓
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Danny: Hey guys! Wanna see me pull a rabit out of a hat?
Tucker: I mean, sure I guess
Sam: No, that's lame and overdone. Get me a pet bat.
Danny: One bat coming up!
Danny: *pulls Batman halfway out of the tophat*
Batman: *scowling*
Tucker: *hastily whispering* Shove him back in! Shove him back in!
Danny: *shoves Batman back in*
Tucker: Are we going to get in trouble for this or...?
-Meanwhile, at the batcave-
Tim: *witnessing Batman get pulled halfway into a portal* WTF?!
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befallenstars-archive · 3 months ago
*rubs hands together*
Here we are again, folks! Nyla writing and I am ready to yap about this~
Spoilers and lots of yapping under the cut!
...the way I can actually here him say this though? Word for word it feels like the dialogue is coming from childe himself. Which is genuinely amazing in my eyes bc I'm surprisingly nitpicky about dialogues in fics.
Childe, keep it in your pants. Goddamnit.
Okay, but I do think a small Kaeya hiding behind the reader and clutching on to the hem if their shirt is adorable.
"You find it absurd your mother could travel the whole of Teyvat with nothing but a knapsack slung over her shoulders and a pack of cigarettes but Celestia forbid you decide to do the same."
Mothers...this feels a little too accurate *sighs*
The pack of cigerettes is WILD tho—
Reader, trust Childe. The man has money. I promise you that. If you don't like people spending money on you, it's alright. But the man genuinely has enough money to spoil you a little.
Aweee, at least he's being considerate.
"Staring at your beloved so shamelessly?"
Listen here...
I was genuinely lost in reading as I do when it comes to good fics. Getting invested and all that. Then this guys cuts in with this? Had to suck in a sharp breath and stare at the ceiling before letting out a curse.
Okay, snookums did make me giggle. But the following words that left this man's lips had me going "sir??? Calm down???" Starting to feel the reader sleeps with one eye open around this man/lh
"We're not even dating" "Yet"
His insistence and arrogance is oddly charming at this point actually. Wait, we must stay focused.
"Now, there are no more stories."
...damn, I got sobered up real quick.
"They're going to make me a Harbinger."
And we get another bomb dropped mid-way. Yes, I know that he has always been a Harbringer but to bring it up...like right now???
"A Harbinger," you repeat incredulously. "A Harbinger?"
Valid reaction honestly.
Listen, I knew there was going to be slight angst. But when Character A changes in a blink of an eye while Character B is left grasping at straws for what happened and why something so significant has changed— my heart cracks a litlle as I curl up in bed while hugging a plushie.
The ending leaves a bittersweet taste on my mouth. In short, if this were a series I would genuinely be binging it and maybe even have it on my calendar when the author might update.
Actually, the shorter version is that this was so good that I just wanted to read more.
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one step closer
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cw. f!reader (no pronouns or specified anatomy), pre-canon, pre-relationship, childhood friends, slightly(?) obsessive behaviors, slight angst
pairing. tartaglia x reader
synopsis. your mothers always swore one of their children would marry one day, making them both officially sisters. but for now, they'll take ajax escorting you from mondstadt to sumeru to pursue your education
notes. a christmas present for my good buddy @hash-slinging-slasher-trash. an unexpected comradery was built up between us both this year, so let's have fun in the new year! they recently got into genshin this year and, unsurprisingly, they've been bagged by mr. 11th fatui harbinger himself hehehe
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"You didn't have to come all the way here for this."
"And break my promise to my beloved aunt? Perish the thought!" Ajax gasps aghast, clutching his invisible pearls. "Besides, why would I miss a road trip with my future wife? The two of us. Alone." Playful blue eyes glance your way accompanied by an equally playful smile. You give him a pointed look and Ajax raises a hand defensively. The red insignia pinned to his shirt glints in the sunlight at the movement. "I kid, I kid. Just a joke. We can save that stuff later."
"Or never," you reply without missing a beat.
"I draw the line at waiting until after our wedding night."
"You're incorrigible," you groan.
Ajax can only laugh, eyes closed and grin wide. When he's like this, he's like the Ajax you remember from when you were children. The boy who unabashedly declared he'd marry you in one of your earliest memories. Your mothers were only too happy to indulge him, long since having their own jokes about how one day their children would marry and make them officially sisters.
That had been how many years ago now?
Too long ago to recall. You simply know it had been the first time Ajax's family had come to visit your own in Mondstadt. It became a yearly tradition from before either of you were born for your families to visit one another.
According to your mothers, they became friends your mother's first trip to Snezhnaya. You'd been raised on a healthy diet of your mother's travels, your mother telling them to you much like they were old folktales. She told you about the various shades of the thunder sakura of Inazuma. How she spelunked in Natlan with a few friends you can't remember the name of. Even regaled you with dramatic stories of Fontaine's Opera Epiclese where she witnessed trial and opera alike and what she swears was a love story bubbling under the surface between the Hydro Archon and her Iudex.
All of those stories paled in comparison to her most harrowing tale of surviving a month long blizzard that ended with less importantly, your father, and more importantly, your mother's now lifelong friend.
That was all took for their future families to be intertwined and for Ajax to be a present as constant in your as the bards of your homeland.
A summer in Mondstadt here, a winter in Snezhnaya there.
A Ludi Harpastum there, a Krsnik Noc here.
You distinctly remember Kaeya's first Windblume Festival after the Radnvindr's took him in. He was more quiet and would cling to the figures he found most familiar, you included. Ajax hated it. Unfortunately his complaints and intense nature only led to your coddling Kaeya more, scolding the ginger for being insensitive. Presently, Kaeya and Ajax's relationship has improved little.
Ajax has been there for many a life event.
Now here Ajax is, your official escort on the first day of your own journey. It was the only way your mother would relax about your finally leaving the nest. You find it absurd your mother could travel the whole of Teyvat with nothing but a knapsack slung over her shoulders and a pack of cigarettes but Celestia forbid you decide to do the same. It isn't even exactly the same!
At Ajax's insistence, your things were already waiting for you in Sumeru. "My men can take it ahead," he boasted proudly, reminding you of his recent promotion. "It's no problem at all, honest. Save your money!" Your protests were promptly ignored, your mother more than happy to save on the mora she would have had to spend mailing it otherwise.
"Ajax, I'm serious," you remind him for the millionth time as the Dawn Winery slowly but surely grows more and more distant. Even with Diluc and Kaeya's strained relationship, they both insisted on having a celebratory before early in the morning before you left for Liyue. You wanted your quest to be on foot as much as possible before boarding a boat that would take you from Liyue Harbor to Port Ormos. "I don't want you guys in uniform when you move my things in. I don't want to be known as the Fatui girl at the dorms."
"Relax, relax," his words due to little to soothe you. "Seriously," his tone shifts from impish to straight-laced. "I know better than anyone how the Fatui is viewed abroad. I know you worked hard to get into the Akademiya, so I don't want to ruin that for you."
You hold each other's gaze for a moment longer before you sigh in relief. "Thank you." Another beat passes before you say it again, "seriously, thank you. You didn't have to take time off to come all the way to Mondstadt. And it means a lot to Mom too. You being here helped her calm down a lot."
His lips relax into a smile that's small, "of course I'd be here for something like this. It's a big deal! You've wanted to go to the Akademiya since we were kids. Is Erna going to be there or is she still in Fontaine researching water vein flowers or whatever?"
You nod excitedly, "yeah, she said she wants to show me around when I get there. She's gonna meet us at Port Ormos." Another piece of the puzzle in helping your mother acclimate to your studying in another country. "She's only staying for the week though."
Erna, a cousin of yours had gotten in years ago leaving little Springvale behind to see the world beyond the wind-caressed hills you grew up. Busy as she'd become after getting into the Amurta Darshan, when she was able to come home it was her turn to tell you stories about a world you couldn't imagine for yourself.
The fanciful cafes with their majestic fountains, the smell of spices of a place called Treasures street. It's hard to believe you'll finally be seeing it for yourself after so long.
"Think she'll be happy to see me?" Ajax asks suddenly, observing you carefully as you
Your cheeks hurt as your smile becomes something forced. "Well," begin.
Ajax barks out a laugh immediately, "you don't have to lie, I know she's not happy I'm in the Fatui." He sighs as the last of his laughter leaves him, nonchalant and unsurprised. You wonder, not for the first time, what would be enough to make Ajax the young man shocked or hurt. Considering how you heard his enlisting in the Fatui at the young age of 14 had gone, you doubt anyone's reaction to his being an agent can get under his skin. "Not that Auntie is thrilled either. I suppose these are the struggles of those in the pursuit of strength."
You refrain from affirming his suspicions. Your mother isn't thrilled but she refrained from expressing the opinion knowing she had little to stand on when her former husband had been a Fatui agent once upon a time. "If that boy's own father couldn't keep him from enlisting, I doubt anything I say will make him change his mind." The next time you saw your old friend after his enlisting, he surprised you for a visit when work led him to the land of freedom.
For the second time in the past ten minutes, your eyes look at his the red insignia pinned on his shirt. He's a lieutenant now.
He's moved up the ranks faster than you can blink. It's expected, you believe, with how many of his letters recounting his many assignments and achievements he'd sent.
"Staring at your beloved so shamelessly?" Cheeks warm, you push him aside. The movement does little to make him budge and he laughs when you try again. "Sorry, snookums, that's not going to work on me anymore. Don't let my acknowledgment stop you. Stare away! I'm pretty popular, y'know. Someone'll steal me off the market if you're not careful! We should have the wedding the moment we get to Sumeru! Why wait actually, we should turn back now and head to the Church!"
Your eyes roll into the depths of the Abyss, "we're not going back to the City for a wedding. We're not even dating."
"And I wasn't staring at you," you ignore his jest. "I was just looking at your badge. You have a new one every time I see you." A new insignia with a new scar or two or dozen to match. He has a story for each one, remembering every occasion he's earned a battle scar with crystal clear memory.
You remember how he's the same boy whose father would take the both of you ice fishing, telling you stories of heroes. Stories of his own adventures before he settled down to have a family. You never had the patience for fishing but you loved that man's tales.
The hobby has lost its magic since your friend became a soldier for the Cryo Archon. Ice fishing is simply another form in which he trains, reflecting on battles past as he endures the bitter cold. Now there are no more stories.
Ajax gestures at your the chain around your neck where your Anemo vision hangs with pride. "It's a badge of honor, much like the one you have yourself."
It's not quite the same, you want to say. "We're already almost to Liyue," you announce instead, pointing at the small bridge in the distance. "It's hard to believe it's always been so close to the Winery." You remember how it was a test of courage when you were younger. Diluc leading the charge, he dared the rest of you to see who could walk the furthest into Liyue. He'd always been the winner, you, Jean, Kaeya and Barbara unable to match Diluc's bravery.
He's a far cry from the rambunctious troublemaker he used to be.
"One step closer," Ajax notes warmly, accepting your change in topics with ease. "There's a tea shop at the Stone Gate you'll like called Pop's Teas. We should sit there a while, you can see the whole of the Dihua Marsh and the inn we'll be staying at."
That brings a genuine smile to your face, "I look forward to seeing it."
A thinly veiled comfort of silence falls over you both grass and gravel crunch underfoot. Your hands swing between you both and from the corner of your eye, you see blue peering at you. The back of your hand burns and you ignore the feeling swiftly.
It's Ajax, simply Ajax.
Soon enough after you arrive in Sumeru, you'd be going your separate paths again. You studying the stars, him on whatever harrowing assignment he is given. A far, far cry from the children you once were.
"They're going to make me a Harbinger."
The silence shatters much like ice and you blink, blood suddenly as cold as the waters of your friend's home country. "What?"
He says it as casually as one addressing the state of the weather. You halt your steps right at the edge of the bridge that connects the land between Mondstadt and Liyue, staring at Ajax's back. "This isn't ambition talking either," he halts, chuckling as he turns to face you. "It's official. Once I go back to the motherland, there'll be a ceremony and everything. You're the first I've told."
"A Harbinger," you repeat incredulously. "A Harbinger?"
The young man nods, "the youngest in the history of the Fatui." It's said with subdued pride, only a dash of satisfaction. "Of course, this was all part of the plan to conquering this world so it's not that big a deal. I'm just one step closer."
You open your mouth only to close and open it again. Your hands clasp together, fingers fidgeting as you search for the correct words to say. Congratulations? Wow, you really will be wearing another badge the next time I see you. You're really moving up the ranks!
"Not happy for me," it isn't a question as Ajax observes your furrowed brows and hunched shoulders. You lower your head, finding a nearby cryo slime bouncing on the water's edge grounding. "It's alright, you don't have to be. It doesn't change anything between us."
"When is it going to be enough, Ajax?" Your question is quiet. "What happened to you?"
'Ajax went missing for three days this month. He had the entire household in a tizzy, that boy of mine!'
You remember receiving that letter after you recently turned 15 from Ajax's mother.
Ajax has wrote you religiously since he could hold a pen. That was the one month he didn't.
The letters that followed have never quite been the same. He's never been quite the same. His eyes are duller than you remember. His lust for adventure had turned bloodthirsty.
How could someone change so much in three days?
"This has always been me," Ajax tells you without much else of a reaction. "You know me, I've always wanted to go on an adventure."
"An adventure, yes, but never this," you shoot back, fervently. Back then, Ajax happily brandished a wooden sword and would declare he'd be the world's greatest adventurer. He'd join the Adventurer's Guild and make a name for himself, fight a dragon and give you all the mora he gained. "I just," you pinch your sinuses.
The only sounds between you are ones from nature.
The croak of a frog, the gushing of a waterfall.
Ajax breaks the silence, head on as he always has been. "We're still friends, aren't we?"
You look up at the man, looking at you with eyes a mixture of familiar and unknown. You used to be able to read them as easily as breathing. Sometimes you feel as if you still can. That he's still your Ajax, face round with innocence and wonder. Now he is as mysterious as the heavens themselves.
Still you release a breath and nod, "of course we are. You're still Ajax."
A smile spreads across his face again and he looks familiar again. "Yeah," with that sorted holds his hand out for you much like a knight. He always said he'd be yours, you recall as you accept his offer like you're children again. "I'm still me."
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foolnamedjoey · 9 months ago
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they're old
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alecraisa · 30 days ago
I think what I’m seeing with the Slay The Princess fan base is that not enough people recognize that ALL the voices are a neutral force. Both positive and negative in their own ways.
I’ve seen people talk about Smitten showing love just as a thing, and I just saw a post talking about Paranoid needing to be written in fan content with his more negative side as well as his capabilities, but it’s actually like that for all of them! The voices are, quite literally, reflections of The Long Quiet— and they are their definition in every way it can be.
Smitten loves, and sometimes that love happens to hurt because he just wants what’s best for the Princess but she wants the same for tlq so it spirals and no one is happy.
I was thinking about Hunted, especially in the Den, where he is instinct and that instinct is to survive, but when he sees someone else also fighting to survive, he looks out for them and works as a team.
Cold is notorious for brushing off any emotions and with the mirror he will tell the decider that you don’t need to comfort the other voices. But he’s pushing for numbness so that it hurts less, so that you can handle it easier, so you aren’t paralyzed by guilt or by the decisions you have to make.
Opportunist is constantly changing his mind, trying to be on the “winning” side, and this causes him to be a jerk, pull the knife on the princess when it suits him and if you don’t want to hurt the princess he’ll then try to play it off. But he’s also got ways to keep you safe, know when something will turn on you because that’s what he would do, and he just wants the safety and security.
I could write them all out to be honest, but it’s about just taking their names at face value because that is literally what they are, and Slay the Princess does a really damn good job at portraying these traits as completely neutral. And it’s a game about perception, so depending on what choices you make, these neutral traits will seem more positive or negative, and I really think that’s a great message that can be done so so well and I honestly love it.
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rukanthevampirequeen · 9 months ago
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Commission for Sawyer Sabol on twitter and possibly the cutest thing I’ve ever drawn 😭😭😭😭💖
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jade-e06 · 18 days ago
i was originally inspired by @valrixian timkon x epic comic but then i kinda sidetracked from there
anyways, here the compilation of my epic x batfam+kon art!!
“would you fall in love with me again” timkon hrghh valrixian you’re such a genius for this
tw: blood
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“would you fall in love with me again” but with bruce and jason (FATHER AND SON FAMILY LOVE)
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“the challenge” with tim just because (also bc of his devotion and loyalty to his friends and family) (also bc i like making him pretty)
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bonus: sketches of concepts
“we’ll be fine” with dick and tim, dick thinking back to jason 😭
and “legendary” with damian except i kinda gave up at this point
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