#access medical centers
Quick update on Mandana & I
I have been in a flare for a few weeks and Methotrexate has lost some of its effectiveness. I’ve discussed it with my Rheumatologist and we might up the dose but I can’t do that until my next appointment in April. Joint pain, joint stiffness, fatigue and heart rate spikes have all gotten worse but it’s still better than before starting Methotrexate. It’s a little disheartening but ups & downs are to be expected.
Mandana has attended 2 Obedience Classes. Of course she tested out of the classes on day one but our reason for going is to work on her excitement & attention seeking behaviors around dogs & when people are engaging with me. Her favorite thing is training so a room full of dogs & people using clickers & treats is very overwhelming for her (we’re working on it 😅)
The downside is that this training center is 45 minutes away. The plus side is their packed schedule is very convenient & flexible for me and it’s in a wealthy area with some safe parks. It’s a tough drive but I can attend the classes when I’m feeling my best so I’ve also been able to take her on decompression walks afterwards. This really helps her decompress after the intensity of the training center.
The park we have been going to has a really popular dog park. It’s large with lots of enrichment and most of the dogs are well behaved. I use my longline to walk her along the outside of the dog park so she can habituate to seeing dogs running and playing with balls. Eventually we will start to introduce her to playing with the staff dogs at the training center but that will come AFTER she learns to chill out in that environment.
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Another bonus is the only vegan pizza parlor in town is located nearby so we have a place to relax before driving home.
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gumjrop · 1 month
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The CDC’s Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) will meet virtually August 22, and infection control guidelines for healthcare settings will be reviewed. Our community and advocacy groups have pressured HICPAC to strengthen infection control recommendations and include broader expertise on the committee. As a direct result of this advocacy, CDC sent HICPAC’s proposed infection control guidelines back for more review and expanded representation on the committee, including a member of National Nurses United on the Isolation Workgroup. We must keep pressure up to ensure infection control for aerosol-transmitted infectious diseases is strengthened, not weakened. 
Despite a legal obligation to request public comments on the draft and despite ongoing calls for more transparency, HICPAC has not opened a public comment period in the Federal Register. HICPAC has limited oral comments from the public to 45 minutes, so many registrants will be excluded.
Since many politicians are campaigning for our votes this year, it’s prime time to write to your elected officials to insist HICPAC be made accountable to the public. You can use our Action Network campaign to simultaneously 1) write a public comment to CDC/HICPAC and 2) alert your elected officials that healthcare needs much stronger isolation and infection control precautions, including universal masking.
Amid this summer’s nationwide COVID surge, the CDC has acknowledged that COVID spreads year round, including in summer, and that emergence of new variants leads to unpredictable patterns of spread. However, the draft infection control guidance continues to threaten rollbacks in the use of N95 respirators for aerosol-transmitted pathogens and further weaken isolation protocols and related guidance. Despite the demonstrated benefits of universal masking in healthcare settings in the ongoing COVID pandemic, HICPAC’s draft guidance fails to integrate this lesson to prevent avoidable healthcare-acquired infections.
Use our Action Network campaign below by clicking on the blue button to write to your elected officials and CDC’s HICPAC asking them to make HICPAC accountable to the public and share your concerns about the need for universal masking and clear isolation protocols by August 22, 2024.
Send Letter to Govt Officials/HICPAC
How to use the universal masking infection control letter template
Click through to Action Network and edit the letter as you wish (or write your own using the letter for inspiration or talking points). Note: The White House and many elected officials set a 2000 character limit.
Personalize your comment with a brief statement on how the lack of universal masking in healthcare has impacted your life or your community. For example:
Delayed or missed medical appointments
Unsafe experiences, such as with workers or other patients who showed symptoms of COVID or other aerosol-transmitted infectious diseases
Infections or potential exposures that occurred in healthcare settings
Challenges faced in asking healthcare workers to mask
Disproportionate impacts of the lack of masking in healthcare on high-risk patients and marginalized communities
Letter template:
Dear Elected Official and Members of HICPAC:
CDC’s Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) is meeting August 22 about major revisions to infection control guidance. Though legally obliged to accept public comment, it has not made draft guidelines public or posted them to the Federal Register. I urge you to act to require HICPAC to open public comment for its August meeting and going forward.
Most importantly, HICPAC’s most recent draft guidelines would seriously weaken infection control, and prioritize healthcare profits over patient and healthcare worker health. Healthcare should not make us sick. 
I urge you to press HICPAC to strengthen CDC infection control guidance in line with scientific data. HICPAC must establish universal masking in healthcare as a new standard of infection control across all settings for the following reasons:
Many healthcare exposures to aerosol-transmitted infectious diseases (including COVID, measles, influenza and TB) are preventable through multiple mitigation measures including isolation procedures, universal masking, ventilation, and air purification.
Many aerosol-transmitted pathogens are transmissible without symptoms and without predictable seasonality. Diagnosis and isolation may be delayed, leading to exposures that could have been prevented by universal masking.
Well-fitting N95 respirators or better masks provide both protection for the wearer and source control. One-way masking has limited protection; masks should ideally be worn by all to reduce transmission. Hospitals should distribute N95 grade masks to visitors and staff.
Universal masking protects patients when they cannot mask (such as infants, people with specific medical conditions and procedures involving the nose or mouth).
When masking is only on request, people are unprotected in many shared spaces such as lobbies and waiting rooms.
In addition to universal masking, HICPAC must recommend layered mitigations in all types of healthcare facilities: higher HVAC standards, clear robust isolation protocols to separate infectious people from others – including by routinely testing staff and patients for COVID and other infectious diseases, isolating and cohorting infectious patients, and keeping staff with an active infection away from healthcare facilities and in-person patient contact.
Thank you for your time and attention to this important matter.
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narutomaki · 3 months
puppy daddy's gonna be honest you have got to wear a fucking mask on public transit
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ivygorgon · 5 months
Say NO to Loony-Bins: Immediate Action Required for Inpatient Psychiatric Care
2 so far! Help us get to 5 signers!
The current model of inpatient psychiatric care, which primarily focuses on safety and crisis stabilization, falls short in promoting sustained recovery. The prevalent emphasis on ultrashort lengths of stay often overlooks the need for comprehensive treatment plans.
A proposed model of care advocates for rapid diagnosis, goal-setting, and treatment modalities before initiating treatment, organized into three distinct phases: assessment, implementation, and resolution. This approach emphasizes individualized treatment and active patient involvement in treatment planning, addressing critical psychosocial aspects that are frequently neglected.
As we strive to reform the mental health care system, it's imperative to prioritize effective, recovery-oriented treatment strategies. This includes ensuring patient comfort and preferences are accommodated within reason. Considering patient preferences, like comfort items (such as safe stuffed animals; Share-Bears, if you will) and rescue medications (like melatonin,) is essential to upholding rigorous standards of care and safety.
Let's advocate for reforms that enhance patient-centered practices while adhering to established treatment guidelines and advancing recovery-oriented care.
Say no to “loony-bins;” those archaic relics that should be relegated to the distant past.
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💘 Q'u lach' shughu deshni da. 🏹 "What I say is true" in Dena'ina Qenaga
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sayruq · 6 months
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Gazal was wounded on November 10th, when, as her family fled Gaza City’s Al-Shifa hospital, shrapnel pierced her left calf. To stop the bleeding, a doctor, who had no access to antiseptic or anesthesia, heated the blade of a kitchen knife and cauterized the wound. Within days, the gash ran with pus and began to smell. By mid-December, when Gazal’s family arrived at Nasser Medical Center—then Gaza’s largest functioning health-care facility—gangrene had set in, necessitating amputation at the hip. On December 17th, a projectile hit the children’s ward of Nasser. Gazal and her mother watched it enter their room, decapitating Gazal’s twelve-year-old roommate and causing the ceiling to collapse.
UNICEF estimates that a thousand children in Gaza have become amputees since the conflict began in October. “This is the biggest cohort of pediatric amputees in history,” Ghassan Abu-Sittah, a London-based plastic-and-reconstructive surgeon who specializes in pediatric trauma, told me recently.
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patriciafortunato · 3 years
In January of 2022, a medical director of government relations partnered with an addiction medicine content manager and medical director, to write a white paper on the importance of expanding access to medication for addiction treatment (MAT). The paper expounded on methadone treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD), racial disparities in access to MAT, the community pharmacist role, and supports H.R.6279: Opioid Treatment Access Act of 2022, introduced by Congressman Donald Norcross in December of 2021.
The Act aims to increase access to and modernize the process of obtaining MAT. This proposed change in federal legislation would decrease barriers to treatment by sustaining relaxed methadone dispensing regulations enacted during the COVID–19 pandemic and making methadone available at pharmacies, enabling ease of patient access to evidence-based treatment and empowering them to spend less time waiting in line for their medication. During the pandemic, federal restrictions have been temporarily lifted and allow patients to take home larger quantities of methadone at a time; preliminary studies have shown that this has increased engagement with treatment. The federal exemption has been extended—however, patients are still required to obtain their medication albeit larger doses from opioid treatment programs (OTP). The bill also calls for research to evaluate the effects that legislative changes have on treatment access and outcomes.
The paper was presented to Senator Joseph F. Vitale and the New Jersey State Legislature, and an iteration abridged summary was published in the New Jersey Medication for Addiction Treatment Centers of Excellence (MATCOE) newsletter. Learn more here.
Recommended citation:
Fortunato P, Haroz R, Baston K. E. Expanding Access to Medication for Addiction Treatment: A White Paper Prepared for the New Jersey State Legislature. Cooper University Health Care Center for Healing, State of New Jersey Medication for Addiction Treatment Center of Excellence. 2022.
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Weight Gain And Increase Body Mass Index Is Detrimental To Our Health.
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We tend to gain weight as we grow older due to our metabolism slowing down as compared to our earlier ages. Weight gain and increased body max index is detrimental to our health, which can result in health complications including hypertension, diabetes, and other health related complications. There is “no one size fit all” as a permanent solution to healthy weight loss.
At Access Health Lanham MD, our weight loss program is a sustainable, groundbreaking and exceptional weight loss program; which is formulated to assist patients in losing weight, feel more energized, and restore their vitality.
Tips for preventing weight gain and improving health
To prevent weight gain and improve overall health, consider implementing the following tips:
Follow a balanced diet: Ensure your diet includes a variety of nutritious foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Limit consumption of sugary foods and beverages, processed snacks, and high-fat foods.
Engage in regular physical activity: Incorporate at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week. Additionally, include strength training exercises at least two days a week to build and maintain muscle mass.
Avoid sedentary behavior: Limit the amount of time you spend sitting or lying down and strive to be physically active throughout the day. Take regular breaks to stand or stretch when working at a desk or watching television.
Maintain a healthy sleep schedule: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Poor sleep can disrupt hormone levels and lead to weight gain.
Manage stress levels: Find healthy ways to cope with stress such as practicing mindfulness, engaging in relaxation exercises, or seeking support from friends, family, or mental health professionals.
Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water and limit intake of sugary beverages. Water is essential for maintaining overall health and can help control appetite.
Monitor portion sizes: Be mindful of portion sizes and avoid super-sized meals. Use smaller plates and bowls to help control portion sizes.
Seek professional guidance: Consult a registered dietitian or healthcare provider for personalized advice and support in managing weight and improving overall health.
By incorporating these habits into your lifestyle, you can prevent weight gain, maintain a healthy BMI, and improve your overall health and well-being.
Weight gain effects on health
Weight gain can have several negative effects on health, including:
Increased strain on the heart and cardiovascular system
Higher risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes and certain types of cancer
Reduced mobility and increased risk of joint problems and osteoarthritis
Decreased lung capacity and increased susceptibility to respiratory conditions
Impaired sleep quality and higher likelihood of developing sleep disorders
Negative impact on mental health, including increased risk of depression and anxiety
Reduced fertility and hormonal imbalances
It is essential to be mindful of these effects and take steps to maintain a healthy weight.
Weight Loss Doctors in Baltimore MD
Weight loss doctors in Baltimore MD are experienced professionals who can assess your current health status, identify potential underlying causes of weight gain, and develop a comprehensive treatment plan. They utilize a multidisciplinary approach that may include dietary modifications, physical activity recommendations, behavioral therapy, and when necessary, weight loss medications or surgical interventions.
Access Health Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Wellness Services & Mental health service.
Access to health services is a crucial aspect of maintaining overall well-being. Individuals should have easy access to healthcare providers, including primary care physicians, dietitians, and mental health professionals. Living in an area with reliable healthcare infrastructure and ample support can greatly facilitate weight management and overall health improvement.
Our medically supervised weight loss program includes use of effective prescription weight loss medications in combination with human growth hormone releasing peptides sucas Semaglutide.  The combination of the growth hormone releasing peptides and prescription medications improve and maintain muscle mass while increasing your metabolism, resulting in weight loss. Our providers offer one-on-one coaching on healthy eating habits and other lifestyle changes that help you maintain your Weight Loss Lanham MD .
Visit Website: https://www.accesshealthservices.org/
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alliepsmithh · 11 months
israel posted a video of them giving water bottles to palestinians on a beach, then destroyed their luggage and shot at them after they stopped recording.
israel posted a photo of one of their soldiers "assisting" with an elderly man, then they shot him twice in the back and killed him.
in 2015, the idf posted pr photos of an israeli soldier giving water to an elderly palestinian woman, only for them to execute her after the photo was taken.
in 2005, an idf soldier emptied his rifle into a 13-year-old palestinian schoolgirl. he said he would have done the same thing if she was 3-years-old. he was acquitted of all charged.
israel claimed that hamas beheaded 40 israeli babies and then a month later cut off power to a palestinian hospital where premature babies were on incubators.
israel bombed a group of children collecting rainwater.
israel shot and killed two palestinian children playing with their scooter.
israel shot a hard of hearing girl in the face with a stun grenade and broke her jaw.
israel is using bombs with blades that are designed to cause maximum damage to the person in range.
israel forced medical workers at al-Nasr medical center to leave babies in incubators in order to evacuate the hospital they were bombing.
israel turned off power to hospitals in palestine, forcing nurses and doctors to use their phone flashlights when treating patients.
israel raised their flag over Al Shifa hospital.
israel has blown up the chambers of the palestinian legislative council.
israel targeted a "suspicious vehicle containing several terrorists”, meanwhile the only people in the car were three girls, ages 10, 12, and 14, their grandmother, and their mother. the only survivor was the three girls' mother.
israel planted a copy of mein kampf in a children's bedroom in a gazan house they claim hamas was hiding in.
israel poured fake blood onto the floor of an israeli child's bedroom and claimed hamas killed them.
israeli soldiers posted a video of them dancing on gazan graves.
israel posted a video showing a calendar in a palestinian children's hospital was a hamas guard list because it was written in arabic.
israel was using white phosphorus on hospitals.
israel bombed a refugee camp.
israel has burned olive trees in palestine.
israel has put cement into the water supply of palestine.
israel claimed that they found tunnels under Al Shifa hospital, only for it to be exposed that those tunnels are actually in sweden.
israel built a bunker and command room under Al Shifa hospital in 1983, only for them to now say that they are hamas tunnels.
israeli police arrested an israeli high school teacher, who posted on facebook expressing sympathy with palestinian civilians who have been killed.
israeli soldiers filmed themselves throwing a stun grenade into a palestinian mosque.
we are witnessing a genocide in real time framed under the guise of stopping hamas. israel has been terrorizing palestine for as long as israel has existed, but their access to technology and social media has made it much easier to fool people into supporting them.
meanwhile, noah schnapp is posting that zionism is sexy and celebrities are standing with israel. just absolutely twisted shit.
edit: for those who would like sources, my twitter is alliiesmith. i have retweeted everything i’ve mentioned. i apologize for not providing this sooner
edit 2: i’ve had some people in the replies and reposts pointing out that linking my twitter seems like promotion. i just wanted to clear up that that was not my intention. i’ve been retweeting resources and news much faster than i’m able to add to this post, and i thought that my twitter profile could be something of a hub for information. i don’t care if you follow me, but i think scrolling through and seeing what i’ve retweeted could be helpful.
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soaps-mohawk · 6 months
Cherry Red, Crimson Blood
Chapter 14: The Aftermath
Summary: Your heat is over, now all that's left to do is heal.
Pairings: Poly 141 x reader, Price x Gaz
Word Count: 5100 words
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, smut, handjobs, heat cycles, mating cycles, brief medical stuff, Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics, Alternate Universe, a/b/o typical classism and sexism, language, fluff, angst, nightmares, PTSD
A/N: Surprise!! Got this one done super early because I kind of just want to move forward with this fic and get to more exciting things so enjoy this bonus chapter. This weekend's update might come a day late, we'll see. Not entirely happy with this one, but it's really just setting up the next part so...yeah. Enjoy!!
Want early access to chapters, as well as other bonus content? Consider supporting me on Patreon.
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A rumbling purr vibrates in your chest. It’s a purr of contentment, of satisfaction. You’re warm, not like you had been nine days ago when your heat started, though. This is a comfortable warmth, a cozy warmth. You’re under blankets in your nest, pressed against a bare chest. You trail your fingers along smooth skin until you hit a familiar scar slicing through the skin, right below his clavicle. 
“Got that one outside a bar in Manchester.” 
You pause in your movements, tilting your head to look up at John. He’s staring down at you, his own fingers starting to trace a pattern on your back. 
“Was years ago. Some bloke was getting rowdy inside. Pulled him out to try and talk him down, and he pulled a knife on me.” 
“I can imagine what you did in response.” You murmur, laying your head back on his chest. 
John huffs out a laugh. “Left him with a couple missing teeth, and quite the dent in his head.” He smooths a hand over your side. “You feeling alright?” 
You hum in response. Your eyes feel dry and puffy from crying, and you’re terribly thirsty. You’re beginning to feel the ache in your body again, the steady pulse of pain between your legs starting up. “Hurting again.” You murmur, smacking your lips. “Kinda feels like I swallowed sand too.” 
“Almost time for another muscle relaxer.” He says, glancing at his phone before grabbing an electrolyte bottle from the nightstand. 
You push yourself up to sit, joints cracking as you go. You let out a quiet whimper at the ache in your body, eyes filling up with tears again. 
“Easy.” John tries to soothe you, brushing the hair from your face. “You’re alright.” 
“Sorry.” You sniffle, taking the electrolyte bottle. “It’s embarrassing.” 
“It’s not. It’s just a natural part of coming down from a heat.” John says as you gulp down the contents of the bottle. 
“My mom cried after her heats.” You say, putting the cap back on the electrolyte bottle. “I heard her once, when I was like seven or eight. My dad had picked us up from the care center on base. I wanted to see my mom, but their bedroom door was closed. I could hear her inside, crying alone. My dad scolded me, sent me back down the hall when he saw me. It never felt right to me, that she was in there alone like that, but maybe things are different when you have pups.” 
“I don’t think it was right.” John says as you lay back down against his side. He’s tense, limbs stiff even as his arm wraps around your back. 
“There were a lot of things my dad did that I questioned.” You say absentmindedly, tracing circles on John’s stomach to try and calm him. “Maybe it was just that inner part of me that knew I’d be an omega that made me notice it more. My brothers never said anything, but then again, they all presented as alphas.” You shift against John’s side, tucking your head so he can’t see your face. “Maybe I was just unlucky.” 
He grunts, squeezing your shoulder gently. “You can’t control what nature decides.” 
“Can’t control a lot of things.” You say quietly as he tightens his hold around you. “Suppose I am lucky in one regard.” 
“What’s that?” He asks. 
You shift yourself so you’re facing him, tears sliding down your cheeks again. “You’re a really good alpha.” 
He pulls you against his chest again, pressing your face into his neck. “I don’t know if I’d call myself that.” He says, gently stroking your hair. “Just treating you the way you deserve to be treated.” 
“You treat me like I’m a human being.” You sniffle, wetting his skin as you cry. “That’s better than I’ve been treated since I presented.” 
You don’t see the way his brow furrows, the frown tugging at his lips at your words. You do feel the way he tenses for a moment, arms clenching around you before he relaxes again, a quiet purr rumbling through his chest as he soothes you. 
“I haven’t left your side since your heat started.” He says, taking your hand in his. 
“Really?” You ask, brows pinching a bit at his confession. 
He hums. “Except to use the bathroom.” 
“You must be sick of me by now.” You say. 
“Never.” He says, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “You’re my sweet little omega. Could never get sick of you.” 
You let out a soft purring noise, the sound slipping through your lips before you even realize it. Your eyes widen and you push yourself up out of Price’s neck in surprise. “I’ve never made that noise before.” 
Price smiles softly at you, reaching up to stroke your cheek. “Just means you’re happy.” 
“Hmm.” You lay yourself back down against his chest, resting your ear over his heart. You suppose you are happy. 
Or, at the very least, content.
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Standing hurts. 
Your legs feel a bit like jelly and your muscles ache deeply. It’s been almost five days since your heat ended, and yet you still feel like you just ran a marathon with no training beforehand. You know part of it is that you’ve been laid up for almost a week, but after that kind of physical exertion, you needed rest. You had only gotten up to stumble to the bathroom a handful of times, leaning heavily on John to avoid straining your muscles anymore than they already were. 
You should get up and start moving now, though. It will help with the stiffness, you know, and you should get the blood flowing at least a little. 
You’re also starting to go a bit stir crazy cooped up in your room all the time. You can only rearrange your nest so many ways, and you’ve even started to kick John out of the nest, opting to cuddle with your giant bear instead. 
You've showered, finally feeling properly clean for the first time in almost two weeks. You dress yourself, opting for the loosest clothes you own, and forgoing underwear. You’re not sure you can handle anything too tight on your skin yet. 
“Ready?” John asks, standing near the door. 
You nod, putting on your slippers as he opens the door. Arms wrap around you as soon as you step out into the hallway, your feet leaving the floor. 
“She lives!” Johnny exclaims, spinning you around. 
You grunt at the impact of the excited Scotsman, but wrap your arms around him anyway, taking in his citrusy scent. You have missed him, not realizing how boring life would be without him until now. You’ve even missed Ghost a bit, his looming presence making the world seem a little less big. 
“Easy, Johnny.” Ghost scolds the overjoyed beta. “She’s still breakable.” 
“Sorry, kitten.” Johnny says, immediately setting you back on your feet and loosening his grip around you. “Missed ye, is all.” 
“I missed you too.” You smile up at him. 
“Thought ye might never be comin’ out of that room.” He says. “Thought I might have tae go in and save ye.” 
You smirk. “You almost had to. Was starting to feel a bit stir crazy in there.” 
He grins playfully at you. “Well, yer more than welcome to spend the night elsewhere if yer sick of bein’ cooped up.”
“She's definitely not going to be doing any of that for a while.” John says, stepping up behind you. “R&R is the only thing on her schedule right now.” 
Johnny pouts. “But what if I just want tae cuddle?”
“Since when do you ‘just cuddle’?” Ghost asks. 
“I can just cuddle.” Johnny pulls you against his chest again, wrapping his arms around you tightly. “I'll do it for our ‘mega. I’ll prove it right now.” Johnny pulls away from you, steering you towards the rec room. 
“I’ll keep an eye on them.” Ghost says to Price, giving him a look before turning on his heel, following you and Johnny to the rec room. 
Johnny flops down on the couch, pulling you into his lap, wrapping his arms tightly around you. You lean against his chest, breathing in his scent again. It’s refreshing, after being stuck in a room with the same scents. You could never grow tired of Price’s scent, but when it’s all you’ve been able to smell for an extended period, you start to get tired of it. You remember nearly tackling Kyle in an attempt to get a whiff of his scent, but the sting of scent blockers had nearly brought you to tears again. 
You let out a quiet sound as Johnny tilts his head, letting you breathe in his scent directly from the source. You start to purr quietly, nose pressed against his throat. An answering rumble begins in his own chest, his arms tightening even more around you. 
“Smell good.” You murmur, your lips brushing his skin. Goosebumps erupt across his neck, a shudder trailing down his spine. 
“Easy, mutt.” Ghost grumbles from the chair beside the couch, his eyes on you and Johnny. 
“Cannae help it.” Johnny almost whines, trying to ease you away from his neck. He grips your chin as your head lolls, a drowsy smile forming on your face as you blink up at him. “Christ, yer gettin’ scent drunk.” 
“Missed you.” You murmur, your brain quieting to a soft buzz as you lean your head on his shoulder, listening to the quiet rumble in his chest. 
“Missed you too.” He says, his hand dropping from your face. His fingers ghost over the mark on your shoulder, making you twitch in his arms. “Cannae believe yer officially part of the pack. Seems like just yesterday ye were arriving, all shy and timid. Now look at ye. Purring away on my lap with Price’s mark on yer shoulder.” 
Your cheeks warm at his words, a reminder of just how quickly things have changed. It’s only been almost seven weeks since you arrived in their lives. How quickly things have happened, how quickly things have changed. Though, you suppose things could have happened faster. You’re lucky they gave you so much time to adjust. Many alphas would have started the process as soon as you were in their sights. 
They’re not like that, though. They’ve turned your beliefs on their head and changed your perspective entirely. Alphas can be good and caring and don’t just always take what they want. 
You sniffle as tears pool in your eyes again, Johnny looking away from the TV to stare at you.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” He asks, sounding worried. 
“Nothing.” You say, pressing your face against his shoulder. “I’m just crying cause I’m happy.” 
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“I know, this is probably the last thing you want to be doing right now.” Dr. Keller says from the end of the exam table. “But, unfortunately, it is necessary.” 
You’re silently glad for the numbing spray, the pressure still enough to make you wince, but you can’t even imagine the kind of pain you’d be in if you weren’t numb. You wonder how many omegas have to go through this without it, how many are subjected to the horror without any sort of pain relief. 
“And we’re done.” She says, pulling away. “Everything looks good, no tearing or other injuries.” She pulls her gloves off, John helping you lower your legs from the stirrups. “Though, I’d suggest abstaining from any rigorous physical activity for at least another week.” 
Your face warms at the implication of her words. You’re not sure you’d want to anyway, at least not for a while. Aside from the soreness, after six days of near non-stop...activity, you might shrivel up and die if you see a naked man again anytime soon. 
“Do you feel up to chatting today, or would you rather go back to bed?” Dr. Keller asks as John helps you sit up. “Won’t hurt my feelings if you don’t want to.” 
You think about it for a moment, chewing on your lip before you answer. “We can talk.” 
She nods, smiling. “Aright. Take your time, I’ll be in my office when you’re ready.” 
She leaves the room, leaving you and John alone. You move slowly as you get dressed, still a bit sore and stiff. John walks you to the door, wrapping his arms around you before you can enter, pulling you against his chest. 
“Call me, if you need anything.” He says. 
You nod, staring up at him before you lift yourself onto your toes to kiss him. He purrs quietly when your lips touch his, his arms tightening around you for a moment before you pull back, staring up into his eyes for a moment before you turn away, heading into Dr. Keller’s office. 
You take your usual seat, silently grateful for how comfortable the chair is as you sit down. You’ve been avoiding sitting as much as possible, having spent the last few days lounging in bed with John and occasionally Gaz. 
“Comfortable?” Dr. Keller asks. 
You nod. “Yeah. Think this is the most comfortable chair I’ve ever sat in.” 
“Good.” Dr. Keller smiles. “You tell me if you get uncomfortable or if you want to end early, alright?” 
You nod again. “Yeah.” 
She nods, seemingly satisfied with your answer. “So, how are you feeling, aside from the discomfort? Your first heat with your pack, being claimed, that’s a lot all at once.” 
“It is a lot.” You acknowledge, picking at your sweatpants. “I’m still...I don’t know, processing it, I guess? It’s...a big step, but it was always going to happen. That’s why I’m here, right? To be their omega, to be part of their pack.” 
“That is true.” Dr. Keller agrees. “As much as I could say about it, you are right. This was the end goal of this entire experiment. But, how do you feel about it? Are you relieved that it’s over?” 
“Yeah.” You answer. “I’m glad that it’s over, that it’s done with. I...guess I feel lucky too.” You chew on your lip nervously. 
“In what way?” Dr. Keller asks. 
“John’s a...good alpha. I think I knew that before, but...he took care of me. He didn’t hurt me, he’s never forced me into anything.” A small smile tugs at your lips. “They’re all good pack members. Even Ghost.” 
“Good.” Dr. Keller smiles. “I’m glad you feel that way. John is a fantastic alpha. He cares a lot about you and your wellbeing.” 
“He treats me like I’m more than just my status. I feel like...like I’m a person again. Not just something that can serve others. I used to think that's just what omegas were supposed to do. At the institute, that's what we were taught. How to serve. But, I can see now how we do so much more than that.”
Dr. Keller practically beams at you. “That’s great! That’s so great that you’re beginning to discover your place in their pack. I think it will get easier, now that you’re official.” She nods towards your shoulder where your claiming mark now sits. 
You fight the urge to reach up and touch it, curling your fingers around the fabric of your sweatpants instead. It doesn't hurt anymore, other than slight soreness if you lay on that shoulder after a while. The scabs are beginning to come off, revealing the scar that will decorate your skin for the rest of your life, showing proof of your place in Price’s pack as his omega. 
“Do you feel different, being a claimed omega now?” Dr. Keller asks. 
You do feel different. Not just because you're a claimed omega now. There's something else, a sort of connection now that you've never experienced, even with your family. You don't know how to describe it, except for a slight buzzing in the back of your brain that only seems to quiet when you're near John. You don't really notice it until you think about it, and then you can't get it quiet until you're near John again. 
“Yeah.” You finally answer, trying to ignore the buzzing feeling in your brain. 
“The bond,” Dr. Keller says with a grin. “Hard to describe, so I've heard. I've also heard it lessens in intensity with time. Has anything else changed? Any feelings?” 
You shrug. “I guess I feel...better about being here. It’s still not ideal but...I feel happier.” 
“Yeah? Good.” Dr. Keller writes something down. “That makes me glad to hear. You’re getting along with everyone?” 
You nod. “Yeah. I’ve been getting closer to Kyle and Johnny. I know they’ll want to progress our relationships after I’ve healed a bit.” 
“Is that something you want?” 
You nod. It is something you want. Kyle has already seen you in your most vulnerable state, and you know Johnny has been anxiously awaiting his time. You’d even consider getting closer to Ghost, though, that would be entirely up to him and what he wants. You know getting closer to Johnny will inevitably force you and Ghost closer, but you won’t push the alpha’s boundaries. 
That will only end poorly for everyone. 
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John is awake instantly as soon as the knock comes at the door. He calls for them to enter, blinking the sleep from his eyes as he stares blearily at the computer screen in front of him. Simon’s giant form approaches the desk, sinking into the chair across from him. 
“Getting caught up?” Simon asks, looking him over. 
John nods. “Slow progress. Hard being out of commission for six days.” 
“Well, you didn’t miss much excitement. Laswell called a couple times. Kyle talked to her.” 
“That’s what he said.” John leans back in his chair. “Checking up on our girl.” 
“Sent over some things that might interest you as well.” 
“I see that.” John says, glancing at the email in his inbox. One of several hundred unread emails. 
“You look tired.” 
“Think I’m getting old, Simon.” John says, running a hand over his face. “I don't remember things being this rough, coming out of it.” 
“I’ve heard purebreds are different.” 
John gives him a look. “Thank you for holding down the fort.”
Simon shrugs. “Things are going to get difficult now.”
“We have a job to do, above everything else. That was something we knew from the start.” John says. 
“Things were different then.” Simon says. “It's going to be a struggle.”
“We knew that too.” 
“I'm not talking about the omega.” Simon's voice lowers, taking on the low rumble of Ghost. “I'm talking about you.”
John's back stiffens as he stares at his Lieutenant. “This doesn't change anything.”
“It changes everything.” Simon stands from his seat. “Just how much, we won't know until we're in it.” He turns, making his way towards the door. 
“You think you're immune?” John says, making him pause by the door. 
“No. But I've been keeping my distance for a reason.” He turns the handle on the door, turning to look back at John. “One of us has to have a clear head.”
John watches as the door closes, something tickling in the back of his mind. He sighs as he sinks back in his seat, eyes moving to the computer screen and his hundreds of unread emails. 
He closes the browser, shutting down the computer, staring at the screen until the hum of harddrive quiets. His skin is prickling now, thinking back on Simon's words. Of course things have changed. It would be no different had they added a fifth person to the team. He knows leaving will be hard, but they have a job, a duty to perform. That always comes first above all. 
Can he make it come first after this? 
He remembers how different things had felt after he claimed Kyle. His decisions became safer, but his actions became riskier to ensure Kyle's safety. It wasn't that he doubted Kyle's abilities. He knows Kyle is more than capable of taking care of himself. That's why he's on the team. It was his instincts needing to protect his pack, to ensure his beta's safety. 
What is he going to do now that there's an omega involved? 
You won't be going with them, you won't be in the field, but they'll have to leave you behind. It could be weeks before they'd see you again, if they see you again. 
The thought has a sick feeling churning in his stomach. 
Maybe Simon is right. 
Maybe things have changed too much. 
John rises from his seat, his joints cracking. He stretches, groaning quietly at the ache still present in his muscles. It's faded for the most part, but he can still feel it if he's immobile for too long. It's not the worst pain he's ever felt, but it's hard to think of a time he's felt worse. 
Maybe he is getting too old for this. 
He pauses outside Kyle's door, staring down at the knob. He feels bad for what Kyle had to go through the last almost two weeks. He knows it's a natural part of pack life, a natural role for betas, but he still feels guilty. 
“Everything alright?” Kyle's voice breaks through his thoughts. The door is open now. Kyle standing there in nothing but a pair of sweatpants. 
He hadn't even noticed the door open. 
“Yeah.” He clears his throat. “It's nothing. I don't want to bother you.”
“You're not bothering me.” Kyle gives him a worried look. “Just got out of the shower. You can come in, if you want.”
His feet are moving before he even thinks about it, Kyle closing the door behind him. He sinks down into Kyle's desk chair with a heavy sigh. 
“What's on your mind?” Kyle asks, grabbing the jar of coconut oil off his dresser. 
“Too much.” John answers, looking up at him as he approaches. “Everything's going to change now.” 
“Yeah,” Kyle says, setting the jar on his desk before scooping some out. “Things change all the time. We learn and adapt to them. That's what we do.” 
John watches him rub the oil on his face and neck, watching the movements of his hands. He's right. Always the voice of reason and logic. They were trained to adapt to anything. It was their job. They had adapted to your presence easily enough, they could adapt to this new development too. 
It would take time, but they could do it. 
“You're right.” He says, staring at Kyle's glistening skin. He wants to be the one to rub the oil onto his perfect skin, feel the softness of it under his hands. “Thank you. Thank you for everything. You've been a great help through this.” He stops Kyle from grabbing more coconut oil, grabbing some himself. “I owe you a lot for neglecting you these last couple weeks.”
“You weren't neglecting me.” Kyle says, giving him a small smile as John starts rubbing the oil over his shoulders. “You were taking care of our omega.” 
A satisfied growl rumbles through John’s chest at his choice of words. “Now let me take care of you.” 
Kyle’s breath stutters as John moves behind him, rubbing oil onto his back before moving to his chest. His fingers brush over Kyle’s nipples teasingly, pulling a quiet groan from the younger beta’s lips. John leans against his back, slipping his hands down lower, feeling the ridges of his muscles pulled taught from John’s touch. His lips press a soft kiss to the claiming mark on Kyle’s neck, Kyle’s head falling back against John’s shoulder. John growls in approval at the submissive position, his fingers trailing the waistband of Kyle’s sweatpants. 
John gathers more coconut oil on his hand before he slips them under Kyle’s pants, spreading the soft oil across his skin. He’d chosen to forgo briefs under his sweatpants, Price’s hand brushing against Kyle’s half hard cock. 
“Fuck...” Kyle breathes, arching into John’s touch. 
“How many times did you jerk off to the sound of us this last week?” John asks, wrapping his hand around Kyle’s cock. 
“At first I didn’t,” Kyle says, pressing his hips into John’s hand. “Was too focused on making sure nothing went wrong. But then...” He lets out a moan as John begins jerking his cock. “Then I couldn’t take it anymore. The mental image of you two together, the sounds she was making...” Kyle lets out a groan, squeezing his eyes shut as John brushes his thumb over the head of his cock. 
“Wanted to be in there with us, huh?” John asks, hooking his thumbs over the waistband of Kyle’s sweatpants, tugging them down so they drop around his ankles. “Did you imagine yourself right in the middle, taking my cock while she takes yours? Or did you imagine yourself taking my cock while our sweet omega sits on your face?” 
Kyle lets out a moan, his arms reaching back to grip John’s hips as his legs shake with pleasure. John continues to stroke his cock, pressing a gentle kiss to Kyle’s shoulder. 
“We can make that a reality.” John says, squeezing Kyle’s cock, earning a sweet moan in response. “I’ll show you all the places to touch that get her riled up. I’ll show you just how she likes it, how to get her legs shaking around your head.” 
Kyle’s nails bite into his skin, but he doesn’t care as he continues to jerk his cock, getting him closer and closer to the edge. Price drags his thumb over the tip, spreading precum on his skin. 
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Price growls in his ear, pumping his cock faster. “Want to know what she feels like wrapped around your cock?” His teeth nip at Kyle’s ear, his beta’s lips parted as he moans loudly. “Want to know what she tastes like?” 
“Fuck...yes!” Kyle almost whines, hips jerking as he cums, spurting all over John’s hand. “Yes, yes, yes!” 
John works him through his orgasm, continuing to lazily jerk his cock as Kyle twitches in his hold. He presses his nose against Kyle’s throat, inhaling the intoxicating mix of sweat, coconut oil, and his natural briney scent. He presses a soft kiss against his mark, finally stopping his movements to allow Kyle to recover. 
“Good boy.” He praises his beta, wrapping an arm around him to help him to his bed. 
“You really mean it?” Kyle asks as he drops onto the mattress, catching his breath. 
“We’ll have to ask her, of course.” John grabs Kyle’s sweatpants, cleaning off his hand before tossing them in the hamper. He moves back to Kyle’s bed, joining his beta. “But if she’s up for it, then so am I.” 
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You’re warm. The ice pack pressed against your forehead does little to soothe the burning under your skin. You’re thirsty, the two empty plastic bottles on your nightstand were not enough to ease the dryness in your mouth. 
Hands shift the ice pack, pressing it against your cheek. Your mother is there, seated next to your bed diligently. She’s crying, tears sliding down her cheeks, quiet sniffles breaking the silence in the house. 
“I’m sorry.” She whispers, bringing your hand to her lips. “I’m so sorry,” She apologizes, as if it’s her fault, as if she brought this onto you. 
She gasps quietly as the door opens, her back stiffening as your father enters. His face is stern, mouth almost twisted with disgust as he stares at you. It feels wrong, having him invade your space. If you’d had the energy, perhaps you would have been brave enough to protest his presence. 
“Come on.” His voice is gruff, worn down from years of smoking and yelling. “Get up.” 
“No, please-” Your mother attempts to reason with him, but he won’t have it. 
“Shut up.” He snaps at her, and she has no choice but to sit back and be silent. His voice has something tingling in the back of your neck, almost like a warning. There’s nothing you can do, though. You’re far too weak. 
He moves to the side of your bed, grabbing your arm and pulling you up from the comfort of your blankets. The ice pack falls from your head, your skin prickling with warmth almost like it hadn’t been there in the first place. Your brain is sluggish as you try to comprehend what’s happening, your legs giving out as you’re forced upright. You can’t get your body to work, you can’t even force yourself to behave. You want to crawl back under your blankets and lay there for the rest of eternity. 
You whine as you’re dragged from your room, knees knocking on the floor as you attempt to get your feet under you to ease the pain in your shoulder. Your father drags you into the living room, two people you don’t recognize standing next to the front door. 
“Please, please don’t do this!” Your mother pleads with him, right on his heels as he drops you in a heap in front of them. 
“Enough.” Your father snaps at her, looking down at you with disgust. “She’s no daughter of mine.” 
You blink up at him, the words registering through the haze. Tears gather in your eyes as you stare up at your parents, your siblings watching tensely from the living room as the scene unfolds before them. 
“No, no!” You cry as hands close around your arms, lifting you from the floor. “Mama!” You scream, trying to fight them as you’re pulled from your home, your safe space, your family, your pack. 
The last thing you see as the cool air outside washes over your feverish skin is your mother’s grief stricken face before the door closes, locking you out forever. 
You wake falling from bed. You hit the floor with a thud, gasping for breath. You slap your hands over your mouth before the sob can tear from your lips, not wanting to wake the others. You’re shaking, your heart thudding in your chest as tears slip down your cheeks, sliding over your fingers as they squeeze over your mouth, desperately muffling the sound. 
You hold your breath, forcing the pain and the panic and the grief back in. You can’t have these memories coming back to the surface, not now. Not when good things are finally starting to happen. Not when you’ve finally started to gain a glimmer of hope that things might turn out alright for you. You can’t ruin things now. 
You can’t let them see how broken you really are. 
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Understanding the Basics: What You Need to Know About Automatic Enrollment in Medicare
Automatic enrollment in Medicare is a topic that often confuses beneficiaries. At Access Health Care Physicians, LLC, we believe that understanding the fundamentals of this process is crucial, especially in the context of the 2023 Annual Enrollment Period (AEP). In this article, we will break down the essentials of automatic enrollment in Medicare, helping you navigate your healthcare options with confidence.
What Is Automatic Enrollment in Medicare?
Automatic enrollment is a process by which some individuals are enrolled in Medicare Part A and/or Part B without having to apply manually. This typically happens when you meet specific eligibility criteria, such as turning 65 and receiving Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) benefits.
Key Points to Know About Automatic Enrollment:
1. Eligibility for Automatic Enrollment
Automatic enrollment primarily applies to individuals who are already receiving Social Security or RRB benefits. You will be automatically enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B starting the first day of the month you turn 65.
2. Receiving Your Medicare Card
Once you are automatically enrolled, you will receive your Medicare card by mail approximately three months before your 65th birthday. It will include important information about your coverage and how to use it.
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3. Choosing Your Coverage
While automatic enrollment simplifies the process for many, it's essential to understand your coverage options. You can keep the automatic enrollment coverage or make changes during the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) if you prefer a different plan, such as a Medicare Advantage Plan or Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage.
4. The Role of the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP)
The AEP, which runs from October 15th to December 7th, is the time to make changes to your Medicare coverage. If you're automatically enrolled but wish to switch to a different plan, this is the window of opportunity to do so.
5. Access Health Care Physicians, LLC, Your Trusted Partner
Access Health Care Physicians, LLC, understands that Medicare can be overwhelming. Our team of experts is here to assist you in navigating the complexities of automatic enrollment and making informed decisions during the AEP. Whether you want to explore different coverage options or have questions about your automatic enrollment, we're just a call away.
Automatic enrollment in Medicare is a valuable benefit for many individuals approaching the age of 65. It ensures that you have essential healthcare coverage as you enter your senior years. However, it's equally important to be aware of your options and the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP), which allows you to customize your Medicare coverage to better suit your needs.
At Access Health Care Physicians, LLC, we are committed to simplifying the Medicare process and helping you make the best choices for your healthcare. As you navigate the 2023 AEP, remember that we are your trusted partner in achieving the healthcare coverage that aligns with your preferences and requirements. Contact us today for personalized guidance and support.
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The assault on Al-Shifa, though, seems to be motivated by reasons Israel has not explicitly disclosed. It appears that Israel is leveraging this genocidal war, supported fully by the U.S. and Western allies, to expel Palestinians from the Gaza Strip. The current situation in Gaza City and northern Gaza marks the onset of a process of expulsion and uprooting, reminiscent of the 1948 Nakba. To fulfill this objective, Israel is targeting institutions critical to Palestinian life in Gaza City, with Al-Shifa hospital being a prime example. Al-Shifa, a sprawling complex, includes numerous hospitals, clinics, and centers offering essential services to Gazans, especially given the blockade and restricted access to medical treatment abroad. But Al-Shifa is more than a hospital. In times of crisis and conflict, its central location makes it a gathering place for ordinary Gazans and journalists, a venue for press conferences (during this war, Palestinian children held a press conference outside the hospital, pleading for an end to Israel’s bombardment), a site where families receive the remains of loved ones, and a sanctuary where the injured find care. During aggressions on Gaza, Al-Shifa becomes a crucial hub for Palestinians to connect and check on one another. In this war, the hospital, due to its size relative to other structures in Gaza City, has sheltered thousands of displaced Palestinians, either those whose homes were destroyed or who were expelled from their neighborhoods. By seizing and ravaging Al-Shifa, Israel signals the end of life in Gaza City as Palestinians have known it for decades. Removing the hospital from Gaza’s healthcare equation also obscures the extent of casualties and injuries among the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who remain north of Wadi Ghazza.
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briarpatch-kids · 2 years
I'm so tired of the whole "hey when you're designing walkable cities make sure to include disabled people so we can access the town too" gets turned into "are you saying walkable cities are ableist??" Which turns into people calling us a bitch for trying to explain that we currently live in a walkable city but can't leave the house alone because the sideways slope of the sidewalks and deep inclines for the streets make every street crossing a broken bone risk.
I live less than a mile from a carless town square, a library, two grocery stores, a post office, a medical clinic, a mental health crisis center, laundry mats, ice cream shops, book shops, bakeries, restaurants, more than I can even remember. It's amazing and exactly what a lot of you dream of. The street crossings are super safe for pedestrians, people can jog, ride bikes, and push strollers just fine. Except I still can't access any of it safely and anyone using a wheelchair or scooter is in danger. But apparently I'm an oil industry shill and a bitch for pointing that out instead of a disabled person who wants to get groceries or check a book out at the local library a few blocks away.
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taviamoth · 8 months
🚨 The Government Media Office in Gaza publishes an update about the scale of destruction of the zionist on Gaza from October 7th, 2023 to February 11th, 2024.
• 128 days of the war of genocide.
• 2,438 massacres.
• 35,176 martyrs and missing.
• 28,176 martyrs reached the hospitals.
• 12,300 child martyrs.
• 8,400 women martyrs.
• 340 medical worker martyrs.
• 46 civil defense martyrs.
• 124 journalist martyrs.
• 7,000 missing; 70% of them are children and women.
• 67,784 wounded.
• 11,000 wounded in need of travel for life-saving and critical treatment.
• 10,000 cancer patients at risk of death.
• 700,000 Gazans infected with infectious diseases as a result of displacement.
• 8,000 cases of viral hepatitis infection due to displacement.
• 60,000 pregnant women are at risk due to lack of access to health care.
• 350,000 chronic patients are at risk due to lack of administration of medications.
• 99 arrests of health workers.
• 10 arrests of journalists whose names are known.
• 2 million displaced in the Gaza Strip.
• 142 government headquarters destroyed by the occupation.
• 100 schools and universities completely destroyed by the occupation.
• 295 schools and universities partially destroyed by the occupation.
• 184 mosques completely destroyed by the occupation.
• 266 mosques partially destroyed by the occupation.
• 3 churches targeted and destroyed by the occupation.
• 70,000 residential units completely destroyed by the occupation.
• 290,000 residential units partially destroyed by the occupation.
• 66,000 tons of explosives dropped by the occupation on Gaza.
• 30 hospitals taken out of service by the occupation.
• 53 health centers taken out of service by the occupation.
• 150 health centers partially destroyed by the occupation.
• 123 ambulances completely destroyed by the occupation.
• 200 archaeological and heritage sites destroyed by the occupation.
[via RNN]
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sayruq · 5 months
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Amid Israel’s ongoing genocidal war on Gaza, maternal healthcare faces excruciating challenges. Deliberate and systematic Israeli attacks on hospitals and medical centers, and critical shortages of humanitarian aid, including medicine, have created a crisis that is endangering the lives of both mothers and newborns. The situation is critical. There are an estimated 50,000 pregnant women in Gaza and some 180 births every day. Israel’s decision in October to prevent food, water, fuel and electricity from entering Gaza created a desperate situation. Inadequate nutrition, exposure to cold and hot weather, the absence of clean water, and poor sanitation weigh heavily on the wellbeing of women and children. The circumstances force them to consume contaminated water, heightening the peril of dehydration and waterborne diseases, particularly among vulnerable groups such as expectant mothers, new mothers and young children. Fuel shortages and the constrained capacity of the few remaining medical facilities exacerbate the difficulty for women in labor to access hospitals. Um Amin, a mother with a few children, confronted with the harsh reality of displacement, recounted her family’s struggles during Israel’s aggression. As bombs relentlessly fell on their neighborhood, reducing their home to rubble, Um Amin had to seek refuge at a school run by the UN agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA) in the northern Gaza Strip taking only very few belongings. She was pregnant. And in the school there was little by way of basic necessities such as clean water, food or even clothes for her children. She considered moving south, where food might be a little more accessible. Her husband refused, causing conflict between them.He feared not being able to return. And while she believed that the Israeli army was attempting to force them to leave, she also felt it was a matter of life and death for her children. “It was heart-wrenching to witness my kids fighting over scraps of bread. My 4-year-old started stashing away bread in his pocket for later. I was shocked. Before the war, I never slept without knowing my children were fed. Now, most of the time, I am certain they never feel satisfied.” Her entire motivation to carry on became a matter of feeding her children She denied herself food for their sake, but had also to remind herself of the child within her. “The baby inside me is also a priority, so I had to eat too.” She found the balancing act incredibly challenging, an unbearable burden of motherhood. “I am going to share something I’ve never told anyone I know: I contemplated suicide to escape the weight of this responsibility.”
After the Israeli army unexpectedly stormed al-Rimal, a Gaza City neighborhood, for a second time, Um Amin panicked and fled again, this time going from the UNRWA school to a relative’s house. But her fear caused her to enter preterm labor. A doctor, at the nearby al-Sahaba medical center, had to resort to a cesarean section. It was hell, Um Amin said. There was insufficient anesthesia and she could feel the scalpel cutting into her body. There was no electricity; the doctor had to use a handheld flashlight to see. Um Amin’s cries of pain could not drown out the crashing of shells around her. The operation left her utterly drained. She couldn’t believe she was still alive.She needed nourishment to recover what she had lost during the bleeding and to breastfeed her son. But hunger was stalking Gaza. Food was scarce, there was no white flour in the markets, and Israel was blocking aid trucks from entering the north. “All I had to eat was bread made from animal feed and water. When I had my other children, I relied on foods rich in animal proteins, but it was impossible this time. The price of meat was five times higher than normal.” Unable to adequately breastfeed her child, she had to find infant formula. But the price was multiple times higher than it used to be and more than she could afford. Eventually, she was forced to buy formula that was past its expiry date. “You might blame me, but there was literally no other option. I didn’t have enough money. It wasn’t clumped together, so the doctor told me it could still be used.” She would never find out. Due to the lack of clean water, she prepared the milk with non-potable water from a well. The baby refused to drink.
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ana-bananya · 2 months
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Organized by @/sadiea8
Many people in Sudan lack access to medical care. MSF (Doctors Without Borders), reports that 70-80% of hospitals in Sudan are out of service, leaving 65% of the population without vital healthcare. With the lack of functioning hospitals, community led response teams such as Al Geneina have been working to provide aid.
Please help share and donate so that the Al Geneina Trauma Center can stay open.
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hiiragi7 · 27 days
Something which I've realized is that a lot of people's idea of what "cis" means is inherently also perisex - And if an intersex person is well and truly cis, then surely they must desire to inhabit a body which displays cis perisex norms, and are dysphoric over their intersex status and traits.
It seems that intersex people are consistently caught in a grey area; intersex people are expected, paradoxically, to transition into being cis via surgeries and/or HRT, an expectation which comes from an imagined body that would have been were not for intersexuality, a cis [perisex] body which is assumed to be natural and inherent. It is as though many intersex people are in a way expected to be both cis and trans, an experience that presents differently both from perisex cis people and from perisex trans people, and yet is often positioned as exclusively one or the other.
The concept of cis-as-perisex and cis-trans contextualizes for me the fixation on intersex people's genders when discussing intersex medical abuse and IGM, and why so many people refer to it as "gender affirming care". The argument goes, of course a cis man would want his breasts removed, don't they give him gender dysphoria? Isn't removing them gender-affirming care for cis people?
What I feel that people don't understand when they make this argument is that this phrasing seperates intersex surgeries from any societal context of intersexism to instead focus on an imagined cis [perisex] way of being that necessarily excludes euphoric intersexuality, and centers gender identity and individual dysphoria as the reason why an intersex person would have surgery rather than looking at the bigger picture of how we come to arrive at these surgeries and how they interact with intersexism.
Of course an intersex person should be allowed access to surgeries if they so desire, and yet it would be an injustice to not look at everything around us which may influence these decisions, including how for many intersex people they do not desire these surgeries at all, or are made to feel as though they should desire them even if they wouldn't have otherwise; and even for intersex people which do fully desire and enthusiastically consent to surgery, we must consider whether others, including their surgical team, have ulterior motives for fulfilling that desire. We do not have surgery in a vacuum. The same people who aim to deny trans people transition also force surgery on intersex people, and this is not hypocrisy; this is a core function of how the sex binary is upheld.
When we say "end intersex medical abuse" or "end IGM", we are not aiming to prevent intersex people from willingly and consensually having surgery; we are aiming to end the routine medical abuse of our bodies as well as the coercive nature of intersex surgeries. It's why we use language such as "mutilation" when discussing it and feel rather upset about it being called "gender-affirming care". True gender-affirming care revolves around consent, and intersex medical abuse involves none.
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