#annual enrollment period 2023
beardedmrbean · 4 months
Liberty University has agreed to pay an unprecedented $14 million fine for the Christian school's failure to disclose information about crimes on its campus and for its treatment of sexual assault survivors, the U.S. Department of Education announced Tuesday.
The fine is by far the largest ever levied under the Clery Act, a law that requires colleges and universities that receive federal funding to collect data on campus crime and notify students of threats. Schools must disseminate an annual security report that includes crime reports and information on efforts to improve campus safety.
Liberty has marketed itself for years as having one of the nation’s safest campuses, with more than 15,000 students enrolled at the school in Lynchburg, Virginia. But its police department had a single officer with minimal oversight for investigating crimes during most of the time period reviewed by federal investigators, 2016 to 2023.
The U.S. Department of Education said it identified numerous cases that resulted in the misclassification or underreporting of crimes. And there were several incidents that the university determined to be unfounded, without evidence the initial report was false.
“This was especially common with respect to sexually based offenses, including rape and fondling cases,” according to the department's Final Program Review Determination.
Federal investigators cited a case in which a woman reported being raped, with the attacker telling her he had a knife, the final program review stated.
Liberty's investigator "unfounded this case based on a claim that the ‘victim indicates that she consented to the sexual act,'” the final program review stated. “In point of fact, the victim’s own statement merely indicated that she ‘gave in’ in an attempt to get away from the perpetrator.”
That episode was ultimately counted in the crime statistics, the final program review stated, after Liberty’s Clery compliance officer realized the case was “mishandled at several points in the process."
Many victims of sexual crimes feared reporting because of concerns of reprisal, the final program review stated. Several were punished for violating the student code of conduct known as "The Liberty Way," while their assailants were left unpunished.
“Consequently, victims of sexual assault often felt dissuaded by Liberty administration’s reputation for punishing sexual assault survivors rather than helping them," the final program review said. “Such fears created a culture of silence where sexual assaults commonly went unreported.”
The university said in a statement Tuesday that it is “fully committed to maintaining the safety and security of students and staff without exception.”
The school said it would continue to cooperate with the U.S. Department of Education. And it noted that it has made more than $10 million in significant improvements since 2022 toward complying with the Clery Act and other laws, including in educational programming, new leadership and staffing.
Liberty also acknowledged past problems, including “incorrect statistical reports as well as necessary timely warnings and emergency notifications that were not sent.” But the university also said the U.S. Department of Education used methods and calculations that were “drastically different from their historic treatment of other universities.”
“Liberty disagrees with this approach and maintains that we have repeatedly endured selective and unfair treatment by the department,” the school said.
But Dustin Wahl, co-founder of Save71, an alumni-led organization that advocates for changes, said Liberty is trying to shift the blame.
“Liberty should be apologizing to the students who have been harmed over the years and demonstrating a commitment to change," he said. "Not because they are being dragged along by the government, but because they genuinely want to be transparent and fix the problems.”
Before Tuesday, the largest Clery Act fine in history was $4.5 million against Michigan State in 2019, according to a February report from the Congressional Research Service. Federal investigators said Michigan State failed to adequately respond to sexual assault complaints against Larry Nassar, a campus sports doctor who molested elite gymnasts and other female athletes.
In 2016, Pennsylvania State University was hit with a then-record fine of $2.4 million in the wake of child sexual-abuse complaints against former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky.
The $14 million fine against Liberty University appears to be a small fraction of its total operating revenues, which were $1.2 billion without donor restrictions in fiscal year 2022, according to an annual report. The school’s net assets were $3.5 billion.
But Clery Act violations are “bigger than just the fines,” said Abigail Boyer, associate executive director at the Pennsylvania-based Clery Center, which provides training and assistance to campuses.
“Hand in hand with the fines is institutions navigating how they’re now being perceived publicly as a campus that may or may not be focusing on the safety and well being of students,” Boyer told The Associated Press.
Liberty has become one of the world’s largest Christian schools since its 1971 co-founding by religious broadcaster Jerry Falwell Sr. In 2022, the school said it hit a record of 115,000 students pursuing degrees online, beyond the more than 15,000 on campus.
The Clery Act investigation became public knowledge in 2022 in the wake of litigation over its handling of sex assault cases.
Lawsuits by former students and employees have accused the school of botching sexual assault reports or failing to investigate allegations of rape. The litigation was filed under under Title IX, the federal law that protects against sex discrimination in education and often overlaps with Clery.
Liberty settled a civil lawsuit filed by 12 women in 2022 after they accused the school of fostering an unsafe environment and mishandling cases of sexual assault and harassment.
The lawsuit said the university had a “tacit policy” of weighting investigations in favor of accused male students, and it said the university retaliated against women who did make such reports.
The terms of that lawsuit’s settlement were not disclosed. But at the time, Liberty outlined a number of changes it undertook to improve campus security and review how it responds to incidents of sexual harassment or violence.
Tuesday’s announcement comes three years after Liberty’s acrimonious split with former president Jerry Falwell Jr., whose exit followed his posting of a provocative photo of himself online as well as revelations of his wife’s extramarital affair. Falwell and the university have since filed lawsuits against each other over his departure.
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kp777 · 9 months
By Jake Johnson
Common Dreams
Oct. 4, 2023
"Medicare Advantage is just another example of the endless greed of the insurance industry poisoning American healthcare," says a new report from Physicians for a National Health Program.
A report published Wednesday estimates that privately run, government-funded Medicare Advantage plans are overcharging U.S. taxpayers by up to $140 billion per year, a sum that could be used to completely eliminate Medicare Part B premiums or fully fund Medicare's prescription drug program.
Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP), an advocacy group that supports transitioning to a single-payer health insurance system, found that Medicare Advantage (MA) overbills the federal government by at least $88 billion per year, based on 2022 spending.
That lower-end estimate accounts for common MA practices such as upcoding, whereby diagnoses are piled onto a patient's risk assessment to make them appear sicker than they actually are, resulting in a larger payment from the federal government.
But when accounting for induced utilization—"the idea that people with supplemental coverage are likely to use more health care because their insurance pays for more of their cost"—PNHP estimated that the annual overbilling total could be as high as $140 billion.
"This is unconscionable, unsustainable, and in our current healthcare system, unremarkable," says the new report. "Medicare Advantage is just another example of the endless greed of the insurance industry poisoning American healthcare, siphoning money from vulnerable patients while delaying and denying necessary and often lifesaving treatment."
Even if the more conservative figure is accurate, PNHP noted, the excess funding that MA plans are receiving each year would be more than enough to expand traditional Medicare to cover dental, hearing, and vision. Traditional Medicare does not currently cover those benefits, which often leads patients to seek out supplemental coverage—or switch to an MA plan.
The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that adding dental, vision, and hearing to Medicare and Medicaid would cost just under $84 billion in the most costly year of the expansion.
"While there is obvious reason to fix these issues in MA and to expand traditional Medicare for the sake of all beneficiaries," the new report states, "the deep structural problems with our healthcare system will only be fixed when we achieve improved Medicare for All."
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Bolstered by taxpayer subsidies, Medicare Advantage has seen explosive growth since its creation in 2003 even as it has come under fire for fraud, denying necessary care, and other abuses. Today, nearly 32 million people are enrolled in MA plans—more than half of all eligible Medicare beneficiaries.
Earlier this year, the Biden administration took steps to crack down on MA overbilling, prompting howls of protest and a furious lobbying campaign by the industry's major players, including UnitedHealth Group and Humana. Relenting to industry pressure, the Biden administration ultimately agreed to phase in its rule changes over a three-year period.
Leading MA providers have also faced backlash from lawmakers for handing their top executives massive pay packages while cutting corners on patient care and fighting reforms aimed at rooting out overbilling.
As PNHP's new report explains, MA plans are paid by the federal government as if "their enrollees have the same health needs and require the same levels of spending as their traditional Medicare counterparts," even though people who enroll in MA plans tend to be healthier—and thus have less expensive medical needs.
"There are several factors that potentially contribute to this phenomenon," PNHP's report notes. "Patients who are sicker and thus have more complicated care needs may be turned off by limited networks, the use of prior authorizations, and other care denial strategies in MA plans. By contrast, healthier patients may feel less concerned about restrictions on care and more attracted to common features of MA plans like $0 premiums and additional benefits (e.g. dental and vision coverage, gym memberships, etc.). Insurers can also use strategies such as targeted advertising to reach the patients most favorable to their profit margins."
A KFF investigation published last month found that television ads for Medicare Advantage "comprised more than 85% of all airings for the open enrollment period for 2023."
"TV ads for Medicare Advantage often showed images of a government-issued Medicare card or urged viewers to call a 'Medicare' hotline other than the official 1-800-Medicare hotline," KFF noted, a practice that has previously drawn scrutiny from the U.S. Senate and federal regulators.
PNHP's report comes days after Cigna, a major MA provider, agreed to pay $172 million to settle allegations that it submitted false patient diagnosis data to the federal government in an attempt to receive a larger payment.
Dr. Ed Weisbart, PNHP's national board secretary, toldThe Lever on Wednesday that such overpayments are "going directly into the profit lines of the Medicare Advantage companies without any additional health value."
"If seniors understood that the $165 coming out of their monthly Social Security checks was going essentially dollar for dollar into profiteering of Medicare Advantage, they would and should be angry about that," said Weisbart. "We think that we pay premiums to fund Medicare. The only reason we have to do that is because we're letting Medicare Advantage take that money from us."
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On June 29, 2023, Governor J.B. Pritzker signed House Bills 579 and 2296 into law, enacting sweeping changes to Illinois health insurance law that grants the Illinois Department of Insurance (IDOI) expanded regulatory powers. These bills will have significant impacts on consumers and health insurers beginning as soon as 2025.
House Bill 579
H.B. 579 added a new Section 1405-50 to the Illinois Insurance Code and amended certain other provisions of the Insurance Code dealing with Illinois’ health insurance exchange (commonly called the marketplace). This Bill requires IDOI to move the state marketplace from the federal platform to a purely state-based and operated exchange by plan year 2026. The Governor and the sponsors of the bill have said that establishing a state-based exchange will enable Illinois consumers to enroll in Affordable Care Act or Medicaid plans in the same place, take advantage of more enrollment windows than the federal exchange offers, and insulate Illinois health insurance consumers from potential changes to the federal marketplace system and related federal policies. The new system directly addresses recent history where federal funding for organizations that help consumers was significantly reduced and the number of annual enrollment days was cut approximately in half.
House Bill 2296
H.B. 2296 enacted deeper changes to IDOI’s regulatory authority and contained changes that have a much more significant direct impact on Illinois health insurers. Chief among the changes is a requirement that health insurers file rates annually starting in 2025 for plan year 2026, and the granting of new authority to the IDOI, also starting in 2025, to review and approve or disapprove all future individual, large employer, and small group health insurance rate changes. The newly amended statutes also require IDOI to post all filed health insurance rates and summaries on its website, including a justification for any rate increase or decrease (with certain required information). There will also be a 30-day public comment period for all proposed rate changes and IDOI is required to post all comments on its website. IDOI is required to take into account the public comments as well as actuarial justifications for the proposed rate changes in approving or disapproving the change. Rate disapprovals may be appealed and are subject to judicial review under the State Administrative Review Law. There are certain exceptions to this new statutory approval scheme. Finally, H.B. 2296 requires IDOI to report to the Governor and General Assembly annually on health insurance coverage, affordability, and cost trends.
The Bottom Line: Health Insurers Should Start Preparing Now
These recent developments in Illinois insurance law impose significant affirmative compliance requirements on health insurers in Illinois and invite significant additional public and governmental review and contribution into health insurance rate changes. The Illinois health insurance industry should expect IDOI to issue related guidance and implement related rules and regulations regarding the coming changes over the next 1-3 years. Illinois health insurers would be well-advised to consult with insurance regulatory counsel as they begin preparing for the new rate filing and approval process before its impact is felt in 2025.
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mariacallous · 1 year
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Open enrollment on the U.S. public health insurance marketplace ended in mid-January and as of January 7, almost 16 million people had already signed up to receive insurance coverage in 2023. The number is a new record for the enrollment period that happens once a year and constitutes a 13 percent increase over the 2021/22 sign-up, according to a press release by the government.
Enrollment for coverage under the Affordable Care Act - also dubbed Obamacare - is up for the third year in a row. Together with other factors that expanded healthcare coverage, this fact is reflected in the rising number of Americans who have health insurance. In 2019, a high of 33.2 million Americans were uninsured, amounting to 10.3 percent of the population. As of June 2022, that number was down to 27.4 million or 8.3 percent of Americans.
Expansions to Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act were made by the Biden administration as part of the American Rescue Plan, a Covid-19 relief bill passed in March 2021, and were extended in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the introduction of subsidies for applicants earning 400 percent or more of the federal poverty level made ACA coverage more attractive for a lot of workers since the the 2021/22 enrollment period. A 60-year old making just over that poverty level cutoff (around $52,000 per year), for example, formerly could have expected a monthly insurance bill of around $950 or 22 percent or his or her income through ACA. After the change, the premium would be capped at 8.5 percent of that person's income. The same laws mentioned above also extended Medicaid eligibility to new groups, offering health insurance to even more people that are not covered through their employers.
Under the Trump Administration, cutbacks to Medicaid decreased enrollment by 0.7 percent between 2017 and 2018. The elimination of 90 percent of the advertising budget for the ACA's annual sign-up period also resulted in 400,000 fewer enrollments that year, according to CNBC. The number of insured Americans kept rising until 2019, but dropped in 2020 for the first time under Trump - even before the onset of the coronavirus pandemic.
As seen in our chart, the number of uninsured Americans took a major dip after the enactment of Obamacare and the expansion of Medicaid in 2014.
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moneycreata · 2 years
Medicare Open Enrollment | Why 1 Shouldn’t Ignore
What is Medicare Open Enrollment ?
Medicare open enrollment – is also known as Annual Election Period (AEP) or annual coordinated election period – which is an enrollment window that takes place every year. In period beneficiaries can opt for making changes in Medicare plan by re- evaluating and comparing with their extant plans of Medicare Coverage — whether it’s Original Medicare with , Medicare Advantage or supplemental drug coverage — and make changes if they want to do so. This guide is all about Medicare’s annual selection period.
If you’re interested in learning about additional opportunities to enroll or change your Medicare coverage, we’ve covered those here. Federal health insurance program, which provides coverage for about 56.5 million individuals in the 65-and-older crowd. And, whether you’re reaching the eligibility age of 65 or you are older and switching from workplace insurance to Medicare, there are some important factors to consider that affect your wallet.
Medicare beneficiaries can enroll using the link https://Medicare.gov like to improve their coverage option and potentially save money for 2023 during open enrollment. One can sign up till December 7 2022, to switch or drop the plan to get the new coverage which will resume from January 2023. As Kaiser Family Foundation Data out of 7 out of 10 about 65 millions dint compare their existing plans with latest one and many will miss to upgrade the same. Every year from October 15 till December 7 is the enrollment period for Medicare Open Enrollment , needs to review the coverage and change as per available options in open window.
Medicare beneficiaries with can compare their traditional plans with opt to join single Medicare Advantage plans or any other plan as per ever changing health needs. One easily opt for changes in premium , value of coverage, pharmacy networks, cost out of pocket for other medical related but people neglects like anything. One can easily buy costly outfits but ever thing to spend on Medicare Open Enrollment.
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vijay1225 · 1 day
School Management System Market Forecast 2024-2033
Overview and Scope A school management system is a comprehensive software application designed to streamline and automate various administrative and operational tasks within an educational institution. It optimizes administrative tasks, facilitates communication among stakeholders, and enhances educational processes by improving efficiency and effectiveness within the institution.
Sizing and Forecast The school management system market size has grown rapidly in recent years. It will grow from $16.68 billion in 2023 to $19.31 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.8%. The growth in the historic period can be attributed to increased focus on data analytics and insights for informed decision-making in education, efficient transport attendance management, real-time tracking of school buses for parents, carrier contracts management, increased demand for student safety and efficient transportation.
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The school management system market size is expected to see rapid growth in the next few years. It will grow to $35.09 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.1%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to inclination towards e-learning, growing emphasis on improving the quality of education, rising government initiatives and investments in research and development, proliferation of smart mobile devices, rising digitization in the education industry. Major trends in the forecast period include adoption of e-learning platforms, technological advancement, adoption of virtual solutions, increase in investment by schools, investments in cloud-based school management system.
Segmentation & Regional Insights The school management system market covered in this report is segmented -
1) By Component: Solutions, Services 2) By Deployment: Cloud, On-Premise 3) By Application: Administration Management Systems, Academic Management Systems, Learning Management Systems, Financial Management Systems 4) By End-User: Schools, Universities, Community Colleges, Other End-Users
North America was the largest region in the school management system market in 2023. Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest-growing region in the forecast period. The regions covered in the school management system market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa.
Major Driver Impacting Market Growth The inclination towards e-learning is expected to propel the growth of the school management system market going forward. E-learning refers to acquiring knowledge and skills facilitated by electronic technologies and digital media. E-learning is growing due to its flexibility, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness compared to traditional education methods. A school management system helps support e-learning initiatives by providing essential tools and functionalities for course management, student engagement, assessment, communication, and reporting. By leveraging a school management system, educational institutions can effectively transition to online learning environments and deliver high-quality education to students, regardless of physical location or logistical constraints. For instance, in January 2022, according to the World Economic Forum, a Switzerland-based non-governmental organization, the number of students enrolled in online education surged from 71 million in 2020 to 92 million in 2021. Therefore, the inclination towards e-learning is driving the growth of the school management system market.
Key Industry Players
Major companies operating in the school management system market are Oracle Corporation, SAP SE, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Sage Group Plc, McGraw Hill Education, Ellucian Company L.P, Unit4 NV, Blackboard Inc., PowerSchool Group LLC, Focus Softnet Pte Ltd., Instructure Inc., Brainvire Infotech Inc., Illuminate Education Inc., Jenzabar Inc., Schoology, Skolaro, Sparkrock, Knewton Inc., ESS Limited, Classter, Campus 365, Edumarshal, Foradian Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Serosoft Solutions, OpenEduCat
The school management system market report table of contents includes:
1. Executive Summary 2. School Management System Market Characteristics 3. School Management System Market Trends And Strategies 4. School Management System Market — Macro Economic Scenario 5. Global School Management System Market Size and Growth . . . 31. School Management System Market Other Major And Innovative Companies 32. Global School Management System Market Competitive Benchmarking 33. Global School Management System Market Competitive Dashboard 34. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The School Management System Market 35. School Management System Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis 36.Appendix
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bhushans · 4 months
Global Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) market: A Deep Dive into Key Drivers and Trends
The worldwide market for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is anticipated to reach a substantial valuation of US$21.58 billion in the year 2023. As a consequence of the rising prevalence of alcohol consumption among individuals, the collective requirement for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is expected to experience a significant expansion, manifesting a commendable Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 4.4% during the period from 2023 to 2033. By the conclusion of the year 2033, the market is forecasted to achieve an impressive total worth of approximately US$33.19 billion.
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Additionally, the World Health Organization (WHO) states that the most common cause of COPD is exposure to tobacco smoke both via first hand as well as second-hand smoking. This global increase in the prevalence of COPD is a major factor fueling the growth of the COPD market in the forthcoming years. In addition, the rise in consumption of tobacco among millennials, coupled with the rise in the awareness among population, regarding the use of generic drug are projected to contribute to the revenue share of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease market in the near future.
According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP), the cost related to COPD in the US were 32.1 $ billion in 2010, and rose to 49 billion by 2020. Hence, the continual growth witnessed in the cases of COPD among population worldwide is a major factor that will intensify the growth of the COPD market over the forecast period.
Key Takeaways from the Market Study
Global Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Market was valued at US$ 20.67 Billion by 2022-end
From 2018 to 2022, the market demand expanded at a CAGR of 2.4%
By Type, the Chronic Bronchitis segment of the market constitutes the bulk of the market with a market share of 43%
By Distribution Channel, the Retail Pharmacies segment dominates the market with a share of 42%
From 2023 to 2033, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) sales are expected to flourish at a CAGR of 4.4%.
By 2033, the market value of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is expected to reach US$ 33.19 Billion.
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Continual increase in cases of COPD globally, coupled with rising cases of tobacco consumers are the major factors escalating the growth of the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) market in the near future, remarks an FMI analyst.
Competitive Landscape
Prominent players in the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) market are Almirall, AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH, CHIESI Farmaceutici S.p.A., F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., GlaxoSmithKline plc., Kyowa Hakko Kirin, Mylan N.V., Novartis AG, Orion Corporation, Sanofi, Sunovion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co., Ltd.), Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., Theravance Biopharma, and Verona Pharmaceuticals, among others.
Recent Developments:
In June 2022, Verona Pharma, a pharmaceutical company, announced completion of the patient enrolment, with more than 800 subjects involved for its randomized ENHANCE-1 trial. The study will evaluate ensifentrine for the maintenance treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It is a critical step for the phase III ENHANCE trial with top-line data expected by the end of the year 2022 and further data from ENHANCE-2 in the third quarter of 2022.
In May 2022, Alembic Pharmaceuticals Ltd, a pharmaceutical company, received final approval from the US health regulator for its generic version of Arformoterol Tartrate inhalation solution indicated for long-term treatment of bronchoconstriction in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The approval by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (USFDA) for the abbreviated new drug application (ANDA) for Arformoterol Tartrate inhalation solution is for strength of 15 mcg (base)/2 mL unit-dose vial.
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health-views-updates · 4 months
Healthcare BPO Market 2023 - Industry Size, Share, Dynamics, Status, Outlook and Opportunities: 2030
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The global healthcare BPO market is experiencing significant growth, projected to reach USD 692.64 billion by 2030. This represents a substantial increase from its 2022 valuation of USD 327.86 billion, reflecting a robust Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 9.8% over the forecast period (2023-2030), according to a recent market analysis.
Driving Forces Behind the Healthcare BPO Boom:
Several key factors are contributing to the flourishing healthcare BPO market:
Cost Reduction and Efficiency Gains: By outsourcing non-core functions to BPO providers, healthcare organizations can streamline operations, reduce administrative costs, and dedicate resources to core clinical activities.
Growing Regulatory Compliance Burden: Navigating the increasingly complex healthcare regulatory landscape is a challenge. BPO providers offer expertise and resources to ensure compliance.
Shortage of Skilled Healthcare Workforce: The healthcare industry faces a shortage of qualified professionals. Outsourcing routine tasks allows healthcare organizations to focus on attracting and retaining skilled staff for patient care.
Technological Advancements: BPO providers leverage advanced technologies like automation, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing to enhance service delivery and data security.
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Some of the major key players of Healthcare BPO Market are as follows:  Accenture, IQVIA, Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp, Accretive Health, Lonza Group AG, Genpact Ltd, Infosys BPO Ltd, Xerox Corp, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd, Quintiles, Inc. and Other Players.
A Comprehensive Market Landscape:
The press release can be enhanced by incorporating a section on market segmentation, providing a more detailed picture:
Provider Service Types: The market is segmented by various services offered to healthcare providers, including:
Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) – Streamlining processes related to medical billing and coding.
Patient Enrollment – Assisting with patient registration and insurance verification.
Patient Care Services – Supporting tasks like appointment scheduling and medical record management.
Payer Service Types: BPO services cater to the needs of healthcare payers (insurance companies) with solutions like:
Claims Management – Processing and adjudication of insurance claims.
Integrated Front-End and Back-Office Operations – Managing the entire insurance claim lifecycle.
Member Management & Product Development – Supporting member enrollment, communication, and product development.
Provider Management & Care Management – Collaborating with healthcare providers to manage patient care and costs.
Billing & Accounts Management – Handling insurance billing, payments, and collections.
HR Services – Outsourcing human resource functions for payers.
Pharmaceutical Services Types: BPO solutions also extend to pharmaceutical companies, encompassing services like:
Manufacturing Services – Optimizing production processes and supply chain management.
R&D Services – Supporting clinical trial management and data analysis.
Non-Clinical Services – Assisting with regulatory affairs, pharmacovigilance, and safety monitoring.
Sales & Marketing Services – Outsourcing marketing campaigns and customer relationship management.
Supply Chain Management (SCM) – Optimizing logistics and inventory management for pharmaceuticals.
A Global Phenomenon:
A section on the geographic landscape can be included to highlight regional trends:
The report explores the healthcare BPO market across different regions, providing insights for geographically focused strategies.
Looking Ahead:
The future of the healthcare BPO market is promising, with continued growth anticipated. Rising healthcare costs, increasing demand for operational efficiency, and advancements in BPO technologies will further fuel market expansion.
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ezaccessinsu · 7 months
What Does Medicare Part B Nevada Cover For Seniors?
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Medicare Part B Nevada is a federally administered health insurance program specially designed for individuals aged 65 and above, along with certain individuals under 65 with typical disabilities and those with end-stage renal disease. In this article, we'll delve into the details of a Medicare Plan Part B Medicare Plan Part B Florida, shedding light on its workings and what it entails for your coverage during the 2023 period.
The fundamental components of Original Medicare consist of Part A and Part B. Part A encompasses hospital insurance, covering inpatient care, whether in a hospital, skilled nursing facility, or at home. On the other hand, Part B serves as medical insurance, assisting in the payment for services rendered by doctors, outpatient care, laboratory tests, therapy sessions, durable medical equipment, and various other services not covered by Part A.
Medicare Advantage Plans, often referred to as 'Part C,' present an alternative to Original Medicare coverage. Administered by private companies authorized by Medicare, these plans provide all the advantages of Original Medicare (Parts A and B). Additionally, they may offer supplementary benefits, including vision and dental coverage.
What's The Medicare Part B Coverage Pennsylvania?
Medicare Part B coverage Pennsylvania is structured to offer seniors essential medical insurance coverage, aiming to keep them away from extended hospital stays. It encompasses a range of services, from routine doctor visits to specialized medical equipment that enhances one's overall quality of life.
As drafted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the definitive monthly premium for Medicare Part B Nevada coverage in 2023 stands at $164.90, a slight reduction compared to the previous year. Additionally, the annual deductible has been adjusted, decreasing by approximately $7 to $226. Here's a comprehensive look at the five pivotal coverage areas:
1. Doctor’s Visits
Medicare Plan Part B Florida covers visits to healthcare providers, categorizing them as preventive services essential to maintaining your health.
2. Outpatient Care
This part covers a broad spectrum of services categorized as outpatient care, encompassing laboratory tests, X-rays, various screening services, emergency or observation services, and partial hospitalization programs for mental health care.
3. Home Health Care
Medicare Part B medical insurance Texas extends coverage for most aspects of home health care through both Part A and Part B. If certified as homebound by your doctor, you qualify for coverage. This entails a reviewed care plan incorporating required skilled services, including skilled nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. Approved home health care services entail $0 coinsurance.
4. Preventive Services
Medicare Part B includes Medicare Plan Part B Florida, an extensive array of preventive services, notably screenings encompassing cancer, cardiovascular health, and mental health. Moreover, it covers preventive services such as diabetes self-management training, annual wellness visits, and essential vaccinations for COVID-19, flu, pneumonia, and Hepatitis B.
5. Medical Equipment
'Durable Medical Equipment' is a key aspect of Medicare Part B Nevada coverage, encompassing essential items such as hospital beds, canes, crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, scooters, oxygen equipment, CPAP devices, nebulizers, lancets and devices, blood sugar meters, and test strips.
Get The Help Of Professionals!  For further details about Medicare Part B and the enrollment process, reach out to one of our certified agents at 800-901-8849. At EZ Access Insurance, they're committed to addressing all your Medicare-related inquiries without any service fees. Conveniently located in Boca Raton, Greenacres, and Port St. Lucie, they shall guide you through every step of the enrollment process.
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scholarshint · 8 months
Study-in-US: Hispanic Scholarship Fund 2024
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Hispanic Scholarship Fund: The Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) is an organization that has been providing scholarships and support for Hispanic/Latinx students for over 40 years. Their mission is to empower Hispanic/Latinx students to achieve their dreams and become the next generation of leaders. In this article, we will explore the importance of The Hispanic Scholarship Fund HSF, its benefits, eligibility requirements, and a step-by-step guide on how you can apply.  Hispanic Scholarship Fund Details: Education is a powerful tool that has the ability to transform lives and open doors to opportunities. It is widely recognized as a key factor in personal and professional success. However, for many individuals, accessing quality education can be a challenge, particularly when financial constraints come into play. Hispanic Scholarship Fund. HSF awards more than $30 million in Scholarships annually and, depending upon available funds, HSF Scholars may also be eligible to receive a scholarship, which range from $500-$5,000 and are awarded directly to students In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of supporting diverse communities in their pursuit of education. One such community is the Hispanic community, which represents a significant portion of the population in the United States. Hispanic Scholarship Funds (HSF) have emerged as a powerful force in opening opportunities for Hispanic students, providing them with the financial support they need to pursue their educational goals. - Level of Study: Undergraduate Location Country: Study in USA - Courses Offered: Check website - Program Period: four years - opening date: Jan 1, 2024 - Deadline: Usually in December every year Hispanic Scholarship Fund Benefits: HSF offers services and scholarships to eligible students. - Every year, HSF chooses 10,000 exceptional students as HSF Scholars from a diverse and talented group of applicants. - HSF Scholars have access to a wide range of valuable Scholar Support Services, such as career services, mentorship, leadership development, knowledge building, and wellness training. - Career services include opportunities for internships and jobs with HSF corporate partners. - HSF Scholars can also apply for Scholar Conferences like the STEM Summit, Finance Conference, Media & Entertainment Summit, Entrepreneurship Summit, and Healthcare Summit. - They also have exclusive access to the HSF Insider, which provides important information and career opportunities. - Additionally, HSF awards over $30 million in scholarships each year. Depending on available funds, HSF Scholars may also be eligible for scholarships ranging from $500 to $5,000, which are given directly to the students. Eligibility Requirement of HSF To be eligible for this scholarship, - you must have Hispanic heritage and be either a U.S. citizen, permanent legal resident, or DACA recipient. - High school students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, while college and graduate students must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. - You must also plan to enroll full-time in an accredited, public or not-for-profit, four-year university or graduate school in the United States for the 2023-2024 academic year. - Additionally, you must submit the FAFSA or state-based financial aid forms (if applicable). For More Information CLICK HERE to visit the official website ALSO APPLY: Study-in-Uk: University of Essex Scholarship 2024 The significance of Hispanic Scholarship Funds (HSF) The significance of Hispanic Scholarship Funds (HSF) cannot be overstated when it comes to unlocking opportunities for Hispanic students pursuing higher education. HSF is a non-profit organization that has been committed to empowering and supporting Hispanic students in their educational journeys since its inception. One of the primary reasons why HSF holds such immense importance is the substantial impact it has on bridging the educational attainment gap for Hispanic students. Historically, Hispanics have faced various barriers, including financial constraints and limited access to resources, that hinder their ability to pursue higher education. HSF addresses these challenges head-on by providing scholarships, mentorship programs, and various resources specifically tailored to the needs of Hispanic students. By offering financial assistance, HSF not only helps alleviate the burden of tuition fees but also enables students to focus on their studies without the constant worry of financial instability. This support opens doors for deserving Hispanic students who may otherwise struggle to afford college education, thereby increasing access to higher education for the Hispanic community. Moreover, HSF plays a crucial role in fostering a sense of community and belonging among Hispanic students. Through their mentorship programs, HSF connects students with successful professionals and leaders who share similar backgrounds and experiences. This mentorship not only provides guidance and support but also helps students navigate the challenges they may encounter along their educational journey. The sense of belonging and support that HSF offers empowers students to believe in their abilities, pursue their dreams, and realize their full potential. Furthermore, HSF's commitment to supporting students extends beyond financial assistance. They also provide access to valuable resources such as networking opportunities, internships, and career development programs. These resources equip Hispanic students with the necessary tools to thrive academically and professionally, ensuring they are well-prepared for success in their chosen fields.    The impact of Hispanic Scholarship Fund on the Hispanic community The impact of HSF (Hispanic Scholarship Funds) on the Hispanic community cannot be overstated. It has been a catalyst for change, opening doors of opportunity and transforming lives. With its mission to empower Hispanic students and families to achieve their educational goals, HSF has been instrumental in bridging the gap between financial barriers and higher education. One of the most significant impacts of HSF is its ability to break the cycle of limited access to education within the Hispanic community. By providing scholarships, financial aid, and mentorship programs, HSF has created a pathway for students to pursue their dreams and aspirations. This not only benefits individual students but also has a ripple effect on their families and communities. Through the support of HSF, countless Hispanic students have been able to attend colleges and universities that were once out of reach. This has resulted in an increase in the number of Hispanic professionals in various fields, contributing to the overall diversity and growth of industries. HSF scholars have gone on to become doctors, engineers, lawyers, educators, and leaders in their respective fields, representing the untapped potential within the Hispanic community. Moreover, HSF's impact extends beyond financial aid. The organization also provides mentorship and networking opportunities, connecting students with professionals who can guide and inspire them throughout their academic journey and beyond. This support system has proven invaluable in helping students navigate the challenges of higher education and prepare for successful careers. Additionally, HSF's influence goes beyond individual students. By empowering Hispanic students to pursue higher education, HSF is uplifting the entire Hispanic community. Education is a powerful tool for social and economic mobility, and by investing in the education of Hispanic students, HSF is investing in the future of the community as a whole  How HSF supports Hispanic students in pursuing higher education HSF, also known as the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, is a powerful organization dedicated to supporting Hispanic students in their pursuit of higher education. With a mission to empower the Latino community through education, HSF provides a wide range of resources and opportunities that open doors to a brighter future. One of the key ways in which HSF supports Hispanic students is through scholarships. Every year, HSF awards thousands of scholarships to deserving students, enabling them to access higher education and fulfill their academic dreams. These scholarships are not only based on academic merit but also take into consideration financial need, leadership potential, and community involvement. By removing the financial barriers that often hinder Hispanic students from pursuing higher education, HSF plays a vital role in unlocking opportunities and leveling the playing field. In addition to financial support, HSF provides comprehensive guidance and support services to ensure that Hispanic students have the necessary tools and skills to succeed academically. From mentorship programs to career development workshops, HSF invests in the holistic growth of its scholars. By connecting students with experienced professionals and providing them with the resources they need, HSF fosters a supportive environment, empowering Hispanic students to excel in their chosen fields. HSF recognizes that access to education is just the first step towards achieving long-term success. That's why the organization also focuses on building a strong network of alumni who can support and inspire current scholars. Through events, networking opportunities, and professional development initiatives, HSF creates a community that extends far beyond the college years. This network serves as a valuable resource for Hispanic students, providing them with ongoing support and guidance as they navigate their careers. Furthermore, HSF actively advocates for policies and initiatives that promote educational equity and access for Hispanic students. By working with policymakers, educational institutions, and other stakeholders, HSF strives to create a more inclusive and equitable educational landscape. Through their advocacy efforts, HSF aims to break down systemic barriers and ensure that all Hispanic students have equal opportunities to succeed in higher education.  Success stories: Real-life examples of students benefitting from HSF When it comes to the power of Hispanic Scholarship Funds (HSF), the success stories speak for themselves. Countless students have been able to unlock their full potential and achieve their dreams with the support and opportunities provided by HSF. One such success story is Maria Ramirez, a first-generation college student from a low-income background. With limited financial resources, Maria always had a thirst for knowledge and a drive to succeed. However, without the necessary funds, her dream of attending college seemed out of reach. That all changed when Maria discovered HSF and the scholarships they offered. Through hard work, dedication, and the support of HSF, Maria was able to secure a full scholarship to pursue her education. This not only relieved the financial burden but also gave her the confidence and motivation to excel academically. Another inspiring example is Alejandro Torres, a talented young artist with aspirations of attending a prestigious art school. Despite his undeniable talent, Alejandro faced significant obstacles due to his family's financial situation. However, with the assistance of HSF, he was able to receive a scholarship that covered his tuition fees and allowed him to fully immerse himself in his passion for art. These success stories are just a glimpse into the transformative impact that HSF has had on the lives of countless students. Through their scholarships, mentorship programs, and support networks, HSF is helping students from Hispanic backgrounds overcome financial barriers and unlock opportunities they might not have otherwise had access to. By providing financial aid and support, HSF is not only changing individual lives but also contributing to the advancement of the Hispanic community as a whole. These success stories serve as a testament to the power of scholarships and the incredible potential that lies within every student, regardless of their background or financial circumstances. If you're a student in need of financial assistance or someone looking to support the next generation of Hispanic leaders, HSF is an organization that is making a real difference. The success stories of students who have benefitted from HSF's support are a witness to the transformative power of scholarships and the limitless potential they can provide. Eligibility requirements and application process for Hispanic Scholarship Fund To unlock the opportunities provided by Hispanic Scholarship Funds (HSF), it is essential to understand the eligibility requirements and application process. HSF aims to empower and support Hispanic students in their educational pursuits, ensuring they have the financial resources to achieve their dreams. Eligibility requirements for HSF scholarships vary depending on the specific scholarship program. Generally, applicants must be of Hispanic heritage and be U.S. citizens, legal permanent residents, or eligible non-citizens. Additionally, applicants must demonstrate financial need, as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Some scholarships may have additional criteria, such as specific fields of study or academic achievement. The application process for HSF scholarships typically involves several steps. - First, applicants need to create an account on the HSF website and complete the online application form. This form collects information about the applicant's background, academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and financial need. - In addition to the application form, applicants are usually required to submit supporting documents, such as transcripts, recommendation letters, and a personal statement. These documents provide a comprehensive view of the applicant's academic and personal accomplishments, as well as their aspirations and motivations. - It is crucial to pay attention to deadlines when applying for HSF scholarships. Missing the deadline may result in the application not being considered. Therefore, applicants should carefully review the scholarship requirements and make sure to submit all required materials by the designated deadline. HSF places great importance on selecting deserving students who demonstrate not only academic excellence but also leadership potential, community involvement, and a commitment to making a positive impact. The organization strives to provide opportunities for Hispanic students to pursue higher education and become leaders in their respective fields. Other resources and scholarships available for Hispanic students In addition to Hispanic Scholarship Funds, there are various other resources and scholarships available for Hispanic students that can greatly assist them in pursuing their educational goals. These resources not only provide financial support but also offer valuable opportunities for networking, mentorship, and career development. One such resource is the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU), which offers scholarships, internships, and fellowships for Hispanic students. HACU partners with numerous corporations, government agencies, and foundations to provide these opportunities to deserving students. These scholarships are often tailored to specific fields of study, such as STEM disciplines, business, or the arts, allowing students to align their educational pursuits with their career aspirations. Another prominent organization is the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), which offers scholarships to Hispanic students at all educational levels. LULAC's scholarships are not only focused on academic achievement but also consider factors such as community involvement, leadership potential, and financial need. By supporting Hispanic students in their educational endeavors, LULAC aims to empower them to become leaders and advocates within their communities. Furthermore, many universities and colleges have their own scholarship programs specifically designed for Hispanic students. These institutions recognize the importance of diversity and strive to provide equal opportunities for all students. These scholarships can cover tuition fees, living expenses, and other educational costs, making higher education more accessible and affordable for Hispanic students. It is also worth mentioning that numerous private foundations and organizations offer scholarships specifically targeting Hispanic students. These include the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, United Negro College Fund (UNCF), and the Gates Millennium Scholars Program, among others. These scholarship programs often have specific eligibility criteria and application processes, so it is important for students to thoroughly research and apply to those that align with their goals and aspirations. Tips for maximizing your chances of receiving a scholarship from HSF If you're a Hispanic student looking for financial assistance to pursue your educational goals, Hispanic Scholarship Funds (HSF) can be an incredible opportunity. HSF is a renowned organization dedicated to empowering Hispanic students through scholarships and support services. To maximize your chances of receiving a scholarship from HSF, consider the following tips: 1. Start early: Begin your scholarship search as early as possible. Many scholarships have early application deadlines, so make sure you stay organized and don't miss any opportunities. 2. Research eligibility criteria: Carefully review the eligibility requirements for HSF scholarships. Ensure that you meet all the necessary criteria before applying. This may include factors such as GPA, financial need, specific fields of study, or community involvement. 3. Highlight your achievements: Showcase your academic achievements, leadership skills, and extracurricular activities in your scholarship application. Provide evidence of your involvement in community service, clubs, sports, or any other noteworthy accomplishments. 4. Personalize your essay: When writing your scholarship essay, make it personal and compelling. Share your unique experiences, challenges, and aspirations. Clearly articulate how receiving a scholarship from HSF will make a significant impact on your educational journey and future goals. 5. Gather strong recommendation letters: Request recommendation letters from teachers, mentors, or community leaders who can speak to your character, achievements, and potential. Choose individuals who can provide specific examples and highlight your strengths. 6. Pay attention to your application's details: Complete the application accurately and thoroughly. Take the time to proofread your submission for any errors or inconsistencies. Submit all required documents and ensure they are well-organized and legible. 7. Demonstrate financial need: If applicable, provide supporting documentation to demonstrate your financial need. This may include tax returns, proof of income, or any other relevant financial information requested by HSF. 8. Follow instructions and deadlines: Adhere to all instructions and deadlines provided by HSF. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in your application being disqualified. Remember, the competition for scholarships can be fierce, so it's important to put your best foot forward. With careful planning, preparation, and a compelling application, you can increase your chances of receiving a scholarship from HSF and opens the opportunities that will help you achieve your educational dreams.  Conclusion: In conclusion, the power of Hispanic scholarship fund cannot be understated when it comes to empowering Hispanic students. Read the full article
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Understanding the Basics: What You Need to Know About Automatic Enrollment in Medicare
Automatic enrollment in Medicare is a topic that often confuses beneficiaries. At Access Health Care Physicians, LLC, we believe that understanding the fundamentals of this process is crucial, especially in the context of the 2023 Annual Enrollment Period (AEP). In this article, we will break down the essentials of automatic enrollment in Medicare, helping you navigate your healthcare options with confidence.
What Is Automatic Enrollment in Medicare?
Automatic enrollment is a process by which some individuals are enrolled in Medicare Part A and/or Part B without having to apply manually. This typically happens when you meet specific eligibility criteria, such as turning 65 and receiving Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) benefits.
Key Points to Know About Automatic Enrollment:
1. Eligibility for Automatic Enrollment
Automatic enrollment primarily applies to individuals who are already receiving Social Security or RRB benefits. You will be automatically enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B starting the first day of the month you turn 65.
2. Receiving Your Medicare Card
Once you are automatically enrolled, you will receive your Medicare card by mail approximately three months before your 65th birthday. It will include important information about your coverage and how to use it.
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3. Choosing Your Coverage
While automatic enrollment simplifies the process for many, it's essential to understand your coverage options. You can keep the automatic enrollment coverage or make changes during the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) if you prefer a different plan, such as a Medicare Advantage Plan or Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage.
4. The Role of the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP)
The AEP, which runs from October 15th to December 7th, is the time to make changes to your Medicare coverage. If you're automatically enrolled but wish to switch to a different plan, this is the window of opportunity to do so.
5. Access Health Care Physicians, LLC, Your Trusted Partner
Access Health Care Physicians, LLC, understands that Medicare can be overwhelming. Our team of experts is here to assist you in navigating the complexities of automatic enrollment and making informed decisions during the AEP. Whether you want to explore different coverage options or have questions about your automatic enrollment, we're just a call away.
Automatic enrollment in Medicare is a valuable benefit for many individuals approaching the age of 65. It ensures that you have essential healthcare coverage as you enter your senior years. However, it's equally important to be aware of your options and the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP), which allows you to customize your Medicare coverage to better suit your needs.
At Access Health Care Physicians, LLC, we are committed to simplifying the Medicare process and helping you make the best choices for your healthcare. As you navigate the 2023 AEP, remember that we are your trusted partner in achieving the healthcare coverage that aligns with your preferences and requirements. Contact us today for personalized guidance and support.
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xtruss · 9 months
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“Old School” The 8 Oldest Public School Districts in Upstate New York!
— By Big Chuck | October 6, 2023
Talk about "Old School!" These are the oldest public school districts in Upstate New York.
Without giving away too much, you will find in this gallery that the oldest school district in Upstate (and the Eighth Oldest One in the entire Empire State) is in a small city of about 10,000 residents in Ontario County in the Finger Lakes region!
It is amazing to look at the DNA of some of these truly small school districts. The majority of them can be found either in Central New York or, in fact, out in the Finger Lakes. Some started out as all-boy "academies." Some are in pretty much the same place, geographically, as they were when they started. Most of them are in smallish, rural communities. Some of them are very small (with one school on this list having a total school enrollment of around just 100 kids). And some of them are the very definition of old school, including three that were founded in the 1700s!
When you read through this list of the oldest public schools in Upstate New York, try and imagine what these schools were like 200, or 225 years ago when they began. Dirt roads, tiny classes, kids walking to school every day, maybe just one or two teachers to start, student chores (including drawing the day's drinking water from a well, and heating the building with a wood fire), having only limited classes consisting of reading, writing and arithmetic, and more.
Thinking about this is, well, quite an education. Congratulations for these schools for showing real staying power in Upstate New York.
DYK? The Oldest Public School System in NYS Is In the Finger Lakes?
This is a fascinating list of some of the oldest public school systems in Upstate New York. As you will see, there are some pretty old school districts located in the Finger Lakes region as well as Central New York. In fact, a couple of schools date back to the 1700s!
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Canadaigua Academy (1791). Canandaigua School District Via Facebook. Gallery Credit: Chuck D'Imperio
The oldest school in Upstate New York, and the 8th oldest school district in New York State. Located in Ontario County. From their website: "Canandaigua Academy, (grades 9-12), has a proud history stretching all the way back to its establishment as a private boys school in 1791. It became a public school in 1900 and retained the beloved "Academy" name. Again this year Newsweek Magazine named it one of the top 1,500 U.S. public high schools. In 2015, ranks CA #15 of 86 high schools in the Rochester 8-county region, based on NYS test results over a four-year period. . Canandaigua Academy offers a tradition of academic excellence, athletic accomplishment and artistic achievement. The Academy hosts a comprehensive program geared to meet the needs of all of its students. Standards and expectations are high. The staff seeks to work with parents and community to build a partnership which ensures student success. Administration is guided by an annual Building Action Plan, developed/revised each summer. The school provides an exceptional selection of special experiences. Students may choose from numerous academic electives, clubs, athletic programs, internships and social functions. All aim to contribute to the total development of a young adult.
— Canandaigua City School District, 143 N. Pearl, Canandaigua, NY — (585) 396-3700
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Oxford Academy Via Facebook
Oxford Academy (Oxford, NY; 1794)
Oxford Academy is the 4th oldest school in New York State west of the Hudson River. From their website: "The Oxford Academy and Central School District, chartered in 1794 is the 4th oldest school district west of the Hudson River. The district is proud of its history of providing an excellent education to its students. The school system currently has a student enrollment of 710 students in grades UPK-12. The leadership team is comprised of the superintendent of schools, business administrator, director of special programs, and three building principals. They lead 85 professional staff members dedicated to student learning. The supervisors for buildings and grounds, transportation and food services, along with 75 full and part-time people provide an excellent support staff for school programs. The district is committed to high levels of learning for all students, by sustaining a collaborative culture focused on student results. The Board of Education has invested in instructional technology, continuous staff development and enhancements of programs to ensure that all our students are prepared to succeed in the 21st Century.
— 12 Fort Hill Park, Oxford, NY (Chenango County) — (607) 843-2025
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Newburgh Free Academy Via Facebook
Newburgh Free Academy (1796)
From the school's website: "The school traces its history back to the early days of the United States. The Rev. George H. Spierin proposed to open an "Academy" in Newburgh. Work began in 1796 under the direction of the trustees of the glebe (a glebe was the land originally was land originally set aside in the early 18th century for a pastor and his church. The glebe for the Newburgh area was issued in 1719.)
A portion of the first Academy was first occupied in 1797. The building was 60 feet (18 m) by 40 feet (18.5 x 12.3m), two stories high, built of wood, and lined with brick. It was located on Liberty Street and cost around $2,500. The building was not finished until some years later when a court room was included. The building itself saw use as not only a school and court, but was also site for town meetings and political organizations."
— Newburgh Free Academy, 201 Fullerton, Newburgh, NY — (845) 563-5480
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Delaware Academy Via Facebook
Delaware Academy (Delhi; 1819)
Delaware Academy High School in Delhi, NY (population of under 5,000 residents) is one of the most regal and majestic looking school buildings you can find in small, rural Upstate New York. The school, founded in 1819, is located in the county seat of Delaware County in Catskill Mountains. The school has transformed itself from its humble early beginnings to a top-rated small school in the state. Probably no timeline of the school's history is as concise as that written when the NYS government celebrated the schools'200th anniversary in 2019 with a ceremonial proclamation. To read it and learn more about Delaware Academy CLICK HERE
— Delaware Academy Central School District in Delhi, 2 Sheldon Drive, Delhi, NY (Delaware County) — (607) 746-1324
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Prattsburgh Central School Via Facebook
Prattsburgh Central School (1823)
Prattsburgh Central School has gone through a number of changes over the past two centuries. They have withstood several fires, lowering enrollment, and several financial hurdles from time to time. And yet, still they stand! For an interesting history of this school's timeline CLICK HERE. Prattsburgh, NY is located due west of Keuka Lake.
— Franklin Academy and Prattsburgh Central School District, 1 Academy Street, Prattsburgh, NY (Steuben County) — (607) 522-3795
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Windsor Central School Via Facebook
Windsor Central School (1837)
Windsor, NY is located in Broome County. For fun, if you would like to see a list of all of the oldest schools in the United States (and where Windsor places) click here. The school district covers 4 schools and about 1,600 students. Their mascot is the Black Knight.
— Windsor Central School, 1191 NYS-79, Windsor, NY (Broome County) — (607) 655-8250
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Lockport City Schools Via Facebook
Lockport Central School (1847)
The City of Lockport Central School District was founded in 1847. To see a timeline of the development of this famous city along the Erie Canal click here. The school enrolls about 4,000 students annually.
— Lockport City School District, 130 Beattie Avenue, Lockport, NY (Niagara County) — (716) 478-4800
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Lyons Central School Via Facebook
Lyons Central School (1848)
Lyons, NY is located in Wayne County. The school enrolls less than 1,000 students annually. For a fun and fascinating look at the school's history click here and read a story about the year-end school closing ceremony from 1859. ("The morning was extremely unpleasant, with the rain falling in torrents.....").
— Lyons Central School District, 10 Clyde Road, Lyons, NY (Wayne County) — (315) 946-2200
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Hamilton College Via Facebook
BONUS: The Oldest College in Upstate New York is Hamilton College (1793)
Hamilton College was founded in 1793 as the Hamilton-Oneida Academy. It is the third oldest college in New York State. The campus, sitting high on a hill overlooking the village of Clinton, New York (Oneida County) is beautiful, with great buildings, landscapes, and an iconic statue of founder Alexander Hamilton as the focal point of the school. The college hosts about 2,000 undergraduates each year. They come from 45 states and from almost 50 different countries. Among famous graduates of Hamilton College are poet Ezra Pound, and Tom Vilsack, the current Secretary of Agriculture (Biden).
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global-newz · 9 months
KC Mahindra Education Trust invites applications for scholarship, Class 10 pass outs can apply
For Delhi and NCR students the deadline to submit the applications is October 8. Shortlisted students will be informed of the interview date and venue in advance.
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The KC Mahindra Education Trust (KCMET) is inviting applications for its annual Mahindra All India Talent Scholarship (MAITS) 2023. The scholarship is given to 550 annually and they receive an award of Rs 10,000 per annum for a maximum period of three years.
As per a statement issued by KCMET, candidates applying for the scholarship should have passed the SSC or HSC or equivalent examinations with more than 60 per cent marks. They should have secured admission to a government or any other recognised polytechnic institute for a diploma course. The scholarship is available only for candidates who are enrolling in the first year of their course.
MAITS encourages and supports students from low income groups who wish to pursue a job-oriented diploma course from government polytechnic institutes in India.
Interested and eligible candidates visit the official website kcmet.org and apply at maitsscholarship.kcmet.org. They have to first register themselves on the portal using their registered email ID.
For Delhi and NCR students, the deadline to submit the applications is October 8. Shortlisted students will be informed of the interview date and venue in advance.
The KC Mahindra Education Trust has been awarding scholarships since 1995 and has awarded scholarships to 11,840 students till date,as per the group. A special preference is given to girls, children from lower income group families, differently abled and children of defence personnel.
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vijay1225 · 1 day
School Management Software Market Forecast 2024-2033
Overview and Scope School management software (SMS) is a digital platform or system designed to streamline and automate various administrative, academic, and operational tasks within educational institutions. It serves as a centralized hub for managing student information and other essential functions, enhancing school efficiency, organization, and communication.
Sizing and Forecast The school management software market size has grown rapidly in recent years. It will grow from $14.44 billion in 2023 to $17.09 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18.3%. The growth in the historic period can be attributed to digitization of administrative processes, increasing complexity of educational institutions, rising demand for data-driven decision making, competitive market dynamics, and demand for personalized learning.
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The school management software market size is expected to see rapid growth in the next few years. It will grow to $33.92 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18.7%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to shift towards personalized learning, rise of remote and blended learning, enhanced parent and community engagement, demand for cloud-based solutions, and focus on equity and inclusion. Major trends in the forecast period include cloud-based solutions, mobile accessibility, data analytics and AI, integration with learning management systems , cybersecurity measures, and blockchain technology.
Segmentation & Regional Insights The school management software market covered in this report is segmented -
1) By Functionality: Student Information Management, Administration Management, Financial Management, Library Management, Attendance Management, Examination Management, Timetable Management, Communication Management, HR And Payroll Management, 2) By Operating System: Windows, iOS (iPhone Operating System), Android 3) By Deployment Type: Cloud-Based, On-Premises 4) By Application: Primary Schools, Secondary Schools, Higher Education Institutions, Other Applications
North America was the largest region in the school management software market in 2023. The regions covered in the school management software market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa.
Major Driver Impacting Market Growth The rising popularity of online education is expected to propel the growth of the school management software market going forward. Online education refers to delivering educational content and instruction via the internet. The popularity of online education is rising due to its flexibility, accessibility, affordability, technological advancements, and ability to meet evolving learner and institutional needs. School management software streamlines administrative tasks, fosters communication, and provides tools for managing students, courses, and assessments in online education, enhancing effectiveness and efficiency. For instance, in January 2022, according to the World Economic Forum, a Switzerland-based non-governmental organization, the number of students enrolled in online education experienced a significant increase, jumping from 71 million in 2020 to 92 million in 2021. Therefore, the rising popularity of online education is driving the growth of the school management software market.
Key Industry Players
Major companies operating in the school management software market are Google LLC, Microsoft Corporation, IBM Corporation, Cisco Systems Inc., Oracle Corporation, SAP SE, Adobe Inc., Pearson PLC, Follett Corporation, Tyler Technologies Inc., McGraw-Hill Education Inc., Educomp Solutions Ltd., Ellucian Company L.P., Blackboard Inc., PowerSchool Group LLC, Instructure Inc., D2L Corporation, Canvas, Promethean World Ltd., Desire2Learn Incorporated, Jenzabar Inc., Moodle Pty Ltd., Schoology, ExamSoft Worldwide Inc., Knewton Inc.
The school management software market report table of contents includes:
1. Executive Summary 2. School Management Software Market Characteristics 3. School Management Software Market Trends And Strategies 4. School Management Software Market — Macro Economic Scenario 5. Global School Management Software Market Size and Growth . . . 31. School Management Software Market Other Major And Innovative Companies 32. Global School Management Software Market Competitive Benchmarking 33. Global School Management Software Market Competitive Dashboard 34. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The School Management Software Market 35. School Management Software Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis 36.Appendix
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shasat-uk · 9 months
IPSAS 41: Public Sector's Toughest Challenge in Financial Reporting
Shasat, a renowned name in the field of professional training and development, has recently unveiled an extensive workshop designed to navigate the intricacies of IPSAS 41. Titled "IPSAS 41 Workshop: Classification, Measurement, Impairment, and Hedge Accounting," this program is set to make waves in the world of financial reporting.
IPSAS 41 Financial Instruments, which came into effect for annual reporting periods commencing on or after January 1, 2023, marks a significant departure from its predecessor, IPSAS 29 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement. The new standard introduces a classification and measurement model for financial assets, an expected credit loss model for impairment testing, and a more comprehensive hedge accounting model.
This change is expected to have a profound impact on public sector entities, given the increasing integration of finance-related functions. The primary shake-up comes from alterations to the Impairment Methodology, making it crucial for organizations to equip themselves with the necessary knowledge and strategic insights to navigate these changes successfully.
The IPSAS 41 workshop offers participants an opportunity to benefit from the expertise of seasoned instructors who will provide valuable insights into the development and direction of IPSAS 41. The program will highlight key differences between previous and revised approaches and address emerging challenges faced by the industry.
Additionally, instructors will guide participants through the implementation roadmap of these critical accounting standards, shedding light on their implications for businesses.
The workshop encompasses a wide array of key learning features, including understanding the amortized cost criteria for financial instruments, applying the Business Model test and SPPI criteria to existing portfolios, and knowing when to utilize fair value through the Surplus/Deficiency category. Participants will also gain insights into accounting for unquoted equity instruments and hybrid instruments, managing Own Credit Risk, addressing accounting mismatches, and understanding the classification and measurement of financial instruments.
Furthermore, the workshop delves into the difference between the incurred loss and expected credit loss models for impairment, the application of the new expected credit loss model, and assessing its impact on impairment allowances. It also covers the application of the expected credit loss model to trade receivables, financial guarantees, and revolving credit facilities. Participants will learn about hedge engineering, compliance with hedge accounting documentation requirements, designing and testing hedge effectiveness, identifying 'hidden' derivatives, and when to separate hybrid instruments.
For those interested, the workshop offers various dates and locations, ensuring accessibility to a global audience.  Here is the schedule of upcoming programs by Shasat. However, we recommend you continue to visit Shasat's website for the most up-to-date program schedules.
IPSAS 41 Financial Instruments Workshop | GID 220052 |  Brussels: October 16, 2023
IPSAS 41 Financial Instruments Workshop | GID 220053 | Abu Dhabi: November 30, 2023
IPSAS 41 Financial Instruments Workshop | GID 220054 | Washington: November 3, 2023
IPSAS 41 Financial Instruments Workshop | GID 220055 | Accra:1 December 1, 2023
IPSAS 41 Financial Instruments Workshop | GID 220057 | Singapore: December 22, 2023
IPSAS 41 Financial Instruments Workshop | GID 220059 | Geneva: November 1, 2023
IPSAS 41 Financial Instruments Workshop | GID 220060 | Montreal: November 21, 2023
IPSAS 41 Financial Instruments Workshop | GID 220050 | Online | Available on Request
For more details and to enrol in the IPSAS Training Courses in collaboration with PwC, please visit:
Shasat's commitment to professional excellence shines through with the introduction of this workshop. It presents a unique opportunity for finance professionals and public sector entities to navigate the complex landscape of IPSAS 41. In an era of rapidly evolving global financial reporting standards, the IPSAS 41 Workshop promises to equip participants with the knowledge and tools necessary to meet challenges head-on and thrive in this dynamic environment. Don't miss this chance to stay ahead of the curve in financial reporting standards.
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mvprehab · 11 months
Is Physiotherapy Covered by Medicare?
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Health issues affecting muscles, ligaments and joints can be managed with physiotherapy. However, not all health insurance plans cover physiotherapy consultations.
Medicare Part B covers physical therapy at doctors' offices, rehabilitation facilities and at home. However, the costs are subject to a deductible. To know more about is physiotherapy covered by Medicare, visit the MVP Rehab Physiotherapy website or call 0450603234.
Medicare Advantage, or Part C plans, also offer coverage for physiotherapy. These private plans typically include the benefits of Part A and Part B, but may vary in their deductibles.
Medicare Part A covers a limited amount of physical therapy in an inpatient hospital setting. Medicare Part B, the medical insurance portion of the program, covers a lot more of the cost of outpatient physical therapy.
The only stipulation is that your doctor must have certified that the service is medically necessary. Medicare patients must also meet a Part B deductible before the program pays for 80% of their charges. Some Medicare beneficiaries opt to buy supplemental health insurance, or Medigap plans, which can help cover some of the out-of-pocket costs of Medicare services like deductibles and copayments.
Medicare Advantage plans, which are offered by private companies and must provide the same benefits as Original Medicare at a minimum, may have different policies when it comes to coverage of physiotherapy. Be sure to check with your plan administrator or review your policy documents for details. You may also want to compare Medicare Advantage rates and benefits with other options.
Medicare Part B covers physiotherapy sessions as long as they are referred by a doctor, conducted outside of hospital and last at least 20 minutes. You can see Item 10960 in the Medicare Benefit Schedule for a more detailed breakdown of what is covered.
Previously, there were limits, or caps, on how many physical therapy visits Original Medicare would cover annually. However, in 2018, these caps were removed, meaning you can receive as much physiotherapy as needed if your doctor approves it.
Part B covers 80% of medically necessary outpatient physiotherapy costs after you meet the insurance deductible. You will also need to pay a 20% coinsurance.
Individuals can sign up for Part B (and premium Part A) during a Special Enrollment Period. This is available if they demonstrate that conditions beyond their control prevented them from signing up during their initial enrollment period. They will need to provide documentation or a written statement of their circumstances and must pay a late enrollment penalty.
Medicare Part B pays 80% of the cost for medically necessary outpatient physical therapy services once you’ve met your deductible ($226 in 2023). There are no annual limits on how much Medicare will pay for outpatient physiotherapy.
Medicare Advantage Plans, also known as Part C, are supplemental insurance plans that bundle both Parts A and B together. These plans are offered through private companies that are Medicare-approved. They often include additional coverage such as prescription drug benefits.
You’ll need to get a referral from your doctor and be seen by an in-network provider for a Medicare Advantage Plan to cover your physiotherapy treatment. Your plan may have other stipulations regarding who can refer patients for treatment and how long your therapy will last.
If your Medicare Advantage Plan determines that a specific physiotherapy service isn’t medically necessary, you have the right to appeal. You can request an organization determination (OR) or request a review of the decision by your plan’s Medical Director.
Medicare supplement plans, or Medigap policies, can offset out-of-pocket medical costs that you pay when you receive physiotherapy. Medicare Advantage plans also typically include physical therapy benefits.
Medicare Part B covers 80% of the cost for outpatient physiotherapy after you meet the $233 deductible, and your Medigap plan pays the rest of your expenses (see Item 10960 in the Medicare Benefits Schedule). To know more about is physiotherapy covered by Medicare, visit the MVP Rehab Physiotherapy website or call 0450603234.
Medicare only covers physiotherapy if it’s medically necessary to treat your specific condition. Depending on the condition, you may need a GP referral, the treatment must be performed outside of hospital, and the service should last at least 20 minutes. Medicare also introduced a multiple procedure payment reduction (MPPR) program in 2011 which means if a therapist provides more than one “always therapy” service to the same patient during a visit, then CMS reduces their reimbursement by 50%. This applies to PT, OT, and SLP providers.
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