#absolute highlight of s1
siderealsandman · 2 years
Happy Ides of March, ya’ll
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Right ik we're all in love with MC from Nightbringer but can we please acknowledge that they're literally just og om! MC but their usual personality is highlighted because of their new situation
MC's personality has always been like that
They've always had batshit options.
Nightbringer isn't the first time MC tried to kick down someone's locked door, in the og game they actually succeed.
When I say MC grew/had character development I mean: how it's canon that MC is reserved with people they don't know and Lucifer acknowledges in S2 that they're growing more open. + that they're grown confident in their magic now.
Personality wise though they're still the same shithead from og om!
Remember what they were like during the cowboy event?
How much of a snarky ass they were to Mammon & Levi in S1?
How they canonically know how to push Lucifer's buttons & delight in it?
How they're crazily adaptable & calm in bad situations?
How they have no problem choosing violence and relish in the chaos the brothers create?
How weirdly okay they are with accepting death?
Just the entirety of "Lucifer's Rough Day" Devilgram. If you have that please read it! MC's hilarious & terrible, the absolute love of my life
All that & more are present in both games.
MC's personality is still the same, the fact that the brothers are now on new ground, unsure of themselves and their positions, shy and scared and confused, unsure of even their own powers just means that MC gets the spotlight to shine because the brothers are relying on them much more heavily and their usual level of competence & snark gets elevated because of it
Here's all my posts I could find about MC from the og! game that show what they're like:
MC being done with Mephisto
MC brutally judging Satan's level of pranks
MC being absolutely badass when they save Barbatos using pure brute strength in S4
Canon facts about MC
MC being willing to lay down and die part 1
MC's emotions + facial expressions
THIS CHAT! Just casually dropping the most batshit information
Being a shithead to Satan for no reason
Being a shithead to Mephisto for a very good reason
MC happily pissing off Lucifer for the lols
MC being not nice to strangers
MC thriving on Chaos
MC being jealous/possessive
MC having 0 fear of horror
MC being Done
MC being fucking insane
MC's emotional intelligence and how they use it
MC having 0 fear in general
Giving priority to cows over their best friend
100% commitment to the bit
Being a dick
"Yaaas hon, come through!"
Giving Lucifer grey hair
MC vs the brothers on freaking out each other
MC being willing to lay down and die part 2
When MC loses their temper
MC's Magic
MC being very obviously not human
A typical friend group
The pirate event
This entire amazing compilation by @radarchives
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hummingbee-o0o · 1 year
I really love how the s2 opening lays out exactly how things will NOT go down, it's really brilliant.
Everything that happens in this intro is like a reverse foreshadowing, which plays so neatly into the theme of reversal going on in s2:
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Stede and Izzy's relationship will not be antagonistic (Izzy will be teaching Stede how to be a pirate, and I cannot wait to watch them both be spectacularly bad at it yet succeed hilariously)
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Izzy does not die (more than that, he chooses life, he comes as close to killing himself as he could but he ultimately chooses life, just like Stede did in s1 and Ed does in the following episode)
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The reunion will not be easy (on the contrary, at first Stede thinks Ed is dead, and even without it we know that the reunion will be rocky and challenging for them both)
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Ed absolutely DID NOT know Stede would find him (I love how this is signalled by Ed just artificially repeating the line, there's something wrong there, even Stede's subconscious knows there's a glitch)
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Stede absolutely DOES KNOW they're not good, he knows he hurt Ed (but Stede is not afraid any more, so he wants to reunite with Ed and face the issues, he will not run away, and he's no longer scared of "ruining" Ed)
It highlights the theme of reversal and it also clearly shows us that, just like in season 1, the plot will be driven by these three characters this time as well, only now for completely opposite reasons.
Just...... a complete focking masterpiece, this was!
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faelorelia · 7 months
"Will's love towards Mike is a really beautiful thing." – Finn Wolfhard
And he is absolutely right. Throughout the whole series, the "Stranger Things" creators have made it clear to the audience how special Will and Mike's bond is and how much Mike truly means to Will. They have consistently highlighted the depth of Will's feelings towards Mike, and his love has saved the day quite a few times already. ❤️
Will's love for Mike is sincere, pure, quiet and completely unconditional. It's a love unspoken, yet expressed a million times through his actions. Will couldn't keep the truth from Mike in S1, even though it was just a small detail related to D&D. Despite being possessed, Will drew strength from Mike's presence and care, as if Mike was his beacon of light in the darkness. Mike's heartfelt monologue to Will about how asking him to be his friend was "the best thing he's ever done" reached Will's soul thanks to the love he felt, and that helped them all to stop the Mind Flayer in S2. In that same season, Mike was the one who Will was able to recognize after his possession because of how strong his feelings for the boy were.
We also saw the tender and emotional moments between Will and Mike in S3 and S4. Will's heartbreaking confession of "not going to fall in love" when he was (probably) already aware of his romantic feelings for his childhood best friend hits even harder when you think about it. Despite the times Mike unintentionally hurt Will, Will's love for him has remained too strong for him to simply forget and move on. There is just no way Will could ever get that boy out of his heart.
Because that's the thing – Mike is his heart, and Will hinted at it himself (albeit in a veiled form). Will's unconditional love for Mike is what led this sweet, sensitive and traumatized kid to set aside his own desires and pain just to ensure the happiness of the boy he loves. Even if Mike's happiness lies with his girlfriend (who also happens to be Will's new sister). Even if it means Mike is happy without him. But Will has long accepted this because he's inherently selfless and caring. He prioritizes the happiness of his loved ones over his own.
Will promised Mike he'd never be replaced and stayed fiercely loyal, as we saw in that unforgettable "Not possible" moment in S3 and later on in the show. Will was always there for Mike in S4 when he needed support and encouragement. He tried his best to patch things up between Mike and El, thinking it was what Mike wanted. Will even pushed Mike to open up to El, reminding him of his irreplaceable role in the party. Through it all, Will did everything he could to lift Mike's spirits, making sure he felt needed, valued and loved (even if it was indirectly through others).
And to prove, once again, how beautiful Will's love towards Mike is, I want to remind you of his monologue in the van scene where he was expressing his feelings for Mike by disguising them as Eleven's (slightly adapted to fit the purpose):
“Anyway, my point is, see how you're leading us here? You're guiding the whole party, inspiring us. That… That's what you do. And see your coat of arms here? It's a heart. And I know it's sort of on the nose, but that's what holds this party together. Heart. Because, I mean, without heart, we'd all fall apart. Even [me]. Especially [me]. These past few months, [I've] been so lost without you. It's just, [I'm] so different from other people, and… when you're… when you're different, sometimes… you feel like a mistake. But you make [me] feel like [I'm] not a mistake at all. Like [I'm] better for being different. And that gives [me] the courage to fight on. If [I] was mean to you or [I] seemed like [I] was pushing you away, it's because [I'm] scared of losing you, like you're scared of losing [El]. And if [I] was going to lose you, I… I think [I'd] rather just get it over with quick. Like ripping off a Band-Aid. So, yeah, [I] need you, Mike. And [I] always will.”
If Will's love for Mike isn't beautiful, then I don't know what is. Because "Stranger Things" shows us the true power of love and how it can change the world for the better. I find it truly inspiring. ❤️‍🩹
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ofmdrecaps · 3 months
07/10/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Vico Oritz and Samba Schutte; Rachel House; Lindsey Cantrell; Kristian Nairn and Nathan Foad in Wee John Wednesday!; Gypsy Taylor/Ra Vincent/ Adam Wheatley; Articles; Cheers M'Queers; YouBearFineThingsWell Day 2; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika: National Kitten Day!
== David Jenkins ==
Chaos Dad was out in droves today inspiring more honking all around! First, he retweeted one of our incredibly creative crewmates' Calypso cosplay and moving words from this past weekend!
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Source @ StellarCyn's Twitter
Next up, David responded to our beloved @ofmooshd with some encouraging words! What are you up to David?
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Source: David Jenkins' Twitter
== Rhys Darby ==
Our friends over at @adoptourcrew are pushing everything bear this week and we love to see it! We're with you crew, so excited! Here's the Decider Article they linked, and the exclusive clip with Rhys below!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter
== Taika Waititi ==
Today I learned that Taika was one of the Executive Producer / Director of one of the episodes of the new series Interior Chinatown, premiering November 19th on Hulu! The man is involved in everything it seems!
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Source: Ronny Chieng's Instagram
Follow up from yesterday, I had forgotten to include OFMD's bestie (Astroglide)'s response to the latest Taika version!
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Source: Astroglide Twitter
== Rachel House ==
Rachel House was featured in a Concrete Playground article about her directorial debut film The Mountain!
Jumping Behind The Camera When You Love Being A Supporting Actor: Rachel House Talks 'The Mountain'
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Source: Concrete Playground's Instagram
== Vico Ortiz + Samba ==
Florida Supercon is coming this weekend, 12-14 Jul and both Vico and Samba will be there both Saturday and Sunday!
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Source: Vico's Instagram
Vico's other upcoming work, Lesbophilia, will be joining the LaughAfterDark Comedy Fest in October! Visit their site to learn more!
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Source: its_michellewest Instagram
Ticket are now on sale for the LA premiere of FireFuckingFire at @lashortsfest  They'll be screening at 10pm July 28th and closing out the festival! You can buy tickets here!
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Source: juliaeringer's Instagram
A little late on my part sorry-- Happy Non Binary Awareness Week from Vico!
Source: Vico's IG
== Gypsy Taylor / Ra Vincent / Adam Wheatley ==
Gypsy, Ra, and Adam were nominated for Costume Design, Production Art Department/Design, as well as Concept Art Awards with the Australian Production Design Guild! Congrats you three!
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Source: Gypsy Taylor's Instagram / APDG Awards Website
== Lindsey Cantrell ==
Reminder! Our beloved set designer's new short Watching Walter will be airing at the LA Shorts festival in LA on July 19! You can buy tickets here if you're in the area!
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Source: Lindsey Cantrell's Instagram Stories
== Kristian and Nathan ==
Our darling Kristian and Nathan gave us YET ANOTHER insanely fun WJW. These two are the absolute best. If you get a chance, give it a watch. CW: Mention of Witnessing Shootings/Death
Some minor highlights from WJW today!
Nathan's been traveling!
Both of them are going to a bunch of American Comic Cons
Kristian has been working on his book and being crafty (turned some white Nikes into Spiked, Glittery Nikes)
Kristian and Nathan will be doing a wee WJW in Raleigh with the cast if they can
Nathan will be going to a not yet announced European Comic Con sometime this year
Kristian read a few excerpts from his book
There will be an audiobook version that Kristian will voice
During OFMD S1 Kristian asked David and everyone about his accent and if he should change it and David replied with "We just want YOU Kristian"
One of the funniest days on set was Nat Faxon and the GreenScreen teeth when the Swede had Scurvy
Nathan described himself as "Nathan Underscore Foad" and now the fandom will henceforth call him this.
These were some of my favorite shots of these two:
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And this is a bit of bonus features for the WJW but you'll have to watch it for context:
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Source: Nathan's Instagram
Adopt Our Crew was kind enough to put together his list of where you can buy Kristian's Book! Reminder-- bookshop is great if you want to support your local bookstores!
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Barnes & Noble
Amazon US
Amazon UK
Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter
== Articles ==
Adding already mentioned and one more article to this section for more easily finding them later! Thank you @adoptourcrew for sharing them!
Decider: The Hungry Games
The 10 Best Show's To Watch If You Love 'Lady Jane'
== Cheers M'Queers! ==
The Cheers M'Queers variety show tickets are on sale now! Join Our Flag Makes A Difference on July 31st at Akbar, in Los Angeles for drag, music, and so much more! Get your Tickets here!
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Source: Our Flag Makes A Difference Twitter
== You Bear Fine Things Well ==
Yesterday was Day 2 of #YouBearFineThingsWell by @adoptourcrew and they asked the fandom what kind of bear each member of the crew would be! Starting off the fan spotlights, I'd like to give a special shoutout to the fab @ everyonegetcake on twitter, for their brilliant submission of Kraken Ed Bear aka Cocaine Bear to the event! I laughed pretty hard at this one.
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Source: @ everyonegetcake
I am so very happy that our dear crewmate @sirencalll included Mary Louis and Alma! Look at that proud mama bear! <3
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Source: Sirencalll on Twitter
Our badass crewmate Jeniye aka @ nifafifa on twitter got one I didn't think I'd ever see and that is Buttons and Karl!
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Source: NifaFifa's Twitter
And to close out the fan spotlight of #YouBearFineThingsWell Day 2, I'd like to end on a submission by the glorious Manu, aka @ VictoriaVan9 on twitter! That is an impressive spread by both Ed AND BearEd!
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Source: @ VictoriaVane9's Twitter
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies! I saw so much continuous clowning today! 2-3 days in a row? It's been a while since we've had that much all at once! I'm so happy to see people feeling the love and camaraderie with each other again! I hope that continues even if we see things calm down! Something I heard in WJW today that really stuck with me was "We just want YOU Kristian", something David said when Kristian kept asking if his Belfast accent was okay for the role. How absolutely heartwarming is that? We knew that David and the rest of the cast and crew were kind and wanted everyone to be themselves, but to hear that out of the mouth of Kristian and how it affected him, in his book where he poured out his soul-- just hit so much harder. That really is one of the major values that drew me, and I know quite a few others of the crew to OFMD so hard. Acceptance and celebration of individual uniqueness is at the core of OFMD-- it's part of the building blocks that makes our show so special. Each crew member has their own skills they bring to the table, and we can feel safe when we're allowed to be our true selves around others.
OFMD exudes that kind of acceptance in droves. We can hear it in their varying accents, in the wide array of queer portrayal, in the character's love and acceptance and forgiveness of each other-- in the music, the stage decoration, and the cinematography. We each are different, and we all bring things to the table that make the fandom, or the world a better place. We may not always get along, but it is in the uniqueness of so many crew we find creativity, love, kindness, acceptance, and a place where we can feel safe and learn to be more of our true and authentic selves. Embrace your uniqueness lovelies. You are different from me, from your moots, from your favorite fan artist/writer and that's fucking beautiful. We want YOU, crew. Be YOU in everything you do. Rest up lovelies, see you tomorrow <3
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Today was National Kitten Day so these two appropriate gifs just HAD to make an encore appearance. Gifs courtesy of the stunning and brilliant @kiwistede and @yourcatwasdelicious!
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shantechni · 11 months
You have no idea how bonkers this scene was after sitting through S1 and waiting two months for the S2 premiere (yea I'm old).
Kirby's mutation and Mikey's vampire fantasy (along with other things) were impressive, but visually speaking, the fight with the Kraang on the stealth ship was the absolute highlight of the episode for me. It's obvious how hard the animators are flexing with the increased camera work and use of the space, a greater range and fluidity of movement for characters, and better lighting, all of which tended to be lacking during S1. This show was on a budget, but when the animators were given the chance to show off, they took it.
And though the animation continued to get better with each season, there's just something special about the very evident difference in quality (even when compared to the S1 finale) that really emphasizes S2 being the point where the animators could really start to do more.
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spielzeugkaiser · 1 year
I have seen S3!! It cost me dearly (oh god my sleep schedule and body) but I'm so glad I did because I LOVED IT. so much!! I didn't know they had it in them but aaaaaaaa. Spoilers under the cut!
- I loved the relationships. I LOVED THEM. I could come on board with Geralt-Yen, I really enjoyed both Geralt-Ciri and Yen-Ciri (she's her mum 😭) and Ciri-Jaskier was everything I ever wanted. There were other things happening this season (👀) but that was the absolute highlight for me + Geralt actually showing that he cares for Jaskier and their relationship f i n a l l y being portrayed as the deep and meaningful friendship/bond that it is. I watch the witcher for a lot of reasons but mostly for the found family and VINDICATION aaaaa
- this was such a good Jaskier season, my love, me eternal light, the reason why I fell in love with this show - he had a PLOT, he had his wits, he had agency, he's still so anxious but was there as bait (they!! adressed his trauma in the little ways!) and I love that they went the route of Jaskier telling Geralt about Phillippa, honestly guys, I can die happy now, especially with-
- BI BARD BI BARD BI BARD BI BARD (nearly everything has been said about this, just. This fuels me. I needed this so bad, t h a n k you netflix for going through with what you started in S1). I can't shake the feeling that things are going to end quite badly but then I also. like to whump the bard. sooo, if I end up right.. 👀
- I might have sniffed a little when they made Geralt cry because he didn't want his mum to hurt?? Don't do this to me I am not strong enough, that got me. That really got me.
- Geralt might have murdered some people this seasons (and was SO DOWN to kill Stregebor, I crackled, I love himmmmm) but he was such a good moral compass for Ciri this season? Had so much integrity? Did they actually manage to keep him of his path of neutrality? WISE MAN GERALT? EMOTIONAL DEPTH GERALT??
- Ciri really grew on me this season! They really did her good
- Yen didn't need to grow on me, but ohhhh SHE DID. I loved her storyline. I loved her introspection - family goat Geralt I am crying
- the costumes were not perfect but honestly most of the time they were slaying and Geralts armour is now sooo much better, I'd say, improvements there too!
- black horsie is a Roach too (with subtitles on) I can forgive them
- Otto out there with the plague of '21 ??? Brooooooooo
- Fringilla absolutely deserves to live her best life, yes queen. Also Cahirs first little breakdown??
- so many book scenes I enjoyed gosh YES. I already said that but the Jaskier&Ciri one guys I melted-
- the pacing felt at times a little weird? With weird interceptions of scenes at times, like the wild hunt one at the end of episode 3(?). But that was just a minor thing that made me go. Hmm? 🤨
- I LOVE THAT VALDO IS JUST A GUY. He is just a guy! A funny little man that sings the equivalent of medieval, sappy, cliched boyband songs about love, ppfpfpf. Jaskier you PETTY bitch it's like wanting the Taylor Swift of the continent to die and I love him for it - this is the first season that I could just. watch again? right after finishing??? what a quality improvement!!
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
02/03-04 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Reminder! UK Launch! Wee John Monday!; Cast & Crew Sightings; Day Of Damien Recap; New Nominations; StewAsACrew; S1 Rewatch Party; Tumblr Posts; Articles; Save OFMD Crew Mascot Jeff; Hoist the Ads Followup; Poison Into Positivity with a huge Donation; Morale/LoveNotes/Daily Darby all wrapped up in a Cameo from Rhys Darby Courtesy of @adoptourcrew
Heyyyyyyyy I'm back! I had a great day off-- ty for all the lovely well wishes! Annnnnnnd holy moly did I miss some stuff only being gone ONE DAY. I'm trying to catch up so apologies if you've already heard this or if I'm missing anything! Thank you to @sgtblackbirdpie for keeping me up to date on some stuff while I was out!
= Reminders for Tomorrow! =
= UK Launch! =
Reminders from our lovely @lamentus1!
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We'll be tweeting #RewatchAsACrew #OurFlagBBC in addition to the usual #AdoptOurCrew #SaveOFMD
Season 2 will start at 10pm on Monday Feb 5, so that’s 5pm ET and 2pm PT. 
If you are outside the UK and want to help support the launch, you can connect with a VPN using these instructions also @reallygoodplants has a great post on how to do so here on tumblr as well
= Wee John Monday! =
EDIT: Important update! Time is at 2130 UK time for the first new Wee John Monday! This will be one time only to try and start up before the show airs. Thank you @atomicruinsperfection for this info!!
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Wee John Monday! Want to have your questions answered tomorrow during the show? You can go a few different places to do so: Discord / Twitter / Instagram
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= Cast & Crew Sightings =
Our lovely captain decided to put himself up for Cameos at $499 a pop. If you're flush with cash and interested, feel free to check out Rhys Darby's Cameo.
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I didn't put it here because it fits in the Moral/Love notes section--- but a fan GOT ONE OF THESE for themselves and all of us in the crew. Jump down to the very bottom for a love note from Rhys As well.
= Nathan Foad BTS =
Nathan Foad posted a bunch of new BTS in honor of s2 coming out in the UK tomorrow! Samba and Vico added a bunch of those to their IG stories as well. There were LOTS of pictures and videos, so many that I can't include them all. Here's a side post with a bunch of photos, but if you want to see them all, please visit Nathan Foad's IG Stories.
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=Day of Damien 02/03 =
Our lovely Damien Gerard really felt the love yesterday! Everyone sent love notes, gifts, and generally tried to celebrate our lovely friend on Day Of Damien and it made his night. He sent us lots of kitties pics and videos in return.
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Our Flag Means Death has been nominated for the 28th Art Director's Guild Awards for a Half-Hour Series!
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= Stew As A Crew / S1 Re-Watch party! =
Soooo many people came out for the S1 Re-Watch Party and also Stew As A Crew! Keeping that engagement going across all the platforms! I tried to highlight several but there were so many more!
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=S1 Rewatch Party=
Everybody came back out for the S1 Watch Party to help support S2 being aired for the first time tomorrow in the UK! Some highlights!
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== Tumblr Posts ==
Don't Stream on Max - by @iamadequate1 is absolutely a must read. They did some SERIOUSLY amazing analysis and data collecting on all the shows max has cancelled recently.
== Articles ==
TV guide: 12 of the best new shows to watch, beginning tonight
Save “Our Flag Means Death” – Another Great Gay Series On The Chopping Block - From Feb 2
==Save OFMD Crew==
Save OFMD Crew have announced their mascot/ambassador-- JEFF! As you've been seeing in all their social icons. Check out their post here.
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Hoist The Ads Follow Up
Since I keep seeing posts about hoist the ads being a scam again, I'm going to once again share the receipts for Hoist The Ads
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Tumblr / Twitter / Instagram
== Poison Into Positivity ==
So yesterday, a bunch of people started receiving what looked to be scam from group called entertainmintco. We got notified by @adoptourcrew and @saveofmdcrewmates of it earlier in the day:
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Warnings were sent out, and people from the leadership teams started getting serious with this group, but luckily it looks like it was a mistake that entertainmintco was willing to admit to.
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They then put out a statement explaining the situation, and donated $1000 to an LGBTQIA+ Supportive NonProfit: Rainbow Railroad for the trouble they'd caused.
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Annnd they also shared our petition!
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So overall, everything turned out okay! Definitely a weird one! But $1000 donation to supporting LGBTQIA+? Fantastic! Seriously poision into positivity. Thank you @AdoptOurCrew, @saveofmdcrewmates, and @LCWebsXOXO especially for turning that scam into splendor!
Post Note: There's been some questions on if there's a focus group actually going on-- I don't believe so but I'm asking and will get back to you!
== Morale / Love Notes / Daily Darby ==
Now, I'm sure most of you have seen this by now because it's exploding everywhere, but just in case not, I am going to highlight it as the last thing for today.
@meowzawowza_ went out and got one of Rhys' Cameos for themselves and the crew-- ty @adoptourcrew for sharing it with us. I recommend watching them where ever you can because when I say my hope is renewed, I sincerely mean it.
There's nothing I or anyone else could say that would equal the impact of Rhys' message. Our captain sends his advice and love.
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Tumblr / Twitter / Instagram For more on the unedited parts of the video, @meowzawowza_ gives more deets: @ofmd-ann has a thread you can view here
"Life keeps rock'n ... You can't have peaks without troughs...thank you so much for being you and being so supportive ... love you, bye crew"
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shutupineedtothink · 1 year
More Moiraine & Lan (and the Bond) thoughts, because I really just can’t help myself.
Just thinking about how we know every Aes Sedai and Warder share the Bond, but we don’t see any other AS/Warder teams using it as a form of communication NEARLY as much as Moiraine and Lan do.
Like these mofos are having full conversations with head tilts and tiny eyebrow raises and 3 seconds of eye contact from the jump. Sometimes not even looking at each other. And it’s extra great if you’re a show only like me because you only realize it when you go back later after all the stuff with the Bond is explained in 1x04/1x05. Like I remember thinking when I was first watching the pilot ‘wow, these two are really in sync, clearly they’ve known each other a long time,’ but it’s so much more than that obviously.
Now, one easy explanation for this is that we’re just seeing them the most, they’re main characters, and s1 especially does a lot of work hyping up the Bond and how important it is so that we get the full impact of them being cut off later. Makes sense.
But… idk like even Alanna and Ihvon and Maksim, who are actually in a romantic relationship, don’t seem to prefer the Bond as a way to communicate. We even see them have their little diplomatic discussion before Ihvon goes to follow Tomas. It’s an actual conversation. Maksim even prefers the Bond masked, so I guess in that way they kind of have to talk to each other.
Verin and Tomas are pretty quiet in general, but still it’s not emphasized that they use the Bond to communicate that much. Perhaps this is also highlighted by Tomas’s advice to Lan that the Bond isn’t the only common language they share with their Aes Sedai.
Except for Moiraine and Lan, it’s like AT LEAST 80%. It’s the primary way they communicate. Because 1. they’re both so naturally reserved on the outside (but feel very deeply on the inside), and 2. I imagine it comes in handy to be extra good at it when you’re on the road searching for the Dragon Reborn and you don’t want everyone around you to know what you’re about.
Then there’s Stepin’s comment from s1 to Kerene, “Can you imagine their dinners?” Which is funny but also very telling. To all the other Aes Sedai and Warders, Moiraine and Lan seem pretty cold and distant, to everyone else and each other. But again, that’s by design to protect their mission. They’re just having conversations no one else can see, even other Bonded pairs. It’s like most AS and their Warders use the Bond as insurance, a fail safe even, to understand and communicate with each other, with normal human communication (i.e. TALKING) as the primary method. But for Moiraine and Lan it’s the other way around.
My POINT BEING, that this adds weight to their storyline in S2. Like they are REALLY struggling because on top of everything else, this fundamental piece of their relationship and communication is just gone. And it opens a door for Moiraine to push Lan away, when she NEVER would have been able to before, practically or emotionally. And he reels from her attacks because he’s just not as good at understanding her without the Bond, when he would have seen right through that shit before, just from feeling alone. So Tomas can say to him, you need to really listen, but 20 years of shared emotional mind reading is not that easy to bypass. You don’t learn normal person communication skills overnight. Certainly not when there’s this gaping hole in your head/heart where another person you probably knew better than yourself should be but isn’t.
Anyway, I think it just adds even more credence to why they’re both so lost throughout most of S2, especially Lan. And what makes them so badass with the Bond but so absolutely uncoordinated without it. And why every other Aes Sedai/Warder thinks they’re fuckin weird. And why we love them, because who doesn’t want to be so fundamentally understood like that? Who doesn’t want their own secret language with someone that no one else really gets, but that person gets you on a level so real it can’t be replaced? That’s what we’re all reaching for, and that’s what they have with each other. For better or worse.
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thathartleykat · 2 months
Alfur may have not been the paperwork elf we've always thought.
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Alfur may have stopped following the rules / being absolutely abiding by his code since Season 1.
As you may have known, Alfur started to become more and more tolerating towards rule-breaking in the latter seasons.
However, there's one piece of detail that may reveal when was the first time he started doing this.
In Hilda's Bestiary book, it is shown that Alfur's ID card said he doesn't have a pet, but it was proven otherwise in S2E12 - The Replacement.
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This detail was even further highlighted by Alvin, as he was surprised that Alfur had a nitten.
With it, it's highly likely that elves must register their pets with their personal record, but Alfur chose to not do this.
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Assuming that Peppercorn was adopted roughly between S1's The Midnight Giant - The Troll Rock because of Hilda's whole ordeal with nittens, this might be the first time Alfur started to not follow the Elven rules, even though it's something that's very minor.
Was making paperwork for pets that difficult?
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lafresnaya · 9 months
So, how old are the grandpas of the apocalypse really? Ft. - Jonah Magnus - Simon Fairchild - Peter Lukas - Maxwell Rayner
I MADE A PART 2 OF MY CHARACTER AGES RESEARCH (part 1 incl. og archives crew, 3 avatars + gerry here) after a few days of really wanting to detective the ages of this lot, i finally caved and decided to dig out the magnifying glass! same disclaimers apply! including an extra disclaimer to say that I've changed the formatting for this a lil because there was a Lot More Research done compared to part 1. Necessitated bc these mfs are OLD. (except for peter lukas. peter lukas is surprisingly young??)
(All ages are as of S1 / 2016 & the highlights are in bold if you don't feel like reading my essays)
Jonah Magnus
Age: ~216 Birth Year: ~1800
There are a few landmarks we can use, but because of how shady most are (old-ass letters) I also can’t pin down any solid dates because all the characters involved are fictional ._. Basically the only clues I got were: The Magnus Institute was established in 1818, but Jonah was old enough to travel alone to Germany and exchange letters with a friend (Albrecht von Closen) by 1816. So birthdate around ~1800? 1790?
I tried to find an ‘upper limit’ by using the life expectancy of the time since he also was able to live a ‘natural’ life until the (failed) Watcher’s Crown was carried out ‘at some point closely after February 13th, 1867’, BUT the average life expectancy of men was at most 41 years. So there was some Fairchild-esque shit going on there.
Simon Fairchild
Age: 439 - 488 Birth Year: 1528 - 1577
SPEAKING OF FAIRCHILD - sky grandpa! love him, he’s such a bastard. Anyway, in his own words, he’s had ‘an absurdly long life’. In MAG151 he says he was apprenticed to the Italian artist Tintoretto. Apprenticeships in the Renaissance started at approximately 11-14 years old & lasted for 1-8 years, and I’m assuming this was the same for the 1500s. Hopefully.
Given that Tintoretto became a renowned artist in ~1542, my estimate of the oldest Simon could be would be 14 in 1542. On the other end of the scale, Wikipedia says that his last notable work was Il Paradiso, finished from 1588–1594. I can’t find any mention of works post-1588 so this puts the absolute youngest Simon could be at 11 years old in 1588. From those two estimates, it was just a matter of mathing it out :)
Note 1: Simon mentions that his Becoming was while painting a church, likely a ceiling or high wall since he ‘should have broken his neck’, which should narrow it down – except it doesn’t, because Tintoretto painted a lot of churches x_x Note 2: I’ve just spent half an hour researching an Italian painter & art conventions in the 16th Century, which is of no relevance at all to my STEM degree in the 21st century. Simon’s age doesn’t even particularly matter because it was so long ago that the centuries quite literally blur together. This rabbit hole is incredibly fascinating, but this feels so ironically pointless, which is really, really fitting. Note 3: Simon definitely deserved to get ripped apart by the mob. His time has long, long passed lmao
Peter Lukas
Age: ~49-61 (at the very youngest; 36) Birth Year: late 1950s - late 1960s
Peter appears to be the youngest of these four – surprisingly so! – which makes it a lot simpler to pin down his age. He first meets JamesWright!Jonah between 1973 and 1996 & also he was old enough to have the option of watching TV when he was a child. TV became common in UK homes in the 1960s, so his birthdate at the earliest may be in the late 1950s/1960s.
However, he’s known Jonah as ‘Elias’ for most of their acquaintance by late 2018, meaning that they met at the earliest 1975 (21 years before 1996), but was probably more like 1980ish or later. I don’t think he would have met him too long after becoming an avatar some time after he became ‘old enough to run away’, which I’m assuming means he became aware of the Lonely when teenager-ish.
But spending some time on the Tundra before meeting other avatars makes sense for the Lonely, and so my vague estimate of his birth year would be late 1950s - late 1960s. I don’t think that his birthdate was anywhere later, though it is possible that it could have been as late as 1980 (if he began running away when very young & was introduced to ‘James Wright’ very early into avatar-hood), if incredibly unlikely.
Note: My ‘very youngest’ estimate for Peter Lukas is… younger than my estimate for Mike Crew’s age. I find this inordinately funny.
Maxwell Rayner
Age: 357 Birth Date: 8 November 1658
I have excellent news for Rayner! Good ol’ Jonny has made his original body Edmond Halley. A very famous person with a wikipedia page of his own that conveniently states his date of birth :)
Thanks, Jonny.
Rayner died in February 2017 at the age of 358 years 3 months 2 days, though he did spend a decent amount of time host-less. Unlike Gerard Keay, I’m unsure of how ‘alive’ he was during this time, so I’m just going to count it as ‘alive’-time because it means I get precise numbers for the first time since I started researching character ages!
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somedayillbepeterpan · 2 months
DAY ONE | Favourite Season 3 scene: The Butterfly ball
I have bitten more than I can chew but I am determined to get all the parts out of this analysis if only to free up my head. Now, I just hope I could get out all the stuff I want to put out for each day of Polinweek too 🤣
PART 4: THE FEATURED SONG AND DANCE - Lights by Ellie Goulding
This song is hinged on this line that Pen says on S3E8 (“But I was careless with that power. It was easy to cast aspersions in the dark.”)
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And the line while Pen was talking to Genevieve in S3E7 (“I'm relieved... in a way. It has been painful carrying that secret.”) Added also the obvious parallel of the titles of Episode one: Out of the Shadows and Episode 8: Into the light. 
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I also looked into what Ellie Goulding said about this song and she said it’s about her fear of the dark, a childhood trauma, where she couldn't sleep without the light on. And while that explanation about this very catchy pop song seem to be very common, when I look at how it parallels to Pen's life and how she has been in the shadows most of her young life-- overlooked, ridiculed in her own family for prioritising her mind over her "prospects", unintentionally treated more like a soundboard than a person than her best friend, and forced to bury her affection turn love to her other best friend.
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LW was a light in Pen's mind. Scientifically, the brain is fully active when you write on complex subjects and LW is definitely a complex one. When Pen used LW as more than just a scandal sheet but also a critique on how their society works effectively challenging the Queen, it became a true exercise of power when Pen affected and effected public opinion (there's a line on S1 where Anthony said something along the lines of how every one is swallowing everything that LW was publishing).
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[I want to highlight this dance too because it looks like bugs flying around. Jack Murphy is an absolute genius.]
It is this power that Pen gets drunk on and made her feel that it is the only thing she can use to be properly heard thereby making the controversial decisions about Colin and Eloise's situations.
The funny thing about her abuse of power is that she used it for (and unintentionally against) the two people who actually WOULD HAVE LISTENED TO HER. I know that we saw her "try" to reason to both of them but she never said the truth. Which is the opposite of what she says in LW ("But gossip I might, I always tell the truth.")
This clouding of her judgment tainted the light that writing LW brought. And unless she came into the light, that clouding would have eaten her alive and I for one am glad that she finally owned up to her mess.
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cult-of-the-eye · 10 months
tma makeup headcanons:
Jonathan "serving cunt" Sims:
S1 Jon doesn't know what makeup is (he absolutely wore eyeliner every single day at uni but he's not letting everyone else know that)
He like spot conceals but that's about all he feels comfortable getting away with while maintaining his air of professionalism
He also despises the feeling of foundation on his face
S2 Jon is barefaced as the day he was born. My man's last priority is how he looks, he's too busy buying axes in central London and stalking his coworkers
S3 Jon has none of his makeup with him but he's got loads of spare time and Georgie has a whole drawer so he experiments a little bit, he goes for Kajal (black pencil eyeliner lining the inside of your eyes) instead of his previous winged eyeliner but he hesitates at the any colour because she managed to pull it off but he's never been one for drawing attention to himself like that but one day he goes for a burgundy or like dark purplish red colour and he's quite pleased with himself
I feel like Jon would go for a natural kind of look, with concealer and a skin tint at best, some dark brown eye shadow to deepen his hooded eyes and kajal
Martin Kslaying Blackwood:
Ugh I love this man so much
I'm literally such a fan of trans Martin it's pretty much canon to me so I'm headcanoning that he's very hesitant about makeup cause he was a late transitioner and had only just gotten used to passing recently so he doesn't want to do anything to risk that
But he's such a slut for a nice little blush or like a subtle lip tint
He goes for powder blushes cause liquid ones feel sticky on his face and also powder blushes just Look Nice
He also likes lip tints cause he's constantly rubbing off lip products, with the multiple mugs of tea a day and it's getting awkward handing Jon mugs of tea with faint lipstick stains on them
He keeps an emergency kit in his bag with like some eyeshadow if he needs to darken his facial hair and on a whim he puts a baby pink powder blush in there and a matching lip tint
So it's not like he decided to bring it to the safehouse, it was just sort of there
Jon finds it and he's like let's go, we're going down to the shops and buying some, we're gonna do some experimenting and Martin's like oh!!
When he was working for Peter Lukas, he was also barefaced, he didn't want to give him the satisfaction of thinking he put effort in
Timothy "Take notes" Stoker:
This man is such a fun makeup guy
He's a random dots around his eyes, shimmery colourful inner corner, new colour every day, just drawing shit around his eyes kinda man
He's a no foundation no concealer kinda guy as well I think
ugh just can you imagine??? They have a little tally of what colours/patterns Tim's using today and somehow he never managed to repeat a look - it might be a repeated colour but the pattern or the way it's used it's always different
And then one day he just stops. He still wears makeup but the colours are more muted and they make his eyes look bruised in a very decisive way
It's almost as if he's spent ages on a look and then tried to scrub it all away
Sashay Away James
She's such a glamorous girly I feel like she really enjoys the process of makeup more than actually changing the way she looks
I'd love her to be doing the whole shebang, spending hours picking the right primer and stuff like that
She goes for the yeah I'm wearing makeup and I'm slaying look
I feel like she's so good at a little nose highlight
Can you imagine every day Tim greeting Sasha every morning with like a love the highlight girl and it makes her happy every single time
Oh she's such a fake freckles girly absolutely
Hated false eyelashes cause they feel weird
Not Sasha believes makeup is pushing feminism backwards
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technicalthinker · 11 months
I feel like debating who Loki was talking to when he said "For You" in the last episode, is missing the point of the scene. And people referring to it as "cowardly" and a "no-homo" moment is just?? Baffling to me tbh because like;
First of all, it is obviously intended to be to both of them? If they only wanted to make it about Sylvie, Mobius wouldn't be there. If they only wanted to make it about Mobius, Sylvie wouldn't be there. If they wanted to make it about everyone they would've just framed it more equally, he does do it for all his friends ("for all of us"), but they have that scene to highlight these two specific relationships. The framing is quite clear, they have him take a last look at all of his friends before going down the stairs, but Mobius and Sylvie runs after him to have a final significant moment.
Which absolutely makes sense and is consistent with the show we have seen so far, s1 and s2 combined, which is what I love about it. And it was to be honest a surprise! Going into this season, I had little hope for Loki/Mobius interactions, just didn't want to expect too much since S1 had a lot of their connection, but that could've been it. I was shocked when s2ep1 was full to the brim with Loki and Mobius scenes? And then they kept reinforcing every week that they care about each other, is a funny duo to watch, and are important to one another.
And despite this, I expected the rug to at some point be pulled, especially compared to Loki's relationship to Sylvie. No matter people's personal viewing on the show, she is still cited as a love interest by showrunners and is just portrayed as that by the narrative a lot of the time. Sidelining that, even in s2 when the romantic hints are more vague, she's still a very important person in Loki's life. She played a central part of the plot and Loki's own character development of understanding himself.
So to me, I was surprised seeing Mobius and Sylvie side by side in the end. Both being framed as The important people in Loki's life. Then, however you wanna see in what ways they are important is up to you, but they are the people he keeps coming back to for advice and self-reflection. You can frame it as "oh it should've been only been Mobius and they added Sylvie to downplay it", which, I just disagree with (If they wanted to go for explicitly canon Lokius they needed to set that up even more earlier in the season but that's a post for another day). Sylvie is still like, a constant in the narrative and driving force of s1, even if s2 changes things around a bit, and imo it would be inconsistent if she just vanished here. I guess I am used to media that downplays a meaningful dynamic between two dudes in more aggressive ways, which they absolutely could've done, and would've taken me out of the story to be honest... but they didn't, Mobius and Sylvie got to be side by side in the end and that imo validated the Loki/Mobius dynamic way more than downplays it.
TLDR; The "For you" was for both Mobius and Sylvie because why would you frame it that way otherwise, and having them side by side like that validates Lokius way more than downplays it in a "no-homo" way considering the full context of the show.
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whoblewboobear · 5 months
At this point Wednesday and Thursday are the highlights of my week like I’m vibrating with excitement when I know Wednesday at like 7 something I’ll be sitting down to giggle at my favorite show like I- 🤧
I don’t always watch d20 seasons as they’re airing but for fantasy high, it gets so woven into my schedule when a new one drops 👏 like not to get super sentimental (I’m absolutely going to in a read more. Plus the season is ending soon and I’m emo about it but also just excited in general to get all the answers) but this season really means a lot to me. Absolutely none of them will see this (thank god) but the intrepid heroes & BLeeM mean so much to me. They made a show that is so funny and beautiful and kind and so stupid at its core and it just goes to show how lovely they are. The impact they’ve made on the actual play community is so huge. For me a lot of actual play was very intimidating to get into because of huge backlogs or the kinds of stories being told weren’t for me but goddamn, d20 just hits on so many levels. In part due to the storytelling and also just holy shit everyone at the table shows up and cares so much about who they’re playing and their place in the world and the story they’re helping be told. It’s just 🤧💖 I hope one day I’m half the dnd player that Brennan, Emily, Lou, Murph, Siobhan, Zac, and Ally are. They truly inspire me so much.
**TW For SA, trauma, mental health + personal shit etc under the cut**
I stopped watching d20 for a long while. Give or take a year or two? I know it was around the zoom season era. Me and A guy I was really close friends with bonded over dnd and d20 and it was one of the main things we had in common. The night he SA’d me we were watching FH S1 from the beginning. And I think that kinda.. like I didn’t watch d20 because it brought up a lot of thoughts of him and that night and just so much ptsd.
D20 was my favorite form of escapism during hard times and it really sucked to lose that for so long. When d20 Junior year was announced I decided it was time to get back into the show because I missed it and I loved it and I couldn’t let him make me so scared that I never went back to what gave me so much joy. I introduced the show to him in the first place, I could reclaim.
I watched freshman year after I dropped out of art school because my parents and I couldn’t afford another loan and I was really lost. It took my mind off a lot of it thankfully.
Sophomore year aired when I started going to community college. I had a night-time psych class that would end about half an hour before the streams would start so it gave me motivation to get through it because I had something to look forward to after. Now junior year is airing while I’m dealing with a lot of health stuff + depression + job stress (now that I write it all out, both college stresses passed and I did end up getting a decent-ish, albeit very shitty job in graphic design, so I know there’s light at the end of the tunnel so to speak, this’ll pass)
I don’t know if they’ll ever do a senior year/graduation season but if they do, I’ll be there still excited and brimming with joy and anticipation for more d20 Wednesdays to come. 💖
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radiostatik · 8 months
Hiya!! I'm curious to ask as we're kinda halfway throughout the show so far and I'm wondering how you're enjoying and liking Hazbin Hotel so far? For me, I've been absolutely loving and adoring it with EP 4 being the best one already in the season although the only issue I've got is some of the pacing not being the best, I'd recommend this video by VgMarkis (https://youtu.be/JVT7HSh54hQ?si=JfCnVzkdUGPsgNpe) as he does a VERY good job digging into those issues and he seemed very respectful and valid wasn't acting like a dick or being overly hatedom and toxic, or just kinda obsessive like some critical blogs and even many in the hatedom can be, (especially on Twitter) but that's just my opinion. I've been enjoying the series and can't wait for the rest of it, honestly. But, how are you enjoying it?? And I know it's too early to 100% form a opinion and say this, but have you been enjoying it more than HB or do you wanna wait until all of HH S1 is completed to give your opinions? Hope you don't mind me asking!! 💗
Sorry for the late reply, but now that season one is finished, I can filly say I enjoyed the show a lot. Niffty, Sir Pentious and Vox were the highlights of the series, I honestly didn't expect to like nifty so much but she's literally so cute.
I agree the pacing was bad, everything goes by really fast. Maybe if we had a few episodes on YouTube during the 5 years of Charlie trying to redeem the sinner, it would help. But we have 2 episodes of Charlie redeeming them and them, boom it's almost extermination day.
Angel was very annoying for the first few episodes, but by Ep 6 he definitely redeemed himself the way he protected Niffty.
Chaggie is still amazing, but they definitely aren't a pda couple like most vivziepop couples are.
Sir Pentious death was soooo bad. He deserved to have a meaningful sacrifice that actually helped defeat Adam, or at least buy them time. He deserved a dramatic death surrounded by his loved ones, to finally be told he's not useless, and to hear I love you, Sir Pentious. Instead his death is a quick joke that doesn't help at all.
Yes, he is in heaven now, but if he is separated from his family, can it really be heaven? :(
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