#about ghosts
nvr-pass · 2 years
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[image description: a screenshot from season 2 episode 6 of bbc's "Ghosts" showing the Captain, Fanny, Kitty, Julian, Thomas, Alison and Mary huddled in front of the window as they watch the second bride arrive. /end ID]
this shot. this damn shot. i've been raving about the composition since i first saw it and i know i've said this all before. i know it's my favourite shot. i know it does an amazing job at showing that this moment is most significant to the captain by centering him even as he doesn't say anything. i know i always feel the special tension of this moment, soaking up what everyone else has to say about this, what everyone elso might have to say about YOU. i know it's an exceptional example of how to tell a silent queer story focussing on interal conflicts rather then the external. i know fanny and alison arguing about the morality of a same-sex marriage are placed each at one of the captain shoulders as if they are his own internal argument of old formality he clings to for comfort against new ideas he's trying to grapple with. i know, i know, i know. and STILL! after 2 years! i watch this scene and it still hits me like a brick!!!
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purpleminte · 1 year
When you think about it, it’s a bit goofy how ghosts in things just sorta like to exist purely to be scary.
Like simply being dead and the shock value of proof of life beyond death isn’t what’s frightening, it’s more like “I’m gonna stand in the corner of your room or in the mirror and like.. pull my skull out from my mouth and throw it at you because… reasons." and shit like that. Like lost souls just have nothing better to do than gaslighting and pranks I guess ??
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hauntingyourself · 11 months
Are people with large beds not afraid of a ghost crawling in with them? I would be
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sadmages · 2 months
Having ocs is fucked up they make you wake up and think stuff like what if i learn to code in renpy and make this into a visual novel. Who said that
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marypsue · 10 months
Keep seeing that post where OP starts like 'Thinking about...grieving the undead' and then adds on about like. Real life situations where people have not died but have left your life and you would have reason to grieve them.
All respect, that's an important concept, but that is not what I am thinking about when I read 'grieving the undead'.
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supertaliart · 4 months
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A continuation of my previous Skywalker Twins comic - feat Yoda part 3
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heavenbarnes · 3 months
not being able to find older bf!simon around the house and while you’re looking for him, you catch something out the window-
nearly all the women in your neighbourhood gathered at the end of your driveway
you come outside to investigate only to find them with their attention glued to the front of your car, it’s not till you walk around the front you find the lower half of simon sticking out from under it
on his back, knees bent, massive boots planted into the concrete, bare arm occasionally stretching out to find another tool
“you alright, si?”
you hear him grunt before he’s calling out to you
“yeah, i’m right sweet’art- sortin’ out that bit thas’ been givin’ y’grief”
breaking your gaze from his massive thighs flexing under his jeans, you scan back over the crowd that’d formed
all of them married, all of them a good ten years older than even he was- you couldn’t really blame them really, you had eyes
you could hear him shuffling out from under the car before he suddenly straightened to full height, wiping greasy hands on the front of his old-white-singlet
he pulled up the bottom of it to swipe his forehead and you think you heard someone gasp
wrapping a firm arm around you, he gives your backside a pat before he kisses the top of your head
“got t’keep y’safe, y’know?”
“thank you, baby- now be polite and say hello to your audience”
oblivious as ever to anything other than you, simon threw a look over his shoulder before he followed you back into the house
“oh, ‘ello ladies”
(someone throws a street barbecue and you force simon to talk to the other men around the burner and multiple husbands request him to start “doing that shit” in the garage with the door shut, please)
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hansoeii · 5 months
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the best person I know.
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yoshidatommy · 6 months
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TF141 (oversimplified)
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ghost-bxrd · 7 months
Headcanon that when Jason so much as says “ow..” on the comms the rest of the batfam immediately assume he must be dying.
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vriendenboekjes · 10 months
cut it out with till death do us part. i will find you in this life and reality and the next one and the next one and the next one
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nvr-pass · 2 years
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[image description: 1. a screenshot from the movie "Re-animator" of Dan and Herbert standing next to a dead body. Herbert says "Make the entry." Dan says "October-", to which Herbert replies "Tenth." 2. a screenshot from season 2 episode 4 of bbc's "Ghosts" of Thomas dramatically turning away from Alison and towards the camera. He says "October 10th, 1824." 3. a screenshot from BuzzFeed Unsolved of Shane Madej and Ryan Bergara sitting next to each other. Shane says "i've connected the dots." Ryan says "you didn't connect shit" and Shane replies "i have connected them." end ID]
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egophiliac · 26 days
you know, I've been thinking about it, and there is actually one single scenario in which I would be okay with not getting a big ol' "Silver Vanrouge" out of Lilia.
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(just kidding, I still need some "call me Silver, Mr. Vanrouge is my father" in my life, please don't let me down on this one Twst)
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stars-obsession-pit · 1 month
The Justice League was too late. The cult had successfully completed their summoning ritual, and a figure began to emerge from the crackling green rift in the air
A teenage boy in a black jumpsuit, holding a clipboard and a pen.
The figure barely seemed to pay attention and just launched into a rehearsed speech, tone bored. “Thank you for summoning the Ghost King. Due the influx of summonings, he is unavailable at the moment. I’m Phantom, and I’ll be serving as your intercessor for the time being. I am authorized to act on His Majesty’s behalf, but any larger scale actions may have a short wait time before they can go through—just a few decades at most.” His voice then picked up, tone casual. “So… whatcha looking for?”
Then he did a double take, the chaotic scene he’s appeared in finally seeming to register in his mind.
“…Err, which ones of y’all specifically performed the summoning? I need it for the file.”
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Cassidy loves to scare the FNAF night guards..
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arualthefirst · 24 days
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Biker soap babyyyyy
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