#a thousand yellow daisies
ps-digitals · 7 months
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saltygilmores · 2 years
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls- Season 1, Episode 21 (Love, Daisies, and Troubadors) Part THREE.
Please check out my pinned post for the rest of season 1 as well as part 1 & 2 of this season finale. We resume our regularly scheduled program, which is Buttzilla Forrester in the middle of a jealous rage, trying to manipulate RoryGil (who isn't even his girlfriend anymore, by the way).
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I HATE IT when Rory apologizes to Dean like this and she's done literally nothing wrong! It's so sad. My feelings about later seasons Rory are...a mixed bag to say the least, but I will defend Season 1 Rory with all my might.
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Gaslighting: to manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity. Buttzilla: Your boyfriend's waiting. RoryGil: He's not my boyfriend, I hate him! Buttzilla: Whatever. Biggest fictional piece of shit on the planet. Literal dogshit stuck to the bottom of your shoe. RG: Dean, stop! Buttzilla: Why. RG, Pained and Unconvincing: Cause I love you, you idiot. You know there are literal people that find this exchange romantic? Not many,as The Dean Forrester fandom is small and they seem to know their place and not emerge from the shadows. But they exist. Uh oh. I hear corny music... it's happening...
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Alexis is frozen solid. She is not moving. Her mouth isn't moving. Her hands are not moving. Her spine is stiff. I don't even need to post pics or gifs of her kissing Milo to compare the two, we've all seen them.
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Easy there, JarPad! Release that poor girl from your kung-fu grip! Screen shots don't illustrate the frantic speed in which he is mashing his mouth against hers either. Oh no, now we're getting into the closeups. I'm so sorry for doing this. I hope you can forgive me.
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She's a woman, not a lemon! Jesus christ! The vein in his neck is throbbing.
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If you would like me to further ruin your Thanksgiving, imagine this following disturbing but absolutely true scenario: Rory and Dean sleep together. Dean refuses to go down on her, fucks her for 15 seconds, finishes and has this same stupid smile on his face, all "was it good for you baby?" and Rory's like "Sure, you did great, tiger." and he believes it. Also Lindsay. Poor Lindsay. #JusticeForLindsay Ugh. I survived. We all survived. Ya'll okay? Diet Logan witnesses this and puts down Rory's books, probably traumatized into being a better person, because I know I was close to promising I'd find Jesus if only that kiss would mercifully end. We cut to the Indepdence Inn and Michel and Kirk arguing because Max took Lorelai's "1,000 yellow daisies" suggestion very, very literally and the Inn is now filled with fucking flowers. Kirk Job: Flower delivery man. Lorelai stands there in stark silence admiring the daisies while Michel calls daisies "Pitiful little things, a notch up from weeds", which is also what I think of Dean Forrester. This relationship is going to LAST....! ...For about another four episodes. Max: I didn't propose to you because we were fighting. I proposed because I love you. Lorelai:
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"Help. Me." MM: We're in a bad pattern Lorelai, and we have to break it. That's why you proposed to end an argument, got rejected, didn't have any discussion about it whatsoever like grown ups, pretended it didn't happen, took an off the cuff suggestion she gave you way too literally, then waited exactly one more day to propose a second time. Goes into a blathering Mediocre English Teacher Speech about how books just can't compare to real life blah blah blah. Look, in my occasional headcanon where Jess Mariano grows up to become an English teacher he would never be this fucking pretentious. Lorelai: "God you talk so good." To be fair, he doesn't exactly propose to her over the phone, he's all "think it over" but this thing with the daisies feels really manipulative. How the hell is she gonna say no now? Lorelai bursts into Luke's Diner. Luke: Ahhh, you made me spill. He said the same thing while he was fixing her porch rail.
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"I just got manipulated back into a shitty relationship wtih a shitty male!" "Me too Mom! Me too! This is so exciting!" Happy Thanksgiving!
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“Like daylight. It’s golden like daylight. You gotta step into the daylight and let it go.”
Omg finally finished! I got very obsessed with the concept of Ed in Daenerys’ braids and couldn’t let it rest after doing the sketch and I’m pretty proud of how it turned out.
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pose4photoml · 1 year
Re-Watching Gilmore Girls season 1 episode 21…. Max really sent A Thousand yellow daisies to her work!!
This reminds me of watching Meteor Garden episode 45… Daoming Si sent 520 Roses to Dong Shancai Cute part she counts them and 1 is missing.. he delivers it personally 🥰
I’m tad jealous now…. I mean I’ve never been given such a grand jester….
Ok so newsflash for the next person I date….. I’m now expecting something different as a grand jester if you expect me to believe that you love me AS I am NOT a flower kind of girl but I doubt I can take you seriously if you don’t….
So a few hints ~ I like chocolate, coffee, bbq chips, and …well I’m sure you get the picture but remember it should be about I say at least 100 of something ~ 😉
@lutawolf - what do you think?
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If you told me you want a thousand sunflowers, I'll give you just that
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kp777 · 1 year
By Patrick Barkham
The Guardian
May 27, 2023
York groundsel was a cheerful yellow flower that slipped into global extinction in 1991, thanks to overzealous application of weedkiller in the city of its name.
But now the urban plant has been bought back to life in the first ever de-extinction in Britain, and is flowering again in York.
The species of groundsel was only ever found around the city and only evolved into its own species in the past century after non-native Oxford ragwort hybridised with native groundsel.
York groundsel, Senecio eboracensis, was discovered growing in the car park of York railway station in 1979 and was the first new species to have evolved in Britain for 50 years, thriving on railway sidings and derelict land.
But the new plant’s success was short-lived, as urban land was tidied up and chemicals applied to remove flowers dismissed as “weeds”.
It was last seen in the wild in 1991. Fortunately, researchers kept three small plants in pots on a windowsill in the University of York. These short-lived annual plants soon died, but they produced a precarious pinch of seed, which was lodged at Kew’s Millennium Seed Bank.
Andrew Shaw of the Rare British Plants Nursery had a vision to bring the species back to life, but when tests were carried out on some privately held seeds very few germinated successfully.
So Natural England, the government’s conservation watchdog, quickly authorised a de-extinction attempt via its species recovery programme, which has funded the revival of the most threatened native species for 30 years.
“The Millennium Seed Bank said the seed was getting near the end of its lifespan and so we thought we would only have one more chance of resurrecting it,” said Alex Prendergast, a vascular plant senior specialist for Natural England.
Natural England paid for a polytunnel at the Rare British Plants Nursery in Wales, where 100 of the tiny seeds were planted. To the botanists’ surprise, 98 of the seeds germinated successfully. The polytunnel rapidly filled with a thousand York groundsel plants.
In February six grams of seed – potentially thousands of plants – were sown into special plots around York on council and Network Rail land.
This week, the first plants in the wild for 32 years began to flower, bringing colour to the streets and railway sidings of York.
This de-extinction is likely to be a one-off in this country because York groundsel is the only globally extinct British plant that still persists in seed form and so could be revived.
But Prendergast said the de-extinction showed the value of the Millennium Seed Bank – to which plenty of York groundsel seed has now been returned – and there were a number of good reasons for bringing the species back to life.
“It’s a smiley, happy-looking yellow daisy and it’s a species that we’ve got international responsibility for,” he said.
“It only lives in York, and it only ever lived in York. It’s a good tool to talk to people about the importance of urban biodiversity and I hope it will capture people’s imagination.
“It’s also got an important value as a pollinator and nectar plant in the area because it flowers almost every month of the year.”
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arimight · 14 days
Silly miniroth drawing!! I wanted to try something different :D (References and thought process under the cut :D)
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Hello!! Here are the refs and thoughts under refs!!
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Okay so, when I saw the statue with the flowers it made me think of miniroth. The Kinsugi (in Japanese it means “to join with gold” and is the act of preparing broken objects with gold/gold flakeson the statue. With the intention to show the beauty in broken things :D) and the flowers I could replace with yellow lilies and daisies.
The Kinsugi in the statue had me thinking, about how Sephiroth was when at first, without Glenn’s influence. Kinda in this “Kill or be Killed” mentality, and that with the help of Glenn and his influence, he was able to “fixed” in a sense. Still “broken” but better than he was before. The gold because there’s a beauty in realizing you don’t have to fight everything or kill everything, and that you can be compassionate and that’s okay.
As for my flower choices I went for yellow lilies and daisies!! Yellow lilies because they are synonymous with ff7, quite heavily too, and means reunion. Which makes sense cuz it uhh does 👍. As for the daisies they have this “delicate” rep to them and can also have a meaning of innocence and purity. I felt this was a good fit to put in the drawing as Sephiroth, Miniroth especially, can feel so innocent and pure. While he was killed possibly thousands of people, his lack of experience in the world, makes him feel pure. Miniroth is somewhat the capital of this idea.
For why I did what I did in terms of coloring for the drawing, I wanted to put emphasis on his eye, the eye that makes him different from everyone else, and because of the saying “the eyes are the windows to the soul.” Which is why it’s the only part colored in, to bring your eyes there. However, I also wanted the flowers to pop, so I decided I would partly color them in, give them enough color you could connect the dots, and help with form. I realized this left a lack of values so I went through and darkened his jacket with some pencil and blended it in :D
Maybe it’s all over thought, but I like reading peoples train of thought so maybe u do too!! :D Have a great rest of y’all’s day!!
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mchlgayser · 2 years
can you write one about bellingham where they’re married and they are arguing all the time so they’re thinking about divorcing but one day he saw her crying in their bedroom and he conforts her and realises how much he loves her
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𓂃⭑ᜊ: REALIZATION ft jude bellingham
𓂃⭑ᜊ an: HELLO! Ok this is a GREAT idea! Icl I love it, I might do this all out I swear.
𓂃⭑ᜊ content warning: arguments, divorce, and breakdown
𓂃⭑ᜊ: @iwritesjud3's masterlist
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'I can't fucking do this anymore!' He burst, and you sat there numb and in distress, you sit on the couch hands over your head as you sigh heavily 'Should we just... Separate, Jude?' You didn't meant it, you really don't it just kind of slipped out.
But maybe, maybe you meant it.
'..Yeah. I think that's for the best, it's just not working out like this.' He shakes his head, sitting down next to you 'Right.' You declared standing up and stare down at him 'I'm taking the guest room, you can sleep at the room.' Leaving him, you tread upstairs as fast as you can and lock the door.
When? When did it get to this? Did it just happen? You thought to yourself, eyes burning with hot tears cascading down your cheeks. Tired is what you are feeling.
'Can you stop being jealous all the time?!'
'Oh well, I'm sorry for being so jealous over a girl wrapping an arm around you!'
'We talked about this, come on! Do I have to bring it up all the fucking time?!'
'I am not your fucking maid, Y/n. Take out the trash yourself.'
'How many times do I have to tell you not to touch my things! You are so stubborn!'
'Where are you? I called you the millionth of times, I'm worried!'
'Mind your business'
'Oh my God! You are a drunk mess!'
'Fucking let go, Jude!~'
'It's four, why did you even bothered coming home?'
'Because I paid for it, go and stop bothering me Y/n!'
When you think thoroughly about it now, it hurts so bad your heart aching and hammers so loud. You cry the whole night with your body still attached on the door.
The next day you woke up, and you didn't see any signs of Jude 'He's probably at practice.' You murmured going around the yard to take a breather. This yard is one of your favorite parts of the house. It was green with grass, yellow with daisies, and red with roses. The koi fish pond and a small bridge over the pond. The swing. Every part of this yard are your favorite. Sad to think you'll have to leave the house so soon.
Well technically this house is both yours and Jude's after you got married but to think that you have to live with thousands of bad memories in this house, you feel hopeless just thinking about it. If you wanted to divorce and leave, then you need to start fresh.
You stay hours in the yard doing nothing but admiring it. One memory after another came gushing back to you
'Stop Jude, it tickles'
Spending hours in the yard, you both did nothing but talks with each other, joking around, getting to know each other even better.
'You're cheating, you are not supposed to look!'
Hiding the canvas on his chest, you both spent time painting what reminds you both of each other, filming. He drew a beautiful home, exclaiming that you always remind him of the 'home is a person' thing. Meanwhile, you drew a flutter of butterflies.
The reason is that every small thing about him caused your stomach to rabble butterflies.
'Oh my God! The sausages burnt!'
It was a funny memory indeed, you both got so lost in your world, admiring each other's details you forgot the sausages you grilled on the pan.
'I love...'
Sunset picnic you both religiously do every month, pinning what you both like most from the snacks, fruits and drinks.
Now that you think about it, when is the last time you both did it, two months ago? Perhaps four months ago. It just sort of disappeared into thin air.
Your eyes welled up with tears again, these memories constantly bring you down making it harder for you to leave. Can you do it? Abandoning everything about him?
You walk upstairs to your shared bedroom sit on the bed and look around, your stuff, facials, and makeup are still neatly placed on the table. The mattress created a faint smell of Jude's fresh minty cologne. The one you bought him for your first wedding anniversary. The curtains slightly open allowing the sun to peep in inside the dimmed light room.
Eyes boring around some more, your eyes fidgeted on the nightstand table's drawer, it was open subtle and you got up to open it to see what was inside. The contain managed to slip a small gasp out of your mouth, tears welling up again. It was a photo album of you and Jude since you were both friends.
You take out the album and open it to the first page. It was a photo of you and him taking selfies with ice cream and beside the picture, you wrote 'We got each other's fav ice cream!'
You skipped a few pages, and the next page you open was you and him cutting a cake on your wedding day, you are smiling down, and Jude gazing at you with wide stupid grin on his mouth.
Another picture on the bottom is you feeding him a small piece of cake, and throwing your head back, laughing while he boop icing on your nose.
Smiling at how lovey-dovey you two were before, without noticing a single stray of tear fall down your cheekbone. Skipping pages through pages, reminiscing the old good memories.
You held the album close to your chest, crying and wailing alone. Your tears freely escaped your sockets, you don't want to leave, never would you but you know, this is going nowhere. The marriage is something both you and Jude can't worked out together. Maybe this is the best. For him and his career.
Jude on the other hand just gotten home from training, he dropped his duffle bag and slumped on the living room couch, and close his eyes for a short sleep.
The gushing wind interrupted, he eyed up to the yard realizing that the balcony door is opened, the curtains pushed up and down because of the wind, he groan getting up to close the door.
He gazes the yard for a moment, now thinking of you. He tread ways upstairs to your shared bedroom. The door is open lightly and he peek in to see you on the bed, crying.
Your eyes are red and puffy, cheeks stained with tears. He slowly opens the door peeking his head in 'Y/n?' You jolted at the familiar voice, you hid the album away but it was too late.
Jude came and confronts you, he sat down beside you as the mattress dip 'What?' You stuttered out, eyes avoiding his gaze 'I just... Wanted to check up on you.'
You sighed 'We are separating soon Jude, no need to check up on me anymore, I'm fine.' He felt bad, really bad.
He thought to himself, how did this happen? Do you two just end up disliking each other and get spiteful every chance you get?
'I don't want to lose you, Y/n.' You gasp, eyes watering with salty tears 'No Jude, please don't say that. We both know that this is not working out anymore.' Out of instinct, he held your hand 'No! What we both said last night is purely angry talks, I said things I didn't mean and that's the same way for you! Please, I still love you, don't you love me?' You were hesitant 'I... Do but..'
'Then, that's enough for now, we'll try our best to go through this obstacle, we'll fight for each other just like we used to, alright?' You hum and nods at him
He takes you in his arms 'Thank God! I don't ever wanted to lose you.'
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hiskillingjar · 26 days
Begging screaming and crying for something with teen edgelord oleander 🙏
absolutely you fucking can
1000+ words. sfw. cw for self harm, violent descriptions, dead animals, and uh. what i can only describe as OCD + jealousy spurned (vaguely) incestuous intrusive thoughts
“Do you have anything you’d like to say?”
Famous last words, before the gunshot and the splatter of blood, bone and brain matter out the back of a hostage’s head, almost black against the cement wall.
Lawrence stared at his laptop screen, his grey eyes fixed on the newest video on the front page of Liveleak that morning.
The hostage was a soldier and the shooter was probably another soldier, fighting a war thousands of miles from his house in the woods. Lawrence didn't tend to read the descriptions of the videos anymore, since he was more interested in the viscerality of what was posted.
Or, they should have been visceral. 
Lately, he wasn't getting the kinds of reactions from himself that he used to. 
He just sort of felt...numb to it all now, the worst gunshots and car accidents barely raising an eyebrow, let alone inspiring a gasp or a turned stomach.
Maybe that just meant he needed to up the stakes a little. Find a website that posted worse videos, more gruesome ones, and maybe then he'd start feeling something again.
"Dad's home," His sister, Lily, swung around his door frame, practically out of nowhere (he didn’t hear her coming up the stairs, she was that quiet), making him flinch and quickly shut his laptop, lest she see what he was looking at on a Saturday afternoon while she and Laurel were playing outside. "He's got a deer tied to the front of his truck."
"...Buck or doe?" Lawrence asked as he sat up, pushing a hand through his greasy hair.
He’d shower today. Or maybe Monday, before school.
"I dunno," She shrugged. "Whatever doesn't have horns."
"Antlers," Lawrence mumbled with a roll of his eyes, standing from his bed and setting his laptop down on the desk. "So it's a doe then. A girl deer."
"Aw, that's sad," Lily pouted, leaning in the doorframe, inadvertently pushing her chest forward. "What if it's, like, Bambi's mom or something?"
"Bambi isn't real," Lawrence said somewhat curtly, looking over his shoulder with a hard look before looking back towards his window when he saw Lily was wearing a low-cut sundress. "And Dad's killed a ton of girl deer before. Why do you care about them now?"
"Mm...I guess I didn't think about it before." She said before shrugging her freckled shoulders and skipping back the way she came, down the loft steps, clearly not bothered enough by their father's hunting habits to be too concerned by it.
Easy for her. 
She wasn't the person who was going to get called on to help skin it.
She wasn’t going to have to pin the doe down, spread her limbs out, open her up, watch her bleed as he stripped her to muscle and bone.
It was always so easy for Lily. 
And for Laurel, too, even if she was the more boy-ish one of the twins, sometimes more boy-ish than Lawrence himself was.
Hands clenched into fists at his side, Lawrence pressed his lips together tightly and let out a long, shaking breath through his nose, feeling his gut churn as he kept thinking about Lily in her sundress.
Yellow, adorned with daisies, white cotton socks and yellow jelly shoes to match her dress. Lily entertained her mother’s wishes for a ‘real girl’ in a ‘family of hunters’ (like Lawrence was any good at hunting anyway), a willing doll to dress up, that Laurel didn’t allow her and that Lawrence wasn’t allowed to want.
He quickly reached for the military tin on his desk, which contained his razors.
Lily’s sundress, her freckled shoulders and pale, burgeoning chest, her smiling lips and gap teeth.
He brought his other hand up and dug the blade of the cleanest razor into his wrist, barely feeling it.
Her jelly shoes which were caked with mud from playing outside, her thin legs marred with bruises and scrapes when it got too rough.
The cut stung a little more as he dragged the razor deeper into his skin, his long fingers trembling as he forced himself to feel the pain, feel it, you fucking degenerate, feel it.
Her flushed cheeks, even though she was never told off, never taught how to skin a buck, never reprimanded for crying as she did it, never told to stop crying, suck it up and cut your hair because you look like a fucking faggot, fucking faggot, FUCKING FAGGOT-
Lawrence flinched at the stern, solid sound of his father's voice, quickly turning around and pulling his hoodie sleeve down over his marred wrist, his razor digging into his palm.
"You see that doe on my car?" Father asked with a proud grin, his hands on his hips, a pocket knife on a carabiner swinging from his cargo shorts, never far away from tools of violence. “Me and the boys ‘been camping since six this morning for that beauty. Your old man got it in-,” He raised a hand up, extending two fingers towards the young boy and mimed a gunshot towards him. PEW! “One shot. Is that cool or what?!” 
"Um, yeah, Dad," Lawrence nodded, his eyes stinging from the pain in his wrist, threatening to tear up. "It's…really cool. Nice one."
"Damn right it is," He smiled even broader with a satisfied nod. "You're gonna help with skinning, so your mother can use it for dinner tomorrow."
It's not phrased like a question anymore. It's a demand.
You're going to. You will.
"Yeah," Lawrence nodded too, giving Father his best approximation of a smile possible. He had no doubt that Father wouldn’t see how empty it was. "Um, just give me a minute and I'll be out in a sec."
"I'll be counting!" Father called behind him as he paced away, floorboards creaking under his weight as he jogged down the stairs and left him to it.
Lawrence let out a strangled little whimper as he pulled his sodden jacket sleeve up, inspecting the damage he’d done to himself in his pursuit for absolution.
Multiple cuts, deep and painful and still oozing with blood. His palm had been sliced open too, but not nearly as bad as his wrists had been.
“Fuck,” He murmured, chewing the inside of his cheek, his teeth grinding (too tight in his skull) as he grabbed for the military tin again for a roll of bandages. 
“Dad’s gonna kill me…”
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somanyratsinthewalls · 8 months
Burning Hearts Chapter 5
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Pairing: Law x Straw Hat Zoan Type (named) OC 
Summary: You were teleported across the globe in an instant, away from your crew. Your body was badly broken and beaten, thrust into the harsh landscape of a Northern island. You are discovered by the Heart Pirates and brought back to health. Startled upon waking up in a foreign place with an unfamiliar crew, you are shocked with the news that you’ll be spending two years there. Trafalgar Law, the captain of the Heart Pirates has made a promise to train you, but will it become something more than a mentor relationship?
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 - Chapter 6
Burning Hearts Chapter 5: Reclaiming Energy
— — 
It had nearly been a month since Law had begun training Daisy. Six days a week they would meet in the clearing to spar. He pushed her further each time, but she was still holding back her strength by refusing to use her devil fruit powers. Her powers only revealed themselves when she lost control of her body and mind. 
That was how he lost his eyebrows a few weeks ago. After Law brought up her previous captor, she had blacked out with emotion and didn’t remember the moment where fire sprayed from her lips and singed his face. Daisy passed out immediately afterwards and had to be carried back to the base. Law never brought it up. 
“Hmm…” Law is alone in his office and perusing the large bookcase that housed thousands of medical journals and historical texts. 
“Aha.” Law grabs a particular dusty, tattered tome from the bottom shelf of the bookcase and carries it back to his desk. He gingerly sets the delicate book down on his desk and flops down in his chair. He rolls the desk chair inwards and wipes the layer of dust off the cover of the book with the sleeve of his yellow hoodie. He opens the book. 
The cracking sound of the spine ricochets off the cold steel walls of Law’s office and he peruses the yellowed pages. It was a book on Devil Fruits, but ones that were only theorized to exist. This book was far different from his other texts on Devil Fruits. This one was much older and much less precise. The book was full of crude, handmade drawings and scribbles from its author. None of these fruits were confirmed to have ever existed, but Law was determined to find out what kind of Zoan type could breathe fire and fly. 
Law sifted through the brittle pages trying to find an answer, but soon felt the lack of sleep catching up with him. How long had it been since he had laid in his bed and indulged in a full nights sleep? Days? Weeks?
“Ugh…” Law leans back in his chair and rubs his eyes. He flops his arms down on the sides of his chair and lets his eyes rest for just a moment…
*Knock knock* 
Law is jostled out of his relaxed state by a knock on the door. 
“Come in.” Law calls out as he pushes his hair off his forehead and straightens himself in his chair. 
“Hi.” Daisy smiles as she enters Law’s office. 
“Hi back.” Law responds. “Is there something you need?”
“Well…” Daisy slinked quickly from her place in the doorframe to the side of Law’s desk. “That depends… is there something you’d like to give me?” 
“What?” Law knits his brows, confused. 
Daisy runs her hand along Law’s desk before taking a step towards him. 
“I think you know what I’m talking about…” The tone in Daisy’s voice was unlike anything he had ever heard before. 
Suddenly, in a flutter of wings, Daisy had landed herself directly onto Law’s lap, straddling him. She smiles softly and brings a hand up to caress the side of his face. 
“Don’t you want to touch me, Law?” Daisy purrs down at him from his lap, dark black wings framing her feminine figure. 
“M-miss Rito this is highly unprofessional… I-I-“ Law stutters out from underneath the demon. "I-I could never..." Law trips over his words, flustered by the beautiful woman on his lap...
“But Law…?”
“Captain? Law?” 
Law was snapped awake. He dozed off. He had been dreaming. Bepo was shaking him awake with a large paw. 
“What, what do you want?” Law snaps once he has fully regained consciousness. 
“Captain… you received a letter… it’s from the Marines…” Bepo holds out an envelope, so small-looking in his clawed paw. 
“The Marines? How did they find us?” Law asks as he grabs the letter and begins tearing it open. 
Law peruses the letter. 
There was a long moment of silence as he processed the message. 
“Pack my bag. I have to go.” Law finally remarks. 
“O-on your own, Captain? Surely you’ll want me to accompany you?” Bepo asks. 
“No. I don’t want any of you involved in this. I have to do it alone.” Law states as he begins packing up his things around his office. “Ready the Tang. I’ll be gone for awhile.” 
— — 
You had been called to the conference room by the teams captain along with the entire Heart Pirate crew. You sat, bored, in a chair against the wall while waiting for Law. The captain finally enters and the rest of the crew straightens their postures and looks on attentively. You continue to slouch as you observe the dirt in your fingernails and pick it out with your teeth. 
“I have to leave on business. It will be at least a few weeks. I will answer no questions as it is a sensitive matter.” Law states as he stands in the front of the room. You roll your eyes. *he’s so dramatic* 
“Well! See ya! Have fun!” You rise from your chair and move towards the door of the conference room. 
“Daisy you will continue your training in my absence. I expect to see an improvement in your skills when I return. That is an order.” Law raises his voice at you.
“Whatever.” You pull at the side of your mouth and stick your tongue out. Law scours at your silly expression. You turn and push your way out of the conference room. You swiftly bring yourself down the halls of the base. 
“Finally a moments peace…” You grumble to yourself as you enter your stateroom. You swiftly pull your grungy sweatshirt over your head and throw it on the floor.  Flopping back on your bed in your shorts and sport bra, you take in a deep breath. Having that shit-head death doctor gone for awhile would give you time to do your own thing… reclaim your identity. You knew you had to keep training, but tomorrow you were going to focus on yourself. 
— — — 
“That should be enough…” You mutter to yourself as you fill your backpack with sample jars and vials. After being on this island for a month, you learn that it is fact not a winter island, but one with all four seasons. The signs of spring were blossoming all around the compound. The snow was melting and intrepid little green buds popped up from the dirt. 
Law was gone and you had plans to fly the coop… literally and figuratively. 
You leave your room and head towards the front door of the base. “Woooaaahh. Where’s the fire, Daisy?” 
You were stopped in your tracks by Penguin. 
“Heading out for a bit. See you at dinner.” You respond and push past him. 
“Not like, out of the compound, right? Captain said to not leave…” 
“Are you going to stop me? I mean, try. Be my guest. I’m going to go where I want.” You reply as you grip one of your blades with your right hand. 
“I-I- I mean no, I mean yes…” Penguin stuttered and slowly backed up a few steps. “J-just be back for dinner? Please?” 
“Got it. Back by supper.” You nod and head out the door before waiting for a response. You head out into the fresh air and relish in its humidity and warmth. Spring was here, your favorite season. The smell of damp soil and salt spray filled your nostrils. You breathed deeply and sighed happily. 
You spread your wings and stretched them tentatively. 
“Alright, let’s see what we’ve got.” You smile and spring up into the sky. 
— — —
After spending the whole day exploring the island and collecting plants and ingredients, you returned to the Heart Pirates base. Humming happily to yourself, you pruned off the dead leaves from the bouquet of spring flowers you collected. 
You knock at Ikkaku’s door. 
“Yeah?” You heard from the other side of the steel door. 
“Hey hey, happy tulip season!” You grin as you present the bouquet. 
“Woah! You found these here?! They’re gorgeous!” Ikkaku takes the flowers and inhales their scent. 
“Yeah, other side of the island. They’re coming up a bit early, but it was nice to see. I got some bulbs that I’ll plant in the yard… but I saw the buds coming up and thought you’d like them!” You coo while you preen the tulip bouquet in Ikkaku’s hands. 
“Thank you for these, it’s nice to have a feminine touch around here.” Ikkaku smiles warmly at you before moving to place the flowers a glass of water on her desk. 
“You’re welcome. It’s time we brighten the place up a bit.” You chuckle and turn to leave the room. “Hey I wanted to ask you something…”
“Yeah?” Ikkaku looks up from her flowers to meet your gaze. 
“That record player in the hall closet, can I use it?”
Ikkaku furrows her brow. 
“It’s Law’s. He said it belonged to an old friend, but he hasn’t ever used it. I’m sure it would be good for the thing to get a bit of play. Since the captain will be gone for awhile, I’d say now is the time to give it some use.” 
You smirk.
— — — 
You place a record on top of the machine and fumble around with the dials. 
“Come on…” You mumble as you fiddle with the needle of the record player. You use your other hand to move the poor old snail that was used to amplify the music of the record player. 
After a few moments of adjustments, the music began to flow loudly out of the snail’s shell. 
You smile. 
“Much better.” 
You do a little spin to the music before you grab your sample jars and dump them out into a bin on the floor. Red flower petals filled the bin as you added other ingredients to the concoction. You hummed along to the music as you continued your ministrations. 
After adding some liquids to the bin, you stirred it and made sure the color was to your liking. You assured that the pot was filled with the correct shade of red before heading to your closet and retrieving the untouched Heart Pirate uniforms that Law had given you. 
You unfolded the jumpsuits before plunging them into the homemade dye. 
You hum and sway your hips to the music coming from the record player. 
“I’ll show you a fucking uniform…” 
— — — 
After hours of soaking in the bin, you clip your new bright red jumpsuits to the clothesline in the yard. You couldn’t help but smile looking at the defaced uniforms. You head back inside the base and go towards the kitchen. 
You open the double doors to the galley and head to the pantry. 
“Flour and water… they have to at least have that…” You mumble to yourself. 
You find what you were looking for and combine the two to begin to form a rough, shaggy dough on the kitchen island. After kneading the dough into a loaf, you leave it to rest on the counter. 
With the bread rising and your new jumpsuits drying, you take yourself to your room to take a nap. Now that Law was gone, you could finally relax. 
— — 
Hours later, you place the bread in the oven and head out to grab your dyed jumpsuits. You see the gorgeous red color of the coveralls and feel satisfied… but the new issue was the large Heart Pirate logo on the back. 
You grab the sewing kit from your backpack and get to work. 
— — 
“Dinner’s on!” You call out from your place at the stove. You had been using your freshly baked bread to create piles of grilled cheese sandwiches. 
Quickly, the Heart Pirates poured into the kitchen and were met with loud music and a large plate of hot sandwiches. 
“Grab one before they get soggy. I’m making more now.” You huff out with a fat joint between your lips. 
The crew was hesitant accepting a meal from a stranger, but eventually they all grabbed a plate and sat down at the galley table. You continued flipping sandwiches on the stove.
“Now girl, what the hell are you wearing?” Ikkaku asks, eyeing you up and down. 
“You don’t like it? I made it myself. Think it suits me better.” You peek over your shoulder and gesture at the large logo on the back of the jumpsuit. The cream colored outfit was now bright red. You had sewn fabric and thread over the logo to add a makeshift straw hat over the Heart Pirate Jolly Roger. Ikkaku gives you a warning glare. 
“What… what is this…” Bepo asks… hands shaking over his plate. 
“Its a grilled cheese, Bepo… You’ve never had one?” You look up and stare at the polar bear. 
“It’s… it’s so wonderful….” Tears begin to form at the corner of the bear’s eyes. 
You laugh. 
“Bread is good. Don’t listen to your idiot captain. You’re missing out on so many beautiful sandwiches. Eat the grilled cheese. It’s good for you.” You chuckle and plate more sandwiches upon the kitchen island. 
The Heart Pirates greedily gobble them up as soon as you set them down. 
“You better not keep this up, or they aren’t going to want to let you go.” Ikkaku laughs without a mouthful of grilled cheese as she nudges your shoulder. The large man you had come to know as Jean Bart asked you to prepare more grilled cheeses. You obliged happily. 
You smile back at Ikkaku silently. You’d never stay here. There wasn’t anything that would make you want to stay. You missed home. 
— — — 
After a few days of Law’s absence, you begin to bring the outdoors indoors to make yourself more at home. 
With each passing day, more and more potted plants and vines began appearing around the Heart Pirate’s base. 
“Hey hey hey what are you doing in here?!” Shachi asks as you enter the room he shares with Penguin. 
“Bringing you a houseplant. It smells like desperation and an armpit in here, I think you two could use some extra oxygen.” You remark as you drop off a large snake plant in the corner of their room. “At least try to water it… it’s almost impossible to kill but I don’t put anything past you two.” You turn to leave the stateroom. 
“Hey wait!” Shachi calls after you. 
You swivel to face the man in the orca whale hat. 
“Yes?” You respond. 
“I hear you were growing something… else…” 
You roll your eyes. 
“Did you want to smoke, Shachi? I won’t tell your captain.” You cock your head from the doorframe. 
“Do I ever!” Shachi jumps up like an excited child and follows you out of his room. 
— —
Authors Note: SORRY FOR THE TEASE IDK UGH. D Girl hasn't figured it out yet. She still hates Law OOPS. Law comes home during the next chapter, will he be understand or rigid when it comes to Daisy?
Send me DM's with more ideas. Love yall :)
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magewritesstories · 6 months
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[ ᴛᴏɢᴇ ɪɴᴜᴍᴀᴋɪ ] ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇꜱ
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summary: 1 000 yellow daisies? Hah, Toge can do way better than that. Based on the s1 gilmore girls finale tw: none, literal fluff note: i wanted to write something for him too. might make this a series with diff. characters and different famous movie scenes. words: 1051 (yay 1k!) jujutsu kaisen masterlist
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IT WASN'T EVEN CLOSE TO FALL YET AND YOU WERE ALREADY ON A GILMORE GIRLS KICK. You'd been rewatching the TV show along with some other iconic 00s movies and had almost reached the end of season one.
What brought on the sudden interest in the show, even though you usually saved it for your annual start-of-fall-ritual? You had no clue.
(Lies—it had been that one Jess Mariano edit on your fyp.)
Either way, it's not like it mattered, all that mattered was that you were happily bundled up in your little blanket burrito with popcorn and chocolate.
Just as you laughed at Lorelai annoying Michel, a small knock sounded from the door of your dorm.
"Come in!" You shouted, not bothering to get up. It would ruin the burrito form you'd turned yourself into.
"Kelp," Your boyfriend greets, walking over to you with a grin. You immediately open your arms for a hug, "Hey, how was the mission?"
The white-haired boy just sighed and shook his head. "Fish flakes," He replied, falling down on the couch next to you.
You two huddle together under the blanket as you weave your hands through his hair.
Toge sends a confused glance at the TV screen, "Mustard leaves?"
"Huh? Oh, that's the TV show I told you about," You reply, "You're actually perfectly on time for—dare I say—one of the most romantic scenes in cinema history."
Your boyfriend just gives you another confused glance before turning back to the TV. Your eyes are glued to the screen in anticipation.
"Oh, a little background—" A bit unable to contain your excitement you explain—"Basically, they're dating and she tells him that a real proposal should have 1,000 yellow daisies and a horse and yada yada."
You're practically sat at the edge of your seat as the look of realisation dawns on Lorelai's face, and Toge watches you with eyes filled with adoration. Wow, you're adorable.
You swoon as the camera pans around the brunette on screen, letting yourself fall into your boyfriend's arms with a giggle, "Isn't that so cute?"
"A little over the top but so cute." You look up at your boyfriend through your eyelashes and teasingly add, "Now that's how you say I love you."
It's an offhand comment, just meant to be a small joke but it sparks an idea in his head nonetheless. The gears in his brain shifting a mile a minute.
A way to say I love you, huh?
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It takes almost two weeks for him to get everything in order.
Placing an order of a thousand flowers is apparently excessive and the maximum of the local flower shop was three hundred.
And getting you distracted long enough to not notice a giant shipment of your favourite flowers being shifted into your room was no easy feat.
Toge had to beg and bribe Maki to go shopping with you and Nobara for an entire day.
Yuji and Gojo, ever the movie lovers and romantics were all for the idea of recreating the scene and even helped fill your dorm room.
Panda tried helped too but eventually gave up when his claws cut through three flower stems.
Megumi just rolled his eyes and reminded his senior that you'd probably give him hell for letting Gojo in your dorm room. (Toge tried not to focus on that upcoming lecture too much.)
Eventually, after an entire day of work and a few cuts on his hands, your boyfriend has managed to ready your surprise and patiently waits for you at the entrance of Jujutsu Tech.
"Ah, I feel like my legs are going to fall off," You complain as the three of you walk up the steps to your school.
Maki nods in agreement, "Now I understand why you guys make Yuji carry all the bags."
Like the amazing boyfriend he is, Toge holds out his hands and offers to carry your bags. And any other day you'd have told him it was fine—but damn Nobara took the words 'shop 'til you drop' a little too seriously.
The white-haired boy holds your bags in one hand and uses the other to intertwine his fingers in yours, leading you away from the now complaining redhead, who's whining about also wanting a boyfriend.
His excitement (and nerves) catch up to him and Toge quickens his pace until he's practically dragging you to your dorm room.
"Toge, calm down, you're gonna burn a hole in the floor at this rate," You laugh, matching his pace.
Eventually, the two of you reach the entrance to your dorm room and Toge stops you from opening the door.
He drops the bags on the floor and makes you stand in front of the door as he stands behind you, placing one hand over your eyes and the other on the door knob.
"Ooh, a surprise for me?" You ask with a quiet giggle, closing your eyes intinctivly.
You let Toge lead you inside, it was only a few steps but you had a general idea of the inside of your dorm and knew that you were standing in the middle.
Your boyfriend removes his hand from your eyes, and they immediately go as wide as saucers.
The two of you were standing in the middle of your dorm room—except it didn't look like your dorm room at all.
The usually plain dorm was now decorated to the brim with your favourite flowers, from small vases on your desk to the garland draped over the headboard of your bed.
You stand completely awestruck at the sight, not moving an inch as you try to process everything around you.
Toge waves his hand in front of your face, snapping you out of your trance. "Salmon?"
"You—you did this?" You ask in disbelief, before nodding frevently and wrapping your arms around his neck, "I love it!"
You pull down the zipper of his hoodie and give him a long, loving kiss, "I love it, I love it, I love it!"
The two of you stare at each other with heart eyes.
"I love you," You finally add in a soft tone.
And he doesn't have to say it out loud. Because 296 flowers filling your rooms are relaying the message loud and clear.
Now that's how you say I love you.
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ducktoonsfanart · 7 months
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Donald and Daffy Duck with their wives and children in China - Happy New Chinese Year - Year of the Dragon - Crossover Duckverse and Looney Tunes and Tiny Toons
Happy Chinese New Year or Happy Lunar New Year!
Sorry for the delay, but certainly these days are celebrating the Chinese New Year or the Spring Festival according to them. And it's not the same date every year, but it's usually between January 21 and February 20, when the new moon comes after the lunar eclipse, but it's usually on a Saturday. By the way, the custom usually starts when people wear a "Nian" (monstrous Chinese dragon) costume on certain sticks above them as a sign that there was a terrible dragon in China that ate people until once they chased it away with fireworks and the dragon escaped and so according to the legend began the celebration of the Chinese New Year, that is, the spring festival that is celebrated to this day. However, the ancient celebration of the Chinese New Year began only during the reign of the Han Dynasty, while they used to celebrate in autumn, not at the end of winter and the beginning of spring. And that celebration of the Chinese New Year later influenced the entire Far East, as well as almost all of Southeast Asia, with people celebrating the New Year in their own ways, like the Koreans who celebrate Seollal and the Japanese who celebrate Ryukyu. In traditional Chinese, New Year is written 春節, while in Simplified Chinese it is written 春女.
For thousands of years, China has had its culture completely different from the European one, so it is also related to the Chinese signs, each year being someone's symbol, so this year is also the year of the dragon.
Yes, and as a sign of that, as well as the celebration of the Spring Festival, I drew a special drawing where the best ducks, Donald and Daffy Duck with their girlfriends Daisy and Melissa Duck and their children celebrate Chinese New Year in China, in Beijing, in front of the Forbidden Palace, and in traditional Chinese clothing. Donald and Daisy as well as Donald's nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie, and Daisy's nieces April, May and June Duck (comic Dutch design) wear Hanfu clothes to match the colors of the clothes they wear. Donald's nephews wear the Asian conical hat, a traditional hat commonly worn by Asian peoples in East Asia. Daffy Duck and Plucky Duck wear Tang clothing with a traditional Chinese cap with artificial tails (as the Chinese used to wear during the Qing Dynasty), and Melissa Duck and Shirley the Loon wear similar Hanfu clothing with a traditional Chinese hairstyle worn by ladies a few years ago centuries. Yes, Plucky Duck and Shirley the Loon are from Tiny Toons, where they are Daffy Duck's students, but in my headcanon, Plucky is Daffy's nephew and Shirley is Melissa's niece. There is also the Forbidden Palace in Beijing behind them, and above there is a Chinese yellow dragon, as a sign of the year of the dragon (drawn after the Chinese dragon from Ducktales 2017), with all the fireworks to mark the beginning of the New Year. I drew all of them in a classic style, in my own way.
I hope you like this drawing and this idea and this duck crossover and feel free to like and reblog this! Just don't use my same ideas without mentioning me! Thank you! Happy Chinese New Year once again as well as Happy Lunar New Year and Spring Festival which is celebrated for a week!
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flame-cat · 1 year
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 (you are here) / Part 7
TWS: animal death, graphic violence
Phil is home.
That is to say, he is somewhere. But for him, home is anywhere he happens to be. The world itself. Sure, he has his base at the center of the world, but that's just where he keeps all of his most important things. Artifacts and items and creatures he doesn't want to risk losing. He can be at home there or in the End or the Nether or the bottom of the ocean or the top of a mountain thousands of blocks away.
It is in his nature to explore, to search, to fly free. He'd be a poor excuse of a crow if he couldn't bring home with him wherever he wanders.
All of this to say, Phil is home, and he has found some sniffers.
Big, lumbering creatures with yellow snouts and curious appetites. They're gentle giants, slow and patient and kind. The moss on their backs is soft to the touch.
Phil brings them somewhere safe and pens them in, lights up the area, makes sure they are fed and comfortable and safe. As he is picking flowers for their enclosure, he decides on names.
Daisy. Allium. Tallulah.
Those are good names.
He watches them, cares for them. Enjoys their company.
Phil has never let another person in his home before.
He turns very slowly.
"What are you doing?"
Taking care. Keeping safe. Being a good father.
The bear points up.
There is lava cascading from the sky.
He steps back. He's surrounded. The sniffers are panicking.
He tries to bring them to the center of the enclosure, but they don't listen to him. They keep braying and crying out. The lava is closing in. The walls do nothing to stop it. He reaches for Tallulah.
His daughter.
The flower is wilting.
The lava
Phil wakes up when he lands on the floor.
He must have rolled off the rafters.
He reaches into his bag and takes out the book.
And rips
Phil is crying.
He can't stop.
He can't breathe.
He wants to go home.
He wants his kids back.
Phil looks at his kids' things for the first time.
There is a bird on Tallulah's hat.
Phil gets up.
The bird doesn't move. Is used to him by now.
That belongs to his daughter.
He grabs it and
Phil has blood on his hands.
And tiny
He has
What has he done?
What has he done?
He takes out the water bucket and dunks his hands in.
Doesn't take them out.
He can't breathe.
Can't think.
Can't take his hands out of the water to clutch his child's last remnant because there is blood on his hands and it's his fault they're gone and he fell for a stupid trap and he deserves this he deserves this no one is coming for him and he's alone and he's stupid and worthless and he doesn't know what to do.
Phil lets his hands grow cold.
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Heavy Metal Drummer
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Summary: When Joel’s drummer suddenly drops out, who better to fill in than the girl who’s been there since the beginning? [1.3k]
Warnings: Joel being stressed, drummer!ellie, Ellie and Joel being scute, pre-Sam, Ellie is 18 and Sarah is 22!!
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In the ten years Joel has played with his band, he's never had a situation like this. His longtime drummer, Wayne, had to leave the tour halfway through to care for his aging mother. You would've done the same exact thing, except Joel doesn't have a backup. Normally, he would have someone on standby, ready to take over in these kinds of situations, but his backup drummer is recording in LA, and you're in Denver. You and Ellie watch Joel pace back and forth as he calls any drummer he's ever worked with in his entire career, practically begging one of them to help him out.
"He's gonna have an aneurysm if he can't figure this out," Ellie mumbles to you, and you sigh. Ellie decided to hop on this tour for a multitude of reasons. The most important one was that she graduated and wanted to join her dad before she went off and did whatever she was going to do. She's also genuinely interested in music and the entire industry. She already has rockstar energy, in your opinion. She takes a lot of style inspiration from Joel, whether she realizes it or not, and she just got a massive tattoo on her forearm, making her look a little edgy. So, Sarah is watching Daisy and doing an internship in LA, and you, Joel, and Ellie are touring the United States and a little bit of Europe for the next couple of months. Or, you're supposed to. "D'you think he'll be able to find someone?"
"He has to." You say, and Ellie nods. Joel huffs as he ends another call with yet another drummer who can't fill the spot. He runs an anxious hand through his hair as he stares at the both of you.
"I don't know what to do. I can't cancel the show tonight. We've only got a few hours before it starts."
"Do you have an isolated track of the drum line?" You ask, and Joel makes a face that tells you that's the last thing he wants to do. You're not sure what his other options are. "Okay, what about some of the band pulling a double? Does anybody else know how to play the drums?"
"Even if they did, I can't sacrifice another element for them to play."
"I can play," Ellie jumps in, and you and Joel look at her. "Wayne's been teaching me since I was little, and I know your music better than anyone else's," It's true. She's been raised on album after album of Joel's and watched him and the band tour since he adopted her. She has her own guitar and drum kit in the home studio, but you've never heard her express any interest in playing in public, much less in a sold-out stadium. "Unless you just wanna cancel the show and give thousands of people a refund." She snarks, and Joel rolls his eyes.
"What's the drum beat per minute on 'Stuck on You'?"
"One hundred and seventy." She answers without flinching.
"What's the percussion instrument Wayne uses in 'Yellow Subway'?"
"Did Wayne teach you actual songs or just fundamentals?"
"Dad, c'mon," Ellie gives him a look. "When have you ever known that man to half-ass anything about music?" She asks, and Joel takes a deep breath before looking at you.
"What d'you think bout all this, Mama?" He asks. He always asks your opinion when making decisions about the kids, even though, legally and biologically, neither of them is yours. Both of them are adults now, so it's even less necessary, but you still appreciate it when he asks. You look at Ellie and shrug.
"Wayne taught you for a reason." You say, giving her your support, and she smiles. Joel takes a second to weigh his options but probably realizes he doesn't have much choice. He looks at Ellie and holds up a hand.
"I'll let you play one show. One. The second I feel you freak out or get overwhelmed, I'm pullin' you. You understand?" He asks, and Ellie nods, a big smile invading her face. She knows she won.
Ellie blows it out of the fucking water that night in Denver. She keeps time perfectly, comes in for her fills without hesitation, and pulls her weight like a goddamn professional. Joel is astonished, even taking an extra long vamp between songs just to watch Ellie dominate on the kit. She puts her hair half up from her face and wears a white tank top, showing off her tattoo and drummer's muscles for the girls in the front row. You laugh when they freak out about her winking at them from her place behind the drums. In the middle of the concert, Joel introduces the band as usual, but he saves Ellie for last, glancing back at her as his guitar swings over his shoulder.
"A few of you may have realized we've got a new face with us on stage tonight. On drums, we have the insane, beautiful pain in my ass, Ellie Miller!" He says, and Ellie hits the drums in response. You cheer as loud as you can from your place in the pit, cheering your loves on. Joel claps for her and blows her a kiss before turning back to the mic. "For those of you who don't know, Ellie's my kid, and this is her first time playin' a show with me," the crowd erupts into applause and shocked murmurings, but Ellie takes in all in stride. "I love you, kiddo."
"I love you, too, Dad," Ellie says, speaking into her mic for the first time that night. She had been filling in the harmonies, but nothing that would single her out. Like everyone else in the stadium, you can't stop the 'aw' sound from leaving your mouth. Joel goes to say something but has to wipe at his eyes and compose himself before he can. Your heart could explode from how much love you have for both of them.
"Count us in, baby girl." Joel finally says, tears still sparkling in his eyes, and Ellie obliges, adjusting so she can operate her kick drum and do an eight count for the rest of the band before they explode into the next song.
"WHOS THE NEW DRUMMER" and "OH MY GOD IT'S HIS DAUGHTER" trends on Twitter that night, followed by images and videos of Ellie and Joel jamming out on stage together. Ellie seems to handle all the sudden attention well and smiles widely when you make the two of them take a picture together, Ellie holding her drumsticks and Joel holding his guitar. Julia and Alex are blown away by Ellie's talent and encourage Joel to let her fill the vacant spot. And he does. For the rest of the tour, Ellie gets up there and fucking shreds on the drums.
As she gets more comfortable, she conspires with Julia and Alex to slow songs way down or pick them way up to watch Joel try to keep up. He laughs and seamlessly falls in time with them, mouthing, "You little shit," to her as she picks the tempo back up. As Ellie plays, Joel will walk up to her kit and offer her a thumbs up to make sure she's okay. She nods and smiles without missing a beat. When Joel gets doused with water bottles on stage, she's the one who orchestrates it. Joel responds by spraying her with silly string during a complicated drum solo. No matter what shenanigans take place on stage, every night, without fail, as they leave the stage before the encore, Joel walks to Ellie's kit and gives her a hug and a kiss on the forehead before escorting her off stage, ever the gentleman. You adore watching them interact but even more so in this context.
Who says a hardcore drummer can't also be a daddy's girl?
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luvhughes43 · 8 months
what's in my au girls bags:
blake hughes:
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bag: YSL le 5 à 7 supple Large in smooth leather
everything from blakes bag, to her sunglasses, and other items are really expensive/designer because when u give a 15 year old thousands (lowkey a million) dollars from prize / sponsorship money u know shes going to go a little crazy! but she takes care of her things and shes had them for awhile so she deserves it <3
xanax pill box: to hold all her meds/birth control when shes out and about! she has a panic disorder and so she's on xanax for that, and then she's on anti-depressants (?), and she has her birth control.
journal: therapist recommended
yellow smily face ball: stress ball for anxiety
jewelry because she's a little disorganized and definitely has random hoops floating around her bag + her fav bracelet
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bag: coach tabby shoulder bag (it was a gift from her mom for her uni graduation)
a book of japanese short stories for when shes out and has free time
AirPods of course
mini marc jacobs daisy perfume + lip balms
a granola bar which quinn eats every single time!
journalist au! mom
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bag: wandler (idk the specific bag)
her bag is filled to the brim because shes a busy woman! she also def comes from money and so she has expensive things (how else would she live alone in a nyc apartment so close to everything)
laptop, phone, portable charger, laptop charger: for work but also the portable charger because shes afraid her phone will die when somebody needs to contact her about leighton!
makeup: she 100% does her makeup in her car before walking into work. shes busy in the mornings and doesnt usually have a lot of time.
water bottle: hydrated queen
baby stuff: to keep leighton occupied + clean
mama drysdale (lila au)
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bag: polo (?) ralph lauren tote
flyers pacifier (so cute omfg) for baby noah + toys and teddys for both kids when theyre out and need distracting.
glossier makeup bag + makeup: she has to take both small kids grocery shopping alone when jamies gone and the kids are super young so she mentally prepares herself for shopping by doing her makeup in the car before they go in & while both kids are calm
everything else is self explainitory
inez zegras
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bag: prada black re-nylon backpack (trevor bought this for her during his all designer phase)
umich hat: its lukes that she stole!
brow gel: she takes her brows SERIOUSLY. brow gel in her bag, brow gel at her house, brow gel in the car... its serious business.
then school supplies because she's a student ! (what major do u think she is? i feel like we talked about this before but i dont remember at all)
hope u guys liked this😁💗
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stevespookington · 1 year
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Ted Lasso S3E6, Sunflowers. A friendly match takes the team to Amsterdam, where one night out unlocks truths for many.
Or, from sunflowers to Wilde to Whitman to Van Gogh and back to sunflowers once again.
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Her Voice
"Oscar and sunflowers are a valid conjunction because perhaps no figure in history has been associated with a single flower as closely as Oscar Wilde was associated with the sunflower in 1882, when he visited the flower’s native America for the entire year." (Oscar Wilde’s Reception in Kansas and the Sunflower Soirée)
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"Manufacturers of household items such as wallpaper, paint, and thread created thousands of business cards depicting Wilde in a variety of poses and postures, typically with sunflowers and lilies, the flowers that became his hallmark — he became known as 'The Sunflower Apostle.'" (The Wilde Woman and the Sunflower Apostle: Oscar Wilde in the United States)
Wilde has been mentioned in relation to Ted Lasso before in this interview with James Lance.
Regarding Oscar Wilde, is there any work of his that you would like to be in, any plays or any of the stories of his or even like a you know biographical thing — anything of his that you would like to to be involved in?
I don’t know — all I know is that the most interesting bit of Oscar Wilde’s material that I’ve read so far is the transcript to the court case, the trial, when he got sentenced. I think his last words were as he was walking out the door, “Is there nothing more I can say,” as he was being shunted downstairs for two years hard labor, which was ultimately kind of a death sentence.
Which is the interview that gave us:
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In addition, there is a program of one of Wilde's plays in the Van Gogh Museum.
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Theatre programme for Raphaël by Romain Coolus and Salomé by Oscar Wilde (Théâtre de l'Oeuvre, 11 February 1896) in the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam. In Sunflowers, there will be many truths unlocked.
“The truth is rarely pure and never simple.” ― Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest
No reporters were invited to witness the meeting between Whitman and Wilde. This was a strange choice for two dandyish men who loved self-promotion, but it was a canny one: they would each give separate interviews afterwards, and double the attention they received. In the two hours they’d spent together, both said they’d had a very pleasant time. “One of the first things I said was that I should call him ‘Oscar,’“ Whitman told a reporter afterwards. “’I like that so much,’ he answered, laying his hand on my knee. He seemed to me like a great big, splendid boy.” When Wilde Met Whitman. (and also, A Wilde and Whitman One Night Stand?)
'"Be Curious, Not Judgmental" ― (Not) Walt Whitman. Quoted by Ted during the dart game in season 1.
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All is Truth.
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In 1888, Vincent Van Gogh wrote of Whitman in a letter, “He sees in the future, and even in the present, a world of healthy, carnal love, strong and frank- of friendship- of work- under the great starlit vault of heaven a something of which after all one can only call God- and eternity in it’s place above this world.” (Traces of Whitman in Van Gogh’s “The Starry Night”)
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Sunflowers, study (F377), Oil on canvas, 21 x 27 cm, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam.
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Venus False Sunflower has masses of beautiful yellow daisy flowers with gold eyes at the ends of the stems from early summer to mid fall, which are most effective when planted in groupings. The flowers are excellent for cutting. Its serrated oval leaves remain green in color throughout the season.
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Many consider Sundance Kid to be the oldest dwarf sunflower. The small plant reaches a maximum of two feet, and it has semi-double leaves that are red and yellow, with a small brown disc in the middle. Sundance Kid flowers early and is easy to grow. It continues to flower longer than most sunflowers, allowing you to enjoy the beauty they add to your home for a longer time.
“The sunflower is mine in a way.” ― Vincent van Gogh
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